#i figure if i put these on twt i should also put them here
honeydots · 5 months
happy wip wednesday here's a snippet of one of my fics for xnlw midwinter >:D
“This doesn’t seem much like king’s work,” Laslow says to Xander as he scribbles down the number of oat bags they’ve got sitting in a dusty corner, glancing up between his entries.
And Xander barely gives Laslow his attention, not even turning back as he works. “You’d prefer to do this alone?”
“No,” Laslow says, “I don’t want to do it, period.” If he doesn’t get a very warm bath after this, he’s going to throw a fit. His toes are so cold, he worried for the sanctity of their place on his feet.
“Fourteen barrels of wheat,” Xander replies plainly, and then as Laslow begrudgingly writes, “You’ve gotten bolder in your complaining, recently.”
Laslow ignores the comment. “They’ll think you don’t trust them, you know,” he says, and he means that. He’s certainly trying to get out of this chilly work, but he’s got good reason to. “The guards, the merchants. You don’t have to do it all yourself, asking goes a long way.”
Which makes Xander finally turn and face Laslow, an eyebrow quirked up and his arms folded deeply into him. “Was it not you who wanted me to do my work here?”
Feeling a little caught, Laslow grins, biting his bottom lip. “Wise to my tricks?” He wasn’t really all that subtle about the fort, but sometimes Xander gives him what he wants when he’s persistent about it. “Well, yes. But I thought the problem we’d be solving was communication and trying to rectify the dissonance, rather than freezing in a storage center while my fingers turn blue.”
Laslow wiggles his gloved fingers—which are blue, and that’s the joke—at Xander, and he shakes his head, finally letting a smile give way.
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attyattlaw · 4 months
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cross posting yesterday's rambling thread for posterity and because tumblr lets me edit things. anyway this is a sorta long thing and i might add things i forgot to mention in the twt thread
i tend to draw on-model canon because im a coward + just personal preferences. but the way i convert the canon designs into my artstyle is that i take the distinct features oda gives them and then combine it with personal headcanons to complete what should look like a unique human. Starting with Trafalgar Law, who is unfortunately a bland-ass conventionally pretty boy
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someone commented a while ago the law hat drawing tutorial i made a while ago didn't make much sense and i realize its bc of the specific way i draw law's face: heart shaped (ba-dum-tss). That meaning, a narrow chin widening into a mild defined jaw, wide cheekbones, and up to his know-it-all brain dome.
given that, the pudgy guitar pick shape of his head i mentioned here should make a lot more sense.
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i don't think this design point is unique to me, as most conventional pretty anime boy gets given jaws like this. a lot of law artists tend to veer into this head shape. just how life be sometimes. other points: flat, thick eyebrows is bc im a hairy gal and i need to feel better about myself.
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Killer gets to be more interesting, because he shouldn't be considered conventionally attractive. my idea behind killer's is that those individual features is smth he would be insecure with enough to hide himself in a helmet but i draw him with all the love in the world actually. i'd like to think its how kid sees him or yknow, law, bc he's my kin assigned blorbo and maybe you ship lawkill as a guilty pleasure too i mentioned before (and ruined people's days) when i said whenever i draw killer he looks like griffith before i put on his goatee. the upper half of his face is distinctly feminine, with the lower half kinda over compensating. other than that uhh...idk. stan killer
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Kidd is the bane of my existence, i feel like i can never draw his face consistently. yet at the same time he's so damn fun to draw everyone gotta try it.
my problem with kidd is that this mf does have eyelids. most kidd painters out there interpret this as him having deep set eyes (think Matt Smith or jeffrey star) . and yeh skill issue on me i should practice that. other notes, i try to make him younger than canon makes him look. he is my babygirl and he deserves to look cuddly. my band au kidd version has the honor of being allowed some chubs. he's just tries to look older and more menacing with edgy makeup. also i try to give him dimples when i can because, well i can.
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Rosinante last bc i lost steam after kidd. the thing abt cora is that aside from not having eyebrows, everything is structured with the generic one piece man template. which means i gotta do everything myself doffy is there bc the way to figure out how to draw these two is to give them minor differences from each other, that being doffy gets slightly sharper features. in canon, these two are also rly wide boys (more of an oda style feat tbh) but i make them long. though bigger brained donquixote artists know that of these two brothers, doffy should be the wiry-er built. anyway that's it. in conclusion, i need to draw more girls actually i feel like im becoming misogynistic by osmosis from oda's style and now i draw girls all looking the same too.
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
hi! so, uh, I wasn't really sure where to send this, but you seem nice and (hopefully) have some advice. I'm aroace, specifically sapphic-oriented cupioromantic ace, and I think I have a squish on this one girl. or maybe mesh? idk. all I know is that I really like her and want to be close to her, I think the word for me is alterous attraction? or maybe platonic or aesthetic, because I think she looks really cool too. honestly, I'm not really sure what the heck I feel :') could be a crush, squish, mesh, or just wanting to be friends. uhh anyways, I'm not really sure what to do about it. idk, I guess I want to become closer to her?
anyways, sorry for bothering you. basically I was wondering if you have any thoughts on what im feeling, what I should do, and also maybe how you and your qpp got into a qpr with each other? if u dont mind.
oh! and congrats on you engagement, your 'no one can know I dont like sex' comics make me smile and also have helped me figure out myself! thanks.
Hey!! I'm so sorry I'm replying to this ask so late T^T Kinda buried myself in other projects of let myself get distracted for this blog for a lil while... Either way I hope I'm not too late TwT And don't worry, you're not bothering at all!! (Also thank you so much for the kind words, they mean a lot TwT)
I guess... Whatever you do about it is up to you honestly, as vapid as that probably sounds of me! Heck, maybe you've already taken some steps since writing to me too, late as I am...
I also don't wanna put a label on how you feel, because it's a very personal thing, but I'll say – honestly you don't even necessarily NEED to put a label on it, not yet or not ever (whatever works for you), if you're not sure how to call it. The most important thing is if you're vibing with what you are, besides that you don't owe anyone any explanation. Though I guess it's also understandable to want to know what to call it if you're gonna bring it up to her... But also (maybe I'm naive, but yeah) I think there's nothing wrong with just sincerely saying you don't know how to call things yet either, even to her. I feel it'd be fair to both of you still, personally.
As far as me and my QPP, I didn't do anything – they were the one who realized they had a squish on me and took all the steps originally to get it going 🙈 Which they told me was definitely nerve-wracking! But yeah, their handle is @civiart if you want to reach out to them too for more advice, or they can also answer further questions here on my behalf, they told me whichever is fine with them^^
But also in case it helps, I've actually drawn how it went down for us here in the past, and I tried to elaborate a bit on my own experience of a QPR here and here!
And sorry again for being late TwT I wish you the best though!
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
My headcanons for rex in love with a jedi reader
Like i promised hehe 
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This gif does things to my heart I can't- also I have a huge headache rn but that isn't gonna stop me from simping f💀
A/n at the end please read!!and enjoy
It really all starts when anakin mentions you saying that your headed to their current planet due to unforeseen circumstances with your own mission.
rex doesn't think much on it just another jedi general he has to work with right?
Wrong- Once reader heads off that shuttle opens and you come out mans ceases to function
inwardly of course i don't see rex as someone who shows that he's  nervous a lot,once he knows someone close enough he’ll show that side of himself.
Ahsoka who joined anakin noticing something's off with rex obviously
after your first initial meeting rex doesn't really think much on these emotions. I mean its just a small crush right?
nah the universe has other plans for this man-
Insert slight fumbled in words when you suddenly appear out of nowhere asking him where anakin is(which is totally not a ploy by the reader just to see him)
and when you ask him to show you how he usually leads through battle he's more than happy to oblige but while doing so you detect a sense of nervousness from him
These so called “Temporary feelings” didn't really seem to go away even after you been here for a few months.But...i dont think rex minds it all that much as when he figured them out. And i'm definitely sure his men notice the slight change whenever your around,so does anakin and ahsoka XD
After order 66
Obviously rex wasn't there when your own men attack you, escaping just barely.
However he receives a tip from the martinez sisters that a mysterious person helped them on a mission and gave them coordinates should they ever need them again.
Rex doesn't assume its you, Maybe another clone deserter.
his way other there is bumpy however he makes it to the given coordinates and is surprised to see not a clone. But the Jedi general that had made him nervous all that time ago.
Of course your startled thinking he was there to kill you
But he puts down his weapon.
After this reunion the you offer rex to stay a while as he decides what to do
to which he lowkey thinks ‘ah,they don't wanna stay with me?’(mf just ask-)
Which he does which makes you both go :0 
despite being shocked reader accepts and they soon leave together
Rex and reader become very good partners and i imagine everyone they meet is like “You two are very beautiful couple!”
“Were not couple...”(Yet) 
small glances at each other when each one thinks one is not looking
when you have nightmares of order 66 rex tries his best to comfort you after.
Tbh i think rex would be the sweetest next to wrecker in terms of affection 
hed show them through his actions rather this words
he will start getting more and more confident throughout your time together
Id like to think when he does tell reader his feelings reader will tell him too, interrupting each other.
Its a very sweet confession, and passionate one long overdue.
A/n:AHHH i dont think this ones very good, but i wanted to write rex so badly and tried to stay close to him as possible. uhm so like your girl hasn't watched clone wars yet- IM SORRY in my defense i don't have disney plus atm TwT Also if you made it this far,do you guys like long fics? i noticed i write a lot...i like it!!but i'm not sure if that's something you as the readers like. so please leave me feedback!!! i'm trying to learn^^also i didn't just go off from what i saw in on eclip of rex,i literally binged watch all the clips of him on YT bhdcikshdshodisj. 
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soupthatistohot · 1 year
atsushi’s distorted view of dazai
i originally posted this as a twt thread but i figured i'd put it here too since tumblr is kinda better for character analysis type stuff!!
it started when a mutual posted these panels from the manga:
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and it got me thinking. because this really just shows how distorted atsushi's view of dazai is. like. i don't think he fully comprehends how little regard dazai had (and to a certain extent, has) for other people's lives. the reason akutagawa is like that is BECAUSE of dazai....
and like i'm of the belief that part of the reason dazai has put sskk together is bc they make each other better, they call out each other's flaws. atsushi calls akutagawa out for being the slaughterer he is, and as we saw with the the scene of him sparing the guy on the ship, aku has become better for it. (in a similar way, aku calls out atsushi's weaknesses, too). so in a weird way, this is dazai "fixing" the mistake he made with how he trained akutagawa, bc he basically taught him to be ruthless.
do i think dazai has regret? possibly, but i think it's more strategic than moral. like, i don't think he regrets for inflicting emotional damage as much as he regrets how akutagawa turned out. he also basically refuses to confront this issue head-on. he uses atsushi as a conduit and never really apologizes (which he should apologize!!!!).
so because he doesn't really take responsibility for how akutagawa turned out, atsushi has this idea in his head that it's entirely akutagawa's fault that he's so violent. atsushi doesn't really know what dazai put him through. i wonder if he ever will, because i think that'd be really interesting to explore, especially how it's implied that he's starting to see dazai as more of a father figure now (ex: his replacing the orphanage director as atsushi's mental motivator). i think atsushi would have really mixed feelings about learning how dazai was in his pm days. i don't think he'd hate him or anything like that, especially since he's changed some since then, but i think it would make for very interesting character exploration for them both.
link to original twt thread
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melit0n · 5 months
I read ur tags about the new ST masks and honestly, I agree, it's very different (very Slipknot and gore-ish) and right now, the discography and overall vibe doesn't match(like a handful of songs have a true metal quality to it) and unless they're gonna start releasing new stuff the vibes kind of...clash? And so far Vessel is the same, so I'm wondering if the others just wanted to stand out more and were given creative freedom or if everything is going to shift at some point :/ I also think its a bit been there done that (but the simpler black and gold mask I like) the others remind me of the Joker or a Shrunken Head
Thank you for the ask anon! To be honest, I saw 'I read it tags about the new ST mask...' and I panicked thinking I was about to get left-right-goodnighted in an ask, but I'm glad it wasn't so, lol.
Further, I'm glad someone agrees with me. I said what I said in my tags on twt and within the hour I had 20+ people in my replies quote tweeting me saying how I 'wasn't a proper fan for not liking the change', how I 'should leave and stop listening if I was going to be negative', and (my personal favourite because it was so absurd) 'you're so one of the people that found them through TikTok. Good to have a cleanse of the fandom if you were only here because you have a mask kink'.
Even had someone tell me to off myself! Which was, y'know, lovely. I don't have any screenshots because I was just sat there trying to figure out how to reply to them, then saw the one that told me to off myself and just had a little overwhelmed cry and deleted the tweet, in which I then got tagged in a now deleted tweet calling me a pussy. You are so loved my ass.
I deleted it because it made me feel really shit about myself (for obvious reasons), but it made me feel more shit when I woke up the next day seeing people say the same things I did (like hoping it was only a Wembly thing, but considering the amount of detail and effort that's been put into those outfits and masks, I think not), and getting nothing but acceptance and neutrality in the replies. I'm not particularly popular on twt since people are fond of copy and pasting my post about Euclid, not giving credits, blocking me when I ask them to, and when their mutuals see that I'm blocked by them they just have at me for no reason, but I think it says a lot about a fandom if they can go from getting everyone to hold up a three for iii at the concerts out of pure adoration to telling someone to off themselves because they don't like the new designs. (sorry for the rant about twt anon)
I'll repeat what I said in my tags; they feel very out of place to me. Again, maybe it's just the fact I'm used to the balaclavas since I've been around here for a while, so all I've really known is Vessel's custom mask and the collective of balaclavas, but they just don't match. They stick out more than Vessel does, both design and colour pallet wise. Vessel is in full black with white accents and a white, red and gold mask, the Esperas are in full black with white accents and a red mask. And then the guys are there, y'know? Don't get me wrong, the amount of detail and effort that's been put into the designs are amazing, and they definitely have to have given each member creative freedom because each mask and design matches the lad's vibe immaculately (especially iii's), but it doesn't match Sleep Token's vibe as a collective. I like IV's design best because his matches his stage presence and ST's vibe (as you said, the simpler gold and black mask), as well as ii's (minus the hair).
I think maybe the hair on ii's and iii's masks in general are throwing me off lol.
Furthermore, Sleep Token's only full on trad metal songs are Gods from Sundowning and Vore from TMBTE, so I got really surprised when I was basically looking at Slipknot masks curated for Sleep Token. ST are known to genre bend constantly, so maybe we will get new stuff. But, considering they've had the same vibe in their music since 2016, I'd be a bit surprised if their new single/new album was just all trad metal, or at least has a lot of aspects of it, but who knows! Maybe change for them is inevitable.
I think it's well known on this blog that the passing of time and change in literally anything is my mortal enemy so seeing this kind of randomly happen gave me whiplash. I don't think I can love the new designs as much as I loved the old balaclavas, but that doesn't mean I don't like Sleep Token anymore, y'know? All I can really do is apologise for having a non super positive opinion and hope people don't hound me on here for it (which, so far, they haven't, and I appreciate you very much for being really chill about this anon). Give me a week and I'll probably be on the boat of liking them and making analysis posts on all the little details, lol
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staarry-skies · 1 year
gonna be insane abt usamamo for a second im so sorry esp to my moots who do not care about sailor moon my heart goes out to you
read more bc this is so much longer than was intended
i see a lot of the same "theyre only in love because of fate/their superhero alter egos/their past" takes A Lot (to be fair its usually directed at the 90s anime, to which i do agree n understand, however ive also seen it directed at the manga which is why im talking abt it) and i just Do Not Agree, so im gonna talk abt it in a twt thread bc im insane and twt is my outlet for my insanity. (this was originally written for twt but got too long oops.)
starting with the whole "theyre only dating because of past lives" because its the easiest to debunk, its just flat out not true. mamoru n usagi never really got the chance to officially get to together pre-past lives reveal in the manga but its pretty damn clear they were going to, probably the next time they met as civilians and swapped their different keepsakes that they have from each other.
theres also the whole "oh well their feelings are remnants of silmil" which i think takes away a lot of their agency as characters and also just isnt true and is also pretty easily disprovable, usagi likes mamoru for being there for her and supporting her when she needs it, and mamoru likes usagi for being this incredibly strong heroine but also being a normal cheery girl all at the same time.
which leads me to the next point! "they only like each other because of their alter egos", two rebuttals here, they dont exactly stop being tuxedo mask/sailor moon just because theyre out of costume that is still them but i do see why this is a popular criticism. my other thing is that its definitely not true for mamoru, whos usually the one criticized for not truly liking the Real Usagi™️ and only liking her for sailor moon (or serenity but we just went over that and funnily enough this criticism should be directed more to usagi but we'll get into that later).
for this lets go back to why mamoru loves usagi, according to earlier in this post i claimed it was because of the dichotomy between her and sailor moon, the crime fighting warrior, and usagi the happy-go-lucky school girl who always brings a smile to everyones face, thus showing that he loves /all/ of her not just one side over the other.
but me saying so isnt really enough so lets hear it from the boy in question: "its true... for a long time the crystal was the only thing i wanted... but now when i see her... angry one moment then laughing the next... the crystal? no thats not what i really want... usako youre what i want" - (crystal ep 7) so... yeah thats pretty cut and dry, oh yeah nows also a good time to mention that ill be pulling stuff from crystal too because of the nature of crystal having been more closely supervised by naoko and being a stricter manga adaptation, any scenes it adds are retroactively canon to the mangaverse (at least to me, but if youre looking for a similar line from the manga: "youre strong today sailor moon, everyday i feel like im seeing a different side to you, is there other versions of you ive yet to meet? i want to know everything, who are you really?" - (chapter 8) same idea as the crystal quote just a lot more vague lol)
also this is reflected in more than just words, its actions too, tuxedo mask is a lot more closed off towards sailor moon earlier on and its not until chapter 4 that he starts being a lot more openly caring and affectionate, and you wanna know what happens in chapter 4? he finds out sailor moon is usagi, and it doesnt take a lot of media literacy to put two and two together to figure out why that shift happens there.
now for usagi, remember when i said the whole "liking the alter-egos" criticism applies to her more but is never directed at her? well heres why, we never really see her civilian relationship with mamoru develop much on her end before the reveal, she is of course attracted to mamoru but on a way more superficial level (usagis pretty notorious for her immediate, but ultimately kinda surface level crushes on people: see rei).
she denies her crush but its pretty obvious she has one, for example when mako points out that usagis blushing after one of their interactions and asks about it and she insists pretty loudly that she "doesnt like him!" but never really explains the blush (earlier in the same scene when she sees mamoru she blushes and b-dmp! is written in the bg, keep in mind he hasnt done or said anything yet so its not embarrassment) and then theres chapter 3 where she recognizes that his profile sorta looks like tuxedo mask which she'd actively try to deny if she didnt like him like she says she does, so its pretty obvious she has a crush on mamoru.
but her relationship with tuxedo mask is what gets more development, she goes from that superficial crush she has on mamoru to liking him for deeper reasons than just: pretty guy! i.e. helping her, being there for her, and grounding her when she needs it. also in the same vein as her recognizing him in chapter 3 the reveal is her just recognizing him as tuxedo mask, which obviously she has to like mamoru quite a bit to do (even if the evidence was quite literally all around her) (in saying all of this i do think pgsm does a much better job at showing her genuinely falling for all of him but pgsm also skews more towards the 90s anime in terms of characterization so i wont be using that).
and finally "usamamo are only together/feel pressured to be together because of fate/chibiusa" short answer: no. long answer: noooooooooo. no but in all seriousness this flat out isnt true, if you'll remember the first 14 chapters of the manga are kinda. yk. dedicated to this. their fate isnt to "be together" their fate is to literally DIE if they dare attempt to be together again, they are together DESPITE fate, like i dont even know how else to put it because multiple characters comment on fate repeating itself when it comes to dooming usamamo, they werent reincarnated to be together they were reincarnated to be happy and live normal peaceful lives.
as for fate as in the future, thats pretty easily disprovable because its ALSO something the manga goes over, during the dream arc when mamorus suffering from nehelennias curse he starts feeling guilty and selfish for constantly being a burden on usagi to the point he asks her if she really does want a future with him, even saying that he feels horrible for potentially tying her down to a future she might not want, which yk would kinda not be a concern he would have if he was only with her for the creation of crystal tokyo (side note: nowhere does it say usamamo NEED to be together for crystal tokyo to exist, usagi could very well rule alone like queen serenity or with any other partner, its just that the current timeline has them together in ct) as for usagis response, mamoru falls asleep before he can hear it, but she says point blank that she can change the future if she wants. So. Yeah. dont really think i need to say much more than that on that front.
And the last part of the "fate saga", "theyre only together to have chibiusa" which is such a crazy and lowkey highkey misogynistic sentiment, but for arguments sake lets take a look at why its completely wrong, first off, again. "i can change the future as much as i want" - (chapter 40) she could have chibiusa by other means (for example the way queen serenity had serenity) but also, the reason they care so much about chibiusa is because she's a product of their love, they obviouly care about her as a person but they wouldnt just force themselves to be together just to have her and her alone (if that makes sense i have no idea how to phrase what im trying to say) in any case its a really gross thing to say because it insinuates a lot of really weird things!
if you made it through all that you deserve like a medal or something but thanks for listening to my silly little thoughts about my favorite couple right now
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luu-lulu-luu · 8 months
Classroom Composer (English TL)
Some notes: I saw this on Twitter so I tried translating this story! However my twt account is totally unrelated to EnStars so I can't reply to the tweet ;; I hope the asker sees this somehow... And I also now know that you can shorten super long posts ;; Enough with the chitchat. Please enjoy! ↓
Original Title: 教室の作曲家 Leo Tsukinaga Idol Story, ! Era Scenario Writer: Yuuki Yoshino Appearing Idols: Leo Tsukinaga, Nazuna Nito, Wataru Hibiki
Setting: 3-B Classroom
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Unya!? Shtop appyearing out of nyowhere! You shurprished me!
Wahaha, I have no idea what you just said! Uhh, Nazu? You're Nazu, right?
You forgot again!? Leochin, you have a hard time remembering things that you have no interest in after all~ Ugh, I got hurt by my own words. Anyways Leochin, classes ended quite some time ago, you know~?
Eh, really? I even hurried to come here too~ This school is like a maze so it's super easy to get lost. Whose idea was it to make this place so ridiculously wide? Bring them to me!
You're asking the wrong person... Though you should at least remember where this classroom is, or you'll have a tough time.
More importantly, Nazu, what are you doing? Ah, wait! I'm gonna fantasize about it! It's no fun if you tell me the answer so easily!
Aah! Don't stomp around! You're scattering the trash all over the place! Just when I finished cleaning up too~!
A~ah! Stupid! Fool! Nazu, you idiot~!
Eeh, why the sudden name-calling...?
Uu~ I said I wanna try fantasizing about what you were doing, but you just gave me a huge hint! You poopyhead!
...It's like I'm talking to a little kid. Look, I'm really sorry about giving out the answer, so can you help me clean?
...? Why?
Ah, so you really forgot. The ones in charge for cleaning up for today is me, Leochin, and Wataruchin, remember?
Hm~ I don't think this place needs cleaning up. But wait, where's the other one? I see. So he got lost, huh?
He's not the same as you, Leochin~ Wataruchin is probably just skipping class, like he always does.
I get that. There are more important things in life than studying after all~ It's totally fine to attend classes only when you're feeling up to it~♪
We're idols, but we're also students~ It's not good to neglect your studies, you know.
What, you're lecturing me now? Just so you know, it just fell on deaf ears! So it's totally meaningless! Let's do something much more meaningful! Like composing or something!
S-Stop! Don't write on the floor and on the walls! Come on, Leochin, get the dustpan and gather the trash!
Eh~ I already said this earlier, but I don't think we need to clean up! Well, it's fine. I just need to gather up all the trash I scattered earlier, right? *humming*~♪
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(*Sigh* I somehow managed to get Leochin to help me clean so we're sure to finish up faster this way. I'll go ahead and clean the blackboard then~) Mn~! Mmnh~! Mnnnh~! (It's just barely out of my reach! Who the heck wrote something that high!!) (Uu~ I guess I need to bring a chair over to reach that part. It's one of those times when it's so inconvenient being small.)
Wahaha. The way you hopped around was so funny!
Uu~ Stop laughing at me and come help! I can't reach that part of the board. What about you, Leochin?
Nope, I can't either. That's why I'm gonna carry you, Nazu! Here we go, upsy daisy! Wahaha, that's my mom impression!
Woah?! Leochin, you're stronger than you look~!
Nah. If anything, I can feel my strength fading. Wahaha, my arms are shaking! You're so light, Nazu~♪ Are you eating your meals properly? You have to eat three times a day or you're not gonna grow!
Leochin, I could say the same to you, you know? ...Alright, you can put me down now. Thanks, Leochin.
Yup, being thanked sure feels good! Nazu, your light body and your hopping figure just gave me a burst of inspiration! Wahaha, inspiration is overflowing! You have my thanks too, Nazu~♪
Ahaha, you're welcome. Hm~ The eraser got dirty now so I might as well clean it. Leochin, can you put all the trash in that tra---
Umya!? Wha, wha---Whar are you nyuing!?
Ah, I understood that one! What you ask, I'm composing of course. You said I can't write on the floor and the walls so I'm writing it on the board~♪
The board is off-limits too! And we just cleaned it a few moments ago! You know we have to erase everything again, right?
Wait, wait! It's such a waste to erase this new song! Let me write it down somewhere else!
Like I said, don't write on the floor and the walls! Write it down on a notebook or something!
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Amazing! Whenever you need me, and whenever you may not need me, I shall make a spectacular entrance! Wataru Hibiki, at your service ☆ Hmmm, I see that you are engaged in artistic endeavors. Please leave it to me! Come one, come all, don't take your eyes off of me for even a moment! One, Two, Amazing ☆
Unya, rowsh petalsh!?
Woah! Roses suddenly appeared on the board! And they're drawn so artistically! If Shuu was here, he would definitely love seeing these~♪ Wait, you didn't draw over my composition too! Thanks! I really love nice guys like you ♪
Umyaaa! All our effors earlyer have gyone chu wayshte, you knyow!? Uu~ if I knew this was gonna happen, I should've cleaned everything by myself...
Aah, this is fun! It's the best! Inspiration is flowing nonstop ♪ I feel like I can write a masterpiece right here, right now! You guys can look forward to it, wahahahaha☆
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springlock-suits · 1 year
"Who are the main characters?"
In my version of fnaf it's definitely William, as we follow him around the most during the story!
Previously I was really focused on Fredbear's Family Diner, and the origin to everything, because I love Fredbear's Family Diner
But while the diner is no doubt very fun to explore. I realized it's not what I really want from fnaf yknow?? I'm still trying to flesh the origins of everything out don't worry, but now I'm gonna TRY and be more focused on the fnaf 1 crew/the 90s location!
Maybe Fazbear Frights too, bc I love and adore Phone Dude
Maybe ill focus on the frights for the ballpit au, more than the "wouldn't it be cool if William wasn't evil and could interact with Phone Dude" that it currently is
"Main animatronics in your au?"
Definitely the classics! I'd say all the animatronics from the first 3 games are my priority here. as I'm trying to keep the 5 missing kids, the puppet and the purple guy the main focus of the story
Since it's mostly gonna be in the 90s location with a focus on the 5 missing kids, it's only natural the classics get the spotlight ^v^
I'm also gonna -try- and give the puppet more relevance! I need to figure out what I'm doing for the Fright's and if the story ends there to see what I want to do with her though
"Some info about the missing children?"
They all possess whatever their favorite animatronic was in life! William always gained the trust of his victims first so he knew which character they'd want to be
And, I've been refreshing my knowledge on some canon recently, and I really like how in the books the kids don't seem to know that William killed them, or that they're dead at all. They're just playing pretend with their bunny friend </3
So I'm tempted to add that! Bc it lets the kids be happy and devastates me
I can't give details on each individual yet, as I'm making up the cast and I've already posted about the foxy child. So all I know is Susie and Cassidy.
But hmm. Susie's dog possesses Carl the Cupcake
And Cassidy is different in my version. They can still be the most vengeful of the kids, but idk, I've never really liked how ucn characterized Cassidy. Being the "one you should not have killed" and forcing all the others to stay and torment William when they want to move on. I've never liked that
Trying to find a good balance between "the kids dont know they're dead and just think they're playing" and "the kids DO know they're dead and are incredibly vengeful and upset
Because like. I love BOTH ideas. But its ah, very hard to get them to both work at the same time. But I love them so much TWT
Decided to "redesign" the fnaf 1 location to make more sense to me as a pizza & arcade and as a functioning building
Accidentally made a distinct lack of places to put emergency exits for guests, which only adds to the authenticity as a Fazbear building I think
Animatronics can't see or enter the Saferoom or Entrance
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I am willing to take questions and criticisms bc I do want to make this the map of my version
Gameplay wise, I'm not sure if the connecting rooms and lack of dead ends makes this harder or easier to survive. I'm assuming harder
"Have you ever thought of the menus they would sell in your AU?"
A little bit!
I think different locations had different menus!
Like the Diner! I think it had a little bit of everything, in line with 'Diner' name. All homemade pizzas, burgers, fries, chicken, milkshakes. It takes a LONG wait for your order to be done but you can bet its gonna be the most delicious food you've ever had. There was also a salad bar added later on in the Diner's life. The diner had the most unique menu, as it wasn't really trying to be a pizza and arcade like establishment, they just happened to be similar
When Fazbear Entertainment bought the company, they quickly slashed the Diner's menu. To be far more cost efficient, and so the restaurant could be considered competition with other pizza and arcades around at the time.
So Freddy Fazbear's Pizza was alot more focused on pizza, and pizza related items! Having such things as breadsticks, cheese bread, nachos, chicken wings, dessert pizzas and so on! They kept the salad bar, but it wasn't as well maintained
I like to think one of the locations, maybe '87? Had a pizza buffet. And of course like most pizza buffets had pasta and salads as well
Do you think any of them ever sold alcohol? I think so. Not the Diner, but at least 1 Freddy's era HAD to have had beer. Pizza places loved to have beer
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hedorah · 1 year
What's wrong with orientalism in TMNT? || It's actually more probable that the creative team of most media don't go through fans' content, to avoid fans claiming plagiarism if the content does something a fan has also done. I'm not saying all creative teams stay away from their fans' content, just it's more likely they avoid it. Unless you have significant proof? || Your blog's cursor animation is cool.
1. not to say that tmnt is "irredeemable" or anything like that, but orientalism and anti-asian stereotyping has been a bit of a recurring problem throughout the franchise history ('87 especially... some of the lotus blossom episodes were hard to watch). for the last ronin lost years issues in particular, now that mike is going through parts of asia (japan, korea, china, mongolia so far), it really kind of becomes evident when taking into consideration how each country is depicted. more under cut cuz this got looooong
the second and third issues that partially took place in korea especially bothered me, since i'm ethnically korean with a family history on both sides of the border. unified korea is either portrayed like one of those neon, oversaturated, exoticizing pictures of east asian cities (see issue 2's cover) or dirty and full of violence, corruption, and criminal activity, depending on which side of the border mikey's on at the moment. the orientalism here is in this portrayal of koreans as a dirty, violent other for the turtles to judge and beat up. hell, donnie even calls them uncivilized:
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what the hell man, i thought you were cool. also, the writers saw fit to... turn all of what was china into a nuclear wasteland after a 9.6 earthquake in beijing? despite china being massive??? this is a confusing decision and i can only wonder why it was made
the parts of the comic that take place in japan and mongolia feature characters that seemingly exist only to help mikey on his journey and train him. i fucked up here and accidentally deleted a huge chunk of this paragraph, and i'm neither japanese nor mongolian, so i can't and will not get into the specifics because i really don't want to put my foot in my mouth talking about the specifics of cultures and ethnic groups that i'm not a part of
either way, asians in the last ronin: lost years are portrayed as an "other", a contrast to our american (mike explicitly refers to himself as "american" in issue 2) protagonists. they're either violent goons for action scenes or wise, hospitable mentors for mikey to learn from, but so far we haven't seen many asian characters outside of these two roles
unfortunately i think orientalism is something thats kind of hard to avoid in a franchise like this, where its primarily non-asian, american creatives writing stories that feature asian (japanese) characters and cultures for almost 40 years running (i checked, and i think there's only one asian american working on tlr:ly as an associate editor). ideally creatives would avoid orientalism and instead treat asian characters like actual people instead of "the other", but...well. yknow. to clarify, it's perfectly fine to like tmnt, hell i'm a MASSIVE fan with a decent collection of comics on my shelf. but i think its something that we as fans should be mindful of when engaging with the source material and fan works. sorry if my explanation is a little scattered, i need to go get dinner rn haha ^^"
2. at the very least, one of the artists scrolls through the lost ronin hashtag, he liked and rted my picture of lost years issue #1 and my ronin figures' boxes. i didn't really mean like fanfic or anything like that, just casual social media stuff, and so i didn't really want to bother the actual creators because lord knows how the twitter algorithm works. shit's dark magic to me and if i got pqrted id cry and wail because twt confuses me [exaggeration]
3. ty! i'm surprised it still works after all these years haha, i think i got it from this site
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jungwookjins · 1 year
hiiii!!! thank you so much for putting out and updating onlyoneof's music show promotions schedule!!! i wanted to ask - how do you get all that information? i'm pretty new to all this k-pop culture and i have no idea how this works yet. and what if another one of my favorite groups makes a comeback but the fandom won't have somebody like you to keep everybody updated? i'd be helpless. so if you're okay with it, can you please share the knowledge?
wait hold up i pressed post too quickly but i cant delete this bc i'll lose the ask so check back here in 20 minutes lol
hi anon!! you're welcome, i'm glad you found it helpful! i decided to post abt their schedules bc when i was new to lyondom and kpop, i also found it kinda overwhelming figuring out where to get this info, so i'm glad others are finding it useful.
so firstly, there are generally mushows every day of the week except for monday, so knowing the standard mushow schedule is the first step for figuring out when a group is performing:
tuesday 6pm kst: the show
wednesday 6pm kst: show champion
thursday, 6pm kst: m countdown
friday, 5pm kst: music bank
saturday, 3:30pm kst: show! music core
sunday, 3:40pm kst: inkigayo
there is also simply kpop con-tour that airs on fridays at 1pm and has re-runs on monday, but it's not really part of the "standard" lineup of mushows, and i think it might not be every week
so from there, the easiest way to figure out if a group is performing is usually to check their twitter. a lot of group's official twitters will post about their music show schedule.
for example, here's a tweet from march 17th about ooo's march 19th stage on inkigayo. the tweet is primarily for k-lyons who want to attend the filming, which is why it says "participation information," but it gives us the information we need
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but in the past, like during instinct pt 2. era, all the broadcast participation information for ooo was solely done through fancafe, with no tweets about it, and as someone not on the fancafe, it was harder to find out when ooo were performing beforehand. in those cases, where the group's twitter isn't helping, your next best bet is the twitter accounts for the music shows themselves, as most of them will post lineups ~a day to a few days in advance of the show
for example, here's a tweet from earlier today about the show champion lineup for tomorrow, march 22nd
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here are all the twitter accounts for the mushows that post their lineups in advance:
sbs mtv the show
mbc m show champion
mnet m countdown
kbs music bank (lineup is not posted on music bank's twt, rather the twt for kbs world tv, the channel music bank airs on)
sbs inkigayo (also not posted on inkigayo's twt, rather the twt for sbs)
arirang simply kpop con-tour
for shows that don't post the lineup on twt, or if you can't find the lineup tweet, going on twt and searching "[mushow name] lineup" (e.g. "inkigayo lineup" "music core lineup") and sorting by latest tweets will usually bring up someone tweeting about the lineup, as long as it has already been announced somewhere by the channel. this twitter acc is also great at compiling lineups and is a more centralized place to look
also, music shows get cancelled pretty often for things like holidays or other events (a couple weeks ago, a few shows were cancelled for the airing of the world baseball classic), so if you're looking for a lineup at a time where the show should have posted it by then and can't find one, look up "[mushow name] cancelled" on twt and sort by latest, and there will usually be people confirming if the show in question has been cancelled
i hope you found this helpful! lmk if u have any questions <3
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Please know this isn't directed at you, more the fandom in general (esp Twt and Tik Tok), but I hate how every decision these 4 make gets turned into discourse. Of course they can and should be criticized when deserving, but the constant negativity toward any little thing they do confuses me. Damiano can't even hang out at home with his cats without being judged for it.
Alright well,
as much as i get your frustration, they are public figures and they put themselves on display in social media and all, so it's kinda no surprise that what they do is a reason for some people to start a discussion. But i know, and we've all seen it, there are people who can talk about stuff in respectful way just to talk it through because idk, something x and y happened and people exchange opinions. And there are also people ready to turn any discussion into a fucking drama, misinterpret things and cling to some words taken out of context. (Oh boy I'm having flashbacks) We have plenty of them here. They (as in Må) can do whatever they want, and also people can say what they think about it, if it happens publicly on social media. The problem begins when some folks ignore boundaries, spread hate and all that stuff. Some are just waiting for them to trip, or at least it seems like it. Honestly la gente purtroppo parla as we all know. It's honestly a mess but welcome to the internet i guess xd
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Okkkk so I was up much earlier than 6am 😭 I was planning on going back to sleep but it's probably not gonna happen. The MV was really cool, I appreciated all the art references, Guerrilla - the painting and the German movie Metropolis, I always like some good references <3 now for the album.... I only listened to it once and gonna be honest I'm really confused, each song has parts I like and dislike (the choruses are not if for me) which makes me sad 💔 usually there's one or two songs that truly hit me, but here I just don't know what to think. I wanna appreciate their work and dedication to creating something very cohesive and mixing a lot of genres I like, hyperpop, rock, screamo, metal - but the album is both for me and not for me 🤡 Atm my ranking is Cyberpunk, Guerrilla, The Ring, Sector 1, New World, WDIG... I wish I could be more excited because it's such a big comeback 😢 anyway I'm gonna stop with my negativity. I'm glad most people like it. I feel like I might be distancing myself from kpop a little bit tbh
Then I need to start the Rewrite the Stars fan club! Ududeudjddhud ofc I'm into simps, lol simps and good boys. I had to punish BB Hwa for that bet <3 sometimes I love him, sometimes I hate him. I love ETL, but realistically speaking I don't like bad boys... model I don't know, he just didn't hit me and like I said, he reminded me of one asshole 😬 I don't despise him, but something isn't right. I actually should put Duke a bit higher maybe? Truthfully I don't remember him that well 😭
I see your Shitstar era won't end anytime soon oh bestie you're INNNN it 🤪
I have faith in GG also the fact we're talking about cabs and the cb is called Mr Taxi idudjwhseuhejsjsj the ladies look so pretty! I hope the MV looks nice as well
I don't know maybe my friend is rodent-phobic??? I've never heard of Geronimo Stilton 🤔 I'm vaguely aware of Miraculous cause it's pretty big on Tumblr, but it came out past my time kdudjsshbdhhdj. Omg yes I was Sam, but I love them all. Actually once I dyed my hair ginger I finally achieved my Sam-ification 💗💗💗 I actually rewatched TS in lockdown, though the newest seasons aren't it...
I really need that Starry Night, it looks so pretty! But the price 💀
I know it's crazy why is he so similar to both Seonghwa and Hongjoong also can't believe it took me such a long time to figure it out.
Ok I was looking at plushies and this lil guy just don't show it to twt stans 😭
The outfits look like they're about to YES I'M ROCKY FEEL LIKE I'M ROCKY. Hopefully they appear on Choom too. - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
Okkkk so I was up much earlier than 6am 😭 I was planning on going back to sleep but it's probably not gonna happen. The MV was really cool, I appreciated all the art references, Guerrilla - the painting and the German movie Metropolis, I always like some good references <3 now for the album.... I only listened to it once and gonna be honest I'm really confused, each song has parts I like and dislike (the choruses are not if for me) which makes me sad 💔 usually there's one or two songs that truly hit me, but here I just don't know what to think. I wanna appreciate their work and dedication to creating something very cohesive and mixing a lot of genres I like, hyperpop, rock, screamo, metal - but the album is both for me and not for me 🤡 Atm my ranking is Cyberpunk, Guerrilla, The Ring, Sector 1, New World, WDIG... I wish I could be more excited because it's such a big comeback 😢 anyway I'm gonna stop with my negativity. I'm glad most people like it. I feel like I might be distancing myself from kpop a little bit tbh
the mv is really cool yes!!! THAT FLAG SCENE HAD ME GASPING !!!!! NAURRR 😭😭😭 dhskdjdj i actually love this album the most out of any of their albums,, it’s like a villain arc with cohesive songs and the bass that’s sO dirty and scratchy shdbdb my kpop hating brother has found himself liking them ffbb hey! just bc one comeback didn’t hit doesn’t mean you’ll be distancing yourself! theres plenty more previous songs of theirs u can listen to, or maybe it’ll grow onto you in a few weeks! the way i preorders the album the second after i heard the full song ffbf
Then I need to start the Rewrite the Stars fan club! Ududeudjddhud ofc I'm into simps, lol simps and good boys. I had to punish BB Hwa for that bet <3 sometimes I love him, sometimes I hate him. I love ETL, but realistically speaking I don't like bad boys... model I don't know, he just didn't hit me and like I said, he reminded me of one asshole 😬 I don't despise him, but something isn't right. I actually should put Duke a bit higher maybe? Truthfully I don't remember him that well 😭
JFBWKDHSH PLS DO YOU WOUOD BE THE PRESIDENT DBDB simps and good boys 👁👁 u def would like the fake dating yunho fic <3 he’s an ass but he’s hopelessly in love with the yn jfbwkdhdj HEY BBHWA WAS A SIMP HE WAS THE ORIGINAL SIMP u know the best character in bb!hwa was hwa’s brother hamin, he warned yn always <3 and hwa calls him a dog 😭😭😭 hMMM REALISTICALLY BAD BOYS ARE SO CRINGE DBDBD ooo one asshole, do i smell a etl 😮‍💨 LMFAOOOO HEY WHY U DO DUKE LIKE THAT 😭😭😭 tbh everytime i rmr duke all i see is smut and i pass away dbdb
I see your Shitstar era won't end anytime soon oh bestie you're INNNN it 🤪
I have faith in GG also the fact we're talking about cabs and the cb is called Mr Taxi idudjwhseuhejsjsj the ladies look so pretty! I hope the MV looks nice as well
they DO LOOK SO pretty!!! oh to age like them 😩😩 mr taxi, forever or whatever it is, they will come back with some summer bop 🤲🏼 truly hope its amazing fbfb
I don't know maybe my friend is rodent-phobic??? I've never heard of Geronimo Stilton 🤔 I'm vaguely aware of Miraculous cause it's pretty big on Tumblr, but it came out past my time kdudjsshbdhhdj. Omg yes I was Sam, but I love them all. Actually once I dyed my hair ginger I finally achieved my Sam-ification 💗💗💗 I actually rewatched TS in lockdown, though the newest seasons aren't it...
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I really need that Starry Night, it looks so pretty! But the price 💀 //// I know it's crazy why is he so similar to both Seonghwa and Hongjoong also can't believe it took me such a long time to figure it out.
I JUST SAW THE PRICE 💀💀😭😭 EXACTLY!! he’s like the child of seonghwa and hongjoong and im so shocked bc he rly does look like them,,,,,
Ok I was looking at plushies and this lil guy just don't show it to twt stans 😭
The outfits look like they're about to YES I'M ROCKY FEEL LIKE I'M ROCKY. Hopefully they appear on Choom too. - DV 💖
IM SORRY DID U SEE CHOI SANS EYEBROW RAISE I JUST FELL TO MY KNEES AT WALMART 😭😭😭😭 id pass away if they go studio choom,, their debut on bugs chart with the entire album 😭😭😭 it’s their time dbdb
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jingyismom · 3 years
tiny vent from your local emotionally stunted author pls don’t mind me
#gonna just be That Guy and say this one time into the void because i'm Having A Night i guess#i am not the type of person who should be putting myself out there on any social media probably#let alone twt which is the worst but that's beside the point#the rejection sensitive dysphoria is strong with this one my friends#i'm just. u know. u all know we're all unstable here i can speak frankly u get it#i should stop measuring my worth by interactions with strangers on the internet etc etc#but don't we all just hunger for human connection#don't we all just want to be well-liked with many friends#the internet is not the place for that. and yet. and yet.#some people are just good at it! i am not.#so it's a little ridiculous of me to be like. wrenching words out of my gut and throwing them on the bitter mercy of the internet. you know.#it's a journey. trying to figure out how to make my headspace capable of like. not...overhtinking. and not over valuing meaningless metrics#but it's hard to not feel invisible etc which i know is ridiculous because i DO get great interactions with people! sometimes!!#tldr it's just hard to crave community so much when you are this bad at social media#and it is also hard to write things for the void when u crave validation this much#and that's my ill-advised rant thank u good night.#actually not i'm about to crosspost a thread to this blog#because of aforementioned validation craving??? maybe!!!#but also mostly because i feel guilty any time i put something in one place bc people are so sweet and ask for it more places so now i just#try to do that#anyway peace thanks be well you're all the best even when i'm maudlin
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freshfrenchtoast · 2 years
cant get over how kghn dont even need to speak in the oneshot yet there was still so much there
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mayullla · 2 years
Heyo so I saw your blog of the ask team so here's my genshin team ^^
Sucrose (My number one favorite support and I still cry I couldn't get her to C6 but only in C1 DX)
Barabara (Who is my main healer and keeps healing all my team and currently C3! ^^)
Kaeya (My number husband and the one who made me start Genshin and helped me in alot bosses especially I am making sure I make him C6 and he is currently C1^^ if only his cons just come to me I really need him in C6 TwT
and Diluc (Legit I lost him in 50/50 on Childe and I legit didn't expect her would come but what's more sus after few weeks his Wolfgravestone came in the standard banner and he keeps trying to prove to me his attacks are much better then Kaeyas)
Honestly people say don't put Kaeya and Diluc in the same team
Me: The moment I get Diluc I placed him with Kaeya and now both of them are legit trying to show me who has the best dmg.
remember that glitch of Diluc smiling and winking? Yeah that happened to me and lasted for 3 days after Hoyoverse fixed it and I was really sus on him for doing that to me. What's more Funny Kaeya suddenly did a huge dmg when I talked about Diluc is trying to steal me away from Kaeya XD
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Note: I wish Diluc would also come home TvT preferably in the standard banner but just please come at this point... I am jealous.../j I also want Kaeya constellations, but it is sooo hard to get them!! I am not gonna use my masterless starglitters till Kaeya appears in the Paimon shop which is after 1 month!
Team Comp: Diluc, Kaeya, Sucrose and Barbara
Team Comps Request list: Status: Closed
Do you know how pissed Kaeya was when he heard you say that? That time he heard you say that there is an off chance that you would like Diluc more than him? He was angry that you said that, but just kept it all in his mind, releasing his anger into the mobs that he had to kill but also trying to show you that even if he was just a 4 star that doesn't mean you should do that to him. He is hurt really even if he doesn't want to show it in the end he was hurt.
Diluc lowkey wants to mentally die it was embarrassing to him, but he can't help but smile when you make a face when you see his wink. How you were suspicious of him and his weapon, well he just wants you to notice him really… he wants to be in your life rather than harbinger that he personally dislikes. Maybe we should be thankful that they didn't hate each other, Diluc in his heart felt guilty that he took your attention from Kaeya but he even he wants desperately to be with you. Kaeya understood that, if this was someone else he would have been even more angry but he as much as he is jealous he can handle if it is… Diluc…
Sucrose is flustered by being your favorite, her face tinted red as her heart beats strongly in her ears. She works hard so that she could be with you, she works tirelessly to make her power stronger, looking for ways to make her power more useful to you costing her necessities like eating and sleeping. And when she isn't she would be trying to figure out how she could bring you to their world hoping that she could finally see you face to face and finally be able to be with you. Babara was just the same as she hoped that she could see you soon as she too worked hard just to stay on your team as healer.
All in all, there is no crashing between the characters, Diluc and Kaeya have a more complicated relationship but they would try.. just try to push it all away when you were in front of them as they travel teyvat while Sucrose is too busy with her own works and research. So is Barbara, but Barbara did notice the fragility of this team and worries about it constantly in her mind.
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