#i can't believe i defended all his actions up until now
caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
Murder, Love, and Destiny: An Eridan Ampora Character Study
Warnings for things from Homestuck, like discussions of child abuse, mental illness, murder, suicide, etc. etc.
Because there's a huge wall of text after this point, I'm going to summarize what I hope to convince you of in bullet point format, and then hope you'll actually read the rest of the text before arguing with me about it.
Eridan is the least casteist highblood, if you ignore all the slurs.
Those are his emotional support slurs.
Pale EriKar was not only canon, but set up to be endgame.
Eridan is incredibly plot-relevant, thematically relevant, and was definitely originally intended to be brought back to life, alongside the other dead trolls.
He's Sad.
The first thing we have to establish is what counts as "canon" for the purpose of this essay. I am only counting the original comic up to Game Over, after which there's a general consensus that Hussie kind of gave up on his original planned ending, and slapped together something that most people hate. So I am immediately disqualifying Pesterquest, supplementary material, fanworks deemed canon, the epilogues, and Homestuck^2.
Moreover, we are taking Hussie's commentaries with a grain of salt, for two reasons. The first reason is that I firmly believe - and will be arguing - that the original plan was to bring Eridan (and the other dead trolls) back; therefore, Hussie (who has a track record of playing coy with future plot twists) can't speak too fondly of him, lest he give it away. The second reason for de-emphasizing Hussie's words is that, post-retcon, Hussie isn't very well going to say that he had plans for a better ending, and then didn't execute on them; to save face, he has to act as though his trashing of several prior plot threads, including but not limited to Eridan, was the plan all along.
Therefore, this essay will not be putting too much emphasis on Word of God, and will instead be relying on textual evidence from the comic itself, of which there is plenty. So without further ado:
Eridan is a Consummate Murderer.
The reason I'm starting with this point is that, far more than any other, this truth lies at the core of his being. Eridan is formally introduced to us with a murder, and he's haunted by an overpowering genocide complex. He outright describes to Rose at one point that "killin is all i evver done practically," and uses "murder" as an expletive (ie "swweet stinkin murder"). With a conservative estimate of 5 kills per week for 4 sweeps (Vriska looks VERY young when she has to start killing, and Eridan was likely a similar age when he began), both Eridan and Vriska easily have bodycounts above 2000 - the real number is probably even higher.
At this point, many raise an objection that Eridan is only killing lusii, but I believe we need to count his kills as troll murders, for three reasons: first, a dead lusus results in the orphaned troll being culled; second, one has to assume he has had cases of trolls trying to defend their lusii, or coming after him for vengeance; and third - and most importantly - Eridan HIMSELF is thinking about the orphaned trolls.
Compare Feferi: Go Home:
That should keep her happy for a while. At least until she dies.
To Eridan: Go Home:
That should keep her happy for a while. And make a freshly orphaned troll somewhere very sad.
So Eridan, to a much greater extent than even Feferi, is thinking about the orphaned trolls he's leaving behind, and considers his own actions to be murder.
Now that we've established the facts regarding his murders - a rough bodycount, and the fact that, by his own admission, he barely had any hobbies outside of it - we can move on to the effect that it's had on him. It's not very good!
Vriska's manipul8tions and murders had to be done for her own sake - if she ever stopped, she died. Therefore, much of Vriska's personality revolves around justifying her own actions so she doesn't have to reckon with her softer feelings, like guilt or kindness - which she expresses would be viewed as scandalous by others of her caste.
But if Eridan ever stops feeding Gl'bgolyb, everybody dies. The stakes he has riding on his shoulders are, at all times, the fate of all trolls, including all his friends. Given Dualscar's title was "Orphaner," it's implied that killing lusii for Gl'bgolyb has always been a violet blood's duty, and is seen as such by the others, which is why nobody expresses gratitude for his hard work even a single time.
Which brings us to our next point:
Eridan is Crushed by Anxiety.
If Eridan stops killing lusii, everybody - especially his friends, but everybody else, too - dies.
If Eridan ever shows guilt or kindness, he'll be considered "weak" by the standards of highbloods - he shares this with Vriska.
Eridan is expected, by aristocratic tradition, to take on the mantle of his ancestor Dualscar and finish his work. Dualscar met a comedically cringefail end, so this is a massive undertaking.
Before finding out that god tiering is an option - so, for nearly his entire life - Eridan has had to live with the expectation that he will outlive all of his friends. The lowbloods from culling or dying on the battlefield, the highbloods from old age, and Feferi from being killed by the Empress when she gets old enough.
(This is reflected in who he talks to the most - Feferi, who's the only one with a natural lifespan longer than his, Vriska, who's a highblood, Kanaya, who's practically guaranteed to survive into adulthood, and Karkat, whose anonblood allows Eridan to give him the benefit of the doubt.)
Also if he can't land his concupiscent quadrants he'll die from that too, but that seems pretty secondary to the rest of his concerns.
He can't even make friends with the other highbloods, because sea dwellers are expected to hate and antagonize them.
He had a free ticket into adulthood, but would almost certainly be expected to join the army and serve as a commander. That is to say, his fate of performing the role of a vicious, murderous sea dweller seems dreadfully inevitable to him.
NO WONDER he can't stop having emotional breakdowns. NO WONDER his chatlogs swing wildly from relentless self-aggrandizement to traumadumping. NO WONDER he's obsessed with murder and death and genocide.
Doc Scratch calls him a "vengeful boy on the path of nihilism," and it's not hard to see why: Eridan's entire life has been about living up to the role imposed on him by society, sacrificing his own time and sanity for everyone else, which he "nevver got any appreciation for anywway." And all he had to look forward to was more of the same, all his friends dropping dead one by one before him. For Eridan, there has never been any hope.
SGRUB could have been a way out for him, but a combination of his own terrible choices, spurred on by his anxieties, and his teammates' unwillingness to knock some sense into him, meant that he only wound up mired even deeper in his hopelessness.
We all know about how Eridan wouldn't stop killing the angels on his planet, provoking their aggression and turning it into a ball of death. How he was definitely not supposed to be doing this, and how his stubborn insistence on it led to his further ostracization from the rest of the group. The thing is, when we look at his angel-murders from the point of view that Eridan's entire life has been about murdering things or else Something Bad™ happens, it actually starts to become... kind of sad.
Killing the angels is something he feels like his has to do, because his entire life has been about killing things he doesn't want to kill. He's unable to break out of that mindset on his own, and his unpleasant personality has scared off anyone who might want to help. No one on the team tries to understand his thought process on a deeper level, not even Karkat, who just tells him it was an idiotic thing to do without addressing his underlying anxieties at all. Indeed, "nobody understands."
And this is really the root of why I think so many people get the wrong read on Eridan - Eridan is constantly contradicting himself, constantly denying his own feelings, constantly pushing an image that he doesn't actually believe in, and constantly insisting that he's fine with all the horrible shit in his life - that he likes it, even. After all, he can't admit to his guilt for his murders, or how much he doesn't want to watch his friends die, or how scared he is about the future - that'd be weakness!
CC: I can't look after you anymore. CA: I DIDNT EVER NEED ANYONE TO LOOK AFTER ME CA: i was totally fuckin fine my ambitions were noble
You see his contradictory nature with his stated love of history, which he only ever offhandedly mentions - because he's not actually that interested in history, it's just something that's expected of someone of his station. And you see it with his wavy accent, which he himself calls "weird" and drops when he's trying to be emotionally sincere. And you see it with his dumbass outfit, which is very clearly an imitation of Dualscar (with the only exception being the wizard-ass scarf, because wizards are his actual interest. I don't believe he likes fashion. I genuinely believe - and Eridan himself says so - that he basically has no hobbies outside of murder).
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Even being proud to be a sea dweller is pretty much an outright lie:
CC: You can't )(ave t)(e sort of affinity for "our kind" t)(at you profess if you've only spent, w)(at... CC: A few days underwater, maybe? IN YOUR W)(OL-E LIF-E!
One that he tells because he's SCARED OF THE OCEAN. Because he knows what lives in the ocean, because he's been feeding it his entire life. I see a lot of people who give Eridan an interest in marine life, and I'm telling you, that's just got no basis in canon. He's fucking TERRIFIED of the sea.
And for that matter, land dweller genocide. Eridan doesn't want to do it. Both Feferi AND his internal narration call him out for not actually wanting to do it. He outright states he wouldn't kill his friends.
CA: wwell CA: im not goin to vvery wwell kill you am i that wwould be fuckin unconscionable CA: wwhat kind of friend wwould i be
But he feels like he HAS to want it, HAS to believe in it, HAS to be talking about it constantly, because that's what's expected from him as a sea dweller, and a sea dweller is ALL that he will get to be. The mutation that puts a violet streak in his hair is damning. It's a fate he feels like he can't escape. Which brings us to:
Eridan is Not Actually Casteist, Well He Is But Not Like That, It's Complicated
Secondary title: Those Are His Emotional Support Slurs, Okay
In the exact same vein (haha) as secretly not wanting all the land dwellers dead, Eridan also genuinely doesn't feel like he's better than lower blood castes. Vriska and Equius obviously put quite a bit of stock into being nobility, and both have acted superior to Karkat for it. Feferi actually revels in her high status, and while she is genuinely well-meaning, she's not as interested in abolishing casteism as she is in changing the meaning of "culling" specifically (the hemocaste, aristocracy, and casteism still very much exist in a Beforus under her rule). Gamzee MIGHT be the only highblood less casteist than Eridan, but then again, as soon as he snaps, he does say a lot of casteist stuff to Equius, although it's unclear how serious he is, and he also proceeds to get really into his weird highblood clown cult.
Meanwhile, Eridan - despite all his slurs and talk of genocide - does not actually try to "pull rank" on a lowblood for being a lower caste than him with a single exception. That exception is Sollux... after he's already shown having entirely caste-neutral opinions on Sollux:
CC: But Sollux finally came t)(roug)(, and now I believe t)(e full c)(ain is complete! CA: man that guy CA: hes a fuckin drama machine it is fuckin pathetic CC: YOUR STUPID FIS)(Y FAC-E IS T)(-E DRAMA MAC)(IN-E T)(AT DO-ES NOT)(ING BUT W)(IN-E AND GLUB. CC: 38P CA: fuck SORRY CC: Anyway you s)(ouldn't say t)(at about )(im, )(e is a )(ero and )(e saved my life. CA: yeah sorry
CA: my feelins seem petty and meaninless noww CA: she had better things to wworry about than my ovverwwrought bullshit CA: like the dead guy wwho savved her CA: so forget it thanks anywway
It's only AFTER he's mad at Sollux for dating Feferi that he starts going in on Sollux with casteist rhetoric... which is treated as unrequited flirting and not serious casteism:
ERIDAN: hey finless this doesnt concern those wwith mustard sludge slippin through their vveins ERIDAN: its a matter for royalty only ERIDAN: so keep your mouth closed or ill slit you open ovver my next meal SOLLUX: w/e bro, not iintere2ted. FEFERI: -Eridan, please! I don't want to see any more dueling. FEFERI: Don't try to provoke )(im. It's not like I don't know w)(at you're doing! You keep trying to spark a rivalry wit)( )(im to get me to auspisticize between you two, and pull us out of our quadrant! FEFERI: It is t)(e oldest and lamest trick in t)(e book. It didn't work t)(en and it won't work now!
THEY don't even think he's being casteist.
In fact, directly contradicting this earlier argument he has with Feferi:
CC: T)(is is t)(e last time I will say t)(is. CC: W-E AR-E NOT B-ETT-ER T)(AN ANYBODY!!!!! CC: GLUB. >38( CA: pshh CA: hemospectrum begs to differ
He OUTRIGHT states his real feelings here:
CA: im the biggest fuckin idiot who ever lived CA: i cant BELIEVE i just opened up to you like a chump when i knew what was comin CA: i am one sad fuckin brinesucker CA: overemotional sappy trash youre right im not better than anybody CA: im worse than anybody CA: EVERYBODY CA: all the bodies
So the question of "is Eridan casteist" has an answer of "kind of, but also no." Eridan DOES espouse the rhetoric; he's constantly saying stuff that a casteist sea dweller "should" be saying. However, if you look at his ACTIONS, and the way he actually treats people, he doesn't actually care about blood color. He'll hit on anybody, and he's rude as fuck to everybody. The real problem with him is that he's terrible to talk to, not that he's discriminatory.
That's the thing about Eridan. Understanding him means looking past the way he presents himself, the lies he tells to himself, and even, at times, the way the narration presents him. His "overblown emotional theatrics" seem a lot less overblown when his problems ARE so real, deep-seated, and constantly causing him an unimaginable amount of anguish.
The problem is, the main people he has to bounce those problems against are Feferi, Vriska, and Kanaya, three of the people most comfortable with their privileged positions, for whom Eridan's genuine emotional distress seems like needless melodrama. Feferi loves being a princess, Vriska enjoys her noble privileges, Kanaya doesn't need to worry about culling. But for Eridan, his noble status, and the duties and expectations placed on him for it, have caused him nothing but pain - of course he would feel like nobody understands. Most of his closest friends genuinely don't, nor do they try to.
Because that's what he is at his core - a traumatized fucking child, who doesn't see any way out. Eridan is not a casteist genocidal sea dweller... he just wishes he was one, and tries to be one, because if he actually was one, he wouldn't feel so awful and scared and sad all the time. He'd be normal, like his friends.
The reason he constantly spouts anti-land dweller rhetoric and uses casteist language is to assuage this cognitive dissonance. That's why he has to come off so strong, present himself in such an aggrandized way, act like such a douchebag. They're his emotional support slurs. He doesn't actually believe what he says, which means he's a Bad Sea Dweller, which means he's Failing, which means Something Bad Will Happen, so he'd better get his ass in line and say something casteist!
And it's all made worse because:
Eridan is Dumb of Ass (and True of Word)
Oh my god you guys he's so stupid that it hurts.
Okay, that's not entirely fair. Eridan is clearly well-educated and book smart; he has some of the most elegant prose out of the trolls, and he's prone to going off on insane rants with it. (Actually, his language gets more flowery and showy when he's trying to impress a stranger, and gets progressively more laid back, chill, and even kind of "bro"-y when he starts talking to people he doesn't feel like he needs to impress.)
CA: at this point i find all her adorable black pixie dabblins to be prime kiddie playtime shit CA: all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES CA: an wwith my empiricists wwand i servve as the righteous hope that wwill incinerate delusion and the deluded alike CA: my holy fire is the wwhite fury bled from the wwrath-wweary eyes of fifty thousand nonfictional angels CA: and wwhen theyre finished wweepin they wwill boww before their prince GG: wow what are you talking about
What I mean is this: his brain is so full of anxiety and cognitive dissonance and murder and death that he struggles to care about other people, which has devastating effects on his social skills. I go really in-depth on how his though process informs his behavior here. The question may have popped up in your mind already: if his casteism stuff isn't actually real, then what is Eridan actually like? The answer is, overwhelmingly, and discomfortingly, SINCERE.
This boy is gunning at 100% emotional earnestness 100% of the time, and it's deeply uncomfortable for others to deal with. He'll swing wildly from insults and derogatory language, to stating a desire to kill all land dwellers, to awe and amazement at his friends' prowess, to demanding that they do things for him, to traumadumping and venting, without missing a beat. Often in the same conversation.
CA: kan its hard GA: What CA: being a kid and growwing up CA: its hard and nobody understands
He's also specifically terrible at parsing hostility. Functionally, he interprets all hostility aimed AT him as either pitch/ashen flirting or "ironic repartee," and similarly views his own hostile words as verbal jousting, pitch/ashen advances, or even just factual descriptions of the world around him (ie calling Nepeta a "kittycat shipper cavve girl"). Hostility and aggression are just kind of his baseline, default state of being, and he basically has no ability to differentiate between good and bad attention. I talk more in-depth about his emotionally bereft upbringing (and shitty lusus) here, but suffice to say that our boy isn't getting any emotional support at home, and as a result, craves attention, no matter what kind.
This also means he's insanely gullible. For example, Rose calls him an idiot to his face, and then blows up his computer, sarcastically calling it "your first lesson in showmanship." Eridan proceeds to literally considers it that, blowing up Jade's computer after he's done talking to her. Furthermore, Kanaya sees him as a burden, insults him to his face, and pretty much just bullies him along with Rose for fun.
So she trains Eridan to become a powerful white wizard of hope to challenge her, as a joke.
And yet, in spite of all that, Eridan still has nothing but gratitude and praise for Kanaya:
ERIDAN: kan i been meanin to thank you KANAYA: For What ERIDAN: for all that trainin you did ERIDAN: i wwouldnt be the incredible holy wwizard i am noww wwithout your help KANAYA: But I Didnt Even Really Train You I Just Made You A Wand ERIDAN: yeah wwell thats all i needed i guess ERIDAN: i just needed for someone to showw a little faith in me so im sayin thanks i owwe ya KANAYA: Okay Then Youre Welcome KANAYA: I Hope You Use Your Magnificent Powers Of Light And Hope For Goodness And Purity And Lets Not Forget Science ERIDAN: dont wworry im all ovver that shit you dont evven knoww KANAYA: Uh Oh I Hope That Didnt Come Off As Too Sarcastic ERIDAN: wwhat KANAYA: The Thing I Just Said KANAYA: I Didnt Even Realize How Sarcastic I Was Being Its Starting To Become A Problem I Think KANAYA: Please Dont Take Too Much Offense ERIDAN: haha damn kan if thats your idea of offense bein made then i honestly gotta fuckin wworry for you ERIDAN: tell you wwhat ill givve you some lessons in dealin out the dark umbrage to repay you for your tutelage in the wwhite science
Like, he's in the middle of genuinely thanking her for believing in him, she makes fun of him to his face, and his response is to laugh it off and offer to teach her how to properly insult someone. It's honestly... kind of sad. Not that he doesn't deserve the ridicule, but what we're seeing here is a traumatized, emotionally neglected boy trying to communicate the best that he can that he loves and appreciates his friends, and receiving nothing but mockery in return.
It's really not a surprise, then, that he goes off the deep end. His entire life prior to the game has been shit; he got broken up with as soon as he entered the game (by someone who didn't even care enough not to use fish puns while doing it); he's ostracized and avoided for the game's duration; and then he spends the rest of his time on the meteor being bullied. He feels deeply hopeless and anxious about their situation because he literally doesn't know how else to exist, and his concerns are dismissed and mocked at every turn. When Feferi turns on him with intent to kill, that's his breaking point.
I see a lot of people say he goes grimdark, or succumbs to external influence somehow, but I don't think that needs to be true (nor is it) - he's just a deeply traumatized kid with almost no support network who's finally been pushed to the edge, despite displaying every possible warning sign and making multiple cries for help. Yes, ultimately, he's guilty for his own actions, but his killing spree - alongside Gamzee's and Vriska's - represents a cohesive failure as a team to address very clear problems in their midst.
So Feferi and Kanaya are sick of his ass. Sollux hates him platonically, Equius doesn't like him, and Nepeta thinks of him as a creep. Vriska is his awkward ex, and Terezi agrees with him when he calls himself pathetic. He never interacts with Tavros, Aradia, or sober!Gamzee. Is there anyone that treats him nicely?
Uh, okay, so I swear this isn't shipping goggles -
Pale EriKar Is Canon And I Can Prove It
So, I'm going to start this with a disclaimer: you can ship what you want to ship. I don't mind. I don't care. Headcanons are valid, death of the author, etc. What you do in your free time is up to you.
What I am attempting to argue in this section is that an Eridan/Karkat moirallegiance was heavily foreshadowed, one of the most heavily foreshadowed things in the entire comic, and - assuming that the original ending of Homestuck included all the dead trolls being brought back and redeemed - was going to be endgame. There's a torrential amount of evidence pointing to this, and very little of it is acknowledged even by the EriKar shippers, which is a shame.
At the very least, I'll be happy if I can convince some Karkat RPers to be extra nice to Eridans, because they are actually just friends who care deeply about each other. Canonically.
The first thing to note is that Eridan and Karkat, at least prior to SGRUB, talk all the time, to the point where Feferi feels the need to comment on it:
CC: You know, I'm not sure w)(y we never talk about our romantic aspirations. CC: We s)(ould more often. It is kind of -EXCITING! CA: shrug CC: Probably because you fill your gossip quota wit)( your nubby )(orned bro. CC: You leave not)(ing left to talk about wit)( your dear sweet moirail! CC: We are supposed to )(elp eac)( ot)(er wit)( t)(at stuff too, remember. CA: maybe CA: seems kinda CA: odd though
("Can you please stop having an emotional affair with Karkat" "Eh, I'll think about it")
The second thing to note is what the contents of those conversations entail. Sure, they "gossip," but it goes deeper than that, because they gossip about things that Karkat would NEVER gossip about with anybody else, because Karkat usually respects his "VERY GOOD FRIEND"s. For example, here Eridan mentions that Karkat has speculated on Kanaya's love life with him:
CA: you dont wwant to be our auspistice cause you dont wwant to get locked into that sort of relation wwith her i can respect that GA: No Thats Not It CA: yeah it is your real feelins run pretty awwful RUDDY methinks evverybody knowws it CA: especially that assblood karkat he and me havve you so pegged about that its upright silly
And it's not even a one-off thing, because here Karkat is again, mentioning Nepeta's crush on him:
It's a situation he's been trying to "tiptoe around for a long time," and he tells ERIDAN, of all people? MULTIPLE TIMES? (AND HE ALSO TELLS ERIDAN THAT THE REJECTION WASN'T HIS FAULT???? WHAT??????)
So we've established that they talk frequently and about some pretty seriously sensitive topics. But did you know that they also talk about... their feelings?
See, the thing is, Karkat has always been weirdly nice to Eridan. Here he is in a memo near the very beginning of their game, when Karkat is at his most "rah rah, I'm the big bad leader":
FCA: i got a problem FCA: wwith feferi FCA: and im really kinda sittin here in bad shape about it emotionally speakin CCG: OK, WELL CCG: I GET THAT, I HEAR YOU BRO CCG: BUT THIS IS STILL NOT THE RIGHT PLACE FOR THIS SO I'VE GOT TO BAN YOU. CCG banned FCA from responding to memo. CCG: BUT SERIOUSLY JUST GET IN TOUCH WITH ME IN PRIVATE ABOUT IT, OK MAN? CCG: WE'LL GET YOUR SHIT STRAIGHTENED OUT.
Compare that to Tavros asking for advice later down in the same memo:
He then proceeds to dispense no actual love advice; he just points out that Vriska can totally read this memo too, and then mocks them both when she shows up - thus making it clear that he is giving Eridan special treatment.
You see it again in his discussion with Eridan in [S] Kanaya: Return to the Core, where Eridan invokes a "pact" between them, and Karkat immediately plays nice with him, despite himself being extremely high-strung and stressed out:
KARKAT: RIGHT, IT'S POWERED BY SCIENCE, I FORGOT. KARKAT: OR HOPE. WHATEVER THE FUCK THAT MEANS. ERIDAN: i dont fuckin need this from you i take enough shit as it is from the rest a you dirtscrapers i thought you and me had a kinda pact or wwhatevver KARKAT: OK FINE, SHUT UP, I APOLOGIZE. I KNOW IT'S TOUGH BEING YOU.
That's definitely pity, which Karkat states to be the basis of all relationships besides pitch. But, sure, okay, Karkat is sometimes nice to his friends. He is, after all, the Friendship Troll, so that's not necessarily out of the ordinary. But how about the fact that it goes both ways?
That's right, Eridan "100% aggro 100% of the time" Ampora is actually really considerate toward Karkat's feelings, and basically nobody else's. Upon hearing that Karkat is distressed that Sollux has died, Eridan actively puts his own meltdown about his breakup with Feferi on pause:
TC: BeCaUsE OuR GoOd bRo sOlLuX JuSt kIcKeD ThE WiCkEd mOtHeRfUcKiN ShIt CA: wwhat the fuck do you mean by that CA: are you sayin hes dead TC: YeAh :o( CA: oh fuck CA: oh god fuck noww i feel like an asshole
He then goes on to chastise Gamzee for his shitty advice, demanding to be given the chance to comfort Karkat himself instead:
TC: BuT I ToLd hIm tO Be cHiLl TC: BeCaUsE ThErE Is a mIrAcLe cOmInG, i cAn fEeL It CA: that is the wworst fuckin advvice CA: wwhat an awwful thing a you to say CA: MAGIC ISNT REAL STUPID STOP BELIEVVIN IN IT TC: i'Ve gOt tO BeLiEvE At wHaT My hEaRt tElLs iN Me, EvEn iF It's a fAkE ThInG TC: HoNk CA: this is a lot a pointless fuckin rubbish and isnt no emotional help to him or me either for that matter CA: put kar on
Before finally giving up when Gamzee insists he's "too scared of Jack" to help, drinking some Faygo, and trying to ask past Karkat for help, because past Karkat isn't sad yet about Sollux dying. So, to recap,
Eridan's first instinct when in emotional duress is to go to Karkat.
Eridan feels like he knows Karkat well enough to know that Gamzee's advice would be useless (and is proven right by the fact that Gamzee and Karkat's moirallegiance fails for similar reasons).
Eridan is willing to shelve his own emotional meltdown for Karkat's sake.
Eridan demands to be the one to provide Karkat with emotional support.
And this is, again, not a one-off thing. In the memo Karkat opens right after Eridan and Gamzee have both turned murderous, after he's spent several minutes making death threats toward Eridan and insulting him directly, he goes:
CCG: I'M SO UPSET, I'M JUST COMPLETELY FREAKING OUT IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. PCA: yeah i knoww wwhat its like you wwanna talk about it
Eridan spends this entire memo under the belief that it's a completely run-of-the-mill conversation they're having:
PCA: i mean yeah obvviously i kneww you wwerent serious PCA: i guess i appreciate the effort youre puttin into cheerin me up PCA: i can alwways count on you for some good ironic repartee kar nobody else really gets our sense a humor CCG: UGH, NO PCA: are you busy PCA: you said youd try to make it to lowwaa soon wwell howw about it
Which implies that offering to listen to Karkat's feelings is also a completely regular thing for them.
But something magical is ALSO happening within this last memo, and to really explain it, I'll first have to be a little mean to the GamKar shippers (sorry).
So, canonically, GamKar doesn't work out for them, despite also being somewhat foreshadowed. In fact, they feature on Nepeta's shipping wall, which is actually, in my opinion, foreshadowing that it WOULDN'T work out. (Nepeta's ships being wrong, and shipping being something she needs to learn to outgrow, is a whole essay on its own, that I'm not getting into here.)
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But the thing is, the seeds for them not working out were also planted in the first - and only - real post-moirallegiance interaction that they have with each other, where Gamzee tries to calm Karkat down... and FAILS:
But let's go back to that memo where Karkat is freaking out in every way possible. This is how he starts that memo - so upset about the deaths of his friends and terrified by Gamzee that he can barely string together a coherent thought:
In fact, he's so distressed that he bans Past!Feferi and Past!Gamzee almost immediately after they come in. But then Eridan comes in, and... I mean, first of all, just compare how long it takes for him to ban Eridan:
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But more interesting are the contents of their conversation. Over the course of talking to Eridan... Karkat completely calms the fuck down. Like he's entirely forgotten that he's shitting his pants with fear. In fact, he even starts critiquing Eridan for his dumbassery:
PCA: evven if i wwasnt compelled to think you wwere still bein flippant and ironic wwith me you cant exactly outright reject me can you CCG: WHY NOT PCA: cause youre future you PCA: doesnt count unless its present you til then its all fair game CCG: IS THIS REAL, ARE YOU BEING IRONIC OR SOMETHING, I CAN'T EVEN TELL ANYMORE CCG: THE PROBLEM IS, I CAN'T PUT THIS SORT OF BEHAVIOR PAST YOU AT ALL, SO I DON'T KNOW. ... CCG: YOU'RE KILLING ANGELS NOW, AREN'T YOU PCA: no CCG: YOU ARE KILLING FUCKING ANGELS, RIGHT NOW, IN THE PAST, WITH YOUR SHITTY GUN. I JUST KNOW IT. PCA: wwell uh PCA: therere just so damn many kar and theyre not gettin any less bloody pissed is the thing CCG: THIS IS WHY IT WOULD NEVER WORK BETWEEN US, MAN.
It's extremely funny. Over the course of talking to Eridan, he goes from:
CCG banned PCA from responding to memo. CCG: ANYWAY CCG: THAT'S IT I GUESS.
Eridan isn't even trying to calm Karkat down. He still succeeds in doing so. This is because they are soul mates. And I mean that in the sense that the comic literally calls being moirails soul mates, which it doesn't do for the other quadrants:
A reasonable human translation would be the concept of a soul mate, but in a more platonic sense, and with a more specific social purpose.
That "social purpose" being that an even-tempered troll calms down a more hot-tempered one, and vice versa.
It also goes on to note:
But some pale pairings, as the one above [referring to a picture of Nepeta and Equius], will be strikingly obvious to all who know them.
But what's really interesting is the next page.
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And yet others will seem to have been hatched for each other.
Did you catch that? Let me zoom in.
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(Also, the blue and red cuttlefish to represent Sollux - Feferi and Sollux spend the whole game together, and even wind up talking about their feelings constantly in a pile - more on piles in a sec.)
In fact... in Eridan's first visual appearance...
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The crab has always been there for him.
It's also important to talk about the bottle of Faygo that's been photoshopped to be candy red, Karkat's blood color. The path that it takes actually directly mirrors Karkat's relationships with Gamzee and Eridan - it's initially something that Gamzee has, but winds up being ejected out of his life, and washes up on Eridan's shore. In fact:
TC: SnAtCh aN IcEcOlD, dOg TC: MoThErFuCkIn cHuG ThAt sHiT LiKe yOu aNd tHe bOtTlE WaS ReUnItEd lOvErS CA: are you recommendin a bevverage to me or somethin CA: is that wwhat this is TC: YeAh mAn SlAm A FaYgO CA: i dont havve a fuckin faygo you stupid fuck wwhy wwould i keep that disgusting shit on hand TC: ArE YoU MoThErFuCkIn sUrE AbOuT ThAt? CA: oh CA: oh god youre right i do CA: i totally forgot about it TC: YoU SeE MaN TC: MoThEr TC: FuCkIn TC: MiRaClEs TC: :o)
When Gamzee and Eridan discuss this exact bottle, Gamzee even likens it to "reunited lovers"; it's something that Eridan has had this whole time (after all, he was cheating on Feferi with the guy), but never realized.
There are a few miscellaneous things that don't really mean anything on their own, but put next to all this other stuff, is worth considering, so I'll list those now.
First, they both do the bonk:
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Third, Karkat muses to his future self about how he misses his friends, especially the assholes, two pages before staring at a dead Eridan's ass (joking, he's definitely looking at WV, but it's still significant that this thought is being associated with Eridan):
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Fourth, in the same conversation, he bemoans his failed relationship with Terezi, before Future!Karkat chastises Past!Karkat for his instability and mixed signals. Going back to the page on moirallegiances, an explicit function of a proper pale relationship is stabilizing a troll's other relationships:
The two partners in a strong pale relationship will serve to balance and complement each other's emotional profiles, and thus allow their other relationships to be more successful.
Of course, I don't need to tell you how messy and unstable Eridan's relationships have been.
And finally, Piles of Stuff™ are associated with moirails, and directly stated in-comic to cause an outpouring of emotion:
Standing near this pile stirs powerful emotions. The closer you stand to piles of stuff, the more freely the feelings flow. It is a law of reality.
So here's a seven-word tragedy for you: For Sale, Shitty Wand Pile, Never Used:
ERIDAN: at least i got the upright basic decency to hide my shitty wand pile somewwhere in the lab you wwont find it dont evven bother lookin KARKAT: WHY DO YOU ASSHOLES HAVE PILES OF THINGS, JUST STOP.
(Which he specifically tells Karkat about.)
So, yeah, what I'm saying is, there's just, like, a weirdly large amount to read into here. That Karkat and Eridan are probably soulmates or whatever. And that this is important because...
Eridan Is Plot Relevant (Well All The Dead Trolls Are But This Is An Essay About Eridan)
So. Now we are going to talk about themes. Yes, like we are in schoolfeeding again. I'm going to keep it simple, because "The Themes of Homestuck" is a whole essay on its own, and this one about just the shitty fish boy is already way too long.
I think it's fairly non-controversial to posit that the main theme of Homestuck is, "children should mature, care about each other, and throw off the shackles of their old society, because they will be responsible for a new world one day."
Up until Game Over/the Retcon, this is so prevalent and well-established that SBURB/SGRUB's coming-of-age themes will outright be commented upon by the characters, and the main villain is a child who deliberately stunted his own growth so he could go around kicking over other peoples' toys forevermore.
So, the thing is, with that being the theme of Homestuck, if ALL of the Alternian trolls don't survive to the end, the ending is thematically unsatisfying, because the message suddenly gains an addendum of "well, some kids just need to die," which totally sucks. Like, sure, Eridan was a violent, crazed murderer even at the best of times, but his permanent death within the canon ending kind of means that the comic is saying that people in his position don't deserve kindness or second chances. That position being a traumatized, emotionally neglected child, who was being bullied by people he considered his friends. It's a pretty terrible message.
It's even worse when you consider what other trolls don't make it to the end - Nepeta, the most outspoken troll against the hemospectrum (and Davepeta does NOT count, don't try to tell me the final culmination of Nepeta's character arc is being combined with some guy she barely knows and a bird). Feferi, who genuinely wanted the best for others, even if she was kind of a privileged princess. Aradia and Sollux also stay behind in the bubbles, even though their lives have pretty much been endless parades of suffering and being used by other people. Even Equius doesn't deserve it - he was kind of a casteist freak, but not irredeemably so, and the fact that he became kinder to Karkat over the course of SGRUB proved that he had the capacity to change. And Tavros, allergic to himself and being insulted by Vriska, is a terrible way to end his arc.
It's also really clear that, since half his friends are dead, Karkat just doesn't really have anything to do. His title is the Knight of Blood, and Blood is about bonds - romance, friendship. And yet, he ends the comic having never figured out what Blood was about, with no confirmed filled quadrants (sorry DaveKat likers, but within the comic itself, DaveKat is never confirmed), and most of his bonds nothing more than ghosts in the bubbles. It's a terribly unsatisfying ending for the most narratively important troll.
I think, then, that even if you don't agree that Homestuck should have ended with full revivals and redemption arcs for all the trolls, the essay is going to proceed on like you do, so, sorry, I guess.
The thing with Eridan, specifically, is that he's actually tied deeply into the plot and themes, and his return means more than just Karkat finally getting a date (although that's important, too). Eridan is directly intertwined with a prophecy to kill Lord English; he's set up to mirror Caliborn and Calliope; and thematically, his redemption would be the most clear instance of the "interrogating society" part of the theme of Homestuck, because Eridan is kind of the Society Troll. And also, he was definitely supposed to be Roxy's wizard boyfriend.
Just gonna get that last one out of the way real quick because it's a fast one, Roxy fucking loves wizards and is a hipster. Eridan is a wizard and is also a hipster. Roxy has a crush on a prince. Eridan is also a prince. Roxy wears a purple striped scarf. Eridan wears a blue striped scarf. Roxy uses rifles. Eridan uses rifles. Momlonde's introduction includes a passive-aggressive fridge battle that features a cameo of Eridan's quirk.
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Using the colorful MAGNET LETTERS, you recently left a succinct message, which may or may not have been directed toward anyone in particular. But you couldn't find the letter W, so you just stuck two V's together. Your mother then purchased a fresh pack of W's and left them there for your convenience.
Yeah. So. Uh. Not only did Eridan need to be brought back to date Karkat pale, but he also needed to be brought back to date Roxy flushed. Can you imagine how funny it would be. They'd get together within 5 minutes of meeting for the first time and Rose would lose her shit. Anyway.
Him being a parallel to Calliope and Caliborn is also a quick one - Caliborn uses Riflekind/Sceptrekind, and Calliope uses Pistolkind/Wandkind. Eridan's two weapons are rifles and wands. Lord English is described as an evil wizard and at one point is shown using Calliope's wand. Eridan is also an evil wizard who uses a wand.
Look, I'm not saying that Eridan is necessarily directly related to these two, nor am I even necessarily saying that he and Roxy HAVE to date, but I am saying that he's got Weird Plot Connections that make him bizarrely relevant to characters that only come into play well after his death - almost like the comic was setting up that he would be coming back. His reaction to Cronus supports this, which I go into detail about here.
There's other strange "Eridan's plot important" things, too - like the fact that he's completely unimpressed by Faygo, considering it to be "just soda," and seems to be the only non-cultist who's okay with it. Or the fact that he's actually been awake on Derse since before the game (but unable to hear the horrorterrors, maybe foreshadowing some psychic resistance?) which he casually reveals to Kanaya and which Terezi is aware of, hence he's included in the people she names are "in" on the existence of the game. Or the fact that the genetic code for Alternia's first guardian was written within the pages of four FLARP books, with the addition of a fifth code Gamzee wrote in Karkat's ~ATH book... but Eridan was the fifth FLARP player in the team, implying that Doc Scratch/LE influencing Gamzee caused him to usurp Eridan's part of the first guardian code, giving LE his way into the trolls' universe.
Individually, it's all kind of nothing, but it just paints a bigger picture of Eridan being weirdly relevant, especially when we get to the juicy stuff:
The Prophecy
ARANEA: The 8ard of Hope may seem a little jaded these days, 8ut he once had a deeply a8iding faith in magic, and dedicated himself to 8ecoming a great wizard. He 8ecame convinced he was hatched to defeat an extraordinarily evil magician, one he swore the angels foretold of. ... [T]his magician once somehow from afar tried to strike him down at a young age, so he would never have to face him. 8ut the evil spell was deflected, sealing the magician's spirit away in a series of unassuming vessels until he could find some other cunning way to enter our universe. ... ARANEA: 8ut at some point he 8ecame disillusioned with magic. If there ever was any truth to his far fetched vision, the legacy of defeating the evil magician would have to 8e passed on to his descendant, or if his descendant proved to 8e as much of a failure as he did, then perhaps on to some other Hero of Hope.
ERIDAN: i slaughtered enough angels to knoww my limits and wwhere i stand against the lord of all angels they prophecized
GG: im pretty sure hes from the future! CA: wwhy GG: because he said hes my grandson CA: wwhat the fuck is a grandson CA: is that some kind of pervverse human familial thing GG: umm yes ... CA: that gun i just gavve you is somethin of a hatchright to the kid CA: happy i could play a role in your dirty stinkin lineage GG: like an heirloom? i guess it could be ... CA: i kinda think thats wwhy i found the gun in the first place CA: but noww im forsakin it because fuck i just found a better destiny than my old crappy one wwhich i nevver got any appreciation for anywway
Jake is supposed to have been the one to defeat Lord English. (No, Jake defeating pre-LE Caliborn right before he gets sealed into Cal doesn't count! He doesn't even get the final blow in that fight, DIRK does.)
But Eridan at one point had that destiny on his shoulders. Aranea turbohealing Jake, and the resultant hope field, summons a bunch of angels, which are heavily associated with Eridan - yet another random connection that Eridan has with future plot events.
Jake was another character, alongside Karkat, who was kind of reduced to a joke by the end, despite the fact that he had literally, directly, been passed the destiny of defeating Lord English. It's hard not to see this as a consequence, at least in part, of removing Eridan from the story. By cutting him out of the fabric of the ending, several plot threads - including this prophecy - are left dangling in irrelevance. And so Jake, like Karkat, now has nothing to do.
Homestuck is generally a series where every prophecy does come true, which makes it kind of startling when several prophecies fail to - Feferi's to "unite the two races," Jake's to defeat Lord English, and Karkat's to bring "compassion, forgiveness, and equality among all bloodlines" in the Signless's place.
That last one is actually relevant to:
The Thematic Importance of EriKar As Soul Mates
Eridan represents the worst aspects of Alternian society. He's a sea dweller at the top of the caste structure, with free reign to murder whoever he wants, soaked in the blood of thousands of innocent trolls. He espouses the casteist rhetoric that their society is built on, calling for the deaths of all land dwellers and the oppression of the lower castes. And while he should be benefitting from his position of privilege, it has also done nothing but hurt him.
Karkat, meanwhile, is a pariah. A mutant who would've been culled on sight, who spent his entire life living in hiding, and most of the game in fear that he would be ostracized or worse by the rest of his friends if they found out about his blood color. He's also the second coming of Troll Jesus, and thus, more despised by the Alternian ruling class than a mutant normally would be. For most of his life, he dreamed of nothing more than finding belonging within the society that had deemed him unfit.
Their friendship is something that "should not be." The highblood and the mutant. The royal-v and the off-spectrum. The empress's sea dweller and the second coming of the signless. Eridan "should" see Karkat as a miscreant to cull on sight. Karkat "should" be terrified of Eridan's very existence.
But in reality, Eridan doesn't give a shit about blood color, and Karkat just wants to be accepted. Eridan just wants someone to care about him, and Karkat loves his friends. Aside from Feferi, Eridan is the only highblood who never comments about Karkat's mutant blood, and they were best buddies even before Eridan knew.
Eridan and Karkat getting together isn't JUST the two most undateable trolls on the team finally landing a stable quadrant. These two, moreso than any other pairing, represent the themes of Homestuck. Children growing up, caring about each other, and throwing off the shackles of their old society.
In the pre-retcon timeline, their team failed to do so. This led to Gamzee falling into his highblood clown cult, Equius letting himself and Nepeta die by submitting to his place in the hemospectrum, Vriska killing Tavros because she couldn't allow herself to show weakness, and Eridan completing his caste's dream of genocide. Karkat spent the entire meteor trip and beyond beating himself up about it, since he considered it all to be his fault.
But with the introduction of John's retcon powers, they have the chance to, one by one, redeem themselves. I believe that's how the original ending would have gone: Terezi would ask John to bring Vriska back, because she only feels comfortable fixing her own mistakes. Vriska would then have asked John to bring back Tavros, whom she regretted killing. Tavros would be there for Gamzee, rendering him an ally. Gamzee would ask John to bring back Equius and Nepeta. Equius would ask John to help him not make the same mistakes with Aradia, and Aradiabot would catch John by the wrist and demand he bring her back in time to before she died, allowing her to circumvent her own death and Sollux's guilt. Sollux would ask John to keep him from provoking Eridan, saving Feferi. And Feferi would be pretty ok with the way things were... but KARKAT would then pull John aside, and drop an entire book of mistakes he made on John's lap, and this would result in a finalized timeline where all his friends are alive and god-tiered.
Because all the trolls SHOULD have survived.
Vriska should've survived because people should be allowed to have second chances.
Tavros should've survived because caring about each other, and being willing to show kindness and mercy, are good things.
Gamzee should have survived because people mired in religious fundamentalism and cults deserve to be offered a helping hand.
Equius should've survived because people should be allowed to grow and change their beliefs.
Nepeta should've survived because she was the anti-casteism troll. Casteism is bad, folks! Not only that, but I'm convinced that she was originally going to give the Ultimate Self exposition, and Davepetasprite^2 had to be contrived in the canon ending in order to shortcut Nepeta's character development, ruining it in the process.
Aradia should've been allowed to stay with the rest of the team and live a life free of the control of evil uncles and shitty ancestors.
Sollux should've been allowed to stay with the rest of the team because we all deserve to heal and be happy.
Feferi should've survived so she could be in a kismesistude with Nepeta, and realize that casteism itself is bad, not just the definition of culling, and then used her Witch of Life powers to even out the lifespans between the next generation of trolls, which needs to happen or else casteism will just happen again as long-lived highbloods inevitably amass power. And, also, it would complete the prophecy Gl'bgolyb gave her that she was intended to unite the two races (dream bubbles don't count, because by that metric, Sollux did more than she did by establishing a connection between the trolls and humans).
And Eridan should've survived, because the harm society has done to us can be undone. We don't have to submit to the roles it imposes, to the laws it wrote, to the abuse it inflicted. We can be free.
I've seen a lot of people who believe that such-and-such character did SUCH awful things that they don't deserve a happy ending. Oftentimes, it's Eridan, but nearly all of the dead trolls have gotten this treatment. So, let me just ask all of you who have gotten this far and still hold that opinion one thing. Do you think that's what Troll Jesus would have wanted?
This is why pale EriKar is so important: for it to happen, Eridan has to make a choice between upholding the beliefs of his shitty society, or pursuing a happier, kinder future, one where he outright rejects the caste system. For it to happen, Karkat has to shake all his insecurities about not being good enough by Alternian standards, and take on the duty of creating something better than what he came from. If pale EriKar happens, it means Eridan and Karkat choose love, not fear. Compassion, forgiveness, and equality.
This choice - this pairing - is the ultimate representation of giving Alternian society one big middle finger. Saying, we don't need you anymore, fuck off! Saying, we reject you at your core; we will choose something better! Saying, we will create a new world, and it will be kinder than the one we came from!
Pale EriKar means LOVE WINS.
Thank you for reading.
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1K notes · View notes
maple-the-awesome · 3 months
Body Swap || Part 2/2
Part 1 ||
Pairings: Legend, Time, Twilight, Warrior x Reader
Overview: A wizard's spell leaves you both in a state of confusion, especially upon realizing you're no longer in your assigned bodies. No Wind for this one, so we'll just give him a cookie and spare him the trauma for today -.-/🍪 The other boys are at my mercy, though
Zelda Masterlist 💙Fandom Masterlist
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Panic ensues nearly the second your situation becomes realized. Legend frantically tugs at his hair and clothing, hoping this to be some sort of illusion cast by that wizard, however his senses only confirm his fears: you've switched bodies.
You're him and he's you which probably shouldn't be as big of a deal as he makes it out to be considering how much worse this could've gone, after all, a greater enemy might've caused actual harm, yet that doesn't stop him from being upset.
Out of everyone this could've happened with - out of all nine of his traveling companions - why did this have to happen with you, the only girl in the group?! Nevermind that you're also his crush!
"I can't believe this..." He groans, picking at another strand of hair and holding it in front of his face. Alas, the color isn't the same as his usual faded pink, "Give me back my body!"
You whip your head around at Legend's demand, finding yourself mildly offended by it which is shown through the placement of your hands on your hips, "Don't you think I would if I could? Like it or not, I think we're stuck like this –"
"- Are you kidding me -?!"
"- Until the spell either wears off or we find a way to reserve it," You narrow your eyes when he interrupts. Standing, you dust yourself while he copies the action except with some added complaints and curses mumbled under his breath.
"I can't believe this. Of course, this is how my day would end. I can't ever catch a break, can I?! The others are never going to let this go. It's all we're going to hear about for the next week!"
"Geeze, I didn't know a day in my body would be so terrible for you."
Legend frowns, not intending to make you feel bad. It's not like you asked for any of this yourself. You’re equally as inconvenienced. It's just...reeeally weird and uncomfortable knowing that he's technically you right now. He's currently in the body of the girl he finds most attractive and sometimes daydreams about –
"I'm sure you're not having any more fun than I am. Let's just get out of here and find a solution as fast as possible, okay?" Legend hastily grabs your hand, intending on getting you both out of this dungeon before you can notice the redness to his cheeks (at least, he's sure he'd be blushing if in his own body right now. Is it even visible on your cheeks, though?), however almost as soon as he pulls, he's nearly thrown back against your unmoving weight.
Kill him now. He isn't used to not having his power bracelets.
"Did you...want me to follow you?"
"Do you also want me to hold your hand so you don't get lost?" You give his hand a squeeze, all the while wearing a shit-eating grin that makes his face even warmer than before.
"...Forget it and fuck off," With that, he drops your hand and marches off, yet you aren't far behind, chasing after him while clearly having too much fun with his reaction.
"You know, this is usually the point when you ask me if I'm on my time of month! Is that your problem, Vet? You're already hormonal after just a few minutes in a girl's body?"
Has his laugh always been this obnoxious? Does he owe Warrior an apology?
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"...Well, this is troublesome."
Your eye twitches after Time's calm 'evaluation' of the situation, "...'Troublesome'? You THINK?! You know, when I woke up this morning, I did not expect to end up becoming a sixty-year-old man -!"
"- Sixty? Is that how old you think I am?"
"Well, you act like it sometimes!" You defend, huffing at the end of your sentence before trying to rise onto your feet which still feel wobbly due to that wizard's spell. It takes you a second - and you almost tumble forward like a newborn giraffe, causing you to start swinging your arms around in a desperate attempt to regain balance - but eventually you do succeed in the basic human function called 'standing', "We need to find the Veteran. This is his stupid world, so I'm blaming him for this happening!"
Time, meanwhile, takes pity upon you by letting your previous comment slide. Unlike you, he easily gets to his feet as if ending up in someone else's body is an everyday occurrence for him. His new height is something you take immediate notice of, mentally noting how strange it is to be looking down at someone – let alone him – from so far up. Is this how it always feels for him? No wonder he took on the mantel of being the 'dad' of the group so quickly. You all probably look like literal children to him!
"Thank Hylia we camped close to the dungeon. The others should be getting ready for dinner at this point, so they'll all be in attendance to take joy in our misery," You smile sarcastically with a wave of your hand, however you only take a few steps forward before turning around and realizing that Time isn't following you. His face also looks rather...alarmed?
"...You okay there?"
He hums and gives you an awkward thumbs up, yet that doesn't change his expression any nor does he immediately move to follow you. He simply stands there, his face bright with embarrassment until he finally clears his throat, "I...think I might've had an accident?"
"An 'accident'...?" You scrunch your nose, needing a moment to understand what he could possibly mean. Did he just piss himself as you? You would've thought he'd have more self-control even if he isn’t technically himself. Sure, it might be scary opening your eyes to find yourself in someone else's body, but it's not that scary to warrant - ...Oooh...You get what he means now...
When the realization sinks in, you can feel your own face grow warm. You had forgotten all about that, "Oh shit. I, um...Yeah that's not – It's harmless, really. You'll be fine, it's just -...You know what, just don't worry about, okay? Let's focus on getting ourselves switched back around first. You, uh...gonna be okay dealing with it for now?"
Sympathy laces your voice, however it isn’t exactly strong enough to hide your embarrassment. Seriously, could this get anymore modifying? You weren't trying to think about the whole 'my-crush-is-currently-in-my-body' thing, but you definitely can't ignore it now! Out of all the days of the month this could happen - How embarrassing for you both!
Fortunately, Time, ever the brave gentlemen, nods, that be it slowly and unsurely, "If you can do it your whole life, I can manage for a day..."
"That's the spirit!" Please, please, please say Legend knows a solution for this because you will absolutely die if you have to talk Time through a 'change' of certain materials tonight.
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“Oh no…”
“What do you mean by ‘oh no’? What happened? Are you hurt?” Twilight’s voice – which doesn’t really sound like his own – gets progressively more concerned by each question until he finally manages to escape the wall of smoke around him. Once finally receiving a clear view of his hands, he suddenly understands the meaning behind your less-than-thrilled expression.
“That’s what I mean by ‘oh no’,” You frown, watching as he flips his hands around front and back to confirm the notable difference he sees. It would be difficult to ignore how much smaller and smoother they’ve gotten…or to turn a blind eye to all the other major variations throughout the entirely of his body.
“Has anything like this happened to you before?” Whatever surprise you have towards your shared predicament is either quickly recovered from or masked well, because you don’t hesitate to pick yourself up and start collecting your fallen belongings – or rather Twilight’s – from the ground.
“Can’t say it has. I’m guessin’ you’re in the same boat?”
“Yeah, this is the first time I can knock ‘switching bodies’ off the bingo board,” You shake your head, pausing to watch him stand as well, “I know Wind mentioned being able to control other people’s bodies or something like that before. ‘not sure if it’s the same or if he’d know how to fix this.”
“Even if not, we’re in Legend’s world. He’d have to know some kind of solution,” Twilight sighs, going to place a hand on his hip out of habit, but he instantly decides against it in a quick movement he hopes wasn't too obviously. Even if he's consciously in this body, it's still yours. Touching his hip now would be no different from touching your hip any other time which is NOT a friendly place for hands to be! At least that's what his awkward brain tells him.
Trying not to dwell too much on any of that, he makes himself useful by plucking your dropped sword off the ground and returning it to your scabbard the same way you had done with his before reaching down to grab -
“- Don’t touch that!” You’re startled to a halt by Twilight’s sudden shout and turn to give him a puzzled look as he gulps while eyeing the shadow shard you were inches away from picking up next, “It, uh…It’s sharp.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously at him, and for a second he’s worried he might just have to tackle you to prevent you from touching the object in question (which now that he’s considering it, would probably only be as effective as a sparrow attacking a horse seeing as you’ve switched bodies not to mention you’d only have more reason to question him in that case but -)
“- All you Links are such terrible liars,” You huff after a minute. Nevertheless, you step aside and allow Twilight to pick up the necklace himself. He’s careful to only touch the string and tuck it securely in a pocket because the very last thing he needs added to this day is you finding out one of his greatest secrets by literally becoming it yourself which would then undoubtably lead to his second greatest secret being discovered, after all, it's one thing for a random wolf to let you give him kisses free of charge, but there'll be a lot more to unravel there if you find out it's been your travel companion the whole time.
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"Okay. Try not to panic. There has to be some way to reverse this - ARE YOU CHECKING ME OUT RIGHT NOW?!"
Warrior jumps with a start after having been caught, although he must not be too embarrassed because he doesn’t immediately remove his hands from their place on his hips nor does he show much shame in currently having his body turned at an angle to look at his – or more importantly – your back side, “What?! You do it to yourself all the time!”
"T-That’s not - When I'm in my own body!” You stammer, blushing at the realization that you apparently haven’t been as subtle with your habit of checking your own appearance here and there, “Excuse me if I don’t want to walk around looking like a mess with dirt and leaves stuck to my backside! I’m not over here looking at your dick!”
"I hardly think you can equate that to an ass," He deadpans.
"Well, I'm not looking at your ass, either, pervert!"
At last, something you say seems to get to him, your words causing Warrior to bow his head with a pout and that shared discomfort he should’ve had from the beginning, “I’m not a pervert. If it’s such a big deal, then you can come over here and fix the backside of this tunic. It’s riding up on me and it’s driving me crazy.”
You blink then glance around him to notice that your tunic is indeed all out of sorts, one end lifted and tucked in your belt. It must’ve gotten stuck that way during your fight with that wizard…Now you just feel like an idiot…
“Oh,” Warrior mocks with a roll of his eyes, not saying much else – perhaps out of pity - as he waits for you to help fix the tunic correctly, although truthfully he’s just busy redirecting his eyes and cursing himself internally for not having explained the situation from the start. He maybe-kinda spaced the fact that he’s currently in your body and didn’t consider the implications of what it would look like for you to see him fussing over your back end. How were you to know he was simply fixing your tunic? He really did probably look like a massive pervert.
“There,” You finally step away.
“Thanks,” He coughs into his fist awkwardly with his opposite hand rubbing the back of his neck. Even in a different body, he carries the same nervous habits, “Uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to –“
“- No. No, you’re fine. I, uh, should’ve had more trust in you," You mumble, running a hand over your hot face before shaking your head. You need to get it together, "Come on. Let's just get out of here and find a way to fix this before any other misunderstandings can happen."
Warrior nod and follows after you out of the dungeon without another word to be said. He won't say it aloud - He refuses to even admit it to himself because he's supposed to be a gentleman and what if you've suddenly become a mind reader?...But if you were to for some reason ask his opinion, you do in fact have a fine ass.
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carlsdarling · 9 months
I imagine that Carl would be horny alllll the time. Just whenever: Short shirt? Cleavage? Sweat? Bending over? It all gets him going. So what if the reader is gone on a week long trip and he just pounces on her when she’s back because the poor baby is desperate.
Fucking needy!!!
Carl is naughty and can't control himself after Y/N has been away for a while. Bit of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw
You had been dating Carl for about three months. You had liked him from the first time you saw him, right after you arrived in Alexandria. You had lost your previous group, and they had probably moved on without you. Carl, with his charming personality and his protectiveness, had immediately won your heart, and you didn't care about his injury at all, you were head over heels in love with him. Still, you had actually wanted to wait a while before sleeping with him; but it turned out to be impossible. Carl was so horny for you that after less than a week you ended up in bed together - or rather, in the back seat of his car.
It wasn't that Carl had pressured you into it, but with his constant groping, kissing, moaning and wailing, he had managed to get you just as hot for him and without hesitation had spread your legs for him, wet as the Colorado River. It had been wonderful, passionate and loving, and you had done it every day since.
Just everything got Carl going - if you bent over, tied your hair up, touched his arm, your shirt slid up exposing your belly, your cleavage (especially if it was sweaty) damn it, all you had to do was walk in front of him and he'd see your arse and he'd get horny, push you against the nearest tree or make you immediately ride him on the wooded soil. More than once you had been surprised by walkers during such actions, literally with your pants down. If Rick ever found out about it, you'd both have to write your testaments right now. He hadn't been thrilled with how fast your relationship was evolving anyway, but Carl was an adult and could do what he wanted.
But now you had been away for a week, accompanying Rosita, who was pregnant and had to go to Hilltop for a medical checkup. During your stay at Hilltop (although it was only for a week), you had thought of Carl constantly. The longing tension in your nether regions had been almost unbearable after only two days, no matter how often you touched yourself at night. Carl's horniness had somehow infected you. "You and Carl are downright addicted to each other," Rosita had stated, rolling her eyes meaningfully.
"We're not," you'd defended yourself, your face bright red.
"They are," Rosita said to Jesus, who was leaning against the door, grinning in amusement. "They literally can't keep their hands off each other. I bet Carl's right wrist is all sprained by the time we get back."
Jesus laughed. "You could have brought Carl," he wondered. "We have plenty of space at Hilltop."
"Oh, believe me Jesus, you don't wish that," Rosita replied. "They live in the house next to mine, and often they're so loud I can hear them. And it goes on all night."
"'Shut up", you commanded her, ashamed.
Now you were on your way back, and the gates of Alexandria appeared before you. Your stomach tingled; in a moment you would finally see Carl again.
Rosita hadn't finished parking the car when Carl already showed up, and when you got out, he immediately threw his arms around your neck and you could feel his massive boner. "I missed you so much," he murmured and kissed you deeply.
"Me too," you grabbed his butt. It would probably be best if you went to Carl's room right away and didn't come out until tomorrow so that Carl could pound into you until he was completely exhausted.
"There's a hole in the wall over here," Eugene objected.
Rick came over. "It needs fixing right away," he decided, "Carl, Y/N, it's a lucky thing you're here right now, we can use any helping hand we can get."
Carl looked pissed, he'd wanted to get the fuck out of here right now and rail you dizzy, your legs on his shoulders, and now he was forced to wait. Rick handed out tools. "There, plane off that metal and bend it so we can nail it up." You did your best, but were constantly interrupted by Carl, who, rather than concentrating on the work, kept fumbling you unobtrusively. "Carl," you scolded quietly as his hand tried to move back into your cleavage. ""Stop that!"
"But I can't control myself," he squealed and kissed your neck, leaving a hickey. Embarrassed, you looked around. Luckily Rick had just turned his back on you, but Daryl had seen everything and was grinning wickedly.
"Stop it now," you threatened, picking up a bolt from the ground. Big mistake: you'd been bending over. "Carl!" you hissed as he promptly grabbed your arse. "I mean it!"
"What's going on?" asked Rick, looking from one to the other in annoyance.
"Nothing," Daryl said hurriedly. "It's just something has fallen down." At that, Rick nodded and turned away again.
"It's more like something has risen," Carl whispered in your ear, taking your hand and guiding it to his hard one. He had long since dropped the screwdriver.
You withdrew your hand. "Carl, that's quite enough," you said sternly. "Get a grip on yourself. It can't be that everything gets you going and you can't control yourself for half an hour!" Carl was so desperate for your touch that you were afraid he was going to fuck you right here.
"Get away from here," Daryl said with a wink. "There's no sense in that. You two cannot focus on the work right now." Carl hastily grabbed your wrist and pulled you along with him so fast you almost stumbled.
"Where are you heading?" you asked, uncomprehending, because the house was in the other direction. He turned toward a section of land that was near the main gate and where a few old cars were rotting in the high grass. Carl grabbed you around the hips and unceremoniously sat you on the hood of an old Chevrolet, then positioned himself between your legs and impatiently slipped his jeans and boxers down to his knees. His cock was so hard it had to be painful for him; it twitched slightly, and the tip looked sore. "Honestly, Carl, how many times did you jerk off in that one week?" you asked tauntingly.
"I wasn't counting," Carl admitted bashfully. "Anyway, I could hardly stand it without you." He fiddled a condom out of the wrapper and put it on his cock. You eagerly embraced him and let him penetrate you; it wasn't like you weren't horny for him, too. He moaned lustfully as he buried his entire length into your slick folds, his breathing shallow and rapid, and he made short, quick thrusts - as he always did when he was being particularly needy. His mouth was open and his eyes closed, there were drops of sweat on his upper lip. You tenderly stroked his lean back, then grinded your fingers into his tight buttocks as you approached your climax. "Carl, I'm close," you whimpered.
"Me too," he moaned, only seconds before he began to moan very loudly and the movements of his hips became even faster and more intense as he cum and spilled his seed into the condom. Sweaty and exhausted, you sagged on the hot hood, the grass tickling your bare legs. "Don't ever leave me alone for so long again, Y/N," Carl pouted before embracing you and kissing you tenderly. „I can't stand it!“
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spidybaby · 11 months
Gold Digger | Part Two
Summary: A broken plate can't be fixed.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: hello, it's been a long time, but here it is. I want to apologize for the wait, I was sick and ended up at the hospital, but now I'm good. Thank you all ❤️✨️
Part one | Part Three
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It's been a week since the whole incident. In that time, Kylian was blowing up your phone with calls and texts. He even tried to talk in person, but Ethan and Fayza weren't having it.
You were thankful with both Ethan and Fayza. They made sure you were okay. The night you left Kylians house, his mother was the shoulder you cried onto.
She was so embarrassed for his actions. Ethan even called him to berate his actions.
They loved you as family. For them, you didn't need a paper or a ring to become part of their family, your loyalty and unconditional love for the whole family was enough.
You planned on leaving Fayzas house and going to a friend's house, but she refused. Insisted on you staying for a little more.
But at the same time, the fact that you couldn't really mourn the feelings was taking a toll on you. So you explained that and your best friend and you became roommates.
Kylian wasn't at his best either. He fought with his father. But also blame himself for being so naive, believing things he knew you would never do.
He missed two games, faking being sick. Missed a whole week of training. Until Sergio and Achraf went to his house to check on him.
When he explained the whole situation to them. Sergio slapped him, and Achraf almost did the same but control a little more.
"You're so stupid," Sergio says angrily. "Es que, si sabes que ella no lo haría por que no la defendiste? Kylian, what the hell?" (It's just, if you know she wouldn't, why didn't you defend her?)
"Okay, time out." Achraf says, pushing Sergio away from him. "Go get something to drink, calm down."
Sergio did that. He was so mad at his friend.
To sergio, you were like a little sister, always helping him and Pilar with everything you can. Even Achraf held you to a big standard.
You were that person who's always looking for everyone and trying to help as much as you can without expecting anything in return.
"Bro. Look, I'm not judging, but why did you do that?"
"I'm so stupid Haki, I'm so fucking stupid."
"You fucking are" Sergio yells outside the room.
"My gosh, fucking kids. It's what you are." Achraf says, hands caressing his forehead. "My child is more mature than you, and he's not even five years old."
"Tell me what can I do?" Kylian cry out. "I don't want to lose her."
His friends didn't even know how to help him.
"Take this, you look like the shit you say you're." Sergio hands him some water.
"Sergio." Achraf growled. "Stop it, we both know he fucked up, he knows it, his mother, brother, and whole family knows it. Stop it."
"Hey, that's mean." Kylian says, finishing the water Sergio brought him.
"But the truth, asshole."
"Enough, I feel like I'm with my kids. If I wanted to fight, I would've called my ex-wife." Achraf says frustrated.
"Mira Kyky, I'm going to be honest with you, I don't know if you can get her to forgive you. Maybe some therapy, maybe some expensive ass gift, but you already know that's not her." Sergio sighs. "What you need to do is let her breath, take her time to cool down, as much as you think you can't fix everything. This is not a match. This is your life. So what I recommend is for you to let her have her time. Text her saying that you'll wait as much as you have to, for her to be able to listen to you. And then apologize, man, because that shit was terrible. Pilar me hubiera cortado los"
"We got the point, Sergio, thank you." Achraf interrupts. "But he's right. She needs space. This shit is fresh. You also need to think what you're going to say. Apologizing is not enough. But don't make excuses. That's not cute."
And that's exactly what Kylian did. He texted you saying that he was going to stop with the text messages and the calls. He was giving you the space you need. And it was up to you to decide how much time you need for him to be able to see you again.
You never answered, but you did read the text. Thankful for his decision.
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When Kylian texted you that as much time as you needed, he meant it.
What he never expected was for you to take a whole two months. And counting.
His mother and brother were in talking terms with him. It wasn't easy, but he apologized with them too.
Now, his father was another story. Wilfrid tried everything to reach him. Nothing.
Kylian understood that it was his fault. But, he didn't feel comfortable with having a talk with him.
On the other side of the city, you were closing a very hard finals week. The last finals of your whole college career.
"So, now that we finished with everything." Your friend says. "Are you going to text him?"
You told her that as soon as your finals ended, you were reaching Kylian. Two months in her head were enough of a punishment for him.
Not for you. You want him to understand that what he did was something you were not okay with.
You could take his father disliking you. But you can't take the lies and accusations. You weren't a thief.
You can tell how many times you denied your boyfriend to pay for things for you. Dinners, vacations, even your college debt.
You also were the one in charge of his whole financial situation. You knew how much he earned in a month. You helped him with the payments and saving.
So, for him to even believe you were in possession of his cards was crazy. Even after you made the calls to block every single one of them. Making sure there wasn't any new charge.
"I don't know." You say. "I'm not sure if I feel ready."
"Well, you know you can always count on me. But if you ask me, it's been enough."
After that, you both said goodbye to each other.
You were walking back to your new place. It was close to your college and it was pretty.
Just when you were about to get there, you smelled the fresh coffee aroma, coming from a small coffee shop you loved.
"Well, I deserve it."
And you did, after the amount of deprived sleep and hard study sessions you went through.
You order your usual to go. Wanting to go home and relax.
"Y/n?" Someone calls you from behind.
You knew who it was. You even thought that acting as if you didn't hear was the best, but when he repeated your name, you couldn't.
"Hi," you say.
You felt lucky when, after that little, "Hi" the girl called your name and handed you your order.
"I have to go." You say getting out quickly.
"Can we talk? Please". He asks following you outside.
You wanted to be nice, you do. But you can't do it. His words, his accusations, everything is replaying in your mind.
"If I'm not even giving that benefit to your son, why would I do that for you?"
"Just let me apologize."
"I don't need your apology, sir."
"One minute."
You stare at him. You didn't want it. But at least after this he was going to stop.
"One minute, after I'm leaving." You say watching the time on your watch.
"I'm sorry for the accusations, for telling you those awful words and treated you like a thief and someone you're not. I'm sorry for ruining the best thing Kylian ever had. But you had to understand me. He's Kylian Mbappé and everything he has worked so hard for it's been also my and Fayzas work."
You scuff.
"Of course." You say laughing. "He's Kylian Mbappé and I'm just a broke college student who was ready to take all his money, right?"
"That's not what I meant."
"Oh, you didn't?" You ask sarcastically. "So let's see, if all his hard work is also Fayza and yours. Why does she trust me? Why can she see me for more than just my school debts? Why can she see me as someone who loves your son and not his net worth?"
"I worded this wrong."
"No, you didn't. And even if you want to fix it," you say, quoting the last two words. "Your time ran out. Please don't bother me again, I'm done with this situation for good."
You walked to your apartment, mad at everything. At him, at Kylian, at yourself. Even when you didn't even have a reason to be mad at yourself.
Without thinking you texted Kylian.
"Let's meet up at your house in an hour."
It was not the smartest thing to do, but the rage inside wasn't helping much.
You ask for an Uber due to the time all the cabs were busy. Plus, his house was a good forty-five minutes from where you live.
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You knock on his door.
Even when you have your own key, this wasn't your home anymore. This was his.
"Hey," he says happily, opening the door for you to get inside. "It's kind of chill for just that cardigan."
You ignore him. Walking to the living room. The house feels different. The home you used to love is now just a place.
You feel like crying. It's like having an intense flashback.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
You nod, blinking the tears away.
"Yes, go ahead."
"Don't you want to sit?" He asks, confused. Your posture is like a rock. Hard and not easy to break.
"No, go ahead."
"Okay." He clears his throat. "I have to apologize. I know I fucked up. I was so wrong for not saying anything to defend you. I just want you to know that I don't believe any of that, never did, never will."
You interrupted his speech by laughing. "You don't? Then why did you let your father belittle me in that way?"
Your question take him by surprise. He wasn't expecting this.
"No, I'll tell you why." You interrupted him again. "You're so up your ass, Kylian. You don't have an idea of what the real world is like anymore. You've been so glorified by everyone. Specifically your father."
The way his eyes are about to pop out of his head.
"And I'm so mad at you." You laugh again, trying to calm yourself down. "I've been the one who denied your offer to pay my whole debt, I was the one who helped you with money, with savings, with payments. I was the one who turned your additional cards when you offered them to me. Because I wasn't here for the money, I was here for you. I was here because I love you. Because I saw myself staring a family with you. I saw myself growing old with you."
"Let's just pause." He says breathless, even when he's not the one speaking.
"No, I'm not pausing."
"Okay, just, please let me finish."
"Save your apologies." You say.
"Amour. Y/n. Wait, I need."
"I needed you." You interrupted again. "I needed you to defend me. I needed you to say something, and not doubt me. I needed you, Kylian. And you failed me."
The burning sensation was consuming you.
"Please, we can go to therapy." He tries.
"Kylian, don't you get it?" You ask. "Even if I say yes. What's next? You stop talking to your dad for good? That's not what I want. Do you really think I can come back here? I can hear his words in my head, I blink and see him accusing me of stealing from you, and I see you taking his side, even when you didn't believe it."
"We can sell the house," he grabs your face. "I can have a new property tomorrow morning. Better, pick one, the one you want, as big as you want, as expensive as you want. But please, don't give up on me."
His eyes are shining with tears.
A part of you is saying, "forgive him," but the rational part of you is throwing that option out of your head.
"It's not about that, Kylian."
"Then what do you want? Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you. Everything." He cries.
You shake your head. Tears rolling down.
"I want you to let me go."
"No. Everything but that."
"Let me go, Kylian." You take his hands off your face. "I can't do this."
He hugs you, crying on your shoulder.
"Please don't go. You're my everything."
You only caress his back. Letting him cry.
He keeps begging, and with every word, with every sob, every tear you feel yourself breaking more.
"Kylian. Please let me go."
He hugs you tighter. "Please, no."
"Baby, please."
You can feel him tense because of the nickname. He let go enough for him to be face to face again.
"Tell me you don't love me anymore, and I'll let you go."
You shake your head. You can't.
"Don't do this to me."
"Tell me, look at me in the eyes and tell me."
"Let me go." You repeat. "Please."
"You can't say it because you love me. And I love you. We can get over this. I promise even if I have to spend my whole life apologizing, even if I have to tell you every day, how important you're for me."
"Stop, please." You cry. "We can't. I can't. I need time kylian. You say everything, I need time."
"How much?"
"I don't know, but I need it. I can't just forget and swipe this under the rug like it's nothing. We can't build each other again if we're both broken." You say holding his face. "You promised me years ago that you would never doubt me. And here we are, so I need you to give me space. Let me heal and heal yourself in the process. Make up with your family, go to therapy. And then we can go back."
His eyes were burning, and the tears fell like cascades.
"Can you promise me that you will be back to me?" He asks
You didn't have an answer because time and life were unsure. Life can change in a moment, just when you less expect it.
"I promise you that I'll work on healing. I promise you that if you need me I'll be here. I'll be your biggest cheerleader from afar. But I can't do it alone, you have to make your part."
He hugs you again.
It wasn't a goodbye.
But it hurt like it was.
He let go of you. Looks you from head to toe. It's like if he's taking a mental photo of you.
You pick your purse from the floor. Walking to the front door.
"Y/n" he calls.
You turn around.
"I love you."
"I love you too." You smile at him, closing the door.
Tag list:
@slayweirdosaway @voguebikini @ironmaiden1313 @magicalfundragon @nightlockcornucopia @christianpulisic10 @bellinghambby22 @noodle81937 @moonlightholland22 @germanapples @paniwiaderko
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miya-rin · 1 year
"i can't believe you got in a fight.”
“he hit me first, you just expect me to stand there and take that?"
a small chuckle leaves his mouth at your choice of words, standing between you parted legs osamu has been patching you up after a ‘small mishap’ with one of your classmates.
"obviously not, its just…" his voice trails off as he rummages around in the first aid kit until he finds an alcohol wipe, gently tearing it open before swiping it across your cheek, you wince in discomfort and he gives you an apologetic look. "sorry — its just, you're not really the type to hit someone, like i know you can defend yourself but cmon, you knocked him out."
"you really are something else." he laughs as he starts to dig around to find something else to slather over your face.
"not a compliment."
“i'm gonna take it as one."
"i knew you would."
"yeah yeah whatever, you would have done the same.”
“oh yeah totally.” he picks up a tube of antibacterial cream and gently starts to apply it to the cut on your cheek, making sure to be extra careful as to not put too much.
“thankyou by the way.” he tilts his head up to look you in the eye for a split second before focusing back on the cream in his hand.
"for cleaning me up and that, thankyou."
"yeah well you probably wouldn't have, the blood would just be dried up all over your hands and face.”
"oh shut up," you let out a light laugh and by god you sound amazing "i'm not that bad."
"sure, whatever you say.”
the room elopes in silence — comfortable silence, the kind where you're not too worried if someone speaks or not, and yet you do.
"say, how long have you been dying your hair?"
"oh, i'm not sure, wh-" his words are cut short as he feels your hands snake up his undercut and into the dyed strands atop his head. shit he thinks, he so badly wants to look up at you, but he knows that if he does he won't be able to look away.
"it's really soft, what conditioner do you use? it must be good for it to not be completely dead."
"yeah." he stutters slightly, but just enough that you might not have been able to hear it. god he hopes you didn't hear it.
he still doesn't answer your question, staying quiet for a good minute or so before you decide to take action. gently tugging at his hair, an indication for him to look at you, he puts down whatever he was fiddling with and his eyes meet yours. they're a lot wider than normal, he almost looks scared, but from the dusting of pink spread across his cheeks you can tell it's something different. hes nervous.
“osamu, did you hear me?” the way you’re lightly scratching at his scalp turns him to putty in your hands. “i asked you a question.”
“uhm..i started dying it when i was like 13? so about 5 years now. and whatever conditioner my ma brings home.” you hum in approval as you continue to mess around with his hair.
“you know…i should probably finish bandaging you up.” he makes a start at grabbing some plasters to put over your bruised and bloody knuckles, avoiding eye contact even harder than before.
“wow, you wanna get rid of me that quickly? youre cold osamu.”
thats gets him to look at you.
“i never said that.”
“dont act dumb now, i heard you loud and clear.”
“youre putting words in my mouth.”
“oh so you’re accusing me now? this isnt the osamu i know and love.” as soon as that last word falls from your lips osamu burns a crimson red from his face to his neck and probably lower, choking on his spit and trying to catch his breath. if only you had your phone on you.
“you what?” he can finally speak by the looks of it.
“i love you. dont act like you didnt know.”
“yn, tell me youre joking.”
“are you rejecting me right now? thats a mean way to do it dont you think?”
“are you kidding me? ive had a crush on you since we were 15.”
“i know, why dont you do something about it?” you say with a sly smirk. he still looks on edge at the whole interaction, but theres no time like the present.
he lifts up his large and calloused hands to grab both sides of your face before bringing you into a sweet but passionate kiss, it doesnt last long as you are both conscious of the fact that anyone could walk into the schools medical room, but it is just enough to leave you both satisfied after years of pining. pulling away you are met with that boyish smile you fell in love with all those years ago.
“now that i think about it, im kinda glad you got into that fight…”
“so am i.”
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my-head-is-an-animal · 3 months
The Climb
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Summary: You're a scientist, an engineer to be exact. Called to a meeting you had no real right to be at, Optimus Prime takes an exclusive interest in you, but you can't help but ask yourself at every turn, Why?
Rating: 18+ 🌹🩸🍆
Story Masterlist
Chapter 16
Lennox didn’t ask what had Optimus running off in the middle of the meeting, but he did offer him the opportunity to come clean.
     ‘Look, I’m just saying,’ Lennox said as they entered the Autobot hanger. ‘If it’s something that will help us help Jane, I’d like to know.’
     ‘I appreciate the offer, but I believe all has been done to help her.’ Optimus looked around the hanger for a moment, pensively. ‘It is up to her to return to us now.’
     Lennox nodded, knowing he wouldn’t get anything else from them. ‘I’ll keep you posted.’
     ‘Please do.’ Optimus turned and began transforming, driving himself away to a corner to rest presumably.
     Lennox caught Ratchet and Ironhide’s eye, they both made their way out of the hanger, gesturing for Lennox to follow, out of earshot of Optimus.
     ‘You guys got any idea what’s going on with him?’ Lennox asked as they got outside.
     ‘He’s in love.’ Ironhide shrugged, while Ratchet just folded his arms and shook his head.
     ‘With who? Harding?’
     ‘Indeed.’ The medical officer responded.
     ‘I knew there was something weird about them spending all that time together.’ Lennox almost laughed.
     ‘I believe she has accepted to join in union with him.’ Ratchet sighed. ‘And he is now aware of the true consequences of his actions.’
     ‘Yeah, that’s why he’s sulking now.’ Ironhide huffed.
     ‘Wait, wait, what do you mean joined in union? You mean like marriage?’
     Both Ratchet and Ironhide chuckled.
     ‘Nothing so ceremonial.’ Ratchet scoffed.
     ‘He gave a piece of his Spark to her.’ Ironhide explained. ‘That’s unbreakable and not a choice made lightly.’
     ‘If she wakes, Jane will know all there is to know about Optimus,’ Ratchet continued. ‘And he will know her… your human marriage falls so far short of what they have promised to give one another.’
     Lennox just looked between the two Autobots. ‘I don’t understand, she’s unconscious, when is this supposed to have happened.’
     The exchanged a brief look, before Ratchet went on. ‘Until the Spark inside Jane has learnt to fully understand the new body it is in, a connection will still linger between them.’
     ‘Does that mean he could revive her?’ Lennox asked, eagerly hoping there was a way for Harding to wake up faster.
     Ratchet kneeled in front of him. ‘Understand this: if Optimus disturbs her recovery in any way, it could make things worse. He cannot communicate with her, she must go to him, that is how we will know if she is strong enough to house his Spark.’
     ‘But if she’s made contact, isn’t that a good thing?’
     ‘It is a positive sign yes, but once is not enough, it may have been an accident for all we know.’
     ‘Could’ve been a dream.’ Ironhide suggested.
     ‘Indeed.’ Ratchet nodded, curiously. ‘You humans have a strange capacity for dreams,’ he began standing, turning his attention to Ironhide. ‘Yet another thing Optimus has not considered.’
     ‘Give the guy a break.’ Ironhide defended his friend.
     ‘He hasn’t thought this through, he did not act rationally.’
     ‘Love is not rational, you know that, but I trust his judgement. He wouldn’t have done this if he thought she couldn’t handle it.’
     Ratchet just grunted and folded his arms, turning to look at the horizon. Ironhide sighed and turned back to Lennox.
     ‘Everything will be fine.’ He brushed the conversation away and headed back inside the hanger.
     ‘You don’t seem convinced.’ Lennox commented to Ratchet, hoping he could get a little more information out of him.
     The medical officer turned his head towards him, again grunting in frustration.
     ‘It would not be wise to speak any further.’ He said, calmly. ‘I should not have spoken out of turn, this is not my decision to judge.’
     It was a far cry from the behaviour Lennox had just witnessed with Ironhide, but he couldn’t force Ratchet to tell him anything.
     Lennox decided to make a visit to Harding, to get an update like he promised Optimus he would. When he arrived, it was to find Smith arguing with one of the doctors.
     ‘Do you know who I am?’ Smith demanded as if he would get a different answer because of who he was.
     ‘I know you work for the president, but it doesn’t change a single thing.’ The doctor shot back.
     ‘What’s going on here?’ Lennox asked.
     ‘Lennox, this doesn’t concern you.’ Smith snapped.
     ‘This is a military hospital,’ Lennox was fed up now. ‘Military personnel only.’ He gestured to a couple of soldiers nearby. ‘Would you mind escorting Mr Smith out of here? I’m sure the patients could do with a little quiet.’
     Before Smith could say anything else, he was forcefully escorted out. The doctor gave Lennox a quick nod before gesturing for him to follow her into Harding’s room.
     ‘Any change?’ Lennox asked, quietly closing the door behind him.
     Harding looked helpless lying in the bed. The woman who climbed thirty thousand feet to save the world and here she was, struggling to wake up. She was hooked up to machines and every single aspect of her body was being monitored.
     ‘Her brain waves have shown some improvement.’ The doctor noted.
     ‘That’s a good sign, right?’
     ‘It’s an excellent sign.’ She smiled. ‘It was a few hours ago, when you were in your meeting with Smith, I think she had a dream, perhaps reliving some memory. Look here.’
     The doctor showed Lennox the tablet that recorded Harding’s brain waves, he didn’t fully understand it, but enough to know that this was a very good sign indeed. He sent the data to his own tablet and made a note to show Optimus when he got the chance.
     ‘I think it would help for you to stay for a while,’ the doctor went on. ‘She seems to respond best when people talk to her.’
     ‘Yeah, sure.’ Lennox smiled, still feeling the relief that Harding might have woken up soon. ‘Wait, did you say this happened during the meeting?’
     The doctor was about to leave the room, but Lennox stopped her with his question.
     ‘Yeah, they went on for about half an hour.’ She confirmed.
     Lennox thought for a moment. ‘I’ll be back. Do not let anyone but me in here, understand?’
     ‘Yes, sir.’
     Lennox tried to subtly rush towards the Autobot hanger, he didn’t want to draw any attention, but he did want to get to Optimus and Ratchet quickly.
     ‘Hey!’ He caught the medical officer’s attention, guiding him over to where Optimus was still sulking. ‘Optimus, you need to see this.’ The Autobot leader remained still, much to everyone’s mild annoyance. ‘Look, Harding’s brain waves were active-‘
     Before Lennox could finish the sentence, Optimus transformed back into his full form. He knelt in front of Lennox, waiting for him to continue.
     ‘When you did that union thing,’ Lennox caught the slightly angered expression between Optimus and Ratchet. ‘Her brain waves were more active than they have been since we started monitoring them. She’s in there somewhere and for half an hour, she was fighting to wake up.’ Lennox showed Optimus the tablet with the evidence. ‘Ratchet said that you couldn’t disturb her recovery, that it could make things worse, but you said it yourself that you don’t really know what will happen when a Spark is transferred into an organic host. What if she needs you to make contact? What if what Autobots need after the procedure is the exact opposite of what she needs?’
     Optimus waited a moment, clearly thinking fast. He looked to Ratchet for a conclusion, both Autobots stood tall for a moment and remained quiet.
     ‘What? What is it?’ Lennox asked.
     ‘I am uncertain the risk is worth it.’ Ratchet confessed. ‘Optimus, we cannot make a decision hastily, there is still a possibility it could make things worse.’
     Optimus was still quiet.
     ‘How long can she stay like this before you have to do something?’ Lennox reasoned, much to Ratchet’s disdain.
     Optimus knelt down again, he wore a serious expression. ‘You are aware of our union, Captain Lennox, you are aware of my feelings for Jane.’
     ‘You love her.’ Lennox nodded.
     ‘So, you understand that where her safety is concerned, I cannot make a mistake, I cannot act rashly… no matter how much I wish to see her again.’ He confessed more to himself. ‘We will wait a little longer before attempting to make contact. I only ask that you keep Ratchet informed of everything that happens to her, no matter how insignificant it may seem.’
     ‘You really won’t help her?’ Lennox asked, watching his eyes narrow for a moment.
     ‘Understand this, I have now given my dedication and devotion to her, I will spend the remainder of my life protecting her without condition.’ Optimus leaned forward a little more to make his point clear. ‘Help is such a small word to describe what I am doing for her. This is the right course of action. Jane will wake up on her own. Have faith in that.’
     Lennox swallowed, half annoyed, half understanding that he just didn’t understand everything. ‘Fine.’ He said. ‘Just do one thing for me. For her.’ Optimus nodded for him to make his request. ‘Talk to her. Sit next to her bed and talk to her, just for a while. The doctors say that when people talk to her, it helps. Don’t asked me how, but I think she’d appreciate it if you were there for a while.’
     ‘And say what?’ Optimus frowned, confused oat the human way of helping someone who was in hospital.
     ‘She’s your wife,’ Lennox chuckled. ‘Talk to her about what you normally talk about.’
     Lennox left Optimus with that single confusing thought, he chuckled to himself thinking on how he’d missed just how close they had become. He still had so many questions, but maybe Harding could answer a few when she woke.
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delayed-affection · 4 months
Hi, I loved slumber party. Can u write about somehow convincing Justin to let u cut his hair or him asking u to cut his hair but it’s ends up really bad in your opinion but he likes it but the internet have a field day and u get upset and he defends u on social media
Uh oh
Oneshots Navigation
Justin Herbert x reader
Warnings: referred to as girlfriend once and her twice
Word count: 1.0k
His kind words and reassurance help to alleviate some of your guilt and embarrassment. Justin asked you to cut his hair for him you thought he had gone crazy. With his hair being a big part him and his image so it was weird that he was putting his trust in you.
And you were doing fine or at least you thought you were for a moment.
You were very careful with scissors, following his instructions to the best of your abilities but you’re honestly a visual learner and his instructions weren’t really of any help.
You tried your best to be careful, but each cut felt like a mistake and you felt increasingly frustrated.
By the time you had finished, you were tired and stressed out. Begging him to not look in the mirror.
You pull at his arm trying to get him to stop walking, “Please don’t look, I’ll get you a hat or a beanie that you could wear until it grows out.”
He chuckles as he unintentionally drags you to the bathroom with him, “It can’t be that bad.”
When you get to the bathroom you see his smile falter for a split second and that’s when you know it’s bad.
“You hate it.” You groan backing up into the wall.
He shakes his head and pulls you back over to him, “No… I don’t hate it, it’s just a little shorter than I expected.”
You look down at your hands, “It’s also choppy and one half of your head looks fuller than the other.”
"It's just a haircut, it's not a big deal." He tries to reassure you, but you’re still feeling a bit insecure.
“It’s YOUR hair and I messed it up, it is a big deal.” You argue.
He puts your face in his hands, making you look at him, “You did great and I like it. No correction I love it and I love you, okay?”
You nod, “I love you too but I still think it’s bad.”
He gives you a quick kiss, “Why are you being so difficult?”
“Why did you let me cut your hair?” You quip.
A couple days go by and everyone has seen his hair, the media team even posted a tik tok asking the players what they thought about his new cut.
And let’s just say they didn’t hold back on there roasts, letting the world and you know that they all hated it.
Sitting on the couch you read through the comments and they were just as cruel as everyone else.
The embarrassment starts to set in and you can't believe you made such a terrible mistake with his hair.
You try to console yourself with the thought that it wasn't such a big deal and that his hair will grow out soon, he can wear a hat when he’s not wearing a helmet. But you can't shake the feeling that you completely fumbled something this big.
You continue to read through the comments, trying to find something encouraging or sympathetic, but there is none to be found.
Now, more than ever, you are completely regretful of your actions.
When Justin comes back home you’re quick to apologize over the haircut once more. He’s barely through the door when you come rushing over, phone still in hand.
“I’m so sorry, Justin, i should’ve listened to your instructions better. I should’ve just said no when you asked me.” You tell him but you were talking quite fast, “I knew it wasn’t good, I knew-“
He shuts the door and drops his bags, “Baby, baby, slow down. What are you talking about?”
“Your hair.” You stress, “Everyone is talking about it and how bad it is.”
He gives you a look screams what the hell are you talking about, “What? Who’s everyone?”
“The social team, the guys… every nfl fan ever.”
His face stays the same and he doesn’t respond, he really needs to look at his socials every now and then.
You had him your phone, “Look.”
You stand there as he watches the video, listening to jokes and comments his teammates made about his hair.
He turns off the phone and pulls you into a hug, "You know, it's really not that bad. My hair will grow back. In the meantime, I'm happy you tried to do something nice for me. I'm not upset, so don't worry about it, okay?"
His kind words and reassurance help to alleviate some of your guilt and embarrassment.
He can tell that the comments are still getting to you a bit.
He sighs and slips your phone into his pocket, “No more phone for you.”
You try to move around him to grab it but he avoids every advance you make.
"It's for your own good." He adds with a smile, "Look how about we do something else?”
He pauses to think for a moment, “We could do that paint and sip thing you’re always talking about?”
Justin stands at the charger podium after practice, answering the questions being thrown at him by the press.
It’s nearing the end of the conference and no one has asked about his hair, Justin thought that he had lucked out.
Until a reporter asked, “What happened to your hair? Did you upset your barber?”
Though it was intended as a joke he knew how it would effect you.
He shrugs off the question, “Well my girlfriend did it and she already feels bad about it so please keep your comments to yourselves.”
Another reporter is called on to ask a question, “Can I ask was it her first time or…”
He gives them a short nod, “It was and I will admit I didn’t give the best instructions so it’s not her fault. And just as I told her, it’s just hair it’ll grow back. If people don’t like it, then they shouldn’t look at me.”
He knows he was a little rude with his last comment but if it means standing up for you, he’s fine with it. Plus he was getting quite fed up with everyone.
Now he can only hope that the unnecessary insults and hate calm down.
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fanfictionfangirl · 20 days
My take on Amaya and Magnifico as a Villain Couple:
Because why did they not get to be the villain power couple in this??????
I can totally see Amaya as a power hungry and ambitious woman that wants status and prestige more than anything else, and uses manipulation as her main tactic.
Or for Magnifico, he could either always have been self-centered, or every wish he denies gets absorbed by him, thus making all those wishes made with bad faith or malevolent emotions part of him, and over time turning him into a narcissist. That would work as both a metaphor for how power changes a persona and an interesting element to how the frick his powers work, because what was that???
And personally, I think he should have had the power to see people's intentions, a bit like colors or a feeling or whatever, with which he could know if someone wished for a knife to cook in the kitchen or if they were planning murder. Because that's a massive flaw I think. Though the canon orbs could work too, but I just think that it would be cooler.
And Magnifico would be clear that wishes can be dangerous and as such has iron rules when it comes to wish granting. Like that he will never do anything involving life and death for example. You wish for a kitty? Go to the local animal shelter. You want to resurrect your dead wife? Forget about that. You want a fire breathing dragon? That's a safety hazard, go home and become a firefighter. It would make so much sense.
And Asha could be wrong. You know, a protagonist who believes that they are right but actually aren't? I know, revolutionary. In her quest to make sure everyone gets their wish granted, she would accidentally cause both wonders and chaos, putting the people into a frenzy. Like in the film, they would start questioning Magnifico, who would then try to bring back stability to his kingdom. And then 'this is the thanks I get' would get to be an actual villain song!!!! He sacrifices so much time for his people, he brings balance and peace, makes sure that everyone is provided for and yet the moment something isn't perfect, they question him. Which would be where either his ego, or the negative emotions he's absorbed from the wishes come into play. He needs to get rid of this disturbance, so that things get back to normal. But it fails and people get agitated and he slowly loses his cool, becoming more and more aggressive with his approach, until it can't be justified anymore and is now purely about revenge. He's now a full villain. His background isn't, but his actions are. Now, Amaya sees a threat and she tries to get rid of Asha through manipulation. They are a duo, one working as her enemy, the other pretending to be her ally. And it would be glorious!!!! Because they'd be a freaking VILLAIN COUPLE!!!! Do you know how awesome that concept is!!!!!!!!! And I've been deprived of it!!!!!
How Magnifico and Amaya got together is a mystery in the film (except if I just never heard of it) and I think that would be fascinating if they were villains.
For their Villain Backstory, this is what my brain came up with:
When they were young adults, and Magnifico came into power, he spent hours every day harnessing wishes, deciding what to grant and what not to, and defending his decisions to the people who were still coming to terms with this new change. Wish granting was something new and coveted, but also something looked at with sceptism. One day, after the "wishing hours", a young woman come to him. Magnifico told her that the time for wishes was over and to come back the next day, but she wasn't deterred.
She told him that she was here for a wish not meant to be heard by others. He answered that he wasn't interested in such a thing, and that people should witness whatever he decides to grant to others, so that they too could judge his decisions. Seeing that he would not yield, she introduced herself as Amaya and that her wish was to marry him. Surprised, he looked at her, but shook his head and told her that he refuses. She told him that it could be true love, he told her that there was no love.
Amaya demanded to know what it was if not love, to which he answered; Greed. Ambition and desire for power was what pushed her to him like that. Unhappy, she agreed, but pushed on. As the king of Rosas, a country so new and so unstable, he did not have the strength and endurance to leader them in the long-run. One day he would collapse under the weight of the wishes and this country would fall with him. Magnifico tries to disagree, but she interrupts that if there was someone else, a partner who would talk to the people and stand by his side when he made the necessary decisions, then he would have the support needed to move on.
Conflicted and weary, he states that she wants the power of his eyes. Amaya confirms. She wants the power to see into people's heart and feel their intentions, which in turn is a burden to him, who has to feel them and yet make rational decisions over whether to grant their wish or not. More than that, she adds, is that whenever he has to reject a wish, he absorbs it and is saddled with the weight of its emotions. It's true, every wish he reveals and cannot grant becomes part of him, and a weight he has to carry. But the young woman is also a risk; she has very high ambitions. If Magnifico were to make her queen, Rosas would find itself with a leader who looks out for herself first. Seeing his indecision, Amaya says that in exchange for the title of queen, she will grant him a wish too. That surprises Magnifico, people don't grant him wishes. She tells him that she would learn to love him.
While he is flabbergasted, she explains that she will always see for herself first, that is why he is so uneasy around her, but when she loves him, she will look out for him as a priority too. And when he is a priority, so will all of Rosas be, because without Magnifico, there will be no Rosas. With this deal in front of him, where he gives Amaya the power to leader a country and gets what is needed to keep it together, Magnifico accepts. And with their wedding, Amaya is granted the title of queen and the sight to see people's intentions.
Is this flawless? Absolutely not, but I'd honestly give anything for them to have been a villain couple, where Amaya resorts to emotional manipulation as easily as breathing and Magnifico actually has good points.
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ladystoneboobs · 3 months
A memory prodded at Theon. In one of his rare curt letters, Lord Balon had written of his youngest brother going down in a storm, and turning holy when he washed up safe on shore. -Theon I, aCoK
this little glimpse of balon/theon's strained long-distance relationship kinda fascinates me now. can't believe i'm going to defend balon as a father to theon in any way, however small, but i feel like hindsight has kinda blinded fandom into thinking balon gave up theon for dead and gone the moment he gave him away as hostage. this also carries the underlying assumption that balon was always going to rebel again making theon's life already forfeit to him.
thing is, while balon undoubtedly called his banners before theon came home, that also coincided with robert and ned both being recently dead, making that 2nd war seem really opportunistic. as if the only thing balon learned from his first rebellion was that king robert was strong enough to defeat him, the only man capable of defeating the great balon. so when that enemy dies, balon's crown is all but won in his mind, and with the death of ned too he could use his next war to take revenge on the (dead) man who took his son from him. maybe with robert's lifestyle he could have hoped to outlive him despite being older than robert, but robert and ned together? that must have seemed like a miraculous chance straight from the drowned god himself, a chance to rise up and take revenge that it was his duty to take for his people, even if it meant risking the life of his youngest child who'd been gone for 10 years anyway.
but before all that, even if robert being still alive was the real deterrant keeping him from warring again, he was, in effect, not only keeping theon safe by paying the hostage-ransom of keeping the peace, he was also keeping up a bare minimum connection with theon through rare and curt correspondence updating him on family events like aeron getting born again (and i'm assuming that's also how theon knew what asha's ship was named). idt we should so easily ignore that this is a society which views kinslaying as a grave offense regardless of circumstances or personal feelings, and one which greatly values male heirs over female heirs. i doubt balon was so much a feminist girldad that he just switched 12yo asha into the son slot right away as soon as all her brothers were lost. imo it was more likely a gradual process done not so consciously as asha proved herself worthy growing up and theon's time in the north stretched on and on. all until such point as asha had achieved son status and only son status at that, (maybe also coinciding with alannys leaving him so he had even less reason to keep up with her baby boy?), and then theon could be written off as belonging to the enemy, no longer ironborn or a son of balon, so sanctity of greyjoy life no longer applied to him. (real ironborn greyjoy son already killed by darth greenlander theon, from a certain point of view.) only then could balon be a not-father to theon, not welcoming him back home or even giving him a chance to prove his loyalty by providing intelligence on the northerners and the lands they were about to invade. (which could have made balon's war plans a touch less stupid. see, it all comes back to criticizing him in the end.)
in fact, come to think of it, i wonder if one thing ned and balon had in common is just not thinking of the danger of theon being executed as a hostage, not taking ownership of that possibility bc it hadn't happened yet. and hey, if it ever did come to that they could each tell themselves it would be the other guy's fault really, i was just doing my duty to my king/as a king to all my proud people. and that meant their actions didn't have to be obviously at odds with ned's view of himself as a good man opposed to killing children or balon's view of himself as great greyjoy patriarch and victim of the greenlanders (who could ofc prevail against them all if given the right chance).
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nblatinotails · 1 year
I really really really wanna talk about sonic and tails individual retelling of their meeting/not meeting, it's driving me crazy ! Ok ! Quickly to clear up first, clearly these don't happen in the same universe, so clearly a lot of major components are different before we even get to see what's going on. In sonics recollection, the sky is blue, the grass is green, all is good :] cause he's there to stop a lot of the industrialization that Robotnik brings, the world isn't suffering yet. Tails flashback includes paved roads and darkned skies,,, no one to stand in the way of Robotnik, so progress trudges forward, bleak and uncaring. Ok, great, that's outta the way :]
I really wanna focus on the language they both use when describing tails, the bullies, and his life after- I think the contrast is just wild and so so so interesting to compare! Like it changes a lot of the context we view these situations in and tells a lot about the character that's speaking
Sonic tells it this way: Tails was a 'happy, brainy fox' till some 'blockhead bullies' started 'picking on him for having an extra tail'. Sonic ran by and the kids 'lost interest in being jerks'. Tails began following sonic and the prime universe we know is set in motion.
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So already this is so reflective of sonics personality and how he perceived what was happening to Tails. Clearly he thinks Tails is a smart little kid, he's brainy, he's smart but he's a little guy. It's a nice term but it folds under the weight of what we usually expect tails to be described as, genius, brilliant. But the happy part is something that the story and tails himself argue against. Even in the prime universe, we know that tails was harassed relentlessly until he met sonic, we see in the flashback that this has already escalated to physical violence,, and they were just getting started. Sonic calls them 'blockheads', 'bullies' that 'pick on him', this language is tame and childish, its kinda downplays what we see, tho I don't think he meant it like that. Thats just how he sees it, it's kids teasing eachother,,, which makes sense for how an outsider would see it, no flack to him.. Or how an adult would soften a story as to not scare a kid, I don't think that's the reason, I think sonic just talks like that, but it's an interesting idea to think about how maybe he didn't wanna scare tails, or if he truly just remembers it as some harsh teasing.
But anyways, to Tails,, he's 4, he's scared and can't defend himself just yet, he can't do anything but take it and hope they leave soon. Also quick wanna point out the emphasis on an extra tail, sonic doesn't care, it's an extra, it's cool.. it's glossed over because its unimportant, just something that's included in the things that are happening, rather than being WHY they're taking place. So sonic runs by and the kids 'lose interest' in bothering tails (they get whooped and tails runs away), and Tails follows sonic, eventually becoming best friends and brothers.
A simple, friendly recap, it seems kinda sanitized,,perky. The way sonic recalls events are very straightforward and chill, I truly believe that he didn't look too far into the background of what he saw, just stopped it and carried on, bonus points for gaining a lil bro.
things are a lil different,, clearly in what happens after sonic didn't show up, but also in the way he talks about himself, his feelings, the actions taken against him.
Tails tells it like this: he was a kid, minding his business, but not his surroundings.. some creeps came along and picked on him for having ONE extra tail. He got a beating, a cycle that continued for years until he put his foot down. He used his 'cunning fox brain' to give him a real way to fight back. Now he needs no one. He takes care of himself.
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The emphasis on his youth, he was 4.
He knows he wasn't to blame, he was minding his own business, he didn't DO anything. But that little bit of self blaming language: I wasn't watching my surroundings. Like he's berating himself, like he could have avoided these kids finding him if he was looking out.
These creeps pick on him, cause that's what they are to him. they aren't 'blockheads', they aren't just bullies, these are older, stronger kids. They ARE creeps, they harassed him for YEARS for no reason. Except for the fact that he has ONE extra tail. Specifically 'one extra' not 'an extra', one. Because that's all it takes. So he shows them. He makes more. But before that, he gets beaten. Not picked on, not bullied, BEATEN. it AAUUGHHH it drives me crazy, look at how he perceives his bullies!!
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Like fucking monsters, chasing him in the night. I'm am not alright.
This continues for years. Chased and beaten and harassed, over and over and over again, until tails gives and makes something to protect himself, something to level the playing feild. And THIS is how he views himself while creating his augmentations.
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Another allusion to something menacing, something otherworldly. He's pulling himself up to their level, using his 'cunning fox brain'. A jab at sonics wording, yeah, but more importantly, a reference to how tails sees himself. He's NOT brainy, he has to be cunning, he had to be tricky and aware at all times. So now, he can fight back.. he's got these tools, he has his brain, he has protection. Now he doesn't need anyone else. He's grown up alone, take care of himself and his own problems.
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anotherfansthings · 1 year
The Happy Couple
Neteyam x f!OmaticayaReader
Synopsis: Y/N’s father was once a fellow warrior to the Ole’eyktan Jake Sully, who died in battle against the sky people. As a dying wish, Sully promised he would take care of and protect his daughter, but what she wasn’t aware of was that they had dealt something of much greater significance. Becoming a future Tsahik to the Ole’eyktan’s eldest son: Neteyam.
Enemies to lovers | Minor violence | Big strong man crying 😍
'Y/N' Jake began 'we understand you're distraught from his forceful behaviour, but the boy is right. Much more commitment will be required from you to complete the partnership between you and Neteyam'
'Wow' Y/N scoffed 'I cannot believe you are defending such disgusting actions. I am sacrificing so much for you-'
'My Y/N' Neytiri interrupted with a tired groan
'No my Y/N. There is no Y/N anymore. My future has been stripped away and given to the people. I have absolutely nothing to achieve, everything I do from now on is planned or forced. All of my ambitions banished into the abyss, worthless and forgotten. Please,' Y/N begs 'if I am to give up on all my dreams the least I can have is some control between me and Neteyam, and the support of my family to correct this horrid mate of mine'
The burning tears streaming down your face had only now become evident; puffing your eyes and leaving your throat to be caught in the cold air. You knew by the gruelling looks upon Jake and Neytiris face that their hands were tide. You were stuck. Life now nothing but a force of reproduction and encouragement of the clan.
Jake cleared his tight throat, relieving the heavy tense air 'The Ole'eyktan training should level his stupidity, make him worthy of a leader and capable of acting like a family man, not this forceful nature you say he is acting out' he finished, but without adding an obvious sense of disbelief by widening his eyes at your previous accusation, thinking you were just being overdramatic
'My Eywa!' Y/N challenged 'you don't believe me do you. Can't believe that your perfect little soldier boy would be misbehaving. Wow. You know I had thought for a mere second that I would have the best in-law family, I couldn't have been further from the truth.'
Your words infuriated Neytiri 'Hey! You do not say that about my family. We didn't want this either, but it is sacred that a dying mans wish is fulfilled. You should know of this by now.' she cautioned
'My family huh? You can't hide the fact you both wanted me out of your responsibility. Two orphans too much for you to handle now is it?!' Y/N shouted
Jake was quick to grab your arm and stand tall before you 'Y/N you get that word out of your mouth right now. You and Kiri are just as much as family as we consider our own blood. Don't you dare pull that card right now'
His harsh gaze pained you, building upon the overflow of emotions that were building up inside of you. Instead of scolding you for being disrespectful, he let down his walls, slowly letting his affectionate manor appear before you. Jake's eyes become glazed, preparing to keep your eyes interlocked until he could no longer bear the sight of someone he cared for being this distraught. As soon as the first tear fell, he embraced you fully within his arms, nearly winding you. Neytiri stood with sheer disbelief from her husband actions; never seeing his emotions overtake his soldier mindset outside of their private conversations.
The beautiful moment was interrupted by your one and only, Neteyam.
'Oh my, what has she done to you?' Neteyam snickered 'what lies has she fed to make the dry man cry?'
Without a second thought Neytiri was by his side sending a flick to the side of his ear 'No my son, do not be insolent to your father with such low respect.'
'So, what nonsense has she really brought here'
Y/N turned to meet his eye line, with a face of pure wrath 'How are you even-'
You had subconsciously began to stalk your way over to the stupid boys position, being stopped by Jake.
'Y/N this is my job now' Jake declared, before turning his full attention to his eldest son 'boy we have heard of your behaviours, it should go without saying that we do not condone of these. Y/N now knows her expectations will be greater, but at her control. It's the least we can do. You read me, Neteyam?'
'No.' was all he replied
Y/N scoffed before allowing herself to come face to face with her mate 'No? Sorry poor soldier boy but this is not your decision to make.'
'No! I will not be humiliated like that. Every other worthy man here has the great chance to lead their family, there is no way I will have that taken from me!'
'Ohhhhhh, so it's okay for me to have my whole life stolen away from me, but as soon as Neteyam is asked to spare a small role it is not allowed?' Y/N remarked before spitting at Neteyams stance
The painful silence was quickly broke by Neteyams overly loud clapping in your face 'Well done my Y/N, you finally understand me. I will be in charge of our family as is every other man in the forest, and you shall be devoted in supporting that.' he finished with an endless smirk plastered on his proud face
You couldn't fathom any words to argue against his stupidity, rather choosing to launch yourself at him and just throw your arms at him in any hittable direction. He chose to extend tall and easily defend all of your attempts, but...
Neytiri and Jake were too slow to intervene with the fighting teens, that choice was now something of remourse, as you were laying blacked out unconscious on the floor.
[Sorry this seems a bit rushed and all over the place, for some reason growing up means having stupid responsibilities 🙄. Would much rather write and read Avatar all day 😍]
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shadedsecrets · 9 months
I realized today... that I can't wait to see where Amos Ellery ends up and I have more predictions about how that'd go.
Do I think he's going to be showing up frequently? Likely only as frequently as we check in on the rest of the Parents Squad, not often until thicker plot entanglement. Is he going to have important things to do and plot-impacting choices to make? Ooooh, most assuredly. And I am most eager to see which garden path he grouches down.
From my perspective... there are two options, and both of them are so very very fun.
This man has already been asked to and made some hard choices. He would not be a confidant of That Bird Goddess if he hadn't committed. The man knows his son has been dead for two months and that his body will never be found. And he isn't enthused about it, even grumbles a complaint, but that is as far as it gets. He reaffirms his loyalty. This is a man... that clings to the belief that seeing whatever this is through will be worth it in the end.
He has put his eggs in this basket and come hell of high water, he will defend those choices.
.....for now.
We don't currently know why Amos was upset about Irving not getting a body double that could at least be brought home. And I can think of a few reasons other than caring for his son that could fit that bill, but again, we don't know. With how hostile he got when our favorite Grandmother of Chaos implied he didn't, I do think he loves Irving, and expresses his affections... differently.
So we have a grumpy man currently working for the assumed Big Bad who seems like he may be loyal out of principle, fear, and honestly not believing there to be another option. He professes that he will do whatever it takes to see this through, even something like being implicit in the murders of his family and friends...
So what do we think is going to happen when news inevitably breaks of some Really Funky Seaghosts that look like those missing nobles? Yeah, the Phantomarine Crew are going to do their best to stay out of sight, but if a Pavel needs defending? Screw that, protect the baby! Let's face it, the boy with a stigmatized condition and a Godly Bounty on his head is going to be at risk of harm around people and in the wilds in equal measure. But what will the Parents do with this knowledge...
Personally... I hope Amos will be given chances at choosing something else, and he will double down the first couple times. He is a man of conviction. He does not read as someone who gets shaken easily, expression barely changing, voice rarely raised... Changing tracks just like that for likely only vague information would undercut all of that unless he was shown to take the time to VERY thoroughly research it on his own. I doubt he would be given the time to, however. No no... it's going to be the last time he has a choice that would be interesting.
It would be a choice that he cannot take back; most of the cards will be on the table and he will not be able to feign ignorance of the consequences. And he would have two options... Continue on this current course, or finally reach his limit and do ANYTHING else. Either he goes down as a man who finally tried to stand up to a Deity, or as someone who could not accept he had done the wrong thing.
What can I say? I am a sucker for these sorts of stories. An antagonist that just can't accept they did something wrong for a shitty reason is so cathartic to watch go down, just as good as someone finally taking a stand and responsibility for their actions and striving to dig back out of a very deep hole is.
Am I reading too far into a side character? Maybe! But he seems to be set up as the actual right hand of the Big Bad and is a protagonist's FATHER. He has some stuff to do here... And I see some veeeeeery fun flags.
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slasherhaven · 2 years
listen- just like that Otis angst you just did, how about with Bo or Michael?? Same concept ;3
Had a thought about Bo that fits this so I'll do that!
Earning Bo Sinclair's Trust and Nearly Dying in his Arms:
It takes a while to completely earn Bo's trust.
Even when you been in Ambrose for a while, he's not sure about your intentions.
He just isn't naïve. He doesn't believe you can just accept your fate here, never mind enjoy it.
He assumes you're just waiting for the right time to run, for the right group to come by to help you escape.
He likes having you around, he's realised and accepted that. Likes the things you do around the house, the way you are with his brothers, the way you are with him...but he just isn't fully convinced and isn't even sure what could convince him.
Well, he isn't sure until you manage it...
Some tourists had come into Ambrose, looking for a fan belt, the usual. Normally simple enough.
But this group made nothing simple.
They put up one hell of a fight.
Normally you wouldn't get involved in these matter, you didn't really care too and Bo didn't really trust you enough.
But when you had heard of the trouble that the brothers were having, you had hurried into town to give them a hand.
You had found Bo in the movie theatre. You were just about to hurry over to him and ask if there was anything you could do when you noticed the man with the crossbow.
Bo had his back to him and you worried that you couldn't warn him in time.
Your actions were impulsive but it's not like you had much time to think.
"Bo!" you called, sprinting between him and the unfamiliar man.
Bo spun around, shotgun at the ready, just in time to watch the bolt pierce through your side.
Despite the shock, instincts too over, causing Bo to pull the trigger. Killing the tourist.
He couldn't catch you before you hit the ground but he was by your side before the tourist's body fell to the floor.
His hands nearly shake at the sight of you bleeding out on the floor, bleeding for him.
"What did you do?" he curses the shake in his voice and hopes you don't notice but he's concern about you bleeding out.
"He...he was going to shoot you" you wheezed out as he examined your wound.
Bo was in disbelief. You got shot, for him, to protect him.
"Shit, alright. We're gonna get this outta ya, gonna be okay" he had wanted to reassure you but he was also reassuring himself.
Bo couldn't say anything else, instead settling for scooping you into his arms and rushing you back to the house.
He called for Vincent as soon as he came through the door, a frantic edge to his voice.
Vincent hurried, knowing something must have been wrong, but he was surprised to see you had gotten hurt.
You had fallen unconscious as the two of them removed the bolt and stitched you up.
While you slept, the brothers made sure that all the tourists were dealt with.
Still, Bo was by your side when you woke up.
He still couldn't believe you would take a shot for him. For nearly die for him. Hell, you didn't actually know that you would survive...would you have died for him?
"I can't believe you did that" Bo shakes his head at you but he sounds more tired and disapproving or mad.
"You wouldn't have saw him in time" you defended yourself, voice a little hoarse.
"You could have died"
"...I would do it again" you confessed, which instantly shut him up, "...to protect you, I would do it again."
"Fuck" Bo breathes in utter disbelief.
But, he does believe you. He believes that you mean it. That you would do it again.
"Just...rest up, alright. Don't move around too much, you'll pop stitch. I'll get ya a drink" he warned you.
For a moment you thought he was just going to leave but he surprised you by kissing your forehead and whispers "glad you're alright", before leaving the room.
Bo does feel guilty for you getting hurt to protect him, so he's the most involved in your recovery.
At least it gives you both the opportunity to grow closer now that this whole new level of trust has been established.
And Bo does trust you. Completely and with his life now. He won't doubt you again.
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guiraguira · 1 year
Good morning kiss ❤️
Jakurai and Rio pretend to sleep to avoid your morning greeting
Warnings: none in particular, maybe something a little suggestive
° You woke up before your alarm went off and you are watching him sleep, with his long messy hair, because despite giving the impression of sleeping very still, he tends to stir in his place. Her lips slightly parted and her head tilted to your side was more angelic than usual.
° You were going to let him sleep a while longer and make him breakfast, but he looked so comfortable, so comfortable that you wanted to bother him a little. You reach for his hand, but he moves it enough to avoid you. "Jaku..." again you try to touch him but he turns his back on me.
° You can't believe it, you sit on the bed to analyze it more carefully. Yes, his eyes are still closed, his breathing still seems rhythmic but you think you see a small contained smile. AHA!
° You lie on his back and cross one arm in front of him so that he can no longer evade you. "I know you're awake! Stop making it more complicated" Your face leaning over his to kiss him, your breath was already tickling his cheek, but he stretched and hid his face in the pillow pretending he was still sleeping .
° You snort and bite his shoulder hard, you didn't even get a complaint. Defeated, you drop to your spot, grimacing in frustration.
° "For such a small mouth, you do bite hard" he blurted out while laughing, ending the performance by touching your bite.
° "You deserve it, go back to sleep and let me do this correctly" thinking that now if you could say good morning to him, you look at his lips and begin to slowly get up.
° Jakurai, guessing your intention now turns face down drowning his laughter with the sheets, just to make you angry. Refusing to give him victory, you brush the hair from his neck and kiss him, he won't last much longer, after all he still has work to do.
° He knows how insistent you are and how easy it is to provoke you with these little things, just not to avoid bothering you. Maybe he will resist a bit tomorrow too.
° Here was something strange, you never wake up before him. The normal thing would be that the good morning kiss is given to you by Rio. Is he sick? Even weirder considering how eccentric his cooking was. You feel worried thinking what could be happening.
° A slight pink tone covers his features, you brush his forehead carefully, trying to find out if he has a temperature, but you don't reach any conclusion. "Honey? Are you feeling bad?" There's no answer. You hold his face with your hands but he escapes from your grasp, now you see that the pink tone subtly turns red and extends to his ears.
° Only at that moment do you understand the situation. This idiot almost scared you to death. There are times when he slacks off in the morning, he just looks at you for hours until you wake up and he reacts this way if you find out.
° With his eyes and mouth contracted, he remains stoic in his idea of pretending to be asleep. After the initial shock you can't help but laugh, you approach his lips but he covers them with one hand. "Hey!" He didn't even try to keep the lie from him. Despite his hand, you continue with the goal of kissing him but now he uses both hands to cover himself.
° Without thinking twice you whisper affectionate words in his ear, your hot breath on his sensitive area is almost the best way for him to pay attention to you. Although... this time it didn't work, although she slightly contracted his body, she defended herself by covering his ear.
° Ah, that exhausted your patience, this boy was going to receive his kiss somehow. Taking advantage of the fact that his hands were busy, you pinch the side of his abdomen, to your surprise he laughs. You sit down again looking at his face, wondering what your next action will be.
° "did you think that was going to hurt me?" He tells him as he continues to laugh. He finally extends his arms letting you get closer, but stopping you placing them on your shoulders before you reach him. It doesn't matter how much you complain, it will keep holding you like this.
° You stretch, but it is impossible for you to reach him, you will still win. You raise your own hand, place a small kiss on it and print it on Rio's lips, matching just the same place.
° With that last impudence of yours he gives up, "now get ready for a real good morning kiss" he whispers totally embarrassed, no matter what he does you always manage to surprise him.
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casualevan · 7 months
So... Pariah Nexus
I found it to be a swinging pendulum of quality. Back and fourth between badass and just kinda bad.
The action and animation are astounding and there are some fantastic bits of dialogue discussing faith and fanatasism. All great stuff.. buuuuut my biggest issues are with the tone and the plot.
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It's the issue a LOT of Games Workshop stories suffer from. They want to be Dune meets All Quiet On The Western Front but also G.I. JOE meets Masters Of The Universe. A Grim Dark brutal depressing war story.... but a toy commercial at the same time. SPOILERS
The plot is set well after the end of a war for this one planet the Sisters of Battle, (Nuns with Guns in SPACE) Space Marines, (Marines IN SPACE) and the Imperial Guard (Starship Trooper normal humans with laser rifles.... IN SPACE) were defending against the Necron. (Alien mummy robots FROM SPACE!) The humans lost and now it is all over but the crying. A Sister, a Space Marine and a Guard are stuck behind enemy lines with a handful of civilian survivors and must fight their way past the remaining Necron and their nanomachine human zombies to get to safety.
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The SIster and the Guard have some GREAT moments of debate on the nature of faith and duty showing the Sister's fanaticism and the cracks in her faith when contrasted with the Guard's more grounded and practical view of their shared religion. This all reminds the audience that Warhammer 40K is a nightmare distopia hellscape and the Imperium of Man is BAD. At least until the Space Marine shows up and "OH WOW HE IS SO COOL AND SO NICE AND HE LOVES DEFENDING CIVILIANS! PLEASE DO NOT READ MORE LORE AND LEARN THAT THE SPACE MARINES ARE ALSO BAD AND COMMIT WAR CRIMES! BUY OUR TOYS BUY OUR TOYS!!"
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The closest thing to a character arc in the story is the Sister of Battle going from having disdain for the civilians, believing their lack of faith lost the war for the planet, to finally being convinced to not be such a starch ass and defend the literal women and children from killer robots...
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and then she is imediatly shot by a robot sniper. YEAH. "I will now decide to NOT be a total jerk and help these people!" *BLAM* "...ouch... nevermind I guess?" She doesn't get a last desperate second wind action surge to kill the sniper and save the civilians, she just dies. As for that Guard she was debating with the entire time? She wasn't real. She was just a ghost in her head cuz battlefield trauma is a hell of a drug. The big heroic Space Marine (who's just such a great guy) agrees to stay behind and fight the evil killer space robot and tells the civilians to keep running. He survives and tells the Big Bad Super Robot that he and his fellow humans of the Imperium will keep fighting FOR THE IMPERIUM AND THE EMPEROR BLA BLA BLA BUY OUR TOYS!!!!! Then there is an epilogue of the last surviving civilian making it to a troop of other Guard... ... ... and then getting shot because they thought the literal child was infected with the Necron Zombie Nanomachine plague. So yeah.... everyone (except the cool Space Marine) died for nothing. We don't even get to see the Space Marine's reaction to the news. The story just ENDS. He lost an arm trying to keep these people safe and the story won't even tell us if he is sad or mad or just mildly annoyed. "EVERYONE DIES CUZ WAR IS BAD AND WRONG!!!! Please buy our toys and play our games." I'm NOT saying the story should have been sunshine and rainbows but at least have all that buildup and character death MEAN something besides pizza cutter all edge no point grimdark. Have the Sister die FIGHTING and saving someone. Show the Space Marine REACTING to the news that none of the civilians survived. OR if you still want to be grim and dark, have that lone survivor kid get DRAFTED BUY THE GUARD and sent back to fight. Show his face go from "oh boy I'm saved" to "oh no I'm going BACK?!"
all in all I can't recomend Paraiah Nexus. Three episodes behind a Warhammer+ subscription paywall all for story/tone whiplash. Go watch the Hellsreach fan animation instead.
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absoluteindulgence · 9 months
A/N: HEEEEY YOU GUYSSSSSS, I POPPED THESE HEADCANONS OUT OF NOWHWEREEEE. I KNOW ITS BEEN A WHILE, DONT COME FOR ME JUST READ AND TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU LIKE IT LOL🤎✨️✨️✨️ I will say tho I wrote this from my phone because like the goofy I am, I spilled water on my laptop and gotta get it replaced🤭 So any edits I need to make will be in the near future🤎 Also Ironically I'm posting this 4:44PM☺️
Toji with Yoga!Girlfriend
He's learned what it means to be calm. You would meditate around him and at first he would always want to break your focus but afterward he'd sit with you and just breathe. He found it extremely calming when a rush of anger would wash over him.
He's in awe at the many Yoga Poses you can do and how focused you are when executing them. He's worked hard to bulk up his body but he can't say that he's as balanced as you. Which is why he has so much respect for you too.
Let's be real, you're over here talking about the healing power of crystals and he does not believe in none of that shit. It takes for him to have an out-of-the-blue migraine to do your "mumbo jumbo shit" on him and he might only admit that for a second, it worked. But he believes just laying in your lap is what did the trick.
You smell so fucking nice. You're the type to use essential oils more than perfume and it shows. Any scent that you're using that day is stuck to you and becomes your natural scent. One that's so pleasant it keeps Toji in your space more than usual.
You're highly intentional with your actions and he can sense it. You have this layer of love, honesty, and devotion that keeps him on his toes. It's hard to make him breathless but you're such a wonderful woman that he looks to you for comfort in more than just the sexual sense. You've proven to be a great pillar in his life and he's smitten by you based on how you're so open to loving him and in return, he provides the love and protection you desire. In his way, he'll cheerily thank a star for aligning you "or some shit" together. You give him a level of stability he's never seen or had in a very long time.
Now this man has spun the block a couple of times but damn would he feel like there are way too many new experiences with you.
This man did not know what Kegels were until you showed him on one particular rainy day. This was closer to the beginning of your relationship and you would say, "Hey Babe, let's try something new" You're ideas usually come out more good than bad so he doesn't deny you. The first time you tighten yourself around him, the face he makes is voided of all smugness, it's a culmination of shock and humor. "Fuck, Treasure... How are you doing that????" His brows furrow too tight as he comprehends real "Pussy Power". Let's just say thunderstorms weren't the only thing to erupt.
The massages you give this man always lead him to visit heaven. You touch him in ways that he thought were just simple and had no other meaning than its initial reaction. Every graze from your fingertips stimulates his mind further than what he's expected to feel. His stiffy gets all twitchy, and the usual tense and ready-to-defend muscles relax. He instantly exhales when touched by you. Your hands are so skilled, you gently graze over all the sensitive spots he has and treat them with delicate consideration heightening his experience. The way your fingers caress the tip of his manhood trailing down the shaft, with a gentle kneading of his swollen, ready-to-burst balls is enough to get the most intense guttural groans ever known out of him.
You create such sensual atmospheres for him that he's taken aback. Incense or aroma diffusers, slow jams playing at a low volume in the back, you bought these twinkling lights for a dreamy effect, and after a while they leave him charmed to say the least.
This goes without saying but he loves to watch you stretch. It's a reminder of the limits he can set on your body since you prep every day. He's eager to see which way you'll bend for him just to get to that right spot. Arch perfectly sloped, HAMMERTIME. Sucking him off while doing a bridge, how many kids you want? Or something as simple as tucking your legs behind your head? You're in trouble for the rest of the night!
The worst of it all is you introducing him to Kamasutra... You told him you want to do every position. No matter how weird or uncomfortable it might be and man, you wore this man out one night in particular. It's the first time during sex that he's ever tapped out and you paid for it in the next sex session lol
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