#house of serpents
goryhorroor · 6 months
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day 23 of horror: my list to underrated essential horror films
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vaultureculture · 1 month
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Little mouse
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wedonthaveawhile · 2 months
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The outskirts of Gaunt Manor.
An illustration for chapter 21 of The Serpents Hold.
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d-caryophyllus · 2 years
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Fabien Frankel as Dominique in The Serpent
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wayward-delver · 2 years
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I wonder when the fandom will remember that Vee's going to get ALOT bigger and scarier as she grows up.
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This isn’t exclusive to that one basilisk either, all the others she was with developed the same traits. (granted not as pronounced, probably cause they’re still young)
(You may be wondering, why they would look so different, but I a theory for it)
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Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn’t just the single most massive and powerful predator that lived on land, it was also the only large predator on its continent during its entire reign. This was due to a rare form of Ontogenetic Growth,(which is the physiological changes in an animals development). Unlike other animals who are simply smaller and/or less formed versions of their parents, ala most reptiles, mammals, and even birds. The chicks of Tyrannosaurus were much daintier and more gracefully built than their parents; with smaller skulls/teeth and longer legs proportional to their body mass. This allows them to run much faster and catch smaller and more nimble prey than the adults, thus avoiding direct competition for food with them in youth. Only ages 14-18yrs old do their adult traits rapidly develop. Their bodies/limbs beefing up immensely, their teeth/skulls becoming more robust to take on the large prey they subsisted on as well as compete for territories against rivals. This combined with the protection of their parents allowed them to push out all other intermediate predators,(save Dakotaraptor), and monopolize the entire predator niche of Late Cretaceous North America.
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As you can probably tell by close inspection Vee’s differences in appearance to the Greater Basilisk line up very well with the T-Rex. Her jaws/fangs are considerably smaller with her neck also being shorter/skinnier. In contrast, the fully developed adult basilisk could easily devour both an abomination and Willow’s buff plant monster whole. But it seems that while basilisks draw a lot their powers from magic, it doesn’t play a directly vital part of their immediate survival as Vee appeared no worse for wear with her magic shortage. And seeing as she also didn’t hesitate to attempt snapping up Luz as a treat it’s safe assume adult basilisks are carnivores,(or at least predatory omnivores like coyotes/hornbills/bears). Vee and perhaps even her slightly more developed peers on the other hand would likely fail spectacularly trying to replicate this,(not that would if they could either). So its safe to assume that whatever they would be going after, it would generally be both smaller and more manageable such as the demon rats/birds, magical objects, fruits/plant matter, and even cooked foods. This allows both youngsters and adults to occupy a territory without completely depleting it in a short period of time. This may initially seem hard to believe, but note the giant basilisk wasn’t exactly normal, as Vee explained her peer’s ravenous behavior stems from the major psychological damage their constant experimentation they were subjected to by Belos. In reality, Basilisks would’ve drained and consumed only one or a couple creatures in a single sitting to prevent prey stocks from running out.
At the end of the day however, this is just fun speculative biology/evolution, unless confirmed by the creators take everything I say as only theory not canonical fact. This also isn’t here to say that Vee or any of kind are naturally “evil,” it’s clear cruelty/violence isn’t inherent to them no more than any other witch or demon in the isles. Thank you for your time and remember to hug and praise our sweet baby eel.
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l-egionaire · 4 months
You know what? I'm bored, and I've got some ideas, so here are my Ilvermony headcanons.
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The separate houses are treated as little more than an aesthetic difference by the students. While there might be rivalries and prank wars between the houses, it never gets to the levels of near discrimination that it gets to at Hogwarts. The students all just consider themselves students of the same school and members of the houses intermingle and hang out with each other all the time. They're even allowed to be in each other's dorms for limited amounts of time each day. The teachers encourage it as they often say that each house represents a part of what every great wizard needs, and coming together helps bring them all together towards the ideal wizard.
It's not uncommon for there to be students from other countries who don't speak English perfectly. Thankfully, there are charms to help translate their speech for the teacher, and the only part of their work that needs to be spoken English are their incantations. Though some might still ask for help in getting the pronunciation correct.
The dining hall students eat in is vastly different from Hogwarts's Great Hall, being a large room with mahogany walls filled with multiple circular tables covered in red tablecloths with gold trim and set with silver untensils, fine blue China plates, and crystal glasses. In the center of the room is a vast roaring fireplace with a picture of the Sayre family overtop of it. During feasts, the Pukwudgies bring out platters and pitchers of food and drink that stay magically hot and cold until the students serve themselves from them. Students are allowed to sit at whatever table they please, and the staff eat at a massive table in the middle of all the others.
The dorms are just different buildings of the castle that have five floors of T-shaped hallways with long red and gold rugs bearing the houses symbol. Along the walls of each hallways are dorm rooms for each years students. Students are assigned two each to a dorm, with their roommates's names being included with the letters they receive at the start of each new year. Roommates can't be changed unless two students agree to trade with each other. The dorms all have two large half poster beds with red and gold sheets and blankets, the blankets also carrying their houses symbol and pillows with blue pillow cases. There's also two desks, half dressers, wardrobes, and a set of three shelves above the dressers on both sides (the rooms are enhanced with expansion charms to give them extra space). The halls for younger students all have a dorm manager in them, an older student who was chosen to sleep on their floor to act as a chaperone and disciplinary figure to the students.
The students get to the school by way of multiple magical single decker busses that all arrive at Rockfeller Center in New York. They drive for around an hour before making a stop at a magically hidden pit stop where the students can get snacks, drinks and use the bathroom before the rest of the journey.
Thanksgivings at Ilvermony are always huge. The decorations include fall leaves that flutter and blow themselves through the halls, realistic turkey figures that jump around and gobble, and in the center of each dining room table is a red and gold hat that plays music. Each table gets its own turkey to carve (any leftovers are served over the next few days as sandwiches) along with boats of gravy and cranberry sauce, bowls of corn, mashed potatoes and carrots. And for dessert, a veritable buffet of pies, including Ilvermony's famous cranberry pie, the recipe said to have been invented by Isolt Sayre herself.
Any students without a wand before coming to school is allowed to select one from the hall of wands just past the sorting room. The hall holds hundreds of wands stacked inside their case along the walls. The room holds both wands so new they were just ordered yesterday and so old they were created at the very start of the school. After each sorting ceremony, the head of the school helps each first year's find a wand that "chooses" them, a process that can take up to an hour at most. It's also heavily guarded at all times by both a pair of heavily armed, muscular Pukwudgies and a rotating member of the staff as it's a prime target for thievery either by students or dark wizards.
Ilvermorny boasts a massive roaster of international magical studies electives. In each one, students can study the government, magical creatures, and magical history of the country of their choosing. Some even go on summer trips to those countries to further their studies.
Rather than O.W.L.s, Ilvermorny students takes the W.I.T. or Wizarding Intuition Tests, something similar to an SAT tests. The tests are taken twice, once during sixth year and once during seventh year for each class the students take, and the combined scores of each year are added together, and that average becomes their score. The better the score in certain subjects, the more job opportunities the students have.
To receive mail, students go to the mail room in a tall tower at the southern side of the castle where every owl goes to bring packages and letters for their deliveriees to receive. The mail room is student run and students are selected at random to do the job.
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howlsmovinglibrary · 4 months
Top 5 Books of 2023!
I don't know if this blog even counts as a book blog anymore, but this year I read 60 books, which is twice as many as last year (and therefore also double my 2023 Reading Goal). I'm so pleased to have overcome my three year reading slump that has plagued me since Covid, and wanted to celebrate by... yknow. Actually doing a book blog post lmao. So here are my five favourite books of 2023!
1) Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
Not only was this book written Specifically For Me (faeries, rivals-to-lovers, academia), I just think it's a really good example of a cosy fantasy that is well-written and well-paced. The vibes are wholesome and fanfic-adjacent, but that doesn't mean that nothing happens. I'm not a fan of the new 'cosy' subgenre generally, but I think this book combined the right amount of comfort with action.
2) The Thousand Eyes by AK Larkwood
I read the Serpent Gates duology this year, and while the first book was good, the second book was just overwhelmingly brilliant. I loved the way this author manages time and character development - we follow all the characters for decades of their lives, so the final heroic triumphs in each of their stories just... hit different. It was such a wonderful book series, that left me feeling inspired to write.
3) The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
I love Shannon Chakraborty's writing generally, but it was really fun (after the slowburn pining of the City of Brass books) to give her a far less pious and brazen heroine that resulted in an entirely different tone of story from her previous trilogy! I loved the narration and plot of this novel, also obsessed with this pirate milf and her demon boyfriend.
4) A House With Good Bones by T Kingfisher
I love T Kingfisher but I've never been able to get all the way through one of her horror books before - idk why, I just don't tend to vibe. But this book, which leaned more towards Gothic horror, twisted to fit a modern setting, was so gripping - I read it all in one sitting. I love the funky little bug archaeologist protagonist, who's first sign that her house is haunted is the fact that there are no insects in her mother's garden.
5) You and Me On Vacation by Emily Henry
I went on a beach holiday for the first time since Covid and proceeded to devour every single fucking book Emily Henry had ever written. Although I loved all of them, You and Me On Vacation was the one written Specifically For Me, which was surprising given that the other two most popular releases by her are about books (oh well...mutual pining, my beloved).
Special Mentions:
Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
I read all of the Tiffany Aching books for the first time this year, based on a diagnosis from a pal that Wintersmith would be 'my' Terry Pratchett book. Reader, she was right... (which says more about me as a person than I'd like).
If anyone wants to give me any recs for good books they read this year, feel free to reply to this post!
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coldraindropsss · 1 month
Serala of Myr, The Lace Serpent, wife of Lord Denys Darklyn
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brokehorrorfan · 6 months
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Sarah Sumeray's has released prints of her Wes Craven tribute artwork, designed for Revue Cinema's recent retrospective screening. 11.7x16.5 posters are available for $31.68.
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crualex-de-vil · 6 months
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Andreja Legs Starfield of House Va'ruun 🐍
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goryhorroor · 6 months
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day 21 of horror: wes craven
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arani612 · 2 years
" Or perhaps in Slytherin you’ll make your real friends, those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends... "
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🐍🍏 Slytherin Moodboard 🍏🐍
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defiledtomb · 11 months
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The last sneakpeek before friday, or launch day, as it has become known as in this house! I'm scared. 💀 But, it was very fun to add some lore details to this particular chapter today. (Not pictured: me dumping a whole world worth of guilt onto the hunters already heavy shoulders. I promise it will get better! ... Unless?)
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wedonthaveawhile · 7 months
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The Serpents Hold (18+) // AO3
Sebastian Sallow is treading a dangerous path in his efforts to cure his twin. To their mutual distain, Ominis and Nova are reluctantly thrust into a partnership to aid him. Amid this tense alliance, and the disapproval of Ominis' estranged family, Nova wrestles with her growing feelings for him—and with her suspicion that he knows more about Anne's curse than he's letting on.
A reimagining of the 'In the Shadow of' storyline with a centric focus on Ominis and The Gaunt's.
Rivals to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Eventual Romance, Eventual smut, Angst & Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
Status: Complete
22/22 chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
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moonandserpent · 1 year
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Baba Yaga’s Hut pendant hand carved by Moon and Serpent Website or Etsy
For more, please follow my Tumblr or Instagram
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bietrofastimoff23 · 1 month
criminal couple.
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I just like how this moment perfectly shows their dynamic, where Aemond is the main instigator of war crimes, and Criston is his wingman. And I know that Aemond is talking about himself here, but I like to interpret his look as if he's saying, "I'll do all this either with you or without you." Because he had no one else left but Criston. And Criston knows that. he wearily turns his head away, knowing that he will have to help in the crazy plans of the young man, because he will definitely not leave his prince alone.
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