#i decided crowley wears the shades to help stave off migraines
teledild0nix · 4 years
what i wouldn't give for a little bit of chronic pain crowley being soothed by aziraphale 😭🖤
“I might take you home, my dear?” Aziraphale offered in his most kid gloves of voices. 
“Eh?” Crowley grunted with effort after a beat. 
“Is it your head again?” asked Aziraphale in a nigh-reverent murmur, as if a migraine were some sort of religious experience. “I can take you home straight away, if it would help. I know your bedroom is lovely and dark.” 
Crowley carefully drew in several deep breaths, til he had mastered the urge to be sick at the very idea of sitting up or leaving the sofa, “Can’t move.” 
Aziraphale seemed to cotton on that more conversation would not help. He eased himself slowly out of his chair, as if the disturbance in the air when he stood would make Crowley’s head ache even worse. He flitted about the shop, stepping as quietly as a cat, and drew the shades and even the heavy air raid blackout curtains he’d never got around to taking down. He shut off the gramophone and even somehow stopped the clock ticking. 
When the shop was quite dark and nearly silent, Aziraphale returned to the sofa, leaned over Crowley, and whispered in a voice like a butterfly landing on a dandelion spore, “I’ve a cold compress for you, my dear.”
Aziraphale pressed the compress gently to Crowley’s brow. It was deliciously cold, and it eased Crowley a little bit. Aziraphale’s cold compresses were always lovely. They didn’t drip, and they didn’t slip off, and they stayed cold for ages. 
Aziraphale’s cool fingertips slid lightly along Crowley’s jaw to draw back his hair, and Crowley felt the familiar electric shiver of one of Aziraphale’s miracles in his scalp. It didn’t banish the pain. 
“Doesn’t work, Angel,” Crowley reminded him. 
Aziraphale sighed a little sadly, “No,” he agreed. “Can’t think why a miracle shouldn’t work on a migraine. Perhaps I could just send you to sleep, then?”
“All right,” said Crowley. There was another little zing of Aziraphale’s magic, and Crowley sank peacefully into the soft and welcoming dark. 
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