#i am going to take N O T E S on the mirrorverse episodes i am going to write something HEARTWRENCHING
i keep telling myself i don't need validation for my ships, but finding your old posts about saru/michael really made my day... this hole is so lonely
WE ALL NEED VALIDATION, as such, here are a bunch of VERY disjointed Michael/Saru thoughts
I’m miserably behind on Discovery (the title of my autobiography will be “I’m Miserably Behind: The Starlight Story”, probably) BUT I am rewatching it and HEY WOW SARU/MICHAEL STILL BLOWS MY ABSOLUTE SOCKS OFF WITH HOW GOOD IT IS.  I’ve been subjecting some of my friends to a play-by-play of my Discovery rewatch and I recently described Michael and Saru’s dynamic circa Ep 3-ish as “She calls him First Officer Saru like someone doing three Hail Marys and an Our Father for her sins”, and I’m right about that.  Additionally, I said this at the start of Ep 4, and I’m also right about how GOOD this dynamic is:
"Had I been consulted, I would have said that the duty roster had no opening for a mutineer."  Ahhhhhh yes we return to my favorite thing, which is Saru handling his stress and guilt by being angry with Michael, and Michael handling her guilt by fighting with him but never actually defending herself.
Also, not to discuss Harry Potter in the year of our lord 2021, but it’s really important to me that Discovery is an object lesson in “what if we put an entire ship of diehard Ravenclaws under the command of an absolutely ruthless Slytherin, featuring two (2) lunatic Gryffindors for zest.”  This is important because, A, it’s never NOT funny to watch Lorca strangle on the frustration of how all these science nerds have no grasp of warfare, and, 2, if this was 2014 I would be getting in legitimate internet arguments about how Saru is a Gryffindor and I can’t just NOT care about that on cue, I guess.
On a related note, I’m up to the Mirrorverse episodes (the first ones, where Michael is pretending to be Captain Burnham of the Shenzhou), and I took a break from my rewatch so that I could deal with real life for a minute, but I’m going to rewatch the episodes where Mirror!Saru is Mirror!Michael’s slave and like.
I love a dark AU, I really do, but I ESPECIALLY love a plotline where someone is suddenly brutally confronted with a dark version of their own timeline (yes, Mirrorverse absolutely does do it for me on a visceral level, why do you ask).  And therefore I’m bound and determined--and have been pretty much from minute ONE--to write an AU where Michael spends longer playing her Mirror self, scrambling to lie well enough to hide her kind heart while still holding to her moral core.  Why, you ask?
Because I REALLY want her to loop Mirror!Saru in on what’s going on and try to save him.
Obviously, because I’m a cold-hearted sonofabitch, this will not end well for Mirror!Saru, but before it ends badly, I want him to tell Prime!Saru that he’s lucky to have had Michael.  DELICIOUS. AGONIZING. I WILL WRITE IT, BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE WILL.
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