#i am trying to make a gifset but got distracted by how adorable and expressive ljy is
watch-grok-brainrot · 4 years
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Ep 44: Lan Jingyi somewhere between minute 18:00 and 21:30
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woofety · 4 years
@lives-ruined-and-bloodshed replied to your post “@lives-ruined-and-bloodshed mentioned you on a post “You wanna try and...”
Yeah, I think May would definitely win in a real fight but I think they have so much fun just sparring, they know each other so well and probably sparred plenty of times so they know most of each other's moves and well, it's just really hot to imagine them going at it lol of course AoS couldn't give us that. We even saw Coulson fighting but ofc not with May, that would be giving too much to the shippers.
OF COURSE RIGHT, GOD FORBID THEY GIVE US EVEN JUST A FLICKER OF CONTENTMENT LMAO, WHO CARES ABOUT THE FANS ANYWAY... Sorry for the capslock, but I couldn’t express this any other way than shouting it because I’ll always be annoyed by this! Yeah, they don’t owe us anything, they should be able to tell the story they want without feeling obliged to indulge in the fan-service, bla bla bla, don’t care, I’ll stay pissed off, I’m sure the writers won’t mind, and at this point it’s the level of resigned annoyance that doesn’t ruin my day, so I can stay “fueled” without feeling miserable about it like I was some time ago, when I was more invested (not that I’m not invested in the ship now, but I made peace with the fact that I won’t get the satisfaction - and there is no “compliance” involved here :p - I need from the show so I’m looking for it elsewhere)!
I am convinced it would have been so amazing seeing Phil and Melinda spar because I found adorable (ok, maybe it’s not the best term to describe sparring sessions, but I have big family feels about it because Philindaisy obviously so for me that adjective stands) the sparring scenes Daisy had with both Phil and Melinda so yeah, it was a huge waste of potential, but what’s new when we talk about Philinda’s treatment in the show...
I do see their relationship as a bit unbalanced. There are so many times we saw May showing in words and actions what Coulson means to her, even her freaking robot was out there declaring her love and willing to die for him and the team. I think you're right that Coulson being the director is one of teh reasons for that difference but I think who they are is another.
For Coulson there is Humanity, SHIELD, Daisy and ofc May cares about that too but I mostly see her putting him ahead of pretty much everything, she's so ridiculously loyal to him, even Garret knew that about her, it wasn't follow SHIELD to the grave but Coulson. Watching gifsets of S1B was actually making me ship them less lol, he believed she was Hydra up until she was about to be killed too and then he was a raging dick, to hurt her, and not even an apology after.
Nothing much to add here, I agree with you, let me just underline the awful treatment Phil reserved to Melinda when he thought she was Hydra... All right, I get it, he must have felt overwhelmed discovering such huge betrayal from people in his organization to the point he felt he couldn’t be able to trust anyone, when he was raised in SHIELD with the “trust the system” drill in his head, valid for him until he died and was brought back, at least, not to mention the fact that he was kept in the shadows about this goddamn GH-325 secret by his closest (at least that’s what he thought she was) friend and ally, but just because he seemed to rely on Melinda so much that he decided to choose her as his “right-hand” for the task he accepted, I was flabbergasted that, after the first (comprehensible) moment of shock, he didn’t give her just a glimmer of benefit of the doubt, straight up assumed that she betrayed him and all... So was there nothing at all to be saved from their relationship until that moment that he could just pause just a second and consider that that was Melinda May he was crucifying, and I’m aware that it all happened so fast that there wasn’t a moment to breathe, let alone the chance of having a proper, lenghty conversation with her, but it took him too long, in my humble opinion, to realize that he couldn’t just throw whatever they had out of the window so rashly... Anyway, after the “epiphanic” Audrey episode the writers OBVIOUSLY never addressed the situation again, making us believe that between them it was all good again just by magic... mumble mumble... Thankfully there is fanfiction to fill in the gaps, because there is not a chance in the world I’ll be convinced that that evening, after Melinda brought Phil the infamous pendrive with the video about the TAHITI project, didn’t end up with them spending the night discussing everything and both apologizing AT LENGTH (in my universe there would have been also moments gradually and steadily reaching the R rating, but I would have been perfectly fine watching a scene with just them talking and making a real effort to clear things up and it would have actually made more sense considering canon, but they gave us nothing so whatever, I consider myself free to imagine whatever it pleases me :p )
I remember watching all of that some months ago and thinking he's going to to redeem himself by showing she the same kind of loyalty but then S2 and May was again with that massive devotion of hers, with the alien illness and the "real" SHIELD but what I got was Coulson lying to her repeatedly for no good reason. 3A was weird, I don't mind they had LIs, I actually really liked Andrew but they barely felt like friends imo. When Andrew/Lash was happening *Mack* was the only one who thought that maybe she could use a friend, that was bizarre. 
EXCUSE ME WHILE I GO DIG MYSELF A HOLE IN THE GARDEN AND CURL UP IN THERE FOR THE NEXT DECADE IF THAT ISN’T LOVE I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS??!?!!!!! That sentence and her actions show her love for him more powerfully than any “I love you” voiced out, but ok, let’s carry on...
I could even let the fact that he didn’t tell her about Theta Protocol slide because of all that classified crap and such, even if she called him out brilliantly about him not having the right to know that as well him not being Director anymore (HA, sorry Coulson but take that!) - I’m not really sure it was that a valid reason the fact that he should have told her because Andrew was involved, I mean, idk, they were not even married anymore, I don’t think that officially it should have been her business to know, but surely, as his best friend, Phil maybe should have felt more of a moral obligation to inform her, also because I can’t really recall if Phil started seeing Andrew before he confessed Melinda about his writing impulses, but at some point she knew, so what was the harm on letting her know? Where was the logic in keeping at least that hidden from her? I’ll be damned if I know! 
Anyway, what I seriously would have kicked Phil’s ass for is the fact that he, TWICE (as far as I remember at least) affirmed that he didn’t want to go to Melinda after the whole Andrew/Lash debacle because “she wouldn’t want me to go after her right now” “she’ll talk when she’s ready”... Phil... pal.... buddy... what the fuck???!!! I mean, ok, Melinda would have assured you that she was fine, especially if you approached her in public, but... you know... we know... THE WHOLE WORLD knows she wasn’t, how could she???!!! One fucking sentence, one “you know I’m here if you want to talk or anything” like she said to him, more than once, would have killed the writers to insert it?????!?!?!?! But no, not only he doesn’t reach to her (at least, we don’t see it and it isn’t even implied in the show)but in the meantime he proceedes to go out and have drinks and slEEP WITH ROSALIND AND START A RELATIONSHIP WITH HER WHAT THE HELL KINDA BEHAVIOUR IS THAT?????! His best friend is anguished, tormented and in pain, he should have at least stood by her bunk’s door all night just to reassure her he was there for whatever she needed, or at least stay at base, work, go to sleep, idk, with what spirit you go out and go on a date and everything???!! Why is that, to distract yourself?? Oh yeah, but he’s also working an angle here, yeah all work and duty and no play, eh, Coulson?! MELINDA NEEDED YOUR SUPPORT AND FRIENDSHIP FFS!!!!!!! Damn it, at least find time to show a scene in which he makes an effort to reach for her, then she is free to do anything she wants with his support and if she asks he’ll be considerate enough to leave her alone, but show us he tries, because that’s something I think Coulson would do!!!! Instead he apparently just straight up assumes that she doesn’t want anyone close in that moment so he doesn’t even bother to assure her that if she needs it, he’s there for her... I get it, we all know she closed off after Bahrain and all and she’s the kind of person who tends to keep things for herself, but it doesn’t hurt to at least let her know he’s available if she needs help, especially because she’d hate to bother him knowing well that he has a lot more to think about than just her? Listen, Coulson in certain instances could be a little dense, but I think he’d make such a reasoning, idk? Or am I assuming too much about him? But, as you said, even Mack voices his concerns about leaving her alone, someone who is not particularly close to her, but not Phil 
3B was better but still too little. It's funny but two of my favorites scenes of the show were the one about the boundaries, SO much to unpack there and when called him on it when he said she was too quick to the trigger and Daisy wasn't Andrew, the murder vest was bad enough but damn he still went the extra mile, but if he's going to be a bastard, at least have May fight back because I don't think I could take more of him being a dick and May just taking and getting no apologies like in 2B. 
Oh my god, OH MY GOD yes, that was the peak of the idiocy!! “You’re always so quick to the trigger” JESUS CHRIST PHIL HOW COULD YOU EVEN CONCEIVE TO SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HER, TO MELINDA, HOW THE FUCK DOES YOUR BRAIN WORK????!!?!?!!? I seriously tend to erase all this stupidity in s3, I know it’s not fair to the show but I’m sorry, I really can’t stand that Phil could say shit like that to Melinda, I can barely recognize it as canon... Maybe it’s me who has created this version of Phil in my head that actually got things wrong about his character, maybe I’m misreading him and don’t really understand him fully (not that I have ever claimed that I do, anyway), because no matter how stressful this moment is for him and no matter how much pressure he is under, I can’t for the life of me accept that he would say those things and behave like that... S1 behaviour I understand even if it still pisses me off a bit but it’s definitely more comprehensible, but these aspects no, just no, no way... The writers kinda saved it with May taking no shit from him (thank god for that, at least) and him apologizing, even if that was still pretty mild according to me, but oh well, better than nothing at all I guess? Let’s try to convince ourselves of that...
S4 was kinda funny to me because they just turned it up to eleven but I appreciate we actually saw him showing love/devotion/loyalty, without S4 I don't think I could ship them as much and since S5 was also disappointing in my I need to believe Coulson loves her as much as she loves him thing there was little Philinda, but still we had May showing in actions and words her love for him and Coulson, well, I believe he loves her and I guess he kissed her, said he didn't want to leave her and invited her to spend a few days together before he died in front of her. Her SL in S6 was about how much she loved him but I knew that already lol and then emotional torture and death. 
Definitely, I seriously don’t know what happened during s4 writing that convinced the writers to suddenly push on the accelerator with their relationship, but I’m actually grateful (see? I can also say good things about them lol ), even if in terms of continuity for their dynamic I’m not sure how much sense it makes unless you take for granted that interactions must have happened in between the seasons, things we obviously weren’t witnesses of... As you pointed out, otherwise it would have been pretty hard to root for them to get closer, because May deserves the world!
It’s kind of ironic in a way to see, despite her being not openly vocal and expressive in her affections, how much more Melinda has said and done to and for Phil compared to him for her - again, as it has been said, he had far more things to worry about than her, whose mission was mainly Phil from the very beginning, so he obviously was more preoccupied to allow himself the luxury of devoting himself to just one person, but still...
S6? What is that? I really have no idea what you’re talking about here... :p
And that's why I appreciate so much how the fics do the work on Couson's part because I don't think I would love the ship as much without it either. And I just find confusing why AoS decided to go for the ship if they didn't care much about committing to their relationship on screen.
Yes! And ah, at this point, especially after S6, I’m so deflated about some choices that were made that I hardly care about trying to understand what goes through the writers’ heads, so again, I’ll just take what I want and run away quickly before they catch me and throw me in the pit of misery again (lol, look how confident I seem, as if I firmly believe that I won’t be affected at all by S7... Mh mh, yeah, sure, stay tuned to find out how much I’ll fail despite me training myself not to get involved with the show like I used to be...)
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That's Distracting!
Summary: Maybe it was the fact that he refused to leave that one fact off the profile that his friends set up for him. Maybe it was that he didn't want to lie about her. Still, his plan is to come in, cancel the date, and leave. Plans apparently change. 
A/N: Inspired by this gifset (and some of the tag replies with fic ideas - though I did go in a different direction). Happy birthday, @emoussie​ (sorry I’m late!) ❤️
pre-Derek/Stiles || G || ~1400w || AO3
It feels like it's been forever since he's done this, and like he should've known it was going to go badly. He isn't even sure why he let Erica and Isaac talk him out of deleting the profile they set up for him. What he understands even less is why he looked at it, or why he clicked on that one profile that caught his eye.
Derek huffs in frustration as he weaves through the crowds in the mall and heads towards the food court. It seemed like a good idea the night before, a public place, open and safe, somewhere that provided an easy way out. Now, he's wondering if it won't be a little too easy. Not for him, but…
He spots the messy brown hair as soon as he leaves the elevator, and he also sees the brown eyes below the hair widen in surprise. They're what attracted him to the profile in the first place, and his breath catches now that he sees them in person, even brighter and more attractive than in the photo.
It's odd to have a voice to match the face, and he only manages to nod in confirmation.
“Wow, you're…”
“I'm sorry,” Derek interrupts. “I should've just messaged you, but I don't know if you'd check the app this close to the meeting…”
He huffs when he feels the kick against his hip. The carrier is digging into his shoulders in a way that's both familiar and unsettling.
“Who's this?” Stiles asks, eyes straying from Derek’s face to the baby strapped to Derek’s chest.
The question is simple and so sincere that Derek doesn't think twice before replying automatically.
“Lia, my daughter,” he says, his hand coming up to catch her flailing arm before she hits him in the face.
It wouldn't be her first time.
“She's adorable,” Stiles says, his whole face bright and open as he smiles.
“Look, I'm really sorry. My babysitter cancelled, and I was already in the area, so I figured I'd just let you know in person,” Derek says quickly, heat rising in his cheeks. “We can.. I mean, I get if you don't want to…”
“What, no, why wouldn’t I want to? What am I not supposed to want?” Stiles asks, looking puzzled as his eyes dart between Derek and Lia’s faces. “Come on, have a seat! Unless you have somewhere to go?”
It’s not the answer Derek was expecting. He knows that Stiles was aware that Derek is a single father -- it’s one of the things he refused to leave out of his profile -- but he’s had bad experiences with people before when Lia was mentioned. He’d been on a few dates where the men and women he met made it clear that they wouldn’t appreciate Lia being included in anything. Stiles being so open to Derek staying even though he had her with him was surprising.
“No,” he finally says, and slides into the chair across from Stiles.
“Okay,” Stiles says with a smile. “Now that we got that sorted…”
They fall into easy conversation that starts with food suggestions and quickly morphs into a steady flow. Stiles goes off on tangents, and Derek finds that he enjoys it in person as much as he did when they were just chatting.
Lia, in the meantime, fusses enough that Derek grabs one of the nearby high chairs, sets her in it, and lets her loose on a small plate of carrot sticks. Once she’s no longer strapped in the carrier on Derek’s chest, he notices Stiles’ attention drifting from Derek’s face and towards her.
“Aw man, that’s adorable,” he says eventually, in the middle of a ramble about his college. “That is distracting,” he adds.
Derek glances at Lia, who seems to be studying one of the carrot sticks that she hasn’t gnawed on with her barely there teeth yet. When her attention is drawn away from it and she looks across the table instead, Derek follow her gaze and it lands on Stiles’ face.
He hears the giggle next to him as he watches Stiles’ face twist into an exaggerated surprised expression, then into a big smile.
“She’s so cute!” Stiles says when he glances back at Derek. “Man, I’m kind of glad you did show up with her. I mean, you’re already great, but she’s totally giving you extra points with that face.”
“Oh,” Derek breathes out, surprised again at Stiles’ words.
“What? She’s so sweet, she’s gotta be a total magnet for people,” Stiles says, looking a little confused.
“Actually, anyone so far pretty much ran when I mentioned her,” Derek tells him with a bitter tone in his voice. “I mean, they knew, it’s on my profile, and still…”
For the need to have something to hold on to, Derek reaches for Lia’s little hand, and cringes a little when he realises that it’s covered in drool and carrot pieces. With a practiced ease, he digs out a baby wipe out of the pouch on the carrier that he hung up on the side of her high chair and starts cleaning her fingers, glad for the distraction from the conversation.
“Stupid people,” he hears Stiles mumble. “How did something like this not melt everyone? I don’t even… man.”
It doesn’t feel like Stiles is talking to Derek, more like he’s musing to himself. Right after, the words become unintelligible, no matter how Derek strains his ears. With so little surface to cover with the wipe, he cleans it in less time than he wanted to, and he dares a glance across the table again. Stiles has gone quiet, and when Derek’s eyes find him, he’s looking at Lia with a fond smile on his lips. It makes Derek’s heart skip with joy.
Their eyes meet then, and Derek doesn’t know whether he should say something, or wait until Stiles speaks. The moment is broken when Lia lets out an unhappy grumble a few beats later, and pushes the leftovers of her carrots almost off the tray.
“I’m sorry, I’ll have to…” Derek starts, and watches as Stiles’ face falls. “She’s getting fussy, which means it’s almost her nap time. I have about ten minutes to get her somewhere she can sleep before all hell breaks loose.”
He’s already reaching for and putting on the carrier when Stiles takes a deep breath and then lets it out with a sigh that seems disappointed.
“Okay, sure, yeah,” Stiles says. “I get that. I mean, I hope it’s not you trying to get away from me. If it’s not, maybe you’d want to do this,” he waves a hand between them, a gesture that Derek barely notices, “some other time again? I’d certainly like to meet you again. Both of you.”
Derek pauses halfway into strapping Lia in and he gets rewarded with an unhappy grumble from her.
“Yeah, man,” Stiles nods when their eyes meet. “I’d love to get to know you better, and you two look like a package deal, so…”
“We are,” Derek agrees. “It’s just that no one seemed to… be interested in all of this,” he nods down at Lia, who’s getting increasingly fussy.
“That’s because they don’t know what’s good for them,” Stiles says with a bright smile. “Not that I mind, at least it meant that you stuck around on the app and we got to meet. So, what do you say? Try again?”
“I’d like that,” Derek says quietly.
He has Lia strapped back in the carrier, and he checks the table and chairs to make sure he didn’t forget anything, then he looks at Stiles again.
“I’ll… message you. Or you message me,” he blurts out, feeling a little flustered.
“I will,” Stiles nods with enthusiasm.
Then he finally gets up off his chair and walks around the table before he comes to a halt at a short distance from Derek.
“It’s been a pleasure, Miss Lia,” he says, reaching for her hand and dropping a gentle kiss on the back of it. “And you, Derek,” he adds when he looks up. “Hope to see you both soon.”
“Me too,” Derek replies, and then he turns away to head for the elevator. A little bit later, he sees Stiles following its movement as it descends. For the first time since Erica and Isaac signed him up on the dating app, he’s wondering if he should get them both a gift basket.
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