#i don't know how else to explain the patterson thing
chiriwritesstuff · 15 days
The New Girl in Tinseltown - 3. Fake Smile Sneak Peek!
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Doll has some explaining to do, but will people believe her lies? Chapter 3, 'Fake Smile' is out soon!
Sneak under the cut!
"Just because I live under a microscope doesn't mean I don't know how to keep things on the down low, Daisy. I can have a relationship and keep it secret from the world, celebrities do it all the time." "What I don't understand is if you were so hell-bent on keeping your relationship with Dieter under wraps in the first place, why have such a shitshow of a wedding?" Daisy challenges, throwing her phone on the workspace in front of you as she turns to look at you, an unimpressed look on her face. "Something doesn't add up." "What are you trying to say, Dais?" "I'm saying, you were seen sucking face with Adam Patterson at Sundance not even two weeks ago, so I think I'm trying to say that you're full of shit," she retorts, her eyes narrowed as she stares you down. "Excuse me?" "Don't play dumb, Doll. I know everything about your life, I'm your best friend, for fucks sake! If you were with Dieter Bravo, I would've known. I live right next door to you!" "Well, maybe I just wanted something that was mine, Daisy. Don't I deserve that?" She scoffs. "Does your sister know?" "Of course Alex knows, she's my sister!" you counter, hoping she doesn't catch the slight waver in your voice, your tell when you're not telling the whole truth. "BUT I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND! I COME FIRST!" "So that's what this is about, then? You're just pissed because you found out like everyone else on TMZ? I'm entitled to privacy, Daisy! I have secrets. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but a relationship involves two people, and we both agreed to keep it quiet-" "Oh spare me with that self-righteous bullshit, Doll!" she spits, rising from her seat. "This isn't you! It's like I'm talking to a fucking stranger right now!"
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baeddel · 2 years
do you have a goodreads account? i would like to be able to study and be as well-read as you... if you don't, but you do have free time and the motivation to help out your less educated followers, could you just recommend me some books? history and linguistics are the most interesting things to me and you seem to have a really solid base in those things.
long reply, sometimes a little silly
yes! this is my goodreads. i don't really maintain it that well, and a lot of my reviews are from when i was 22 or 23, so look at it with that in mind. most of goodreads features are based on a theory of reading that doesn't correspond very much with how i read. they think you make lists of books you want to read, read them cover to cover, and evaluate that book as a book. i don't do that; i make lists of books that are relevant to a certain topic, i read pages that are relevant to the topic i'm worried about, and i evaluate the claims made within the field as i encounter it. for example, the handful of comments Orlando Patterson made about slavery in Germanic textual sources in his 800-page long Slavery & Social Death have had a lot of influence on how i engage with Germanic textual sources, something that book isn't about. Deleuze & Guattari talk about the "immediate, indefinite multiplicity of secondary roots" that a book has. Slavery & Social Death is a book about Germanic philology insofar as books are rhizomes, while insofar as books are taproots it's a comparative study of slavery in 66 slave societies. by the way, Sara-Maria Sorentino believes that no one reads past the first few pages of the introduction to Slavery & Social Death (2016, 1). and Youri Cormier believes that most academics who've published books on Clausewitz have never read past the first chapter of On War (War as Paradox, 2016, Introduction). you can avoid that kind of scrutiny by reading a page somewhere in the middle or close to the end, but before the conclusion. you'll be doing something no one else might have ever done, and everyone will be impressed you know something about a page with three numbers in its name. they'll immediately tell you about the first four pages that they did read, so there's no real reason to read them yourself.
anyway, i don't have a solid base at all. you read one post where i use a word you had to google and you think i know something. i don't know anything really. most of my posts are supposed to be experiments with stream of consciousness writing or else they're actually just jokes. you just don't notice because you don't know what i'm talking about. the truth is i'm a forum crank you will quickly outgrow. anyway, i won't recommend you any books because you should be reading books as little as possible. you want to read papers. you should read papers because they're concise and recent and peer-reviewed. autodidacts always try to slog through one long book, and when they're done with it they start another, often by the same author. as a result they learn most of one professor's pet theories and very little about the field. you don't want to do that. in the same number of pages you could read 30 papers all written by people who disagree with each other. you'll watch them reply to each other and when they do they'll summarize the other guy's argument for you, and then they'll tell you what pages the important bits are on, so you can go and read those if you want. and then they'll say why that guy’s wrong, and they'll probably say "that guy is wrong because he's making this mistake about how this discipline works", which they'll try to correct, and now they're explaining how the discipline works to you and you immediately know quite a lot just from this one paper. to read a paywalled paper, just put the DOI (a link with a string of numbers in it) into sci-hub.
here's how i get oriented in something i want to get into:
i type [subject] + reading list into google. what you're looking for are university websites that are preparing reading lists for students. for example, when i was first reading about literary theory i found this remarkable list hosted on the University of Kentucky's site. you don't actually want to read everything or even anything on this list; the main thing is how it’s organized. this list is organized into sections like pre-theory, formalism, structuralism, reader-response, etc. as soon as you look at it you know quite a bit about the discipline. now you can try to figure out what those things mean and find a corner of the discipline to start on.
type [subject] best textbooks or similar into google. the university page might have already suggested a textbook, but here i want to hear from students who had to use a particular book for class and what they thought of it. usually you're looking for reddit or stackexchange threads (the stackexchange threads will all be locked for being open-ended questions lol). if someone makes a good case for a particular book they used, put the title into google scholar. find the book and see where it says "cited by n", however many citations it has. if you click that it'll display all the other stuff that cites that textbook. some of them will be reviews. alternatively search [title] review. academic journals publish more reviews than they do articles; almost everything will have a review by someone who is in that field for a living, both contributing as a researcher and teaching students about it. they're going to 1. summarize the contents of the textbook, as well as its relationship to the overall pedagogical field in that area (this can shade into an interesting kind of inquiry called 'reception studies'), 2. say if they think it's useful, sometimes based on their experience teaching with it, and 3. say all the stuff it gets wrong, which is really good to know. if you still want the book (ie. the book sounds better than a summary of the book—which not all of them are), try and find it on z-lib/libgen, archive.org or soulseek. for literary theory i used Peter Barry's Beginning Theory which is great. i read most chapters, and the annotated Further Reading section at the back is tremendously helpful.
download one of the software mentioned in this thread. it will search your keyword on google scholar and then return a list of results ordered by number of citations (for some reason google scholar doesn't have that feature natively). this will basically give you a list of papers that other academics feel obliged to respond to the most often, which means they're probably worth reading yourself. hopefully by now you have an idea of what you want to read about, because you have to give it something specific. you can't just search "history" this way.
in addition or alternatively, just type [subject] into google scholar, find a recent paper and scroll to the 'bibliography' section, and you can use this as a list of relevant papers and books.
if you haven't found one already, type in [subject] subject encyclopedia. these things are indispensible! i talk about how to use them in this goodreads review.
by now you should feel comfortably oriented with respect to the major schools and arguments within the field. **NOTE: for more technical areas of linguistics, biology, or anything involving statistics, i lean a lot on girls i'm sleeping with who are qualified to explain things to me and give their informed opinion. i try and have a sexual relationship with someone in every field i might want to know things about.** while you're doing all that stuff you should keep a list of texts you encounter that seem worthwhile, along with some contextualizing comments. mine look like this (from a text file called as_list21.txt, as = anglo-saxon, 21 = 2021, the year i started the list):
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there are other sections headed 'language & philology', 'history & archeology', etc. and from marx_secondary22.txt:
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which mixes headers for approaches and geographic distinctions rather than using subfields. how you group things doesn't matter, it's just to organize it for easy reference.
while you read you should learn to take notes. try and keep your notes brief and include page numbers. notes are useful if they let you forget things and still find them when you need them. if, instead, you want to remember something, you should think about using anki. i talk about those things more in this answer.
while you're on this road you should be mindful of the blinders you might be putting on yourself. academic books and papers are a small part of academia in general. a lot of academia doesn't happen in those little journals. i once read this academic librarian's criticism of sci-hub (see) and i think a lot of what they have to say is pretty silly (a mix of bootlicking and capitalist realism which is not even worth thinking about), but they made one point that i think about a lot which was that
Enabling access to [published journal] papers only serves to reinforce the association that these final, peer-reviewed manuscripts are the de facto currency of science. This perversely enhances the status of prestige publication [...] It is also completely at odds with DORA (the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment) which calls for a reappraisal of how the outputs of research are evaluated, and for “the need to eliminate the use of journal-based metrics, such as Journal Impact Factors, in funding, appointment, and promotion considerations”
ie. before sci-hub made access to journal articles easy for everybody, the conversation was around whether or not journal articles even mattered. most scientific work—maybe this is less true in letters fields, i'm not sure—is not really done in papers. conferences and presentations are a big way academic ideas are circulated and those are things we just don't have access to. and maybe there are other things i don't even know about. for myself, i try to prioritize conversations, and i am never sorry to fall behind on my reading if i get to have mutually beneficial conversations with someone who is doing or making something i care about.
but what do i care about? is it historical linguistics, medievalism, and so forth, anything that i study and write about? the answer is not really. i do that stuff because i'm insane. what i'm doing—it isn't normal. it isn't something anybody wants to do. you want to learn about history and linguistics, but what can you do with those things? only two things: 1. advance the field of history or linguistics, 2. impress cute girls with the stuff you know. you end up feeling like Jean des Esseintes, cramming a couple more gems on the turtle's shell. what i really care about is anarchy. does knowing about the disappearance of i-stem words from Old English really help me spread anarchy? it's difficult to imagine any situation where that kind of knowledge is necessary or even disposable. i recently read this essay by Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò (here) where he talks about how activists from Flint, Michigan, in response to the political corruption that led to their water being contaminated and undrinkable for so long, were able to raise the attention of others outside of their city, gather a team of sympathetic scientists to conduct tests on the water and prove that it was contaminated, and use that to unravel the whole thing and force a solution to the problem. not one single person from Flint, Michigan had to know a thing about chemistry or public health prior to the contamination. after the contamination happened, one person, LeeAnne Walters, "systematically educated herself about water lead issues and diagnosed the cause for elevated blood lead in her children" (Roy & Edwards, 2019), after which she was able to connect with an Enviormental Protection guy called Miguel Del Toral, and both local amateur scientific interest and interest within the scientific community snowballed from there.
so the conditions for a successful movement didn't rely on anyone having any particular kind of pre-existing intellectual training. you might think this sounds like an argument against ivory tower book learning, and therefore a defense of an argument that anarchists occasionally make, that anarchists shouldn't learn abstruse theory but should focus on local, practical knowledge like the locations of nearby water supply networks and how to repair vehicles and so forth (Sergey Nechayev advanced a version of this, saying that "[t]he revolutionary despises all doctrines and refuses to accept the mundane sciences" except "the science of destruction [...] mechanics, physics, chemistry, and perhaps medicine", see). however there was a clever reply to this made by someone on here, who's name i unfortunately don't remember, which was that for any revolution to be successful it will need to involve making connections with people like municipal workers who already know the locations of water supplies, labourers who already know how to repair vehicles and so forth. so anarchists who devote themselves to such 'practical' activities are wasting their time; if they actually need to use it they must be at such a disadvantage that this knowledge will not save them. the truth is that "one can prepare the cradle, but not bring to life the long-awaited being" (Blanqui). your time is best served making an organization that anyone actually wants to belong to, which includes helping lumpen/proletarians realize their aspirations, which may well invovle discussing diachronic linguistics or other esoteric subjects (i have found this to be true). the Comando Vermelho spend most of their time organizing dance parties.
as for myself, i promote whatever anyone is interested in, because i believe that it is better to have a hobby than to get sucked into any of these horrific political cults i've watched my friends get sucked into out of desperation, that abuse their members, cover up scandals, and appropriate funds. these organizations are not just wrong, and they do not just mistreat individuals; they also decimate the movement by attracting all the young, politically engaged people only to isolate them from their loved ones and let them burn out, get them arrested with reckless actions or alienate them from the movement with whisper campaigns, or in the worst cases torture and kill them (like the United Red Army did), and all the while perpetuate themselves forever to do it all again. if i can make sure that everyone would rather be at home reading the Eddas than going out and 'organizing' that way then they'll only lend their energy to organizations and activities that are really efficacious, and the movement, when and where it happens, will be in a stronger position. Baudrillard's quip: "For a healthy distribution of energies, the best thing is to commit one’s cowardice in the service of a good cause and one’s courage to the service of the bad ones."
what did you ask? well anyway, good luck!
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libertyreads · 6 months
November 2023 TBR--
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This month's TBR is going to be quite a bit smaller than the ones I've posted throughout the year so far. Moving has taken a lot out of me so I'm going to try to balance reading with watching TV shows and other things I enjoy that don't require nearly as much of my attention. (I say while The Shadow of the Gods just sits there staring at me.) I have a couple of rereads, a series starter, a new release, and a holiday read on the list this month.
We'll Be Home for Christmas by HelenKay Dimon (Library)-- I was surprised to find that I enjoyed a Christmas novella from HelenKay Dimon after reading her 2023 release earlier this year so I wanted to add the next Christmas novella in the series to my list. This one follows the older brother who has a high IQ but can't seem to understand women--at least one woman in particular. He takes women to bed one night and moves on the next morning, but, after a three day weekend with Lila, Spencer can't seem to get her off his mind. And it seems like fate is giving him a helping hand when she shows up in his town ready to take over her uncle's resort. But Spencer doesn't do serious.
The Hunting Moon by Susan Dennard (New Release)-- I cannot explain how truly excited I am for the next book in this series. The Luminaries was somehow everything I didn't know I wanted. It follows Winnie who just wants to join the Luminaries--an ancient order that protects the town of Hemlock Falls from the nightmares that prowl the forest in their town. After her family being disgraced by her traitor father, Winnie has known what it's like to be on the outside looking in, but as her birthday draws closer she's allowed to start the trials to determine if she'll finally get her wish. But, with new monsters popping up in the forest at night, is the forest safe even for the ones who hunt them?
The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne-- I would say this is my most intimidating read on my physical TBR shelf (and of course on this month's TBR). I know this is the start of a new Norse inspired fantasy series so I think it's a good place for me to start with John Gwynne (let me know if I'm wrong and I'll probably slate something else here instead). I remember seeing the cover for the first time and immediately wanting to know more. Gods warred and drove themselves to extinction which shattered the land. A new world rises with monsters stalking the woods and mountains. A world where the bones of the dead gods still hold great power for those brave or desperate enough to seek them out. Seems a little bit vague but I'm excited to learn more.
The Righteous by Renee Ahdieh (Reread)-- This is one I'm not super looking forward to rereading. The series starts with The Beautiful and takes place in 19th century New Orleans following a group of vampires (stop me if you've also watched a similar TV show). I've found that over time my intrigue has dropped quite a bit. Though, this reread of book number three means I would only have one book left to complete the series so why not. This one actually follows Pippa more than I was expecting so I remember that being fun at the first read. Let's hope it will be this time as well.
Evershore by Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patterson (Reread)-- Another reread for me in preparation for a new release. I struggled through rereading Cytonic so I think rereading Evershore is actually going to be a good mental break before Defiant comes out at the end of the month. This series follows Spensa who wants nothing more than to become a pilot for her planet's military, but given the cowardice her father exhibited before his death, they're not so willing to have her. The world really expands a lot from there as the series goes on. A lot of people say that the series becomes repetitious as you keep reading and after my reread of Cytonic I don't know that I can disagree with the sentiment. See Spensa do more training yet again got old fast. I think the highlight of this series for me is actually the novellas (shocking. I know) and so I'm looking forward to this reread.
I'm hoping to also add in a couple of holiday romances from my local library where I can in the month.
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ginevrastilinski-ocs · 6 months
✍️ + Kat Patterson?
Kat my girl yes! Could still change something more but this is what I've already planned! (Actually, most of this are things added but whatever lol)
Major thing of all: Julie and Luke relationship. If in the show is "Cuties! They like each other! Cuties cuties!" in Kat's fic is more like "Lmao my sister likes you, I'm going to set you two up"
Gonna give Bobby/Trevor an actual personality and I will explain why he did what he did
Way more songs for everyone
One of my favourite hc ever: Alex and Luke had a thing. Decided they were better as friends, but still...
All canonically queer btw
Julie still "sings" Perfect Harmony but with someone else 👀
Molinas are way more present bc I love them
And Carrie as well!
(Luke x Reggie? Maybe so, maybe so 👀)
Caleb gets punched in the face bc he deserves it
Willie actually interacts with the others and not just with Alex (even if I love them)
Fic will get an actual finale (don't know how/what, but it will)
Maybe more things coming but that's what I'm thinking about rn
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booksandwords · 2 years
2 Sisters Detective Agency by James Patterson and Candice Fox
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Read time: 5 Days Rating: 4/5
The quote: "Did you body-shame Dad too, or am I just lucky?" I asked. "That's different," Baby said. "It's okay for guys to be fat," "Excuse me," I said to the servers as she topped up my coffee. "Cold you please tell me what year it is? My daughter here thinks it's 1959." — Rhonda Bird and Baby Bird (p.116)
I'm so glad I read this. I do recommend reading it, it gives me very slight Women's Murder Club vibes and sets up a longer series well. Rhonda Bird is such a surprise packet. When she is introduced to the reader you could have knocked me other with a feather. "As big as I am—260 pounds, some of it well earned muscle and some of it long-maintained fat—there's no point trying to fit in with the crowd. The pink hair was just the latest shade in a rotating kaleidoscope of colors I applied to my half shaved, wavy quiff, and I always wore rock band shirts in the courtroom under my blazer." (p.4, and this doesn't even include her car). Her description is just so visible and to me at least she is a bit unique among protagonists. When was the last time you read a protagonist with such size? And she owns it, doesn't allow people to look down on her for it. Barbara Ann "Baby" Bird is so different. It was often really hard for me to remember how old she isn't. That said damn she's smart.
On the plot in a way predictable, in a way not so much. The way the characters layer together in different ways is enjoyable. The multitude of villains are diverse and want different things. The villainous characters are different levels of criminal, we know some of their backstories. Comeuppance is relative in this story. There are also some innocents included but they too are multidimensional. There are some points that will likely make you just say wait... what? Yes, Perry Tuddy I'm looking at you and you're whole freakish thing. His exact words are "Freak. Big freak. How can I help you, my freaky friend?" (p.186) The whole Bruhs and Queen of the party made me laugh and question. These moments compensate for moments of darkness that aren't distressing but not far off it.
On the writing style, 2 Sisters Detective Agency does roll through multiple perspectives throughout the book. Of interest is the use of povs. Rhonda is the primary pov written primarily in the first person. We are in her head and seeing the world through her eyes. Everyone else, all villains (Vera and Jacob primarily), are written in the third person. We just watch them, sometimes a true blessing (btw warnings for torture, death, drugs, violence, vaping if that is a problem for you and all kinds of problems). I do like the use of the rolling perspectives it can make the whole this a very visual experience. Smartly all the characters have different voices. It all combines well for an enjoyable read. There are some moments where you really get an indication of the intended of 2 Sisters Detective Agency specifically the choice in celebrity names, they are nineties references being made by kids that wouldn't necessarily have known them. But the references would be known by the audience that Patterson and Fox think will be reading it. I was quite surprised when I read that co-author, Candice Fox, is Australian. To me there was little to no evidence of it, usually, I can catch glimpses of it. I'm honestly trying to decide if I'm disappointed or not.
"Look, it's hard to explain, but... I think I saw your freak flag." "My freak flag?" "Yeah," I said. I showed him my tattooed arms, gestured to my pink hair. "I mean, look at me. You can spot me a mile away I fly my freak flag proudly. But you—you're more subtle." — Perry is an interesting character. His addiction is one of the strangest things I've ever read. I'm not going to spoil it even if I could with the completion of this quote or a couple of others. (Rhonda Bird and Perry Tuddy, p.184)
"I don't spend a lot of time looking at pictures of dead bodies," I said "Neither do I." He shrugged. "But this young man is no longer in pain, if that's what's disturbing you." — This is an interesting moment. Rhonda is a lawyer used to helping these kids. This line of he's no longer in pain was possibly the best way to help her in this moment. I also really like the line. (Rhonda Bird and Perry Tuddy, p.188)
"I'm not going anywhere. You can push me and push me and push me, but I'm not going to go away. Dad's gone out of our lives for good, and I'm here to stay. And those are two realities you have to deal with." — This line is glorious. It is their relationship... well aside from the occasional sisterly pettiness. (Rhonda Bird, p.231)
Read for Dymocks 2022 Reading Challenge. Filling the prompt: "Number in the title" 2 Sisters Detective Agency has been the book I intended to read for this prompt from the time I saw the title and the prompt. I don't read a lot of this genre and better yet this promised to be female lead. 🕵🏼‍♀️
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things librarians judge you for:
saying the book came to you like that when clearly your dog chewed on it
trying to reshelve books on your own
yelling at us to get our attention
talking on your phone when we’re trying to assist you
yelling at non-management staff for policies they have no power over
asking for more time on the computer when the session has already logged you off, you needed to ask for that time 5 minutes ago
asking us to look something up for you by the call number. the call number tells you where it is. please just give me the title.
getting upset with us for anything COVID related
things librarians do NOT judge you for (unless they’re bad at librarianing):
reading erotica
using the copier incorrectly
not speaking english as a first language
being an adult and not reading grown up books
owing fines
liking romance novels
finding out your child’s card is blocked because they’ve been billed for books they’ve secretly been hiding behind their dresser
having books overdue
you liking graphic novels and comics
your CHILD liking graphic novels and comics. seriously. we just want them to read.
taking books off of a display
asking us to check and make sure we don’t have a book you returned (with COVID and quarantining books, more things are getting missed, so asking a librarian to do a shelf check is okay! but be nice. we are So Tired and Busy. if you say something like “if you’re busy feel free to check when you have time and get back to me” we will love you. we will probably be like “you’ve been nice so i’ll go right now”)
things librarians judge, but don’t judge YOU for:
James Patterson. Look. we all know everyone likes him. That’s great, we love that people read because of him! But we do judge James Patterson as an entity. He’s got so many goddamn books. they take up so much goddamn space. james. jimmy. jimsicle. just. stop putting your name on things, please, we are begging you. liking james patterson is Valid. BEING james patterson is not valid.
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Warnings: swearing
A/N: It’s Unsaid Emily time, folks. Also sorry this took me forever to post, I’ve been sick. Feedback is always appreciated! <3
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"This is fine."
You rambled quietly as you paced up and down Hollywood Boulevard.
The familiar sounds of the cars on the road and the conversations of people walking by calmed you down a little, but you were still dizzy trying to keep up with your own feet. 
Alex, who was watching you carefully from a bus bench cleared his throat, making you stop in your tracks. "Was what I think was happening in there actually happening?"
"Yes." You said immediately. "No. Maybe? I don't know."
Alex stared at you for a minute before sighing deeply and pinching the bridge of his nose. "(Y/n), I mean this in the most loving way possible, but you need to get your shit together."
"What?" You sputtered. Alex was usually so sympathetic and understanding when it came to giving you advice, but as he took a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair, you prepared yourself for one of his 'big brother' lectures.
"I'm sorry, but you've been so disgustingly in love with each other your whole lives. Except you were the only one who realized it. Then that summer you guys were practically glued to each other, I thought that he finally figured it out too. I was just about to give Reg his twenty bucks..."
You shifted your weight as you thought back to that day at the beach, when you had stood there in the sand and let yourself think about what it would be like if Luke liked you back.
"But then he started ignoring you and being an idiot." Alex continued. "At first I thought that maybe he was just coming up with a way to tell you, but then it just never ended. It killed me to see how much it was hurting you, and I was all set to lock him in his guitar case."
You laughed a little at that and Alex smiled. “But judging by tonight, I think he realizes it now too.”
After spending so much time thinking Luke didn’t feel the same way, it was a reflex to try to deny it or come up with some excuse. But you realized that you really couldn’t anymore. You groaned loudly and plopped down on the bench.
“This isn’t fair.” You said. “I mean, I finally have an idea of what’s happening in his head just in time for us to die.. again.”
“That’s why you need to talk about it!’ Alex insisted. “Before anything else, you guys were best friends who told each other everything. Do you really want to cross over or whatever without telling him how you feel?”
Of course you didn’t. But you also didn't see the point of telling him if you were just going to disappear forever. What if you were misreading everything? Or what if you can’t figure out a way to play at the Orpheum and…?
You quickly pushed the thought out of your mind. You weren’t ready to think about any of that. With another groan, you leaned over onto Alex’s shoulder. “Al?”
“Do you think we’ll ever stop having boy problems?”
Alex laughed and you couldn’t help but join in. You wanted to pause this moment in time and just stay here with your best friend, far away from all your problems. But then there was a bright light and suddenly Willie was standing on the sidewalk in front of you.
“Alex, can we talk?”
You sat up straight and looked between the two of them, raising your eyebrows at Alex in a silent question. He nodded and you gave him a reassuring smile before poofing away.
You wandered around the city for a while before heading back to the garage, frowning when you found it empty.
You knew that Reggie was probably inside with Ray or Carlos but Luke was usually always here at this time of the day. You looked over to the table to see Luke’s songbook sitting open and you frowned in confusion. Luke had been extra secretive with his songs since Julie read them at practice, so it was weird for it to be out in the open for anyone to see.
As you went to close it, you saw that it was turned to ‘Unsaid Emily’. You ran your finger over the words, your heart flipping as you looked at his little notes and scribbles in the margins. It looked like the edges of the paper were blotted with tears.
You now figured that he was at his parent’s and your heart ached for him. It was obvious from the way he disappeared to their house every moment he could that he wanted to reconnect with them but you didn’t know it was this bad. Waves of guilt washed over you. You knew he wasn’t mad at you, but you still felt a little guilty about pushing so hard about Bobby when all Luke wanted was for his parents to be proud of him.
You got an idea and gently ripped out the page, knowing that there was a finalized version in your journal that Luke could have. But you knew that his parents having the version with his own handwriting and little notes as he workshopped it would be a lot more meaningful.
You folded it up and placed it in your pocket before poofing out of the garage and into the school hallway. You made a beeline for Julie's locker, getting there just in time to see Nick walking away with a blush and a triumphant smile.
Before you could even say a word, Julie put her phone to her ear and opened her mouth to scold you for showing up at her school again but she couldn't stop smiling long enough to get the words out.
"So, what did I miss?" You teased, making Julie roll her eyes.
"Nick might've just asked me out." She shrugged, trying to seem casual. "And I might've said yes."
You cheered and folded your arms. "I told you so."
"Shut up." Julie laughed and shoved her hand through the air next to your shoulder. "What are you doing here anyway?"
Your smile faded a little, having forgotten about your plan for a moment. You cleared your throat and carefully unfolded the paper to show Julie.
“I need your help.”
You and Julie walked side by side up the Patterson’s driveway.
You rubbed the page between your fingers and it seemed to get heavier in your hands with every step. You had been so sure that this plan would work but now you were actually here, you felt like this might be a bad idea.
You and Luke just got back to being friends again. Maybe even something more now after last night. The last thing you wanted to do was mess any of that up.
But you knew how much he missed his family. Even if he never said it out loud, you knew that he regretted leaving them more than anything.
Julie seemed to sense your thoughts and smiled at you reassuringly as you reached the porch. You handed Julie the paper as went to ring the doorbell. But before she could, Luke phased in front of the door.
“What are you guys doing here?” He asked, his eyes finding yours immediately.
Julie stepped forward a little. “I just, I wanted to know more about you guys so I asked (Y/n) to bring me here this time.”
“This time?” Luke repeated.
“We might’ve stopped by on your birthday.” She admitted.
“So you guys have been spying on me?” He scoffed at her. “After all your talks about boundaries?”
“This was my idea, Luke.” You explained, making him look over at you again. “I asked Julie to help because I’m worried about you.”
Luke’s jaw clenched slightly. “You don’t have to be.”
“Of course I do.” You said. “I understand. I know what it’s like to not be able to reach someone you love.”
Luke blinked rapidly, tears starting to brim in his eyes as he stared at you. He knew you were talking about your parents and Cece. But a little part of you meant him too, and how he had felt like a stranger to you for the better part of a year. “I wouldn’t even know what I’d say to her even if she could hear me.”
You pulled the song out of your pocket and smoothed out the paper before holding it out for him to see. “Maybe start with this.”
Luke instantly recognized it and there was a moment of heavy silence as he scanned the paper with his eyes before he slowly nodded. You handed it to Julie and pressed the doorbell, moving aside so she could stand on the welcome mat.
Luke fell back into the space next to you, watching the door with anticipation. A minute passed before it creaked open and Mitch stuck his head out. He greeted Julie and she introduced herself before clearing her throat.
“I believe you had a son named Luke?”
A look of pain crossed Mitch’s face but he nodded. “Yes, that’s right.”
“Your son’s band used to play in my family’s garage.” She said as she stroked the song between her fingers. “I came across this song that he wrote and I figured you might be interested.”
“Yes, of course.” Mitch opened the door and invited her in. You and Luke followed behind her closely. You looked all around the living room, smiling when your eyes fell on a picture that was propped up on a small table. It was taken on the day you both started high school. You were squishing Luke’s cheeks with your hand as he protested, although there was a bright smile on his face.
It warmed your heart to know that Emily had kept that picture after all this time. You looked back at Luke to see him already looking at you with an almost wistful look on his face.
Julie glanced at the picture before asking Mitch, “Do you have any other children?”
Mitch shook his head and the room got quiet for a second before Emily came in. “Did I hear the doorbell?”
Luke instantly tensed behind you, unconsciously taking a step back. You reached out and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before letting so just as fast. But before it could even fall back to your side, Luke wrapped it back around his.
You held onto him a little tighter than necessary, keeping him as close to you as possible because you couldn't even imagine how hard this moment was for him. Emily gave Julie a warm smile as she tucked herself into Mitch’s side.
“Julie lives in the place where Luke and the band used to rehearse.” He clarified. “She was just telling me that she found a song he wrote.”
“It’s about a girl named Emily.” Julie said as she looked down at the paper.
Emily gasped a little as she stepped forward slowly. “I’m Emily.”
“Then I think your son wrote this song for you.” Julie handed the song over and then stepped back slightly, giving them space to read it. The air became charged with emotion as they began crying, the paper shaking in Emily’s hands.
You knew the basics of what happened that night, but as you stood there, it was like a movie reel started playing and you could almost see Luke storming out, ignoring his mom calling out for him and running away until he got to the studio.
You remembered holding him in your arms later that night as he cried tears of frustration, sadness, and worry and before you knew it, you were doing it again. You dropped his hand and wrapped your arms around him and he immediately buried his head into your shoulder, sniffling quietly.
“Thank you.” You heard Emily say tearfully and you pulled away just enough to see her pressing the paper tightly against her chest.
Julie gave her a watery smile, wiping away tears of her own as she continued talking to them. Just as Emily laughed, Luke disappeared from your arms and you heard the sharp pop of him phasing away.
You looked at the spot where he was just standing and a part of you wanted to follow but you knew that he probably needed space. You followed Julie out the door and you walked beside each other in comfortable silence, each of you processing everything that just happened.
“Thank you for helping.” You said.
“Of course.” Julie smiled.
“So, when’s the date?” You teased as you wiggled your eyebrows.
“Remember what I said about shutting up?” She rolled her eyes but there was a bright smile on her face.
It was just after sunset when you got back to the house.
You couldn't remember the last time you had laughed as hard as you did when you were with Julie. It was still new to you, having a friend like her. You connected on so many levels and it only added to the guilt of keeping the secret about the stamps from her. 
Just as you reached the walkway up to the front door, Julie nodded her head towards the porch where Luke was leaning against the railing. She mouthed ‘go’ before walking through the garden gate that led to the studio.
As soon as she was gone, you hopped up the stairs and cleared your throat. “I’m sorry. I know I overstepped and-”
“No, I just had to leave.” Luke stepped forward. “That was…I mean, how do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“You just always know what I need.” He said. “I never really had any regrets other than running out on them. I’ve been wanting to do something about it but I didn’t know how.”
You smiled. “You would’ve done the same for me.”
“Still,” Luke insisted. There was that look again. The same one that he gave you on stage, the one you saw last night just before Alex came in. The one he gave you the night he ran away. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” You almost whispered, only now realizing how close you had gotten. Luke was only a few feet in front of you, and he looked almost nervous. Just as he stopped in front of you, a jolt flashed across his chest, sending him backward into a pillar.
He groaned and you winced in sympathy as you raced up to him. “Are you okay?”
Luke nodded, but he looked a lot paler than usual. “We’re running out of time.”
Just then, Julie came storming up the walkway, her fists clenched at her sides. She didn’t even bother looking at either of you as she marched up the stairs and disappeared behind the door.
“I’m guessing Alex and Reg told her.” You said and looked back at Luke to see him rubbing the sore spot on his chest. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”
Even before you walked through the doors, you could feel the cloud of sadness, guilt, and regret hanging in the air. You couldn’t imagine how Julie was feeling right now. She had just gotten back into music again after losing her mom and now she was losing more important people and her band all at once.
You walked Luke over to the couch and plopped on the ground next to the coffee table, watching absentmindedly as Alex tried to balance his drumsticks on his nose. Then trying not to laugh when Julie came storming in and he fell to the floor.
“I think you broke Alex.” Reggie said.
The scowl on Julie’s face didn’t falter, and she looked pointedly at each of you. 
“Do you guys want to cross over or what?” She asked, her arms crossed as you all stayed quiet. “Get it together!”
“They’re never going to let us play the Orpheum.” Luke said. “We’re nobody.”
“Our video is going viral, that counts for something!” Julie insisted. “This isn’t over. We were brought together for a reason, to help each other.”
You found yourself nodding along with what she was saying, her enthusiasm eating away at the feeling of hopelessness you’d been carrying around. You could tell by the slight smile on Reggie and Luke’s faces that they felt the same way.
“Yeah, but like Luke said, people don’t just play the Orpheum because they want to.” Alex said.
“People don’t.” She agreed, a hint of a smirk on her face. “But ghosts do.”
December 1994
It was a rainy night in L.A.
The flashes of lightning and occasional roar of thunder echoed through the garage so loudly that any hope you had of focusing on studying was long gone.
You sighed and shoved your textbooks into your bag before leaning back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. The stress of studying had started to give you a headache but you felt a little more relaxed as you stared at white Christmas lights hung across the loft's railing. 
There was a loud bang on the side of the building and for a second, you thought it was just another clap of thunder. But then the garage doors swung open.
You were frozen in fear for a moment before you made out Luke’s figure in the dim light. He didn’t seem to see you as he stormed in and threw his backpack on the ground, making its contents spill out. It wasn’t until you cleared your throat that he spun around with wide eyes.
“Hey.” You said. “What are you doing here so late?”
Luke's eyes held yours for a minute before he slowly crossed the room and climbed onto the couch next to you. He wiggled around until he was comfortable on his stomach with his head in your lap and his arms tucked under his chest.
“Rough day?” You asked, resisting the urge to laugh as he let out a deep breath and sank further into you. You could feel his pulse racing and his breath was uneven, like he just ran all the way from home.
You felt your stress from before disappear completely as you stared down at him. Ever since you realized your feelings for him, it was hard to not overthink these kinds of moments.
Before you could stop yourself, you reached a hand down and brushed his messy, slightly damp hair away from his forehead.
His breath hitched and you mentally cursed yourself.
It was no secret that Luke was a touchy person. Ever since you were kids, he had a habit of making people his personal pillow or just absentmindedly grabbing people’s hands and shoulders. But maybe this was a step too far.
Before you could pull away, Luke nuzzled his head back into your hand until you got the hint and softly ran your fingers through his hair. The sinking feeling in your stomach turned into butterflies and you cleared your throat.
“Seriously, you okay?” You whispered.
Luke being this quiet worried you. Normally he would be rambling on about a new song or complaining about school. But now he just seemed deflated.
You gripped his arm with your free hand, muttering a soft ‘hey’ until he finally turned over. His green eyes flickered open and you saw that they were bright red, along with his nose.
“Oh, Lu.” Your heart sank. “What happened?”
Luke shook his head, tucking the side of his face into your hand.
“You feel warm.” You said as felt his forehead with your other hand. “Luke, please tell me what happened?” 
You knew that if he wanted to tell you, he would, and you shouldn't push him. But you had only seen Luke cry a handful of times in your life, and it always broke your heart.
It felt like hours before he finally spoke, his voice rough and heavy. “I ran away.”
A dozen emotions hit you all at once. The first being disbelief, then anger, then sympathy. Of course, you knew how much his parents not supporting his dream was killing him, and he had mentioned running away before. But you never thought he would actually go through with it.
“What happened?” You asked quietly.
“I failed another test.” Luke said as he sat up, his voice getting a little louder and tears returning to his eyes as he ranted. “I just spaced on studying and she freaked out, threatened to make me quit again or sell my guitar and I just kinda lost it. I tried, (Y/n), I just-”
“Okay, hey, it’s okay.” You ran your hand through his hair again in an attempt to calm him down. You would freak out about how very obvious you were acting later but he clearly had a fever and looked like he was about to start crying again. “You need to get some rest. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow, I promise.”
“Stay here with me?” He asked and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest but you nodded.
“Yeah, of course.” You went to get up and get a sleeping bag from the loft so he could take the couch but his hand gripped yours. He let go a second later as he leaned back, propping himself up against the armrest and gesturing for you to lay down next to him.
You knew that your face must’ve been bright red but you carefully climbed into the space between his body and the back of the couch. You slung your arm around his torso and rested your head against his chest.
After a few minutes, Luke started snoring quietly. You stared up at him, trying to resist the urge to pinch yourself. It wasn’t the first time you and Luke had cuddled, not by a long shot. There were countless sleepovers when you were kids and even during movie nights as you got older. 
But this was different. 
Any other night, you probably wouldn’t be able to sleep with all the thoughts racing around in your brain about what all of this meant. But between the soft glow of the lights, the sound of the rain hitting the roof and Luke’s steady heartbeat beneath you, you felt yourself drifting off.
In Life, In Death Taglist:
@ifilwtmfc @instabull @wanniiieeee @tenaciousperfectionunknown @charliegillespiewife @merceret @itismeasmolpotato @lilostif16 @dangerouslyclose  @iainttakingshitfromnobody @givemebooksorgivemedeath @sunsetcurvedotmp3 @askgeoff @mayleenicole5676 @puppy11148 @vampire7595 @wackyworrieruniverse @reallysparklychaos @lovelydaydreams15 @rachmmb 
JATP Taglist:
@caitsymichelle13 @sunsetcurvej​
Let me know if you want to be added!
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
Ghost of You || Luke X Reader || Part 1
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Hello everyone!! welcome to my first Fanfic pretty much.... im really nervous about posting it, and really hope you guys like it! Im going to warn you that there are some punctuation mistakes, and probably some misspelled words, and run on sentences... but nobodies perfect eh? lol anyways Enjoy! please let me know what you think, I am already writing part 2 so if this goes well ill post that soon :)
A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Word Count: 2,352
First day of school is always hard, especially senior year.... big deal or its supposed to be. You have always had a hard time with school because it was just hard for you to focus, you were always thinking about what you would rather be doing like painting, singing, taking a walk, and most recently learning guitar which Luke had been more than happy to help you with. Luke, Luke Patterson he was a member of your best friend Julies ghost band, Julie and The Phantoms, which included members Luke, Reggie, Alex, and of course Julie. You always knew they existed but it wasn't until recently that you were really able to get to know them your self because until recently only Julie could see them. Ever since they had that curse of a stamp removed from them, they pretty much can choose whenever they want to be seen or touch anything. It has been nice, because now you can really be apart of your best friends new world, you also got to make 3 new really fun and funny friends, they were just as chaotic as you and Julie. You and Luke really clicked from the moment you and him were able to actually see each other, well he has always been able to see you, but this way was much better. Since you and Luke hung out all the time, you found your self spending hours with him a day. In fact thats where you were before school, was with Luke, you guys had this little place by a lake you loved to hang out at, which caused you to be late for your first day.
So deep in your thoughts you didn't even realize you made it to your locker until you heard the all so familiar tone of your best friend calling out your name as she approached your locker "y/n!!! I didn't even see you pull in" Julie said as she now rested against the lockers next to you "Hey Jules! sorry I over slept and was late" Julie rolled her eyes "On your first day! man you really setting the bar high this year" she said laughing at you, You laugh too at the obvious sarcastic tone in her voice "alright, alright!! ms setting the bar high, we better get to class" you say punching Julie playfully in the arm before heading down the hallway to class.
As you sat in class, you started to feel really bad about lying to Julie about the real reason you were late to school today, you just didn't know how to explain how much you and Luke have been hanging out with out her asking a million questions, but its not like it was a big deal. Trying to get out of your head you try to focus on Mr. Berty who was describing the different factors of algebra which you never understood anyway, so you just write notes in hopes that when you study it later you'll understand it.... which never happens either. As you're writing notes you notice something in the window, in the corner of your eye, not really thinking anything of it until you notice that the thing is jumping up and down and no one else is noticing which could only mean one thing. You look to the side and you see Luke in his orange beanie and Rush tank top jumping up and down waving his arms in order to get your attention with the biggest smile on his face, you laugh to your self, and then realizing he must want something, looking at the clock you realized you still had 40 mins left in this class *Oh my gosh! for real its only been 20 minutes!* you thought to yourself; quickly looking from the clock to the window where Luke was still jumping, you raise your hand "Yes ms. Y/L/N" you bring your hand down faster than you want to, slightly hurting it on the desk "May I use the restroom please?" you ask hesitantly, eager to know what Luke wants, Mr. Berty sighed with annoyance "If you really need to, I suppose, but make it fast ms. Y/L/N" you stand up a little to excited "Thank you mr. Berty" you said as you scurried out the door.
When you made it outside Luke stopped jumping, but his smile remained. You loved his smile, it was contagious, you noticed you were smiling too "Luke! what are you doing here" you said punching his arm playfully, he laughed and grabbed his arm pretending that the punch hurt him "Wow the abuse Y/N" with a smirk he continued "Someone help!!! im being abused someone help!!!" you roll your eyes and smack your hand over his mouth "Not that anyone can hear you, but shut up! that did not hurt" you say with a small laugh, as he is laughing underneath your hand "What are you doing here Luke?" you say with your hand still on his mouth, you feel his smile grow bigger underneath your hand "Well, Y/N, Im here because I got something for you!! but you have to come with me to get it" he said with pure excitement, still with your hand on his mouth, then he licked your hand to get it off, you pull away in knee jerk reaction, he smiled "Sorry! as much as I love your hand on my mouth we need to go!" he said eagerly, you laughed and rolled your eyes "Luke, you do realize im at school right?" he grabbed your hand pulling you across the school field "Yeah! but if you really cared about that, you wouldn't have come outside would you" he said, still with the biggest smile on his face, you rolled your eyes even more and gave in knowing he was right "Alright! but where are you taking me" you exclaimed, speeding up to be side by side with him instead of him dragging you, he looked at you, and bit his lip still excited "aha! you'll just have to wait and see" he said and you both smiled. As you kept walking you realized never Luke never let go of your hand from when he was dragging you..... not that it meant anything, it felt nice though.
It took about 15 mins to walk to you and Lukes usual spot by the lake, still holding hands you approached the tree you guys likes to sit by, or sit in depending on if you wanted to climb, which about 90% of the time Luke did.. also doesn't help he can just teleport up there if he wants to, where as you had to do it the hard way while he just laugh at you trying to climb up. This time Luke wasn't going up the tree, he let go of your hand, which kind of made you sad, but then you saw the look on Lukes face, which was pure excitement "Stay right here Y/N!" he said firmly grasping your shoulders to make sure you stayed in place, as he hopped over to the tree "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" he yelled from behind the tree grabbing something, but you obeyed closing your eyes and before you knew it he was in front of you, you could feel it "Alright, you can open" he said softly, you opened your eyes, and there Luke was with the same smile, holding an acoustic guitar, you could tell it was a nice one, just from the shine on it and how pretty the strings looked, you didn't even realize your mouth was wide open until Luke laughed "Ya like it?" he exclaimed, and you just looked at it "Is that for me?" you asked shocked and excited, Luke laughed "Is that for me?" Luke mocked you "Yeah its for you! ya dork" he continued as he hopped over around you, to get behind you so he could place the guitar in front of you for you to hold, you could feel his arms brush against you... which you like as much as the hand holding but, a little more ... again it didn't mean anything, he was just a friend... and Julies band mate. Luke continued talking taking you out of your trance "Ya never answered me though, do you like it" He said still behind you, but now you were holding the guitar, you just looked at it in awe "Where did you get this Luke? How did you get this?" you asked still in shock, Luke just laughed "Don't worry about that!" he said with a mischievous tone, and then you got worried "Luke you didn't ?!... you didn't steal this right!" you asked with actual concern, you wouldn't put it past him, he just laughed and in a teasing tone said "Ouch! you think I would do that Y/N.... Im not that bad!" and then he continued but more serious this time "No! I didn't steal it, Since I have this new found power of choosing when to be seen and stuff, I picked up a small job at the music store downtown, thought why not earn some money.... and then when you asked me to teach you how to play guitar, I wanted to get you your own.... sooooo I have been saving up ever since" he said in a soft tone and then you felt him come closer to you from behind, but now he was putting his hands on the guitar softly playing a melody, while pretty much holding you, as he played the melody you could feel his breath on your neck.... you guys have never been this physically close before, right before you got to lost into your thought Luke continued talking "You! still haven't answered the question though!!! do you like it??" he exclaimed with a teasing tone once again, which caused you to laugh, and you turned around in his arms making the current position pretty much a hug but Lukes holding a guitar "Of course I like it you dork!!" you said excited and continued "This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me...." you looked into his eyes and with a soft tone said "Thank you" he smiled, a soft smile, and his whole face became soft as he relaxed the guitar down by both your sides and looked deeper into your eyes "Of course...." he said softly, both of you just looking deeper into each others eyes, you felt some kind of connection, and you felt like you both were getting closer and closer to each other and then a voice came from behind both of you, causing both of you to shake out of the trance you both shared "Hey! Y/N! Luke! what are you guys doing out here?
You and Luke both jump, moving away from each other as you see Reggie come out of the trees eating a meatball sub. You and Luke look at each other confused as crap as to why Reggie was there and how he knew about it "Hey Reg!" Luke said a little nervous putting his hand behind his head messing with this beanie, you looked flustered flashing your eyes from Luke to Reggie and back to Luke who continued talking "the real question is what are you doing out here buddy?" and Reggie just chuckled a little, while taking another bite off his sandwich "Well, I went to the school to see Kayla like I always do, we like to eat lunch together, then I saw you two run off and thought I would follow" Reggie said with a full mouth, you and Luke shared a look "So you have been here the whole time?" you asked, wondering how you guys didn't notice Reggie was behind you guys the whole time, Reggie smiled a meatball smile since his mouth was still full and he answered "Yeah!! but I wanted to eat my sandwich so I decided to sit down in those trees and eat it" Luke looked at Reggie with a confused look "But Reg, isn't that your sandwich?" Luke asked still confused, and Reggie looked at him, again with a meatball smile "No! this was supposed to be Kaylas sandwich but since I didn't see her, because I followed you guys... I decided to eat it!" You and Luke laughed and Luke stepped forward patting Reggie on the shoulder "Kayla is one lucky girl Reg!" Luke said teasing Reggie, you laughed in response, and then Reggie went back to his initial question "So what are you guys doing out here?" he asked taking yet another bite of the sandwich, in which Luke got nervous again and answered Reggie with a slightly nervous tone "Hey! shouldn't you be getting back to the school, Kayla is gonna be wondering where your at bud" Reggie stopped chewing and his eyes grew big and he looked at Luke "Youre right! awww man, im gonna have to go get another sandwich" Reggie answered in a high pitched nervous tone "Ill see ya guys later!" Reggie said while running away nearly tripping over his own feet. You and Luke sighed and looked at each other, Luke smiled "Well should we get you back to school as well?" Luke asked you with a soft tone added with a light chuckle at the end, you nodded "Yeah, Lunch is gonna be starting soon and Julie is gonna be wondering where I went" you responded, and then looked at your guitar and looked back at Luke "I love my guitar Luke, I really love it!" you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, he responded by wrapping his arms around your wait pulling you in tighter, when you guys released from the hug you shared another look, quickly shaking it off with Luke responding "I cant wait to teach you some more chords on it!" he said back to his excited state from when you first got there, skipping forward grabbing your hand again as you guys walked back to school together.
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bananakarenina · 2 years
8, 14, 18 <3
8. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
Sometimes I listen to music, sometimes I don't--sometimes my brain focuses too much on the words of the song and won't shake loose, haha. Or I'll get too distracted by singing along. But sometimes it helps, so really it's a crapshoot.
As for a current song...
It's definitely this boygenius cover of Cowboy Take Me Away, and YOU KNOW WHY
14. If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
My first instinct was to say Julie and Reggie, because Julie is smart and a leader and would figure something out, and Reggie is adorable and would probably keep my spirits up, but I think the real answer is Tía Victoria.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
In recent memory, it's definitely the whole scene at the docks in Chapter 10 of FLSO; I knew I needed them to confess their love and soon but they needed to address the Luke of it all before they could move on. So I borrowed Reggie missing the musicale from canon (the school dance, aka my least favorite canon scene) and went from there even if it was painful. And I thought about Reggie constantly having Luke in his head, constantly thinking about how if Luke were alive, Reggie wouldn't be in the situation he's in. At first I was going to write the scene of him at the docks talking to Luke--at one point there was a line "Sorry, but I think I'm falling in love with the woman you should have married" but it just didn't ring true story-wise to me. And I didn't want to drag the story out for no reason, so I had him keep that secret (as we see him do! we see him bottle up negative feelings and admit to not bringing that stuff up to his friends!) and take Julie to the docks instead, to explain.
The image of the docks was such a clear one for me--I didn't want their first kiss to be at the Patterson family cemetery, haha, and I loved the sensuality of sea (river) breezes and water rushing.
Finally, this line remains one of my favorite things I've ever written: She takes a deep breath, letting the river breeze wash over her, lift the curls that have escaped their pins and set them gently back down again. It feels like a caress, like Luke is there, helping her find the words.
I wrote the damn thing and I still shiver at the image. I wanted that image of Julie taking a deep breath, of finding the courage to love and love out loud, and the breeze was a natural (cinematic) complement to that, and then I was like, wait. wait. The breeze "caresses" her? WHO ELSE WOULD THOUGH. LUKE WOULD. And then I cried.
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Luke Patterson x Willie (Julie and the Phantoms)
Requested by @phoenixfidelity
Luke can't help but be distracted every so often. He can tell that it's starting to get on the rest of the bands nerves every time he misses a chord or he accidentally glances away from the lyrics so he misses a word and then the whole thing is forced to an abrupt halt. He's really trying to stay focused.
Usually it's a piece of cake! He loves the band and he loves playing, because he gets so lost in the music that he forgets the rest of the world exists half the time.
He catches sight of Willie out of the corner of his eye again as they're building up to the chorus of the new song they've been working on. Luke resists the urge to look away from the notebook in front of him.
His fingers keep moving determinedly... while his eyes dart off to the side. It's just a split second, then they're right back on the page, and he hasn't missed anything!
But his mind is quickly taken over by the brief glimpse of Willie that he got. He's just sitting cross-legged on the studio floor, hair tied up in a messy bun, nodding along to their music while he paints. While wearing one of Luke's hoodies. He found it lying on the back of the couch when they came in and he said he was cold, and so he asked if he could borrow it, and Luke wasn't going to say no, was he? That would be rude!
Besides, the orange actually really suits him. It matches the streaks of yellow paint on his cheeks--
Luke quickly glances back over. Sure enough, there is actually paint smeared across Willie's face. And a paintbrush in his mouth while he carefully paints with a different one. He's so focused, his eyebrows scrunched, his foot tapping to the beat on his knee--
Luke catches the mess up in his chords but not before he can stop it. He abruptly stops playing, the rest of the band once again halting along with him.
"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't mean to--" He takes a deep breath and looks determinedly down at his guitar. "Let's just go again, yeah? I'll get it this time, I promise."
"Yeah, I don't think you will," Julie says, and Luke's surprised to find her smiling rather than being mad about it. She and the rest of the band share a look.
"Probably better if we take a break for now," Reggie agrees, clearly trying to suppress a smile of his own and failing miserably as he lifts his bass strap over his head.
"I'm... getting kinda hungry anyway," Alex lies, nodding way too eagerly.
Willie looks up for the first time since their last brief pause. "Are you guys done?"
Another look is shared. Luke shakes his head vigorously, staring at them all in disbelief.
"No! No, we're not! Come on, we still have to practice this song or else we're not gonna have it ready for tomorrow!"
"You'll be fine!" Flynn assures him, hooking an arm around Julie's shoulders. "You guys sounded great! Well... most of the time."
"Yeah, you were really good," Willie agrees, beaming at them with such sincerity that Luke's heart melts under the rays of sunshine he radiates when he turns it on him.
He barely notices Reggie muttering, "And that's our cue..." and the four of them scattering around the studio, and practically leaving the two of them alone.
Luke doesn't know why they're acting like this. So, yeah, he keeps getting distracted from the music. But he's trying to stay focused! It's not exactly going to help if the rest of them just decide to give up!
He sighs and decides he may as well put his own guitar aside for the moment.
"You okay?" Willie asks with a slight laugh, but his eyes are concerned when Luke glances up at him.
His stomach flips over like a pancake. It's weird but it's been doing that a lot lately and he can't seem to figure out why. Maybe he's coming down with something? That would be super inconvenient timing considering they have a gig tomorrow!
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Luke says, but even he feels like he's somehow lying even as he tries for a grin.
Willie isn't buying it either. He takes a moment to think, his eyebrows only creasing the tiniest bit this time as his thumb rubs a circle into the crease of his elbow. Luke finds the movement strangely calming to watch.
Then it stops, and Willie lights up. "Well, since you guys are... taking a break for the time being, do you wanna help me with this?"
Luke finally tries to take a proper look at what he has actually been doing this entire time as Willie moves over to sit beside him on the couch.
There's a poster -- multiple, actually, as well as what Luke swears is a pile of what were once his guitar picks. He doesn't really play his acoustic too much anymore because it never sounds right with any of their songs, and his fingers just got used to the feel of the strings on his electric, so there wasn't ever really a use for them anymore.
Willie notices him picking up one of the plectrums and turns sheepish. "I found them lying about in here and thought they could use a little... sprucing up." He shrugs. "I didn't think anyone would really mind."
Luke shakes his head and grins as he picks up another in amazement. Each one is painted, and not just a solid colour, but a whole piece of art is painted onto each one. Scenes of bridges with the sunset behind them, fields full of vibrant plants, a starry night sky, a gh--
Luke raises his eyebrows at him. "Is this meant to be me?"
Willie peers at the one he's holding up which features a ghost silhouette wearing an orange beanie with a guitar strapped around its translucent little body.
"Yep," Willie confirms, then breaks out into another sheepish laugh. "I got a little bored of the fancy designs, and I thought that it would be funny, seeing as how you're, you know, Julie and the Phantoms."
"So," Luke glances at the pile of plectrums, "did you do one for all of us?"
"I haven't gotten around to it yet. I wanted to start with you 'cause I figured you'd make the cutest ghost. With the beanie and all."
Luke's stomach does the thing again. And he swears his face is burning up. He better not be getting a fever, because the thought of getting sick right before a gig is giving him a little too much deja vu.
"Does that mean you don't think I'm a cute ghost when I'm not wearing the beanie?" Luke teases, mock serious.
Willie laughs, caught in surprise by the question. But he shakes his head, gazing at Luke with creases around his eyes and a soft smile.
"No way. It's, like, totally impossible for you to not be cute."
Luke laughs as well now and gives him a gentle push, his hand lingering on Willie's arm. "Shut up."
"I got you smiling, at least," Willie points out.
"Yeah, well." Luke doesn't really have anything else to say because he's right.
He looks at him for a second as Willie shifts his attention back down to the posters and plectrums. Luke doesn't mean to stare, but there's something about watching his fingers move that feels... comforting, even when they're just moving a stray bit of hair behind his ear.
"Have you ever played guitar?" Luke blurts out without thinking.
Willie looks back up in surprise but shakes his head. "No. I like listening to music and sometimes performing with Caleb was fun but that was only ever singing. I've never really gotten the hang of an instrument. Takes too long to figure it all out."
"What if I helped?" Luke asks, not fully sure why he's offering. "I'm not saying perform with us. I'm just saying it could be a fun hobby, if you had someone helping you figure it all out."
Willie considers it then shrugs, beaming at him again. Luke's beginning to think he needs sunglasses just to be around him because he finds himself grinning back before Willie's even answered.
"Yeah, okay. Let's do it! But I will warn you, I'm not the most patient person."
"Good thing I am then," Luke says.
"No he's not!" Reggie shouts over to them from the other couch in the corner.
Luke glares at him but Reggie just raises his hands with a confused expression as if to say, what did I do?!
Rolling his eyes as Willie laughs, Luke says, "Don't listen to him. We can practice later and use my old acoustic, that way it'll be a bit easier and you can use one of your awesome designer picks."
He gestures to the pile and Willie scans over them, looking for one to use. Then he picks up the one with the ghost version of Luke on it.
"A great choice, if I do say so myself," Luke says, grinning. "Now, what are we painting?"
Willie hands him a paintbrush and one of the posters. He explains the design and they both start working on them. At some point in between Luke finishing one and Willie just adding a few last touches to his own, Luke tries experimenting on one of the blank picks himself.
When he shows it to Willie, his eyebrows raise and he almost doesn't seem to know what to say for a second. Then his face splits into a smile of pure joy and Luke doesn't think he's ever felt so pleased with himself as he does watching Willie gush over the little ghost hovering over a skateboard like it's the best thing he's seen.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side || Luke Patterson
Chapter nine ~ you just left
people grow together through darkness. does this band will make it without their most important human being.
After years will everything keep the same?
Luke patterson x oc
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Sabrina knew exactly where they'd be staying at so the next morning she visits the studio. She poofed in behind Alex drums expecting the boys sitting on the couch but it was empty, just a girl walked into it searching for some guys.
The girl sat down at the piano Sabrina loved to play. And the girl herself began to play some chords. Her voice was angelic.
An older man arrived at the front and looked to the garage, he had a smile on his face, looking relieved.
Sabrina studied her face, her movement and her emotions, somewhere she'd seen this face.
Suddenly the three faces she tried to avoid where behind the singing girl. They didn't seem to notice her again, thank god.
When she finished Alex was about to touch her shoulder to take her into an embrace but Luke stopped him.
The next moment the boys were right next to her. Luke's back was facing her and so did Reggie's. Alex eyes glued on her but he decides to ignore her.
"Oh, dude why'd you stopped me? Julie needs a hug,"
"Bro, a ghost hug isn't the feel-good moment that you think is. All right," he explains.
"Trust me. What Julie needs right now is just a bit of privacy" well Luke wasn't wrong nor right.
The fact that Luke didn't had a girlfriend himself as he was still alive is mostly due to his lack of understanding women or was it?
"Why don't you just go over? They're staring at you since we arrived," Sabrina points over to the group of three girls which all began to wave as Luke's graze fell on them.
"Nah, all they do is to apply make up and tattle about other" he argues.
"You're an idiot" she laughs. At this sight in front of him, her, his mouth curved into a smile.
"You're just jealous," he joins her laughter.
"I'm jealous? Ab- about what? Girls looking at you? You're totally an idiot"
'of course I am' 
Maybe it was because they always had a thing for each other or maybe they didn't found anyone that was as similar as the others. They had a connection no one understood. Alex himself tried to understand it, really he tried his best but somehow nobody else has what they had.
"You know what? I think you poofed us out because you can't handle when people cry," Alex states.
"I should know. I cried in a room for 25 years, and I didn't get a single hug from either of you, just.." he ends before he could say more.
"All right, being it on" Reggie opened his arms to embrace Alex.
"Don't touch me," he threw his hand in the air to imply to him to stop right there.
"That is why no one hugs you," Reggie explains.
"Just what? What do you have to tell us Alex. You're poofing out and then you'd come back crying, obviously and don't tell us where you've been and.. and," Luke starts to stutter at the end.
"I promised. I can't tell you. She.." he stops, his eyes searching for his sister no where to found.
"She?" Reggie questions.
"As in Sa.. Sabrina?" His voice shaking.
The blonde girl hid behind a hedge not knowing if her 'powers' would just make her visible for them.
"N.. no, she wouldn't hide for you guys, I.. I mean you were her family," Alex insists.
"I avoid you." Goosebumps forming on Luke's body as her sweet voice reached his ears.
The girl stepped out from behind the spot.
The sunlight shone on her body and make her look like an angel, Luke thought.
"Brina," he exhales, his view starts to blurry.
"Just hear me out, please, Alex,' she didn't dared to look into his eyes nor his face.
"It wasn't easy for me to leave you all behind. And when I came back as you all played for the first time again. I.. I tried everything to let you know I'm with you. I was in the Orpheum when you had rehearsal, when you talked to the woman and... and when," she gulped tears were streaming down her face
"I just couldn't," Sabrina shook her head as she placed her hands in front of her face.
"You kissed my temple right?" She nodded.
"This whole time. Why didn't you say something, you could have found us. Did Alex, did he knew?" And again she just nodded.
"And you didn't told us Alex? Are you serious?!" Sabrina began to move towards Luke her hand reaching for his and he pulled away.
"Can we talk Luke? Alone?" She suggests.
"No" he coldly says. Sabrina needed to get out of there and poofed herself out. The group was quiet, frozen in tracks.
After collecting his thoughts, I..I think we should, when we have the Courage, ask Julie why she lied go us about the piano," he spoke.
"Yeah, maybe tell her how amazing she's."
"She's legit. I got ghost bumps," he shoved his sleeves up.
A sobbing girl walked past the group to the door of the studio.
" Oh my gosh, was she crying too?" Alex whispers towards his friends.
"Yes," Luke hisses while turning around.
"And the only thing scarier than one girl crying is two girl crying."
"He's right." Alex experienced quite a few times with Sabrina and her friends.
"Guys, we definitely can't go in there," Luke states.
"But we can listen," Reggie points out. And so the three teenager made their way over to the door and peeked through the windows. When Julie's graze rose up to the other girl the boys went down abruptly so they wouldn't be seen by her.
The teenage girls walked out of the garage and Julie greeted the boys which irritated her friend.
They moved past the group and to the stairs.
Reggie calls "don't worry! We weren't listening" in her direction and Luke kicked him.
In the next second the boys were in the garage.
"I wonder why Julie didn't tell us she could play the piano," Reggie began.
"And sing. That girl can sing," Luke added.
"I didn't heard a voice like thins since.." he stopped.
"You know," he shrugged his shoulders.
"Yeah, you're right," Alex agrees.
"I think it probably has something to do with her mom. You know."
"Must've been hard," he went on and moves to the stairs .
"Anyway, I really feel for her," he says at he climbs up.
"Yeah, but," Luke took a seat at the piano.
"Now that she's got music back in her life, just like us."
“Yeah, I’m not sure you can call what we have a life,” Alex calls from the little loft in the garage.
“Oh hey, some of the clothes we left behind are still up here.” He threws the bag down.
“Sweet,” Luke tears his sweater and shirt off his body.
“Oh, same clothes since ’95, boys.”
Julie’s dad steps into the garage, walking through Reggie, “Oh, that was weird!”
“But somehow I can tell this man has a kind heart,” he describes.
Alex sat down, his legs hanging down, his arms resting on the railing. He watched his friends.
“so how have you been?” the older man began. Reggie concernd that the man was talking to him.
“Honestly, not that good. See we ate these hot dogs, and—”
“Julie sang for the first time this morning,” his feet
“She hadn’t done that in almost a year. You would’ve loved it.
“Yeah, we saw cause we were.. Oh!” It hit Reggie like a rock. The man hold his camera up and the clicking of the shutter filled the room.
“Oh, I get it.” Reggie waved his hand in front of his face.
The raven haired boy turned to his friend, “He.. He’s not talking to us.”
“you are so lucky you can play bass.”
“Pretty sure he’s talking to Julie’s mom," Alex insists.
“She’s such an amazing young woman,” he reached the piano.
“Every day she reminds me more and more of you.
“Called it,” the blonde exclaims.
“Oh, I’m.. uh.. I’m taking for the real estate website. I don’t reall wanna move, but.. It’s the best for Julie,” the three ghost’s were now assembled around the piano.
Luke leans on the piano facing Julie’s dad, “Move?”
“There’s so many memories of Julie playing next to you, and.. Carlos trying to sing with his missing two front teeth,” he remembers chuckling. The shaggy jaired boy breathed shakily bringing his hand up his face to cover it.
Reggie turns to his friend, “Oh no, Luke, not you too.”
“He.. He’s talking about moving, but the poor guy, he doesn’t wanna move,” he explains like the other two haven’t widness it.
Their little scene was interrupt by the man again, “It’s like they grew up.. out here.”
“Oh man, now’s he’s got me too,” Reggie sobs, fanning himself.
“Okay, how am I the emotional one?” Alex argues.
“C-C-Can we go see my family and see how they’re doing?”
“Yeah listening to this feels wrong.”
“Hey, do you remember when the kids were at your sister’s, and we came out her eon our anniversary..”
“Yeah. No definitely wrong,” Luke poofed himself out of the picture. The other two mirrored his action.
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Little More About Me!
I haven't really introduced myself, while I have given some information about me, I figured I could be more...precise? In a way- excuse any improper punctuation, grammar, etc...
Anyways...hi! Hello, my name's Teddy, but you can call me Ted, or anything else you'd like as long as it's nothing inappropriate or anything that makes me uncomfortable. I'm a 14-y/o female (she.her pronouns, please!), and a freshman in highschool, soon to be a sophomore.
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I have a very "loud" sense of humor (as I like to say) that ranges from dry, to dark, to average, either based on the mood I'm in or whether we're close or not.
However, I am friendly, so please don't be afraid to approach me! While I can be shy when it comes to meeting new people, I LOVE to make friends anywhere if possible. So if you ever want to chat, feel free to message me!
I am very much so a Potterhead- Slytherin? Gryffindor? Ravenclaw? I don't know which house I belong in...oops. I'm also a geek when it comes to Marvel, DC, Supernatural, Hamilton (The Musical), Sherlock, The Umbrella Academy, and so much more that I know I'll remember later on.
While I love to write short or long stories, I also love to role-play. It helps to inspire me when it comes to writing my own creations, and plus, writing with other people is fun! So if anyone wants to write with me, send me a message. 💓
When it comes to genres, I'm a definite lover for romance (haha), mystery, fantasy, thriller/horror, and drama. I really don't mind every genre, however. They're all great!
Some stories I'm working on right as of now, or plan on writing in the near future (some don't have official descriptions/summaries so I apologize for that, instead I'll briefly explain what it's all about in my own words):
City Blood: Set back in 2012, the time where people thought the world was going to end. In this book, the rumors are true. Hazardous waste has caused millions of deaths, and it's up to a group of strangers to keep themselves and others alive during this apocalypse.
Heaven(Sent): They were just normal teenage boys living their lives in the modern world, until God himself grants them the responsibilities of guardian angels, each assigned to a different person. When something goes wrong and God grows silent, it is up to them to find out what has happened.
The Other Side: Rebekah Patterson. Born in 1768 during the American Revolution. During those tough times, it’s up to her to keep hidden from British Troops, who wouldn’t hesitate to capture and kill her on sight. As the years pass by, Rebekah realizes that the war was already won. Who won? The British Troops. Rebekah is then found and sold to a family to work for them as a Maid. It’s now up to Rebekah to escape and help end the anarchy with her own rebellion.
Prey: Everyone knows the tale about the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. But what happens when the Lion is a bloodthirsty killer who will stop at nothing to take down those who try to set things right?
The Statue's Guide To (The) Living: Former janitor Dorothea Ferrell of Capitol Building works overnight to get the job done. However, one night, as she’s working, she notices something odd about the statues...how lifelike they can be. Their eyes following her figure, strange voices being heard. It’s up until where Dorothea finds out that the statues have no idea whatsoever as to how they’re alive or what they’re doing. Now, it’s up to her to find out the mystery behind the statues.
I'm hoping to get advice and learn much more than I already know throughout this community...and I'm so excited! Thanks to those few who welcomed me, by the way. It meant a lot. 💓
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side|| Luke Patterson
Chapter seven~ 25 years?!
people grow together through darkness. does this band will make it without their most important human being.
After years will everything keep the same?
Luke patterson x oc
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The siblings were next to each other, it became a routine that everytime Luke and Reggie fell asleep the girl would sneak behind the tall blonde.
Tonight was different. Sabrina woke up to a loud scream and when her fingers fished for Alex there was no one.
Did he.. she couldn't finish the heart broken thought.
Alex and his friends found themselves in the middle of the old garage they'd rehearsal a thousand times before they passed.
"How did we get back here" Luke was the first to speak.
The girl who faced them screamed from the top of her lungs and the boys joined it, taken aback that they weren't the only ones in there.
The boy group jumped about, mostly Luke did so. Alex and Reggie hold fast onto Luke who calmed a bit. The raven haired girl ran out of the room leaving them questioning.
"What the actual hell was that? Alex broke the silence.
"Well she seemed nice" Reggie insists.
"What?" Luke and Alex said in sync turning to his friend.
"I mean she.." he got interrupted by her walking through him, she was walking right through him. The boys looked closed by this. They watched her carefully as she moved further into the room with a cross in her hand,
Okay well that's silly Alex points over to her and Luke just shrugged his shoulder.
The girl mutters under her breath and the boys decided to make them visible again.
"Well, we're all a little crazy." Luke raises his arms as he states.
She began to scream, again.
"Oh my God! Please stop screaming!" Alex pressed his palms onto his ears.
She stops and in the far a dog began to howl.
"Who are you, and what are you doing in my mom's studio?" She shouted.
"Your mom's studio? This is our studio. Trust me, my.." he approached the girl who almost ram her cross into his body.
"The grand piano is new, and.. and.. and.." by the time he let the sentence out he slid over the named piano.
He starts to giggle when he saw the couch was still there. He sighs when his hand meets the fabric of the pillow.
"But that's definitely not my six-string," he points over to the guitar on the wall. His graze rose to the ceiling where chairs hung down.
Where's her board.
When Sabrina died they hung her board on there so they would feel her near.
"Can you just give us a second?" he asks as he reached his friends again.
"Just.. give me a second. Thank you."
They turned around and he began to whisper, "guys, what is going on? How did she get her stuff in here so fast?"
"Maybe.. maybe she's a witch. There's chairs floating on the ceiling," Reggie suggests.
"Okay, there is no such thing as witches." Alex argues.
"You're sure? I used to think there was no such thing as ghosts," he retorted.
But Alex knew better but he couldn't bring that up.
"That's fair"
"Okay, so we're going with witch?" Luke questions.
"No! We are not going with witch"
"She's not a witch. Okay, look. She's just scared. Okay let someone with a softer touch handle this" Alex has his hand now resting on his chest as he remarks.
He walks back to her. "Why are you in our studio?" He began. After a moment of silence the girl pushes her cross through his body.
"Oh my gosh! How did you do that?" Her voice loud.
"Clearly, you're not understanding. She doesn't get it.." he says into the direction of his friends.
"Okay, look. We're ghosts, all right? We're just three ghosts, and we're really happy to be home. So thank you for the flowers. They really brighten up the room," he explains.
"We're in a band called Sunset Curve," Luke adds.
"Tell your friends," Reggie didn't say those words in a while and he was relieved could.
"Last night was supposed to be a really big night for us."
Sabrina never spoke to Alex about the time that had passed since their death.
"It was gonna change our lives."
"I'm, uh.. I'm pretty sure it did," Alex whispers to his friend.
"This is freaking me out," the girl demands, she inhales sharply as she grabs her phone.
"What is that? What are you doing?" Luke points towards the electronic device.
"It's my phone"
"No stop talking to them. The aren't real," she snapped.
"There's no such thing as cute ghosts." her voice becoming squeaky.
"Oh you think we're cute?" Reggie requests.
"Who you calling?" Alex bend forward
"I'm googling sunset swerve"
"Sunset curve"  they all corrected her.
"Whoa. There's a sunset curve. You did die. But not last night. Twenty-five years ago?"
"What? No. No, no, no. Th-Th-That's impossible," Reggie stutters.
"After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried" he continues.
"Well.. I don't think.. I think we were all pretty upset okay." He said in a high pinched voice.
"But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here" Luke acknowledges.
"Look. I'm just telling you what my phone says," she held her screen toward the group so they could read for themselves.
"See? you died in 1995. When you were 17. It's now 2020"
"So, this is the future?" Reggie connects.
"Wait. So.. so, it has been 25 years. I have been crying for 25 years? How is that possible?" He shouts the last part.
"We'll, you're a very emotional person." Reggie states.
"I am not!" The blonde retorted.
Suddenly there was another voice coming from behind them.
"Thought you were afraid to come out here," a young biy walked through the door.
"You talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?"
"He can see you," Alex shoot in Reggies direction.
"No he can't," told the girl. His graze wanders around looking for the guys.
"Uh.. what do you want," she tried to change the subject.
"A normal sister, for starters," he exclaims.
"Me too" Alex exhales.
"Stop being weird and come eat," he tells and left.
"He couldn't see you" she began.
"Yeah, I mean, that's.. usually how ghosts work." Alex explains. Reggie hummed in agreement.
The girl walked over to the doorframe and came to hold.
"Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave," the girl with the glasses bosses.
"But wait. We.. we didn't get your name," Luke asks carefully.
"It's Julie."
"Cool" he chuckles slightly
"I'm Luke, by.. by the way" as he was near her she rose the cross again.
"And this is.." he stutters
"I'm Reggie," he waved to her
"And.." he pushed the blonde boy further.
"Alex. How's it going?"
"Ba-da," he insecurity exhales.
"Okay?" With that she left.
"Julie seems nice," Reggie smiles.
Alex just groans. "Did you miss the part where she kicked us out, or.. yes okay," he gave in.
The blonde had to find his sister, she has to explain a lot if thing to him, now.
"I need to go.." he points out
"But you can't leave us here" Luke insists.
"But this is really important. I need to think,"
"Okay, let us do one thing and you can go"
Luke decided to go inside her house even if that means to break boundaries. When Julie saw the three she let out a yell and the boys froze in tracks.
"That's me. Ripping off the band-aid."
The shaggy haired boy makes his way over to her. "Hey Julie, I really like what you guys did with the place."
"You shouldn't be here"she earned a gasp from the older woman standing next to her, she explained her appearance.
"I think that's our cue to leave" the two women having a conversation on their own.
"We should've called first" Reggie steps next to the other two boys. They left the house and where now outside.
"I'm going, now."
"Where to?" Luke questions as Alex walks down the driveway
"I'm back in a matter of time," he poofs out and was nowhere to found.
Alex was on the beach, where else could she be.
He saw the shillouette from his sister on a board in the ocean. He never really went surfing with her and when he did Alex just sat on the board floating on the water.
Her eyes laid on him and in the next moment she was besides him.
"You didn't told me" his face turned to her, his graze blurry.
"If I'd told you, you would've freaked and cried in your sleep."
"Oh well, doesn't matter if I'd cried there too, I mean twenty-five years and you didn't told me," his feet began to set off, he was too heated to poof himself out of here.
"A, please I'm sorry.. I.. I just didn't know how to tell you, without you telling the others. I couldn't face Luke again," her hand's grabbing his upper arm to stop him but he got rid of her grip.
"That's none of my problems" Alex raised his voice. He never did at her before. Tears start to stream down her cheeks as she stood opposite of him, his eyes were cold, emotionless. She had never seen him like this before.
"Alex" she exhales but he wasn't there anymore.
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gloomyhearts · 3 years
Always by your side || Luke Patterson
Chapter ten ~ She always be
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The boys found themselves at the beach.
“A bike shack right where my house used to be.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry man.”
“They made the Meyersons’ house into a noodle shop. Why couldn’t they have made mine a pizzeria or something?” he cries.
“They tore down the whole neighborhood,”
“I guess my folks are gone.”
“No, everyone is gone. Twenty-five years, gone. Friends, family except...,” Alex voice darkend, his eyes trailed to the floor. “Bobby, everyone,” he continues.
“Bobby, that’s right. I guess that vegetarian lucked out. What do you think happened to him?” Sabrina knew what he does for a living but telling Alex would’ve meant that he’d have told Luke and Reggie because it was worse, hurtful.
“He probably got old like everybody else and moved on."
“Dude, how are you so casual about all of this. Don’t you wanna figure out what happened?”
“Let’s be real for a second. It’s not lie we were that close to our families. My folks always regretted buying me that guitar. Reggie, your parents were literally a fight away from a divorce. Alex- I your parents never cool again after you told them you were gay,” Luke explains.
“Okay. None of us had it great but we always had Sabrina and.. and we’ve her still.. but she lied and I’m heated about it but she’s still part of our group.”
Luke sights, “Right, she always be. But Sabrina left. And what had she done? She lied, she ignored us, avoid us, she left us.”
“All right? But at least we had something. You know, what do we have now?”
“And before you say cool teleportation skills, just know I’m not entirely okay with that either,” he argues and exhales shakily, “All right? It tingles.. In weird places.”
Luke arise from the log, “I’ll tell you what we had. It’s what we’ve had since the day we came together. Boys, we have us. We’re the only family we’re ever gonna need. You know what else we have?"
“I’m gonna guess death breath,” Reggie suggests.
“Our music, you dork,” he beamed. “We have our music, you guys. People, actual people can hear us play! They can’t see us, fine but they can feel us. If I had my guitar, I'd play for all these people right now. Just like what we used to do down at the pier.”
“They can’t tip what they can’t see,” Alex argues.
Luke sighs, “it’s not about the tips, Alex. It’s about playing music. Connecting with people. Making a difference in their day. I just.. I wish I had my guitar,” in the next moment he spun around, his guitar in his hands.
“That was rad. How’d you do that?”
“I don’t know. I-I-I- mean I wished for it, and then it came to my hands,” the shaggy haired boy stutters.
Reggie held his hands up, “I-I-I- wish I had a puppy,” closing his eyes, opens them a little to see if it had worked. “A hamster?”
“Okay,” Alex groans.
“Pizza?” he kicks the sand when if this wish didn’t worked.
“Hey, I think I know something that’ll cheer you up.”
Luke began to play chords on his guitar, walking towards his friends, exchanging glares with the blonde.
“Come on Reginald!” he starts drumming on his chest and tights.
“A one, two three, four”
Can you?
Can you hear me (Loud and clear!)
We gotta get, we gotta get ready (Cause it's been years!)
Woah, this band is back
Woah, this band is back
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo
Can you? (Yes, we can)
People around them began to dance around, cheering to the music, questioning where it is coming from.
Can you hear me? (Loud and clear!)
We gotta get (Wanna get)
We gotta get ready (Cause it's been years!)
Woah, this band is back
Woah, this band is back
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo Woo-hoo, woo-hoo Woo-hoo, woo-hoo
Woo-hoo, woo-hoo
Suddenly Reggie felt his heart getting heavy, his features sadden at the sudden flood of emotions; just like Luke and Sabrina had a special connection, Reggie and her had one themselves. It was platonic, totally, he wasn't her type and vice versa.
But every time the other felt happy, angry or sad they knew, they felt it too.
Reggie felt her, she was hurt, she didn't hide it. She needed him to know. He was possibly the only person which would talk to her right now.
"I need to go," Reggie began.
"Yeah let's go to the water," Luke suggests not concluding that she would be there too.
"I don't think... I don't think that's a good idea."
"You don't need to hide anything from us, Reg," Luke lays his hand on his shoulder.
"But.. whatever," he ponders.
In the next second the three of them were at the shore. They all glanced at the ocean and many memories connected to it.
The pain in his chest growing stronger.
"I really need to do this." His thoughts concentrated on the blonde girl.
When he opens his eyes again she was right beside him.
"Regg's," her eyes lit up as she saw the boy next to her, a miserably smile suited her lips.
"Brie," he kneels down. One hand rushing through her hair.
"You're okay?" His hand now resting on her right cheek.
"I don't.. I really don't know," she mumbles, a tear slipping out.
"I got you," he pulls her in his arms, slightly shaking back and forth.
"I'm sorry," Sabrina said after various minutes of silence.
His head rests on top of hers "I know.”
She frees from his grip to look into his shining blue eyes.
"I couldn't do it. I just couldn't face you again. I don't know why. I just couldn't," Sabrina's graze fell to the floor as she saw the pity in his eyes.
"No, Brie. Look at me," he softly grabbed onto her chin, lifting her head up.
"I would've done it without a difference. But we could've had the best time in this void," he chuckles. "I wished I could've seen my sunshine sooner," he gave her forehead a little peck.
"But," Reggie interrupted the blonde.
"No 'but's' Sabrina. We all missed you. And it was a really hard time without you. But we all love you and it'd have been the best time of our lives in there. And.. and Luke." She shakes her head not wanting to hear about him.
"Just hear me out. Luke always spoke about you. When we were asleep, girl, did he talked, as if he was talking to you,"
"Well that's a fun thing," she chuckles, rubbing her neck.
"You did talk to him and not with me?!"
"He wasn't awake. There's a huge difference," Sabrina explains.
"I only talk to Lexi," his nickname brings a bitter smile on her lips.
"He loves you, you know that. You two just have to sort this out, the same with Luke. I'll try to convince them," he winked at her and was on his feet again.
"I'll come back" Reggie gave her a ressuring smile and left.
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