#i figured since this was an online journal i should post music too!
vampiresinjune · 3 years
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the-story-of-a-teen · 3 years
I got inspired by a youtube video, which was a talk by a father that lost his son to suicide. This is what I wish I could tell my parents, when I was a teenager. (I’m 24 now)
If you are suicidal please call the suicide hotline for your country or talk to a mental health professional. TW: This posts discusses suicide, eating disorders, suicidal idealization, religious trauma, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, sexual assault, slut shaming.
That was the day I was the closest to killing myself, I wanted to poison myself, cut myself, or access the guns, of which I knew were the keys were and I knew where the ammunition was. The thing that stopped myself was my friend Edward, who you claimed was a devil worshipper, a bad influence, and a ‘hussy’. Edward was the only person who seemed to understand me, who took time to be my friend, and would rant with me about the things we went through. 
I don’t know how many times I tried talking to you over the years, those times when I went “Hey mom, hey dad, can we talk soon?” “Hey mom, hey dad, can I talk to you but you have to promise not to get mad.” “Hey somethings going on.” but every time I did that, you would get angry, get upset, or invalidate my feelings completely. You didn’t even seem to care that I was struggling, even though I made it as obvious as I could as a 13 year old could. Instead of making time to talk to me, you tried to get me to talk on your time/terms, when I wasn’t ready to talk to you about it. This wasn’t the first time you had done this either. I remember as a child I would try and tell you things and you would shush me, we even had a little nonverbal cue to when I wanted to talk to you, I would hold your wrist when I wanted to tell you something, but you would ignore that as well, no matter how long I waited. 
This is why I felt like I could never talk to you about things, you would brush me off as unimportant, you would tell me that without ever saying the words. You didn’t care if I wanted to tell you about something I found interesting, or wanted to ask you if I could go play with my friends. 
This leads me into the next reason, you would never let me out of your sight, let me have anything private, or simply do things by myself. Even if I wanted to go play with my friends on the playground less right outside the building you were in, I needed to ask your permission, tell you exactly who I was playing with, and make sure my friends also had permission (when they didn’t need permission). As I grew older this type of overprotection grew more and more. I had to ask you to play in the drive way or back yard, to have my friend’s parents talk to you when we wanted to have a sleep over, to have food from the fridge, to watch tv, to play pinball on the computer, to read, to do anything I wished to do. You then wondered why I had separation issues, you NEVER let me be alone. When I was 10 or 11 I started keeping a journal. It had a lock on it, and I put the keys in a safe place that I thought was secret. One day the keys disappeared. I had put them back, but still searched through my room and the rest of the house, except your room, because you wanted your privacy. The day after that my journal was different from how I originally put it. I thought it was weird, and hid it somewhere else, but you found that spot too.  You then brought up very private things I had put into my journal as a vent, things I had certainly never told you, and things I swore I had never told anyone else unless they swore on their mother’s grave and promised not to tell. 
You took away my door when I would accidentally slam it when I got emotional, and because you ‘couldn’t trust me to be alone’. You wouldn’t let me hang a curtain or anything so I could change and not have people walk in on me.
When I got old enough to have a cellphone, I caught you sneaking into my room and taking my cellphone, or sitting in my desk chair and going through the messages. You would then interrogate me on my text messages, and would openly take my phone and go through my messages, despite me pleading you not to. This lead to me intentionally setting alarms that would go off through the night, and could only be stopped with a passcode which only I knew.
You would interrogate me any time I wanted to go on the computer to do anything, you forced me to lie to have any sort of freedom to talk to people, look at memes, listen to music, or play games on the computer. You even put parental controls on my computer that would monitor everything and take screen shots, I was allowed exactly 45 minutes a day, which you wouldn’t compromise on, even when I was talking to my friends that lived hours away from us. Then you would get mad when I would trick you into allowing me access so I could change those settings, what else could I do? There was no compromise. Additionally you made me give you every password to every account I ever had, and would get mad when I would change the passwords because you would go through private messages and post on my accounts. Even when I was almost 18, and handed over my computer to show you the receipts, you couldn’t help but go through the whole conversation, even though I told you not to and you promised not to. 
On the xbox you would hack into my account (Which I had a passcode on), and would read through the messages, you would have to approve every game and made sure it stood up to your religious and moral standards, or hear me plea to be able to have a game I was interested in. Even when you had approved the game, you had to watch me play it, I wasn’t allowed to enjoy the game on my own.
You thought you were entitled to walk into my room at any time. You wouldn’t listen when I would tell you ‘one moment, I’m changing.’ Instead you would waltz right in, even when I was naked. You would barge into my bathroom, even when I told you to wait. Then you would get mad when I was upset over this. Maybe I didn’t want my parents to see me naked, even though ‘you saw me naked as a baby and child’.
How was I supposed to talk to you openly when you would violate my privacy? When I could have nothing to myself, be able to vent and get my feelings out in a healthy way, to talk about things I didn’t feel I needed to or could tell you, to talk about things I know you all opposed and would interrogate me on, to just talk about day to day things? 
When I started dating I was hypersexual. I admit that. When puberty hit I became very sexual and physically affectionate without knowing it, but you started to analyze and criticize me for every action I made. I was touch starved, and craving genuine affection. I wanted to feel loved, to feel wanted, to feel appreciated, and to feel alive. I felt dead inside. I barely got any affection, even from my parents, from other family members, and those I was childhood friends with and was no longer close to. I went to seek that affection with other people, I called my friends parents ‘mom and dad’ because of this and how you all were. You emotionally neglected me. Sure I had physical things, but that wasn’t what I wanted or needed. I need your love, your time, and your acceptance. The only way I got that was through teenage boys that would give me their love, time, acceptance, and physical affection. I even went out seeking any of those things online, which lead me to an early discovery of porn (I was 11), of online chat rooms where I could do smut rps and flirt (I was 13), and teenage dating sites ((common in the 2000′s)(I was 14)). Instead of figuring out what the root of this was, and trying to listen, actually listen, you went about accusing me of different things related to what I had found, even when I wasn’t. You were telling me that you were expecting me to do those things, and that I had to lie to you all to have any sort of freedom. You though dating was only to get married, you had the ‘date to mate’ mentality.
I started dressing in popular clothes of that time, and finding ways of expressing myself and my feelings. Gone were the days of pink dresses and frills. I liked black, blue, and purple, rather than pink and purple. I wanted to wear tighter fitting shirts that were comfortable, easy to move around in, and had fun graphics and words on the chest area. I wanted to wear cute skirts and shorts, as well as skinny jeans, and leggings. You were unhappy with all of it. I was 13 and a C cup, it wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t find anything cute that would comfortably fit. I liked wearing shorter shorts, skirts, skinny jeans, and leggings because they were comfy, easy to move around in, and made me feel free and happy.  I can’t tell you how many times you criticized my hair, make up, and clothes. You would constantly tell me that I looked like a hussy, like a prostitute, like an attention seeker, like a devil worshipper, like I was ‘asking to be raped’. You said the same things about other people behind their backs, and you didn’t like it when I used your religion against you. You would ask me if I would wear that around ‘God’, or ‘Jesus,  and I would say yes. You would tell me that I would be distracting to guys, or that they would look at me a certain way. I simply said that they shouldn’t look if they can’t control themselves, and that the bible said that any man who looked at a woman with lust in his eyes should gouge them out. You hated when I was right, and would deny that you were wrong.
How was I not supposed to be hypersexual, even when I had been sexualized and been deprived of any affection since I was a child?
At the age of 6 you had me start working out because I had “baby fat” and was overweight at my age. You started only having and making healthy things to eat, then would get mad when I liked the taste of some of them, and would eat more than my ‘portion size’. You limited my food intake, and made me work out so I could ‘loose weight’. At 9 this all got worse, as I was beginning to go into puberty, was getting breasts, and had more baby fat moving to my hips. You started humiliating me for getting seconds at dinner, for eating three meals a day, and for continuing to go through puberty. You would also get mad at me for having things like white bread (I hate the texture of wheat and wholegrain), white rice (I don’t like the texture of brown rice), or any sort of junk food. It was no surprise that I started to starve myself so I would fit your standards. 
Why wouldn’t I have an eating disorder when that was all I heard all day every day?
These are the main things that lent to my depression, made it worse, and made me want to kill myself from an early age. These are the main behaviors that made me despise my parents and cut them out of my life. These are what you should avoid. If you want to have your kids in your life, don’t do these. 
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - The Sexperiment
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part One: Ratatouille
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n is doing better than ever; she’s finally in a relationship with the man she’s been constantly thinking about, she has some great friends, and she’s thriving at her dream job. Except, there’s one problem: being in a relationship with one of your coworkers can get really steamy, and can cause a lot of sexual frustration. Her new pitch idea may solve exactly that problem, but will George be okay with it?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! **“The Sexperiment” is inspired by an actual Cosmopolitan article (here’s the link!)
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s NSFW content..aka smut. You have been warned.
I was officially in a relationship with George, and man, was it fucking amazing. I’d told Bree as soon as I got home–along with telling her that we’d finally done it–and she insisted that we share a bottle of champagne to celebrate. We ended up getting drunk off of the cheap bubbly alcohol and fell asleep, waking up hungover on a Sunday morning sprawled out on our living room sofa whilst our television asked us if we were still watching Queer Eye. 
The entire week was followed by George coming up to my desk and taking Dean and I out for lunch. I was grateful that out of everyone in the office, my favorite brunette editor happened to be his previous choice of friendship. Our afternoons were filled with club sandwiches and laughs, which made me look forward to going to work every morning. And our weekends began consisting of going on dates, which almost always ended up with us spending the night at one another’s flats. We’d spent moments of laughter, where I felt like I’d been getting to know him much more as I studied his musical laugh and memorized the happy crinkles by his eyes. 
However, we hadn’t had sex since the night he’d asked me to be his, the night we’d had sex together for the first time. I wasn’t particularly bothered by this, but it made me wonder if it was something he’d been avoiding. 
I sat on my sofa on a Sunday night after spending the day with George, my legs sprawled on the cushions as my back rested against armrest, laptop in my lap. I’d been procrastinating brainstorming ideas for my pitch, guiltily looking at lingerie while my subconscious pondered why George still hadn’t instigated having sex. The beautifully stitched thin, lace fabric sparked an idea in my head and I found myself clicking back onto my document, typing away immediately. 
“Y/n? You got anything for me?” Connie’s eyes glared into mine, intimidating emerald orbs making me want to shrink into the corner of the room and shield myself from her. 
You got this, I thought to myself. Gulping with a confident nod, I began talking. 
“I’ve been seeing women online complain about their sex lives declining in their relationships, especially after building families,” I started, using my hands to help gesture my way through my pitch. “Women are finding it difficult for themselves and their spouses to become aroused, especially when couples become so comfortable with each other. I, uhm,” I stuttered, “have been experiencing a sort of dry spell, if you will, in my own relationship, so I was thinking of conducting an experiment, where I test how I–and other women–can bring the arousal back in their relationships.” 
I couldn’t ignore Dean’s eyes on me, and I cursed myself that he had to be part of this meeting. 
“I was thinking my experiment could be whether lingerie could possibly effect women’s sex lives, and if it does, then lingerie could be a cure to suffering sex lives,” I finally finished, nervously bringing my lip between my teeth as I awaited my boss’ feedback. 
She nodded slowly, her eyebrows raised. 
“I’m surprised, to say the least, Y/n,” she began, making a lump in my throat appear. “But, I like it. A lot of women can relate to that, in fact, a lot of the women in this room can probably relate to it.” 
She looked around at all of the women in the room, all returning scared-shitless expressions. 
“I’ll be looking forward to reading it,” she concluded. There was a glint of satisfaction in her eyes, yet her face remained its serious composure. 
I released a breath I hadn't realized I’d been holding, and as soon as the meeting ended, Dean rushed to my side. 
“So, Georgie ain’t givin’ it to ya?” he chided with a smirk of amusement. 
I rolled my eyes, my cheeks reddening more than I’d liked them to. 
“I’ll fucking kill you if you tell him about this,” I warned him as we made our way to our desks.  
“You know he’s going to read it after you post it though, right?” he interrogated, taking a seat in his chair as he looked at me from the side of his computer.
Fuck. I hadn’t thought about that. 
“I’ll deal with that when the time comes,” I assured him, chewing on my lip nervously as I pondered George’s reaction. “Just don’t tell him, at least until it’s done and published. Please,” I pleaded.
He rolled his eyes, a slight amusing smile playing on his lips. 
“Fine,” he gave in. “But, you realize this makes me a bad friend, right?” 
“This makes you a good friend to me,” I winked at him. “Besides, this is for work.”
“Mhm,” he hummed sarcastically, slapping his headphones onto his head and bringing his attention onto the screen in front of him. 
I made a trip to Victoria’s Secret after work, buying a simple–yet overpriced–black satin and lacy babydoll. I didn’t want to go all out just yet, and I figured it’d be simple, yet sexy enough to get my point across. I sent a text to George as I arrived to my apartment, slipping the thin fabric onto my body.
8:09 pm, Me: Hey, are you home? 
8:11 pm, George: Yep, just got back from the rehabilitation center. What’s up?
I chewed my lip, wondering what I should say.
8:12 pm, Me: Is now a good time? I need something. 
8:13 pm, George: Yeah, are you okay?
8:14 pm, Me: Yes G I’m fine. Do you think I can come over? 
8:14 pm, Me: I have a surprise for you
8:15 pm, George: A good surprise? 
I smirked.
8:16 pm, Me: A very good surprise.
8:17 pm, George: I give in. Come over.
Just wearing the lingerie, I wrapped a big coat around my body, reaching longer than the thin fabric. I practically looked naked underneath the coat, but I buttoned it up regardless and grabbed my purse and keys. The cold air igniting my skin, leaving me covered in goosebumps as I headed to my car, I began slightly regretting my plan, blasting the heat as soon as the vehicle roared to life. I made my way to his flat eagerly, driving faster than normal in attempt to arrive as quickly as I could. Once I parked, I didn’t bother waiting for him to meet me outside; I scurried into his complex, thankfully remembering the number on his door as I anxiously knocked. 
Butterflies took over my stomach as I suddenly felt sick, awaiting the unknown from the other side of the wood. The door slowly opened, revealing a confused George. His waves were in perfect condition, a muted purple button up clinging to his torso, the sleeves rolled up. The scent of pasta sauce and cooked vegetables greeted me, almost making me forget what I’d gone there for.
“I made a ratatouille,” he informed me, gesturing to the kitchen.
I slowly unbuttoned my coat, revealing the satin and lace against my skin. His eyes immediately trailed down my body, his lips parting to form an ‘o’. Time turned into slow motion as he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me inside, shutting the door behind me. My back rested back against the door, his hand next to my head from shutting it so quickly. He took my coat and tossed it across the room, attacking my lips at once. His lips were rough against mine, as if he’d had built-up tension that had finally gotten the chance to release. 
I moved my leg to rest against his side, grabbing his collar and pulling him closer to me, his tent in his pants making contact with my core. My lips parted at the closeness of his bulge to my heat, giving his tongue access to explore my mouth. His other hand went to my leg, gently dragging his fingertips against my exposed thigh, trailing where I needed him most. His fingers reached the scrunched up fabric of the babydoll, removing his lips from mine to look down. 
“No panties?” he taunted, bringing his eyes back up to see my reaction. 
I looked at him innocently, shaking my head to answer his question, my lips parted in awe as I watched him. 
“Tsk,” he clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he looked back down at my exposed heat, shifting my leg to reveal more of myself to him. 
He slowly lowered himself, getting down on his knees in front of me. His hands went to my thighs, separating them and spreading them as far as they could go whilst I stood, before trailing up and pushing the fabric up to my stomach. My heat was entirely exposed, as he trailed soft kisses up my thighs, pressing a kiss to my mound and returning his eyes up to meet mine. 
“My dirty girl,” he muttered, shaking his head once again, a smirk of amusement playing on his lips. 
He looked back down at my heat, licking his lips, before flattening his tongue against me. I sighed, head hitting the door whilst my hips bucked. He grabbed my hands, moving them to hold the fabric of the satin lingerie for him, moving his hands to hold my hips down instead. His tongue began slow figure eights through my folds, making me squirm against his grip on my hips. With one hand keeping the fabric out of his way, my other hand went to grip his locks. He responded to my tugging fingers with a low moan, sending vibrations through me, causing my legs to shake. 
However, I didn’t want to cum without him. I wanted my first orgasm of tonight to be with him inside of me. My hand went lower to grab him by his collar, bringing him to meet my lips. I could taste myself on him, and I knew he secretly liked the thought of that, that I was tasting my own juices on his tongue. He moved my legs to his hips, gesturing for me to wrap my legs around him. I obliged, jumping up and attaching my lips quickly back to his as he carried me. I parted my lips, half-lidded lustful eyes meeting his own. 
“Why don’t we fuck on the couch?” I asked, my eyes moving to look at his living room sofa. 
He turned his head to look at it as well, a low raspy chuckle exiting his throat.
“I like the way you think, love.”
Our lips found each other’s again, as he changed his direction towards the sofa. He gently laid me down on the cushions, quickly unbuttoning his shirt whilst I sat up, my hands moving to his belt. His toned torso met my eyes once he peeled it off, his hands helping my own undo his pants. His feet assisted in kicking his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers, the large tent on his crotch taunting me. I reached to the bottom of the babydoll, peeling it off of me, tossing it across the room whilst I sat completely exposed. 
He looked down at underwear, his hands going to his hips confidently, glancing back at me. “You want to the honors, angel?”
I nodded, my fingers looping around the band of his underwear teasingly before pulling it down, his erection instantly slapping against his stomach. He kicked the fabric off, slowly spreading my legs.
“You ready angel?” he asked once more, his eyes meeting mine, searching for permission.
I nodded, gulping as I looked down at the angry head of his dick, already leaking with precum. He brought one hand to caress my cheek, thumb stroking my cheekbone whilst his other hand aligned himself at my entrance. Swirling his tip up and down my folds, coating himself in my juices, he began slowly pushing into me. He moved his hand to support himself against the couch, the other still caressing my face. Sliding the remainder of his length into me, he moved closer down to me, resting his forehead against my own before he slowly pulled himself almost entirely out of me, gently sliding back in again. My hands went to his bare back, nails running down his shoulder blades. 
He kept a slow, steady rhythm, our hips gently meeting each other’s, the only sounds being our unsteady breaths, his length slowly pummeling through my juices, and the quiet chorus of curses he muttered when reentering me. The pleasure began building, and every thrust began contributing to the building of knots in my stomach. My hips began bucking against him, encouraging him to pick up his pace. His thrusts became increasingly faster, and he moved both of his hands to rest against the back of the couch to support himself. He moved his forehead away from my own, moving away from me as his hips moved more quickly against my own. My eyes met his, his half-lidded blissful eyes staring back at me, a few stray locks stuck to his forehead, his locks now disheveled. 
I bit my lip before grabbing one of his wrists, bringing it to my throat. His jaw went slack at this action, gently grasping at my throat and driving into me harder.
“My dirty girl likes to be choked, huh?” he taunted, his accent making the words sound even sexier, his skin slapping against my own while he fucked me faster and faster.
He moved one of my legs over his shoulder, before drilling into me deeper than he’d ever been. I couldn’t help the loud moan I released, my eyes scrunching closed at the feeling of his cock hitting the spot that made my legs twitch. 
“Cum for me, angel,” he praised. 
“George!” I screamed, my legs shaking as I clenched around him, ecstasy taking over my body while he thrusted against me before stilling, spurting inside of me whilst I rode out my high. 
His body plopped against me on the couch, his chest heaving up and down. My legs were still shaking, the intensity of the orgasm still lingering. He looked down, resting a hand on my leg in attempt to calm it. He chuckled, looking at me.
“You alright, love?”
I nodded, my lips parted, my breathing pattern slowly returning back to normal. 
“That was fucking amazing,” I breathily exclaimed, earning another chuckle from him.
He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. My cheek rested on his bare chest, his heartbeat lulling me to relaxation. His arm soothingly rubbed up and down my arm, his own cheek resting against the top of my head.
“Well,” he began, his voice raspy, “before you came here, I made ratatouille.”
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I think you raised a lot of good points with how they're going to market both S and C moving forward...I have my own opinion on this "relationship" but regardless I've been surprised they've been promoted as a duo so much? i actually felt sorry for C that her album promo wasn't about her album. and i'm interested to see what shawn's major interview will be like. if it's a fluffy relationship piece i think it will do more harm than good. (part 1)
Also I think his foundation should have launched with an interview not necessarily for his fanbase but to attract corporate partnerships? Would like your thoughts on that and the foundation in general. I just feel like he was on an upward trajectory and that it may have stalled because of the current positioning, but I don't have any figures to back it up, it's just my impression. I do think some new advisors on his team could elevate him though.(part 2)
::cracks knuckles::
First off THANK YOU SO MUCH for an ask like this. It’s very well thought out/well written and it lets me go into what I LOVE about my job/PR - the build and strategy/positioning in regards to media. 
Before I do - the part about the next big interview for him: fan hat off, PR hat on. It NEEDS to be about him, about music, about what’s next. All fandom and mass pop has seen since last summer has been the THEM of it all. Most folks that know him or support him, are there for him and his music. not his relationship. These are the folks that are going to buy albums, concert tickets, merch, stream, tune into interviews, etc. They’re the ones that keep the engines fueled and the lights on. It sometimes feels like that’s forgotten about in the mix of everything. 
The massive Billboard article that dropped about the success of Shawn Mendes: The Tour at the end of January didn’t even get the love and push it should have. This was massive news and it like didn’t even get acknowledged in any way, even industry facing.
This has to/needs to be a legit interview. Not a 5 question curated thing that shows up in like PopSugar or InStyle or online video only with like BuzzFeed. And honestly, after the success of SM3/SMTT - it should be something that elevates his profile. He’s done some of the big ones in Variety, Billboard, Rolling Stone. Which all awesome. But time to build and keep moving forward and upward. 
This next big moment - it NEEDS to go next level to hit wider, more mature more male and female mass pop. My thoughts? Depending on what they’ve actually got to talk about - Vanity Fair or Vogue are both a bit a reach but that would be EPIC goals - especially if there’s something of substance to talk about and he’s willing to be open. More realistic? GQ, Esquire, Interview Mag, even Hollywood Reporter but that skews a little more industry. I don’t trust EW to have enough of a deft hand to handle what really needs to be done, it would be too floof and veering tabloidy for that next meaty piece. 
Total aside - the fact the team hasn’t pitched him for like Men’s Health/Men’s Journal yet BOGGLES considering some of the other folks that have been able to snag covers. To me? No BRAINER to have pitched that at album release or before the tour to talk and dive into his regiment and how he gets into shape to take on a tour/shows. 
For the foundation - there was absolutely Z E R O marketing/pr thought or strategy put out on it or towards it. This launched in the lead up to what was the biggest moment of the tour, his hometown stadium show in Toronto. They basically launched it and was like yeah it’s a thing here’s a sizzle video and some pretty graphics ok donate to us byeeeeee. 
No friends. No. 
You needed to LAUNCH this thing, really and truly. Not only for the general awareness, but like you said dear anon, for the corporate philanthropy of it. Your partners are tour folks who probably got looped in on the tour deal. So what’s happening now? Who else is backing this? How much have you ponied in to start this? What else have you been doing for it? What are your fundraising drivers other than soliciting to fan base and having a donate button on your website? What’s your ethos and mission statement? 
They’re under the umbrella of the Social Impact Fund for the States and Internationally to manage the financials/donation platform website, who also manages the charities/foundations from wii.i.am and Bradley Cooper. Which yay good legit and folks. So that means they’re using THAT team to do a lot of the heavy lifting on the back end with distribution, their charitable status, etc. I know I’ve heard noise/chatter on here before that folks think this is a sham, it’s a tax break/shelter, it’s not legit. The fund they’re using is a fully registered 501(c)(3) here in the States which means they’ve got folks they’ll need to answer to with legit breakdowns of how funding is being used, etc. Folks being the IRS. It looks like they’re under the Sick Kids Foundation/Sick Kids Charitable Fund with donating in Canada. So what this all means is that they’ve got the framework of the foundation without having to do the lift and say have an Exec Director on their staff managing everything.
However, they’re slow to the kick on everything the fan base says is important OR that he’s said is important/has backed before. It took a good beat to answer on the Australia wildfires and we’ve seen more recently with the COVID-19 response. There needs to be true thoughts and efforts put in, against and behind this. The fact that “our impact” on the website is literally links to Instagram posts? It would be a good idea to flesh that out a little bit more. Same with the partners they support - say what programs of theirs you’re giving to, what it’s going towards/for. 
Given this kicked off in Canada around this show, like Macleans would have been a good interview, CBC/CTV or given it’s his hometown show was coming up, the Toronto Star or even go national with the Globe & Mail. It would have been a no brainer to do something with a Billboard for this, loop it in with talking about the show. Even better if you want to go after the double whammy of mass pop and corporate that would span across borders? Forbes. I know the music guys there and that would have been AMAZING. There was so much that could have been done and there just...wasn’t. Which is sad. This could be something and it’s just like a thing that’s there. 
Coming off the album drop, the positive reviews, the blast through of shows/ticket sales followed by the actual tour success? Major positive forward motion and it feels like it’s stalled or backslid. I am all for him taking a beat to breathe and a break, but he shouldn’t do it at the detriment or demolition of everything he’s worked to build. He’s at a serious turning point. It’s also not out of the ordinary for artists to outgrow their teams or change teams. I know I’ve mentioned it before. It’s going to be interesting to see what he and the team, this one now or otherwise, do next all around.
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vylette-takeda · 4 years
Moments of Clarity - Personal
♪" You were under the impression
That when you were walking forwards
You'd end up further onward
But things ain't quite that simple. "♪
*Personal Thoughts to Follow, if you do not want to read such, move along. :) *
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How long should you knock on the same door with no answer before you give up?
Turns out, sometimes I knock for way too long. I hear the party going on inside and I want to come and be a part of it, but either the music is too loud or people are too preoccupied, or sadly they peek through the blinds, see it is me, and ignore the knocking. Meanwhile I watch the back door creak open and people sneak in there.
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Whatever the case, my arm is tired, and I am done knocking. Because of my social anxiety disorder friendships in meatspace can be very difficult if not impossible to maintain. A disorder which was manageable through early life has gotten worse over time. For this reason, I often find I try to make friendships online. See, in cyberspace I get to be the real me. Sure I am anxious and have issues like so very many people here, but I *can* be social. I *can* “go out” virtually. I *can* be myself. It’s hard to say precisely why, but some of the old approaches that always seemed to work well before in WoW, SWTOR and myriad other games have not really worked well here. Perhaps I had extremely good luck in the past, since others always told me their horror stories and nothing like that ever happened to me. (Unless you count when I was stalked irl because of it but that is a different story). Perhaps I just had bad luck in some circles here? Who can say? I have asked people, very frankly and received puzzling and contradictory information and advice. What I can say is I have to make some changes. 
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I have wanted to for a while with certain things but the road has been tough and the eternal optimist in me always feels like “things will turn around! Just give it more time!” but it is simply not healthy to follow that course any more. There is something to be said for optimism and sticking it out of course, but at some point you become that random annoyance knocking on the door that is never going to open. You are not on the list and the velvet ropes are there to keep you out. Also, no matter if you are genuinely kind or nice to them or how much you desire it to be so, not everyone wants to be your friend, or hang out with you, or even acknowledge your existence. This is *NOT* a “call out” post, these are just my own meandering thoughts. It is no secret to people who know me that I have had some struggles this past year or so. Ups and downs. Some people entered my life that proved to be negative even if they attempted to appear positive. A precious few, @mai-takeda chief among them, brought in a lot of positivity and I am grateful for them. I guess then in a way this is a call out post. I am calling out Mai for being awesome :P I am not listing others at this time.
Anyway, this is mostly for me. Kind of like a journal entry. I wanted to just get some stuff out and figured this was a good enough place. It also can help explain some of the rationale behind my being so disengaged lately. I am slowly making my way back to tumblr and trying to at least keep up with tags and the extremely rare message I receive (another cause of frustration since it seems many people are interested in being friends ONLY if you are willing to ship or erp with them. As soon as you are in a ship quite a few lose any and all interest in you as a person) but I am not sure if I will ever get back to the level of involvement I once had. If you read this and took something from it or appreciated it, then I thank you. If you felt like this should not have been posted I remind you the body was below a cut and simply put “my page my rules.” 98% of what I post here is FF content and aesthetics including responding to others or re-sharing and supporting their content. The remaining 2% is other content I find interesting, funny, or cool enough to post as well as the occasional personal commentary. If this bothers you, I am sorry but respectfully if you find what I post bothersome you can un-follow me or choose not to read it. No longer will I allow *ANYONE* to tell me what I can or cannot post. I will not give into past pressures to “Share more of my posts” nor will I be made to feel bad when I share something from another person that someone else does not like. I allowed people to do this to me in the past and all it did was cause me angst and make me upset. In fact, it was a large reason I started to avoid using tumblr. (Bonus gratuitous Bowie picture.)
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If someone approaches me to not share something, with the exceptions of content you own (artwork etc.) or something that is embarrassing or hurtful to you *AND* is based on you (Ie - a picture of your toon in an embarrassing light etc.) I will shut that shit down immediately, no exceptions.
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Additionally, I will continue with my policy of staying out of tumblr drama as best I can. This applies in particular to things that occurred before I even was playing FF or on tumblr! Just because I post a picture set I like from someone you do not like, it does not mean we hang out on Saturday nights painting each others toenails or that I am choosing sides in a drama I probably do not even know about.I use this platform to network, make contacts and friends and share content related to a hobby I enjoy. I hope you enjoy the things I post! If you do not, I am sorry to hear that, and wish you well in finding a page more in tune with your tastes. Now if after all this you are still here AND are not planning on hitting the un-follow button AND think you might want to be more than tumblr mutuals, hit me up! Send me a note. Drop me a line. Use a smoke signal. Whatever. I know I am interested in more friends. I like to think that despite my flaws I am a pretty ok person. I guess ask people who I have actually spoken with or hung out in game with. I would also like to build some lasting RP contacts that want to enjoy this nerdy game together. I can also offer as an added bonus a rambln raen girl who I am often with as part of the package.  I know this was a lot for most people to want to read and I do not take it personal if no one is still reading at this point. Again, I posted this mostly for myself. It also helps me to track thoughts and feelings that get muddled over time.
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fableish · 4 years
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I think this is the last shot I have from my “playing around with a new reshade” thing that I did. I still need to find what I was actually looking for, which is a more natural enhancing one (I already have one that’s good for gameplay/using the UI) without being too dark, not working with 4.6.1 or being too cold OR too warm. Yeah. I’m the Goldilocks of reshades apparently.
I also wanted to note, seeing how I’ve seen a few others mention it that I do have a Simstagram that I use. I don’t personally have any plans of going anywhere, I do, kinda sorta like it here, sometimes. And I want to keep up with people. I also haven’t figured out what to share where either so there’s that too.
I don’t really have specific sims I can post with predominately because my attention span goes from “OMG let’s to Medieval Fantasy” to “Oh I just watched Poirot again I want a 1920′s-1930′s game” to “Oh I just looked at my shelf of 18th-19th century history books/my fashion history books and now I want a Victorian-like game” to “OMG industrial brick building with apartment in it? I want to do grungy friends!” to “Oh, you know, Windenburg is perfect for a murder mystery” to “You know I wonder how an epistolary driven story would work for the Sims...”. (Also, my mind is long winded, so that’s a good insight on how that works too)
So people don’t really know any one specific sim of mine because by the time I post something I’m already knee-deep in contemplating which social media platform would be most used by elder sims.
Also, this seems like a good point to either put a cut/read more (I went TS2 download shopping recently and there’s a lot of stuff on Dreamwidth and it’s called a cut and I’m old and leave me alone).
Anyway. This isn’t so much anything highly dramatic or worrying. I’m pretty used to my “ooooh shiiiny” tendencies by now. I do wish I’d stick with something for awhile because I miss that depth, you know? But I also recognize that part of it is because I’m not 100% attached to some ideas and it’s also because the ones I’m attached to? I’m terrified that I won’t be able to pull of. 
See. I don’t like failing and I like getting things right, preferably the first time. Partly because my anxiety rears up at the idea of failure, partly because getting it right the first time? Far more efficient than failing. Now. There is some rational part of me that’s well aware that failure is helpful and teaches you lessons. I’m not entirely black and white. But sometimes it gets the better of me.
I also do get oh so easily distracted though. Not so much with my actual RL work. If anything I get massively annoyed if I am distracted by something then.
However in my hobby-life? Oh man. I go from being so into sims to only wanting to read books, to binging on stuff I’ve watched before, to wanting to worldbuild for the fun of it, to researching werewolf myths from around the world to only wanting to play story driven games to only wanting to listen to music and daydreaming. And I do it to the exclusion of anything else. I.e. if I’m in a Sims mood? I don’t rally read, if I worldbuild I don’t want to play story driven games etc.
This isn’t really a rant as much as it’s a “putting it on paper to get it out of my head so maybe it’ll make more sense” exercise. 
I’m single minded and that’s great when I want to complete something. However I’m also constantly inspired or into new things.
So back to Simstagram which is actually what brought all these thoughts to the front (because let’s be real, they’ve been there while I’ve been on here too). I see these accounts that focus on a single sim, or a couple, and it looks really fun. And I want to do it, but, I don’t really have a sim I love that much? Like I have all of these guys (here, here and here) that I made and adore (and I’ve made more since, because of course I have). But I can’t choose just one and the idea of doing several feels overwhelming.
And are these really important, heavy thoughts that matter in the long run? No. But it’s 1 am, it’s storming and I can’t sleep and you know what? I want to babble. So babbling it is.
All of this also has me coming back to epistolary novels and styles of writing. Because exploring a sim, or several to be specific, through their various social media posts, grocery lists, to-do lists, bullet journals, spotify playlists, notes and bills intrigue me. 
I don’t know why, but it does and I keep coming back to it.
Which I guess is partly why accounts featuring specific sims on Instagram intrigue and amuse me. Because it’s exactly that. Yet I can’t quite settle down and do it, because I can’t focus on one sim or choose one for that matter. I’m also, despite what the things I said earlier might make you believe, thoroughly lazy.
And this means that this little “essay” of mine is going to arrive at the utterly unsatisfactory conclusion that I still don’t know what to do but I did get it out of my system and hopefully the storm (outside, let’s not get all metaphorical) will settle and I can go to bed. And besides, everyone knows that essays online have to start with “in this essay I will...” 
Anyway. It’s out of my system now, I’ll probably (definitely) ponder this a lot more. And if you’ve read this thing, thank you ❤️ And if you’ve read this and though “hey, this sounds like me!”, hello fellow magpie distracted by shiny new things. I guess we should form a club? 💖
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blackgirlblues · 4 years
Being A Black Girl: And Chasing Your Dreams.. Yikes.
It’s me, your resident black girl back with some new shit to rant about. I’ve been posting a few screenshots of short poems and paragraphs I’ve been writing on my phone as a way to heal and get over Capricorn boy from my last post on here and I see you guys like and reblog. Thank you for showing love, although it makes me sad that so many of you seem to be going through the same range of emotions I am. I’m sorry. 
I know it’s a lonely place to be in. 
But, on the bright side, I’ve got a lot of new followers joining the diary/manual/rant page that is blackgirlology and it’s nice cause I think it’s becoming a little bit of a community. So, in a way, were never really going through any of these emotions alone. If you’ve found this page-you’re part of a community. Bask in it. 
Anyways, that aside, a lot has happened since I last spoke to you. I don’t know if any of you may remember, and for some new people this will be a surprise. But I’m actually a singer songwriter from Ireland. Moved to London a year and a half ago to pursue my music dream and that’s how I met Capricorn boy whos been the source of all my poems. 
Throughout this time in between, I’ve been trying to chase my dreams, and chase them relentlessly. and this summer i did just that, let me tell you, what im about to tell you guys, is to put it simply, wild. I’ll just cut to the chase. 
It all started in July. I’d been in London for quite a long time now, over a year and now have a manager who’s my best friend first and foremost. We’ll call her Maya. I met her in my first week of moving to London in the student halls I was staying at and we became best friends pretty quick. She studies music business, so it made sense and she just naturally ended up taking up the role as my music manager. Shes seen everything. The songs I wrote about Capricorn boy, the tears, everything. And she saw everything this summer. 
I saw an ad for a record label opportunity in London. It was advertised on my university facebook page; a new indie label, looking for demo submissions for a competition they were setting up to find their new signee. I sent a screenshot to Maya who agreed I should send my stuff in. I did, they liked it, I got a meeting, we were sent terms and conditions for the competition. We signed it, the rest was supposed to be history. 
Big yikes. 
There’s so many layers to this story that I will be shortening it, just because it can get very draining for me to talk about or even write about. I’ve healed from it i think, but I still want to put it here and write it about to finally close that chapter and be done with my feelings about what happened to me and my music. 
Basically, the whole competition, the record label, the dickhead CEO, it was all a scam. I had accidentally signed away the master rights to my new song to a record label started by a fake CEO who was committing fraud and known for tricking young artists into handing over their master rights so he could profit off of them, for power. 
It was a mess. Another contestant told me and Maya when we were outside of their office. Just minutes before we were under the impression that I was doing an interview for Billboard Magazine. Honestly, I never truly believed it. Shit was too good to be true. 
But she told us everything. How he was actually a run away from Spain, where he was caught and exposed for doing the exact same thing to artists there, how he didn’t have any money to fund the competition he had somehow roped all of us into, how he was illegally avoiding paying his team, how none of the creatives we had collaborated with for photoshoots etc were paid, how everything was a lie, how he didnt have any connections, and how he was trying to convince me specifically to sign a 360 deal with his label. 
Which, guys, I’m not stupid. After the first week of being with the label for the competition and letting my song live through their disastrous marketing campaign, Maya and I long decided that regardless of what they said, I would not under any circumstances be signing anything with any entity of their company. 
After being told the truth, I had to sit down. You see, when I came across this opportunity, I thought this was finally the life I’d been manifesting coming true. I had begun to grow in my spirituality and start journaling, writing down my manifestations, and getting to work with a record label who would later offer me a fair contract before I turn 20 was one of the manifestations I had written down every night before I went to bed. However, what I’d gotten was the exact opposite. 
I remember, me, Maya, and 2 of the girls from the competition all stood around in a circle outside of their new office that the CEO also hadnt paid for wondering what our next move would be with this new information. There was still 2 other contestants inside who had no idea what was really going on was an elaborate scam. One of them wanted to go in and expose them on the spot. I said no, we had to go in and pretend like everything was normal until we figured out what to do afterwards. 
So in I went, plastering the fakest smile on my face and pretended like I still thought I was about to be speaking with Billboard Magazine. Once I got out, I broke down in Maya’s arms. 
I went home to my flatmates, Ellie and Bea and cried for hours before I had to go work a 7 hour shift at a pizza place. 
I stayed in bed, and cried, and cried. and cried again. I didn’t get out of bed unless I needed too. The only people I talked too were my flatmates E and B and Maya. 
Everything was sorted out eventually, a lot more happened, but as I’ve been writing this article for you guys, I realised that all of that stuff is no longer relevant to my journey and isnt something I want to bring back into my energetic circle because I’ve made peace with the fact that a lot of people who betrayed me when I was at my lowest, peace with the fact that these contestants who wanted to “work together” to get out of this mess, actually wanted to save their own asses and leave me in the cold. 
But I still got out of it and I’m still here. 
I nearly got sued by a man with less than 20 pound to his company account online, but hey, I’m here.
I guess why I’m telling you guys this really short account of my summer is to both record it for myself but also to say its okay to flop, its okay to fail. I did both this summer. and thank god i did. it was the best thing that ever happened to me. 
following your dreams is scary, doing it as a black girl is terrifying because society has already kind of set you up to fail. there’s already misconceptions about what you do, who you are, where you come from and how good you’re going to be at what you do. its almost like we cant fail and we need to work 10 times harder to obtain half of what the average white person will get. and sometimes it can feel like we dont have any space to fail or make mistakes because of this but let me tell you thats not true. 
if anything, the universe will put you in places that will force you to grow through the mistakes you make. and thats exactly what happened to me this summer. 
i chased my dream so relentlessly i ended up in an environment i thought i manifested, i thought was good for me, only for the universe to show me that that specific environment i’d been wishing to be in is the furthest from what i need right now in my life. 
this so called failure showed me that not everybody who smiles can be trusted, and that people can be way more deceiving than i ever thought, especially when push comes to shove and they need to save themselves. you start to see the real them when it starts to get tense. the people who seem to be around you when you’re doing good will most likely dissapear when things start to go south, including some of your oldest friends. you will get radio silence on their end. be upset. cry. but after that be glad that this situation revealed their true colours. 
and then never put any more energy into them again. 
this failure showed me how fucking strong i am. how resilient and kind i am even in the face of disrespect and actual evil. it showed me how much i can care for someone who i believe is at a risk of losing it all, and showed me that this will not always be reciprocated. and for a while i thought that meant that i had to harden myself up and grow a shell. but i dont think so. i will not allow the things ive been through to make me into a hard person when i was born soft. i mean now, im a little rough around the edges, jagged enough to cut anyone who comes too close with some of that bad energy, but soft enough to hold myself tight and glue myself back together when i need to. soft enough to hold the people who held me this summer. soft enough to help people who i know deserve it. 
im a good person in a shitty world, i don’t need to match the world and become a shitty person to survive. 
after all of this happened, i stopped writing music. 
i haven’t written anything properly or produced anything in months and sometimes i get worried that ive completely lost my talent. but thats another thing that this failure taught me, i can never truly lose whats meant to be mine. i know that i was put on this earth to create change, to inspire, to be an activist and a voice for people who dont have one. i know i was put here to do it through a creative medium and right now i still think that is music. 
i think i just need to stop being so scared to start again, to learn my craft again.
i used to be so scared of failure but now i am so thankful for it and the lessons its taught me. i had so much hurt and pain and hatred in my heart for the universe for, in my head, doing this to me. but then i realised that the universe never does anything to you, it does it for you. all of this happened in my best interest and while i definitely didnt understand at the time, i get it now.
thank you universe for the worst summer of my life. 
and my black ass will be continuing to chase my dreams relentlessly, failing, tripping and falling on my ass until i get to the very top. 
besides, if everything had just gone right, that wouldnt have been very interesting, would it?
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introvertedwolf · 4 years
Papyrus Collab
In more detail! I made a small idea post about a Papyrus-based project not too long ago, but this will have more info-
Papyrus is really unappreciated in the fandom and, like Sans, his personality is incredibly contradictory to what he's like in-game. I'll try to keep this short... In game, Papyrus is ambitious and determined, though he's never really allowed to have the spotlight. He's constantly overshadowed, even IRL. Regardless of people being unfair in various forms (Sans seems to steal everyone's focus when it comes to Papyrus making friends, Undyne limits how far he's getting with the Royal Guard, everyone in Snowdin seems to think he's weird and refuse to associate with him), he refuses to give up working towards his dreams of being popular and respected. He keeps waiting for his time to shine, even when it's been taken many, many times before. He's not willing to give up his morals and, in a way, his ambition, even when you've decapitated him. His limitless positivity and persistence through his struggles, especially with other people, goes far too unnoticed, in my opinion... The project I have in mind is about this! I found a song that I think applies to him very well in these regards! However, I can't focus on it by myself- I have two other massive projects to take up my time. So, I'm wondering if any of you want to help me with the project? The status I made a while ago got a few responses, but a journal is likely to catch more attention... I'd be the one making sure the planning and editing and stuff gets done. I'd be open to chat at all times since I check Deviantart and Tumblr regularly. I'd like to set up the project so that the only thing you guys would have to do are the drawing parts. I don't care what skill level you're at or how long you'll take to get a part done. Traditional and digital are both perfectly fine as well!! Styles don't matter, nor do mediums. I should clarify that this is not intended to be an animation. What I have in mind are more like keyframes to an animation (sometimes called a picture music video/PMV or an animatic). It's much more like creating a comic than creating an animation. I won't argue with you if you want to create an animation, but if you do want to do that, please tell me so I can factor that into the plans. I don't want you to get the longest chunk if you're animating, y'know? You can change your mind along the way, but again, I'd like to know about that so we can work to make everything go smoothly. Please keep in mind that this is the first time I've done an online collaboration, especially consisting of this much of...everything. I'm trying to figure out how to navigate this too..please be patient with me XD Because this is the first time I've tried organizing something like this, anyone who chooses to participate will get quite a bit of say in the project. I can do the general planning (though it's very welcome to have some form of a say in that too), either through quick doodles that don't even count as sketches, writing down the general concept, or if the person prior to you finished their part, sending you that and letting you work from there, only knowing where it needs to end. If there's any confusion or uncertainty, even the tiniest amount about the smallest thing, you can message me and I'll help you! If you'd like to participate, let me know! Could be a comment or a note, either works. I have a google doc of the lyrics along with the place I found the song that I can share with everyone, though planning is a bit more time-consuming and isn't done quite yet...
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haelroyale · 4 years
How to Deal With Stress Positively
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/34UiTe9
How to Deal With Stress Positively
How to deal with stress positively
First off, before we get into how to deal with stress positively, I want to just debunk the misconception that anxiety is an unavoidable aspect of living. I do not think that. I decide not to believe that because even though stress is widespread, everyone here has probably experienced stress in life.
Life can be stressful at times. I believe that if you meditate, you will have the ability to achieve a little state of zen in which you are so so present you’re never stressed.
I think that it is likely to exist much more worry-free and longer stress-free. Don’t believe that stress is unavoidable because it is avoidable.
Today I’m going to share some tips on how to deal with stress positively. My first tip on how to deal with stress positively is to:
1) Take a shower or a bath.
There is a definite feeling about cleansing yourself, which also cleanses yourself emotionally. It washes your energy by removing those impurities away. It relaxes you.
Also, make sure to hydrate and drink lots of water, then a bath or shower, and you will feel so much better.
2) Be present.
You notice that, once you’re stressed, you’re usually feeling stressed or apprehensive about the future since it’s unsure.
You are unsure whether you are gonna pass this test, or you’re uncertain whether something is definitely going to be a certainty, and that may drive us mad if we allow it to.
But when you’re in the now, you’re focused on whatever’s in front of you. And in case you haven’t noticed: You can always handle the present moment.
So whatever obstacle is happening in your own life, if it’s the situation you are in at the moment, you are going to deal with it.
But usually, we are worried because we are attempting to deal with the problem which has not happened yet. It’s later on. That’s what’s causing the stress.
Know your power is here in the present moment. It is possible to think of the time you had a test in school coming up, and you were anxious about it.
You were really stressed out preparing or studying, or perhaps procrastinating made you stressed out. But when you’re really there taking the exam, you are not stressing out.
You are focused, you’re flowing. You are like, Okay, allow me to figure out this. Let me do this…” You’re solving the issue facing you.
Stress is a trick your brain plays on you before anything is actually happening. Stress is your anticipation, not the activity. Concentrate on the job in an instant, and you’ll be okay.
3) Brain dump.
Write it all down. When you journal all of your thoughts out, worries, and anxieties, you notice what is causing your stress, and you see how silly some of your concerns or fears maybe.
This may help you feel more clear then, so you’re not in your head all the time. You’ll be able to organize your thoughts a bit when you view it down on paper.
You might give yourself advice in your journal session. Usually, I only help myself when I am journaling it out. I’m worried about this, or I am concerned about that.
But also: this, this, and this. It’s okay because of this, this, and this. That means that you can use journaling as a tool to alleviate your anxiety, to inform yourself that it is going to be okay.
You might also utilize this session to assist you in planning out those future actions to help you escape this situation. You can use it as productive time, plan for your next baby steps, and see what beliefs or thoughts are holding you back.
Really use it to get clear. The fourth step on how to deal with stress positively is:
4) Talk to someone and get help.
Sometimes you want an outsider’s view to have the ability to understand your situation clearly. Speaking to a trusted friend or therapist can help you set you at ease and alleviate your tension and anxiety and feel in peace.
A fantastic resource to get connected with a licensed therapist online is BetterHelp.
BetterHelp is for cheap, personal counseling. Their website and the app offer access to accredited, trained, and certified counselors and therapists so that they can get assistance anytime, anywhere.
How it works is they pair you with a counselor who is right for you. You’ll be able to find a description of your therapist, their specialties, years of expertise, and reviews from other clients too.
If you don’t vibe with the one that you got, you may always change the therapist you have. In my situation, I was matched by BetterHelp the same day, and we scheduled a live video conversation.
So that was my very first experience with speaking to a therapist. And at the very first session, it was refreshing to have the ability to talk about anxieties and my issues frankly.
I cried a lot in the first session, which I ultimately did not anticipate. But it’s just been really healing and another experience to try.
In case you’re interested, definitely, check out BetterHelp because it’s so accessible and straightforward to utilize.
5) Detach yourself from the outcome and trust the process.
Understand in life you’ll find things that you can control and items that you can’t control. And it is useless, and it is a waste of time to focus and worry about matters that are outside of your control.
Therefore concentrate which you can get a handle on. Do your best and discharge your control of the outcome. Consider having this fresh perspective.
When you don’t care what happens, you are living more carefree, you have zero expectations. Whatever happens, happens.
The idea is that life will simply take you in these directions. You’ll have challenges, and sometimes, however, everything placed before you in life, everything is given for you, is there to allow you to grow, to help you learn, to gain strength.
So expect that whatever is in front of you is whatever you need to grow. A comfortable life isn’t real, there isn’t any simple life, there isn’t any ideal life.
Bad things are gonna happen. Challenges are gonna happen. So as long as you have the mindset: I am just going to perform my best and not care about the outcome. I’m here to learn, you’ll be okay.
6) Meditate
Meditation should be done every day as it’s one of the foundation habits, one of being more stress-free, carefree, joyful in the life of the main hints.
It has so many benefits. If you were able to meditate 5 minutes daily, you would feel the benefits of a sound mind and a centered soul.
Meditation is learning to realign with your soul and softening the noise around you, and remembering that your soul within, it’s always still, it’s always secure.
Your soul is invincible. So meditation is a reminder to come back to that and realize that everything around is just temporary.
It’s not going to stay like that forever. Anyway, if it’s difficult for you to meditate, you can definitely try guided meditations like Calm or Headspace. Or you could try spa music.
I really like Spotify spa music in the background sometimes, just because it’s so relaxing. There’s also a quote that I heard once that really stuck with me, something like: “Fifteen minutes of meditation a day is essential. If you are busy, then an hour is necessary.”
I actually think that’s a quote that keeps coming up in my meditation app Zenfriend. But anyway, it’s super accurate that you should meditate every day, but if you are busier or if you are more stressed, then you should meditate longer.
I know it’s counter – when you’re busy, you’re like, “I don’t have time for meditation.” But when you are working is when you need it most.
7) Take care of yourself.
Take care of your body, your health, your well-being. Don’t forget that self-care always comes first, because you have to be okay to function in everyday life.
So make sure you’re eating healthy, drinking a lot of water, getting enough sleep. It really is the basics. And I know that when we’re busy or stressed, we tend to sacrifice things like that.
We tend to cut sleep, we tend to eat unhealthy because it’s more convenient. But when you’re busy, that’s actually the time that you need those things more.
The busier you are, the more you own it to yourself to take care of yourself. Lastly, I want to leave you guys with a quote that I really like.
It’s by Dale Carnegie: “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
That just means that, when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, worried, which are all versions of fear, it means that it’s all happening in your head.
And the best thing that you can do to get out of that state is to simply take action. To my point of being present, focus on what you can do right now in the present moment and do your best.
That’s the best that you can do. And when you start to take action, you will feel like – the fear dissolves because you’re so focused on what you’re doing.
So when you just sit home, and you’re just thinking, of course, you’re gonna feel stressed and scared. But when you’re taking action, you feel more confident, and you have more courage and bravery to keep going and to just get things done.
So I send you guys all of that positive energy, all of that just-do-it energy. And I hope that whatever stress you’re going through right now, that you just take a step back from your life, appreciate it for what it is, be grateful for everything that you have, and just relax.
We all need to just appreciate the beauty. After you do that, focus on what’s in front of you and get to work. I hope these tips on how to deal with stress positively have helped you in some way. Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!
Check out our article on how to get something off your mind
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How to Deal With Stress Positively
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How to Deal With Stress Positively
How to deal with stress positively
First off, before we get into how to deal with stress positively, I want to just debunk the misconception that anxiety is an unavoidable aspect of living. I do not think that. I decide not to believe that because even though stress is widespread, everyone here has probably experienced stress in life.
Life can be stressful at times. I believe that if you meditate, you will have the ability to achieve a little state of zen in which you are so so present you’re never stressed.
I think that it is likely to exist much more worry-free and longer stress-free. Don’t believe that stress is unavoidable because it is avoidable.
Today I’m going to share some tips on how to deal with stress positively. My first tip on how to deal with stress positively is to:
1) Take a shower or a bath.
There is a definite feeling about cleansing yourself, which also cleanses yourself emotionally. It washes your energy by removing those impurities away. It relaxes you.
Also, make sure to hydrate and drink lots of water, then a bath or shower, and you will feel so much better.
2) Be present.
You notice that, once you’re stressed, you’re usually feeling stressed or apprehensive about the future since it’s unsure.
You are unsure whether you are gonna pass this test, or you’re uncertain whether something is definitely going to be a certainty, and that may drive us mad if we allow it to.
But when you’re in the now, you’re focused on whatever’s in front of you. And in case you haven’t noticed: You can always handle the present moment.
So whatever obstacle is happening in your own life, if it’s the situation you are in at the moment, you are going to deal with it.
But usually, we are worried because we are attempting to deal with the problem which has not happened yet. It’s later on. That’s what’s causing the stress.
Know your power is here in the present moment. It is possible to think of the time you had a test in school coming up, and you were anxious about it.
You were really stressed out preparing or studying, or perhaps procrastinating made you stressed out. But when you’re really there taking the exam, you are not stressing out.
You are focused, you’re flowing. You are like, Okay, allow me to figure out this. Let me do this…” You’re solving the issue facing you.
Stress is a trick your brain plays on you before anything is actually happening. Stress is your anticipation, not the activity. Concentrate on the job in an instant, and you’ll be okay.
3) Brain dump.
Write it all down. When you journal all of your thoughts out, worries, and anxieties, you notice what is causing your stress, and you see how silly some of your concerns or fears maybe.
This may help you feel more clear then, so you’re not in your head all the time. You’ll be able to organize your thoughts a bit when you view it down on paper.
You might give yourself advice in your journal session. Usually, I only help myself when I am journaling it out. I’m worried about this, or I am concerned about that.
But also: this, this, and this. It’s okay because of this, this, and this. That means that you can use journaling as a tool to alleviate your anxiety, to inform yourself that it is going to be okay.
You might also utilize this session to assist you in planning out those future actions to help you escape this situation. You can use it as productive time, plan for your next baby steps, and see what beliefs or thoughts are holding you back.
Really use it to get clear. The fourth step on how to deal with stress positively is:
4) Talk to someone and get help.
Sometimes you want an outsider’s view to have the ability to understand your situation clearly. Speaking to a trusted friend or therapist can help you set you at ease and alleviate your tension and anxiety and feel in peace.
A fantastic resource to get connected with a licensed therapist online is BetterHelp.
BetterHelp is for cheap, personal counseling. Their website and the app offer access to accredited, trained, and certified counselors and therapists so that they can get assistance anytime, anywhere.
How it works is they pair you with a counselor who is right for you. You’ll be able to find a description of your therapist, their specialties, years of expertise, and reviews from other clients too.
If you don’t vibe with the one that you got, you may always change the therapist you have. In my situation, I was matched by BetterHelp the same day, and we scheduled a live video conversation.
So that was my very first experience with speaking to a therapist. And at the very first session, it was refreshing to have the ability to talk about anxieties and my issues frankly.
I cried a lot in the first session, which I ultimately did not anticipate. But it’s just been really healing and another experience to try.
In case you’re interested, definitely, check out BetterHelp because it’s so accessible and straightforward to utilize.
5) Detach yourself from the outcome and trust the process.
Understand in life you’ll find things that you can control and items that you can’t control. And it is useless, and it is a waste of time to focus and worry about matters that are outside of your control.
Therefore concentrate which you can get a handle on. Do your best and discharge your control of the outcome. Consider having this fresh perspective.
When you don’t care what happens, you are living more carefree, you have zero expectations. Whatever happens, happens.
The idea is that life will simply take you in these directions. You’ll have challenges, and sometimes, however, everything placed before you in life, everything is given for you, is there to allow you to grow, to help you learn, to gain strength.
So expect that whatever is in front of you is whatever you need to grow. A comfortable life isn’t real, there isn’t any simple life, there isn’t any ideal life.
Bad things are gonna happen. Challenges are gonna happen. So as long as you have the mindset: I am just going to perform my best and not care about the outcome. I’m here to learn, you’ll be okay.
6) Meditate
Meditation should be done every day as it’s one of the foundation habits, one of being more stress-free, carefree, joyful in the life of the main hints.
It has so many benefits. If you were able to meditate 5 minutes daily, you would feel the benefits of a sound mind and a centered soul.
Meditation is learning to realign with your soul and softening the noise around you, and remembering that your soul within, it’s always still, it’s always secure.
Your soul is invincible. So meditation is a reminder to come back to that and realize that everything around is just temporary.
It’s not going to stay like that forever. Anyway, if it’s difficult for you to meditate, you can definitely try guided meditations like Calm or Headspace. Or you could try spa music.
I really like Spotify spa music in the background sometimes, just because it’s so relaxing. There’s also a quote that I heard once that really stuck with me, something like: “Fifteen minutes of meditation a day is essential. If you are busy, then an hour is necessary.”
I actually think that’s a quote that keeps coming up in my meditation app Zenfriend. But anyway, it’s super accurate that you should meditate every day, but if you are busier or if you are more stressed, then you should meditate longer.
I know it’s counter – when you’re busy, you’re like, “I don’t have time for meditation.” But when you are working is when you need it most.
7) Take care of yourself.
Take care of your body, your health, your well-being. Don’t forget that self-care always comes first, because you have to be okay to function in everyday life.
So make sure you’re eating healthy, drinking a lot of water, getting enough sleep. It really is the basics. And I know that when we’re busy or stressed, we tend to sacrifice things like that.
We tend to cut sleep, we tend to eat unhealthy because it’s more convenient. But when you’re busy, that’s actually the time that you need those things more.
The busier you are, the more you own it to yourself to take care of yourself. Lastly, I want to leave you guys with a quote that I really like.
It’s by Dale Carnegie: “Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.”
That just means that, when you’re feeling stressed, anxious, worried, which are all versions of fear, it means that it’s all happening in your head.
And the best thing that you can do to get out of that state is to simply take action. To my point of being present, focus on what you can do right now in the present moment and do your best.
That’s the best that you can do. And when you start to take action, you will feel like – the fear dissolves because you’re so focused on what you’re doing.
So when you just sit home, and you’re just thinking, of course, you’re gonna feel stressed and scared. But when you’re taking action, you feel more confident, and you have more courage and bravery to keep going and to just get things done.
So I send you guys all of that positive energy, all of that just-do-it energy. And I hope that whatever stress you’re going through right now, that you just take a step back from your life, appreciate it for what it is, be grateful for everything that you have, and just relax.
We all need to just appreciate the beauty. After you do that, focus on what’s in front of you and get to work. I hope these tips on how to deal with stress positively have helped you in some way. Thank you for stopping by and have a blessed day!
Check out our article on how to get something off your mind
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inviouswriting · 4 years
i think would have asked you to pick all for the writer ask ^^lll but pick the ones you want to answer the most? XD
I think I will do all of them. I was thinking about it myself and feel like it. Thank you for sending this in.
ink: what do you do to “set the mood” when writing?
I start thinking about the setting I want to write before a title or a character pops into mind. It’s why I love one word prompts because they spark off instantly.
pen and paper: do you prefer writing by hand or on a device? why?
Computer. Spell check and punctuation checker. I recently purchased word for my new laptop and it has been so helpful. I rarely write by hand. (I have bad handwriting.)
diary: how many pieces have you written that are just for you or will never see the light of day? 
There are a few stories I have written that are personal and keep to myself. Mostly original stories because not a lot of people read my original works. Maybe some day I’ll post them.
journal: do you ever write just so you can enjoy something to read?
All. The. Time. You think I write for just the fandom? I write for myself because I have stories that no one has read. Others have stories I haven’t read before. I love writing as everything comes out different than it was in my head. Like Fire I just posted. I intended that to be longer, but settled for what I wrote here. Simple. I love re-reading my own stuff because it helps me figure out what and where to take the next drabble or story I write.
novella: do you prefer to write short stories, one-shots, or entire novels?
Short stories and one-shots are easier to manage. I wrote for the fandom of Undertale. I had a really popular story I was writing. I had everything planned out, everything going for it. I had daily reviews and the sort. Then it got too much. It felt like a chore than something I wanted to do. I like shorts, they’re fun to write, and I can complete them within a day or a few minutes of sitting down and starting to write. I have a whole novel in my head I want to write. But I just don’t know how the world will perceive it.
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
This would have to be “Heaven” it is a story I wrote for the Bleach fandom. It was my first major focused graphic smut story... (If anyone has figured I am one of those writers. I can write it without problems) It broke me out of the same ol same ol “Hey I just write pwps.” No I write amazing romantic stories now. 
genre: what genre do you prefer to write in?
smuts... romance. I am pretty good at them. I can also write horror really well if I ever entertain the dark side enough. My reaper~
narrator: what pov do you like writing in best?
Second and third pov. I can’t stand first person. I feel like I am writing a diary. It feels weird.
backstory: how did you come to love writing?
I am a reader. I love books and spent most of my youth in libraries. I have learned to love the fictional works. Fantasy is my favorite genre to read. (I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.) I started writing I think... around 12. Nothing explicit till maybe... 16-18. 
time-lapse: how long have you been writing (as a hobby or for work)? 
Since I can remember doing rp stuff. I think 11-12. It’s been like 20 years... (For those curious I am 31.)
characterization: describe your favorite character(s) you’ve written.
I’ll go by fandom where I’ve improved most
FF14. Aymeric is my favorite. I love writing things for him. Close second and growing is Estinien.
Kamigami no asobi - Hades. I love this guy. I learned I can write softly and beautifully.
Bleach - Ulquiorra. There is something about this particular character. I learned and grew as a writer because of Bleach. Ulquiorra is one of my favorite villains to write. 
Original work - My reaper Kiya. Kiya Shinikami (My black mage) stems into original works I do work on every so often. She is far from my own personality. I broke the mary sue stereotype with her. Whenever I am unsure of how I want to write for a fandom I do toss her in and see if I can make my writing work. How Trust came around. (I do have a story that would feature her in her full tilt self. Just how to write it.)
carnegie: what authors and/or books/stories have inspired you to write or influenced your work?
When I could start taking note of writing. Susan Fletcher. I enjoyed her Dragon’s milk series. (It’s an older children’s novel. but worth reading.) I enjoy authors like Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, and other fictional independent writers I see on sites and here. No one influences my writing because just like drawing. People need to focus on their own natural style of writing. Even if it is messy and uncoordinated.
faulkner: what tropes do you LOVE writing? which ones are your guilty pleasure?
Femme fatals. I have a soft spot for lovers at first sight...
o’connor: what tropes/genres do you dislike writing?
The “Came from a broken life and is obviously god’s gift to the object of desire” There is having a broken life. Then there is building the work and pulling through it. Going to Kiya here. In her story. She is someone who grew up in Elizabeth Bathory’s home. She was killed for her blood. In the after life. She rose to great heights then fell from her position only to ascend to something. She achieved her greatness through countless struggles and didn’t let her murder constrict how she goes through her life now. She was even Bathory’s reaper when it came time to collect.
dickinson: what insecurities do you have about your own writing? what do you think you should improve on?
Whether or not people truly enjoy my work. I have comprehension problems here and there. Punctuation has never been my best, even through school. I just can’t grasp it like others can. And I fear that is a put off for others.
playlist: what kind of music/songs help you write? do you have a writing playlist?
I tend to listen to trance or “mood” songs. Things that set a mood for the area I write in. If it is something longer than drabbles. Trance or instrumental music is best. (Specially for essay writing.)
record: have you written things based off of songs? do you like to?
I’ve written a few things. I do like writing songs with a music theme to them. 
nobel: have you published anything you’ve written? online or irl?
Yes! I am! I am published in an anthology for the pairing Ulquihime. https://www.deviantart.com/157yrs/art/Cross-Your-Heart-398611831 All the proceeds for this anthology are suppose to go to the children’s heart foundation. None of the writers or artists for this anthology make a dime off it. My story is called Ice.
notepad: can you write anywhere or do you have to be in a specific place and mood to write?
Drabbles are spot writing and they’re always on tumblr. I like the blue background as easier to look at than the white of my word.
parchment: how often do you or your personal life influence your writing?
Rarely. I keep my personal life from seeping into my writing. I want to separate myself as much as possible.
dedication: if you were to publish a book or multiple, who would you dedicate the book(s) to?
trope: what’s a pet peeve you have about writing? 
How easy it is. People who draw know how hard it is to perfect their skills. Same with writing. It isn’t “magic in words.” It’s time and dedication to improvement just the same. You don’t just wake up and go “I’m going to write the best thing ever.” without references, a thesaurus and dictionary. 
input: what’s something you hate that people say to you about writing/your writing?
“ It’s like someone else’s.” I kinda find it impersonal that way as I have strived to stand apart from others. I want to be remembered for me. Not remembered as a copy cat of someone else.
critic: what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received about writing?
Be patient. It seems like it is hard to do, and yes it is. But spending time to write, and focus on it, keeping a steady patient flow of how you write is crucial so you never get burned out.  Also keep prompt blogs and lists saved always. They do help.
mifflin: what do you feel is your strong suit in writing? 
Romance. I’ve been told I have a way with words. I just like to write an emotion I try to convey.
houghton: what’s something you love that people compliment your pieces on?
Enjoying my work. compliments and comments tell me I am doing good. Silence kills writers and artists. 
This was a bit long but I loved taking a moment to write all this as a way to get to know the person behind the blog. I’m pretty easy going and straightforward. 
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Episode 106: Buddy’s Book
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“We imagined him way off.”
As a children's librarian, I feel there are some things I should clear up before getting started. First, we don't read at the front desk as patrons come in (and we certainly wouldn't be reading something as smutty as Passions of Xanxor); our job is helping people, not sating our own love of books, and there’s tons of other work to do when patrons aren’t in immediate need. Second, we might tell noisy patrons to be quiet at times, but we don't loudly and nonverbally shoosh, because that’s rude as hell and would justifiably result in louder backlash. Third, we weed our collections regularly, meaning a journal that's hundreds of years old would've been trashed, donated, or (most likely in this case) moved to special collections long before it could've been left uncatalogued on the ground for a patron to find (and yeah, we are capable of checking beneath the shelves). 
None of these misconceptions matter that much, but what is a little annoying is the stereotype that libraries are book repositories, rather than information centers. Yes, we carry books, but we also carry digital media to fit a modern world, and more importantly, we're staffed with information specialists  who teach digital literacy to all ages. If you're a Connie, getting your information from the internet and citing erroneous sources, come to the library and we'll teach you how to research properly using every tool at your disposal, including your smartphone. Smartphones aren’t the problem. The internet isn’t the problem. Shoddy methodology is the problem, and it’s still a problem if you’re only researching with books, because books can be erroneous as well. Pick a world history book from as late as the 80s and it’ll tell you the USSR still exists. Pick a book written by a racist and you might walk away thinking some very biased information is factual, depending on your critical thinking skills.
Libraries have always been at the forefront of literacy, research, and community outreach, so don't let anyone in charge of budgets tell you that we're a relic of the past despite what portrayals of libraries so often amount to in media.
(Also, and as much as I loathe the Dewey Decimal System, which is outdated and nonadjustable and prejudiced and not at all structured well from a consumer-facing standpoint, which is crucial to kids especially: how did they not make a single reference to Dewey also being the last name of Beach City’s mayor and Buddy’s buddy?)
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Okay, professional duties out of the way. Let's talk about stories.
Buddy's Book is about history, but more specifically, about the way we perceive history when we weren't there to live it. Nothing we see of the past looks the way it actually looked, because Steven and Connie are conflating a person who died centuries ago with Jamie. And it doesn’t stop at the visual level: unless we're to believe that the glorious line "I shall not disappear! I shan't die a lowly first mate! I shwill do something great with my life!" is actually written in the journal, the kids are allowing the idea of Jamie to seep into the narration as well. It’s reminiscent of one of my favorite Simpsons gags, where the ghost of Cesar Chavez explains that he appears as Cesar Romero to Homer because Homer doesn’t know what Cesar Chavez looked like. 
The kids say outright that they’re picturing Buddy as Jamie, so we’re aware from the start that reality is being altered. This sensation is enhanced when the Crystal Gems' appearances shift from their modern outfits to the way they looked in the old photo from So Many Birthdays as soon as the kids think to do so (complete with Amethyst's long hair, which was sorta retconned into being inspired by Greg's). Amethyst speaks using modern slang, and Garnet and Pearl exit their scene on a penny-farthing bicycle, which wouldn't be invented until the 1870s, because to a kid “the past” is a single nebulous unit of time where everything can mix together.
This is mostly played for laughs, and to great effect, but the timing of this episode forces us to confront the downside of nudging history to fit a better story. As silly as it is to insert modern concepts to fill in gaps from long ago, Steven has also had to fill the gaps for his mother's story, combining all the great things he’s heard about her from his family to create an impossible ideal of an imperfect figure. Learning that Buddy didn’t look anything like Jamie at the end of the episode is another joke, but learning that Rose wasn’t who Steven thought she was is the driving force behind Act III of the original series (a.k.a. the final two seasons).
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And, of course, this is the first time we see Rose after the reveal. In a bubble, Steven’s lack of reaction to her appearance in the book seems like a misfire, but Mindful Education is coming right up to show how Steven is repressing his emotions (which also retroactively makes me enjoy his childish behavior here, such as not controlling the volume of his voice and playing with the rolling stool).
More than any other flashback so far, Rose is an enigma. She’s a mystery to Buddy, a normal human encountering a giant woman in the desert. She’s a mystery to her friends, all by herself in the desert with a small pride of lions that the other Crystal Gems don’t know about, judging by their reaction to Lion a few hundred years later. And she’s a mystery to us, because we’ve been told that she killed someone and are thirsty for answers.
Instead, she acts like she always has. She’s as empathetic and silly and encouraging as ever, but why wouldn’t she be? The most we’ve seen of her is in Greg’s flashbacks, so we already know what she acted like after the shattering. Read one way, this episode confirms that her behavior wasn’t a front, because she’s just as lovely with this random human hundreds of years earlier.
But remember, we aren’t actually seeing Rose here. We’re seeing Steven’s interpretation of Rose from the writings of a stranger’s journal, and he’s been embellishing this journal the entire time. I’m not saying that Rose didn’t do what the book purports, or that there’s any reason for us to think she didn’t act this way, but it’s up to Steven to show us, and when given the opportunity to present any character any way he likes, he still sees Rose the way he always has. We’re an episode away from his confronting those feelings, but it’s important to see that for now he’s still clinging to the stories he’s familiar with even after a new story has come to light.
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Then, of course, there’s Lion. This is the first time in ages we’ve gotten a new hint at his backstory (it’s been on the back burner since Rose’s Scabbard), but as always, his origin remains shrouded. The connection to Rose is clearer than ever, but she’s with seven lions, not one, and none of them are pink. 
This is an area where I’m a little more frustrated by Steven not wondering aloud what’s up with the lions, but I’m not frustrated with Steven, if that makes sense.  Steven has never been as interested in the lore of the show as the fans; magic is his normal, so digging deep into where Lion came from would be like tracking down the family tree of a pet cat. Plus it would ruin the pacing of the episode for us to focus too hard on the lions, and it probably wouldn’t be great for the mystery. My frustration is from wanting a puzzle solved, which speaks to how effective this little side story has been. If we aren’t compelled enough to remember these details, Lars’s eventual resurrection has no oomph, so a little annoyance is worth it.
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The coolest aspect of the episode by far is revisiting old haunts; Rose may praise Buddy’s writing, but his drawings are nothing to scoff at, and seeing the locations themselves is a delight. It’s a nice review of the show’s own history through the eyes of someone else (and then back again through the eyes of our heroes looking through the eyes of someone else). This is our second episode in a row with musical cues from past episodes, which I sadly can’t link to because we’ve reached the era where Aivi and Surasshu had to stop posting their background tracks online. Know Your Fusion and Buddy’s Book have a nifty through-line of looking into the show’s past, just as Buddy’s Book and Mindful Education have a through-line of Steven hanging out with Connie as she begins a new school year. It’s cool to see light structuring in the serialization after so many episodes in a row that were more directly connected.
Even though Jamie himself doesn’t actually appear in it, this is probably my favorite Jamie episode. Eugene Cordero has proven himself an expert ham many times over, and because the mailman is already larger than life, he’s even more melodramatic in the kids’ imaginations. Cordero sells that “shwill” with ease, but his best read is the desert monologue that goes an even deeper layer and has Steven and Connie imagining Jamie as Buddy imagining what other people would think of his quest: “‘Ha ha ha,’ they’d say. ‘What a fool,’ they’d continue.” 
The Gems get to be goofy as well, with Pearl speaking in mangled old-timey parlance, Garnet going big in her not-too-subtle pep talk, and Amethyst swinging from accommodating and annoyed. And it’s not as if Steven and Connie are serious, either. The lightheartedness is abundant, but unlike Kindergarten Kid or Know Your Fusion, it just feels wholesome. Sure, there’s snark here and there, but this is essentially two friends having fun at the library, which I’m all about.
I’ll repeat a third time that Mindful Education is incoming, and with it comes the reality of Steven’s situation. Stories are fun, but distractions only last so long, and Buddy’s Book is a wonderful way to give us a little more joy while priming us for a bigger story about when the stories we live by aren’t true. 
Future Vision!
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It’s perfect foreshadowing to slip the Palanquin in with all the portrayals of places we’ve already been. Especially because Stephen’s Dream actually uses the journal as a reference point. (Also: did Connie steal that book? Because she certainly couldn’t have checked it out if it wasn’t catalogued.)
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
Does it get things wrong about libraries? Sure. But this is still a fun and funny episode about research and narratives, so it’s burrowed its way into my heart regardless.
Top Twenty
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
The Return
The Answer
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
When It Rains
Catch and Release
Chille Tid
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
No Thanks!
     5. Horror Club      4. Fusion Cuisine      3. House Guest      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
(Not sure why this one lacks promo art, considering it’s our first episode after the huge release rush of the Summer of Steven, but I love the True Buddy art from Tench.)
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lingmaj-blog · 5 years
Happy New Year, everyone! It's currently ~3:00 am and I may or may not be fighting off some sort of illness but there's no time like the present for planning lol. As my first original post and first post of 2019, I'm going to list out some goals I have for the upcoming year! I posted all of these on my Twitter as well, if you'd like to see them there :)
Either go back to school or join the Air Force (or both). I can take the ASVAB and possibly the DFAB(I think that's the other test) when we move to Cali.
Start playing piano and flute again! I love music and would love to be able to play more but I haven't made it a priority in the past. I'll focus on piano to start with.
Study Japanese every day. Even if it's only a few new words, it will add up fast!
Do skin care every day. At the very least wash, tone, exfoliate, and moisturize! It doesn't take long at all!
Work out more;; yoga, meditation, a jog... I don't have to go to the gym every day! Something small like this can help me form healthier habits and build up my self esteem.
Save $5,000+ over the course of the year. I'm pretty sure there's a website/app I saw a while back that can help me figure out exactly how much every month I'll need to save to reach my goal. I've been spending way too much lately and I still have some loans to pay off that start accruing interest in February so I'll have to be a lot smarter about that kind of thing!
Draw at least a little bit every day. Even just little stickynote doodles are fine! A little bit of practice consistently makes for good foundations (I'm pretty sure. It can't hurt, at least!)
Start journaling. There are some prompt apps I can use to help me out and I don't even have to make detailed journal entries. One or two things about the day or some expectations and I'm good to go! With this, though, I'd like to start doing more creative writing as well. Since I recently got an AO3 account and booted up my old lurker FFN account (boof_floof and boof-floof, respectively), doing things like short stories that take maybe an hour or two to write and posting those every so often and then having a longer series with more detailed updates that gets new chapters regularly would be wonderful.
Get out more and make new friends when I move to California! Maybe find some community groups to join.
Get a dog!! This will have to wait until well after the move but it's still very exciting! Dunno if I'll be able to get to know it very well though if I'm planning to leave soon anyway; either military or school. :(
Read at least 2 books of any genre a month. I can check a few out from the library and read for a while before bed! I'll take them with me when I'll have to wait for things. I need to try to avoid using my phone as a time killer as often; being prepared with books should help me with that!
Study/Play Go daily. At least one game a day, either online or with my brother on our board. Joseki and Fuseki aren't super important, but they're a good little bonus bit of study that doesn't take a lot of time commitment. I have a bunch of videos downloaded on YT that I need to watch as well, so I might as well make it "watch one lecture video a day and play one game a day". Then I can fill little gaps of free time with fuseki problems!
Do the 100 days of productivity challenge! I'll do my best to have them be consecutive days but that might not happen so I'll make it by goal to complete the challenge by June! That way I can do it at least twice over the course of the year :). Since I've had a hard time disciplining myself since I graduated, I'm looking forward to that feeling of accomplishment at the end of every day that comes with knowing that I got things done!
I'll be documenting my 100 days of productivity challenge progress here, as well as daily or periodic updates concerning my other goals. Here's to 2019 being a better year; a year of self-improvement and dream actualization; a year of emotional and mental wealth and security!
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raven-moreno · 6 years
Why I’ve been inactive
Dear readers & followers,
So, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here - I basically just went totally inactive on most (if not all) of my social media accounts. So, let me just give you all an update about what’s going on with me…
I suppose I should just put it out there - I don’t really have internet access at home (and I haven’t for most of this year).
I’ve decided I’ll be blogging for “bliss” and sort of for business to get my artwork out there (I’m not making money off of this blogging)… Since it seems I’m inept when it comes to networking.
I caught the flu twice last year (2017); 1st time was in February 2017 and the 2nd time was in November 2017 (or was it December?)… each time it took me a month or so before I was finally better. Which is pretty messed up cause I have uncontrolled asthma.
I’ve still got some residual issues from the flu - for example, my lungs still hurt a bit and my energy levels are still at a low.
I’ve got a dating/looking for friends profile online that I’m going to delete - I’m giving up on that site. I started out on that site just looking to befriend new people and I eventually added dating to my reason, but that doesn’t matter now.
I’m not even sure I want to bother with dating anymore when more often I find myself thinking, “Do I want to deal with stress, complexities (and other possible negative occurrences) that comes with dating?”
I haven’t worked on any of my polymer clay projects since about January 2018.
The only artistic thing I’ve started/completed this year (thus far) are two separate paintings I’ve done (that are solely for me). Which are on the (front & back) covers of an unfinished journal I had bought from my local Michael's arts & craft store. (pictures of my paintings at the bottom of this post). Btw, I’ve started writing in that journal.
It’s been years since I’ve broken out my mother’s sewing machine and I miss it (I think) but at the moment I’m just too unorganized to work with it.
I haven’t done any acting in YEARS - at this point I feel like I’ve lost the ability to do so.
I haven’t really done any photography either. :-/
I’ve been thinking about renting a P.O. box for a while but haven’t even done any pricing research yet - perhaps one day I’ll actually follow through on this on again/off again desire.
I’ve got a library book that was due July 19, 2018… This is the first time in a VERY long time since I’ve had an overdue library book. I feel like this is another thing that adds to the “I’m not doing well” category. Btw, I returned the book & paid the overdue fees.
While I’m on the category of books - I have yet to finish writing the first chapter in any of the books I’ve been trying to write. The blank screen is utterly daunting. (TT_TT)
I’m going to be 32 years old this coming November (2018) and I’m not happy with my life.
Keep in mind, I use to write little motivational quotes on origami cranes (which I folded myself) and gave them away at my best friend’s shop. I figured if I can’t feel good about myself then maybe I can help others (in little ways) feel a bit better. I seemed to have lost the desire to do even this.
My life goals are so far out of my reach that they might as well be in a different galaxy. I’m left wondering how can I even attain any of my goals - let alone why I should even bother anymore… Especially with the constraints I have in my life. Constraints that leave me feeling as if I’ve been bound and gagged while those who’re mostly responsible are able to move about freely - without sparing a glance in my direction unless it to say something that’ll make me feel even worse.
I will say that some of my constraints is due entirely to health related problems. Examples: Getting sick at the drop of a hat, menstrual cramps that render me bedridden (doctors have ignored me about this cause I’m not pregnant nor have I ever been), a ridiculous amount of allergies/intolerance, and that’s not even all of it but that’s all I’ll list.
I have noticed that I’ve become more withdrawn & listless after each passing of my fury/feathery/scaly family members and my mother has confirmed this. The final ones being MoonPaw (my ferret daughter), Buffy (my feline sister), and Cookie (my canine sister) - I’ve always struggled to socialize (I can thank social anxiety and probably some other things for that) but NOW I just feel ‘meh’ at the mere idea of even trying. I miss them all so much that even now (a few years later) there are random nights where I cry myself to sleep. My friend had at one point asked if I was ready for another dog and my answer was no. My answer still remains “no” because I cannot afford, neither emotionally nor financially, to adopt another precious animal into my family.
I find that I’ve been completely burying myself in reading fan fiction (I pre-load a bunch when I’m somewhere with free wifi), playing games on my laptop (offline), listening to music, and watching tv in response to being withdrawn/listless & feeling hopeless.
What else should I update you all on? I’m not really sure… I’m not even sure when I’ll do another post.
So, in short, I haven’t been active because I don’t have internet at home and I haven’t been doing well. If you want to reach out to me, I’m good with that. Just please, please, please be patient with how long it may take before I respond.
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This 2nd one is the back cover.
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autumn-kitten · 6 years
Tag Post
I was tagged by @springbearhime, thank you so much!!!!! ♡ ♡ I don’t think I’ve ever been tagged in one of these things so it made me unreasonably happy :’)
Posting this under a cut because it ended up being super long!
Nickname: Nic, Rose, Shy
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 20 as of this March!
Time: 10:31 am
Fave Artist: Radiohead right now. PS friendly reminder to blacklist the tag radiohead if you don’t wanna see me spamming, I just queued like 50 radiohead posts bc I have a problem lol
Song stuck in my head: This excellent, underappreciated one hit wonder, She Blinded Me With Science. Also, this live version of Radiohead’s Videotape, because it includes a cool part in the middle that isn’t on the recorded/studio version and I love it.
Last movie I saw: The Incredibles 2
Last thing I googled: Trying to figure out how to properly use the Amazon Alexa my mom bought, lol.
Other blogs: I have a Tera Online blog, which is dead rn because I’m not playing Tera very much anymore and the blog is on another email address so it takes too much effort to access it lol. I also partially abandoned it because I got the feeling people didn’t really like me on there.. got a whole lot of mean anons and all my mutuals stopped talking to me and uhHhh idk what I did but sorry y’all... I think I just complained way too much there honestly.  I also have a private rant/journaling blog, because I need to write things down to help me deal with it/get it out of my system.
Do I get asks: I wish!! Sometimes people do message me though but I always get shy ahah. Send me anons! I will answer anything! Hit me tf up!
Why I chose my url: Oh boy, I made this blog when I was probably 16. Autumn was my favorite season and I adore cats. I didn’t use this blog at first because I already had one I was active on and had a lot of friends/mutuals. When I was like 18, this guy I was dating at the would go on that blog and have a huge freakout over nearly everything on it (you posted a selfie and responded to someone that complimented you with a heart??? ARE YOU CHEATING????, etc), so I moved here. I feel kinda bad, I had like 10 messages from different people saying “this blog has zero posts and I want this url can i pls have :(”
Following: 631 LOL. Most people aren’t even active anymore so I should probably go through and clear that out...
What I am wearing: I don’t have work today so I’m still what I slept in - soft Mickey Mouse print boxer shorts and the shirt I wore yesterday lol
Dream job: I don’t really know what I want to do!! Something that makes me happy and doesn’t suck the life out of me, which idk is possible. The idea of working for the rest of my life really depresses me. I am very interested in a ton of things but am not talented at any of them (music, art, film directing or editing, computer programming/coding, writing/editing) so I’m hoping to take some classes at my community college and see if there’s something I’m able to pick up. As a kid I wanted to be an actress (I had no anxiety until I was like 12, it was wild - I was a theater kid haha), then all through middle and high school I wanted to be in a band or be an author/editor, and when I was like 18 I wanted to be an English teacher for quite a while but I’ve realized I’m too shy and definitely not assertive enough.
Dream trip: Japan and all over Europe. Also Australia/New Zealand!!
Fave food: Oof this is hard... I honestly just love food in general. Sometimes it’s burgers and fries, sometimes Chinese food, sometimes Pad Thai, sometimes sushi, sometimes pizza, sometimes pasta... Food is delicious, lol. Right now I’d say probably burgers and fries?
Play any instrument: I took piano lessons for a few years as a kid but hated practicing bc there was pressure from my parents and eventually quit. I wanted to learn how to play the drums but my parents said it was “too loud” so I played trumpet for 4 years in the middle school band and jazz band (because trumpet is SUCH a quiet instrument, lol). I self taught myself guitar in 8th grade and was in a band that never got off the ground, but I haven’t touched guitar since I was probably 16 and really wanna get back into it. I’d love to learn play bass guitar and drums!! Also, fun fact... I was SUPER obsessed with harps as a kid and really wanted to learn how to play one until I was like, 11.
Play(ed) any sport: Aside from being a theater/band kid, I was also v sporty since my dad really wanted boys, hahaha. I played soccer, volleyball, and basketball! I played soccer the longest but I ended up being better at basketball than anything else... but I loved volleyball the most, lmfao. I made some “tryout only” teams for all three sports, which was cool, but any and all sportiness died when I was like 13 or so because Depression Says No and honestly my heart wasn’t in it anymore, it started out as a fun activity but after I was about 10 or 11 I was just doing it because my parents wanted me to and I was really miserable. It was a blessing when they let me quit.
Hair color: Blondeish?? I think?? It’s kinda strawberry blonde in some light.
Languages spoken: English, and three years of classes worth of Japanese. I love languages but it’s super, SUPER hard for my brain to learn them. I want to get back into Japanese, though, because it came pretty easily and was a lot of fun! I tried to learn Spanish for a while since I was living in Argentina, but I was horrible at it and kept adding in Japanese on accident because apparently my brain could only handle two languages and not three, lol.
Random fact: Hmm...  I was incapable of rolling my R’s until new years eve this year.. I was v drunk and apparently was just sitting at the table going rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... after months of trying to learn how to do it and not even knowing the proper technique I was just rolling my R without even trying/knowing I was doing it. I’ve been able to since that day, lmfao.
Describe yourself with an aesthetic: Oh boy I don’t even know how to do this??And it depends on my mood??? My brain can’t decide who I am or what my aesthetic is, sometimes it’s crazy cat lady with a huge library in her house, sometimes it’s girl at the county fair with a flowy dress and sunflowers in her hair, sometimes (often) it’s “hi I no longer have black hair anymore but I still feel emo/goth in my soul™, sometimes it’s some bullshit 90s vaporwave stuff, sometimes it’s just “haha i’m here for the memes”, sometimes it’s telescopes and observatories and stars and astronomy, sometimes it’s cutesy pastel... idk what my aesthetic is.
Also here’s a relatable picture of me, ty for reading. I tag... anyone that wants to do this bc I really don’t know who to tag ahhhHhhHHHhhh
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cancerbiophd · 6 years
By Paris H. Grey - Original article in title link
Motivation killer No. 1: Following a schedule doesn’t work for you
I’ve always been a night owl. Early in my research career, I took full advantage of this by working the “night shift” during university holidays. Arranging my research schedule around my preferences (and when there was ample parking) made learning complicated techniques easier and gave me the freedom to test time-management strategies when I was most productive. Plus, only a few other labmates worked the same hours, so it was easy to negotiate when two of us wanted to use the PCR machine or turn up the stereo. As my career responsibilities and life have evolved, I rarely have the same opportunities to indulge my night-mode tendency, but I’m glad I took advantage of it when I was starting out because it gave me insight that I’ve used throughout my career.
As a graduate student, you probably have the opportunity to determine the research schedule that is right for you, both for your research productivity and your life outside the lab. How much flexibility you’ll have will be influenced by various factors, including your course load, whether you’re a teaching assistant, the types of experiments you do, and possibly your mentor’s availability and expectations. But within that framework, explore all your options. Listen to your brain and your body. Experiment to figure out when you do your best intellectual work, such as planning experiments and writing, and when your brain is uncooperative and best suited for mindless tasks, such as washing lab ware and racking pipette tips. Then use your talents when you’re the most effective.
For those who are most productive when only a few labmates are around, be sure to still make an effort to overlap with everyone on a regular basis. It’s the connections you build with them that will help carry you through the tougher challenges in graduate school.
Motivation killer No. 2: Losing focus at the start of the day
We all have those days. You arrive at the lab ready to seize the day, but before you’ve had the chance to grab an ice bucket or set up a reaction, a labmate asks whether you’ve seen the video of that tiny hamster eating a tiny burrito. You haven’t. This of course leads to an internet search to watch the video, and a few others, followed by a quick Instagram check, then over to Twitter where you discover links to several must-read stories. The next thing you know, group meeting is about to start. After that, it’s time for lunch and a coffee run before meeting with the undergraduate you’re mentoring. Suddenly, it’s late afternoon—too late to start an experiment because you’d be in the lab all night—so it makes more sense to call it a day and start fresh tomorrow.
Occasionally losing focus at the start of the day like this is nothing to worry about. But even the most dedicated researcher can struggle with maintaining consistency if they are regularly, immediately distracted upon arriving at the lab.
If you have trouble getting your work day started, try planning tasks that allow you to be productive within the first hour of arriving at the lab—even if what you accomplish is a small thing. You might prefer to design an experiment, write, read a journal article, or head straight to the bench. My approach is to wait to check email or social media until my first experiment is underway. One PI told me that her strategy when she was a graduate student was to routinely set up overnight experiments that required her attention at the start of the next work day. Another colleague no longer schedules early morning meetings because doing so quashes her motivation for the rest of the day.
Once you’ve developed the habit of getting to work as soon as you arrive at the lab, on most days, the momentum should help you move forward until it’s time for a break. (For more on the importance of taking breaks, see motivation killer No. 4.) However, if you find yourself stuck in a pattern of having trouble getting started, it probably indicates that you’re overdue for a vacation, or that you might need to discuss your career plans or mental health with a counselor.
Motivation killer No. 3: Including too many—or too few—details on your to-do list
It seems simple enough: Write down what you need to get done and then do it. But there is an art to creating useful to-do lists. When done correctly, they help you stay organized and provide satisfaction when crossing off a finished task. But when done improperly, to-do lists will continually make you feel as if you’re behind—which will absolutely destroy your motivation.
Effectively managing a to-do list starts with learning how much information you need to stay organized without becoming overwhelmed by the volume of it. I learned this at the start of my research career, when I followed the example of a researcher down the hall and made highly detailed to-do lists. The system worked for her. But for me, staring at a list that included every research detail, from making media to setting the temperature on an incubator, felt overwhelming. Since then, I’ve learned through trial and error that a short list representing broad tasks helps me get work done without sabotaging my motivation. Others might benefit the most from lists that land somewhere in between. If you’re not sure about what will work best for you, you can experiment with different approaches to home in on the answer.
As you’re discovering what level of detail helps you stay on track, also consider the type of reminder system that you need. If it’s helpful, enable push notifications on your devices for deadlines, target dates, and tasks. If your blood pressure rises each time your phone pings with another reminder of something you haven’t yet accomplished, try a low-tech solution such as a whiteboard or bullet journal.
Motivation killer No. 4: Working without breaks
If the only reasons you stop lab work are to attend a seminar, troubleshoot a labmate’s technical woes, or read a journal article, you won’t achieve the daily renewal that is essential for taking care of yourself. You should take breaks during your research day, and those breaks should leave you feeling energized.
To ensure that your breaks support your well-being, you need to understand how you recharge. If chatting with labmates about an upcoming vacation or connecting with others online brings fresh motivation, daily renewal in the lab can be relatively easy to achieve. For some, myself included, the better choice is to unplug from the internet and remove all the demands on my time by taking a short walk or savoring a cup of coffee. If what you’re currently doing isn’t bringing you some sense of renewal during your research day, then repurpose your breaks until you find something that does.
Motivation killer No. 5: Focusing on minor negative details
I used to detest preparing antibiotic stocks. It’s not difficult or time intensive, yet I would put it off until it couldn’t wait any longer. By focusing on how much I disliked this particular task, I wasted emotional energy and made finding the motivation to get it done more difficult. Then, spurred by an Instagram post I wrote asking others what lab chore they disliked most, I realized that I should change my perspective. I acknowledged that making the stocks was never going to be fun, but my labmates relied on me to do it and I just needed to get it done. With this mindset adjustment, the chore immediately became less annoying. I still don’t look forward to preparing the stocks, but it’s now easier to prioritize.
If your mantra about a lab chore, updating your notebook, or doing the prep work for an experiment has become, “This is so boring; I hate doing it,” stop reinforcing that negativity. Embrace the fact that some tasks are annoying, and start thinking of them as steppingstones to interesting experiments. You can also try listening to music or podcasts while tackling a boring task or rewarding yourself after it’s done. That way you’ll save your energy for managing the major frustrations, such as failed projects and rejected manuscripts, that are inevitably a part of research.
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