#i don't know if this is large form or just a really big specimen
ghostlyfoliage · 2 years
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The Lacy Tree Philo and this Monstera are duking it out for my heart. They're both in the same building too, though on completely opposite sides. This is my favorite building to work, not just because of the incredible plants (the Philo has two new leaves and they're so soft!!!), but also because it has a bunch of chalk and white boards (which, ngl, I feel a bit guilty about cleaning). Sometimes people write things that remind me that humans can be good too... and I need that in my life (though a Monstersa I couldn't fit through my front door wouldn't hurt 😅).
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arminreindl · 8 months
Ultrastenos: Narrow Snouted Mekosuchine?
So this one comes with a pretty big disclaimer. Ultrastenos, evenmoreso than any other mekosuchine, is incomplete and enigmatic. Whereas animals like Mekosuchus at least bolster a long research history or at least somewhat complete remains of specific body parts, Ultrastenos is both new and fragmentary. This, combined with ongoing research, means that this reconstruction is just a preliminary one based on current publications and should not be taken as gospel.
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Ultrastenos is best known through assorted skull fragments and crania, notably part of the quadrate and quadratojugal, the occiput (back of the skull), an incomplete lower jaw, misc. postcrania like a tibia and vertebrae and some referred skull tables.
Already we enter some weirdness as the type material all stems from the Low Lion Site of the Riversleigh WHA, while the skull tables are from the White Hunter Site (also Riversleigh). Tho they are roughly of the same age, both being late Oligocene, but they are still different localities.
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As is apparent both from my recon and the mandible, the lower jaw of Ultrastenos constricted weirdly rapidly, broad at the back and yet narrow towards the front (thus its name, which just means "extremly narrow").
A key issue here is that we don't know how long the rostrum was. We only have it up to the fourth-last tooth, so how long the snout would have continued we don't know. The idea that the snout was short has been entertained, but is deemed unlikely given that the mandible is very shallow. This would instead be more in line with long-snouted animals like gharials.
Size is another point of question. The type material is very small, only about two meters is what I recovered and the paper notes it's "only about as big as a freshwater crocodile", which matches fairly well I'd say. But it is not known whether or not the specimen was actually an adult, so we may find larger individuals in the future.
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Which brings us to the disclaimer.
In 2023's "Migrations, diversifications and extinctions: the evolutionary history of crocodyliforms in Australasia", the confusion and uncertainty of Ultrastenos is once more brought up. Some of what is written is what you'd expect, which is that it's enigmatic and the interpretations of Stein et. al. need more research. Logical so far, its undeniably fragmentary and the interpretation is undeniably speculative. The fact that its phylogenetic placement among mekosuchines is a mess is likewise not a surprise. The original tree differs A LOT from more recent results, while the only other tree that included Ultrastenos is that of Rio and Mannion, which I generally avoid personally.
But the interesting nugget is that apparently, a close relative has been found since then which might have a big impact. But this research is still in prep courtesy of Adam Yates (who I've been told will publish the description of the Alcoota Baru soon enough). So will my recon become obsolete? Probably. But I'll update it accordingly once the time comes.
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But lets briefly let go of safety and scepticism and consider the possibility that it really was a long-snouted mekosuchine. Aside from some of the anatomical clues like the shallow mandible, sameish teeth and narrow snout, a longirostrine croc would be expected, from the region, would it not? After all, long snouts evolved many times separately in crocs and despite having an incredibly diverse croc fauna, Australia is shockingly lacking in those. The only examples currently known are the Miocene Harpacochampsa, the Pliocene to Pleistocene Gunggamarandu and the current freshwater crocodile. The former two are gharials the later a crocodylid.
Furthermore, the White Hunter Site, if you remember prior posts, was positively teeming with mekosuchines of all different niches. Large semi-aquatic predators like Baru, small semi-aquatic ones like "Baru" huberi and terrestrial forms like Mekosuchus and Quinkana. So to fit in, Ultrastenos must have done something differently, and conveniently a longirostrine nische is still open. So why not.
Illustrations by Joschua Knüppe and Ashley Patch
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So that's it. Ultrastenos, the enigmatic, possibly longirostrine mekosuchine of the Riversleigh. Will this post age badly? Maybe, maybe not, we'll see. Wikipedia: Ultrastenos - Wikipedia Primary sources: Stein, Michael; Hand, Suzanne J.; Archer, Michael (26 May 2016). "A new crocodile displaying extreme constriction of the mandible, from the late Oligocene of Riversleigh, Australia". Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. 36 (5): e1179041. doi:10.1080/02724634.2016.1179041 Ristevski, J.; Willis, P.M.A.; Yates, A.M.; White, M.A.; Hart, L.J.; Stein, M.D.; Price, G.J.; Salisbury, S.W. (2023). "Migrations, diversifications and extinctions: the evolutionary history of crocodyliforms in Australasia". Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology: 1–46. doi:10.1080/03115518.2023.2201319. S2CID 258878554
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arcthebreeder · 4 days
04/15/2024, 20:57 (GMT-5)
Well... It was more than just a few hours!
You see, we were wandering around in the Digital World, him with his Dukemon and me with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. "D" has been talking about how new Digimon were discovered a few months ago, some of those Digimon are rumored to come from Witchelny, another Digital World that hasn't been explored that much yet, some Digimon like Wizarmon and Witchmon are confirmed to come from there, this Digital World also houses a pretty rare Dukemon variant "D" had his eyes on, Medieval Dukemon.
Medieval Dukemon has been known as "The Vortex Warrior" since its discovery in 2010, thus mocking the fact that whoever discovered him, wrote that he was part of a group called The Vortex Warriors, however, for almost 14 years, no one had discovered a digimon from this group aside Medieval Dukemon, theorizing that the guy who discovered it was either lying or misunderstanding what the first Medieval Dukemon specimen ever seen was saying, everyone labeled him as either stupid or "delulu".
Well, it appears that some of the Digimon that were discovered recently, specifically Grand Galemon and Zephagamon, are members of the Vortex Warriors, taking orders from Medieval Dukemon, also called "The Whirlwind General". Anyways, we were walking through a forest that is supposedly connected with Witchelny, this because of the amount of magic-related digimon that wander the zone and, as it seems, an also recently discovered Digimon called Chaperomon, who bares data from multiple fairy tales, (mainly Little Red Hood) within her, inhabitants that zone, in search for Fangmon, who has data from the Big Bad Wolf from the old fairy tales. She at first glance attacked us with a Molotov cocktail based attack called "Apple For You" that was easily reflected by "D's" Dukemon, after clearing the misunderstanding, we talked about how we wanted to talk with the Vortex Warriors, she apparently knew one of the Digimon partaken in that group personally, so she lead us to them.
After arriving at a hidden grotto, we were warmly welcomed by a Galemon's Hurricane Slasher, a large, sharp blade of wind that was almost instantly cut in a half with Siriusmon's Sylvia, after this little encounter, Medieval Dukemon himself came to welcome us, and excuse his pupil, asking us why we were here, "D", who was the must interested about him, got into a deep talk with Medieval Dukemon about who knows what. Since my friend was clearly doing his own business, I decided to wander around with Canoweissmon and Siriusmon. Most of the digimon inside the grotto were digimon in armor who I cannot assure belonged to the Vortex Warriors, like Kotemon, and some Koemon playing around (surely Kuzuhamon would've loved to see that) Canoweissmon pointed out the obvios, that we weren't really doing anything specific, and we ended up walking out of the group, we even left Siriusmon behind since he wanted to talk with a Zephagamon who called his attention, after some time, Canoweissmon began talking about the frustrations he had about how he wasn't able to evolve into Ultimate, we thought we were alone but, without us noticing, a huge Grand Galemon flew down upon us, Grand Galemon asked what was wrong, and talked with Canoweissmon.
He left everything out with him, how his brother got to evolve into Ultimate and managed to control the wicked data that once affected his personality, how even Rasenmon surpassed him after beating her own negative emotions that took the form of Rasenmon Rage Mode, and, that even if he looked up to Siriusmon, he was jealous of him, because of his self confidence and impressive power.
Grand Galemon sat down and listened to everything Canoweissmon had to say, and afterwards told him the following.
「I understand where your frustrations are coming from, but you don't need to be as strong as the rest to be their equal, your contributions to your companions aren't only based on how strong you are, but how much you care about them, and how you make them know that, taking care of them, and fighting along side them, plus, you don't need to be an Ultimate to be strong, look at me! I've been Medieval Dukemon's right hand since forever, and I'm "only a Perfect" everyone gets their chance to evolve and be stronger, but you can't over hype that moment and that form because if you do, you'll never be ok with that form, and never get to appreciate it」
It's a... Pretty good speech, not only applicable to digimon but also to us humans, but... I'm getting out of hand.
During all this time we spent with Grand Galemon, Siriusmon and Dukemon got to practice and spar with Medieval Dukemon and Zephagamon, so after some time, we got out.
I don't know what "D" wanted with Medieval Dukemon exactly, but I'm pretty sure he got it, since he was pretty happy when we finally came back.
After that, I tried to convince "D" to analyze the DigiTama I got from the police, he accepted to have it laying around for a bit, but I'll have to pick it up as soon as I can, since, in his own words "his PC is NOT a kindergarten"
And... Yeah, that's fair.
Oh! Talking about Bits, my friend I talked about in another entry managed to hatch her DigiTama, and her V-mon, Sophie, has finally reached Child stage, she's going to a little town soon so I'll have to see how that could affect Sophie's growing, and of course, I'll keep you updated.
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deathandmushrooms · 3 years
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American Golden Chanterelle - Cantharellus Flavus
On yesterday's 2-mile-hike-turned-6.4-mile-sojourn, I found a patch of golden chanterelles scattered in a mossy area betwixt oaks, beeches, and hickory. They were mostly quite large, some much better left to bugs who'd already been sampling than me, but I found a few good specimens to take home and cook up.
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Something that's always annoyed me about true gills versus false gills information is the degree to which people claim the distinction is so exaggerated. Golden chanterelles do have fairly thin "gills" from time to time. Yes, on other chanterelles you certainly get the "melted" veiny appearance, but sometimes the distinction between false gills and forked gills is very subtle.
Luckily, false gills aren't the only identifying feature of golden chanterelles. Here is an excellent case of: know all the mushrooms that this might be, and rule them out.
In my area, the main culprit is the 🎃Jack O'Lantern🎃 (omphalatus illudens). They grow clustered, often from a single stem, and they feed off dead wood (saprotrophic). Sometimes the wood can be buried, and sometimes it can be some distance from the mushroom itself (but the mycelium below ground are well attached). Chanterelles do not grow on dead wood; they're mycorrhizal, i.e. they form symbiotic relationships with trees.
And, if you cut into a Jack O'Lantern you'll find the flesh is not pure white.
Contrast with the flesh of the golden chanterelle which is white and almost cheesy looking. They may grow in small clusters like this, but for the most part they'll be scattered:
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Also, I've seen a couple of guides claim that insects don't bother with chanterelles? Not the case. Cut open the stem and if it's hollow, either that's not the mushroom you think it is, or bugs tunneled into it. I divide the big ones into at least six segments to check for signs of bugs: hollow spots with teeny eggs, or ya know, a big fucking insect.
Not necessarily a deal breaker, but use your judgment. If it feels soft, let the insects keep it. You can always cut away the bad bits. But it's another reason to always thoroughly cook wild mushrooms.
Maybe the insects in my region just have really good taste: who knows?
Also, you'll see the "apricot smell" referenced a lot. This is rarely apparent to me in the field, but after the mushrooms have been hanging out in a paper bag for a bit, and I stick my nose in there, I get a distinct fruity aroma. It smells less like typical "mushroom smell" and almost more like really fresh, mild cheese with maybe a peach-skin type smell.
I will be embarking on my cook-and-eat-a-small-sample-and-wait journey soon! Stay tuned for a learning experience, folks ✨
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alri-xo · 4 years
Ship of Dreams (Titanic 1997 AU) | Chapter 1
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Gif not mine
A/N: Hello everrrrybodyyyy so after about twelve hours, chapter 1 is here 🎉 and like... Yeah... I hope you enjoy reading this part bc it's gonna be pretty long. (Italics are short flash backs). Made a few tweaks in how the scenes flow but still, it gets there. Don't worry bout it. And I added links below for you to easily navigate between the current parts of the story, and I'll be doing that for all the other chapters for easier access. Channelling this Bucky (thanks babe @witchymegg ) and post serum Steve in this fic, but in whatever Jack and Fabrizio wore.
Pairing: Alexander Pierce x Reader
Warnings: Age gap?, rich people being rich people, social discrimination, gambling. Swearing... I am on the app so this has no page break
The whirring of the large helicopter was heard through out a far radius, Y/N and Meg seated inside and Diamond on the old woman's lap.
As one of the submarines were being swung over to begin another mission, Jared and Baron walked over, talking. Baron was rather aggressive in his perspective on meeting lil old lady Y/N, calling her an old liar. Saying that her claims that she is Y/F/N is false as she 'died' in the Titanic.
However, Jared was too set in finding the precious jewel to listen to Baron's claims. He'd care less of his friend now that he finally has a walking diary willing to tell the tale.
Jared's Point of View
"She's dead, McKinley... Look it up. She might be another person for vanity... She's an old goddamn liar..." Baron says harshly as the loud propellers of the heli fill the ears of everyone on deck.
"Y'know what, do something you fancy right now, Martins... This is what I fancy, and if you don't want in, go some place else..." I say sternly as I walked over to help the old nutshell out the Sea Stallion.
Claiming that she's dead is rather harsh, now that she's here. In a wheelchair, frail, basically looking like time wasn't too good to her, no... She's no fine wine.
But she is definitely a fine piece of the puzzle, for my reputation and for this shipwreck. Thousands of dollars will go to nothing and will prove Baron right.
I'm his boss. I should be right...
"Good day, Mrs. Treville... Welcome to the Dal'nomer... I'm Jared McKinley..." I greeted as she was carried down the heli in her wheel chair, a young woman following her as she descended from the small door.
"Hello, Mr. McKinley... This is my granddaughter, Meg..." She greets me as Meg reaches out to shake my hand for a brief moment, following her grandmother soon after, a fish bowl with a few small fishes inside being handed to me.
Who the hell brings their entire house in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
"How's the stateroom, Mrs. Treville?"
"Lovely, Mr. McKinley... Very lovely..." she says happily as she looked around the room, "Have you met my granddaughter, Meg? She takes care of me..."
"Yes, we met a moment ago, grandma..." She smiles as I caught Baron roll his eyes and chuckle... I looked at him, making him stop.
"Oh yes..." she says remembering me meeting her granddaughter. A short pause filled the air for a moment, as I looked at the mass of picture frames on top of the bedside table.
I mean, it's pretty inconvenient and her actions are pretty different than any old lady I ever met.
"That's nice... I like to bring my pictures with me... And Diamond of course..." she says pertaining to her white Pomeranian, seated on the foot of ther bed.
Old ladies... Quite peculiar specimens.
But that's not the thing I'm after. I'm after that big juicy jewel, and the story behind it. The safe combination, how did Pierce grab hold of it, of such a controversial piece of pressurized carbon.
"Anything else you need?"
"I would like to see my drawing."
Reader's Point of View
We entered the lab. The white paint prominent all around. Technicians in their white garments as they fiddled with the tech around them, like children playing with their dolls.
They lead me to a place in the lab, a rectangular dish on top of the cold, busy table. A drawing of a woman submerged in the clear water.
"Lay there... Just like that for me..." his steel blue eyes focused as he directed my form, bare flesh but a large gem on my chest, dark as the rim around his irises.
His large hands held his pad of paper as he sketched in dark grey strokes.
His dark brown locks loose on his face as he glanced at me.
His muse.
It puts a smile on my face, as I remember how I was too innocent and certain to love someone for the grade of good, not knowing any better.
Jared nears to me, holding a black and white picture in his hands, the 'Heart of the Ocean.'
"Louis the Sixteenth, wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, it disappeared in 1792. About the same time Louis lost everything from the neck up..." Jared said as he sat beside me, showing me the picture... I just listened to him and the gem's origins.
I always knew it cost a fortune, but now I just realized a thing that I felt back then... A diamond fit for royalty on a girl like me, marrying for what good reason?
It's a gorgeous piece, truly. However, by what Jared is saying, it is one for that of the Olympic Dieties.
"... Today, it would be more expensive than a Hope Diamond," his friend Baron nodded, agreeing that such is worth a fortune.
All I could think was I was both lucky but undeserving of having to wear it. A thing worth more than my whole existence is wanted by these people for whatever reason. I wouldn't want to jump into conclusions.
"Oh, I remember how heavy this was..." I said touching the picture of the necklace and looking ay the drawing, "I only wore it this once..."
Meg looks at me reluctantly, raising an eyebrow, "Do you really believe that's you, Grandma?"
I smiled at her and chuckled, "Why yes, dear... I was quite the looker..."
Jared smiles as my granddaughter giggles behind me. All is well on my part.
However, I can sense that one of the men, Baron, is skeptical of me. I wouldn't want to think so paranoid but, a man like him looks at someone like me differently.
Jared goes on with his story, and I listen, any rational human should do the same, "We tracked in down through insurance records but it was deemed confidential... Do you know who the claimant was, Y/N?"
"I believe it may be someone with Pierce..." I say in a lively tone. But that surname irks me.
"Ding ding ding! The father, New York personality, worked for the Navy as one of it's top asset and next part of his story, became one of the most known socialites of his time in the US. For his son, Alexander Pierce, heir of all that cash, splurged on the necklace during his trip to France..."
He paused a little, "For his fiancee, you... One week before the Titanic set sailed from England. Claim was made after the ship sank... Meaning, it went down with the ship."
Meg looked at the date, dictating it to Jared as he snapped his fingers.
"So if your grandma is who she says she is, it means that she wore the necklace when the Titanic sank..." Baron butted in like an omniscient being, but I don't really mind. What is there to mind anyway?
I can't force someone into believing who I say I am. I have gone through enough in my 100 years of existence and that's a thing I learned along the way, before I rode that ship. I couldn't force even my mother who I think I am... When she was alive of course.
Jared smiles at me like the Cheshire cat, eyes gleaming with anticipation, "And that makes you my new bestfriend."
We went forth to another part of the lab. In front of me stood a table, antiques submerged in the Atlantic laid out in front of me.
It felt as if I was travelling through time, in my younger years. My glory days. The mirror looked in shape, though faded a little and cracked, it's still the mirror I once held.
"My reflection is a little different..." I smiled as I set it down. I took another antique from the table, a hair piece this time and inspected it. It still dawns its jewel toned colors, except it has faded through the test of time.
All these items still vivid in my memory. How new they were and the materials that made up every piece on this table, were so rare and priceless. It's extraordinary how they are still in mint condition, after such a long time.
The people connected to these items however, didn't stand the test of time very well. They come and go.
"Are you ready to go back to Titanic?"
Third Person Point of View
"Live from 12,000 feet," Baron begins with his lecture, a simulation of what happened to the Titanic, the video running the events that lead to the sunken disaster, now at rest in the Atlantic.
Jared thought she doesn't need to know this, but Y/N insisted. She said she was curious, despite her thoughts on this skeptic, Mr. Martins, it would be rude to decline. Men can share.
Y/N, seemed facinated with the tech around her, showing the bottom of the ocean but seemed interested at a certain part of the sunken ship, which made Jared pay attention to her expressions, to unlock memories that may lead him to a successful mission.
He simply can't let every bit of this pass. Not a damn chance.
Baron went on and on... making sounds along the visuals on screen...
"Morse code, DIT DIT DIT..."
"Sank on the bottom like junk, BOOOM..."
"Pretty cool, huh?" Baron says happily, smiling at her, ancient eyes stoic as it ended.
"Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Martins. Of course the experience of it was far less... Scientific..." she says, her voice frail, but willing to tell what it's like. Willing to be a primary source of information, a walking book... Diary rather.
"Will you share it with us?" Jared asks, preparing the tape recorder.
Y/N stands from her chair, looking around the monitors, the sad ruins of the ship below. Algae and sea garbage on its once metal hand rails and deck.
Reader's Point of View
I looked at the ruins of the ship from the monitors. Every part of it, every set of stairs, every surface of the ship, I see people, from all walks of life. The door, now rusted and covered in debris and underwater plants.
"Good day, Ms. Y/L/N..." a man says, who works in the Titanic opens the door for me, metal tinted in gold as its windows, the varnished wood engraved with expertly made carvings.
Futher past the door, the ivory staircase on full display. Passengers of first-class in their fine garments and black suits, up and down its grand halls.
It all flashes in my head, before my eyes. All the opulence, the lush life... And how lives clinged to the metal rails for dear life.
I felt my face get hot and my eyes burn as tears ran down my face, my mouth slightly agape as I covered it and gasp in air, as it drowning in my memories and in my emotions.
Meg's face paints to worry, as she takes my wheelchair, "I'm taking her to rest."
My voice strong and in authority. I called Mr. McKinley, and I am here to give it to him. Not for him to aid in my old age.
I sat down with the monitors behind me as the people in the room settled down, Jared holding a tape recorder in his hands.
"It's been 84 years-"
"Just tell us what you can... Anything at all..." Jared interrupts as I began to tell of my experience. Took aback, I thought to myself...
Does he really want me to say what I have to say or he just wants something else out of me?
"Do you want to hear it or not, Mr. McKinley?" I ask sternly, he falls quiet signalling me to continue.
"It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china has never been used. The sheets have never been slept in... Titanic was called, the 'Ship of Dreams,' and it was... It really was..."
Third Person Point of View
Everyone was smiling ear to ear, hugging each other as they boarded the large ship. People segregated, the first-class passengers need no such inspection, just by the looks of them.
Third-class however, needs to go through inspection. Health, appearance... Certain things were contagious back in the day.
In the sea of people, old fashioned automobiles honked loudly, the aristocrats. Easily distinguished as gold curls surrounded the edges of the vehicle's doors and windows, one after the other. It's contents may be people or their stack of belongings.
To these aristocrats and socialites, there is no in between when it comes to needs and wants. Every want is a need.
Reader's Point of View
So this is a ship, they say? It's but a big boat to me... Looks like any other ship. So much for taking me here when I could've lived my life on land like a normal girl.
I reached out my gloved hand to the chauffer, helping me off the vehicle. I looked through my wide brimmed hat, the Titanic in front of all the people bidding goodbye.
To these people, this is the grandest ship in their eyes and hearts. For me, who had a fair share of being on different ships, this just looks like a joke to me.
So much for bringing me here, Pierce.
"I don't see what all the fuss is about... It doesn't look bigger than the Mauretania..." I say to Alexander as he stepped down the vehicle.
"You can belittle all other things, Y/N but not the Titanic..." he pressed as if he himself already entered the ship, "It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania and far more luxurious... You're gonna love it..."
I walked forth a little to give space to my mother, Katherine, Karen for short. I call her that, but without her knowledge as she likes to make herself be heard and she wants it exactly how she wants it.
"Your daughter's far too hard to please, Katherine..." Alexander says as she helps her off the vehicle.
May I add, she's a feisty one.
"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable, huh?" She says looking at the ship, raising her thin eyebrow. Her hands tucked inside her hand warmers.
"Yes, it is unsinkable. God himself can't sink this ship." He beams as my mother looks at him impressed.
A small man approached Alexander, telling him that the luggage should go to the main entrance around the ship somewhere. He hands him a good tip, a more than good tip. His eyes grow large as Alexander tells him to look for Brock Rumlow, his right hand.
It's funny because his right hand man is nearer to my age than he is.
We head off to the ship, my mother's arm linked to Alexander's, looking more like a couple than how we are meant to look the part as I walked passed the third-class passengers being inspected.
We walked on the ramp, the water under it and the people below us.
Upon entrance, Alexander made me link my arm with his. Thanks, mother for finally thinking that you set me up with this person and not you setting yourself up with him.
Although that last part sounds better to me. He's as old as someone like him should be.
It was the ship of dreams... to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship. Taking me to the the United States in chains.
Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
Third Person Point of View
Forget the ship for now, the focus should be inside the pub. A pub full of people from the working class, drinking liquor, good enough that their money can afford, as cheap prostitutes flirted with the men for a quick buck for a bite to eat.
Four men, playing a serious game of poker. Every last bit of coin they had, were on the table. One takes a drink of his brown liquor as he speaks in Swedish.
"Du dumma, satsar du på våra biljetter! (You dumbass, you bet our tickets!)" He says to his companion who snaps his attention to him.
"Du förlorade alla våra pengar och jag försöker få tillbaka dem. Välj nu ett jävla kort! (You lost all our money and I'm trying to get them back. Now pick a damn card!)," One of them says gritting his teeth at his friend, who was playing all he got.
One of them puffs a cigarette, his grey blue eyes focused on his cards and the man across the table. Caring less of his brunette locks getting in the way of his vision.
"Hit me again, Ivan..." he asks as one of the Swedish men slip him a card and he takes it.
His blonde companion, begins to worry a little. Thinking they bet everything and are about to lose everything and stay in Southampton for another long time before they get lucky.
He notices, his voice in a low, raspy whisper, "Don't worry buddy, we've got nothing to lose..."
"We have nothing to lose because we literally have nothing, Bucky..." he says worried, as his friend bet everything they had, except for their clothes...
The ship horn toots its mighty note, alerting the gamblers, Bucky looks around, his competition sweating seeds off his forehead.
"Moment of truth..." he begins looking up at the four other men, anticipation and worry painted their faces, "Steve..."
The blonde lays out his deck, "Nothing..."
He continues, "Ludvig..."
The man lays out his deck, "Oh, squat..." he continues to the other one, "Ivan, two pair... Hmm... Sorry, Steve..."
Steve's face pales, he begins to sweat buckets... Fear rushing over him as he feels cold, palms sweaty.
"W-we lost? I won't be able to see ma another while... Darn it, Bucky..." he begins to stammer and curse... Thinking luck was not on his side...
"Sorry, Steve... You lost and I WON! FULL HOUSE, BUDDY!" Bucky cheers as Steve stands up happily hugging him, kissing the two tickets, "We're going home!"
Profanities streamed from the lips of the two other men who bet their tickets. The poker gods not on their side.
The taller man stood up, over 6 feet tall, maybe 6 foot 7, and grabbed Bucky by the collar. Bucky closed his eyes to take the impact of the large hand balled up in a fist. Instead, he punches his companion, knocked out like a light.
"We're going home, Steve!!"
"America, here we come!!"
Their celebration came to a halt, the pub owner cutting in looking at the two men.
"You're not going to America... Titanic is, in five minutes..." he says pointing to the clock, every second wasting away.
The two men exchanged looks and rushed out the pub, all their belongings they stuffed in their bags like sacks.
They ran in the crowd chasing time, as Steve cheered excitedly as they were coming home.
They ran and ran, cutting between the crowd of people and the honking automobiles. They skipped the line for inspection and went straight to the third-class passenger entrance, Bucky waving the tickets at the guard.
"Passed through inspection?" The guard asks, like he does for every passenger.
"Don't have lice, don't worry... We're both Americans..." He says flushed and panting, waiting to get on the ship to their quarters.
The guard was testy, but there was a sliver of trust shining through, "Alright, come aboard..."
They entered the ship, but it came to a halt. The guard passed the ticket on to another guard to inspect them, to see if they are not posers.
He begins saying the names, "Eklund and... Norberg..."
He says, raising a brow... he thought, 'these don't look like Eklunds and Norbergs...'
He hands them the tickets, granting them entrance to the RMS Titanic.
"Come on, Ivan!!" They ran in the corridor, whooping in victory...
"We are the luckiest sons of bitches alive!"
They quickly run up the metal stair case, excitedly throught the crowd of people finding their way in the ship. They busted out the door as they stood along the people on the poop deck.
"BYEEEE" Bucky yells out to the crowd, as if someone important to him is in the crowd.
Steve looks at him puzzled, "You hung out with some skank?" He asks, knowing that Bucky's a smooth wolf where ever he went.
Bucky shakes his head, chuckling then looking at him in disbelief, "NO, Steve... It's a thing!!!"
Steve shrugged and started waving at the crowd as the ship moved away from the dock.
"Bye, everybodyyy!!! I may or may not forget youuuu!!" Steve yells to the crowd as the ship set sail to New York, back to their country and to their homes.
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A/N: CUUUUT so this is chapter 1 of Ship of dreams... You finally reached the bottom of this chapter... Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it 💕 keep saaafe
@witchymegg @underworldqueen13 @amisutcliff @luna4501 @likeit-or-leaveit @vhsbarnes @uglipotata72829
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kim-reapers · 7 years
BTS - Rapmonster x Reader
(A/n: Thank you @sobbedbangchabish for helping me with each of the members abilities! 😊)
Word Count - 2600
— The wind blew fiercely, snow pouring from the sky. You see, you and your team were a well known adventure team in Fyrei, a large kingdom in the land of Lilibethia. The eight of you were trudging through the snow that rest on the mountain, looking for a place to stay until you all get some rest and can continue your journey.
As mentioned earlier, you have a team of eight people. There’s you, the second in command. Despite the large great sword that lay rested on your back, you wear light armor that barely kept you warm. One could say that, due to your personality, were the mother of the group. But you weren’t even as close to it as Seokjin was. 
Ah yes, Kim Seokjin, the oldest member. He was the support member of the group. The healer. He took care of all of the members with your help. As of right now, he was walking ahead of you, talking to the youngest member. The two of you are probably the closest in the entire group. You personally want to get closer to him but a certain someone always gets in your way. How bothersome.
The youngest member, Jeon Jungkook. Currently he didn’t have a set role aside from carrying the supplies that the rest of you weren’t able to carry. You felt a little guilty but you knew he was strong. He did help defend Seokjin when he would be healing another member. He’s a really good kid and he treats you with respect, so that’s enough for you. Sometimes you teach him to dos and don'ts of swords.
Walking alongside of you, on your right side, was Kim Taehyung. He had the ability to talk to animals and use them to attack his enemies for him. Although it was heartbreaking to see the nearby animals get hurt and wounded, Taehyung would always rush to the animals’ sides after the fight. He genuinely cared and enjoyed about any living specimen nearby; well, except for the ones that have done harm to those he cares about. Even if your team would be resting, he would be petting some sort of animal.
Ahead of all of you is Min Yoongi, you call him the “emo” of the group. This is mostly due to because of his ability to manipulate the shadows around him. And the fact that he’s pale. And mean. Maybe also because he’s sleeping the majority of the time too. He mentors one of the members of the maknae line. You get along well but it’s mostly thanks to his apprentice. He’s not trying to be a wingman though, he thinks it’s weird to see his mentor and close friend interact despite all neing part of the same adventure team.
Straying slightly far behind all of you is Jung Hoseok. He’s a literal sunshine. The opposite of Yoongi, as you say. His ability to manipulate light and fire astonishes you. He’s so bright and happy. Some of your favorite moments with him consist of you trying to “rap.” Keyword: trying. You aren’t that good but you can throw some pretty good rhymes. It’s honestly such a crime. Hoseok would sometimes join you in little rap battles you have with the other members.
A man on your left, opposite of Taehyung, was trying to get your attention. Sigh. His name of Park Jimin. He is Yoongi’s apprentice in the dark arts, which is what he uses during scuffles with the enemies. Another thing that helps him in battles is him being able to cast charm spells which seduce the enemy and it puts them in a daze for a while. He often fights Taehyung for your affection but they were still close friends. It’s quite hilarious to watch them go at it in all honesty. Or whenever Yoongi tells him that he isn’t in the right state of mind to manipulate the shadows, Jimin whines and asks you for help. Even though you don’t know anything about magic. At all.
The last member. The leader. Your rival. Maybe saying rival is a bit too much, but the two of you don’t get along at all. Kim Namjoon. Despite you being the second in command, it doesn’t necessarily mean you two are close. It just means that you capable of taking care of the group if needed. You call him your rival due to you trying to get closer to Seokjin. Sort of like the situation between Jimin, Taehyung, and you. Except you and Namjoon weren’t close. Everything he does infuriates you, ranging from the smug smile he shoots at you when he’s with Seokjin and you’re not to him cutting off your commands that would’ve been of use to the team.
There are things you admire about him, however. He’s quite handsome and his dimples make his smiles less annoying. His leadership skills are outstanding and he doesn’t have a hard time getting the members attention. His smarts are outstanding which is why he’s a powerful wizard. His knowledge is what you envy the most. From him being able to brew any potion, to casting any spell. Although the two of you constantly go at each other, you really admire him.
“Hey!” Yoongi suddenly shouts while turning around to face the seven of you. “There’s something that looks to be a small cavern up ahead, should we stay there for a while?” He asks Namjoon. The leader shakes his head. “No, there should be an inn nearby. We’ll keep going,” he declares. You continue the journey on the path, letting the cold nip at your exposed face.
You hear quiet shivering from beside you and you turn your head away from Taehyung and focus your attention on the pink haired male. “Jimin, are you cold?” You ask him. “What, what does it look like?” He says between clenched teeth, trying to keep them from chattering. You sigh and remove the scarf that you wore to keep your neck warm, softly wrapping it around Jimin’s neck and over his mouth. “There,” you chuckle. “Now you won’t be so noisy.”
“But (Y/n)!” Jimin protests. “You’ll be cold too, you kn-” “You need to be healthy and warm, Jimin,” you cut him off. Jimin links your arms together, a grin spreading across his face. “You’re too nice, ah~ What did we do to get you on our team?” He gushes. You roll your eyes at him and smile. “Stop messing around, we need to go on,” Namjoon yells at the two of you from the front. You scoff and press on, keeping your arms linked with Jimin’s.
About half an hour later, you were shivering violently with Hoseok’s arms wrapped around you as you walked, letting his extremely warm body engulf you. Oh, how wonderful the pros of being friends with this sunshine is. “Hero’s Retreat, just up ahead,” Yoongi shouts, loud enough for the seven of you to hear. “Hero’s Retreat?” Jungkook tilts his head slightly to the left. “Did I stutter? Yes, Hero’s Retreat. That’s the name of the damn inn,” he snaps.
Hoseok lets go of you as you step onto the wooden stairs that lead to the entrance of the wooden building. Namjoon opens the door and you can feel the warmth push itself outside, hitting you and your team. Suddenly, you’re pulled inside by Yoongi and he look at you with a frown on his face. “Don’t stand out there when the rest of us are already inside, idiot,” he scolds. You nod your head slowly and start to saunter towards the fire that was lit in the center.
You sat down in a chair, rubbing your hands together and sniffling quietly. Chances are that you most likely got sick while traveling due to the cold weather but as long as the other members weren’t, it couldn’t be that bad. The only thing that was annoying about it was how your members now constantly asked you if you needed anything or if you’ll be ok. It’s just a cold, what’s the big deal about it?
The night passed fairly quickly. You were the first one to fall asleep, completely bundled up in the covers and sheets of the bed. You all were forced to share rooms and beds according to age, except for Jin and Jungkook, who shared a room with eachother. Yoongi shared with Hoseok, you with Namjoon, Jimin with Taehyung. So now you lay in a bed with the member you like the least.
Your back faced him and he sat up in the bed, nose buried in a spell book. He glanced at you and your sleeping form, sighing to himself. He brought his pocket watch up to his face to check the time. “6:15,” he whispers to himself. He had somehow managed to stay up the entire night, which was unusual. You were usually the one to stay up the latest. Namjoon threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, fixing the blankets beside you and removing the pillow barrier you had between the two of you.
He stepped out of the room and looked at the owner of the inn, who stood behind the counter and washed down the surface of it with a rag. “Excuse me,” Namjoon spoke up once walking up to the man. “Yes? What can I do for you?” “Is there a shrine nearby that my friend use? They’re sick,” he asks politely. “I’m afraid not. My wife and I were hoping that we could install one once the nearby trolls are killed, we’re sorry for the inconvenience,” he apologizes. Namjoon lightly waves his hand and speaks up, “It’s not your fault, so please do not worry about it.” He glanced at the room he stayed in then back to the owner. “Do you think I could get some cooked salmon, however?” “Of course, of course. I’ll get started on the right away.”
While he waited, Namjoon sat at one of the many tables and continued to read. After a good fifteen minutes, in the corner of his eye he saw Jin poke his head out from his room. “Good morning Jin,” he greeted the older man as he took a seat next to him. “Morning. What are they cooking?” Jin asked between yawns, gently rubbing his eyes and resting his head on the table.
“Just.. Salmon?”
“Well, yes. However it’s not for me. (Y/n) wears very thin armor and they even gave up their scarf so that Jimin wouldn’t get sick. I would also appreciate it if our only melee weapon user wasn’t sick before we start traveling,” he explained to his friend. Jin sighed before responding, “I wish I could use magic and spells to heal sicknesses and diseases. Healing wounds is definitely helpful during battle but what about the overall well being for the person? Not that I don’t respect our Gods but I sometimes wish they we didn’t have to need a shrine or altar to heal ourselves.”
Namjoon nodded and closed his book after gently placing a small, folded piece of paper that served as a book mark. “Anyways, salmon is good to resist colds. Hopefully it’ll help (Y/n) recover,” he says, standing up from his seat. “You know it’s good that you actually want to start helping them. It seems like for the longest time the two of you had this little rivalry. I’m glad that you’re showing them you actually care,” Jin smiles at him and stands up, heading back towards his room.
“I’m going to wake up Jungkook, then the others. You go wake up (Y/n) and bring them their, uhm, salmon?” His voice was laced with question near the end. “Why couldn’t you just ask for soup, honestly it’s not that hard.” Namjoon smiles sheepishly, “I could go ask now, it doesn’t take that long to make.” “No need,” the owner yells from the kitchen. “The second you said that your friend was sick, I started on making some soup because I figured that it would be much easier to consume!”
A couple minutes later, he carefully comes out with a bowl in his right hand and a plate in his left. The man placed the dishes down in front of the leader and smiled brightly. “Let me know if you ever need anything else,” he spoke kindly. Namjoon nodded and smiled back. He took the two dishes in his hands and started to make his way back to the room he shared with you.
To his surprise, he saw you sitting up in bed with Yoongi by your side, giving you a small smile as you talked about how you wanted to start learning spells and working with other weapons that interested you, such as a simple single handed sword or a heavy claymore. You used your hands to make different and weird gestures as you spoke, as it was a habit you thought was quite embarrassing but you looked so comfortable with it while you spoke to Yoongi. Namjoon just stood in the doorway, unsure of what to do.
He cleared his throat and both of your attentions moved from each other to your leader. “I bought food for you, (Y/n), since you’re sick,” he obviously stated. Yoongi stood up from the chair that he sat on beside you and began to walk out of the room but not before he gently ruffled your hair. “Take it easy Kiddo,” he told you. “Eat as much of that as you can but don’t force yourself.” You nodded obediently at his words and fixed your hair.
Namjoon then took a seat where his friend last sat amd placed the salmon on the bedside table and handed you the soup. “They don’t have a shrine so I got you the next best thing,” he tells you. You chuckle and hold the warm bowl in your hands, “Well it’s nice to know that you actually care.” “First Jin now you? Of course I care. You lead the team when I cannot and I’m extremely grateful for that. All the members admire you, including me.”
You smile brightly at him and sniffle slightly, “Aww, thanks Joonie!” Pink lightly tints his cheeks and he frowns. “Don’t call me that.” “Too bad, ‘cause I’m going to Joonie.” “Please,” he begs. “It’s embarrassing.” You laugh again and look down at the soup, pulling the spoon up to your mouth and softly blowing on it before enclosing your mouth around it.
“Hey, thanks again,” you say after pulling the spoon out and placing it back inside the soup. “Are you going to say it a million times? You don’t have to, you being alright is a thanks enough,” his gaze on you softens and you laugh. “Hey don’t get all soft on me! What happened to the smug and annoying Namjoon I know?” “What why? Do you miss him?” He cocks an eyebrow at you and you puff out your cheeks, “Kinda? You know it’s better than when you look at me as if I’m your sibling or something.”
He smirks at you and stands up. “Oh, goodbye then (Y/n)~ Now that you’re sick I won’t have you to interrupt me when I talk to Jin,” he boops your nose and walks to the doorway that leads back into the main room. Your grip tightens on the spoon and your eye twitches.
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