nobrashfestivity · 1 year
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Hsaio Chin exhibition poster
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lesbiancarat · 1 year
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rhemenway888 · 8 months
I love Craig
Maybe his second best line, only behind a certain line at the start of Book 2......😅
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casharlow · 10 months
quick theory about craig’s football number being 68 and that is that i absolutely believe he wanted 69 but the coach wouldn’t let him/it was already taken so he took the next best thing, one number down
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tgpolls · 4 months
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themaskofreason · 6 months
the altogether best song bracket 9:
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quino7 · 1 year
Hello good sir, can I have some headcanon about the coolest ghoul organization Chi She Lian?
The Chi She Lian were bad enough to justify the eradication that the Ccg did, kinda like how the Auction operation was mostly morally correct.
Contributing to that, Yan was a fucking monster, the doves probably killed his parents and he takes it out on the doves. He’d kidnap investigators and torture them. Not bad enough to kill them, he’d keep them alive and only feed them water, slowly watching them die of a lack of nutrients.
After they die he’d do one of 3 things. Either spread their body parts all across his territory, display them publicly on a stake or something, or refrigerate the corpse and send the body back to the family in small pieces over the course of years. He’d also do this to families of investigators, especially to the kids, something he sees as a form of karmic punishment.
Moving on to the actual organization, it was organized into two tiers. Yan’s family which consisted of Yan and the rest of houji’s future quinques. And the rest being his lackeys which only worked for him because Yan killed anyone who fed without his permission.
Some time during the later part of Yan’s reign, Tatara matured into an adult and found yumitsu, who he took into the inner circle of the group.
Around the same time Yan was killed he performed the final of his signature killings, killing the parents of Hsaio
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jellyfish-neo · 1 year
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nedsecondline · 2 months
Biosensor can detect breast cancer in saliva - UPI.com
A new hand-held biosensor can detect breast cancer biomarkers from a tiny sample of saliva, researchers report Tuesday in the Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B. “Our device is an excellent choice because it is portable — about the size of your hand — and reusable,” said lead researcher Hsaio-Hsuan Wan, a doctoral student at the University of Florida. “The testing time is under five seconds…
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tecxology · 3 months
Google rebrands Bard AI to Gemini & Started rolling out the changes
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Google has now rebranded Bard AI chatbot app to Gemini. The fun didn’t stop there, Google also went ahead and released plenty of features to make Gemini or formerly known as Bard more stronger and reliable for people. This article will feed you everything you need to know about the new Gemini app and how its new resurrection will help you and your work in the future.
A little bit of history behind “The Gemini era”
Bard got released to the public eye in the month of February 2023 after seeing ChatGPT blowing up the internet. 
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Google's official youtube Channel The popularity of ChatGPT made Bard possible to come to the surface. In the March of 2023, we finally got to see the Bard coming alive for the first time. It was just a web application that had a text box with a disclaimer that states ‘May display inaccurate or offensive information that doesn’t represent Google’s views’. After the launch, we saw google using the team behind Google Assistant and Virtual Assistant to put more work into improving Bard. In the last few months we saw Bard receiving a handful of updates such as adoption of Palm 2, implementation of other google products, supporting more languages, expanding to 180 countries, and more.  This was new, as bard was never mentioned in any of the previous events, updating bard ensured people that google is putting their faith behind the product.
Google rebrands Bard AI to Gemini
Just a few hours ago, Google changed the name of their AI chatbot to Gemini. During the fourth quarter of 2023, Google did make an announcement of releasing Gemini, as they made it clear that this new AI bot will have a more powerful LLM than on Bard and a statement - “Largest and most capable AI model”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5Fh7TaTkEU&t=4s Rebranding of Bard: Official video from Google Google also went ahead and packed all the Duet AI features in Google Workspace into the new, freshly created Gemini brand. The new brand is active and now can be seen in the cover photo of Google.
What is new with Gemini?
Google has a history of coming with different names for their product that might have nothing in common with the basic purpose of the app. Gemini is not just a name changer for the sake of being different in the competitive space of AI market, Google has released a lot of features to make the Gemini the best in the business.  Here is what got announced till now in the Gemini era: - Bard AI is now known as Gemini or Bard becomes Gemini - A dedicated Gemini app for android - Announcement of Gemini Ultra 1.0. - Comes with different variations Ultra, Nao, and Pro. - Able to run Cloud-based intelligence directly from the phone. - Fully capable of responding to different types of input such as text, images and even coding. - Releasing Google’s large language model in Gemini - Free and Paid option for new and advanced users, more on that later. - The default assistant of google now will replace with Gemini These are the list of features now that have become a norm to all the google products in the world. If you look at the features, it is certain Google is going all in on Gemini and moving away from Bard in a way, it feels transformative and game changing.
How can you use Gemini?
Everything here is automatic, you don’t have to manually do anything to activate Gemini on your phone. If you own an Android device, now you can change the assistant of your device to Gemini. Don’t worry, the Google Assistant will still be there for you, if you want to revert it back from Gemini.  It seems like Google is not planning to remove the Assistant altogether from the phone. But with the release of Gemini, now we know where they are setting their new priorities. When you look at the report, it is clear, Gemini will get the most amount of attention from Google. About the improvements to Gemini, Sissie Hsaio has this to say - “I think it's a super improvement first step towards building a true AI assistant. One that is conversational. It's multimodal, and it's more helpful than ever before.” Sissie Hsaio
What is new with the Gemini App for android?
Just download the Gemini app on your phone, and you will see a new overlay that will offer more convenient access to Gemini. Not to worry, any of the google assistants that you are probably used to will still be available on Gemini.  You might miss out on some Google Assistant features on Gemini, but google is working on implementing more features on Gemini moving forward.
Can you use Gemini on iOS?
Sad news to the apple fans, Google has not launched any dedicated app for Gemini on iOS devices. But it's not all sad and gloomy here, the company is planning to roll out Gemini from the Google app within a few weeks. It’s now available for you to try it out but the full picture will get accessible in the next coming weeks.  There is a road plan for Gemini going forward. In the next week, every Gemini user will have more options in the languages (Japanese and Korean). Google also said to release more language support within the next few weeks for Gemini.
Price plan for Gemini
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Google Gemini official page: Price changes based on region The rebranding of the Bard didn’t just stop with the name and features, we also got to see the pricing structure for Gemini. Google has announced different variations of the Gemini model. Now, users have the option to select between Gemini (Standard edition) and Gemini Ultra. Gemini standard - Basically a free version of Gemini, as it comes with Pro 1.0 model and it's compatible with all the other google apps that you know to come and love. Gemini Advanced - A premium model that comes with a Ultra 1.0 model titled ‘Google’s most capable AI model’. Gemini advanced will soon get implemented in Gmail, Docs, and many of the used products in the Google family. You are also getting a huge 2 TB storage and a number of benefits for Google One.
What is the future for Gemini?
There is a road plan set up to further support and strengthen Gemini as one of the best chatbot apps in the world.  Gemini feels like a game changer, as google has now moved away from the traditional google signature Search feature to Gemini. Which is a major change, as the Google Search has always been the iconic feature going back to its day of Google’s android infancy. The move from Search to Gemini shows you the support Google has behind Gemini. They have laid out many plans for Gemini and we will see them when they come to fruition. For more tech news, subscribe to Tecxology. Read the full article
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svcuriosities · 3 months
After learning about the Eloa Pimental hostage situation and the Pai Hsaio-Yin kidnapping/murder and the news sensationalism around both that made the incidents worse, I feel that journalists deserve even less respect than I gave them initially, which wasn't that much to begin with.
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Ketogenní dieta chrání před epileptickými záchvaty. Důvodem je změna střevní mikroflóry
❗Již řadu let se vědci zabývají otázkou, jakým způsobem ovlivňuje strava lidské zdraví. Kromě vysloveně negativních důsledků může mít jídlo, které konzumujeme, i nesporně pozitivní vliv. Jednou z názorných ukázek budiž ketogenní dieta, která dle několika vědeckých studií může snížit riziko epileptických záchvatů.
Při ketogenní dietě (známé též pod zkráceným označením keto dieta) je přijímáno jen velmi malé množství sacharidů (méně než 10 %) a bílkovin (méně než 20 %) ve prospěch tuků. To vede ke změněnému metabolickému stavu organismu – takzvané ketóze – charakterizovanému zvýšenými hladinami ketolátek v krvi.
Snížení počtu epileptických záchvatů dietou
V únoru tohoto roku publikovali vědci pod vedením Omnia Fathy El-Rashida v odborném časopise Scientific reports výsledky průřezové studie, jejímž cílem bylo prokázat přínosy ketogenní diety na 143 dětských pacientů s diagnostikovanou epilepsií, na kterou nezabíraly dostupné léky.
K hodnocení účinnosti bylo použito Chalfontovo skóre závažnosti a údaje denní frekvenci epileptických záchvatů. Kromě toho byla prováděna antropometrická měření (měření výšky, hmotnosti a obvodu pasu) a laboratorní analýzy za účelem zjištění lipidového profilu.
Výsledky ukázaly, že během sledovaného období došlo k výraznému poklesu závažnosti epileptických záchvatů a jejich frekvence. Již tři měsíce po zahájení diety byl zaznamenán významný pokles počtu záchvatů. Po dvou až třech letech pak vědci hodnotili snížení jejich počtu dokonce jako „velice významné“. Současně s tím nebyly zaznamenány žádné významné změny v lipidovém profilu pacientů.
Hledání příčiny a následků
Odpovědí na otázku, jak je možné, že dieta ovlivňuje epilepsii, je střevní mikroflóra, které vědci v posledních letech věnují zvýšenou pozornost. Její roli z hlediska zdraví a nemocí prokázala celá řada studií. Dysbióza, tedy narušení střevního mikrobiomu, je spojována s řadou neurologických poruch, jako je autismus, úzkost a deprese.
Složení střevní mikroflóry zásadně ovlivňuje strava, kterou konzumujeme. Dieta s vysokým obsahem tuků a nízkým obsahem sacharidů vyvolává četné změny v intermediárním metabolismu a vede k vyu��ívání ketonů (organických sloučenin obsahujících uvnitř uhlovodíkového řetězce karbonylovou skupinu) jako hlavního energetického substantiva.
Navzdory dlouhé historii klinického využívání byly mechanismy, které jsou základem účinku potlačujícího záchvaty, poměrně dlouho nejasné. V průběhu let bylo vysloveno několik hypotéz, včetně změn v neurotransmiterových systémech, inhibičního působení polynenasycených mastných kyselin nebo posílení funkce mitochondrií.
Tajemství střevní mikroflóry
V roce 2019 analyzovali odborníci pod vedením Marie Lindefeldt geny ve střevním mikrobiomu během ketogenní diety u dětí s epilepsií rezistentní na terapii. Výsledky publikovali v odborném časopise Nature ve článku „Ketogenní dieta ovlivňuje taxonomické a funkční složení střevní mikroflóry u dětí s těžkou epilepsií“.
Do studie bylo zařazeno dvanáct pacientů, kterým byly na začátku a následně po třech měsících odebrány vzorky stolice. Následná analýza ukázala mimo jiné snížení hladiny glukózy zhruba o desetinu. Pět dětí reagovalo na dietu poklesem počtu epileptických záchvatů o více než 50 %.
U dalších tří pacientů sice počet záchvatů neklesl, avšak zkrátila se jejich délka i následná fáze, projevující se mimo jiné zvýšenou únavou. Pouze u dvou dětí nedošlo ke zlepšení žádného ze sledovaných kritérií – tedy ani počtu, ani délky záchvatů.
Tyto výsledky potvrdila i studie doktorky Elaine Hsaio a jejích kolegů, která prokázala příčinnou souvislost mezi dvěma specifickými typy střevních bakterií, kterým se daří při ketogenní dietě, a ochranou před záchvaty u dvou různých typů epilepsie.
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tomgilsenan · 1 year
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Four Drake faculty members presented an sampling of songs from American musicals on Saturday evening. Included were songs from Ragtime, Kiss Me Kate, La Cage aux Folles and many others. Photos (clockwise from upper left): + Erin Horst and Adam Yankowy + Rebecca Gruber and Erin Horst + Tristan Miedema + Looking over the shoulders of piano accompanists Ling-Yu Hsaio (left) and Sonya Siebert. + Paul Ching also accompanied on the violin for one song. (at Patty and Fred Turner Jazz Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck4w9GkudK4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carcassontheshore · 4 years
omg i didn't even think about juuzou and saiko! Saiko would defs own some pop culture ones and i think juuzou would probs have at least one pair with a candy pattern
Yeah, ikr!! And i think, Hsaio would definitely own a pair cuz of Saiko even if she doesn’t wear them. Hairu probably had (it hurts to write in the past tense. I wrote 'have' and remembered her fate) something pink and something with polka dots. Maybe even tiger pattern. Official arts by sensei does imply that she liked those kind of patterns. I have a feeling Takizawa would have a yellow pair. Urie might have a dark purple pair. And Mutsuki would like beige and deep green coloured. Hinami probably wears those floral ones, the ones with laces attached like flowers to the elastics. And I almost forgot about Tsukiyama. I wonder if there's any colour or pattern socks he doesn't have lol.God, I have so many headcanons about their socks!!! I mean it’s insane! Like, I didn’t even realize I had those until you mentioned.
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thefandomsurfer · 5 years
Urie: Why are you carrying Saiko around?
Hsiao: She’s so smalI. I had to pick her up, it’s like a rule.
Saiko: I’ve resigned myself to this. I mean, I don’t have to walk around.
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illuminateandrelate · 6 years
Art - Chapter 1 (Mutsurie)
It was his mother who had bought him his first set of paints. His mother who had placed the brushes into his chubby waiting hands with the words Now you can make whatever you want.
Whatever I want?
Whatever, whenever, however.
How will I know what I want to paint?
You’ll know.
He knew.
The post-canon painting of Mutsuki Tooru we all needed
It was his mother who had bought him his first set of paints. His mother who had placed the brushes into his chubby waiting hands with the words Now you can make whatever you want .
Whatever I want?
Whatever, whenever, however.
How will I know what I want to paint?
You’ll know.
He knew.
He knew just as thoroughly as he loved, as he breathed, he knew just as much as he craved.
He knew.
A part of him was embarrassed at the behavior, somewhat laughing at the paintings decked all over the floor and the easel. The layers of acrylic and oils in soft and harsh layers against the soft texture of the pale canvas, and they were never perfect, something always missing. He supposed maybe it was because Mutsuki was always missing. Far away and gone, the only traces left the ones of green and white that Urie drew.
The room was full of him, all painted over with base white because he quickly became dissatisfied but whenever he faltered his fingers sketched out the soft green eyes. His mind fell to the gentle floor of the dreadful mist and soupy anguish of it all, basking, wallowing. He could never quite pull himself from it once he'd started.
Sometimes the paintings looked too real, too much, too upsetting that they were in fact just ugly layers of liquid color. He couldn't make him materialize and he couldn't bring him forth. So why for the love of god was he still painting him? He painted the smile from ages ago, soft and curled at the edges, the eyes crinkling up ever so slight. He'd painted the soft slope of the almost too delicate nose, jagged from past breaks. He'd painted the bronze and careful skin.
He'd painted the blood and the gore of it all, the triumph and the beauty. He'd painted Mutsuki Tooru, and painted, and painted and-
It was all for nothing, he couldn't figure out why he was still here in the process and he should throw them away yes he should- It was creepy, wasn't it? To be so yearning and desperate when he sat here pathetic and boiling in his skin. It was wrong. And and-
Mutsuki was coming to visit soon, so he should really put them at least away. Away so he didn't scare the other boy, so he could see his face, and read it at last and for the love of god just be near him.
Urie frowned at his handiwork, still frustrated with some forgotten feature on the canvas. Something that didn't stand out right, stood out wrong just- just. It  was no use. Standing here wouldn't solve it. He turned and sighed, picking up a white sheet and throwing it over the current work in progress, he should sleep.
Sleep. What a joke.
When in recent times had he ever truly slept? The definition had changed, and now sleep meant lying awake and staring at the wall, at wishing things had turned out differently, at running through scenarios of things he could’ve said to make him stay.
Maybe it was unhealthy to think like this, no, it was unhealthy. He should move on, and get better, and stronger?
He blinked at the blank wall, having never been one for decorating like Saiko or Higemaru. For the longest time he had liked it like that, the careful cream of the lacquered thing clean and empty of chaos. Peaceful and simple, just as he’d liked. Now though, they just felt barren- and maybe a bit lonely too.
He turned around to the other side, staring at the thin line of yellow light that stretched and elongated itself from the hallway. If he focused he could hear the mumble of Saiko from a room further down the narrow walkway, a few random pings , some more grumbling and words ‘ stupid kids ’. He blinked, shut it out, focusing back on the quiet hum of his computer in his own room. Somehow, listening to the life outside the isolated prison just made him feel more lonesome than the deafening silence.
He closed his eyes, if he couldn’t sleep he might as well pretend he was going to, staying awake with something stimulating wouldn’t help his case much either. In the past perhaps he would’ve gone to the gym, but just like everything else he used to do the idea only tasted dry. He sighed, letting his brain drift with the currents of nighttime wonderings it was going to be a while .
Morning as always came slow, light creeping in from a dark navy swoop to a golden filter through the officelike blinds of his room through a series of hours, projecting horizontal stripes across his duvet and the grainy rug. Urie sat upright slowly, having been in an odd sort of half sleep for a majority of the night, awake, out, and through again like a needle sewing through the draping and heavy fabric of unconsciousness. He pulled the blankets to the side, and stepped off, beginning to make his bed. It helped somewhat with the clutter of thoughts to at least have one thing organised.
He was tucking the last corner of duvet beneath the mattress when the heard the door creak open at the bottom of the stairs and a cacophony of voices explode in excitement. Urie froze, his hand still stuck beneath the layers of blankets. He felt his chest, devoid of air and struggling for intake burn, begging him to just please , let him breathe. Easier said than done.
Mutsuki was early.
Urie wasn't sure why, he usually came later or on time but this time he was early. Five, he was supposed to come at five PM. If he had known the other boy was to come earlier he would've gotten up earlier, prepared rather than have himself caught off guard, rather than have a terrible case of bedhead and these disheveled insomniac eyes, red with lack of sleep.
He pulled out his hand from beneath the mattress smoothing down the duvet with the other before running it shaky and swift through his hair. He ought to take a shower, he couldn't go downstairs like this, he could feel the accumulating grease in his roots.
He turned walking into the bathroom attached to his room and turning on the tap to a flaming heat, stepping in once it got to an acceptable temperature, ready to scrub every bit of sweat and oil free.
 He was early, he knew that, he couldn't have warned them either, it had been a split second decision. He had been in town and saw that despite what he’d known beforehand there was a morning train he could catch before the afternoon one, they had simply forgotten to put it on the website. He had gone to the house to grab his luggage and head over quickly to the train station, barely making it as it was with the train leaving mere minutes after he'd boarded.
Despite the grappling tension in his throat the reaction as he’d knocked and been let in was no different from the other times he’d visited. Saiko getting up from her bowl of "oatmeal" and shooting into his arms knocking him off kilter as he swung and stumbled backward.
He smiled, looking down at her for a moment before he turned up to greet the others still eating. He had never really grown very close to the other Qs, more a formal sort of friendship between superior officer and student but looking around it felt like the thawing of hands in front of a fire. Warming the ever settling chill that had since settled in his chest and throat. Looking around he noticed something, or someone missing.
"Where’s Urie?" he asked, stepping away from the Saiko who had since buried her head in his chest.
"Oh? Urie likes his beauty sleep, I can hear him in the shower now." She shook her head. "You eat breakfast yet, Mucchan? I can't imagine you have with that early of a train catch."
He laughed, "I haven't actually. First though," he stepped around walking over to the table. "I brought you guys some things." He dropped a canvas bag on the dark chestnut.
"Oooh yes," Higemaru said, fingers reaching quickly towards the bag before being slapped back away by Hsiao.
"Greedy bastard,” she scolded, “Didn't your mother ever teach you manners?" she glared at him.
Mutsuki laughed quietly, an odd sort of nostalgia washing over him as he remembered Sasaki doing something of the sort once. A similar scene being  reenacted with Saiko and Urie when he'd visited Yuriko's bakery early in the morning to get pastries. He felt a sort of drop in his chest as it washed over him, the tide of memories and their feelings pulling him into the ocean of once upon a time.
He pulled himself back from the cold water, picking up the bag and pulling out the wrapped gifts. Handing them off to each one of them. Saiko and Higemaru quickly tearing into them as the others picked them up thanking him quietly.
"I'll be back down in a second," he said turning a foot towards the stairway. "I can hear the shower running from here, I'll drop this on his bed."
"Okay, Mucchan!" Saiko's cheery voice echoed as he made his way, "I'll pull out some of the synthetic stuff they're having us testing. Its not half bad!"
"You've been eating that?" Hsiao , alarmed. "It's not for us! It's only for-"
"Someone had to try it for his royal highness in the shower."
He chuckled at the loud banter as it faded, the nerves creeping back into his body as he approached the brass knob. He recalled the last time he’d been in here, Urie had asked him to stay at the chateau, sad and almost pleading when he’d refused. He’d said it was because he needed new habits, a fresh breath, somewhere else. He wondered how true that was now .
He opened the door, the room’s aura as quiet and clean as always. The bed was made- not unusual for Urie and the quiet sound of the shower filtered through the thin door. Mutsuki crept forward, trying to be careful as not to disturb or freak him out and set the wrapped gift on the clean linen. He looked around, several canvases layered against the sides of the walls, many painted white but others with traces of landscapes or other half-finished pictures Mutsuki couldn’t quite make out. His gaze settled on the easel on the opposite side of the room, the current painting covered with a white sheet, and Mutsuki chewed his lower lip.
He shouldn’t peek .
It was covered, it was covered for a reason, he knew that much, Urie never did anything without thinking first. Always analyzing, calculating. If he had masked something as private it was obvious, and exploiting it to other eyes well, that was a death sentence.
He stepped forward, fingers itching to pull back the sheet, curiosity running rampant in his brain like a dog unleashed. Urie would get out soon, he couldn’t get a chance for the rest of the week after this. It was now or never. He closed the rest of the distance, reaching forward to pull up the sheet just enough so he could see it.
He almost wished he hadn’t.
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