#i don't even want anything to do with the glass once i've bitten it
scrapratsoldier · 4 months
IT'S THE FIRST DRINK they have together.
The second they have as friends. By the fourth, Cal isn’t so sure. He hasn’t had a lot of close friends or hard liquor. The way their eyes seem to hold longer with every refill could be as common as sand on Tattooine.
Greez glances at them from time to time as he polishes glasses, countertops, and bottles. He throws one or even two elbows into Monk's side vent to encourage the droid to do what you were made for, huh with a gesture. Cal and Bode are never empty, even with Monk, and Zee, too, steering themselves and their conversation clear of the two men sitting at the end of the bar closest to the back access.
None of that is inherently strange. Neither is the way they lean towards each other to hear over the three songs on replay (gotta get on Greez about that) or how the trust between them, between two survivors, makes it easier to talk about the past— they’ve already saved each other's lives and shared grief in the short time they’ve been acquainted. The first time Bode looks at Cal's mouth when Cal smiles isn’t all that exceptional. It’s by the fourth that Cal isn’t so sure.
Cal is more than a lightsaber, Greez said, but Cal isn't so sure about that either. All he knows is war. He knows how to survive. When you let loose, how loose? He has to be ready for anything. Just not this type of anything. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do with a look or even four. He doesn't know what to do about the hand on his thigh when they laugh so hard he almost chokes on his Slippery Monk (which was part of the joke, what an awful name for a cocktail). He doesn't know what it means when Bode, with something encrypted behind his stare, casually asks, "Show me your workbench?"
Cal almost doesn't want to show him his workbench. He knows how to say no, yes, and maybe, but Cal is a survivor. His instincts are sharp. He knows when he's being backed into a corner, and that's why he almost doesn't lead him down the stairs, past the storage and the kitchen, to the little room Greez had set up for him over five years ago with the hope that, someday, the Jedi would rest in it. He could take the stairs back up to the bar; he could dive down the smuggler's tunnel; or burst out the last door into the street; even with all of these exits, Cal does not have an exit strategy.
Cal is a survivor, and letting Bode back him into the corner of the room feels like it goes against everything he's ever learned.
"I'm not twice shy once bitten, Kestis," Bode's thick arms pen him, his head lulled nonthreateningly, his dark, glossy hair dusting the shoulder pad of his armor; eyes lazily closed; smile rosy from drink and anticipation. "Either way you wanna take that." He does not touch Cal, but his breath does, tickling Cal's crop of violent red hair; and his intent does. "You just let me know."
"I," Cal breathes, his eyes at half mast, the buckles tinking on his vest as his chest quietly heaves, and he fights, he fights the fight in himself. His arms are rigid at his sides, tied up as tightly as they've ever been.
"I don't know. What I'm supposed to say."
"What do you want to say?" Bode prompts. He smells like sweat, oil, and alcohol, and if any of that should be a deterrent, it is not. He smells like hot metal and hard work.
"I don't know," Cal says stiffly.
"The only wrong answer," Bode says, lifting his head and examining Cal's pink, freckled face up close. "Is the one you'll hate yourself for. Or me. I'm your friend, Cal. That can extend past the battlefield."
Cal's jaw knots. He looks down. His Adam's apple bobs when he swallows. "The type of friend you're talking about. I've mixed the two before," Cal says. Merrin. Never again. "It…complicates things."
Bode chuckles. Shakes his head.
Cal looks up at him quizzically.
"It's already complicated," Bode says. His eyes shine bittersweetly. "It's always complicated. I'm just trying to survive. War…"
Bode lifts his hand from the wall, and after a short stall of hesitation, he slides it against the side of Cal's neck. A warm, heavy weight. Encouraged, when Cal's lashes flutter and his mouth parts.
"War," Bode says again, his thumb stroking the deep scar on Cal's cheek. "Hardens you. I want to stay soft. For my daughter. For Tayala's memory of me."
Cal leans in with a shiver like Bode's is the first hand that has ever touched him, his own hands reaching up to cusp the sides of Bode's face. Bode presses their foreheads together and steps closer. He turns his face in and, in a husky whisper, murmurs, "Let me soften you, Cal."
Cal is a survivor.
Bode is too.
Cal knows he's not alone, but when Bode lifts him off the floor, wraps Cal's legs around his slim waist, and carries him. When they both tuck into the tiny bed cubby and laugh because Bode bumps his head. When they shed their armor and clothes. When their hands and mouths cannot still, and Bode moves in him, and, after, they take turns talking about their scars… He really feels it.
Not alone.
And he wants to be soft, too.
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
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Enough | A Make Up Story | Tom Grant x You | Series Masterlist
Chapter 14: As Long as I'm With You Words: 2.2k
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You didn't sleep much that night.
Tom had no such troubles. He snored away happily while you stared at the ceiling and thought soul-crushing thoughts and waited for the sun to rise.
Those three words had dragged you back to the reality you'd been trying so desperately to ignore. You were doing the same thing with Tom that you'd done with Jade. You'd inserted yourself into his life, and hoped he'd eventually decide to love you.
But Tom didn't want you any more than Jade did.
You cared about him. This sweet, goofy, heartbroken person you'd nearly hit with your car. He'd been there for you in ways no one else ever had; he listened to you, and cared for you, and understood you. He was the reason you weren't hiding under a pile of unwashed clothes and dirty dishes in your miserable flat with your unpleasant flatmate. He was the reason you finally ended the cycle of Hurricane Jade. In just a week, he'd done more for you than anyone else ever had. It pained you to think of carrying on without him.
And that's why you have to let him go.
Tom begins to stir, and you watch the muscles in his bare back ripple as he stretches. He turns to you with a sleepy smile, and it's all you can do to keep from crying. Tom Grant's heart is going to get broken for a second time this week, and this time, it's going to be your fault. You should've just let the grunting tow truck driver dump you at a flea-bitten motel in town. It would have been easier for everyone.
"Mornin'," he mumbles, the half of his face not smushed by the pillow stretching into a smile.
You turn onto your side and face him, trying to look like you aren't falling apart inside.
"S'wrong?" he asks. Betrayed by your own face.
"I have to tell you some things… and you're not going to like them."
Tom's face falls, like he knows what's coming.
"But I'm only going to say it once. So after it's been said, we are going to push it all aside, and we are going to have one last amazing day together. Alright?"
Tom nods. You take a deep breath.
"You are the best person I know. And I would give anything for you to be happy."
Tom tears up and turns away to face the wall.
He sniffles.
"Okay," you say quietly. "You don't have to look at me." You fight back tears and summon the strength to continue. "One day, you're going to find someone who deserves you, and you're going to build an amazing life together."
"You're leaving me," he sniffs.
"I have to go home, Tom," you tell him gently.
"You hate it there." He's not wrong.
"I can't hide out here with you forever, Tom."
"I know I don't make much, and this van's a piece of shit, but I'll take care of you. You don't have to go." Your dam bursts, and the tears start flowing down your face.
"I love you," he clarifies. You understood the first time.
"I love you too, Tom."
"Then why are you leaving me?"
Your heart continues to shatter, every memory of wishing Jade would stay exploding inside you like a jagged shard of glass.
"Tom, I would love to stay here with you forever. But I'd always wonder if you wanted me for me, or if you wanted me because I was the first person you found after Ruth. And me? I've been chasing Jade for so long, I don't even know who I am without her."
Tom's shoulders shake, but you don't reach out to him. If you touch him, you'll never be able to go through with this.
"We have to figure out who we are without them, Tom. You and I have spent years building our lives around those two. If we did this now, we'd only be trying to replace them. And we both deserve better than that. We deserve to be loved and wanted for who we are."
"I do."
You swallow hard. You want to believe him, more than anything else in the world.
You can't stand it anymore. You move closer and press your face against Tom's back and wrap an arm around his middle, holding him tight. His hand closes over yours.
"I love you, Tom," you whisper. "It's why I have to let you go."
You lay there together, pressed tightly against each other, until you both stop crying.
"You alright?" you ask quietly.
You kiss the back of his shoulder. "C'mon, let's get some food in you."
Tom doesn't leave bed until the plates of eggs and toast are on the table. He sits down without looking at you, eyes still red. You bring the silverware to the table. He reaches for a fork, but you withhold it.
"The mourning period ends when breakfast does," you say firmly. "After this, we're going to have a great day together. Right?"
"Fine," he grumbles. You reluctantly hand over the fork.
His mood seems to improve as he eats.
"There's a box near the door in April's that has black stars on the corners; those are her sheets and some clothes she should be able to get into while she's on the mend. Will you take it to her before she leaves the hospital?"
"We could go today," he says. "She'd probably like to see you again before… before you go." He focuses on arranging his eggs on the toast sandwich he's making.
"Alright," you smile. "How about we go around lunchtime. We can stop in town and pick up a few pasties, bring April and Amelia lunch."
Tom nods slowly. "I know a good place."
"Figured you would," you say fondly.
Tom picked up your plates when you were done eating and began washing them without a word. You closed your eyes at the table, where he couldn't see you, wishing you'd swallowed your speech and given him one more day of happiness before destroying him.
"D'you want to go down to the beach for a while?" he asks without turning around. "You came to the beach for a vacation, and you haven't even been in the water."
"Isn't it going to be cold?"
"Probably. But it's not as bad as you think."
"You going with me?"
"Of course."
"You're not gonna try to drown me, are you?" you ask playfully, hoping he picks up on the reference.
"Only if you survive the tumble down the dunes." He remembers.
"Alright then," you grin.
You dress for the sea, cover up with warmer clothes, grab your towels, and begin walking toward the beach by mid-morning. You got approximately three steps away from the van before Tom grabbed your hand. He didn't let go until it was time to ditch your clothes.
It was calm today. The wind wasn't nearly as harsh as the last time you were here, and the sea wasn't as choppy. You approach it together, barefoot in the cool morning sand.
"FUCK!" you screech when you feel how cold the water is. Tom laughs and keeps walking, pulling you further in. "Cold! Cold! Cold!" you complain as you wade further in with him, a grin on your face the whole time.
When the water reaches your hips, Tom turns to face you. He wraps his arms around your waist, and yours go to his shoulders. You smile up at him. Even with the freezing water lapping around you, looking into his eyes makes you feel all warm inside. And then he smirks.
"TOM, N--" You were underwater before you could finish yelling at him. You surface with a gasp. Tom had gone out a bit further. "You fucker!" You give chase, but he's better at moving in the water than you are. When you finally get close enough to see his curls dripping into his grinning mouth, you splash him. He splashes you back with a laugh. You launch yourself at him, and he catches you.
"Now what?" he asks, hot breath shocking your cold ear. You answer by licking the salty water from his lips. He pulls you closer, and you wrap your legs around him. When you finally pull away, both your lips are swollen… and turning a little blue.
"Wanna move this indoors?" you ask, as seductively as one can ask through chattering teeth. Tom nods, shivering as well, and you make your way back to shore. You wrap yourselves in towels and rush back to Tom's van, grateful to leave your sopping clothes on the floor and return to the tiny shower.
The room steams up quickly, between the hot water and your feverish kissing. You even manage to avoid injuries this time. Maybe this tiny shower isn't so bad after all.
The rest of the day went by in a blur.
After you finally got your clothes back on, it was time to go say goodbye to April. Tom packed her box of essentials in your car and drove it into town.
It was a quiet ride, but you didn't mind. You just liked being near him. He drove with his hand on your thigh, just like you'd done to him last night. (Except you were able to behave yourself.)
He stopped at a bakery, and you walked inside with him. He ordered pasties for lunch at the hospital, and a few other local delicacies he insisted you try before you leave. You nestled against his side while you waited for the sack of goodies to hit the counter. You didn't care how clingy you looked. You wanted to soak up every second of him. These memories would have to last you a lifetime.
April was happy to see you. Amelia had gone home to oversee the impromptu renovation of the craft room that would become her grandmother's bedroom, but would return in a few days to bring her home. April's hospital contacts consisted of a nurse she liked, a physical therapist she didn't, and a perky old gal from the next room that happily accepted Amelia's lunch.
She thanked you for packing, for bringing her the essentials, and for keeping "her Tommy" company in her absence. That goodbye was an easy one. It was the one coming tomorrow that you'd probably never recover from.
"Anywhere you want to go? Anything you want to see while you're still here?" Tom asked when you exited the elevator on the ground floor.
"I don't care where I'm at, as long as I'm with you."
He pulled you close and planted a kiss on the side of your head. And then he took you home.
Neither of you had much to say, but once you fell back into bed, it didn't matter. You kissed each other desperately, always struggling to get closer, closer, as if you didn't want a single atom to come between you. You treated each time like it was your last… because what if it was?
Hours later, you lay on your side, tracing your fingers up and down Tom's spine and trying to commit every freckle on his back to memory. You wish you could stay. You wish you could keep him forever. But he's not ready for forever. Especially not with you.
"I'm making dinner," he states, rolling out of bed and reaching for his favorite sweats.
"You don't have to." You don't want food. You want Tom.
"I'm going to."
"Can I help?"
"No, but you can come keep me company." He smiles hopefully at you, and you reach for him. He helps you up, and you wrap your arms around him, pulling yourself close. You squeeze him tightly for as long as you dare, then reluctantly let him go. He grins and walks to the kitchen like your heart isn't still attached to him.
You throw on some clothes and follow.
He begins pulling things from the cabinet, and you laugh. "Of course it's spaghetti."
"It's my signature dish!" he says defensively.
"And I can't wait to try it," you smile. You watch silently, as he makes the most basic spaghetti you've ever seen a person make. No salt in the water. No add-ins or extras. Just noodles and a tin of store-brand pasta sauce, with a piece of plain white bread on the side.
It's the best thing you've ever eaten.
"I can see how a person could exist on this stuff," you admire after your last bite. "Thank you, Tom. That was great."
"Alright, don't go gettin' all sentimental on me," he smirks. "Wanna go for a walk?"
"Sure," you smile.
You both dress for the outdoors, and Tom grabs the bag of local delicacies he'd bought in town. You exit the van and walk hand in hand toward the dunes, but instead of going down to the beach, you settle in on a grassy patch to watch the sunset.
You and Tom sample the bag of desserts as the sun paints the sky beautiful shades of pink and purple. You lean into each other, watching the sun set silently, and don't move until the stars appear. You couldn't imagine a more perfect date if you tried.
Finally, you returned to Tom's van for a few more last times.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Hi Aren, I would actually like to ask you a question about pet snakes. I've had a 75 gallon tank sitting around and I've been thinking of getting a hamster or snake. What's your experience been so far, because I do know that snakes can live quite a long time, compared to a two year hamster. I wouldn't want to have a pet I can't care for. How difficult has it been with juniper? Should I get a snake?
I was going to type out a very long, detailed response to this, considering how passionately I feel about snakes, but then I realized something, which is that I do not know very much about hamsters other than they are extremely cute and also extremely violent and typically unhandleable. So instead I will tell you my experience with owning a snake, after a preliminary warning that a 75 gallon glass tank is far too small for a ball python and is generally unsuitable for a high-humidity species (but is plenty big to house many other pet snakes that make perfect beginner reptiles! Anything under 4 feet would work, really)
First off: Juniper is by far the easiest animal that I have ever cared for, which is a list that includes parrots, rabbits, tropical fish, and to some extent, horses. Pretty much all of the work with caring for a snake is in setting up their enclosure and making sure their temps/humidity are all perfect, which is only stressful if you didn't make sure to do it a good week or so before you pick up your little noodle. IF you do everything correctly and have triple-checked to ensure that all the temperatures are perfect, the humidity remains stable, and all the exit points are snakeproofed (if they can get their snout through, they can get the rest of their body through), then you should be good to go.
Maintenance then consists of cleaning their water bowl once a week, filling it when needed, spot cleaning substrate when they poop (which you WILL notice; snakes are scentless but their scat is not), feeding them when needed, and doing a monthly deep clean where you scoop everything out, wipe it all down with a snake-safe cleaning solution, and then put in fresh substrate. Those will be the basics for all snakes; it's not exactly rocket science with these lil lads. They need species-specific care, of course, but at least in my experience with ball pythons, the species-specific care tends to all be in the setup
That being said:
-Juniper does not like being handled. She likes coming out to explore, as far as I can tell, and she tolerates me most of the time, but do not get a snake if you want something that will feel affection for you. I have no idea if hamsters bond with their owners, given as most species I've heard of are solitary. However, I will say that snakes are far more handleable than hamsters are and far less likely to bite you (generally speaking; I have never been bitten by Juniper, but I have been many times by my birds and rabbit). Their bites will also always be much less painful than a hamster bite, because they lack the jaw strength to make it significant. With the smaller ones, their teeth might not even manage to puncture your skin.
-Figuring out how to feed can be a bit of a learning curve. Assuming you're feeding frozen-thawed- which you should- and have no problem with feeding dead mice- which you shouldn't- figuring out the size you need to feed your snake can be a bit tricky, especially if they're a rapidly-growing baby who will need to move up in size very quickly. You'll get an eye for it eventually, and snakes are pretty forgiving as long as the food isn't too big for them to handle, but I would recommend getting a kitchen scale and finding a feeding chart that does a percent by weight analysis if you don't feel confident enough in the 'same size or slightly thicker than the thickest part of your snake' rule
-I pretty much never see Juniper before 8, sometimes not at all on certain nights. Granted, this is because she is a nocturnal species who is most active around 3-4am, but snakes are also just shy creatures as a rule. If you have a good hide for them, you won't see them as often as you might like- though I WILL say that more active, diurnal species like colubrids will be seen more often than ball pythons, and that all snakes are pretty curious little creatures! Oftentimes when I see Juniper peek out at me from her hide, it's because she sensed me walking past and was curious about what I was doing.
-Snakes fart. And they fart loudly. It's not often, but when it happens, it can be terrifying before you realize what's going on. And yes, if you get a nocturnal species, this can and will happen at night.
-Snakes are not very well-loved pets. Expect to get some mixed results when/if admitting to owning one. Personally, I love this, because it drives away the people I don't want to deal with anyways (and keeps my dad from visiting), but if you're a sociable person, that might be a bummer
-Finding a good reptile vet can be extremely tricky. Look around first before you get a snake- the shortest lived pet species that I've heard of are the tricolour hognoses, and those last 8 years (though any pet deserves medical care, no matter the length of their life, I've found that the longer they live the more fuckery they get into). You want a reputable vet on hand before getting any exotic pet. The types of snakes recommended for beginners are pretty tough critters who likely won't get ill unless you mess up their enclosure (which again! check before you pick a noodle!), but it's always best to have a vet on hand, because again. Fuckery.
-Handling sessions are great, but you need to be careful not to scoop them up after they've eaten, because the stress might lead them to regurgitate on you, which is no fun for you and terrible for the snake. Also limit handling when they are in shed, as they are grumpy, itchy, blind, terrified of the world around them, and overall in a vulnerable state. Be careful when scooping them up before a feeding session, because some of them are very enthusiastic about their food and will just grab whatever is in front of them to try to nom on. Again, if you have a 4-foot snake or under, this will likely not be a big issue, but it might put them off food. Or not, if they're a kingsnake. Kingsnakes are great eaters, and will try to eat themselves just as readily as your hand, the tongs, or the mouse you're actually trying to feed them
-Don't get a petstore snake. You don't want a petstore snake. Yes, I got Junie from a reptile chain, but it was a well-maintained, privately owned store by people who really knew their shit and had a large selection of healthy hatchlings available, so I was willing to risk it. A petco or petsmart ball python, on the other hand? Those are farmed snakes, and that's a gamble. It's better to get from a breeder online or at a reptile expo than to buy from a store
-As you said, they can live LONG. I'm hoping for 30 years or over with miss Juniper, but that's a long commitment, and long commitments are a lot of responsibility. I'm lucky to have a mom and friends who'd happily snakesit if necessary, but do you?
Overall, I think that snakes are the lower-maintenance, easier pet to care for than hamsters, but keep in mind that I am very biased as a snakekeeper, both because I have a deep passion for reptiles and also because owning any animal with a 2-3 year lifespan would simply break my heart. If you don't want a long commitment, garter snakes or tricolour hognoses only live around 8-10 years, but if you change your mind, then there are a plethora of snakes that can comfortably live in a modified 75 gallon. Do your research first! Every pet has its pros and cons- I can't decide which is better for you, I can only tell you why Juniper works for me. The blog @/is-the-snake-video-cute is great for learning about snakes and snake husbandry if you want to learn more from someone with a greater variety of experience
(And hamster owners, feel free to chime in; I have no experience with the lil beasts other than what my mother told me, so I can't offer any insight into the benefits of their care. Multiple minds are better than one!)
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besotted-eros · 3 years
Visit from a Ghost
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Eren x Fem!Reader
Content: Angst, smut, unprotected sex, oral (f! receiving), pining, overstim, dirty talk, slight blood, bruising, established relationship, canon compliant
A/N: so this is a companion piece to my obsessed! Eren headcanons and fic. References to manga spoilers, heavy on the angsty sex. Very self indulgent. Hope you enjoy!
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When you saw the figure at your bedroom window, lounging upon the sill as though he was meant to be there, you drew your gun.
It was a small, angry thing, wrestled from the grasps of a Marleyan soldier and entrusted to you to help protect the queen. You had yet to use it, but levelled it naturally now, letting out a growled command for the shadowed being to raise his hands.
When you saw the figure turn from your bedroom window, lazily leaning his head back so his viridian gaze met yours, you dropped your gun.
It hit the floorboards with a metallic thud, and in a better context you would have held your breath, jumped away from the risk of a bullet discharging from the fall. But you were motionless, staring at the apparition in front of you. That was what he felt like. A ghost, conjured from beyond the veil.
"Eren." You said it like one calls to the dead, your voice shaky and unconfident. But brimming, with hope. With fear.
"I come all this way to see you, and your first reaction is to shoot me?" He murmured, his rich voice creeping through the dark to find the holes in your heart.
 Moth bitten, hung up in a closet and forgotten, you had lost the memory of the pain and euphoria that Eren brought you. But you could feel it now, searing your chest.
"You deserve worse. Months. It's been months." The words tumbled from your throat as you fought the urge to cry. "I didn't know where you were. For months. And they won't tell me what what happened, no one will." You felt like a child, choking on your words as your hands bunched into fists. The only thing you knew is that you were meant to raise the alarm as soon as you saw him. But you couldn't. Not for him. You wanted to fall to your knees, to see how he'd rush across the room to gather you in his arms.
"You don't want me to answer that truthfully." He moved from the windowsill, feet silently hitting the ground as he faced you completely.
You didn't recognize him. Those were the eyes of your lover, those the lips you kissed, the brow you rested yours upon. The man who was once the boy you slept beside, you fought beside, you grew beside. The face you had seen overcome with passion, with pain and glory. But he was stoic, as grey as the three walls. You had felt him slipping before Marley, but now?
Even though he was in the same room, breathing your air, he felt gone.
"I do. I know you're the one who pushed me onto this duty, you made Hisu call for me, and for what? To keep me stupid and ignorant?" You spat the words at his feet, and it made him bristle.
"To protect you, why else? This stupid farm house is the safest place on the island. Safer than any of the walls, or the inner castle, or-"
"Safer than with you?"
That touched him. The repetition of his vow, that as long as you were by his side you would come to no harm. That he would hold you with his heart and protect you with his life. As long as you stayed within reach of him.
"Yes. Safer than with me. So much safer." He didn't want that to be true. He wanted to be where you belonged.
But he needed to make the world safe for you.
"I needed to make sure you were taken care of, that I could do the things I was meant to do without risking you." He crossed his arms in front of his body, and the tone of his voice bordered on petulant. But despite his stoic face, you could tell he was nervous. The clench of his jaw, how his eyes looked past you instead of at you. This wasn't a man who had forgone emotions. Just a mask.
Maybe that was your Eren after all.
"I know you hate me-"
"I don't hate you." You cut him off sharply, reaching up to touch the pendant at your throat. It was a piece of sea glass, tumbled by the waves to the colour of his eyes. You had picked it up on a beach patrol, and told him how it matched him perfectly. He had stolen it out of your pocket that night and fashioned a cage with stolen wire. The next morning it hung from the leather cord his father's key once did, and found its permanent home upon your neck.
He told you it was his eye and his heart, and to keep watch over it as he kept watch over you.
He had been so gentle. You remembered how the sea breeze rustled the hair, grown to the nape of his neck, how he had given you a smile that had become so rare. He had known then that the boat would be returning without him.
"I don't hate you even if I want to. I never could. I... I miss you." The dam in your throat broke as you hiccuped a single sob. And the dam in his face broke, eyebrows upturned with remorse.
He had made you cry. 
"No, no, no." He murmured, crossing the floor to take you in his arms. He was taller, his body somehow even more wiry than when he had left. Toughened by hardship. But the way his fingers curled around the back of your head, the way his arm wrapped around your waist. That was how he held you. How he always had. The familiarity made you weak, and you clung to him desperately, fists mangling the fabric of his shirt as you buried your face against him.
"Y/n." He said it through gritted teeth, and then repeated it. And then again.
You thought back to every time you had embraced after being apart. The sound of his feet pounding the stone of Wall Maria to throw his arms around you, his cries of your name loud enough to send birds flying. How he had whispered your name when you saw him after Shiganshina, his face buried in the crook of your neck and the weight of the world suddenly so much more heavy upon his shoulders.
"Eren." You reached up, taking his face delicately in your hands. His malachite gaze was wide, wild with desperation and hurt. "What happened to you, 'ren?" You asked, and his eyes shut tightly. "What did you do?"
"Please. Don't ask me. I'll answer to God, but I can't answer to you."
You could have pressed. He would have given up, at least... The Eren who loved you a lifetime ago would have. But the darkness in his mouth when he pressed his lips to your forehead convinced you not to.
He had followed you so diligently when you were young. Seeking the peace he had somehow found in you. And as you pulled him towards your lips, you knew it was that same comfort he was searching for. Peace, amongst his life of nothing but war. So you kissed serenity onto his lips, knowing that this may be the last taste of it he would ever have.
He groaned softly against your mouth, still for a moment before pressing into the touch. His fingers were gentle as they brought you closer, and closer still. Tugging at your hips, your shoulders, your hair, coiling around your neck. He was rediscovering you, reminding himself of the map of your body. It was like he was finding his way home again.
"I missed you. I thought about you, so much." He exhaled over your lips, and you tried to keep the welling of your tears from spilling over again. You had needed that. Needed to know that he still breathed for you. "Even when it hurt. I thought about you."
"I thought about you too." You whispered, stroking your hands through his silken hair. "I hoped... I didn't think it was smart, but I hoped. You would come to me."
Your hands traversed his chest and back, running down his shoulders and muscular arms. You grabbed his wrists, feeling the bump of your hair tie still upon it. He lifted for you to see, and you pressed a kiss to his hot skin, unable to hold back the tears anymore. You watered his skin with them. 
"See? I kept you with me. Always." his mouth was against your forehead, tendons in his wrist flexing. "I lost a lot of myself. But I never lost you."
You let out a choked whimper and he pressed his cheek to yours, murmuring your name softly. Finally your knees gave out, but his arms were vices around your waist, holding you as you leaned against him. But he came down with you, kneeling with you in the puddle of moonlight. It painted him white and black, his shadows so much deeper but where it graced him, he glowed.
"I'm sorry." You sighed into his shoulder, all but pawing at his back. "I just... Am I dreaming, Eren? Are you going to be gone when my eyes open in the morning?"
He didn't answer for a moment, face buried in your hair. "I'm real. This is real. I promise."
"Prove it." You whispered, turning your mouth to his ear like a bloom to sun. "I've had this nightmare, every night since you've left. Prove this isn't one."
His fingers curled around your upper arms as his eyes bore into yours. They were shadowed, haunted by things you knew you'd never know. "Tell me how. I'll do anything for you."
Almost, you wanted to correct him. He'd do almost anything for you.
"Love me."
"I do." He murmured, voice strained as he moved to cup your face, his thumb stroking across your lips. You parted them, inviting his digit to press against your tongue. His eyes widened slightly, and you saw something spark. It encouraged you to wrap your lips around him, suckling at his first knuckle. You let it pop from your mouth, dragging your tongue from his palm to the pad.
"Show me. Show me the way only you can." You spoke softly against his skin, and he let out a soft groan, from deep deep within his chest.
"Only me?" He whispered hoarsely, hands squeezing the sides of your face. You nodded as best as you could. "You haven't touched another since I've been gone?"
"Of course not. Since that first night, since that first kiss..." You gripped his wrists tightly, voice thick with emotions you couldn't name. "It's only been you, forever just you."
He kissed you like he wanted to consume you. Open mouthed, hot breath, all teeth and clawing fingers. You fell into him, letting him pull you up and push you towards your bed. You fell backwards, welcoming the soft mattress against your back. A stark contrast to his body, all hard lines and firm hands.
Eren's heat was enough to melt you. You didn't realise you had been so cold. Your legs wrapped around him, pulling his warmth further against your core. He grunted softly against your mouth, jutting his hips forward so you could feel how you made him.
Your lips trailed from his, kissing along the sharp line of his jaw, up to his ear. You didn't need to say anything into it, just your breath made him wild. He tore at your shirt, sending buttons flying across the room as the moonlight met your skin. In response you pulled at his, unhooking your legs to push at his pants. You wanted skin, you wanted bare vulnerable touch. You wanted to see the parts of him he kept hidden.
He never scarred. Your hands traced the unmarred landscape of his torso as he flexed underneath you. No matter what horrors his body faced, it would never leave a lasting impression on him. The titan in him assured that.
You wondered if it was the same for love, as your teeth pricked at his skin, making him shiver. You marked him, delicate and light. In the sun it would look like stepping stones, tracing the path of a lovers touch. If it would even last till morning.
But you loved him anyway, even if it was temporary.
"So beautiful." His voice was guttural, hands cupping your breasts after yanking your bra down. Your nipples didn't have time to harden under his thumb before his mouth was upon them, suckling gently. You gripped his chestnut hair in response, letting out a soft whine of pleasure that encouraged him to suck harder. He switched sides, leaving the cold air to caress the wetness at your precipice.
"I can hear your heartbeat" he murmured, pausing for a moment to press himself against your flesh. "It's so fast."
Your nails traced vows on the back of his neck, down his back as far as you could reach. "You make me like this." You whispered, and his teeth sunk into your skin, making your back arch. "You scare me. You turn me on. You make my head dizzy and my st-stomach fill with butterflies." He stripped you as you spoke, pushing down the soft fabric of your pants, then the cotton of your panties. You felt the kiss of the cold night air for a moment, drifting through the window. And then his fingers were upon you, slowly stroking along your aching entrance and your slick lips.
"I make you wet." He murmured against your skin, and you flushed, nodding.
"Yes, you do." You responded, moving your hips along his hand, encouraging him. He obliged happily, digits wet with your desire now sliding into your hole. You had been so long neglected, not feeling the desire to even touch yourself without him there to see. He could feel your tightness, how you gripped his fingers.
"My sweetheart," he purred, lifting his face to gaze up at you. His eyes were heavy lidded, almost hiding the jade irises that haunted your dreams. "You're so tight, spread your legs." You obeyed him as easily as breathing, opening your legs as he began to kiss his way further down. You whined again, and his fingers gripped your thighs, forcefully enough to close them slightly.
"The fucking noises you make..." He hissed, breath hot against your pussy. He dragged a tongue from the bottom, to the very top, glancing off of your clit in a way that made you cry out. "I want you to keep quiet so we don't get caught but..." Another languid lick, another lewd gasp. "I want to make you scream too."
Your hand came down hard on the back of his head, gripping his hair tightly. He groaned against you, sending vibrations through you. You didn't mean to be hard, to have tugged so roughly. But Eren loved it, eyes glinting as he sank his tongue into you, letting your plush walls envelope the muscle eagerly. Each time your hand twitched, responding to the waves of pleasure he drew from you, you'd pull more. And it would drive him forward, tongue sliding across your lips desperately, lips closing around your clit to suckle at it.
Your body was uncontrollable, hips lifting from the bed and chest heaving. At points it felt like he was drinking from you, loud slurps as he thumbed your clit. The movement repeated, becoming faster and faster. The pleasure mounted, a  knot tightened where his tongue touched you.
"Do it." He purred against you, feeling how your legs trembled and thighs touched his ears. He knew you, knew what every jerk of your body meant. "On my tongue, want to taste you."
That was what made the bud burst, your hips rocking desperately against him as your pussy fluttered, overcome with its first orgasm in months. It coursed through you, and you felt the bed wet with your love. 
Your toes curled with pleasure and you moved onto your elbows, staring down at him.
"Eren," you whimpered, and his eyes opened once more. From your vantage point you could see how his hips moved, thrusting slowly against the mattress. He was as desperate for you as you were for him."Eren I need you. I need you so bad." With a final pop of your clit, one that made you gasp, he pulled back and straightened up. His cock bobbed as he looked at you, eyes filled with a dangerous mixture of love and lust. He was dripping, your wetness from his chin and his pre-cum from his mushroom head.
"How badly?"
You brought your legs to your chest slowly, and his eyes dropped from your face to your heat. Your hole closed around emptiness, so desperate to be filled. "More than anything."
His fist closed around his shaft, stroking slightly as he stared at you with a slack jaw, face softened with awe. He always looked at you as though you hung the moon. As if you were responsible for everything soft and wonderful in the world. You watched as he touched himself and his mouth twisted into a grin.
"Did this..." He whispered, his hand moving faster, the noises filling the room. They were hot, lewd. The hot slick of his skin, your moans rising to meet it. "Did this when I thought of you."
The thought of him, so far away from you, deep in trouble but still overcome by his want, the aching need of you. It was enough to make you gush visibly, and Eren moaned at the sight. Before you had the chance to beg again he was at your entrance, hands pushing on the backs of your thighs. You pulled at him, bringing him to your lips so you could kiss your moans into his mouth.
Because the moment he started pushing, moan you did. Loud and desperate, feeling how he spread you. How he made you stretch to fit him like a glove.
He was mumbling in your ear, alternating between sweet calls of your name and darkened swears. Your nails dragged down his back, digging into his smooth skin and making steam rise. His hips were slow, but only for a moment. The need took over quickly, and you bucked to meet him as best as you could. But he was long, long enough to make you start each time he bottomed out in you.
"Eren, Eren, Eren," you whispered into the dark, each iteration becoming more and more sloppy. He grabbed your face, pulling himself up so he could stare at you. Sweat beaded on his elegant forehead, his long hair slicked back. But his eyes glowed in the lowlight, focusing on your face as though nothing but you existed.
He pounded you in time with your chants, each drill concentrated on getting as much of himself into you as he could. He filled your needy hole like he filled your heart. Wholly, fully. Enough to make your eyes well with tears.
He caught one that trickled down the side of your face, lapping it up with his long tongue. You gasped for air, twisting his hair in your fingers as legs wrapped around him desperately. You wanted to stay like this, stay connected to him forever. His hands traversed you, finding the places he had made home. The curve of your waist, the precipice of your hips, the valley under your ass as he pulled you up further, hitting you now at an angle that dragged across the nub on your inner wall.
And then he lifted you, pulling back to sit on his heels and to suspend you in his arms. You grasped his face as you looked down at him, your hair falling like a curtain. Hiding him from the world, the world that would take him from you. He was beautiful. All wild eyes, soft pouting lips. His fine features were shadowed, his expression twisted with pleasure. You kissed him, once. Twice. Three times. Each time deeper.
Stay here.
You wanted to say as he began to bounce you, sliding you upon his length, fingers digging into the soft plush of your ass.
Stay here, we can be okay.
His mouth was hot on your neck and shoulders, leaving bruises that you worried would outlast him.
Stay here, I can love you safe here.
But all that came out of your mouth was a keening moan, your walls fluttering as you came like a river, washing over him. Your head was thrown back in ecstasy, the wave of euphoria making you tremble and making him growl. He bite your shoulder, drawing soft droplets of blood, and you felt his hips stutter, and the telltale wetness that heralded his own cum. Filling you, as it should. He moaned, vulnerable and wanton into your shoulder.
"That's fucking it, baby. Cream on my cock." He cooed, his pace unrelenting as he fucked you through both of your orgasms. You were relieved when he let you fall back onto the bed, eyes opening to pull in for a kiss.
But he didn't stop.
"Er-eren..." You whimpered, and he kissed you hard, enough to bruise the pulp of your lip.
"Hold on... Hold on to me..." He whispered, teeth dragging across your sensitive flesh. You obliged, throwing your arms around his neck, legs circling him and pulling him in to the hilt. He pulled back, snapping in quickly, his pace sloppy and hurried.
"Need more...need more of you and I..." A gasp, a throb from deep within you. "need to give you all of me."
You were seeing stars. Bursting across your vision like supernovas. Though your limbs clung to him, the pleasure grew almost unbearable. A burning fire twisting between your legs, making you jerk and throb. It's like you could feel him in ways you never could.
The drip of his sweat, watering the forgotten lands of your body. The way his skin soothed yours, healing empty wounds. How his hair shifted, a lock falling to caress your cheek.
And his heartbeat. You felt it. Inside you, beating as though it was your own. The sensation drove you wild, clawing at his shoulders and yanking at his ochre locks.
"Gonna- it's gonna..." You whimpered, unable to form coherence. He drove into you faster, nodding against you. You were reduced to a babbling mess, eyes rolled back, mouth slack.
"Yeah, yeah baby yeah me too. Gonna cum in you again. Take it, take me. Take it all." He said, his voice thick with lust as he clawed into you, the slam of his hips hitting you in the most unimaginable of ways. He reared back suddenly, gripping your face hard enough to hurt as he placed his brow to yours.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." You replied, and with that you were both over the cliff, bodies shaking with pleasure. He filled you, his hot cum spurting from the slight space between you. His hand slammed against the head board, chest heaving, hips stuttering. But his eyes never left yours, gaze glazed with pleasure. His weight collapsed against you, and you cradled him, murmuring as his lips pressed to yours.
"Say it again." He demanded, hand moving to cup your cheek. "Say you love me."
"I love you." You turned your head to kiss his palm. "I love you, Eren. I love you."
He let out a soft sound, resting his mouth against your cheek. "More." He demanded, rolling over now and pulling you with him. His arms caged you, in a way that made you never want to be free. "I want a lifetimes worth."
"I'll give you a few months." You muttered, and could feel him smile against the top of your head. You wondered when was the last time he did that. When would be the next. "Just to catch you up." His hands stroked through your hair, teasing knots from it. You laid your ear flat to his toned chest. "You'll have to get the rest next time." His hand faltered and then tightened, pushing you into him. You could hear his heart pick up speed.
"Don't." You interrupted him. It was sharper than you intended, but you thought you had the right to it. "Don't say a word."
He went silent, resuming his grooming of your locks.
"Tell me we'll see each other again. Even if it's for a moment. Just once more. I don't want this to be it." His hands flattened on your back as he held you.
"I promise." He murmured. "We'll see each other again. But by then you'll hate me."
You didn't argue. Somehow you knew.
"For now, I love you." You pulled yourself to him, kissing his mouth with sweetness. You whispered it, over and over. Like a promise. Like a prayer. You said until your voice was hoarse, curled up on your side as his body surrounded you. You fell asleep with it on your tongue.
And you woke up to an empty bed.
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Their Doll 11
Silent scream
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets shut up
Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
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"Fuck you." I snapped, mustering all the saliva I could before spitting it at his face. He flinched back when it splattered over his cheek, his fingers swiping through the spittle before he was shaking it from them and standing back to his full height.
"It appears this one is never going to cooperate. If she won't give us information, why let our experimentations on her possibly...benefit the girl the the future?" The general spoke menacingly to the guards behind me. "How about way find a way to shut her up?"
My heat thudded so hard in my chest it was like someone was punching me from the inside, all air knocked from my lungs before I was being hoisted up to my feet again with two rough grips on my upper arms. My chest heaving, I coughed a ragged breath before composing myself. The glint of the silver blade in the corner of my vision sent my eyes bugging out of my skull and my mind into a flat panic.
So, I did what any rational person with my capabilities would do. I began to hum the deep melody - one a seldom sung - and a smirk crawled its way onto my now curved lips. Clearly, the general was prepared, but the two guards behind we weren't so lucky.
A desperate cry pierced my tune, harmonising with my voice as I heard the havoc I was causing. This was the first time I'd enjoyed a kill, the very first time I'd wanted to use my powers for such a horrific reason. I'd only ever used this part of my power a few times, but this was the only time I'd been fully lucid whilst doing so.
Some people want nothing more than to blow their enemies' brains out, and trust me when I tell you; It felt good.
However, luck was never on my side, and the General had come full prepared. He wasn't even affected, it must've been something to do with the funny earpiece he was wearing.
As my eyes met his, the General's face held non of the cocky, smug tones that I'd expect. No, the only word I could use to describe his old and crinkled features was pure ire, and it was directed at me.
"You conniving, vile little bitch!" He snarled, the flash of silver weeding a sense of utter and complete dread, tangled with fear inside of me, uprooting my confidence. I don't remember a lot after that, to tell you the truth. I know the blade sliced along my throat. I know everything was rained black. And that's about it.
Awakening with a gasp was the last thing I expected to happen. The sight of the blade risen in front of the general burned into my mind, almost as if it'd been scorned against my flesh. But here I was: awake, gasping for breath, completely surrounded by doctors I'd never seen before.
My hand instantly flew to my neck, a stinging sensation pulsing from the delicate skin. I hissed as my sweaty palm made contact with the bandage, the material corse and scratchy against my skin. As a doctor waddled over to me, needle in hand, I flailed desperately, a silent scream ripping from my throat.
Hang on a second-
Silent scream? I tried again, the shrill noise that should be tearing from me simply vanishing as it hit my throat. My eyes widened with the realisation, my bottom lip wobbling as I suddenly pieces together what had happened.
He said he'd have to shut me up, didn't he? The thought made me want to scream loudly, that the blade had touched my skin and left me with no defence.
They took away the hell they'd reigned upon me, something I'd wished I could be rid of for years, and now I was disappointed. Maybe this was their plan all along, that little voice in my head sang. The tears pricked at my eyes, which rolled back lazily as the scratch of the needle poked at my neck.
My calloused fingers ran over the cut tirelessly, trying to itch somewhere that I could never seem to find. I don't know how long I was sedated for, but since waking up the bleeding had stopped and there was now an offensive red line that slid horizontally across my neck.
Every time I touched it, it coaxed a wince from me, and yet that's all I seemed to do. It was like poking a bruise, I guess. The more it hurts the more you want to do it.
They'd returned me to my cell, clearly very little need for restraints against my weakened, starved and dehydrated body. I could see the flesh thinning on my arms, my ribs pressing painfully against my skin. Not only could I see the hunger, but I could feel it.
Manifesting, biting, gnawing hunger. The type that are you from inside out, devouring everything of you until the only thing you could think about was eating. Huh, I guess I was already at that stage then.
My eyes remained locked in place, glossy with the endless tears as I stared at the floor. If I really looked hard enough, the still wet blood smeared over the floors of the hallway resembled something close to strawberry jam. The thoughts of the sickly sweat substance spread over a perfectly toasted piece of bread, accompanied with a big glass of fresh orange juice and washed down by a large coffee made my mouth water. The booming rumble in my stomach made the groan, even more drawn out than expected when I remembered all I'd get to eat today: a small bread roll and a tiny glass of water.
Sadly, the sink in my cell did not contain drinking water. The liquid was so discoloured that I purposely avoided washing me hands, preferring to possible have my own germs coating my hands than whatever they were giving me. I'm not kicking you about, I genuinely think the water was filtered through a clump of fucking horse shit, mixed with fish guts and complimented with a hint of rotting fruit. If I could help it, I'd be dodging that water like the plague (if it didn't contain one already) for the rest of my life.
I'm not really sure why, but my head snapped up in surprise why the door sprang open, a single guard entering.
"The general requires your presence." He deadpanned, eyes cold as eyes and sharp as a knife as they stabbed through me. I wanted to fight back, stay glued to the spot and snap back some snarky remark, but in my current condition I almost couldn't bring myself to care where I was about to be taken, or why for that matter.
I stood without a word, silently following the man until we reached an unfamiliar metal door. I found it almost laughable, really, that they'd reduced my strength so much, that no one even considered putting me any sort of restraints anymore.
The door was pushed open with a child-like whine emitting from its rusty hinges, the metal scraping over the concrete floor painfully. The guard simply grabbed my arm before tugging me into the room, letting the door shut behind his with a hollow thunk.
"Ah, she has arrived!" The general's voice exclaimed, a deviant smile spreading over his thin lips. "And just in time to meet Mr Pierce, too." He said menacingly.
I felt embarrassed, exposed, stood before the room of men. My hair was a mess, tears streaking my reddened face, eyes puffy from crying and the only clothes a wore was a now-battered hospital gown. My eyes darted around nervously, trying to avoid the blonde man sat before me, chin resting in his palm as he surveyed me.
"Why is this one...important?" The man asked, eyeing me up and down before his eyes seemed to fixate on my neck. The scar.
"This," the general spoke, but Mr Pierce kept his eyes on me, "is Miss y/n Stark." Mr Pierce's eyes widened ever so slightly, but it was barely noticeable.
"As in Tony Stark?" Pierce pondered.
"The very same." The general smirked.
"She seems awfully...quiet, for a Stark." Pierce said with almost a hint of disgust, eyes still glued to my shaking frame.
"That's because we shut her up." The general snapped, awfully harshly.
"Is that the scar? How fresh is it?" Pierce jabbed his questions, curiosity clearly becoming him in the moment.
"Indeed. Our doctors here are very good, Sir. They had her all patched up and out of bandages in just three days." The general bragged, shoulders back and head held high as if he was posing for a portrait.
"I see." Pierce mused, brows furrowed in thought. "What do you plan to do with her? Now that she can't tell you anything?"
"Oh, trust me, sir. She wasn't giving anything up either way," he paused, striding over to me and yanking my head back with a fistful of hair, my back mow  pressed to his chest and his mouth at my ear, "isn't that right, sweetheart?"he clarified, and I didn't hesitate to nod my head as much as his grip would allow.
"So why isn't she dead?" Pierce gritted, seemingly annoyed. "It's not like Tony's attached to her, he never looked for her and I've never even heard him mention her."
"But then they'll keep coming. I don't want the avengers on my back, and I'm sure you don't either." Pierce hummed in agreement. "She's with them - her and that Captain America guy arrived together - so why not use her to send a message?" The general suggested.
That's how I found myself tied up, wrists bound and gun to my head as I sat shakily in a chair in the middle of the quinjet. I had no clue how long I'd been since that day, but I do know that I had been sedated once again. The flimsy hospital gown allowed a shiver to chill me, skin  forming goosebumps as I sat before the open door or the quinjet.
"You will tell them exactly as I just did. Got it?" The general pressed, pushing the gun into my head hard enough to make by head throb. Tears biting at my eyes, I nodded furiously, now determined to live with the promise of being free again. "Good. Soldat, make sure she gets back to New York without being seen, I'd hate to have to spill more blood than we intended." The general demanded, a figure rustling its way out of the shadows at the edge of the room. A gasp tore from my throat at the sight of him - clad in black leather and arm as silver as the moon. The soldier - my soldier.
But he simple stared through me, eyes blank and clouded in a coldness I'd never had directed at me from him before.
"And make sure you don't fail this time, soldat." The general snapped. The soldier nodded solemnly, the echoing of boots thudding filling both their ears as the general walked off the ship.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
Frozen within the Night Wind: Jasper Hale x Fleur Swan, Chapter 2
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None of the characters in Twilight belong to me, All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
Authors note: Parts of the original story will be altered in this book. I hope it doesn't ruin it for anyone. Also... I think this is my favorite chapter I have written in the whole series. Also, also... this chapter is a bit shorter than the others ones.
"Who are you? You look so familiar to me."
"That is not important to you...what is important is that I complete the task Victoria has given me."
"She's been watching you two ever since one of her coven mates got killed... she says you're quite... apprehensive to become a vampire."
I stood there, my eyes widened, my breath had quickened.
"I didn't think I would find one of you so fast..."
Before I could do anything I was knocked to the ground. A searing pain entered through my neck. I was about to scream but my mouth was covered so it was muffled.
"Shh...we don't want anyone to find you yet do we?"
POV Change: Jasper's
I was sitting and talking with Rosalie, Emmett, and Dean. We were discussing details about a surprise trip for Fleur. I could tell she had been wanting to get out of Forks for a bit, she kept hinting at wanting to go to Canyon Oregon, she said she wanted to see this art gallery that had just opened up.
"Yeah, I think she'll love it, Jasper," Rosalie said.
"I've been near there before for a hunting trip, it's nice," Emmett added.
I then heard Alice gasp, a glass vase dropped out of her hands.
"Carlisle! We need to go...Fleur... she."
I jumped up and ran to Alice, I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her lightly.
"What happened Alice?" I asked in desperation.
"She got bit Jasper... she got bit by a vampire."
"What... where she is!?"
"She's half an hour away... she's was just about to make it onto the highway but she's still in the forest. Do you know where I'm talking about?
I didn't answer a few seconds later Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme, and I all bolted out of the house.
"She didn't want this... not this soon. Please... let me get to her in time." I said to myself.
POV Change: Back to Fleur.
My skin and blood were searing, this had to be the worst pain I've ever been in. I struggled to fight the man off that had bitten me, he kept his hand over my mouth.
"Victoria...will be quite pleased with this." The man kept saying to himself.
I was groaning in pain at this point, my head had begun to feel light-headed and I felt like I was going to pass out.
"I can smell your blood...your transformation is almost done."
My whole body suddenly felt numb, it felt like it had given out due to the pain. My head and body were dropped onto the ground, the man mumbled something to himself and then eft.
"FLEUR!" I heard Jasper yell, I passed out a second afterward.
POV Change: Jasper.
I saw Carlisle kneel down to her body, the look on his face told me everything I needed to know.
"It's too late, the venom has spread...we can't take it out of her now."
I dropped down to my knees, I felt the pain radiating off of her.
"Jasper...I'm so sorry honey." Esme said, coming down next to me.
"She didn't deserve this... If only her dreams warned her about this" Rosalie said, I could hear the anger in her voice.
"We need to take her back to the house before someone sees her," Carlisle stated.
"You guys go ahead, I'll take her car back, It won't take long for me to start it again. I can tell it's broken down." Rosalie said.
I nodded before taking Fleur into my arms, I ran back toward the house. The pain was still shooting through her body, her beautiful heartbeat had begun to slow down.
POV Change: Fleur's.
Where was I? Why was the word suddenly black? It felt like I had pressure on my entire body. It was suffocating but, at the same time, it felt like I was floating. I struggled to pry my eyes open, I wanted to see my surroundings. When they finally did open it seemed I was in a deep, dark, body of water, my skin was paler than usual. It acted like a light for me to navigate around the world I was in. I had finally seen an exit and started swimming toward it. But then I noticed the burning, painful, sensation in my blood and heart. It had then begun to speed up the closer I got to it. When my hand reached the outside of the water, my heart stopped altogether. I pulled myself out of the water, it was pitch black outside, it looked like it was a night out. The wind had begun to blow and before I could move anywhere else, it was like I was frozen...and light had hit my vision.
POV CHANGE: Jasper's
TIMESKIP: 2 Days later.
I sat in the same place for two days, I was right by her side. Her pain had slowly subsided but, I could feel confusion and struggle within her too. I missed Fleur even though she was still here with me, I missed her voice and warm smile... I missed talking to her about random things. I could listen to her talk for the rest of my life. Rosalie and Emmett came in with me once in a while and sat with me, trying to make me feel better and distract me from what was happening. Edward had come back the day after she had been bitten, he was in shock. I made him swear to not tell Bella anything right now as I didn't know when she was going to wake up. I didn't know how much control she would have over her thirst as well. Rosalie and Emmett had just come in with me again when I could feel her heart stop...the transformation was complete. I stood up and looked at her face, her eyes were twitching underneath her lids. They had suddenly shot open, they weren't blood red, however... but rather, the color of a dark red rose.
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chao-writes-stuff · 3 years
Heyyy! I wrote a thing involving Jevil and the Chapter 2 Superboss! I'm going to put it under the cut, but at the end, there will also be an Ao3 link if you wanna support me there!
Thank you! Remember to Reblog if you wanna
The Lightner Trio walked down the stairs in the Queen's massive manor, their hurried footsteps echoing like a rough pitter-patter in the technological nightmare. The massive lair confused and bamboozled them, but they definitely wanted to figure out the mystery behind what the Fountains were about, what Queen's true intentions were… and what was in the basement?
"Uhh… Kris?" Ralsei asked, his soft voice echoing out. "Why are we even here? Aren't Queen, Noelle, and Berdly upstairs? And not here…?"
Susie quickly interrupted him, punching his arm lightly to get his attention. "Of COURSE they aren't here. But whatever is here is probably important. Right, Kris?"
"I guess!" The currently blue human replied. "I've been asked by some… guy, about doing these weird favors for him. He really wants me to be alone."
"We sure he ain't a p-" Before Susie could finish her thought, Ralsei muffled her mouth with his scarf. "Who is he? And why does he want you to be alone?"
"His name is Spamton, I think. I don't know much about him, but he gave me this Loaded Disk earlier, and--"
Suddenly, a strange, chaotic voice rang out. Everyone recognized it. The tail attached to Ralsei's cloak popped off, diamonds and hearts flying out with it. The tail spun and took form, and the chaotic Jester they quite literally put to rest yesterday was reawakened.
"Spamton? SPAMTON? The same Spamton who wished for me to go, to go, and be free, free?" Jevil laughed chaotically, with Ralsei caught quite off guard. "You know him?"
"That dorito chip was part of the reason why I was set free, he was! He used to rule this world, before the Queen I've been hearing oh so much about took over. Oh, I MUST know more of how you met that ridiculous lunatic! And that's coming from ME, ME! Spamton, oh Spamton, I'd like to have a word with him~!" Jevil looked quite pissed off, his normally jovial expression looking slightly stern.
"I didn't wanna go down there anyway. Just come back, okay? You're kind of carrying us with your defense boost." Kris, with a neutral expression, gave the clown the disk they were gifted by the malignant salesman, and watched as Jevil immediately sprinted off into the basement. They could hear an echoed "Buh bye~! I'll be back in a few hundred words!" As the jester descended into the decrepit basement below...
Jevil entered the musty, rotting cellar. Despite him rarely stepping on the ground, each step he did take left a haunting impact on his feet. It was silent, save for the occasional rustling of his clothes. He didn't have long to do this. His physical form only had a few hours to be out and about before he solidified, just like the young boy and the puzzle freak. Thankfully, that's all he needed. He was getting excited, almost giddy, to interact once more with his old acquaintance. Oh, what a wonderful conversation they'd have!
He didn't walk for too much longer before he found the train station that was buried deep below. Or was it a roller coaster? Whoever had this built clearly had some elaborate roundabout in mind… too bad they were still imprisoned, haha! Jevil walked and floated across the tracks, reaching a room with a decaying robot inside.
He knew this was a bad idea. But when did he ever have good ideas?
Without hesitating, the joker put the disk into the robot. At first, nothing happened, and he was getting impatient VERY quick. He gave the robot a swift kick in the lower area, before stepping back out of the room.
SLAM! The clown was admittedly caught off guard with how fast the silhouette from above came and pushed him onto his knees. With a small gasp for air, Jevil looked up slowly at the encroaching menace. The jagged movements, the glitchy, unsolidified form… this was him alright.
"KRIS… MY LOYAL [Sponge!] THANK… YOU. THE [Clown Around Town!] I REMEMBER YOUR [Disgusting] FACE. EVERYONE WAS SO [Thrilled] TO SEE YOUR [Calcified] FACE." The massive robotic behemoth loomed over Jevil, rage in his glasses. Spamton NEO.
The clown got up, a smug, shitfaced expression on his mug. He knew damn well that the dorito in front of him was pissed off, so he leaned back in the air to retort. "At least I drink plenty of milk, uee hee hee! As for you, you haven't changed one bit since we last spoke~! Or would it be a byte, a byte? Regardless, I do hope you've given up on the illusion of freedom, freedom~! The only one who can be free is MEEE!"
The robotic menace swung around to the other side of Jevil, making it very clear who was in charge of the conversation. A small concentrated blast of Pipis was fired at the jester, pushing him back with a surprising amount of force. "YOU ACT SMUG, BUT YOU [Crashed our stocks!] AND THEN YOU [Spoiled relations with our Esteemed Partners!] I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU… GOT IN HERE, YOU… [Tuna Fish,] BUT I'M NOT FALLING FOR YOUR [Roundabout!] AGAIN!"
Jevil laughed maniacally at this thought. This guy was mad! Over something that happened how long ago? Why even bother holding a grudge still? Petty, petty! He knew why, and it's why he came back too. "You influenced him. That pretty little kitty. You gave him enough funds to release me into that carousel of bliss and innocence! But I wasn't done, not one bit! And all those years, spent being free… they made me realize something, my dearest Spamton."
The oddly calm tone coming from the jester put Spamton NEO at an incredible amount of unease. "WHAT? WHAT COULD YOUR [Calcified Lump] THINK OF THAT WOULD MEAN ANY GODDAMN THING TO ME?"
The joker used his latent power to pelt the giant mecha with small white hearts. Spamton was caught off-guard, stumbling back a fair amount. Of course, you have to fight fire with fire, so the robot used his abilities to send out a Big Shot of blue Spamton Head Pipis.
"YOU [Saturated Marketshare!] YOU CAN'T SIMPLY ATTACK ME AND EXPECT IT TO WORK [As seen on TV!] I'M A [BIG SHOT!] [BIG SHOT!!!]"
Jevil hopped up onto the ceiling, clearing the first few Pipis on the lower row heading his way. Unfortunately, the higher row caught him clean in the face as he bounced between the two, making a small Jack-in-the-box melody as he pinged around.
The fool retaliated by running circles around Spamton, turning into a carousel of horse bullets! The robot, in a surprising feat of puppeteering, dodged the attack almost perfectly… until a stray horsie cut a string, sending the mech's right arm into the horse race. One thing about arms with cannons on them? They fire.
As soon as it happened, Jevil was face to face with a swarm of Pipis all around him. He was stuck. All of them exploded brilliantly, sending the clown flying clean across the rotting tracks and into the wall. Tauntingly, mockingly even, Spamton NEO retorted.
The buisnessman charged at Jevil, his hands becoming phones. "IT'S FOR YOU." Suddenly, before either of them could react, loud blasts of garbage noise manifest expelled from the phones, attacking the court jester with white blasts of energy. There was nothing he could do to stop this robot's onslaught, it looked like.
Without warning, Jevil was myseriously gone from his corner. The spamware looked frantically for his target, before being struck in the arm, the leg, and the chest by scythes. Devilsknives. The last knive cut a few strings clean off the puppet, who briefly hit the ground before rising back up.
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! [Hyperlink Blocked.] I'M STILL HIS LOYAL ASSOCIATE! HE MAY NOT HAVE TALKED TO ME IN [Employee of The Month for 144 months!] BUT HE'S STILL THERE…"
With those words, a purple blast came from behind the clown, striking the robot right in the noggin. He flew back a bit, giving the joker enough time to turn around to meet his esteemed guests.
"Ah, my imprisoners~! Didn't you guys have a Queen to rock-em sock-em?"
Susie immediately cut him off, as she punched him in the arm (causing his head to spring up, naturally.) "Well, Kris over here couldn't shake the feeling things were off. So they forced us down here, and now they're right. Somehow?"
"I know I'm right.. Jevil, who the hell is Spamton?" Kris replied, their worry about the situation starting to rise.
"It's of no concern to you~! His screws were almost as loose as mine, and I don't think it's my job to tighten them~! Uee hee hee! Thank you for the help, but I can do anything~! Even tell you guys that 3 coasters are about to come down and force you guys along for the ride~!"
Ralsei immediately stuttered something out. "Three… what?"
And just like that, with a loud rumbling, the heroes were swept up into 3 old, rusty carts, barrelling down the track. Jevil laughed to himself, proud of what he got to do. "Ah well, it's a shame I can't finish him personally…"
"But oh well! Are you proud, proud? They took care of him…"
Ao3 Link!
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concernedcrisis · 4 years
Thankyou again to @theelfmaiden for tagging me 😊. Much appreciated!
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?:
Mostly black but with a bit of gold rose.
2. Name a food you never eat:
I'm not exactly against any specific foods, i'd try anything once. But our family specifically doesn't have Brussels sprouts in out household. It's kinda a thing.
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?:
I tend to overheat a lot, so i' d say too warm.
4: What were you doing 45 muinets ago?:
Watching a character arch breakdown i think. Maybe.
5: What is your favourite candy bar?:
We don't really call it candy down here. There's a distinction between the names for lollie types and chocolate. I'm just gonna assume this means chocolate because it specifies it's in a bar. This might seem a little boring, but I honestly love the plain Cadbury chocolate.
I love when its put in the fridge so it doesn't melt, but also is still soft enough to be bitten, plus it's really good when you dip it in a hot drink like coffee, hot milo, or a hot choc, and it's only just started to melt. When I was little in girl guides, we used to have sleep over competitions where you had to cut a quare off a hard solid block with a butter knife before the timer ran out and then you would tag team with another member and do something else. The team to finish the family block first wins.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?:
Yeah, the first that comes to mind is when i went to a NRL game with a group from school and we got to hold the side banners for the Panthers team as they ran onto the field, then got to have a meet up with them after the game.
7. What is the last thing that you said out loud?:
I really can't remember except for maybe 'yeah'
8. What is your favourite your favourite ice cream?:
I don't really have a favourite, but I do like it when its got chunks😍 - initiate primal instinct to scavenge -
9. What is the last thing you had to drink?:
Dare ice coffee.
10. Do you like your wallet?:
I do actually. It was a gift from my aunty who I hardly see.
11. What is the last thing you ate?:
Chocolate I think.
12. What's the last sporting event you watched?:
I haven't watched a whole sporting even for quite a while. I've just been too buisy and generally am not that into many sports. But the last that I remember watching the whole thing was the state of origin games (A 3 game event between NRL players from NSW and QLD, within which each state rallies for their teams based on their state of origin.)
13. Did you buy new clothes last weekend?:
14. What's your favourite flavour of popcorn?:
I haven't tried many flavours of popcorn. We don't have a whole lot of variety. I kinda just like the plain movie popcorn.
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?:
My mum.
16. Ever been camping?:
I probably have when I was younger, but not that I remember other than a tent in the backyard.
17. Do you take vitamins?:
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship?:
19. Do you have a tan?:
Hah! I'm as red as Patrick's arse but certainly not tan.
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?:
It kinda depends on the type.
21. Do you drink your soda through straws?:
Here we call it soft drink 😊. It really depends. Most of the time when we buy it ourselves I just drink it either from the can, bottle, or in a cup. But if we've gotten it from a servo or from a takeaway shop (eg. A fish and chips shop) , and a straw is offered or available, then yeah.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?:
Usually black, but sometimes they've got those coloured stripes. A lot of my socks also have brands on them cause... free socks.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?:
I really try not to, and most of the time I don't. It's a little tricky cause I'm still on my Ls and don't want to use cruise control, plus our limit is only 90 when the roads I drive on (country mains) are 110 and the other drivers are either up my ass or trying to speed past me when they shouldn't. Trucks are okay tho, except for the pull back when they overtake.
24. What terrifies you?:
A lot of things scare me, but I'm not sure what to pinpoint as making me terrified. There are a few though.
25. Look to your left. What do you see?:
A stuffed turtle :) 🐢 (I know that's a tortoise, sorry).
26. What chore do you hate the most?:
I don't really dislike any in particular to the point that it stands out.
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?:
Um, it kinda depends. Normally I don't notice it, cause it's where I'm from and how we speak, but if its extremely thick my mind instantly goes to 'Bogan'.
28. What's your favourite soda?:
I don't really have one. When I was a bit younger it was a fire engine. Now if we go out I kinda like to get a passiona. But I also love Back O'Bourke Cola (My dad used to drink it when he was little).
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?:
We don't go that often, so there's no real routine procedure. It's kinda just whatever the family wants to do.
30. What's your favourite number?:
Don't really have one.
31. Who's the last person you talked to?:
Either my little brother or my brother inlaw.
32. Favourite meat?:
I'm not a massive meat eater, but I do like pork and certain types of chicken.
33. Last song you listened to?:
Stantough's Bardcore/medieval cover of Vance Joy's Riptide. Befkre that is was Hozier's 'Foreigners god'.
34. Last book you read?:
I really can't remember the last book I read, I've recently only had time to read ficlets. But my favourite book, which I read when i was 13, is The Silence of The Lambs.
35. Favourite day of the week?:
I think it might currently be Tuesday (cause I get half the day off) and alternating Wednesday's and Thursdays (cause i get basically the whole day for art and to study how I want).
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards?:
Not fast, it'd tale me a while to do it.
37. How do you like your coffee?:
Kinda depends, If I want a pick me up I go for maybe black with sugar, otherwise a mocha or an iced coffee by industry default, but if I just want something chill I take it with milk and sugar.
38. Favourite pair of shoes?:
I don't really have a lot of shoes, cause I wear them to death before I get new ones. But I love this pair of boots I have for special occasions that's straight black and has a really nice tall thick heel.
39. Time you normally get up?:
During the week I initially wake up at around 5 but then hit a couple rounds of snooze before 5.40 am. On the weekend I typically get up maybe 9.30-10. Considering I'm up til 3-4 am.
40. What do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?
I really like dusk as time if day, so based on that is say sunsets, but I think sunrises are really pretty too. Especially cause we live up on a hill in the country and can see the full thing.
41. How many Blankets on your bed?:
In winter there's 2 (Cause I'm not really too used to cold even though I love the cold and winter is my favourite season), but as it gets hotter there's usually either only 1 or still the 2 and I just sleep with them half on half off.
42. Describe your kitchen plates:
We have different sets, ones that we use daily and ones that we use for certain meals or occasions. The everyday ones are round, plastic, and grey. The other set is white an breakable (I can't remember the material) with a short rim. Each come in both a larger and a smaller size, and the nice ones also have small square counterparts for side dishes.
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment.
I guess it's pretty big, cause it goes with an open floor plan for the main areas of the house. There's a lot of counterspace, with quite a few cupboards and drawers, along with a small stand in pantry (Not a walk in cause you can only stand in it and turn).
But there are chairs behind the bigger bench from the dining area side so the bench is used to eat at too. It's actually pretty clean currently. (Mind you, I still live at home So that's probably why I can say it's big).
44. Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink?:
I still can't legally drink for another couple months, but I know I don't like most beers, Champaigns, or wines due to being allowed a small glass at my siblings weddings for the toasts.
45. What colour is your car?:
I don't have a car of my own yet, but the family car is white, and the old car my dad restored is blue.
46. Can you change a tire?:
Maybe in theory, cause I've been taught what to do if I need to, but I've never actually had to do it myself, I've just helped.
47. Your favourite state or province?:
I have a strong feeling this was supposed to be in reference to American states and provinces. I'm in Australia, so we've got the 6 states and 2 territories. The States being New South Wales (NSW aka, my state), Queensland (QLD), Victoria (VIC), Tasmania (TAS), South Australia (SA), and Western Australia (WA), and with the Territories being the Northern Territory (NT) and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).
I don't particularly have a favourite.
48. Favourite job you've had?:
I've only had one official job (As in a causal employment with a specific salary and not stuff like family friend babysitting and house or dog minding around town) and have recently been hired for another but haven't started. I wouldn't exactly call it a favourite even if it's the only one. Let's just say I don't recommend big brand retail, especially not when being overworked by the company without proper area training, having to basically manage half of the store by yourself (including fulfilling other people's jobs), or when family is involved in the buisness.
Okey. Once again, I'm really really sorry for all the rambling.
I'm gonna tag:
@allenginsbergkinnie @brother-genitivi @geetimesthree @youhavemywhinyass @writer-inwonderland
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virtuesmh · 5 years
Adlock Songfic - Sweater Weather
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All I am is a man
I want the world in my hands
As always, Sherlock Holmes' mind was restless. Even in the midst of 'vacation', it was urgent to keep his thoughts flowing, mostly by using strangers around him as experiment objects. He wouldn't want a jam in the machine inside his head, would he?
I hate the beach
But I stand in California with my toes in the sand
Unlike London's chilly weather, California's weather surprised his body's axiom. Then, his eyes stung in the bright sun, a horrible tan had colored his pale skin, from arms, torso, to legs. He clenched a handful of sand and watched it fall tediously through the gaps between his fingers.
Use the sleeves of my sweater
Let's have an adventure
He had heard the last sentence and it successfully hooked him across the world. Meaningless words, yet when spoken by a particular person, turned into an effective charm.
Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
Touch my neck and I'll touch yours
You in those little high-waist shorts
Before his head could wander further, a sudden pressure weighted his thigh. Sherlock opened his eyes, revealing Irene Adler herself, seated beside him, one hand on him and the other holding a glass of Moscow Mule on rocks.
A slight smile slipped into his lips, mirroring hers. 
"Didn't bother getting me one?" He asked.
She knows what I think about
And what I think about
"This is yours, dear," She replied, a tad melodious, "I finished mine when you're . . daydreaming."
Sherlock snickered under his breath. His observation frenzy immediately stopped, a more effective focus-gatherer had come. His fast deductions and crippling anxiety would perish in the presence of its queen. His fingers were still wrapped around the cold glass as he glanced to Irene, who had her eyes on the mouthful ocean waves.
Before his mind could tell him what to do, a forcing need pulled him closer to her. Irene turned behind and froze bewildered, yet she didn't move an inch nor looked away. Before their skin could make the slightest brush, Sherlock breathed in sharply and pulled away. Stern and harshness had returned to its place as he gulped the pleasurable beverage down his throat, sending relief to his dried lips and thirst. Yet, it didn't, and nothing ever did answer his questions about the woman and their confusing, out-of-the-world reverie.
One love, two mouths
Then, the sandy beaches, blue oceans and limitless horizon turned into a different sphere.
The bright sun was hidden behind thick, moody clouds. Cold breeze rushed up their spines, signing an imminent winter.
Sherlock shrugged his coat tighter as he left his hotel room. He rushed out of the elevator towards the lobby and stuck his hand out to hail a cab.
Along the ride, Sherlock's heart thumped unfamiliarly. Luckily, the side of city wasn't too crowded as no traffic jam occured, the opposite of London's bright, red lights. 
Vast buildings changed into narrower ones, and gradually into green trees and meadows. Orange and pink clashed into the skies' soft blue as the sun slowly dropped low. An almost impossible giddiness rose within Sherlock as a familiar entrance came into hindsight.
The cab drifted right and dropped the detective off in the concrete pavement. Sherlock went on with his walk.
He paced on a stone path, leading to a well-remembered destination, the last lodge on the rows of residences, just by the lake. 
One love, one house
Soon, he arrived. He halted just by the doorstep and wrapped his fingers around the doorknob tightly. With the other hand, he gave two gentle knocks before entering.
By reflex, he took off his shoes, remembering the last time he didn't, the woman wasn't too pleased. His coat was hung by the door and he was already sprawled on the long couch.
"Hullo!" A voice called from the kitchen.
A grin made its ghostly way into Sherlock's lips as Irene strolled from the kitchen, her long, raven hair tousled in a bun with a few strands falling messily. 
An appealing aroma filled in the air and Irene stood silent, while Sherlock knew exactly what she wanted to hear.
"Smells brilliant. I expect it will be a wonderful new year's dinner with-" He breathed deeply, his eyes gleaming in thoughts, "Shrimp scampi with pasta, fried Serrano ham along with fried olive, and-"
He inhaled sharply once more, though this time, he was absolutely uncalled for. In realization, the smile on his lips grew wider and he clapped his hands together.
"Bless cinnamon buns!" He laughed, "How did you even know?"
"Says the man who never accepts complementary food, except anything related to it," Irene said pleasantly, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
"I have flaws, woman," Sherlock said, lowering his tone on a particular word.
"I got you another book," he added.
Sherlock pulled a thick novel from his clasp and put it on a drawer on his left.
"Thank you, dear," Irene shortly said before disappearing into the bathroom.   
With that, Sherlock was left in silence. It gave him no other choice but to wander in the depths of his mind. Invisible information was being presented in an unfathomable speed, hands rested in a prayer, eyes flickering behind shut lids.
No shirt, no blouse
Suddenly, a creak awakened his consciousness. His eyes gradually opened as the water tap stopped running, the bathroom door was slowly opened, steam-coated glass revealed the woman herself, putting on a show through a simple walk to her bedroom. Soon, she stepped out and joined him in the living room. Her wet hair was wrapped with towel and her toned body was hugged a silk purple nightgown.
The points of his lips quirked into a smirk as she sat beside him, legs resting on his lap.
"You don't mind, do you?" She said as she undid the towel wrapped on her wavy, raven hair.
"Oh, I insist."
A fit of chuckle went out from Irene's lips,
"Mr Holmes, you are terrible in disguising sentiment."
Just us, you find out
Sherlock's eyebrows rose to his hairline and a frown formed on his expressionless face,
"I've often been informed I don't feel any."
"But we both know it's not quite true, isn't it?"
"How would we know?" He said with a low hiss, emphasizing the rare use of we.
"Look at where you are now and your decisions for the past two years, look around and make a deduction!" She said, her tone rising in every word. Her thin, rosy lips were shut tightly, the insides bitten hardly, probably wounded and bleeding by then.
Sherlock's heart sunk as he noticed a different glint behind her eyes and a strange tremor racing down her fingers. A familiar yet unknown feeling started filling his chest, disheveling his breathing and pulse.
Irene closed her eyes and let out a long sigh. She fixed her posture and regained control of herself. Bravery, accompanied with a hidden timidness brought back her reserve; a puzzle Sherlock Holmes had never been able to solve.
Nothing that wouldn't wanna tell you about, no
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?"
"Why do you stay, Sherlock?"
Irene crossed her legs with her arms stretched around them. Sherlock noticed the sudden defensive shift, only making his thoughts run faster and harder to comprehend.
"You need protection from . . past vices."
"I can protect myself," She said with pride, thick in her tone.
"I know."
"Then why?"
His lips parted to speak, yet for once, he was baffled. The rocketing atoms inside his head turned out to be fear of the unsolved, for his head was speechless and empty in such dire situation. His breath hitched and became sharper, as if his lungs were overrun by poisonous emotions, taking over the throne of himself.
"I won't leave," Irene suddenly said. Sherlock snapped his head to her, gazing confusedly.
"I won't leave, even when your reason isn't the same as mine."
A weak smile entered her face. She rose from her seat and walked towards the kitchen. Her muscles stiffened as they struggled to walk away. Her fingers clawed against one another in her balled, whitened knuckles.
Sherlock immediately tailed behind, assisting to set up their dinner. This time, it carried a different vibe. Sherlock's lips trembled  silently, the childish annoyance which usually happened was nowhere to be found. Irene's mocking and little games wasn't conducted too, not even her mischievous zeal surfaced. 
Whether they wanted to admit or not, big chances it would probably be their very last dinner. From time to time, domestic life washed away fear of the end. Suddenly, just then, reality would slap hardly and dragged them down, begging for time to go slower and the moon to forget falling away into morning. 
Despite the heaviness of their hearts, not a hint of truthful pain came upon their faces. Sherlock and Irene chatted joyously as they dawned on dinner.
Hours passed by unlikely to their prayers. When the clock struck 11, Sherlock offered his hand to lead her into their last waltz. Another half an hour was spent in warmth and comfort as their cab drove from the country side to metropolitan downtown.
Cause it's too cold 
For you here, and now
The two swayed close as man in megaphone started the new year countdown. Everyone around started cheering in foreign languages they didn't fathom, either correct numbers or drunk, slurred words. Yet Sherlock and Irene put no matter to their surroundings, as if the world itself was made for them only, everyone else was simply irrelevant.
Suddenly, Sherlock circled his arms around her waist. Irene narrowed her eyebrows in confusion, staring into the man's in hope for answers. Even though, she played along. Maybe there was someone suspicious preying on them, or a danger Sherlock had reckoned before her.
Above all probability, sentiment was placed at the very bottom. Irene learnt from her mistake, playing feelings with the detective would turn out just to be delayed disappointment. Yet what she let slip, sentiment wasn't just a reason in her demeanor, but also the things in her unconsciousness; the heaviness to part ways and the chains to stay close to the other, when all she had been doing for her whole life was running away. Sherlock Holmes had turned out to be the anchor she never knew would accept.
5 . . 4
Not a word escaped from Sherlock's mouth. Instead, he pressed his forehead against hers. The bridges of their noses met, breath hitching, pupils dilated, hearts beating rapidly as if they were barging through flesh and ribs. Irene's fingers were clutched tightly to his coat and she lifted her chin high to meet his gaze, as she could initially reach his chest.
"Is there another vatican cameo?" She asked.
A tender smile grew on Sherlock's lips as he shook his head.
"No, we're safe and sound. Just, bear with me."
So let me hold 
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater
3 . . 2
Though they had winter coats up to their necks, with snow falling on top of their heads and Budapest in its coldest state, quiver had struck Irene's lips. The former smile on Sherlock's mouth lifted into an amused grin as his hands moved down to reach hers. Their fingers were entangled tightly, Sherlock's radiating warmth into Irene's.
1, Happy New Year!
Fireworks launched high to the dark skies. Everyone around them cheered, some were dancing, some lifted the bottoms of their cold pints, ready to drink themselves off in the special night.
Yet the two chose to stay silent, communicating through the deep gaze and smiles they shared. It was a decision they had chosen without doubt nor the shortest argument; to start the first chapter of a new year together, in the presence, commitment, and fidelity of each other. Slowly, Sherlock lowered his head to her ears, lips parting to whisper:
"Happy New Year, love."
But before he could back away, Irene's palms cupped his jaw,  holding them in place as she brushed her lips against him. Sherlock's eyes widened in surprise before gaining sense of reality again and deepened the caress.
Sherlock Holmes with his posture crooked to reach Irene Adler on her tip toes, people who knew them would drool in disbelief.
It was bizarre enough for hints of domestic growing between them for the past two years. New habits picked up from each other, late night confessions and soothing Sherlock when he got anxious over John and Mrs Hudson over countries, or when Irene would feel a cold blade behind her neck and relive Karachi over again.
Or the subtle panic when the other gets sick, or the fear when they bend over time. Of course, bickering, childish or serious, would occur over the months.
Yet, there they were, the posh boy and the dominatrix, falling deep in their own story about love, their quills were up and ready to write new chapters. However improbable, tedious, malingering, or devilish, they were to face life together, and that was enough. 
Finally, the two parted away with mischief and dissatisfied longing in the look they shared.
"Is that your answer, Mr Holmes?"
"Apparently so," He murmured, a tint of light red coloring his cheeks as his eyes wandered around in embarrassment.
"Glad to know we're on the same page," Irene said with a grin as Sherlock dove his head, letting all the sentiment he had dammed for years into a tender caress on her lips.
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geniusgub · 5 years
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I sit up quickly, pushing my books off my lap at the sound of my boyfriend's hopeless sounding voice. "Peter? What's wrong?"
"I-I can't come over tonight." He sniffles. "I'm sick."
"Yeah, you sound really sick." I sigh, resting my elbow on my knee and my chin on the heel of my hand. "Well, I want you to get better. So just relax, okay?"
Peter let's out a cry, sobbing into the speaker of his phone. My heart breaks as he does. He always tries to keep his weakness to himself to stay strong for me. So if he's crying like this to me, I know something is wrong.
"Okay." Peter chokes out.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too."
But two days pass and nothing has changed. Peter misses school and cries every night and morning to me. He says he's too afraid to talk to May because he knows she'll take off work and they need the money for rent. So he locks himself in his room and lies to her, telling fake stories about his day at school.
On the second day, when I call him after school and he's still sick and crying, I hang up. I grab an empty backpack and fill it up with things that could make Peter feel better.
I then tell my parents I'm leaving and run to Peter's apartment.
I wind up on the fire escape, looking in. Peter's room is an absolute mess. There's clothes everywhere, tissues on the floor, bed not made. I sigh, knocking gently on the glass.
It takes a moment for Peter to pop his head out of the connected bathroom door. He trudges to the window and pulls it open just a bit, allowing me to open it fully.
I slip in, closing it behind me. I immediately wrap my arms around Peter's waist, holding him as tight as I can. "Oh, my love." I coo, feeling him almost collapse into my embrace.
Peter buries his face in my neck, his body shaking. "What's wrong with me?"
"I don't know, baby." I sigh, pulling away from the hug and placing my hands at his cheeks. "But I know that you need to relax and stop stressing, that's why I'm here. So go lay in bed and I'm gonna clean up a bit. Do you need anything?"
Peter shakes his head, allowing me to lead him to his bed. He falls onto the blankets, pulling them up to his chin and closing his eyes.
While he rests, I bustle around the room and clean everything I can. I even make my way into the bathroom and clean everything Peter could have touched.
Of course, just as I do that, Peter comes barreling into the bathroom, falling to his knees and throwing up into the toilet.
I sigh, rubbing his back. I hand him a towel when he falls back against the wall, tears streaming down his cheeks. I wipe his mouth off, flushing the toilet.
"It's okay, it's okay." I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"I'm so scared. What's wrong with me? What if I'm dying?"
"I don't think you're dying, baby. Just a stomach bug, I'm sure."
"I can hear your heartbeat." Peter suddenly blurts out, pulling away. "I-I can- it's so loud."
"P, that's weird." I respond, sitting back on my heels.
"I haven't noticed that until now." Peter furrows his eyebrows.
"You haven't really been around anyone in two days." I respond. "Let's go back to bed, okay?"
Peter nods, pushing himself up and trudging back to bed. Before he can curl up, though, I give him a fresh pair of clothes. I'm sure he hasn't changed recently.
"Do you think maybe it could be food poisoning?" I ask, sitting beside him on the bed.
"I don't think so. Unless I ate something bad and I didn't know." Peter says, grabbing onto my hand, pressing his lips to my knuckles.
"Why don't we go to a doctor tomorrow? I'll skip school, we won't tell May, and we'll figure out what's wrong with you."
Peter nods, yawning. "Okay. Sounds good."
"Yeah, get some sleep. Hopefully, you'll feel better."
Peter tugs on my hand, silently telling me to join him. So I crawl under the covers and rest my head on Peter's chest, leaving a kiss on his cheek. I drift off to sleep with my boyfriend's arms around me.
"Babe! Baby! Wake up! Hey! Wake up!"
Peter's whisper-yells wake me up from my nap. I reach out, expecting to feel him beside me, but I only get cold sheets.
"Mm, Peter." I breathe out, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "What's wrong? Are you sick again?"
"Look at me!" Peter exclaims, no longer sounding sick, but incredibly excited.
I pry my eyes open and look around, finding nothing but Peter's room.
"Up here!"
My head snaps up and I find Peter on the ceiling. I let out a scream, watching Peter jump down to the floor and stick the landing perfectly.
"Peter, what the fuck?! How did you do that?!" I scream, cowering back against the wall, still on the bed.
"I don't know!" He shrugs, grinning. "I woke up and I just felt perfectly fine! And their was a bug on the wall, close to the ceiling, so I went to catch it, and I clung to the wall! Don't know why, don't know how but I stick! Look!"
Peter launches himself at the wall, sticking perfectly and then crawls back up to the ceiling, dropping to his feet.
My mouth just hangs open.
"Isn't that awesome?!"
"Peter, that is so weird. So abnormal."
Peter's face falls a bit. "Y-You don't think it's cool?"
I let out a sigh, crawling out of bed and standing in front of him. "I mean, sure, it's cool. But you have to admit that it's not normal."
Peter hugs himself. "I guess it's not."
I snap my fingers, getting an idea. "Why don't we call Tony Stark? He deals with people who are-"
"Abnormal." Peter mutters, turning away from me and grabbing a hoodie from the back of his chair.
"Peter, stop." I sigh, sitting on the bed again. "You know I love you, but this is not normal. You were throwing up and crying a few hours ago and now you're sticking to the wall? Your climbing up to the ceiling? I just want to make sure you're okay, and Tony Stark deals with stuff like this."
Peter nods. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But how are you gonna contact Tony Stark?"
"I don't know, but we have to try."
A week later and I finally was able to contact Tony Stark. It took a lot of calls, some emails, some missing classes, and a call to the personal assistant of Pepper Potts before I could actually get to Tony.
"Why am I speaking to a teenager?" Is the first thing Tony says when he gets on the phone with me.
I roll my eyes. "My boyfriend, Peter Parker, is- uh, special now. He was sick, throwing up and had a high fever for two days. Then he took a nap, woke up, and realized that he could stick to the walls and the ceiling. He can hear my heartbeat loud and clear at all times, and he can hear conversations perfectly when he's two rooms away. It-It's very weird. Is he okay?"
There's a moment of silence before Tony speaks. "And how did he get these powers?"
"He doesn't know." I take a look at my bedroom door to check that the knob is locked so my parents can't come in. "He said the only thing he could think of was that he got bit by a spider at school but-"
"That." Tony remarks. "That is it. That's it."
"Um, what? You're saying Peter is like this because he got bit by a spider?"
"I'm gonna have my assistant, his name is Happy, bring you and your boyfriend up to the Avengers compound."
My eyes widen. "What?"
"Happy is gonna pick you and Peter up on Saturday and bring you up to the compound. And Peter is okay, don't worry. I just wanna meet him. Thanks for the call." And then he hangs up.
Saturday rolls around, so I make my way to Peter's apartment so Happy can pick us up.
"This is crazy! We're gonna meet Tony Stark!" Peter exclaims as he leads me down the stairs, his fingers intertwined with mine. "He's, like, my idol!"
"I know." I laugh, following after him. "Honestly, all I care about is that you're okay."
"I'm more than okay!" Peter grins at me, pushing open the door to the street.
There's a sleek black car in front of the building, and a man standing right in front of it. He pulls off his sunglasses as he sees us, smiling.
"I'm Happy." He introduces himself shortly, then opens the back door for us.
Peter and I slide in the backseat, looking around the incredibly high tech car.
"This is gonna be a great day." Peter breathes out with a smile, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.
"It seems that way."
"I've been waiting for this day!" Tony Stark cheers as Happy leads us into the compound.
"Hi, Mr. Stark." Peter grins, holding out his hand, to which Tony shakes it. "I'm Peter, this is-"
"Yes, yes, I've talked to your girlfriend before. Nice to meet you." He shakes my hand now. "We're gonna get straight to business, follow me."
Peter takes ahold of my hand again and we follow Tony up a staircase and down a hallway. We end up in a room with a lot of technology in it, which looks incredibly expensive.
"I'm gonna cut straight to what you wanna know." Tony says as he sits behind a desk, leaving me and Peter standing in front of him. "There's a crazy scientist who did some weird experiments on some insects and animals, including some spiders. Well, his lab got fucked with and everything got released. I'm almost positive that you, Peter, were bitten by one of these mutant, almost, spiders. Now, it's given you superhuman powers. There's nothing wrong with you-"
"Then why was he sick and throwing up for two days straight?" I interject.
"Peter's body was adjusting to the new substance in his body. It made him sick, but he's fine now. You're fine, right, kid?"
"Other than the fact that I can hear that Happy just parked the car, I guess I'm fine."
"That's your enhanced hearing. You're gonna have a whole new set of skills and enhancements now, things like sticking to most surfaces and a spider sense. And that means that you'll be able to sense something is going to happen before it actually does. And that's just two of the things that you'll gain."
Toy walks over to the wall and opens a drawer, pulling out two wristbands. "Put these on."
Peter drops my hand and quickly puts the thick silver wristbands on. Once they're on, they expand so that there's a little button hovering over his palm.
"Now aim here." Tony says, pointing to a blank section of the wall. "And press down on that thing with your ring and middle finger."
Peter gives me a nervous glance before turning towards the wall. And as soon as he pressed down on the band, some white substance goes shooting across the room, connecting the wall to the wristband.
"This is awesome!" Peter exclaims, looking back at me again.
I smile, nodding, I find a seat and cross my legs, watching Tony Stark teach Peter how to operate the web shooters.
And to think, all this came from a little spider bite.
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