#how yo convert to islam
tittyblade · 1 year
Oh ya I’ve heard Türkiye is having some elections today, how’s that going? :D
it’s on sunday!!! ive spent the entirety of this morning crying over election coverage LOL. this is the single most important event of my life. yk how every politician says the next election is the most important one so everyone should go out n vote? thats the situation here but quite literally.
on one hand you have islamic extremists (erdoğan. one of the “parties” that support him is literally formed from an extremist cult. the only reason they haven’t all been put on trial is bc erdoğan supports them and he’s only got the extremists’ support left. and also bc years back he declared a nationwide state of emergency and quickly passed multiple laws in succession where. he’s no longer the prime minister but “the sole leader” of turkey. yeah)
and on the opposition there’s a coalition of 6 parties, literally all the major left parties with some nationalists, with their joint candidate kılıçdaroğlu. CHP (the main opposition party) has been center left lately, but its the actual fuckin party that first turned turkey into a republic from a sultanate. its huge. compared to US politics the average left wing party is actually pretty fuckin left here LOL. and they havent won the govt since 1950s (last peaceful n prospering decades of turkey) AND. THEY ACTUALLY STAND A CHANCE. all the polls point towards kılıçdaroğlu winning the elections
and you have no idea how bad it’s been here for the last few years. god. there’s so many shit thats wrong in the country because of the current government. civillians getting arrested for tweets criticizing erdogan, not being able to afford anything, being unable to pay your rent, erdogan (WITH HIS SINGULAR DECISION) withdrawing from the istanbul convention, the femicides being the highest it has ever been since the entire history of the turkey, murdered religious minorities and murdered journalists, tens of thousands of people left alone to die after the earthquakes back in february. its pretty fucking scary living here unless you’re a cishet sunni muslim man.
everyone i know that can afford it has been fleeing the country. sometimes it feels like thats the only option you have unless you want to get killed as a 20 something year old trying to make ends meet. i’m only 20 yo myself and the past 8 years has brought me and everyone under 30 to such a place where the only thing we feel about the future is hopelessness. i feel like ive aged 10 years in the last year alone and i bet anyone thats lived under a similar govt can relate. my countrys politics alone has been robbing me of my youth and my will to live.
AND. DESPITE ALL OF THAT. i have hope for the very first time. i have hope for a better future now bc of the opposition candidate and i have faith in him to deliver his promises. everything thats happened since january he’s been dealing with with grace, and him + mayors from his party actually do shit.
so yeah. the entire course of turkey is gonna change this sunday. if we were to lose this would be the last democratic elections held (the last elections held, period) before erdoğan fully converted the country into an autocracy, and when kılıçdaroğlu wins its gonna become a socialist state, as socialist as it’s ever been since the 1950s. pretty fuckin big stakes
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Damian Wayne with a Muslim S/O
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A/N: When I tell you my heart fluttered writing this. Another thing: I hope there won't be but if I see any hate, you will be blocked. Also @adarksoul098 and @theconfusedpansexualbitch asked me to tag them so I hope you like it!
I headcanon as Damian not following Islam until later in his life
Because his father isn't Muslim
And he grew up in a cult so
He researches about it when he becomes an adult
And he ends up converting
The press have a field day when it becomes public
And suddenly everyone's talking about his violent tendencies and how it relates to terrorism
So, he realizes that if he's gonna be representing Islam, he needs to clean his act up
And he does
Man becomes an actual dream
Definitely goes cold turkey into everything because that's just how Damian is
His family is obviously extremely supportive
Being the unproblematic and anti-racist people that they are
When Damian meets you, it's obvious you're Muslim
Either from your hijab (if you choose to wear one)
Or the fact that when Damian extended his hand for you to shake in greeting (it's a habit) you told him that you didn't feel comfortable touching a man
Totally understood because our boy is a GENTLEMAN
But you end up talking and spending the day together, very modestly and platonically of course
"If you don't mind me asking, you're free to decline, but here's my phone number, if you wish to continue speaking as friends."
Your heart skipped a beat
Because a man who finally respects your boundaries even though others find it unreasonable?
"Thank you, I'd like that."
Being new to Gotham, you're happy that you found another Muslim there
To be fair, it hadn't been too long since Damian had converted
But he was rich and had connections so he knew places where you could get halal meat and halal restaurants
All Muslim friendly places
And he even sponsored many of them
Of course, your relationship with him was extremely platonic
You made sure he knew of your boundaries in the start
And he respected them
You were absolutely great friends
Damian loved your sense of humour
And you thought he was so admirable and confident
Basically, you made a great pair
You both met other Muslims your age and basically got a whole new friend group
You're the only one who calls him by his Arabic name
Damian won't tell you but his heart stutters every time you do
"Hafid, yallah, come on! We're going to be late!"
Damian was more open with you with anyone else he'd ever met
"And then my idiot brother broke the chandelier and nearly broke his neck." Damian told you
"Astaghfirullah! Is he alright? He didn't hit his head or anything?"
"I mean he didn't sustain any injuries, but his mental state is to be determined. What 30-year-old doesn't know a chandelier can’t stand his weight."
You told him about your family too
"And so, during my brother's wedding, my sister-in-law asked for a ring as her mehr. Can you believe it? A ring! I'd ask for a Lamborghini or something." You laughed
Although the more time you spent with Damian, the more you realized that your feelings could go more that platonic
You always got butterflies around him
And it wasn't the same kind of nerves when you were around a man and got uncomfortable
No, it was the type when you wanted to be around him all the time
The kind where you wanted him to see you and talk to you and love you
You were falling hard for Damian Wayne
But you never said anything, afraid to make this awkward
Or even to tempt yourself to do something you didn't want
So, you kept this friendship with him
Little did you know, Damian felt the same way about you
It was weird for him to experience
Because not only were you the first person he had ever fallen in love with
It was also the first time he had fallen for someone solely on their personality
Looking at his father and his brothers, they kept physical relationships with girls they were interested in
But he hadn't touched you once since you both met
So, was it still possible to feel so strongly for you?
His heart said yes
And he wanted to at least try
Because he knew that if you slipped through his fingers, he'd never feel the same about anyone else
So, gathering up his courage, he decided he'd confess all this to you
In Wayne fashion, he made it grand but also private
A candle-lit room and a bouquet of roses
"(Y/N), I think I'm falling in love with you. And I'd like to pursue a relationship romantically."
At the moment you were so overwhelmed
You had no idea what to think or say or anything
You were just so happy that Damian loved you too
And so, without thinking you just said you felt the same way
But you didn't really discuss anything after that
So, you began feeling a little uneasy about everything
What did he mean by pursuing a relationship?
Surely, he didn't mean dating, because you couldn't, or rather wouldn't
He knew that
You had made it clear to him from the start so he knew that dating was out of the question
But marriage was ridiculous
You had only known each other for a couple of months
And you knew he had been raised in Gotham, by Bruce Wayne
You didn't hold any resentment or judgement towards his father
But you just assumed that Damian didn't have the same idea of relationships as you did
So, a day after Damian confessed to you, he finally called and told you to come over immediately as he had a surprise for you
You had decided then, that you'd ask Damian what his intentions were
And if you weren't on the same page, you'd make it clear
Even then, you were kind of excited
Damian's surprises were not to be underestimated
The last time he surprised you, he had like a hundred hijabs imported
All of different colours and materials and patterns
Just because you mentioned it was difficult to find the correct shape
So, you get to the manor and Damian makes you stand in front of his house, telling you to keep your eyes closed
Even though you're wary, you trust him and do just that
Until you hear the sound of a car and he tells you to open your eyes
And there is Damian leaning against a Lamborghini
"You bought another car?!"
And he's dangling the keys in your face
"It's yours."
"What?! Are you crazy? I can't take this?!"
"It's your mehr."
"Excuse me?"
"Marry me. Please."
You could've had a hard attack
The way he was looking at you, so earnestly, he really meant it
Damian Wayne wanted to marry you
This was simultaneously the best and most ridiculous moment in your entire life
It was like something from a book
What was he even talking about?
If it had been anyone else, you would've said no without hesitation
But there was just something about the way he was looking at you
As if his heart was laid bare and was vulnerable all for you
"I'll ask your parents, I'll do it the right way, but I need to know that this is what you want too."
Your heart pounded in your chest before you smiled brightly and said yes
He did the whole nine yards when it came to impressing your parents
To say they were happy about your union was an understatement
They were happy that you found a distinguished and competent man who loved you and respected you
Now that your romantic feelings were declared though, you weren't allowed to meet each other without a chaperone
Which, even though you knew he understood, bothered Damian
And, with your consent, he ended up preponing the wedding
You met his family
And even though they didn't completely understand why you had to get married
Except Alfred, Alfred loved you from the start
Damian was going to be the first in the family to get married
Dick had been engaged longer than the both of you had known each other
So, you could understand why they were so on the fence with this
They were extremely supportive
Everyone knew that Damian was the last person who would be manipulated and forced into something too early
They trusted his judgement and accepted you into the family pretty quickly
The night after your wedding was the first time Damian kissed you
And it was like the world could have imploded from the energy between you
Even after getting married, you still take your relationship slowly
Not because of any obligations or stigma
Just because your heart would literally not be able to function
And ever the respectful and understanding husband, Damian was on board
Long story short, you and Damian have a romance that could kill me
Sweetest, most innocent and healthy relationship
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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rumaan · 4 years
Revert Dani and Time
Quick caveat: I still don’t think we’re getting revert!Dani although it’s always what I’ve wanted to see for this particular ship since s2.
Writing this because I’ve seen people question if there is time for Dani to become interested in Islam and convert in this season and speaking from my own experiences of being a revert - yes there’s time.
This is based on my personal experience and other reverts may disagree and that’s fine and normal because we all come to Islam and/or faith differently.
For me, I knew in my early teens that I would become a Muslim. I had always believe in God but my immediate family were atheist. Then I met my best friend in secondary school who was Muslim and once she started to casually talk about Islam, I knew I wanted to be Muslim. It felt right in my heart as soon as we had our first conversation and I believed. I didn’t need study Islam in depth and then make a decision. I had made my decision as soon as I learnt some basic facts. The only thing that delayed me becoming a Muslim was the fact that I was a minor and I knew my family wouldn’t be happy and certainly wouldn’t accept their 13/14 yo daughter becoming Muslim.
So I used the next 5 years to learn more in depth about Islam and to do a couple of Ramadans and once I was an adult, I said my shahada.
Basically, what I’m saying is that Dani doesn’t necessarily need months to decide - he could take one afternoon looking into Islam, it feel right in his heart and bam! He’s decided he wants to be Muslim. It might be weird for audiences and whether it’s believable or not definitely depends on how it’s written but just to say from my own experiences, it’s that easy to believe in Islam and it doesn’t need years of build up to happen.
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A Rose in Harlem
Chapter two.
Oc x Erik story
Based on Teyana Taylor’s VII & KTSE
Warnings: Cursing, physical contact, feels!
Winter, 2013.
Syd cursed out as she felt the stinging pain of her broken and bloodied nail. Erik tried to grab her right arm, not even phased by the dark red bruise forming on his left cheek. Syd pulled her arm back and yelled, “Get off of me!” Erik pressed backward, throwing his hands up. Myles saw the disaster on Syd’s right index finger. “Oh, baby, That nail gotta come off!” He grabbed a fresh bottle of Dasani, poured the water on top of her finger. Diluted blood streamed down the concrete. “It hurts so bad! MM MM.” Syd shook her head over and over.
Erik approached her again, with napkins and a first aid kit. Before she could protest his presence, he grabbed her right hand, placing her index finger into the napkin. “Hey, Syeda. I am so sorry.” At first glance, she paid attention to his chest and the necklaces that were on display. He had a linked chain with a silver ring attached to it, and another smaller chain with the letter “N” on it. Then a sudden stinging sensation hit her injured finger. He put peroxide on it, to sterilize it. “That’s what you wanted to apologize for?” She yelped out in pain. She looked back up at his lips as they formed a wide smile. “Well, for that too. And for being too forward. I’m from Oakland baby, we state what we want. Closed mouths don’t get fed.” He wrapped her finger in the Band Aid, and kissed the uncovered part as he winked at her. She couldn’t deny what her body was doing in reaction to the care that he took for her in those few moments. In the December brisky yet-sunny weather, Syeda was feeling rather--hot. She briefly exhaled as he surrendered her hand.
After a successful meeting went completely south at the end, Syd retreated to her favorite local Coffee Shop. Harlem Coffee Co. She gotten Chai tea and a croissant. She needed to calm her nerves so after her 30 second encounter with “Erik” or whoever he is, “N!” She scoffed aloud before opening her macbook. She began to shuffle through photos that she took on her own, with a few models that were current students at her Alma mater, Columbia University, out to Highbridge for the official first shoot for UPTXWN. She wanted to represent not only Harlem, but all of uptown. Where it’s been, where it is, and where it’s going.So she did the first shoot on the High Bridge. She grabbed her Canon Rebel T5i that she bought herself for her birthday, and took some sunrise shots at 6 am on an early July morning. She really took the photos, and uploaded them to her laptop. She was too preoccupied with her showrunning position for fall fashion week that she didn’t even take the time out to edit them. They sat in her Macbook for over 5 months and it was about time that she started editing. Simultaneously, she was texting Myles informing him that the next shoots would be in Sugar Hill and Marcus Garvey Park and to blast the text and email out of a 10:00 am call time for the Following Wednesday and Thursday.
Are you okay? I know you broke that nail pretty bad.
Yeah. 😩It hurts, but I’m good.
Alright. I’m sending the texts out now, emails will be out by tonight, l8r.✌🏾
Syd took a sip of her tea she saw a name pop up on her laptop, coming from a contact, “Sin”
Syd, it’s Yasin. The plumber. I know you said you’ll let me know if you’re free for a late lunch. You free now?
Syd read over each word then she saw three dots pop up at the bottom of the screen.
Turn around👀
Syd’s face turned into one of confusion. She made a 180 to see Yasin sitting on a table in the corner of the shop. She smiled as he motioned her over to him. She retrieved her belongings and walked over to the booth. “I was just about to ask you to meet me at my favorite coffee shop, and here you are. Girl, you must be an angel or somethin’.” Yasin drew across the table to her direction, he motioned out to her right hand and saw the Band Aid. “What happened Syd? You okay?” She brushed it off. “Yeah it’s fine, this guy was being a complete asshole so I socked his ass.” Yasin’s eyes fanned completely opened when she told him what happened. “Oh, so you fight guys out here?” He sat back in his chair. She reached out for his hand and honestly stated, “Only if I have to.” and smiled. Yasin side eyed Syeda, trying to get a read on her. She came off so mysterious. As old vinyl records of 90s and early 2000s music sprawled out on the living room area floor of her apartment ran across his mind, he grabbed her hand and asked, “So what you about, Syd?”
Yasin and Syd spent the next 3 hours discussing education, Islam, politics, and polyamory. Sin let Syd know that just because his mother allowed it and his father participated, doesn’t means that it was what he wanted out of life. “I’m 27 years old, it’s time that I find the right woman to build a family with. To live the life that Allah gifted to us.” Syd was about to be 25 her next birthday in two months. She let Sin know that even though she understood the overall benefit of having a 3 or more person income household, she wanted something that was exclusively hers. “I share my creativity with the world. I share my image to the world. I don’t want to share my love to the world too. I want something sacred.” Yasin nodded as he paused and took a look at his watch. “Oh shit. Ma, you lucky I got finished with all of my clients before I got here, I would’ve been late to all of em by now. It’s 6 pm.” Syd scanned over to the top right corner of her Macbook 6:30 pm. She’d only gotten half of the pictures done, so it looked like she was going to be pulling another all nighter. “Oh, I’m Sorry.” She started packing up her things and getting up. “I have to finish this anyway. So I’m gonna go back home.” Yasin stood with her and assisted her out of the booth. They walked out to a beautiful orange sunset, almost complete. Syd’s hair blew along with the wind again. As she swept the hair out of her face, Yasin reached his arms out and pulled her in slowly. “I had fun today Syd. To think, we met earlier this morning to you cussing me out.” Syd playfully nudge his shoulder. “Yeah, you were late. Which in turn, made me late for my business meeting.” “Let me make it up to you.” She tried to back away but his grip trumped her attempts. “How?” She raised an eyebrow. “Let me take you out tomorrow night. My homie is having a block party up Washington Heights. You wanna slide through?” Sin looked her in her eyes, she couldn’t evade his staring. Syd responded by slightly pecking him on the lips. “Sure.”
Syeda wrestled with her keys, finding the door key to let her into the building of 63 Morningside Avenue. She finally unlocked the hallway door, she sat at the bottom of the stairs to take off her extended high heels. She overheard Ziggy talking to Erik, “Yo I don’t know what you were thinking earlier, man. Syd don’t play.” She smiled when Zig made the infamous statement. She scurried up the steps and tried to silently unlock her door. CLINK! Her keys fell to the ground and all chatting stopped across the hall. The door opened. “Syd.” Her name sounded like honey coming from Erik’s lips. She slightly closed her eyes to it. She turned to face Apartment 2B. “N.” “N?” Erik was puzzled. She pointed at her own neck. “Your necklace.” He looked down and jumped. “Oh. Yeah. My father’s side of the family is from Africa. My African name is N’Jadaka. Zig is my cousin on my mom’s side.” he pointed over to 2B.
Syd looked stunned, shocked. “Oh, I’m sorry. I just figured you were lying about--” “About what? My name?” he chuckled. “Nah lil mama. Besides, I don’t think I could lie to you even if I wanted to.” She exhaled. It was light but still heavy enough for Erik to hear. She took a step backward into her apartment but as soon as she hit the closed door, she yelped. “OUCH!” She held her right hand with her left, dropping her heels. Erik immediately stepped in and grabbed her shoes. “Here, let me help you out.” He turned the key and opened the door. Syd turned the light on in the foyer area. “Thank you, N’Jadaka.” She repeated his name in a smooth manner that was pleasing to his ears. “You’re welcome, mooie bloem.” Syd perked up when she heard the familiar dutch nickname that Mr. V gave her. “Yeah, when you bumped into me, I stood by the stairwell..in shock I guess.” He laughed and continued, “I heard him call you beautiful flower in his language. I’m intrigued. Why?” Syd closed the door behind her and locked it, figuring that he was staying for a while, because he walked further into the studio, by her couch.
She placed her keys on the hanger beside the door, shimmied her bubble coat off, placing it on a misplaced dining room chair. “My middle name. It’s Mariposa. The cuban national flower. My mom was Cuban and African American. Afro latina. She was born in Cuba. Her and her family moved to Philadelphia when she was 8. Her father converted to Islam, her and the rest of the family soon followed. She met my dad, He’s also Afro Latino. They had me, Syeda Mariposa Diaz.”
Erik marveled at her story, appreciated that she knew her ancestry. “You have a beautiful name. So your mom honored her Cuban background and gave you an Islamic name?” He finally took a seat, awaiting her response. She nodded and sat next to him, “Yup. That was the idea.” He reached for her right hand, “May I?” She hesitated, then gave in, “Don’t break any of my other nails! They charge for fixing broken nails!” Syd looked Erik in his eyes, smiling. He grasped her hand and kissed it with the same tenderness as he did earlier and finally spoke, “Never.” She blinked a couple times to get herself out of the trance she found herself in after his lips left her hand, she actually had to look away from him as he removed the Band Aid from her finger.
“I heard your right hand man, he said you have to remove the nail. You haven’t done that yet.” He held her finger closer to her overhead lamp so he could further investigate. “Hell no! It hurts. I was going to go to the nail shop to get it removed.” “For what? So they can charge you for something you could’ve done? Nah. I gotchu.” He quickly stepped out of her studio. She shot up and began to panic a bit.
Oh my gosh! Syd, what are you doing?! You just letting this man take care of you like some damsel… Even though he is the reason why you’re hurt.---He Looks so damn GOOD though. Damn. He can’t be in here for too long!
Syd attempted to press the power button on her phone but it didn’t turn on. Signaling that it died. “Shit.” She mumbled. She shuffled around the back end of the studio where her bed and nightstand were. She reached over the opposite side of her bed, closest to her window, for her charger. She heard a laugh and turned over in fear. “Damn. My apologies Syd. It’s just me. I needed my first aid kit. You got tweezers right?” She pulled herself off of her queen sized mattress and retrieved her manicure kit from her bathroom. “In here.”
“AHHHH!” Syd exclaimed as Erik used the tweezers to pull the remaining acrylic off of Syd’s bleeding finger. “There. The bleeding should definitely stop after this.” He sprayed the alcohol on a cotton swab and patted on her nail bed. She squealed in shock as he wrapped a new Band Aid on her patched up digit. She took her hand back, relieved that the pain is subsiding. “Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” “You’re welcome. No sweat. I was in the Navy. I helped out injured people all the time. I’m used to it.” Erik spat out as he returned the manicure kit back in the bathroom, washing his hands. Once he dried them he clapped them together, and cut the light off. “Okay beautiful. Don’t go slapping other niggas upside the head. I gotta bounce.” Syd followed his trail to her front door, “Bye Erik. Thank you again.”
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finalfantasyoc · 6 years
✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┌─────────┐ ❨Basics❩ └─────────┘ » Name: Seiko Artemis » Name meaning: {Exquisit moon hunter}~~ Seiko is a Japanese word meaning "exquisite" or "success" ("exquisite" is usually written 精巧 from Chinese jīngqiǎo, while the meaning "success" is usually written 成功 from Chinese chénggōng). Artemis [artemis] as a girls' name (also used less generally as boys' name Artemis) is pronounced AR-te-miss. It is of Greek origin. Mythology: name of the Greek goddess of the moon, of hunting, and of chastity, equivalent to the Romans' Diana. The other two virgin goddesses were Hestia, goddess of the hearth, and Athena, goddess of wisdom. Name of the granddaughter of Lady Diana Cooper, perhaps as a tribute to the grandmother. The variant Artemisia is the name of a shrub common in America. It is also the name of the colorful 17th-century Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi. » Nicknames: sei » Date of birth: March 13 when I first drew her » Zodiac: Pisces – February 19th to March 20th – This is the Light, Revealing the Light of Life Itself. It ends forever the Darkness of Matter. Pisces is a Water Sign ruled by Neptune and Jupiter in the conventional man, and Plutoin the disciple. With Pisces you will find a patient, perceptive, spiritual, peace-loving and imaginative person who is considerate and sensitive to the feelings of others. Pisces like to influence others through their compassionate, charitable and imaginative natures, but they are often influenced and vulnerable, because these sensitive personalities of astrology signs absorb the emotions of others easily. One would say they are easily influenced or impressionable. Pisces need to develop more discrimination with people to curb the impressionable nature of those born under this personality of astrology signs. It’s their indecisiveness, timidity, melancholies and feeling they are misunderstood that stands in their way. It gives others the impression they are pessimistic lost souls. Pisces often lack clarity and practicality. This is an artistic, creative and psychic sign with a keen imagination. Often this sign is a dreamer with an unworldly intuitive side. The soul lesson is to learn and accept, "I live my life through accepting what IS." It’s not about changing or fixing. It’s about accepting with compassion without taking on thenegative issues of others. For most Pisces, acquiring wealth is a means to an end rather than an end in itself. Pisceans are devoted parents, and spouses who take very good care of their family and friends. They show compassion, caring and understanding without complaining. The dual fish sign is often a victim of their own choices. Your Piscean child will often have imaginary friends who they converse with regularly. Pisces child may appear clingy or needy because of their strong emotional attachments to family. They need emotional support and love from their family to feel secure. They will excel at whatever they puts their mind to. The Piscean worker is personable, easygoing and charming. » Age: 23 » Gender: adrogenous They/them However female but how funny would it be if no one was sure if Seiko is female or male » Species: al'bhed » Sexuality: bisexual » Virgin?: hasn't dated so yes » Nationality: Asian (in final fantasy 10 Rikku and yuna look more Asian than white SO ..) » Native language: al'bhed » Other languages: Her mom taught her English before she passed away as well as her dad ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*never trust robots*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Appearance❩ └─────────┘ » Height: 5"5 » Weight: 115 (?) (She's taller than me sooooo) » Hair color: silver (she was born at thunderplains) » Hair style: short ➳ ➴ ➵ ➶☾✧⋰ ⋱✧☽➳ ➴ ➵ ➶ Faceclaim lefabulous_killjoy Gray hair with neon blue, neon green, yellow, orange, and red subtle streaks in her short hair » Eye color: lightest blue yet not white » Skin color: pale » Piercings: none » Tattoos: none » Scars: faint cuts and scratches from the wild and bandits from her home » Birthmarks: none » Make up: none » Body scent: earthy in smell or oil since she is a inventor ...coffee in mornings (but at the start she was curious and broke the coffee machine ...not many of our normal necessities exist where she is from where it's a small island and everyone has to invent things) » Face & Body description: voice: smart and boyish adrogenous and lean » Outfit/Attire: She often wears her al'bhed attire. Pinstripe jacket. Red Dusty scarf. Dusty combat boots ..white pants ....gray shirt.. But she has several attired to fit situations ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Personality❩ └─────────┘ » Personality description: melancholy yet has snarky tendencies. Genius. Always in her mind which makes her very thoughtful and sweet hearted » Mental stability: quick witted » Sane or Insane: sane » Passive or Aggressive: both Optimist or Pessimist: pessimist however both at times » Religious or Atheist: atheist in a way being half al'bhed » Habits: breaking things to put back together RIP YOUR PHONE ..HIDE YO THINGS » Pet peeves: bossy individuals People who think they are better (she is competitive) » Soft spots: direct take charge types (she is shy to romance) » Deep dark secrets?: she killed bandits... Who are people » Likes: inventing things ..curious people whom are just like her » Dislikes: being treated as weak » Obsessions: tearing things apart to put back together » Sexual position: [asexual shy] Dominant or Submissive: submissive » Sexual turn-ons: take charge types being surprised » Sexual turn-offs: name calling and abuse ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*this dream is dangerous*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Stats❩ └─────────┘ » Strength: 6/10 » Intelligence: 10/10 » Charisma: 6/10 » Agility: 6/10 » Eyesight: 10/10 » Endurance: 5/10 » Wisdom: 7/10 » Alertness: 10/10 » Willpower: 10/10 ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*times are tough but I am tougher*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Fighting Style❩ └─────────┘ » Passive or Aggressive: both » Weapon(s): crossbow on right dagger left » Weapon description: it's kinda like assassins creed but she made them herself ..crossbow dagger » Close or Ranged combat: both » Magic?: no » Magic type: uh she can make bombs? » Magic description: .........kaboom..? » Shapeshift?: no » Alternate form: no » Magic background: none ..her weakness [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*I don't take orders I barely take suggestions*" [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ [┌─────────┐ ❨Relationships❩ └─────────┘ » Mother: was a Summoner » Father: was al'bhed » Brother(s): none » Sister(s): none » Pet(s): none » Other relatives: didn't know them » Love interest(s): multi ship » Children: none » Enemy(s): (depends if it's a final fantasy rp) » Rival(s): (depends if it's still a final fantasy rp) ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ “*don't change yourself to make others happy*” ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ┌─────────┐ ❨Background❩ └─────────┘ ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ A prevalent blessing of the Yevon faith ~Praise be to Yevon! [C]✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦ [C] the people of Spirafollow the teachings of Yevon. The faith is named after Yu Yevon [ju 'jɛ.vən] (エボン・ジュ, Ebon Ju?), a summonerwho lived in Zanarkand one thousand years ago. Nearly all the peoples of Spira follow the teachings of Yevon, including the Ronso and the Guado (converted during high summoner Braska's Calm by Jyscal Guado and Kelk Ronso as part of Grand Maester Yo Mika's "sub-races appeasement policy."). The Al Bhed are an exception and are viewed as heretics by the autocracy for their use of machina, a practice forbidden by the church. As for the Hypello, whether or not they follow Yevon's teachings is never explored. Yevon draws inspiration from real-world religions, such as Shintoism (practices and temples), Buddhism (iconography and ritualistic disciplines), Islam (pilgrimages) and Catholicism (hierarchical structure and rigid doctrine). A practitioner of the Yevon faith is referred to as a Yevonite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (i hadn't thought out her past extremely well honestly) Seiko's mom, a Summoner fell in love with a al'bhed. A race who is not accepted by yevon. Forcing to make the choice of no longer being a Summoner or leave the al'bhed man. As a Ex summoner she had Seiko. Obviously couldnt couldnt bare no longer being with the man she chose him and often ridiculed for such a choice. Living in thunderplains bandits often were all over but her parents felt as though they were fine. Then bandits broke in. Seiko was only 9. Her mom had her crawl out a window to go to a inn and Seiko didn't want to leave her mom and dad, leaving her to fall and hurt her leg. Seiko gets a distance away to see the bandits leave catching her home on fire. She lost her family. She then goes to a inn where the inn keeper looks after her. She saves up her allowance while working in the inn to go follow her dreams. Machine faction. Seiko often would invent odd things to travelers who stayed in the inn as her own business and gained gil. She created her own personal hover and went to djose to become a factionist. Her skills were praised...She's a genius. Which sparked jealousy among other Al'bheds. When the machina went haywire the others saw opportunity to get rid of Seiko whom was blamed and due to all the complaints without proof.. Gippal demoted her to dig in bikanel. Oaka the 23rd found the inventor and they traveled together as merchants selling seikos inventions until the debt collectors came. With nothing and no one she had no choice BUT to go to bikanel to dig. ~~while digging she finds a ancient machina which teleported her somewhere else [insert your home here] ┌─────────┐ ❨Theme Song❩ └─────────┘ nomak- moonflow [Seiko's song|https://youtu.be/hKKmly7fbhQ] ✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦✧✦
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strugglinghijabi · 7 years
For Je’Nan Hayes and Every Other Black Muslim Girl
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photo credit: @glitterngoon, Instagram
I had the pleasure recently of being invited to speak on Al Jazeera’s The Stream. It was a panel discussion focused on the raw feelings and emotional responses of young believers grappling with recent deadly attacks against Muslims. As the crew had warned, the 30 minutes flew by and I felt I had so much more to say, especially to you, Je’Nan. 
You spoke about feeling as though you automatically had three strikes against you as a Black Muslim girl. I saw the hurt and frustration on your face and wanted so desperately to talk to you, just you. No cameras or lights. Just us having real talk about our experiences in these bodies, with this skin, with this way of life. 
Sis, I don’t know you, but I know that feeling, that space, that helplessness. I’ve been lost in it, smothered by it, trapped under it. And if it weren’t for my own body’s need to breathe and my soul’s attraction to light, I might never have moved. Thank God for the rights our bodies carry over us.
So, Je’Nan, sweetness, I invite you to step out in front of fear and never allow it or anyone to have you believe that being a Black Muslim girl is having three strikes against you. Oh, to the contrary, I invite you to create your own story about your intersecting identities and reject any and every supposition that doesn’t serve you.
See, me, when I think of what it means to be a Black Muslim woman, I don’t think of statistics and stereotypes. I think of so many amazing women, but most notably those in my own family. Like my mother, my very first role model who, regardless of every strike, carved out her life exactly as she pleased. She wanted to be a lawyer, so she became that and paid no never mind to the fact that she was entering into a predominantly White male space, or the fact that she had an infant son, two other school-age children and a whole husband to tend to.
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Eid ul fitr 2017. My mother and me in the middle. My sisters-in-law on the outside. 
I think of my maternal grandmother who wasn’t even Muslim but loved God fiercely and kept “one of those holy chickens” in her freezer to cook for dinner. She was born in 1926 and faced challenges I can’t even imagine. Birthed 20 children and buried nearly half but was still, by far, one of the happiest and funniest people I ever met. And I think of my paternal grandmother, an army vet born in 1924. She buried 4 of her 8 children and didn’t meet her biological mom until her teen years. Life wasn’t easy, but she lived with as much vigor and purpose as anyone else. Nothing—and I mean nothing—stopped her from living and achieving. A lover of education, she worked as a teacher and earned a master’s degree in nutrition. She converted to the Nation of Islam around 1969 and held tight to her beliefs long past the point where they were no longer in vogue. Kind, devoted and wise, she would not be moved from what she believed to be true.
I think of my ancestors, your ancestors, who lived day to day in inhumane conditions and still somehow kept their hearts soft and their faith strong. It blows my mind to think of what enslaved Africans endured and still they could be trusted with such delicate and vulnerable tasks as preparing the food and raising the babies.
To quote poet Nayyirah Waheed,
people of color could burn the world down.
for what we have experienced.
are experiencing.
but we don’t.
how stunningly beautiful that our sacred respect
for the earth is deeper than our rage.
This is the blood that runs through you, through us. I can think of no explanation other than that Allah’s (swt) mercy is real and He showers it upon those He loves.
If I could be born over and over again, wallahi I’d choose to be nothing other than what I already am. Indeed, Black Americans have suffered a great loss. Had our families, our identities, our entire lives stripped from us. But the silver lining of this incredibly dark cloud is that we descendants of those displaced Africans have the opportunity obligation to retrace, rediscover and reclaim our true selves, and what a blessed and beautiful journey that is! Just as our ancestor Bilal (ra) was lifted and chosen to call all believers to success. We, Black Muslim Women, must also stand in excellence and success. It is our birthright, our royal inheritance.
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photo credit: @theloveproject_ig, Instagram
So, yes, I know Black women are constantly maligned as unattractive, unintelligent and harsh, and I know our Islam isn’t always seen as authentic, our very existence questioned and side-eyed. I know our style is siphoned off, sanitized and repacked for sale and cheap praise. I know our bodies are caricatured and mocked and treated as though they belong to everyone but us.
Yet and still, we bloom. Here’s why: When you are continually mistreated and undervalued, your very survival depends on your ability to value yourself…wholly… outside of and regardless of external approval. It forces you to become adept at celebrating yo’ damn self. That’s what #blackGirlMagic and #blackBoyJoy are, a perpetual affirmation of our excellence, of our resilience, of our refusal to lie down and die. This is where I am now, in an abundantly bright space where my self-concept is solid and impervious to the chatter. I invite you to join me. There is room for us all.
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photo credit: @_mmoonay, Instagram
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vanesawye · 7 years
yo i love noora & how shes there for sana but that comment abiut converting is islam was so gross like yeah characters have flaws like that comment but sana's friends act like shes a robot & cant be attracted to ppl bc shes muslim & everyone thinks it's such a cute moment i hope it's addressed in the future of this season
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trippingzira · 7 years
Social Justice is so fucking IRRITATING
Seeing this bullshit everywhere is really starting to get on my - and everyone else's - nerves. There's a set of fucking rules, is it really that hard to follow them?? For example, Racism is hate against another race, NO MATTER THE COLOR. It isn't exclusive to anybody at all. PERIOD. That's the DEFINITION. Isn't that easy to follow? And, isn't it easy to realize that hate against any race is wrong? Oh, but no, you SJW fuckers have to take it and make it your own definition, your own PERSONAL PROBLEM that you probably don't even experience! I'm gonna rant about separate issues that SJWs have corrupted since 2016; Islam isn't peaceful. Period. You claim it to be, and sure there are those muslims who have their morals, but the laws in Saudi Arabia are absolutely horrid. You can't defend their beliefs, their treatment of people - how they stone women who don't follow the laws. They murder people who don't follow their laws. And that's peace to you? There are biologically only two genders - including transgender. Trans isn't a separate gender - it's still either male or female. You can't be nonbinary because you still have either more or less of estrogen or testosterone - and if you genuinely think you have dysphoria, then by all means, get tested! But don't go crying if you don't, bc 'ur invalidating me!1!!1!1!' You have to have dysphoria in order to be trans. Because it's a medical condition. Not an outfit or a personality. Period. Not that you fuckers will acknowledge science, but i can try my best. Feminism isnt needed by anybody in first world countries. Third wave feminism is ridiculous. Us women have all the things we want - we can vote, we can get a job, we can literally do all this stuff and all that's stopping you is your own 'oppression'. You guys claim yourselves as victims so everything is easier. You don't actually want to work, you don't actually want to do anything but laze back and gain gender superiority. Newsflash - work for yourself or you're not getting shit. Period. Black lives matter - oh, god, do I have quarrels with BLM - You guys are a fucking CULT. Y'all crash other people's parties, protest for something so minuscule it isn't the LEAST of anyone's worries, and beat up white people for WHAT? I say racial superiority. Why? Because god damn, saying a simple fact - 'Blacks get killed by blacks moreso than whites kill blacks' - gets you all riled up because, oh my god! We can't actually help our community! We gotta be a dick to the whites! AND ONLY THE WHITES? For what? BEING WHITE! And then you blame your racism on 'But ur ancestors owned slaves, and discriminated!1!!' Actually, you dumb cunt, my ancestors probably didn't own shit. Also, your ancestors probably had just as many slaves as the Chinese. Why? Because the majority of slave owners weren't WHITE! [In fact the first slave owner was black owning a white man - Anthony, an Angolan]. But when I present this to them they brush it off as 'Uh, U don't know ur history! Get the facts right!' Honey, YOU get your facts right, because do you really think something so economically significant at the time would be looked over by most of the population? Do you REALLY think, that it was all because 'hurr durr whites are evil'? No, everyone at the time saw it as a financial gain. (Is slavery wrong? Yes! But that's no excuse to blame a single race [and none others] for something that no one alive today has done!) The worst part, is that because I'm white, y'all will look over what i said and go 'UR RACIST SEXIST MYSOGYNISTIC OPPRESSOR!! DIE!1!1!' Gay pride, or moreso, the LGBT community in general. You guys have so many issues, it's ridiculous. Granted, y'all aren't as bad as BLM, but for fucks sake you guys need to clean up your own shit. There's so much sensitivity in this area that it's ridiculous - and then they blame others for their own hurt feelings that THEY THEMSELVES can control. Yo, lgbt folk - stop treating 'straight white cis male' as bad. Stop treating transtrenders as acceptable. Also, stop making up genders and sexualities! Jesus christ! Also, if your sexuality or gender is all you talk about and it's seriously the only thing interesting about you, then you have issues. for real get a hobby jfc Cultural Appropriation. This issue is so fucking flawed it's ridiculous. 'Ohhh ur wearing a hairstyle that somehow makes me triggerd bc it's in my culture ! YOU CANT WEAR IT BC UR WHITE!' Do you realize how dumb this sounds? Saying a white person cant wear dreadlocks because it offends YOU PERSONALLY is so fucking sensitive. ITS A FUCKING HAIRSTYLE! Y'all don't complain about Blacks wearing straight hair, and that isn't appropriating white culture, you only care about POC! What happened to the freedom of speech law - that you can wear literally anything you damn well please? It's a fucking costume, it's a fucking hairstyle. Nothing more, nothin less. DEAL. If i want to wear Dreadlocks bc they look good (not that they actually do, imo) then I fucking will because it's my hair, my choice, and it's just a fucking hair style so fucking hell get over it. Overall, social justice has turned into an overall cult. I'm not the only one who's tired of this. I'm gaining hope for the future because, the Social Justice Warrior population is dwindling, from Laci Green finally converting to accounts on this hellsite being made to fight this cult behavior.
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chi-is-bored · 4 years
And wow this is long, and i have no idea how to keep reading it so I apologize in advance,
Just watch the Omar interview with Trevor and wow, does the trolling JUMP on the comments.
Alas, these american idiots be like, tHeiR rEliGioN is vIoLenT, iN tHe bOok theEy sAy tHis, aLL mUslIm haTe us, Isis is iSlam. -_- i mean they are probably troll cuz I just can't believe that someone from the US would actually believe an organisation (terrorist no less) is representative to all religion. Like that's literally saying the blue / the red are representative to all american. Like come on.
I mean as muslimah who spent most of her internet time in foreign english-speaking domain (which is dominated by america), I aint new on islam-hating words. But like it has and always been alittle frustatingly hilarious to me.
Also disclaimer i aint from english-speaking country so im translating the terms of my language, cuz y'know i dont know what english-speaking people would called them, i only know the terms in my language. Also im pretty sure my experience and lessons I get are island or even small city-oriented, but you may be surprised (like i did) but the islamic lessons that are taught have small differences in each country or nation based on cultures or even country's history.
Cuz it's always the same thing. AND the hilarious thing for me is that their arguments most often are similar to the radical or the terrorists. Just swap the people they called the devil worshipper / the enemy. Like the terrorist/radicals would say that the Jewish people (which honestly is very telling how they never say israeli) is a satanic / genocidal / evil etcetra, while these islamic-hating comments would say Islam is a satanic / genocidal / evil etcetra.
Which, huh, maybe those comments/posts are the reason why I never paid much to the radicals.
Like judging from those rhetorics where 'Islam as a religion hates christian and/or jewish people' etc, many non-muslim seem to not know this, but like there's this 6 elements that you HAVE TO truly and wholeheartedly believe (put faith on) in your heart to be muslim. And one them is having faith (as in truly believe) that Torah came from Prophet Moses and Bible came from Prophet Isa. So, whenever I spy these rhetorics, I just can't!! Because we were supposed to also learn from Torah and Bible too. But, I also think it's understandable, cuz it's probably an awkward thing to openly say right? Esp in these tension-filled interaction between religion where aLOT of things has been said to attack. Or maybe it's not an awkward thing, but words that cannot penetrate the walls that was built from conflict and hatred.
I was taught that Qur'an is the last Holy Book to round-up or finish off all lessons from previous books that came from previous prophets. But I did come to realize that the lessons I was taught were only words they parrotted without meaning. Why? Because I was taught that in my single digit year old, now I'm on my twenties and I never learn what's in Bible or Torah. Even tho, the holy books we were supposed to learn, understand, and apply were Torah, Bible, and The Quran.
You maybe wondering if I do believe that why don't I research those holy book myself. Well I did, but the young me got confused at the bible versions that pop out from my initial search that I give up because I aint touching that without any Christian with me., Thats just a disaster in waiting, cuz I wouldn't be able to spot whats true or not since I have no base knowledge on it ya know? But, I did get that children book of Christian's prophet stories. Tho, I can't mention it willy-nilly cuz people would think I'm converting. T.T amd nobody would want to read it for fear, but like if anybody ask me I would say you are not afraid of the christian tales, you are afraid to find out how fragile your faith is.
I get to that point after many of these news that are viral on the islam part of internet where they glorify and amplify the news whenever someone converts to islam or whenever someone 'owned' non-muslim's in debate or whenever someone get non-muslim to convert.... Not gonna lie, at first, I did join on these people in amazement and happiness until I realized these people were only using these stories to back up their choice of religion. Like they scream while acting humble, I am right in choosing Islam, see it is undeniably the truth, those are the proofs!, look non-believers got converted the islam is true!. And my fellow muslim you would thought there was nothing wrong with these words (like I did) until you realize these people don't actually believe in Islam. They only interest to be saved or want the benefits of Islam, but they only filmsy believe the religion so they use as many of those stories to prop it up. They are in denial, deep deep denial how fragile their believe is so they seek these stories to prop up their faith.
How do I get there? Well, one of them is flat earth. Bro, I have interact wih these fools who jump on flat earth because apparently a quote in the Quran said so. At first I was like bro what? I did say that the word used for implying flat earth is ambiguous before I realize I don't have the authority nor accredited knowledge to say that. But I did jokingly say 'what are all the fusses with the earth shape and the Qur'an quote? What, you gonna stop being muslim over that? Lmao, can't relate' before i realized that THATS THE THING. These people have used those stories and believe blindly and narrowly that everything in the Qur'an is true and applicable to everything to prop and use as a foundation for their believe, that when they found any surface disperancies, they lost it.
I can already feel muslim frowning at me saying what's wrong with having these stories affirming their faith. you see, on the panic over the fragility of their believe they went on full stupid and just swallow ANY SENTENCES without any thought whatsoever abt Islam that would strengthen their faith. Girl, some ustad be saying that islam prohibits drinking while standing is proven scientifically right because when drinking while standing will make the water fall hard straight to your bladder and cause the water to not be absorbed and just pee out. And people be subhanallah God and God's wisdom. And when some profesor be like 'sir, please be careful on spreading these info cuz that's not how our body work', she got blasted and labeled as a non-believers, or proof that getting higher education is to be corrupted and losing ur faith.
Which, yo muslim fellow, was I dreaming this thing or did Prophet Muhammad did actually said 'to pursue knowledge, even to China' ( i am paraphrasing this)? I can't believe how I was taught this at young age, as a girl, that it is very important for mothers to pursue education as highly as possible because mother is the first person children are gonna learn from. To be at this age of mine, where some muslims be dissuading muslim from learning higher. Like what?! Actual religious muslim man be telling me I shouldn't get a master degree because no man would want to marry me. The muslim man who was taught like I was that every person on earth has their 'soulmate' that is predetermined before our birth by Allah. Seriously? He didn't even say that my 'soulmate' would not be attracted to me, which is how i know he was taught the same thing as me. He also went quite when I hit him with 'is he questioning Allah's decision and power over my soulmate? That a mere master degree will over overcome my predetermined 'soulmate' that Allah has chosen for me?'
(and yes, idk whats the English word for it so im using soulmate)
And no, he did not stop pursuing me, he just stop using religion as flirting method. He downright stop saying any religious thing around me, and straight on asking me on a date, as an 'uber' driver on my way home, at night, almost midnight, note: i was a restaurant waitress. That muslim getup really be accessories for him.
Wait, my main point is Islam lessons isn't as perfectly similar as alot of people believe. Like I said the islam lessons really be different. Like the foundation is the same, but the details differ.
One simple example is how I found out that English speaking country (idk which one) use he, him as god pronoun, when I was taught that Allah is genderless and is referred as ?substance? (idk the english term, just that Allah is not humanize ya know? Someone help me explain), and the mere thought of implying Allah's gender be a huge blapsemy (notice how i never use one) let alone using the pronoun he,him. But honestly I figured it's because english doesn't have neutral gender he/she/they like my language.
Also, yes I have a joke I thought when I first learn of non-binary people, but it is very blasphemous so i can not say it. Been hoping someone else say it, but alas I have not see it. :(
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hak-7 · 4 years
Devils By Nature Or Taught To Do Evil
So here is a black man called Yakub, the name of the Prophet and he was suppose to been a scientist who studied the genes of the black man and found some way to graft the black, out of the black man, a white man by eliminating the pigmentation, the strong pigmentation working with the weaker pigmentation he finally created a white race. And he created them to be a devil race.
Grafting didn't make devil, they had to be taught evil
But strangely that grafting, that biological work did not make them devils and that's what many of the ministers didn't know, many of the ministers working for the Hon. Elijah Muhammed they didn't catch that, but I caught it. He said they had to teach them after grafting them they had to teach them to lie, steal and master the black people, they had to teach them, why they had to teach them if they were already devils by nature or if they were already devils because of this genetic grafting, this grafting them out of the genes of the black man?
So if something that will attract the uneducated and that's another reason why I believe Mr. Fard didn't want my father bringing in educated, because this is ridiculous, its too many contradictions in this stuff, this is nothing but a joke, you know. Many of them would have ridiculed it although you'd be surprise, it attracted some PhD's to join it and I mean they were serious in supporting that idea and believing it to be fact or reality.
But for me what disturbed me was that a black man created evil and then charged the white man with it, even when I was a teenager I couldn't understand that. I said well "I shouldn't like Yakub, the black man that made the devil, I shouldn't like him", I said "he's the one that started all this evil" you know. So I was having serious problems understanding the teaching of the Nation of Islam, even while I was just about 13 yrs, I think about thirteen it started. But I believed in my father's sincerity, I know my father was sincere, I believe in his sincerity, I knew my mother was sincere. I believed in their sincerity and I thought that perhaps his teacher, Fard was sincere.
And G-d blessed me to study and study it and finally come to the conclusion that this man Fard created this thing as a strategy to be a temporary language environment to hold black, uneducated blacks, naive blacks when it comes to what the world is and how its made and everything, what mankind is; very naive, uneducated so, not knowing hardly what the next state is, most of us didn't even move out of our neighborhood, we lived and died in about a five mile radius, uneducated poor blacks. So we didn't know anything, he could have told us anything about the world.
So Mr. Fard told my father he said "you were taken from your own land in Mecca, the streets are paved with gold" that's what he told him. And when I went there in 67" for Hajj I found it with sand and rocks I couldn't hardly find pavement, you know any pavement to walk on. But we believed it because we didn't know, how could we know, we didn't know anything about the world, we didn't know anything about the next town hardly, most of us who joined the nation of Islam.
Nation of Islam a strategy to come into true Islam
So I do believe that, that was only a strategy, the myth and everything was just a strategy to hold discontented blacks long enough to get them to come into an independent mind where they believe in themselves and they believe they can make judgments and trust their own judgments. And then later they would start to study the Qur'an and some of them would be educated because he didn't say don't appreciate education. He said appreciate education, appreciate science, said become civil engineers, this is the writings from Fard, he said become civil engineers, mechanical engineers, he told us that its in his own handwriting.
So he didn't want us to remain ignorant, but he wanted us to be contained in that very peculiar language environment and become educated under our own schools, he said don't go to the devil schools, meaning the white man schools, have your own schools. So we did, I'm a product of elementary school and high school Nation of Islam, built by my father but the blue print for it was given to him by this Indian, Asiatic who called himself an Asiatic.
Black & White
Concepts, ideals, etc., can and do enslave people. False concepts, ideals, wrong thinking impairs the mind. Language is the single most influencing factor of human development. Words actually make people .Each one of us are a composite of words, sentences, etc .As a man thinketh, so is he. African-Americans are not really a visual people.For the most part, we are verbal people. We are such due to our historical conditioning -especially during our ordeal of physical slavery. We were not allowed to learn the science, the art of reading. It was unlawful for black people to learn such. There was a dire reason for that fact. Today, our people for the most part, do not indulge in the printed pages -we go mainly on what we are told. Our people, for the most part, don't read or write well; we "rapp" well.
Racism permeates the U. S. , the culture of the U. S., the religion, etc.; education, culture, religion, etc., cannot really be disconnected. Due to our"slave conditioning," our relationship with each other is counter productive and, even homicidal. Language shapes concepts, values, etc.Language directs one's deportment. In the word itself we find the word gauge which really is the same as gage,which means to: "measure the contents or capacity or character; to limit by, to set the bounds." Language employed by the racist in this country is designed to reinforce the slave conditioning. Take for example: the"culturally deprived" -compared to what to whom?The "culturally disadvantaged" compared to what? That kind of language permeates the entire environment of America and reinforces racism. Covert racism is almost everywhere."Equality" in most instances be speak of racism.
It means to become equal. To whom? Convert racism is vogue.All dark people are termed Non-white. The non white people, however, outnumber the so-called white people -since they are the minority on the planet should be called non-black or non-dark. The employment of the adjective black, white, red, etc., when dealing with people . . . enforce and stimulate racism. The word blackness has 126 synonyms; 60 of which are distinctively unfavorable and none of them are positive.The word "white has 134 synonyms. Eight more than black. Forty-four which are candidly favorable and pleasing i.e., pure, upright, clear, honest, innocence,chaste, just, straight. . . . this is racism in the English language. This is white supremacy reinforced via words.
If each reader were to make a list of the following words, in single file: "cat", "mail", "ball", "list","sheep", "plague", "eye", etc., nothing negative would come to mind except for the word "plague". But when the word "black" is placed before each word on the list,each word becomes negative and despicable. Now, add the words, "man", "woman", "child", to the list. The point is evident. Oft-times one reads where people are cited and the narration goes "the "Dutch", the "Germans", the"Poles", the "French", and the "Blacks". When this is intoned the term "Black sound like the "b'' is silence.The "lack"pronouncement is fortisimo (loudest)The term "the blacks" is not only negative, it's racist in it's employment by the media, Europeans and others .
Imam W.D. Mohammed emphatically stated Turn on theT.V./computer/media with a defense,because you know that Satan is on.Few fully understand why the term programming is used for television contents. When we understand the nature of the mind, we can conclude that the mind can definitely be programmed. This lends further proof, that we must be very cautious of that.
The welfare picture is one of racism in a compounded state. So-called white people received aid from the government call "federal subsidy" that exceeds the capital received by so-called poor and black people -but this is not projected on the TV (tell-a-vision).The so-called black man isn't really lazy. Slavery attests to that. So whence comes this no-work syndrome? Slavery. It grew out of the womb of slavery. The fact that the so-called black man worked for 310 years, from couldn't see to can't see -(they were unable to see when they started to work early in the morning, nor could they see when they were allowed to stop very late in the night), induced in many a dislike, a subtle detestation for work. The lack of drive to work we see in some of our male members is one of the negative effects of slavery that we suffer from. There are many more. Studish demeanor is another.
The anthropologist who came up with color classification for human beings was a racist. Anthropology, that's authentic, does not deal with color of one's integument. It deals with physical character,distribution, environmental, and social relations. The word "anthropology" means: "the study of man, the study of the human organism" -nothing to do with color! Race is a term coined by demented minds."White" was not a term commonly used by Caucasians or Europeans beyond 60 or 80 years ago, for self. We must endeavor to change the atmosphere; the mental or educational or religious atmosphere. How?Change the language that permeates the environment.Example: we should say "so-called white men," etc.Inferiority is the result of programmed self-rejection, induced by racism.
Imam Alauddin ShabazzASA What are the weapons the believers need in this final conflict between Good and Evil? You will need 4 things! Faith, Work, Regard, and Courage, explained in Quran like this. “The joining in the mutual teaching of truth and constancy, and regard fulness of Allah (G_D) and Struggle with your goods and your persons. And when you are free from your immediate task quickly join another task. Come with all the resources you can muster”!“Our religion is not a religion for personal salvation, our religion is in competition with world ideologies, and its purpose it to advance the good message and advance the good life, so that the whole globe would one day at least have an opportunity to have it, to say yes or no to it. So our dawah can NEVER be limited to ourselves or to our nation. Our dawah must be OPEN and extended for the world to see it and accept it or choose it if they want to, it must be extended to them as an invitation. Islam is an invitation to be a Muslim to accept the religion of G-d’s choice Al-Islam! This is the dawah!!” IWDM"America, The Modern Sodom and Gomorrah"
If your eyes are open, and you look around us today, you can't help but notice that America has the wrath of God on it, and it may very well be because those who are religious leaders in this society have abandoned their duties and responsibilities in leading the masses of society in the moral direction set by G'd The Almighty.
The religious leadership is getting weaker and weaker by the day. A good example of how weak they have become - There once was a time when homosexuality was taboo in this society and throughout the world, in one time or another. If you look around us today you'll see that it's just about accepted not only among the masses, but even among some clergy. If you ask the clergy what their views are on this subject, many will tell you that homosexuals deserve rights that everyone else has, or they may say that they don't see homosexuality as a serious problem facing America today.
Dear people, when the religious role models in this society can't see that all problems stem from a spiritual problem, we're in trouble! When those who do see it as a problem are too weak to address the issues that their religious scripture draws out as a clear abomination, then there's no leadership for those right minded people. Some religious leaders will admit that homosexuality is unnatural, but they'll say it only behind closed doors, because they're too afraid to address the issue for fear of the consequences, what ever they may be. This is terrible because this shows that they have no faith in the All-Powerful, Almighty G'd, Who no one is a match for. There are homosexuals preaching in the church in some cities across the country. Even our politicians are supporting homosexuals because they want their votes.
Homosexuality is slowly being accepted as a natural way of life because the religious leaders have failed to prove otherwise.
By now you have noticed that we have yet to use the term most commonly used today, gay -- This term came from the same sociologists in this society who determine and define what's sane and what's insane in America -- many who are themselves homosexuals.
Almighty G'd has shown us in the Bible, the Torah and the Qur'an that homosexuality is an abomination. So how did they get people to accept what G'd has made forbidden? They suppressed G'd's word and changed the terms homosexual and pervert to a term that people already naturally accepted as a happy word, and so the term gay was used for homosexuals. It's easier to say gay rights than to say pervert rights. This is very clever of those so-called students of human behavior, who because of their knowledge and wealth and hunger for power strayed from the path of G'd and became enemies to G'd and humanity. They have piggybacked on the struggle of civil rights and minorities and have gained a following, but no matter what they do they can never change what G'd has made natural.Book #3 WDM p.18 of 86
Allah judges
Allah knows their value. we can’t judge that. We may take a brother who drinks and sit him over there with the corrupt, and that brother who drinks may be in heaven a little higher than us when are resurrected. We don’t know. Maybe the drinking that you did with Islamic science was bigger, made you a bigger drunk than he is. So we don’t know. So it is hard for us to do that. But sometimes I would like to see a good situation where all the corrupt, I know they are over there. I would be free, more relaxed to talk over here. When I talk over there I’d have something for them to say. It would be more relaxed for me to address them knowing that they are over there. But we can’t do that.
So now, what do we have to see, first? That Al Islam is a Religion that focuses the light on man and shows him firstly, principally, as a social creature; that G-d intended for him to be a social creature; not to be satisfied being an island, or on an island all to himself; that he must mate and become a bigger social unit; family, tribes, and then until you embrace the whole community of man on this earth and see yourself as a member in one family, with all people. So man is a social creature.
Qur’an gives social inspiration
Man is a social creature and the spirit of the Qur’an is, what? The spirit of the Qur’an is social inspiration. It feeds our social aspirations. This word social is bigger than we think it is. By social we don’t mean just associating with each other, physically, but our dependency on each other as members of a world society. We want to keep the focus on the Muslim community right now. As members of the Muslim community, our dependency on each other brings us together and our love for each other brings us together. So here we have a love for each other that brings us
Book #3 WDM p.19 of 86 together, and a dependency on each other that brings us together.
Pretty soon we find that the teacher of the school has to be tied up full time in doing that. But there is also a need to have business growing in the community. So there is a business person feeding business.
The social context in terms of people keeps expanding with growth, and as it grows there is more demand for more things to take care of the needs of its growing people. He can have the regulation of the home in the parent. He can have the regulation of the family in the parent. He can have the regulation of the morals in the parent, the discipline, the laws that discipline the family can be in the parent, everything. Everything can be in the parents.
That’s a small unit and he can manage that. But when it extends and involves hundreds of families, he can’t manage that. If there is nobody but him and his family, he can go out, take his sons out with him, children with him, go out and plow the field, and regulate his own food. He doesn’t need anybody to regulate the economy for him. He can handle that. But when they multiply in a social unit, it’s the social unit that is getting bigger. The social unit gets bigger and brings in demands for industry, for more sophisticated government, more complex government ideas, and everything else we can think of. There is not one other single influence responsible for the growth and development of society, other than the social principle, or the social influence.
Now, go back to the sun as a symbol. The sun, I said earlier that it’s the principle behind all the changes in the weather, the growth and everything, didn’t I? So here you have, now, me saying that the social interest, the social principle, is the influence behind all the other growth and possibilities.
Can’t we then say that the sun is also a symbol of man as a social unit, the Khalifa is male and female, and the purpose of male and female is to have generations? That’s the social principle. So the Khalifa is the social principle. He is the sun. He is the social principlTHE ROBE
Lost Knowledge
Now, let’s continue here. What is the robe symbolic of? Do you recall? Symbolic of the way you use the knowledge, the dress, symbolic of the way you use the knowledge. The sheet is the knowledge, the pages, the script.Remember now, when Jesus was crucified, he lost his robe and they gambled to see who would possess his robe. Now if you understand the meaning of robe, then you should understand that this world doesn’t have the true knowledge, the true use of the knowledge that Jesus gave them.
The knowledge was lost from Jesus’ body and it fell in the hands of crooked sinners. They gambled for it. Not only that, the silver cup, the special cup, it was lost too. Which tells us not only the proper use of the knowledge was lost, but also the moral cleanliness was lost from the religion.Silver chalice I think they call it. Is that what they call it? I think it is called Silver chalice. It was lost from Christianity. So how would they explain this? Ask the preacher next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Ask him. Say preacher; please tell me what it means in Christianity when they say that they lost the Silver chalice, the silver cup. Ask the preacher, how they can have the shroud of Jesus, in this city that is called Turin.
When the Bible says that his robe fell into the hands of sinners and they gambled to see who would possess it. So how can they have his robe there? If they have it, sinners gave it to them and if the sinners gave it up, it wasn’t fit to wear. That’s right. That robe wasn’t fit to wear. After it fell into the hands of sinners, who would want to wear it?
What is sweeter than honey?
Let’s continue now, it says he gave them another riddle. And this riddle is: “What is sweeter than honey?” And “What is stronger than a lion?”So he gave two riddles. In fact four parts to it.Second one is, “What is sweeter than honey?What is stronger than a lion?” All right. You know honey means the beauty of pure scripture. How do we know this? We know it because in the Qur’an this word is used. Honey is a good word for scripture. The honey is the essence of the flower and flowers are symbolic of beautiful culture.What is sweeter than the beauty that G-d offers you? What is sweeter than the sweetness that you find in G-d’s pure scripture? That’s what he’s telling them. And what is stronger than a lion? What he’s telling them is that, the east has honey.
They have the beauty of G-d’s revelation. And you have the strength of a lion. I’ve got something that makes you stronger, and I’ve got something to give you to make your doctrine sweeter than their honey.You see this thing? Yes, it’s plain. So he gave them, the Gentile world, the doctrine of love, the love of Christ that was sweeter than the moral and spiritual teachings to weak people, than the pure teachings of the Prophet. It’s sweeter to them … that G-d loves you sinners so much, that he gave his only begotten son, that he should be scorned, mocked, spat on, tortured, crucified, and die and be buried for your sins. Oh that’s sweet to ignorant weak people, sweeter than the truth of G-d’s scripture. So he said what is sweeter than honey? This lie I am going to give you is sweeter than the pure honey of Scripture that the east has.
Cheated Samson out of his heifer
And what is stronger than a lion? This subtle psychology…. (indiscernible) and he himself was going to destroy the Philistines. They have cheated him out of his heifer; I am talking about right now!The Christian Church that he thought would be his heifer betrayed him. Say oh, you can have business, you can have media, you can have this, but you are not going to run our churches. The Gentile doesn’t want any Jews over their churches. If you want to have something, you can have Peter. Go and tutor the Pope in secrecy. He’ll accept it. But these ordinary Gentiles are not going to accept that no Jew rule over them.So you mean to tell me you are not going to give me my heifer? So why don’t you, can’t you all do it through me, can’t you all carry out my orders?No we can’t do it. They are not going to listen to it. Well very good. Well then can I tell you what kind of doctrine you should give to the masses that won’t follow Peter?Yes it’s okay. All right. I’m going to make bread again. I’m going to get on a wheel. I’m going to make Marxism. I’m going to make Communism.I’m going to make the Age of Reason. I’m going to exalt logic. I’ll give them some new flour, is that okay? Well that’s okay. As long as you don’t take over the church. No, I won’t bother the church. Okay. Go on to the wheel again. It’s okay.
Bring society down on me and them
Now listen. After all that he still was not satisfied. Is that right? Yeah look at the story now, remember, he still is not satisfied. So he said, “I am blind, but I got something that they don’t know I’ve got. I got special power, in my arms.” “All I want to do is just have somebody show me to the pillars of the foundation of their society. And if I just can get to the two pillars that hold up the structure of their society, I’m going to bring it down on me and them.”So Samson goes and stands between the two pillars with the help of a little boy. He couldn’t see but he used the help of a little boy. What is the help of that little boy? Psychology. Psychology.
Don’t think it’s another person; he’s not even a person. Persons carry it out, but he’s a knowledge body. Then he goes and he used a little boy, psychology. Don’t human beings use psychology before they use intelligence?That’s why in psychology in this particular context it’s called a little boy. Your little children, before they are able to compete with you on an intelligence plane, they already using psychology on you. So psychology is an early development in the human being. That’s why the Jahcubite’s cousin, Fard Muhammad said Yakub conceived his idea at the age 6, as a little boy, a psychology. He’ll be surprised to know that I know that. I hope he gets this. I understand that he’s back home now. So he’ll get this message, Insha ‘Allah. Now, let me continue. With the help of psychology, he finds his way to the foundations of the new society. And when he gets to the foundation, what does he do? He forms a cross of himself and he begins pressing with all his might. That’s what the Scripture says. Said he pressed with all his might, with all his strength on the pillars, forming of himself a cross. What does this mean? This is more than Trinitarianism, this is the psychology of the mentality that Trinitarianism has produced.
Weaknesses in the mentality that trinitarianism has produced
He has now learned that there are certain weaknesses in the mentality that Trinitarianism has produced. And he knows that he can appeal to their emotions, and he can push in two directions at the same time.He didn’t pull the pillars, he pushed. He can push in opposite directions at the same time. Make one people give in to emotions, and the other people give in to logic. Push them. So that some will become highly emotional and some will become highly logical.And in doing this the logic will act against the emotions, and emotions will act against the logic. The emotional makeup will kill the logic, the logic will offend the emotions, the society will be divided against itself and the pillars will fall. Don’t you know that’s a strategy that is used in this Society? Whenever the hidden evil in the structure is about to be exposed they began firing the society with emotion, sentiment, flower children, love for everybody, crazy kind of sentimentality and emotionalism. They fire it up and build up strong emotions, this is depressing. Now when he does it it’s going to drop the whole thing. If he can be successful and bring in the sentimental and emotional elements against the logic, it’s going to destroy the whole thing.But look, he will certainly, he will be killed, as a knowledge body. He was already blind wasn’t he? What the hell has he lost? Nothing. Once he brings it down, he would start up all over again. Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
By the Grace of G-d, through IWDM, America was not destroyedJust in a few years that have passed us dear people, that scheme has tried to destroy America. But by the grace of G-d, through me, America was not destroyed. Why do I say through me? Because I was the only one that came out when the trend was to go in the form of the cross. When the trend was to become emotional, highly emotional and give one side to dry logic, I came up in the middle of that action and said there is a scheme going on, there is a trick going on.This whole thing is designed to fire up your sentiments, your emotions and topple the society. Somebody must have heard me and believed others who had been talking before I started, and all of it came together to save America. Yes.
See they didn’t believe others who were saying, there is a scheme, there is a hidden scheme. But when I began to speak, they say look, now we know this boy, we’ve been watching this boy since his father raised him up. We know that this boy is not a tool of outside influence. So if he says these things that ring a bell, where did he get it from? We believe maybe G-d is inspiring Wallace D. Mohammed. So they went back to the desk. And they begin to pull out things from the old file and they studied history all over again. And they said that Wallace D. Mohammed is an inspired man, he sees something. And what he is saying is what we’ve heard before. It might be something to it. How else could he get it?
Simple Simon met a pie man on the way to the square
Say oh no, let’s check this thing. Let’s check this thing. Said I’m sorry, you can’t get sixpence today, only one. Sorry, we aren’t buying pies today. We’re buying cakes. You heard that old story of Simple Simon … Simple Simon met a pie man on the way to the square. I think it goes,” … said Simple Simon to the pie man, would you have a sixpence to spare?” And I think he said, “If I was selling sixpence, I wouldn’t be selling pies!” Well, that’s another one of the conspirators’ riddles. And I will tell you what it means. Sixpence means the knowledge behind the scheme. It’s said the man was made on the 6th day. The sixpence is the knowledge behind the scheme. Simon was given seven (7), not six (6). He couldn’t see 6, six (6) was ruling seven (7). But he wanted the six (6).What is the secret in this? Will you tell me please, Mr. Pie man? You know what Pi is? 3.1416, I think it is. It’s a formula for finding the circumference of the earth. It’s a formula for world dominance. Now I’m not saying anything that I didn’t want to say, I know it’s a formula for finding the circumference of a circle. It’s a formula for world dominance.
If I was selling my own secrets you think I’d be selling pies And Peter, the Catholic Church wanted it. But the conspirator wouldn’t give it to them. Said if I was selling my own secrets you think I’d be selling pies? You think I’d be telling you how to get the world, if I was selling the secret to how to get it.I’ll just tell you how to get it; I’m not going to tell you my secret. You get it from me. Yes. All Peter got was some magic beans; he did manage to get those didn’t he? You remember that riddle? Nursery rhyme, whatever you want to call it. Jack and the beanstalk. Yeah. He had Jack, which is nothing again but Peter, or the Western society. Pardon me, I shouldn’t say Peter, not Peter, Jack is not the Catholic Church, it’s the Western society, Protestant society. Catholic Church headquarters is in Rome. This is typical American. Jack is talking about typical America. That’s why we call each other Jack. You know, hey jack, what’s happening Jack?
Yes, so, it was Peter, the Pope who asked them for his sixpence. But Jack, the American Christian society, they asked for magic beans. Well really they didn’t know what to ask for. All they wanted was really to be rescued, because their cow had got so lean, it was about to die.Everything was going bad. And they wanted to know how to bring back life. How can my cows get fat again? How can the society thrive again?So, while they were (wandering) wondering, this funny looking thing jumped out in the road. And he made himself visible and he said, “Magic beans want to buy some magic beans, like to buy some magic beans?” And Jack agreed to give his cow up for the magic beans. I’m showing you that this is not only in Scripture. If it is only in Scripture that means that what I’m talking about may not be existing in the world today. Or maybe it was just a story that was only in Scripture, maybe it was just fiction. But if it’s in the world too, we should listen.
What do the magic beans represent?
Now. Says this little funny thing, man, jumped out, and he talked Jack into giving up his cow for these magic beans. Right. Some of you remember it. He went away with his cow. What do the magic beans represent? A way to, again, to the secret knowledge in Christian religion. A way to the secret knowledge in Christian religion.And dumb Protestant society gave up their lean cow for this heavenly knowledge. What is the lean cow? The lean cow represents what they had before. What did they have before? They had rational growth. The Protestant movement began with an interest in rational growth. Is that right? Yes.
Our knowledge is weak, our cow is lean
They wanted to pursue knowledge. The Catholic Church had suppressed enlightenment, had suppressed education. The people weren’t allowed to learn. The masses couldn’t learn and educate themselves. So a thirst for knowledge came with Martin Luther. Right. And they began to want knowledge to develop their minds.Here comes Jake, Jack pardon me, feeling himself desperately in need of help. We have the interest in rational development of our society, but our knowledge is weak, our cow is lean. We haven’t yet produced anything. We need help. Who would help us?Oh Lord Jesus, help us. We got this logic. But Rome is powerful. We got this logic and Rome is powerful. G-d help us please! Ding, ding. Jahcubite conspirator. I will help you! Would you like to have some magic beans? If I give you my magic beans you’ll have to give me your lean cow. In effect he was saying the same thing that Samson said. I’m going to give you a new world, but you’re going to have to give me the one that you got now. And if you give him the one you got now, when it becomes fat, who does it belong to? Belong to him. He got it. He got it in exchange for the magic beans.
Over the heavenly kingdom was a mean old giant
So he (Jack) went home and planted. Went home and he didn’t know the value of them right? But I think accidentally one fell into the ground right? The thing grew up and it went up, up, up. He saw it going up past his window, he ran out and jumped on it, and the thing took him up into heaven. (It) took him up on the plane of clouds, into a castle that was in the clouds. Right. Yes.There he found a nice old woman that befriended him. But over that heavenly kingdom was a mean old giant. That right? Yes. He said fee, fi, fo, fom, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be he live or be he dead; I’ll grind his bones with my bread. With my bread. Remember bread is of two kinds. Leaven and unleavened. I’ll grind his bones with my bread.So, he managed to escape with the help of this woman up there, old woman who was nice. He managed to escape. Who is the old woman who was nice? Means people in the religious knowledge of the secrets of religion that weren’t corrupt. Didn’t have no evil designs on the world like the conspirators. They shared with him after he got up there. They shared with him some knowledge. Helped him to get the golden knowledge down from heaven.
The Golden knowledge it came from the hen right? The hen who laid golden eggs. But the hen couldn’t lay any golden eggs without music playing. When music played the hen would lay the eggs. The music stopped, the hen stop laying the golden eggs. Which means that the wisdom is tied to music? Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do. Now when he got the musical scheme, he came back down with the hen and the music harp plus the knowledge, and he tied them together, then he had wisdom.He had wisdom to bring back down with the hen, and the music harp right, according to the story. From heaven, he brought back with him, they don’t say heaven, but it is the heaven of religious symbolism — Biblical symbolism. He came back down with the music maker and with the egg layer. You needed both in order to get the wisdom. The golden egg means wisdom. All right.
Giant’s fall from heaven left a big hole in the earth
The giant fell from heaven. Is that right? He was so big and heavy that when he fell he knocked a big hole in the earth, left there a big hole in the earth. The giant was finished. Who was finished? Who is the big giant that was finished? The people in the secret religion. The Pope.The Pope and certain others that I don’t care to name right now, that hoard the secrets of religion. When the Protestant was given the secret way to get it, and when Protestant leadership got it, got their share. Don’t think they got all, they got their share. Catholic got his share yes. Protestant got their share. The conspirators got the whole share.When they got it, the position of superiority of them over American Christian leadership fell. When it fell, it knocked a big hole in the ground. What is that symbolic of? Actually they were not spiritual people, they were material people.And when they fell a big part of the material that they had before was taken out. So much of the material wealth that was under Catholicism, and under other secret conspirators in religion, fell to Jack, to the American Christian Society. Is that right? Yes.Then they began to rise. But they only had magic beans. Magic beans is not knowledge. Magic. The only way you can get it is through magic. You have to have the knowledge of the magic to know how to work them. And, they were secret, so only a few of the Jack people can have them.
Jack: the American Christian society
Let me quickly tell you what Jack represents in the American Christian Society. It represents the intelligent leadership, Jack represents the intelligent leadership. Now Jack is not as long as Jacob. So their knowledge is shorter than Jacob, you see?Jack is a derivative of the word Jacob. Jacob is the origin, Jack is a derivative, derived from Jacob. So Jack is just a short …. they don’t have Jacob that’s long. But they do have enough to enable them to keep this same rhythm going.Rotating events, with a seven note scale, or is it eight. Yes, an eight note scale that goes to seven, and comes back to where it started. Right? Do, ra, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do, come back to where it started. So they were given knowledge of how to keep society going through these changes, psychological changes.
So America unknowingly, has been going through these changes. Look at the trends, one fad behind another. Pretty soon you are wearing what you wore 20 years ago. Right. Pretty soon you’re dancing the way you danced 20 years ago. You are talking the way you talked 20 years ago. You are thinking the way you thought 20 years ago.So they keep rotating. They have the Jahcubite scheme, but they have only that pie that Jahcubite wanted them to have. Jahcubite sell pies all over the world Jahcubite sell pies all over the world. Sold the Pope a pie. Sold Protestant America a pie. Sold Communists East a pie, called it the red pie. Yes, the red pie. I’m getting ready to let you go now.
What does the red represent? What do they mean red? You say passions? That’s to trick you. Yes,Red means passions in the other octave. It has been played. It’s another octave. It takes on another color, it takes on another dress. It don’t keep the same dress, it says I will sell you changes. You see?Yes, it meant passions in one place, but not passions in Communist Russia, although passions are involved. It means the social life. Red means the social life. What ties me together with my brother? Blood. Blood is red. See. So people, as a social group are tied together first by blood. And they call each other brother, you see. So that’s blood.Red stands for blood. What blood? Human blood. Human blood, according to the Bible, New Testament in particular, should combine with water, which is human spirit, symbolic of human spirit.
Bring the social life too
So people should be spiritual, as well as social, according to the New Testament teaching. You shouldn’t just be blood. Christ Jesus says, “I come not of water only, but of blood also.”What does this mean? It means that before him, the people were all spiritual, but were neglecting the social development of society, the development of the relationship of person-to-person, people to people, communities to communities.He came to bring the blood, means to bring the social life up too, with the spiritual life. This is in the Scripture.So now, if the East has become red, it means that they now have gone to another … see the world was spiritual, and then it became religious.Now they are trying to get it to become all red. No spirituality, take the spirituality out of it. Make it all red, that we are social group and we are born out of materialism, so material concepts should govern us. We shouldn’t have spiritualism in our life. Give up; give out the water, only the red.
Imam W.D. Mohammed (raa)THE MEANING OF AR-RAHMAN
By Imam W. Deen Mohammed
(Editor's note: The following is excerpted from a Ta'lim lecture delivered December 15 in Chicago by Imam Muhammad.
Now we come to the names that are given in Qur'an that belong to Allah. The Qur'an says, "La-illaha-illalah, there is no God except Allah." and the Qur'an gives us names that belong to Allah. And the first one Ar-Rahman is given. Ar-Rahmanu means the Gracious. It's translated in different ways in English. Some translations say 'the Gracious,' some say, 'the kind.' If you look up 'kind' in the dictionary it doesn't only mean nice, it also means generous. So, 'kind' and 'generous.' the combination, means niceness and generosity, goodness and generosity.
Some translations have given it as 'beneficent,' which means 'befitting' out of His kindness and grace. That's correct, too. All of these English terms are correct. But understand that the term 'Rahman' means to show mercy. So whatever God does that's good to us is a help to us, is kindness to us, out of His graces. It comes from His mercy.
He's a merciful God. He doesn't like to see His Creatures suffer. He doesn't like to see His creatures experience bad times, and misery, so it is His way to extend mercy to them. He is Ar-Rahman.
THE NEXT NAME THAT is given is Ar-Raheem. These are the two most often repeated names in the Holy Qur'an. In fact; every chapter except the 9th Chapter begins like that.
Bismillah, With the Name of God. Ar-Rahman. Ar-Raheem. the Gracious, the Compassionate, or the Gracious, the Merciful, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
As I have explained, there are different English words and they all can be suitable for the names Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem. Ar-Raheem is translated as the Merciful, but some Arabs have translated it to mercy-giving. I hope with a few comments on this name I will be able to make clear to you why some of them feel that to say "the Merciful," is not good enough.
'Ra-hi-mah.' means to show mercy, or give mercy. And this word, 'ar-Rah-ma-nu.' means the one who gives out of His gracious gift, from His bounty, from His great and unlimited resources to His creatures, and He does it out of mercy.
AR-RAHEEM too, has a connection with this word: both have connection with this word.
THIS CONCEPT of God comes from the understanding that before the creature became conscious of its needs. God had already been merciful and kind to that creature.
The baby is in the womb of his or her mother for nine months. We don't believe that it's conscious of its needs. But look at the nice situation that God has put that baby in. It slept on a waterbed before we did. That's a nice situation for that baby. It's shockproof, so if anybody punched the mother's stomach, the water bag cushions it, right? Yes. So we believe that God, before we are even aware that we need something, has already been generous and kind to us.
We come into this world, and we say, 'oh, I'm poor. But it is you who's poor. The world is not poor, the world is rich.
Why are you poor? Either because you are not yet-aware, or you're not yet ready to change your situation and go after the riches, or there are overwhelming forces that are keeping you away from it.
BUT THE world is not poor, God is generous! He has filled the world with all that is rich, more than we can see, more than we consume.
God has already put it here. So He is Gracious. He is Gracious. Ar-Rahmanu, out of His mercy. He is Gracious. Then, Ar-Raheemu. The condition comes now, and God has provided, but His creatures can't see it. Then He comes and makes a way for His creatures to get it against those barriers, odds or obstructions. He comes and opens the way so he can get it. That's the ar-Rahman, ar-Raheem.
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nchyinotes · 6 years
Race, Mental Health and State Violence: A Two-Day Symposium. (Panel 1 - Critical Intersections)
April 9 2018
Thoughts: I was only able to attend Day 1, Panel 1: Critical Intersections. All of these talks were important and provided some really great statistics & sources, but the one I found most interesting was the first by Fatima. I found her insights about personal experience as a (female) researcher fascinating, and I enjoyed hearing select interviewee’s stories in detail. I also appreciated distinction she raised between the perception of Black vs Muslim looking men and that intersection, as that was actually a conversation my Muslim Egyptian friend (hi Alshymaa!) and I were talking about at a war on terror exhibition a few days before this talk. While I still found the talks informative, I felt like they definitely focused a lot more on race than they did mental health. While I don’t know much about mental health in the criminal justice system, I did my final year research essay on mass incarceration in the US, so I am quite aware of how race factors in. So while the British statistics were different from the sources I studied (and it was helpful to see UK centric numbers), I personally wish that there was more about mental health in these talks.
intersections of muslimness, race, gender & mental health (fatima rajina)
form of biological racism - south asians perceived to be muslim even if they aren’t. stopped & searched based on how police perceive them.  
black muslims?
grenfell, palmers green, london bridge, manchester, ??? bridge - all the attacks last year happened during research period
muslim men, a lot of people were getting paranoid in being interviewed in public about (counter)terrorism
female interviewer - men more comfortable in crying & opening up & showing emotion in front of rather than men
one young interviewee, 20 yo been harassed since 16: active on college campus in east london, group of muslims organised a petition against a legislation, teachers weren’t happy about it & saw them as a nuisance. thinks one of his teachers gave his name to counterterrorism (prevent officers)??, wakes up and saw two police outside his house in the morning, being interrogated there & then.
way they spoke to and addressed him —> lots of coercion
offered a role as a snitch (role in counter terrorism)
got random no caller ID phone calls at ridiculous hours, asking if they’ve thought of their proposition as a snitch
really struggled during this time, was wetting the bed
felt like an attack on his masculinity - cannot express himself, how he was treated by police
white irish in SE london, muslim convert:
was accused of being a terrorist within 2 years of converting
in 2006 he travelled to syria (way before the conflict kicked off in 2010), looked like your typical white backpacker. was interrogated at this point, visited by the police + put on control order (“secret evidence” used against you, essentially on a tag, like severe bail conditions)
felt his masculinity was constantly being questioned, wasn’t offered any compassion
was unemployed, forced to go to this police station an hour away
2 year legal battle to be freed [famous case, been covered nationwide]
whiteness has been stripped off of me because of my religion (when became visible muslims in public - gets questioned where they are from)
they tried to break him down - he had to seek therapy, be put on medication. they were aware of the context of him breaking curfew etc but still treated that as a penalty
black jamaican, muslim convert
when police stop him its not because he’s muslim (or has a beard), only when his name (arabic) comes up does the intersection kick in
black male supersedes whether they’re muslim or not
interviewed about 8 girls (non/muslim)
female muslims have experienced violence from CT officers through male in their lives - “the conversation" was had at like 11. sisters responsibility to look out for brothers, if they’re present may calm things down with officers?
south asians, generally associated with islam already: paki bashing (her parents gen) —> muslim bashing  (her gen)
terrorists - white or brown. black people are “gangsters”, not terrorists. they never get told to go home ??
arrested safety: intersectional police violence, neoliberal securitisation and abolitionist visions (Vanessa-Eileen Thompson)
increasing securitisation (ie. policing) in parts of post colonial europe - urban policing, slow violence
recognisability of criminals?
“districts of danger” - police can check anyone without any individual suspicion, generally where (san p?? in hamburg, in 2001)
criminalisation of right to exist, to space and to move
forces you to decriminalise yourself in front of others
institutional racism makes it hard to counter racist policing on legal basis - swiss legal ?? black person ??
policing as a form of property, appropriating radicalised bodies
black people call police for help, but they are then being abused by the police instead - outside of the safety they’re supposed to enforce. repressive measures + criminalisation that can lead to death.
death of dominic ?? in germany, 2006
christy schwundeck - shot in job centre. struggling with depression, trying to get child out of foster care
race, gender, migration status, mental health —> threat, unworthy of safety + protection
pathological threat instead of a subject worth of safety and care
for them the police never means safety
mental inferiority is so much part of colonial projects (slavery) —> mental health is at centre
quality of life crimes - public nuisance
police + prisons have become substitute solutions to mental health crises
more likely to cause them to get in contact with these institutions + everyday triggers & makes it worse
starts with racist profiling
networks of communications + warnings - counter control maps, text messages, calling someone became the primary ???, stoplecontroleaufacies.fr (documenting cases to stop the normality of this phenomenon)
how does a society without policing look? caring instead of punishment. rooted in methods of care rather than institutional violence
reinstitutionalisation in an age of deinstitutionalisation (Zin Derfoufi)
S136 Mental Health Act - police detention power
to remove people who appear to be in “immediate need of care or control”
can use reasonable force if necessary, detain for 72 hours + possible extension
really about social control at the end of the day
reliable numbers by NHS digital vs detentions recorded by police (FOI requests) - 352 people are detained by a police force every year
lack of continuation of care —> many people end up back in
race and differential experiences - completely ignored in the debate about mental health
people from ethnic minorities are more likely (esp. black) to be detained
there isn’t much good data out there, because the forces have not been recording it properly
“mixed ethnicities” much higher to be detained under mental health act?? (even than just black - v surprising)
social control actors - general rise in use of powers
law and violence at the intersection of race and mental health in custody environments (Dinesh Napal)
public sentiment - demonising victims of police brutality + increased militarisation and state violence
law has failed to act as an apparatus to protect people from state violence
data is a medium for representing scale of issue, should never be held in higher regard than stories of individuals
in 2012, blacks 30x more likely than white to be stopped and searched (in england/wales)
dismantle idea of BAME/POC - dilutes the ways in which distinct racial groups face unique ways of oppression
black people targeted under MHA
chinese at the bottom (even below white)
laws on use of force: reasonability and responsibility, lack of clarity in enforcement
no convictions
statutory provisions are not enough
deaths in custody = state sanctioned deaths, extrajudicial killings
scope to rethink definition of ^ - no accountability for over 500 deaths of POC in police custody
should be treated as murder/homocide cases from outset
summary executions, state sanctioned murders? burden of proof moved on to individual officer + institution
channel 4 documentary released over weekend
one sided reproduction of an argument, using police numbers, rather than critically investigating
security state is criminalising + capitalising on poor
parents generations likely to call police, because they come from bangladesh / ghana (where the perception is corruption), and there’s an element of trust here in britain. —> youth centres are the ones that get the respect - community orgs.
black/brown police are even worse bc they have to prove their loyalty to institutions / white colleagues — way more traumatic
role of trade unions
creating archives of resistance - what worked, what didn’t, why, how this can be applied transnationally
the police state is organising transnationally - they are traveling + communicating all the time (biometric systems for asylum seekers)
pro restraint should be eradicated
0 notes
matttowndrow · 6 years
Talking to a Christian.
Stranger: hi
You: hi there
You: religious?
Stranger: yes
You: nice, what religion?
Stranger: christianity
You: protestant or catholic or?
Stranger: non-denominational for the most part
You: wow whats that exactly?
Stranger: i don't go to a particular church, i haven't found the one that truly clicks with me. although i do have an interest in catholicsm and orthodoxy
You: okay interesting
You: Im personally agnostic, just interested in religion and why people believe or don't believe etc
You: so my question to you is why do you think that christianity is the right religion?
Stranger: ahh thats cool. i can feel that lol
You: or in other words why are you christian and not another religion?
Stranger: well, i've had an interest with all sorts of religions, but in my opinion, christianity is one of the richest, both culturally and theologically; i don't necessarily think that christianity is the ONLY religion with "truth" because, as a rule, all religions or people who seek truth and goodness participate in christ
Stranger: but i feel like christianity is a full expression of it
Stranger: even though, i'll be the first to admit, a lot of christians make christianity look awful or childish lol
You: were you born in to religion ?
Stranger: reading about the history of the church and it's roots in judaic religions helped me appreciate the uniqueness, but also universality of christian belief
Stranger: i was raised in a vaguely protestant christian home
Stranger: not very observant, strictly, but still god was important to us
Stranger: still is, i should say
You: okay, nice, would you say perhaps that if you were born in iran you would be a muslim or do you think you would still be christian ?
You: and also how do you mean other religions participate in christ?
Stranger: it depends, if i had the ability to learn about christianity in an unbiased way, i think i would become one. especially since twelver shia is good at straining credulity lol
Stranger: well, christ is the logos, the universal reason that everything that exists was made through and within, any one who looks for truth and virtue will find the logos, even if they do not know of the person of jesus as he lived upon the earth, or the traditions handed down by him
You: so even if you're family were muslim for example you still believe you would convert to christianity?
Stranger: there's a saying from the gospel of thomas, which isn't considered canon by christians, but it still has some very correct things to say. one is "Jesus said, "I am the light that is over all things. I am all: from me all came forth, and to me all attained.
Split a piece of wood; I am there.
Lift up the stone, and you will find me there."
Stranger: yes, like i said, if i was able to learn about it. but it would be very difficult, considering islam makes it hard for anyone to convert to another religion. especially a theocracy like iran
You: okay what is your point by that though, that jesus is everything almost?
You: okay fair enough
You: I don't personally agree that you would but we'll never know I guess ahaha
You: don't agree*
Stranger: yeah, by the grace of god i was born into a country with religious freedom lol
Stranger: for better and worse, at times
You: so for people like myself who perhaps don't believe or are part of another religion
You: will they go to hell when they die
Stranger: alright, this is a very complex question, and there's many christians who will say i'm wrong, but this isn't an alien idea, or novelty, my understanding is similar to orthodox belief. there is no "hell" as in a pit of torture for non-christians and immoral christians. hell is a state of being (or non-being if you prefer). god doesn't send people to hell, they choose it for themselves by rejecting the truth; and truth is christ, whom, like i have said is the pre-existent universal logos. jesus says "i am the way, the truth and the life" and also "those who do not believe are already condemned". people think of hell as a fiery place, but the book of hebrews says "our god is a consuming fire", and the letter of john says "our god is love". so, hell itself is a person experiencing god, that is, his love, but they turned themselves away from it, so they feel it as pain
Stranger: being a non-christian doesn't mean you will "go to hell", no one knows who will. but if you choose evil over good, and lies over truth, just in general, you're not living in accordance with god's will and purpose, and so you're making yourself unlike god
Stranger: i dunno if i'm explaining it well, lol
You: yeah no I understand that
You: my philosophy teacher said a simiar thing about how some christians see "hell"
Stranger: mankind is made as the image and likeness of god, and our purpose is to mirror his glory, as christ said to the pharisees when they said he was claiming to be equal with god "isn't it in your scriptures, that you are all gods, sons of the most high?"
You: I don't fully understand what you mean by that last bit
Stranger: yeah, i definitely don't think you can go up into the sky and find "heaven" or under the earth and see a hell. that is a childish sort of view, in my opinion
Stranger: well, one very old idea in christianity is that our purpose to become "gods", st. athanasius, who lived in the 4th century said that we're like a piece of metal put into a furnace, it takes on all qualities of light and heat, but doesn't become "fire", that is what salvation is like, it's becoming a child of god and a brother of christ, we all share in his inheritance, which is all that the father has
You: okay, okay so what I dont personally like about christianity especially catholic christianity is this dogma of faith in which you can't ever question god or in particular the religion and its scripture.
You: also when you think of the bible, do you believe in things like creationism?
Stranger: catholic's enjoy making dogmata far more than they should. that's one thing i dislike. in orthodoxy they have less dogmatic opinions, but dogma are important to a degree, since they help separate truth from error, and there's been a lot of error spread that is contrary to what the traditions of the apostles say, which would make them against the words of christ
Stranger: no, i'm not a creationist
You: okay interesting
You: so what parts of the bible do you disagree with?
Stranger: i don't disagree with any of it. i just don't take everything in it as being a science or history textbook. thats not it's purpose
Stranger: st. augustine has a FANTASTIC quote on taking the bible literally
Stranger: lemme find it
You: so when the bible says god created the earth and the heavens in 6 days, thats not supposed to be taken literally?
Stranger: Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience.
Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking non-sense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn.
The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of the faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men.
If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason?
Reckless and incompetent expounders of holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although “they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion.”
Stranger: it's not a history book, it's purpose is to show that god is responsible for the world, and give a spiritual meaning behind it
Stranger: this is also from augustine, before the above passage
Stranger: In matters that are obscure and far beyond our vision, even in such as we may find treated in Holy Scripture, different Interpretations are sometimes possible without prejudice to the faith we have received. In such a case, we should not rush in headlong and so firmly take our stand on one side that, if further progress in the search of truth justly undermines this position, we too fall with it. That would be to battle not for the teaching of Holy Scripture but for our own, wishing its teaching to conform to ours, whereas we ought to wish ours to conform to that of Sacred Scripture.
Stranger: i'd like young earth creationists to read that bit lol
You: I might take sometime to read this give me a few minutes ahaha
Stranger: no problem, i bombarded you a bit lol
You: okay yeah I get that
You: so tell me how was the bible written ?
Stranger: by putting pen to paper :p
You: yeah i mean who wrote it
You: and did god tell them what to write or speak to them how did it happen
You: sorry im not familiar ahaha
Stranger: the old testament is a collection of books that were penned down and compiled by scribes in the kingdom of judah, and the new testament is mostly letters, and a couple of books written by early christians and were eventually collected together
Stranger: well the bible is not the quran, christians don't (or at least shouldn't) see it as being the literal words of god to some person who simply records the words
You: okay but how did they know this stuff?
You: did god speak to them
Stranger: the bible has an extremely complex history. some parts of it are sacred histories, some parts are collections of oracles spoken by prophets, and others are books that focus on a story or person. the old testament was born out of the priests of the temple, who served the god of israel
Stranger: and even then, a lot of the bible isn't written by a single person. but countless scribes who worked material together until it reached it's final form. there was never a book that fell out of the sky and told everyone what to do (unless you're a muslim lol)
Stranger: it's also wrong to think of the bible as a single book
Stranger: we tend to think of that since we have it in a book format, but that was only possible until around 1800 years ago
Stranger: before then, they were collections of scrolls used by the temple and synagogues
You: yeah okay thanks that makes more sense
You: but say they have all this knowledge about god and christianity and about the origins of the universe
You: why when you trace back to adam and eve was it only around 6 thousand years ago
You: when the earth supposedly began
You: when ofcourse we know that not to be true
Stranger: the bible itself never mentions how old the earth is, per se. the idea of the earth being 7 thousandish years old is something people have done by counting genealogies and ages. but it's irrelevant, since the purpose of adam and eve is to show that humans are the image of god. but we've become separated from him through sin. it doesn't matter how it happened in a literal, physical sense, because in a way, we're all adam, because in our daily lives we choose to do bad, rather than good
Stranger: some church fathers even said that if adam never sinned, christ would've still been born into the flesh
Stranger: so the literal sense of what happened isn't very important, because it's message is a spiritual one. not a biological one
Stranger: and thats hard for us, since we value "objectivity"
Stranger: when there's multiple meanings behind something, for many, it lessens it's truthfulnes
You: do you not find it strange that previously though only a few hundred years ago they believed that to be true and with new scientifical knowledge christians change there mind and say its not meant to be taken literally or it was only a message
You: when previously that was the religion and all it stood for
You: not all it stood for sorry
Stranger: many people believed it to be true, but most people aren't very learned. even in the medieval era most educated christians knew the earth was spherical, when the church objected to marco polo's journey to india, it wasn't because they thought he'd fall off the end of the world, it's because they thought he was a fool and would get himself killed
Stranger: if christ is the logos, and christians believe he is, nothing discovered by science, by it's definition can conflict with it, since all reason is ultimately from the logos
Stranger: we only have to adjust our opinions on certain things
You: sorry what is the logos?
Stranger: the scriptures never say that you have to believe that the flood literally covered the earth, etc
Stranger: the logos is a greek word for the fundamental principle that undergirds everything in existence. nothing is apart from it. it's usually translated as "word" but it's sense is broader than that
Stranger: it also means "reason, discourse" so on
Stranger: it's also important to not mistake scientific theories for reality. i'm not rejecting science, but science is not a fool proof concept that is unassailable. it's a process for learning about the universe's laws and interactions
You: but so you're saying because christ is the logos, you can't conflict science with christianity
You: because he is the fundamental principle that undergirds everything in existence you can't question it
You: why was nothing written in either the new or old testament about the big bang ?
You: or evolution ?
You: god created man
Stranger: because those are theories we've come up with in the past 200 years. the man who came up with the big bang theory was a catholic priest. the bible was written in a time before we had our modern idea of "science", which isn't to say they were stupid, but it wasn't the purpose of their writing
Stranger: the purpose is sacral
Stranger: to illustrate a spiritual reality, which, by it's nature is immaterial, something science cannot speak of, since for something to be scientific it must be subject to testability
You: but surely god didn't create man
You: because man evolved
You: we certainly know this to be true
You: there is too much evidence to support it
Stranger: again, this sort of idea doesn't sit well with the modern mind, since we want clear-cut facts and logic
Stranger: of course, but everything was created through the will of god
You: it's almost like your moulding your reasoning around it all though
You: okay another question why were we around for almost 40,000 years and only 38,000 years later did god decide to speak to us then
You: I think that we are simply intelligent beings with a want for something more than ourselves
Stranger: well, anatomically modern humans have been around for about 150,000 years or so. and god is always speaking to us, even neanderthals buried their dead and had some seemed to be a religious spirit. when you look at humans religion is hardwired into us, when you look at cave paintings, they are not simple representations, but they're an attempt for humans to transcend every day experience
You: okay so why is christianity the only right religion then
You: if you believe its hard wired in to us why is it not just a need for something bigger than ourselves
You: why aren't we just scared to die and there be nothing else afterwards
Stranger: it's not the "only right" it's the fullness of truth, since the church has borne witness to god becoming man, and making man into god
Stranger: well, saying there is nothing is just as much as an assertion as saying there's something. we cannot know scientifically speaking. how does one test that? lol
You: no I think maybe there is something higher than me
Stranger: not to mention the importance the dead have had for humans throughout all of history. it's not merely a vain hope, always. people didn't have any trouble thinking about the dead returning to interact with the living in various ways
You: but I don't think its christianity or any other religion for that matter
Stranger: and thats okay, i don't think any one should force themselves to believe something if it conflicts with their reason or conscience
You: yeah I know sorry im not trying to force my beliefs on you
You: or anything
You: just very curious about it all
Stranger: no worries, i know you're not, i'm not either
You: like stuff about homosexuals for example
You: do you agree with that or ?
Stranger: agree with them how
You: as in its a sin to be homosexual
Stranger: i don't think it's a sin to be homosexual, but i do believe that homosexuality is a misuse of our bodies and isn't a part of the natural order god intends. so having sex with a member of your own sex is a "sin" a missing of the mark, that mark being proper order and goodness
You: okay so essentially it is a sin, and I get that because yeah it would make sense especially if it says it in the bible, I mean I don't agree with it but yeah
Stranger: the act is a sin, but the inclination to it itself isn't one. everyone has a temptation towards misusing the things god provides us, whether it's sex, emotions, strength, etc. there's always a way to turn a good into a bad, or disordered thing
You: I think that in modern times we have moved on for secular reasons, for example we've abolished slavery (something that the bible condoned) , we now give equal rights to woman and the vote etc and I think thats nothing to do with scripture that's actually come about in spite of the bible and then people go back to the bible and say oh we'll leave out that bit, and cherry pick parts that suit their own moral code
Stranger: the bible never condones slavery. slavery was a fact of life for most of human history. and the people who championed anti-slavery were christians almost always
Stranger: slavery was essential for most ancient economies in various ways
Stranger: something like 20% of the roman empire were slaves in the imperial era
You: doesn't make it wrong though
You: doesn't make it okay though sorry ahaha
Stranger: LOL
Stranger: you wanna know one of my favorite odd laws from deuteronomy is
You: sure
Stranger: if two men are fighting and the wife of one of the women grabs one of the men's testicles to stop them from fighting, her hand has to be chopped off
Stranger: i always wondered when that situation would arise lol
You: yeah I have heard that one ahaha
You: I mean is that technically a rule by god
You: is that what its saying
Stranger: it's part of the law handed to moses
Stranger: according to deuteronomy
You: do you never just look at it all though and just think about how outdated it all is and thats all there is to the christian faith
You: is a 2700 year old book
Stranger: not really. i think modernism is self-destructive
You: that has a lot of errors and contradictions in it
Stranger: like what?
You: I mean I don't know exactly what ones but there are lots all you have to do is look them up
Stranger: and most of them are irrelevant to the truth of christ
Stranger: such as how many animals god ordered moses to put on the ark
You: for a holy book to have contradictions and errors in, surely thats not ideal though
You: I don't know
Stranger: as i have said, the bible isn't a history or physics text book. and it was compiled from various sacred writings by priests and scribes. it's not the particulars that effect it, because it's purpose is to be a witness and testament to the person of christ, and even then, most apparent contradictions have simple explanations. like the two different genealogies of jesus given in matthew and luke
You: I understand that its man made and therefore it does have errors and contradiction and even plagiarism if I'm correct
Stranger: plagiarism is a modern idea lol
You: and therefore I just think there is nothing divine about it and the apeal to saying I can trump anything you say because heres gods word on the page is a contemptible way of arguing
You: what do you mean its a modern Idea
You: copying something
Stranger: no one in the ancient world had the same concept of plagiarism as we understand it. the author as a creator of a mental world or ideas was a non-existent, all that mattered was the authority of the knowledge they used
You: earlier you said you were interested in catholicism
You: why is that
Stranger: i'm a big fan of tradition, and my father's family was catholic, i even got a nice collection of saints in my family tree lol. but i can't stand how catholicism is trying to modernize itself and francis makes me wanna puke
You: what sort of traditions?
Stranger: just tradition in general, the fact that catholicism doesn't ignore christianity after the last books of the NT were written, like some protestants do
You: what do you mean by that
You: they don't ignore the history of christianity ?
Stranger: well, a lot of protestants, due to the reformation, reject most writings from the early church that aren't considered canon proper, so if anything isn't explicitly in the bible, it must be a pagan innovation that sneaked into the church. for instance, ignatius of antioch who was a student of the apostle john uses the phrase "catholic church" and teaches about the hierarchy
You: ah okay
Stranger: but, i'm not as big of a fan of catholicism compared to orthodoxy, since catholicism has had some "developments" that aren't necessarily rooted in early christianity, but at the same time, there's decent arguments for certain catholic dogma that the orthodox don't share
Stranger: you have to remember that they were the same church, officially until 1054
You: have you seen the debate on is the catholic church a force for good in the world ?
Stranger: hmm, i don't think i have
You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZRcYaAYWg4
You: give it a watch sometimes
You: its very long
You: anywho It was lovely speaking to you
You: my brain is so dead now, im so tired ahaha, had so many other points to make and ive forgotten them all
You: but oh well
Stranger: no worries, i feel that way all the time :p
Stranger: it was a great convo
You: yeah was very interesting
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chindyclooney · 7 years
a little story of myself.
Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters, let me introduce myself. i’m Chindy Clooney, 20 yo,living in Indonesia, and currently studying food sciences in Brawijaya University. i was born in chinese family, i converted to Islam since July 2015. the purpose of me writing this to share a little of my journey about how i seeked the truth, how Allah keeps guiding me to His religion. i wish everything i post could be inspiring for whoever that reads yet strengthen our imaan. aamiin insyaAllah.
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