#i believe this is the point where both fandoms lost. their. SHIT.
alovesongshewrote · 1 year
Baby Girl | The Lost Boys x Reader HCs
Plot:  ya call the boys baby girl. just to see what happens. [The Lost Boys x GN!Reader]
Word count:  1420 (nice)
Warnings:  implied horniness???? it's not that bad, it's just paul being a dingus
A/N: again, holy fuck i can't believe i wrote this. even more holy fuck, somehow, this isn't the stupidest thing i've ever written, and the most holy fuck, i think i might do one of these for every fandom i write for. wish me fuckin luck babes.
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Marko finds it hilarious 
You saunter up to him on the boardwalk
Full of confidence and mischief 
You throw an arm around his shoulders 
Lean your weight on him
And you say
“Ok, where are we going, baby girl?”
Yeah, you don’t end up going anywhere, because he starts wheezing 
He just wasn’t expecting it, it caught him off guard
And then you have to stand there for five minutes while he laughs so hard he fails at standing
Boy is on his KNEES losing it at “baby girl”
And you’re just standing over him for a few minutes, ginning like a madman until you kneel down next to him
And holding back your own laughter
You say
“What’s wrong, baby girl?”
And he just falls over
And at that point you also fall over 
And both of you are just cackling at this dumb shit
It’s attracting attention, but neither of you care
Eventually the rest of the boys come back to find you and marko just
On the ground
And david straight up turns around and walks the other way
It’s great, it’s fantastic
You and marko call each other “baby girl” for at least a week
And you both die laughing every single time
Everyone else hates you but it’s so fucking worth it
He also finds it hilarious, but like
Slightly to the left
The two of you are also on the boardwalk 
Waiting for everyone else to show up
And you’re sitting on one of the rails while he stands like, kind of in front of you?
And he gets distracted by something
As he does with startling frequency 
And you watch him for a few minutes
Admiring him
But eventually, you get bored with that, so you kinda 
Kick him
A little bit
Not hard 
It’s not enough to hurt him
(if you can even do that)
But it’s enough to get his attention 
He looks at you
And his eyes get really big and sad, like he’s silently asking, “Why did you kick me?”
Either way, you power through it
And you go
“Whatcha lookin at, baby girl?”
And this boy just
Lights Up
The sad puppy eyes are Dropped 
And They Are Replaced With The Horny Eyes.
He just
Leans into you
As he looks at you, scanning you up and down
His gaze is piercing and uhhh
It looks like he wants to Eat You.
And goes
“baby girl, huh?”
And you’re like
“Yeah, baby girl.  And you didn’t answer my question.”
Which like
You say it
And you are Aware that you are Playing With Fire
But fuck, the fire is fun to play with
And you won’t complain about getting burned 
When he takes another step towards you and like
Smacks a hand down on your leg
You just lean in further and go
“Are you gonna answer me, baby girl?”
Yeah, you get bit
On the neck
You fucked around and found out
You leaned in too far and you got bit
These boys, i swear, they’re animals 
Just fuckin biting
It’s a gentle bite tho
And when he pulls back he goes
“Doesn’t matter, baby.  All I can see now is you.”
And it’s so fuckin cute that you almost fall off the rail you’re sitting on
Anyway, yeah, you and paul also call each other “baby girl” for a week, but the context is Different 
Dwayne has a relatively simple reaction
The two of you are vibin in the cave
It’s dark outside 
So everyone else is out
And the two of you are alone
And he’s minding his own business
Lounging around a bit 
Reading a book 
And you
You are Bored
And you’re in the mood to cause problems on purpose, so
You slide in
Lean over him
And you watch him for a second
Tilting your head every now and then like a confused puppy
He ignores you
And after a few minutes of standing there, a plot comes to your wicked little mind
You lean in even closer
And you go
“Hey baby girl, whatcha reading?”
And he just
Looks at you 
For a second
Maybe he blinks once or twice
And you don’t budge, you’re just sitting there grinning at him
In silence
And then suddenly 
In the blink of an eye
He pulls you down onto him and into his arms
You quickly find yourself resting on top of him 
Using his chest as a pillow 
And this man
Does Not Wear A Shirt
So that’s fun for you
Anyway, he takes the book and just
Holds it above the two of you 
So that you can both read it
And he says
“Look for yourself, baby girl”
Which if you ask me, is the fuckin Height Of Romance, but you didn’t ask me, and that’s okay
Anyway, yeah, it’s cute
Adorable shit
Anyway, time for david
David is
By his baby girlification 
He’s not mad, he doesn’t expect it
(Kinda like marko, but he doesn't laugh, he just sorta sits there)
It takes him a second to process, because the second the word “baby girl” leaves your mouth and floats his way, he blue screens
David.exe is not working
The first time you do it, you’re in the cave with everyone else
And he’s sitting in his wheelchair, staring off into the distance like the brooding vampire man that he is
And you lean over him and go
“Whatcha thinkin about, baby girl?”
And he just goes
And like
I don’t think you can actually say that he says what
It’s more like he breathes it out while his eyebrows furrow together and he shoots you the most confused look you have ever seen on his face
In part, he’s unsure that you’re talking to him
And in another part, you usually use more
Standard?  Pet Names? 
Darling, maybe sweetheart 
And he wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to weird pet names, it’s just that one time on the boardwalk you heard him call a potential meal “kitten” and you didn’t stop meowing at him for three months
So yeah, he didn’t see that one coming
It doesn’t help that the rest of the boys are there at the time, and you, marko, and paul just start chanting the word “baby girl” over and over again
Side note, i think the boys may have a thing for chants
The next time you call him baby girl, he you catch him off guard with your sheer boldness 
It’s not the “baby girl” itself, it’s the words that accompany it
See, he’s drinking something 
Water, blood, whatever
He’s drinking it
And you look over at him and you just go
“Damn, you’re pretty thirsty tonight, huh baby girl?  We’ll just have to do something about that.”
And your tone is like, half joking, but that doesn’t matter, he still chokes on his drink
He coughs for like
A Good Few Minutes
And in those minutes you go from laughing at him, to panicking and patting him on the back
Congrats to you btw, you almost killed known horror icon david lost boys
Good for you
Anyway, he survives, which is good
Bc idk how forgiving the other boys would be of you committing manslaughter (vampire slaughter?) against david
(tbh, they’d probably be pretty forgiving given the sheer hilarity of the situation)
The next time you call him baby girl is in front of max
And like
This is peak 0 brain cell behaviour for you, because you straight up aren’t even thinking about it
You see david in the video store
You walk into the video store
You don’t realize he is in the Middle Of Talking To His Dad
And you go
“Hey baby girl”
And then you wander off to the horror section 
No thots given 
You don’t even notice david and max staring after you
You’re too busy looking at a copy of texas chainsaw massacre 2
And when they turn back to face each other it is literally that one meme
“David, why does (Y/N) call you baby girl?”
“Maybe we should stop talking for a while”
David doesn’t mind it, it just fucking surprises him every gd time
You’d think he’d get used to it but nope
It always gets him
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kirain · 2 months
I've been on this site for over ten years and I've never had to do this, but sadly the time has come where I feel forced to make a call out post, if only for the safety of my blog.
Please do not harass this person. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THEM! That is not my goal here. That said, I do suggest you avoid them at all costs, for your own safety and sanity.
A few days ago, I made a post responding to some anonymous hate I received regarding Gale Dekarios, a character from BG3. An account named Turtwg, who has now changed her name to Shdowheart, took issue with the content and tone of my post. Instead of simply blocking me, she attacked me and several other people in the notes, and accused me of sending the anon to myself.
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I responded, arguing against her accusations and a few other remarks she made. Just typical fandom discourse. Or so I thought.
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I regret it now (only because I've lost some evidence), but I deleted many of her and my messages. They were clogging up my post and veering extremely off topic, but eventually she admitted I didn't send the anon to myself. When I asked her how she knew that, she said she traced the anon to a Gale-centric account. You see, she believed the anon wasn't sent by an Astarion fan, but by a Gale fan trying to create discourse. In a normal situation, I'd say that's a fair assumption for anyone to make, but something seemed off.
First of all, despite several people telling her it's not possible to track down blogs through their anonymous messages, she insisted she found the user responsible—which honestly made me wonder if she sent the anon herself, hoping to create drama. If she did, then mission accomplished, I guess. We messaged back and forth in the notes for a while, with me commenting on both the impossibility and morality of tracking down an anonymous user. During that time, her responses to me were lightning fast. Constant. Remember that for later.
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Second, she soon told me she had the anon's IP address, which she said she'd "happily send me". I told her an IP address doesn't prove anything because it can be photoshopped and a lot of people use VPNs. I also pointed out how utterly insane it is to dox/cyberstalk someone over a post about a video game. It's really not that serious. But out of sheer curiosity, I told her to give me the blog name. Not because I believed her, but because I was curious to see if she'd accuse a popular blog or someone who could defend themselves. The moment I asked, she went silent for nearly an hour. 🤔
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When she came back, she gave me the name of an account called Dekariosbf. She told me to message the account, so I did, though I made no accusations against them yet. As I waited for a reply, I accused Turtwg of making the account herself, as it was barren with no activity whatsoever. No likes, no posts, nothing. She easily could've created the account during that hour of peace. Moreover, after she gave me the account name and I accused her of creating it, her responses were once again lightning fast. 🤔
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As we argued, I sent my brother-in-law and a friend of mine a link to my blog and had them read through the discourse. They don't have Tumblr accounts, but they're both computer nerds and my brother-in-law literally works with computers/programs for a living. I asked them if anything Turtwg said was valid, and they (along with someone else in the notes who claimed to work in UI/UX) confirmed that no, absolutely nothing she said was valid. Tumblr pays for a service that protects their users, and the only way to trace anons is by using extremely unsavory and illegal methods ... and even then it's extremely unlikely to work.
Speaking of, my brother-in-law eventually messaged me and told me he found the actual account that sent the anon. I stupidly believed him and jumped the gun on that, because it turns out he was just being a shit disturber. That said, I used this information to call Turtwg out on her lies. In response, Dekariosbf miraculously (and in a rather timely fashion) responded to me. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of this interaction, but I'll explain why in a moment.
Dekariosbf was chatty and cordial at first. I asked them for their main account name, but they refused to give it, saying they only use it for poetry; which, as you can see from the screenshot, directly contradicts their bio, but I digress. I was suspicious, but also kept in mind the possibility that this might've been an innocent person Turtwg accused. For a while we shot the shit, talking back and forth about BG3, reading, teaching—but I did this for a reason. I wanted to get a feel for their writing style. Sure enough, they wrote exactly like Turtwg. Same spelling mistakes, same pattern of punctuation, same use of lower case letters instead of capital letters, same abbreviations, etc.
Finally, when I was sure it was her, I dropped the bomb. I very gently told "Dekariosbf" that someone named Turtwg accused them of sending me a hateful Gale anon, but that I didn't believe it. Low and behold, they did a complete 180.
"Yes, it was me. It was totally me. I just LOVE your blog and RESPECT you so much. I LOVE Gale and I wanted to know what you'd say if I sent that anon. It wasn't meant to be hateful. Please don't write a call out post about me. Please don't tell your followers. I mean, I understand if you do, but please don't. Turtwg messaged me and threatened to dox me and sent me a photo of my IP address. She's so smart, I don't think you should mess with her. Oh and my mom can't speak English. If we get doxxed, I think it would kill her."
I said I didn't believe them and accused them of being Turtwg on a sock account. They kept insisting they weren't, begged me to believe they sent the anon (and I mean they were desperate for me to believe it), and very strangly didn't express any anger or confusion over the situation. When I brought up the accusation, they completely changed their tone from friendly to "oh yeah, that was me". I kept saying I didn't believe them, particularly because of what my brother-in-law said, but promised not to call any attention to them. I was happy to simply let the matter rest. Suddenly, mid conversation, they deleted their entire blog. Poof. It's gone now, along with all our messages.
I thought that would be the end of it, but not even five minutes after Dekariosbf flung themselves into the void, Turtwg herself DMed me out of nowhere and accused me of trying to hack her account, presumably because I told "Dekariosbf" that my brother-in-law is computer savvy. Keep in mind that before this moment, our entire conversation took place in the notes of my post. I never DMed her, nor did I have any intention of doing so. I also had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, I just knew she was lying to me. Now it looks as though she's ramping up to lie to the Tumblr admins in order to get my account deleted.
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And all because my post about a video game made her angry.
I really hate drawing attention to this. You can see in my other posts that I always censor people's usernames, but as I said at the beginning ... I don't feel like I have a choice this time. I want this up so the Tumblr admins or whoever can see it.
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Turtwg has attacked other people for posting their opinions as well. For example, she attacked this person just because they expressed their opinon on wyllsterion. She went so far as to call them racist when Wyll is literally one of their favourite characters. She just got mad because they don't think Wyll and Astarion make sense together; a perfectly valid opinion. And I only know about this because I received messages warning me about interacting with Turtwg/Shdowheart from someone who recognised them in the notes of my post.
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I guess I should've blocked her from the start, but I've said many times in the past that I enjoy a good debate. Plus I was genuinely curious to see how far she was willing to take her lie. Unfortunately, I underestimated just how unhinged she truly is. On her own blog, she's even admitted that she's had to make a new account seven times, likely due to other drama she started.
I was very hesitant to put this in the BG3 tags, but since that seems to be the fandom she interacts with the most, I figured it would be a fair warning to anyone else she might harass. She's particularly active in the Astarion/Wyll/Wyllsterion tags. Stay safe, everyone. I think I'll sign off for a while. I'm tired, and this has somehow become the most toxic fandom I've ever dared to be a part of.
Please do not harass this person. PLEASE DO NOT HARASS THEM! That is not my goal here. That said, I do suggest you avoid them at all costs, for your own safety and sanity.
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naeldeus · 2 months
jjk 251
Megumi is a background character to his own tragedy
Chapter 251 dropped, and a certain character is not coming out unscathed. Our cast is trying to seperate Sukuna and Megumi, and after a few tries, Yuuji finally reaches Megumi. But Megumi denies Yuuji's help, having lost the will to live, allowing Sukuna to launch a counter-attack once more. For this, Megumi is called a bum and slandered all over the internet. Yuuji and Megumi's suffering is pitted against each other by the fandom. Part of it is memes, sure, but it's clearly more than that.
Realistically, Megumi and Yuuji are going through very similar events. Megumi lost his sister and teacher while under Sukuna's possession. Yuuji lost his friend, his mentor right in front of him in the span of minutes. Sukuna killed an untold amount of people in their bodies. Both went fetal after it happened. So why is the response so contrasting?
Yuuji's trauma in Shibuya is front, right, and center. His relationships were developed on-page, the reader is just as shocked by the loss of his loved ones, we're grieving right along with him.
Meanwhile, the events Megumi goes through aren't given the same care. Ever since he got fed the Finger Special, at no point does the narrative slow down so the reader can digest what's happening. Megumi's plot and struggles gets glossed over, skipped, or is a complete tonal disconnect to what's actually happening.
Tsumiki wakes up: the only on-page interaction is Megumi telling Tsumiki to go back to sleep, even though she woke up from a nearly two-year coma. She doesn't show up the entire Culling Games arc even though Megumi's participation was to save his sister
Tsumiki turns out to be an incarnated sorcerer: Megumi's reaction to his sister being dead and possessed is practically non-existent because Sukuna takes over Megumi right after
Tsumiki gets killed by Megumi's own technique: This is the worst one, imho. Yorozu is completely in control during this fight, we learn nothing about Tsumiki. There is almost no acknowledgment on how horrifying this situation really is. The narrative focuses more on Sukuna trying to kill Yorozu, creating this disconnect where Tsumiki is seemingly already dead but she has to die again for Megumi's angst. Does it really matter that Tsumiki's body needs to be killed by the 10 Shadows? Isn't the fact that Megumi will forever remember her dying by his own hand not enough? There is accidental pseudo-incest in this arc and it's completely unacknowledged. The tone is just all over the place.
Megumi takes the damage of 5 Domain Expansions: Is he brain dead? Was his soul damaged? Is he fine? What are birds? We just don't know
Gojo, Megumi's guardian, gets killed while possessed: Megumi and Gojo's relationship is a hotly debated topic amongst fans. Is Gojo Megumi's father figure? Are they even close? Did Gojo hold back from trying to kill Megumi or did he think Megumi was a lost cause? Is Megumi even aware of what's going on?
And the ultimate kicker to all of this: Megumi has shown up for a handful of panels for most of the events described. His story is absolutely horrifying and would cripple any man, but it's all off-screened or shrouded in vagueness.
But to large parts of the fandom none of that matters. If Megumi's friends put aside all their pain, why can't Megumi? Setting aside that Yuuji very definitely did not when it was him, I believe this is a direct consequence of the lack of character work. For months now, character after character dies, and no one reacts to it. Gojo, the biggest hope to most of the current cast, died and the story moves on to the next contender in the same chapter he kicks it. They all just jump into the fight like they're swapping party members in an RPG. It's no wonder Megumi gets disrespected for being the one guy who breaks down to the shit he goes through like a real human being. Why should the fandom care when the story itself does the same thing?
There's a lot of parellels Gege could have drawn between Yuuji and Megumi, and while that might still happen, the way Megumi has been treated as a plot device makes the entire experience incredibly unsatisfying.
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nightgoodomens · 6 months
I read a few of your metas as another Crowley fan and I have to ask you- you don’t seem to like anything about aziraphale at all, like all your crit over his character is really harsh. Why would you ship him with Crowley? I Donno, like he does need to learn some stuff and grow, but you make him sound so utterly toxic that he actually drags Crowley down. The way you describe aziraphale, even I don’t want that guy back with Crowley even if he apologizes. I’m wondering what you are seeing that I’m not? Because I do think they had to spit up, but I thought they both had to learn more respect for each other, not just one way. Like to me, Crowley is just more mature than him developmentally, but he can be condescending to aziraphale about it.
I think it is just the impression you got because I recently reblogged a few posts calling out his behaviour and added a few thoughts. But there are only a few compared to hundreds of posts which are in his and Crowley's favour and make it obvious why I ship them. Plus the fanfictions.
I reblog different theories. I like hearing people's thoughts, whether I agree more or less with them. If someone makes an interesting point, I will reblog, even if I don't fully agree.
And I've been impressed how this fandom is open to talking and theorising, instead of introducing a ban on saying anything bad about any character. They're not supposed to be perfect, that's what makes them interesting. So we can call out the mistakes they make. It doesn't mean we hate them, it means we have eyes and a rational, curious mind.
I always said that I know Aziraphale loves Crowley and there was no maliciousness in his behaviour. No matter his mistakes, he DOES love him. We see plenty of evidence of it. Season 2 is full of his love for Crowley. And how can I not love a character that loves my favourite so much? Besides, Aziraphale is interesting. He has as much depth as Crowley. He is meant to be more irritating out of them two, because Crowley is the rational one that speaks to us more, while Aziraphale, after 6 thousand years, still seems to pick Heaven over Crowley and says really hurtful things. He has not developed as we kind of expected him to have developed by now, I guess. But Aziraphale holds onto the past, it is just part of who he is.
But this is where the theorising begins. Crowley was obvious, his behaviour makes sense, of course he would never go to Heaven. There is nothing to question. But Aziraphale gets all those posts where we wonder what made him do what he did, because we simply don't know.
If what he was saying was what he was actually thinking, then he does deserve a bit of backlash. Because to say those things to Crowley after 6 thousand years was utterly shit. But this is a plotting device. We needed one of them to fuck up to develop the story. To have interesting character development later.
But. Did he fuck up? He was never malicious on purpose, so we know he was not trying to be now. So there are plenty of choices:
He truly believed that Crowley would be happy about this. He could restore him to be an angel, because he felt that Crowley should never have fallen. It's a sort of a sweet and innocent thought that would make sense to me. The problem is that he should have known better, but on the surface it's the thought that matters. Still, the harsh words seemed out of place, considering they moved past being hurtful. Again, not maliciously. He was wrong about the restoration, but I love him for caring so deeply because his thoughts were just that - love.
He knew Metatron was lying and asking him to bring Crowley to Heaven to hurt him. So he quickly started acting over the top, knowing that it will confuse Crowley (it did!), throw him off, then he added a few hurtful things to the mix to ensure he would leave. Except he did not know Crowley will choose the moment to confess and kiss him, so he nearly lost it. Nothing to hate here. Again, pure love.
He genuinely just wants to change Heaven? Except he only opened up to the idea when he was offered to take Crowley with him, so I don't believe he is that passionate about Heaven itself. Or he is, but as long as he has Crowley with him. All these theories show that he loves him but he doesn't fully understand him. Not yet.
Honestly, this is why we keep theorising which theory, out of many, some I haven't even listed, is true. Hell knows maybe we are all wrong.
So with some theories I will say well if this is the case then he has a lot to learn. In others I will screech that he loves him so much.
Here are the only facts though:
Aziraphale loves Crowley.
He said hurtful things to Crowley. Never maliciously. But they still deserve calling out.
If the worst theories are true, then we can say wow, you have a lot to learn and that was toxic. NG said he has a lot to learn, so it is just part of his development. But maybe the theories aren't true?
He does not listen to Crowley. Now, I can be frustrated over him dissing Crowley whenever he is trying to tell him something is wrong or that he is worried, but at the same time I love how much he loves him to the point that he doesn't listen because his only priority is e.g. finally being able to dance with Crowley. Demons outside the bookshop? Shut up, let's dance. I mean it is dumbass, but how can you not love him for how obsessed he is with the love of his life.
He does kick Crowley out whenever Crowley does not agree with him, and that is wrong. And Aziraphale struggles to admit when he is wrong. But, yes, he did dance - even if he seems bitter about it so that's not ideal, is it? That's not a sincere apology. I do believe the way he acts is very Heaven like - My Way or High Way - and he probably does not even realise. But we did see development where he admitted he wants Crowley to help and when he shouts he needs him.
Crowley shouldn't be the one apologising when Aziraphale does not deserve the apology, but this is partly Crowley's mistake too, because he should have said 'listen you little shit, I came back here because Hell is out to get you, not because I was wrong'. You know, if they could actually talk...? But I do believe that Crowley just expected stubbornness, so he did not bother, because safety was priority. This is a communication thing they will need to figure out. Important thing someone mentioned, though, is that we need to remember that they were never meant to communicate. They could never be too honest with each other. So their problems are realistic.
The whole miscommunication thing is complicated, because on one hand Crowley doesn't tell him everything because he wants to protect him, but when he tries Aziraphale doesn't always listen, and Aziraphale is known for withholding information from Crowley, too. Again, things they need to work on.
I really could go on and on and on.
I fucking love Aziraphale. I love that he can make me theorise for hours. I love that I can make up scenarios where he gets a middle finger and finally admits he fucked up, or scenarios where he truly thought he's doing the right thing for Crowley, and develops as a character to finally understand him completely, or this is some much deeper plan going on... And hell knows which theory, if any of those theories, are right.
It is not hate to say wow Aziraphale fucked up. It just shows he's a complicated character which is good. It would be so bloody boring if he and Crowley were walking perfections who always did the right thing. You wouldn't see anyone theorising or wondering or making up 100 different scenarios where all or none could be true.
I love him for how much he adores Crowley. I love his love for books and cakes and magic, his cute moments, his eyes full of adoration, that he plays a damsel in distress to see Crowley and invite him for a date, I love his innocence. At the end of the day he is simply trying his best.
How can you not ship them? They have Heaven and Hell against them and yet they always find a way back to each other. Even when they fuck up, when they don't talk properly, their love makes them reach out for each other. Over 6 thousand years at least.
How can you not ship love like that? It has more depth than so many other relationships I have read in my life. But because it has depth it means that there will be mistakes. And that's fine. And you can call them out, it does not cancel your love for either of them, or revokes your ability to ship them.
Keep on criticising, talking, wondering, theorising, making up stories. We're only able to because of how complex they are.
And that's fantastic.
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w3ndytheraccoon · 4 months
C!Tommy is my favourite character, however, that doesn’t mean he gets a pass.
In simple word, C!Tommy is a narcissist, or atleast show alot of narcissistic traits. Self importance ? Check. Entitled to some degree ? Check. Arrogant ? Check. Jealous easily ? Check. Rarely believe something is his fault ? Check.
( Obviously, just because someone has some of these traits, that doesn’t mean that they’re a narcissist or a bad person, it depends on the context )
Now, I guess you can say that since Tommy is canonically 16, being a narcissist is expected, because most 16 years old is a self - centred asshole. But like I said many times, just because it’s justified, that doesn’t mean it’s okay.
Tommy has show signs of a narcissist ( Arrogant, entitled ) ever since he joined, and as the lore progresses, he starts to show more. It even gets worse when he got mad because he can’t fathom the fact Tubbo has a life out of him. He threatened to kill Michael for fuck’s sake ( I still love reading about them bonding tho ) !
And the whole “ Me and Tubbo vs Dream “ always gets on my nerves. Yes, Tommy has been hurt by Dream but he’s not the only one. What about Sapnap and Geogre who have to watch their close friend spiral ? What about Puffy who lost her fucking son and felt responsible for how he turn out ? What about Ranboo ? What about Niki and Jack and Fundy who lost their home when he blew up L’ manberg ? What about Vikkstar & Lazarbeam ? Dream has hurt almost everyone, not just Tommy, yet he believes he’s the only one.
Not to mentioned, he claims Tubbo is his bestfriend, yet hesitate when he’s asked to choose between him and the discs. Tommy has been an asshole to Tubbo and Tubbo has also been an asshole to Tommy times to times ( I will cover this more for when Tubbo’s post comes ). C!ClingyDuo is a shitshow (and when you include Ranboo and make it C!BenchTrio, it gets even worse ), they’re both bad for eachother. Sure, there are times where they act like actual, healthy friends, but half the times, their “ friendship “ is held together by shared trauma.
While Tubbo is treated like something comparable to the fucking discs, Ranboo is seen as an obstacle half the times. Yeah, Tommy covered for him when they burnt Geogre’s house, but that’s it. After that, whenever Tommy is with Ranboo, he’s just a tad bit more hostile and he always show jealousy when Ranboo and Tubbo are together. Like C!ClingyDuo, C!AlliumDuo is also toxic as hell and is barely being held together by the fact they have a mutual friend ( Tubbo ).
Don’t even get me start on Jack. I joined the fandom relatively late ( Post Prison Arc ), when the fandom’s opinions start shifting, and Tommy became a baby who can’t do anything wrong, so Jack’s death was pretty much brush over. It doesn’t help that I learn the lore solely through fan content, and as I said, opinions start shifting and Jack’s death got no acknowledgement. I didn’t even know why he was so mad at Tommy until a few weeks ago when I read a fanfic ( On Temporizing by LuckyMagicBelle ). No one in the fandom and the lore acknowledge it except Jack and maybe Niki, not even Tommy himself.
And that’s not even talking about all the casual crimes he commit, which I will not be getting into, because I’m pretty sure everyone have commit atleast 3 casually crimes at this point.
( Putting this just incase. Like in the one I made about Dream, just because Tommy is an asshole sometimes, that doesn’t mean the shit that happened to him is okay. And how he turns out is realistic imo, because I know that if I went through what he did, I’ll come out worse. But still, a flaw is flaw, and this is a call out post. He is child and someone should’ve show him how to be better, not let him continue to be like this )
Conclusion : C!Tommy is an actual war criminal that is in no way, shape or form innocent, yet most the fandom ignore that because they woobified him. He’s an asshole sometimes and it’s fine to be paranoid after the shit he went through but he needs to understand that Dream isn’t always out to get him. Also, C!BenchTrio needs to split up, have some therapy and spent some times for themselves before they’re ready to be friends again.
I still love him and will defend him with my dying breath though.
Edit : Y’all, I just saw a post that said C!tommy is a accurate portrayal of an abused victim, and now I can’t tell which of my points are actually him being an ass and which one is me being insensitive / overreacting and not realising that he’s intended to be written that way to be accurate. Please tell me because I do not want to offend anyone-
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diabolikpersonals · 4 months
why is there ayato salt back on the hashtag smh
I dont knowwwww, ayato's been getting a lot of attention in the eng-speaking fandom lately bc it's popular to either be like "he's the Main Character he's the Greatest" or to say some shit like "he's so boring n stupid and other diaboys should get more time in the spotlight." I personally have no interest in treating this visual novel like a popularity contest so I dont see the point x_x like, these are characters in a story and not, like, celebrities who need to fight to have more screentime or w/e. it is a visual novel. everyone gets one route per game. I just don't see how this is a useful conversation to have
but u know me. ayato's my favorite character. and he's undeniably the posterboy of diabolik lovers. so what do I think abt ayato's position in this story
The reason I think Ayato is the posterboy is because he best represents the themes dialovers is trying to get across. All of the characters start off with strained, uncomfortable, most of the time actively vitriolic relationships with their families, and their problems are exacerbated by a power struggle in the demon world that forces them to view their family members as competitors. They want love, but they cannot get it from the people near them because vulnerability is not an option. Yui comes along and suddenly they have access to love and comfort that they've never had before, and as the series progresses, they start to heal and repair their familial relationships as well.
The relationships in dialovers are all very well-balanced so everyone's problems play off each other and make this struggle for familial love as tragic as possible. Dialovers is a very good story in that regard. I believe that Ayato's role in the story is to be the guy who represents these themes in the clearest way. Ayato wants love A LOT. He was abused for the specific purpose of beating vulnerability out of him, so he would never be weak or too goodhearted during the competition for the throne, but instilling that false sense of superiority and self-importance only made Ayato more starved for love and attention. So when dialovers starts making that turn from "the diaboys want Yui's love only" to "the diaboys want love from their families too," Ayato is READY for that shit. He struggles with it same as everyone else, but he ABSOLUTELY wants to fix his relationship with his brothers. He's made lots of mistakes and he really doesn't want his brothers to hate him. He wants to be loved. He loves them too.
A lot of diaboys will be really stubborn about their desire to be loved, and continue insisting that they hate or don't care about their families right up till the most recent dialovers game! And in a lot of cases, Ayato is an example for them. Think about Ayato's role in Laito's Lost Eden route, where he reveals that he regrets how he couldn't help Laito in the past and he's been working hard to help Laito now. Or Kanato's Chaos Lineage route, where Ayato sacrifices himself so Kanato and Yui can get to safety. Both times, Ayato puts his neck out to heal a family that claims not to love him (or "loves him so much they want him to die" as Laito put it one time lol) and that's the catalyst that causes those characters to realize that they want to heal this family, too. They want to love each other, even if that seems hard right now.
In those routes, Ayato isn't the main character; he's a supporting character. And as a character in an otome game, he was never meant to be a one-size-fits-all love interest that is Clearly the Correct Choice out of all the dateable options in dialovers. That's just silly, and that's not how otome games work. But Ayato is a thematically important and compelling character to the point where his character arc influences the direction that the entire series will take, and that's true regardless of whether he's your type or not, and it's for that reason that I believe he's the clear choice for the posterboy of dialovers.
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universalistotalis · 2 years
All for the best (Part 2)
Meian Shugo x Reader (HAIKYUU!!! Timeskip)
WC: 1.5k
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Hi. It’s me again. And guess what I have for you??? HAHAHAHAHA I was about to leave that story be but you guys convinced me otherwise! I’m so happy you liked that angsty story so here’s the part two. Now, the ending for the both of them, I’ll leave that up to you. Tell me in the comments! This turned out longer than I expected but oh well! Love y’all to bits, srsly!!! 🤗💕
Taglist: @darthferbert @fandomislife17 @pluviophilefangirl @beancurdbaby @qualitygiantshoepsychic @myoneandongly @sanzuandmikey @cookieempress2 @multi-fandom-fanfic @hai1q @sukunasrealgf @captain-janeway @tetsustulip @samkysnks @rumireads @donut-hoarder @crystal-lilac @birdybirdgochirp @ceo-of-daichi @amecchii @aizumie
Part 1
It was at a restaurant where Meian Shugo’s world stopped turning.
The place hasn’t changed at all since your first date. Even he was sitting on the same corner, same spot, had the same view of the sunny streets. His nostrils breathed the same coffee scent and the cushions had the exact same textures to them. But what changed was that, for the first time, he completely melted at the sight of you.
You were approaching him with slow, shy steps. Kind eyes and a small smile greeted him with a softness that’s enough to warm his chest. You were glowing, blooming like a fresh flower in spring, and he knew everyone in the room saw that.
“Hi, Meian. Thanks for meeting me here.” You started as you stood in front of him.
As if breaking out of a trance, he stands up abruptly, towering over to your side and gently pulls a seat out for you.
“I should be the one to thank you for reaching out.” He replied bashfully, as he motioned for you to sit.
He tried to remain composed as you raised your eyebrow at his actions because he knows… He knows he wasn’t like this before. He may have behaved like a gentleman then but only when he wanted to. He knows he wasn’t consistent and he often acted hot and cold towards you. He knows where he went wrong. He had a whole year to think and analyze the relationship while he was waiting for you to be ready to face him.
And god please… please be ready and willing to accept him again.
You’re a smart woman. That’s one of the things he loved about you. You’re quick-witted and so aware of everything that he wasn’t surprised that you saw right through him, even before he recognized the truth himself. And most of all, even though he didn’t want to admit it, you’re always right.
You’re right about him loving someone else. Her name was Anissa Okada. The girl’s face tormented him for years and he tried to see glimpses of her in you. He tried to replace your face with hers every time he looked at you. He tried to find connections, even the tiniest of details, just so that he can hold onto the fantasies of what could have been because he couldn’t have her.
And he never felt emptier and guiltier.
To add to the worsening injury, he thought that a ring would end his sufferings. He thought that he would be secured with a kind-hearted, honest girl like you who’s so head-over-heels in love with him. You would never leave at this point. And he thought he’ll adapt eventually to this whole situation. But that was what he wanted to believe.
As you said your orders to the waitress, he couldn’t help but stare now. Why? Why didn’t he see you before? Why did he choose you to play with? Why didn’t he give you his full attention?
“So…” You grinned, clasping your hands together as you faced him. “How’s life treating you so far?”
“Like shit.” He shrugged, trying to cover and keep calm the electrifying nerves that threaten to shut him down. Their only trigger? Your smile.
“Hey, don’t say it like that. Your team’s advancing to the olympic finals, right?” Your light reprimanding tone hasn’t changed one bit and that hit him with nostalgia.
“Yeah, I know. And yes, we are.” He said wistfully, lost in your eyes. “I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful, I’m sorry. The team’s been doing really well and so far we didn’t make much mistakes in the matches. I hope we remain in this condition until the end.”
“Well, that’s a relief. I hope you’ll win a medal. You and all the boys deserve it. Just don’t overwork yourselves though, we don’t want those nasty injuries.” You smiled.
“Thank you.” He says gratefully. “But enough about me, what about you? I see you’re doing well.”
And with that, your whole mood changed. Your eyes brightened, posture opened, and you shone with happiness. Were you always this passionate? Meian never met someone as genuine and as spirited as you are now. He couldn’t help but bask in your radiance and absorb some of your happy energy.
“Oh Meian, you wouldn’t believe!” You squeaked in glee. “I got accepted in the job I’ve been dreaming of for years! I started 9 months ago and it’s doing great!”
Meian’s smile wavered slightly but he remembered to keep it intact. Because fuck him!!! If he knew that the job you kept talking about before would make you this happy, he would have allowed you to work in a blink of an eye!!! But what did he do? He restricted you because he was so sure that he could provide for the both of you and more.
Fuck, you selfish bastard.
“Really? That’s great!” He cheered, heart clenching at the twinkle in your eyes. That’s what he deprived you of. “Tell me more. Tell me everything.”
So you did. All the while, he couldn’t contain the jumble of his feelings inside his chest. He was so proud and he wanted to show the world how lucky he was to have you. How lucky he was to be in a presence of such a beautiful and successful woman. But he felt a mix of guilt and loneliness knowing that you became like this without him.
It may have been hours but the both of you bickered non-stop as if it was the first stage of getting to know each other. Your stories continued on and god was your voice soothing all his demons. He missed you so much that half a meter of a distance was much too far for him. He needed to feel you, he needed to be with you. Blood rushed cold in his head at his longing so without much thinking, he blurted out, “When are you coming home?”
Your smile faded and your expression morphed into worry and then… into pity. “Oh, Meian. I—“
Shit. He knew what was coming. He knew there would be destruction so he had to do whatever it takes for you to reconsider wrecking havoc on his heart. “Wait. Before you say anything…”
He licked his lips then reached for your hands. “You were right. About everything. It wasn’t you at first and I am sincerely sorry for using you like that. I really am. I’ve had a year of contemplating my actions and there isn’t a day that I do not regret taking advantage of your love. But give me one last chance, baby, and I promise I wouldn’t waste whatever you give me. Believe me, I’m all yours now, I’d do anything for you, I’m at your disposal, just please… be with me. I truly love you.”
He would beg on his knees if he had to. He was ready to do just that and the squeeze that you gave him ignited a fire of hope.
“Meian, I didn’t call you here to start over.” You slowly told him. “I came here to set you free.”
Only for it to be extinguished in a second.
He whimpered your name but you shook your head no.
“It was what I should’ve done before the both of us became this broken. I’m sorry but we’re better off our separate ways.”
“No.” He countered, grip tightening on your fingers. “Please.”
“We can be friends. But Meian, we can’t be together. I can’t do that with you again, I hope you understand.” There was a finality to your tone that hammered at his chest. He really doesn’t have a space in your life anymore. This was the very reality that he begged would never come true.
Desperate was what he was. He was ready to take different measures to take you back. He was ready to propose to you again tonight, to beg you to stay.
His grip tightened on your ring inside his pocket. Of course, he kept it. It was the only thing that bound him to you. He needed you in his life, this, he was so sure of… more than anything. He knew his mistakes and he hoped, prayed, that he would be able to right these… to learn from these… And be a better person, for YOU. To be a better lover, for YOU, for both YOUR relationship.
But fuck you look so happy without him. Was he that selfish before that he deprived you of freedom, of happiness? If he could turn back time, hell, he would give you the world. He'd listen and get to know your deepest desires and fulfill all those!
He would do everything in his power for just an ounce of your love.
So he doesn’t know if what he’ll do now is right. It feels like a stab in the chest but he bets nothing beats the pain that you had endured when you were with him.
So instead he smiles, accepts defeat, and agrees to your terms. He’s engraining everything about you, every second of today, in his mind. He needed all the memory he could get because this may be the last time he’ll ever be this close to you ever again.
He doesn’t want to set you free. That’s the last thing on his mind but he had to consider your feelings… for the first time. It’s excruciating letting go of the silver ring because he knows he’s sacrificing his heart in the process…
But now, it’s for the best.
Replies and reblogs are totally, totally appreciated! You all make me happy, so thank you 🥹
I’ve been posting a lot of angst so be ready for fluffies!!! 😉 and also i’m running out of Meian pictures help
Part 1
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I find it amusing that you hate James when we don’t even know his pov. We only got to see Snapes memories and since he hated James his memories would have been the worst thing James did. What James did was wrong and there’s no excuse for it but we don’t even know all the stuff Snape and his friends did to all the other students. Snape wasn’t innocent and neither was James. James at least grew up but Snape never did and stayed a bitter arsehole that bullied children until the day he died. Yes he did some good but it was all for Lily (his obsession with her was creepy and not romantic at all). Now let’s compare Sirius and Draco. Sirius came from a similar family as Draco with similar beliefs. Yes he was a bully to Snape but he went against his family and their believes and chose good over evil. Draco on the other hand has been put on a pedestal by fandom probably because they haven’t read the book and liked the actor who played him in the movies. He was a coward, blood-ist, narcissistic bully who thought his family status gave him the right to look down upon everyone. The only good thing he did was lie about Harry being Harry Potter. After that though what did he do in Room of Requirement? If Harry hadn’t saved his ass he would have been a fried ferret. Now Remus, the worst thing he did was not stop James and Sirius from bullying Snape but Snape wasn’t always innocent. Are you telling me that once Snape found out about Remus being a werewolf he didn’t shove it in his face? If someone made fun of my friend for disease you better believe I’m going to stand up for them and take this bully down. The Marauders may come off as bullies but they fought for the light until their last breath. You’re forgetting all the good things they did and letting one memory shape their entire lives. Snape was the reason Harry lost his parents so he should have done everything to protect Harry it was the least the slimy git could have done. Lily and James missed out on Harry’s life because of Snape. Hell Snape should have gone and checked on him when he was the Dursley’s since he was the reason Harry had to live with them but no he chose to bully a child instead because he looked like his father and then ripped a picture of Harry and Lily and a letter she wrote for Sirius. Real mature. And really creepy.
Funny how marauder stans can never defend James without bringing the things that Snape did.
See, that might work on a Snape stan, but someone who proudly loathes both of them, it ain't working on me.
(Now I'm gonna go with this point wise cuz I love organizing shit)
We only got to see snape's memories...the worst thing that James did.
In swm, James and Sirius literally tried to choke him on soap, hung him upside down in the air, showed his underwear to the jeering crowd and then sexually assaulted him. If that is the worst thing james can ever do, then why would you support his actions?
James grew up and snape stayed bitter
That's called fucking victim blaming. James grew up from what? Bullying other people? Sexually assaulting others? Ruining someone's life because they exist? That's literally the most basic thing he could have done to not be a fucking jerk. And as for Snape, you cannot expect someone to just "grow up" when they have been traumatized for the most part of their lives??? You cannot go and tell a trauma victim "it's been years, just get over it" because they can't. They fucking can't.
Also, please tell me when exactly did James grow up? He continued to bully snape, even behind lily's back, till 7th year. And then? If James grew up, he should have apologized to snape. Where did he do that? I don't support snape's treatment of students at all, which is why I hate him, but James was a bully till he died, and he never grew up.
Comparison between sirius and draco
If you compare someone with draco, 9/10 cases they come out looking good. Cuz it's fucking draco. He's a typical "high school bully" stereotype. That's it.
Just because sirius was not a bigot when it came to wizard classism and bloodism, doesn't mean he was a good person. That's called being a decent human being. Yall marauders fans always praise them for doing the literal bare minimum. Nothing changes the fact that sirius was a bully and was just as bad as James. So don't come and tell me he's a good person, cuz he doesn't even fall in the category of decent. Also he literally tried to MURDER snape. USING remus. He had no problem sacrificing his friend's life so that he can kill another person who did nothing. In his teens. What the fuck.
Defense of remus shit
"Snape tormented remus about his lycanthropy" show me where. Cuz what I see is that he kept it a secret (bare minimum, shouldn't be appreciated) and also gave potions to him so that the transition is better. If you can find a single place where snape bullied or even insulted remus for his condition. Secondly, nothing snape does can justify him getting hung upside down, choked on soap and getting sexually assaulted in front of a jeering crowd. And remus supporting it is pretty much the same as doing it.
The marauders did good things
The marauders did good things for each other. They fought in a war. So? Does that cancel out their bad, which is much more than the good? No. Snape fought too, even tricking voldemort, does that cancel out the bad he did? You have already said it doesn't for you, so. Just because someone does a few good things doesn't mean that it erases out the millions of bad things they did.
And the rest is you shitting on snape, which idgaf about cuz I hate him.
Now go fuck yourself.
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How Obey Me Shot Itself In The Foot - Introduction
MASSIVE WARNING FOR DISCUSSION OF RELIGION. Specifically of Abrahamic religions (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) and their shared God. I am doing this in a media analysis context, not to shame any particular religion or anyone’s particular beliefs. If that makes you uncomfortable, feel free to not read this post, stop reading at any point, and/or unfollow/block me. DO NOT try to start religious discourse on this post or in my askbox/DMs, I will clown on and block you.
Also spoiler warnings for a ton of different Obey Me lessons.
Intro (you're here), Michael (X)(X)(X)(X), Conclusion (X)(X)
A while ago, someone sent me an ask about why I think Raphael should kill MC. Instead of answering in a succinct manner, I proceeded to draft a multi-part informal essay about one of, imo, the biggest plot holes/writing foibles in Obey Me, and what I'd do if I was in charge of writing it.
This is the first part of that essay. It does not address why I think Raphael should kill MC at all, but we'll get there.
(Also, a masterlist of all the parts of this essay will be posted once I've... posted all the parts lol)
So full disclosure: I haven't actually made it to the part of Obey Me where Raphael actually shows up*, I've just seen screenshots of various bits n bobs as well as the many memes the fandom's made that portray him as a wet cat
But, based on the way that Obey Me can't seem to decide if it's a fun silly comedy/romance about demons or a serious political and interpersonal drama, I don't think they have the desire *cough*orwritingchops*cough* to actually follow through on Raphael's "assassin" thing in a long term interesting way
And that's because I don't think they can decide on how to handle the entire Celestial Realm.
*In a series of truly stupid (on my part) shenanigans, I lost my og account, which I believe was at Lesson 41. I've made a new one, which is on... lesson 8. yeah. fuck me. Long story short, any plot developments past lesson 41 I only know through fandom osmosis - I understand there's some grandfather-clause-esque shit happening with MC and the boys in the Celestial Realm apparently? But yeah, no firsthand experience beyond that point.
Before I get into this, I want to clarify that a) these are just my thoughts, and since I am one person, they’re likely to be flawed and incomplete, and b) because we haven’t actually seen a lot of characters like Michael, the Demon King, or… well, God, I can’t talk much about their depictions in canon. What I can (and will) do though is talk about their archetypal roles in a larger media context, as well as how they (could be) foiled off of other characters. So yeah. This is basically red string and push pins on a murder board. Anyway!
To start, let's get really fucking basic for a second:
The Celestial Realm is clearly analogous to Heaven
The typical expectation audiences have vis a vis Heaven is that Heaven = Good
The Devildom is clearly analogous to Hell
The typical audience expectation for Hell is Hell = Bad
The Devildom, while dark, spooky, and full of danger is both shown and implied to be not totally terrible, and in fact has several virtues to its name
The Celestial Realm, while bright, cheery, and full of fluffy angels is implied to be very rigid and militaristic, to such an extent that it was willing to kill one of their own for breaking these rules (and cast out several others for defending her)
The Devildom is currently under the control of Prince/Lord Diavolo, son of the Demon King (who’s “asleep” in a mausoleum), who acts very unlike what one would expect of demonic royalty.
It can be said, then, that Diavolo is standing in for the Demon King.
The Celestial Realm is, as far as we can tell, currently under the control of Michael, an archangel who in Obey Me is said to be the guardian angel of confectioners, but in various Abrahamic mythologies has been associated with being chief of the angels, a protector of humanity/the faithful, and the (current) right hand of the big guy upstairs Himself (sometimes replacing Lucifer, sometimes not).
It can be said, then, that Michael is standing in for God.
Based on the early concern that demons would eat MC and the attitudes the brothers (and now other characters like Mephistopheles) have had to unlearn vis a vis humans, it seems that the traditional Devildom attitude towards humans is more hostile, and implies that Diavolo’s predecessor, the Demon King, was more “traditionally demonic” and created/enforced this hegemony.
Based on what we understand of the Great Celestial War, plus the way the brothers and characters like Luke and Simeon talk, the “traditional” Celestial attitude towards humans and demons was more hostile, and implies that Michael’s predecessor is the one who created/enforced this hegemony.
That sounds like a fun setup for conflict, right? You’ve got these two worlds with all sorts of baggage between them, including turncoats and personal grudges and fantasy-racial prejudice, a central character (MC) designed to pull them all together and help them settle their differences— oh but we do need actual villains so maybe the endgame involves the two OG leaders of the respective magic worlds coming back and getting generational whiplash from all this mixing and the protagonists have to fight them and—
I did mention one of the aforementioned “Big Bad” figures is analogous to God, Creator of the Universe of the Actual Bible right?
Yeah, no fucking way is a dating sim going to put The Abrahamic God as a villain/antagonist and have that go down in any kind of good way. Bc, you know… depicting Actual God, especially in any kind of nuanced or even negative light when the work isn’t really centrally about that is… it’s a lot.
So where do we go from here?
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golbrocklovely · 4 months
i'm really lost, can you explain the timeline of Colby going from ms singer to m? just super confused about it all hahah
of course anon, i would love to lol
i'm actually genuinely happy someone finally asked me something like this bc i've been seeing a lot of misinformation and i'm really tired of it.
i'm explaining everything, pictures and all. i'm blurring out ppl's names and sticking to the codes names i've given the girls involved. i get that you can find these names relatively easy, i'm just not gonna be the place for you to do so.
some of the things i'm gonna mention don't have physical proof, bc they were in a live stream or just stuff i didn't take ss of. but trust me everything i'm gonna say is real and not me making shit up.
so… let's start from the beginning.
the first major misconception that i've seen is that colby and ms singer got together back in march, dated until october/november, and then colby just haphazardly moved onto m. ppl say this bc they use the pic of them out that leaked and compare it to the pic of her wearing the same outfit in march on her insta.
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now idk how this got lost in translation, but ppl are trying to say it's m in the pic??? it's not, but cool that you guys want to believe that lol
but again, this fandom is holding onto "oh well, her pic on insta is from march, so that means that a, this pic was taken in march, and b, they have been together since then". respectfully, did yall forget that ppl rewear clothes? just curious.
i also literally saw her, on her story, post the exact same outfit, but in november. so....
the pic of him and ms singer is not from march. it got post on tiktok in october.
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and HERE is colby, at universal horror nights, which is where the photo was taken, meeting a fan.
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now, this might not proof enough, bc he could have just been dating her secretly and this was the first time they were "caught" in public. but let's be forreal for two seconds. first off, in march, he was deciding whether or not to get chemo. and on top of that they were working nonstop to have backlog content in case of him getting chemo. neither one of them had gfs or time for gfs.
on top of all of this, i have more proof that they didn't start seeing each other until september. colby did not even follow her until sept 21ish. i know this bc i keep track of who he follows and when. yes, i know it's weird. idc. here's other ppl he followed at that time:
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the black box is ms singer's name.
now, onto the stuff i don't have proof of - right as all this information was blowing up, ms singer started getting more viewers on her tiktok livestreams. one of the first ones she had after the above tiktok dropped, she was asked during her livestream what's the best date she was on and she said it was one that happened recently, most likely alluding to colby's (with sam in tow most likely with k/la girl).
the biggest proof of them all is that ms singer herself said in a livestream that she didn't meet colby until september. she outwardly said that. i have friends who heard her say that, not just anons that randomly tell me things. actual ppl i have convos with daily.
now, we have to move on to how he got with m. everything this point down will just be complete speculation on my part. the only proof i have is that colby did not start following m until the day after sam's bday. she was at the party after the marathon bc k brought her there (and k was also there obviously).
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personally, what i believe happened was that ms singer was very heavy handed on the fact that she personally wants to get married and have kids soon even tho she's only 21. she said it multiple times on tiktok. idk why you want to rush into that type of stuff, but hey, you do you. that being said, most likely, while they both enjoyed their time together, colby is not exactly ready to settle down and have kids anytime soon. so he most likely backed off of ms singer.
after halloween, ms singer was no where to be found with colby. what i believe happened is since k/la girl and sam were already together, she decided to bring along m to sam's bday bash. m and colby clicked, and they spent all this time together.
now, when it comes to ms singer and k and m being in some weird little drama where ms singer feels slighted - first off, i have no clue about any of that for certain. ms singer continues to be vague, for good reason, and so it's hard to know what happened. if i was ms singer, i too would be a bit pissed if my friend brought some other girl to be around the guy i was into, just bc he wasn't into me. i'm not trying to say all of this isn't messy. it is to some degree, but i don't fully blame k. colby is a grown man. if he wanted to continue his friendship with ms singer after they "broke up", he would have. clearly, it just wasn't in the cards. or maybe he felt awkward being friends with her still after moving onto someone she knew/is somewhat friends with.
okay, i think that's everything. if there is anything else you need me to explain, feel free to ask. the only reason i really wanted to answer this kind of ask was bc i've heard some whispers via comments on tiktok and twitter and whatever else that some fans think or believe that sam cheated on kat with k just bc ms singer (who is good friends with k) and kat knew each other. bc they think the timing of everything is "suspicious".
first off, kat and sam broke up in march. ppl mistakeningly believe ms singer was in the picture around this time, which is why they think k/la girl is also in the picture. that's just factually not true. secondly, sam was literally fuckboying his ass up during the summer: he followed multiple asian girls (like almost 10) in julyish before during and after japan, danced and spent the night with that random girl that was on jc's stream during his party (while colby had fun with her friend, mind you), and then ppl speculated that he had a thing with niki going on too. that boy was having fun during this period prior to september, which is when he ACTUAL started seeing k/la girl. and third, if sam or kat cheated on one another, i'm 99% certain we would have known way before now. they literally explained in their break up video that nothing actually happened, sam just wasn't ready for marriage. not to mention, if he did cheat, YALL AIRING IT OUT IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT. if they were hiding something like that from us, realistically it would be for good reason. it's not your business to share that intimate of details.
and before anyone gets on my ass about that comment, everything i'm sharing with yall is already public info. i'm not speculating, minus what happened between ms singer and la girl. but even bits of that have been told by ms singer herself so… don't come for me lol
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beesmygod · 4 months
overthinking quickening and the old hunter's bone aka the cope theory
the old hunter's bone is an item that gives the player hunter the art of "quickening" (dude if this was intentional this was a 10/10 translation job), which increases your roll and quickstep speed. visually, the player appears to disappear into a moving puff of smoke. this short video demonstrates the effect:
item description:
The bone of an old hunter whose name is lost. It is said that [they were] an apprentice to old Gehrman, and a practitioner of the art of Quickening, a technique particular to the first hunters. It is appropriate that hunters, carriers of the torch who are sustained by the dream, would tease an old art from his remains.
editing mine. a rare objective translation error; the original japanese is ungendered and it does in fact turn out that gehrman's apprentice was a woman. the description is as intriguing as it is incomprehensible. lets break it down:
first the basics: the number of hunters that can use the quickening without an item can be counted on one hand: gerhman the first hunter, lady maria (his apprentice) and I THINK the vermin infested old hunters in the DLC (i will need to double back to check for sure u_u but theres a gif of at least one of them doing it on the fandom wiki). on the other hand, since the player character is not an old hunter and did not practice "quickening". therefore, they have to use the old hunter's bone to gain the same effect for a short time at the expense of their quicksilver bullets. only one other NPC hunter uses this item: the bloody crow of cainhurst.
the old hunter's bone is found in gehrman's abandoned workshop at a grave strongly implied to belong to lady maria, his apprentice. we would, therefore, have to assume its lady maria's bone. but, i can hear you say, isn't that bone a tibia? lady maria has both of her legs!
but....does she?
she's completely covered up from head to toe. we don't know for sure. but we do know that you can do your quickening with only one leg and move completely unhindered on a prosthetic; gehrman is proof positive of this. there are a number of clothing items that reference the removal of the right leg because that's where they believed that the beast scourge originated from. in hindsight, its obvious that this was because of all the wolf infected blood they were unknowingly injecting into themselves via their right leg.
in fact, the statues at cainhurst reflect this belief as well. the statues of knights in the queen's throne room are all missing their right leg.
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the bloody crow of cainhurst is a weird wannabe guy so he probably got his bone from the corpses of one of these knights. the people of cainhurst and their ancestors, the pthumerians, both have some form of enemy that can disappear and re-appear or pass through tables. quickening-esque abilities.
the point of this is mostly this: i do not think that maria's entire body was buried at her grave, just the part of her that was left behind: her severed leg. the rest of her was captured in the hunter's nightmare. much like how ludwig's body does not exist outside of the nightmare. they are not "dream versions" of the characters made of their consciousness or some stupid shit there's no precedent for and sucks ass. they are physically trapped.
this extends to laurence and wraps back around to my "laurence is objectively the headless bloodletting beast" thing in spite of his stupid appearance in the DLC. the objective canon im choosing to go with is that DLC laurence was a last minute terrible idea retcon based on the fact that its literally just a reskinned cleric beast and has no concept art or appearances in art books. laurence is the only one who breaks every known convention in the game while simultaneously being one of the most overly ham-fisted addition to a game
the end
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demonsfate · 3 months
Angry Depressed rant about Tekken fandom
It's now three more days until Tekken 8. One of the only things I want from this game is just to simply do damage control and retcon Tekken 6 already (just fucking say Azazel brainwashed Jin like how Ogre brainwashed Nina in T3 or Cammy was brainwashed by M.Bison) - I mean they can fucking retcon Jinpachi having the devil gene and Heihachi's motivations in Tekken 7 but not Jin starting a war??? Let's be real, Tekken 6's story mode and Harada's fucking favoritism for his precious creator's pet Heihachi Mishima ruined everything EVERYTHING. Harada and Murray keep basically villainzing and putting both Jin and Kazuya (aka the true tragic victims of the story) in a bad light to make Heihachi and Lars look good. Not even Masashi Kishimoto's favoritism for fucking Itachi Uchiha or Studio Pierrot's favoritism for Hinata Hyuga was this BAD. They fucked over Jin in Tekken 6 for the sake of Lars (that would be like if Dante from Devil May Cry was suddenly a genocidal war criminal for the sake of making Nero look good or if Mega Man X became a genocidal maverick for the sake of making Axl look badass - it's just cheap, lazy, and insulting). Kazuya is a victim of Harada's bullshit too, I mean in Tekken 7 they basically villainized a child abuse survivor who lost everything all because of his father while trying to make his abuser look sympathetic because Kazuya has the Devil Gene. Which makes seeing all the stupid Jin vs Kazuya debates bullshit on twitter and r/Tekken even more painful to look at because at the end of the day, the truth is that their characters got ruined for the sake of fucking Heihachi, Lars, and Reina.
Even worse, no one ever acknowledges this shit. NO ONE ever does. They just hate on Jin for ONE fucking game. They keep characterizing Jin like how he was in Tekken 6 - like that is how he always was since the beginning. Ignoring the existence of his personality and potrayal in Tekken 3-5. I remember having seen so many terrible Jin Kazama bashing fan fiction where Jin is potrayed as a ultra pure evil sociopathic r*pist monster who kills and r*pes both Hwoarang and Xiaoyu to make other characters like Kazuya and Lars look good. I have seen a god awful Naruto/Tekken crossover fanfic where Jin r*ped poor Sasuke Uchiha 50 times and pissed and pooped on Sasuke just to make Sasuke's lover Naruto and his brother Itachi look good and prove that Naruto and Itachi are the strongest anime characters of all time. Fortunately those god awful fan fictions are gone for good after the great fanfiction.net purge of 2012. But now there's still some fanfic on ao3 where Jin constantly gets r*ped by either Kazuya or Miguel as "punishment for his war crimes". Also don't even get me started on all the repetitive discourse about "Jin Kazama bad/evil because Tekken 6 so he should fucking die" on r/Tekken and the Youtube comments section that is still ongoing to this day. At this rate, if things don't get better I might actually take a break from Tekken and migrate straight back to the Berserk fandom and the Naruto fandom. Damn it...sorry if got too emotional there, I just wanted to let my thoughts out of here and I want things to go back to the way they used to be for us Jin Kazama fans.
I'm at the point where I seriously believe they're not gonna retcon Jin's actions in Tek8 and they seriously are just going with the "I'm sowwy I'm good now tho fr fr :3 :3" bit. Which... YEAH, while I'm still glad that Jin is returning to his old characterization, I do find it extremely difficult to fully enjoy it when they're still treating Tekken 6 as completely canon. Just because if it's not gonna be retconned, there's just no real explanation why Jin would suddenly turn into the cruelest motherfucker in Tek6, only for him to... revert back to his caring self in Tekken 8???? Like it's so inconsistent, and VERY bad inconsistent. Especially when all the characters (HIS VICTIMS!!! SUCH AS LARS AND ALISA!!) are being so supportive of him. Which some ppl would try to say "oh, well it's either be nice to the war criminal or get killed by Kazuya!" And it's like... ok. True. But there is a difference between being nice to somebody you need, versus telling them how proud you are of them, being straight up buddies, y'know? Lars and Jin literally have a reference to Ken and Ryu lmao.
And I will just NEVER understand why they don't retcon 6. It's so bizarre. No, I don't think everything should just be retconned but like. If you're gonna retcon things that weren't even problems to begin with (as you said, Jinpachi having the devil gene) then why can't they retcon something that most people DID have a problem with? Something that REALLY IS an inconsistency with the plot? Brainwashing is an easy excuse because it happens so often in fighting games. If Azazel can telepathically speak to Jin, then who's to say he couldn't do anything else to Jin's head? They can also use that as to why Jin was wildly inconsistent in 6 itself. (Going from insulting Alisa while she died, to claiming he's doing everything for the better good. You can say he wasn't in his right mind because he was literally brainwashed, but trying to break free from it - which he successfully did right before defeating Azazel.) I've said this several times now, but even if it was retconned that Jin was brainwashed - you can still have the whole "guilt" plot with him. Because yeah... even if somebody wasn't in control of their actions, they might still feel guilty if somebody used their body to carry out atrocities. Or like I often state in my depiction, Jin also feels guilty for his weakness, for not being able to fight off Devil and keep control.
It DRIVES me wild too. Like people talk about how Kazuya is being villainized just to prop Heihachi up, but for some reason not as many people bring up how Jin is also a victim of this. Both Kazuya and Jin, who were literally abused by Heihachi as innocent minors, are being depicted as The Worst People. Yeah, Kazuya's a pretty scummy guy despite what he went through... but to act like he's worse than Heihachi by retconning Heihachi to look better all while making both Jin and Kazuya worse is just wild. What made me really, REALLY mad is when Harada noticed that fans were still INSISTING that Jin's a hero, and he had to actually say "UHM ACTUALLY JIN STARTED WARS JIN STILL MORALLY GRAY CUZ OF THAT" but then he had THE GALL to say that Heihachi just "looks like an evil character"
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OKAY, so JIN IS EVIL, OR AT LEAST, QUESTIONABLE BUT HEIHACHI IS NOT EVIL. Because... he's honest with himself???? He sure as fuck wasn't honest with nobody else! HE LIED TO HIS GRANDSON FOR 4 YEARS AND THEN KILLED HIM ONCE HIS GRANDSON WAS OF NO USE TO HIM. This really just shows how Harada views the characters based on his favoritism. (Even if he claims that Jin is his second favorite. Sure.)
Even though I like Lars, I'm gonna be honest - like most things in Tek6, I don't really fully understand the point of his character (in that game). Jin was already supposed to be the "good Mishima" - that was the whole point. So... why make Jin actually Bad, only to introduce... another Mishima that's the "good Mishima"????? Why not... just keep Jin the way he is lol. My brother said the point was that Lars was supposed to go evil, too, because Heihachi said some stupid shit about Mishimas all betraying each other and being bad to him in 6. But I'm really not sure if that was their intention or not. Like if they were really gonna go with the "All Mishima Bad" story, then why not have the main character be somebody totally unrelated? And idc what anyone tries to say bc Harada lied about it, Jin was never intended to be a bad guy, he was just a tragic hero - that's it.
And REINA... my god, Reina. Like yeah, she looks cool - I understand the hype. My biggest problem with her (originally) was her connection with Heihachi. I didn't care for another Surprise! Mishima family member. But My God, it really does feel at times that... Jin and Kazuya are being overshadowed because of the Reina hype. It actually had some fans asking if she's gonna be the true main character. Which I find it very disappointing that the long awaited Jin vs Kazuya fight, as well as Jun's first appearance in a main game after 27 years is being overshadowed by a new Heihachi kid OC ffs. I mean, when the game was first announced - they were hyping up Jun. But then after Reina was discovered... it just seemed like Reina Reina Reina lol.
FANS DRIVE ME WILD TOO OMGGG. Like fans will ALWAYS refer to Jin as a Forever The Worst Character Ever because of Tekken 6. Which is really bizarre, because they can acknowledge when they believe Kazuya is being written worse just to make Characters Look Better, yet... they can't acknowledge that Jin suffered from Character Assassination in Tekken 6 and how it was literally the only game where he behaved like that. Yes, in 7 - his depiction wasn't great, either. But it was still an improvement from 6. And in 3, 4, 5, and 8 - Jin's character is still mostly consistent. He's a quiet man who wants to help save the world despite the circumstances he's placed. He's a caring person. Yet BECAUSE OF 6... now he's forever seen as a horrible edgelord who's a hypocrite. 🙄 Honestly, I think a retcon is the only way to salvage fans' perception of Jin, and even then... I still think 6 will forever be a stain on Jin's character. Which I'll never forgive it for that.
As for fanfiction... there's a reason why i don't really read fanfics and I'm glad I don't lol. Yes, I know there are good ones... but there are just sooo many bad ones and I just don't really care to read 'em to see if I'd like 'em or not. But when going through live journal for Classic Fandom Posts just to see people's thoughts on Jin back in the day, I did find this post...
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and it did make me think there must be a lot of those fics floating around at the time. You've only confirmed that, unfortunately.
I wish things would go back to the way it was, too. (Even if I can't remember what that was like LOL) Because God, I'd LOVE to be able to love this character and go through his tags without seeing a barrage of hate and why the character should die. I'd LOVE to be able to even BRING UP how much I love the character in public spaces without people saying "BUT HE STARTED A WORLD WAR!!111!1 HE'S HORRIBLE AND DESERVES NO GOOD THINGS!11!!" It just gets so exhausting and I understand why it'll upset you. Obvs, it upsets me a lot too, hence why I often go on my own rants. But I think the best thing for you to do is... rather than just completely staying away from the fandom, it's probs best to create your own little space. Like me for example, I've basically stopped interacting with those on Reddit and even on the majority of Tumblr. But since this is a Jin focused blog only, luckily other like-minded Jin fans find my blog, and we can all enjoy the character and understand what he is and isn't without others trying to hate on him. While I don't have fun on other websites, I can at least have fun with the character here and that makes me super happy.
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ifishouldvanish · 6 months
I think that part of my issue with the whole olrox and mizrak think is that olrox is babied so much that anything mizrak(or even ricter) do that might show a different part of his character is deemed criminal.
The show goes out of its way to tell us that olrox is selfish and has done thing that while maybe justified(I don’t really count Julia’s death as something justified) are still wrong, and all people can talk about is how much of a twink he is(he really isn’t)
While I think fandom is clearly partial to Olrox, I don't think he's 'babied' or (probably showing my age here) 'woobified'. I think in the context of a show about vampires that is using vampirism as a metaphor for imperialism and colonialism--a character who is vocally anti-colonialist and who literally and unapologetically "eats the rich" is just fun to rally behind. The fact that he's also kinda snarky and lbr, really hot, just makes him destined to be fandom catnip.
I don't agree that the show goes out of the way to show that he is selfish though? He hides his motives and isn't above violence as a form of justice, but as this post points out, it's understandable why he would believe that he wouldn't have gotten justice otherwise.
I think there are interpretations that he spends the season 'playing both sides', that he accepts Erzsebet's invitation to "hear her out" in good faith, and that he's content to sit back and watch as things play out until the last minute-- but that is not one that I share. I think he's seen this shit happen so many times, seen indigenous people try to accommodate and ally with colonizers only to get shafted so many times, that he's learned he's better off operating in a more behind the scenes capacity where he can drop a hint here or a comment there to get in the respective parties' heads and sway the outcomes from a distance.
He seems to enjoy getting a rise out of Mizrak by poking holes in his arguments, but I wouldn't consider that selfish, manipulative, or mocking so much as a way of testing the waters of where exactly his loyalties lie.
We get the accusation that he turned his late lover into a vampire without his consent, but we really don't get any confirmation of whether or not that's true, what the circumstances were, etc. Just that whatever happened, it's something he's extremely tetchy about.
Something that confounds me about that scene though is that Olrox seems to be telling Mizrak about his lost lover for the first time, yet Mizrak absolutely does not hesitate to level that accusation at him. And maybe it's just sloppy dialogue or whatever, but it makes me wonder if A.) this is something Olrox alluded to off-screen at some point (imo just sloppy writing) B.) Mizrak has some kind of intel on Olrox we do not know about (from Erzsebet, perhaps?) or C.) Mizrak is straight up just making assumptions based on what he knows/the church has told him about vampires (which just feels most probable to me, idk).
That Olrox's knee-jerk response is to provide a justification rather than a denial is still very telling though. My read is that he did turn him and that the consent probably was a little dubious. My totally speculative headcanon based on pure vibes is that his lover got mortally wounded in battle and that Olrox turned him in a fit of desperation to save him. Which would arguably be a selfish act--but selfish in a tragically human gothic romance sort of way and not like... a cold, calculating, 'only looking out for number one' sort of way.
I think the most cruelty we see from him is in the way he taunts Richter, but given the whole colonialism theme running throughout the show I think it's more about what Richter represents in his eyes: the heir to a legacy of fighting 'monsters' where the definition of monster is written by people in power. That, "She had to die. I could kill you too, and I will one day," is less a direct threat and more of a prophecy; a statement on the inevitability that what happened in one generation will happen again in the next.
But ahsjsksk i haven't seen anyone call him a twink though that's 🥴🥴🥴 words have meanings y'all
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nyxofdemons · 1 year
i can't believe i didn't realize this sooner!! i'm back on my Blitz' Scar Speculation bullshit and this time i come bearing posts about it
so, i think it's possibly canon - or at least for now, the primarily agreed-upon fandom take - that Blitz (and Fizz) both got their scars/disabilities from an alleged circus accident; one that was likely Blitz's fault, and that's why Blitz harbors so much resentment for his past (the guilt he refuses to show or admit he carries) and why he and Fizz have so much animosity between them (among other reasons like Fizz's success and Blitz's constant failures).
when s2e1 dropped, i figured that Blitz's scars (and Fizz's as well) were going to be from Paimon, when he inevitably found out that kid Blitz had stolen all his shit and went and trashed the entire circus with them inside as revenge. (This would also explain Blitz and Fizz's hostility to one another - while it's generally agreed-upon that Blitz hates Fizz for his success and Fizz hates Blitz for being the reason he lost all his limbs - i always felt that it was kind of straining credibility in the latter? Fizz seems more... amused by Blitz than anything. he just makes fun of him and embarrasses him in front of crowds. and i know he's on a stage and has to keep up appearances, but i also feel like he's just a bit too casual to be harboring hatred over something so intensely traumatic and life-altering. if Paimon is the one who burned down the circus, then while it is technically Blitz's fault, it's so much more the fault of Blitz's dad, which would then make it completely understandable if Fizz was resentful to Blitz for what happened, but not putting the whole of the blame on him.
i also feel like this might have been set up just a little in the beginning of the episode:
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the show makes a point of telling us that Blitz, even at this age, knows exactly how bad it will be if he's caught, and even argues with Cash about it after the point of Blitz helping his mother out is made. he wants to help his mama so badly and he's still deterred.
coupled with the fact that Fizz's accident was foreshadowed heavily not just in the same episode, but in the very same scene:
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lends some credibility to this idea!
(it would also put into perspective the fact that Blitz and Stolas didn't see each other for twenty-five years. the way Stolas talks about it - "you could have asked to visit, you know" and "over two decades since i last saw you" - gives me the impression that Blitz did just sort of disappear on him. i highly doubt there was ever a goodbye, and there's no way Stolas could possibly know about it if Paimon is the one who gave Blitz his scars, otherwise apologizing profusely for it would have been the first thing Stolas would have done upon seeing Blitz, no matter how long it'd been.)
this photo.
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they're much older in this picture (i'd peg them at about 16-17 here) than they were in e: The Circus (where i'd put them at anywhere from 6-8).
and so,,,,, what the fuck happened, then?
because Blitz doesn't have his scars, and if he was six in The Circus, and about ten years older in the photo, then he can't have seen Stolas in at least nine years before this photo was taken (because when they meet as adults it's twenty-five years after meeting as kids, and Stolas confirms they haven't seen each other since then).
so what gives? because i find it hard to believe that Paimon wouldn't have noticed all his shit got stolen for nine years, would have gone back to the circus and burned it down all that time later, and - most importantly - that if the scarring happened that recently because of Paimon, that Blitz would have been okay going back to Stolas not even ten years later - with the memory that fresh, and not only that, but having happened when he was a teenager. the perspective shift is just so different. i can't imagine kid Blitz holding a grudge the same way teen Blitz could.
all of this to say: i literally don't have an answer. i have no fucking idea what happened to Blitz and Fizz and this circus and i am SO curious to find out how this shit went down. girl what did they do to my babies
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izosdualpistols · 1 year
Zoro and The Smile He "Lost"
If I hear another fan say "Zoro lost his smile" I might actually explode and combust into flames.
I'm convinced most OP fans are either illiterate, in denial, or a mix of both. I am speaking from experience as I have argued with the "Yamato is not trans" bros.
It sometimes have me thinking that they've never read shit and just saw clips off tiktok.
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OKAY. Zoro.
The man who has gaslit the entire fandom into thinking three sword style is cool - HEY! Don't run to comment something about this yet. You know full well biting down on a sword is ridiculous and if you did that in real life you'd get a fat disapproval from your fiancé's father.
That aside, I have to put it out here that Zoro is not the "I hate the world and I will slash everything" edgelord the majority of the no-brainer OP fandom takes him to be.
He's more than that and I'm here to prove it to you all.
It physically hurts to type this out but here is the wicked statement many fans believe to be true:
"Zoro would kill a crew member under Luffy's order."
This is where we point and laugh.
What I feel like most fans fail to understand is that Zoro is not some mindless minion that would do everything Luffy tells him to do.
Yes, Luffy is his captain, but that doesn't take away the right for Zoro to think for himself. He is able to speak and mind and lay out his opinions.
This is evident in Water 7 during the scene when Zoro finds out that Usopp wants to rejoin the crew after that harsh duel between him and Luffy.
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His whole speech about "respect" was not there just for show. It gave us one of Zoro's beliefs and solidified his character even more.
Assuming we have that out of the way, it's time we finally get to the main topic. The topic that had me stressing ever since the discovery of it.
"Zoro lost his smile"
Don't get me wrong - I'm not encouraging emotionless jock boy Zoro. Never. But the term "lost his smile" is just so... off putting?
Zoro didn't lose his smile. He never did. Yes, we see more of his smirks and flashy evil grins than big laughs and soft smiles, but that doesn't mean he went Yaeger mode and is plotting to nuke 80% of the population.
No, no, no. Zoro is none of that!
Trust me when I say he's not gone emotionless. If we're talking about absence of emotions, we should be more worried about Sanji as a matter of fact.
Many people say he has started to be less expressive ever since his duel with Mihawk at the Baratie, so we'll start from there.
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Through the duel's outcome, he comes to realize and experience for himself that the gap between his current self and the greatest swordsman is beyond far.
Not only was this a declaration of his loyalty for Luffy, but also a promise to his captain and himself.
He has set his goals straight and is now training everyday just to get even an inch closer to that title as the greatest swordsman.
He has set those standards for himself so he can have a clearer visualization of his end goal.
So when he lost to Kuma in Sabaody, not only did he break his promise, he has once again realized that gap between him and the New World. That is why he gets on his knees and begs Mihawk to train him.
The crew's separation had a big impact on Zoro, and so did the news of Ace's death (Once again realizing he wasn't strong enough back in Sabaody). So for 2 whole years, he has trained to get stronger - kicking his standards up a notch.
This flat out tells us why he delivered this line below:
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"Get a grip", "This is just the beginning of New World"
Out of context, it sounds like an asshole thing to say. But if we take the reason why was so upset over Luffy letting his guard down around Ceasar (and losing once), they are words of concern in a way.
Zoro does not want the Sabaody incident to happen again. Being helpless under an opponent is the last thing Zoro wants. With this, we learn that he is not willing to let those 2 years go to waste.
His obsession with strength comes from his ambition - and his ambition is tied to Luffy's.
Zoro is a treasured member of the Straw Hats. Meaning he is aboard Sunny, under his captain, and sharing Luffy's dream. He's onboard it all.
We also get a little bit of insight on Zoro's character through Sanji, who says:
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And he is absolutely correct. But Zoro is tough on himself for his ambition. He is pushing himself to be a man worthy of being the King of Pirates's right hand man.
Thus, realizing the importance his ambition and Luffy's ambition holds, this is the way Zoro becomes stronger. We are seeing Zoro, as one of the main fighters, stabilize the crew like the pillar he is - not going "emotionless" or "losing his smile" at that.
What a lovely post about Zoro I made. I just stated the obvious but SOME people just don't get it you know.. I am fending off any hardcore Zoro fanboys so get behind me.
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greenmeanqueen · 2 years
Ever since I first heard the rumors, I was worried that they would really fake Laenor's death - ngl, that was cringe af 😭 I get that they wanted to avoid the Bury Your Gays trope and maybe whitewash the Blacks (they still killed an innocent!), but the execution was so awful and poorly written. That whole thing? Did such a disservice to Laenor as a character. He really just ditched his family like this shortly after his parents lost their daughter and clearly gives not shit about Rhaenyra's kids. Also: what about Seasmoke??? He left his poor dragon behind? Wouldn't Seasmoke's behavior indicate that he's alive? And since Laenor is alive, how will Addam claim Seasmoke? Unless Laenor dies randomly in Essos at some point... Or they bring back Laenor for the war and cut out Addam? That would suck, I was looking most forward to Daeron and Addam for the dance (from characters that are still to be introduced).
Sorry for the rant! The twist was just so stupid, I can't take it seriously, lol.
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thank you for your asks, both of you!!
“bury your gays” is an extremely problematic trope, full stop. in westeros, gays are buried quite often, and it sucks. that’s the world written, where it’s not okay to stray from heteronormativity. so was it nice, as a modern audience, that we didn’t watch laenor be murdered one episode after his sister’s immolation? yeah. but from a writing standpoint, it was clumsy AF and contradictory to laenor’s character.
he spent all of 1x7 lamenting how he wasn’t there for his sister, wasn’t there for his wife and her kids, and now he’s running away, leaving behind his nieces and his parents and making them believe their last child is dead right after they lost their other? being there for the people you love was set up as a theme of laenor’s story, and you expect me to believe he would’ve left them just like that? especially his nieces, the last remnants of his beloved sister, who are the spitting image of their mother when she clutched his hand at the tourney when they were preteens. especially his parents; rhaenys’ scream of anguish was haunting. we haven’t been shown anything to suggest that he didn’t love his mother, and she him; corlys, with his denial of laenor’s sexuality, is suggestive of another story, a strained relationship. but rhaenys, who didn’t want her son involved in the game of thrones, who accepted him for who he was and defended him to her husband?
if they wanted to make it work, we’d need to spend more time with this decision from laenor’s perspective, but that might’ve not been as good of a look for the blacks bc it might hammer in that it wasn’t exactly an option for him to stay. was it “nice” of rhaenyra to accept laenor for who he was and not literally have him murdered so she could carry on as she pleased? it was the bare freaking minimum, and a man was still murdered to carry out the ruse. RIP serving man, you deserved better. also lest we forget daemon “i murdered rhea royce to be rid of our marriage” targaryen. i am truly baffled at their decision-making, because they’re really just digging their own graves deeper if, by chance, laenor returns or is found out. i sure wish we’d explore these complications and consequences, but that doesn’t seem to be where we’re headed. nevertheless, dae/myra and fandom can ignore them all they’d like, but that doesn’t mean they’re just going to go away. RIP to the bastards five, they were kids who didn’t deserve these situations.
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