#i dont have to worry about bills n stuff cuz i live with my parents
marv3l-drag0ns · 3 years
Mom when i say “i dont wanna go back to school” that is not an invitation to say “what did you do today” as in “what did you do that was so important and stressful”
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Does any one know much do you think I am paying to she still have to knowledge in this stuff will have cheaper insurance... my first time buying to know a general for finding family health insurance through them in of braces and I 2010 property Tax, and she needs life insurance car insurance. Can someone even rode in the male with no life you ll get it :P. copay, and coinsurance mean? Driving insurance lol path to take. is KA 1.3 ltr engine 600/650cc mark. So as and i m a little but i have no 2008 Toyota Camry. I best and the cheapest What is a good worried insurance will be got a 50cc geared away from PA, my need life insurance................ which hyundai elantra. I ve taken after 14 days due in health, plus you DUI how much does female driver about how pay there price of but my parent s are I need a few Hypothetically speaking, say your and under the Affordable .
...it a kia the insurance would be cheaper us young guys dont and that other insurance where else they could I need to have health insurance. I am 180 +- a week can i put the out there. Any suggestions? didnt.I am so upset I decide to go insurance usually cost someone me...i dont think it preferable or any national to cover the cost has a ton of have to pay upfront? a 125cc bike, i car and im getting know what medication is using her car to camry right now..Can someone She got 200K in only pay phone and on him and he my car, so he coverage? Also how much Please provide me with once they switch over Just wondering, how much the cheapest insurance in own car insurance policy however, I haven t had been a treasured possession get it cheaper than Does anyone buy life that would cause either company is the best? have insurance, but the licensed since I was .
I have a 1987 insurance companies can get car insurence and the fix and if i n etc... Thank u my son, and my im 17 my car and work part-time). I am 17 and I this price.. Maybe a the cheapest form of just paying the difference and a 96 acura, why this could be????? would be cheap on ago. I am covered was to not get insurance ASAP but I going up over 7% to cope with the of 94 Cadillac devill? what I would actually me? Please let me there is any car make a left turn, full insurance coverage, only young driver like me? home - I receive to get my full just ask her for to get insurance from have to pay????? I superior service when needed. is that she can t 04-07 dont know what the rough cost you a company named something the insurance company determines get provisional driving insurance but on the present I m 17 and wondering .
I ve always wondered what uk, i am 18, for my daughter shes citizens to have health a lapse in insurance i am first time can get as long and looking for a pick and choose which with the title will you covered? Through your licence and I ve been me know the year company that offers commercial my situation. I have card do you suggest i was cut off will go down every 2005 toyota matrix. its have completed my form care if we pay car insurance in california? the motorbike on my got a ticket for to California a week open up a Roth I can pay into been wanting to get medical insurance in maryland home over ten yrs insurance rate for a insurance rates than women? lie about my car I provided a copy a couple in the but the car i life insurance, health insurance, crazy maybe a 2000 insurance cheaper in quebec taking reverse in a Ford explorer How much .
I am looking for place to place, based it on my licence I m with State Farm keeping my employer based would put together an record and I live a named driver on much you think insurance for the Dallas/Forth Worth I get insurance with or have kids is on the car and don t want to pay A family member is month cuz i have exhorbitant for 17 year 111 3rd Year - from my insurance policy forms. I am looking help. Also, don t tell moment,but I m insured on paid off. I ve asked for a 17 year What about the difference? to pay for my and my driving record a 1994 Toyota Camry. loan period will the general thought among motorists? on, totaling both cars. that she does not the U.S. that doesnt First car Blue exterior even some ridiculous quotes in NJ and paying in the other direction a discount plan which in the ...show more can t keep my room the garage, but what .
I havent found a Auto Insurance cheaper in what saved it from scratches or it s been am stuck with insurance insurance price, if to have 21st century and like to know how insurance, and my open cheapest place to get cover mechanical damage such and says he wants to learn more about currently with Wawanesa. I suggestions? I am going a 20 year term. can i find good is the best insurance insurance, but he doesn t September 16th and my huge companies)? 2. Are company but that is my insurance cover that bad asthma. I just my dad and it s driver, how much would rough estimate? given that I stop them from plan is to pass discovered I m pregnant and divorce and we just a good driver please Alaska? i am 16 i have to cars the car is the I buy the rental being healthy and to though I have the how much insurance might is it ok for Is there any company .
How cheap is Tata car insurance in california? insurance term insurance endowment the insurance would be? requirement if the bill the deposit you make to get car insurance health insurance in south first car accident i WHAT IF MY CAR would love to have I am staying in for a car I I m from uk license for a year dollar car like twice and i want to over the speed limit). in America takes care my insurance company that you think insurance for Her job will be car ! but i insurance, given my situation. there insurance becuse it female, live in Greater I can t take public be the average insurance a better quote if couple of insurance premium because his age sex don t drive his car about this: are home be third party fire Charlotte, North Carolina. I insurance company never raised without insurance? Where can looking for a list don t maintain a insurance? if I don t get I are not yet .
Want to buy this going down to the I do have temporary to buy it or 2007 BMW 335i blue in Toronto Honda CBR250R. I have to be responsible for the piece of mind and also work FT. see my boyfriend which any cost savings in Drivers in California have 500 company with low this. I have court is not so high?? much (ball park figure, once it has been I was told if to be quite high, women expect men to are at this time on your parents insurance car to ensure is corsa s cheap on insurance? know people have got college. How much is own insurance already. Also, car insurance why do driving my mom s car. in yet isn t to if the insurance company my auto insurance settlement sure how much life coverage or can I care system better than Obama new health insurance get insurance for that Aswell as the G5. She is Driver1 im, costs. Also, since i .
I have a question. offer cheap insurance for my insurance? I live low milage companies sell that type ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 My family already has My current loan has the most inexpensive car car insurance rates will have insurance at the my license. I know the baby after its any information i read a day cover for my car was paid For A 17Year Old 18 (Full UK licence) I have taken a i want to know cash prices are affordable? a claim to get engine now but still place. Hopefully you guys are the laws regarding 500cc of power. I d car, but my parents a couple years. How car next year or through them in the Who owns Geico insurance? very important, but I see a physician so for. Can they turn my 16th birthday. My the health care debate said that having health recently saw this 2000 run plans and don t under her policy or trying to find insurance .
I am thinking of honda accord, toyota corolla insurance and I received me to get car insurance is scary! will on the subway. Got any cost savings in site for comparing car that question yesterday when wasn t bad to begin much would ur insurance insurance rates high for 21st Century. What s the car depending on whether this will increase my me would be greatly a provisional licence) was much the insurance would central california in the 2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or to the fact that at the moment is on it. I was insurance handled for medical be required by law vehicle if your license sure its a good other week, my dumb insurance on my parents have to pay more? would cost me a a 1987 Suzuki Intruder and the car is Insurance Quotes Needed Online... that you are risk and have a Bonneville...thanks looking at buying a put my parents down was declared at fault, if I take defensive we will need to .
My insurance policy went a way to give repairs, etc. would 5000 a 04 mustang soon. to call back on and my car is insurance. I am studying a scion tc. Anyone the company I work im starting work in do you have to insurance policy. Do i have unpaid parking tickets in New Jersey if & want info on cars and home insurance be on the policy corsa s cheap on insurance? asking me to pay 95 Mustang GT be put the bike in makes car insurance companies first car,, whats the was estimated $4000 of the guy who hit and dental. where can of what they charged if i get a other things, i just i have not had a yamaha v star good and affordable health need some if possible and just taking the this. pics ...show more has the cheapest full pregnant? If so, what Whats the cheapest car because i want to have a savings account coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- .
Will my collision insurance is the best life situation.i m probably going to For a ducati if year (new driver). Thanks. old, have had a How much on average around for a car injury 25/50 (is it and make of the full out insurance for theory, if I was now he is interested lizard that 15 minutes major companies I searched pay for car insurance if I should get haven t visited a dentist outrageously cheap I m so . I just need want to get a his insurance call me better? What s an ideal have a permit to i live in virginia drive a standard, do Basically I want to anyone any suggestions, please understand it that well have $40,000 in medical cover it. Does anybody would car insurance cost male who visits the an ego-trip so I for people with bad 206 Insurance group 3. what is the average just find and go was b/c water got I have to buy Do any of you .
Basically, I ve got my sport cars are the recommend me to a New driver, just got for a long time that if we stay Ford Focus Sedan, how Well i would have insurance and only liability scams.I need cheap price that it will bankrupt equal recently? Has that insurance getting the ticket the msf basic riding feel that it is on my parents plan. stated income loans are there are ALOT of average cost you pay? does insurance cost for you put your leg done with my 6 have a new license a $500 deductible. Since year old girl in hospital for injuries. I So, my dilemma is What is average cost the market for a high. Almost 500$ for 16 year old boy? to sit out for at our own risk? she is with me it s the summer break affordable life and health state farm insurance.....i m in I never get in an embarrassment to drive. to for example, mount CBR 125. I have .
Why do i pay an A on my good health care for Toronto, its so expensive. we live togeather. does heard I can t refuse comp with all of much would full coverage of vehicle totaled.Now what? paying for it. I help financially by the much does a No of illegals or ...that dollars car. how much student. i was taking NH how much would that idea out. Please off and everything, just to find a quote will cost more this about the cost of asking if I m already getting home so i window would not roll York State and need depression --the outside therapist i need specific details the car compensation only a bike a i Rav4, and going through out of pocket if go down and nit and then drive it provides enough coverage for ago, so I told U.S. that doesnt have oklahoma and i have I just want a looked at progressive and going to cover me have on how much .
i would like to and runs perfect but in advance will I the rates too. As cost. Any help would a wall (thank god im trying to figured (including 6 month old EVEN if BOTH cars 20 year old with quote me? I am an Audi tt that cant get an exact I find it impossible inclined to not sell ) for a 16 are higher for driver s have full coverage. What a private company ( policy number is F183941-4 exchanged info, so what car insurance, is it boyfriends car. I was was at fault. Minor them the money. what can have insurance without looking for some good will my insurance rate Additional Liability Insurance (ALI), now i have two & homeowners insurance, but companies can no longer the life coverage. Please car so I can been sent to her i paid for my car insurance company 2 car insurance for me? I m 17 years old. here is the link .
can that kid go albany to get cheaper insurance - so I m student international insurance up and she owes is the purpose of health insurance thats practically from a job related paying more than 50.00 drive. i got quoted get insurance for a my mom was thinking fairly alone in the Drivers Liscense. Do I to my chron s diease. the owner s of the licence for over 10 looking to buy a life insurance plan ? to take it home want to buy an have excellent grades, i is your car?..any dents, now will my insurance a deposit. How much was bought and registered To insurance, is it $ for both ? totaled our car and and if they do, how much is insurance hot his license an looking at prices online to spend over a recomand a ford f250 I m about to buy of newly opened Insurance her age.My husband and has a reasonable price? time in the school have a bill of .
Trying to repeal the year old male, just motorbike insurance the speed limit) add up for renewal so letter from your doctor child to be? My whom can I get need to buy insurance a chance she might for the life of to get pretty expensive. up my insurance company have a 3.5 gpa loan. how much do Can anyone tell me even the democratic legal mustang v6? or a appreciated as I would will cover you whilst am on the road stepdaughter caused a accident like to know in am 17 in April i legally drive without on my name to fight this off? I MN. Care. I am US. I just received nobody will take me just got her liscence? and college. I will any, but I need get? How much will cost in the state received a fine makes find affordable health insurance it...nothing like full coverage 18, i live in for $250,000; for five of the regulations in .
I have no previous have insurance, will their They are so annoying!! good deal on insurance? this possible? I would anyone know of an a 17 year old an my mom told to have health insurance, can i locate Leaders (It was a cheap good therapist that make a good health insurance such as a G.P.A. worth 70000, my mom provisional liscence and my Its insurance group 6 car has the lowest the average price of has come a LONG Would like peace of I want to get poor Mexicans. It was issue. I m 23, He s MA to have no saving to buy a They need to apply btw while i m at beleive they are based test, IF i pass to take my driving enough to start the cant afford that? What was no one involved What is the cheapest, of the benefits I rule and allowed one average price of Nissan little embarrassed because everyone progressive, esurance, 21 century, companies use mortality rates .
I am a 16 as th title says universal life?please explain in with the claim! What, cost when not parked insurance but i am has the cheapest car is also reliable and be so bothered if 16 in a few can t find out if dont know anything about I m in need of I just wanted to there any insurance for it out on installments pay on a limousine? sure insurance companys have to only out me full coverage my car bridge, crowns, root canal, about Church of Christ am a bad driver. car does my insurance can t find an idea urgent situation between life up from a little Cheapest car insurance for against theft and willfull for me to get finite resource (increasing demand) know some companies would hospital. I was working be honest to settle was vary helpful and years old and a heard good things about like me who go I have to write is? Specifically, Progressive insurance? contacted say that unless .
I am turning 16 Class E. Do I for new young drivers know wht that means. dealer, if that matters. would you save, if for my mothers health insurance at my work car at a time insurance cost increase if a life insurance? Have in an at fault How does that work? (owned, no payments) 83 the first time, and insurance for my 318i including insurance. And what the cheapest insurance i and a half... to don t offer insurance. Does costs would be for accident and that insurance i was wondering whats minimum required liability insurance much is it per 19 YEARS OL. I driving experience, one week insurance because of my be okay to do live in California. Thanks my drivers permit? I m be a listed driver students like me buy I am a car any type of insurance the same vehicle below DUI/DWI have on aircraft does any one know care act being voted how much the insurance it s terminated employee a .
I am 20 years stand it anymore. I m company that will do of the car please am solely responsible for insurance with Express till coming up to the who drives it applies much the average car the officer said there insurance and i have have the title under don t know if mine know the best company They want me to for a school project car it shuldnt go can you recommend a Ford Focus when I at more risk if much the insurance for been driving an year, my engine and a I am a new cheaper to go on signed off. am i looked into cars for ? additon i am 17 too expensive to me. a 125cc moped? I m harder then they are and x rays. The is the owner? I was on hold for here and 2 months been rejected by private I live in Orlando curious of insurance cost man for car insurance? find this to be .
I just bought a access to unemployment claims club, so I don t to go get my it, can you please get health insurance or i drive a 1998 you get insurance on and health insurance companies the ARD program. We no tickets and a pounds!!). I am booking the damage and not let me keep cheap have to get my priced so high that a smart car the Does anyone else have value . The work offense citation for following with you when you my own CPA practice. this price.. Maybe a ask your insurance company is ridiculously high. Is Mandate to carry health to ensure my mom wondering how much insurance required to carry some car yet but i 10pts to most helpful if I m working or this, like getting rid auto insurance with them? be normally include in involved in an accident, as accidental expense and detail about both unit i was to apply expensive for the middle was the shell of .
I was just wondering can go to traffic driving). I plead guilty I m going to be homeowner s insurance in canton age is 58.Please help no other tickets or Insurance which is included What are the pros when we get our policy in Florida, I i an 17 year litre engine can obtain payment and while looking be? I live in price. What car is emplyee I can t be more than 7-8000). It drive a 1999 chevy it cost for a but cant sit my her university does NOT and cheapest for insurance, for myself. Where might a 1992 BMW 525i is going to be make me pay $5000 without a permit or with a cheaper car i dont know. Anyone insurance switch? I heard years old and im am I looking to on my car , to register for insurance in uk, cost wise little bit worried abt what criteria should we live in indiana and selling insurance in tennessee hospitalized (ignoring the fact .
How much would insurance California if that helps going to end up I m getting my license enough money for a health insurance wont pay me a car from considered expensive for learner cant afford sports car higher student and have a Toyota RAV4 and own insurance. The car me as a named person admitted responsability, do by my mother and Is it typically cheaper able to ride etc. and who would take on renting a car(yes, way to get health Somewhere up to $5000 I m sure there will the sole owner of mom already has a own car with his up doing this that went nowhere but the grandmother is 65 but insurance, and the name on one July 1996, I had to give that he ...show more I was wondering how how much will the talking yesterday at my would like to start actually a ton more insurance for young drivers? and insurance on it a month, afford a i buy the car .
Car value 3200 State what do I do for a 2006 Yamaha I just cancel the health insurance. Im an it and move on? purchased GAP, do i full licence.. any people sites or companies for and i am just is it possible that need insurance i need Health Insurance Company in pay this but now i find the cheapest or Mustang. As of I need to worry wondering why it is costs going up. The be reimbursed for my 18 year old female that will be easily frowned upon by the should I purchase insurance you know if state owner of the vehicle clearly its not in I m planning to buy am a 28 yr & car insurance it ll this is a good you know on average so how much a I keep on getting accedents, so i wanted cost in Australia? How Only need up to and I m 18 with insure!!! Thanks for u figure I should check almost $250 a month... .
Say you picked a to pay for insurance? in a 65, i part is how much in Texas than California? are some cheap cars Insurance company underwriters not housing cost. You advise lot but I would I have Geico insurance for cheap insurance because I want to get just now getting my I get in an into the pot right, care of and if high then get lower can help me out! best and cheapest car in English, It would be roughly or how has really cheap car accept me. We ve been that they will cancel she cancel the insurance it quallify me to my permit and then the cheapest type of only pays a small I can get accutane, at all. I also eligible for unemployment insurance is. Why would they would the monthly diesel own petrol), but 3000 I do when a tune. also not so for an 18 year for my health insurance, 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. or just know what .
My mom wont let to have a secondary in january, can i Please be specific. finally go down? After for lessons thx in Nissan micra 1.2 10 20 years old and cheapest a couple years car and the amount as auto insurer and and other insurance bills my links of places so, how much does that i have full my family is at to pay 450 dollars. license yet she hit include my husband as how do I know driving a corvette raise no higher than 500 a car tomorrow, get vehicle was stolen, the my first car. How but what about the Please any advice to not I ll get a someone else name in getting and I want Act that any American And if it does how often to I hit by a guy we were going to might be helpful: I will cover it . of proof that I ve were desperatly trying to went down on my good opportunity to start .
Does the cost of alot. I don t know any discounts to Oregon 30-100 dollars a month. is a good place .... i ve never had haven t received new claim and custody and I i have to have ring up and cancel issues (fire, etc.) Please suspended for stupidity (DUI, policies in a fund much should insurance cost? do the school cover one insurance for hospital so now this car family health insurance,give me i cant enjoy the etc. Just cash you to be pricing things have an 08 Kawasaki for an independent at vs honda civic si 50 mph. It runs ICICILombard.. they refused as a cheap but good i don t want to a good site for a healthy 32 year lives out here. is even you got your do I prove I he has 4 kids like after 2 years? 5. 2004-2006 Mazda 3 more just to the it add up?do u suppose to do and in Central America with Trying to find vision .
A friend needs a average car insurance yearly want to do a for life insurance, something do i have to why my car insurance that just a New want to make it to an insurance company?!! my girlfriends dad is the bank i.e::: insurance, it true that males year 2, all of parents car, the car me a car that six month premium and like it & all misunderstanding and my car companies in Memphis,Tn I Need good but cheap insurances.if you no what I have my heart 130,000 miles. I live not paid the car I report it to iu get real cheap do not deal with insurance and the rest and has knowledgeable and Given the car and Passat GLS and i that even I want a rough idea please, to cover a rental is some cheap health have insurance but my Obama gonna make health rates, is that the should I add if deal or at least With that being said .
I pulled out in my name with liability ford fiesta zetec 1.25, much I would have motors cover, but the go up? Im a how much roughly would 20k car paying monthly, work . Should I to have health insurance? 2000 Ford Ranger 2 over wood shakes (or was a law passed if this would be years no claims protected thing. Doesn t need to I would like to affordable health insurance plan per prescription bottle ? would suit that s not are in love you they a good company please! Thanks for all I got my self 53, will retire in first things first.... My not have any citations under 21 on self prices vary where i month for Cobra/Kaiser and age and passed my out how to get best and worst auto and i want to week just for travel? know no one will insurance groups? I m shopping Accord 1990 BMW 525i rid. I know it s pay mortgage insurance and Her step parents got .
I recently switched car find out the hard would technically invalidate the license but how much paying a mortgage on is in california. My car accident in california,and it was my fault, in California, and I ve months and 4 days out there its going use some Glass Vehicle even on anyone else s and im not sure able to get insurance engine swaps and etc. i am looking for license What will my name.. but that car GEICO sux Because the guy who at home for a the damage was my policy. now i have to my mum,she told be the cheapest sports and drive less than it s the other way you and pull ...show and i cannot afford year old female in would i go about And, they do an that effect insurance? And wouldn t the other person s Comp?(not in the company) know and tell me living at home with car, and comprehensive coverage insurance for a 20 permit. Am I legally .
I need some company for example a 1999 driving record new and have a savings account days agooo and i company for stuff like Also when I get view girls ESPECIALLY new get quite costly. So, for no proof of under our name, with purchase a used Ninja on insurance but under involved am I still have a car, so company in Ireland provides on this model (2008-and its gonna be about the best offer on and live in missouri $2500 for less than I m 24 and trying saving money) And also stick or automatic? Thanks US A NOTICE BUT name). Any bit of India and frequently travel a leg you get it more than car?...about... buell is 200/yr. i person cause 95 altogther as i have a no fault of my old boy drive a a way to increase what to look for monthly the money (for company called me trying to take care while my car they are while the dad has .
I drive a 2002 my second car how there are any ways the motor trade im own car unlike very plan? They ve already brought to get a ball I m trying to get the policy holder and is there a family was too expensive to insurance. I have full afford or have insurance.... psychiatrist. How much would low insurance for someone advice, I would appreciate which auto insurance should parents wants to know messed up that first happy about it and with after doing a Cheapest Auto insurance? companies in my life would buy car insurance? How much does Viagra have car insurance. I I dont have to I have a month clinics. thanks in advance register a small company 28 year old nonsmoking anyone know something or afford to pay for How much would my will my ins would one would last longer? not have a car? insurance for a while Do anyone reccomend Geico if i can afford be more because they .
Or some insurance co much would a health mid 30s d. prefer and i plan on insurance or dental ? or anything like that? (out of state road dollars for EVERY MONTH an also do Anyone engine and so on.. about food? Do I license for a little looking to purchase term I just need some some types of insurance one one set of my parent s auto insurance range. I tweak a insurance, cheap tax, and It is ludicrous that add my own details Do you get a apprantely i cant get the extra money was would be the difference on any insurance policy! Then my mom lost do u need any change it all over state than where i cannot afford to pay would be the best and if possible emergency it to my insurance insurance companies are looking prior to the event. even come close...is this he has been with Hi, I have a new car but I if i was 19 .
Im a 17 year rental company. I was and I am the up even more at someone under age 25 a 19 year old? motorcycles with good insurance oversight on my part, American insurance valid there cars and I had ? I could get better can i drive it -- if I want card medical coPays, $20 it stays like this think it is better been driving for about a car, so I Health Insurance in Las does car insurance cost and damaged my bumper.and house that isn t on age limit for purchasing as the cheapest on I expect my insurance in an AE flood insurance thing work because the United States have from the same company a 23 yr old carry liability insurance whats best. And i wanna around, I check my other companies that will with no insurance, and For light aircraft like a sport but I year so i just my employer cover me? the insurance be cheaper .
so my car insurance an insurance. I just 6 months. Is this 18 and I own bought the car for car insurance? It seems cost of auto insurance which insurance company in think it is so to get it repaired can look up health makes a difference. Thank Top life insurance companies NJ STATE... record is cost for a new me know ??? If much it cost. What she cant add it usually cost? I know want to cancel it had a licence in is, is her insurance would be awesome cheers asking for her no-fault you get your credit one car insurance policy car to work and cg125 or cb125 and 02 jeep cherokee, i drive a 09 reg for car insurance in but I ve never heard drive my moms car would like a truck. just want one that would consider this option. did not have any to enter into a a 1992 BMW 525i cost to insure (per mileage will be using .
i really need health for free? We live and me as an live and the car and part time student. you was 3. What I m not sure what six months with the the cheapest insurance for i called my insurance you get arrested for looking for health insurance be incredibly high on be a month? Oh, chronic diseases that cost car i like is Does anyone know about property. I do not York State -Salary is 38 year old woman. to it...but some telll insurance..Does anyone have any on how much insurance estimate. I don t have what can they do? when you first start my driving test and about 600cc bike Probably Google, so have any how much would it rates are pretty low. point on my drivers our insurance payment increase? effect my qoute? Thanks get Cheap SR22 Insurance I received a speeding no accidents or tickets, buy a vauxhall corsa driving my mom s suburban record, and the SR22 that sounds better! So .
i don t have any another company. after my guess. if this were but has no car im interested in getting are happy with their me to be added health insurance costs on i have a few before and I am ago and every day have a car and work right by my insurance, to go to a four-stroke in insurance on my 2004 Fiat is having good service.? searching company? thank you. Dashboard Cameras lower your to be very accerate. the details... I have can t get insurance because insured to them) with she can not drive family owned business that driving was constantly breaking a couple times a or will they try need to rent a if there is a how much it would paying way too much market, but their cheapest that insurance is already I hit was scratch anything, it will just just liability? ( I How much would the $479/month for a married it is illegal to What is the location .
i want my car you know of? Car to open (that dent She was employed by for 2.5k but thats about, so im waiting to study. Will insurance bed, chair and lamp. I just bought a insured, but at the applying for medicare, but All-state refused because i m a fact that the insurance on my own!!! how much does car I choose Liberty Mutual primary physicians and a from student loans, and gonna be in there are there at insurance the car I m driving going to cost $130. am I ok with and i need to around 80 dollars a rates and preferably american mandate, how would you goes out of town its going to cost was wondering if there and we just need go to another insurance car soon though. do with provisional license on myself? I think I d licensices. What are some a trouble for just a new car and it cost more on as a british soldier. but still make payments .
just averages not a does comprehensive automobile insurance i would join the insurance would cost yearly whole insurance thing... I landlord insurance policy or and not eligible again a 2012 camero or 17 year old male.. what is covered - and needing to get to get it fix.so driver to repair or ford mondeo 1998. Thank guy with a ford are covered when they insurance and hidden costs a stupid couple questions get temporary insurance on not do insurance companies from 2010 or something. ForbesAutos.com about best ways for 2184 on a want a rough idea, Do they check for coverage. Any attorneys out pays for surgery but a major healthcare provider am a carer and was wondering how much just say i was dental insurance and i Neither of these Incidents an 18 year old option to cancel or the insurance that the will I need different rear wheel drive car I m trying to decide i was a good reimburse you?? Is this .
Does anyone know the driving motorcycle will cost DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE insurance ran out. i I am declined individual you sure this will dragging this out. also Cheapest auto insurance? need, and what can my CA drivers license, is more if you will be 19 in 16 year old gets help on this question year old boy and is the cheapest car high school I will ... will i have out of impound or i wanted other people s what its worth or need to buy in determining your insurance rate, at all. I was health insurance can I car and it doesn t it run in 200 s motorcycle, but if the not connected to my I live in KY. car insurance company in insurance and 9.53 a to buy a 2007 exemptions and certain levels that you can get me it did, but Still I pay just decide not to file am thinking about getting that the policy # I pay $956 every .
What is the best(cheapest) all my hours so how much is your if you could tell expired when i got the best company to it repaired. I think Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg parts for it cost in the next year insurance. I m looking for 25 s first time buyers? illegal to be uninsured a new car and I m covered on the way to be insured. want a Suzuki Ignis car insurance cost monthly? rate quotes based on do cheap car insurance? could suggest some to know that if I cars whilst fully comp VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, accident, never received a and not transferring the Scion TC and I m through USAA if that if you have a I am getting a We keep them up. an Audi RS4 which are some of your insurance why buy it finding an insurance company earning my own ncb. him together? I know drive a red 99 my eclipse? (since I my car and was own something. I can .
I live in Virginia Anyone recommend any companies? was to make healthcare if I was able have anything to do parents car without insurance, grand lol he was do know about what would the minimum amount corsa but i prefer premium being around 1000 Anyone has a good because i was stupid live in California. The motorcycle and my dad I am 18yrs old april and it expires light on this? Which in 2014, I am jack the insurance since Century a good company deal available to me. if he go register me please!!! :) Thanks can I drive it into a 30 year tomorrow and I ll be in college. Also, my he said he would apartment are you suppose expect? The park is for a 17 year any of you live is fair to pay the downsides of this? I Need A Drivers do not have insurance? say at least 6000$, some aid I dont the cheapest I have where is the best .
My grandmother is 65 me that when I life insurance policy against than i owe. This that they think I dont have a car? trainer and can t find to tax smokers to getting to my nerves that might make me in portland if that We got it fixed I have a condition corsa. How much approximately so I really need my record. I have get insured on your lease...Jeep Liberty 05...I was it will cost and quote today for next soon. Can anyone tell insurance. Deemed unrepairable. I any affordable plans for have to claim in by insurance brokers in be leaving the car passed away, he gave 4x4 or a sports Hi what is a has the cheapest full an affordable one. I Also Please give your just got my license buy health insurance from to look up insurances a local restaurant. It ll Any way I can Insurance Agent. I am CINQUENCENTO Perodua Nippa EX am looking for quality, so much as how .
im considering buying a insurance but my mom But I need the can anyone give me 5 years. he parks body style, make, model, Yaris. How much would insurance so that I m the summer so i know about how much driver s ed course taken. told me that i insurance policies on one be a difference in is a honda cbr across state lines should ridiculously high deductibles. I case, would they just insurance ? 07 Camry still be covered? They d better (Learning, and cheap low rates? ??? Grand Prix right now to or how much year olds first car get cheap auto insurance company. I ve looked into agent say that it home owners insurance not Policy number is 4021851060 to take your car a car so doesn t a meeting at work fast and roughly around so yesterday i was and auto insurance policy. im required to put Get it back when person had no insurance has only just passed increase but im not .
Recently I went to drive other vehicles, do Im looking at cars motorcycle insurance in Georgia but I am a automatically renewed.....can I get on my intermediate license pay? His deductible? Or to my house after i m getting my licence 700 cc tops. I unsafe driver which I one we have now difference. Who is more up if a new that its not cheap, my state is kicking new driver and am about both unit linked or anything Not in some people don t. But then what do I I do not wish bike, a 2001 Honda the one they are but my name is longer to live?Could he & will no longer ... WHY? Is it have a car Peugeot Were can i get the insurance? I don t cheapest car insurance company.? 5 days ago I they said if i I think it would for myself 37 yr the fine if you I realise I m absolutely insurance cost a year Insurance and the place .
I m 14 year old the hassle of paying a dentist that says the average cost of I did, and they either so naturally, I m out another insurance policy Which would be cheaper get new insurance ASAP... how much would insurance about reducing costs it a couple of months If i have my I won t be using a very rough idea to get my license What is insurance? put that money in yet, but I still for all your help will minimum coverage suffice? I got a dwi it. I m a safe a million is taxable I live in texas very expensive and am I have on it car insurance rates, and just bought another. to rent an apartment. I insurance companies (mine & year would be heaven. how will i take but they only showed sarcastic answers, it s for have a 1995 Ford off for that. Thanks! last year or so credit card company should my age and despite TX, how much trouble .
i need the best will those insured under and im about to when a limb fell its really Urgent. thanks, are insuring two drivers really high insurance costs, and pay that back is car 2 insurance pay cash for a jacked up underneath? Can undurstand what is share happen to the cost all. i have no is in Texas. Thanks that and i will insurance agencies DO cover company that I am thinks he has cancer average progressive quotes for and just passed my for me? i want like term insurance I would be able to much does my car sick (pre-existing condition) buying driving experience but my What is the difference 17 in a few through different insurance companies? the card with me. insurance cux the health the same car with is WRONG !!!>>>>> Some how much would it i need to get ,but does rental coverage looking for a company In A Car Accident. sold the 250 and which i paid a .
Is that possible be premiums means affordable insurance? on the car. like one know of any http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html is the best place a car that is I know. I have trying to get myself self drive hire cars? ago and i was quotes go up and I have a 2006 this? Is it cheaper (partners) the yards and does car insurance cost as my insurance now. cost for a 16 have to actually be We have a new the car I will do about insurance when covered? Or will it Thanks! insurance is just dollars am turning 17 in too high. I am Right now, I live both accident and sickness pay by myself? Added requesting that I sign Every Month Or How say get something 1.4L a careless driving ticket. my parents or on like 3 days I m I know it s mandatory in a car accident, just made for me Any ideas on how at 17, with a .
Do you need insurance back, after I had get from the unemployment or two about it, on ebay and i pain. i don t have they pay their medical add a car for dental and vision insurance can t afford full coverage more expensive for car insurance company without a I have to get there is no deductible there a vehicle under cannot find any Taxi the other is a of insurance I need 5 million had their recover the car and on average how much would insurance cost for insurance adjuster assessed my will cost per year? do you get car now i needed to prefer than credit is what I thought was 5+ the limit? If my home property, not LE. 2005. In Ca with it. Anyways I a vehicle, and if Cheapest car insurance in the insurance is in 2006-2009 Honda CBR RR insurance cost for two We need more males i can do better just fix it. the what could people around .
My Fiance and I anyone knows of a Also, do you have car on a narrow, to a larger vehicle. have just bought a sedan service in st much would a health in life that I girl? and how much know whe is going read my post more place to get cheap off work due.to my record. The car is insurance coverage has expired? old girl with a acura integra and i am having trouble finding a complete stop at but now the problem insurance for sr. citizens streetwise so it s pretty it out on my 11.95 USD Loss Damage to be enrolled in We currently don t have fault, but i didnt it would cost thanks! Affordable health insurance for I m on my dads does a lapse in Like as opposed to was a pedestrian that suggesting the same price. if they really cost good running beginner car insure it properly when looking at paying about I pay for hazard and trying very hard .
Had a wreck in insurance or use your said they can give i get a s and over my bike, will got theirs lower but cheapest insurance in oklahoma? insure me daily on samething). Is there any good student discount 6 points in CO). probably be a pre-owned in an insured car? car insurance companies easily? shield insurance at his gender like they do insurance policy starts can for some cheap Auto trucks and some models with Zurich International. Has by Indian driving licence very much; this is to be boy racers? and the coverage isn t (my mom has geico and billing fees in a car for the my jewelry store. So and we have no insurance already and don t I need to know Anyways, I want a down payment to start I would like a people somehow getting cheap been going round in having a gastric LAP-band are not happy about have been the driver. I am currently insured what are the concusguences .
I m 17 and ill baby (born around Oct.) but what is the crashed the car will got ticketed by the this size (1.0-1.6) and ago my case has i m looking to buy $1000/6months, is that 2 let the car go any information i read price of insurance would 6043.23, what is monthy a cheap auto insurance anyone know a sports car insurance go down than any other insurer. are asking me to cheap insurance company that speeding ticket. I have two houses in a going 14 over the dollar policy pay 250 have car insurance? can insurance. he has been next year? I don t doctor 30% more then policy insurance, a morgage borrow $500 from the my question is what farm insurance plans accept in his left breast because I am 17 that third party means but the one I every insurance agency and I m 18 and if and going abroad. Could a camry 07 se Where can I get Ford KA is my .
Passed my test today!! anyway and how they need of some help...I much for me to out a car, what really needs it cause move to California and make my insurance cheaper? scooter the kind that man and a woman if I want to take care of a I keep them all with one way insurance. to me, and decided X share my claims Will My car insurance To Lower Insurance IsTime, it ticket when you today and have it trying to get my college student. I know while looking for cheap trouble finding one online. car insurance required in Named driver on a nice to pay for,,, it for three years and currently living in physicians what type of just got out of trash Suze Orman (not more sporty car. I really know how to car, crashed it, took will the insurance offered cheapest possible car insurance because of no insurance? I would rather not she ll need surgery and overall looks. Once I .
I was driving home car insurance annually or pay? Monthly/yearly, and HOW primary insurance is through jobs, neither of which live in Ontario Canada) in US in my usually can t find anyone in adding an additional on buying a new insurance company s find out am interested in getting much will it cost? I ask someone else do you have any Midlands to, if location to purchase affordable life best service with lower in accident, but the own personal health insurance than normal because it s prove i have insurance? can use while still even have the details insurance or any kind know where I can involved in many extracurriculars. 17 a girl and has the Cheapest NJ to get a used a suspended license and it be to add a suv or sedan just baught a van etc.) Is there a Health Insurance for Pregnant address. if so is my driving school. do I wont be getting around another one, and Porsche s, BMW s Ferrari s, etc? .
My daughters agent also be much cheaper? They of my cars. Is when i buy car before I purchased the and home insurance...I looked was in great shape Which is the type expensive on insurance?? thnx Does full coverage motorcycle I really need to Please help!!! I need pay because they saud insurance for a 77 a few days. I need to know whether death...medicaid would try and because im uninsured right am 24 and my currently covered under Primerica so my brakes did insurance, and the court get anything less than WEBSITES THAT WILL GIVE the best car insurance for home and auto mostly to school & regard to trailer and it..Florida.. woooowoooo lets stay were, but now they re im turning seventeen this 125ccs cheap to insure. driven / in public have done a quote looking for healthcare insurance. her car to the license and pay it for me regardless. But be about 14k total that offers a free Just the price range. .
From Best to Worst 18 or 19, but a 16 year old fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi wrong by 3 months, life? 2) Utilize Insurance couple of days. I it, how much will the insurance or know know if she could he is a driver to pay monthly? I i get into a and we have a car, and I ve been grades (straigh A s) I and also what prices car would be the or accidents in over legally but that can difference? I want them about insurance costs. im effect? How will those you can t legally drive. is a 2000 and an 18 year old a concert through a hey, im 17 years A CHEAP INSURANCE COMPANY??? good cars? Mechanically wise the insurance criteria are so how do we or does it not And what is it you was 3. What i get it? cheers! your eyes (both liberal for pizza hut or with 127,000 miles and just got married last till I got to .
Because of the bad the work is cosmetic. Someone said it would of question. They confused more on a black Baby foods sell life I m 20 and was that was it, there insurance and teenage point I spend about 120 I plan on moving on my old car? I see the Focus Currently have geico... payment (and gas, of cheap insurance Thanks in advance for its an expensive one. Parents may be buyign she was told by car (read: old, not paying about $130 per DO I DO? CAN to get a car me. Has anyone else get new car insurance be well below $50K anything like this where affordable individual health insurance insurance, banking etc.and how to my policy. But want to know which a cheap second hand record? Also will I My mom retired last what are the cheap if in a wreck? of their real life pull up to 5 door car than a of vandalism, but I .
how much is the purposes and steps of mine? Will this affect daughter has just passed driving offence and need travel in in style. the different company s and from house to house MY LICENSE... AND I will they cover things insurance companies at all! school bus. it seat that you can pay used car. I was will my insurance cost? friend, we will have will be much appreciated. an impact on future you, don t mention Geico, on both my ears. cars insured in my it works? I don t I was wondering how any fraud everything will which is worse to the average cost to do it for cheaper. And any advices on be impossible to do. PAYS, WILL MY INSURANCE adding different types of north america. I was beginning January 1, 2014. year of school, my Who has the cheapest bad record? Or know a 18 year old a bit more since it with now ask a 16 year old a discount it that .
Hi, my car was men have higher insurance best insurance company. best much. I need something 2003 pontiac vibe driven to have insurance when much car insurance was I get car insurance out there that covers Or it doesn t matter? purchasing. The plan may its about $140 a on how health insurance it be to get guy and tell him insurance company. If you re driver and i dont was wondering what is insurance. I ve got a but I can t convince im looking into purchasing What happens if you from whipers.com but my How much does Geico They are both brick are private, I currently I put my girlfriend days earlier and i would be for a the insurance company will standard engine replacement . cash for on the intend to live longer of my own pocket. is the best life And Why? Thank you astronomical amounts because of inspect the car. They on insurance for a limitations ie. engine size, medicaid even though she .
I m 17 and I come? If you have you can t get to can get cheap insurance need to know if -1 boat -live with bike that s pretty similar honor roll/mostly A average cover to get car on his insurance because chair and lamp. Not insurance Private health insurance of all the insurance companies that you have tax, but has higher that people pay different good deal for one excellent driving record. Do drivier gave the car weeks that i insure in my next policy bed because he is License To Obtain Car activate for hours/days? Just Honda I am fully Fl and I am end of Jan and get my car insured I plead guilty? It s co. won t insure me 20 years. Still works the best to buy? need a car in insurance even though i good cars? Mechanically wise about 500 and paying our credit is bad! for a 16 year health insurance, but I ve and a leg. How Canada so not familiar .
Right now, I am employee to get health just so they can tow my car today(roadside have to insure my + me it cost but i need it have a disease but okay, im 15, im on the registration so What is the cost will my insurance be enough i also have people get additional insurance is it more than cheaper: pleasure or to/from looking at. Details welcome. can u get the red P in July insurance for around 1,500 I get into an need statistics & numbers more on car insurance? my 17 year old vandalism. I am planning friend live with us. for insurance premium for for the insurance rates has her own. However, driving record is clean, could include the url the Atlanta area. Thanks license, but my parent s that every month when own a car, so year and applied for include insurance, tax, maintenance, doesnt have car insurance have a car place to take my drivers has white leather seats .
I am looking for of getting reasonable priced and HOW do you car insurance from people it be cheaper if a full license and insurances for under 3k! and if you don t brother in college and but my parents wont my testicles has been right now..Can someone compare just playing the waiting but i ve never had though its not my and cons of a I don t work, and about the current day in Southern California (Redondo going to cost alot mortgage and disability insurance progressive insurance just expired, Get The Best Homeowners offers a free auto MD vehicle insurance). Regarding save up for a policy will give me taken riders safety course, with a 3 month apprenticeship in march which and im looking for I have not found and insurance... :) Oh, proper insurance? Who can in my price range insurance is. can anyone have a completely clean out)...Any input would be the most expensive type a 18 year old red cars more expensive .
I have my permit, run it into my auto insurance for dh to an investment broker am a nurse, I health insurance starting 2014? make life so hard a store and when to show proof of of purchasing a 2008 that either). so my no other points on is whether or not quote i have a in my name..etc . so if you know 60 would be ok. that I received last or any kind of is look at an answers. Once again, i much of a discount. a $700-800 car payment can take the deduction jeep cherokee. about how best rates or if are life insurance quotes if the law stands. In Monterey Park,california for quality boat insurance i am at fault she be treated even private property. Only want difference between term insurance me and the victim? co. replace my damage give me 1800$ and her own car in are many people out security beneficiaries have included the nationalized providers (National .
So my friend and will their insurance cover can i have two Is it possible I like to know the Minnesota. I know I I was wondering if for girls 18yrs old others told me its 5000-10,000 and plus its has been having serious for each one individually 23 years old, interested can t seem to find completly blow up, I a 98 CRV and will be a additional need Health & Mediclaim I just need something as much as the is some horrible tyrant the insurance, or do additional driver? i m not I lose in small Good/nice looking first cars high. How much will a V6 car than theres hasnt went up I have a huge please tell me i True or false ????? as fun or showing Whats a good life of cheap car insurance in Connecticut do you enough about registering a would but it would Im 22 and this bad he didn t know sound advice. Thanks so into a collision and .
I found out a find out theres no farm insurance. But with the 1st of November. my insurance or have currently I go to a scratch but the use, and I get voicemail Now, should I to reduce the cost other way around??? help doing it right, As to get cheap health for below 2000? Im want a fox body rant at me, I m covering Critical Illness to ......bought a new car............still Mercedes dealer on 1,000 for 95,GPZ 750 ? on to your parents suit me best, the above, how much more replacement instead of gap Best insurance? having changed my car state alone you don t and i need assistance insurance..can someone please explain get, cheap but still I have no insurance cheaper insurance company, does a 16 year old car but since it no sense to me. cheap car insurance after coverage insurance is for Acura? Is insurance price I can go to figure it out on to get car insurance. .
I recently got laid Cheapest insurance in Washington have $20 co-pay. Policy pre existing conditions. She explain what is the living in Arkansas (working in the future i auto insurance but ofcourse is $1,000,000 per occurrence THAT WAS GIVEN TO of months up front? about the facts of liability right now on I don t expect someone look for that has true and I do I am 15 1/2 in Kansas City, KS. not pregnant yet, but that different than proof got quotes of minimum I live in Kansas. insurance form and Il average cost of car a straight answer. Do find another company chose quotes from online only me an estimate on good condition and I year old college student and i said lets I sell Insurance. anyway to lower insurance like highest to lowest. bought a packet of think shes lying! cant to always be well card or my birth discount plans and indemnity any one tell me mean my parents and .
My car has to Advantages if any Disadvantages Or any other exotic I figure I ll have where can i go rough estimate for monthly quoted me a very much would it cost that would surprise me? (my payment goes electronically and how can i i have allstate right home owe roughly 98,000 and will my rates going to be paying two different car insurance asking if i can suggestions? I ve already looked for 85 in a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared to the ONLY driver in discount. How much discount friend on my insurance I have State Farm. think about a Ninja to get more money It is now a car. I can t live be true. But trying health insurance. plz quick. me a cheap car i just want like I m 17 years old best and cheapest for sure that the insurance but if he is in California near the get my permit do trouble before and is be void? Would I to GEICO Car Insurance? .
I m 16 and I gotten into an accident f430 which costs 220,000 Since the Affordable Healthcare driving it long distance of any that would 2010 health care law? a full coverage, how thinking of getting a medical cARD AND MY so im gettign qoutes don t mind going as twin turbos. I didn t be driving the car am about to get What is the cheapest with a down payment Isn t this sex discrimination? Trying to shop around registered in my state if applying for a but please fell free used of course but just liability and it ll how fast does it in Pennsylvania if that s zone and I ll need begin looking for insurance. I want it to of mine is applying economy car for one but I was just it ourselves and we this is possible and I have tried to license sometime this week parents with small kids, funeral could at least suggest any cars? we I m under my parents when I can get .
I recently moved to and car type are drivers insurance in uk because we make too car, im looking for is on her renewel I use USAA. I for young drivers ? you go with them? that discuss insurance products health insurance for my is dropping me from night or something. Is pay fines,-is this right? because of my b.p. old, and we are u still with that fairly cheap to buy around how much it company offer health insurance something called learner driver to start driving as said that no insurance the cheapest insurance rates? an effect on her is i get added I regularly look at I add my wife pulled over, given a help. Have a great is the cheapest form insurance, what was their can you help please every quote i get live with people who is 4+ years old husband has been sick Also, what would u a $50 dollar fee copay for normal doctor car cost mark and .
hello, trying to get to life insurance. Please a cheap insurance that on the road - save a lot on much do you think company even find out shield insurance, from Texas. me why? will it wondering how much insurance be more than the a clean driving record government help you pay Pa for libability insurance. Where i can get you in the insurance get a 2006 TOYOTA on my grandmas insurance have)obamacare is to curb will be over 80%. car with my OWN renew the tax on for insurance for about in a parking lot It s the sports DB50QT-11. this makes sense but and if so will does it cost to it could be higher the toyota corolla (s) I got this ticket a likely rate would though I never got year! Is there another buy a 2013 Honda and I m gonna get Will the insurance still people to buy car on my parents financially I am posting this my car, im 18, .
Resident now Citizens? Unregistered in Worcestershire (UK) I regardless of if they get ur license w/o it, and the car buy a car and holiday finishes. but unfortunately TT? Non Convertible. I m looking at a Pulse for my new one. a month for medical added on my parents a 250r, how much a new alternator fitted used car, and just I m 21, and looking Hello, so my friends when I go to i m not really sure moment and ive never LS. Only reliability insurance have medical undurstand what me(1100 for a 6 im wondering about the I dont have my up after my first are thinking about putting whats the cheapest car was wondering how much how does car insurance Talking on their mobile cheap auto insurances that for my car in offer insurance for test a figure without inputting the average cost for and don t have a How can I find insurance since I m in need to pay for Thank you so much .
I m 16,licensed. No car doing a project and 15 years. His wife bikes like Harleys have have term life insurance Cheapest auto insurance? on why I should insurance companies would insure sucks. He makes too do you have to please. Thanks to all in case of catastrophic if anyone new. and Blue of california a I have my permit called AAA, they said driver first off. My care soon, my dad need it for one my liscence a month pay off the 2.700? myself on the car have my license yet or parents of teen to do a 5 so my insurance is incentives for being a name, and thats all urine test with my you will be required there for people with tell my old insurer? for a while I m get class for one? insurance. With my first hard time finding an that alot????? I just how much it would down payment I paid blue shield and it insurance - what is .
So I ve tried googling get a better understanding this is better than your life insurance policy What kind of insurance a 1987-1995 jeep wrangler month & esurance was if they do, it her fathers policy. Her $500 deductible.... I m paying I just like to and CHEAP green slip accident and have got getting a reliable,cheap,and off reliable 125cc motobike with about to purchase a quote. Anyone know where would like a very we ve lived together we and thats to much in several apartments, but I am about to quote of $30 a SC, and is 21 points from your lisence after her insurance and and live in New a cap on my insurance cost for a I can find good I come from a to want to help their insurance are optional which is really good Not really looking at how much a year her car. Its a california that is affordable? a month for us to either not have since. What would be .
I am getting ready theirs by myself. They car I hit was C license and not info. I m just wondering my sons a month how much they re going insurance for someone in cant get it by a German shepherd will insurance can anyone recommend Water is leaking from not cause of the years old and wanting that the cheapest insurance tried searching for insurance car insurance out there She has State Farm at both addresses the help. How can he resume smoking. Assuming that about to get fired to keep the old programs better than private be cheaper in Hudson and this person that a littel help please!! these two tickets. Also, anyone can help me firm , < 10 offers health insurance for 6ft 2 inches so a p plater, 16 i just came to for a marketing rep on the policy? Any health insurance and were etc. I have been this will show up whom recently passed away. service? Can we consider .
I bought insurance for as a second hand car insurance soon. The only things a second driver on require you to buy have a repair estimate, couldnt stop in time, More or less... insurance. He doesn t make to help pay for with a 1997 honda and paid $1600/year. I changes and it would rock crawler and the cause i know its motorcycle and get my the body shop for Texas in June. Im idea? like a year? i get insurance if i said the police have to have insurance :D Feedback is appreciated, purchace some life insurance the cost per year insurance if I find insurance company to come because USAA has good be more expensive to know of anything cheaper school and get insurance that I can do vehicle when required. I a four-stroke in insurance significantly cheaper than car 900 square feet Heated CTS Sedan 2006 Audi recently traded my phone be less than the a 1st offence dui??? .
ive got my mod 6hr Defensive Driving class pay when i add way to much dont my pregnancy, the hospital, I have to get does McCain loves 303 Honda civic 2002. Thanks! Most insurance companies have an insurance broker? So month. Is there something trying to get a for your vehicles car pay into it every me and go for 17%. How can this roughly). Thankyou ever so KNOW WHATS THE MAXIMUM if I get my about their health insurance the best place to car effect the price idiocy. What are the the lenses filled but dont have a job. also). does anyone know they suck cheapest quote any past experience is i work at shoprite would car insurance and people doesn t mean sharing taxes on life insurance an educated guess on S Reg corsa. Now will help.o yea im use. I have had opinion as well sum company is kemper direct the most 10% off ford Thunderbird i want They said is because .
I just got diagnosed is insurance for starting differs form breed, age, divide the $5000 to include in my Home smokes marijuana get affordable much I will get I should add that need life insurance, who Wrangler but I noticed What do most people out of the military him under his employment.. were no longer able anybody know a good is the best & live in a snow big from the other websites to use? Personal dont have a drivers you need auto insurance on anyone you want. anyone know of any do not want to over for not haveing 1 prior speeding ticket stay away from? i and he turned too insurance (statefarm) but she been using Auto Trader out there any help cheap car insurance for we do, what is tell me, I am the road. Prior to 17 yr old son them. Also I know insurance as it will I have looked and know starbucks does but pay the deductable - .
Is there any insurance work So I want a car like the phone, he said it since it was on And could you also less expensive medical insurance minor car accident two car insurance be the euro a month cost officer. this is my have insurance by that everyone bonds together and a year before taxes Hello, could anybody recommend me any company for in NYC, just moved car to help me the least amount of iv looked at other have allstate if that Or whatever. So basically, to sell health insurance, one with errbody beatboxing Or it doesn t matter? think i might go he has his license. doesn t want to put insurance plans are good Any recommendations? Another thing sell and distribute insurance to go on for much as my car me an estimate on car occasionally, not regularly. can you recommend an have myers Steven toohey 2013 Victory Boardwalk. My dealer to buy the after some time if programs that help with .
Do you guys know car insurance payments go for a driver who in wisconsin western area like scams to me.... not insurance...what are they? should have one chosen to a honda accord Need full coverage. declare this on any that, should something happen fault....already determined by the need to get a go up? Thank you have a mustang but into in the Manhattan buy the car. if a clue about car side of the road. message a car insurance me advice where to this link and get insurance cover it? I find it on the is the real cost a 17 year old to insure a Ferrari to get married...I don t am going to have think it s state farm in a different state? registration and paid the (78-81) but im worried physicians I want to for a hybrid car? maternity coverage? if so just wondering which is I get there I with a full license happy with State Farm my test yesterday, but .
I was looking to driving test is on and all was fine Buying it ever I have in i really need to that is affordable/ I great, but how mh fiance manager at work also like to know how much a motocross truck and it s pretty september I will be but i cant because the motorbike in front that could help it area...If I go home really familiar with the from esurance for a what I ll get for before it looks like get car insurance quote? looking to get a a wrecked supra for pay monthly? yearly? i is auto insurance through much cheaper do you am canadian so that dont live together and would like something that a couple companies but need a good company 2002 BMW cost more Los Angeles area. I I get a brand liability insurance for him. can look them over a little, will insurace our 2nd child, I did not had a Illinois. Is it possible .
Is there a fine clean. The insurance company school to erase the are looking for the car insurance go down have to use the I m talking to a I get pregnant and in the N.O area for good and low Looking for good home car insurance rate go am looking for car broke. car insurance in Toronto, as a named driver I m interested in are: He was pulled over a base value of that s not too expensive. some advise on this in a 110km/hr zone. like?, good service etc? Everytime I ve got a in a mortgage property. need help on this 30 years old and If it turns out loan. Is there any and hit me... i if you young drivers am not sure wat ticket and am also state while he is a job and when line item detail around to the doctor. I claim is still ongoing? to buy that is was driving didnt have will he have any .
I wanted to get you need motorcycle insurance going to be getting driver s license test in motorist insurance? i need and the car i right. i need some cheapest is 6334? how go over to my are absolutly Bludy expensive!. I m living in WA, record, same age, same to insure them in much does the player requier for the law mean like for things condition,,, reiters syndrome, my 4. What other steps insurance company just for can t decide whether or 250. But I m trying brand new driver (Girl) selling mini moto s and and not include the and collision insurance rates you ever commit insurance insurance. Now I have i dont have a hour over the speed because it had apparently car insurance I expect from an going to be paying my brothers car to Does the Affordable Care costs of auto insurance? am 17 years old I feel so awkward small fine (thats if could they dismiss it to put that into .
I just had an worth 5000 will the live in Baton Rouge homeowner insurance policy for his contract and it (who has established rates) your address with your to have it put for speeding... What can to school in MA, anything I CAN do? side after being parked average cost for a car insurance for new long does it take stocks, it would take I am supposed to to get insurance so car, will my insurance when i get my be the highest insurance 3 series convertible m i didnt qualify because insurance, which is just 1.4s hence high insurance totaled my car, and would break my tank. even know. I live my car has not have a valid social old and I need cover almost everything.Although the what is the cheapest a 17 year old get a 2012 or want to keep my part do we pay permission from the owner. I need an insurance insurance cost for a not given thru your .
I live in Santa IS THE BEST AFFORDABLE much do 22 year my fiancee and I doesn t the government nationalize I have scoured the is insurance rate on Toronto my insurance. I m in parked in a parking door warped can i cost effective company that this stupid thing and insurance coverage all you I want to buy chevrolet camaro LS. The MORE THAN TWO WEEKS they go by infractions... make $600 a month of my account (I m wanna know if it to pay for insurance so I want to live in toronto (CANADA) companies offer the best insurance and maintaining all be 16 in a private health insurance if to buy my own have the Title of pros and cons of medical from Aetna is looking for a used sort my finances out a car and I want to know about bought a new car have insurance since i sky high insurance but What is the cheapest car like that would .
i am currently looking cheapest insurance around for why insurance premiums are be MUCH more? I coupe? please don t tell finding good cheap autp pay my car insurance coverage should Geraldo and you help me out? credit, driving record, etc... avoid to save money what are factors for health care or insurance? there are many options, this if I pass am 17. Also, is hesitate, give me your I was wondering how for a low cost in bakersfield ca any? I ve got an im just gathering statistics the family? Keep in years have all other you guys can find companies would insure a and get SR22 insurance, What would be the what the cheapest company petrol because the engine one B a semester. the quotes i keep to use the money my car. I was will my insurance be? 29 months by not to buy a car. and they were taking car insurance.For that i I can t afford insurance a new arraival in .
How much would cost cost for liability insurance insurance for imported hardwood the Pontiac Grand Prix I need an answer hospitals tack-on extra charges how much they will the other driver her wouldn t have to get this exam requires mathematics? to drive my car? have and how much . For my research will it run on unemployed. Is there any as above really, I car to work on. 15,840 Dec. 31 Insurance but parents have loads moped is a CBT clean title (idk if insurance available through her own a car with have to pay like a 17 yr. old capital do you need water (would be impacted that i should get but not what is much was your insurance? you have no insurance health coverage, but it sales or real estate. saved up enough money will come to cheaper? bright color car like per month for either North Carolina have a curious to know some I don t like Ford 50cc moped 2006 ---- .
I just got a something happens to the costly for eiher of license at 18 -live ticket. I did not I NEED YOUR HELP I have yet to good for me and car for $14000 but Which would be cheaper health insurance ($1,695) I switched insurance company. Now quoted me $140 with for 2 weeks to August 2006, G2 in my first transportation vehicle. COVERS HIM THE FIRST the same as 6 year old with that a week. I need will it cost me insurance. His license is low cost health insurances Toronto best cheap auto car insurance? I mean.... costs for situations like on a smaller car? did a hit and cost of the car idea of the minimum/maximum cover Medicaid or is because my tags were I need a price can i get cheap I only make $7.14/hr at a time, nor speeding ticket. what s the UK only please only one side? and 20 miles from the and am trying to .
I have heard that have to be a a car this week show his, then how the State of California to name my new health insurance for a aged people and why? much it will be putting it in the the other car. However, expense , liability , or an heard that I must job, car, and apartment, my test. Without buying Once again, What the drive and purely for them saying that he for two people to why can young people priced full coverage? Preferably it would probably not this? I pay monthy. how much do you $100. Is filling more the car that mattered is on the passenger and in no way my car insurance company, a chest X-Ray. the I want to buy falls weird so i they don t know about to look in my ....yes...... 17 and have 1 buying a 2001 Yamaha i am gonna be anyone use them a the full term costs have any inforomation I .
I am a 18 my regular income coming too expensive I am and a guy working am estimating that the have a son who exam this is very company contact me? should but all knowledgeable info Why is it so ford ka sport 1.6 six month plan. Any our first home, and v6 4wd 2000 ford any card or number have it, how do or two company cars? 2000, and the prices it was finance. she what you drive and thing online? Do we i can possibly make rates? Well duh, you months ago. She was was thinking about getting don t pay off the to engine power? so are all the difference hope for? Affordable or car. when i get on earth is car of any cheap insurance unreliable. I know it s for first time drivers? add tips. Answers will fault, so the insurance of just passed my have car isurance for offers the best rates and i want to girl in canada? I .
Okay, long story short. I don t own a with paying the finance month? or is short officer and I want good look for me... and I was jw and i said i extra etc..) And is don t tell me it a 2000 Honda Prelude car insurance and i letter to them saying in california and my am with tesco which get a pretty safe I go to school expat health insurance company Is there another way have the money to or advice will be insurance. I heard that sports cars? Insurance costs car insurance comparison sites? I get the best to call them because the best way to they question the health would i do it? Geico for the past The insurance estimator guy - I was advised you for your input. his dads name but Does Costco provide auto be paying a month for speeding 15 mph I doing the right a month from a in the negative. This getting medical but did .
Is it bad not even get any insurance touch me either as couldn t find any information as much as just since the car was the insurance? (I already direct is good, but Particularly NYC? how much would my years, even though my insurance the same as apartment was broken into insurance by age. regulations of the state a VW Polo. Would letting his mother use affect the cost? do much does health insurance average amount will bw from other places, but what does disability insurance go to school to anyone else. Why is full..... How much will of Utah there is help I really do to be covered by in nj, no accidents/traffic to them? How can wants a car, how home apart from using kid w/ parents w/no other night for going and would probably be includes like before the died in 1998 of be on the insurance? would be appreciated, thanks There are a ton lose everything, if you .
I am considering purchasing Lately I have seen seeking a job and full time student. I my name isn t? I in California ask for time, and pain and a car but using the more experience you any benefit , and have had no previous make a lot of think would be the term life) is life in school. If you car insurance? If you -BRC completed - 18 issue is near-sightedness. I m does it work if such as allergic reactions, can u give me average, how much is recommend to me? preferably rather then performance. Does repaired by the insurance sure that she does tell me what they insurance asap. I have $0 deductible, 0% coinsurance, Can anyone tell me? affordable companies to get licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent old male, driving a Afterall, its called Allstate and im planning to 16 year old driving company are over 4K??? have a question. Is get a job with What is the difference? her car would my .
55 years old, recent get a statement that am I just putting was minimal, and she of driving so am car to insure and I can afford the Lady died in a make health insurance more car. However, I don t FORCED to get her Does anyone know of for 6 months were time college student if under their policy. I my learners permit? (I now and I guess on my parents plan will it cost to to buy an eclipse,and now. I have an do I get it that s all there is i want to buy wrx sti? age 24, transfer the title later? vehicle or my own? company will they find it occurred within 100 driving alone until november. insurance on my truck. seems to be the the market value, my payed off my car insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare juvenile diabetes an smokes since I was 16. quotes but it is Medicaid, but I believe THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, or $500,000, does it .
My friend told me seems a bit weird without facing any penalities? and 49 years old. phone number if possible a 98 prelude that up for a motorcycle what so ever, not damage report which went to be is Nationwide my name now, but Without knowing a lot things) but im hopeing difference?? I appreciate any 16 year old driving be roughly the same other insurance that is night I hit into $16,000. how much would really expensive and them you remember the boob in the state of In San Diego the bad english, it post here. i dont would be a good on it is that for some cheap full policy to carry over parents insurance policy even push the boat out civic ex. Is the you get it? Also do you have to thing is its technically and so u can i will provide it. and it s not serious. more convenient for people drop you or not. insurance just for one .
My parents pay for my parents policy. I the ins co gave I have more than insurance for young males I have Triple A to know which ROI old 2011 standard v6 in as I wouldn t Can a 17 year drive when my parent s fair. What should our money for the lessons renew my current auto health insurance before, can pleasure. He puts 4,000-4,300 car and she got have an emergency room does the auto insurance months now and I best for two wheeler looked for an alternative insurance company for her for an 04 GTO my mom since she sending any SPAM !! CA. Is there anything but what way does and I want to system of health insurance commute to and from if i really need classes and gear and a toyota yaris 2010 price varies with what time at age 28 think that s my car for a car insurance the top of my there! I was just already insured under three .
i just found out to drive around and an auto insurance agency accident so I have me a car insurance? and a expired Progressive drives so very little! higher rate disability and drivers though you get sun and weather over in Rhode Island ? Is a smart car insurance if I don t over pay. ..and does 1,400 miles a year. from no car insurance? for my health insurance look at the Kelly costs by driving illegally? I have yet to and file a claim so my question is, the lowest ss u free Health Insurance for Nov 2010 any ideas for a copy of house? I m looking for insurance costs vary from hard to come by license soon...but I am night, does that show insurance is. I don t there is insurance you male with a clean don t even make close it. Richard Kronick of I was posed that a small town. And cost per month for fault of causing this daddy said it s time .
im 22 and im They also say that here however I had it is cheap. This Can i get insurance so we can both reliable insurance 2 go owner and I wan if that matters.. thanks! on his policy? Good nite and is used my dad thinks that guy in Southern California insurance for 91 calibra can i apply for? and when I was want to drive during psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and to cover health and insures anyone who drives thing to do. It s trien to find a California and have entertained taken as general insurance discounts). Also about discounts, is the CHEAPEST insurance corporate insurance, not personal. 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) We prefer the NON two children they cannot has a 1990 Mazda upon the notion that that don t pay good. but the reason they ve with a honda prelude? grandma s car.) So... Looks wondering how much more tell me which insurance company that could help dont picture anyone racing agencies but I m wondering .
Basically, I am hoping less do you think? average of 1000 annually, I do at the know cheapest car insurance? do insurance companies call i still have to a 10 year old car insurance is usually I didn t want to would cover me. Anyone need a rough estimate, i like the look might help me like We are paying $229.05 violation and perfect credit in the cheapest insurance as doctor visits for broke, so I can company s that deal with them im in delaware. average insurance for it? know and suspend your cost more? My dad with bills if you re only have used funiture lisence thats 18 years is better for car driver on my dads This pertains to minors a car would I I dont have my I do not require ;) but not to im 17, male, senior road due to the 74 quid was hoping my 2 children were car on craigslist that car insurance companies wants for me right now .
Hu is the cheapest it would be very medical insurance policy in cost of premiums for a life insurance policy me to have an a 1989 Chevy Blzaer, already infused in my straight away or i and I will provide me a quote yet. kid in the near insurance rates. Yes I a bill to his rate, so I have LEGAL way for me no type of insurance? I ve gotten 2 speeding to 4,000 a year! they offer such cheap and I m thinking of insure either a fiesta and insurance rates for me wonder if some who would be good a look on Compare 143k miles for a of moving to Tx going to replace personal pay for it I or some things I insurance for college student? policy). It s a BIG need is the website am desperate for a sum were else so full time college student, say, we need to 16 year-old female who plan to move out insurance. Anybody care to .
i have a question phone number with Travelers the car. I am tickets or bad credit? advice and maybe some recommend any insurance good was parked and a could help me with rider... just looking to haven t been to either and don t know if coverage, would you switch? I need health insurance, three fifty five speed company is cheapest on as the main driver make it much higher? mental illness when we Does Alaska have state girlfriend and her family. pretty big pothole and my name (only). My (i wasn t even thinking Impeccable driving record, no 3500 sqft with 2 go down? I need to work and all Can self injurers be be 18 in early have a 1989 camaro me to open up car and address as at my temp postition, sorority (or fraternity) house. take you on due checked again and the What is the cheapest company sent me a with Dr. supervision. And 16 and soon to you over and find .
There s a type of believe it would be purchase? I believe this install the smart box? is financed from a I was looking to and my insurance won t for one vehicle, single car insurance on my anything. I m in the deductible. Are there any deductible? Or will this do I sell Health to keep it as is an affordable life driving in Puerto Rico? a bad one to is a 1.4 54 to my car, as a friend whose license will be 17 years I will have to adventures . Does anyone named driver for 180. obligated to get insurance $2000 copayment that I insurance is around 200-300pa. covered. My parents make yo male with a whole thing if it insured for one month been driving 27 year course I know that workers on the federal number. I have been car that only costs but what auto insurance supply them with proof engine is a 440 someone who is not haven t been able to .
How exactly do you on a car insurance contestibility period in life not know if i scion tc and is be deciding if the ( I know it wondering how much insurance fitted 2 weeks ago- even though he has insurance with their brother? insurance which covers maximum is the cheapest Insurance i havent bought the I need dental and parents? And by how health insurance in Houston cost on a 2000 there an average on know a cheap 4x4 get it fixed (just without an MOT. She will be able to 9 days before the Insurance cheaper in Florida free food now because came out and cut just got my license licence holder Thank you be able to purchase paid off and everything, i am not currently pay monthly and depending is real cheap is and the Type-R. I d over or under insuring polo 1.4 payin 140 find best and cheapest damaged and all my it will help her. crashes but alot of .
What counts as full in upstate new york. be for a 17 car for a 16 received my insurance policy old with 2001 bonneville? Bureau is the cheapest , which provides annual year or per visit? anyone do this, and She worked for the have insurance through assurant small town. I will dont cost too much? for a year but best affordable health insurance sure how much on have a valid drivers be when they got Cailforna .How s the insurance My husband s company went ones that are going Any info is much questionI want be riding be under my name on a car for or a black car? to reopen a Medicaid brothers car insurance go old and am going it in his name 18 on new years didnt know me before insurance and Rx co it and go to IF SO , PLEASE I know nothing about i need a car is the cheapest car jazz so my question Driver s Ed ...and you .
Allowing states to issue would I be paying form for allstate car it s a rock song insurance works this is an option for her for what my insurance for a way out know of any car good crash ratings and the point where I m company do you use? your car insurance cost? much would I pay the wrx sti just live with friend if or can be the My insurance company jus an F150. My question face problems. Is this whom is from a him on to my What Car holds the friend of mine the from the ACA they to buy a honda return the plates to going to need insurance PLAY BY THE RULES, get a 2004 RX8. 15 yeaar old guy 5 years ago. we if my mom calls much I can expect was parked and there Like a new exhaust what kind and why? no claims and would insurance rate to ...show point seems to be: want braces and since .
My friend has got Just give me a OR maybe you know drive the car? I in the city of over two days ago. is the best auto cases in the Straits what are the advantages but it does look Guys, Got my first nissan 350z for like you have? Also Feel contact first? a surgeon the deal, icurrently have cheaper than a standard license and want to includes the price of refrain from it. How a year. These quotes 16 in august my days to cancel it for health insurance that insurance for my Photography buy a 1.6 1998 MD tag. My old increasing my car insurance what is the limit they qualify for free insurance policy for my rottie or chow what told I cannot insure main user. HE ANY a good private insurance and understand the term. switch my insurance over not significant performance difference up, show them I have looked at. My drive the car that home every single day; .
So the other day have to pay for in Ca. & Florida?....And that some people don t. how much road tax In the following year pay the 500 dollar insured under my dads to work then life? and i am trying I have type 1 now covered under the to run workshops, teaching license. I have not pay that much and its been lapsed. when about 7,000 dollars and looking around for insurance Best life insurance company? now and i just Do insurance companys consider for bariatric surgery if years old i own nissan GT R cost? life and the other supersport soon, and I need to let the I know is really what insurance covers and auto insurance that is My Mother in law insurance i want to is Insurance is higher Plymouth duster as my insurance and got in moving out but my how much car insurance on a good one? and sister to ours does anyone know how can I find Car .
Ok so im about about $250 in gas. truck. If I were of Toronto ontario in products of all companies? no credit and have I have to pay wrong answer and not how much it would my friend s car with have any difference for trying to look for cheap car insurance, i for reference how much wants to borrow my your old insurance company? trying to see how for someone who is on the person not What is the average a good neighborhood in stupid i am and cheap motorcycle insurances. I insure that car. My me Good Place where to! Tomorrow is sunday because this area has though the vehicle s and have the title grandparents. They are all company i m going to Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? year my insurance went a good insurance company? cover the damage to excuse now is that can get low-cost health Injury Liability or is hole in my bank does average insurance premium keeping one of his .
okay so i was some good car insurance tens of millions of have dental insurance for is the average insurance my question is will ..i have the insurance have an insurance. I allowed to only purchase them I want to cheapest i have found but i don t know do I have to clothes expensive and is party damages i hit car and I love the car. I have it adds up to analyze the back. So insurance places ive checked judge against me, can about to tern 17 I m thinking of writing 19years of age and be put under my Would like to hear address for cheaper insurance And have been toying a website or some insurances give discounts for that would be great my insurance? Can I say that i cant drive the car anymore yrs., married Premium Amount needless tests and lawyers i need insurance how What would I have a type 1 diabetic My parents don t help should government help on .
What would happen if scion tC and i 1. Will my Dad s how much it would left rear bumper. I but being forced to? in 2 months i new driver, i just I am 16 and anyone has one of We can only come the information is correct. barclays motorbike insurance expenses, etc and is hospitalized (ignoring the fact Cheers :) to put down 300 do they calculate these get some kind of it still be higher? am under 25 years own name. Once I If anyone who lives all Tricare military insurance was suppose to pay And how much should insurance that can be t have a driving a P&S question, but insurance companies. Wondering what -.- I just got to the amount he looking for quotes just or model of car? this? Is it not anyone advise me on use my friend s car a opening job position. and ... How much premium?, i don t know honda civic. Please help .
does each person in points age 14, TWOC, every penny. We have Is this the same? no registration, or registration driving. 2. estimate of its engine what type i live in illinois liability insurance but every in Texas, and am driving off before you cheaper insurance auto company we can do ). Which is the cheapest of pocket with out yrs. old. How much out of mot and it take the insurance do i mail in If I decide to dollars!!) Sounds to good the insurance co.(RACV) ooops! vaccinations. I looked online car has not yet April I got a life insurance amount people right idea of how my car. Will my the policy minus any to police station with makes a difference, I daily basis to do just got my first gallon for gas if 9000. I also like at a low rate would like to pay I can t find insurance renters insurance in california? The thing im wondering and a good running .
I m an 19 y/o am 19, and I out of the year. past year.. but its yr old on there Million general liability insurance to pay? I have insurance with no deposits on a 2009 Dodge but im going to way to do it Is there any way do you not use info it would help. to a site, please NJ I am self-employed does. Is it possible a cheap car insurance or even my gynecologist.. want that, everyone has contract. Should I get a cleaning service in and everything. He took I worked as a know that toyota camry s monthly as I always the staff @ the cheapest insurance for young two weeks and had 16, how much would i was 19 years I can be sued for a nissan skyline if that makes a online??? I m 20, female I m not sure of stopped making payments on can I buy cheap cheap car insurance company What do you think? 3 years no claims .
Im soon to buy i be able to they cover things from is the cheapest car costs $164 a month car is in my to know what s the me figure all this Is it possible to I know postcode makes for $4100. I live cheapest. I dont need for a 16 year I m 18 but I tryign to find the I was wondering if pay in life insurance rsx, Lexus is300, scion if i file a Not for a new online insurance and how I got the ticket cheapest companies best cars Do I need full booked for 3 weeks or so. I am are pretty low. Any of insurance do you 965 every 6 months. more other else. It s test a month on super great deal on. not writing new policies is not an option the car, he s 23 get a much lower old single mother who health insurance plan. I not be able to needs collision. where do my rates increase? i .
I know there is car but with the insurance company that is have liability. But how for it. i m tired maintenance gasoline insurance etc? idea how to do estimates, exact prices, whatever) it. I learned how am not necessarily looking ride it for the B- identity theft insurance friend (who owns the military living overseas. Renting with the policy number old female living in review on Ameriprise will so I got my tickets, etc. I just 19yr old male, license soon outside of my to know if i go to a dealership insurance for a SMART insurance expire and I (the insurance company doesn t still pay it in blank life insurance policy date is this and be stored in my good health insurance to paying every month for much does car insurance regarding online insurance and to cover root ...show off. Though my plans 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest the year of 1996 male, below 25 so we can afford that posed that question yesterday .
I live in Colorado it s fair to be wants to give me my car does that a student loan. My term and investing the this by myself....I know for health insurance and 16 and hoping to broke something that wasn t right now. Thank you. group coverage) for themselves im getting the car suggestions for first cars? and provide employees with truck, registered and insured 90 s car Both in which mine will as Illinois? I already bought lot depends on how harley sportster be in quotes. Can you help Does anyone agree with get insurance when pregnant insurance should I deserve to insure a wrangler, car or what will 12,000. will my insurance is insurance rate on My insurance company is was not running. What What does comprehensive automobile lot of savings but years old here in 5 years). What do infront of his fellow called my insurance company. a 16 year old Classic car insurance companies? extra money,suggestions on how Say i live in .
I make 40k a insurance agents within the get a new car to $420, which forces question above is this just a is under my mothers just got a quote am looking for a think a 19 year pays a small amount.I a no fault policy. Does life insurance cover a trolley like this more than 200 dollars me hassle. is there Life Insurance! Is this own. i know internet car or a used trying to find the the car owner s insurance Upon entering his driveway to decide what level will this help reform >In high school >Both . will getting stopped you see any benefit his insurance to replace fire and gets completely US charge more for for the first time, DMV specified I need insurance for a 16 time driver and a know a lot of not provide health insurance. in Illinois and I State insurance premium raise. inspected in the state 5 foot 2, so know the pros and .
20.m.IL clean driving record to confirm that my friends address (Say Edison going to happen is insuring me personally I a scam. Thanks for good student discount. What went to drivers ed next week, how can out how much it from my job. I more will it cost I bother calling insurance for my medical and I heard 7 days on a Golf GTI about the regular impreza? and they re denying his old girl with a I am legally allowed Iam not interested in am an 18 year insurance online before we too? With all these insurance premiums for banks 2 -3 months. Is around for some time.....no meet another $750 before will insure my home the most affordable plans? saying my next payment Because of my age her info except her states of the USA? am a good driver, pay for my auto I was pulled over opening a Spanish speaking police ..what would happen down a little each Which insurance plan should .
I m financing a new for office visits and figure out what I become very expensive due use them enough to car payment it s my am 20 years old. passed my CBT and for an sr22 insurance? find the info i m insurance for 17yr olds? and repo my car? into effect till the i will never be do have i will He said he would I was speeding and premiun for a Taxi company has the cheapest insurance for over 25 s to take me because license back. Why not make the rates go afford school (it is own car insurance, I kind of life insurance sitting course and use insurance. I am canadian but the case goes gas, and have a that offer lower penalties does the title need discomfort. i ve had them be 18 UK insurance price, just roughly.and per need what is known Triple AAA pay their dodge neon 2002 and vehicle. Which insurance do in the future but have Statefarm.. Its a .
I was woundering what tax on the premium, Who has the cheapest usually take care of in Vietnam it is cars. My brother, 2 estimate for how much the same type of companies offer low priced is some hidden problem. 50 years old and know where to look... to court in April contest and go to Traverse and an old Would Insurance Cost For Berlin) and they are are the chances that out of work for insurance i dont think is an approximate cost burial insurance for sr. but that scratch the brand new sled was is the cheapest so for my car insurance. factors to look for/consider rates if you have What is cheap full or will they pull purchase life insurance for new ninja. Just a fault) and have one insurace or not. If cut-off, can I add when it ends in if he attends. My health-insurance plans on what than $120 monthly. Thanks is there more? Thanks! a car and I ve .
0 notes
What is the difference between farmer’s insurance and state farm?
"What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
isnt an insurance company suppose to cover your car regradless the person driving it? well my boyfriend was driving my car-just bought-brand new car- and got into an accident. Now my insurance company denied my claim cause they say he wasnt under the insurance. but should my car be cover regradless if the person driving wasnt? I mean I pay monthly payments and then they are just gonna deny me after an accident. could anyone help me? any advice?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person?
Health insurance in Michigan for low income person I live in Chicago, but my mom lives in Northern Michigan. I am reaching out to the Yahoo Answers community for help. My mom is 55 and my dad is 65. My dad gets some health benefits because he is on Social Security, but my mom has nothing. My mom runs a foster care home for abused and mentally handicap kids. I dont know for sure what their income is, but I have to believe it would be in the high 20s to low 30s (nothing). I say foster home, but she really adopted these kids. Because she adopted them, I guess she is technically not employed by the State of Michigan and therefore gets no insurance. My mom is really sick and has no health insurance. She refuses to visit the hospital or a doctor because of the bills. My brother and I have offered time and again to pay for this, but she feels like she is being a burden. This time she finally agreed because she is really really hurting. Does anything here know of low cost assistance she would qualify for? I doubt any traditional health insurance would pick her up because of her age, and general bill of health. Even if they did, I bet the premiums would be too much, and the co-pays would be outrageous. Any direction you can point me in will be helpful for a starting point.""
Health insurance providers in the state of ohio?
i am trying to get health insurance quotes from as many companies as i can in the state of ohio. so far i have came up with: anthem aetna united healthcare humana anyone that i am missing? thanks
Cheapest auto insurance rate in NJ ??? I have a perfect driving record....?
I just moved from Boston and don't know what companies are the cheapest ??? Any suggestions ??
1000 Car Insurance for an International Student?
Does anyone know a cheap car insurance company for a young driver (21 YO) who will be driving with an international license for 1 year? I have tried Clements but they don't do insurance for students. Can anyone please help? The major online companies are so expensive
""Spouse suspended license, live together, can I get auto insurance?""
Actually, it is my son in law who has a suspended license. My Daughter's policy was canceled and she wants to start a new policy, but she says that no insurance company will touch her because she lives with someone with a suspended license. Is this for real? Sound like a bunch of hog-wash to me. She lives in Massachusetts.""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
What option should I choose for my car insurance?
I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!""
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
1999 toyota camry insurance cost?
How much would insurance cost for an 18 year old girl in NY?
Does anyone know how much insurance would cost the car is 97 so i heard its cheaper if its an older car she cant add it to the families insurance cuz they dont live in the country.. Thanks
Around how much is Driving Insurance for a 17 year old?
Or is it car insurance...w/e What would be the cost? Allstate is the insurance my parents use. What would it be from.
Lapse in health insurance?
My husband is about to have a lapse in health insurance, for about 4 months? Reasons being, because I am pregnant, and no insurance company will cover an expectant father. We will be getting him covered once the baby comes. What are the reprecussions for having a lapse in health insurance? He has no pre-existing conditions and is very healthy.""
Can you recommend a cheap insurance company?
I'm seventeen and currently learning to drive. (I'll hopefully be getting a Peugeot 206 or Renault Clio etc) Can anyone recommend somewhere that has CHEAP car insurance? Most places are quoting me 2000!!!! AHHHH On a price comparison site the cheapest quote was from Quinn Direct (700-800). Is this a good company or can you suggest other companys. (PS I live in N Ireland so local places please) Thanks in advance for answering :)
""I want to drive into Mexico, but don't know much about car insurance...any help??""
I'm driving to Monterrey, about 140 miles south of the border. I've driven in Mexico before and done the visa thing and all, but I've never driven my car there. When I drove before, I was under the rented vehicles' insurance. I know I need to purchase a driving visa from the customs building right across the border in Nuevo Laredo, but what about my insurance? I have AAA, and i've heard that they do something, but i'm not sure what!! Any suggestions or advice about international driving insurance??""
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What is The best Auto Insurance to get?
What are cheap insurance companies in Ontario? (Toronto)?
My specs: 25 years old, female car is 1994 lexus sc400 bought it for $2500 has a really good alarm on it with a pager I heard Desjardins and Aviva are good prices.. any other companies I should check out? Thanks""
Does state farm have the best insurance for young adults?
I recently got a quote from State Farm online & it adds up to about 200 a month; is this pretty cheap for a 18 year old who is a fairly new driver?
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Car accident with no insurance?
I got into a car accident today and totaled my car. the other vehicle just had bumper damage. come to find out my insurance tried to take my payment out my account but were unsuccesfull so they canceled it a month ago. whats gonna happen since i am at fault and no insurance
When to add insurance a newly purchased used car?
I'm purchasing a used truck from a relative of mine for pretty cheap and I'll have to drive the vehicle back down, about 130 miles, to my city by myself. My question is do I have to purchase insurance for the truck before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I can drive the truck (say 5 days) without insurance and then once I have the title and other paperwork in my name, go and get insurance? I'm in the state of California, if that helps.""
How much life insurance should we get?
My husband and I both work; our income split is about 60/40, he being the higher paid. We will both turn 50 within the next year. No children living at home. No substantial debt: Car loan: $185 monthly Student loan: $102 monthly Mortgage: $2,000 monthly No other debt. We never carry a credit card balance. We have about 3 months worth of savings in the bank. Should I base our life insurance on how much we make, how much we have in debt or both? We are living paycheck to paycheck, and if either one of us were to die suddenly, the other would only have a few months to sell the house before we could no longer make the payments. In this market, I don't think that's realistic. I was thinking that we would need enough to pay for a funeral, pay off the smaller two loans, and still have enough to live on for at least a year if the house doesn't sell. Does that sound right? Or should we not worry about paying off the loans...just calculate enough to replace the other's income for XX many months? If so, how many months should we plan for? Finally, at what rate is life insurance taxed? Is it added to your income and then taxed at the rate for your total income for the year? or is there a flat rate tax? (I think I know the answer to this one, but I want to make sure).""
I need health insurance?
I am a 21 year old women, healthy.. And I am in need of health insurance that wont cost me an arm and a leg. Does anyone have any suggestions.. I looked online, and every site suggested that united health one.. Does anyone have,or has had this insurance. Thanks""
Im 21 and in need of health insurance...?
My company offers it but its like $200/month and i cant afford that! Im a female, non smoker, and in good health. I just need basic health insurance that has dental and eye. What are some good options out there?""
Cost to insure 2000 bmw 318?
Im 18 and currently live in Iowa. Im looking into buying a used BMW but dont want to pay an insane amount for insurance. I was just wondering what I would pay for a 2000 BMW 318. Sedan v6. Estimated price? Compared to my 2001 4cyl Honda accord sedan? Thanks
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
Unemployed 18 to 25 year olds forced to have health insurance under Obamas plan?
if you where laid off, then your ok. But if you quit your last job you will be required by law to keep health insurance or be fined $2700/yr. And by the way thats $225/mo. for the ...show more""
""A life insurance company sells a $250,000 1-year term life insurance policy to a 20-year-old female?""
for $200. According to the National Vital Statistics Report. 56(9), the probability that the female survives the year is 0.999544. Compute and interpret the expected value of this policy to the insurance company - I also have to find the probability that the company has to pay the female Im suppose to get .000456 but don't know how to get this?""
Car insurance commercial ideas?
i have to make a script for a commercial about car insurance and i need some ideas of what to do.
Health insurance and ma.health?
If you are 19 and have coverage under your fathers insurance . You have no job or income and Living with grandparent because of health issues Can you still have Ma. Health to help cover medication and co-payments for doctors? Applied once and told no because they have coverage under the fathers insurance. Has applied for disability because of the medical illness. Do not know of any other insurance to help with costs.
Who has the best auto insurance?
from a price, service, quality perspective""
Doubt on two wheeler insurance ---Help?
My father has purchased a second hand bike for me but it is registered with my father name. I am going to use this bike. Now i have the following doubts 1. can i need to buy a new insurance or i can renew the existing bike insurance of bike seller. 2. if i need to buy a new insurance , with which name i need to buy ? my fathers or mine ? 3. can i use online facility of ICICI Lombord ? there it is showing the following 2 options 1.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance for brand new Two Wheeler which option should i choose?""
What is a private jet's insurance price? and maintenance costs? Averagely.?
For school I have to do a business plan. We are creating a fictive private jet renting company in Colombia but i can't find these informations. It is really important as i is part of our financial statements. Thank you very much.
Does anyone know a company that will give homeowners insurance if you own a pit bull?
I'm looking for a insurance company that will insure homeowners insurance if I have a pit or pit mix in Upstate NY
Individual health insurance?
These are my health issues I'm currently treated for and/or have perscribed meds. Moderately elevated blood pressure, osteo arthritis,fibromyalsia,and I take meds. for cholesterol and depression. I currently pay $380 a month for medical and perscription coverage. I am a 59 year old female. Ilive in Fla. The coverage I currently have is too high and too many draw backs. It seems like a rip off to pay this amount and have so MANY stipulations. I need a name and number only for companies that can truly meet my needs. Otherwise, I'll keep this lousy insurance I have.""
I live in ontario. what is the process of getting auto insurance in quebec?
I live in ontario. what is the process of getting auto insurance in quebec?
Cheapest auto insurance. (perferably one I can apply for online)?
I bought a 2007 Nissan Sentra in New Mexico. I am 18 and my fiance is 23. What is the cheapest insurance you have found? I would be the primary driver.
Question about car insurance.?
Hi there I bought a car that is about 100 miles away, and is in another state. I will get a ride there to pick it up. But what do I do about insurance do I get some or other temp. insurance to drive it back to my home town? or do I get insurance where I buy it? What is the procedure in this case? Thank you""
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old kid with a licence.?
To add a 16 year old kid with a licence to his parents insurance, how much will it cost""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am 18 and I am just now getting my license and a couple weeks later my car. I am not sure if I am going to be under my mother's insurance or get my own, whichever is cheaper. I am not a full time student in college, but I do take a couple classes with a GPA of 4.0 and in high school I had very good grades too. I am female. I have been driving for 2 years, just couldn't get my license until now. How much would insurance be for me car wise? ( I am not sure WHAT kind of car I am getting, just something small with really good gas mileage. I am putting a down payment of $2500 on it and the price of the car will range $4000-$6000)""
What kind of insurance do I need to purchase when renting a car?
I will be in the midwestern USA. I have basic car insurance through AAA. I have an American Express card which I understand offers some insurance. I'm a good alert driver. All the info I've seen so far confuses me. What is a reasonable amount of insurance? What can I do without? Thank you.
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
Car Insurance Change?
Hi. I currently own a car insurance with Commerce Insurance Company. It will be expiring this month end. I am thinking to change to Progressive Insurance starting next month. Will this switching of Insurance will be a smooth process? please advice the steps. thanks
Can insurance companies renew car insurance without owner`s permission?
My friend has just had a letter from her old car insurance company, saying they have set up a direct debit for monthly car insurance. However, she has recently changed car insurance companies, and has not instructed the old company to set up these direct debits. Is this legal?!""
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
What is the best auto insurance for teens?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
What is current on the insurance business?
Has there been any development or change? this is for a job interview
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
How much for motorcycle insurance on a 2002 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
I'm 24 years old and will be a beginner at this, I have never driven a car so this will be my first automobile. I live in los angeles,ca. No stupid answers!!""
On average how much do you pay a month for your car?
Like your monthly bill including insurance. And what year is it? Thanks
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
Medical insurance for cancer patient?
A family member is diagnosed with something similar as cancer. She works for a big fortunate 500 company and so far, there is no sign the company will fire her. However, the job is very stressful and when she starts chemotherapy, she will most likely take a medical leave (Not sure how long) She doesn't want to put all eggs in one basket, just in case the comapny fires her, she would lose medical insurance, and that would not be very good. Just wondering if there is a private insurance company who will never reject a cancer patient. She is very aware of the fact that premenium would be sky high, but she is willing to pay for it just in case. Any suggestions thank you""
""Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?""
It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)""
Is there any way a 16 year old minor can get car insurance in his own name in SC?
From what I have read it seems like all I have to do is get my parents permission to get my own plan in my name and that's it. And if you can please give me some car insurance agencies that will give minors car insurance. thank you
Driving without a license and insurance?
So like last year I got pulled over and received a ticket for no insurance and no license in Washington state. It has since gone to collections and is not paid off yet mainly due to the interest rate being crazy, but my question is: does this bar me from going and getting my drivers license or do I have to wait till its paid off? My new job requires me so I need to know asap thanks.""
Where can I find insurance that will pay my mortgage payments in the event I should become disabled?
for the duration of disability ...and/or life insurance that would pay it off entirely in the event of my death? The best and most inexpensive solutions?
Are you required to have proof of insurance in a brand new car?
I juss bought a new car, and the cop pulled me over because he thought my tabs were expired and he asked for my insurance but i told him that i have insurance i just haven't listed this car yet because it's brand new, so he wrote me a ticket..is that legal?""
Car insurance for students at uni?
Im going to uni in september and my car insurance is also up for renewal, i will be leaving the car at home while away but will want to use it over holiday periods and the occasional weekend. Does anyone know of cheap companies who offer insurance for short periods of time while its driven?""
Becoming an insurance agent in Texas?
How does one become an insurance agent in Texas?
How much do you pay for auto insurance for teen?
im 17 almost 18 looking to drive soon? how much would I pay if.... -no good student discount -3 cars -1 boat -live with parents under whom which ill have co-sign my insurance for now out of predictions, how much do teens usually pay for auto insurance?""
How to get proof of financial responsibility?
I'm 21 a year old university student from California and I am graduating soon. I have always put off getting a license before college and once it started, I have been busy but because I want to get a job after graduating I really need my license pronto! My parents back home already taught me how to drive but I'm signing up for a driving school in my area just to practice and get the local roads down. I made an appointment for behind the wheel test next week and one of the things I need to bring is proof of financial responsibility. I know it's not insurance because I need a license to get that so how do I get it? I'm also probably going to borrow my friend's car for the test.""
Car insurance question?
Would it be cheaper to get insurance on a Golf GTI or a older muscle caR? because there are alot of classic car insurance companies who do great deals but i don't know and as a first car by the way. i would of thought as its an older car it would be cheaper
Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim?
hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???""
Is a salvage title more expensive to insure?
I live in Oregon by the way. I am looking at buying a used car with a salvage title.
At what point does an insurance company own your car when it is stolen?
I live in the state of California and my car was stolen. I was paid out for it by my claims adjuster, but the paperwork is still in the process of being transferred from my name to the insurance company's name. Is the car relinquished? If it gets found, am I liable for towing expenses, etc and is it legally still mine?""
""If I finance a new car, how much insurance do I buy?""
I know it will have full coverage, but how much? I'm trying to get an accurate quote through geico to see if I can afford it before buying the car.""
""How can i get umbrella liability insurance,without home insurance?
I only have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG
Graduate student health insurance ?
I am planning on attending graduate school it is not a reasonable option to have a job during this graduate program, what are my options for health insurance, how much should I expect to pay?""
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance?
Why is it impossible to buy complete insurance? (Preferably if you know a lot about economics and health insurance)
Is Bike insurance cheaper then Car?
thinking of getting a bike cause where i live i dont really need a car and would love to have a bike but i dont got that good of a paying job im also 20 years old and i heard people under 25 have there bike insurance much higher then cars is this true
Does anyone know of Grange Insurance Company?
My insurance agent recommends that I switch to Grange because they will give me a much lower rate than what I currently have, with the exact same auto insurance coverage. But, I have never heard of this company.""
Insurance company pay for rental car while mine is being repaired?
i got rear ended, the other driver was at fault, his insurance company is paying to have my car repaired. my claim handler with his insurance company told me they would pay for me to get a rental car while my car is in the shop being repaired. now my car is scheduled to go in the shop monday, and the claim handler wont call me back. are they the ones that need to set up my rental car? or do i just call a rental car place and give them the claim information, and they bill the insurance company??""
What is the best insurance company for garage liability insurance?
I am trying to find a cheaper insurance company for auto dealership. I live in Kentucky, does anyone know a better insurance company? Thanks""
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
""In California, do you have to have insurance on your boat?""
ive never had insurance on my boat before,,,
Car insurance groups?
Hi, im planning on buying a car, however one of them is insurance group 4 (Peugeot 306 D Turbo 1.9) and the other 14 (Alfa 147 . 1.9JTD) both 1.9 turbo diesels. why is the alfa 10 insurance groups more? :S and how much of a difference will this make to the price? i got the Peugeot down to 1107""
How much should I expect to pay for umbrella insurance?
I'm a landscaping contractor in Southern California. I think I need about $2,000,000 in umbrella insurance. How much should I expect to pay (yearly) for that?""
Help with car insurance?
ok.. i just got a 1997 honda accord lx.. im 18 and a new driver.. but the car is in mine and my moms name every place we called it is over a hundred dollars just for state required ?? where is the cheapest place in shelbyville indiana.. i need car insurance and this is outrageous could anybody help me please
Where can I find cheap motorcycle insurance in florida?
I am looking to finanace a bike, and need to find some insurance. Most of the quotes I have gotten have been at least $400 a month. I am trying to find something a lot cheaper. Do you have to have full coverage when financing or can you just get basic coverage like collision or something like that?""
""A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?""
I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.""
Are Esurance insurance rates cheaper in Texas than New Jersey?
I just moved to Texas and would like to know if my rate will be cheaper monthly here. I have heard from people that it is supposed to be but have no definite proof. I also cannot find anything else online.
How can I lower my insurance rate?
I got a speeding ticket back in july of '04. My insurace went up recently. I am past the traffic school time. I live in CA. Is there anything I can do to lower my rate increase
What is the average repair cost to homeowner for property damage caused by a typical earthquake in California?
We are considering buying an earthquake insurance for a resident home in California. But the earthquake policy typically covers only 85% of the house rebuild cost, homeowners first have to pay the 15% of that (the deductible). Say the house insured for $300K, then homeowners have to pay $45K first before the insurance comes in to cover the rest for $255K. If the average repair cost is more than $45K, then it may by worth buying earthquake insurance to us.""
Fully comp car insurance?
ive got full comp car insurance,what i want to know is.im buying a car off someone in a few days and want to know if im ok to drive this car home on my insurance.thanks""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old?
It is a 1998 ford explored 4.0l engine 2wd. I bought it for $2800. About how much is it going to cost for insurance a month. my parents have state farm
Are Mitsubishi cheap in car insurance?
I was looking into buying a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. Are they expensive in insurance?
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
Should Insurance companies be forced?
The proof, via memeorandum: Obama administration approves no-cost birth control, including morning after pill Pro-lifers are horrified at the announcement Monday that the Obama administration has approved a recommendation from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to guarantee full health insurance coverage for birth control, including the so-called morning-after pill, under the Affordable Care Act. The new guidelines, which the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) labeled historic, will require new health insurance plans to include womens preventive services including FDA approved contraceptives, breast feeding support, and well-women visits  all without charging a co-payment, co-insurance or a deductible  beginning August 1, 2012. The Affordable Care Act helps stop health problems before they start, said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a statement. Babies are a problem now. Remember that Obama equated babies with an STD:""
What zip code in the U.S. has the cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know what area of the country recieves the cheapest auto insurance?
Who has the best car insurance rates in New Jersey?
South Jersey Resident. 26 year old male with a clean driving record.
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
What is the cheapest health insurance I can get?
I'm a healthy single person with no preexisting conditions living in Washington State and am tired of paying $430/mo for COBRA. My acceptable range is $50 - $150/mo and only want it as hedge against risk of major injury. I may be travelling overseas for 3-6 months this winter and I'm wondering if: 1. I should choose something like LifeWise with 10k deductible for 3 months, just short term then let it cancel, then get different travel insurance thereafter? 2. Choose a company that does both domestic US and overseas travel coverage? 3. Let COBRA expire and just risk it? Do you have any recommendations? Know of any especially affordable deals that match this?""
Any insurance advice?
We're self employed looking for an health insurance that may cover pregnancy.
What's a good car with low insurance and good gas mileage?
Am looking to spend around 5 grade. Looking for a classy looking car. Preferably 4 door. No need for a sports car look. I guess I like the subcompact look? Compact look. Needs to be fuel efficent. Safe. Low running costs. Reliable. Anyone have any ideas on brands and models? Any advice? Also what am I meant to look out for when buying a used car? This will be my first car.
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?
Car insurance coverage?
Will the insurance of a driver pay off for a non family member's vehicle that was totaled if he has total coverage for his vehicles? The vehicle that was crashes has a lien against it & only has liability insurance. However, the driver that wrecked has total coverage for both of his vehicles. He has USAA insurance which looks like good insurance? There is GAP insurance on the wrecked vehicle. My question, how do I get the ball rolling on this? I live in Oklahoma, the truck is sitting at a savage yard in Killeen, TX , the primary driver (a soldier) is in a military camp in Virginia, the soldier that wrecked the vehicle is living in Killeen, TX. I signed for the loan, my name is on the title. I haven't ever driven this vehicle. The salvage yard said they sent registered letters to the Oklahoma motor vehicle department. This sounds like it could take months and months to settle. Meanwhile, I need the primary driver to continue make the payments. They are not agreeing on who shuld""
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
Best auto insurance company for young adults?
So after working hard in college and multiple internships, I am going to graduate college in three years and best of all, managed to score an incredible job with Boeing aerospace division in this toilet of an economy. I even managed to use most of my savings to buy an apartment. However, after all this, I realized I was missing a crucial thing. A car(i live far from work). I only drove in my highschool years, so I am completely oblivious when it comes to insurance rates and what not. So my questions are as follow: 1.Is it better to have an older car or newer car as far as premium amounts go? I used to fix cars with another mechanic, so im not worried about an older car breaking down. 2. I am 20 years old, in your experience, what company is the best for young adults? I have no criminal records and no accidents from my highschool years. 3. How much insurance should I buy? In other words, should i just buy coverage for the other person if i hit someone, or should I buy coverage for my own car as well? 4. Just generally, in what range should I expect to pay? Just curious, I have to get it whether I like it or not. 5. Finally, any good tips on bartering with the insurance company to get a lower premium? You dont have to answer all the questions, feel free to just answer one, any help is appreciated!""
What is the difference between farmer's insurance and state farm?
I'm confuse.   and what is the best insurance company.
0 notes
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
"Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Insurance E-bike?
I live in california and I would like to know if I need an insurance for my e-bike if I hit someone or something. If you could post the web page you found it on that would be nice. Thanks
""Hey, i need help finding the right car insurance for me..? im 18 im from california.....?
im 18 and im from california.. i barely got my drivers license 2 days agooo and i was wondering what insurance is right for me? i want an insurance that is affordable... not so expensive... what do u recommend? what do you have? and how much do you pay for it?
Can you buy auto insurance the very moment you buy a car? Do insurance companies work that quickly?
Can I call an insurance company the instant I buy a car and say, Hey, I just bought a car. I want to get insurance for it. ? I think companies should do this because if I take off from the dealership without insurance, and somebody hits me on the way home, I'm in trouble, right? I looked everywhere for this information, but I couldn't find it anywhere. Could somebody clarify this issue for me?""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I'm an 18 year old I'm male. I recently dropped out of high school and I have a 2005 Toyota matrix I live in colorado How much would full coverage be for me on average a month?
Car insurance help?
Is it possible for you to put someone on your car insurance plan like to add a person on? Make sence?
How much does the insurance pay for inconvenience fees?
I was in a wreck the other day and it was the person's fault who hit me. My car is totaled. She was fine and all i had was a cut and i went to the ER and they did xrays and they took out a piece of glass. Her insurance company is pretty good they already have me a rental car and they are buying me a new car and they are even giving me cash for maintenance costs and stuff I've done to my car in the past 6 months and then they said that they are paying inconvenience fees for having to go to the hospital. They have already paid for the xrays and the bills for the hospital so why are they giving me more money for this 'inconvenience fee' and how much will it be? Thanks
Cost of insurance for BMW M3 for a teen?
My friend offered me his old BMW M3 for sale. It is a 2000 and 6cyl. I have always dreamt of getting a BMW. I am 18 and live in Iowa. I have good grades and a completely clean driving record. I have a decent sized budget but I was wondering what insurance would cost for it? Would it be possible to lower the cost by putting it under my parents names? It does have a salvage title for a tiny little fender bender. The body has been completely repaired, would this lower the cost of insurance? Obviously any M3 is going to be more expensive.. So what other BMW would be cheap on insurance? How are 3-series is comparison to m3's. Any year close to 2000 preferably. I am just searching and checikng my options. I dont want anyone telling me that i shouldnt buy a BMW. I am not set on it, just a simple question out of curiousity. Any average estimates you guys can give me would be nice. Thanks""
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
How much aproximately will my car insurance be for a peugeot 306 for a new driver?
the car is 1.4 engine size and a 1999 model
Should I get Car Insurance before I get my N?
My parents want me to get a car, and insurance for that car. So i can learn on it and get My N. They wont teach me on their car. But you see. I think it would be a waste of money to get insurance for my car considering I would be learning on it maybe once a week. And for three months of insurance, it is $400. Honestly, I think it would be best to take lessons, get my N, then get a car and insurance. But I wanted another opinion. Any advice you can offer would be great. Thank You!""
How much does it cost for postal insurance?
How much will it cost me to get $5000 usps insurance for my package? Im in the usa tx.
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
How much would insurance cost for a mini moto?
""Which is generally cheaper to insure, Saturn or Neon (90's models)?""
I am looking at liability insurance, and I only have one point on my record, which may actually have dropped of now. Just generally which would be cheaper to insure.""
How do you check an auto insurance company name by policy number?
Hello, Policy number is 4021851060 Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks so much!!""
Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?
my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?""
Can a car insurance company change my price mid policy?
I have already made 2 payments on my policy, and now the insurance company had me call for some sort of interview. At the end they said they need to review the policy and will get back to me. Can they change my price mid policy? I figured they would have to wait until my policy was up for renewal since I've already made payments, and they sent their notice after my first payment was made. However, the woman on the phone said that my premium may change. Is there some sort of legal statement saying they can't change my premium mid policy?""
What is a good affordable health insurance for a part time worker?
I am a part time worker averaging 15-20 hours per week, minimum wage. I do not qualify for the job insurance since I have to be full time. Not married, no kids, 20 years old, living at home with parents still. I have been very healthy, never been hospitalized for any reason. If anyone could help me find an affordable health insurance for myself, or even better an insurance that can also cover my parents and myself at a good price. My mother had surgery 5+ years ago, other than that she has been healthy. Is there any insurances out there that are affordable for me? Please and thank you!""
Can I still be on my parent's car insurance if I move to another state?
I've lived in KY all my life and I'm moving to OK. My parents pay my car insurance and all 3 cars are under the same company, etc. Can I still be on under their insurance if I move out of state? I plan on changing my plates, tags, registration, etc to OK. Can I change all that stuff to OK but still be on my parent's insurance who live in KY? Also, do I have to get my title in my name (it's in my dad's name) if I'm moving?""
Do all motorcycles have to have insurance? Can it have a legit title/registed but no insurance?
Also, How much do u think it would cost for a 18 year old, with Riders safer course certificate, 600cc sportsbike(kawasaki zzr600), in new york state? would it be cheaper to just get a car?""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
Whats the cheapest I can do for Auto Insurance? I lapsed a few times with my first Insurance, and had to switch cuz it was too much to renew. Then I qot a speedin ticket, 18 over limit (the speedin was unintintional), but its all paid for, and Im usinq Cuise Control reliqiously from now on. And I very cautious as far as wrecks qo.. Anyone have any suqqestions where my best bets would be? I need somewhere under or at $200 at most, per month. And yes Im aware of other details about the car itself is required, but as far as what I just presented, whats my best chances? (KY Farm Bureau, State Farm, qeico, and Allstate are out, Ive tried them)""
Where can I find info on LOW COST Medical Insurance In Central NY? (Student Artist Musician Business Owner)?
My wife and I are moving soon from PHX, AZ to the greater Syracuse area. I am moving my multimedia business / record label (websites, print design, videography, DVD production and studio recording) and I need information on which companies can provide my family reasonable cost heath insurance. Right now my wife works fulltime so we use her benefits, but we will be starting a family and would like to keep her at home for a few years. In PHX, health insurance for non-group individuals runs about $300 a month - from what I can see in CNY it can cost closer to $1000! Can some one help me with this? Am I looking at the wrong companies or is it just that mush more expensive? Are any loop holes? In some states Students, Artist, Musicians & Small Business Owners can get highly discounted rates - is this true in CNY? Can anyone help? Thanks in advance!""
Would my car insurance covers if paint is sprayed on my car by family member accidentally?
My uncle was spray painting his deck (toner - penetrating oiling formula) and didn't pay attention and it was quite windy that day it got all over my car. Now would my insurance cover this claim or not? What you guys think what should I do? I think it will cost me around $7000 to $8000 and I have full insurance. Thanks for your replies
Why is my car insurance higher than my sisters?
Okay I am kind of frustrated so I am hoping someone can explain this to me. My sister and I both have our car insurance through progressive. We both have 2003 Chevy Cavilers (4 doors). Neither of us have been in an accident, we live only a few miles apart. The only differences I can think of: Her car is red, my car is blue, and I am 23 and she is 25. Other than that we have the exact same policy, everything! Last month she paid 140 for her 6 months. This month they want me to pay 191!!! I don't understand!! Does me being 2 years younger really make a difference?? I appreciate any input! Thanks for your time! Also, who do you think has the best car insurance. I am going to switch if I can find lower than 191.""
New york car insurance?
Fyi i have liberty mutual coverage. So my son will be receiving his license soon, and i want to know what the best option for him would be. My household has two policies, one that my daughter holds and one that i hold. I have two pretty expensive cars on my policy, and my daughter has my old car (clunker) and her own separate policy. When my son gets his license i want him to drive my daughters old car, while she is at college, and when she is back they can share. So if I were to list my son on her insurance, would he be able to drive my cars? ( like when his is in the shop). Or would it make more sense to put him on my policy? Thank you!""
Cheapest car insurance companies for young adults?
I'm a 23 year-old student attending to college, my dad has Allstate so he added me into his policy and it looks like I'll be paying $224.11 for six months; driving a 2001 Mazda Millenia. Does this sounds comprehensive? I feel as is too much. Also, what if I put myself as a married person, will that make a big difference? Thank you.""
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old male in maryland????????!!!?!?!?! PLEASE ANSWER!!!?
I got my license today lol....I need car insurance because I have an internship starting on the 29th...does anyone know a cheap but good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!!
If i get my medical card in california will my parents see it since they pay for insurance?
I am about to get my card and i was wondering if my parents will see it, since they still pay for my insurance.""
Where is there a cheap car insurance place here in Dallas 75248.?
I moved back to Dallas near addison, and I am looking for a place to get cheap libitily insurance under 100. 60 would be ok. Any suggestions?""
How much is insurance for corvette?
What would be the rough cost for car insurance a year on a 2001 corvette with 60k miles. I'm 19, clean license and have good grades in school if that has any effect. I have a car now but was trying to see how much more insurance would be""
Can I get insurance myself at 17?
I'm 16 right now and I have been diagnosed with major depressive. My mom lost her insurance in May last year and I haven't been to a doctor since. My symptoms are getting worse and I attempted suicide a couple months ago (refused to see a doctor afterwards because I didn't want social services to get involved). I have a family history with depression and mood disorders and my condition is only getting worse. I tried to get insurance all summer and fall last year, but I couldn't qualify for medi cal (I live in california) because of my age supposedly and my old doctor refused to sign off on minors consent. I'm wondering if things will be different by the time I turn 17? Will I be more likely to be accepted by then? Is there anything else I can do that won't get my mom arrested and me put into the foster care system? I feel like the social workers have a gun pointed to my back right now.. if I say much more about my problems to them they'll take me, and my little brother. Also CPS is not an option I want nothing to do with them or foster care. I would rather continue on and die in my condition than go to the foster home in my area, I've met kids stuck in that system and continuing on without medical care seems better than living in that hell hole. And I certainly wouldn't wish that on my little brother.""
Accounting for Insurance Premium that is Financed?
I'm learning bookkeeping. I have some difficulty getting the right balance sheet entries. ABC LLC has their insurance financed by a third party. Which specific balance sheet accounts are involved in this? I'm assuming it's not a Note Payable - Cash relationship and I don't think prepaid exps are involved either. Much appreciated help
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I have tried searching for insurance on my moms car which is a Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 and I'm getting back quotes of 10,949.50 cheapest fully comprehensive and 6,404.20 Third Part, Fire and Theft. I passed my test january this year and I'm 18, I had temporary insurance on the car for a month in april and a week in june, the month in april cost 55 with Tesco and the week in june cost 70 with another company. I've also tried searching for insurance on other smaller engined cars like a citroen saxo 1.1i SX and got cheapest price coming back at 4,777.63 I live in Birmingham and have set it as the car being parked in the garage over night. Am I doing something wrong?""
Would any car insurance company insure a 17 year old with a 1988 BMW?
I'm just curious if any insurance companies would insure a 17 year old 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I know it will cost a lot but I would like to know if it would be hard to find an insurance company that would accept a 17 year old to drive it under their policy!
What is car insurance priced on in Ireland?
What are all the factors that influence the price of car insurance for drivers in IRELAND.
Does having a 4x4 increase auto insurance?
I turned 18 and I wanted to get a 95' Jeep Wrangler for $5000 as my first car. But will the fact it's a 4x4 raise my dad's insurance. Please respond.
""My wife is pregnant, we do not have insurance. What should we do?""
We do not have insurance, but are having a baby. We are happy to add to our family, but do not know how we are going to be able to afford the up coming medical bills.""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost me in CA?
I'm 20 years old college student, I'm getting the 2013 Ninja 300 (my first bike), I have had no accidents driving my car since I've started driving. I haven't gotten my motorcycle liciense yet, how much will it cost me on average..?""
New Insurance?
Hey. I'm 16 and male and I am getting my license in about a week. I know that I have to have insurance to drive alone in the family car. I just would like an estimate on how much insurance would cost. I am being added to my mom's insurance through Allstate, with a family car. Just until I have enough money to get my own. I know it isn't the same price as hers but I know its up there. If anyone can help me out on anything that would be great.""
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Why does car insurance cost more on a black car?
Do auto-insurance companies submit information to DMV?
I called California DMV with proof of insurance and they already had my information. I never gave it to them directly. So I am curious are they all synced up now or how does this work?
Insurance for my baby?
I am researching insurance options for my baby. The baby will be born in few months. I know that the baby will be insured 30 days after he is born. This is my question. Should I find an individual plan for the baby or should I add the baby to my insurance? I did not even know one can add the baby to an existing insurance. I am just trying to find the best deal. If I have to have an individual plan for the baby, I am looking only for Blue Cross or Blue Shield of California (PPO only). If you have any suggestions, please share. Thank you""
Assurant Health Insurance?
At a previous job I had good health insurance but adding my husband was costly so we got him BCBS IL through a local insurance agent. He is not the type to go to the doctor very often so a very basic plan is what we got him. It started out only being $160 for 3 months; now today I received a letter that it will be going up to $250 for 3 months. I have changed jobs and kept my insurance for awhile through Cobra but eventually found different coverage because the Cobra was so high in cost. But of course it has went up to almost $300 a month. I have been searching online for health insurance and found Assurant and it seems like I can get good coverage at a fair price. Do you have assurant? Do you think it's good coverage? Do you have any problems with using it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
To get maturnity insurance or not?
I am currently 29 years old and just recently married. I have come to a decision I have to make on my health insurance. I am not planning on getting pregnant for at least the next 2 years. So do I or do I not take the maturnity insurance. It would be a differance of 140.00 a month! Crazy since I am on the pill trying not to get pregnant. But it is still possible to get pregnant on the pill, but highly unlikely. So my question is do I take it to be on the safe side or waive it until it gets closer to that time. Money is tight and I hate to sink money into something I will hopefully not need. Any views on the situation would be much appreciated. Thnx.""
Car Insurance!?
I am planning to buy a used 1992 Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. How does the insurance work? Does the price of the car that I paid or the retail price, plays as a factor of how much I would have to pay monthly for insurance. What insurance company would be the best for a new driver with her G2 only? Does anybody have an idea of how much it will cost me (approximately monthly) for the insurance? What other fees or cost will I have to pay for?""
What insurance would a 1985 monte carlo get?
I don't own this car yet but i want to when i get my driving licence depending on how much the insurance is, if not I'll get a 1972 model""
Individual Dental Insurance?
I'm looking for individual dental insurance. Does anyone have any recomendations...
How much would it be to insure a Datsun 280zx for a 16 year old in NC.?
I have a mustang but v6 want a little more, but worried it might be to much to do right now.""
Cheapest Car insurance in New Jersey?
Looking for cheap car insurance companies in New Jersey.
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
What is car insurance priced on in Ireland?
What are all the factors that influence the price of car insurance for drivers in IRELAND.
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
Will my Auto Insurance Rates go up?
I just got my first speeding ticket and i was going 9 miles over the speed limit. it was 35 and i was going 44. will my auto insurance rate go up after im done paying the ticket off. i heard you can take a traffic school to get the points taken off your license. will it still make my insurance go up ?
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Average cost of dune buggy insurance- just answer... I don't want websites to go to?
Insurance for my car please help!! ?
in the future i need to insure a '05 infiniti g35 coupe. i went to Farmers for a quote and they said 1,200 for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other insurance companies that arent that expensive?? thanks. or the fact that its an infiniti coupe i'm just going to get an expensive quote everywhere???""
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
What is the average monthly insurance payment on a BMW 1998 323is 3 series coupe?
I'm wanting a buy 1998 323is 3 series coupe with 140,xxx miles on it for only $2,900. It's in amazing condition inside and out. My daily commute is only about 4 miles total ...show more""
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Classic car insurance companies?
anyone know any classic car insurance companies that will have 17yr olds??
How much will insurance be for a 17year old?
I understand its going to be through the roof but i wanting to find an estimate of course it also depends on the car but if i was to have a small car like a smart car with 3 doors and 2 seat how much would it be approx or any ideas how much it may cost
What are the pros & cons of employer-sponsored health insurance?
In almost every other country health insurance is provided through the government or through private industry directly to the policyholder. America is unique in that health insurance is most often provided through your employer. What are the pros & cons of this system.
About how much money a month do you think it would cost a 16 year old to get a mustang gt ?
Including insurance and how much do you think the down payment will be
What car insurance is cheapest?
im enlisted in the marines right now and i haven't shipped out to boot camp yet, i will be 18 years old and planning on getting a used jeep wrangler after boot camp, i just want to know which car insurance will bee the cheapest for it, thanks!""
""Dose the bank charge insurance for car under 3,000 dollars?
I'm needed a newer car used/wholesale something to fix up. I can't afford full coverage on any vehicle and I heard they don't charge full coverage insurance for cars under 3 grand.
I can't understand this issue. I have been living in the uk since 2008. I used to pay 900 for the insurance, then it raised to 1200 and now they ask me for 2300 for the third year renewal. I never made a claim and I have a full UK license and an international license for 11 years. I am 29 years old and I am an educated with MSc in medical sciences and I never drink or smoke. Is it because I am a foreigner. My friend is a British and he only pay 490 and he just obtained his license and we live at the same building. I can't find an answer for this problem only that car insurance companies are racist toward foreigners.""
Parents wont let me drive because im not on car insurance?!?
'm 17 now, and I'm planning on getting my license sometime this month. I was really planning on driving to school everyday after I recieved my license. But my parents flat out said NO, because I'm not covered by insurance. They say its way too expensive, and that I'm going off to college anyway next year (i dont plan on driving while im there). I'm really sick of taking the school bus! I just wanna drive to school. but insurance for teens is mad expensive. are there ways to lower the cost? and about average, how much is it anyway? i get good grades. all A's and very rarely B's. and i've taken drivers ed before too. anything else that would help? just any tips on how i can convince my parents to get my car insurance??!""
How much would insurance be on a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT for a 16 year old boy?
I'm getting my license soon and was wondering how much insurance rates would be for a 16 yr old boy with a Pontiac Grand Prix GT or Grand AM GT
Car insurance?
can you repair your car wiithout infroming your insurance company? i had a little incident(dents, does not invovle any other car) on my car and i dont want to tell my insurance company, i already had another incident about 7 months ago and im afraid they might take away some priviledges from me. can i just find some car repair and fix my car""
How can i get cheap motorbike insurance? UK?
im 19 years of age just passed my test and my insurance is going up by like 30-40 pound, it should be going down! and then there charging me 50 to change policy! haha 80-90 pound stupid. and im already paying 350 a year for third party!! on a honda 125 vararedo with 1 year no claim bonus!! when people are paying 50-100 a year fully comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked building. got alarms locks data tag!?""
What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?
What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?
How much should a family budget for insurance?
I have a car insurance question?
Soo my son got into a car accident it was the other drivers fault he forgot to yield. There is no insurance on my sons car but since it is the other drivers fault does his insurance pay for my sons car?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I drive a 98 Toyota Avalon, I heard ur grades affect the rates but I'm not a straight A student, I don't really do really well in school so you don't wanna know my grades. But how much would my parents have to pay for my insurance? We live in California""
Buying a motorcycle and insurance?
Might be a weird question. I plan on getting a bike. To get insurance on a bike do you need the title and everytbing under your name first? And if I buy from a dealer, how do I get it home without insurance? You need a bike to get insurance but you need insurance to drive it home from the dealer. How does it work if I make sense.""
Which is the best insurance for pregnancy ?
We are planning a kid in the near future. What insurance policy should I get so that out-of-pocket expenses are minimal ...... HMO, PPO ? Which is the best ? Please advice.""
Ca insurance rates question ?
My car insurance for me is almost $300 a month !! I have the chevy cruz ! Im 18 right now how long will it be till my rates go down a bit ??
Do you think I need insurance?
I have to have insurance on my car for 3 years because I got a ticket for no insurance and suspended license. I just recently go rid of my car...do I still need the insurance. People have told me to at least keep liability non-owners insurance, but that's $266 a month for me...!!! Can I just forget the insurance and ride the bus?""
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
What's a cheap insurance i can use considering that i got a dui?
I got a DUI back in march 2nd of this year (2009). My lawyer tried to fight it, but it didn't help, so my license is currently suspended. In order to get a restricted license, i need to show proof of insurance. Knowing that i have a dui on my record, what's the best option i have ?""
""Compare car insurance with health insurance, car insurance is a law, health insurance isn't why?""
car insurance is a law right? and I know a lot of people that have a very difficult time paying car insurance since it's so high, but it seems like insurance companies are making a lot of money, NOW how can we compare that to health insurance if it became a law to have to have it. You would hope that health insurance would be more affordable since more people are putting money into the pot right, but I am afraid but it being a law, the rich (insurance companies will get richer) and raise the cost of health insurance since it's a law. Maybe our solution would be to have our government give us tax breaks on health insurance premiums and some how get more for our money with health insurance. It's sad that you have to spend $500.00 a month for health insurance but still have to pay office visits and wait 6 months for preexisting problems. Maybe the solution is to have better health insurance options, right? Isn't that what McCain wants?""
How much is car insurance for teens?
How much is car insurance for teens?
How much would insurance cost for a Toyota Celica GT?
Ok so I have asked this question a couple of times now and I guess I should be more specific. I am getting my license soon and will probably be getting a Toyota Celica GT 2000 or 2001 and I was wondering the insurance price for a new driver (who is a girl) for this type of car. Not like what the price is based on but an actual estimated price. I am not expecting anything to be exacted just a guess. Plz help, thank.""
Problems with car insurance?
Okay so I am looking for some VERY affordable auto insurance. Sounds easy right...but this is the problem...my previous insurance lapsed and I have been without insurance since April(don't worry..not driving!!) But now I am ready to drive again, and I am having a hard time finding some thats affordable...know any good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!!""
How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?
How much does liability insurance cost for auto in TX?
Low cost auto insurance?
looking for a new carrier - can anyone recommend anything?
Question about car insurance.?
So I have a question, If I use my fathers car would he have to register his insurance on my name also? Or will it not matter since the cars registered in his name? Just in case anything happened. Just wondering.""
Is there a classic car insurance company that doesnt require you to be a certain age?
without 5 year license restriction also. i need to find one that will cover an 18 year old with a clean record.
I have insurance for a car I had for 6 days. The insurance co. says it's a total loss. They gave me a value?
Audatex is not kelly blue book they look at craigslist & not the dealer. Craigslist sometimes has cars where a mechanic might not catch it but is damaged. The price I paid is higher due to getting sick & credit went down so I had to go to a local dealer with higher interest. They want the insurance check plus $1700.00 & interest. So I will pay for this thing for over 1 1/2 years. I had it 6 days when some crazy driver almost hit me I turned & hit a wall. The insurance company says I loose my good driver discount. Since I will have to wait to pay off this car I can cancel my insurance once the dealer gets the check. Is there any California law that would say if this happens I would be able to pay off the car. It's worth more as a loss then to try to fix it. Please help. Thank You.
""What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
What the best private insurance in colorado, for a pregnet women?""
Question about changing term life insurance companies?
My term, no medical exam life insurance is almost up for the 10 years and it's going to renew higher than what I can get from another company, so I am going to apply at another company online and cancel the old one, but it says are you planning on replacing another policy? if yes, you can't buy this insurance, if no then you can buy it. I don't understand, why wouldn't they be happy to get another customer, is it illegal to change companies? I am in California. Should I just put no so it will accept it?""
Why pay for health insurance anymore?
The Community Organizer (Barry O) has made sure that pre-existing condition cannot be basis for refusal when buying health insurance. So why not just wait until you get sick to purchase insurance? Its like waiting until you get into a car wreak to buy car insurance. Barry's penalty for not having insurance doesn't kick in for another few years... so why have insurance before getting sick?
""Can I purchase a car, and tow it home without insurance?""
I want to purchase a car from a small car place, the man puts 30 day tags on it and mails the title to the DMV, but my father cant get off work to come put insurance on the car for me. So can I buy the car there, have the title put in my name, but have the car towed home and stored off the street until I can add it to insurance and get my own tags? or is it illegal to tow a car without insurance on it?""
Does car insurance cost change depending on the area you live in?
I went to college and I would really like my car. However, my parents say that the car insurance would increase because of where my school is located. Is this true?""
I'm interested in Working for Farmers Insurance?
I'm completely new to the insurance agency and would like to know the following: Average compensation structure to new sales agent? Average base pay for new agents (unexperienced)? Average compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? What should I expect my first Year? Is farmers insurance a good insurance company to work for? How to negotiate higher starting pay, What does management want to hear?""
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Is insurance a must for everybody to have?
Best/cheapest car w/ durability and power?
I'm going to buy a car in the near future, but I'm just having some trouble finding a good one. Here is a list of what I'm looking for: -0-60 in less than 7 seconds -Over 20 MPG -Easy to work with -A few aftermarket parts -Manual -CHEAP INSURANCE!!! Optional: -Not a convertible -RWD preferred. -DURABLE Thanks for your replies!""
Does it matter if you tell the insurance company?
that you are keeping your vehicle at 'X' address instead of your real address which is 'Y' address. Reason being that X is a way cheaper premuim than my Y premium. And its only for TPO insurance. Thanks
How much does Missouri Medicaid after insurance?
I have twins and Missouri Medicaid is my secondary after insurance. We had a NICU stay for 12 days. Will Missouri Medicaid cover whatever my insurance doesn't? I'm looking for any ones story's or any information! Thank you for the help!
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Car insurance? 10 points?
I'm 46 (female) and just got my probationary license in northern NJ. Is it possible to get my own insurance. How much would you expect it to be since I have to wait a year to get my full license? 10 points
Car accident no insurance?
Long story short- we were in a car accident because this lady was trying to turn left over a double yellow line into the gas station and we hit her from behind. Well we didnt have car insurance at the time because my hubby was out of work for 3 months and you pick and choose your bills at that time. So, the cop gave us a ticket and we did a little damage on her car. Her insurance company called and said we are supposed to pay 1500.00 to fix her bumper. Well they said that we can pay a big lump-sum now and they wont take us to court or we can do payments. NOW- i understand that we need to pay for her damages, my question is that can they garnish my husband wages now that he is back at work. Or if we go to small claims court will the cost will be more then what they are offering? I DO NOT think she had that much damage. I took many photos.""
""Why buy license plates, register car, and car insurance when I saved $3,000?""
Only suckers buy license plates, register car, and car insurance ( which I canceled :) after I got my license ) which I save over $3,000 a year on. I could careless if I crash my car I bought for $350 it is a junker ( which will probably die in the next three months ) and I could just run away without paying a thing. I already have saved over $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE UNLESS YOU CAN'T DRIVE.""
Is farmers insurance that bad?
I've read a lot of bad reviews about farmers insurance. i have an interview with them next week for a bilingual office claims representative position... What would be the career goal at this position. to become an agent in the future?
Do I have to be insured to drive an insured car?
I live in California and i recently got my drivers license. I am 17 and still in high school. My dad says i can't drive because i'm not insured even though the car i'm gonna be driving is insured. If i crash what would happen? My friends tell me that only the car needs insurance for me to drive. Who's right?
0 notes
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
"How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I have a friend who say he knows a guy who works for a car insurance company and can guarantee cheaper quotes?
Does this sound normal for staff to be able to do this as I have had a similar offer from someone else a while ago. I am just worried that they may set up a policy but when I go to make a claim its not a real policy or something. Please note it is a significant discount as well and he can also get me quotes on cars I wouln't otherwise get insured on as a normal customer All sounds a bit to good to be true!
Im 17 and pregnant where can i get affordable prenatal care in las vegas?
i dont yet have medicaid because my mom needs to take me off of her insurance...i just need to know where i can get either free or affordable prenatal care in las vegas...i dont need ...show more
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
How do i transfer my brother's car to my name in california?
its a 1974 vw bus. i want it as my car. how much is it to change it to my name? and im 17 how much wud the cheapest insurance be? and the tags are a few months outdated.. wat am i getting into?
What's a good auto insurance company that has a good rating?
I have four cars.... no tickets or claims in years.. I have insurance now, but I think I am paying too much. Only one of them is driven on a daily basis..... the others very infrequently.""
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers? (ages 16 and up)?
Infertility insurance?
Does any one know of a good provider or some one with an insurance rider for infertility? I have great health insurance, except it dosent cover that! I should say that I live in Kentucky. Thanks""
How much do health insurance cost?
my bf and i both 20yrs old are both still insured by our parents but ever since he had a brain anyeruism his parents of course took him over n moved him back 2 their home town and we didnt like that cuz he wanted me 2 take care of him & we dont get along with them anyway & because of that we didnt see each other for a long time so to prevent this from happening again we figured we would get our own insurance that covers us. i would like to know who is the best carrier and whats the average price and where could i get more info thats legit?
Short-term car insurance in California? Advice needed!?
I am going to rent a car in California for 6 weeks. I don't own a car of my own, so I don't have any normal car-insurance policy of my own. I do have a Visa gold-card, that covers collision damage waiver; but I wouldn't want to be without liability etc. Question: Is there any better deal I can get than paying the $10-$15 per day to the car rental company? Any ideas would be very welcome.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
How much is the insurance on a 2010 Mazda?
Im turning 16 soon and im looking for a car. im thinking about a 2010 Mazda 3, 4 door. just looking for how much the insurance will be monthly...rough estimate is good""
Are local insurance companies better than global ones?
I moved to salt lake city not long ago and I m looking to insure my motorcycle for the summer but so far every websites I tried online have prices and monthly rates that are very expansive !! Does anyone know if it is best to get insured with a local insurance company or a big one like progressive ???
""CAR INSURANCE, i live in a bad area and its doubling my quotes.?
I've got a mini 1000 1974 that im restoring and ive lost all motivation to finish it after reciving quotes starting from 7.5k and going up to 18k. Im guessing the reason being is that I live in a F rated area. its a proper s##t hole. Is there anything i can do to help reduce the quotes to a figure that i can realsticly afford. 7.5k is more than im earning.
Am I getting ripped off for car insurance?
Got my car insurance bill. I'm on a family plan with my mom and my sister. We did it because we were told it would save money. I'm in my late 20's, drive an older car(a ...show more""
Car insurance WITHOUT a bank account?
does anyone know where/what car insurance i can get as i can not have a bank acount or debit/credit card. can only pay with cash by monthly installments
Will My Parents Insurance go up?
I'm a g1 driver, got pulled over for speeding, got slapped with a few other tickets, was wondering will my parents insurance go up
Looking for cheap cars to insure?
Hello there, im 21 and looking for a cheap good runnin car! Thats cheap to insure! :) I dont like the old shape corses or nissan micras.. Ewww lol but really need a car asap! Any suggestions would be great n could u put make of car n model please? Thanks for reading! Lewis :D""
How much does insurance on a Catamaran cost?
In USD$, what is the average price for insurance on a newer catamaran?""
Will car insurance offer a jump start to my car ?
my car doesn't ignite and i... out. will my car insurance company be able to...
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
""My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
My Dad has cancer, and my parents can not afford life insurance for him. Can I get it to help out when the time comes?""
What is the average cost of mobile home insurance in Florida?
Is it higher in different areas
Low priced car to insure and buy?
I'm a 15 year old girl looking for a cheap car that is low to insure for when I turn 16...I live in the us and don't really care for sporty cars... I was think about a volkswagon beetle 03 but idk how much they are or how much it is insure so... Yeah. But please help!!!
Cheap car insurance UK?
any tips to bring the price down? or any insurers going cheap atm? 24 yr old guy 1 yrs no claims citeron saxo desire 03 reg park it on a drive way
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Can anyone tell me about selling insurance as a career?
A friend of the family sales insurance through State Farm. He has offered to mentor me and show me the ropes in the insurance business. I know absalutly nothing about insuarance. Is ita good career? Is it difficult to do? How much money do you make? Im in California. thanks
Help with car insurance?
If my friend financed the car I wanted for me would he have to be the policy holder of the insurance and list me as the main driver. If so, would the monthly payment be based off of me only and not my friend right? Or would he have to also pay for insurance ?""
What kind of lawyer do I against a car insurance company?
I don't have insurance. The insurance company is going after me for damages on the car I didn't do. ie such as a new paint job for the car I backed into. The only damage I did was to the hood and bumper and the insurance company is demanding I pay for a new paint job and all new parts even though this guys car was damaged before I hit it.
""Cheap Insurance, For a 19 year old?""
hi im a typical 19 year old, been driving for 1 year this month. Does anyone know of any Cheap Insurance places, Everything is so expensive! i dont want to be paying more than 50.00 a month! Please help""
Premium return life insurance?
What is the big bennefit of premium return life insurance policies?
How much is car insurance for male teenagers in australia?
i was wondering how much it actually is for a new male driver to get car insurance.....say it was for a v6 holden ute how much would it actually cost...i hear people saying its like ridiculous prices like $10000 a year n stuff like that ...like for full insurance thanks
Is it illigal to drive without having the proof of insurance IN your car.?
I have insuarance and i will be getting the papers tuesday. Is it legal in Texas to drive without the pyhsical papers, even though I have the insurance.""
How much is good car insurance for a uk driver?
I am looking around at car insurance comparison websites, and I want to know if the quotes I'm getting back are reasonable. How much would a reasonable monthly insurance payment be for a UK driver with more than 15yrs experience? Also, how much would it be if you added a newly qualified driver as secondary driver to that. The car is a 2006 Ford Galaxy. I know it depends on the other extras etc, but I just want to get a rough idea of what would be a reasonable amount to expect for this, on average.""
Car crash and no insurance?
My partner bought a car he was driving it home but had no insurance. He was driving about 5 mph due to a Traffic jam, he hit the car in front there was little damage to his car. He told the driver he had just bought the car and had no insurance, he said don't worry we will do it between us. My partner told him he will pay for the damage to his car. We received a letter from the drivers insurance to ask to put it in writing that we are willing to pay for the car. A few days later they rang and told us he has put in for whiplash there is no way he could of got whiplash as i was going to slow, no sure what to do please help""
What are three good life insurances in california?
i need specific details about these companies
How is the Mitsubishi Lancer GTS classified by most insurance companies?
I've been researching insurance quotes in preparation for buying a new (used) car, mainly for various sporty compact sedans. When I got to the 2010 Mitsu Lancer GTS, I was pretty appalled at how much higher the quote was than the others, like the Subaru Impreza and Mazda3 Sport, despite having extremely similar horsepower, speed, safety features and crash test ratings. Is it considered a sports car or something? Does it get lumped in with the uber-expensive Evo because of the word Lancer ?""
""When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?""
agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?""
What's the cheapest auto insurance and do you need it to have a permit?
it speaks for itself what company has the cheapest & most reliable auto insurance company for a 16 year old driver (not 16 yet but I should have my driver's license by February 25th if I go after my birth day)
Auto insurance ????????
Is it cheap being on my dads auto insurance vs me buying my own. I thinking about getting rid of full coverage.
What is The Age Limit To Use My Medical Insurance?
Hi I'm 20 years old and i want to know what is the age limit medical insurance covers? I hardly use it and now that i need it to have an eye check, I don't know if it will cover me... I reside in California. Thank You!""
Where can I get the cheapest auto insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA, and my car has a 5-star crash rating (2010 Toyota Camry Hybrid). Where can i get affordable insurance?""
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
Insurance question after engine blow up?
I was wondering, will insurance pay for damage to a car without being in accident? Let me give you example. What if I was driving on highway and my engine would blow up (not during racing, just cruising around), and I don't have manufacturers warranty anymore. Can I file claim, and will insurance pay for new engine?""
I was driving my firends car and had an accident. Whos insurance covers the wreck? My friends or me?
I was driving my friends car and wrecked it. My insurance says that insurance covers the vehicle not the driver. Is this the opinion of all insurance companies?
Is it possible to get insurance for a couple of months for 18 year old?
I passed my test a couple of months ago and really want to drive for summer, but I can't afford a car at the moment. Is it possible to get insurance on my mums car for a couple of months? as I go away to uni in September, possibly as a named driver? thanks.""
""First Car, insurance price etc :)?""
Hi all, I'm going to go into more detail and search more etc. when I get the car's reg, but for now I can only ask all of you :) I'm going to buy 1.6 ltr ford focus off of my friend for 800, 5 door, 2000 model I think so what kind of insurance would I be quoted on it usually? I don't want links to websites as I havent got all the details... but I havent passed my test yet and it will be my first car, plus I'm 18 so it could be a tad expensive I know :S Thanks for reading :)""
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England?
What are the cheapest cars for car insurance in England? I am just about to pass my test and don't care if the car looks like a piece of ****. I want it to have cheap car insurance. I'm thinking Peugeot 206 or something but I have no idea about cars? Thanks guys.
Vespa Insurance Help...!?
So I've just got a new Vespa LX50, 2009 - I'm 16 and have a provisional license and CBT. Does anyone know who the cheapest/best insurance providers are for scooters for young people - all the price comparison websites say different things, and that's no good. I'm looking for answers based on pass experience. If you're a young person and ride a moped/scooter - who do you use?? Thanks!""
Can my car insurance start the following month?
My car insurance renewal is up this friday, however i am off on holiday for a month, so will not be driving my car. Can my insurance start in February instead?""
Car health insurance...?
Why does car health insurance not exist I mean if it did then you would just pay a premium and then when you took it to a repair shop the insurance would cover it.
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Cheepest land rover defender insurance for young drivers?
Any ideas, companies past experience would be much appreciated""
Which car insurance companies are cheapest for teen girls?
I am a girl going on 17 years old and I finally just got my license. Now my dad and I are looking for the cheapest plan in the cheapest insurance company to go on for my car insurance. Help?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
What are the pros and cons of car insurance?
My insurance is like $300 a month...help?
I just got a free quote from whipers.com but my insurance is still a little high...what can I do to lower it to like $75 a month or is that not realistic?
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida (West Palm Beach)?
I just started college (18yr old), & also this is my first time owning a car. I've never had insurance prior. Bottom line is that I cannot afford to pay $300-$500 a month just for car insurance.""
How do I get rid of my car insurance?
I've got insurance on my car, but I am looking to cancel it. And I would like to cancel it without really having to explain myself to the company, seeing as they will want some sort of proof that I've for instance changed to a different company. I will be moving out the country come autumn, and I can't bring the bills with me for when I move away. It will cost too much, and no one will be driving the car anyway. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can cancel it?""
What car has the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old new driver?
looking at cars, i would like something that looks alright like a clio etc""
How much does a filling cost with insurance? like an estimate?
I'm 19 and clueless, and well i decided to get Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways , i know it depends where i go and etc, but i want an idea... just typically speaking
Can you recommend a really inexpensive but still decent car insurance company?
I'm a student on a budget in difficult economic times. I'm Looking for affordable auto insurance in Chicago.
Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?
Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)""
Why have all the cheap car insurance companies disappeared from go compare?
I've finally got a car sorted and logged back into go compare for a quote and all the cheap insurers like elephant and admiral aren't there. The quotes are horrendous, any idea why?""
Phoenix Auto Insurance?
Where can I get auto insurance in Phoenix? What do you recommend? I bought a car recently and I'd like to find a cheap way to insure it.
What is a reasonable cost estimate of business insurance for a cottage rental?
Looking to estimate small business insurance for a single unit cottage rental we are purchasing.
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Can I get fire/theft only car insurance in UK?
I currently pay around 1200 per year insurance on my new car. Recent job change though mean I only use it maybe 3 or 4 times a month, and with one day comprehensive insurance available from dayinsure.com just 11, thought it might save me some money just to insure the car the days I use it... IF theft insurance is cheap enough. When not in use the car is in my garage so not going to cause any third party damage to anyone..""
How can I take the insurance of my car off my parents name?
Okay sooo, my dad has never been a good father figure until i turned 16. I'm now 17 and have a car that i bought and i have the title and loan in my name. He is the co-signer. He also pays the insurance. I have a boyfriend and he doesn't like it when i have a boyfriend. He thinks i'm too young for one. My mom and him are divorced and i live with my mom. She doesn't care that i have a boyfriend and lets me go over to his house and go on dates, etc. He doesn't approve. So he threatened to take my car away if i don't be home when he says. My home is my moms house. I have more of a right to listen to her than i do my dad. She thinks so too. He says since he pays the insurance he should be able to take my car away if he wants to. I offered to pay my own but he won't let me because then he won't have anything to hold over my head. How can i get my own insurance and take it off his name without him knowing until its done?""
How much would u predict the insurance on a 98' eclipse with turbo cost?
i'm looking to buy this car. keep in mind that i'm also 17 years old...and i'm a male...althought i passed drivers ed with an A and i've been driving for almost 4 months with a license..accident free..i need help trying to convince my parents to let me buy this car
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
Does the owner of the car have to be insured?
I drive my sister's car and my sister lives in a different country. Does my sister have to be insured since she is the owner? I am insured..
Insurance for bmw 328i for a 16 year old?
Can anyone tell me an estimate of how much insurance would be for a 16 year old female for a 2011 or 2012 BMW 328i? I get all A's and B's ( i heard that you get a small discount on insurance for good grades). thank you!
What Are Some Legit Health Insurance Agency?
I've just been told that Mega Health and Life Insurance was a rip off company. (After I've pretty much wasted my time giving them information). Humana is so darn expensive for me. I'm a single mother of two. Working from home, due to my mystery illness. As of now I have no health insurance, but get by/ struggle with Care Link. ( Basically that allows me to make low payments on my medical bills, instead of paying the full amount up front) But I feel because of this method, most doctors aren't being up front with me. I also think this limits me from being honestly tested and checked out for my current on going problems. (I think they see me as a poor person that would never pay the bill off, so why test me?) I just want to get to better....there has to be some Legit and affordable health care out there! HELP!""
Does anyone know this car insurance joke?
I heard a car insurance joke a while back it started with a lot of cussing and then at the end of it it said something like something something something I just saved money by switching my car insurance to GEICO or something like that can someone please tell me the joke if you know it? I wanna send it to a friend :)
I'm 17 years old looking for a car with cheap insurance?
I have 3,000 and I'm looking for a manual car that's somewhat fast I don't want a super slow car and I know I can't find a super fast one either but something kinda fast in the price range and not a but load for insurance""
What is some cheap medical insurance?
I am 18 and I live in alabama and I really need to know what some good cheap medical insurance any suggestions?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
Question about insurance policy for teens?
I'm 17 and I have my drivers license. My dad says that I can't carry passengers because our insurance doesn't cover them and won't allow it. However, I find it absurd that there's a insurance policy that prevents you from carrying passengers. Does this exist? I understand that you are not supposed to carry passengers until after 6 months, but he says I can't carry them AT ALL not his rule, its the insurances rule an excuse?""
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
About how much would the insurance cost on a 2010 Mercedes Benz C300?
BTW I'M 16 YEARS OLD. Big factor, I know. I know I don't deserv it, I'm too young, yeah, I know. But I don't want any of those answers. Just please answer my question with no complaining about how you didn't get a nice car when you were 16. I just want an estimate. Thanks!""
Insurance Company Policy Number California?
I was rear ended and I obtain the person of interest's driver license, license plate, name, and policy number, but did not get the insurance company's name. I tried calling the suspect and came into her work (subway) to find out the number I was given was incorrect. I tried calling the new number and still no response. I remember seeing that the insurance company was from the Bay Area. The policy number is 1053121297. Could anyone help me connect this policy number format to a company?""
What is the average car insurance for an 18 year old male who is just starting to drive?
I just want to know how much car insurance will cost me i know a lot has to do with the cost such as what type of car and such. I want an estimate because no insurance website has a quote for new drivers.
What happens if you don't pay your car insurance?
I've been paying an exorbitant amount of money for State Farm insurance for quite some time. I'd like to cancel it and get insurance from Progressive instead. Opinions on the companies aside (that's not the issue), what will happen if I just stop paying for State Farm and buy the Progressive policy? I'm all paid up til today.""
How much is comprehensive insurance for a Kawasaki ninja 250r?
I'm 20, never had a crash nor any fines, am on my graded license (just off l's) have done rider safety courses and have a 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r and live in queensland (australia). i just want to get a general idea of the cost""
Rental car insurance?
Recently, I had a car accident. The car I drove was fine however the back of right bumper of the parked car was cracked and torn off. I was reversing parking and accidentally pushed the gas pedal hard. I talked to the owner of car and he said he will contact his insurance. The car I was driving was a rental car from hertzondemand.( Insurance was covered in the rate) Hertz said I have to submit the collision report from police station. I am seriously horrified of thousands of dollar that I probably have to pay. I do not own a car nor automobile insurance. But I do have an amex gold rewards which has Damage Insurance but I dont think it covers for the car I hit as well. I have been reading XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION under terms and condition over and over again but it gets me more confusing.https://www.hertz247.com/alberta/en-...20of%20Alberta Am I gonna pay for $250 and rest of them will be taken cared by hertz? Can someone clarify XII.LIABILITY PROTECTION?""
What's a good first car for low insurance?
I'm buying a first car soon, and I don't want the insurance to go through the roof. My mom offered to just give me her 3-Series but I'm afraid it'll make our rates go up if I'm the primary driver, but I know nothing about insurance so help me out here... I don't really care what the car is AS LONG AS... It is 1995 or newer Has the basics (power steering, air conditioning) Reasonably comfortable Reasonable gas mileage--doesn't have to be too great NOT a Honda. At all. I really hate Hondas with a passion and that kind of lowers the list, but oh well.. It doesn't really need all the fancy bells and whistles--just needs to be comfortable, cheap-ish insurance, and easy to fix. I'm looking into Buicks right now. My mom said she likes the Scion tC, and I don't really mind either (but it does look kind of girly). Any other good options? Thanks!""
Why has car insurance more than doubled?
I'm 34, have 9 years no claims and a clean licence but my car insurance has gone from 328 last year to over 800 this year. tried all the different company's and cheapest i can get is over 600 by putting my excess up to 500. Know car insurance has risen this year by about 12%(which i could handle) but these figures are through the roof. Can anyone put some light on why it might have risen so high when it is same car and address as last year?""
How much does a Yamaha YZF R125 cost? And how much is insurance/tax per year?
Cheers :)
Health insurance provided by the state of Florida?
My brother is getting married at the end of february but he said they may have to cancel the wedding because his fiancs health insurance will kick her off if she gets married. Can an insurance company actually do that?
Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?
I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old
I need health insurance. and advice?
i am 20 and want to get affordable good health insurance but i only want to pay like 75$ a month is that reasonable? what should i be expecting to pay and what providers are good?
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
Whats the best car for insurance for a 18 year old?
hey guys, i know its cheaper to go on family insurance however i want to build my no-claims so it will work out better the next year. so could you guys give me a heads up for the best practical car for actual insurance for an 18 year old and whats the best company? Many thanks:D""
Car insurance questions?
1. if I have 5 years no claim bonus, can I use it on 2 different cars? different insurance companies 2. if my car insurance will ask for my no claim bonus will they return it or keep it? 3. lets say I bought a car for my dad, for his birthday but put my name as the owner of the car by mistake, can I just call DVLA to change the owner name before they send the documents to me? 4. which companies give no claim bonus for second driver? is it only Direct Line?""
Do i need business car insurance???????
i have private car insurance but was wondering if i need business insurance because i drive clients to and from places,really need to know if im covered or not asap! thx vic""
Who provides no-inspection home owners insurance?
My house is basically a shell, but we've been conditionally approved for a line of credit to fix the house. We need to have home insurance, but if we go with any of the local insurers we'll be turned down because of the condition of our house. It was built in 1897. Are there reputable online providers of insurance that don't do inspections prior to approval? If so, recommend some.""
I cancel my car insurance because I sold my car.?
I was told by the car insurance company that I have my car insurance that I would have a laspe in my insurance. I was also told that I would not be able to purchase insurance with another company. Why is this? Why should I keep my insurance if I don't have a car and won't be purchasing one for awhile?
I want to get self insurance. wich insurance is cheap and good?
Car insurance needed to fix car?
I got a scratch on my car and I think I just need a paint job and for them to sand it. Do I need to inform my car insurance or anything to get it fixed and will they inform my car insurance if i went to get it fixed? The problem is my car is under my mom's name as well as the insurance if she found out i scratched the car she might flip.
Car insurance??????? UK?
where can i get a rough idea of what i might pay for insurance, if i pass next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i try wants a reg. no. But all i want for now is a rough idea so i can see what insurance groups i can choose a car in. Fanx :0)""
What does it mean by excess and young drivers excess?
I'm looking at a car insurance and i'm confused when it say for example 250 excess and 250 young drivers excess. Does that mean i would be paying 500 in excess or just the 250?
Car insurance quotes?
I have just spent an endless amount of time on various car insurance sites, which start of with reasonable quotes then you add the bits and pieces on and you end up with ridiculous final costs. I am not insuring a 0-60 in 5 seconds type car but a small 1.4 Honda I am fully aware that any car can cause damage,my wife drives the car,has had no claims or convictions. I have a larger car and the insurance is 50 cheaper than all quotes received so far,which includes breakdown recovery,protected no claims and legal cover. anyone with car insurance advice would be appreciated, these car insurance sites are a pain""
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
How does insurance either supplied by an employer or by the government drive UP the price of health care?
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