#i am basically pitching ninja outlander to y’all lol
loveoaths · 3 years
- i have two potential founders era verse ideas. there are two ways this verse could be structured:
the standard route = haku is born in the founders era and a leader of the nomadic yuki tribe in snow country. for some reason their half of the fearsome tribe would travel outside snow country into the other elemental nations and drama would ensue. since haku would take the place of their great x2 grandmother tsukimono’s role, they would either possess her Oracular powers OR they would have reached the fullest potential of their own skills as a demon summoner. either way they’re dope yet completely removed from the pressure of developing the villages. they could provide an outside, indigenous perspective to all the crazy shit going on in the elemental nations, if asked, but more than likely they wouldn’t be. bonus points if we capitalize on the stark differences and startling similarities between the uchiha clan and the yuki tribe because listen, the yuki are quite literally the yin to the uchiha’s yang.
the non-standard route would be the TIME TRAVEL ROUTE! during their ungaikyō period, haku gets lost in the mirror world and somehow falls into the founders era (or any era really, it’s pretty flexible) with no way to get home. telling people they time traveled sounds like a pretty good way to get burned as a witch or some shit, so haku has to try their damndest to fit in without giving themself away or getting caught. however, haku would have traveled back in time AFTER the fourth shinobi war, so haku has heard about ALL of these motherfuckers and has to avoid spilling the beans. however, this could also be a great opportunity to change the course of human history and stop the war from ever happening, so they’re balancing a delicate line between nudging the powers that be to get along for gods’ sake without getting caught and, like, burned alive or some shit.
idk folks. thoughts? comments? cries of outrage?
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