#i don't even see hope using poison directly in assassination like
oumaheroes · 2 years
after having been thrown into the void for a bit, the crackhead from your walls has taken up residence once more and has thoughts.
So as nations have done a lot of shit, but would they ever do stuff on behalf of their government, like assassinations, poisonings, torture (if it was like a long ass time ago).
Would certain nations be more willing to do these things than others.
on a lighter note, who would fall asleep on the sofa after not sleeping for a week and wake up with the shittest back imaginable
You ask such good questions, Crackhead Anon, I welcome you within my walls and hope you enjoy your stay
I think yes, and no. It depends on the nation, who's asking them, and what they're being asked to do. England being asked to attack Spanish ships in the 1500's/1600's wouldn't have been too much of a task outside his own personality and wishes- it would benefit the English ships trying to venture out to sea, would bring in money for the crown, and Arthur himself would have validation to be an arrogant cunt to Antonio and could enjoy it gleefully. It doesn't really feel like he's been told or forced to do anything.
Similarly, France being asked to glide about court and pick up gossip and dob someone in the shit would have been aligned with what he would have been doing anyway and works with his skillset, but would only work if Francis saw reason to. If the person was someone he himself disliked or thought was working against the nation of France's interests, then potentially. If Francis was asked to dig out information by cosying up to someone and then betraying them, he wouldn't if he either A: approved of them beforehand or B: their intentions for trying to do whatever it was they were doing were ones he too believed in. If a King asked him to find evidence for 'X' person and what that person was actually doing was trying to benefit something that would aid the French nation in the long run, Francis wouldn't or would lie about what he found, depending on who asked him.
Assassinations are a bit different. They're far more a step into physically having a hand in what's going on so it again depends on who's asking and the target. Prussia being asked to take down someone threatening a politician that Gilbert believes is intrinsic to his nation's future? Nope. But Gilbert being asked, or believing himself, that someone's death will bring about a great benefit, or being alive will being about disaster? Maybe, but likely still no. Again, it's more involved with history that I like to see these characters working within their world. For me they're there to watch and observe and assassinations in any way are quite pointed and direct, a very clear cause and effect that steps outside of their usual gentle wheedling or influential push.
It's one thing to encourage a decision or give advice for what they believe is best, and it is quite another to directly take history into their hands and warp it according to a human's, or even their own, wishes.
Torture is even more outside this. They may be old and may have seen and done a lot of terrible, brutal things, but their purpose is to represent and protect their people. To have a hand in torturing their own is distasteful for one, but these immortal creatures all still themselves people. The role they have doesn't incline them to be apathetic or enjoy human struggling, they don't like causing pain to the humans that they are only alive because of. They exist from a shared belief in them and so, as much hurt as they have done or caused, it's usually nameless and faceless, a life amongst the crowds in the name of war or need, not something unnecessary.
To torture someone not of their nation too is in the same vein- what's the point? What would America -Alfred- personally gain by torturing a human? Better to be done by another human to equal the balance if it is deemed needed, rather than be carried out by something that is technically higher up the food chain and stronger. Like us torturing an animal, I suppose- one is certainly more helpless than the other.
All of these ideals vary from nation to nation, they all have different opinions and some lean more one way than others but overall they really don't like taking direct control for things they believe need to play out naturally. As individuals as well, their main gripe is that they don't like being tasked by humanity to become involved in humanity. Giving something that is larger and more powerful than you are is a task in and of itself for one thing- most would find it degrading and disrespectful.
(On your last question pf who would fall asleep on tbe sofa and get a bad back, of all the characters I write for this would be Scotland and Canada. Scotland because he's now older and stiffer, Canada because he's so damned long)
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chryso0 · 3 years
Some more thoughts about recent chapter....
As I have already talked about in a previous post (x) Alex is clearly the guy in this photo with the tie, but what we are actually seeing are two separate attacks. Sakazaki and his gaggle of goons outside with the smoke bomb. Vs Suited men in gas mask, inside using some kind of sleeping gas. What we are seeing is Asami rescue by Alex, on Maxim’s orders.
This is confirmed later when Maxim says :
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The scene behind him is when Sakazaki threw the smoke gernade, from the outside - not the gas from Alex’s attack happening inside.
Now there are questions about how Sakazaki find out about where Asami was. To me this is not that surprising. He was outside the warehouse when it all went down and he might have stuck around and seen them leaving - to me it is more surprising that it took that long for him to find out where Asami was! It was only a matter of time honestly...
Sakazaki does seem generally surprised at seeing Akihito. But maybe he thought Asami would take him too? But maybe he also didn’t know anything about Akihito even being there?
For me this dual attack that we see happening almost simultaneously in the beginning, in a way may represent the dual problems that our protagonist are fighting in this new volume.
Sakazaki and Sudoh on one end, who I think are to blame for whatever happened to Akihito. Who also represent Asami’s present.
Meanwhile we have Maxim and potential even Asami Senior on the other side. Representing Asami’s past. 
This is a really long post so if your interested keep reading 😊
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Maxim is basically telling Asami to come back to the family organization and stop “playing around”. To them, the life Asami made in Japan, is nothing more than playtime. His business in Japan, being a powerful crime lord in the underworld is seen as small time compared to whatever Empire Maxim and their father have. They make it out as if Asami’s business its not even worth salvaging in anyway- just completely dump it and cut Asami off from this other world he lives in.
I get the feeling that Maxim and Asami Senior, see the random photographer that Asami sleeps with - as even less important that that. Although I think it’s BS when Maxim says he doesn’t know who Akihito is. I think they know, and they know he got kidnapped, and they know if Asami finds out he’ll “spring into action” (As Maxim says). I think they just don’t give a damn.
I also can’t see them going to such extremes to train Akihito to kill Asami. First. They don’t want to kill Asami, as they have kept him alive all this time and they want him back working for the family business, so what’s the purpose of turning Akihito against Asami?
I’ll give one potential theory, even though I have many theories and I am not particularly sold on any one theory but I do like this particular one:
Maybe training Akihito to attack Asami, is not actually about killing Asami, but about poisoning their relationship. In hopes that Asami will come back to the fold and to the family business. Something scary I’v been thinking is, what if Asami just goes on like auto pilot self preservation mode when Akihito draws the knife. And he ends up actually hurting or almost killing Akihito.
That line about his father MO, or treating his family like lion cubs - it really stikes me in this moment. What if they are training Aki to actually force Asami’s “killer instincts” to return.
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It’s the ultimate betrayal. The lover Asami was willing to give his life too, the one he trust implicitly -  turning against him. But it’s also the ULTIMATE TEST, if your Maxim and Asami's Father. 
Will Asami die and fail, because he was too blinded by love to see that Akihito has changed? In which case he was never worthy. 
Or will he come out victorious? Will his “killer/natural instinct” come to bear, the same instincts his father probably installed in him? Will the self-preservation kick in, and Asami does exactly what he’s been trained his whole life to do- his birthright. And his mentality of take no prisoners and destroys anyone that gets in his way. What if the plan is for him to actually kill Akihito, and then he’ll be ready to fully join in on the family business...
Certainly a scary prospect. 
BUT I also feel like - that seems like SO extra. 
Like just fuckin kill the dumb photographer, if you feel that strongly. You’ve had the opportunity to do that- and even the opportunity to make it look like he even died of his injuries after the warehouse. In which case, Asami might be broken and have nothing to lose anymore. If Akihito died, then there is nothing left for him in Japan. and you probably can bring him back into the fold.
There are easier ways to get rid of this problem. Asami was already sulking and being moody, he was already convinced that maybe Akihito was dead already and he was a lone surviver. Maxim was also clearly planning on holding him there for longer, but Asami got a hold of Alex’s gun and left much sooner than anticipated. What was Maxim really trying to do? Just wearing him down until he agrees? I dont think so...
But, there are also other things about what's happened to Akihito that I will likely make a separate post about. 
Even though I gave this interesting theory. I am kind of of the mindset that. Actually Sakazaki and Sudoh are responsible for what's happened to Akihito
The lies Akihito told. The act he puts on. THE FUCKIN KNIFE. I don’t know. As much as I really like my theory. I am also like - it is also so obviously directly pointing to Sudoh as being a culprit. 
What happened with Akihito was a deeply personal attack on both of them. It was meant to really inflict a lot of pain on both sides.
It wasn’t just about Asami. Or just about Akihito. Was it even about really killing Asami? Honestly, using Akihito to kill Asami is the WORST Assassination job I can possibly think of?  
A photographer with no prior experience with weapons or combat- to kill a highly trained crime lord/ former mercenary/ son of the BIG BIG boss. Even if he’s weakened by a bullet wound. Akihito actually being successful in killing Asami, strikes me as always being considered a LONG SHOT.
Although it would be a nice extra perk for Sudoh and Sakazaki if they actually succeeded on that front.
And as much as I talk about these “dual force” there is also a third force- Alex
Where does he fit into all of this. I think some people jumped onto this bandwagon of Alex being the ultimate villain a little too quickly, because they saw him at the hospital and they thought he was related to the attack Sakazaki did on the hospital.. 
But we know now, that what we see in the beginning is a dual attack and Alex was part of the rescue, and not along side Sakazaki. 
But I am not even sure about that... But the more I think about Alex. The more I he becomes such a unknown quantity in all this.
He has connections to Asami’s past- but I don’t really see him as being in the same realm of the “Maxim and Asami’s senior squad”, but do we know for sure he’s not in the “Sudoh and Sakazaki squad”?? It’s certainly suspicious. He is this kinda unknown 3rd quantity, and that in itself is super suspicious. He could be some where in the middle maybe? But I don’t know if he is evil or a threatening.
What proof is there that he is actually an enemy?
What is clear to me, is that I don’t think he wants to kill Asami. That is not his goal. for now at least, he might be up to something else.  
But to me that ship has sailed. He’s had SO many an opportunity to kill Asami. At the hospital, when he is bedridden at Maxims, in the garden outside when Asami is walking with a cane- We know at that point Alex is armed and he knows Asami is not. He can’t be THAT afraid of Asami. And then he also had the opportunity the entire time they were heading towards Warsaw. 
That doesn’t mean he’s not into something suspicious, or he’s involved in something else.
and I also just don’t see why Alex would use Akihito to kill Asami. When he’s had apple opportunity to end Asami himself. Again - using Akihito is the WORST possible assassination job I've ever heard of. If the goal was to kill Asami just do it yourself, my man.
I honestly don’t see any hostility towards Asami. His lines don’t have any of that kind of double meaning, or threat in them in the way that Maxim’s line do. i.e that ‘playing around’ line, and the “spring into action” line which can certainly be seen as Maxim *SLYLY* talking about Akihito. or that “you can do what you want....FOR NOW - Maxim is being kinda quite IMPLICIT about his threats and is making these suggestive hints that he knows more then what he says.
Now Lets do a visually comparison of Maxim Vs Alex: 
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I am not saying we should trust Alex because he happens to be smiling more, but I just don't get the same kinda Alarm Bells when i look at these pictures. (Except for maybe that bigger picture that in the right corner when Asami takes the cigarette from him, which ill talk about further down.)
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But when compared to the Maxim- who has this very obvious THREATENING AURA in literally EVERY SINGLE panel we see him in... it just doesn’t compare. Usually these are faces Asami tends to make. But maybe it’s just an Asami family trait...
But I wanna get back to Alex, people have been using this scene of Alex and Maxim talking about the past, and Asami taking his cigarette. Perhaps they’ll point to the fact he used the phrase “Young master” or there is some jealous or attraction there. But I just wanna give a perhaps different interpretation of this scene:
Asami has been MOPING, he’s bedridden. He’s complaining about cats bothering him and waking him up. He is so visually upset about what has happened and it seems to be on his mind quite a lot. But he’s not acting like his usual self. 
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Look at him mooping. Clutching his blankets. Longingly staring out the window. Going on walks to contimpate life.
Even I was generally confused about these panels before the translation came out being like - what the HECK is Asami doing doesn’t he know Akihito’s in trouble??!?
Like who is this Asami, and what have you done with the real one??!?
He is really like a wounded animal here. He’s hurt and bedridden but its more than just the physical wounds. he’s so mentally deflated too. We are not used to seeing him like this. He is usually so confident, a man of action. But now it’s like he’s given up. 
He even questions himself, “why am I laying in bed?” He knows that he is not himself right now. But he’s not strong mentally or physically enough to push back against his older brother. I wonder if that was always part of their sibling dynamic, back when Asami was younger and working with him.
But he takes the first step into doing something. He goes on a walk, which I imagine is the first time he’s done that, as when he runs into Alex, Alex expresses shock at him being up and about.
The two reminisce- I think it’s a interesting bit of detail that Alex seemed to not know that he was Asami seniors son- “the young master” line. It could  potential be a lie but Asami seems to believe it’s true since it sounds like his father didn’t much acknowledge him. And the way Asami’s response about his dad, like wow his dad sounds like a DICK. Alex doesn’t disagree. That line “yeah I am surprised i work for maxim too” gives off a vibe that maybe something happened in the past- it makes me think he doesn't work for Asami’s father anymore, nor does Alex have particularly allegiance to Maxim.
Then we get to this cigarette scene. 
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To me I see this scene as being more about Asami then about Alex. That last panel- the changing wind. Asami is taking back control in this scene. And what better way for him to do that- then to get his quintessential cigarette. Asami with a cigarette in his mouth- it’s like the ultimate representative of Asami getting his groove back.
And not only that but him basically being a bit of a jerk about it. Like- “it’ll do”. This is Asami the big boss coming back, doling out the orders.
Yes the handing of the cigarette to Asami by dropping it in his mouth is suggestive- perhaps of a past relationship or something more then just a friendship. but it’s also a sign of fidelity, of loyalty. Of understanding who’s in charge...
Would we think anything of it if Kirishima lit Asami’s ciggarette?...
Whatever Maxim had planned for Asami it complete goes amiss when Alex comes into the field. A convenient fact. Asami’s uses his phone to call Kirishima and finds out about Akihito. They barge in to Maxim and Alexs gun is also conveniently taken, and comes in handy in convincing Maxim to let Asami finally leave. And then just as they are leaving, Akihito is conveniently found.
But some of this can also be simply explained by Asami making the most of the situation. He’s found his spine and he’s found someone who can make openings for him. He stands up to his brother finally. He is using Alex- the way old Asami would.
But also, could Alex’s intervention also mean whoever took Akihito had to release him earlier then expected- because Asami was on the move again. Maybe they thought they’d have more time to train him.
Akihitos sudden apparance at just the right time could mean that either Maxim or Alex is maybe involved. But could it also be that Kirishima has told people that Asami has called and he’s gonna look for Akihito - presumably he even asks/talks to fei long. Asami single call could have gotten the ball rolling on an investigation into finding Akihito again. And other people find out too.
There are so many potential storylines and I am just trying to keep an open mind about all of them.
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huntertheblackwolf · 5 years
Assassins, Companions, And Family Chapter 1 Part 2
This is a continuation of Chapter 1 and I truly hope that you enjoy it! Love you, my pups!💜
2.8k words, almost 3k!!
Hunter eyes snapped open, sensing someone watching them, causing him to jolt the pup awake.
"Finally found you. You're very hard to trace back, you know? With the help of one simple spell, however, it wasn't that difficult. For me, anyways." Said Loki as he walked out of the shadows, wearing casual clothing. "And you've already sensed me before I even made myself known." Loki said, holding his hands behind his back confidently.
Hunter stood up with a wince, Loki noticed, and bended over the pup. Hunter wrapped the blanket tightly over the egg again and gave it the cub, who clutched it in its mouth.
"You have a pup." He said with fascination on his face. "A wolf one at that too. They're very loyal companions, especially male ones and this one seems loyal to you already. Impressive. You continue to surprise me at every turn!"
Hunter looked up at Loki, directly in his eyes, and tapped his foot twice. The pup, now known as a male wolf, took off, the egg secured in his mouth. Quickly taking out a gun, he tried to pull the trigger, but with a wave of Lokis' hand, he was stopped by the same spell as before. The golden webs.
"Now now. I'm just here to talk." Loki said
Hunter glared, still trapped in the webs of gold, trying to find ways to get out quickly. Loki spoke up again.
"I want to know why you want to kill me. I've never seen you before. So why? Did someone send you?" He asked when he obviously already knew the answer.
Hunter covered up his embarrassment behind an emotionless mask, seeing he was found out.
Loki looked at him and cocked his head, thinking for a moment. He waved his hand and the spell released Hunters head only.
"You don't talk very much, do you? Or can you even talk at all? I've heard you snarl, but that's all." Loki said with a hint of false sadness seeping in.
Hunters red eyes burned as they glared viciously at Loki. A growl started to slowly build up as Loki continued to talk, knowing Loki was aware of what was going on.
"You growl now! What's under your hood, I wonder still? We were interrupted last time when I tried to pull it down. Now that no ones here to disturb us, why not take the chance." He said with a grin.
Loki started to walk towards Hunter, who flinched and tried to cover it, as Loki stopped directly in front him. The growling started to increase in volume, as Loki reached a hand towards Hunters hoodie.
"Let's see what we have here." He said smug.
With a quick tug, Hunters face was revealed and Loki pulled his hand away before Hunter could lunge at it. The growling that was increasing in volume stopped and silence replaced it.
Loki eyes slowly widen as surprise, anger, and sadness filled them.
"What in the Norns? Loki whispered as he stared at Hunter's face and stepped back a bit. "You're so young. What happened?" He said in shock.
With his body frozen, Hunter couldn't do anything to stop Loki from pulling down his hoodie. He snarled at Loki as he questioned him, but it was a sad imitation to the one before. He tried to install fear, but it sounded desperate.
"That's a very poor intimation, you know." Said Loki in a whisper again. "I planned to actually kill you, but I also did plan something else if I was impressed by you." Loki paused and then continued after awhile. "You're coming with me." Loki confirmed.
"Yes. You're definitely coming with me. Especially if you're living here. I already planned everything out of course." He laughed to himself as he said this.
Hunter's eyes widen as Loki said this and tried to keep snarling, but couldn't anymore.
"I'm going to let you go and you're going to call your cub. I'm doing this out of the 'kindness' of my heart. Try to hurt or kill me, I will take you with me by force. Understand?"
Hunter stopped snarling, but glared at him, Loki falsely smiling at him. Hunter slowly nodded and Loki waved his hand, the golden webs disappearing.
Hunter pulled up his hoodie quickly after being released. They both seemed to have a standoff with each other, Hunter being a bit shorter then Loki, until Hunter tapped his foot once. A hushed movement came from near the boxes as the pups' face only came out, the eggs blanket still in its mouth. Noticing Hunter, he quickly bounced to him, being careful with the egg. Steeping towards the pup, Hunter slowly grabbed him and the egg with a wince, still injured from Ironmans' blast, and cradled them in his arms. The pup, now noticing Loki, let out a soft growl, trying to scare him off. Loki only smiled at him.
"Very cute." He said towards the pup and turned back to Hunter. "You're hurt, aren't you? I'll fix you later. Do you have anything else you need to bring with you, however?"
"..." Hunter turned around, grabbing a worn out backpack from behind some boxes, and with some careful maneuvering with the pup and egg still in his arms, he put it over his shoulder.
"Is that all?" Loki questioned and with Hunter giving a stiff nod, he raised his hands and started to wave them around.
"Close your eyes and try to cover your pups as well." He said with a smile and stern voice.
With a slight glare towards Loki, still not trusting him, but knowing he had no choice, he listend and closed his eyes. Covering the pups' ones with his hand carefully. Loki finished his spell and they were off.
Even with his eyes closed, Hunter saw colors bursting from behind his eyelids. He suddenly felt his feet contact solid ground, not noticing he was off the ground until now. He still had his eyes shut and his hand over the pups'. He heard Loki land next to him and Loki started to speak.
"You can open your eyes now."
Slowly doing so, Hunter noticed that they were somewhere different. In what looked like an expensive living room, and outside the window was the view of the New York City's skyline, the sun beginning to set.
'Still here. Good. Can't escape though. He'll find me again with magic. Follow until plan can be developed. If I can even get a chance.' Hunter thought as Loki spoke with a knowing look.
"Welcome to my housing. You can let your pup and egg down, you know. I don't murder animals, especially such magnificent creatures like wolves. But I understand, so let me show you your room." He said, knowing Hunter would follow him, as he stared to walk down a hallway.
He was right as he heard almost silent footsteps following him. Turning a corner, he stopped at a door and turned towards Hunter.
"This will be your room. I expect you to still be here and I think you already know what will happen if you're not."
Loki started to walk away as he spoke up one final time.
"And I also expect you for dinner later this evening however, so get ready. There are clothes in the closet and take a shower." He vanished around a corner as he said this, his voice carried out.
Hunter was looking at the his new room door, tighting his grip on both of his companions, as he stared hard at it. The pup whined and Hunter snapped out of his trance and looked down, his eyes softened as he looked fondly at the pup. Looking up again, he slowly gripped the doorknob, careful of his precious cargo, and opened the door wide.
Inside was a simple decor, with a bed, drawers, a table, armchair, two wide windows, and two other doors. Hunter quickly closed the door and locked it, before he carefully let go of the pup. Seeting his backpack on the armchair, he went towards the bed and carefully set down the egg, wrapping the egg up tightly. The pup climbed up the bed, who received help from Hunter, quickly curled around it once he got up on the bed.
He explored the two other doors, seeing one was a closet filled with clothes and the other was a bathroom. Turning around, he looked outside and saw the sky getting dark. He did a soundless tsk to himself seeing this. With a look towards the pup and egg, seeing them well and asleep, he got ready to have dinner with Loki. Knowing he had to protect his small, animal filled family, he choose not to find ways to kill or attack Loki. Not yet anyways.
'Protect. Don't attack. Not yet.' He thought as he collected clothes he believed would fit him, to the bathroom. He quietly closed the door, setting the clothes down, and he removed his cloak, hanging it. Starting the shower as lukewarm, he removed the rest of his clothes and carefully undid the bandages around his chest. Slowly steeping in, he silently whimpered in pain, clenching his teeth and gripping the stall.
Being quick about it and scrubbing hard, dirt started to leave his hair and the water was turning dark brown as it swirled down the drain. Being careful with the injury, he scrubbed himself down, and allowed water to wash it away. Checking that he was thoroughly clean, Hunter quickly stopped the shower and dryed himself. Finishing, he stared getting dressed in a three piece suit he picked out, believing that it looked good. After bandaging his chest with what he found in the bathroom, he tied his boots which completed the touch. Exiting, he unhooked his cloak and placed it on himself, putting his hood on his head, blocking the light from setting on his face.
Approaching the bed, he set the covers onto his family, seeing it the only way to block out the cold and for warmth to gather. With the job done, he started to quietly walk towards the door and open it. Looking back, he saw them still asleep, and he left the room, hoping nothing would happen.
Walking into the kitchen, he noticed Loki, who was dressed formally, reading a think book. Loki looked up and noticed him. He started to speak.
"You're here. Good." He said, snapping the book shut. "Food has arrived. It's not poisoned if that's what you're thinking. I know what it's like so don't fret. Let's eat and 'speak'. I want to get to know you." He said with a smile and walked towards the dining room with Hunter already following him.
Loki looked back at him and commented on his outfit as they sat down at their respected seats near each other, and food was already on their plates.
"Very nice outfit. You at least know how to dress yourself which is good. Can't have a buffoon now, can we? Although, the cloak ddoesn't pull it off. Does it hold any meaning?" Loki said with a smile and he questioned Hunter, trying to see if Hunter would answer.
Picking at his food, Hunter tried to ignore him and eat some of it.
"It's very impolite to ignore your host, you know? Are you afraid?" He asked
Hunter looked up at him and stopped eating.
"I gathered some paper and a pen" Loki said as he poofed up some, "so you can 'speak' to me and answer my questions. You already know what I asked, so answer me."
Hunter harshly glared at him and carefully moved the paper and pen towards himself and started to write.
'No, I'm not afraid of you. Yes, it holds meaning.'
"You're not such a complete moron then. How old are you?"
"Almost an adult. You have advanced skill, however, for your age. You must have been taught from a young age, no? Forgive me, but it seems that I didn't ask for your name. What is it?"
Hunter nodded at both statements, but hesitated as the pen he was holding hovered over the paper. He finally wrote after a few seconds.
'My name is Hunter.'
"Hunter." Loki said slowly as he tested it out. "It fits you. How much do you know of me? You already know who I am, but I want to know how much. You did try to kill me after all." He chuckled, saying this.
With their dinner forgot, Hunter answered the question with reluctance.
'Yes. You're Loki, the one who destroyed New York, Midtown Manhattan and brought in those aliens. God of chaos, mischief, and trickery. You have a 'genius-level intellect' and a longlife span. In my...research, I've discovered that you are able to shapeshift, use telekinesis, conjuration, presence concealment, mental manipulation, and illusion manipulation. You also seem to have superhuman stamina, agility, speed, strength, and durability. You also have a regenerative healing factor. In short, you are... a master sorcerer and God.' Hunter started to eat again as he quickly finished writing it down.
"My. You are interesting. I'm glad I picked you up and didn't kill you." Loki chuckled as he said this and stared to eat as well.
"You're not wrong you know. About me, I mean. You're the only one who know their things and did their research and listened. Congrats. " he said sarcastically.
Finishing his food, Hunter stared to write again.
'Thank you.'
"You're welcome. Might I ask about your pup? Where did you acquire him from?"
'A raid. My former employer tried to betray me, but I already knew what he was planning to do. So before he could, I raided his place and killed everyone there. Went to the basement and found the pup's kin killed and their skin peeled. For 'fashion' or something else. Don't know. He was the runt of the litter and was left to die in a small cage. They might have believed that he was too small so they must have left him for dead. Got there in time though.'
"Apologizes. It must have been hard to find him like that. The human race are rather fickle beings. What is his name?" Loki asked.
Hunter seemed embarrassed for a moment before answering.
'Shadow. I found him the a corner, tucked away in the shadows.'
"Ha! What a unique, but an unusual name. And the egg? What is it?"
'It's a raven. The egg was left behind by its parents as they flew away with their other two offspring. They must have believed it dead.'
"You seem to have this sort of luck in finding abounded companions. What will you name it?"
'Yin. Associates with Earth, darkness, and cold.'
"You already thought this through, haven't you?"
"You're very responsive. You were very aggressive before and you even snarled at me. Why so calm and cooperative now? Surely, you're furious at me from taking you from your 'home'. Why aren't you trying to kill me now?"
Hunter glared before hiding behind an emotionless mask and he started to write.
'You have the upper hand, so I can't do anything. If I strike, you'll try to bring harm to my family. I'm not stupid you know. I'll kill you when I have the chance though. Or not. I haven't decided yet. Well my...employer hasn't decided. They said to take you, alive or dead. To wait for orders if I have you in sights.'
"Can't do that now, can you? Speaking of which, however. How much was is your employer willing to pay you?"
Silence settled in and Hunter wrote with reluctance again.
"I'll double it."
Hunters hand stilled in shock as he replayed the words, trying desperately to grasp his emotions and shove them in a box. He replied quickly, succeeding in hiding his emotions.
"You have skill. Work for me and I'll allow you and your companions to live here. You have potential to grow and enhance yourself and your skill. You held your own against the captain and the little spider. Even got Thor off of me. You're very good for your age and have skills people wished they had. And your skills, as I said before, will keep growing. I want that, you, and your companions while they're growing. Don't worry, I'm not trying to them away from you. They seem to be able to grow with you. Hel, I'll even train you."
'What do you need me for specifically? You rarely...team up with other people and seem to be able to hold your own against these so called heros.'
"You already have enough skills to do so, that's why. I need someone to do some chores for me and to tie up lose ends. You'll be able to do that and not get caught. Right?"
"Do you agree then? No harm will come to you or your family. I'll pay you for every job you do for me only. All you have to do is listen and obey me. Just end the contact with your other employer. Sounds fair, doesn't it? So deal?"
Hunter thought of all the pros and cons and wrote down his answer. He also immediately took in what it will do for his family and what it would provide.
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Do not protect and go the distence for COVID-19 patients. You will die from it.
California was sent 170 broken ventilators. They sent them and had them fixed...
Point. You can just use an air pump for a blow up mattress. Use an electric one or have them pump their own manual one which is preferred.
Airflow in at a high rate of speed will force itself out. Like a cyclone. They don't need comfort of each single breath.
You're illegally trying to keep them alive. They only need airflow of oxygen.
Check yourself.
What are you doing?
Time and time again from Day One I have said only evil can get this disease
Why are you trying to save what will kill you?
I can go into graphic details. But i want you to simply logistically understand.
You are saving what will kill and destroy you and your kids and your family..
Would you resurrect Hitler or Stalin? Each COVID-19 patient is the equivalent.
That is what you are doing in those hospitals.
So i again have taken control and created hospitals where proper care will be given.
Realize why.
Why have I taken your independence away to treat and save lives?
You are irresponsible and not following directions.
I'm not here to shame you but shake you awake. With love and guidance..
I hope you all understand better.
I cannot punish you for your love of life. I refuse to. So I take away your "right" to care for such individuals that will kill and harm you.
This is the lessons of life. They are evil i said. They belong in jails. On Death Row
You are preventing the execution of Death Row inmates whom have been legally proven to be guilty with standalone evidence.
There is so many emotions of high intensity.
Stop feeling. Start thinking of your own safety. Your own sanity.
I say they are evil. A child with 800 years of daily hands on intense experience has diverted it several times to include only evil.
And you don't understand to comprehend in a way your actions make any sense.
You a life saver are attempting to destroy the world.
Is that your intent?
Or are you afraid to think on your own?
Afraid of change?
Afraid society will turn their backs on you and throw rocks in your face?
Why are you afraid? I am here to protect you.
I have not said stop giving them masks. I have supported hand washing. I have not said stop giving aide to the hospitals, my own company, the biggest in the world is sending directly from factory to hospitals. I support you and allow you the convenience of protecting your self from some something that won't even hurt you.
So you need to stop. Realize the person you're tending is not your child. Not your self. But a monster created with greed and only greed accompanied by violence and hate.
For you.
I have not once thanked the hospital workers.
You didn't wonder why? I didn't forget you exist. ABC kept posting thank them thank them. No. I could not. I care yes. But i cannot thank.
I can love yes. But i cannot appreciate.
The whole world with sanitation and social distancing disrespects and destroys my ability to easily kill with COVID-19.
But I must comfort and prove to our Underworld we will do all we can to accommodate and honor their existence.
I look at social media and all I see is a mess concerning COVID-19
What would not make it a mess is allowing sick people out. Not isolate. Quarentine with freedom like the rest of us. No hospital care mesns they die quicker and its actually not painful. There is a sudden panic but other than that it's a fair die in your sleep death.
It with COVID-19 is an average of 9 days.
Y'all are keeping them alive for months. And so you are torturing. Which is fine and acceptable.
But the disease must spread..
Clean door knobs because people are disgusting and don't wash after shitting. Or holding their Dick to per or after eating greasy food.
But don't sanitize for COVID-19
Clean for dog shit in the park. Grime and dirt in halls
The sanitation process of all this you don't understand. It's called janitorial services.
Cleaning what you never do. Finding beautiful things that is covered under centuries of dirt.
Clean the walls. You never do.
Hospitals don't clean walls.
Clean the walls.
Take pride in what you have that is good and you want to keep.
To rejoin the Union once you secede. You have to promise to wash hands and clean walls.
That has been set for 265 years. I didn't just make it up.
So I didn't have to tell you anything you would been told in 6 months.
But you humans need to get real.
Things are bad here. You're not making them worse because we are in a controlled and predicted environments. Otherwise i wouldn't have back up plans that go into immediate action.
So torture them and keep them alive longer --- but if you don't know that is what you are doing then you dont enjoy it. And you should..what you are making worse is for what happens to you. You are draining your own life from your soul.
I can't continue to allow that to happen. We predicted it would and so now they will go to my hospital
If you prevent a COVID-19 patient from going to my make shift hospitals you will be jailed and fined and labeled a terrorist.
That is horrible to do to you but what you are doing to Your mind and soul is worse.
You are a terrorist to yourself at that point.
So think about you. .what are you doing?.
All this time I've given you the facts list.
And you threw it out the window as if it Didn't exist..
You don't believe in human trafficking's existence? The earth is flat? You don't believe rapists roam this earth? Child abusers? You don't think any would hurt you?
Nothing bad will happen to you? You're innocent?
Aliens don't care. Evil doesn't care. Hate doesn't care.
I set you the most difficult of traps.
Wash your hands every one barks
Stay home everyone says
And you do. And you don't know why.
And no one has asked me to this dying day
David Muir has asked me a few specifics. Which I did explain.
I am asking "why are hospitals treating these ill people?"
I already said once don't be incubating sick people let them roam free and spread the disease
How many times do i need to say it?
I say i will pay you. One time I say it. You do it and you get paid.
Because I'm not paying you to do what is right. To do what yoh understand you do shit you have no ideas why but just because someone said.
Don't question authority that makes no fucking sense.
Amazon 38% of my employees were going to walk out and get abducted and enslaved into human traffic.
All they had to do was smell the bathroom. Look at the janitor washing walls two times a week the entire time you fucking worked there.
I'm just going to say it. You're stupid.
There is no other way to finalize it. You're perfectly stupid.
Stop being stupid.
Of that 38% 9% was going to be brutally raped.
22% of that 38% has been target marked for evil and illegal aliens full of greed.
Which means 16% of y'all are stupid. I do prefer the term naive in most cases but this was pure stupidity in Amazon factories talking about it needed to be closed and sanitzed. The air is sanitized 3 different ways. In a 4 foot thick carbon filter down lit UV air ducts of 17 feet minimum to 89 feet. Then in the actual building with lights on the walls and the air is cycled so it rotates past those lights 19 times a minute. Now what the fuck is wrong with you?
You thought you could trust some One that said they're your friend?
You wanted paid time off?
You just wanted to experience a protest? Mind you for no good of a reason. You may as well burned a cross in my yard and lit me on fire for my skin color.
What the fuck?
Don't do this shit any more. I said the world is dangerous. The world is dangerous.
Trust me my own soulmate Is as stupid as all of you 16%. He got poisoned by Radon. I looked at 1 picture and knew.
Tumblr media
Matching goggles.
So Amazon you don't understand your facility is clean when your walls are bleached 2 times a week or when you get emails to wash your hands or use more soap when you do?
When the pandemonium occurred the email to reassure you with the facts of the cleanliness didn't come to mind?
Or that only evil people get COVID-19? And that is the only deadly one?
Matching goggles. Alex never wears goggles. I was looking and i was thinking he kinds look like a cop.. Sexy cop hot.
Then i looked at the other guy who doesn't but realized they have the same exact kind. And he doesn't wear a bike helmet. He wears a motor bike one.
And i realized that guy looks pure evil. I had him assassinated before daylight.
So there's all these EVIL people I say i will kill with disease. And you all stop them. Try to prevent that?
Look like i said my honey bun is a complete idiot moron sociopath.
So y'all don't think you're better than him.
I don't know this dude didnt escape the hospital on COVID-19 and steal an oxygen tank he wouldn't otherwise had access to because he only keeps radiotherapy at his home. Then rode down with Alex while on oxygen stolen from the hospital that he hid in this photo. Do you? He felt better because you as a nurse or doctor allowed him to feel better. To get better for a few days.
Hello. What the fuck are you doing?
Killing my stupid husband. The love of my life. I've never loved any one more than him.
And yet you kill him. You kill me.
DNA4U has a list of your only friends in the world. Don't play with any one else. Dont take advice from anyone else. Don't let anyone else in your house. World-wide. That is a command. You will be punished if you don't. Because you will do something stupid and hurt yourself. That is a fact. Proven by my nearly late husband. Which by the way he should had picked me up already.
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