#i felt okay until we finished up and then i could hear her talking to my father in the other room
senawashere · 3 days
We're on this together. (Chapter 1)
Bradley Bradshaw × Fem!Wife!Reader
Summary: Nobody warned you for how hard it is to become a mother,same for Bradley.
TW: infertility,mentions of miscarrige,mentions of hospital,mentions of getting pregnant,mentiones of ivf. Mostly angst.
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Tears were streaming down your face,your hands were trembling. Searching for Bradley's number in your contact list has never been this difficult.
Your fingers slid across parts of the screen you didn't want to touch, making your frustration even worse.
The phone line rang at a deafening volume. Once, twice, three times until it goes to voicemail.
His stupid voicemail.
"Hi,its me Bradley. Please drop your message!"
Taking this as a sign, you chose not to try again.
After all, talking to Bradley about it right now would only make him worry for nothing, considering he was busy on deployment and miles away from you. He was about to return this week.
It wasn't something he could solve. Maybe it was but not right now.
Within a few minutes your phone rang. As his name popped up on the screen, a heart emoji next to it and his photo of him grinning stupidly, you felt terrible for doing this to him.
Not only did you let down your own dreams, you were about to let down his too.
You replied, remaining silent. You expected your voice to sound like a lump in your throat.
"Baby, are you there? I couldn't get to the phone in time at first."
You were motionless, your lack of words showed him that. "I'm fine", giving yourself some time, you suddenly started to feel everything you didn't feel until you got home.
"I was at the doctor's today."
"Why are you talking like it's the end of the world? Are you okay?"
Throughout his breathing, it was easy to imagine him even stopping whatever he was doing to pay better attention to you; Not because it wasn't there before. You should have called Penny or someone, they would know how to take care of you.
"Wait, is it about babies? Tell me you're joking," he finished with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You could imagine and hear it perfectly.
In the past, when you received good news, you would pretend that something bad was coming, now it's just another thing you regret doing.
You were selfish for talking to him, he was so far away; You could talk to him about it when he got home.
Talking and doing this and that now would cause him more anxiety than he ever had in his hectic daily tour life. Still, he was the only one you needed.
"No, quite the opposite."
The call suffered a long pause, filled with his deep sighs and persistent tears streaming down his cheeks.
You didn't let a single tear fall until you got home, but did you verbalize it? Putting it into words made things different; it felt more real.
"Fuck," he mumbled, clearly a little out of place.
“I can't have kids, Bradley,” your words were interrupted by the growl you were trying to hold back.
He could tell when you were talking to him that everything hit you at once. Over the years, he was able to recognize even small details.
''I'm the reason we tried and it never worked. I cursed it."
"No, baby," he took a deep breath. "Please don't blame yourself. You know it's not your fault." You ran your fingers desperately through your hair; This is what it must be like to feel useless on the phone. Just what you imagined before you made the call. It was bad to announce this to him. "Are you alone? I can ask someone to check on you. They’ll do that, okay?
“Please,” You didn't want to spend the rest of the day by yourself. Also, even though you didn't want to talk to anyone but Bradley, you knew Penny would understand you better, she knew how to make you feel less bad, it would be nice to be around her. And once she mentioned she went through something like that so maybe she would understand you.
Being alone with your harsh thoughts will not be a good option anyway. "I thought about calling her, but I finally gave up, I didn't know what to do, I still don't. Calling you still doesn't seem like a good idea, but I didn't know what to do."
Your weak voice was killing Bradley. If it made him sad to hear that, he couldn't imagine what it was like for you.
"You did great, baby, this is a tough situation but we're on this journey together. You can ask for anything baby, remember?" He smiled, a muffled smile came over the line; It made you feel a little better.
"We can still have children, you know that."
You wanted to tell him that what works for others may not work for you, that your condition may not be that malleable because your condition is genetic. Still, you didn't know if they were true or not, all your thoughts might just be the result of your momentary frustration, but they might also be true.
You need to talk to Bradley about this, everything that's going on in his mind. You didn't want to do this over the phone anymore.
“We can try,” you sniffled, still avoiding the tears you didn't even know were falling. "We can try." You repeated, trying to convince yourself.
"Talk to me, baby. Try to distract yourself a bit, huh? Please. Do you want me to turn the call off? Maybe you can take a long bath with your favorite bubbles or eat something different. That might help."
Even though it sounded wrong, his desperation to help you was adorable. Talking to him made everything perfect, his voice was soothing, you could hear him talking for hours. Now it was no different.
“I just want to hear your voice,” you said, lying on the cold floor of the main room. It would be nice to sleep. It seemed reasonable to forget the previous hours for a few minutes. "You are busy?"
"Not exactly."
"Then tell me how the mission went."
His voice sounded flatter and softer, you could imagine how uneasy he was even from the phone, it was possible to imagine him striding around the room with the phone in his hand. He talked about the mission details the night before. The contrast of how you described your previous day with what happened at the right moment was painful, happy and suddenly you were breaking it.
Everyone knew that Bradley dreamed of having kids, that kids were running around the house and so were you, you wanted to have kids with him even more but with you he would never have one.
"Can I say something?" You asked, taking a deep breath,cutting through his words. "I love you,I love you so much."
Everything was unfair, you both tried so hard. He, too, had become weak from trying, just like you.
"I love you too, baby. This," you could see him in your mind, pausing and gesturing with his hands, "this won't change anything,okay? I still love you so much as the day i fell in love with you."
"We are on this journey together."
"We are on this journey together.”
Your body trembled.
A cold hand was wandering around your waist as you slowly opened your eyes, feeling a ridiculous headache fill your vision. Your eyes found Bradley crouched on the ground in front of you, and he looked good compared to you. His eye bags were not purple from the 4 hour sleep he was getting,or his hair wasn't messy after the cold,rainy and windy weather out there.
"What are you doing here?" You frowned. Bradley chuckled as you laid your head down once the headache made you feel like you were going to throw up. He could answer your question but you were flattered, he wouldn't think you noticed he was there because he knew you needed him.
So he ignored it, helping you get up.
"Come on, get up. It's cold on the floor, I'll put you to bed." He tried to get you to stand up for him - he failed; but you shifted your weight onto his body, wrapping your arms around his neck, which he found worriedly cute.
“I need you,” you whispered, drunk and sleepy, burying your face in his coat. Let its scent warm you. He smelled amazing.
It was a relief to hear him say that. He didn't want to get into an argument about how it would affect his job in the near future, as you had fought before for the same reason. "I know my baby." He kissed your hair, hugged your waist, and carried you to your room. “She wants to lay down with me.”
He laid you down on the bed, doing the same as he lay on your side, face up and facing the white ceiling.
They both knew it was necessary to speak, but neither knew who should speak first or what they should speak about.
You ran your fingers over his stomach, placing your palm under his shirt, warming his cold hand with your body. You moved closer to his body, nestling into his side as he wrapped his arm around you.
"Tell me, what's on your mind?" He said without looking directly at you.
"There's a lot", your mere words made his throat dry. “It's weird knowing your body can't do what it's supposed to do, especially when you want it to,” you gasped through sobs, his grip pulling you closer to his chest for comfort. "I'm afraid you'll stay with me and a few years from now you'll realize you made the wrong choice." These words hurt him. It hurt him so much to see you blaming yourself.
He hugged you even tighter and asked you to look at him. "I'm not going to leave you, okay? I'm in love with you. That won't change, and it's not your fault. We can try IVF as if it will work, and it's worked for a few people, and we'll have a happy and healthy baby. We have the money for it. If the money I make as a pilot isn't enough, i can even find a part-time job. I can enter just for you, I'm married to you and I love you so much, why should I leave you?"
There were tears in your eyes and you hoped he was right. "What if it doesn't work? If my body miscarries? If we try and never succeed? I don't know if I'm ready to try again-"
Before you finished your sentence, he grabbed your cheek and gave you a messy kiss. He was far from okay, he was desperate, you didn't know how to decipher whether he was trying to silence you or show his emotions. The salty taste of your tears accompanied by the burning in his throat didn't help at all.
You put your hand on his chest and stop him. He was in distress, he probably wanted to stop you with a waterfall of negative thoughts but he didn't know how.
“I don't want to try, I just don't know what to do yet, and it's killing me right now.” You were complaining.
He kissed your forehead and let you lie down.
"We will find a way. It's still new, we can think better or find other ways. Adoption is also a good option, but of course if everything happens at the right time."
You stayed silent for a while, imagining a parallel where Bradley was right and things worked out. Although you were still not convinced by this, you agreed with him. After all, there would be no other way, and you still wanted to have children.
“Adoption sounds good,” you mumbled against his chest. You hadn't thought about it yet, it hadn't even crossed your mind. “There is no risk and there is no way we can go wrong.”
You felt relieved that he was there for you, guiding you to feel better about this.
"You see?" he asked with what looked like a weak smile. "We'll find a way because I don't plan on having kids with anyone but you, so it has to be with you. Whether you like it or not." He joked, drawing a smile from you as he touched your nose with a wet kiss.
It was incredible how he managed to make even the most difficult moments seem lighter.
"Good, because I still want to have your stupid kids.”
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I'm tagging people who might be interested:@ohtobeleah @sebsxphia @callsigns-haze @sorchathered @greenorangevioletgrass @teacupsandtopgun @roosterforme @floydsglasses @lyn-js @bradshawssugarbaby @torchflies @its-dee-lovely @its-the-pilot @friedchips94 @bradshawsbaby @hardballoonlove @perfectprettypisces @topguncortez @hangmanapologist @bradshawsbaddie @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @themusingofagothicsoul @promisingyounglady @the-romanian-is-bae @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @iefitzgerald-blog @charcole-grey @waterriseslew @desert-fern @promisingyounglady @lewmagoo and if you are not comfortable please tell me!!
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lyn-js · 3 days
Dancing under the Moonlight | Chapter 2. Love in the Limelight
Bradley Bradshaw x OC Reader (Nickname Honey)
Summary: After the Uranium Mission, Bradley Bradshaw decides he wants to settle down. Maybe even start a family at some point in time. But he felt so tired (and old) to be in the dating scene. That's until he sees a beautiful new bartender at The Hard Deck. Not only that; turns out she's Penny's niece, Beatrice. They both hit it off amazing, but for some reason, Beatrice isn't letting her walls down yet. But Bradley is going to get to the bottom of what Bea's big secret is.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, drinking, mentions of past abuse, fluff, eventually smut 18+, age gap (24 & 35)
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It was finally the weekend!! Even though this was gonna be a group outing, you wanted to try your best to dress a little nice for Bradley. 
Chantal was with you when you were getting ready, even your Aunt and cousin were a little worried about you. You changed three times in 5 minutes. You changed your hairstyle so many times your hair could probably stick up with all the hairspray you have in it. But you just went with a simple top and some jean shorts. You finally come jutting down the stairs, and everyone's eyes are on you. 
Chantal gets up from the couch and makes her way to the front door with her bag and keys. “You finally decided on something?” you just give her a little nod, while also grabbing your bag and keys. But when you turn back she is giving you a sympathetic smile. “We are going to have fun tonight, Okay? Stop worrying about what he’ll think of you. Plus, if he doesn't like it, you can drop his ass.” you both let out a chuckle. But you're stopped when you see Penny walk up to you both. “Yea listen to C. Don’t worry so much about how you look. Go and have fun, pulse you are already beautiful. Since the day you were born.” She gently caresses your cheek, and then gives you a small kiss in the same spot. You try and hold back the tears that were welling in your eyes. You remember your mom always saying that to you when you were feeling down, or sad. She would always know how to make you smile again. But, now that she’s gone you never really heard those words again. Ever since then, your Aunt Penny has tried so hard to be a mom to you, and you will always be grateful for her doing that. You kiss her back and hug Ames, also promising her that you will try and get her a prize from the bowling alley. So, you and Chantal make your way out, budding goodbye to your Aunt, and make your way over to The Hard Deck for your shift.
Before Chantal starts up her vintage cherry red Mustang, “Hey C, are the girls still on to join us?” I ask when I finish buckling into my seat. She chuckles and gives me a warm smile, “Hell yeah girl! When I told them we were having a girl's night, while also spotting some cute aviators by our side. Honey, I could even get the question out fast enough without them saying yes. She puts on her sunglasses, starts the car, and off The Hard Deck, we go.
Just as when Chantal is pulling into the parking lot you spot the infamous Blue Bronco, and you’re practically jumping out of the moving car, trying to get in the bar as fast as possible so you can see the one person you've been dying to see for days now.
(Bradley’s POV)
When I hear the doors open at the front I whip my head around and see the girl I’ve been waiting for all day. Nat pauses her game of pool with Bob to come see what I’m losing my head over. But, she looks in my field of direction and sees a brunette girl, who seems to be with her friend looking around for somebody. When they look over in our direction she sees the brunette face light up when she looks at Rooster. That must be the “mystery girl” he keeps talking to. So, they make their way over.
I see Beatrice come crashing over to us, and she gives me a small wave, and a small “Hi.”
“Are we still on for tonight pretty girl,” I ask her. But the next second she freezes up, like the wind got knocked out of her. Why the hell would you say that? She probably thinks you're crazy for calling her that!
But I see her take a deep breath and try and speak to me. “Y-yeah… I’ll call the rest of my friends to come meet us here.” She seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in to see the person next to her nudging her in the ribs.
She looks over at her friend whom she finally introduces. “Oh, everyone this is my best friend Chantal. Chantal this is Lieutenant. Bradley Bradshaw, Lieutenant. Robert Floyd, and Lieutenant. Natasha Trace.” She gives a silent wave to me and Bob. But, when I look over to see Nat, for some reason I see a little glimmer in her eye. I know for a fact that she would kick me in the balls if I said anything about it to her. So for now, I just keep my piece and focus my attention back on Bea.
We have a light conversation for a couple of minutes until she has to be on the clock. But as soon as she leaves, I already miss her presents, even though she is right up at the bar a couple of feet away. It feels like she’s miles away from me. I just want to be near her all the time. 
Within the hour more of the squad makes its way into the bar, and when they do, Bea makes her stops to introduce herself along with Chantal. Who I might add has taken up all of Natasha’s attention by talking each other’s ears off. So, for the rest of her shift, I would come up from time to time, seeing if she was alright, and watch her over from the pool tables.
I stop focusing on the game of pool to see Hangman making his way over to Beatrice.
(Back to Your POV)
After some grueling hours wiping down tables, making drinks, and trying my best not to crack underpressure. I’m finally done tonight. Luckily Aunt Penny came in an hour later, so we wouldn’t be swamped with so many people at the bar.
Just as I’m about to head out from behind the bar, out of the corner of my eye, I see someone come up. I wanted to assume it was Bradley to come check on me for the fourth time tonight. But when I turned around to see a tall, blond, cocky-looking man leaning over the bar top with a toothpick in his mouth. 
For some reason, I walk back over to see what he wants. I don’t even get the question out of what he would like when he starts to speak up. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing behind a bar?” “I’m getting off my shift right now,” I tell him.
“Well, why don’t you come out with me and my friends tonight? Probably hit the town. I might even take you somewhere private.” He gives me a mischievous smile while raising his eyebrows at me. He probably doesn’t know that I’m with the group tonight. So I’ll just play a little game with him, until he gets the hint.
“I’m sorry…” genuinely asking for his name, but still playing dumb with him. “Hangman. But you can call me Jake darlin’,” he says to me while he flicks the other end of the toothpick around in his mouth.
I’m sorry… Jake. But I don’t feed off of protein powder, and small dick insecurity,” I smile back at him. He falters a little but comes back in seconds. “Oh, I like em’ feisty. How about I leave you my number and call me sometime?” I just give a little chuckle and seize up to him so he can also stand up straight.
“Yea, call me and let me know when you can actually satisfy a woman in bed.” Just as he was about to say something else, Bradley came up to the bar top and stood next to Jake. I smile ear to ear when he arrives, and I can see the same expression on his face. I pan over to Jake and see him a whole lot little shocked.
“H-hey Bradley,” you tell him with a little bit of weariness in my voice. “Hey Bea, are we ready to go?” he asked back. I was about to say that I needed to ask Penny first if I could go. But she already beat me to it, coming up behind me to answer his question.
“She’s all yours Rooster. Just bring her back home in one piece. Okay?” He just gives a little salute back to her which of course makes me laugh.
 After that, I get out from behind the bar and go right into Bradley’s side. But all of a sudden we stop and he pulls me closer to his body already giving me more chills down my spine and leans down to whisper to me, “He wasn’t giving you any problems was he?” He asks in a curious tone.
“Don’t worry B, I straightened him out a little bit.” Out of the blue, he kisses my temple and mumbles “That’s my girl” to himself, but you hear him anyways. He probably didn’t mean it. You think to yourself.
So, after everyone wrapped up with their pool and darts games it was time to go bowling.
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After Chantal and Natasha convinced me it was a good idea to ride over to the alley with Bradley. We both knew what was up their tricky little sleeves, so me and Bradley told them they should ride together also. 
That’s how you ended up in the passenger seat of Bradley’s Bronco when pulling up to the bowling alley. 
After he parks the car, we see Chantal and Nat pull right in next to us and then comes the rest of the squad. When you try and open the door, you’re stopped by Bradley who’s moving closer to you while closing the door. I just look back at him.
“What are you doing pretty girl?” he asks me with raised eyebrows. Opening the door… What are you doing?” He looked dumbfounded at this point when I was answering that question. “Bea, my mother would be rolling in her grave if she found out I let you open your own door. Ya know I can feel her right now telling me off for not being a gentleman. 
Now I was dumbfounded. I did want to ask him about what happened, but I didn’t want to pressure him into talking about stuff that was hard for him. So, I’m not going to get into it with him. He rushes out of the driver seat and comes running over to the passenger side to be a gentleman and open my door. 
As I’m unbuckling I see him open my door, and give the fanciest bow he could give, and so I just play along. “Oh, ever the gentlemen!” I put my heart on my chest. But then jump out and follow everyone in.
When you get in you and Chantal, go ahead of everyone to see your friends Jesse, Georgia, Scarlett, Coco, and Rose. We all walk them over to the other group to introduce them to each other. 
When you get a good look at the other guys from the group, it almost looks like their eyes are about to fall out of their sockets.
But you let the girls get to introduce themselves, and they seem to be enjoying it. Maybe enjoying themselves a little too much, but we all make our way to the front to get our lanes ready.
Once we got into our lanes, we decided to split the girls and the guys.
Then we were paired up, Javy and Coco, Micky and Rose, Ruben and Jesse, Bob and Georgia, Jake and Scarlett, Natashe and Chantal, and finally Bradley and Beatrice. 
We went into three different lanes, and of course, there was an odd number of people that left me and Bradley in one lane by ourselves. I even see Chantal and Nat in the lane next to us giving lovely Dovey looks at me and Bradley. But I can see the same feeling when Chantal is with Nat. 
A couple of years ago Chantal came out to you as bisexual, You asked her why she hadn’t told you sooner. 
Her answer was that you wouldn’t want to be friends with her if she told. That made you want to slap her silly and tell her she was completely wrong. At the end of that night, you both ended up in your bed cuddling while eating junk food, with lots of tears and telling her if she ever gets her heart broken, you will hunt that person down to the end of their days.
So, you can truly believe Natasha was a good person, and you truly believed she would love Chantal till the end of time. 
You could only wish that could happen to you.
And Hour goes by and you all are having a good time, eating, drinking and laughing our asses off. You don’t know who, but someone started a bet with each lane.
If someone misses the lane, and the ball goes in the gutter. That lane would have to do 50 push-ups. I feel really terrible for me and Bradley because when it was my turn I would go up I would miss. 
Every single time!
You can’t really remember what count you’re both on. It might be 150… or 60. But you would just always look over at Bradley and feel really bad that he was also doing this punishment with you.
After you both are finally done with that count, you walk back to the seats, sit down, and finally get a chance to breath. You look over, and your face on with his arm. His muscles look so defined and huge. You just want to wrap your arms around them and never let go.
We are out having a good time. Now stop thinking about him like that Bea!
I finally spoke up and said something. “I’m really sorry we’re making us do push-ups. Not really expecting work to come follow you.” I put my head down. Shying away from him looking at me. “Hey, Bea… look at me, pretty girl.” When I look up he takes his finger and puts it under my chin so we are making direct contact with his hazel irises. “You don’t need to apologize. It just bowling. Plus, at least I can be able to do them with you and not Jake.”
We both giggle, but that stops when we see Chantal and Natasha making kissing noises at us. So, together you and Bradley both flip them off and return back to your game.
Once again Bradley makes a strike on his turn, he comes over to give you a high five and sits next to you. When you look up to see your name highlighted on the monitor telling you it is your turn, you just let out a sigh and brace yourself to get down on the floor and do another round of push-ups.
But all of a sudden when you are about to swing your ball back you feel a pair of hands on your shoulders stopping you.
You turn around and see it was Bradley, he comes down so he can talk to you. “I think you might need help instead of just wracking your ball in the gutter,” he tells me while pointing to our lane. “Well, teach me. See if I’m really any good,” I give him a little smirk, and Bradley copies the same expression on his face.
He stands behind you, and your back is flush against his front. And wrapping his arms around your own, almost looking like he was holding the bowling ball himself.
He bends down a little so he can talk to me again, “What you want is a good stance.” So he moves his hands from the ball and bends down to move you legs to the same position he’s in. 
“Then, bring your arms back” he puts his burly hands over you and you both swing the ball back and then down the lane it goes.
It feels like you’ve been holding your breath for an eternity, feeling like the ball was going down the land so slowly and just waiting for it to hit the pins.
Then you hear the pins fall. You finally got a strike. When you see all the pins disappear, you start to freak out with excitement. Squealing and jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store. Then you turn around to give Bradley a big hug, and he wraps his arms around you and spins you in circles. 
“Did you see that? I got a strike bitches!” You yell at the top of your lungs. You see everyone from the group cheer for you, even the people from the other lanes whistle for your lucky shot.
You look up at the monitor and see the little animation for the strike. It stops and tells you that your turn is still up. So you turn back to him, “I didn’t think I learned the first time. Can you show me again?” you ask him with a cheeky grin. “For you pretty girl, anything.” So you get your ball from the ball return, and wait for Bradley to come up behind you, and help you get back in your stance.
This night can’t get any better.
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Once we were all done with the bowling alley, there was a beautiful sunset, and there was a boardwalk nearby. So, we all got in our cars and made our way over there.
When we all got there we decided to split up for a little bit when some of the group wanted to go on rides or go play some carnival games.
But, you and Bradley just decide to walk around not to do anything, and just wanting to be in each other's presence. While along the walk, you and Bradley kept brushing your hands together, not knowing how were going to initiate the first move. But before you can think, you take a leap and pick up Bradley’s hand and interlock your and his together. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable so he keeps looking outwards at everything around him.
But you could feel him give your hand a gentle squeeze, and a couple of seconds later he brought your interlocked hands up to his lips and gave your knuckles a light kiss. Your heart was about to explode out of your chest you were so happy. So, you wrap your other hand around his bicep and continue on your quiet stroll.
You almost forgot to get Amelia a prize from the arcade at the bowling alley, so you dragged Bradley over to one of the games to try and win a small prize. And of course, you have no luck when trying to win any games, so you let Bradley try. 
And of course, he wins the first time, and the second, and third. Now, you were carrying a giant teddy bear and two smaller prizes to his Bronco.
How is he so fucking good at everything? I wonder if he’s this good in bed-
“Would you care to have a walk with me on the beach?” he closes the door to the backseat where the bear was occupying his giant, fluffy frame. “Don’t mind if I do Lieutenant.” You both take off your shoes, interlock your hands again, and descend to the sandy shoreline.
You both walk in silence for a little bit before you both speak up at the same time. But he lets you go first. “Bradley… what is… what is this thing between us?” you ask him. But I cut him off. “Well, I know what it is… maybe. I just don’t want one of us to get the wrong signals, and in the end, someone gets hurt-” his finger cuts you off on your lips to make your stupid ass stop rambling. 
“Listen, Bea, I definitely know what this is, and trust me, nobody is going to get hurt. By the looks of it, we both know something is here between us.” “I… can we just take this slow for a little bit please?” “Absolutely pretty girl.” 
You see him grab something out of his back pocket and unravel a cord. You see him offer you an earbud. And hold up what looks to be like a very janky iPod Shuffle. Your mouth is agape when you see him put the opposite earbud in his ear. “Care for a dance, m’lady?” 
I’m still in shock, but I let out a hardy laugh. “Bradley Bradshaw I know for a fact you did not bring an iPod on the beach to slow-dance with me!” I’m still laughing when he starts to sway from side to side. My laughing dies down, and I eventually give in.
I grab the unused earbud place it in my ear, and see him press play. Some 80s hit play, even though they were super upbeat, we swayed in silence. One part listening to music, the other listening to the waves crash on the shore.
‘You’re Gonna Miss Me’ by Connie Francis starts playing. you look down a little, to see a gold chain peaking out of his shirt. You don’t know why but you reach up and touch the cross. You look up at him finding he already had his eyes on you. “It used to be my mom's. But after…” Now I’m the one to cut him off. “Hey, if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m not gonna force you. Plus, I don’t want you to feel like you have to tell me everything-” He steps closer connecting both of your lips to his own.
It wasn’t a harsh kiss, to say the least, it was soft and gentle. But you know there was so much more behind it. But you are not getting into that right now. 
So, keep kissing this really attractive guy it is.
You both break apart and connect your foreheads, both trying to catch your breath. “That was… fun,” you both let out a chuckle. You suddenly speak up, “Honey.” you move away from him a little bit to see his eyebrows raised. “My nickname is Honey. I only let people call me that if they’re close to me.” 
He just nods and gives you a soft kiss on the lips. “Okay, Honey.” then he wraps you into his embrace, and continues to sway back and forth listing to the rest of the song.
Finally, for once in your life, you’re wrong for the right reason. And you're pretty damn happy about that.
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Once again dividers are by @saradika
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mariespen · 3 months
The Love in Pain ☾ ゚ 。⋆
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jj maybank x fem!reader - hurt/comfort ✩°。 summary: the one and only time JJ wasn't there. warnings: mild description of nausea, description of injury, hurt/comfort, mild swearing
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Your legs intertwined with JJ’s as you relaxed onto his body. The two of you sat together at the chateau, half-listening to what Pope and John B were rambling about. You felt JJ’s soft touch absentmindedly drawing shapes into your thigh while your fingers danced across his own. 
“It belonged to one of Denmark Tanny’s close friends, maybe it’ll connect the dots.” Pope said, looking around the room at you, JJ, John B, Kiara, and Sarah.
“It’s far fetched, Pope.” John B replied.
You perked up at the spark of an argument, starting to listen in more to what they were saying. JJ looked at you, confused, until he listened in too and made the same connection that you did.
“It’s not!” Pope protested, opening his mouth to start reasoning again before John B cut him off.
“It’s an old abandoned house, man. There’s been nothing there for years.” He sighed, still feeling let down from their previously failed attempts to find out more about the legendary gold.
You sat up, squirming out of JJ’s hold on you to listen in, hearing Pope slowly convince John B. Your first reaction was the urge to go with them. JJ hasn’t let you go on any of the adventures yet, but you were ready to fight him on it.
“I’ll go.” You announced and JJ immediately sat up after you, looking at you with immediate denial. 
Pope’s eyes shot up and the rest of the pogues looked at you, waiting for JJ to say something. JJ met your eyes, looking at you like he was looking at a crazy person.
“No, we already talked about this.” He said, grabbing your cheeks with his hand and pinching them softly, turning your face to meet his eyes when he sensed that you weren’t listening, “Baby, look at me. Absolutely not.” 
“Jayj-“ you started trying to give him the most innocent look you could muster up.
“No! Completely not okay.” He repeated, letting you go and sitting back on the couch, arms crossed at his chest.
“C’mon dude.. if she wants to go..” John B said, smiling at you.
“Really not helping my case here, man.” JJ said, rolling his eyes and pulling you back down to his chest, holding you close before you sprung back up.
“JJ come on! I’ll stay out of your way I promise!” You protested, looking at him like your life depended on this.
“Absolutely not,” He said, shifting to pick you off of his lap and standing up, “You’re damned if you think I’m bringing my girl into this.” He finished, walking off.
“He’s happy tonight.” Kiara scoffed, crossing her legs and giving you an apologetic smile, “If it helps, he’s the only one who doesn’t want you to go with.” She said, shrugging it off.
But you clung to it, rolling your eyes and laying back down on the couch, feeling lonely without JJ. While they kept talking, you got up, going to find out just how pissed off your boyfriend really was. You found him in the kitchen, a beer in hand while he zoned out at the wall.
“JJ.” You said, making yourself known and trying to stifle a smile when his eyes lit up at your presence.
“Hi, ma.” He said, setting his beer down and starting towards you with a slim smile.
“C’mon, baby.” You said, meeting him in the middle of the kitchen and draping your arms around his shoulders.
He looked at you with doubt in his eyes, his hands finding your hips as he let his head drop to the crook of your neck. The two of you stayed like that for a while, taking in each other's presence. Eventually he pulled away, his body towering over yours as he kissed you gently, savoring the taste of your chapstick.
“It’s dangerous, I won’t let you get hurt.” He said, sticking to his decision on the outside but slowly being worn down by each second.
You knew how to get what you wanted.
“I’ll stay right by your side, yeah? You can protect me, Jay.” You said quietly into his ear, softly tracing his face with your fingers.
He sighed, letting his head fall to your shoulder as he thought about it. You kissed his hair gently and let him hold you for a while until he emerged again, looking at you with a defeated face. You smiled innocently at him, hope rising in your chest.
“You can’t get hurt, you have to stay with me.” He said and you nodded eagerly, kissing him and smiling with excitement.
“Yes, yes of course. I’ll stay right by you. Thank you!” You squealed, wrapping your arms around him again as you felt him ease up at your excitement.
You walked proudly back out to the rest of the group, dragging JJ behind you as he looked at everyone like he just lost the fight of his life. They all looked back at you, mostly out of amazement that you won over JJ (again). You tried to listen for the remainder of the night, trying not to fall asleep in JJ’s arms as John B and Pope attempted to figure out a plan. He kissed the top of your head, squeezing your hand to reassure you, but mostly to reassure himself.
The next morning you were woken up by JJ making every attempt to be quiet. You opened your eyes, seeing him frozen in his last position, trying not to wake you up.
“Sorry, pretty girl.” He mumbled, a little disappointed that his plan to sneak off and leave you in the safety of the house had failed.
“Jayj..” You groaned, getting up and dressed in the clothes Kiara had let you borrow. 
You put them on, a fairly basic outfit with nothing insufferably tight. The shirts and pants were stained with dirt, like most of their clothes were. You got dressed, the fitting purple t-shirt and jean shorts complimenting your body in an odd way. JJ sat at the edge of the bed in his normal sleeveless tee with cargo shorts. He smiled at you as you walked over to him, straddling his lap and kissing him softly.
“So pretty, m’lady.” He said with a joking grin, standing up and spinning you around.
You headed out, meeting up with the rest of the group in The Twinkie. The drive was rocky and JJ kept a death grip on you, checking to make sure you didn’t want to turn back at least every five seconds.
“Dude, she’s fine.” Kiara said, rolling her eyes when he asked you if you ‘were completely sure’ for the 14th time.
“Didn’t know it was a crime to care.” He mumbled, rolling his eyes and looking away, trying his hardest to seem unbothered.
The six of you eventually got to the site of the old and abandoned house. The walls looked like they were rotting off of the structure and the house itself seemed to be at a permanent tilt. “Jesus..” Sarah sighed, letting John B help her out as JJ held your hand tight, following them. Pope and Kiara came out last, surveying the area with the four of you.
“Not looking too promising.” John B said and Pope sighed, shaking his head and walking forward.
The front door was hidden behind thickets of overgrown plants, but once Pope fought through the guarding vines, the door popped open easily. Everyone began to walk in, wielding a flashlight and the occasional knife. JJ pulled you aside before you could even step foot in the house, looking incredibly nervous.
“You have to tell me when you want to go, m’kay? Stay next to me at all times.” You nodded, smiling and kissing his cheek.
“I got it, JJ.”
You walked into the house behind JJ. He held your hand so tightly that you could almost feel yourself losing circulation. You weren’t in any place to complain, though, so you kept walking next to him.
The house was old and it smelled moldy and wet. You could’ve sworn you felt water droplets on your back at least five times. The walls were clearly rotting and you couldn’t look at them without accumulating a feeling of dread. Slowly, you were regretting your decision. That was, until, Pope spoke up.
“I found something!” He yelled from the opposite direction as you and JJ. You started to turn back with excitement before JJ squeezed your hand tighter and pulled you behind him once again. 
JJ led you back through the hallway, obviously a little skeptical as to how Pope’s plan was going to play out.
“Hey uh.. Pope, buddy.. what the fuck is this place?” JJ asked as the two of you stumbled across a dark hole with steep stairs leading down to another floor. Pope’s voice echoed from below, along with a few comments from John B and Sarah. 
“Come on, man. Be brave for your girl.” John B teased and JJ scrunched his face in frustration.
“Whatever, dude.” JJ said, starting down the steep steps first, helping you down every chance that he could. 
The basement smelled even worse than the first story. You nearly puked the moment that the scent of something rotten hit your nose. It took you aback and you stumbled a bit before JJ caught you, keeping you up with one of his big hands on the small of your back.
“JJ.. I need to sit down.” You said, the nausea returning as you inhaled again. 
You found a pile of old hay bales in the corner of the room, not far from where Pope and Kiara were trying to figure out the map, and took a seat. JJ started to sit down next to you, but Pope called him over for his flashlight. JJ got up, looking back at you quickly before going to Pope with hesitant steps. 
The hay bales didn’t make your sickness any better, and you held your head in your hands, regretting this already. After a bit of listening to them talk, you could’ve sworn that the floor was sinking. Hoping it was simply your stomach getting to your head, you decided to brush it off. However, the sinking feeling persisted and eventually you felt significantly lower than before. You went to move off of the hay bales and to ask JJ to take you back to the van, but you heard a deep crack below you.
The sinking feeling became all too real as you felt yourself plummeting down, the hay bales dropping much faster and leaving you free-falling. You felt minute after minute pass as you fell, your sense of time crumbling with the rise of your fear. In all reality, the fall lasted just around 5 seconds. Your ears rang as you crashed against the broken pounds of hay and hard concrete floor, your head pounding as you laid back, unable to move as hay scattered your body.
You didn’t hear JJ yelling your name or the creaking of the old ladder that John B set up to try and save you. Eventually, you didn’t see the light of your own flashlight anymore or the hay beyond you. Your fingertips started to go numb and you felt frigid with cold until you eventually saw black.
On the surface, JJ watched as you fell with utter horror. He ran to you as the floor gave out, watching you plummet down into an old secret storage room. He yelled and screamed for you, deciding to try and jump down but immediately being stopped by a very panicked John B, eventually getting a ladder and rushing down it. His tears spilled over your body as you flicked in and out of consciousness. He tried to keep himself together, attempting to talk you through it.
“C’mon pretty girl.. let’s get you safe and sound, yeah?” He whispered, wiping his own tears as John B and Pope helped him lift you from the spot you fell at.
You didn’t fully come to yourself until you felt JJ’s arms holding you to his chest like a child as he panicked and brought you back to the Twinkie. 
“Jayj?” You whispered, holding your face in your hands as he sat you on one of the seats, scrambling for anything that could resemble a first aid kit.
“Shh.. shh baby. M’here, JJ’s gonna keep you safe.” He rambled, trying not to look at your injuries. 
“Baby..” You said, voice breaking as the pain hit you.
He looked at you after grabbing a half empty bottle of a wound disinfectant, a slightly stained cloth, and a few bandages. You became more afraid when his gaze lingered on your face as his eyes welled with tears and he winced from simply seeing you in such pain.
“It’s okay, princess. S’okay.” He mumbled, trying to keep his hand still as he poured water on the cloth and padded away some blood from the smaller scratches.
“It hurts, JJ!” You cried out, tears burning the cuts on your face.
“I know princess, I know.” JJ replied, looking up at you and carefully picking you up to set you on the floor of the van instead, becoming level with you, “I got you.” He whispered into you before setting you in his lap.
His cautious touches lingered on your sensitive skin as you relaxed into him, trying to distract yourself from the pain of your own tears. You could feel his short breaths and soft sniffs from above you.
“Scared me, pretty lady. Scared me so bad.” He admitted, holding you a little tighter, grasping onto your scarred body like he wouldn’t ever be able to hold it again.
“S’okay..” You whispered to him, kissing the side of his head.
He gave you a sad smile before letting you relax into the base of a seat, cleaning and bandaging the injuries that he could.
“I love you, JJ” You said, holding his hand for comfort.
“I love you too, princess.” He said, kissing your cheek and brushing hair out of your face.
After a little bit, the rest of the group emerged from the house with boxes of papers and other things with the same moldy smell. JJ held your mouth and nose in his hand as your headache came back during the drive. When you finally got back to the chateau, JJ brought you inside and seeked out help.
He left a kiss on your forehead before whispering sweet nothings into you and promising to always keep you safe. You believed him, holding his shaking hands to your body, trying to let his love heal you.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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soggyriceee · 10 months
Okay hear me out. König always thought he was a dom yeah, so when his darling asks to explore her oral fixation on his d!ck, he though keeping his promise (of not forcing it down her throat) would be hard.
Only, first few kitten licks and soft suckles on his tip and he starts whimpering, totally subby for her. And she just wants to explore :((( so she keeps just the tip in her mouth (reverse Just The Tip), giving it the attention it deserves.
König never knew he could come like that from just that.
- Beer anon 🍻
just the tip | Konig
summary: look above :p
| ok so ive been kinda obsessed with like.. pervy Konig and other cod characters as well so im just exploring that type of writing for a bit to see if you guys like it and me so, lmk if we want more perky Konig in the future :ppp
" come here maus.. tell me whats wrong." Konig said, leaning back in his chair, patting his lap. he watched as your straddle him, a smile on his lips. he pulls your pink skirt down, gripping your thighs after. "talk to me, whats wrong." he says softly, his other hand on your hip. you hear the game in the background, his friends through his headset yelling obscene words.
Konig had always seen you as his precious little girl. most would say he took advantage of your innocence, you say he was simply teaching you more about your body. your parents were extremely religious, the topic of sex never even coming up. not even in school. they put you in a religious school, blocking any chance of you learning about male or female pleasure. of course, you'd get curious in the night, your hand slipping down between your legs to touch whatever was throbbing between your legs. but you had no idea what you were doing, and nothing seemed to feel good. not until you met Konig of course.
you guys have never fully had sex, not fully at least. at night he would slip between your legs, pulling your night gown up. " just the tip" he'd whisper, pulling his dick through his underwear hole. you'd always been curious about his dick. like what was coming out of his tip when he'd pull it out his pants, or even when he'd pull out of you? why was it warm? why was it white? there were so many questions you had but were too scared to ask.
and he'd always finish on your cunt, never inside. he'd give maybe four thrusts before he'd pull out, gasping above you and jerking off until the white warm liquid would spurt onto your cunt. and he'd always tell you how pretty your pussy is, how one day hes gonna fuck you. but not now. not yet. but you always wondered what it was like to have him fully inside you. his tip alone was thick, and it was uncomfortable the first time he slid it in. the way your walls stretched out around him.
and every time you'd tell him about the throbbing between your legs, he'd happily set you on his leg, bounce you up and down until your body twitched on top of him, and you let out those pretty, high pitched moans while you gripped onto his shirt tightly. " schönes mädchen - pretty girl~" he would coo into your ear, rubbing your lower back as you came down from your orgasm.
"I uhm.. I am curious about something." you said softly, your fingers playing with the hem of his shirt. he'd then lean forward in the chair, grabbing his headset. " hey guys, ill be right back. my girlfriend needs something real quick." he said, muting his mic and sitting back in the chair. he smiled back at you, tilting his head. " curious about what, maus?" he asked, hands placed back in their original spots. oh how he called you maus. it made the throbbing between your legs form so quickly.
you whimpered, shifting on his lap. you felt the semi bulge of him pressing right onto your cunt, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. " uhm y-your.. your dick.. I wanna try something." you said, never looking at him. he chuckled softly, lifting your head. " is that so?" he whispered, looking you in your eyes. you blushed and nodded, shifting once more. " c-can I put it.. in my mouth." you asked softly, looking away from his gaze.
you could've sworn he let out a whimper, his grip on your chin firming up. he shifted beneath you, smiling. " think you can take it all maus?" he asked, looking down between you both. his dick pressed firmly against your cunt now, the hardness of it applying the perfect pressure onto your clit. you nodded your head, the blush on your cheeks growing stronger. " i.. I can try." you whispered, gripping his shirt stronger.
he looks up, a smile on his face. "on your knees." was all he said, pushing you gently off his lap. his hands worked to pull his dick out of his pants, watching you the whole time. it bounced off his stomach when he pulled it from his underwear, his tip red with the same white substance pooling at the top. you swallowed, looking up at the size of him. it was a bit nerve wracking, and he divinely saw that. " just the tip" he said softly, reaching down to grab the back of your head.
he led you to his hard on, watching you. " open your mouth baby just a- there you go" he said, watching as your mouth opened wide for him. "stick your tongue out libeling." he said, gripping the base of him. he slapped his length on your tongue, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth. " just the tip.. come on." he whispered, guiding himself into your mouth.
he gasped when he felt the warmth and wetness of your mouth around his tip, his mouth falling open. his grip on the back of your head tightened, a soft whimper slipping past him when you looked up at him. " s-suck it libeling.. like a l-lollipop." he said, watching you from above. you hummed, your eyes moving down to look at the rest of what wasn't in your mouth. your tongue subconsciously pressed flat on the bottom of his tip, your head bobbing up and down just a bit, enough to give his tip attention alone.
his head fell back against the chair, his eyes squeezing shut. his hips so desperately tried to buck up further into your mouth, but he promised just the tip, as always. "ho-hollow your cheeks.. maus.. please." he whimpered above you, his mouth falling open once more. you did as he asked, hollowing your cheeks. he gasped out again, feeling every side of your warm mouth around his tip. his hands gripped his arms rests, his legs bouncing up and down as he tried to hold back his orgasm.
but you weren't done with him. you were having fun, watching how you pleasured him. it felt good. and it surely made your cunt throb. you felt your slick run between your thighs, a whimper coming from you. but you wanted more.
you pulled him out of your mouth, looking at his dick. he looked back down at you, confused. you leaned back forward, your tongue pressing flat on his tip. another whimper from above you. you assumed that it felt good for him, so you continued. your hand gripped his base, holding his dick still. your other found his thigh, holding onto it while your rested on the tips of your toes. " g-oddam maus.. fuck put it back in your mouth" he whined, watching how you traced your tongue around his tip. and you did just that.
you swallowed his tip back between your lips, looking back up at him. pretty whimpers left his lips, occasional growls as he watched you give his tip small bobs of your head around his tip. " c-cant take anymore.. oh my g-god" he cried out, his super body jerking forward. his hips thrusted up a bit, apologizes flying out his mouth. it was never enough for his whole length to slide into your mouth, but it definetly threw you off guard.
" keep going maus.. g-gonna cum..please~" he whined, watching how your eyes closed around him, both your hands wrapped around his dick now. his head flew back, back arching off the chair as you felt a warm liquid spurt against your tongue. you gasped around him, attempting to pull back but he was quicker. he gripped the back of your head, holding you in place. " s-stay there baby.. fuck please s-stay there." he whimpered, his hips bucking up once again.
it was a salty taste, warm too. you didnt know what to really do with it so, you swallowed it. it went down slimy, a small whimper coming from you. above you, Konig panted heavily, his grip on your head still firm. half of his dick was in your mouth at this point, and you honestly didnt mind. his eyes were closed, mouth ajar as the rest of his cum came out of him. " s..so g-good" he whimpered, opening his eyes slowly.
he looked down at you, seeing how full your mouth looked with just his dick. he smiled and pulled it out, watching the saliva string between your lips and his dick. "sorry." he whispered, smiling down at you. you shook your head and remained on the floor, looking up at him. " can.. can I do it again." you asked softly, hands going to grip him once more. a small whimper escaped from him, his eyes squeezing shut. " s-sure maus just give me a- fuck!" he cried out, feeling your lips back around his tip.
he opened his eyes,, watching you wrap your lips around his tip again. this time, your tongue swirled around the hole at the top of his tip, earning a loud whine from him. his body pressed back against the chair, his hips pulling back from you. " l-libeling please I just.. oh fuck~" he cried out, his head falling back. you didnt really know what came over you, or why you were so obsessed with this. but it was fun to be able to do something you've been thinking of for so long. especially when the outcome is this good.
it didnt taker long for Konig to feel that second orgasm coming up. his legs tensed up, his hands finding your cheek. " oh im cumming, im cumming I-im... fuck right there" he cried, his hips jerking forward into your mouth. he knew what he did but he couldnt help it. the way your mouth wrapped so perfectly around his tip, your tongue tracing small circled around his tip. it was like you'd done this before.
pretty little cries came from him as he felt his load shoot into your mouth again, quiet 'please' coming from him. you pulled away, the mix of saliva and cum stringing between your lips and his dick. your shirt was ruined too, drool completely covering the top half. his eyes were hooded, mouth ajar. his chest rose and fell slowly, his legs shaking beside you. you giggled at the sight, the roles now reversed. " n..no more.. please. cant take it." he mumbled, holding your shoulders back to stop you from wrapping your lips around him again. you giggled and nodded, standing to sit on his lap.
his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close. his head rested into your chest, taking in your scent. " so tired.." he whispered, pressing a kiss to your wet chest. " lets take a nap." you said softly, watching how he looked so small beneath you. kinda how you looked after he made you cum. but soft snored erupted from below you and you knew that he had fallen asleep. you giggled and ran your hands through his hair, sighing softly. " goodnight "
you knew it was wrong, but you couldnt help the throbbing between your thighs anymore. so, on his sleeping body you moved your hips back and forth on him, helping yourself to an orgasm as well.
omg I loved this request so fucking much!! and im so sorry it took this long to get out, life has been beating my ass. more requests coming out soon!
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kopilot-pop · 5 months
[Tired] pt.2
- Le Sserafim x 6thMember!Reader
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Summary: After a harsh criticism from one of your teachers, you started to fall into a bad habit again. You started staying overnight at the company, your knees are always bruised, and you probably shouldn’t have 3 cans of Redbull everyday… Thankfully, your bandmates have easily recognized your behaviors and decided to put it to an end.
Warnings: overworking, self-hate, depression, suicidal intentions (very minor), fainting, hospital, needles,
a/n: sorry for the long wait. This is a bit shorter than I expected, but I hope you guys still enjoy.
The horrendous amount of caffeine started to take a toll on you.
During one of the last practices for your comeback, Chaewon stared at you worriedly.
But you were too busy staring at your shaky hands to notice.
After chugging another can of Redbull, you finished the practice and finally turned on your phone. Several missed calls and notifications from your group’s chatroom covered your phone.
You didn’t have the energy to care.
You fell asleep on the couch in the practice room.
You have a comeback tomorrow after all.
Furious is an understatement.
Chaewon is absolutely mad.
The 6 of you gathered at the studio for Music Bank on the day of the comeback. While getting ready with makeup and outfits, you could tell the girls wanted to talk to you but were too busy to.
When you all finally got up to the stage, the jittery feeling became more intense. As the second verse started your stomach started to churn, your throat closed up - you almost missed your lines-
and once again you couldn’t stop staring at your shaky hands with bloodshot eyes.
Until you froze.
Your eyes met Zuha’s. And you watched in slow motion as she ran towards you, barely catching your body before it hit the ground, and the spotlight in front of your eyes shut down.
“…..ays-… y..… med…-”
You finally woke up with a pounding inside your head.
The moment you could blur out the bright light above your head, you could see Sakura’s face and feel the cool cloth on yours.
She was carefully wiping away the sweat on your head and quickly noticed your eyes open.
“Y/n! How are you feeling?”
At the same time, you could hear a loud crash on the other side of the room.
“Y/n unnie woke up?!”
“G..guys… calm down..”
The three younger girls ran up to you, seeming to have been lounging on the couch together.
Eunchae, with teary eyes, pulled you into a tight hug.
“Hey! She’s not stable yet!! Don’t push her around!!”
Your leader walked through the doors to pull down the three puppies from you.
After a few moments of awkward silence, Chaewon finally started.
“You passed out on stage Y/n.”
“Chaewon, don’t be too harsh.” Sakura tried her best to keep the situation calm.
“I know unnie- Y/n. You fainted due to malnutrition. When’s the last time you ate anything?”
“…I’m not sure..”
“Of course you’re not sure. The only thing you’ve been putting inside your body was energy drinks-”
“No- We were all thinking so I’m just gonna say it- We thought you were gonna die Y/n.”
She said it so matter-of-factly that you could almost laugh. Almost.
“Why would y-”
“You were barely home, working like a slave every fucking day, starving, and depending on pain meds- so yeah, OF COURSE WE THOUGHT THE WORSE!!”
You finally gained the courage to look up at her teary eyes.
“Do you understand the amount of fear I felt when I saw you drop to the ground yesterday?! How terrified we felt when you didn’t wake up when Yunjin screamed your name?!!”
“Kazuha carried you to the hospital because she was too scared that something might happen to you if she let go!! Can you even imagine being that scared?!”
You looked down at your lap, fiddling with the needle(IV drip) inside your hand. Sakura gently held your hand to stop you.
“That’s enough Chaewon.” She said.
She’s never stern, but this time she was. Sakura gave you this look, something just like the one your mother always gave you.
Worried, angry, but somehow warm.
“We were scared Y/n.. More than the fainting, I was scared of losing you just like last time…”
Last time? Oh yeah. You almost killed yourself during debut.
“We care about you. You know that. All 5 of us love and cherish you, sometimes even more than anybody else in the world. And watching you slowly fade away like that just…”
She started to choke up. It was rare to see her like that, so you instinctively shot out to pull her into a hug.
Holding onto you, as you might just fade away, Sakura softly sobbed into your shoulder.
When you felt another weight on your back, you turned around to see the youngest also snuggling into you. Probably the person you mostly didn't want to catch you in such a depressing state.
"I...I'm sorr-"
Yunjin, with the same teary face all the others choked out;
"It's not your fault."
She slid next to the edge of the bed, gently holding onto Sakura's hand right on top of yours.
"I wanted to be better. Good enough to stand by you guys. I just wanted to-" You felt the tears finally fall free from your eyes as Chaewon with the same frown (albeit a bit softer) held your face.
Gentle. God, they were all so gentle with you.
"You are. You are good enough. You are good."
Watching you sob out, Kazuha finally joined into the pile, right next to Yunjin as she dries your tears with her old sweater sleeves.
You let out another ugly cry as you feel the 5 girls' warmth trap you. You forgot that you were good enough. You forgot how loved you were.
But just like always, they were there to remind you once again.
"You're loved Y/n. By us, always."
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hauntedwitch04 · 7 months
Words: about 3k words
Warnings: smut, daddy/baby kink, DEAN FUCKING WINCHESTER (yes he is a warning himself because he is damn hot)
Author’s note: Hi loves! Here the second day of my kinktober. I enjoyed writing this so much. I love Dean and I love the idea of him into dirty talking so, you are welcome ;)
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DAY 2: Dirty talking
Do you like it baby?" Dean says as he looks at one of the loves of his life. With one hand he touches her gently, and whispers a few more compliments. The scene that paints itself before you is awkward, to say the least.
You can't help but snort as you watch your boyfriend "make love" with his car again. Feeling observed Dean immediately turns and looks at you, not immediately understanding what is wrong.
"Are you okay?" Seeing your face, which at the moment was not exactly the picture of happiness. You, unable to bear that situation any longer, get up from the garage counter on which you were sitting and quickly leave.
"Hey, baby, where are you going?" asks Dean following you, not understanding the reason for your discouragement.
Upon hearing that per name, fury ignites in you like a match that quickly sets a whole unsafe building made of ruined playing cards on fire. You turn toward him, anger erupting inside you, as he looks at you shocked.
"Don't even try to call me by that name Winchester! First you call your fucking car that and then your girlfriend! Are you kidding! I'm worth less than that piece of junk! If that's the case you might as well stop looking for me because you and I are done!" You scream shocking both Dean and you. When you finish an awkward silence falls between you, to say the least, so you quickly run to our room, and lock yourself in, too embarrassed to confront Dean right now about what you had said a few seconds ago. Slowly you make your way to your bed and sit down, thinking again about what had come out of your mouth. It had never occurred to you to yell like that at the oldest Winchester man, even before we started dating and were just two friends-enemies at work.
Inside you know you're a little sorry you said those things about Baby, after all, you love that car too and along with Dean and Sam, you have many of your fondest memories with them inside that car, but today has been a particularly heavy and difficult day for you, because all day long, since this morning, you've been craving to make love to Dean. You feel your cheeks immediately get hot at the idea of what you've been wanting to do to your boyfriend well since this morning, before being interrupted by Castiel, due to an emergency.
You had tried to forget the wet feeling in your panties, hoping that by merely passing time, your desire would subside until this evening, but instead seeing him move in his workshop had only inflamed even more the passion I already felt inside you.
You know you were wrong to yell at him like that, but at that moment I felt like I was going crazy, and you just wanted him to look at you and read in your eyes everything you wanted to do with him, instead of just looking at the car. For more than half an hour you had been thinking of all the ways he could take you on the hood of that car, and he was just thinking about how to polish it better. You're a little shocked by this fact because usually the one of the two of you who is usually the more resourceful in these things is him, and not you, and yet it looks like Dean Winchester had become a priest today.
You realize you are lost in your thoughts when you hear someone knocking at the door, already knowing who it was.
"Come in." You say in a whisper, so softly you're surprised I heard you, and yet, the door opens and shows your Dean in all his glory.
"Ehy" He says in an unsure voice as he looks at you waiting for your answer. You see pain shining in his eyes, from what you had said earlier probably, and immediately you feel guilty. You look into his eyes and wave to him to come and sit next to you. He pauses for a moment before doing what you had told him.
As soon as he rests on the bed you feel the warmth of his body immediately warm me, and unconsciously you move closer to him seeking comfort.
"Sorry" You say at the same time, and then look up and stare into each other's eyes and let a light laugh break free, and lighten the air a little.
"I'll start." Dean affirms and then takes a deep breath and begins to speak. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize how I was neglecting you, and I know I'm a dickhead and for that I apologize. I promise I will look at my car less and commit to doing more things with you that you enjoy. But you must promise me that next time you will tell me sooner if something bothers you and not just after so long. I love you and I want you to be okay, I don't want you to suffer anyway, and I don't want to be the cause of your discouragement especially, so please talk to me." He concludes the talk as he takes your hands and leaves a sweet kiss on both of them.
Again a wave of guilt makes its way inside you, as with your right hand I take his chin and again cause his gaze to rest in your eyes.
"You are not the one who should apologize. The fault is really only mine. Of course I would like you to look at Baby less, but I understand what it means to you, and I enjoy spending time with you fixing it and getting to know it. Today your car has been nothing more than the innocent victim of my anger and impatience." You confess, as you gently caress his cheek with your other free hand. He immediately places his face in your palm and enjoys that contact as he frowns.
"What made you so angry?" He asks curiously, before changing his expression and becoming very frightened. "Is it something I did?" He asks fearfully, and you shake your head slightly amused.
"You didn't do anything." You say, lowering your gaze. "On the contrary, it's something you didn't do." You continue in a low voice, thinking he doesn't hear you, but as always luck is not on your side and he looks at you even more confused, trying to understand the meaning of your words, like a puppy learning commands for the first time.
"What wouldn't I have done love? If you try to explain, I might find a solution. "He says, trying to be convincing, but immediately you feel your cheeks get hot and you imagine you have turned the color of a bell pepper. You stammer incomprehensible explanations for a few minutes before taking a big breath closing your eyes and deciding that the omelette was now done. You close your eyes before opening them again and looking down at your hands, while in a low voice you confess to Dean what seems to be your biggest secret.
"Do you remember this morning when Castiel arrived?" You ask unsure, not looking at him. He takes your hands and tries to lower himself to meet your gaze.
"Of course I remember." Responds the older Winchester, not understanding where this speech is actually going.
"Well, do you also happen to remember what we were doing before Castiel came along?" You go on in a whisper, thinking more and more that it was the wrong idea. He pauses for a moment, trying to bring back the images of this morning, not understanding what you are referring to. Then, like lightning in a clear sky, an image appears before his eyes.
You lying under him as he kissed your neck and you moaning his name like a prayer. His hand was under your shirt and was caressing your breasts, while he was positioned between your legs, making sure that you felt his presence in the most sensitive spot on your body. Remembering that scene, everything immediately seems to make sense now in Dean's mind and like a puzzle everything seems to take on a sensible shape.
You meanwhile had looked up, sensing this important silence on his part, and now as you are staring at him, you notice that his usual little mocking smile seems to be forming on his lips, and you realize that he now knows, too.
Dean slowly approaches you, before moving your hair away from your neck with a hand gesture as light as a gentle gust of spring wind. Soon after, you feel his lips settle, light as a butterfly on a flower, on your neck. You cannot help but let out a silent moan as you feel every muscle in your body relax and melt under his touch, as you close your eyes, enjoying the pleasure of that moment. You bend your neck slightly, giving him the chance to have access to more skin, and so he slowly begins to leave a trail of kisses along every inch of your skin, until satisfied with his work he pulls away, licking his now red and swollen plump lips, to go whisper something in your ear. At the loss of that contact you let a soft moan escape your lips, and you hear him smile against your ear as he strokes your face with his hand.
"Is my poor little girl sad because this morning Daddy didn't finish what he started? Were you in such a bad mood because you didn't get my cock? Oh poor my needy little girl." Dean whispers in your ear as he takes your earlobe between his lips. You can't help but moan, not caring that either Sam or Castiel could come in at any moment. You immediately feel your panties get wet, just hearing his words. The hunter's hand travels and passes from your face, to caress your breasts over your shirt, to pass over your belly and finally reach the beating heart of your pleasure. With an expert gesture he gets his hand into your pants, which even you cannot understand how he managed to do it, but the only thing you know is that within seconds you feel his fingers caressing your pussy. You just repeat his name like a mantra, as if it were the only certain thing in your mind clouded by the pleasure he is giving you, just with that simple gesture and his words.
"Oh feel how wet you are baby. You like what I'm doing to you, don't you? Do you like it when I talk dirty to you?" he asks, but you can't answer, so you just nod, but he, not satisfied with your answer, withdraws his fingers and brings them to his mouth, sucking on them as if they were the tastiest lollipop he's ever tasted, so much so that you let out a moan of approval.
You look at him and immediately can't help but let another involuntary sound escape from your mouth of pleasure at seeing him perform that impure act. He looks at you smiling and brings his fingers back into your pussy to collect some more of your fluids, and this time when he takes his hand away, he rests his fingers on your lips, and with his piercing green eyes he stares straight into your eyes.
"Suck baby, I want you too to know how good your pussy is." He says, in a rough and sensual tone, so keeping your gaze fixed in his eyes, you wrap his fingers between your lips and begin to suck lightly, to increase more and more the eagerness with which you do it. He cannot help but be pleased as he watches you. You feel by now that a lake has formed in your panties, so you let go of his fingers, and ask him in a whisper.
"Please Dean, I need more." You beg him, as you begin to undo his pants with one hand. He immediately stops you, laying his large rough hand on yours, while the other takes your face in his hands and brings your eyes back to his.
"What do you want baby? You have to tell me, or how can I give it to you." He says, with a mocking smile plastered on his face. You blush again, as you gather your courage.
"I-I need you Dean." You say at the end, finding no other words to say it.
"Oh my little girl is embarrassed? Is she afraid to say she wants my cock inside her? You don't have to be ashamed baby, if that's what you want you'll get it, but you have to tell Daddy well what you want first." He explains as he slowly strips you of the various garments you are wearing. First he takes off your T-shirt, then your pants, next he moves on to your bra and last your panties, letting the cold air of the room come in contact with your warm center, making you shiver, and making your mind unable to think of anything else but him fucking you so hard that he slams the headboard of the bed into the wall, so hard that it leaves its mark. You look at him begging him not to humiliate you like that, but you know deep down you like it when he talks like that, and he knows it too so he lets you go.
"Please Daddy, I need your big cock inside my little pussy. I need you to fuck hard just the way you know how, please Daddy." You beg him as again you start to undo his pants, but this time he doesn't stop you and lets you do it, smiling contentedly.
"That's right, my little girl needs to be fucked every day or she goes into withdrawal, doesn't she baby?" He says, as he watches you wrap your lips around his member and can't help but moan at that scene.
"That's right baby, you're great. You like sucking my cock, don't you?" He asks as he gathers all your hair into a messy tail, imposing the rhythm he likes best. You nod, trying not to choke, and he can't help but smile in satisfaction. "You like it when I talk to you like that, don't you, baby? I bet if I stuck two fingers in your tight pussy now this one would be all wet and hot the way I like it."
"Dean please I need you." You beg him at last, pulling away from him slightly. The man nods and as if you weighed nothing he throws you down on the bed. By now you are both naked, you feel his body on yours and can't help but draw him closer to you. You feel his cock brushing against your entrance, when with a firm gesture he enters you, making you both scream with pleasure.
"Oh God, baby, I swear I could live inside this pussy. You'd like that, wouldn't you? Having my cock inside you all the time, ready to fuck you whenever I want." Dean moans close to your ear as he continues to move inside you with firm, fast thrusts, not letting you have even a second to rest. You feel your body vibrate with pleasure as sounds come out of your mouth that you can no longer control. Your hands grip the covers of the bed tightly as you bite Dean's shoulder hard, trying to wake up anyone within a five-mile radius.
By now you can no longer conceive the conception of time, everything seems confused, and the only thing you understand is that you are getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Your hands move to the back of the man on top of you, scratching his entire back.
"Dean, please don't stop." You whisper in his ear, before tossing your head back, praying that he won't play with you and let you achieve pleasure.
"My baby girl is about to have the orgasm she so longed for. You want to come on top of my cock baby, don't you? God I could come just imagining your pussy clenching around my cock." He replies, as he increases the speed to help you achieve what you so longed for.
"Dean- Fuck, I'm cumming." You scream, reaching for the pleasure. You close your eyes, and for a moment you really feel like you are touching heaven with your finger. Your whole body quivers and can't stop stopping, and you only manage to return to your body after a few minutes.
In the meantime, he had made a few more movements, fast and bumpy, and had reached orgasm as well. You spent a few moments still, catching your breath, Dean lying on top of you, before moving to your side on the bed and surrounding you with his arms.
You spend a few minutes like this, enjoying the silence that hovers like a comfortable blanket over your bodies after that moment of passion, before Dean ruins, as is his wont, that moment.
"Honey, are you really jealous of my car?" He asks, in what sounds like a serious tone to you, so you turn to face him, but he continues. "Because you know I love that car, but you're definitely the one with the best body." He says, winking at you. "Should I start calling you my little race car?"
"Dean, one more word and I swear I'll cut your balls off."
"Received message."
@river-rat69 @ladysparkles78 @samanddeansannoyingsis @ash04w3 @l3viathanpup @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @that1nerd20 @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @hi-my-name-is-riley @shodowbane09 @supernatural-lvr
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spicyllewyn · 8 months
Helping you with homework. (NSFW)
Moon system x reader. (+18) Headcanons.
SFW version here!
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God bless Steven Grant's heart.
Although you didn't enjoy asking for help with things like this, you knew your boyfriend was the right person for your history assignment.
Unfortunately, remembering dates was your kryptonite.
"I'll explain it to you, okay?" He put on his glasses, and you sighed.
How were you supposed to concentrate when he looked like that?
You watched him go to his room and return with at least six different books in his arms.
And you pushed your chair so close that your shoulders touched.
It started well; you were understanding the timeline from prehistory to the Middle Ages.
However, you didn't take into account that once Steven started talking about his hyperfixations, he didn't stop.
By the second hour, you weren't sure if you were still retaining anything, so you did what your instinct dictated.
You slid down your chair and Steven didn't even notice.
Until after a few seconds when the words caught in his throat when he felt your hand on his baggy jeans.
"Love?" It came out strangled almost.
You were on your knees on the floor in front of him.
"Keep reading."
He obediently lifted his hips to let you lower his pants.
You collected a glob of saliva in your mouth before licking along his erection, he still had his underwear on.
The sudden chill from the damp cloth made him shiver.
"Th-Then, let's get into the topic of feudalism."
By the time you pulled his boxers down, Steven was so hard his cock snapped against his abdomen.
Poor baby Steven, he was so sensitive that the brush of the fabric of his sweater made him moan.
It gave him some relief.
“It was a set of…” a sigh. “Legal and military costumes in mediev-ah, fuck.”
You liked when he cursed.
Your tongue licked the length of him again, and Steven gave you more room by spreading his legs a little more.
“Medieval Europe.” He managed to say. “You remember we talked about i-it, huh, love? The beginning of…”
His head was already inside your mouth and Steven swore he could hear the force with which you were sucking.
“Of the medieval era.” You said after you pulled him out with a little 'pop' from your lips.
His fingers wrapped around yours, forcing you to hold him more firmly.
Steven almost sobbed when without warning you leaned forward.
You could feel it in your throat, but you didn't give him a break, instead you tapped his thigh twice inviting him to continue.
"Yes! Y-Yeah, yes, ahh-. T-The medieval era.” You couldn't see him but he already had his eyes closed. “It was between… Mhmm.”
Who was he trying to fool? He couldn't resist you.
And when he gave up, you made your move.
Bobbing your head up and down for him.
Slow, until his hand was placed on your head, pulling you down hard.
Your nose was brushing against his lower tummy.
And the gagging caused the muscles of your throat to squeeze harder for periods of seconds.
He didn't give you rest even when he came.
“J-Just like that, love.” His voice broke as his whole body shivered. “Swallow it. A-Ah-t-take it, it's all for you."
Steven wasn't that talkative in sex but… He always lost control when it came to you sucking him off.
And you obeyed, swallowing every last drop of his warm, delicious cum.
He remained with his back against the back of the chair with his eyes closed, his hand still in your hair.
She was breathing hard, her curls falling over her forehead.
And his cock was still twitching slightly.
The mere image was obscene.
"Love?" It cost him more than he would like to recover.
"Yes, Steven?"
"Why don't you take a nap while I finish this?"
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"I beg you." "No."
"Marc?" "No."
"Please?" "I said no."
You had been following him around the house for about 5 hours. Usually, you had no trouble completing your responsibilities from start to finish, but on days like today, you didn't even have the energy to turn on your laptop.
And Marc, of course, had already decided that there was no way he would help you with something like this.
In his school days, he didn't even do his own homework.
"Please, please, please." "I said no."
After begging for the 46th time, you finally gave up. The rest of the day passed just as boringly until dinner when you took the last sip of coffee from your cup.
"I'm not going to do it." After a week of constant sleep deprivation, you decided that you could afford to sleep for 8 hours just this once.
Marc looked at you in silence for a few seconds before nodding his head.
"Let's go to sleep then."
You obeyed, and you both went hand in hand to bed. Like every night, you felt him press you against his body with both arms.
The exhaustion in your body made you give in in less than 10 minutes.
But Marc couldn't sleep.
At 12:27 in the morning, he quietly got out of bed.
And at 01:53, you woke up. The fear of not feeling your daily companion almost made you cry like a little kid.
You got up to look for him, and it wasn't difficult at all. The light from your laptop illuminated the entire dining room.
And the sound of the keys echoed through the house.
"Marc?" "No," he replied again. Admitting such gestures was not his strong suit.
Still, he pushed the chair back to give you space, and you dragged your feet to sit on his lap.
You sat in front of the laptop and he continued typing with his arms at the sides of your body.
The least you could do was accompany him while he worked for you.
That and make sure he didn't make any mistakes.
You settled in a little jump on his lap.
And he had to take a breath.
Foolish of him not to assume you had noticed.
Another movement of your hips.
"Why don't you go sleep while I finish this?" His hoarse voice gave you a chill.
"I do not want to be alone." And it was not a lie.
With the tips of your feet you used the ground to have more control and you slowly moved again on top of him.
He growled, though you didn't know if it annoyed him to be distracted or because he liked it.
maybe both.
One hand gripped your hip, his fingers making sure you weren't able to move.
Sometimes you forgot the strength your boyfriend possessed.
"Stay." He ordered, his chin resting on your shoulder so he could see the screen.
And you, of course, with a PhD in testing Marc Spector's patience, did not comply.
You pushed yourself down, your ass pressing against his half-hardened cock.
“Shit, sweetheart.” He breathed heavily in your ear and you leaned your back against his chest.
Before you could know it, you were at his mercy.
He left the keyboard of the laptop and his two hands were placed on your hips. You knew his fingers would leave a mark, they always did.
But you didn't stop him when he began to guide your movements on top of his still clothed cock.
"You can't wait a few minutes, huh?" When your legs were on top of his, he separated them without having to use his hands.
His free hand positioned between your legs.
Every move you made on him resulted in more friction for you.
“Marc, Marc, Marc.” Your breathy voice filled the room.
He was pushing up like he was thrusting into you.
The rubbing of your clothes together began to emit heat because of the speed with which you pretended to ride him.
You both looked like teenagers with little time.
“You are going to make me cum on my fucking pants.” He growled against your neck as he nibbled at it to his liking.
Was he complaining or was it a compliment to you?
Anyway, you knew it was over when both of his hands forced you down as he emptied every last drop onto his clothes.
Your breaths echoed, unrhythmic and agitated.
"Go to sleep." He forced you to stand up. And you turned to enjoy the view. Post-orgasm Marc was always something worth admiring.
His glossy lips and red cheeks made you smile. And without meaning to, he smiled back, running a hand through his hair to push the curls away from his face.
"I'll go to bed when this is over."
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Spanish was never your strong suit.
And you knew very well that Jake was the one who could help you, but once you asked him, you knew he wouldn't stop bothering you.
He, on the other hand, was an expert in both things: speaking fluent Spanish and teasing you.
"Jake?" "Yes, honey?" "Can I ask you something?"
And as you suspected, he didn't leave you alone all day.
He started with innocent things, pointing to his fork and asking you. "What's this called, love?"
He even sounded like the host of a kid's show at some moments.
But when you lost your temper, Jake did too.
You stopped responding to him and playing along.
Bad idea. If your boyfriend was sure of one thing, it's that a day later you'd be crying in his arms for failing the exam, so he did what any responsible boyfriend would do.
"M-More." You said with a broken voice.
His cock was thrusting deeply into you.
His right hand smacked against your cheek.
It burned deliciously. And it was probably the fifth you received.
"¡Más!" You complained as you corrected yourself while your fingers clung to the bed.
You would have time later to scold him because the mattress was creaking as if he wanted to give up.
"Buena chica." (Good girl.) You wanted to beat the mocking smile out of him.
Even more so when he went back to the slow pace after a few seconds.
Turns out Jake had been in this game for about 40 minutes where he was fucking you to the limit and then suddenly stopping.
You wanted to burst into tears of frustration, but were you going to lie and say you weren't enjoying it?
"Más duro." (Harder.)
His own game played against him when you whispered between moans with your eyes locked on his.
For a moment you thought you had earned another slap, but instead, his hand went around your neck. You knew when he moved faster than you too you were pushing him to the limit.
Even under his body, with his hand forcing you to stay against the mattress, you managed to take control of things away from Jake just by batting your eyelashes for him.
"Más d-duro." You repeated with a broken voice.
And he obeyed.
You were so close
So close.
"Jake, please." Another slap. "¡Por favor! ¡Por favor!"
Your pleas were the straw that broke the camel's back.
"¿D-Dónde lo quieres, huh, a-ah, mierda-, princesa?" (Where do you want it, huh, princesa?) "M-mhm, dentro." (Inside.) And he was so lost in your body expressing the pleasure you felt in so many different ways that he didn't even notice the mistake in your response.
He filled you up.
And then pushed his spend deeper with some more thrusts.
You expected him to come out right away, you both deserved a break.
Instead, he slowly moved his hip again, making you whimper.
“We still have a lot to practice.” It didn't take long for your breathing to change, you weren't even sure you could walk to school tomorrow.
Needless to say, you received an amazing grade for the cheap price of spending those two hours with your cheeks flushing red every time you read certain words.
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eddiesxangel · 4 months
Okay last request of the year.
Eddie kissing reader on new year’s eve and it’s her first kiss💞
The Stroke of Midnight | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Wc: 942 cw: alcohol and fluff
Here you were, New Year’s Eve, at Steve’s. Single. Surrounded by couples. Everyone had been paired off. Every. Single. Person.
Robin and Vicky. Steve and Nancy. Hell, even all the kids had their little relationships. And here you were, an hour until midnight, and you would be kissing Mr. Snuffles, the family cat, at this point.
The party was fun, but the reality of the fact that you hadn’t ever been kissed by somebody, let alone getting a New Year’s Eve kiss, was settling in.
Eddie, your only chronically single friend, was supposed to be here. However, it’s now 11:26pm, and he was nowhere to be found. Honestly, you were a tiny bit relieved he wasn’t here. You had liked Eddie. Ok, liked is an understatement. You had a big, fat, massive crush on Eddie Munson.
Eddie was never one of your super close friends. You had been closer with the girls, but he was still a friend. Your group was together whenever you all had the time. You tried at least a few times a week to get together. Eddie was always sweet on you. He was a natural flirt; you were not used to that kind of attention. He makes you flustered in the best way possible.
So when he didn’t show, you were disappointed, but since he was the only singleton out of the group, you felt anxious about him being here...Would you have to kiss? Would he even want to kiss you? Would you be bad at it? What if you sucked at kissing, and he told everybody! What if you asked him, and he rejected you? That would be mortifying!
As you got lost in your thoughts and the sparkling wine you had been downing all night, you didn't hear the door open or anyone or greet the man who had entered the room.
"Hey, sweetheart, sorry I'm late." You snapped out of your thoughts, and standing before you was Eddie. Your stomach was in knots.
"Edde! Hi!" You said a little too enthusiastically.
"Woah, how many of these have we had tonight?" He asks, taking your champagne flute from your hand and sipping it a bit. If it was anyone else that took your drink, you'd be pissed. But it was Eddie. He didn't mean anything by it.
"Only a few." You turn into yourself shyly.
"Well, looks like I need to catch up." He winked. "Care to join me in the kitchen?" He gestured his arm out for you to talk in front of him.
"Okay," You smiled.
You check the TV for the NYE countdown. Seven minutes until midnight.
"I didn't think you were going to come."
"And not be with my favourite person to start the new year? Nah. Have to start off '88 right." He smiled before turning to open the fringe, and you swore your heart stopped.
"Oh," your chest and face immediately felt flush. Thankfully, the door was blocking you, so Eddie couldn't see the look of shock in your eyes. "So, uh... what took you so long?" you twiddled with your glass.
"Oh, I had to finish up some last-minute deals... you know. Nothing says Happy New Year like being high." he says before taking a shot.
"Woah, Munson starting off strong," Steve says as he enters the kitchen.
"Gotta catch up with this one; can't be the only sober guy at the party," Eddie pointed to you jokingly.
You just rolled your eyes as you topped off your glass for the cheers.
Steve grabbed his drink and then beckoned the both of you into the living room with the TV countdown. There were only a few minutes left until midnight.
Eddie took your hand and led you into the crowded room. You noticed everyone was paired off, sitting beside one another. As you scanned the area, you noticed that most of the seats were taken. However, Eddie confidently guided you towards a single high-backed leather chair, which could only accommodate one person. He then patted his lap warmly with a smile, gesturing for you to sit with him.
" I uh- you sure?" you stuttered.
"Yes, sweetheart, only a few more seconds until midnight; how am I supposed to kiss you from all the way up there?"
You threw all caution to the wind while thanking your lucky stars you didn't drink too much to be an absolute disaster.
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six... the others chanted as you sat down in Eddie's lap, wrapping an arm around his shoulder so you could face him.
You shuffled to get comfortable.
Eddie wrapped a sroong hand around your waist.
You looked into Eddie's eyes and took a deep breath.
Eddie smiled, and you smiled back. It was clear to the others around you that both of you were nervous.
Eddie nudged your nose with his own nose.
Fireworks! You closed your eyes, and Eddie leaned in. His lips were a little chapped from winter but still soft and plush. He worked his mouth with yours as his hand came up to cup your left cheek. It was so natural, so easy, you couldn't believe how simple kissing was. You'd always thought it would be complicated. Or maybe it's due to the fact that Eddie was really good at it. You had nothing to compare it to, but he was really good at it.
Happy New Year! You heard the others cheer, breaking you out of your thoughts, and Eddie pulled away.
"Happy New Year, Sweets." He tilted your chin up to him.
“Happy New Year, Eddie." you whispered before he kissed you again.
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girlgenius1111 · 5 months
pay for your crimes
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part 4! Ona and R get Alexia and Mapi back for trying to play Cupid. Or they try to.
no warnings!
You and Ona spent the morning... busy. You spent the afternoon busy too, but in a different, less sexy way: figuring out how to trick two of the most observant people on the team was a challenge. The two of you decided that Ona would call Alexia and tell her that you didn't reciprocate her feelings. You would continue your radio silence to Mapi, as if nothing had happened. At practice tomorrow, you and Ona wouldn't speak to each other, and you figured Mapi would corner you and try to get you to talk, if she didn't call you immedietly after hearing from Alexia. You'd tell her nothing happened, and even though she'd presumably know the truth from Alexia, she wouldn't be able to admit it.
The biggest problem here was Ona; she was a horrible liar. Growing up, she didn't hide much from her parents, so she didn't get practice then like most teenagers do. You really didn't know how her call to Alexia was going to go.
Predictably, Alexia answered on the first ring, her voice ringing out into the room over the speaker, clearly expecting to be told how good she was at matchmaking.
"Hola Capi" Ona let her voice quiver slightly. You turned away from her, worried eye contact would cause both of you to break into giggles.
"Ona! How did it go?" Alexia's words were said with so much excitement, you almost felt bad. Almost.
"Not great."
"What?" The confusion in Alexia's tone had you biting your lip to keep from laughing.
"We talked. You were wrong, Ale. She doesn't have feelings for me. And I didn't tell her I had any for her. I think it's better we just keep some space until we can be friends again." Ona's voice was filled with emotion, and you knew it was the stress of lying, but it sounded like she was genuinely upset.
"No, Ona that can't be right. I'm... i'm sure she has feelings for you."
"What because of the way she looks at me? I don't think that is more convincing than her telling me to my face that she doesn't have feelings for me."
"No, Ona it's not just that. Its..." Alexia was clearly struggling to not admit that she had firsthand testimony that you had admitted to being in love with Ona. "It's more than that. You just have to trust me, go talk to her again," she practically begged.
"Ale, I already trusted you. It didn't work out that well. She doesn't feel the same way, it's time to move on."
"Ona if you just-" Alexia sounded almost frantic at this point.
"No, Capi. I just need some time okay? I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, Ona hung up, just in time for both of you to collapse into laughter. She'd impressed you, keeping it together well. It turns out that the shakiness in her voice from being dishonest seemed similar to how she sounds when she's emotional.
The two of you had just stopped laughing, and regained your breath, when your phone rang. Seeing Mapi's caller ID flash on your phone literally only minutes after hanging up with Alexia was enough to push you both into another fit of hysterical laughter. You had to let the phone ring out before you could pull yourself together, wiping a few stray tears from your eyes.
"Alright, keep it together, I'm gonna call Mapi back. And Ona, don't you dare look at me or I'll lose it again." Ona took a deep breath, wiping the smile off her face, and turned around so her back was facing you on the couch. You took a deep breath too, before pressing the call button. Mapi answered before the first ring had even finished.
"Hey Mapi. What's up?" You made sure to sound a little dejected, but as though you were trying to hide it.
"Y/n! Um..." Mapi trailed off; it seemed she hadn't really thought calling you through all the way, and she didn't know what to say. Digging your nails into your palms to stop yourself from laughing again, you waited for her to decide what to say.
After a minute she finally spoke. "Patri told me you left the bar with Ona last night. What happened?" She tried to sound casual, but you could hear the serious tone in her voice. Ona turned to look at you, mouthing the words, Sure, Patri told you, before you pushed her shoulder to turn her back around.
"Oh yeah. I was just kind of drunk and freaked out over those weird guys. She just took me home. Nothing happened." You, as opposed to Ona, were a great liar. You knew how to lie, and how to layer a lie; allowing someone to see through what you wanted them to, but not alerting them to what was really going on. You let your voice shake slightly, trying to sound as though you were putting on a brave face.
You were met with silence from the other end of the phone. You don't think you'd ever lied to Mapi before, and she clearly didn't know what to do with it. She would know from Alexia that you and Ona slept together, and had a conversation, but she had no way of telling you that. She was stuck.
"Are you sure, nena? If something happened, you can tell me." Her voice sounded so genuine, so reassuring, that you had to really fight to keep yourself from telling her the truth.
"Yeah, I'm sure. Nothing happened." You cleared your throat, hoping to make it seem like you were fighting back tears. "I'm hungover though, and I don't really feel that good, so I'll see you tomorrow."
You hung the phone up before she could respond, groaning as you sat back heavily on the couch. Ona turned around, pulling your body to lay your head in her lap. She smiled down at you, and you grinned back up at her, admiring the freckles that adorned her face. You were beginning to think they were one of your favorite of her features. She absentmindedly ran her hands through your hair, and you melted a little at the sweet gesture.
"Should I be worried at how good of a liar you are?" She made it sound like she was joking, but you could sense a hint of insecurity in her voice. Instead of responding right away, you pulled her head down, pressing a deep kiss to her lips. When you broke apart, she was gasping for air, her eyes looking slightly dazed.
"As long as I keep kissing you like that, you don't have anything to worry about. I'll never lie to you, Oni. Promise." She returned your smile, before it fell from her face. Concerned, you asked her what was wrong.
"I'm gonna have to lie to Alexia tomorrow. In person. All day." She looked genuinely terrified at the prospect.
You laughed, "You're just gonna have to try your best to seem like an emotional mess and not a lying one." She sighed, clearly thinking deeply about how she was going to approach the next day.
Ona returned to her apartment that night, and you decided you would arrive early to practice, to see if anyone asked you any questions, and Ona would arrive late, to avoid being asked questions right away.
You walked down the hall towards the locker room, thinking you would be the first person there. You stopped when you heard voices, leaning against the wall to shamelessly eavesdrop.
"-don't understand, why would she lie to me? She's never lied to me before, this is not normal." You felt a pang of guilt at the sound of Mapi's voice. She sounded really concerned, and kind of hurt. You reminded yourself that her and Alexia needed to be taught a lesson about their matchmaking, as they were getting too confident in their skills.
"I don't understand why they won't just admit whats going on to each other. I mean y/n straight up told Ona she didn't have feelings for her. They are making this so complicated, and now we have to get even more involved," Alexia sounded frustrated.
"I hate to point this out," Ingrid broke in, although she didn't sound that regretful, "but if you guys hadn't meddled in their relationship, they might have been able to take their time and figure things out themselves."
You didn't have to see Mapi and Alexia's faces to know they were both glaring at Ingrid.
"Helpful, Ingrid. Thank you. Ale's right though, we have to fix it, maybe we can-"
You walked in then, airpods in, pretending you hadn't been eavesdropping. You made sure to keep your gaze down, and your face neutral as you headed to your locker and set your stuff down. You could feel the three girls staring at you, and you pulled your airpods out before looking over at them.
"Hi?" You acted confused, catching them staring at you.
"Hola, y/n. How are you?" It was Alexia who responded, her eyes looking over you searchingly.
"Fine. How are you?" you turned back to your stuff, still listening, but began to pull your training kit out of your bag.
"I'm... fine." Alexia responded slowly, and you hummed in response, pretending to be distracted. The rest of the team started to trickle into the locker room, and you let yourself fall into conversation with Pina and Patri, who, unlike some other people, would never have mentioned to anyone that she saw you and Ona making out against the wall.
You watched Ona walk in out of the corner of your eye, and she sent you a small smile, back turned to Ingrid, Mapi, and Alexia, who were still huddled together in front of Mapi's locker, looking as though they were trying to construct a solution to end world hunger. They weren't paying attention to you, so you sent Ona a small smile back, before turning back to your conversation.
You didn't notice Ingrid clock the looks you and Ona exchanged, or the way her eyes followed the two of you the rest of practice. You and Ona made a game of it, seeing who could make the fake tension between the two of you the most obvious.
You thought you had won when you pretended to hear someone calling your name on the other side of the field when Ona neared the water cooler you were standing by. However, Ona took the cake when she took you out with a particularly nasty tackle that left you sprawled out on the grass, not bothering to apologize, going so far as to step over you before you could get up. The whole team exchanged looks at that one, and even though your body ached from the impact, you really weren't mad; Ona was competitive, you knew this.
Mapi helped you up, shooting a glare at Ona, and you had to hide your smirk in your shirt, wiping off your face with it. You still hadn't noticed Ingrid watching the two of you carefully, whereas Mapi and Alexia were individually focused on each of you.
When practice ended, you headed into the locker room, leaving a couple players out on the pitch to work on penalties, including Mapi and Alexia. As you neared the door to the locker room, you felt a sharp pain on your ear and yelped, feeling yourself be dragged down the hall. You heard a similar yelp coming from the other side of you, but at the risk of losing your ear, you didn't turn around to look for the source. Instead, you let yourself be pulled into the medical supplies closet, turning to face Ingrid, who let go of your and Ona's ears once the door shut behind her.
She looked at the two of you, raising an eyebrow, before she reached out a hand and pulled the neck of Ona's training top down slightly, revealing the many, many hickeys littered across her upper chest. It's possible you had gotten carried away yesterday morning, and Ona had to be careful about which top she wore, as the marks were barely covered by her shirt. Ingrid must have spotted one peaking out. You both blushed, and Ingrid sighed.
"You know that you're driving both of them crazy right? They think they've ruined your relationship, and both of you are going to die alone unless they do something to fix it." You fought back a laugh, and could tell Ona was doing the same.
"This is what they get for trying to play cupid. It could have ended like this, and they need to be taught a lesson. Who knows who their next victim could be," you joked, looking for a laugh from Ingrid, but only finding a serious face. "Oh come on, Ingrid, I heard you telling them the same thing this morning in the locker room." Ingrid opened her mouth to respond, but Ona interrupted her.
"Wait, how did you know?" she questioned, and Ingrid rolled her eyes.
"It's painfully obvious to everyone except those two! The little looks, little smirks at each other when you think no on is watching. That absurd tackle. The only people who don't know are Alexia and Mapi, because they're too upset to notice." Ingrid was shamelessly scolding you both, and you started to feel guilty. She turned her attention to you before speaking again. "You know Mapi cried yesterday when she got off the phone with you? She knew you were lying to her and she couldn't understand what she did to make you not trust her."
It made sense why Ingrid was so upset. She was fiercely protective of Mapi, and even though you knew she agreed with you, making her girlfriend cry was clearly a step too far.
You sighed, "We weren't trying to upset them, it was just supposed to be a little joke." Ona murmured her agreement with your statement.
"Well you did upset them. They both really care about the two of you, and thought they had really messed up. So now you're gonna go march into that room and tell them the truth, before you make my girlfriend cry again. Got it?" Her hands were on her hips, and she was glaring at both of you as you hung your heads in shame, and agreed. Ingrid had a reputation for being a big softie, but she could really turn on the stern when she wanted to.
She led you out of the closet, bringing you to an empty conference room, leaving with a warning to stay put. You and Ona looked at each other, exchanging wide eyed glances, not finding the situation so funny anymore.
"Damn, I really didn't expect them to be that upset," you stated.
"You know, I always assumed Mapi was in charge in that relationship, but clearly I've underestimated Ingrid" Ona mused, shutting her mouth tightly as the door opened again.
Ingrid walked in, with an incredibly confused Alexia and Mapi trailing in after her. You met Mapi's eyes, and she looked so worried that the guilt you felt tripled. Ingrid gestured for everyone to take seats at the table, looking like the least professional business meeting anyone had ever had.
"Tell them what you two did," Ingrid said, when it became clear neither you nor Ona were going to start the conversation. Mapi and Alexia turned to the two of you, confused.
"Well. We did talk yesterday. And we realized that the two of you were both telling each other things, and trying to get us together, and we were kind of annoyed, so we decided to tell you guys that we weren't together. But, we are. We figured it out," you started.
Ona continued, "and we didn't mean to make you guys upset, we thought it would just be funny."
Alexia and Mapi looked back and forth between the two of you for a minute, before saying at the same time, "so you ARE together?"
You and Ona nodded, and the two girls opposite you let out huge sighs of relief. Mapi ran her hands over her face, and you hadn't realized how tense she had looked until you watched it leave her body. Alexia looked like she was fighting back tears, which was incredibly alarming; you'd seen Alexia cry maybe 3 times. You and Ona started spouting out more apologies, but Mapi held up a hand, and you both grew quiet.
"We were upset because we though we'd pushed too hard and ruined your relationship. Can you imagine how guilty we felt? Lying to us was really mean. That being said, we shouldn't have started conspiring together in the first place, and for that, I'm sorry." Mapi was so rarely serious, it was really a sight to behold.
"What happened to the little Ona I knew that used to cry every time she lied?" Alexia was glaring at Ona, and you laughed quietly.
"She used it to her advantage. She had to sound upset to be convincing," you responded, and Ona slapped your arm, shooting you a glare.
"Alright, we've all apologized, everyone knows the truth, are we free to go now," Ona asked, directing her question towards Ingrid.
Ingrid looked between the two of you for a moment, before sighing, and standing up, heading towards the door.
"Fine. But you should probably make sure to cover up those hickeys all over your chest before you change in front of everyone tomorrow Oni." She smirked back at you, heading back into the locker room, as Alexia and Mapi looked at the two of you in horror. Ona made to bolt out of the room, and Alexia chased after her, demanding to see what ungodly things Ona had allowed you to do to her.
Mapi still looked grossed out at the thought, but you crossed the room, wrapping yourself around her in a hug.
"I'm sorry I lied. I never meant to make you feel like I didn't trust you," you mumbled into her shirt. She wrapped her arms around you, squeezing tight.
"All forgiven, nena. I can't stay mad at you. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." You pulled back, smiling at her. You heard a shriek come from the locker room, followed by Alexia's voice.
"My god! One wasn't enough, y/n, you needed to leave 15?" You winced, and Mapi looked down at you, her face once again one of disgust. You shrugged at her, and she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, walking you back to the locker room, hopefully to help you save your girlfriend from Alexia, but more likely to join in on the teasing. You found that you didn't really mind it.
this was.. way more fun to write than I was expecting. hope you enjoyed :)
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kpop-yes · 7 months
Xiaoting x male reader - F*ck Practice, F*ck me instead
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You woke up to the sun beaming down your my face and Ting on your chest, sleeping deeply,
And very loudly to say the least.
The last thing you could remember was being very drunk at a party and Ting having to walk you home,
It was around 2:00 in the morning and it felt like the party could go on forever, But you wouldn't last till 3, You were drunk as hell and could barely walk nor talk.
But all that mattered to you was that you could still see and hear and that's all that you cared about.
But to Ting, You looked like a drunk piece of mess that couldn't walk by himself. She could barely focus on partying without turning her back to look at you.
What made her reach her limit was you asking for yet another drink to wash down the other hundred bottles you already drank.
After saying bye to her friends, she walked over to you, made you stand up, put your arm on her shoulder, and supported you while walking back to your dorm.
You could barely register what was happening as the ringing in your ear didn't stop and you couldn't even see properly.
After reaching your dorm, Ting reached into your pockets snd dug out your keys.
After laying you down on your bed, Ting grabbed her bag and was about to walk out when you grabbed her hand,
"Stay Ting, Please".
"Fine, Only to make sure you don't die in your sleep".
And here you were, Ears still ringing and your vision still horrible but at least you had Ting by your side.
After staring at the ceiling for 20 minutes m, you realized how shit you smell and slowly crawled out of bed while trying not to wake Ting up.
Your plan was unsuccessful as Tong almost woke up instantly as you stood up.
"Morning Ting", you said while waving at her.
"What time is it Y/n?"
You looked at the clock, "1:35, why?"
Ting looked shocked and you couldn't help but giggle at her reaction.
"Did we really sleep for that long?!"
"Yeah, I guess so. Anyways Imma take a shower. Feel free to whatever you want as long as it's not illegal", you said while grabbing a pair of clothes and waved.
You assumed that she'd just end up leaving, so you left the bathroom door unlocked.
You took off your clothes and hopped inside the shower.
The first thing you did was put on shampoo and clean your body.
You heard a door close but you assumed it was Ting leaving, But oh how wrong you were.
You continued your shower session, which included a lot of lip syncing to songs and whistling.
After almost finishing your shower, all that was left was too put on your conditioner.
You grabbed your conditioner but heard something behind you.
"Let me see it, I can put it on your hair for you".
"Okay thanks, here", You passed the conditioner to whoever was behind you, not knowing who was behind you.
It wasn't until after a couple of seconds that you realized that someone else was in the shower with you.
You turned around in shock to see Tong standing there with a smile.
"What are you doing here?!" You shouted in confusion.
"What? You were going to hog all the hot water so I might as well be in here as well", She said while Squirting some conditioner on her hand,
"Now turn around so I can Put conditioner on your hair"
You did as she said and she applied the conditioner on your hair.
Her smooth and silky fingers ran through your hair as she thoroughly made sure every strand of hair was lathered in Conditioner.
After a couple minutes Ting sprayed water on your hair and gave you the conditioner,
"Here, now do my hair"
"O-Okay", you nervously responded as you squirted some conditioner on your hand.
You couldn't help but look down at her beautiful round ass.
She could obviously tell what you were looking at so she purposely dropped a brush and bent down to pick it up.
"Like what you see Y/n~"
"W-What, I don't know what you're talking about, now stand still so I can put the conditioner on your hair", You regretfully said.
You thoroughly went through her hair, but you couldn't really concentrate as she was purposely standing in a way where her ass was touching your legs and partly your member.
After thoroughly scrubbing the conditioner, you sprayed water over hair and washed the conditioner off.
"There, happy?"
"Very, But you know what else looks happy?"
She was obviously talking about your member as it was basically rock hard.
"I think your just talking nonsense Ting", You said and turned around to turn the water off.
Ting then hugged you from behind,
"Come on, let's have some fuuunnn, don't you want to know how it feels to have sex with a kpop star?"
"No, Besides you have practice today, what if you're late?"
"Fuck Practice! Id Rather have sex with you then go to practice!"
"No Ting, Your going to practice, I don't want to be the cause for you being late because you want to fuck".
You put on boxers and handed a towel to Xiaoting while still arguing,
"And? like I said, fuck practice, and Stop turning me down Y/n! I'm older than you so you should listen to your elders!"
"Your only half a month older than me? And right now your acting like immature brat!"
You walked to your room while
"Yeah, a brat that wants to have sex with you! Come on Y/n, it won't take that long!"
"I refuse to believe you, last time you told me that it wouldn't take long you missed your whole practice session and your company were on your ass for missing!"
You were about to put on pants when Ting pushed you onto the bed,
"Yeah well it wasn't my fault you wouldn't let mw ride you! If you didn't refuse I wouldn't have missed practice! So now you owe me!"
"I don't owe you shit! And you were still toing to miss practice without arguing! I'm not having sex with you Ting!"
"Why! Is it because you fucking hate my guts?!
"What?! I never said anything about hating your guts, besides if I hated you when we first met I wouldn't have been Rearranging Your guts in the first place!"
Ting climbed on top of you while pulling down your boxers,
"So then lets have sex Y/n! I promise it won't take that long", she begged.
You knew that it would take that long, but this argument would go nowhere if you kept arguing with her.
You knew she'd miss practice but if she wanted you that bad then you'll let her have you.
*exhale* "Okay fine, bug if you miss practice that'll be your fault Ting".
"I won't, besides you won't last long with someone like me~"
"Just cause your an idol that doesn't mean your automatically better at fucking someone Ting".
"Shush, let me handle this", she said as she slowly stroked your member.
Her speed slowly increased as she started spitting on your member.
She took a deep breath before taking your member whole.
It was a sight to see as you couldn't handle but moan at her actions.
Her gagging made you feel like you're in heaven.
She pulled back while gasping for air,
"Geez I don't remember your dick being this
big Y/n~".
You pug your hand on Ting, and after getting the okay signal, you started face fucking Ting. Her gagging made you move faster knowing that every time you hit the back of her throat with your member that you were about to blow your load inside her throat.
You started feeling a bit lightheaded, but nonetheless you kept face fucking Ting.
Looking at Ting, and her face covered in saliva and her eyes asking to be ruined.
The harder you face fucked Ting, the closer you were to your limit.
You felt your member twitching and realized you were about to blow your load inside her throat.
"Ah, Ting Your so fucking tight ah! I'm about to cum!"
And after a few seconds, you released your load into Ting's tight throat, You kept your member in her mouth for a minute before pulling out.
Ting immediately started gasping for air, showing how hard you fucked her mouth,
"Geez Y/n You really liked that didn't you, But now it's my turn~"
And with a swift spin, Ting was now on top of you.
"I've been waiting to do this since forever~"
adjusting yourself, you knew Ting was about to ride you hard, this was one of her biggest fantasies ever since you two started dating.
Ting started hovering above your member, slowly teasing it before slowly inserting herself into you.
She slowly slid herself while moaning the whole way.
When she reached the end of your member, that's when she started thrusting.
Moans escaping left and fight, as you two couldn't  contain your emotions.
The more ting kept riding you the more you felt lightheaded.
You knew how ferocious ting could get and how much stress she had.
And know she was unloading all that stress on you.
Ting’s riding became more powerful as her ass smacking your lap increasingly became louder and so did her moans.
You tried you best to stop her moans and riding from getting to loud but there was no stopping Ting when she’s about to reach her climax.
To sort of neutralize the noise, you started making out with her, trying your best to mute out the loud moans coming from her.
“Mmm~, Fuck! Y/n! Im about to fucking cum! ah!”
And with one last, powerful, thrust, Both of you simultaneously orgasmed.
You spewed loads of your cum inside of her, Overfilling her, causing dome of your liquids to spill out of her vagina.
All you could do was stare at her and admire her body,
“One more round?”
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knottyk · 2 years
Pairing: Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader (addressed as mama and papa.)
Words: 1.8k
Summary: You received a call from Eddie during the kids’ bath time, telling you he won’t make it home from tour. That afternoon, you discovered that he lied in the sweetest way.
tags: mom and dad life, silly eddie spawns, domestic life
more ava and hunter
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They said having two kids close in age would be easier. Mom can get things done around the house while the two babies play and accompany one another.
With Eddie constantly on tour, leaving you on your own most of the time, it seemed like a good idea. In theory.
“Ava, please don’t splash. You’ll get soap in your brother’s eyes.” You pleaded for the third time in five minutes. With a towel resting on your left shoulder, you lathered the shampoo on her dark, curly hair. 
Your words, once again, fell on deaf ears as your four-year-old daughter dunked a toy panda under the water and swished it around while squealing, “Whee! Mermaid!” 
Giggling beside her, two-year-old Hunter had his plastic giraffe toy in hand, mirroring his sister’s actions. The harsh splashing of water didn’t seem to faze him and squeals echoed the tiled walls of your bathroom. In the hallway, the sound of the phone ringing interrupted your bath session.
“Mama, phone!” Hunter pointed towards the door, hands dripping in soapy water and falling right on your clothed legs. 
You took his arm and lathered more soap on and you said, “It’s okay.” 
“It’s papa.” He looked longingly at the door, his brown eyes shining against the fluorescent light and the sunlight from the window. Most people said he looked like you but you disagree. 
“Papa will call later. Right now, we need to finish bathing. Okay?” You pinch his cheeks.
Way before having the kids, you and Eddie had already established scheduled phone calls depending on where he was and today’s call wasn’t until around supper. It’s probably some telemarketer looking to sweet talk an unsuspecting customer, you thought.
The ringing had stopped after sometime and the house fell in a deep silence, save for the sound of swashing water and giggles.
“Okay, rinsing time.” You say in a sing-song voice and pull out the plug, letting the water drain as the kids protested softly.
Carrying them out of the tub and into the shower, you rinse the bubbles off and scrub their skin clean until there was no trace of soap left.
Taking the towel off your shoulder, you dry Hunter first who had a finger in his mouth. Before you could get to Ava, the phone rang again.
Against better judgement, you left them standing on the mat to pick up the phone.
“Hey, sweetheart.” His voice was raspy and tired on the other end.
“Eddie?” You glimpse at your wrist watch, covered in tiny drops of water. “It’s 9 in the morning, why are you calling so early. Did anything happen? Are you okay?”
He chuckled. “I’m okay. How are the little devils?” 
“Wreaking havoc, as usual.” You laughed and chewed on your lip. You listened to his breathing and you could almost hear him smile.
It took a while before he spoke again. “Listen, the tour’s been pushed til next week. Management thinks we can really pull on this one.”
“I’m sorry.” He whispered and you hear shuffling from his end. “I’ll make it up to you and the kids, alright?” 
“No, it’s okay. I understand.” 
With Corroded Coffin making it mainstream, it meant big things for you, Eddie and your little family. It meant having the financial stability his job offered and you having all the time in the world with your children under in a comfortable home.
Though it also meant that Eddie was away from you and the children. You felt bad for him missing the kids’ milestones but he insists it’s okay as long as they have their mother by their side.
“I love you. Kiss them for me, will you?” 
“I will. Love you too.”
With a sigh, you hung the phone back on the wall when the line cut off. You stood in silence for a minute before heading back to the bathroom. Your somber state was quick to vanish and be replaced with horror with the scene in front of you. 
Somehow, Ava had gotten to the bottle of lotion on the shelf by the mirror. Thick layers of cream covered Hunter’s body, some getting on his lips while Ava was still on the process of rubbing it on her skin.
The room reeked of the powdery scent as the bottle laid on the floor, remnants of the cream splattered on the floor as the bottle itself was almost squeezed empty.
“Oh my god, baby what did you do?” It took everything in you not to snap, gasping against the palm on your lips while keeping your voice calm. Between the two of you, Eddie had always been the gentler parent.
Hunter was rubbing circles on his tummy as Ava looked at you with wide, doe eyes. “I helped you, mama. Look, I can take care of Hunter now. I’m a big girl.”
You stepped in and kneeled in front of them, almost slipping in the thin layer of lotion on the floor. You have another thing added to your list of chores today, you thought.
“Thank you, baby.” You remained calm, breathing deep before you spoke. “But next time, you should wait for me, okay? Don’t get these things on your own.” 
She nodded and you started to wipe the excess lotion off their body. 
With tender and soft skin, Ava and Hunter sat on the couch while they watched the TV. 
When you first got the house, you and Eddie had debated about which couch to put in the living room. You’ve gone through so many catalogues and even coordinated it with the accent color of the walls. 
Today, it proved useless as the rich color and patterns were cover with piles of undone laundry. The carpet was littered with all sorts of toys and trailed into the open kitchen. 
With a broom in hand, you stood on the archway. “Ava, Hunter,” you called. “Could you please pick up your toys? Mama needs to clean the floor.”
“Okay!” Ava jumped out of the couch with her brother in tow. You dragged the toy basket in the middle of the floor as they skipped to gather all the toys while you started on the sweeping. 
Some days, having two children was like having ten. You thanked the gods for the cooperative nature they had today because much like their father, they were fond of theatrics and sneaky tactics. You were glad to not have to deal with crying, whining toddlers today. 
Most of the toys had been cleared out when the doorbell rang. Ava and Hunter dropped the toys at hand and raced to the door, footsteps heavy and fast.
You scolded them both not to run and walked behind them. The door knob shook as they grabbed it at the same time and tried to twist it open. You take their hands off the knob and swing the door open.
Behind two stuffed bunnies, Eddie stood with his bags beside him. He moved the bunnies’ heads as he spoke in a high voice. “Are Ava and Hunter home?”
“Papa!” The kids rushed past you and immediately clung to his legs. Ava wrapped her arms and legs around his waist as Hunter made grabby hands while swaying on his feet.
Eddie squatted down to level with them before they tackle him down and made him lose balance. Eddie tickled them with the stuffed bunnies and all three of them were a giggling mes; your heart hurt at the sight. 
The giggles died down and you stepped out with your arms crossed, head tilted slightly and eyes rolling. The kids got off Eddie and ran into the house with their new toys. He stood up and dusted himself off before grinning at you. 
“Sorry, I lied.” He whispered against your ear as he pulled you in by the waist. 
You lightly hit him on the chest and leaned into his touch. Resting your cheek on his ear, he peppered you with light kisses. You closed your eyes and engrave the feeling in your mind. 
“I hate you.” 
“Oh, but you love me.” He leaned back and looked at you, smile never leaving his face. “You told me earlier.” 
You hugged him for a while before ushering him in along with his bags. The kids already talking his ear off with all the activities they had done while he was away. He listened with great enthusiasm and adoration. 
“Did you eat yet?” You asked him as you put away the laundry on the couch. 
He shook his head, his focus never leaving the kids’ chatter. Avan sat on the arm of the couch as she brushed through the bunny’s ear while Hunter sat on Eddie’s lap, occasionally speaking to add to his sister’s stories.
“I haven’t prepared any lunch yet.” You hurriedly gathered all the clothes in one arm and dumped them onto the laundry basket. You were about to leave and put them in your bedroom when Eddie spoke.
“That’s alright, we can order in.” He faced the kids and shouted, “Who wants pizza?” 
They cheered on the couch, Ava giddily jumping on her seat and Hunter copying her. 
“Pizza for lunch, Eddie? That’s, like, against the parenting rulebook.” You joked. 
“Babe, who cares? If anything, that makes us the coolest parents ever.” 
So pizza for lunch it was and by the end, crusts were left on the greasy box and pieces of pepperoni were stuck on bibs and dresses. Ava’s marinara stained mouth and Hunter’s fists closed on the slice of pizza as Eddie snapped a photo with the film camera stored safely in your fond memories.
Once bellies were full and eyelids grew heavy, you set the kids on the couch for their afternoon nap and returned back tot he kitchen to clean up the mess you made. 
You started on the cups when an arm wrapped around your waist. Eddie kissed your hair and rested his chin on your shoulder, taking the dirty cups out of your hands. “I’ll take care of it. You go rest with them, okay? I got this.” 
Without protesting, you nodded and headed back to the living room as he continued what you had just started. 
It didn’t take him long to clear the table and wash what little dishes you had. In no time, he was done and was headed back to the living room where all three of his most loved people laid asleep. 
You were backed up the back rest with an arm extended outwards where Ava and Hunter rested their heads, the two kids embracing one another while they snore softly. 
Eddie took a mental picture of the scene in front of him. He sat by your foot and slowly placed it on his lap, caressing your legs as he laid back and closed his eyes, sighing with content as for once in so long, he was home.
okay so this isn't how i envisioned it and it's not my fav that i've ever written but i had to write something or else i'm gonna burst from boredom. kinda rushed and kinda not proofread.
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gublersg1rl · 2 months
baking with a genius :)
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plot: reader is baking, and spencers being a smartass and it’s PISSIN HER OFF !!!
a/n: this is my first blurb, i thought the idea was kinda cute??? is this cringe??? pls don’t unfollow,,,ik this is poorly written im not the best pls bare with me im trying
warnings: reader is a girl, a little suggestive at the end cuz why tf not, established relationship, reader is annoyed, spencers more dominant but not in a sexual way, proofread but could 100% be mistakes, errrr idkkk i think that’s it????
“Okay,” you whispered to yourself, dusting flour off your hands. “Now I need—“
“Two eggs.” Spencer’s voice interrupts.
You close your eyes tightly, so tight you see fireworks, and huff. “You don’t know that, Spencer.”
“But I do, actually. I read it.” He said pointing to the Pinterest recipe that was open on your phone.
Your eyes glance over the screen, re-reading the already forgotten recipe. “Oh,” you say letting a moment of submission surrender. “Actually I want to use 3 eggs…So you’re wrong Spencer.” The lie was poorly thought of, but you would do anything for Spencer to not win this one sided battle.
He frowns his brow, giving you a confused look. “Why would you want to use three eggs?”
“Because you don’t know what you are talking about. Maybe you’re good at—“ you pause thinking about how to phrase your annoyance. “Doctorting— or-“ your hands flail everywhere as you desperately try to describe your emotions with made up words.
That was until you felt Spencer get ahold of your wrists, “Look at me.”
You bite the corner of your bottom lip, looking to the left, trying to disobey his gently order.
“Baby.” His voice soft, yet strong.
You give in, looking up at him in those damn honey colored eyes puppy dog eyes. “What.” You reply flatly, it wasn’t a question, rather a response.
His eyes narrow, and head tilts a little, giving you a “You know what” look.
“Can you just….go in the living room for a bit…?”
“Forgetting something, love?”
You sigh, “Please…?”
“Atta girl.” He said with a smile, letting go of your wrists.
-hehe small time jump to when the preheat is done-
You had always been scared of putting stuff in the oven, it just was so easy to get burned. Those traumatic times in middle school you burned yourself with a curling iron was enough to make you cautious of getting burned again.
You stare at the oven for what feels like forever, contemplating what to do. You look over to your boyfriend who is comfortably reading a book on the couch.
“Spencer…?” You call out in a quiet, embarrassed tone.
“Yeah, baby?” He asks putting down his half read book, looking over at you.
“Can you help me put the cookies in the oven…” You mumble.
He smiled softly, “Sorry, what’d you say?” Spencer responded even though he was perfectly aware of your question.
“Spencer.” You whine, hearing that smirk painted across his face just through his voice.
“I’m kidding angel. I’ll be right there.” He says giving into your pleas.
It isn’t much longer until your boyfriend completes your difficult task in seconds.
“I’m sorry I got so annoyed with you today…”
“It’s okay,” Spencer replied pulling you into his chest, kissing the top of your head. “Don’t stress it. We all have those days.”
His fingers gently combed through your hair, as you both sat in silence enjoying the peace.
You move your chin to rest on his chest, as you look up at him. “You know…we have 20 minutes all to ourselves until the cookies finish baking,”
Spencer chuckles, “Oh really?”
“Well, thinking about it. I’ve got a couple ways you could apologize,” He said leaning in gently pressing a small peck into your lips.
“Yeah me too,” you whisper back leaning in for another kiss.
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maxsimagination · 3 months
𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁'𝘀 𝗺𝘆 𝗴𝗶𝗿𝗹 - 𝗹.𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘇𝗲
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warnings: fluff, kisses
it was the day of the finals for the women's champions league and i was super nervous. it was barça versus lyon and i had been selected to be in the starting eleven. i could never have imagined that i would ever be here, soccer was my dream when i was a kid, and now here i was. 21 years old, almost 22, and already playing a finals match.
from the moment i signed with barça, i knew this club was it for me. it was everything i had ever imagined and more. my teammates were amazing and they felt more like family than anything.
lucy was the first person i met at barça, she showed me around and introduced me to the rest of the team. we got along like a house on fire, the whole team was rooting for us when we finally got together. that was almost a year ago, and to say that lucy was nervous because of the age gap was an understatement.
it was a laughable matter to me because i had assured her that her age only made her that much more attractive to me. along with her abs. she had grinned down at me with a cocky expression in response to my words.
all these thoughts flowed through my mind as we drove to training. ona and kiera met us when me and lucy walked in together, exchanging fist bumps and hugs. there was an air about the team, something like confidence but with a hint of nerves. i must have been the only player that was actually freaking out, i was still new and much younger than some of the other girls.
i knew soccer but this is the finals we were talking about. lucy must have been able to sense the tension in me, because she came closer to my side and wrapped a hand around my waist.
"we can do it, you can do it." she whispered in my ear. it was like our mantra, a chant we whispered when we were nervous. i smiled up at her, so thankful i had her by my side. "thank you, luce." "okay lovebirds, let's go!" ona yelled out, herding is out of the changing rooms.
i just laughed at her antics and walked out with them. we got going immediately, jonatan had us going hard, but not too hard as to wear us out for the game in a couple of hours.
we had just gotten to the stadium we'd be playing at, there was no one in the stands at all, they'd cleared it for an hour so we could warm up in peace. everyone else had their own pre-game rituals but the only one that i took on was laps around the field. i had my airpods and my music so it was a perfect fit.
i took off around the track, music blasting in my ears. it was a calming sensation, just running with nothing else going on around you. it helped me focus.
i kept running, until it was almost too much, finishing my warmup and stopped over by lucy, who was sitting on a soccer ball and fiddling with her water bottle. and she called me weird. "hey. you ready to crush lyon?" "fuck yea." she stood up to tower over me and the whole team was ordered off to the change rooms.
the fans were starting to trickle into their seats, and soon it was a full house. every seat booked out. my nerves were at an all time high.
everyone was almost ready and i put on my lucky boots, lucy had gotten them for me for my birthday last year and i'd won every game in them since. finally everyone lined up in the tunnel, ready to run out.
a hand on my back that i knew was my girlfriend, reassured me that we could do it. we could hear the commentators announce our team, and we started jogging out onto the field. everyone made it out and we all got into positions. the starting whistle was blown and we were off.
it was half time, and the score was 1-0 to barça. with me and kiera in the mid field and lucy and ona defending, we were almost impossible to get through. kiera had gotten the ball from lyon, racing up the field and passing it to me. i took off and weaved my way towards the goal. their goalkeeper saw me coming and i knew i didn't have a clear shot.
kiera was there so i shot it back over to her, she kicked it forward but it hit a defender, ellie carpenter. she managed to get it away from the goal, but not far enough. i got it back again and booted it straight towards the net and it went in.
first goal of the game and i was elated. i ran down the field, straight for lucy, who caught me when i jumped towards her. we were now getting ready to head back out there for the last half. lyon was getting more aggressive, violent even. the weren't afraid to push, shove, trip or pull.
they tried everything to score a goal and eventually they succeeded. it was wendie renard who kicked it in, assisted by vicki bècho. i was getting pissed off now too. we just needed one more goal and we were in the lead.
it was the 60th minute of the game and i had the ball, racing down the field again. i was so close, and i had a clear shot, but just as i was about to kick, there was a shooting pain in my left leg. i fell to the floor and turned to see selma bacha run off with the ball.
she had sunk her cleats into my leg on purpose. the medics came running on to inspect the damage and what needed to be done. lucy was right by my side the second i went down.
eventually they helped me off the field and subbed patri on so they could ice my leg properly. i sat on the sidelines for a solid 15 minutes and did warmups to make sure i could go back on. they called aitana off so she could get a rest and i ran back on.
my teammates all gave me high fives as i ran past, happy i was back on. we only had another 15 left in the game before it went to extra time so i was desperate to score another goal.
we were so close to getting the ball back and when we did it was alexia, our captain, who was streaking up the field. not surprisingly, lucy was close behind her, and so were me and kiera. alexia couldn't get a clear shot so she passed it to me then to kiera. i moved further back on the field in case it rebounded again.
kiera still had the ball and was trying to play it around the lyon defenders, but they weren't easy to break. she kicked it back to lucy who took the chance to score and shot it straight into the net. 
i was overjoyed and ran back up the field to where lucy was, screaming "that's my girl!" and just in time too, the last minute ticked over and the ref called it game over, we won. i slammed into lucy and she almost lost her balance but held onto me anyway.
i was probably more happy than she was, based off of my reaction. she had saved the game and scored the game-winning goal. all of our other teammates ran to us, including the ones on the sidelines and we all had a group hug.
it was the best experience ever, winning the champions league and scoring a goal in the final game. and i did it with lucy by my side.
the ride home was amazing, everyone was so happy and lucy had the happiest expression i'd seen. we made it back to our hotel for the night and everyone immediately went to their own rooms, they were that tired. i refused and tagged along with lucy to her room so we could celebrate together.
we were comfortable together, lying on the bed in each others arms. i had drifted off into my own world just thinking of the huge accomplishment both me and her had achieved.
"what are you thinking of over there?" lucy's voice cut through my daydream. "you." i had a cheeky grin on my face to tease the older woman more. "oh really?" her eyes were sparking with desire as she turned on her side to face me. i shrank underneath her intense gaze.
"what about me, love?" i couldn't even get any words out, my throat had gone dry. lucy took things into her own hands and leaned forward to kiss me. it turned into an heated make out, our tongues battling against the other. she won that match and i opened my mouth to deepen the kiss. when we pulled apart, she only uttered one thing before diving back in.
"that's my girl."
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pocketsizedq · 6 months
Margaritas & Wings
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Request:can write where jamie drysdale is drunk and the reader is taking care of him? like it’s super cute. kinda going off of your post on how they would act when drunk. feel like he would be adorable and funny.
Word count:1287
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The music was loud sweaty bodies on the floor dancing the night away but you only had your eyes on the boy infront you.
Jamie was dancing his heart out on the dance floor with you as He could be separated from you. He wasn’t really dancing it was more of a wiggle which made you giggle, but you knew he would regret it in the morning.
He had his fourth coors light in his hand taking a drink of it watching you dance with a very droopy drunk grin. It wasn't the coors light that got him its the shots of whiskey Trevor and him got. You being the good girlfriend you are. You decided on being the sober driver as you weren't much of an alcohol drinker. you drank wine every now and then, but have never gotten blackout drunk as it worries you not knowing what you could do in that state of mind.
Jamie makes his way back over to your guys table setting his beer down nearly missing the table where Trevor was talking to some random ginger haired girl who seemed nice and you could tell that Trevor still had some common sense to him.
Trevor and the ginger haired girl were really hitting it off which you were watching from a far as Jamie and you made your way over to the table. You helped Jamie sit down when you noticed that they forgot two of his wings which you knew would make him upset.
Jamie starts to drunkenly eat the wing with tears clouding his blue eye which makes you start to worry about him when he lays his head on your shoulder eating the wing tears just pouring from his eyes.
You gently lift your hand up wiping his tear saying "what's wrong baby? you okay?"
"F..forgot ranch” Jamie spoke which was very slurred due to all the beers and shots he had prior. you were slightly confused by your boyfriend crying over ranch until you realized they forgot.
You’ve only seen Jamie drunk once or twice but he gets very emotional when he is and is very passionate about his food when he is drunk.
“we can get you some ranch baby no reason to cry honey.” You spoke softly to him finally taking in the wing and whiskey stains on his white shirt.
Jamie just nodded continuing to eat his wing with tear fall down his face which you wipe his face with your hand calling over the waiter to get the boy some ranch.
While you were doing that you could feel something hit your cheek which was the drunken hockey player trying to feed you his chicken wing.
“Pookie thoses are yours. you eat them baby” you spoke softly to him before hearing a whine coming from his mouth.
“I’m.. no pookie” He slurred out still trying to feed you his wing which Trevor and the red headed girl who you later found her name was lenox were very amused by what was happening. After all this Jamie finally finished his wings with his ranch which he finally stopped crying about which you felt sorry for him.
Trevor helped you get the Canadian to the car which was a struggle as he wasn’t ready to leave or he wanted to leave the poor boy couldn’t make his mind up.
By the time you had gotten to the apartment. Jamie was passed out asleep with his hand on your thigh which when you parked you gently rubbed his arm.
“let’s get you inside baby. I bet the headache already kicking in” you said to him walking over to the passenger side and with the help of Trevor you got Jamie into the apartment complex and into the apartment.
“do you need help getting him to your guys room” Trevor asked as you held Jamie close to so He doesn’t fall.
“I think I got it. Thank you for helping” You spoke to him to which Trevor waves off the thank you and was just glad his best friend found someone that made him happy.
You helped Jamie into your guy’s shared room. “sit down on the bed so I can remove your shoes baby” you spoke to him while he sat down on the queen size bed.
You squated down removing your boyfriend shoes before standing back up to kiss his head. Jamie goes to stay something but gets cut off do to the feeling of throwing up.
He runs to the bathroom kneels at the toilet throwing up the contents of his stomach which your quickly on your feet to follow behind him.
Your right behind him rubbing his back after a few minutes you help him stand up grabbing the clean wash cloth off the counter wetting it proceeding to wipe his mouth with it.
“there we go baby” you spoke to him softly caressing his cheek knowing the high of the alcohol is wearing off and the affect is hitting him.
“let’s get you out of theses clothes baby.” You calmly spoke to him trying not to hurt his head knowing that a headache is about to kick in.
“sit on the toilet.” He does what you said as he watches you walk off to go off to grab him clean clothes. Jamie started to feel his head start to hurt so He closed his eyed for a moment.
You grabbed a plain shirt and shorts for him coming back noticing that his eyes are close you knew that the hangover was really kicking in now.
You quietly made your way into the bathroom which makes him open his eyes again. "my head hurts." He spoke out rubbing his head as you made your way over softly giggling.
"it's the fun wearing off love. can you raise your arms up from me?" Jamie nods raising his arms letting you remove the beer and sauce covered shirt off his muscular frame.
You put the light blue shirt you had found from the closet kissing his head after getting the shirt on him. He stands up removing his jeans and you helped him get his shorts on.
“let’s get your teeth brushed baby.” Jamie nods sitting back down on the toilet watching you grabbing the toothbrush putting the tooth paste on the brush.
“Open” you told him which he did and you started gently brushing the Canadian teeth making sure to brush all of them.
After you got done brushing his teeth. you fill the cup that he keeps by the sink to wash his mouth and he takes the cup
Jamie takes the water into his mouth swishing the water in his mouth then spits it into the sink before wiping his mouth.
You help him get into bed before going into the kitchen grabbing a pedialyte from the fridge which you keep on hand because of Trevor and Jamie.
You make your way back into the bedroom closing the door walking over to Jamie side of the bed where he’s sound asleep.
You set the pedialyte and the advil on his nightstand before leaving to get ready for bed but that is when you get stopped.
“mamas..” He spoke out in a sleep voice with his hand around your wrist to which you kissed his forehead and said “I’m just getting ready for bed honey.”
You never thought a grown man could ever be adorable but you were wrong and you quickly hurried your night routine before turning off the lights joining your sleepy boyfriend in bed.
Jamie snuggled into your side while you played with his hair mumbling out a thank you for taking care of me and I love you.
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airaibunny · 9 months
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sana x reader - “finally” (“she's better” pt 2) (warnings: smut, angst, arguing, oral, fingering, scissoring[idk if there's a classier word], breast play, praise)
a/n: by popular request, here is the part two to "she's better." this took me so long, i didn't know what direction to take it in. hopefully you guys like the finished result! also, i didn’t include dom+indicators because it switches in the middle!
word count: 1.8k
you wake up to the feeling of warm sunlight on your face. after adjusting your eyes to the brightness, you notice sana is still in bed, hugging you as she sleeps. she would normally be gone by the time you wake up, but you’re glad she’s not.
last night was definitely different, it didn’t feel like the normal ‘just sex.’ you didn’t want to ask sana about it last night, it felt too soon. you’re hoping to talk to her about it today, maybe your relationship could become something more.
“good morning!”
you excitedly remark when you see sana is awake. you turn to hug her, burying your face in her chest.
she turns around, getting out of bed. you’re slightly taken aback by her response, but just brush it off because you’re both barely awake.
“so, last night was…new.”
she stretches, standing up and getting her clothes.
“mhm. i’m going to get ready, see you later.”
she gives you a half smile and walks outside. you sit in bed, confused at whatever just happened. she kissed you last night, she didn’t act like it was another causal hook-up, why was she suddenly being so cold?
you’d be lying if you said you weren’t somewhat angry at her right now, is she just playing with you?
you decide to just forget about it for now, maybe she’ll act differently later. for now, you just get ready for the day. with promotions finished, there’s not much to do until the end of your schedule, so you have the day off again.
you go outside to find everyone at the table, eating breakfast. you take a spot right next to sana, smiling at her. she halfheartedly smiles back and you lean in to whisper in her ear.
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing’s wrong.”
she joins in on the conversation at the table and completely forgets you’re there. why is she back to normal? you thought after last night she’d finally ask to be your girlfriend or at least confess her feelings for you, but maybe you got the wrong idea. maybe sana doesn’t like girls, you got too excited over nothing.
“hey, im sorry about the nayeon thing last night. we all talked about it when you went to your bedroom and realized we took it too far.”
chaeyoung puts her hand on your arm as she apologizes, you tell her it’s fine and everyone continues on with their discussion. you go back to thinking about sana, you genuinely can’t stop. why did she string you along like that? there’s no way she didn’t know what she was doing.
you sit through the rest of breakfast choking back tears. it’s really so foolish of you to be upset over this. sana hasn’t budged in months, why would that change now? as soon as everyone is done eating, you storm off to your room.
you stand there, silently crying and cursing yourself for getting your hopes up. you suddenly hear the door open and look back to see sana. you wipe your tears, putting your hands on your hips.
sana walks closer to you, noticing how red your face is. “hey. you okay?” she brushes your cheek with her finger and cups your face.
“yes. why’d you follow me?”
“well, you came into your room and it’s the middle of the day…”
you roll your eyes and take her hand off of your face. you can’t believe her right now.
“and what? that means i’m ready for you to fuck me?”
she stands silent for a second, looking puzzled “doesn’t it?” you huff in disbelief. “you’re unbelievable sana.”
she’s still staring at you quite baffled at whatever is happening. you’re growing angrier at the fact that she doesn’t immediately know why you’re acting like this.
“i don’t understand.” she crosses her arms, furrowing her eyebrows at you.
“of course you don’t, because i’m just a fun toy for you. you play with me when you’re bored, and ignore me when you’re not.” the words choke in your throat. you can feel yourself about to cry, but you can’t, you can’t show her how truly upset you are.
“what are you talking about? i thought we were both on the same page about this relationship.” your mouth opens in shock. “what relationship sana? we don’t have a relationship, you don’t want a relationship.” you feel a tear stream down your cheek and wipe it away.
“what? you’re the one who doesn’t want a relationship. you’ve never acted like you liked me in the slightest.”
sana walks closer to you. her eyes look glossy, like she’s about to cry.
“sana, when this started, you told me you didn’t like girls. you’re also not one for sticking around.”
“well, you said the same thing.” her eyes fill with tears, but she wipes them away before they fall down. “what was i supposed to say? ‘oh well, i do’ no, sana, i liked you. i still like you. i wanted to have something with you, and this was the only thing you were willing to give me.”
you’re sobbing as your speak, your voice breaking in between sentences. sana walks closer to you, holding your face in her hands. she lifts it up to kiss you, wiping away most of your tears.
“i’m sorry. i only said all of that because i didn’t know how you would react. i know that’s stupid, i should have told you how i really felt.” she kisses you again “i like you…“ she’s stops for second, thinking about her next words. “i love you, i love you so much.”
you hug her tightly, crying into her shirt for a few seconds.
after so many years being completely whipped for minatozaki sana, you finally know she feels the same way. you heart wants to jump out of your chest with excitement. she wasn’t stringing you along, she felt the same way you did! you were just both terrified of saying what you felt.
“sana, i love you too.”
you kiss again, it feels so much different than it before. it feels primal, you’re fully enveloped in her. the kiss quickly becomes something else, her hands travel to your sides, tugging at your shirt.
“let me show you how sorry i am.”
she whispers against your lips, pulling your shirt off your body. you pull off your shorts and underwear as well, you want her all over you. you try pulling her shirt off as well, but she grabs your hands.
“no, i want this to be all about you.”
“well, what i want is your tits. please.”
you look at her with a pout, she gives you a wicked smile while pulling her shirt off and tossing it aside. you immediately wrap your hands around her breasts, connecting your lips with hers at the same time. she guides you to the bed while still kissing you and pushes you down on it.
“what do you want me to do first?”
she bends down; leaving slow, wet kisses on your neck.
“go down on me, please?” she looks up, smiling. “whatever you want, princess.”
she moves lower, her lips hovering over your skin, letting you feel her breath all the way down. she stops at your dripping core, turning her face to kiss your thigh. you would normally beg her to stop teasing you, but not today. today, you want her to kiss every inch of you.
she continues kissing you, leaving bruises and bite marks with her mouth all over your thighs. you’re dripping onto the sheets at this point, your body aches for some sort of friction. luckily, she’s done teasing you for now. you feel her tongue drag across your folds and slap a hand over your mouth to cover your moans.
she giggles at your reaction and you bring your other hand to her hair. her tongue moves up and down your core, earning low moans from you. she wraps her lips around your clit and sucks on it, fuck she’s so good.
“sana, feels good. please don’t stop.”
you look down at her, delighting in how pretty she looks. she’s still doing the same thing with her tongue, but you can now feel her fingers on your heat. she runs them across your entrance before forcing them in, making you cry out in pleasure.
with the added stimulation, you can feel yourself on the edge already. her fingers curl inside you as her tongue circles around your clit, both in perfect synchrony.
“fuck, sana-“
you finish while moaning her name, your lower body twitching. once she finishes completely cleaning you and her fingers off, she comes up for a kiss.
“you taste so good, princess.”
she gives you an inebriating smirk, bending down to kiss you again. “what now?”
“let me ride you.”
she stops kissing you, widening her eyes in shock.
“you heard me, let me…ride you.”
you push her down on the bed beside you and pull down her shorts, straddling her without waiting for a definitive answer. you push your hair to the side, lowering yourself to her neck. you use your hands to play with her breasts while using your lips to mark her, you want everyone to know she’s yours now.
“lift your leg.”
you order, feeling a sudden rush from being so dominant. she complies, lifting one of her legs over yours. you lower yourself, letting your folds come in direct contact with hers. you both moan and sit still for a second, getting adjusted to the new feeling.
“ready?” you ask down at her and she nods, so you start moving your hips. sana is instantly a whimpering mess, and so are you. you twitch a bit every time your clits rub against each other, she feels amazing. you notice a tear fall down her cheek and you’re surprised at how much that turns you on.
looking down at her in such a vulnerable state is exhilarating. you never thought you’d enjoy this so much, but all you want is to hear is her moaning and whimpering for you, because of you.
“does that feel good?”
she nods and you speed up, making you both grow louder. you know the members are outside but you can barely think about anything but her.
you’re both very close, you can see how flushed she is and how quickly her tears are coming. “you’re so pretty.” you whisper against her skin as you bend down to kiss her chest.
you feel your body tensing, about to reach your high. sana does before you however, squeezing your thigh. her release is all you need to hear before you come completely undone. you slow down, panting as you try to calm yourself.
you stare down at sana, smiling to yourself. she notices your smile once she opens her eyes and asks “are we done?”
“not by a long shot, i want to see you cry more.”
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linos-luna · 4 months
My Queen (Pt. 4) 🔪
Yandere!Hyunjin x Fem!Reader
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt 5)
Warnings: delusions, Stockholm Syndrome, toxic relationship, yandere
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Gently, Hyunjin braided your hair, adding little flowers and clips, making you feel special. After months of staying indoors, you finally convinced him to go on a date outside, beyond the usual garden or park outings.
It’s not that he didn’t trust you, he just worried about someone stealing you away. As he finished tying your hair, you discussed the day's plan.
"So, first the cafe?"
"Yes, love," he nodded
"Then a walk through town and maybe some shopping?"
"Mmhm..." he nodded, a bit nervous.
"And dinner at the end?"
"Yes, only the best for you, my queen," he replied.
"That makes me happy," you said, turning to give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Thats good," he smiled, the nervousness fading as your affection warmed the moment.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ 👑
You took a sip of your hot mocha, sighing with comfort as you took in your surroundings. It was so nice being out in public. Fresh air and the warm smell of coffee had you feeling good.
It was a chilly day and Hyunjin had you dressed in a skirt with warm tights and boots. While at the cafe, he would be eyeing any and all people in the surrounding area. No one should lay eyes on his queen. No one here is worthy of her presence.”
Due to drinking a large Iced Americano, Hyunjin had to take a bathroom break. He wanted to be quick, but he knew you wouldn’t move.
"Y/n? Is that you?"
You hear a familiar voice and turn around. It was a friend.
"Oh, hi Jihyo!"
"Where have you been?" The girl asked while coming right up to you.
"What do you mean?"
"You've been gone for months! We thought you were kidnapped!"
"Oh I’m okay. I'm not kidnapped. Hyunjin brought me home."
"Hyunjin?” She said with a pause. “That weird guy who likes you? Did he kidnap you?"
"No, he brought me back to the castle."
"The cas— y/n, that's crazy talk! He kidnapped you! He's not right in the head.”
“What do you mean?” You ask with the tilt of your head.
“You’ve been gone for months!” She said frantically. “How could you let him keep you imprisoned like that??”
“Oh no.” You replied. "He's the love of my life,"
"Y/n, he's brainwashed you," Jihyo said, grabbing your wrist.
“How has he done that—?”
Hyunjin returned, glaring until Jihyo let go. "Who is this?" he asked.
"A friend, Jinnie. We were catching up, right?"
"Y/n..." Jihyo spoke cautiously. "We should hang out sometime."
"Yeah? Maybe you can visit." You added excitedly. “Jinnie, can Jihyo visit the castle?"
"I'll think about it," he said.
"Come on, darling," Hyunjin said, pulling you away. "Let's go; I want to get you some pretty jewelry."
"Okay! See you later, Jihyo!"
Your friend watched as the man lead you out. She was incredibly worried. Yeah she was glad you’re okay but she’s also worried about how you spoke. What has he done to you?
~~~~~~~ 👑
“What were you talking with your friend about?” He asked while getting back to the car.
“Not much really.” You said with a shrug. “She’s just been wondering where I’ve been.”
“What did you say?”
“I said that you took me home. Back to the castle.” You said with a smile.
Hyunjin sighed with relief while leaning in to give a quick kiss.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, my love.”’
~~~~~ 👑
After some shopping and him just spoiling you in general, you found yourselves at a restaurant. Nothing too fancy but still nice.
As you waited for your meal, Hyunjin, rubbed your hand and admired the new necklace he'd given you. He had an even bigger surprise planned and was excited. When the food arrived, you felt awkward; you were used to him feeding you.
"Sorry, Love," he apologized, noticing your hesitation. "I didn't mean to make you wait!"
"It's okay, Jinnie.”
Ignoring the curious looks, Hyunjin cut up your food and fed you, even taking care of your drink. It might have seemed strange to others, but they figured it was just a cringy couple thing.
After finishing, he ordered dessert, a slice of cake for you to share along with ice cream.
As you waited, Hyunjin stood up next to you, taking your hand.
“Y/n, my love.”
“You are the most beautiful and amazing woman ever. No one compares to you, my queen.” He continued. “I wish to spend all eternity with you. I wish to rule by your side forever and ever.”
After getting on one knee, he pulled out a ring from his pocket, one he had bought earlier in secret. “Will you marry me?”
You covered your mouth in shock. So unexpected! You could feel as the others in the restaurant turned their heads at the interesting scene.
“Of course I will!” You said with a smile, hugging him tight as he stood up. This illicited the surrounding patron to clap and cheer. Believing that this was so sweet.
Some tears rolled down your cheeks as he slipped the ring on. “I love it, Jinnie.”
In this moment, you felt so happy. Surrounded by cheering people and your loving boyfriend— no Fiancé! You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him. The love of your life.
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