#i am not still playing and therefore cannot recall the name
The Art of Letting Go
Letting go is hard, whether you are letting go of a person or a thing. There are a million reasons why people have to let go and I will discuss several reasons here.
Letting Go of A Loved One
Sometimes, just when we think everything is alright and we are so much in love with a person, it hits you smack in the face that the person will suddenly abandon you without any explanation. Other times, you have to let go when you think that the distance separating the two of you by far surpasses the love you have for each other.
There are times when your loved one gets involved in another relationship.  This is pretty much heartbreaking that it will leave someone who is so much in love broken into pieces.
There would be times when a loved one passes away. We cannot help but mourn over our loss and hold on to the wonderful memories which are but what we have left after they’re gone. This kind of letting go takes years to overcome.
Letting Go of A Thing, An Animal or Perhaps A Place
Often times, we find ourselves attached to things we own. Like me, I have my MacBook Pro for 5 years before it crashed. It was my work computer and it has, let’s say, served me well. I still cannot get over the feeling of “it failing me” however, as what one of my clients told me, 5 years is enough as a lifespan of a laptop and I could consider purchasing a new one.
Animals especially dogs are considered as “man’s best friend.” Losing a dog when he passes away is also devastating to the owner. It’s with you every day, always by your side, waiting for you to spend even a few minutes of your time to play with him. I could say that what I am telling you is based on my own experience as we have had shih tzus since 2013. We had this very cute shih tzu named Billy. He always followed me everywhere and accompanied me during my shifts. Then all of a sudden he passed away. I was the last person who was in contact with him during his dying hours. I cried for days and locked myself inside the bathroom. Now, he is being replaced by my new “work buddy”, Sam or Samantha. A shih tzu whose right eye is blind. She is very sweet and knows whenever I have my “moments.”
There are certain places where in we cannot help but ALWAYS reminisce great times we had there with someone. We would often recall how it was like then and sometimes look forward to spending some time in that place again with that person. Then there comes the “What Ifs”. However, we have to remember that we have to move forward and think that maybe, just maybe, it really wasn’t meant to be.
Here’s a quote from Steve Maraboli, “The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize the situation is over, you cannot move forward.”
Therefore, you have to learn to REALLY let go and move forward… KEEP MOVING FORWARD!
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So. The story so far.
So. Firstly I would give One Piece an overall 9 as an anime. From what I've seen and heard, the show has kept up even after 20 years, thanks to the wonderful Oda, and that is very important to me as an avid watcher.
True, I never made it past episode 60 the first time I watched, I don't think, HOWEVER!!! That doesn't mean I disliked the show, I liked it a lot. I just probably have ADHD (╥_╥) which means a lot of the longer shows I want to watch get put down by accident because a new shiny show comes out that I want to watch then and there... (I'm looking at you Jujutsu Kaisen (๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭.
I restarted the anime about a week ago during my move into my new apartment at episode 45, as it's the last episode I can fully remember (though I did skip through a little because I can't lie... the Buggy filler episodes were not my thing) "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა I also know that the Netflix live action ends around episode 45 as well, which- I'm happy to say, is probably the ONLY live action adaptation of an anime (apart from the theatre productions of studio ghibli films like My Neighbour Totoro) that ACTUALLY WORKED!!! Also, Jamie Lee Curtis, a true One Piece fan loved it! Plus, both Oda and Mayumi have crowned Iñaki as the real world Luffy SO SUCK ON THAT HATERS!!! True, I didn't watch the live action fully, as my friend was watching it whilst I played dragon quest 11 (good game) but I got the gist of it, and it was really good from what I could see.
I am currently on episode 57, as of writing this, which means Chopper is only 24 episodes away ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽ つ And I NEED to meet the baby!! I'm currently watching the crew sail with this little dragon doo dad (who I cannot remember the species name, but his name from Apis is Ryujii.) And shit just started happening. The boat is a rocking, the sky is raining, Zoro and Apis currently have rope burn. It's a good episode. If I recall correctly, they're about to enter the Grand Line?? I know they're right next to it at least, but I think they're trying to get Ryujii home- I just realised that they just landed on the island I am dumb. There was a strange wispy of wind a second ago, which means that one guy is likely already on the island with them I think. Who knows "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა. Either way, once again this show is showing how corrupt the government system is lmao.
Anyhoo, overall, I don't think One Piece can really be judged by episodes, unless you talk about the live action. I'd say a better judgement would be going by arcs? I will say, this arc is pretty mid, just because I've seen it before and because I don't think Apis as a character is good whatsoever. She's just kind of that npc character in an rpg that directs you on a fetch quest before telling you that she must be protected as she's annoyingly coming with instead of staying home safe- oh wait she's the only one who can talk to the dragon and therefore knows where the fetch quest main area is. Great. Yeah, she's extremely mid now that I think about it.
I wouldn't skip this arc, just because I think all arcs leading up to the Grand Line are definitely important, HOWEVER, I do think she could've been in it less. The grampa would've had more to offer in my opinion, even if it was just comedic value. Plus, he could've been a secret badass who saves the day, who knows.
Also, as I'm writing this, my wifi CUT OUT (╥ᆺ╥;) so now I'm dying of death... (╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)(╥ᆺ╥;)
Anyways, I would recommend One Piece, but at the same time, if you aren't used to watching long form anime... gooooood luck. I can only do this because I watched Naruto and Shippuden a couple years back and that- ugh that hurt. One piece was still only one episode 800 too... It hurt so much. Yes it's a good anime BUT IT WOULD BE HALF THE LENGTH IF THEY CUT THE FILLER OUT, KILLED OFF SOME OF THE USELESS CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN NARUTO, REVEALED KAKASHI'S MOLE, AND CUT THE FIGHTS TO HALF THE LENGTH!!!!
Sorry, got emotional there. But yeah. One Piece? Good show. It also only has about 50 filler episodes out of the current 1076 episodes that are released. That's an achievement. Also I am now realising how quickly they must have pumped Naruto out if that show had 750 episodes plus movies...
Final thoughts? Watch One Piece. Don't watch Naruto. It isn't worth it. Also, idgaf if people disagree. If you watch Naruto, only watch Naruto. Don't bother with Shippuden. Hinata is the only good character after Naruto, but she isn't worth it.
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ecoamerica · 19 days
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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annonmaly · 9 months
What if the play of the untold origins will be important in the future. For example, the writer may used someone's hidden truth as a reference. We noticed that the word angel is being used frequently in the series, so maybe someday, it would not just be used figuratively. Yes I'm saying that one of the character in bsd is a real angel.
So before anything else, let's recall how the play goes. There are three main characters in the play, first are the 12 fallen angels. Here are the things we know:
They love humans so mush that they committed a crime (that was not specified, however, It has something to do with coexisting with humans)
God punished God by stripping of their wing relegating them to be a regular human.
Their goal is to look for a certain ability user in an old theater to attain God's forgiveness.
There's a murderer within the group, killing them one by one. (The motive was not revealed, since the play was stopped midway)
The second character is the "special ability user" The sole person who could grant forgiveness to these angels crimes.
"In the play, the special ability user was presented as a way of the former angels who have been cast out of heaven to be given permission to return, It was a being could restore part of the infinite abilities they originally held as angels. an grant them audience with God once again."
Take note that an angel has infinite abilities, this why Fukuzawa thought that this play is pure fiction, because a person possessing one ability is already pain in the ass. So angels possessing infinite abilities, the heaven must be in chaos.
The third and the last character is the invisible angel of war suspected to be responsible for slaughter of the criminals. The last scene we are shown before the play was interrupted is the exhausted Murakami, the one playing as the leader of the fallen angel, lamenting. Calling out to the angel to kill him. Then, he suddenly changed his mind accusing that the angel of war of being envious and that he will find the key to heaven to expose the angel of their ugly crimes.
At first, I thought that this is just a metaphor of what's happening in DoA arc. Fukuzawa is the young Murakami (leader of the fallen angel) who seen and experienced all of human ugliness born from hatred. Therefore, he created the decay of angels and executed acts of terrorism (and whatever the hell he will do in the future chapters) to bring down the angels.
"Now, who are the angels? […] Heavenly beings that others' hands cannot reach, namely… The politicians. Their indiscretion births war. They must die and be reborn in the cycle, and that death must be painful. That is why we've taken our blades. I am the decay of angels, the sign of death that falls on a nation's greed. Fukuzawa tp Michizō Tachihara (Thanks wiki)
However, why stop there? You know what, bsd have vampires, gods (Arahabaki), and whatever lovecraft is. So why not add an angel to that list. I'm still contemplating which is which, but the person who comes to my mind first is Fyodor, specially when Sigma asked him "What are you?". Ok, let's break down the details we know about Fyodor.
According to Wiki: He refers to himself as carrying out the lord’s will and always talks about the sinful nature of man. Ironically, Dazai names him "Demon
His ability is "Crime and Punishment" and in dead apple. It even declared itself to be the "punishment" to Fyodor's "crime" and said that they were closely linked.
He thinks his strength is being faithful to God's will and his motto is His motto is "Let the hand of God guide you."
Here are some panels that I find interesting:
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Ok, I love how Fyodor's eye shade changed here, so is this real or not? I mean, if we go by Asagiri's rule, the dark shade of the eyes show how insane is the person. So this guy is in his right mind?
In the play, Murakami asked the angel of war to kill him with a holy sword. Is this a coincidence, an act or does it mean something?
Anyways, now that I lay it all out, be ready for a crazy idea ahead. What I want to say is that Fyodor must be one of the fallen angels represented in the play, maybe he's even the murderer. He's really a religious guy, and he thinks that he's action is in accordance with god's will. They have committed a crime, and he thinks that they have no right to go back to be with god anymore that's why he made it his mission to kill all the other sinners. However, these sinners will just keep on being reincarnated until they are saved. Also, Fyodor is called the demon by Dazai. According to what I read, demons began their lives as angels, before turning against god and becoming ‘fallen angels’, cast down from heaven into the fiery depths of hell. Now, let's speculate the crime he committed, well, based on what we have now, angels have infinite abilities and some of them loved the humans so much, they wanted to live in harmony. Therefore, there's a possibility that Fyodor and other angels gave humans some of their ability against god's will. This is the reason why Fyodor wanted to eradicate the ability users. You know because they are his apple (original sin, it's a biblical and dead apple reference).
For his ability, Crime and Punishment, I think it's not an ability, per se, it's literally a punishment from god. It's the irony that they committed a sin to live in harmony with humans, however, the moment they are living with them, the humans die with a simple touch. No one would not be scared with that right? So, Fyodor now have no choice but to see all the humans ugliness with his own two eyes.
I still thinking about others specially, Atsushi, Dazai, and Chuuya. Is Atsushi the "special ability user" who could grant forgiveness to the fallen angels crimes? I mean, Fyodor is really out for his blood, tipping Shibuwasa and Fritzgerald that his ability is special. But I'm also thinking that Atsushi is an angel tasked to kill/save the fallen? Dazai mention it in dead apple, Atsu is an angel that would save Shibuwasa. Additionally, for a white tiger, Atsu's ability is OP and wide ranged. I understand the increase in strength, speed and power, but regeneration/restoration, durability and cutting into anything even the ability, dear Atsu I know your the MC but there should be a limit in ability.
For Dazai, well, his ability is "No Longer Human" and for a suicidal maniac he never succeeded once. Also, in some way or another, Dazai and Atsu are magically linked together. Chuuya is Chuuya he's differently made, ok. No further explanation needed. I haven't read the stormbringer fully so yeah, my Chuuya knowledge is not that high.
In conclusion, they may not be real angels, but something like this happened in the past, people gave other abilities through science or whatever, was punished, regretted their actions and now they want to set the world on fire. So that's a wrap. Let's see each other again for another crazy thoughts.
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Me: Okay, one last mission before bed.
Mission: Okay, do these tasks that are basically three (3) missions!
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Important asset [Billy Russo x Reader]
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Title: Important asset Pairing: Billy Russo x Female!Reader Word count: 3k Published: 22 April 2021 Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore Notes: My first Billy Russo fic, I hope it's not that bad, I'm still trying to get a hold of his character :) Summary: [x] Being a former military personal gives you the opportunity to work for Billy’s company. Becoming a very important part of the company provides you with an even closer relationship with your boss. However, he seems to be deliberately dancing on your nerves, increasing your already built-up frustration.
Ben Barnes and Characters Masterlist
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Working for Anvil felt like a safe place. After serving your country for years, coming back from your last tour turned out to be more difficult than you could have anticipated. Protecting important personals and working as security wasn’t something you wished to do, but after starting the job, working along with people who have been through what you have, your view of the company has changed. The job was different, but the people you worked with have given you more support than anyone, including your family, friends or your therapist for that matter.
Joining Anvil wasn’t easy, the requirement process raised some issues that you had to overcome. The physical part didn’t offer any difficulty, but the mental exam seemed to present some obstacles. It wasn’t until your second try that you have been approved and joined the team. That was when you met Mr. Russo, CEO and founder of Anvil. He was just as handsome as you have heard, and he had a way with words. He was confident and knew just how to use his charm. Even if you wanted to deny your sudden interest in him, you couldn’t have.
It seemed that even if he didn’t look at you as a woman, he certainly found your abilities interesting. You didn’t just become one with the team, a crucial member, but also became one of Billy’s most important assets. Having both good communications skills and excellent combat skills meant your worth in Billy’s eyes have grown and provided a great deal of opportunity for you to stay beside him. Officially you weren’t an assistant, but unofficially, Billy liked to give you a nice amount of work, keeping you close by from early morning to late afternoon or evening, sometimes past 10pm.
“Mr. Russo,” you called out to him as you walked behind him in a narrow corridor of the Anvil headquarters. Billy turned around, adjusting his tie with a confident smirk across his face. “I heard you were looking for me,” you added as you finally arrived beside him, glancing up at his handsome features, looking very professional in his expensive suit. You wanted to look feminine and pretty, instead of being dirty and sweaty, wearing a pair of tracksuits, but sometimes your work required you to look more worn out than you wished to be. He had a certain aura that kept pulling you towards him, but as confident as you were in your abilities to protect your country and your people, you were just as uncertain about your appearance when you appeared in front of Billy.
“Yes, I have. Care to explain why I can't reach you on your phone?” He asked, his features unimpressed with your lack of availability.
“I was training, I can’t possibly bring my phone with me everywhere,” you replied frowning, but you quickly adjusted your expressions, before he could have scolded you. It was clear that he wasn’t happy with your reply, but he dismissed it after all.
“Come to my office at 1700 hours. I have a couple things to discuss with you,” he replied in an authoritative manner.
“I have to train the new recruits at 4,” you explained, but he just shook his head.
“Ask someone to replace you,” he stated firmly, accepting no objection. But you took your job very seriously and even though Billy was your boss, often you found yourself going against his decisions just to spite him.
“I can’t do that,” you stated, lips pursed to emphasise your objection. “There’s no one to cover me,” you added. His firm stance and sharp inhale reassured you that he was anything but happy with your answer. He took a step forward, forcing you to take a step back and collide with the wall behind you. Your chest felt as though it was a small box, containing only a small portion of oxygen, its lack of tightened your throat, starting your heart off in a dangerous pace, pounding hard against your ribcage. Billy’s presence always made you feel as though you couldn’t breathe. A simple gaze in your direction, a confident grin, his low, deep voice calling your name made you weak at the knees and left your mind wandering to paths you should have never gone to, causing thousands of butterflies to erupt in your belly.
“I’m your boss and I can change your schedule whenever I want to. I want to see you in my office at 1700 sharp, or else—” he didn’t finish the end of his sentence, but you were sure his ideas were entirely different from yours.
“Or else—?” It escaped your mouth involuntarily, receiving a low growl from Billy, a threatening aura, still it didn’t frighten you, if anything it encouraged you further. “I think we both know you will not fire me, Mr. Russo. I’m a very important asset to your company. I am a very dedicated employee and therefore I will try to adjust my schedule to fit your request, but I cannot promise anything, unless you personally can provide someone to take over from me,” you replied in a challenging manner, earning a questioningly raised brow from Billy. Trying to read his face you couldn’t decide if he was actually considering helping you or he was planning how to murder you in the spot.
A heavy sigh left his lungs, but he didn’t back away. “I will send Simon to cover you,” he said between gritted teeth.
“That is absolutely brilliant, I’m so glad we are on the same page,” you exclaimed with a wide grin across your face as you turned around to leave the man behind. However, before you could have left, he grabbed your arm and pulled you back against him, your palms landing on his hard chest, feeling every inch of each fine muscle under your touch.
“Pay attention to your attitude because it has gotten out of hands recently and you are standing on a very fine line,” he whispered, his breath tickling your cheeks. Indeed, you have been rather free with your words and actions around Billy, and you knew you were playing with fire, but it seemed that was the only way to get his attention.
“I might be pushing some boundaries, but my only intention is for the company to work effectively, to produce people that do their tasks efficiently meanwhile wearing Anvil’s name with pride. If I neglect my duties and ignore my job, even if it’s for your request, what use am I to the company?” you asked with a certain pride. Whilst your intention was to object to Billy once again, to be somewhat bratty, every word that left your lips were true. Anvil has given you more than you could have ever wished for and not even Billy could stop you from making this company one of the most well-working organisations.
Billy took a sharp inhale, trying to decide whether you were just being spoilt once again, because you were indeed aware of your own worth, or if the company really took priority in your eyes. His nod reassured you of the latter as he let go of your arm.
“I like the way you are thinking, but it doesn’t excuse your attitude. You are an important asset to the company, but not irreplaceable. By the time you come to see me in the afternoon, try to get rid of it,” he spoke sternly, before he shook his head and offered you a cocky grin as he turned around and left you in the corridor. You couldn’t stop the tiny smile from appearing in the corner of your lips, his expression reassured you that you were anything but invisible in his eyes.
As you were leading a shooting session for your team, Billy interrupted your practice, clearing his throat whilst leaning against the doorframe, watching your people. You looked at your watch, afraid of being late, but according to your time, you weren’t even anywhere near the time you were supposed to be in his office.
“Keep practising,” you instructed them as you walked back to Billy, whose arms were folded in front of his chest, his eyes following every step you took towards him. “Is everything okay?” you asked as you stopped in front of him.
“Hmm,” he replied with a simple hum and a single nod. He seemed to have something on his mind, and you were sure he would soon voice his opinion. Biting his lip, he grimaced slightly. “Your team needs more practice,” he added nonchalantly. Your eyes widened and you quickly turned around to check on the targets. Indeed, there were some errors, but you were overall satisfied with their performance, they were former members of the US Armed Forces after all. Inhaling sharply, you turned back to him, staring at his expressionless face.
“Is this really why you came here?” You asked with a questioningly raised brow.
“I was just wondering how useful you are to the company since you have been walking around voicing your importance. Just like you did in the morning, if I recall correctly,” he shrugged casually.
“Let me see if I understand. After all I have done for the company and for you, now you are checking on my people and my progress, questioning how much we are worth to your goddamn company?” You hissed in anger. Billy seemed to be on a roll attempting to piss you off at any given time. Usually, you could keep your act together, but he has done nothing but insulted you that day and he was very close to reaching your limits. You stared into his eyes and in the lowest, most threatening tone you could manage, you continued. “Listen to me Russo, I can take a lot, I’m quite a resilient person, but I’m very close to walking out of here and never coming back. If you would like me to leave then say it, but if not and you would like me to keep working for you, then let me do my job and leave me alone for the rest of the day,” you exhaled sharply and after a deadly gaze directed at your boss, you turned away and joined your team. Your blood was boiling from the amount of anger he could bring out in you, as if he found your frustration entertaining. Although you expected him to come after you and give you a monologue about humbling yourself, by the time you looked back towards the entrance, he was long gone.
It was already 5pm and Simon was nowhere to be found. You instructed the new recruits to take a 5-minute break from the exercises you have given them as you rocked from one leg to the other trying to calm yourself, slowly exhaling and inhaling. Preparing for the scolding you were about to receive from Billy, your blood pressure had risen. You groaned as you saw Simon run through the door, heavily apologising for his lateness. Shaking your head, you walked up to him and instructed him about the details of the recruits’ further training. By the time you were supposed to be in Billy’s office, you were jogging across the narrow corridors of Anvil, trying to minimise the nagging Billy was about to give you for not arriving in time.
“You are late,” you heard his voice as you opened the door, grimacing at the harsh tone. Billy didn’t even look up from his desk, his eyes were attached to the paperwork he was signing off.
“Not my fault,” you added, walking up to the table and sitting down across Billy.
“I told you to be precise,” he groaned, unhappy about your lateness.
“Next time send someone who actually appears in time,” you retorted, feeling fed up with his continued scolding.
“Once again you have that attitude,” he cleared his throat in frustration.
“Russo!” You shot up from your chair, placing your hands on his paperwork, staring straight into his eyes. “I’m aware that I have a slight problem with my attitude, but I don’t think it’s fair that you blame me for something I had no say in. You have asked Simon to replace me, still at 5pm sharp I was still in the training hub alone with the recruits, because he was late,” you replied firmly.
“I don’t think I have asked for an excuse, so why do I have to listen?” He asked with a deep frown, slowly standing up from his chair, his stance projecting authority. But at that moment, you couldn’t care less. Your blood was rushing through your veins, your built-up frustration threatening to reveal itself. As if Billy’s mere purpose was to dance on your nerves. And he was successful.
“Billy,” you called his first name with clenched teeth. You have gotten used to calling him Mr. Russo or Russo, even though you were close to each other. However recently he has been deliberately annoying you and you couldn’t take it anymore. Indeed, you wanted to get some kind of reaction out of him with your brattiness, but receiving the same attitude didn’t seem that entertaining. You knew you were supposed to be professional when you were working, even though he made it his mission to piss you off, but you just lost your self-control. “I have done nothing for this company but work my ass off to help you. When you asked, I had to be at two even three places at the same time. I have no life, because every single free time and day off I’m supposed to be having, I have to spend here to help you. I don’t mind, because I love working here and I want to make this company a better place. But you are the one talking about my attitude, even though I have never asked for anything in return?! Have I ever asked for a raise even if you dumped hours of work on me? You keep me here from early morning to late evening and I’ve never once complained, still you dare to talk about my attitude? Please, tell me what your problem is with me, because recently I feel like it’s your mission to get on my nerves. At this point the only thing I can think of is that you want me to quit because that’s the kind of hostility that comes across from you,” you huffed releasing all your frustration on your boss.
“You—” he wanted to speak up, but you didn’t let him. It was your time to talk, and you didn’t even give him a chance to object.
“No, I’m speaking,” you interrupted him, earning a sharp inhale from the man. “I understand that I’m only a mere subordinate, and I know I should not have the attitude that I do take on sometimes, but I am still a human and I don’t have to deal with your moodiness on a daily basis,” you hissed. “Tell me honestly, is it your mission to get me to quit? Because at this point you are very close to forcing me to resign and—” you had no way to finish the sentence as Billy grabbed the back of your neck and pulled your lips against his, earning a moan from you. He only let go of you for a second to get around the table, his movements quick as though he was a lion hunting down his prey. He attached his lips to yours once again, pushing you up on the table and positioning himself between your thighs. He sneaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, his other hand firmly holding you close to him by the back of your neck, wanting nothing but to reduce the proximity between the two of you.
“Do you ever shut up?” He asked, breathing heavily against your lips. “I hear nothing but your continuous yapper,” he groaned as he laid his forehead against yours, massaging random patterns on your thigh. “Why on earth do you think I have given you so much job to do, you dumb woman? Can you be any more oblivious? I didn’t just dump all those random tasks on you and left you to do them, did I? I stayed behind with you, isn’t that, right?” he asked through gritted teeth. “You really know how to get on my nerves, and this certainly isn’t how I imagined this to come out, but you make it impossible for me to keep my cool,” he inhaled slowly, forcefully pulling you closer to him as he stood between your legs, making you moan at the contact. “I’m going to give you two options now,” he stated as he took a step back, giving you space to think. You can walk out that door, act like nothing happened and we will go back to being a boss and an employee. Or you can stay, and we continue what we started. But then there’s no turning back. I don’t just let go of what’s mine,” for a moment you ran the options through a logical part of your mind, that screamed for you to walk out the door. But you couldn’t possibly listen to the voice when you could finally be Billy’s after you have done so much for the man you longed for.
You grabbed his belt and pulled him between your legs, whispering against his lips. “Close that door,” Billy’s jaw clenched and without a second to waste he stood by the door, locking it behind him and getting back to you in haste, capturing your lips with his hands exploring every part of your body.
“So, have I become irreplaceable now?” You asked with a proud, overly confident grin as his hands tried to remove your shirt impatiently. His eyes darkened at your words, his hands stopping mid-air.
“Don’t get cocky with me,” he groaned, grabbing your jaw and connecting your lips once again, trying to get you out of your clothes. Whatever Billy called you for was long forgotten for the rest of the evening, you were busier with each other’s company.
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maplemarcher · 3 years
Words: 4,486
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild violence, blood
Summary:   rec·on·cil·i·a·tion/ noun 1.the restoration of friendly relations.
Notes: So, uh. I really love the roleswap au from @yumoirail​. I hope they like this, if they see it!
     It’s been one week since Ganon’s siege on Vah Ruta ended. Not a drop of rain has fallen in that time, allowing the ground to dry out and the swollen Zora River to slowly return to its natural state, banks once hidden by muddy flood waters revealing themselves once more and its current slowing. The divine beast that had previously instilled unease and dread upon all who looked at it stands proudly above the domain, trunk raised to the heavens and its sights set on Hyrule Castle, waiting for its companions to be brought back to the light and for the hero to venture into the castle’s depths and rid it of the dark force within. Repairs from the unprecedented torrent of rain are well under way. Joy has returned to the hearts of the people of Zora’s Domain as they feel the sun on their scales for the first time in what seems like an eternity.
     There is only one that still carries a considerable weight.
     Sidon spends his days on the perimeter of the domain, gazing out into the world beyond, wondering. His nights are spent either in the town square staring up at his sister’s statue or in his chambers, once more looking out past the borders of the land of his people. After seeing Ruta make its way to the mountaintop (by Mipha’s hand, who else could it possibly have been, only she could control it with such grace), he’d expected  to see Zelda again, despite what she’d said just before making her way inside the massive piece of ancient machinery. He’s desperate to know what had happened, if Mipha’s spirit is truly free, if there is even a tiny fraction of a threat still hanging over his people regarding Vah Ruta, if Zelda is—
     Sidon shakes his head and runs his hands down his face haggardly as he turns away from the railing of the balcony just outside his chambers. He shouldn’t care where Zelda is. He should be beside himself with joy that he’ll never have to see the one who failed his sister, failed all of Hyrule, and cost Mipha her life, ever again. Instead, he’s worried about her. He may even go so far as to say he misses her.
     The water of his sleeping pool is soothing as he steps into it, but it does nothing to clear his mind. Nothing has been able to that as of late—not having one-sided conversations with his sister’s likeness immortalized in luminous stone, not training with his spear until his arms tremble with exhaustion, not the thrilling weightlessness of the apex of an arc out of the water, just before the descent. His thoughts are occupied with golden hair and green eyes full of determination and sadness. The conversation he’d had with Bazz a few days prior plays over in his head.
     Hope. She gave me hope.
     Sidon sighs and walks down the steps into his sleeping pool, laying back and letting the water support him. If he floats in the right spot, he can see the night sky. The way the stars are glittering reminds him of the adornments on the Lightscale Trident. Memories of Mipha that belong to him rather than his father or the elders are few and far between, but he remembers watching her train rather clearly. She’d been unmatched in her spearmanship, her movements smooth and graceful, the trident shining as it arced through the air. Mipha’s prized possession hasn’t seen the sun in as many years as she’s been gone—it sits on a special mount in the armory, slowly gathering dust.
     A splash interrupts the silence as Sidon rises out of the pool and makes for his father’s chambers. King Dorephan is most likely asleep, but that doesn’t occur to him as he walks through the palace halls, water still dripping from his scales and void of any of his adornments. He knocks twice on the king’s chambers before entering, unsurprised to see him rubbing sleep from his eyes as he groggily lifts his head out of the water.
     “Sidon?” Dorephan says. “Is something the matter?”
      “It’s my doing that Zelda hasn’t returned,” Sidon says. “I treated her so harshly—I refused to let her near Vah Ruta, despite what you and Muzu said. Just before she entered it, she told me she wasn’t coming back, and she was gone before I could protest.”
     “My son. Calm yourself.” Dorephan swims to the edge of his massive sleeping pool where Sidon stands. “I am sure that you are not the only reason she has not returned. This place must hold many memories for her that are painful now, and she has other work to do.”
     “Even so, I want to make things right. The things I said to her, Father—I—”
     “My son,” Dorephan says again, softly. He rests one massive hand atop Sidon’s head. It’s an act he hasn’t performed in years, not since Sidon would easily fit in his whole hand. The prince can’t help closing his eyes and letting out a long, shaky breath. “I have not seen you so troubled in a long time.”
     “I feel like a fool,” Sidon confesses. “I spent so long blaming her for Mipha’s death and the state of Hyrule. The prince and other Hylians as well, but Zelda especially. I hated her, Father. The mere sight of her made my blood boil.”
     “As much as it saddens me to hear that, I do understand,” Dorephan says. “We lost so much. You lost so much. The influence of the elders certainly did not help.”
     “I shouldn’t have let their opinions become my own.”
     “You were a child, Sidon. You cannot blame yourself too much.” Sidon sighs once more and nods. “Now, while I do not at all mind you seeking comfort, I cannot imagine that is all you came for.”
     “Indeed,” Sidon agrees, straightening his spine as Dorephan returns his hand to his side. “As I said, I intend to make things right. While I can’t say my feelings toward Zelda are all positive, I can acknowledge that she was undeserving of my harsh words and disdain.”
     “I am glad you realize this,” Dorephan says with a nod. “How is it you intend to make things right?”
     “By giving her the Lightscale Trident,” Sidon answers. “I know you intended to gift it to her upon her return. It’s what Mipha would have wanted, and therefore it’s what I want.”
     “And you intend to deliver it to her?”
     “With your permission, yes. I—I want to see her myself. Whether she accepts them or not, I want to offer her my apologies personally.”
     “You are a noble soul, my son,” Dorephan says with a pleased chuckle. “You have not only my permission, but my insistence. With the threat from Vah Ruta lifted and many of the monsters around the Domain slain by the hero herself, we will be well protected.”
     “Thank you, Father,” Sidon says. “I promise not to be gone for too long.”
     “Take all the time you need.” There’s a twinkle in Dorephan’s eyes that Sidon can’t quite decipher, so he dismisses it for the moment. “She may be difficult to track down with that curious slate at her hip. Prepare for a long journey, and take heart.”
     “I will,” Sidon reassures. “I apologize for barging in at such a late hour.”
     “Not at all,” Dorephan dismisses with a wave of his hand. “You can always come to me.”
     Sidon smiles. “Yes, Father. I know.” He bids the king goodnight and turns to leave, only to be stopped by a call of his name just before the door.
     “I am proud of you, my son,” Dorephan says with a warm, if tired, smile. “I know you shall make a fine king someday.”
     Sidon is struck speechless by this. Rather than answer with his usual eloquence, he simply ducks his head and stammers out a thank you. Dorephan nods and slowly sinks back into his pool, and Sidon takes that as his dismissal. His father is snoring even before the door closes behind him.
     Sidon departs the Domain several days later, carrying the Lightscale Trident as well as his own spear and a silver bow. He also bears a bag packed for him by Kodah and Marot, one of the innkeepers and the owner of the general store, respectively. It contains all manner of supplies, cooking ingredients, and meals made for the road. His final and arguably most valuable gift is a small wooden chest contained in his bag that holds many an elixir crafted by Laflat. They’re different from the one Sidon had (begrudgingly) given Zelda at the start of her journey to the Domain—they actually work for Zora. Laflat had explained what she’d done differently—something about making the base with water from the Domain, or perhaps putting a few of her scales in the mixtures—but Sidon can’t recall exactly what she’d said. If he’s being honest, he’s not sure how much of it he understands. He isn’t unintelligent, but his mind is more catered to battle strategy than magic or science.
     Tracking Zelda down does in fact prove to be a tricky feat. For one thing, nearly everyone he approaches stares up at him with wide eyes and a slack jaw. He supposes that many of the people he encounters haven’t seen a Zora in person before, let alone one of his stature. When he does manage to get people to answer his questions about having seen Zelda, they give him vague answers, unable to remember her face in the sea of travelers they see each day. Sidon nearly gives up after days of unsuccessful searching, but the sight of Ruta in the distance is enough to spur him on.
     He’s lost track of how long he’s been gone when he sees a most unusual sight. From downriver, it had looked to be an enormous insect, but upon closer inspection, the creature stuck on its back and flailing on the bridge above him is a Hylian wearing a frankly enormous backpack in the shape of a beetle. Sidon leaps from the water and onto the rickety wooden bridge, landing just short of the Hylian’s head. He takes hold of the beetle backpack’s horns and pushes, helping the Hylian to stand upright.
     “Oh, thank you!” the Hylian says, dusting himself off.
     “No problem at all, my friend,” Sidon says with a smile. “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find yourself in that position?”
     The Hylian seems unfazed by his height or the fact that he’s a Zora as he cranes his neck to look him in the eye, much to Sidon’s relief. “Someone on horseback came barreling by and knocked me onto my back!” he huffs. “They didn’t even stop to see if I was alright. Imagine if a monster had come by, or if I’d fallen into the river!”
     “Dreadful,” Sidon says with a grimace.
     “Yeah,” the Hylian agrees, sighing. “But, anyway! Thank you so much for helping me! My name is Beedle, by the way. I normally sell the things I carry here, but as payment, I can give you something for free as a thank you!”
     “No need,” Sidon says, raising his hand to stop Beedle from reaching for the straps on his pack. “But if I may ask you a few questions, I’d be quite grateful.”
     “Of course!” Beedle says enthusiastically, drawing another smile from Sidon.
     “Do you travel around Hyrule frequently?”
     “Do I? I’ve been just about everywhere you can go!” Beedle gesticulates grandly, seemingly unfazed by what must be the massive weight on his shoulders. “From Hebra to Faron, I go wherever things can be bought and sold!”
     “Then have you encountered a young woman by the name of Zelda? Golden hair, green eyes, and carrying more weapons than should be strictly possible?”
     “Oh, yes! I see Zelda quite frequently,” Beedle says. “She’s my most loyal customer! I don’t know exactly what it is she gets up to on her adventures, but she’s very kind to me. She even gave me this!” He reaches into a pocket on his backpack and presents Sidon with a bright yellow beetle contained in a glass bottle along with a few leaves. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
     “It is,” Sidon agrees. “Would you mind telling me where you saw her last? And if you happen to know where she’s going?”
     “Only if you tell me why you’re looking for her,” Beedle says as he lovingly puts the beetle back in its little pocket. “My heart may belong to Hyrule, but I still don’t want to see anything bad happen to her.”
     Sidon sighs and scratches at the back of his neck. “Zelda helped me and my people in our time of need. Despite all of this, I was—unkind to her. I wish to mend our relationship as best I can.” Beedle studies his face with a scrutinizing eye for a long moment before nodding.
     “You get good at reading people after meeting as many as I have, and you seem like you’re being sincere,” he says. “The last time I saw her, Zelda said she was headed to Hateno Village. Follow the river south until it leads through the Dueling Peaks, then go east.”
     “Thank you,” Sidon says. “Truly. When you see her next, would you tell her I’m searching for her?”
     “Sure, but you’ll probably see her before I do! That, and I don’t know your name.”
     “Oh! Forgive my rudeness. I am Prince Sidon of the Zora.”
     “A prince? Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever met royalty before!”
     “Perhaps not,” SIdon chuckles. “Thank you again, Beedle. I wish you safe travels.”
     “You too!”
     With that, Sidon gives Beedle a wave and dives back into the water. The gasp of wonder that meets his ears as he twists through the air brings a smile to his face once more. Over the course of his journey, the grip of hatred and anger over his heart regarding Hylians has begun to loosen. He still can’t quite fathom completely forgiving those responsible for what had happened a century before, but he’s able to set aside his negative feelings aside for those such as Beedle, who are simply trying to live their lives in the wake of tragedy. It’s too easy for him to forget the relative brevity of their lifespans compared to his.
     Sidon follows the river south, just as Beedle guided him, keeping an eye out for the Dueling Peaks. The occasional lizalfos or octorock blocks his path, but he makes quick work of them with his spear. They’re nothing compared to the behemoth he’d faced years prior. The next few days pass like this: swimming for long periods, dispatching enemies as they come, and asking passerby for directions to ensure he’s heading in the right direction. Before long, he reaches the stable on the other side of the Dueling Peaks. He inquires about Zelda and is directed again to Hateno. The river grows too small for him to swim in as it passes through a fort surrounded by the decayed remains of guardians, so he’s forced to continue on foot. He finally catches up with her as he emerges from the forest surrounding the fort.
     It’s a rather violent reunion—there’s a massive explosion below the cliffs on the other side of the river followed by the pained screeching of bokoblins and the stench of burning flesh. Sidon catches a glimpse of yellow and a high-pitched chime before a red barrel adorned with a white skull and crossbones hurtles toward the monster camp below the cliffs, exploding on impact. The screeching doubles in volume, and the prince watches as Zelda descends upon the monsters making the noise.
     Even from the river on the outskirts of the camp, Sidon can hear the wet thud of blade meeting flesh and smell the metallic-sulfur of monster blood. Zelda wrenches her sword from the torso of the first bokoblin and dodges a strike from another just before it hits her. She’s behind it before it can retaliate, bringing her blade down upon its head. It catches on the horn atop the creature’s skull, causing the already chipped metal to splinter and break off. Zelda takes this in stride, shoving the now jagged blade in the bokoblin’s neck. It falls with a pig-like squeal, its bat falling out of its grip and into the fire at the center of the camp. One last monster flees for its life, but arrows riddle its back before it can get far. Zelda stands in the center of the destruction, breath coming in pants, purple blood smeared across her face.
     Just as Sidon climbs onto the shore, he spots a stray bokoblin out of the corner of his eye. It’s severely burned and limping, but alive. Its bluish-green skin is colored red as it nocks a fire arrow and aims for a bomb barrel that had escaped the initial detonation, laying on its side behind a pillar. Out of Zelda’s field of vision. No more than ten paces from where she now crouches, wrenching the fang out of the charred remains of a bokoblin.
     There’s no time to think. Sidon charges toward Zelda, grabbing her around the waist and hauling her up with one arm. She (expectedly, really) lets out a shriek of surprise as she’s lifted off the ground. Behind them, the fire arrow whizzes through the air, carrying with it the sound of roaring flames. It explodes upon contact with the bomb barrel at the same moment that Sidon leaps into the air, aiming for the river. White-hot shrapnel makes contact with his scales. The pain barely registers as he and Zelda crash into the water, breaking the surface a moment later. Zelda squirms out of his grip and hauls herself up on the bank opposite the camp, coughing.
     “What in Hylia’s name—” she wheezes.
     “You wouldn’t have noticed in time,” Sidon says through gritted teeth. The source of the tension in his jaw isn’t sourced from any frustration with her, but the feeling of wooden splinters and a few rather sharp rocks embedded in his back. He hisses as he climbs on the bank beside her, collapsing on his stomach.
     “Don’t move,” Zelda says. There’s no trace of harshness in her tone as there had been before, but an edge is still present. Sidon obeys without question. Now that the adrenaline is no longer coursing through his veins, he has no desire to move. “This isn’t going to feel good, but it will help.”
     Sidon grits his teeth as Zelda begins pulling the shrapnel from his back. She works efficiently, only taking a few minutes to finish. Sidon moves to sit up, but she stops him with a single touch. Soft blue light radiates from her hands as she passes over his wounds, bringing with it the soothing coolness of running water and the scent of salt. It feels like—
     “Mipha’s Grace,” Sidon says softly. Zelda merely nods, eyes flitting to the trident strapped to his back. She sits back on her heels when she’s finished, and Sidon takes that as his cue to sit up.
     “That was incredibly stupid,” Zelda says. “But thank you.”
     “No need,” Sidon replies. They stare at each other for a long moment, tense silence stretching between them. Words refuse to come to him no matter how hard he searches.
     After what seems like an eternity, Zelda gets to her feet and motions for Sidon to follow. They go back the way he’d come, into the trees and to a hastily-made encampment standing near a small pond. Zelda sits on a moss-covered log near the fire, turning a spit skewering a few Hyrule bass. Sidon’s mouth waters. It’s been too long since he’s had freshly caught fish—he’s been so focused on his task of finding Zelda that he hasn’t bothered with anything other than the rations packed for him.
     “What are you doing here, Sidon?” Zelda asks finally.
     “I was looking for you,” he answers. “I have been for a little while.”
     “I see,” she says, eyes intense and unreadable. “Why?”
     “A few reasons.”
     Sidon retrieves the Lightscale Trident from his back as he sits on the log next to her. It glitters in the light of the fire, magnificent as ever. Zelda turns her attention from the fish to stare at it. Silence descends upon them once more. Sidon is the one to break it this time.
     “This belonged to Mipha, as I’m sure you remember,” he says. “My father intended to give it to you upon your return to the Domain, both as a reward for freeing Vah Ruta and a hope that Mipha’s spirit would guard you as long as you carried it.”
     “She already does.” Zelda stares at her hands, refusing to look him in the eye.
     “Even so, I’m certain she would want you to have it,” Sidon says. He presses the handle into her hands, and she finally looks up at him. “So please.”
     “If you insist,” she replies. She holds the trident close to her for a moment before gingerly resting it on the ground behind them. “But I must ask—why deliver it to me personally? I thought you made it clear that you never wanted to see me again.”
     Sidon has thought about what he’d say to Zelda when he finally found her ever since he left Zora’s Domain. He’s run through the speech in his head time and time again, so sure that she would be impressed by his eloquence and grant him forgiveness without a second thought. Now, though, the words so carefully crafted in his mind refuse to come to him. It’s entirely too difficult to plan what he’s going to say when she’s looking at him like that, emerald piercing straight into him, straight through him— 
     “I’m sorry,” he blurts, decidedly un-princelike. “I let my pain and anger blind me and I lashed out at you. What happened all those years ago can’t be changed, and staying angry with you isn’t useful to anyone. I nearly stopped you from doing the very thing that set Mipha’s spirit free. I may be undeserving of your forgiveness, but all I can do is ask for it.”
     Zelda stares up at him, eyes wide. Sidon doesn’t waver, though he still feels as if she’s seeing right into his soul. He nearly yelps in surprise when she surges forward and wraps her arms around his neck in an embrace. It’s a nearly perfect recreation of their last interaction before Zelda boarded Ruta, but this time, Sidon returns Zelda’s gesture. All he can hear is the gentle crackling of the fire, the wind blowing over the cliffs, and the croaking of frogs, though he’s sure his pounding heart is loud and clear in Zelda’s ears.
     “I’m going to make this right,” she says. “I won’t fail again. I’ll free the rest of the Champions, just as I did Mipha, and vanquish Ganon once and for all. This I promise you.”
     “I believe in you,” Sidon says, prompting her to tighten her grip. “Know you are always welcome in Zora’s Domain.”
     “Thank you,” Zelda whispers. She releases her grip on him, wiping her face with the back of her hand. Sidon averts his gaze, giving her a moment of privacy.
     The charcoal-like scent of burning food wafts through the air, accompanied by a curse from Zelda and the sound of her scrambling back to the fire. The fish aren’t burned too badly—there’s only a faint black mark on one side. Zelda sighs and removes them from the spit, offering one to Sidon, who gratefully accepts. They’re plain, lacking even a bit of salt, but the flesh is hot and deliciously flaky as well as the only freshly prepared food he’s had in days.
     “I’m normally a better cook than this, I promise,” Zelda says, and Sidon chuckles. She sends him a glare out of the corner of her eye, but there’s no anger behind it. She may even be smiling. The fire hisses and pops as water is poured over it and the ashes scattered.
     “Thank you for the fish, regardless of them being burned.” Sidon laughs when Zelda glares at him again.
     “I was going to offer to take you back to Zora’s Domain, but perhaps I’ll retract my offer,” she sniffs in faux haughtiness as she finishes clearing her encampment.
     “I assure you I don’t need an escort.”
     “Oh, I don’t doubt that. But I can get you there much more quickly than you could ever get there on foot.”
     “And how is that?” Sidon asks, head tilted slightly.
     Zelda doesn’t answer. Instead, she pulls the Sheikah Slate from her hip and pulls up the map, tapping on one of the many blue icons. She extends her hand and looks up at him expectantly. He takes it a bit hesitantly, taking note of the way his hand dwarfs hers. Before he can ask her what it is she’s planning, she taps on the Slate once more and the world dissolves into blue light.
     Sidon stumbles a bit when he and Zelda materialize on the pedestal of the shrine in the Domain. He doesn’t realize how tightly he’s gripping her hand until she visibly winces, and he relinquishes it with mumbled apologies. Were it not for the twinkle of amusement in her eyes, he’d feel a bit more guilty. His scales prickle as he runs his hands up and down his arms as if to check that all of him is there.
     “Well,” he says, “you certainly weren’t kidding.”
     Zelda laughs, and his chest tightens a bit. The ghostly blue of luminous stone combined with the faint glow of the Sheikah Slate’s display playing off her face makes for a captivating picture, made only more so when she looks up at him with a smile. The shrine chamber of the Domain gets very little daylight, but Sidon swears he can feel the sun’s warmth on his scales.
     “I should get back,” Zelda says, snapping him out of his reverie. “I believe I’m on the brink of deciphering one of the puzzles a shrine is locked behind. Something about a statue and dark light.”
     “But you’ll be back?” Sidon nearly bites his tongue, embarrassed by his overly hopeful tone.
     “I’ll return,” Zelda promises. “And Sidon...thank you.”
     Sidon nods, and with one last smile, Zelda dissolves into strings of blue light that ascend through the ceiling of the shrine’s chamber and out of sight. Sidon stares at the spot she was just standing for a moment before making his way to the throne room, eager to inform King Dorephan of his success. He laughs at the startled reaction from the guard outside the shrine chamber as he passes, and the final cloud hanging over the Zora’s Domain finally parts.
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Source: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2013
Huge thank you to @keithvalentinex​ for providing the raw scans!
Q1. How did you feel when a sequel game got green light?
A: Not only were we fortunate to receive many passionate messages and feedback from the players, but we also received the news of an anime adaption alongside a game sequel, so amidst the joy, I also remember a distinct feeling of responsiblity and pressure.
Q2. Does the feedback you received from the players reflect in any parts of the game?
A: The series features characters who all have very strong and distinct character traits, so they tend to stand out based solely on these specific elements, which is what made us reflect upon the scenario parts of the previous game. Therefore, in the sequel, we decided to flesh them out so we let Idea Factory know that we would like to create sceranio’s on events of their pasts, so we can give a better understanding of how they think as individuals. We received a positive response but this ultimately required quite a bit of scenarios so later both me and Nakamura suffered because of it. (lol) However, even though there is still room for improvement, I would like to think that we succeeded in creating scenario’s in which the players will get to know them on a deeper level.
Q3. Who did you struggle most with when creating the setting for the new characters?
A: Ruki. Both in terms of design and personality. At first we thought of having him be on an almost equal footing with Karlheinz in terms of power and status, so basically the character who stands at the very top of the Mukami family, with everyone following his lead as they have no other choice but to acknowledge his superiority . But he’s a Do-S...We played with various ideas like that.
Q4. What did the process of creating these characters look like?
A: After settling on their visuals and personalities, we moved on to building a set image of them. I was impressed that at the time of initial recording where we would add the voices to these characters, there was already an agreement amongst the production staff about how they viewed these brothers inside their minds. 
Q5. Were there any moments during the recording which left a strong impression on you?
A: I am sure everyone feels the same in this regard, but I was very much impressed by Midorikawa Hikaru (Ayato’s VA) and his ability to voice a single line in so many different ways and apply minor adjustment time after time. I was baffled how the same phrase could be voiced in so many different ways, and while this may be embarrassing to admit as part of the production staff, I felt as if I could learn a lot from him.
Q6. How did you approach the blood-sucking scenes?
A: We start by creating a fixed image inside our heads of how each character would suck someone’s blood. However, we initially opted to leave things up to the casted voice actors. We figured that if their voicing was somewhat off from how we envisioned it, we would guide them into the desired direction afterwards, but so far that has yet to happen! The voice actors seem to understand that the blood-sucking scenes are a huge selling point of the Diabolik Lovers franchise, so they anticipated on this and had already thought about which personal quirks they want to include in these scenes before the recording. Afterwards they would tell us things such as ‘I wanted to make it sound a little dirty’ or ‘I imagined ____ would suck blood like this’, showing us their effort to voice these characters while thinking about their personalities, which is why we - the production staff - were able to feel the unique traits of these boys through their performance as well, I believe. I cannot express with words just how greatful I am for everyone’s excellent voice work. 
Q7. When writing the scenario’s and the character dialogue, were there any conscious changes you made from the first game?
A: In the first game, there were very little interactions between the different characters, but with the introduction of the Mukami brothers, we focused on these kind of interactions where one of the Sakamaki brothers would fight with one of the Mukami brothers. Additionally, this would allow for us to express the changes in their feelings towards the main character.
Q8. What did you struggle the most with while writing the script?
A: There were just so many different scenarios to write, I recall feeling as if there was no end to it. Every time you think you’re done adjusting one part, you have to move on to the next and by the time you’re done with that, something just doesn’t feel right about the first scenario again...This game includes many scenarios about the characters’ pasts so there would be times where we suddenly went ‘...Hold on!? I feel like the previous scene doesn’t quite make sense anymore...,’ So we’d have to go back and make sure everything remained consistent.
Q9. Which character caused you the most problems while writing the script?
A: Every single one. In case of the Sakamaki brothers, all because of the same reason. For starters, despite this being a sequel game, the intial setting remains the same as before with the main character having arrived at the Sakamaki manor, , so we were worried whether or not the audience would accept this without it feeling weird or off. The Mukami brothers are then added on top of that, so we struggled a lot expressing the wavering feelings of the main character. Each of the Mukami brothers has their own dark past and setting which we came up with beforehand, so it was very difficult to then later add the element of romance to this.
Q10. Is there a character who underwent drastic changes compared to the last game?
A: No. Although the ‘MORE, BLOOD’ games feature the Sakamaki brothers struggling with an immense ‘thirst for blood’ which is different from our previous approach, so we hope this allows the players to enjoy a different side of them.
Q11. The endings are now named ‘Vampire Ending’, ‘Manservant Ending’ and ‘Brute’ Ending. Could you tell us what kind of thought you put into these names?
A: They do each have their own fixed image attached to them. We divided them into the ‘Vampire Ending’ which is supposed to be the most natural ending. The ‘Manservant Ending’ which emphasizes the element of sadism the strongest and lastly the ‘Brute Ending’ which is the most violent. Depending on the character, there might be minor changes such as the main character developing sadistic tendencies herself or it being another character who grows violent. We hope the audience will enjoy this wide array of endings.
Q12. What are parts which have greatly improved or parts you want us to focus on in comparison to the first game?
A: My apologies for repeating myself, but it would have to be the scenarios. Also please pay attention to the upgraded sprite artwork for everyone, as well as the addition of the sprites for the brothers as children!
Q13. Why do you think the series has received such a great amount of support?
A: During the development of the first set of CDs, we made them with a specific niche audience in mind, so never did we expect the franchise would grow this large. We truly are grateful. We would like to believe that Satoi-sama’s illustration are the biggest contributor in this case. I was already acquaintanced with Satoi-sama at that point but due to certain circumstances, we weren’t able to work on a project together. However, when the development for Diabolik Lovers started, I immediately reached out to her. I believe that the way she draws these Do-S Vampires as handsome guys is what the fans enjoy the most!
Q14. Please leave a message for the fans.
A: First of all, thank you all from the bottom of my heart. If it wasn’t for you guys’ reactions, we wouldn’t have been able to deliver this much content. I won’t go as far as to tell you to continue to loving ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS’ and its characters forever...! Even if it’s somewhere in the very back of your mind, I’d be happy if you could at least hold onto the fond memories of these characters. Honestly, thank you so so much.
Sakamaki brothers: Laito’s Vampire Ending. It conveys that feeling of loving someone, yet still keeping you on the edge of your seat as he doesn’t quite fully want to admit to his own feelings, even though you can tell that he does properly love the main character, which made me feel joyful inside.
Mukami brothers: Rather than one specific scene, I loved the interactions between the Mukami brothers. When they are all enjoying a meal together, they would fight over the food, or Kou would make a fuss because he wants to eat Vongole Bianco. I found it cute how they would talk in a way you’d expect from normal high school boys. 
Who would you choose in these situations? What’s the developer’s opinion?
S1. To sleep together with?
Best: Shuu, he probably wouldn’t bother me.
Worst: Reiji, he seems like the type to get upset if you don’t keep perfectly still while sleeping.
S2. To go on a trip together with?
Best: Ruki, I feel like he would come fully prepped. 
Worst: Azusa, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my trip if I get hurt because of him.
S3. To eat together with?
Best: Shuu, I feel like our eating styles would match.
Worst: Reiji, I’d constantly feel nervous.
S4. To study with?
Best: Ruki, I feel like he’d be able to explain things in a comprehensive manner.
Worst: Laito because he might just blow air into my ear all of a sudden.
S5. To go on a date with?
Best: Kou, he probably knows all the good places so it could be fun.
Worst: Kanato, I can’t stand the thought of him suddenly lashing out at me.
S6. To play a video game with?
Best: Yuma, I feel like he wouldn’t be the best at it, but it’d still be enjoyable regardless.
Worst: Subaru, he would destroy the console!
S7. To play sports with?
Best: Kou, I can imagine his sweat sparkling in the light as it bounces off him.
Worst: Reiji, he seems stiff.
S8. To go on a drive with?
Best: Ayato, it just seems fun.
Worst: Yuma, he strikes me as a speed devil. 
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twenty one: i keep waking up in rooms i don't recognize and then realizing that i am still dreaming. my therapist says this is a symptom of a dislocated knee. i have not gone running since march. everyone that i know is lying to me
when i was a kid my parents used to take us to the same restaurant for brunch every sunday. it was on the first floor of a shopping mall which had big panes of glass stitched together for a ceiling and consequently let in far more natural light than your average building, but the restaurant itself was dark. moody. the walls were black and so was all the upholstery. the coffee mugs the waitresses served you coffee in were so dark you couldn't tell how full they were unless you looked extra hard at them, which i rarely did. in most memories of this place i'm seven or eight and i only drink two things: lemon tea and milk. so i'm sitting there with my frosted plastic cup of lemon tea, methodically stirring in my syrup with a skinny metal spoon because they make their lemon tea from scratch here which means no sugar and lots of tea, and my parents are drinking from their big adult mugs, and my sister's picking apart the roasted tomato on my dad's plate, and life, well. life is simple. good.
i can't remember when we stopped going there but i know that by the time i was nine and traipsing around in the hallways of the chinese primary school my parents had transferred me to, it had closed down and been replaced with some other restaurant whose name and shape i can't recall. well before i turned sixteen that entire wing of the first floor was demolished and replaced with the monstrosity that is singapore's flagship muji store. the muji's still there today. it's got a retail area and a few showrooms showcasing lifestyle choices for the upper-middle class citizen and a cafe with a dining area marked out by eclectic hanging decor that looks like a hundred little wastepaper baskets made from twine tied together to form a spotty mural of sorts. i'm fond of the cafe. their desserts are on the expensive side but they're thoughtfully made and look pretty in pictures, prettier in person.
your childhood years are one of those things that gets shinier the further away you stand from it, like how a bad experience becomes bittersweet by necessity if you give it long enough or you'll be stuck carrying that baggage with you forever. looking back, for example, on spring, i am inclined to see the educational takeaways instead of the moments in which my brain shut off and was replaced with a vat of screaming kittens. in this way we propel ourselves forward with the wisdom of the past, scrounged together from moments of pain and deep embarrassment. in this way we find ways to stay alive.
this summer i have wound up in upperclassmen housing by some unfortunate trick of fate. my apartment suite has five bedrooms but only four of them are occupied; i live in the room at the end of the hallway. my flatmates live in the next three. it has been five days since i moved in and i am convinced all of them think that they are living with a cryptid constructed in the scp containment breach format and unsure how to let them know that they are correct without making it personal. last night i woke up after a brief period of dreaming to use the bathroom; while washing my hands in the sink one of my flatmates walked past in the hallway behind me. 'hey, it's you,' she said. 'i feel like i haven't seen you forever. i mean. i've seen you, but i haven't seen seen you, you feel me?' asleep on my feet and ready to crash facefirst into bed, i nodded. 'yes.' she stood there for a few seconds as if expecting me to say more, but i had a vending machine for a brain at the moment and couldn't find it in me to press any more buttons. i certainly could've tried. but i was tired.
when i got on campus in february i resolved to sign up for therapy sessions with the school's mental health services since i was paying an ungodly amount for 'health insurance' (not a thing in singapore, really; not necessary in most places except america, really) anyway and i might as well make use of some small part of the astronomical sum that had been deposited in the pockets of some old white people i would likely never meet in my life. i got as far as filling out the form embedded in the school website and opening the automated email i received a few days later asking me to list my free times each week. i forgot about the rest. we are therefore entering the summer of my twentieth year without a goddamn clue what the inside of my head looks like apart from the fact that it must be pretty cool in there. it has to be cool. if it isn't cool what's the point of holding onto any of it anyway? we live for the spice of life. like garlic powder. cumin. oyster sauce.
this morning i went to target to look for sugar. the dining hall here doesn't do any of its vegetables justice but their desserts are to die for, and i've found myself suffering from a mild withdrawal since i started scrambling eggs and boiling about five hundred grams of cauliflower a day for the sheer therapeutic effect of it and because i don't really know any better. the target near campus is located in a shopping mall and surrounded by miles of parking space on both ends. while walking back across that stretch of empty parking space, i came across a smear of orange on the pavement. it was an orange. or it had been. the rind had been ground into the gravely surface of the road by a repetitive smoothing action so that it looked less like a bit of roadkill and more like it had been there all along. i can't stop thinking about that orange. who the fuck drops an orange in the middle of a road? why didn't they pick it up?
i have been cursed with an idea. it came to me last night before i fell asleep and it has been sitting on my shoulder since then like the devil in the popular angel-and-devil writing device which all nine year olds are taught by their teachers in chinese class, whispering to me about how great things will be if i can teach myself the fundamentals of sound design in three days. unfortunately it is when one decides to start a war that they are forced to confront their contacts list and the vast, untraceable geography of its contents. i cannot tell you if anything will result from this. but i hope that it will.
back when i still talked to her i mentioned the idea of doing puzzles to soothe the mind once and she took to it with so much genuine enthusiasm (she was always enthusiastic. too enthusiastic. enthusiasm was the problem, and the lack of willingness to curtail it the thing that eventually nailed the coffin shut) that i went to target the next weekend and bought a set of four puzzles depicting various scenes from old disney films. over the last two weeks i have done each puzzle three times, save for the last one, in which mickey and minnie mouse waltz down a red carpet and the people on the sidelines cheer for them with champagne moustaches and glittering beads for eyes. i cannot decide if this is meaningful. i cannot see the point of summer. but i am trying.
i don't remember the name of that sunday brunch restaurant. i don't remember the names of a lot of places our parents brought us when we were children, but my sister has been on a nostalgia trip since april and sends me screenshots of old pc games we used to play together from time to time. ernie's adventures in space. timmy's sea adventures. barbie island princess. i open each image and feel something inside of me physically ache in response. it appears that despite my best efforts, i will never be seven years old again.
i'm not a huge fan of lemon tea anymore. i prefer water. how it cleanses the palate like a vacuum cleaner sucking up all the dust and grime in a musty room. it's hard to distinguish between the inside and the outside of a thing when both are the color of a blood-red sunset but we try our best, you know? we draw lines on the sidewalk with chalk and we say 'here is my side of the universe and here is yours'. we act diplomatic when inside we are drunk and slurring our words all over the bartender's white vest. and then, because there is nothing else to do on this planet, we keep on living.
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hawaiian-has-moved · 3 years
you aren’t cannon. beetlebabes is more cannon than you. at least that shit was in the musical and movie and cartoon.
Need I remind you idiots, since I have already said I'm no longer being nice to you anymore.
That I do not give a damn what you think it looked like to you in that fucked up brain of yours, it's still p*dophilia. Man it's almost sad I live this rent free in your head for existing. I just exist and your blood boils. It's cute.
Anyway, Lydia is a minor in every version.
And if you think the wedding in the movie was romantic. Man every gross man I've cringed at for being a creepo must have been true love.
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But see, that's the thing you people don't get huh? Consent. Consent does not exist to you. If it did you wouldn't fight when people say that Lydia is a minor and therefore cannot consent. It doesn't click because you found something hot about shipping this developing teen with this old as fuck perv.
But oh? Is that not enough for you, you cry, begging to justify your vile ship. Allow me to humor you and go through the other versions.
In fact! I'll analyze a whole song just for you.
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Also please look at yet another picture of Lydia obviously not having it.
Way back when I was just ten
Simple and sweet
Everywhere, fellas would stare
Out on the street
And I felt used
Kinda confused
I would refuse to look in their eyes
But now I really love creepy old guys
This is kinda obvious, she's been preyed on before by men. So basic p*do trying to gr**m a kid scenario. But the satire to the song of course is that "it's all fine now" Which it's obviously not, she's just using this to trick him so they can send him back as an end goal.
We all do!
Gum disease
Skin like grilled cheese
Saggy old asses
(Saggy old asses)
Cute and vile
Hey baby, smile
To each girl that passes
They make me blush
(Can't get enough)
Now one of 'em loves me, wants to be mine
(That's right)
Marrying my own creepy old guy!
(I'm a creepy old guy)
This is just more playing out the satire of pretending it's okay, but with Beej chiming in because he already lacks the knowledge that this is grooming and it's not okay. Tricking him into thinking this is fine to end up killing him is a breeze.
My creepy old guy, my creepy old guy
I'm so happy I could cry
Girls may seem disgusted, but we're actually just shy
It's not uncommon that I've heard about or heard someone get told that they're just shy when a gross ass old man or someone is trying to gr**m a kid. It's gaslighting and manipulation in most cases. So for them to say that it's because they're actually just shy as part of the satire is the point.
My creepy old groom (creepy old groom)
Play that wedding tune
Hey folks, step aside
(I am older, but I'm glad I waited)
And if you've watched a bootleg, you would recall Barbara right here smiling and then turning away with eyes wide, like "this is not fucking okay" Kind of look on her face. But yeah this is another one of those phrases that you hear too often in these gross situations.
'Cause here comes the bride
I am marrying my creepy old guy
(Creepy old guy, creepy old guy, creepy old guy)
He's my creepy old guy
(Creepy old guy, creepy old guy, creepy old guy!)
Fix his hair
Get him prepared
For Armageddon
Again if you have seen a bootleg, here Lydia puts a finger to her lips and goes shhhh. Because Armageddon is Beejs death.
Sure, the groom
Crawled out of a tomb
But hey, hey, it's a wedding!
He's really fucking old guys. There is a huge age gap and this is p*dophilia.
So dim the lights
Pick up some rice
Say something nice
It's my day to shine
I'm getting hitched to my creepy old guy
(It's showtime)
Creepy old guy, creepy old guy
She's marrying a creepy old guy
Have you guys seen "Lolita"?
This is just like that, but fine
I have not seen Lolita, but I have been told it's similar to this who marriage scenario and is mega bad. Now if it were Lolita fashion, that is made to ward off men, so I assume it's a movie from what info I have.
Creepy old dude, creepy old dude
Our faith has been renewed
Now love is alive!
Wave your baby girl goodbye
I am walking down the aisle
I wanna see a tear in every eye as I pass by
I know that on the outside he's disgusting
And even on the inside, he's disgusting
This whole scenario is fucking vile. He's vile.
But I know that this time, I'm makin' it right
(Making it right, making it right!)
With my family by my side
Dressed to a "T"
Fancy and formal
I found me a wife
L'chaim to life
This is so normal!
I was ignored
But now, I'm adored!
'Cause I extorted, tortured, and lied
Give it up for my underage bride!
They've done it, they have successfully tricked him into thinking this is okay with no funny business. But he's about to get stabbed. L'chaim to life is a nod at him being Jewish, also he had a Kippah in the DC version which backed this joke, but it fell off a lot ig so he doesn't have it now. Traditionally there was a lot of marrying women off to much older men for property and stuff, as most religions do/did tho. I was in a production of Fiddler on the roof for example and that was the whole premise.
Here comes the bride
Here comes the bride
God be glorified
I can't believe some cultures think this kind of thing's alright
My creepy old guy
My creepy old guy
Doesn't he deserve a chance at life?
Oh yeah, that's right
Yeah, that's right
So let's make him alive!
I am marrying my creepy old guy!
Guy, guy, guy, creepy old guy
Guy, guy, creepy old guy
Guy, guy
(I have chills)
And then they stab him and the till death do we part sign over the stage all makes sense now because the wedding vows are undone and since he's recently deceased he almost returns to the netherworld.
Etcetera etcetera... But of course you guys go tome deaf at that one when it plays if I remember right.
Oh right, the cartoon, of course, I knew just what you were thinking don't worry. You're thinking "oh well what about the comics, and the valentine cards! And and the animators who drew lewd stuff of Lydia!" Well.... Haha! Still p*dophilia! And also I have seen the infamous Lydia drawing and it's got her head shape, nose, lips, but it's not fully her. Even if it was again my first point, still p*dophilia. And yeah just because the people who worked on it drew it, doesn't make it suddenly okay. Ffs...
I couldn't even find a cartoon wedding that wasn't fan drawn to match this one. Because that doesn't exist! But I do have my favorite point to make.
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Beetlejuice's look into Lydia's future in Pest O' the West.
Now why you b*bes were busy being p*dos and gr**ming kids on the internet into thinking this shit is okay, I was mastering the art of common fucking sense.
Beej makes a joking remark that he cannot see into the future while hiding from Bully the Crud, but when he does as per usual, his puns and phrases make his magic go to work. So a crystal ball appears in front of him showing the future in the images I've provided.
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Lydia, doing a heaping pile of dishes as a ghost for bully and all of their kids, very unhappy and driven insane. Because imagine what being married to someone it's obviously wrong to be with would do to her mind. He hates seeing her like this, so he rushes to save her. Which he successfully does.
Toon is actually the one with canon evidence of this shit being not okay to him.
Also before anyone tries to say it, no the movie and cartoon aren't connected, she doesn't even live in Winter River in the cartoon that should have made it obvious. Besides she's like 14-16 in the movie. So I don't think she de-aged.
Lastly, two things that are off topic. I believe it's spelled canon, and before anyone goes saying fiction doesn't effect reality, I would like you to explain to me how being a Jedi is a official religion if that is so true.
See anon! I gave you my special, condescending talk that too two hours to type on my phone! You stalked me endlessly and I picked you as the special anon that, I didn't deletes ask for being a gross piece of shit in a minors ask box! Wow. That searching my name clicking on my asks, and typing out all that so I could live rent free in your head really.... Didn't work lol. I may have took two hours to type this, but I assure you I will forget about you in 2 days max. Because unlike you, I have better things to do than ship a minor with an ancient demon. Bye bye now, be sure to rant about me with pure rage to your house p*do friends so that my existence may spread further into other people's minds! Woo... Being famous is so tough. 😉
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cherryblossomstars · 4 years
I. Oxford (W. Ushijima)
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Taken from my AO3 series of one-shots & reposted here
Pairing: Ushijima x F!Reader
Word count: 2,636 (oops)
Genre: Fluff/Kinda crack
Summary: Aoba Johsai's volleyball team has never been able to defeat the Great Ushiwaka of Shiratorizawa. Their manager, however? She can bring him to his knees in mere seconds.
Or, Ushijima Wakatoshi is helplessly in love with Seijoh's Ace's twin sister, and the Aoba Johsai VBC is not appreciative of it.
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"Oh, really? When's your next practice match? I'll try to make it." You talk into your phone and you practically send the hinges on your twin brother's door flying.
Hajime lays on his bed and looks up at you from his phone with an annoyed face. You ignore the threatening glare being sent your way, and flop yourself onto his stomach. He groans quietly, trying not to interrupt your call, and tries to shove you off. His efforts, however, are futile and he eventually accepts his death by his sister's hands (or, more accurately, stomach).
Oikawa, who was sitting on the floor of your darling brother's room, looks away from the video game he was playing on the TV to send you a questioning look.
"Friday. Can you go?" Your boyfriend, the eternal rival of the man sitting on the floor, responds.
"Mm," You hold the phone slightly away from your face, "Hajime, did I have anything planned on Friday?"
"How the hell would I- oh, yeah, movie night." He answers.
You scrunch your face up and put the phone back against your ear, "what time's the game?"
Oikawa and Hajime immediately groan when they connect two and two together, realizing you were talking to none other than the great Ushijima Wakatoshi himself.
"She can't go!" Oikawa yells, "movie night's actually gonna be all day!"
"Then... why is it called movie night..." Your boyfriend asks. You can practically see the tilt of his head and the furrow of his brows.
"Ugh, ignore him," you stick your tongue out at your captain and lightly push your foot against his head, which he was leaning against the bed frame.
I will bite you Oikawa mouths at you.
Fucking try it you scowl at him.
He purses his lips and instead turns back around to play on your brother's Switch.
"So, what time's the game?" You ask again.
"If you will be watching movies with your team, then-"
You sigh, "seriously, what time is it gonna be? If it's before it starts then I'll be able to make it. Might have to leave early, though."
"Four thirty." He responds.
You hum in thought, "hmm... Movie night's gonna start around six. Think it'll last that long?"
"If you finish early, wanna join?" You bite back a laugh when you watch Hajime and Oikawa's heads snap towards you. Oikawa looks like he might pass out at the thought of Wakatoshi crashing an Aoba Johsai movie night, and Hajime is furiously shaking his head at you.
"I'm not sure your team would like that." Wakatoshi concludes.
You lightly laugh, "you're right, they wouldn't, but that's why I'm asking."
"What kind of manager are you?! Traitor!" Oikawa yells in distress. "Gimme that!" He makes grabby hands at your phone.
You hold him back by pressing your foot against his head, "I'll be there, Toshi. See you then. Love you."
"See you then. I love you too." Click
You put your phone down and turn your focus to your two toddlers boys. Oikawa has once again paused his game and Hajime isn't sure if he's willing to intervene the stare down going on between you and your team captain. You try to crack a smile, but he's still not impressed.
"Zumi-Chan..." He rests his chin on the edge of the bed and pouts at you, "why would you do that?"
You can't help but internally coo at the face he's making at you. You sit up, finally releasing your brother from death by crushing, and run your fingers through his hair. "Sorry, Oikawa, you know I didn't mean it."
He sits up and leans towards you, "finally gonna profess your undying love for me?"
Your eye twitches and before you can respond, a pillow hits him smack in the middle of his face and he falls back onto the floor. "O-ow! Iwa-chan... So mean..."
"Stay the hell away from my sister, Kusokawa." He threatens, holding up another pillow in preparation for another unwarranted comment.
He puffs his cheeks out, "I know, I know." He takes one of the joy-cons off and waves it in front of you, "in the mood for a round of Smash? Iwa-chan's trash." Another pillow comes flying at him, but he effectively dodges it. Hajime takes another pillow from his bed and, instead of throwing it this time, just whacks him with it. Oikawa is only able to let out a whimper and crawls onto the bed, situating himself behind you.
You can't help but laugh out loud, "Oiks, you only call him trash cause you're a really sore loser."
"Not true!" He hands you a joy-con. "Now, c'mon. Let's play. You guys bought all the DLC and I wanna play as Joker."
"Prepare for a shameful defeat." You smirk and choose your character.
"Isabelle? Zumi-chan, you honestly choose the most awful characters." He huffs.
You shrug, "yeah, I know. It's gonna be a lot more humiliating if you lose to Isabelle. Prepare to get your ass handed to you, Oiks."
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Until your third year at Kitagawa Daiichi, your world had been blue. Kitagawa Daiichi's school colors had been blue. Your brother and Oikawa have always worn blue. Those two had been your whole life. Hajime, your twin brother, who you loved dearly. When you were born, you were literally born blue. Because you were a weak baby, the nurse had stuck your twin into the same incubator as you. This resulted in an almost immediate improvement in your health, and the both of you are rarely seen apart. Oikawa, your brother's best friend (and also therefore yours), whose soul cannot be described as anything but a bright, burning blue flame has never failed to be there for you, either.
Your world has always been surrounded by blue. Aoba Johsai's colors were white and blue for God's sake. It's a color you've grown to love. It was familiar, it had an all-enveloping warmth. When you thought of the people and the things you loved, you'd have to think of the color blue, too.
And then Shiratorizawa brought in their new cannon, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Being a star volleyball player yourself, you had been too busy with your own games and tournaments throughout your middle school career to make it to a lot of the boys' volleyball games to support Hajime and Oikawa. You'd heard complaints about the Great Ushiwaka from not only Oikawa, but the whole volleyball team. The first time you'd actually seen Ushiwaka in person was on the court against your junior high in your third year.
With the third year of junior high came the great Ushiwaka, who crashed into your life and completely and unapologetically shattered your blue world. With him came a drop of maroon, and suddenly everything was different.
Kitagawa had lost. Oikawa was beyond upset, but swore he would defeat Ushiwaka one day. You waited at the gymnasium's foyer for the boys' volleyball team to finish their huddle so you could comfort your friends.
Shiratorizawa had finished their huddle first and began to leave. While most of them had already left the building, there you stood right in front of the gym's entrance and pointing a finger at the ace of the opposing team. Said ace still recalls this memory fondly, since it was the first time the both of you had met.
"You're awful." You had said with an accusatory finger pointed directly at his face.
The stolid face of Ushijima Wakatoshi had broken into one of shock. This girl, who was wearing a Kitagawa volleyball jacket and had to practically tilt her head at a ninety degree angle just to look at him, had just called him awful.
"I apologize if I have upset-"
You dropped your hand to rest on your hip. "Your spikes are ridiculous. It's obvious your setter was having a hard time keeping up with you. You need to be more consistent with your spikes. And your form needs some fixing too. If you're able to maintain your form, you're open to a lot more options while you're still in mid-air."
He tilts his head, "why are you giving me advice? I am your enemy."
You shrugged, "volleyball is volleyball. As a setter myself, it pisses me off when your spikes and your setter's sets aren't connecting well."
"You are a setter?"
You nodded, "yep." A smirk made its way to your face, "that said... You're actually really impressive. No, actually you're incredible. Especially in middle school. You've got more room for improvement, but seriously... I've never seen an ace like you before. Good job out there today."
"You are not upset I defeated your team?" He was normally confused in the manners of other people's feelings, but you were another anomaly entirely.
"You've got amazing skills. Sometimes it just can't be helped." You explained. "Don't get me wrong though. I'm upset that my team is upset. But as for the loss itself... it was a fair game. It's not like you cheated." You see Hajime and Oikawa enter the foyer. "Sorry, gotta go. But consider what I said, 'kay?"
"Yes." He nodded.
"Oh! I'm Iwaizumi [Name], by the way. I'll be going to Aoba Johsai next year."
He furrowed his brows, why was she telling him this? "I'm Ushijima Wakatoshi. I will be attending Shiratorizawa next year."
"Good." You begin to walk off, hands in your jacket's pockets, "I'd better see you at the spring high tournament next year, then. See you around, Ushiwaka."
Ushiwaka. Ah, so she's friends with Oikawa. "Set for me."
You spun around, "eh?"
"Set for me. You told me what I need to improve on and that my setter is having trouble keeping up with me. You said you are a setter."
"W-Well, yeah, but..."
"Then set for me. You want to improve as a setter, and I want to improve as an ace."
What Hajime and Oikawa don't know won't kill them. You held your hand out, and he gave you his phone. You quickly typed it in. "I'm usually free on weekends. I have morning practice on Mondays and Thursdays, so I'm free after school then. Afternoon practice on all the other weekdays. I'm out by six thirty on those days. Got it?"
He didn't, but he nodded anyway.
And thus, you were given the title of Ushiwaka's favorite setter.
Regardless, it was still hard to deal with the malice of Shiratorizawa when you went to their practice games. You were sticking out like a sore fucking thumb. You had come after school, meaning you were still in your Aoba Johsai uniform. You had gotten permission to be on campus, of course, but the intimidation just came with being from a rival school. You stood on the balcony, watching the boys stretch before their practice match. You gave a little wave to your boyfriend when you made eye contact, which he returned with a small smile. Tendou Satori watched him with confusion before turning to what he was looking at. When he noticed you, he excitedly waved at you.
"[Name]!" He yelled, a bright smile taking over his face. His exclamation caused not only the Shiratorizawa volleyball boys to turn to look at you, but the other team turned in curiosity as well. You mentally face palmed and felt your face grow red.
You gave a sheepish wave and the Shiratorizawa boys greeted you with glee before getting yelled at by Coach Washijo.
The first part of the game went well, but at the beginning of the second set the opposing team's setter landed the wrong way and hurt his ankle really badly. With him being the only setter, the opposing team wasn't sure what to do. Both they and Shiratorizawa wanted to continue, but without a setter...
"Iwaizumi, can you set?" Coach Washijo called from the floor, turning to look at you. Consequently, so did everyone currently on the gym floor.
"Eh? Me?" You pointed at yourself, "but... Um, I'm a girl."
"It's a practice match." He said matter-of-factly.
"I-Uh-I'm in uniform." You refute.
"You can't set in your uniform?" He asked.
Your eye twitches, "but... Why not make Eita-san set for them?"
"We need our pinch server." Ah, damn. You're out of rebuttals.
"Yeah, sure, I can set." You answer. "I guess." You mutter under your breath and make your way downstairs.
You strip off your school jacket, sweater, and tie and put on a practice jersey.
"Should you be playing in a skirt?" Tendou brings up.
"It's fine. I won't be jumping high enough for me to flash you guys, anyway. Besides," you smirk, "if you're paying attention to that, then your eyes aren't on the ball."
You turn to the team you will now be playing for, introducing yourself.
"Iwaizumi?" One of the players asks, "like the ace from Seijoh?"
"He's my twin brother." You explain.
"And you're a setter, huh? Good matchup. Did you learn from Oikawa, then?" He continues.
"Yeah, actually. I got into volleyball because of them. Everything I know about setting is because of Oikawa." You really hope your praise doesn't somehow make it's way to Oikawa himself. You didn't need to raise his ego any more.
"That's amazing! Let's do this, then." The team captain sets out the plan.
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While Shiratorizawa had taken the first set, the addition of you on the opposing team had allowed your side to take the second set. Tendou had called you a traitor at the end of the second set. They had taken back the third set, anyway.
You were a few minutes late to movie night with the Seijoh team, but you shot the Seijoh groupchat a quick explanation before the third set began. Wakatoshi offered to walk you home, which you gladly accepted.
"You are my favorite setter." He says to you.
"Don't let Shirabu or Eita hear you say that." You joke.
"I think you have the same effect on me as Oikawa has on his own team." He explains to you.
You look at him in shock, "that's... that's a serious compliment, Toshi. Thank you." You've always looked up to Oikawa as a fellow setter. His skill was unparalleled. People could say he wasn't a genius or a prodigy, but he more than made up for it with the hard work he put into his career. Oikawa Tooru is what every setter wants to be. Sure, that first year from Karasuno (Kadokawa? You can't remember) could set with pin-point accuracy, but Oikawa's leadership skills and experience far outclassed his. Not to mention his charisma.
"Or perhaps it is because I simply trust you with everything I have." He brings up.
"Oh, so it's not because I'm a good setter." You jokingly pout, but when you gaze up at him he has a hint of a teasing expression on his face.
He simply hums in response and the both of you stop in front of your house. Before you can even open your mouth to say something, your front door bursts open.
"There she is!" Oikawa yells, standing in front of the doorway with the rest of the Seijoh team standing behind him, barely in view. His eyes narrow at the man standing next to you. "You."
You roll your eyes, "go back inside, Oiks. I'll be right there."
"You're already half an hour late." Matsukawa mentions.
"Seriously, do you have any manners? You even brought Ushiwa-"
"Maki, seriously? Right now?" You groan and turn to face Wakatoshi once again. "The band of idiots require me. I'll see you next time, Toshi. Love you." You press a chaste kiss to his lips.
"I love you too." He waves to you as you walk inside the house. When the door shuts, he walks off and touches his lips with a soft smile.
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moonknight-ep5 · 4 years
Hello there! You mentioned in a recent post that you headcanon/interpret Caleb as having DID, and that thought never occurred to me but it is? So good? And I would like to hear more about it, if you have more to say on the matter?
i'd love to! this is a long one haha.. (@anonym-potato)
please note that i am only theorizing, and that i am a system host myself, so don't cancel me. also: please don't tag this post as anything relating to the DID/OSDD community in your reblogs! thanks!
for future reference in this post, i thought i'd need a key of some kind.
red = personal experiences
orange = scientific evidence
green = assumptions based on canon lore
blue = historical context
pink = minis
i'm basing this off of the assumption that bren and caleb alone are a system, but there could always be more.
• bren is caleb's alter, despite being the born identity. in my system, host-switches (the act of the title of "host" being given to another alter through constant fronting or a retire of position) are fairly common, one happening every few years. it's completely possible that caleb, through constant fronting (or forced fronting), has adopted the title of "host" from bren, leaving bren nearly powerless to take it back for himself.
• he went to the sanitorium for having DID, not for being insane. throughout history, it has been said that people that were seen as less than neurotypical were sent to asylums and sanitoriums (there's a difference!!) to be "fixed" and to churches to be "exorcised." in d&d, you play as characters in medieval times, where this practice was most prevalent. to medical professionals at the time, seeing a switch of any caliber could yield "unstable" behavior, which could've lead to his hospitalization. maybe he was insane when he left, but he definitely wasn't when he went in.
the eleven years. the time spent in the sanitorium is entirely blocked off from his mind, and nearly impossible, even with caleb's eclectic memory, to recall. DID has few requirements, yes, but arguably one of the most important symptoms is dissociative amnesia. this amnesia occurs during high stress situations that can constitute as trauma or while one isn't fronting, both of which are caused by dissociation (directly or indirectly). for the purposes of these theories, i'd say it's a mixture of the two.
the "cure." while caleb was recalling his time at the hospital, he remembered that there was a woman that helped him get rid of the "cloudiness" from his mind. DID is a trauma based disorder caused by amnesia. "getting rid" of his trauma would cause amnesia. keeping his trauma would cause amnesia. it's a paradox with no happy ending. as a result, all the woman got rid of, in my opinion, was his vegetative state. this is why there are still times where you could conclude that caleb is still unstable. there's many of these moments in c2 so i'd rather not sift through them all.
• DID and its causes. intense, repeated traumatic experiences during childhood/early adolescence (around 7-11, with a few years error) causes DID. according to the timeline of his backstory, he was approached by the representatives of the soltryce academy at around 9 years old, which means he started working with ikithon at 10. this puts him just under the threshold of the most apparent developmental stage for this disorder.
• "caleb widogast" seems like such a fake name, not even with alias standards.
• caleb has been seen dissociating for hours at a time. if you're new to the program: after fights where he gets a hdywtdt on a humanoid while using pyromancy, caleb has to make a wisdom saving throw to avoid dissociation. this dissociation could last for hours, whether it be active dissociation (blankness while doing menial tasks) or full dissociation (unable to move, talk, or think). only something intense could snap him out of it, whether it be a slap of the face or a kiss on the head (that scene lives rent free in my head).
• some of caleb's attributes are changed from time to time. caleb likes a lot of things: bread, the scraggly hobo life, books, and numbers, to name a few, though there are times where some of these likes get shifted into obsessions, where caleb likes spellcasting, but bren loves the idea of staying up late and working on a spell with no sleep (and that counts as a point of exhaustion for both of them, not just one, because they share the body and therefore have to take care of it). it's not either of their faults, its just how they were conditioned during the time of their trauma.
• caleb has canonically talked to himself in the third person.
• constant polymorphs and shapeshifting alters. in my system, there is a veth fictive that can shapeshift between "veth" and "nott." she has admitted to using this ability to stay "front-stuck" (where an alter physically cannot switch out) because she can't switch when out of her "true form." now think of it like this: caleb and polymorph, especially in recent history. there's a tag going around, reading "*polymorphs into a creature to stupid to be depressed*" in reference to caleb's now constant use of the spell. it could just be us, but its still something to think about.
• there has been a "switch" in canon. i mentioned in the original post that there was a scene in canon where caleb has been seen switching, as a result of a confrontation from trent ikithon and the cerberus assembly. (don't mind the watermark im not rich)
this is a switch as a result of an auditory trigger. the hearing of one's name, a song, or even a random word adversely connected to trauma can be considered an auditory trigger. hearing bren's name, especially from trent, caused caleb to get immediately defensive and angry. when the camera pans back to caleb after everyone's reactions, you see him hyperventilating slightly with a face of worry, shut his eyes tight, and open them with a slack face to get a sense of his surroundings. he also leans near beau, someone who he could ask for context or reason, but then thinks against it as he remembers: they don't know.
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turtle-paced · 4 years
Revisiting Chapters: The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD
I know, I know, I promised this for last week, but I had to pace myself with that last scene. The recap is also available on my wordpress.
The story so far…
Having opened the Neck and secured some support from Barrowton, Very Definitely Theon Greyjoy is not so cordially invited to the wedding of Very Definitely Arya Stark and Ramsay Very Definitely Bolton.
Content warning: this chapter ends with a rape scene. The recap contains discussion of the sexual violence depicted. Fourth subheading, if you want to avoid it.
False Identities
That’s the thing this chapter. With his return to Winterfell to assist in the marriage of a girl who is not Arya Stark, Theon’s starting to feel the cracks in the Reek identity that’s been forced on him. Once again he’s been jammed back into playing Theon. His first reference to himself in his internal narration this chapter is Theon Greyjoy.
The girl Theon starts the chapter attending to is referred to as “the bride,” and she is terrified. Jeyne starts by trying to convince herself that it will be okay.
“I will be a good wife to him, and t-true…I will please him and give him sons. I will be a better wife than the real Arya could have been, he’ll see.”
In case anyone was thinking that Jeyne deserved something bad to happen to her because she was mean to Arya, this fact is brought up again. In the context of Jeyne desperately seeking validation that she’s pretty enough not to be brutalised by the man she’s being forced to marry. As if that might work. She knows the problem. She can’t maintain that lie.
“He knows who I am, though. Who I really am. I see it when he looks at me. He looks so angry, even when he smiles, but it’s not my fault. They say he likes to hurt people.”
Jeyne is not Arya. She is not another Stark for Ramsay to torment. Which only means she’s going to be hurt for that particular offence as well. Theon models her some denial, telling Jeyne that Theon deserved to be hurt for making Ramsay angry, and that Ramsay is a sweet and kindly man. He advises (begs really) that Jeyne stop even alluding to the fact that she’s supposed to be someone who isn’t Arya Stark - just like Theon isn’t supposed to be Theon anymore.
This is made damn near impossible because Theon and Jeyne have been shoved into Theon- and Arya-shaped molds to enact a bit of political pageantry.
Theon Greyjoy had grown up with Arya Stark. Theon would have known an imposter. If he was seen to accept Bolton’s feigned girl as Arya, the northern lords who had gathered to bear witness to the match would have no grounds to question her legitimacy.
And therefore Ramsay’s claim to Winterfell through his wife.
Theon, meanwhile, is thinking of his own forcible return to being Theon for a time. The mummer’s farce. Theon cannot bear to trust even in part Roose’s comments about possibly installing Theon as Lord of the Iron islands. Note that the one detail of Theon’s wedding outfit that’s given to us is a crude iron kraken cloak pin. Much like Theon, it has been roughly hammered into a Greyjoy shape.
For all Theon says the solution for him and Jeyne is to keep up the pretenses forced upon them, in his internal monologue he’s got mixed feelings about it.
For a long moment [Jeyne] did not speak, but those eyes were begging. This is your chance, he thought. Tell them. Tell them now. Shout out your name before them all, tell them that you are not Arya Stark, let all the north hear how you were made to play this part. It would mean her death, of course, and his own as well, but Ramsay in his wroth might kill them quickly. The old gods of the north might grant that small boon.
Jeyne does not say it. Theon does not say it. The wedding proceeds, and Theon is left alone beneath the heart tree to continue his existential crisis (the one he has on top of all the other bad stuff that’s happened to him).
He was ironborn, a son of Pyke, his god was the Drowned God of the islands…but Winterfell was long leagues from the sea. It had been a lifetime since any god had heard him. He did not know who he was, or what he was, why he was still alive, why he had even been born.
And then he gets an answer.
“Theon,” a voice said.
It’s so perfect it actually could be divine intervention. Not only is this one of the most grounding things Theon could have heard, an affirmation that yes, he’s Theon, it’s quite possibly Bran himself speaking to Theon. A Stark, and a Stark injured by Theon’s actions, recalling Theon Greyjoy with all his mistakes and failures. Whether maybe-Bran intended it or not, whether or not Theon fully realises it, it’s a stunning if subtle act of cosmic grace.
With that prompting, Theon starts to think back. He gets annoyed at Jeyne for looking to him for a rescue, “like some hero in the stories she and Sansa used to love”. Most importantly,
I learned to fight in this yard, he thought, remembering warm summer days spent sparring with Robb and Jon Snow under the watchful eyes of old Ser Rodrik. That was back when he was whole, when he could grasp a sword hilt as well as any man. But the yard held darker memories as well. This was where he had assembled Stark’s people the night Bran and Rickon fled the castle. Ramsay was Reek then, standing at his side, whispering that he should flay a few of his captives to make them tell him where the boys had gone. […] None of them would help me. I had known them half my life, and not one of them would help me.
Now that’s some Theon! The good and the bad. This is key to Theon recalling the real Theon, in total, the sum of all his past choices. Not anyone’s image of Theon, but the person Theon made himself. The Theon who isn’t Ramsay’s plaything.
A Ghost of Winterfell
This is the first time since ACoK we’ve had a chapter physically set in Winterfell, so the time spent on describing how the place looks and feels now is time well spent.
Beyond [the godswood’s] confines, a hard white frost gripped Winterfell. The paths were treacherous with black ice, and hoarfrost sparkled in the moonlight on the broken panes of the Glass Gardens. Drifts of dirty snow had piled up against the walls, filling every nook and corner.
It’s not as though there’s no frost on Winterfell when the Starks are in residence, but the language here definitely reflects the new regime. (See also ‘A Ghost in Winterfell’.) No associations of cleanliness or purity here (see ‘Sansa VI, ASoS’) - Winterfell under Bolton occupation is full of dirt, treachery, and broken glass.
However, emphasising the soul of Winterfell, the godswood is in some ways unchanged and unaffected. Even by winter. The ground is unfrozen and the visible signs of Bolton occupation don’t touch the physical aspects of central point. That said, even Theon notes the empathic weather going on during the wedding:
He had never seen the godswood like this, though - grey and ghostly, filled with warm mists and whispered voices that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere. Beneath the trees, the hot springs steamed. Warm vapors rose from the earth, shrouding the trees in their moist breath, creeping up the walls to draw grey curtains across the watching windows.
Basically, the place is haunted, another thing that’s made explicit.
It felt like some strange underworld, some timeless place between the worlds, where the damned wandered mournfully for a time before finding their way down to whatever hell their sins had earned them.
Though that much is probably Theon projecting. He’s not the first one to find Winterfell’s godswood almost oppressive to outsiders. Specifically, in the godswood, Theon feels watched and judged. The people around him don’t feel (or look) like people. And there are a bunch of ravens roosting in the trees, thickest on the heart tree. The entire scene is claustrophobic and almost self-consciously a setpiece. A wedding in a quiet, wintry hell.
As we leave the wedding and therefore the godswood, we get a sharper, clearer look at the damage to Winterfell. “More ruin than redoubt.” Roofs have fallen in, the crops are dead, people are living in the ruins. Hanged workers are along the walls. The doors are new and roughly made. The interior stone is smoke-stained and the new roof timbers raw.
In total, everything in Winterfell castle is ruined, violent, and ugly, when Theon recalls Winterfell as a place of summertime safety. The wrongness of the setting shows the wrongness of the current administration.
Beyond the Walls
Even though this chapter is a setpiece, we’re reminded of the things going on around Winterfell. First, ‘Abel’ the bard shows up. Hooray, a random singer, appearing out of nowhere in a northern late autumn! Abel and his ‘washerwomen’ are going to become a bit more prominent in the next Theon chapters - and of course, readers already know from Jon’s chapters just who Abel is and why he’s there.
The context of the entire feast is, of course, preparation to fight Stannis, as Roose’s wedding speech recalls. 
“I am sorry that our good friend Stannis has not seen fit to join us yet,” [Roose] went on, to a ripple of laughter, “as I know Ramsay had hoped to present his head to Lady Arya as a wedding gift.”
Beyond Stannis, we get a look at what Barbrey Dustin’s thinking about the past and future of the North. First she sizes up Wyman Manderly and judges him a coward. She thinks he’ll piss himself when Stannis shows up. She also tells Theon that Roose knows exactly how treacherous Manderly is. Specifically, she tells Theon how Roose is watching for Manderly to poison him.
Theon has his doubts about Barbrey’s assessment, based on what he saw of the younger Manderlys in battle. Given what the reader knows about the pies, and what the reader has seen in Davos’ chapters, we know that Theon’s right and Barbrey’s wrong. Manderly’s got one over everyone here.
But Barbrey goes further.
“Truth be told,” she said, “Lord Bolton aspires to more than mere lordship. Why not King of the North? Tywin Lannister is dead, the Kingslayer is maimed, the Imp is fled. The Lannisters are a spent force, and you were kind enough to rid him of the Starks. Old Walder Frey would not object to his fat little Walda becoming a queen. White Harbor might prove troublesome should Lord Wyman survive this coming battle…but I am quite sure we will not. No more than Stannis. Roose will remove both of them, as he removed the Young Wolf. Who else is there?”
“You,” said Theon. “There is you. The Lady of Barrowton, a Dustin by marriage, a Ryswell by birth.”
Interesting. Now, Barbrey’s political judgement has just been called into question by her assessment of Manderly, but it’s something to keep an eye on. (Note also the complete omission of Queen Regent Cersei Lannister from Barbrey’s list of Lannisters there. Barbrey hasn’t even met any of the Lannisters, so far as we know. Cersei’s not entirely wrong when she thinks people disregard her because of her gender.) But it’s a look at what some parties might want from the future. Barbrey paints a picture of a man who will seek out power not because he has anything in particular he wants from it, but because he can. Theon’s suggestion that Barbrey herself could make a tilt at the throne is weaker, but Barbrey clearly likes the idea of having power.
As soon as maesters enter the room, we get a better idea of what she might like that power for.
“If I were queen, the first thing I would do would be to kill all those grey rats.”
Barbrey believes that maesters conspire to rule through the people they advise. There’s a decent measure of anti-bastard prejudice to her beliefs, blaming maesters for getting rid of their bastard names and ‘laundering’ their identities. If anything, Barbrey seems to get carried away here, railing against one Maester Walys, who advised Rickard Stark back in the day, and who Barbrey seems rather bitter about given “the Tully marriage”.
This is interrupted by the announcement of more news about Stannis, which the maesters came to deliver. Roose announces he’s received word that Stannis has left Deepwood Motte, recruited the hill clans, and is heading for Winterfell. Hosteen Frey shows some of his own temperament by shouting advice to ride forth and attack; Theon’s internal monologue notes the pre-arranged treachery Roose has waiting in the Karstarks. The feast winds up as the lords present go to meet with Roose…and while the marriage that opened the chapter is consummated.
Another Grim Wedding
It’s just that everyone’s pretending that it’s not.
The disregard for Jeyne’s wellbeing starts from the word go, as we see her in her wedding dress, which Theon sums up as “pretty, but not warm.” For an outdoor, late autumn wedding at a northerly latitude. Jeyne as a prop is more important than Jeyne as a person. No help is coming, because Theon’s participation is intended to silence any questions about Jeyne’s identity as Arya: “if a few entertained private doubts, surely they would be wise enough to keep those misgivings to themselves,” as Theon thinks.
The wedding feast itself is opened by Roose joking about giving Jeyne Stannis’ head as a wedding present, which sounds like a registry gift that Ramsay would arrange, all right, if not useful or desirable otherwise.
Wyman Manderly provides the catering, and this quietly furthers the mystery of the three missing Frey guests. Amongst the other food and drink Manderly brought, he brings three gigantic pork pies. Wyman himself serves it to Roose Bolton and Walda Frey Bolton.
“The best pie you have ever tasted, my lords,” the fat lord declared. “Wash it down with Arbor gold and savour every bite. I know I shall.”
So that’s where the missing Freys got to. Manderly’s pie. Which he served to their relatives at a wedding. In case you missed it, after the feast, when Manderly’s drunk, Theon passes him in the hall mumbling a request for a song about the Rat Cook (who slew a guest beneath his roof and served that guest to his father in a pie).
What makes the entire party even more awful is the knowledge of what comes when it’s over. Neither Jeyne nor Theon manage to eat much (pie included! Symbolically, neither are partaking of vengeance against the Boltons, being more concerned with their own survival). Theon notes that Jeyne is petrified and considers what he might do about it.
I have no way to save her, he thought, but I could kill her easy enough. I could beg her for the honour of a dance and cut her throat. That would be a kindness, wouldn’t it? And if the old gods hear my prayer, Ramsay in his wroth might strike me dead as well.
And after the political detour with Barbrey, we get to the end of the party, as we had to. Jeyne and Theon, alone in a room with Ramsay, completely within his power. It’s about four pages in my ebook version. Four harrowing pages.
Just like Ramsay’s wedding clothes were made to resemble bloody wounds, he’s gone and applied Dead Stark Chic to his bedroom as well. Specially brought in from Barrowton, Theon points out. The canopy of the bed is blood-red velvet. The chair is black oak with a red leather seat. The OTT nature of Ramsay’s aesthetics speaks to his deadly serious insecurity.
It’s also clear that he’s getting off not just on violence alone, but on violence against people with the surnames of Stark and Greyjoy. 
“You gave the wench to me. Who better to unwrap the gift? Let’s have a look at Ned Stark’s little daughter.”
She is no kin to Lord Eddard, Theon almost said. Ramsay knows, he has to know. What new cruel game is this?
The emphasis he places on them during this scene is on the stations they hold in public. Jeyne as a Stark, Theon as the former conqueror of Winterfell. Ramsay clearly finds pleasure in controlling and degrading them, as well as simply physically hurting them. Earlier, Barbrey Dustin said that Roose enjoyed playing with men. It’s clear that Ramsay does the same, from the power games he plays with both Jeyne and Theon. Instead, he uses them to act out something else:
“Would you like to fuck her first?” He laughed. “The Prince of Winterfell should have that right, as all lords did in days of old. The first night. But you’re no lord, are you? Only Reek.”
Given what we know about Ramsay’s bio-parents (and what Ramsay quite possibly represses), Ramsay holding a “first night” themed rape on his own wedding night is a whole ‘nother psychosexual level of urgh. With some class resentment thrown in.
He does not allow Jeyne even as much control as undressing herself, instead ordering Theon to render her clothing unusable. When she’s naked, Theon and through him the reader are reminded how young she is.
A child. […] Sansa’s age.
Thirteen. Theon can also see that someone’s whipped Jeyne in the past. She also says that she’s been “trained” to please a man. That, we can put at Littlefinger’s feet.
Ramsay further demonstrates his control over Theon by not only allowing Theon to wield a knife throughout the scene, but ordering him to use it. Theon is aware that he could turn it on Ramsay himself. Theon is aware that he could use it on Jeyne. He thinks of both over the course of the evening, going to far as to weigh up the advantages he might gain from surprise.
Another trap, he told himself, remembering Kyra with her keys. He wants me to try and kill him. And when I fail, he’ll flay the skin from the hand I used to hold the blade.
Note the “when”. Theon considers his failure a foregone conclusion. He is so terrorised by the prospect of yet more pain and so mentally beaten down that he cannot truly imagine a way out of his situation. All thoughts of killing Ramsay and helping Jeyne escape are reduced to ineffectual fantasising when Theon’s confronted with the real prospect of acting on those thoughts. This culminates in some of the final lines of the chapter, when Ramsay orders Theon to directly participate in raping Jeyne (a situation which is also rape of Theon).
Somewhere in the godswood, a raven screamed. The dagger was still in his hand.
He sheathed it.
Reek, my name is Reek, it rhymes with weak.
Theon is acutely aware that Ramsay put him into a situation where he had everything he needed to kill Ramsay and escape - except will. He is acutely aware that Jeyne is suffering from his failure to use the knife. This is not portrayed anything like Brienne’s internal condemnation of the knights who stood by, though. This is a depiction of lack of action through enforced weakness. Theon too is a victim in this scene. If anything, he’s even further trapped by Ramsay’s forcing him to participate.
And on that horrible confirmation that both Theon and Jeyne remain in Ramsay’s power for the time being, suffering and aware of their powerlessness, the chapter ends.
Chapter Function
The political action of the chapter is pretty clear: this wedding in Winterfell is intended to help the Boltons co-opt the Stark claim to the North. However, the chapter also serves to remind us that people aren’t planning to sit down and accept it. Our PoV character for this event is one of a very few people present who can tell us for sure that Jeyne is not Arya, and this whole thing’s a political sham. The fact that it is a political sham is front and centre. Nobody’s being real here except maybe the Boltons. Barbrey’s hiding her grudges, Manderly’s starting work on his revenge, and central to the entire chapter are Jeyne and Theon, forced into playing parts they don’t want for a cause they don’t support, regardless of the harm it does to them.
In terms of Theon’s character arc, I tend to consider this the midpoint. Theon is aware of what he’s been made by Ramsay’s torture, and now he’s become aware of the Theon he once was. He sees the gap and starts bridging it by recalling his past. Including his bad choices. With awareness of his bad choices, however, comes the awareness that there are better choices out there. It’s just taking Theon a bit of time to work himself up to them, in light of what he’s suffered.
Politically, we get the usual mishmash of various plots advanced incrementally, all leading up to that big treacherypalooza we might end up calling the Battle of Winterfell. Stannis is marching on Winterfell with the hill tribes. Mance Rayder’s scoping out the situation on behalf of Jon Snow. Manderly’s feeding Freys to other Freys. Arnolf Karstark’s nearly in position to betray Stannis. Roose and Barbrey are considering a post-Stannis and post-Lannister winter.
Admist all of that, Theon’s pondering about how he and Jeyne could possibly escape Ramsay is a bleak little thing, because as yet he’s thought up no options besides death.
This is not Mance’s first time at Winterfell. This is not Mance’s first time at Winterfell while Theon was there. Theon doesn’t recognise him. He also describes Mance’s voice as “passable” and his playing “fair.”
We get the Poole coat of arms here - a blue plate on white, framed by a grey tressure. This really, really screams “steward!”
Clothing Porn
Jeyne wears white lambswool trimmed with lace, with freshwater pearls on the sleeves and bodice, plus white doeskin slippers and a white wool cloak trimmed with grey fur. This is replaced with a pink cloak spattered with teardrop-shaped garnets (Ramsay not being one to tone down even sartorial representations of violence) and the Bolton flayed man on the back in red leather.
Ramsay wears a black velvet doublet slashed with pink silk, garnet teardrops sewn in, with high grey leather boots.
Barbrey Dustin dresses for the occasion in unadorned black wool. It’s never out of style.
Food Porn
Manderly provides for the feast! Cod cakes, winter squash, lots of neeps, lots of cheese, beef ribs, and wedding pies filled with carrots, onions, turnips, parsnips, mushrooms, and long pork.
Next Three Chapters
Brienne VIII, AFFC - Jon VII, ACoK - Jon IX, ADWD
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Oracle of the White Rabbit
I was recently quite excited to learn about the newest Matrix movie, which was kind of weird for me, as I haven't been much into tv & movies for quite a while now. To my surprise, it was the soundtrack to the preview that immediately captured my attention - almost more then the preview itself... and then it got stuck in my head - for DAYS, on repeat. 
**Cue the Morpheus voiceover: "What you know you can't explain, but you feel it.... You don't know WHAT it is, but it's there - like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad."** Yeah, that song was dead set on getting my attention.
When I finally got rid of it, I started realizing a few days later that I understood it beyond the surface meaning; and basically, I decoded the story that it was telling - it turns out to be all about right NOW. Is it prophetic? Subconscious social engineering? Quantum entanglement between the life and the art, so that they mirror and reflect each other? Who knows...  
It appears to me to be a sort of trigger, or a reminder of what to do when the time comes, of what you NEED to do - and yes, I realize that this sounds very MK ultra secret agent-y; but it is what it is. I assumed it was probably just a message for me, but then I had 2 separate YouTuber's basically confirm the message in their own unique way, and then supplied additional info that is... quite compelling and pertinent to keep in mind, and utilize. So I'll link those two vids below the song decoding portion, but please watch them as they have some VERY helpful info in them - especially the 2nd half of Naughty Beav's vid, the Alba Weinman part. Anyways, here's the song with lyrics, and the decode I got for it:
Preface: The story overall is describing the multidimensional aspects of the human being, and how certain "controllers" have manipulated the general population into thinking that we are only ONE SINGLE aspect (i.e. this linear 3D realm template of a human) of our various extended selves - and have waged war (and still are) to maintain that control over us to keep their positions power.
Song: White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
ONE PILL MAKES YOU LARGER AND ONE PILL MAKES YOU SMALL These “pills” are alternate dimensional perspectives - the actual embodiment of them from a larger and smaller POV - Annunaki are generally around 10-16 feet tall, and the Fae are considered to be tiny little elemental beings; BOTH sizes make you visit WONDERLAND though! You can SEE & FEEL that there is MORE beyond just this vessel and life viewpoint, more to YOU that goes on to other places where this particular body-ego cannot. AND THE ONES (pills) THAT MOTHER GIVES YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL The world perspectives and programs installed in our parents are for a different agenda, time and place - they've since expired and are therefore useless to us... those POV's just don't do anything, except stagnate you. GO ASK ALICE (<your inner child, direct connection to Source Creator) WHEN SHE'S 10 FEET TALL (<in her Annunaki 5th dimensional or above form) Oh yeah, I'd LOVE to see you try and argue those belief systems with THAT version of her/YOU, that'll be fun! Good luck with that, BwahahaaHaahaaa!!!
AND IF YOU GO CHASING RABBITS This "You" ISN'T YOU - it's a hypothetical scenario. As in: If YOU were part of a group of dark, nefarious beings, who CAN'T timeline jump to higher realms on their own, but wanted to... wouldn't YOU chase those 'rabbits', to sneak in after them, (or somehow piggyback on them) to go thru the (portals) tunnels that they naturally create? Well... wouldn't you?!!! AND YOU KNOW YOU'RE GOING TO FALL These beings know their time is limited; as the energetic  frequencies of the earth raises - LITERALLY - we have to ELEVATE with Earth (or die, as it’s not compatible); but they can only FALL since they cannot follow us - their heavier energies & choices aligned with that vibe basically anchor them down. When the Earth sheds those lower energies, they appear to “fall’ - Earth rides a sine wave up and down in a continuous cycle; right now the rollercoaster is ascending. TELL 'EM A HOOKAH SMOKING CATERPILLER HAS GIVEN YOU THE CALL Say it with me: COVER STORY!!! So just tell them that you've contacted extraterrestrials, or "Ashtar Command" in a higher dimension, who relays "guidance" to you while you're in a channeling state of mind... exchange your religious/guru worship programming (it’s SO last year) for an unvetted channeled source to worship and obey blindly instead. Pick your poison, ‘cuz dying is fun (whether that be literal, spiritual or otherwise).FYI: I am anti-establishment regarding religions; your connection to Source Creator is meant to be direct & personal, always growing - those outside things are GUIDEPOSTS for consideration and participation when you deem it useful. Not necessary, though, and CERTAINLY not mandatory... they can be helpful though, nevertheless. CALL ALICE WHEN SHE WAS JUST SMALL No doubt they WOULD try to contact you while you were young and vulnerable (and they might have already) - train a child up in the way they should go, and all that. It applies whether it be physically done or in the astral/dream state - it's also prime alien abduction time, in both cases, too: it happens most often around the 3-10 years old timeframe, generally. **Alternatively, this could mean that YOU need to recall your inner child/younger self, when you were more pure - and RECONNECT to (the true you, prior to life’s enforced programming) yourself from there, as a means of counteracting and recognizing any false “messages of light”.**
WHEN THE MEN ON THE CHESSBOARD This is the Masonic, Illuminati and other controller group factions (alphabet agencies included) - The chessboard is primarily associated with the Masonic lodges, though, like the ladder - it's their way of bypassing the middle path (opening the 3rd eye, spiritually evolving through kundalini awakening and such), but still attempting to climb up to 'higher planes'... through magickal rituals and workings of one sort or another, I think. The Sun and Moon pillars are on either side, the battle of fire and Ice. THEY are the ones that "play the game" with humanity, as it were, and “set the stage” on the gameboard in many ways.
It’s like this in their art and iconography...
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But it’s like THIS in the physical body structure, see:
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Side Note: I learned this and wrote it down/drew it up by watching and following Lavette's channel on YouTube - her channel is under this (her real) name, so if you want to understand & decode the esoteric symbology and all that, check her out, she has a wealth of knowledge to share...  it's great stuff!!!
Anyways, moving on with the decode...
>> when the men on the chessboard << GET UP AND TELL YOU WHERE TO GO Or where you CAN'T go, or things you can’t go DO - lockdowns, anyone? AND YOU'VE JUST EATEN SOME KIND OF MUSHROOM Or taken some kind of drug, to check out (with alcohol, pharmaceuticals) as a means of coping; or perhaps just a medically coerced and/or forced untested injectable... that shall remain unnamed. (a la Voldemorte)  AND YOUR MIND IS MOVING LOW Because your consciousness and/or interdimensional capacities are capped, having been anchored down into lower frequencies due to your choices. ASK ALICE I THINK SHE'LL KNOW Ask your inner child/spiritual connection WHAT TO DO
WHEN LOGIC AND PROPORTION HAVE FALLEN SLOPPY DEAD That's RIGHT NOW, with the media, the actions of the government, corporations & the alphabet agencies - everything from them is WAY out of proportion, (they're self contradicting) and illogical...  it's “fallen sloppy dead” is about as literal of a description as you can get. AND THE WHITE KNIGHT IS TALKING BACKWARDS Is this Biden? Maybe Trump? Could be whomever you deem to be our hero, or fixate on as a knight "in shining armor" charging to our rescue, I suppose. AND THE RED QUEEN'S "OFF WITH HER (THEIR) HEAD!!!" The red queen is the sentient A.I. computer located under the airport in Colorado from what I understand... so this could be indicating the weather warfare or DEW, the internet consciousness battlefront, or a whole host of other things that could be directed by that (besides the jabs), which seeks to kill off a great swath of humanity. The Red Queen could also be a means to direct the jib-jabbed peoples like zombies when they're "turned on" like antennas, once the graphene in the injectables does its work. It would certainly explain all the “zombie apocalypse” protocols and policies that have been made by certain corporations and agencies - all of which was done in a serious manner... so here’s that.
So, now THIS is where it gets interesting (for me, anyways).
Every. Single. Time. That I hear this next verse, I hear it spoken a DIFFERENT way, like a glitch that simultaneously layers a different version on top of the other one, so that they are both communicated at once. This is the 'secret key', the ANSWER - remember, this part of the song says: When this & that happens, and when this person and that ‘person’ are acting THIS WAY - THEN:
REMEMBER WHAT THE DORMOUSE SAYS Dormouse - a tiny squirrel-like mouse, that is rather famous for being able to HIBERNATE for EXTENDED PERIODS OF TIME - sometimes 6 months of the year, or more, if the temperatures stay cold enough. The lower the frequency, the cooler the temperature, usually. (The Sleeper MUST Awaken! ~ Dune) << This word - Dormouse - transforms into DHARMA. So the verse: "Remember what the Dormouse said" turns into "Remember what the DHARMA SAYS". For more on dharma, see here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma
The dormouse speaks of the head - waking up and remembering mentally; but when it morphs into dharma, it speaks of the heart waking up; and returning to it’s inherent wisdom, returning to the spirit-soul self. So that is the key message that keeps coming thru on this:
Remember what the dormouse/dharma Says: FEED YOUR HEAD-HEART CONNECTION (and stack your dharma)!!! Spiritual GAINS, baby!
The final verse is repeated twice; I believe this indicates that the areas to apply it to are your outward actions here in the outer world, and your inner realm locals: your thoughts and feelings. FEED the CONNECTION on each level, to be and do good, and to stand up in integrity and defend that sacred space on EACH LEVEL whenever it's needed. The mind-heart connection and coherence part is actually mentioned specifically in The Naughty Beaver video linked below, too... but there will undoubtedly be internal emotional and mental attacks that only you can recognize and shield against, or fight back against to maintain your inner calm and wholeness of spirit. The stronger the mind-heart coherence is, though, the higher you vibe naturally; so it grants you a certain level of protection automatically - I feel that's why they push the jab-berwocky so hard through social/economic pressure, and emotional guilt and gaslighting; to block that potential before you ever reach it, so you can still be "hacked", or locked down, energetically. 
Feed your head = higher mind = higher perspective. Maintain THAT, then ACT FROM THERE. (Faith without works is dead, yo) See the other two vids below, and thank you for reading thus far. You/We’ve got this - Be Excellent to (yourself and) Each Other... and Party On!
The “Naughty Beaver” confirmation, perspective & guidance on this: 
The “YellowRoseforTexas” standpoint and confirmation:
As a final thought... look how unbelievably FREAKING CUTE dormice are IRL! ! ! ! KAWAII ! ! !
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remywrites5 · 4 years
A pirate au with Jegulus would be sooo fun!!! Would you do that please? Thank you💕
           Regulus Black stood on the deck of the ship and looked out at the horizon, sighing wistfully. It had been a year since he’d joined Her Majesty’s navy in a hopeless attempt to track down his brother and the love of his life. James. As he clutched the railing he recalled nights together and whispered promises about the future. James and Sirius had joined the navy to answer their unquenchable need for adventure. That had been three years ago and they had no been heard of since. There was talk of their vessel having been set upon by pirates and having sunk to the bottom of the sea.
           Still, Regulus couldn’t help keeping a small fire alight inside him that hoped that perhaps one of them had survived. Although after a year of searching, that fire was starting to get very dim indeed.
           He was just about to turn away when something caught his eye. In the distance he could see a ship. A ship that wasn’t flying any colours.
           “Pirates!” Regulus shouted, alerting the crew to the imminent danger. “Pirates incoming!”
           There was a flurry of motion as everyone got to their stations. Regulus went up to the helm and grabbed the telescope in order to see better. “What is it?” Mulciber asked him as he manned the helm. “Are you sure it’s pirates?”
           “It’s pirates,” Reg confirmed, sliding the telescope closed. “Stay the course. The wind is on our side but they’re coming in fast.” He patted Mulciber on the back and then rushed below decks. “Load the canons! They’ll be setting upon us sooner rather than later!”
           The men rushed around him, sliding cannonballs into the canons and preparing for the attack. Regulus could feel his heart racing away in his chest. Unlike Sirius and James, he’d never been one for adventure and this feeling made him more queasy than elated. Still, perhaps if he couldn’t find his brother and his love, he could at least get a bit of revenge for their deaths.
           The pirates came in range and the firing began. They were hopelessly outgunned and Regulus saw more than one good man fall. Pulling out his pistol and his sword, Regulus went back up on deck and prepared to be boarded. The pirates came swinging in on ropes and overtook those willing to fight. Regulus noted with a bit of surprise that none of them were being killed, simply overpowered.
           Regulus saw a figure swinging over from the pirate ship. He aimed carefully and was about to shoot when the figure came more clearly into view. Regulus immediately dropped his pistol out of shock as none other than James Potter came dropping gracefully onto the deck of the ship.
           “Regulus?” James said, spotting him and taking a step in his direction.
           Clenching his jaw, Regulus tightened his hand on his sword and attacked. James was clearly caught off guard as Regulus thrust his blade towards him. Giving a surprised shout, James grabbed his own sword and they clashed against each other.
           “Regulus, it’s me! It’s James!” James said, only using defensive moves as Regulus swung his sword wildly at the man he loved. His hair was much longer than it had been, curling around his ears, and his face now sported a beard and mustache. He looked every bit the part of a pirate and Regulus found himself hating him.
           “I don’t know anyone by the name,” Regulus growled out, not backing down as they fought across the deck, weaving around the ropes and people in their way as they continued to duel.
           Regulus had James cornered at the front of the ship when a pistol went off behind him. He stopped immediately and turned to find his brother in the middle of the ship, his pistol raised above his head. “Stop it now, Reg,” Sirius said, his eyes soft and sad. “Don’t make me shoot you.”
           Regulus dropped his sword and put his hands up in surrender. James sheathed his sword and walked closer to Regulus. “Reg, I – “
           “Don’t.” Regulus glared at him and James physically crumpled, his shoulders slumping forward at being rebuked.
           “Now then, my crew and I are going to have a look through your ship and take anything we likes the look of,” Sirius called out, commanding everyone’s attention. “As long as no one does anything stupid, we will leave you to your ship and no one will get hurt.”
           Sirius took a group below deck as they began to ransack the ship. The rest stayed, keeping their guns trained on the soldiers. Regulus could still feel James’ eyes boring into him but he refused to look at him in return. “Reg, please let me explain.”
           “There is nothing to explain,” Regulus said, haughtily, turning his nose up. “You have chosen the life of a pirate. A life without honour. Therefore any promises made to me now mean absolutely nothing to you.”
           “Reg, of course they do – “
           “I don’t want to hear it,” Regulus hissed, wheeling around to face James. “Three. Years. I’ve been waiting for you for three years and all this time you have been off playing pirate with Sirius. You make me sick.”
           Regulus spun around and went below deck to where Sirius was picking through their stuff. “I want you off this ship immediately.”
           “No offense, brother mine, but you’re not exactly in a state to be making demands of anybody,” Sirius said, pilfering through their food supplies, taking an apple and biting into it.
           “You cannot leave my crew with nothing to eat,” Regulus informed him, his hands curling into fists.
           “We won’t take all of it,” Sirius assured him, grabbing a basket and beginning to fill it. “Just enough to tide us over until we make port again.”
           “You are unbelievable,” Regulus said, shaking his head at his own flesh and blood. “You would leave me and my men to starve.”
           “Oh please,” Sirius said, rolling his eyes. “First of all, the queen gives you more than enough money to buy supplies for three years. You will hardly miss the small amount we take. Second, you will be coming with us anyway so it doesn’t much matter what we leave behind.”
           Regulus glowered and crossed his arms over his chest. “So I am to be your prisoner then?”
           “Of course not,” James spoke up, dropping down from the ladder. “More like our guest.”
           “I don’t want that,” Regulus said, looking pointedly between Sirius and James. “That means if you are to take me then it will be as your prisoner.”
           “So be it,” Sirius said with a shrug. “James, get some rope.”
           “Sirius,” James admonished him. He reached out and grabbed Regulus by the arm, pulling Reg to him. “Please. Come with us.”
           Regulus ripped his arm out of James hold. “I am not yours anymore, James Potter. You do not get to just bat your eyelashes at me and expect me to obey.”
           Sirius and James exchanged a look and James sighed heavily. “Sorry about this love.” He hit Regulus over the back of his head with the hilt of his sword and a moment later everything went dark.
           Regulus awoke some time later to the familiar churning of the ocean in a strange bed. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around the darkness of the room for anything familiar. It was small quarters, a bed and a dresser with a small desk strewn with maps and papers. Regulus lit a candle and examined them. There were marking all over the map and it didn’t take him long to discover what they signified. It was all the places his ship had made port. James and Sirius had been tracking him.
           “Reg?” James called out, knocking at the door. “I can see the light. Are you awake? And perhaps not quite so angry with me?”
           “I am awake,” Regulus replied, pushing the map away and looking at the papers beneath it. “I cannot promise anything on the second part.”
           “Are you armed?”
           “You know very well that I am not.”
           Regulus recognized his own handwriting on one of the pages and lifted it up. It was one of the letters Regulus had sent to James during his time in the navy before James had gone missing. He had never received a reply and had assumed like everything else it had been lost to the sea. The paper was well worn, the creases in it nearly tearing the paper from being folded and unfolded several times. Reg’s cheeks burned as he read the words he had written to James. What sentimental nonsense.
           The door creaked open and James entered cautiously. “Are you ready to talk to me or should I come back later?”
           “Talk,” Regulus said coldly. “I believe you have some explaining to do.”
           James sighed and scratched his head. “So where would you like me to begin?”
           “How about you begin by explaining to me how you became a pirate?” Regulus said, dropping the letter back onto the desk and sitting down at the adjoining chair. He put the candle down, not trusting himself to hold it steady.
           James crossed the room and went to sit on the bed. “Well… the thing about that is Sirius and I didn’t much care for the navy. We hated taking orders and having to do what we were told. The sailing part of it was nice but we hated all the rest. Then we made port in Tortuga and Sirius fell in love with a pirate named Remus in the week we were there. Idiot was going to run away and become a pirate and well I couldn’t let him do it alone. Besides, the way Remus explained it being a pirate was a lot more fun. We both snuck away under the cover of darkness when The Gryffindor was leaving and joined the crew.”
           Regulus frowned. “You two idiots became pirates because Sirius fell in love?”
           James smirked. “I mean sort of?” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Also it was a much better adventure than being in the navy.”
           “I cannot believe you!” Regulus said, jumping to his feet and beginning to pace. “You threw everything away to go gallivanting around with Sirius! Over some pirate he had known for a week!”
           “To be fair they are married now,” James interjected.
           “Ship captains can perform marriages and well Sirius is the captain now,” James explained, trying and failing to ease the blow.
           “How in the hell did he become Captain after just three years?” Regulus shouted incredulously, throwing his hands up in the air.
           “Well Captain Dumbledore was very old,” James explained, watching Reg continue to pace. “He took a real shine to Sirius and basically made him his apprentice, then his first mate. When Dumbledore died Sirius became the captain.”
           Regulus was seething with hurt and anger. “James, if you don’t tell Sirius to drop me off at the nearest bit of land I swear I will jump ship and swim there myself.”
           James got to his feet and walked over to Regulus. When he got too close Regulus took a step back. “I can’t do that.”
           “Yes you can.”
           “You don’t know how much I’ve missed you, Reg,” James murmured softly, reaching out and cupping Reg’s face in his hands.
           Regulus shoved him away roughly. “James Potter you let me off this ship!”
           “It is the middle of the night and we are in the middle of the bloody ocean!” James shouted back in frustration. “What do you want me to do?”
           “Then I wish for you to get out!”
           James looked ready to argue, opening his mouth to say something more.
           James huffed in annoyance. “As you wish,” he said, striding from the room and slamming the door shut after him. Regulus reached out for the nearest piece of furniture on shaky legs and collapsed onto the bed. He curled in on himself and began to silently cry.
           When he awoke in the morning, Regulus debated staying in his quarters or going outside to venture around the ship. Eventually his stomach won out, growling loudly and making its protests known. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining bright and the deck was surprisingly empty.
           “They are all below having breakfast,” Sirius called out from the helm.
           Regulus sighed and went to join his brother. He sat on the edge of the boat and watched his brother look more comfortable than he had ever seen him. He looked free, the wind in his hair and his relaxed stance at the helm. Reg almost envied him.
           “So you spoke to James?”
           Regulus snorted. “If you can call it that. Shouted is more like it.”
           “We came back to England, you know,” Sirius told him conversationally. “It was dangerous and Remus warned me against it. James was miserable though and you know I would do anything for him. So a year ago we risked everything to go back to England to find you.”
           “I was already gone.”
           “Indeed,” Sirius said, tilting his face up towards the sun. “I wasn’t even sure if you would come with us anyway. This doesn’t exactly seem like the kind of life for you. But Jamie needed you so we went. He found out you had joined the navy and has spent every moment since them trying to track you down.”
           Regulus crossed his arms over his chest. “That still leaves two years of me thinking you were both dead at the bottom of the sea.”
           Sirius put a rope around the wheel to stop it moving and came to sit by Reg. “It took two years for me to become the captain,” Sirius explained softly, putting his arm around Reg. “As much as Dumbledore liked me, he never would have made the crossing to England. We came for you as soon as we could.”
           “Do you expect me to forgive him?’ Regulus asked, leaning forward and burying his face in his hands. “He left me! Then I spent three years thinking he must be dead but letting myself hope that somehow he had survived. I thought at least if he was gone then he had died for something noble.”
           “You would prefer him dead as a solider than alive as a pirate?” Sirius asked, unable to keep the hurt out of his voice.
           “I just…this is a lot to take in,” Regulus admitted, dropping his hands down to his lap. “I joined the navy to search for him and now that I’ve found him I’m just so angry with him.”
           Sirius laughed and squeezed Reg gently. “Go easy on him,” he said. “He may be a scallywag but he loves you.”
           “A scallywag?” Regulus echoed, his eyebrow raised.
           “Pirate term,” Sirius said with a shrug. “Now go on down to breakfast.”
           “Fine,” Regulus said, standing up. He tugged his fingers through his hair, attempting to make himself look presentable. He was just about to go below was James’ head appeared, walking up the ladder carrying a tray of food. “Oh, James.”
           “Reg,” James said, expertly balancing the tray as he came up. “I thought you might still be sleeping so I was going to bring you breakfast.”
           “Thank you,” Regulus said, taking the tray from him. They stood together awkwardly as the sun beat down and the sea gently rocked them. “That was very considerate of you.”
           James exhaled loudly and shoved his hands in his pockets. They both stood there awkwardly, both of them glancing at the other and then looking away. “It’s a gorgeous day,” James finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
           “ – I still love you,” Regulus said at the same time.
           “You do?” James asked, biting his bottom lip. “I worried your feelings had changed. Three years is a long time.”
           “It is a long time,” Regulus agreed with a solemn nod. “I think I have waited long enough, James.”
           “You think you could love a pirate?” James asked, taking his hat off and placing it on Regulus’ head.
           Regulus dumped the tray overboard in favor of grabbing James and kissing him hungrily. “I think I could love you no matter what. Just never leave me again.”
           “I won’t,” James promised, wrapping Reg up in his arms. “You realize this means turning pirate yourself then.”
           “It doesn’t sound terribly difficult,” Regulus reasoned, surging up to kiss James again. “After all you and Sirius accomplished it. Besides, I already look good in the hat.”
           “You do at that,” James agreed with a soft chuckle. “You know I could convince Sirius to perform a wedding ceremony. If that was something you were interested in perhaps tonight we could have him officiate something for us. What do you say, Reg, do you want to be my husband?”
           Regulus smiled and let his hand slide over James’ cheek, feeling the roughness of his beard. He had to admit it was kind of growing on him. He thought about how long he had waited and hoped to be exactly here. It might have been his entire life. “I do.”
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nikkoliferous · 4 years
"Loki brought it all on himself"
Ok, we need to talk about this frequent claim that Loki deserves all the bad things that have ever happened to him.
Firstly, let's just get this out of the way. The amount of gaslight in the assertion that Loki “broke his family's trust” is unbelievable. As in, I literally cannot believe there are people who genuinely think this. They turn canon completely on its head. Loki's family betrayed his trust—by kidnapping him as an infant, lying to him for his entire life, raising him to despise the Jötnar while knowing that he was actually one of them, and chronically mistreating him—long before he took on any villainous behaviour. Loki’s story is very much one of what can happen when you push even a good person too damn far.
The worst thing Loki can be accused of having done prior to the complete mental collapse he suffers upon learning his life has been a lie, is letting a handful of Frost Giants into Asgard to crash Thor's coronation. He does this partly—in his own words, and he has no reason to lie about this to Laufey of all people—to protect the kingdom from Thor's foolishness and immaturity. And he is not alone in his belief that Thor is not ready to be ruler of Asgard. Odin himself, in a scene that did not make it into the film, expresses doubt about this, and Frigga, interestingly enough, reassures him by reminding him that Loki will be by Thor's side to counsel him and, for lack of better phrasing, keep him from doing too much damage.
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So I think we can dismiss that action as a "betrayal" of his family's trust—and even if one does want to consider this a betrayal, it certainly isn't one on a scale that merits spending thousands of years enduring psychological torture (which is what solitary confinement is).
Another assertion frequently made is that Loki manipulates Thor into going to Jötunheim to confront Laufey. Loki most definitely manipulates Thor—but at no point does he suggest doing that. Thor comes up with that harebrained scheme all on his own. The most Loki does is attempt to manipulate the rift between Thor and Odin by playing into Thor's sense of righteous anger and his resentment at being shut down. Not only does Loki not suggest at any point that they should confront Laufey, but he actively takes steps to prevent them from reaching Jötunheim. He tries to talk Thor out of going; he orders a guard to inform Odin of their plans, expecting they'll be intercepted in time; he takes the initiative to speak for them to Heimdall, very likely because he knows Heimdall dislikes/distrusts him. And after all of that fails, he attempts to talk Thor down from starting a war once they're standing in Laufey's court. Interestingly enough, I never see anyone claim that Thor betrays his family's trust by reigniting a war with the Frost Giants, endangering the lives of his family, his friends, and his would-be subjects. It's almost like all the accusations of betrayal that people level at Loki aren't based on any sort of objectivity or moral high ground at all and are merely rationalizations by people working backwards from the conclusion that Loki is “evil”, simply because the narrative has framed him as a villain.
We also need to reckon with the fact that Loki did not "steal" the throne. Thor was stripped of his power and banished to Earth (which was not Loki's doing) when Odin fell into the Odinsleep (also not Loki’s doing). After Thor, Loki is next in line for the throne. That's literally just how the royal line of succession works. With both Odin and Thor incapacitated in one way or another, the responsibility of ruling falls legitimately to Loki. Frigga herself names him regent-king. Loki neither banishes Thor from Asgard nor forces Odin to go napnap, nor indeed does he even attempt to manipulate Frigga to pass the role of regent onto him—if anything, he’s shocked when she does so; therefore, it is completely unreasonable to accuse him of having "usurped" anything.
It’s equally unreasonable to claim that Loki “arranged for” Thor’s banishment, yet I see people say the same time and time again. Let us just recall that 1) Loki attempts to intervene when the fight between Thor and Odin begins to escalate
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and 2) This is Loki’s face upon Odin’s inexplicably extreme punishment.
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Look, I know Loki is known as being a liar, but if you think his shock here isn’t genuine, I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.
Now, I could stop right here because the claim is that Loki betrayed his family’s trust first and thus brought everything on himself. And as I’ve clearly demonstrated, any villainous actions Loki takes, be they in the first Thor film or thereafter, come after learning the truth (aka having his trust broken by his family). But because I know how much people love to move the goalpost when it comes to Loki, let’s just go on to address why none of his actions are truly villainous in the classic sense of the word.
Every wrongful action Loki takes in this film, outside of the aforementioned interference with Thor’s coronation (which we’ve already established may have been ill-conceived but certainly was not a “betrayal”) is a reaction to various betrayals against him or a result of paranoia fueled by a complete emotional collapse.
“Trying to kill” Heimdall is not a betrayal because Loki is defending himself from Heimdall who is attempting to commit regicide. (Also, if Loki had wanted Heimdall dead, he would be. The fact that he’s not, is a demonstration of Loki’s benevolence, not his ruthlessness).
Lying to Thor about Odin being dead is cruel, but it’s not borne of a desire to hurt Thor. Both the lie and, later, sending the Destroyer are borne of desperation, because as Tom himself has stated, Loki believed Thor would kill him if he made it back to Asgard and learned the truth. This is a moment that, if there were any justice in the MCU, ought to have haunted Thor for the rest of his life:
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That’s one Jötun who definitely fears him.
This goes far beyond the claim that he betrayed his family, but I’ll address it anyway: tricking the Frost Giants by inviting them into the palace under false pretenses is not a betrayal because there is no established relationship of trust between Loki and the Jötnar. You can’t betray a trust that doesn’t exist.
And attempted genocide is definitely not a betrayal of his family’s trust because genocide is literally what this family does. Genocide is their entire legacy. Despite claims to the contrary, this was an established fact well before Ragnarok. (”So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up here until you might have use of me?” “I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god, just like you.” “[What of the lives you took on Earth?] A mere handful compared to the number Odin has taken himself”). If anything, trying to destroy Jötunheim was an attempt to live up to the family name. It was misguided and wrong, but it was in no way out of line with what Loki and Thor were raised to do. Asgard is a warrior culture; killing their enemies is not perceived as immoral, but honourable. In fact, one of the reasons Loki’s actions were likely seen as dishonourable is because he used the power of the Bifröst rather than engaging the Jötnar in direct warfare. (Though it is possible, given the state of Svartalfheim, that this was also done in the past to wipe out the Dark Elves). But what was it that Odin said when he was yelling at Thor in the Observatory prior to banishing him?
Odin: “Do you realise what you’ve done? What you’ve started?”
Thor: “I was protecting my home!”
Odin: “You cannot even protect your friends! How can you hope to protect a kingdom?”
At no point does Odin state that killing the Jötnar is wrong. But he does criticize Thor for putting his friends in danger by going to confront Laufey. (This is still not the catalyst for Thor’s banishment. That comes later, when Thor calls Odin “an old man and a fool”). Loki, however, conveniently knows a way to destroy the Jötnar without risking any Asgardian lives. And since a condemnation of killing their enemies is not a part of Odin’s diatribe, he has no reason to believe that Odin disapproved of that part of Thor’s misbehaviour. So now he can say, “Look, Father. I did what Thor couldn’t!”
Thor: “Why have you done this?”
Loki: “To prove to Father that I am a worthy son. When he awakens, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters and I will be true heir to the throne.”
Only, as we all know, it's in vain.
There’s only one moment in the entirety of the first Thor film that I would class as a genuine betrayal of his family’s trust, and that is that he puts both Frigga and Odin in harm’s way when he invites Laufey into Asgard under the false pretense of allowing him to slay Odin in his sleep. This was very short-sighted of him; what if he’d been too late and his scheme had gotten Frigga killed before he’d arrived to intervene? Betraying his family was not his intent here, but in his highly emotional state of mind, he did endanger them needlessly— much like Thor needlessly endangered his friends and his brother by going to Jötunheim and starting this whole mess to begin with. (However, I never see fans criticise Thor for this. And they should. My point here is not that Loki should not be criticised for endangering his family, but that there needs to be consistency. If you’re going to call out Loki for endangering his loved ones, you need to call out Thor as well. If you’re going to call out Loki for mass slaughter, you need to call out Thor as well).
In short, I think my favourite thing about the vast majority of Loki antis is their blatant disdain and lack of empathy for the mentally ill and the abused. And by ‘favourite thing’, I of course mean that it disgusts me.
(Tagging @magicmastered​ and @just-another-human-2019​ because you both expressed interest in the post 😘)
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
Something I noticed: Ozpin and RWBY both came up with outlines of plans but have nothing concrete. Both were rejected, not because said plans, but because they lied to their allies and the lies were revealed at the worst possible time, place and way.
…Hmmmmmmm….I dunno about that Miki-chan. With all due respect, I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one point m’friend since I wouldn’t go as far as to say that RWBY actually had a plan; at least not one that went beyond withholding the truth from General Ironwood.
Since we’re comparing Oz’s actions to that of RWBY’s---Oz was the only person with a legit plan---one that more or less worked successfully in his favour for the past few lifetimes. You know what I just realized? The only thing that Oz didn’t have a plan for was a way to stop Salem and that was technically the ONLY relevant piece of information that he withheld from his allies; inclusive of our heroes and the members of his inner circle.
Other than that, Oz told them everything else that he knew and had things in place for.
The existence of the Brother Gods, the Maidens of Magic, the true purpose of the huntsmen academies as strongholds for the Vaults containing the Relics and the identity of Salem herself---our heroes (mainly the RNJR group at the time) garnered all this info through Qrow Branwen who would’ve have been able to pass it onto them if Oz hadn’t disclosed it to him in the first place.
Herein lays an issue I have. It’s for this reason why it bothered me (and still bothers; mind you) how in RWBY V7CH4, the CRWBY Writers---mainly Eddy ‘Double D’ Rivas---had Qrow Branwen deadass tell Ruby that her choice to withhold information from Ironwood is no different from Ozpin’s deceit since according to him, Ruby is choosing to place her trust in others.
“…Oz only trusted himself with the whole truth. You’re trusting others but you’re making sure they prove themselves first. I think that’s a pretty big difference.”
… I have never heard so much wrong in one sentence from a character I like. Brace yourself Miki-chan and to anyone who happened to be reading this response post for I am about to go off on small tangent as to why I strongly dislike this one line from V7 and why it peeves me so much that this dribble came from Qrow Branwen.
If this line had been said by any other character; I probably would’ve been fine with it. If it had come from someone like Yang or Weiss or Blake or anyone of our other young huntsmen characters who didn’t know Ironwood personally then I would understand for them to have this impression of him since V7 is technically our group’s first time getting to really know and understand the General through working with him and his associates.
But the fact that this line was said by Qrow of all people is such a huge contradiction in my eyes. No matter how I look at it; it felt incredibly off to me to have Qrow say something like this regarding the team’s choice to deceive the General. It was off to have Qrow say this to Ruby when outside of Oz; Qrow is the only other person who knows James given the fact that the two were forced to work together via their association with Oz as members of his Inner Circle. Qrow may not share the same rapport and level of respect towards James like Oz once did---on the contrary, back in V3, there a bit of tension between Qrow and James given the Branwen man’s displayed disagreement against the General’s actions during that season. Needless to say, in spite of their differences in the past, Qrow still knew the General a lot better than Ruby and the others to gage the type of man he is. So to have Qrow condone his own niece and their entire group deceiving one of their own allies; especially given the events of V6 is SO bothersome to me.
And I guess the biggest reason as to why this bothers me so much is because, if I recall correctly, back in V3, Qrow literally instigated a courtyard battle with Winter Schnee because he detested how Ironwood had went behind Ozpin’s back to get the Vale Council to waver in his favour for bringing Atlas military forces to Vale for the Vytal Festival despite Oz voicing his oppositions about it earlier in the season.
“…Despite what the world thinks; we’re not just teachers or generals or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies; we’re the ones that keep the world safe from evils no one even knows about. It’s why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows so you tell me James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you being discreet or did you not just give a damn?!”
Qrow didn’t like it went Ironwood went over Oz and did his own thing so it feels awkward to have him basically do the same thing to Ironwood here in V7 especially coming off of V6 where part of his anger towards Oz was because he had kept such a huge secret even from him---one of the people he claimed to have trust.
This brings me back to my biggest gripe with this quote from Qrow. How can Qrow imply that Ruby’s deceit is no different that Oz due to him ‘only keeping the whole truth to himself while Ruby only told it to people she trusted after they had proven themselves worthy of her trust’ when…Qrow himself is an exemplar of Oz’s trust.
So was Ironwood!
As a matter of fact, let me share a quote that Qrow himself said back in V3 that justifies my point. This was taken from the same episode that I mentioned before--- RWBY Volume 3: Chapter 3- It’s Brawl in the Family.
“…Despite what the world thinks; we’re not just teachers or generals or headmasters. The people in this room, the leaders of the other two academies; we’re the ones that keep the world safe from evils no one even knows about. It’s why we meet behind closed doors, why we work in the shadows so you tell me James, when you brought your army to Vale, did you think you being discreet or did you not just give a damn?!”
“…Discreet wasn’t working. I’m here because this is what was necessary.”
“…You’re here because Ozpin wanted you here! He made you a part of this Inner Circle and opened your eyes to the real fight that’s in front of us!”
Referring back to what I said earlier---our heroes (meaning JNR_RWBY) eventually learnt the truth through sources like the Branwen Twins. V4 was when Qrow told RNJR the truth and V5 was when Yang and Weiss heard it from Raven.
However, neither Qrow nor Raven would know any of this info if Oz hadn’t trusted them with it in the first place. And Oz only trusted them because, just like Ironwood, they had proven themselves worthy to be drafted into his inner Circle of allies. After all it was stated back in V5 that Ozpin had his eye on Team STRQ the minute they were assembled, just as how he had his eye of RWBY.
“…Your Uncle Qrow and I didn’t attend Beacon to become huntsmen. We did it to learn how to kill huntsmen. Daddy and uncle left that part out, hmm? Aside from the Grimm, huntsmen were the only ones capable of ruining our raids and hunting us down. Our tribe needed a counterforce. And Qrow and I were the perfect age. The entrance exams were child’s play compared to what we’d already been through. We were good. So good, that we caught the attention of Beacon’s very own headmaster, Professor Ozpin. Even after we were put on a team, I could tell he was keeping his eye on us. Back then, I thought it was because he knew, but it was Team STRQ he was interested in…”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Constant attention, extra training missions, turning a blind eye whenever we happened to break the rules and get into more trouble than we should’ve. Sound familiar?”
“What’s your point?”
“How much do you know about Professor Ozpin?”
“He was…a prodigy. One of the youngest headmasters to be appointed to a school.”
“Because that’s how he planned it. Because the man you know as Ozpin designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else.”
“That doesn’t make any sense! How could he have---No. Why would someone even do that?”
“Because old man Oz has a great and terrible secret. One that could spread fear across the world. One that he eventually entrusted to our team, and once I knew, there was no good back…”
This was taken from RWBY Volume 5: Chapter 6 – Known By Its Song. I just want to draw attention to the part where Raven told Yang and Weiss that Oz entrusted the members of Team STRQ with presumably the same information that gave the members of his Inner Circle .
This is why Qrow’s line from V7 is like his name; a load of crow; in my opinion. Ozpin kept the whole truth to himself? Ruby is different because she only trusts people with the truth until they’ve proven themselves?
…Even though, that is EXACTLY what Ozpin did with Team STQR and his Inner Circle? The only exception with him being the truth about Salem’s immortality. Speaking of which; how can Qrow imply that Salem’s immortality is the whole truth given everything our heroes (and by extension, the audience) have learnt over the past couple of seasons?
As a matter of fact, let’s take a gander at this so-called “whole truth” that Qrow Branwen spoke off; shall we? Allegedly, Qrow had implied that Oz failing to mention the fact that Salem is immortal and therefore undefeatable to be the whole truth and nothing but the whole truth, right? But this simply cannot be the case since, as we know, there is a whole bunch of other stuff that also falls under that category. Basically, the whole truth can be divided into the following. 
Salem the True Leader of the Grimm
The Brother Gods
The Maidens of Magic
The Relics
The True Purpose of the Huntsmen Academies
Oz and Salem’s History
Our heroes first learnt all this information from the Branwen Twins. As I stated before, V4 was when Qrow first told this to RNJR during his rendition of the Tale of the Brother Gods and this was ultimately followed up a bit in V5 when Raven passed on what she knew about Salem to Weiss and Yang.
While I understand that Salem’s history with Ozma that led to her curse of immortality is an important piece of information; I’d hardly call that the “whole truth”. It’s not even half of the whole truth. It’s only a very small fraction compared to everything else on the board. What about all the stuff concerning the Maidens? The Relics and the Vaults? The Brother Gods. All of that information falls under this so-called “whole truth” that Qrow implied to Ruby and as I’ll repeat again, Qrow was only able to do this since Ozpin told it to him.
Referring back to Raven’s quote from V5CH6, Qrow was among the few people that Oz chose to trust with everything.
While he didn’t tell them about Salem’s immortality, he did entrust them with everything else. Therefore Oz didn’t trust only himself with the whole truth. The only information that Oz kept to himself was the one piece of info he didn’t have a clear plan for. A clear method of stopping Salem is the ONE thing that Oz couldn’t account for since even after living many lifetimes, it’s the one thing that he and his predecessors had failed to come up with a solution to.
But for everything else, Ozpin had things put in place. The protection of Maidens of Magic by erasing them from the public view and knowledge. Having the four huntsmen academies double as a fortresses to hide the Vaults keeping the Relics away from Salem and her forces. Designing the vaults in such a way that they can only be opened by a Maiden of Magic and creating the huntsmen class---warriors trained as humanity’s protectors to safeguard the world against the plight of Grimm---all of this came according to Oz’s plan. Well…the Wizards’ plan.
It’s just like Raven had said back in V5. Oz had a plan for mostly everything---a plan that worked in his favour for his lifetime as the Headmaster of Beacon Academy and during his life as the King of Vale, contributed towards the People of Remnant being able to live eighty full years of peace and harmony within the kingdoms in the aftermath of a war that spanned for ten years.
Oz even had a plan in the event of his death and inevitable rebirth. What was it that he told RNJR back in V5?
“…But I thought the headmasters all took their orders from you.”
“That was the intention. Four lieutenants I can trust, especially during times of reincarnation…”
That was taken from RWBY V5: Chapter 3 – Unforeseen Complications. Oz had people he trusted. Qrow was among those people.
The one thing Oz did not have a plan for was how to deal with Salem, but in spite of this, he fell back to focusing all of his efforts on the main mission that the God of Light first tasked to Ozma.
“…Mankind is no more; yet your world remains and in time, your kind will grow to walk its face again. However, without our presence, they will be but a fraction of what they once were. Creation, destruction, choice and knowledge were the ideals upon which humanity was made. Now I leave them behind with the hope that you may learn to remake yourselves. If brought together, these four relics will summon my brother and I back to your world and humanity will be judged.
If your kind has learned to live in harmony with one another and set aside their differences, then we shall once again live among you and humanity will be made whole again. But if your kind is unchanged. If you demand our blessings while still fighting amongst yourselves then man will be found irredeemable and your world will be wiped from existence. Until your task is complete, you will reincarnate but in a manner that ensures that you are never alone…”
In the Lost Fable, the God of Light never told Ozma to stop Salem. She wasn’t supposed to be his priority. On the contrary, Light attempted to sway Ozma from pursuing Salem entirely since he already knew of her fate.
“…I’m sorry but…that world just isn’t dear to me with her. If I may, I’d rather return to the afterlife to see Salem.” “You will not find her there.” “…You mean…she isn’t gone?” “Salem lives. But the woman you hold dear in your memories is gone. Heed this warning. Where you seek comfort, you will only find pain…”
Taken from RWBY Volume 6: Chapter 3 – The Lost Fable. From the beginning, Ozma’s purpose was never to stop Salem. He, and by extension his other lives and successors, were supposed to work towards uniting humanity and ensuring that the world doesn’t fall to ruin in the event of the Gods’ Return.
It’s why the efforts of the King of Vale---King Phadrig as I’ve dubbed him--- were so extraordinary to New Remnant’s history. You can say that during that lifetime with that successor, Ozma succeeded in fulfilling the duty he was given.
As the King of Vale, he helped unite the world during a time of war and peril. Could you imagine what would’ve happened if the Brother Gods had been summoned back to Remnant during the first Great War?
But here in lies a question I now wish to ask--- why didn’t King Phadrig summon the Gods back to Remnant after the Great War had ended?
After all, he didn’t just end the war but also put things in place to ensure that Remnant never fell to war again. Through the efforts of the King, the People of Remnant were able to enjoy 80 long years of peace and prosperity among the four kingdoms for the most part. There was even the establishment of the huntsmen academies to train Remnant’s next generation of heroes against the Grimm.
Even still, why weren’t the Gods brought back then? I’m guessing that the King of Vale probably perished before he got a chance to summon the Gods. In the RWBY World of Remnant episode on the Great War, it was eluded that King Phadrig used three of the Relics---Choice, Creation and Destruction to finally put a stop to the War during the Vacuo Campaign. So I’m wondering if there was a penance that Phadrig had to pay---a sacrifice he was forced to make with his own life as a means of ending the war after which he didn’t have enough time left to summon the Gods but…the least he could do was ensure that no matter what happened, Remnant would be safe and the Relics kept out of Salem’s grimm-y clutches. 
I’m going to assume that, much like in Ozpin’s case, the King must’ve left ‘specific instructions’ to allies he most trusted in those days for them to carry out his mission in his place after he died until his successor---Ozpin---would appear sometime down the line.
Once upon a time, I shared a RWBY Musing with an analysis on the Ozma Cycle, during which I deduced that following the death of a Wizard, it possibly takes up to 50 years before his next reincarnation. Given the fact that Oz felt the need to leave specific instructions in the event of his death and the reactions of the villains when they discovered that he had returned so soon (according to Tyrian Callows in V6), I’m left to believe that, unlike other representations of reincarnation in media that happens instantaneous, in RWBY, there is a huge time gap in the Ozma Cycle leading to a new Wizard being “born” in a different period in Remnant’s history.
That’s my hunch. The one except so far has been Ozpin’s rebirth into the mind of Oscar Pine.
I’m still waiting for the show to address this. There seems to be something very unique about Oscar’s case in the cycle. Not only is our veteran little prince the youngest within the Ozma Cycle but his pairing with Oz seems to be premature given that past incarnations have been older with a longer time gap. But…that’s a talk for another time.
Overall what I’m mainly trying to say here Miki-chan is that I really, really cannot compare Oz and RWBY; at least not on the grounds you presented. It’d be like comparing; not even an apple to an orange; but like a cherry to a full-sized watermelon. Between the two factions, Oz is the only one between them who had anything remotely resembling a concrete plan.
The only place where Oz fell short is not having a defined method of stopping Salem. That as much is true. But in spite of this, Oz kept working diligently to uphold the time of peace that his predecessor has worked to create following the Great War. He may not have had a way to stop Salem but at least he still had the failsafe that his past lives had put into place. It’s like what Jinn said in the Lost Fable.
“…Thus began a long and painful cycle of death and rebirth for Ozma. Some lives were spent in mourning, many were spent attempting to forget it all but no matter what, his mind would eventually turn back to the task he had been burdened with.
 And as the centuries went on, Ozma began to learn the importance of living with the souls with which he had been paired. But no matter where or how he lived, her presence was always felt. If humanity were to ever stand a chance at being united, one thing was clear…
“…He had to destroy Salem.”
“Knowing he could never rid the world of her through any mortal means, Ozma sought out the power of the Relics. Armed with my knowledge, he believed he could fulfil his promise to the God of Light…”
Was Oz wrong for withholding this information from allies he deemed he trusted? Yes. I’m not faulting our heroes for being upset with Oz about that. But at the same time I don’t particularly like the idea of the narrative having most of the characters bastardize Oz actions since when you look at the whole picture, Oz’s actions were just.
RWBY on the other hand, I still can’t rationalize their actions towards Ironwood at all. It wasn’t that Oz lied or didn’t have a plan or didn’t trust others.
He did. He did trust others. 
That’s why his whole Inner Circle exists in the first place. He didn’t lie entirely. He told his allies all the information for the things he already had planned for. He just didn’t tell them about Salem because she’s the only thing that he didn’t have a plan for. And after RWBY forced the truth out of him, he had no choice but to tearfully admit his failures in that out of shame and remorse.
But even then. I STILL understand why Oz and his past selves did things the way they did. It’s exactly as Oscar rationalized in V7. Oz didn’t tell anyone the last bit of truth concerning Salem since he didn’t want them to lose hope. 
Because fighting an enemy who you know can’t be killed sounds like a hopeless cause. 
Hence why we saw characters, like Raven Branwen, either abandon the fight all together or straight up join Salem out of fear for their own survival as in the case of Professor Leonardo Lionheart.
I’d even like to bet my bottom dollar that Ozma gave up as well. Probably more times than he can count. My theory is still that Ozma possibly became the Hermit AFTER Jinn’s revelation. 
According to the Lost Fable, Ozma gave up several times but no matter of how many times he tried to quit, at some point he always came back to the mission he was given---to unite humanity and save them from damnation.
And what’s remarkable is that despite learning the truth about Salem, Oz and his fellow Wizards never gave up. At some point, they always got back up and did what they could to fulfil their god-given duty and the King of Vale was probably the first time in a long time where Oz actually succeeded.
Norman the Inquisitor found the Relics and learnt the terrifying truth about Salem from Jinn. Isaac the Hermit created the Four Maiden of Magic. But it was King Phadrig---leader of Vale who used the knowledge and tools left behind by his past lives to end the first Great War and bring about an era of peace. It was in his lifetime shared with the King where Ozma finally succeeded in uniting humanity.
But in doing so, he also knew that it would only be a short-lived peace if he didn’t find a way to stop her. Hence were Oz comes into this mix. All that was left for Oz to do was uphold the peace the King had built while working to figure out a way to stop Salem once and for all.
In his pursuit of this solution, I think Oz probably suffered one of the hardest failures; more so than Ozma or Diggs. Despite his own efforts, Oz failed in discovering a sure way to stop Salem. Not only that but he additionally failed in preventing her and her pawns from undoing nearly ALL the work that the King had worked to achieve.                                                                      
Needless to say; even though he didn’t have a plan to stop Salem, at least Oz had the knowledge and experience that he inherited from his past lives to fall back on some form of a back-up plan to say the least. 
Team RWBY, on the other hand though, what even was their plan, exactly? 
Compared to Ozpin, can I even call their actions towards Ironwood a ‘plan’? No. Not really. From my perspective, it’s safe to say that RWBY did not have a plan. At least not one beyond just simply lying and withholding the truth from the General for as long as they could which was foolish of them in the first place; especially after how they treated Oz. If anything, the only thing RWBY had was intentions. An intention to keep deceiving someone who was supposedly their ally and was willing to trust and work with them so long as they gave him that respect in return.  
But in his pursuit of this solution, I think Oz probably suffered one of the hardest failures; more so than Ozma or Diggs. Despite his own efforts, Oz failed in discovering a sure way to stop Salem. Not only that but he additionally failed in preventing her and her pawns from undoing nearly ALL the work that the King had worked to achieve.      
Now that I think about it, I guess I can say that this is one part where I can say that I do see a bit of  your point Miki. Team RWBY didn’t have a clear plan and figured they could prolong the inevitable by seeing how long they could continue to deceive the General until they figured out an alternative.
To some degree, it was the same for Oz too. Similar to RWBY, Oz didn’t truly have a clear plan to stop Salem either. The most he had to work with were the tactics and strategies left in place for him by his predecessors in his memories.
In looking at it from this angle, the upper hand that Oz had over RWBY was experience. Based on their actions in recent season, the impression I’m getting now is that none of our young heroes fully understood the gravity of Oz’s past actions. You can almost say it’s like watching children playing adults when they don’t fully understand the weight of all the important decisions that the adults have to make in given scenarios. 
And this fits in with our heroes since RWBY are children compared to Oz who is the old soul with wisdom built upon life times of strife and triumphs. And in handling things the way they did; I think RWBY completely missed the mark and wound up moving rather foolishly in comparison to Oz.
This is especially reflected in their whole treatment of Ironwood. Because take a look at this---
Oz may not have told Ironwood the truth about Salem …but he still kept him in the loop. Remember that Qrow quote I shared earlier about Ironwood from V3. Ironwood was only brought into the Inner Circle because Oz wanted him there. Oz made it an active choice to include Ironwood. It was Oz’s decision first hand to place his trust in Ironwood. And even when Ironwood acted out of place or did things that Oz disagreed with; even then, that didn’t stop Oz from trusting him. He still shared with him the same information that he told all of the people he chose to trust; for better or worst.
This is the REAL difference between RWBY and Oz. Not Qrow’s nonsensical statement about Ruby choosing to trust others with the truth when they proved themselves to her. Get out of here with that.
The difference between RWBY and OZ is that Oz trusted Ironwood. Despite the soldier’s flaws; even when he didn’t agree wholeheartedly with his choices, Oz trusted Ironwood because he was willing to see the good in what he was trying to do. And in return, he received Ironwood’s full trust and loyalty.
RWBY on the other hand, took one look at the state of Mantle and rather than try to see the good in the General’s attempted actions, they---or rather Ruby--- immediately misjudged him and deemed him untrustworthy…even though, he’s supposed to be one of their allies who they risked everything to meet with in Atlas?
Even when Ironwood went out of his way to prove that the group could trust him as he was willing to work with them, they never did truly reciprocate that. Not only does this highlight just how wrong RWBY (well technically Ruby) was, it also adds another layer of lunacy to Qrow’s comment from V7CH4.
“…Oz only trusted himself with the whole truth. You’re trusting others but you’re making sure they prove themselves first. I think that’s a pretty big difference.”
Yes Qrow; because Ironwood rightfully arresting you for illicitly commandeering an Atlesian airship and entering the kingdom while at the same time choosing to turn a blind eye to your clear crimes; returning the Relic to you (as opposed to putting it inside of a highly secured vault) while at the same choosing to accommodate you guys during your stay in Atlas while also being a LONG STANDING ALLY OF OZ THAT YOU YOURSELF KNOW AND HAVE WORKED WITH isn’t proof enough that he should be trusted?
 I can’t compare RWBY to Oz. I mean… I can but…it’s NOT really the same, y’know what I mean? It’s like I can compare them but at the same time there  is no real comparison, you get what I’m saying if that makes sense?
No matter which way I look at it, I always return to my original opinion that Oz’s actions and mistakes are far more justifiable and sympathetic than RWBY’s. 
And in doing this post, it just adds another reason for me to not be okay with their actions in V7.
RWBY---well Ruby---was immediately wrong the moment they chose to lie to Ironwood. And what’s worse about is that their actions made them look like hypocrites given how they lambasted Oz for withholding the truth from them, only to turn around and do they exact same thing to an ALLY just days later. It still bothers me when I think about it. But for the most part, I hope I actually answered your inbox Miki-chan.
Sorry if this answer took so long for me to respond. It actually took me a while to come up with a decent answer because there is really a lot I can say on this topic. I don’t even think I covered everything I wanted to say but this answer is already 7 pages long in MS Word sooo….I think I will leave it at this for now XD Even still, I hope I answered you and if I did, please do let me know if you can.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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