#i cant be fancying a 16 year old
possiblytracker · 2 years
job hunting so i dont run out of money and die before term starts and i get my student grant but all i can think abt is how all of these on the market would mean my 16 year old brother is earning more than me
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okay. here's the scene. sicely is forced along at a fancy party bc THRAWN is forced along at a fancy party for high command and political leaders in the outer rim. pryce got her own ticket bc shes the governor of lothal and her plus one is Publicity Boytoy #4, a human man whose name she will forget by the end of the evening but it is still likely enough that he'll annoy her to a high enough degree for her to want to have sex with him (i do not believe pryce is capable of non-caliginous attraction). even if she could she wouldn't want to go alongside thrawn again because his capability to infuriate and exhaust her beggars belief. and thrawn hates her with an icy seething passion. and due to the aforementioned caliginous-exclusive romance one might think this would mean pryce would be attracted to thrawn and you would be right. but it's really not worth pursuing that at all, because thrawn has the romantic capacity of one of those self-guided museum tour casettes with the anodyne voices, or maybe a picture on r/malelivingspaces where a bunch of Ayn Rand books are displayed prominently on a shelf in a clearly-inherited house. and also he annoys her with his constant questions and generally helpless demeanor in any context where he does not have complete control and authority. so going with her is out. and eli cant come because he's off in the unknown regions listening to a holodrama in Cheunh and getting happy he understands 85% of it (he is missing a decent amount of cultural context due to grammatical cases and familial-standing based honorifics and sentence structure). faro has her own ticket too because her uncle is a patron and benefactor for many Outer Rim charities and gentlemen's clubs, and he dotes on her. so she cant be thrawns plus one nor can he be hers because she's going to spend the entire time at this thinly-veiled diplomatic insider trading scam of an event having her first normal conversation in a year with family, and if thrawn goes with her he will be introduced to that family (nightmare scenario. never again). so thrawns option is his only other friend, a 16 year old he more or less kidnapped and has entered an uneasy truce with. is this pathetic? profoundly. the depths of thrawn's patheticness and overall dysfunction is some kind of ocean trench or hole in which i seem to be the only bastard blazing bravely downward.
SICELY: I don't want to go. THRAWN: It is not optional. SICELY: Why the hell not? THRAWN: You are a cultural attaché and a diplomatic representative of your people. There will be many ambassadors there. It is a learning experience. SICELY: Can you put it in writing that I hate thiS, I hate partieS, I will go kicking and Screaming, I hate you, and if you make me wear a Stupid fancy outfit I will Screech like a branded banSheeSteed?
Thrawn wordlessly opens up his datapad, types it all out, attributes the quote to Sicely, and turns it around to show them.
SICELY: Thank you. 
Sicely agrees to go to the party and even gets convinced to put on a nice outfit (given as they dislike being unable to wear anything than an officer's uniform, Faro frames it as a break from monotony and Sicely says it must be difficult being right all the time. Faro concurs). Thrawn, being only able to analyze fashion within the context of it being an artistic statement, is the kind of guy to wear white to a wedding. It takes the combined effort of nearly every woman in his bridge crew (which is most of them, Thrawn hates working with men) to convince him to not just wear his standard uniform and gives him a catalogue full of options.
Anyways. The commute to the party is mostly painless after this point and the party itself is mostly the same as usual, Sicely haunting the air by Thrawn's elbow like some sort of wraith comprised entirely out of teenage spite, Thrawn trying to hard to remember the difference between his polite eye contact face and menacing inquisitive eye contact face that he keeps missing what people say to him. there's music playing. ronan is there, being insufferable. tarkin is there, being insufferable and terrifying. if krennic is also here there will inevitably be A Scene. eventually sicely gets bored of trying to subtly help Thrawn save face when talking to people (he just called a woman's outfit "appropriate for the ocassion" and even Sicely is aware that that's ruder than when they said she looks draped in tinsel) so they wander off, like a husky whose owner dropped the leash, or a balloon halfway filled with helium and halfway filled with a suicide's ghost. everyone at this party looks garish and varying degrees of miserable to talk to, which does in part remind sicely of home, but the kind of diplomatic misery present here is an altogether different breed one could expect from highblooded children, and most of the parties sicely went to as a kid were shindigs, hootenannies, barn-burners, and halloween parties where everyone drank age-appropriate drinks which were not illegal. so one can imagine they feel a bit lonely.
and then finally they hear it: one adolescent voice ringing out above the rest. there is one other teenager at this party. sicely makes a beeline for it. it's a brown-haired human girl dressed in all white, and shes chewing out some senator with as much vitriol as can be acceptable in such a setting as this. this rather quickly scares off said senator, and sicely (holding their mocktail) steps in before someone else can command her attention. the first thing she sees is, of course, their stupid cactus antlers. the second thing she sees is the chimaera insignia on their stupid suit.
SICELY: Um. Hi-- LEIA: You're a bit young to be a Navyman terrorizing the Outer Rim, aren't you? LEIA: Or are you simply a fan of the works of the Seventh Fleet? LEIA: I don't know how you people find the gall to come here and rub elbows with senators and charity organizers outright working to undo the very damage of the atrocities you and the rest of the Navy cause.
Sicely can't help it. They grin.
LEIA: You ought to be ashamed of yourself if you think this is funny. LEIA: Surely your people are among the ones being subjugated by Tarkin's great work? SICELY: Oh, nah-- my people are off Subjugglating elSewhere. LEIA: Oh! Lovely to know there's scum anywhere you go in the galaxy. SICELY: Can you yell at me some more?
It's only when they find out that she's a princess that Sicely realizes they have one goal in life: become dashing butch knight. pull Princess Leia.
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angiethewitch · 8 months
I'm sorry about the ppl crossing boundaries on the post about your husband. I noticed your response to the sherlock holmes person mentioned you grew up in foster care. were there any good experiences? is it an age-out system? do you get any support when you do? do you know if the welsh system is different from others? how did you meet your husband?
I had quite a turbulent couple of years in the system early on, but eventually I was in a long term placement with my mum and she eventually adopted myself and my brother (who is my only blood related sibling, the rest were either fellow adoptees or my mums bio kids). I didnt really have any good experiences with specifically the system, it was all pretty crap to be honest. the social workers themselves weren't great and messed with my head a lot. because my birth mother gave us up voluntarily, we were still in regular court supervised contact (and nowadays I can see her of my own free will, we're pretty close! she's not a mother to me but more like a friend or a cousin or something) and her social workers were nice, I really liked one specific worker she had. she was a nice Indian lady who once made me a gorgeous embroidery of a tortoise. she didn't have to, she wasn't my worker, but she did it anyway. she could have ignored us and still done her job correctly but she would chat to us and play with us during contact meetings if my birth mother wasn't feeling well or was nervous.
im not really sure if it was an age out system, I think that's more on a case by case basis, but the British system is more focused on getting kids either in long term placements (adopted or otherwise) or returning them to family eventually. the welsh system is just the British system with even less funding somehow. admittedly I don't know much about other peoples experiences, but from what I know the British system is different in the sense there aren't private adoption agencies, its funded by the government and the employees are government employees. from what I understand a lot of American carers are private carers and the adoption agencies pocket the money themselves, but I could be wrong. again I don't really know if you get support, I don't remember a lot from that time of my life, but I do know when I turned 16 my case was closed as I was considered old enough to make my own choices without state supervision. that meant I could see my birth mother without supervision and whenever I felt like it, which I did, and we grew a lot closer without a support worker stood there taking notes! I cant really speak for other people though, I don't really know or remember much. from what my family and my mum told me, there wasn't really much support after I was adopted to be honest, theoretically I was still "in the system" but in practice I was effectively left on my own from my adoption day onwards.
I met my husband through a friend, one day my friend asked if I fancied going for a drive with her and her cousin. I was actually with the girl i was seeing at the time, we weren't official or exclusive, although getting there slowly. she was invited along too. my friends cousin pulled up outside my flat and out popped this beautiful man. I thought he was much older than me because 1) he could drive and 2) he was tall and muscular and most blokes my age looked my age. turns out he's only 6 months older than me, he just looks like an absolute unit and much older. he recalls at the time that his cousin was trying to get him out socialising, because he'd actually only just started to recover from his disability and being bedbound for his entire teenage life so far. he'd only really just gained the ability to walk again at the time. he said his cousin directed him to a random flat in a rough town and out I came, an excitable manic skinny blue haired girl who he heavily suspected was on drugs (I was - I was in the depths of my cocaine addiction at the time) with a small girl in tow. apparently I danced all around the place talking a million miles an hour and hopped in the car and away we went. we ended up walking up a mountain that day. from that moment on we were inseperable, he was my best friend. I broke things off with the girl I was seeing when she started getting a little possessive, and started dating this guy who was really bad news. my husband was there for me through all of it, he was genuinely my best mate, and when things ended very badly with this guy (it's a whole other story) we started hanging out on a daily basis. he said he fell for me very quickly and decided he was going to marry me one day.
funnily enough, he'd actually known of me for years. I was his instagram crush for about 3 years before we met, and I ended up being best friends with his high school crush (you've met her, in my recent youtube video about pride. she was my maid of honour) so he knew of me far before I met him. he says he can't believe he managed to get in a relationship with his teenage instagram crush. he thinks too highly of me honestly, he utterly adores me and I adore him. we were pretty much joined at the hip from the second we met.
I will say "whirlwind romance" is an understatement, we got engaged very quickly and married just over a year after getting into a relationship. we were dumb kids playing at adulthood and we were very lucky things turned out so good, because it could have gone very badly. I think it helped that he was my best friend before and had seen me in every state imaginable - blackout drunk, manic, psychotic, self destructive, angry, sad - so he knew exactly how turbulent my life was and he decided he loved me anyway. he supported me through rehab and through the process of getting diagnosed with schizophrenia and the treatment that entailed. thankfully as we grew up we grew together and not apart. People were definitely right when they said we were too young and it was too soon though, we're just lucky we seemed to be perfectly fit to handle eachothers crap. he's the person I feel I can be completely myself around and he's supported me through so much. he's had his own struggles with physical and mental health, but I won't get into that, its his story to tell.
sorry for such a long answer, I know you only wanted to know how I met him, but I felt like telling you more. I hope this answers your questions! have a good day!
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m0nsterqzzz · 23 days
alr ima rant and it's genuinely gonna make me sound crazy.
so when i was 13, my mom told me if i got in one more fight, she'd throw me out on the streets. (she uses that a lot. don't ask) anyway, me being me, i said, "DO IT! I DARE YOU!".
that night, i came up with a plan.
this is my thought process at 13:
pack a big but not to big bag with clothes and other necessities. If i leave at like 2am, I'll be far gone by the time anyone notices.
we lived in a small town, and i knew a lot of people, which meant I knew several highschoolers willing to sell me burner phones for cheap. I will get only important numbers. as much as it hurts, my siblings aren't part of that. destroy my old phone because they easily track that.
we have a Amtrak 25 minutes away. I'll bike there. I'm athletic, so i can get there fast and not be too tired. It doesn't cost extra to take my bike on, so I'll take that with me.
A ticket cost about 50 dollars just to get on the train according to my cousin, and it's possible to get one just to get on and then ride it until i run out of money.
you need verification of identity to get on, so show them your military id. thats government verification. They'll ask questions about your age, but unlike the airport, they allow people over 13 to get on without parents.
so thats that. I'll set aside a certain amount of money, and once I'm out of that, I'll get off the train. Hopefully I'll be a bit away.
im trans (known since i was 11) so i would just go by my boy name (current name) CJ and tell everyone I was a boy. I'd cute my hair, and everyone will know me as CJ. it'll be harder for people in my old life to find me.
Homeless shelters ask for verification and won't give you help if you don't tell them your info or your parents info, so they can't help.
a hotel is the same way, but a motel is a lot less stern.
my druggie aunt used to stay at this trashy cheap one near the freeway, and according to my mom, it was about 35 a night. That's at least a few nights I can stay, and during those times, I'll find work.
Obviously, since I'm young, nobody will hire me, epically without parents around.
So a babysitter, gardener, or pet sitter is the choice. One of those. I have two dogs at home (this was the hardest part of the plan. i didn't wanna leave them, but you cant bring dogs that aren't service animals onto the train and i couldn't even pretend they were) so I'm good with dogs, and I'm just naturally good with kids.
though it's unknow, these actually pay quite a lot. About enough to pay for one night at the motel after every job and food from dollar tree. no need to be fancy.
I may have to spend a few nights on the street, but I will sit in a 24 hour Dennys until they kick me out and then I'll sleep outside it. There is always people in that, so they can probably protect me. If not, I've been taking karate since I was 3. I can defend myself, and truly just pray all goes well.
a few years later, I'll be 16, and it'll be easier to get a better job to afford a better life (probably a little hard because of no school but it's fine). I'll still live in the motel, but at least I won't be surviving off scraps and garbage. At that point, I may have sold my bike for extra money. if not, that's how I'll get around.
then, at 18, I'll have been saving up money for a few years and will probably have enough to splurge on a fancier motel thats less dangerous. By then, people will have hopefully stopped looking for me, and I can live in peace.
Me now:
and did you think about taxes kid?
so in conclusion, I know we all had a time when we walked down the street with a suitcase and stuffed animal and said we were running away. this was mine.
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bambi-kinos · 1 year
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@sususolutioms​ Hi there, thank you for your comments! I enjoy conversation and tangents so please feel free to keep hanging out if you like.
You make a good point about Swinging London and John trying to articulate his feelings of abandonment, the song is a great metaphor for that. It’s a pity that John refused to articulate this outside of music because Paul didn’t understand what he was going through, though I believe that Paul definitely understood that John was suffering. (He was just ill-equipped to deal with it.)
I actually think you’re underestimating them a little bit though. It wouldn’t just be a simple “I love you,” from Paul, it would be a change in lifestyle and committing as a real couple with everything that entailed. It would mean John leaving Cynthia but let’s be real, he would jump at that lmao.
John would need to deal with his baggage but I actually think he was capable of facing it and that if he had had Paul as his explicitly committed romantic partner, he would have felt safe enough to do so. But that’s just my opinion I guess, since we don’t live in that universe we can make up anything we want.
Modern therapy would have helped both of them for sure but that didn’t exist back then so whoops... But my true and honest opinion is that if John had had a lithium prescription to stabilize his moods then he could have put the rest of the puzzle together himself. He was a sensitive guy that wanted to grow and change.
The Ashers are their own entire separate thing. I find them incredibly skeevy and even exploitive with how they used their daughter Jane to get access to Paul McCartney. I know Jane’s father was accomplished but I wouldn’t trust any recommendations he made for celebrities like the Beatles. Gonna quote myself again:
Leggy Maddingway — 04/18/2022 the Asher family thing. jesus christ lmao. I guess it must be an example of rich people being selfish and weird. there's an entire thing about rich people seething about [being forced to abide by] middle class values like "dont let your underage daughter live openly with her boyfriend" which is exactly what they did (i can expound on this if needed) and no one, not even paul, knew what paul macca would turn into. but i cant imagine there wasn't some clout chasing there because otherwise....why. why would you do this. just fucking insane, i wouldnt let my kid's boyfriend live with my kid under my roof barring horrific tragic circumstances and paul did not have horrific circumstances backing him at the time.
it ended up being terrible for Paul and Jane in the end so I'm very very down on her parents for letting it happen and I think it must have been because they wanted to use Paul or brag about having a Beatle living with them, because Jane did not have the life experience at the time to understand what a fucked up arrangement that was. I would understand more if she had eloped with Paul even, but living in your parents house with your bf?
It’s also very clear that Paul McCartney was a complete gold digger in that situation, he was using the Ashers as well, wanting a replacement mother figure and wanting to live in a fancy rich person house. He orchestrated the move into Jane’s house by deliberately staging conversations where he complained about the Mayfair flats Brian put them in:
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These quotes are straight from The Lyrics. He cared a lot more about Jane’s mom and Jane’s house than he did about Jane herself. And they were reeaaally happy to have their daughter’s boyfriend move in with them even though they were definitely engaged in sexual activities. That is not a normal thing for parents to do but they did it.
Jane’s father was an accomplished and forward thinking medical practitioner. Her mother was a successful music teacher. But they invited their 17 year old daughter’s boyfriend into their house to live with them knowing that he was an up and coming entertainment star at his sexual peak... like I get the UK’s age of consent is 16 years old and everything but inviting Paul to live in their house of their own accord while knowing all this, that’s just really gross to me. I don’t think the Ashers did anything good for Paul McCartney in terms of his personal development and their family helped stunt his development as an adult.
Sorry for going off but I do not like the Ashers and they made terrible decisions when they should have known better. I wouldn’t trust any recommendations they made for medical practitioners for John or Paul lmao because they would be motivated by chasing clout!
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dayurno · 1 year
The ask was brought on by me listening to the songs and my mind going Betty=Kandrew constantly I don't think I've ever listened to Betty as much as I have in the last 2 days
In my head neil transfers to their school and it turns out kevneil were like childhood friends who lost touch and Andrew has a minor breakdown when he finds out
OH I SEE.... andrews the other woman moment.... i do have a hard time imagining kandreil as teenagers which i know is really funny considering theyre teenagers in the actual book but you know..!!! i cant see them as 16 15 etc because its really so.... they were so small........ whenever i imagine a 15 year old kevin all serious and righteous paying such close attention to exy and school and still having all that baby fat..... like AGHGHGH.. hes so serious. hes so serious and small. i care about him so much. i wanna take him to disneyland...!!! children should get to run around and play
BUT ITS REALLY.... (bloodshot eyes) theyd make the cutest little romance there ever was... meeting in school and arguing over p.e or something... andrew being the only one in their grade to have a car... neil has big plans to get an athletic scholarship at whatever fancy smart boy college kevin wants to go to... andreil detention time together... TRULY SO CLICHE but then again i think they do deserve it. a brighter timeline if you will:) kevin the pampered only child of two sucessful people and having all the achievements to show for it. his room is cooovered in taekwondo medals and pictures of piano recitals and you know. AGHHH.... sorry... i love them theyre so young and sweet and they have so much to see..!!!
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I have smt for your au world where Kenneth is intersex and has a child with big strong hot man
So one day Kenneths overly abusive family who he left in his past came to visit, just out of nowhere (way to ruin the holidays!)
There really confused about the baby he's holding, being the dicks they are while Kenneth's partner is just hiding in a bedroom
There already talking about how beautiful the child is gonna be and how to marry them off! Disgusting people, but theres another "surprise".
One of Kenneth's family members, like a fancy aunt or entitled sister, has a bratty 16 year old girl with her, who obviously isn't part of the family. She looks nothing like them!
"Since you were too much of a bug to marry off your son, I helped you"
Travis is never coming home: a trilogy.
First they have the nerve to break in with no consent. Kenneth being a victim is scared to tell them that though. Then they start making gross remarks on his baby. His partner is pretty much trapped in his personal bathroom. Now they’re marrying HIS son off without his consent OR Travis.
He knows how violent his family can get so he doesn’t speak on it. He would probably talk over it and put distance between himself and Travis. Allude that Travis no longer lives there.
But jokes on him, his abusers kept tags on them. Travis ran off not too long ago because some man moved in. The PI never got a full backstory on who the partner is but that’s no longer the others concern. They got two kids to widen their connections with. Just need to find the oldest and ship him off with the brat they found.
An argument breaks out however when the girl starts making demands of Kenneth and he can’t fulfill them as he’s caring for his baby. Of course the men that came thought it funny to try and ask where his wife is? How come she hasn’t greeted them yet. Kenneth, sick of them, tells them she died. A ghost cant care for a baby. That shuts them up for a bit before the same girl still demands Kenneth to put the whining baby away so he can get her things. There’s no way in hell that thing is staying in his home.
Of course the old bastards are furious and try to strong arm him into it. Luckily, Kenneth’s partner phoned the police and used Kenneth’s emergency code for the officer. (The cult leader will need urgency so he has a code if ever he is endangered).
Sal, who’s been pen palling with Philip, tells them everything that happened.
These crazy out of towners were hooting and hollering. Some weird girl was screaming that she would tell her father and that the Phelps will be ruined. Apparently the family had been stalked ever since Kenneth ran off.
I highly doubt Larry wasn’t watching some snooty girl walk in and some feral bitch get carried out in cuffs. With how she talked and condemned the town he was glad she was getting carried out. That girl was insane.
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theinkeddragon · 1 year
SR Bosses Ask Meme:#3, #16, #19 for whichever of your Bosses you feel like doing it for :)
I can answer for em all!! (Cause I wanna)
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Lady - He was a nurse! Her skills at it actually carried over into working in the Saints Boss - He used to work as a bartender, but if we're talking about like right before, he was fighting in underground fight rinks, but officially unemployed Knight - I guess being a 3-year-old...? She's been in the Saints pretty much her entire life. Clyde - None, he'd actually just moved back after finishing College! Lupus - Different brand of organized crime, a family business that he left after his parents died to forge his own path
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Lady, Boss & Knight - SR4 & GOOH, I love SR4 don't get me wrong, but in GoW&R its existence would genuinely ruin the ending of their story. So there's no Zin, and sadly Johnny is just straight-up dead. and SR2 has some mildly altered points. (nothing story changing) Clyde - I mean he replaces the generic boss, so not really, though the main timeline I use him for technically never even reaches SR1... Lupus - He himself never makes it past SR2, and it plays out much differently than in the canon timeline (Since when the actual story of his universe, which is in SR3, Carlos is alive)
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This ones a fun one cause everyone in GoW&R actually has a signature weapon! Lady - His sniper rifles, She actually has a railgun sniper that she snatched off of STAG and modified called "Echo" Boss - Inaccurate weapons (Cant aim for shit), but his signature is a shotgun Knight - Rifles & Smgs! Her signature is a dual pair of MP7's covered in faded cat stickers (They were a gift to her by her dad, Johnny, when she was 9. Before the boat and before she lost her memories, and while she doesn't remember them being a gift at all, she has a subconscious attachment to them.) Clyde - Not too much of a gun nut, he's more of a melee boy, though the guns he uses are typically on Johnny's recommendation (He trusts his judgment) Lupus - He has a fondness for revolvers! The fancy and engraved kind.
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lapata-lupt · 2 years
uk I dont wanna be an extra kind of loser to be part of this stupid conversation but uk 30 year olds who refuse to take any responsibility over releasing filthy violent fucked up porn on a site available to 11 year olds should fuck themselves. god knows I love problematic shit, hate censorship and fucking survive on disgusting porn cause m a hypersexual self hating addict or whatever I dont even know at this point furthest shit from a puritan, but u as a grown ass adult well in their 30s need to take some fucking responsibility and stop being a selfish brat. keep that shit behind paywalls, stop releasing that tentacle porn verbal humiliation face slapping shit on ao3 in the fucking klance tag it's a kids show it's primary audience is fucking kids what the fuck is wrong with you it's not about being anti or pro or whatever it's about not fucking up kids brain chemistry by exposing them to media that makes them think a 40 year old daddy fucking a 16 year old boy while calling him a good lil boy is romance stuff like this has always existed but not in kids' reach not in everyone's reach thats the kind of normalization we are talking about u cant use fancy political words to get rid of the responsibility u owe to everyone else
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my only real hope for live action a:tla is that they age zuko up enough that it's okay for me to find him attractive :////
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caelus-the-lothrat · 2 years
Good old fashion lover boy (Teen 16+)
Qui gon jinn x GN!Reader
This is a song fic (whoo! It's my first) that shows the development of the reader and qui gon's relationship, from their first date in the Jedi temple to a simple ending (I ain't spoiling).
Pure fluff because I'm not in an angsty mood (well I am just not for this character)
Only a little explicit towards the end but its mild so I rated it Teen(16+)
Not Beta'd we die like clones
(Fic below the cut)
I can dim the lights and sing you songs
full of sad things
The only lights were of the flickering candles around his cluttered room. He had collected them over the years, all for one special occasion. You were his special occasion.
We can do the tango just for two
He slowly approached, a sly smile on his perfect face. Taking your hand in his callused ones he pulled you close. His warm scent washed over you.
I can serenade and gently play on your heart strings
Then his gentle voice crept over the noise of the music as he sang along and guided your swaying form to the beat of the steady song.
Be your Valentino just for you
Placing your head onto his chest, you could hear his heart beat, and the gentle rumble of his quiet voice. You had only just met this Jedi knight, but he has already one your heart.
Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy
The ring of your comm pulled you out of your memory.
What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?
It was your loving Jedi, calling to invite you out. He was always busy nowadays, but somehow made time for you.
Set my alarm, turn on my charm
Dinner on alderaan in 3 days time, oh how you cant wait to hold him again.
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned loverboy
To be with your Jedi, to feel at home. It made you giddy just thinking about seeing him.
Ooh, let me feel your heartbeat (Grow faster, faster)
In your nicest attire, you show up the restaurant. It's as nerve racking as the first time. Oh how you cant wait.
Ooh, ooh, can you feel my love heat?
The hostess guides you around tables until you see your spot in the back by the windows. A view so stunning, because he’s already there.
Come on and sit on my hot-seat of love
His eyes light up as you approach. No Jedi robes tonight, he cleans up quite nice. He stands to pull out your chair a gentleman as always.
And tell me how do you feel right after all
His thoughts are always on you,
"do you like view"
"Did I dress nice enough for you?"
But all you could do was smile, for simply seeing him was enough for you.
I'd like for you and I to go romancing
Say the word, your wish is my command
His hand crosses the table to yours. His firm grasp bringing to back to reality, back to him and his soft smile.
Ooh, love, ooh, loverboy
Your up late, watching him sleep. His peaceful state brings peace to your wild mind. His is your anchor in the storm. Thoughts of him help you drift to sleep.
What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?
By the time you awake he’s already planning the rest of your day. It's not like you'll follow it, he always seems to live in the moment.
Write my letter
When you later do part, your always thinking of him, of the stories he tells you, of the adventures you two can go on. You think your diary has already heard enough of him, but writing helps you so much.
Feel much better
You write Just to express how much you love him. The words you don’t know how to say. The moments you will never forget.
And use my fancy patter on the telephone
You already know when your apart you'll comm him. he'll tell you about his padawans, you’ll tell him about your work. Already planning for your next visit to the Jedi temple.
When I'm not with you
Think of you always
Staring up at the stars, I wonder where he is? Is he home on coruscant? Or is he fighting pirates? Protecting the galaxy to come home to you?
(I miss those long hot summer nights) I miss you
I miss watching the sunset on the balcony of my apartment with him. I miss the serenades he sings to me. The little gifts, the charming complements.
When I'm not with you
Does he think of you when he's out in the galaxy? Does race through his work to come home to you?
Think of me always
Am I on his mind as much as when he’s on yours?
Love you, love you
Oh how I love him, my Jedi knight with a heart of gold.
Hey, boy, where do you get it from?
He doesn't remember his parents or his home world, so your do the best you can to be his home. You only can guess at how he became so charming.
Hey, boy, where did you go?
One day he’s there, the next he’s not. Jedi business throwing him around like stolen mailoorun.
I learned my passion
You learned patience because of him. You learned that little moments mean the most. 
In the good old-fashioned
School of loverboys
His love made you learn and grow. It's almost like your another padawan, except your no Jedi, you just love one.
Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine
He planned another date, this time not in days but mere hours. In his finest, He picked you up in one of the nicest speeders you have ever seen. you wondered about special occasion, maybe his was finally a master, maybe he was offered to be on the council.
precisely (One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock)
You arrive right on time. Holding his arm, you were led though different sections. Have you ever been here before? He arrived at a table on the balcony, looking out onto the coruscant skyline.
I will pay the bill, you taste the wine
You enjoyed his company, talking about the future. Then when a moment of peace struck, he stood from his seat. Confusion danced across your features. Then he was down on his knee, a small box in his hand. How could he, a Jedi, afford this? That didn't matter. he was your love, now and always.
Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely
You stared at the simple ring on your finger as qui gon drove. His hand on your thigh. You sat in comfortable silence, for there was nothing to say.
Just take me back to yours that will be fine (Come on and get it)
When the two of you arrive back at your apartment, you pulled him close into a gentle but passionate kiss. you knew it would lead to the two of you spending the night tangled together in a mess of sheets and limbs. Nevertheless, you pulled him in just to show him how you truly felt.
Ooh, love (There he goes again)
You watched him make his morning caf, he only wore a pair of loos fitting pants. You often watched him but now it felt different. You weren’t waiting for him to join you on the sofa, you weren't admiring his fine physique. You were just watching. Memorizing the little moments you now realized you could see everyday. the twinkle of his eyes when he catches you, the little chuckle you hear out of him when he finally walks over and sits himself beside you.
(He's my good old fashioned loverboy)
He hold you close in the early morning sunrise. sipping his caf, to him this is what perfection feels like. You tucked into his arm, perfect silence.
Ooh, loverboy
You love him, his charms, his smile. He is a man of many words and so few words all at once.
What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?
He’s always with you now, by your side
Everything's all right
He makes little moments beautiful just by being by your side.
Just hold on tight
Together in the chaos of the galaxy, together in the uncertainty of the future.
That's because I'm a good old-fashioned (fashioned) loverboy
You love him, forever and always.
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cosmosrival · 2 years
bestie can you tell me more about altair and lesson 16 you cant just drop that in my replies without saying anything i wanna KNOW
😳 hehe (TELEPORTS INSIDE UR HOUSE) buenos dias hermosa
when i initially chose to shove altair into the obey me verse, i felt like i had to do ketamine for it to work, and i kinda did, and she clicked right into it <33 (shes initially a chainsaw man oc and a SICKO!!! NOT fit for a dating game and yet it ended up being sooo funny i jus couldnt pass it up 🥵)
i'm planning... lil comics and sketches of it all too!!!!! so stay tuned but i'll spill 🤭💖💖💖💖💖
altair is a fake mc, in the sense that i wrote her specifically so my friends' own mcs/ocs could always be introduced in her verse absolutely whenever (or even be summoned to the devildom at the same time!!!!!) and be the ones who go through some of the main events that happen throughout the lessons alongside her. or even all of them instead of altair!!!! shes more of a dateable at this point (since my friends and i multiship 2 hell and back lol however we do have our main canon*oc fav ships!!! i also ship altair with sheep mc. the girl reading this. the boy reading this. the person reading this. u know<3) 
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more under the cut lol
and what i mean by [fake] is that she's not a descendant of [the bloodline of human lilith], she's a descendant of eve. 
....which is just a fancy bible way to say that she's just some random ass dude 🙄 🙄 LMAOOOO (since lilith as an angel met her lover when humans were already on earth, ig he'd be a descendant of adam&eve too...? thats why i think ur SO big brained for rene's ancestry)
I love the "just-some-guy" trope in media. I'm obsessed with it !!!! because it's so EASY to write something fun with it. I keep it in mind for all the ocs i write. The impact your character ends up having is due to their own individuality and upbringing instead of the events around them falling into place if they're the "chosen one".... u know what i mean? 
and she's some dude with a tiny(lol) bit of flavor since i love writing insane characters with 3 billion layers: she's a yakuza and an ex-murderer with a 28 year old heavy and horrible backstory and overbearing controlling tendencies due to that sick trauma hidden under a big puppy big sis attitude who will hurt you if u try to wiggle out of her grasp!!!!! ZAMN 😍!!!!!! I WONDER WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF I SHOVED HER INTO A DATING SIM WHERE U HAVE TO PLAY THERAPIST !!!!!!
.... (looks around frantically) 
lesson 16 spoilers but THE BIG LINES are: she stole satan’s grimoire and forced angel lilith to unlock it (bc alties just a dude she cant do that kind of stuff lol) so she could nuke herself into belphie and wound him for life or, best case scenario, kill him. and since that kind of power is way too much to handle for just a guy with no magic training/awakening, she was ready to painfully die /again/ as long as it meant dragging belphie along with her, bc this time she herself chose to die and the decision wasnt taken away from her.
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obviously she failed<333333333333 hehe!!!! bc demons cant die that easily even if u sacrifice yourself so intricately and esp bc barbatos was having none of that<3
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vyladromeave · 2 years
what are some random headcanons you have for vylad!!!!!
U can see this in my art sometimes but not often bcs of how I draw his hair, but his ears are pierced ^-^
post nether imprisonment he has a hard time keeping track of. Well. Time. A week goes by and hes like oh just a couple hours nbd. And sometimes like 3 hours goes by and hes like well that was like 7 years at Least. He has no clue what date it is at any time. It doesn't really bother him but everyone else is like How Do You Live Like This.
Garroth is the target he would have to kill to become an immortal Shadowknight. Garroth is obviously still alive, therefore Vylad is not fully immortal.
He wears his hair up in a bun like Occasionally, but its only really either 1: fancy formal occasions or 2: hes like about to murder someone. so neither of those really have good connotations for him.
Basically always avoids eye contact when talking to people. its not a conscious thing its just a habit.
Both the scarf an the ocarina are gifts from his mom.
They obvs dont do it anymore but as a kid they used to be real clever and snarky. copes with being the fuck up of the family by being the funniest one yknow.
Has a symbol of Irene as a necklace, its under his scarf/shirt/etc. at all times. He's not religious per se but sometimes its nice to talk to someone who you know isn't listening.
Laurance being Nice to him during his imprisonment time actually meant a LOT to him like a lot a lot. There is a very limited amount of people in his life who have been nice to him Ever and that was a very difficult moment for him. If Aphmau is what got Laurance through his time in the nether, i think Laurance is what got Vylad through his time in imprisonment.
His relationship with Hyria is a little silly shes like his old snarky grandma and they love eachother but that does not stop them from being rude to eachother lmao. Idk how to put it into words properly like she gives him advice and he Hates it but also he knows shes right. shes like one of the only people bold enough to talk back to him and get him out of his funks yaknow. She talks sense into him.
Died young, they were like only 16. Being a Shadowknight was one of the first times in his life where he felt appreciated and useful. had a family he actually belonged to. (which is partially how he was convinced into doing big shadowknight murder kill. "im not a good person" etc etc.)
Literally nobody in the Shadowknights (aside from the Shadow Lord) knows that Vylad is a Ro'meave. Somehow nobody has put it together that Vylad is That Vylad and he's smart enough not to tell people his last name or where he's from. Probably because nobody knows that he spells his name with a Y in there.
They feel a weird sense of responsibility for Aphmau, being the person who like Summoned Her Into The World, and thats partly why they're a bit more comfortable around her compared to the rest of the cast. He's honestly probably more comfortable with Aphmau than he is with Garroth as of S2.
gay ass. nonbinary. he/they. <3
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organic-guacamole · 3 years
episode 210 here we go
awww seb doing the intro
congratulations to milky white and her baby chocolate milk😌
seb is so funny
but seriously, clean up that milk fast or else it will smell so bad in there....
was that Lauryn just randomly doing cartwheels? idk any theatre kids irl but that seems like it's a common thing...
is it just me or has ms Jenn been getting more harsh to Ricky and Seb mainly-
like what did they do to her
no because I actually snorted with laughter at the "you came back" WHAT IS THAT VOICE-
yeah so my throat hurts now
I'm dying over here
Ricky's fake death got the whole place in tears /s
he looks like an asthmatic walrus
Seb's on piano, I love
we all know if he was the beast we'd all actually be crying✋
ok but I listen to Julia's version of home on Spotify when I want to cry-
right so gimme a second
is Ricky scratching his face.....while he's dying?
"belle i-" *flop*
round of applause to Ashlyn for trying to make Ricky's earthworm seizure look less.... yknow
Kourtney's just dying there
did she really just disappear for 9 episodes just to come back and stare dramatically into the camera
oh so Ricky's wearing a gay shirt now too
so that's the real reason why Rini broke up, see y'all next season when Gini and caswen become canon /j
wait that was a long intro scene-
what was that look Carlos-
carlos' run is so funny to me
therapist Ashlyn to the rescue
"that is...super" son you good?
ms Jenn call Benjamin, he would willingly put his loved ones on a rocket and blast them into Venus for you....
"I don't want you kids to be disappointed" girl you do realise you're the one that's most invested in this?
"a smooth opening night" wasn't there just 1 show though-
like their opening night was closing night too
me Jenn looks like a serial killer during that clap and I'm lowkey scared for zacky
"I have notes"
oo if you're taking suggestions, lemme get my list
"mother is freaking out" uhhhhhh
"is everyone sitting down?"
*looks around awkwardly*
*big red slowly sits*
please seb was the only one sitting-
does that mean Carlos looked at Seb as soon as he walked in and assumed that everyone else was sitting too or am I a seblos clown🤡
"is this about the transformation"
she just shows up when it's convenient? is she gonna be at the sleepover too?
Seb's heavy swallow after Carlos shouts at him makes me so sad
"I never learned how to lie but I figure if I keep my mouth closed, I can't tell the truth" *nods and smiles at Nini when she asks*
why are they casually standing up all over the pizza shop, just sit at a big table and talk instead of blocking passageways and blocking off at least 6 tables-
so Cash Caswell has a bigger house than... Dennis Caswell.... who would've thought
ah yes there's the good old EJ 1.0
Nini: "boys vs girls"
Gina: *looks devastated and glances longingly at EJ*
way to be inconspicuous
"but north high should be" *cracks her knuckles in the most uncomfortable way*
good for Ashlyn for getting more confident though
oo bossy big red
"i get bossy around the power tools"
is that why Ashlyn was holding up the drill in episode 8 orrrr 🤠
Lily, leave him alone please
she's literally not blinking, is that what makes her creepy?
the diss at big red and his face afterwards is priceless
isn't that similar to what Gina's mom said to her in season 1? hmmmm
but seriously please don't try to redeem lily, let us have a character to hate, or to love because they're evil.
not everyone's a good guy.
"im not liked here and I don't know what to do"
let antoine finish his salad and it'll fix everything
"hug emoji" *gags*
y'all realize Lily's literally 14?
why is she calling a 16/17 year old from another school for personal advice-
"he gets weird around tools"
I shouldn't be laughing so hard
"deja vu maybe?" awkward silence
I'm dying here I love EJ so so so so much
"where's seb"
*cuts to seb being held hostage hoping that they'd notice he's missing and go look for him*
"don't ask"
"oh ok"
"100% real faux fur" as you should queen
sponsored by target
Kourtney is singlehandedly saving the entire show.
Seb making finger guns make me happier than it should
why is this kinda making me want to have a co-ed sleepover with my non-existent theatre friends
wait what-
you haven't talked to him all WEEK-
Carlos are you stupid /hj
Benjamin is so adorable I can't
he turned around to come back for her instead of going home. you're "what do you want Jenn🙄X act isn't fooling anyone Benjamin 🙃
1+4+16= 21st?
they placed 21st?
or do I just not remember how to convert to base ten
no ms Jenn, the kids are not eccentric 35 year olds.
aww sebby
is he thinking that Carlos is only with him cuz he's the only other openly gay guy at school-
son you are a perfect little bean don't put yourself down
yes they all ship portwell as they should.
they'll be throwing risotto at the wedding.
not the chocolates. stop there are no chocolates. please stop I'm dying.
Gina you don't have to explain yourself to her
it was a misunderstanding and it's in the past
why is Ashlyn still laughing-
exactly it wasn't a big deal please just move on Nini
Kourtney really be out here saving everything
why do I feel like when Gina finally told Ash about it, she didn't think it was that funny but wanted to feel included in the inside joke so now she brings it up randomly to show that she's in on it....I totally don't do that...
"idk, the farmer type" oh son...
Ashlyn and big red are just spilling the secrets back and forth huh?
cmon guys don't look at me like that-
"she is the best" and "we're buddies" don't sound right together
"pretty boy" "sweet boy" best ways to describe EJ
I love him.
and aw he's scared of rejection so he'll hold back just to keep her happy and not awkward how sweet
is Ricky wondering if letting her go(literally his song from last episode) was the best thing he did for Nini because he doesn't feel like it now? hmmm this is getting good
why is everyone so invested in Kourtney and Howie's relationship
oh yes Benji, that's exactly what she's doing
she couldn't follow her dream or whatever so now she's using the kids to gain some of the success she craves. why else would she have that massive hsm poster with her name on it in huge letters in her office.
just casually grab his hand with both your hands and stare at him creepily 🥰
ship jennzzara y'all
the first bump was a missed opportunity to do the baymax "falalala" as a reference to the fact that they watched big hero six while committing arson✋
wait so big red and EJ just left Ricky in the basement and now Ricky invited Carlos when they're supposed to be at the stage?
help no Ricky looks like he's about to tell Carlos he likes him (I know it's about writing the song for seb but still, look at his body language and tell me it doesn't look like that)
Ricky is so mature about this, he really just wants Nini to be happy even though he's hurting-
baby you deserve love, maybe Nini isn't the one for you but don't say you don't deserve it
why does he keep adding bro to the end like he doesn't know how to address Carlos
"let's write a song when we have like 45 minutes to get to the place and help our friends possibly win $50000 at the show in 2 weeks"
"can you hit a high C?"
"that's like the bottom of my range"
why am I laughing
this is so cool to see friendship interactions that we don't normally get to see
Nini why are you being like this-
Gina did nothing wrong??
I saw that, EJ and Gina being the only ones going in the same direction👀
right so obviously Kourtney's waiting until after the menkies to get back with Howie just in case he really is just using her as a way in to east high... obviously... right?
Why is portwell so awkward all of a sudden
OMG GINA SAY YES or not, do what you want.
the way she doubts that EJ would genuinely ask so she has to make sure it's not Ashlyn behind it
I want risotto now please
OOOOOOO what is this place that seblos is in, looks fancy....and secluded
oh wait no Ricky's just standing there
wait is it the bomb shelter
it looks so good what
@youranxiousnerd ARE YOU OK?
I like to imagine that Frankie and Joe practiced this in their apartment and just had a blast with it.
or maybe that Frankie practiced in secret like what Joe did for the climb
they're still so awkward with the dance I cant
let's appreciate Frankie's voice though
this episode really was made just for the seblos and portwell stans and you gotta love it
Seb's little "yeah" IS ADORABLE
you can't tell me that wouldn't have been the best time for them to say I love you....IF FREAKIN BIG RED WASN'T THERE
ok but wait Ricky needs more hugs like that, look at his face
the boy needs love
"bro" please don't let Ricky and Carlos go back to not talking because their friendship is amazing
EJ laughing at Ricky sounding like a cat coughing up a furball is so funny to me
I knew it was too good to be true
ok so Ricky's dead, next in line please
this episode was so short but I love it so much. this is what I signed up for for season 2✋
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number-one-jew · 3 years
Journey to Babel
I watched Jurney to Bable for the first time in 2 years. I decided to document my thoughts.
1. Bones has sensory issues
2. Why am I shocked that Spock is wearing the same dress uniform as everyone else?
3. These people are just talking in the hallway? Is there no place for them to go?
4. Why do they need so much security? It's just a grumpy old man.
5. Ohhh It's because it's fancy.
6. If I was greeted like that I would be so uncomfortable.
7. You had time to practice Bones this is a little last minute.
8. How does the Vulkan salute hurt, Bones?
9. Damn kirk didn't even try to do it.
10. It's happening.
11. Sarek: why are you introducing my son to me? I already know him (wish I didn't tho).
12. Omg not even a hello? This man can hold one hell of a grudge.
13. Bones noticed it
14. Oh but he says hi to Bones? 🤨
15. Sarek, you cant introduce people who are 8 feet away from you that’s ridiculous
I had a lot of thoughts so more under the cut!
16. How is Amanda not hugging Spock against his will? She hasn’t seen him in 4 years.
17. Yall make those kisses sound like the equivalent of a hand job and I think yall need to get layed.
18. Everyone: this bitch is human?
19. So petty!
20. Aren't their arms tired?
21. [Everyone disliked that]
22. Spock looks so sad!
23. It's happening!
24. The Vulkan aides in the background like: ???
25. Amanda looking at her son putting the pieces together immediately
26. I love how that just elevates the conflict so much. Like
"oh weird that the ambassador doesn't seem to like Spock…”
"ohhhhh that's so much worse".
27. Opera
28. Ambassadors first
29. Yall got sectors? Since when?
30. How big is this ship?
31. Sit down bitch
32. You could have thought him to smile
33. Yasss get that guilt
34. My father? Like she doesn't know him. Just say, dad.
35. Don't let him tell you what to do Amanda!
36. Kirk: tensions are already high for the delegates on the ship... let's make it worse.
37. Kirk: I'm going to make your dad interact with you whether you like it or not
38. Dun dun dun
39. Saerek: This is my villain origin story... and I’m smarter than him.
40. Spock: caption I need to go for reasons that arent crying In my room.
41. Kirk: I did not mean to offend (translation: fuck you).
42. If it's a human emotion then why are you feeling it 🤔
43. Like Father like son
44. this lady can't even pronounced her own last name
45. That doesn't sound logical but go off I guess
46. Don't lie
47. Amanda: You're not wrong
48. A couple of DMs having an argument
49. The food is so colorful
50. Open bar
51. That correction wasn’t needed Sarek, but ok.
52. Why do their eyes look like that?
53. Damn no need to insult people. what kind of ambassador are you/
54. Proud wife
55. Mrs. Seeraak
56. Betrayal
57. This is the best moment of bones' life
58. Spock: I see where your loyalties lie mother
59. At least Sarek is good for something
60.Spock: It was a vicious beast- I was never a kid- Shut up!
61. Chekov!
62. Disney spinny Light thing
63. Already did it bitch
64. A mother is 100% allowed to embarrassed her son! But it's nice that he cares.
65. He's like: please don't insult me, dear.
67. damn, I will say that kiss looked pretty intimate.
68. That ship is going to crash into them like a space bullet
70. Dun dun dun
71. UFO
72. Pigman
73. The Vulcan has a name
74. This man is a terrible choice for a delicate
75. Sarek kinda looks like my grandma. So does Larry king. (did he’s apparently dead)
76. It's the nose
77. Silence
78. Bro he barely touched you How did you fall back at all let alone get slammed into the fucking wall
79. Oh his nails are painted
80. If Vulcans were really all about logic they would be much lazier for the sake of efficiency. They’d say yall and I’ll die on this hill.
81. Kirk's just happy to yell at Sarek a bit
82. What does that even mean
83. Oh my fuckin' God he fuckin' dead
84. Close up
85. Bitch just ratted on his whole planet
86. Why do they still know it???
87. "Interesting"
88. Spock: I’m not saying my dad did the murder but if he did, it would be for a good reason.
89. We are here to arrest your husband
90. Sarek: He's dead!? ...weird
91. Sarek: Yeah I probably did it
92. Damn he fuckin' dead
93. That can't be good for Spocks back
94. Someone gets him a standing desk for Chanukah
95. Kirk: I'm sorry about your father 😔. Spock: I'm not.
96. See #42
97. He finally sat down
98. ♬♩Prolonged eye contact♫♪
99. Worf
100. Goddess
101. The threat is inside the ship!
102. Why are you asking Spock? That's not his job.
103. Spock: It is alien 👽
104. Que sad music
105. That dress does not match the atmosphere, Amanda
106. Spock would also fail to mention to his spouse that he had 3 heart attack
107. Ok, that's illogical! her knowing could be helpful my dude.
108. I'm sorry these all happened in the past 3 days?! My dude what?
109. I couldn't have killed this man I was in the middle of a heart attack... allegedlys
110. That was the first time he talked to him this whole episode
111. Amanda: how about you don't estimate anything
112. Great minds think alike
113. Mom if you don't let me sacrifice myself then you killed dad.
114. Fight! Fight! Fight!
115. Blood
116. He fuckin' dead
117. Are you stupid?! There are other people on the ship my dude you don't have to do anything!
118. The Andorian ambassador: Yeah I'm not shocked that he attacked someone that's just what we do.
119. I love this guy. He’s wise. Wish we saw him more.
120. That's what I'm saying, Amanda!
121. Be careful. I heard a little emotion in your voice Spock
122. If humans know one thing it's emotional manipulation. You go, Amanda.
123. Damn even I felt that slap
124. You could tho
125. A trick!
126. He's suspicious 🤔
127. God, she's so pretty
128. Bones! You should know whether that's good or bad! That's like basic shit!
129. You could have like taken a message instead of knocking him unconscious
130. Omg fake ear
131. Little bullet boy
132. Does no one sit in that chair?
133. The Ambassadors: what's happening?! Kirk: guess bitch 🙄
134. Imagine doing a risky experimental operation on a moving ship experiencing turbulence for murder related reasons
135. BOOM!
136. Damn these bitches got no aim 😒
137. Spocks awake
138. Smirk
139. Head of Security: here's the plan. We bring the murderer to the most important room on the ship with the most important personal and let him stand next to the caption who he tried to kill just hours ago. Random Ensign: should we leave him unrestrained as well? Head of Security: ...your a fucking genius
140. the fake Andorian looks kinda remorseful
141. I wouldn't call that speculation but ok
142. Why are we whispering?
143. The Andorian: what's happening? Kirk: speculate bitch 🙄
144. Chekov! You can't cheer when you kill people!
145. Surrender? That ship was in pieces! He's dead!
146. He's definitely dead now damn
147. Damn another person for bones to save
148. …nvm
149. Kirk: is my husband and his dad ok? Bones: Can't tell you gotta kvetch first.
150. Luck?
151. Kirk: Shut up Spock I did it already 😤
152. How is Kirk all better now?
153. Spock: Why didn't I figure that out earlier? Kirk: maybe it's because your dad was dying? Spock: lmao God no
154. I love that they have all these useless traditions but they draw the line at saying thank you
155. Spock: Dad, why did you marry her? Sarek: I thought it was a good idea at the time 😔.
157. nvm, Kirk is not ok.
158. Good for you Bones 👏
159. It's what he deserves.
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onecanonlife · 3 years
In which Tommy travels back in time and tries to prevent a nightmare from happening to everyone he knows. Everyone else, meanwhile, is highly concerned.
(fic masterpost w/ ao3 links)
(first part) (previous part) (next part)
(word count: 4,152)
Part Seven: Ranboo
Page 1
I’m not really sure how to start this.
One of the most important things to know is probably that this is a different journal from the other one. So just in case you forget: this isn’t your memory book. This is for something different. But it’s still really important that you keep track of this one. Maybe not as important as the memory book? But I’m not really sure.
So don’t lose it.
Now’s the part where I’d say exactly what it’s for, except I don’t really know yet. I don’t know anything. You’d think that wasn’t anything new for me, but this is… different. I keep putting that it’s different without explaining why. Words are just not my friends.
I think I’m wasting ink.
This is a dream journal, I guess? I don’t know how else to put it. Because I’ve been having some really, really weird dreams for the past few weeks, and it’s gotten to the point where I just. Feel like I need to be keeping track of them? Because it’s kind of weird that I’m having so many dreams at all considering what usually happens when I fall asleep (check the memory book? for that? if you need to?), so I just don’t know. I don’t know anything. Which is nothing new, but still. I feel kind of bad that I bought a whole book and a whole new pen just to write down how much I don’t know stuff, but it’s okay. I’ve been winning more recently so I had enough money.
The thing about the dreams is that they’re really vivid. Almost like they feel real. The details always go fuzzy after a while, so I don’t actually have anything specific to write down here yet, but I know they’re weird. There’s just something about them.
So, new book. Dream journal.
Next time you have one of them, remember to write it down here.
Page 2
Okay so I forgot I bought this for like a week but I remember now. And I just woke up and I had one of those really weird dreams, so here’s what it was about:
There were some people with me. I don’t remember what their faces looked like. I think they were all shorter than me, but that doesn’t really narrow it down. There were… three? Maybe? I think there were three of them. And I felt like I knew them. Dream-me knew them, I mean. I have no idea who they were.
They were talking about something, and I was talking too, like I knew what they were talking about, even though I definitely didn’t. That’s something weird about all these dreams—I’m pretty sure that while I’m in them, it always feels? Right, I guess? Even though I definitely don’t know what’s going on literally ever?? But anyway they were talking about something, and I don’t really remember what but they seemed upset. I think I was upset too. I felt kind of upset.
They had swords. Really fancy ones.
It was cold??? But like really, really cold. Colder than I think I’ve ever been? Or at least colder than I remember ever being, so it’s kind of weird that my brain could make up something that cold.
There’s not much else to write because I don’t remember what the conversation was about. It just felt like there was something bad happening. But I don’t feel like the people were bad. The people felt good, actually. Safe?
Oh, and one of them hugged me at the end. Which was weird because I don’t usually like to be hugged or touched by people, especially people who I don’t know, but in the dream I was fine with it. I even liked it. It felt… safe’s a good word to use. It felt warm and safe and I didn’t feel so scared anymore. It was a really good hug actually. I kind of wish it weren’t a dream because if someone hugged me like that I think I wouldn’t mind hugging so much.
I think that guy had wings. Or maybe it was a really big, weird blanket. I don’t really know. Felt good though.
Page 3
I had another one. All I remember is a name.
Who’s Michael?
Page 4
I think tonight was a normal night. I don’t remember anything in particular but I woke up feeling really unsettled for some reason. So it was probably just a regular dream, or maybe a nightmare. I was in the same place though, so not sleepwalking I hope.
I can’t stop thinking about the name Michael. It feels really important. I wish I knew why.
Page 7
It’s been a week of weird little fragments and strange feelings and things I can’t remember, but I remembered more when I woke up this morning.
I was running with someone. Two someones? I think there were two. But they were different from the people from before. Or at least I think they were. I still don’t remember what they looked like. I think I didn’t know what they looked like in the dream either. I don’t know if that’s because I was dreaming or maybe all of this really is just my brain making up stuff and it just can’t invent whole people for me to look at.
I wouldn’t be surprised, actually. This whole thing is probably pointless.
But anyway, we were running, and that was pretty much the whole thing. There was a really loud noise too, and it was making my ears hurt. And I remember I felt really scared. Not just for myself, but also for the people I was with. That’s one of the things that makes me not so sure that these are normal dreams, because even if my brain was making up hazy not-real people for me to do stuff with, would it be able to make up the feelings that I have for them? Whenever there’s someone with me in a dream, they always feel really important to me. I’m usually worried about them.
I still can’t remember what they were saying or the sound of their voices. I feel bad about it. Probably worse than I should.
They’re just dreams, right?
Page 10
Page 11
Not sure what that was? Note to self, do a better job at including context.
Page 13
A crack in the earth and a break in the code and something old something waiting something watching something that calls in the dark and in the shadows and in the corners and in the mirror and it is waiting it is waiting it is waiting it is waiting it wants it wants it wants blood and it will have blood it wants blood and it will drink and the skies will break apart and the ground will shatter and it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have blood it will have
Page 14
I had another pretty clear one. It was really hot. I think there was a lot of smoke. I was scared again, because there was… someone coming? Maybe?? Or something coming. I’m not sure. But whatever it was, it was bad, and we didn’t want it to get there.
There were three people again. I think I didn’t like one of them. When I looked at them I felt really, really angry. But that one, the one I didn’t like, they were kneeling on the ground, and there was a book in their hands? I know it was a book but I couldn’t see what it said. Isn’t that supposed to be a thing, not being able to read in dreams? I don’t know.
I think that person was reading from the book. I couldn’t understand the words, but the air felt weird. Heavy. And then I think there was a fourth person too, and then I think there were people trying to stop the person reading because they were doing something bad? They were going to hurt someone? It got muddled here and I don’t know why we were trying to stop them all of a sudden when I think we were fine with it at first, but I guess dreams don’t have to make sense.
None of this makes any sense.
But anyway, something happened, I think. Something really, really bad and I don’t remember what, because that’s when I woke up. But something went wrong. I think the bad thing got there.
I think there might also have been blood. But I’m not sure.
I’m not sure of anything.
Page 16
Wait, what happened on page 13?
I can’t read what it says. Did I cross that out?
Page 17
I can’t help but wonder if these are dreams at all. I’ve already got memory problems so who’s to say this isn’t just some more of that, just in a different form?
But the thing about that is, if these are memories of some kind I’ve got no idea when they could’ve happened. And I know my memory’s not great, but could I really forget being on a completely different server?
No, I could definitely forget being on a different server. I definitely could. I don’t even know where I came from originally. But I know I’ve been on Hypixel for years. I know I’ve been here, even if I don’t really remember a whole lot of particulars, so when did any of this happen?
I don’t know if I want these dreams to be memories. Some of them feel really scary.
Page 18
I woke up crying.
I think someone was dead in my dream. Someone I really really cared about.
I’m still crying a little bit. It hurts. I don’t want these to be memories. I don’t want to have lost someone like that.
Page 21
I defintiely dont want these to be memories I’m still shaking and I dont I cant
Page 22
Okay. I’ve calmed down. I need to write this. I need to remember later.
I think I hurt someone. Really, really hurt someone.
I’m going to describe this as best I can.
The whole thing felt dim and kind of hazy, but not in the normal dream sort of way. Like there was an actual haze in the air. And everywhere I looked it was all red, like I was wearing tinted glasses or something. I was with other people. Different people from any of the ones before, I think, and I felt different about them too. I wrote down how usually I’m worried about the people I’m with, but it wasn’t like that this time.
I think I hated them. I’m not sure. I don’t really know what that feels like.
But anyway, we were going somewhere together. There was something like an island, only it was in the sky. Like a big chunk of floating rock. And we were trying to get up there, and then we did and there was someone waiting for us. I can’t picture what they looked like except I think they were weirdly blurry? But everyone in these dreams is weirdly blurry. I don’t know, this felt like a different kind of blurriness. I think this person was trying to talk to us or stop us or something, but it was really easy to get past them. Almost like we could go straight through them.
And then we were inside. There was a building of some kind. Big and kind of pretty? Maybe? It was hard to see details, because of the haze and blurriness and everything, and it still all looked really red. There was someone else waiting for us inside. I remember this part because it was really weird, because at first this person was like, normal sized. And then they got super big. So many feet tall. Taller than me, and that’s weird. That doesn’t happen very often.
And then we were all fighting this person. I don’t remember this part super well. Somebody got hurt I think, and maybe there was also lightning?? I think I remember lightning. And the fight went on for a while, and then I went somewhere else so I don’t know how it ended, whether the big guy won or the people I was with or what.
But so I went down this hallway. And then a bunch of hallways and then I was in a bigger room. This is the important part. There were three people in this room. One of them was sitting with their back facing me, one of them was kind of in the middle, looking my way, and the other one was really little and sitting in the corner.
I don’t
I don’t know why I did what I did next. I’m not even sure that I wanted to. It was like I was watching myself do it, almost. Like there was something else moving me and I didn’t like that at all and I really don’t want to think about it more but there it is.
And then I
I don’t want to write this
The whole room lit up. There was some kind of glowing design on the ground. The person with their back to me was on the edge of it, and the person in the middle was. In the middle. Of it. And they saw me. They looked at me and I felt
I don’t even know what I felt.
And then it was like the whole world just. Stopped. I don’t know how to describe it. And the other person shouted something and then I just
And then I stepped forward, and I grabbed the first person by the hair, and there was a sword in my hand, and I think I
I slit their throat.
The other person was screaming. I don’t know what happened to the little one.
And then it all went dark, and I woke up.
I don’t know what to do. I don’t even want to remember this, even though I guess I should. If it’s more than just a dream, but I don’t want it to be more than just a dream.
And if this is a memory or something, I don’t know what to do.
Should I turn myself in? What would I even say? Hi, I think I murdered someone. No, I’m not sure, but I had this weird dream you see, and it’s actually possible that I might have done this because sometimes I do things in my sleep that I don’t remember later and my memory is just, incredibly bad in general so it’s actually super possible that I killed someone and then forgot about it.
Would anyone even believe that? Should I try?
I don’t want to hurt someone.
Page 24
The dreams keep coming, but none of them have been as detailed as that last one.
I still don’t know what to do.
I wish someone would tell me what to do.
But I don’t think I can tell anyone about this. Who would I even tell?
Can I put myself in prison? Can someone do that? At least I would know for certain that I’m not hurting anyone.
Sometimes I think I have blood on my hands and I just want to scrub it off so bad but that’s not a good idea for obvious reasons but I just
I really need a solution.
He’s wandering around one of Hypixel’s hubs when he sees the news. Hypixel’s pretty good for that: news from other servers. Probably because so many players from so many places converge here. But he’s never bothered very much with that kind of stuff. There’s not much to bother with, considering that he has no idea where he was before he was here, and he has no idea where he’d go if he ever left. It’s not like he knows anybody. Literally. Anywhere. It’s kind of sad, if he’s being honest.
But for some reason, Ranboo hears the name ‘Dream SMP’ and stops dead in his tracks.
Which, not his best idea ever, considering that this is a crowded hub, so someone bumps into him pretty much right away, and then they glare at him right in his eyes, and he has to duck his head and apologize because oops, he’s inconvenienced someone so now he’d like the earth to swallow him whole, please, and also eye contact. Hm. Not good. He doesn’t like that. It makes his chest buzz and his head ache and every bone in his body go all stiff and tense.
So he makes himself start walking again before he can cause any more trouble. He just makes sure he heads in the direction of the news cast. For no particular reason, it’s just—that name. It strikes a chord in him, and he’d like to know a little more, that’s all.
There’s a few people hanging around, obviously with the same idea. They don’t pay him any attention, which is nice, because that means he can just stand there and listen without worrying about having to talk to anyone.
The newscaster is talking about an election. Being held on this server, the Dream SMP. He’s not sure why something like that would matter here, especially after the newscaster goes on to say that there’s only a few dozen players on this server in total. Except then it turns out that people don’t have to be on this server to vote in this election, which doesn’t make any sense to him at all. Something about how influential the server is? So other people get a say in stuff?
He’s not going to bother writing that part down, because he wouldn’t understand it even if he did.
And then the newscaster starts talking about the people who are running for office in this country on this server. And there’s. Pictures. And he’s pretty sure that his heart is trying to crawl up his throat and literally outside of his body. Because. Okay. Most of these people, he has no idea who they are. Which is absolutely what he expected.
But then, the news shows the current president. Who is also running. And the current president’s vice president. And—he doesn’t recognize this Wilbur person.
Somehow, though, he sees TommyInnit, and he almost bursts into tears, which, wow. Strong reaction much? And he tries really hard not to cry if he can help it, which makes this even more weird. It’s not even that he recognizes him, because he’s pretty sure that he doesn’t. Or if he does, he can’t place where he knows him from. But he looks at this guy—and he doesn’t look like anything special, really, just a guy, a teenager, blond hair and kind of lanky, red and white t-shirt—and feels a whirlwind of emotions in him, rising up, threatening to bubble over, and it’s strange and confusing because he doesn’t know why.
Just to be sure, he pulls out his memory book and leafs through it. No mention of anyone named TommyInnit, or even just Tommy. He pulls out the dream journal, too, but it’s the same. The only name in there is Michael. No Tommy.
There’s plenty of other things written in there. Things he doesn’t want to think about. Even though trying not to think about them kind of just makes him think about them more, and then he feels terrible, and then—
“Huh,” the guys standing nearest to him says, very suddenly. “How about that.”
He’s scared for a second, because he thinks the guy might be talking to him, about him, that he’s read some of his writing over his shoulder or something. But no, the guy is looking at the screen, still. His eyebrows are raised. Ranboo focuses on them, because he’s found that if he looks at people’s eyebrows, it’s close enough to eye contact that people won’t ask why he’s not looking at them, and it’s far enough that he’s not bothered. Best of both worlds. And it’s also probably better to stare there than at the guy’s big, curling horns, or the way he’s dressed. In a fancy suit—and that’s odd. Not the suit part, because Ranboo likes to wear suits himself, when he can get them. Because they’re cool and snazzy. Mostly, it’s just the fact that it’s so well-fitting. Obviously expensive, even to his eyes.
He doubts that this is the sort of person who competes in the tournaments.
And then, the guy turns toward him, and he regrets. So very much, so very intensely. He shouldn’t have stared at all.
“The hell are you looking at?” the guy says, and. Um. This is not very good, actually.
“Sorry,” he says, and averts his eyes really, really far away. Back to the screen. “You just. I mean. You talked, and no one else here really is, so I just. Yeah. Sorry.”
The guy laughs, so maybe he’s not mad. “Don’t sweat it, kid,” he says, but then, instead of leaving him alone, he keeps talking to him. Oh boy. What has he started. “You interested in shit like this?”
What does he say to that? He’s not even sure what this is, exactly.
“Kind of?” he ventures. “I guess I just wanted to know what was going on.” That’s good. Nice and vague.
The guy shakes his head. “You and me both. Never woulda thought Wilbur had something like this in him. Politics was never his shtick. But hey, best of luck to him, right? I’m rooting for him.”
Oh! So this guy knows one of the people on the server. The president. Wilbur Whatever-His-Last-Name-Was, He Forgot.
“Do you,” he starts, and breaks off after the guy turns back to him. But no, he wants to know. This is a reasonable question to ask, he thinks. “I mean, do you know how somebody might, um. Go about trying to get on this server? If they thought there was someone there they knew?”
The guy laughs again, louder, and he cringes back. “Trying to get on that server?” he says. “Good luck with that. They say Dream’s exclusive as hell with who he invites. If you’ve got someone’s private comm code, you might have some luck there, be able to plead your case, but you’re shit out of luck otherwise. Unless you wanna try hacking, but I wouldn’t recommend that. Shit’s too much of a risk, not enough payoff, especially when it’s Dream you’re dealing with.”
“Oh,” he says. “Um. Dream. That’s the admin?”
“Bastard,” the guy says, nodding. “Banned me, the asshole. Not that I care about being on his shitty server, but it’s the principle of the thing. You get it, don’t you?”
“Sure?” He doesn’t. Or, well, maybe.
His brain has gotten a bit stuck on the idea of hacking. Which is not a good idea, of course. Not a good idea at all. Even if he managed to get on, somehow, he’d be kicked off before he could do anything, surely. And if he failed—he’s heard stories. Rumors, more than anything. Players who get stuck in the void, locked out of any server at all. Players who mess with their own code by mistake, causing glitches, mutations, splices. Players who are never seen again.
Hacking’s a dangerous kind of magic. Not something to be messed with lightly.
“What’s your name, kid?” the guy asks, and he jolts.
“Um. Ranboo,” he says. “I’m Ranboo.”
“Ranboo,” the guy repeats. He doesn’t pronounce it quite right. “Weird fucking name. Well, good luck with whatever the hell you’re doing, I guess. If you do anything illegal, it’s nothing that I told you about.”
“Of course?” he says, but the guy’s already walking away. He’s got a confident kind of walk. Ranboo feels uneasy, watching his retreating back vanish into the crowds of the hub.
He looks back at the screen. The news has moved on. He wishes it hadn’t; he would’ve liked to hear it all again so the details were fresher.
Because this—this should go in the memory book. He’s not entirely sure why. But it’s important, and he doesn’t want to forget important things. What he’ll do with the information, he’ll figure out later.
Hacking. He shouldn’t. He definitely shouldn’t.
But something about this Tommy—
He brings out his memory book and his pen, and he starts to write.
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