#i for one am happy for our noelle standing up for herself
Berdly dose not need a redemption arc
I would like to prefix this by stating that I am NOT trying to excuse his actions. He is very much a prick and has a hard time listening to Noelle’s honest thoughts and opinion, but I don’t think these are good enough reasons to constitute a redemption arc for him, because outside of these flaws he has a lot more redeeming qualities. 
One of his prevalent traits is that he is diligent, hardworking, and honest. Across the two chapters we learn that Berdly has two jobs, a volunteer job at the library and a job with Ms. Boom, so far we’ve only seen him at the library but this shows that he isn't lazy and takes his job seriously.
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This also shows that he is quite an honest person. When it comes to other people he might misinterpret their intentions but his assessment of their personality and how they act aren’t wrong. He wasn’t lying about his motivations and although he makes excuses for why he sucks at everything he never gives up trying to overcome an obstacle or complete his objective.
Berdly misinterprets Kris pranks on him.
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Berdly making excuses for why he couldn’t solve the puzzle.
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When he keeps his limits in mind and is willing to help out with the group he can be pretty smart. He has a good memory which helps out with the plan he comes up with. A plan which actually got them farther than just brute forcing their way through.
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The plan fails but it does show that he isn't as dumb as he thinks he is.
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These traits don’t automatically make him a good person, villains can have similar traits as the heroes afterall, but Berdly is morally sound as well.
In the spamton sweepstakes, Berdly accidentally deletes his minecrap game and has to fix it with the help of Kris. Instead of boasting about how he fixed it all by himself he admits that he got help from them.
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And in chapter two when Berdly shows off the statue to Queen and Kris he specifically says to Kris to admire OUR artisanship (skill in a particular craft). 
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In the next room over we learn that Sweet cap'n cakes help make the statue.
This shows that Berdly is willing to give credit where credit is due even if he sees everybody as intellectually inferior.
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Throughout the entirety of chapter 2 Berdly is constantly trying to keep Noelle safe, that’s part of the reason he was working for Queen in the first place.
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The other reason was to make a happy world for the both of them by creating a dark fountain. Noelle even says this herself after the ferris wheel ride.
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He even pretended to have romantic feelings for Noelle so she wouldn't be sad.
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While he does misinterpret her feelings as being towards him Berdly doesn’t force a kiss on her. Outside of leading her on he never once tries to take control away from Noelle or make her uncomfortable. In his mind Noelle is the one who has to make the decision to admit her love to him, not the other way around. Even when he does have a crush on someone he doesn't force a kiss on them, the control is always in the other person's favor.
He puckers up but that’s as far as he goes and when it doesn’t work he backs off.
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All this shows that Berdly loves Noelle and wants to be supportive as much as possible. And while their friendship IS messy and could use some work, at the end of the day they ultimately care about each other.
If Berdly only cared about what Noelle could do for him, why does he ask Noelle how she’s getting stronger instead of why during the snowgrave route?
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It’d be counterintuitive of him to let her get stronger since it would mean she could stand up to him and call him out on his bullshit.
When she is assertive and expresses her true feelings on Berdlys idea during the normal route, he’s shocked but he accepts this side of her pretty quickly.
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When all is said and done Berdly comes off more as a well meaning but misguided character, far from somebody who needs a redemption arc. His intentions were never malicious and the flaws he does have are easily fixable. While in the light world it’ll take a bit of time to relearn everything, if his final few lines are anything to go by it probably won’t take that long.
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kittyprincessofcats · 3 years
She-Ra S5 E08 - Shot in the Dark
There might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post!
I absolutely LOVE this episode, and at first, I couldn’t really put my finger on why I liked it that much. And then Noelle tweeted this:
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And yeah, that’s what it boils down to. This is the first *happy* Catra episode since... basically since “Once Upon a Time in the Waste” - and back then, the happiness didn’t last long.
(I also just think that story of AJ being so worried about Catra and Noelle reassuring her with every script is so adorable. I love to see how much they all care about these characters.)
Now let’s get into the episode!
- “Why does space hate me so much?” Yeah Glimmer, as I’ve said before, your powers don’t work in space because otherwise things would be way too easy and this show would be over way too quickly.
- “So, your plan is to, what? Ram through an armada of ships?” “No! ...Maybe!” 😂 I love Adora.
- The way Catra’s hands are shaking when she tells Adora they’re going to get caught... oh, baby 😢. And how Adora suddenly looks so worried... gosh, these two.
- Catra and Adora playfully arguing over whether or not Catra ‘defeated’ them in the past is so cute. I love this kind of ‘former enemies’ bickering and it’s why I was so glad they didn’t wait until the very end of the show to redeem Catra.
Bow: “Adora, Catra’s right.”
[Everyone’s eyes go wide.]
Bow: ... “That felt weird to say.”
😂 Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Bring on all the ‘former enemies’ bickering, please!
- So, is this just because Wrong Hordak’s “brains were scrambled”, as Bow put it, or do all the clones randomly blurt out that Horde Prime has a weakness whenever they hear someone ask about it? I’m going to assume it’s the former. Also, the way he keeps blurting out more and then denying that Krytis exists is super funny.
- I like how they set Krytis up before with Catra having visions of it back in Taking Control - still pretty convenient that just hearing the name lets her make the connection, but I’ll take it. (Is it meant to be some lingering effect of being connected to the hivemind that she’s having visions of it again now, or is it just her remembering what she saw before?)
- I love the detail that Darla’s information on Krytis is locked and they need administrator clearance to access it. Shows again that the First Ones aren’t that different from Horde Prime - they were also ashamed of their failure to conquer Krytis and tried to hide the information on it.
- “In- In- In- Incorrect. It is located nowhere, because it does not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed it.” I honestly think this line should be a meme. When you want to hide something from someone (but you know it does exist), just quote that exact line (kind of like “There is no war in Ba Sing Se”). I once said it to my sisters when they asked about certain fanfics I wrote as a teenager. (“Nope, they are located nowhere, because they do not exist, because Lord Prime destroyed them.”)
- Changes in the opening: Micah, Spinnerella, Scorpia and Mermista are now standing mind-controlled around the Heart of Etheria in the villains’ shot. They’re also all missing from the final heroes’ card. In that final shot, Perfuma and Sea-Hawk both look sad now, and Netossa looks angry.
- Catra touching her neck when she sees the spire on Krytis... 😢. I’m here for the angst, but I also just need Catra to get lots of love and comfort after everything she’s been through.
- Can we talk about how absolutely ADORABLE her space suit is, though? Bow is absolutely right to coo over those ears. And when she tries to take it off with her foot? And Adora laughs about it? And Catra smiles when she sees her laugh? ❤️❤️❤️
- Wrong Hordak still denying that Krytis exists while currently being on Krytis is absolutely hilarious to me. It reminds me of flat-earthers or anti-vaxxers, or people who try to deny Covid exists (while others are currently dying from Covid) - not that any of those are funny, of course. I just mean that wrong Hordak nicely demonstrates how ridiculous they can sound.
- Catra calling out the Best Friend Squad on how dumb their plan is and then reacting with “Honestly, what did I expect?” is absolutely iconic. They really were missing her as the team’s braincell all along.
- Bow and Glimmer teasing Catra about her “first mission”, Catra grumbling that she’s going to kill Adora’s friends, Adora responding with a really calm “Please don’t” - everything about this is perfect. 🤣
- Also, small detail, but I love how Catra has a hard time walking in her spacesuit because she’s not used to wearing shoes.
- The remaining rebels looking around the destroyed camp is really sad. Frosta immediately trapping Castaspella in ice and checking her neck is great, though. That’s what they should have been doing all along. Why didn’t they also check Shadow Weaver’s neck, though? I know she’s intimidating and all, but there was no way of knowing if she’s chipped.
- “How did the rebellion lose so many of our finest members and yet we’re still stuck with you?” Castaspella’s asking the real questions! I like how literally no one in the rebellion likes Shadow Weaver. (Though honestly, I’m also glad she’s not chipped. Imagine how hard fighting a chipped Shadow Weaver would have been.)
- “But if you try anything, I won’t hesitate to strike you down.” Castaspella said ‘I won’t hesitate, b*tch!’
- Every single part of Wrong Hordak’s existential crisis (and Entrapta’s handling of it) is absolutely hilarious. I’m not going to quote all of it here, but pretty much every line of it is comedy gold. My favourite moment is probably “It seems Wrong Hordak has begun to question the meaning of life” (and everyone’s annoyed expressions at his crying) 😂😂. (On a more serious note, though: As much as it’s played for laughs, Wrong Hordak turning his entire worldview around in such a short amount of time is also pretty epic.)
- Catra just cutting through that door - damn, she’s strong! And I love Adora’s blush! (Yeah, the door was probably just an illusion, but my point still stands. She’s at least strong enough that it doesn’t seem completely weird that she'd be able to just cut through a door like that.)
- “You have an arrow that turns into a magnifying glass? I can’t believe we were losing to you guys.” 🤣🤣 Catra realizing the people she was fighting are actually idiots will never not be funny.
- It goes hand in hand with Bow realizing Catra is actually a cute kitty with an adorable sneeze. Good stuff. And the way her tail gets fluffy when she insists she’s not cute? D’awww. (Bow saying “The angrier you get, the cuter you are” reminded me of that scene in Steven Universe where Peridot loses her limb-enhances at the beginning of her redemption arc and Steven calls her cute and “an angry little slice of pie”.)
- Castaspella’s cape getting stuck in tree branches and the like is pretty funny, ngl. This is why Edna Mode said “No capes”.
- Shadow Weaver saying that her gifts are “far subtler” than mind-control is very fitting. Her thing is manipulation, after all. She doesn’t need to control people’s minds when she can just manipulate them and raise them in a way that’ll make them do what she wants. It’s scarier than mind-control in a way because it’s far more realistic. Mind-control doesn’t exist in real life, but manipulative parents (or just manipulative people) who will mess someone up emotionally? Very realistic.
- I like that you can tell that something’s off about Entrapta’s voice this time if you pay attention to it.
- “Seriously? How have you guys stayed alive this long?” Yup, the people you were fighting are idiots and you’re the braincell of the team now, Catra.
- I love the creepy music when Entrapta tells them it’s the first time they’ve talked since the last floor.
- Also, I love how Catra’s first instinct is to just launch herself at Melog, even though you could tell she was terrified just a moment earlier.
- I really like the moment where Glimmer realizes there’s magic on Krytis, especially since she doesn’t have her other powers right now.
- Melog bonds with Catra because they have the same sneeze ❤️❤️
- “Are you... are you petting the thing that’s been trying to kill us?” I love this whole moment 😹. I also love how Adora is so protective of Catra and immediately yells “Get away from her!” when Melog seems to get angry.
Catra: “I’m sorry. I got angry. It’s something I’m working on.”
Adora [with sparkling eyes]: “Aww, you are?”
Catra: “Yes! Now can you please...” [deep breath] “Yes. I am.”
I love everything about this. Catra genuinely working on her anger issues, Adora being so touched about it (remember back in Taking Control where she wished that Catra would ‘at least try’?), Catra having to hold back her anger because she realized Melog responds to emotions - perfect. ❤️😂👍
- Catra is so sweet when she calms Melog down. And the moment where they form their bond is really nice.
- So, can Catra understand Melog because of their bond, or because they’re both cats? I’m assuming it’s because of their bond?
- Melog’s backstory is really sad. But Adora offering to take them to Etheria is a really sweet scene.
- I like the parallel between the Best Friend Squad realizing that magic is Horde Prime’s weakness (and that the only planet he ever failed to conquer had wild magic) and Shadow Weaver telling Castaspella that the First Ones weakened Etheria’s magic and they have to set it free.
- “Stop me if I try to take the power for myself.” I’m not sure how I feel about that line. I like how SPOP has very much written Shadow Weaver as ambiguous so far. She’s not a good or nice person by any means, but is she at least on the side of the good guys and really trying to help now or is she still only after her own selfish goals? I very much did not want Shadow Weaver to get any sort of redemption or forgiveness, and I’ve always interpreted her as still being power-hungry. So, I have mixed feelings about this line. I like that it canonically acknowledges that Shadow Weaver is still tempted by power and might actually try to take the magic for herself, but asking Castaspella to stop her if she tries makes her look more selfless and like she’s taking precautions against it. (But then again, could Castaspella even stop her if she tried? I’m pretty sure Shadow Weaver is the stronger one of the two. So, you could still read this as Shadow Weaver being a master manipulator and only saying this so Castaspella will feel more inclined to trust her and go along with her plan - while knowing full-well that she could easily defeat Castaspella if it ever actually came down to it.)
Glimmer: “So, just to make sure I get it - We’re going to go running through a Horde blockade while relying on the magic of a creature we just met?”
Catra: “That about sums it up, yes.”
You know what this means - Catra’s a part of the Squad now!
- “Punch it, Darla!” I still love that the ship’s name is Darla. Also, all of their expressions when they fly through the blockade should be a “draw the squad” meme.
- Catra holding Adora’s hand and getting embarassed about it ❤️❤️ (while Adora is dumb and doesn’t even notice).
- I did not expect us to get a Glitra cheek kiss this season, but I’m not complaining! Also, Catra complaining while Glimmer and Bow are hugging her is such a cat thing; I love it.
- “We made it. We’re home.” Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this is actually the first episode this season that ends on a happy / hopeful note and not on some kind of cliffhanger. And I really like that. This is where the “space arc” of season 5 offically comes to and end and I’m glad it has its own little happy ending. (And as much as I like the final episodes of the season, the space arc is still probably my favourite half of it.)
I love this episode, mainly because of what it means for Catra. She’s finally happy, she saved the day, she’s bonding with Bow and Glimmer and constantly flirting with Adora, and she has an amazing therapy cat now! I loved all the bickering between her and the others and how she’s starting to open up to them. Also, Wrong Hordak was absolutely hilarious in this episode and I commend Entrapta for having the patience to deal with his existential crisis. This was a really nice way to wrap the space arc up and bring the Squad back to Etheria.
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l-sigh · 3 years
Isekai'd Gang Leader!Reader who doesn't give two f!@#s about their situation being in another world and somehow they're powerful. [Ch.2]
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warning: none
Character[s]: Noelle
Go back to Ch. 1 for your attire.
Chapter 2: "Is...this a castle?"
You stare from the end of the bridge you're on at the large walled city. It seems to be early morning so you figured that's one of the reasons for the lack of noise. You begin walking, disturbing the pigeons who were poking around on the ground. Watching them fly away, you look around you at the clear water.
"No pollution... I like it," you mumble to yourself as you place your attention back in front of you. As you get closer, you see two guards standing on either side of the city gates. You slow to a stop in front of the gate before choosing to talk to the guard on the left. You discreetly give him a once over, his garb of suit and armor piling more questions in your mind. He salutes to you in a peculiar way you don't understand but nonetheless, ignore.
"Welcome to Mondstadt, strange yet respectable traveler. Please state your identity and destination. The Knights of Favonius are here to ensure your safety," he says to you and you nod in response, unsure of what to say back at his strange... greeting. What is Mondstadt? Must be the name of the city. The wind? Should you use an alias? Better safe than sorry.
"I am Y/n. May I ask where I am? Also, may I ask for your name?" You begin with the question that's been bothering you. He perks up with a smile, standing straighter.
"You're in the country of Mondstadt, the Land of Freedom where the Anemo Archon watches over. Our city welcomes anyone and everyone," he answers, all proud. "My name is Swan." You nod slowly. Maybe he can help lead you to someone who can answer all your questions about this place you've woken up in. Since he seems to only be a guard, you can't trust him to know everything. Maybe someone who's in charge of this place. But my current social standing is not as it was before... no matter. Diplomatic relations must be made anywhere, at anytime. If they can be of some help then it does not matter who and what they may be. You make up your mind and ask him for the city's leader. He stares at you, confused as to why you have to ask for someone so important.
"You mean the Acting Grandmaster? Sure, but I'm not quite-- oh, Noelle! Thank Barbatos you're here," he turns to look at someone behind you and you turn around. A lady who seems to be dressed with metal plated onto her clothing as some type of light armor smiles and walks closer to you. You watch as she curtsies to the both of you. Huh.
"Good morning to you Swan. How may I be of service to you today? And oh, who is this person with you?" She pleasantly speaks, her eyes going to you. Before the Knight could say anything you stand relaxed, placing your hand on your heart as you bow formally.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Y/n. I'm looking for someone able to assist me in learning about this world," you straighten up and look back at her bewildered face. Paying it no mind, you continue on, being as honest as you allow yourself to be. "I am not of this world and it has confused me greatly. I do hope this Acting Grandmaster of yours is able to enlighten me of my situation." Everything around you goes quiet and you hum in confusion. That seems to spur everything back into motion.
"Oh! Well then, allow me to bring you to her," she composes herself and thanks Swan as she leads you into the city.
Looking around at the place, it seems like it's as close to medieval as you thought it would be. There seems to be nothing familiar about this place that I can place my common sense on. My world is a lot different and I have no subordinates here to relay and fetch information for me. Seems like I'm back on the field. You sigh quietly and place your hands in your pocket, keeping a relaxed posture. It doesn't help to be nervous, even if it's a different world. You pass by many people, shops, what seems like a restaurant and a grocery shop. There's also some kind of weird glowing table beside it and you turn your head away when Noelle calls for your attention.
"May I ask, where are you from? Your attire doesn't seem like from any country I've seen on others that have visited here," she politely asks. You hum and step up onto a staircase.
"I'm from [country name.]" She nods with a soft 'ah.'
"I've never heard of that place before. You don't seem like just any normal person either. What was your occupation in your world?" she says with a curious tilt to her head. You chuckle and turn your head to her.
"I wasn't. My occupation... let's say I was a head of a company," you answer as casually as you can. "Nothing too big, really." You don't see much change on her expression as she goes on asking you more things on the way till you stop at a large stone building. "Well--here we are! The Knights of Favonius headquarters," she goes up the steps. Before she could go and open the doors, you stop her. She flutters her eyelashes, surprised.
"I haven't caught your name," you tell her.
"Oh! My apologies," she turns to you with a clear of her throat, "I was so excited to assist you that I forgot my manners! My name is Noelle, a maid of the Knights of Favonius. I wish to become a knight in the near future," she clasps her hands in front of her, expression happy. You stare at her and nod. "Let's get you to the Acting Grandmaster, shall we?"
Ch.1 > Ch.2 > Ch.3
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obeymeaskme · 3 years
Obey Me: Human and Demon Hearts!
A/N: You can find all the chapters pinned on my profile!
Chapter Three: Bonds mending (1/3)
Word Count: 1,563
Rating: 18+
“The best way to prevent this is to not back down. Don't give anyone else the ability to scare you, or get what they want.”
Satan's words reverberated in Noelle's head throughout the rest of the morning, quickly letting her settle down back into her normal happy-go-lucky persona. She gave herself the motivation to sit at the dinner table for breakfast. Though she didn't make eye contact with Lucifer, or Levi, she could feel the tension from that morning's situation rise. Everyone else around the table seemed to realize it as well, as no one talked. The only sounds that played in the silence was Beel's loud chewing, and the occasional clatter of cutlery. But Noelle's drama wasn't the only thing stirring up the atmosphere. Ever since the argument between Satan and Lucifer, there was a silent humming. It slowly got louder and it would usually go unnoticed in the household, but due to the silence, the humming could be written off as an almost low growl.
Lucifer had taken the final sip of his coffee before clearing his throat, and leaning back in his chair. He turned to the girls and began to converse with them.
“I'm inclined to ask you two about how you're both adjusting to Devildom, and your academics.”
Bella, having missed the earlier encounter, looked up with enthusiasm, happy to help change the uncomfortable silence she didn't quite understand.
“I think we're doing good. I mean, neither of us are failing our classes. I have more time to do other things when I'm in my room thanks to my study halls at RAD!”
The growling grew slightly louder as Lucifer turned to Noelle, his eyes demanding an answer from her as well. She could feel her confidence waiver, even after her talk with Satan. Something inside of her still managed to cling onto her confidence. Taking a quick glance at Satan she realized he wasn't at all interested in her response.
“Well... I can agree with Bella on that much. I'm not failing any classes... yet...”
As soon as Lucifer gave a disappointing scoff, the dead silence was replaced with an audible gnarl. Noelle and Bella had to follow the brother's faces as they all whipped their heads towards Satan. It became glaringly obvious that a verbal fight was about to breakout. There were silent pleas on everyone's faces. Mammon had even attempted to redirect the attention by telling Noelle she 'Just needed a more positive attitude'. Yet that didn't stop the second lower rumble mixing with Satan's growls. There was an unspoken argument between Wrath, and Pride and the air became physically warm, and humid. Lucifer was first to break the silence, startling everyone avoiding his glower.
“Is something the matter Satan? Perhaps you have more insight on just how 'well' you think Miss.V-”
He was cut off by a sparingly calm reply by the addressed.
“It seems that I, for once, do happen to know more than you. Scary isn't it?”
Noelle had started to calm down, the focus now off of her. Still she shook her head, wondering why this frayed her nerves in the first place. If only she was a tad bit stronger like Satan. Maybe then she could face Lucifer and his threats. That's when an idea popped into her head, and she took the conversation into her own hands. A Deathwish at her doorstep.
“It's nothing too important to you Lucifer. After all, what would a demon of your stature want with my own well being?”
The remark caught everyone off guard. A few coughs and a gasp or so tried to fill the in between. Lucifer looked back at her. Noelle's eyes and face seemed almost playful. He took a second to compose himself before answering.
“It's not me who wants to know. This is the fourth year the Devildom held it's student exchange program. Lord Diavolo wishes to keep close tabs on the students, so I will ask the questions and then create a report for him to examine”.
Noelle nodded in thought. Then another idea developed in her head, and she gave a rather large smile.
“Well, since you're not all that interested... I guess I could tell Lord Di-dia-”
A few chuckles were shared as she struggled to get Diavolo's name right before ultimately giving up on it.
“-The Demon Prince myself. You shouldn't have to stress out over me so much. I have no problems giving him a report if that's something he wants. After all it's the least I can do for you.”
Everyone's eyes widened as Noelle stood up from the table, ready to partake in getting the hell out of the room. But it seemed Lucifer wasn't quite done as he called out to her. Standing up and straightening out his jacket.
“Are you implying that I am incapable?”
Noelle gave a sheepish shrug, but voiced her disagreement.
“No. Why would I? I'm just saying, as the Avatar of Pride, and the future Demon King's right hand man, I can imagine you're up to your eyes in other paperwork. Paperwork that is much more important than writing some report on how well a human exchange student is doing. Especially so early in the week? I think Both me, and Bella can handle that so you can impress Lord- Ya' know, with your more complex work. The Prince must get terribly bored with academics he's probably the master of already. Then again it's just a thought.”
Stunning Lucifer with her speech gave the others a chance to pick up their empty plates with their own excuses to leave the room. Bella had given Belphie a look before they left, and he just shrugged in response.
A handful of minutes passed and Noelle was already far into unpacking the rest of her belongings in her room. She had ordered a bed and couch to fill some empty space as she sketched out floor plans for her room. A knock was heard and a groan was given in return.
“Come in, but only if you dare~”
Satan could be heard chuckling as he just about waltz in. After tripping over a few boxes, he recovered his saunter and stood by her side at a small artist table in the corner. He had come to ask her about how she handled the situation, but was quickly distracted by the delicate drawings that scattered her desk, and decorated her walls. She had looked up at him as he silently asked to pick them up and look. She nodded in return. He lightly traced over the graphite lines, and dried colored water of morbid monsters, and cute creatures. The blaring contrast intrigued him. They spent the next few hours bonding over the arts, and her own creations. They were all but done talking as someone out in the hall walked by. Taken aback by a rather loud laugh given by Satan at another one of Noelle's inside jokes.
Lucifer had actually wanted to make his way to his study to work on paperwork, ironically enough. He'd never heard the fourth born brother laugh in that way. Listening in through the door he caught a glimpse of Noelle's true personality. It was young, sometimes barely innocent, but knowledgeable. Satan had taken to her like it was nothing. Though it left a searing pain in his head to admit it, he had come to the realization that he was in fact wrong about her. He made false accusations based on her interactions with the brothers. And up until then they weren't the most uplifting. It dawned on him further as to why. She had foolishly chosen Leviathan as her guide through the program. Lucifer silently scolded himself knowing full well that Levi had a hard enough time socializing let alone with anyone he deemed as being normal.
Mammon and Asmo had seemed to avoid her this whole time, and the only time Belphegor and Beelzebub had interacted with her was when the two girls wanted to hangout. It seemed that Belphegor and Noelle barely got along, and Beel seemed to not pay much attention. Lucifer dragged himself away from Noelle's door and made his way to his destination. Even behind his large desk that he felt the most peaceful at, his mind was still boggled. He knew logically that she was bright. Her grades showed it, and the more he thought about it he found no true reason to dislike her so much.
Her display at breakfast was proof that even though he had threatened her that morning, she was planning on killing him with kindness. Satan was correct. Noelle's survival in Devildom was going to be based on how tough she was. However, she was too soft and emotional for the demon world, and Bella had no problem with it due to her constant interactions with the twins. Lucifer soon realized that if Noelle were to make it in their world, he'd need to change his mocking attitude. She needed to become more confident, and more willing to listen to him and his brothers. So how could he make that happen if they were all so cold to her. At least for now she had Satan. That in itself was dangerous but for now it was something.
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New Year, New Us
A Deltarune fanfiction
By Sannaturek
- 31 of December, 202X
Again, Noelle is alone at home in New Years Eve.
Her mother is working in the city getting ready everything for the midnight. Her sister, Dess, couldn't come home this year. And her father, in the hospital, and she didn't want to bother them until tomorrow, since the hospital is working with closed doors on the holidays.
The big house at the northwest of the town is cold, almost all the lights are out. The only light visible comes from Noelle's room. She's writing with a pretty calligraphy in her diary, usually she doesn't have time from school or helping her father, but now it's a good time for her to let out some feelings:
*Dear diary: Now, another New Year Eve, it's the worst tome of the year again. Since the start of December, everyone is getting festive, I just don't see a lot of appealing, maybe some candies and the pretty lights are okay, but everything else it's a mess! It's embarrassing going under a mistletoe just to someone to kiss or hug you. Santa is so scary! Imagine a big old man going down the fireplace in the middle of the night! And if you are a bad person you get coal? No thanks. Also, since everyone is coming back for this time of the year, there's more people on the streets, I hope there's a way to say hi to everyone without having to talk... Oh yeah, Christmas cards, I forgot the exist hehehe... Talking about, we send our cards this year, but it was an old photo from two years ago, since dad is on the hospital, Dess is at college and mom is working, we didn't have time to take a new one. Dess, I wish you were here, you were the one of the few who calmed me at midnight. Thanks for all those New Years that you helped me staying safe and sound during the fireworks. Ugh, yeah, fireworks, as always I don't like them a lot, they are so noisy and scary, I just can't stand them. From home I can't hear them as much, but mom always ask us to go to the town for the countdown and the fireworks display. Usually I stand in the back with dad and Dess, but I don't know what I will do now, but I guess I can always count with some special people like my friends, even after everything, Kris is always there and listen to me, I'm so thankful for that... But hey, don't be sad now Noelle, it's New Year Eve, a time to let the sadness go away and make a new you! I guess... This was a great year! I made a new friend, Susie finally is more open to me and Kriss! I can't believe this is actually happening! Yaaaay! After that dream I had some months back in the library, everything started to go better with my new friends. Susie, Kris and I went to the Town Carnival, it was so much fun! We ride the ferris wheel at the Carnival. It was such a pretty view, and with Susie by my side, I didn't feel scared. Also, Kris invited me a couple time to his house, Miss Toriel make the best of the Butterscotch Cinnamon Pies, and she also taught me how to make them, isn't that great! Mom says I don't have to be so modest, and now, I am so proud of how much I improved myself this year. But I hope I can do it tonight, the fireworks on my dream that time looked better...*
As she wrote this last words, she hear a distant firework, scaring her a little. She saw the clock, 8pm, it's time to go to the town New Year festival.
There will be a lot of people, and if they see me, they will notice I'm scared of the fireworks, and that will just scare and embarrassed me more!" Noelle thinks "But it would be worse if I stay at home, and it's scary since I'm alone here, better be on the way now..." She thinks as she takes her bag, and a scarf since it was cold outside.
Now in the town, she saw some familiar faces, of course Susie and Kris would be here, good thing since it's better with friends.
"Hello guys, happy N-new Year Eve! G-good thing to see you two here!" Says Noelle.
As soon as Susie can she starts "Hello Noelle, how's everything going? You seem cold. But anyways, I hope you're fine, since this year you're here alone, we saw your mom working over there and everything it's going fine and(...)"
At this point, Noelle is just distracted at how good Susie was dressed tonight in comparison to an everyday look, boots, black pants, and a black and white sweater with a scarf, looking very warm, since she's a cold blood creature (Pun intended). She could evade and blush like a tomato.
"... Because Kris and me were about to eat some of... Are you ok? You are red! Are you cold? Please don't freeze, let's go to a place where the wind isn't that strong!"
Without letting them say a word, Susie took both of them by the hand and started running to a warmer place, near some food stands. Noelle couldn't believe it, happening again!
After that, they eat and go around the festival, the time is passing, but they are having so much fun Noelle doesn't notice it.
It's almost midnight, and the group of friends sit in a bench, they are full and tired for the night. They ate everything on the fair and had fun, now it's better because they are friends now, so much that Noelle forgot about the fireworks.
"Oh geez, it's almost midnight Kris! You know what that means!", Susie says. *Oh no, it's right, just some minutes and then...* (BOOM!), some fireworks slowly start to blow up.
Noelle starts hyperventilating, one explosion behind another. "Look Noelle, Kris! The fireworks are starting, yeah! " Susie and Kris seen to enjoy them but Noelle it's at her limit. So she steps up from the bench and goes "I'm-I'm sorry, I have t-to go now, thanks for-for everything guys(Boom) (Eek!)H-happy new y-year" Noelle says and quickly goes on the way to her house.
"Noelle wait! Where and why are you going!?" Susie says "Kriss let's go find her" so the two friends try to go behind Noelle.
Afters a little time, of looking for her, they find her in a Street near her house, sitting down a tree, shaking, sobbing and with her little reindeer ears down, in the back some fireworks keep exploiting in the back.
"Oh geez, Noelle, are you! We were worried for you..!" Says Susie as she crouches down to catch up with Noelle "Hey, are you okay? Kris what we should do? Noelle are you hurt? " Susie seems more worried for Noelle that herself. "Oh, I see, thanks Kris..." She says as Kris give her a napkin for Noelle "Here Noelle, take this and clean you face first, so, I guess you should breath slowly first, or that's what Ralsei said? I don't remember, Kris do you remember what Ralsei said about that" Redundantly, Noelle took the napkin, but could barely form words "N-no, I j-just w-wanna go ho-home, t-thanks-s (Eek!)"
As she keeps shaking, Kris carefully approaches with care not to scare her, gives a look at her and goes "She's having a panic attack, talk to her" Susie looks confused but at the same time used to a scared Noelle "Soo, it's anything you need to say?" With help of Susie, she stands up again, and little by little, talk again "I-I don't, r-really like fi-fireworks that much. (Eek!) Come on! Laugh at me, it's ok..."
Susie looks at the sky, shining with fireworks "Ooooh so that's it. What? I'm not gonna make fun of you, we are friends? Why I would...?"
As she says that, a big row of fireworks started exploiting, Kris take a look at his phone, it's midnight. Noelle starts shaking again, crying a little.
"Ok ok Noelle, first of all, Happy New Year, second, I need you yo look at me, don't look at the fireworks, look at me, we can figure it out, just give me a second..."
In a flash attack of nerves, Noelle doesn't think about it and kiss Susie in the mouth.
Noelle still shaking, so Susie understand something of it, so she hugs at her. After some second, they stop for a moment, and they look at each other, Noelle and her are shocked, but at least she isn't crying anymore.
After the commotion, they sit down on the cold sidewalk, Susie makes an improvised protection for Noelle with her scarf. Noelle jumps and let a little sound out of her mouth every time a fireworks goes off, but now she's ok because Susie (and Kris) she feels safe again.
Every time she gets scared, Susie hugs her a little more, and give her a little kiss on her fluffy cheek.
Maybe this will be a good year after all.
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dashhoney25 · 4 years
--hello darlings! I am so honored & pleased to introduce my collab with @soufcakmistress​ , this beautiful gem right here is a freaking QUEEN! It’s such a pleasure to write with her and we cannot wait to bless ya’ll with this right here! I only act a fool when she comes around and trust me ya’ll are in for a treat! This is @soufcakmistress​ world right now and I’m just living in it! The plot is so 90′s yet still modern, and of course what’s a story without Erik? Tune in to find out what Erik’s got Noelle & Remi entangled into!
WARNINGS: SMUT; GIRL ON GIRL (Ya’ll, this is pretty hot if I do say so myself.I’m not into chicks, but I give credit when due, this chapter is hot!) 
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*click hyperlink to find out who “her” is*
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The millions of nerve endings in your body were intensified by the sensation as the neurons in your brain attempted to register the exhilarating dual stimulation. Your tipsy eyes fluttered as your mouth formed a permanent “O”. Sensual moans filled the room as your eyes struggled to stay focused on the scandalous site before you. With your body in her arms while she held the back of your thighs by your ears, Erik pounded away at your hidden desire as your toes curled to the ceiling. Your head fell back into her chest, looking up to see her smiling at you seductively. Biting your bottom lip, she leaned down to kiss you, tongue wrestling with you while you caressed her neck. Low grunts ensued between you as she bit your lip in between kisses. Still holding your legs for support, she lowered your right leg onto Erik’s shoulder and wrapped her hands around you to pleasure your clit, teasing you.
“Mhmmm” you let out pulling away from the kiss. Grinning in delight, she licked the right side of your neck, sucking it passionately, moving her hand from your clit to your hardened nipples. “Fuck” you breathed out. Still stroking away, Erik’s eyes fell on the two of you as you turned your head to kiss her. Erik bit his bottom lip and raised his brow enjoying the sight. “You know you gotta share right?” He interjected. She pulled away from you, “Sorry” she grinned looking at Erik. “Now where were we?” Erik asked as he watched her move to the back of the bed. Your eyes fell on him and he entered your roughly, kissing you hungrily as he laid your body into the bed. Your hands made a mess of his dreads as your body was building up momentum to his harsh strokes, yanking your body up behind all of his power. You were feeling the impact of 9 inches of hard dick repeatedly stretching your pussy out indefinitely. Clawing at Erik’s back as his dick massages your tight folds, it made you even wetter knowing that you had an audience; an attractive one at that watching you.
You’d never been involved in a situation like this, especially not sober. You’d never been with a woman, not even a simple kiss. Your straight laced demeanor and good girl image was tainted tonight with the aid of liquid courage, and a strong milk chocolate man to guide you down this seductive charade of a rabbit hole; leaving your inhibitions up to free will. Standing 5’4 with caramel skin, her curves were immaculate whether heaven sent or Dr. Miami gifted her silhouette was alluring. Her perfectly crafted body consisted of tattoos in various locations, but the tattoo that was most appealing was the butterfly on her right ass cheek. Your eyes landed on her as Erik folded your body to his comfort, penetrating your swollen nub incessantly while kissing your body. Pulling at the covers you couldn’t contain your moans, arching your back you pulled her foot by mistake causing you to get a better view. With her pearl exposed, she was in fact getting off to watching you and Erik get it on in front of her. She caressed her naked body roughly, hastily rubbing her clit as fast as she could to reach her peak. This alone peaked your curiosity. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of her, a physical representation of what self pleasure embodied, with Erik continuously stuffing himself inside of you, your body erupted an intense orgasm that rocked your body with conviction.
Unknowingly, the three of you came together in unison coming down from a high. Erik removed himself from you and walked away to the bathroom. She on the other hand, climbed on top of you, straddled you, and ran her hands through your hair caressing your face, kissing you passionately. Not thinking twice, your hands landed on her back, traveling down to her waist, and lastly a firm grip to her ass; cupping her tattoo. You couldn’t get enough of this feeling, feeling her smile against your lips in between kisses. She managed to flick at your clit, evoking soft whimpers from your lips. “Good girl”, her sultry voice let out. Within minutes, she found your sweet spot, that sensual spot that only Erik could touch, she found what made you gush instantly. With a quick squeeze of your clit and a bite to your nipple, a puddle ensued underneath as a result of endless pleasure. Erik walked in with a pair of joggers on with a smirk on his face, watching how you looked at her smiling, he couldn’t believe that his plan went off without a hitch. Though he was happy, he was growing quite jealous of the bond you two were forming. Clearing his throat, you two looked at him and she removed herself from your lap. “I see you’ve shown her a good time” Erik stated. “I hope so” she said getting out of bed, winking at you. She threw on her lingerie, dress and heels and headed for the door. Erik followed her to the door handing her a wad of money. You two locked eyes for a moment before she walked out the door.
Getting out of bed, I threw on my black silk robe as Erik walked over to the bar cart. Erik fixed a shot glass of Don Julio and handed it to me. Taking it, I scrunched my face at him. “Let me get mine” he stated as he poured himself a shot. “To a great night!” Erik stated as his shot glass collided with mine. Taking the shot, my face scrunched in disgust and I got out of bed and placed the empty shot glass on the bar cart. I opened the screen door and stood out on the rooftop. Motioning for Erik to come to me, I placed my arms around his neck, looking in his eyes as he held my waist. “Who would’ve thought huh?” He questioned. “Thought what?” I asked smiling. “That you’d be so be so ‘free’, didn’t think you had it in you” he chuckled smacking my ass. I rolled my eyes “It was just the liquor, I don’t get down like that” I replied looking away, ashamed to say the least. Erik lifted my chin to get my attention “It’s okay.” He smiled revealing his dimples. “It’s okay to admit you like pussy on occasions. I mean, you could’ve fooled me, shorty was definitely feeling you” Erik teased. You pulled away from him annoyed that he was amused at your newfound hidden treasure. “Don’t be like that Noelle, I’m just talking” he says walking towards me. “How’d you know I’d go through with it anyway?” You asked. “I didn’t. But, after spending so much time with you, I figured you’d be the type to try something at least once” he admitted. You scoffed in displeasure. “Erik!” I objected. “I like this new you way better. Remember when we met that night at the club? You had just gotten off work, you were upset about a submission being rejected and you talked to me the entire night at the bar about it. And ever since then, and every night after, you’ve spent thrilling nights with me” he consoled, walking behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Damn you still remember that?” I questioned with a smile to my face, not realizing how much Erik really pays attention to you. “How could I forget Elle? You were too drunk to drive home. I didn’t feel comfortable with you leaving in an Uber that night. You threw up in the front seat of my Maserati. You cried the whole way to my place insisting you’d buy me a new car” Erik laughed. “I haven’t been able to get rid of your stuck up ass since!” He said with a kiss to my cheek. Turning to meet his gaze I toyed with his dreads as we shifted around the rooftop under the night sky. “Never thought you’d be the type to go for a girl in corporate anyway.” You admitted. “It’s a kink of mine, a fantasy of some sort” he embellished. “Shut up!” I replied hitting him in the chest. Our moment of laughter subsided as silence fell upon us. Exhaling I couldn’t believe that I had been so lucky to have met such a perfect man. Erik was edgy, he could be a romantic but he’d make you work for it. Erik was a businessman, and part time trainer. In my eyes he was a jack of all trades, the perfect catch to my damsel in distress facade.
“I need to tell you something” Erik interrupted, “Whats up?” I asked. “I’ve gotta go out of town tomorrow for a business trip” he said. “For how long?” I asked rubbing his arms. Erik looked at me uneasy, “3 weeks” he said. My eyes widened “Erik! Come on, you promised you wouldn’t be away like this anymore!” I whined, walking away from him. “I know, I know baby but duty calls” Erik said taking my hand. “The last time you were gone for a month, and I couldn’t take it” I said pulling away, walking back into the penthouse.
“Why would you spring it on me like this so sudden?!” I questioned. “Because, if I would’ve told you ahead of time, you wouldn’t have come out tonight! I know how you get when I leave” he huffed. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms in my chest, “Can you blame me?!” I asked. “Yeah I can, because if the shoe were on the other foot I would be by your side on your last day!” Erik argued. “Baby, who’s gonna pay for this penthouse? My Maserati? What about that diamond necklace around your neck? You know I gotta work” Erik continued. “I have my own money Erik. I don’t care if you buy me expensive things” I snapped, removing my black silk robe.
“You know I want my baby in the best there is. Don’t do me like that.” Erik concluded. Ignoring his comment I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. My feelings were shaken over the fact that Erik was leaving tomorrow, and he’s just now telling me. We’ve had such a great day but I feel like such a fool for involving myself in a scandalous situation with a beautiful stranger. To top it off, what am I supposed to do now knowing that my coming nights will be spent lonely and uneventful without his touch?
As the water cascaded down my body, my thoughts were interrupted by a cool breeze in the shower. “Couldn’t wait for me?” Erik asked playfully joining me. I glared at him and proceeded to apply the shower gel to my pouf under the water. “Let me get that for you” he said taking the pouf from my hand, forming bubbles with his hands, and applying the pouf to my body, cleaning me. “You know you can’t stay mad at me all night Princess” Erik smiled, grabbing my waist with one arm continuing to lather my body with the bubbly pouf.
“I’m not with that Princess shit tonight. I should’ve known something was up. You always get extra sweet with me when you’re about to leave Erik!” I snapped. Erik stopped bathing me, “Noelle there’s gonna be times where we’re not going to see each other and it’s okay. It’s just three weeks, stop actin’” Erik snapped. I snatched the pouf out of his hands and stood under the water, finishing my shower. “Whatever Erik. You just make sure you don’t give me a reason to pull up” I remarked, now rinsing my body.
“Pull up? Who are you?” Erik said gruffly walking over to me. His hand met the side of my face, gently caressing it “Don’t tempt me Princess” he warned flashing his gold grills. The way he looked at me, it lit a fire inside of my body. I couldn’t help but get turned on at his aggressive demeanor. Without a doubt, Erik always kept his word and I need not ask questions. “I’ll do what I have to do. Don’t be out here embarrassing me” I replied stepping away from him, exiting the shower. I dried off and massaged my skin in coconut body oil. I walked into Erik’s closet and grabbed a t-shirt to sleep in. Climbing into bed, I grabbed my phone and noticed I had an Instagram DM from someone named “Lex 🦋” I was tempted to check it, but decided not to considering my time is now limited with Erik. Locking my phone I placed my phone back on the nightstand and snuggled under the covers waiting for him to get out of the shower.
Erik walked into the bedroom with a towel around his waist. He grabbed my bottle of coconut oil and massaged it into his skin. Erik sat on the bed in front of me, handing me the bottle “Do you mind?” He questioned with a quick shake of his dreads. I giggled as the droplets of water hit against my skin. Squiring oil into my hands I massaged the the oil into Erik’s strong back and shoulders. My hands caressed his neck I slowly leaned against his back with my arms wrapped around his neck. “I don’t like fighting with you” I whispered. “Neither do I” he replied lowly. There was something tender about this moment as I embraced Erik. This would be our second time apart and quite frankly, the more time I spent with him, the more attached I’ve become.
Erik pulled me into his lap and  stared at me. “I’m doing what I gotta do for us. Don’t ever think that I’m not keeping you in mind. Hopefully I won’t have to be away like this for much longer” he said before kissing me. I wrapped arms around his neck deepening the kiss as my tongue invaded his lips gladly accepting my offer. Breaking the kiss, Erik leaned down and grabbed the bottle of coconut oil and placed it on the nightstand. Leaving his embrace, I crawled into bed and turned off the lamp on the nightstand on my side of the bed. Erik stood to his feet as the towel dropped from his body and climbed into bed hovering over me.
“I hate it when you’re mad at me” he whispered kissing my forehead. My hands caressed his face and I placed soft kisses to his lips. Lifting the shirt over my head, Erik buried his face into my chest, placing soft kisses and love marks on my nipples. Low groans left my lips as I watched his kisses trail down to my warm center. Grinning, Erik stuck his tongue out playfully licking the outside of my nub anticipating my reaction. I couldn’t help but cackle loudly at his childish behavior. “Oh come on!” I laughed. My laughter was soon replaced with moans as Erik’s tongue separated my folds. My bottom lip tucked between my lips, all I could do was hiss at the sensation that his tongue provided to my clit. Erik wasn’t afraid to get messy, his hands pried my lips back to reveal my succulent, swollen clit. My breathing became hitched as his tongue zig zagged, and flickered against me while he sucked me dry. My sensitive nerve endings triggered a lightning bolt sensation in my left leg as he inserted three fingers inside my tight hole. “Fuckkk!” I groaned as my back arched. I was strokes away from creaming all over this man. With the combination of sucking, licking and pounding to my pussy, Erik’s technique was unmatched, he sent an earth shattering orgasm to my body causing my body to contort in angles.
Erik hovered over me smiling, his lips were juicy from my folds. Sitting up on my elbows I pulled him into a kiss to taste myself. Moaning on his lips, I was now ready for a dick down. Placing my feet on his shoulders, Erik lined himself up at my entrance. Slowly, he filled me, but I was greedy and I wanted as much as my pussy could muster. Before I could utter a word, Erik plunged into me causing me to gasp. The surprise to my body resulted in a slick smile. “Freaky ass” Erik cooed. “For you daddy” i remarked seductively. To Erik, Daddy was the code word for Say Less, and before I knew it his dick took me to heights unknown and my pussy took every stroke with pleasure. Dick like this was a privilege to receive, a gift I dare not take for granted. Erik made sure that I wouldn’t forget this night, this dick, or anymore moments hereafter. I don’t think there would be any luck in saving these sheets, the amount of times I’ve squirted and accepted his seed, were endless. My cries could’ve been heard all over LA tonight and I didn’t care as long as I was with him.
The drive to your luxury condo was silent. After such an eventful night, there wasn’t anything else left to say. Asking Erik to stay wasn’t an option. You were never the type to come between a man and his money, but something pulled on your heart strings that something about this business trip was off. This would be the second time that Erik would tell you last minute that he was going away. It was too early and too soon to insist that this is just how Erik is, or if the business trip was a spur of the moment thing from his job. Whatever it is, you hoped he was right, maybe it would be over soon and you two would never be apart again.
Erik pulled into the driveway and grabbed your bag for you. Walking you inside he placed your bag on the couch and stared at you. “Come on Noelle, I don’t wanna be late. Come kiss me goodbye” he said standing there looking lonely. You glared at him, still upset. You made a pitiful stride over to Erik and wrapped your arms around him. “Come here Princess” he spoke softly against your ear pulling you into a kiss. His hands roamed your ass with a good squeeze. He looked in your eyes and smiled, “I promise I won’t be gone long.” He said with another kiss. “Call Lex to keep you company until I get back.” He smirked. “That was a one time thing” you whined rolling your eyes feeling a tantrum coming on. “You have my permission, it’ll make the time pass by. It’ll make you think about me while I’m away” he encouraged pulling you back into his embrace. Lifting your chin to him Erik kissed you passionately. “And whatever you two get into while I’m away, you better FaceTime me that shit” he chuckled. You groaned in annoyance, “I just want you to have some fun while I’m away. You’ll always be mine, so don’t give my shit to nobody else but her, if you must. So when I get back I can show you who’s the King around here” Erik teased seductively kissing you again. “But I gotta go, I’ll call you when I land Princess” Erik says with a final kiss goodbye.
As the door closed behind him, loneliness began to settle in. These past 5 weeks have been been phenomenal and now you hadn’t a clue of what to do with yourself. You walked over to the door and locked it and pulled your phone out of your pocket to call your homegirl Remi. It’s been a while since you two have spoken considering your hectic work schedules and your nightly rendezvous with Erik, you seemed to have neglected your best friend. Unbeknownst to Remi, she wasn’t quite up to speed on your love life let alone your newfound hidden secret.
As you and Remi talked on the phone, you connected your iPhone to your AirPods to multitask on your phone. You pulled up Instagram and decided to respond back to the DM from Lex 🦋. Scrolling through pictures it was quite clear that this was the beautiful stranger from last night. Replying to her DM made you nervous as your thoughts ran wild thinking about last night. Your thoughts were interrupted by Remi yelling at you, she hated when she felt she was being ignored. Remi was the total opposite of you, you were reserved and a bit of an introvert. You had a type A personality whereas Remi was outgoing and very blunt.
Remi was the epitome of a social butterfly, she knew no stranger and will tell it like it is if she had to. Not to mention she would fuck a bitch up if a bitch got crazy. Calming Remi down reassuring her that you were listening to her story, you decided to take Erik up on his offer. You didn’t want to speak too soon and tell him, but maybe this would get your mind off of him being away for now.. you decided to be bold and exchanged numbers with Lex, minutes later as the conversation continued you dropped location for her to pull up. Placing your phone on the coffee table you continued talking to Remi through your AirPods while you poured yourself a glass of wine. Remi always joked with you saying you were too boujee for liquor, she hated coming to your condo knowing you only had wine to drink. You two began to debate over which alcoholic beverage would give you the biggest buzz comparing brown vs white and then liquor vs wine. Before you knew it a shouting match ensured followed by a lot of cackling.
A knock came to the door, interrupting your conversation “Hold on Rem, there’s someone at the door” you say still holding your glass of wine. “Girl it’s probably the neighbors, you know you don’t have company!” Remi joked. “Shut up heffa” you reply unlocking the door keeping the chain on the door. There she was, Lex 🦋  . Your heart skipped a beat. “Um Rem, I think there’s something going on with the neighbors. Lemme call you back sis” you say “Stay outta other folks business!” Remi yells.
Double tapping the AirPod you hung up on Remi and placed the buds in your pocket. “Just a second” you call out. Closing the door quickly, you undid the chain lock on your door and opened the door to let her in. “Erik said I’d be hearing from you” she said walking in. Closing and locking the door behind her, you took a sip of wine and smiled. “Would you like a glass?” You asked.
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slimepuparibaba · 3 years
Starconches and Windwheel Asters | Chapter 1: A Bet Sealed
In which Childe and Lumine have a talk on the beach and make a bet...
Okay, I am so sorry in advance, but this one is painstakingly long. I sincerely did not mean for it to be this long, but it's hopefully fluffy enough to make up for it. These first few chapters are going to need fluff. And... and I mean it. Seriously. Childe might seem a little OOC and all over the place, as will this chapter. Hopefully, I managed to capture how scattered Childe's thoughts are. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Full fic below the cut!
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You can also read this fanfic on AO3!
"Hey, girlie, hold still!"
Those first four words made Lumine's heart thump in her chest.
She will never forget the day she met that Harbinger, the one she was supposed to call her enemy. His codename was Tartaglia, though he went by Childe. He was cunning, bold, and sly. The first day they met, Childe wasn't hesitant to reveal his intentions to her and Paimon. He was here on Fatui business, to fulfill the will of the Tsaritsa.
Even then, Lumine fell.
It wasn't a subtle type of thing, either. Everyone who traveled by Lumine's side noticed that, as soon as she returned to the inn they were staying in, she was giggling to herself... almost on cloud nine.
Kaeya was one of the first to notice it. He had left Mondstadt to ensure Lumine safe travels throughout Teyvat; and, since there was no calvary to be the captain of with the Knights, he wasn't exactly "needed", per se. Besides, Jean and Diluc were still there; surely, the Dandelion Knight and the Darknight Hero would be able to take care of any issues.
Kaeya could easily see through Lumine. He was there when the encounter between Lumine and Childe first occurred. As soon as the ginger gestured her to follow, the knight could tell how smitten Lumine was. And, while the one she happened to fall for was a Fatui, Kaeya wasn't entirely against it. He was glad to see her mind taken off the whereabouts of her brother, after all.
Barbara was the second. She was one of the members of the team to easily read the faces of everyone, whether they seem troubled or happy, or in this case, madly in love. She was hesitant that Childe was the one to sweep Lumine off her feet, but the nun shrugged it off and decided to support Lumine.
Whenever the young Harbinger was spotted nearby and approached Lumine, Barbara and Kaeya weren't hesitant to push her towards the object of her affections. They gave subtle tips, hoping the Traveler would catch on and at least attempt to make a move.
Of course, though, Lumine's comrades weren't the only ones to notice.
Childe was, of course, very aware of the Outlander's affection towards him. In fact, he somewhat formulated it. He heard of the "new girl" in Teyvat who saved Mondstadt and learned she was heading towards Liyue. Since he was already stationed there for the Rite of Descension, he decided that it was best to gain the trust of her and her acquaintances before pulling the rug out from underneath them when the time was right.
He had done this before. He would make many swoon for him and gain the information, or the Mora, that he needed. After all, he was Tartaglia, the 11th Harbinger. This kind of work was as natural to him as breathing was.
Thus, he decided to pull the strings on this strange yet powerful visitor...
"Running... errands?" Lumine asked.
"Yup! Exactly that." The ginger teen was leaning against the bar the inn had owned, his blue eyes filled with playfulness. "I've seen how your little tour group over here is faring, and I couldn't help but notice the lack of ingredients and materials you have in that inventory of yours." When he said that, he gestured towards Paimon, glancing at the floating being. Everyone else did the same, glaring at the mascot.
"Hey! What did Paimon do?!" She squealed.
"You ate most of the Sunsettias in the middle of the night?" Amber said.
"You also used our Mora to buy an entire feast for yourself..." Noelle added.
"Paimon, maybe Lumine was right... maybe it's time you become emergency food." Beidou finished chugging one of her jugs of alcohol, slamming it onto the table next to her, and smiling almost wickedly at Paimon.
Paimon was in the midst of a panic, waving her arms around. "No, no! P-Paimon meant to share it with everyone! Really! Honest! P-p-pinkie promise!" At that, Childe let out a hearty laugh.
"Well, as you can see, your team is desperate for some supplies." He looked back at Lumine, who was watching the fiasco take place directly in front of her. She was giggling at the scene, and the sound of that laughter slightly made the Harbinger's heart flutter.
I'm sorry, my heart did what? Childe tried to snap himself out of it. We're here on a mission. We have to find the Gnosis and hand it over to the Tsaritsa... this is just the usual seduction routine we've used before. Stay on track, Tartaglia!
He cleared his throat, continuing. "So, ojou-chan..." He leaned closer to the girl, flashing that signature smile that he always wore. He could tell Lumine was swooning just from the slight red that started spreading on the tips of her ears. "...how about it? You and I can round up some food. After all, I do have lots of Mora, and you are the team's leader. You should know what everyone wants." The blonde started to ponder on it, weighing her options carefully. "Oh, and you need to ditch the small child."
Paimon let out a loud yelp, taking offense to the last-minute comment that Childe tacked on to his proposition. She angrily huffed, looking to Lumine and telling her to turn down Childe's offer, because it was "not fair to Paimon" and Childe was "super untrustworthy". The ginger reiterated his proposal, putting extra emphasis on the "ditch Paimon" condition, and Lumine had her mind made up.
"Alright. I should be fine around three."
Paimon continued to throw a hissy fit, whining about how she has to come with Lumine because, without her help, Lumine wouldn't be able to hold the food. Even then, Lumine still confirmed that she made up her mind.
This was working smoothly for Childe. He would be able to get Lumine, the foolish girl, alone. No Paimon or teammate could get in between the two of them. He would easily be able to squeeze out all of the information he needed. And, if the time came, maybe the two of them could've even had a sparring match. Oh, how fired up he was just to cross blades with the Traveler.
However, he then realized that it wasn't up to just Lumine to make this decision...
"Alone? With a Fatui?" Amber spoke up, having an obvious opposition to this outing. "Traveler, with all due respect, you may be the Honorary Knight, but he's a Harbinger! You can't trust him that easily. Remember what happened with the Fatui in Mondstadt?"
Lumine looked up at the Pyro Archer and smiled nervously, correcting her statement. "I mean... if we are being technical here, it was mostly the Abyss that was involved with the Stormterror issue."
"And Venti?" The girl responded, crossing her arms. "You told me that La Signora harmed him pretty bad. Signora is also a Harbinger. I don't know what she did to Venti," Amber said, crossing her arms and standing firm, "but I know that it was bad. All Fatui are the same, especially when it comes to the Harbingers. You can't trust them--especially not one like this guy." She glared at Childe, who just flashed a smile her way.
Childe was used to this by now. When he first got promoted to being a Harbinger, everyone that used to be close to him stood far away. Not even his fellow Harbingers could trust them--in the Fatui, you had to learn to trust no one but yourself. Because the Fatui was a place for those who were used to scheming and lying for the sake of the Tsaritsa. That was what he signed up for, anyway.
The archer continued, suggesting that Lumine at least take someone with her, or let them tag along from behind. She claimed it was safer that way so that Childe wouldn't try any "funny business." "You can take Kaeya with you, or even Lisa," she suggested. "Anyone would be fine... just please, don't go on your own with him."
"Well..." The Traveler looked around at the people who were gathered near her. They all seemed to be nodding their heads in agreement, and she felt the atmosphere became much tenser than it was minutes before. "...um, if that's the case, then--"
One person raised their hand from amidst the group. The Calvary Captain himself, Kaeya, stood up from his seat and approached Lumine from behind, patting her on the shoulder.
"Lumine is more capable than we would like to think. I think she'll be fine," the blue-haired man stated. He made it clear to Lumine that he was on her side--he already knew of her little "crush", anyway, and was willing to play the wingman. "She's strong enough to defeat Stormterror. Who's to say that she can't deal with one lousy Harbinger?" Kaeya chuckled, turning to the rest of his friends and teammates. From the crowd, another figure emerged, standing right beside Lumine.
"Mhm! I think she'll be fine, too!" Barbara clung onto Lumine's arm, backing up Kaeya's stance on the matter. "She's able to harness both Anemo and Geo now, and she's already proven how strong she is in Mondstadt! I know she'll be okay!" The two Mondstadt citizens glanced at each other, nodding their heads in mutual agreement. Truly, those two were on the same wavelength.
"But... but Paimon doesn't trust him!" Paimon shouted out, zooming across the room and staring Childe right in the eyes. "You can see it in his eyes... yeah, like Kaeya said! His eyes... they're suspicious!" Ironically enough, Kaeya pushed Paimon away from Childe, gesturing her to back down.
Kaeya and Barbara gave Lumine the thumbs up, almost as if to say that they would take care of the others and that it was best for the two of them to be on their way. So, catching onto their cue, Lumine coughed and looked up at Childe.
"W-well, n-now that I think of it," she stuttered, trying to smoothly change the topic. "I just realized that I am... not busy right now?" She tilted her head towards the exit to the inn, and Childe smiled softly. He understood clearly.
"Ah... then, shall we head out?" The ginger offered his arm to the girl, and she took it with glee. "Well, then, I'll be taking oujo-chan out now!"
"Bring her back home before dinner!" Beidou called out, gaining a chuckle from Childe. "Or else..."
"Yeah, yeah! I hear ya, Miss Pirate," he laughed. Looking down at the blonde, he smiled. "Now then, shall we get going, Miss?"
Oh, dear Archons, his smile was enough to make Lumine die and revive on the spot. Forget Mora Meat or Qingce Stir Fry--if Childe smiled at her like that, she would instantly have buffs and infinite health restoration!
Slowly melting from his charms, Lumine nodded.
"Yeah...! Let's go!"
Liyue Harbor is a beautiful place.
Childe knew this, considering he had been there for a while. And yet, for some reason, just walking along the beachside with Lumine made its beauty all the more noticeable.
He was able to finally get the Traveler all to himself, and seeing how easily she went with him, squeezing information out of her should be easy. He was slightly disappointed, though. Considering her title as the "Honorary Knight of Mondstadt", he was expecting her guard to be a bit higher. And yet, she came willingly without any additional convincing. How he so wished for her to put up more of a fight...
Lumine, however, noticed Childe's watchful eye on her. She ran ahead and bent down, digging into the sand beneath her. Her intentions weren't exactly clear until she gently cradled a small shell in her hands.
It was a starconch.
The blonde looked back up at her acquaintance and smiled. It was one of the goofiest grins anyone could ever have seen. She seemed almost proud of it like she needed praise for digging up such a small shell.
"Well, now," Childe teased, "must I give you a gold star for digging this up?" He was slightly amused at her actions and wasn't sure what she wanted to do with the shell. "What? Does this ojou-chan want to build a sandcastle?" Childe kneeled and leaned in closer, peeking over Lumine's shoulder. He's done this before--it's just the normal routine. He'll tease them with the possibility of a kiss and then treat them to dinner, before gaining every possible piece of information he co--
"It's for you, actually!"
...I'm sorry, it's for what now?
Lumine giggled, grabbing Childe's hand and placing the small starconch in his. Man, her hands are small, Childe realized. She's only two years younger and yet she's so tiny... so tiny that it's kind of cute...
Wait, cute? No. Not cute! Snap out of it, Childe! You're a Harbinger! What are you doing, falling for the one who's supposed to be doing the falling?!
In an attempt to ignore the feelings plaguing his heart, he cleared his throat and asked, "For me? Your enemy?" He held it up to the sunlight, inspecting it further. "Hm... and, what exactly is your intent with this, Traveler?"
Lumine brushed a stray hair behind her ear and smiled. "Well, I just wanted to give you a present. I can do that, can't I?" Once more did she flash that small grin of hers, piercing Childe through the heart. He even dropped the starconch into his lap when she did that, causing Lumine to giggle even more.
Okay, so maybe she's cute. Fine. She wins that.
"That, and..." The girl looked out to the seaside, watching the waves meet with the sand before retreating away. "...I'm not dumb, you know." Without looking Childe in the eye, she stated ever so calmly, "I know you want information."
Shit. I got caught.
So, this Outlander isn't as dumb as Childe initially believed. Good. That made the challenge all the more fun to him, after all. If it was to be easy, it practically felt wrong and would've been much more boring.
The ginger smirked, taking a seat right next to Lumine on the sand, gazing at the ocean as well.
"Well, well. So, you caught me red-handed," he laughed. "What? Did you pull me over just for that, ojou-chan? Hm?" He glanced at the girl beside him, who was enjoying the calm sea breeze.
She looked quite beautiful in the sunlight, now that Childe thought about it. The sun reflected off her golden hair at just the right angle, and the way she seemed so calm was just something else to him.
"Not exactly," Lumine answered, snapping Childe out of his trance.
Seriously, stop daydreaming and focus, dammit!
Lumine continued, "Actually... I only agreed to come with you because I feel like I can change your mind about some things."
Oh? Change his mind? That was new.
"Change my mind? Hah, on what, girlie?" He scoffed, intrigued. "Being part of the Fatui?" Surprisingly, however, Lumine nodded her head. Childe stared at her for a second, astonished. They... they only just met? Why would she care about him being in the Fatui? "You're... you're joking, right?"
"Nope," Lumine stated, bluntly. "Not joking."
After a few seconds of silence, suddenly, the ginger started to burst out in laughter, clutching his stomach and rocking back and forth. To him, such an idea was so outlandish that he didn't expect this Outlander to even admit such a thing! Him? Leave the Fatui? That was such a stupid thought that even Childe wouldn't dream of pursuing such a path.
"L-Leave the... hahaha...! L-Leave the Fatu... Hahahaha!" The boy was practically cracking up, still in disbelief. "M-Man...! When did you become so funny, huh, ojou-chan?" He attempted to catch his breath, and yet, he kept laughing. He was in hysterics.
In response, though, Lumine shook her head. She stared directly at the Harbinger, resting her head on her knees. The look in her eyes told Childe the truth.
Lumine was definitely not kidding.
Childe ceased his laughter, an eyebrow raised in confusion and intrigue. What was the purpose of this, he wondered. Was Lumine that smitten that she believed she could reform Childe? That kind of plot-twist was one that was unimaginable to him, so that couldn't be it at all. Did she think that having Childe out of the Fatui would be beneficial to her? Now that option seemed much more plausible.
He sighed, lying down on the sand and looking up at the sky. "Really, now... this is one of the first times I've heard that in years. But..." He turned his head to look at Lumine, a slight chuckle in his voice as he softly smiled, "...I never expected it to be from you."
The girl picked back up the starconch that Childe had dropped onto the sand and placed it back into his hand once more. She curled his fingers up so that the shell wouldn't fall out of his grasp, and she gripped his hand in hers, nodding.
"Well, guess I'm full of surprises." This Traveler was somewhat unlike anything that the Harbinger was able to grasp, but he found that it just made things more interesting. "I... want to make a bet with you, actually."
"Oho, a bet, you say?" Childe sat up, leaning in closer. "Continue... I'd like to see what's on the line. Our lives? Dignity?"
"How about..." The girl started to trail off, looking away before snapping her fingers and glancing back at Childe. "...your title as Harbinger?"
Oh, so we're playing that game now.
"My title? As the 11th Harbinger? No, no, no... see, even if I did take you up on that offer," the ginger stated, before hastily adding, "Which I'm not if I need to make that clear..." He sighed, closing his eyes before continuing with his reasoning. "...I had to go through a lot of stuff just to get that title. There's nothing, and I mean nothing, that you could bet on that would match up with that."
"Well," she trailed off, looking down at her feet and tapping her boots together as if stalling. "...you're right. I have nothing to offer." She looked back out to the horizon, watching the sun slowly start its descent. "You're a Harbinger, and asking you to leave the Fatui isn't something I can just ask you to do."
"And... I'm sure that you're convinced that we're enemies and that you'd never want to leave in the first place."
"Mhm. Right on point."
"But...!" Lumine tried to continue persuading him, and finally decided to reiterate, "You don't have to give it up if you don't want to by the time this whole thing is over." Childe became even more curious. By the time what is over? "I want to take you sightseeing around Liyue Harbor while we run errands."
Ah, so a date...
...wait, hold up, a date--?
Aren't we moving too fast? We literally just met! Should I even be doing this on duty? Wait, what am I saying?! I'm her enemy! Why am I worried about moving too fast? It's not like I want to... or... d-do I? Damn it, Childe, get your act together!
"And... this time..." The girl, while Childe was in the middle of his own internal monologue, continued with her proposition. "I want you to take a good look and see the people as what they are--people." She emphasized this point, losing the light-heartedness that was once in her tone. "Not as people you need to collect debt from, need to defeat, or need to conquer. Just... as people with families, with lives!" She looked at him with the most sincere gaze. Her amber eyes were sparkling with a glow that was drawing Childe in, almost convincing him--hypnotizing him--to accepting the deal.
Her eyes are actually really pretty now that I have a good look at them...
"I want you to see them as an average human being, just like you and me. If you can do that... then... at least consider leaving the Fatui. I'm not forcing you to leave, but I just want you to keep it in mind, okay, Childe?" When Lumine was finished with her speech, she noticed Childe was just staring at her blankly. It was almost as if he was in a trance, which was uncharacteristic of him. "Um... Childe?"
Were her eyes always that pretty? It's like looking at the sun, but...
...why can't I look away?
"Childe!" Lumine called out, snapping him out of it. He jolted, just realizing he was in a daze. "Were you even listening to me?" Childe was about to lie and say he totally did until he saw Lumine's pouting face. Her cheeks were slightly puffed, her eyebrows furrowed, and yet she was incredibly...
"U-uh..." Holy fuck, she's cute.
"Hello~?" Lumine started to call out to Childe, waving her hand in front of his face. "Teyvat to Childe. Can you hear me?" Little did the Traveler know the number of jumbled thoughts going through Childe's head.
It was a mess in there. Mountains of gushing ramblings about her were starting to pile on top of each other with some logical part of Childe's conscious trying to compress them and hide them far away into the back of his mind. Even then, the loud thoughts kept bleeding through. He was starting to lose focus.
She's just so cute.
In fact, he was so broken that all that left his mouth were broken words and jumbled up sentences. "Um... sorry, what? I was... um... uh..."
Come up with an excuse, you dimwit! Don't make a fool of yourself! You know better than this!
"I was looking at that... o-other starconch!" Childe stammered, trying to search desperately for some convenient starconch that was placed out in the open. Sadly, he couldn't find one, so he just pointed in a direction, hoping Lumine wouldn't catch on to his poor acting skills. "Y-yeah! That starconch, haha! Over there!" Lumine was about to check in that direction, but Childe immediately tugged on her arm in hopes he wouldn't be exposed.
...wow, he thought, mentally facepalming. This is... a complete and utter trainwreck. Good going, Childe. Good. Fucking. Going.
The Traveler, realizing how off track he was, decided to cut him some slack and summarize it in a few short phrases. She sighed, saying, "Look, I just think you're not as bad as everyone thinks you are." She hugged her knees tighter to her chest, seeming quite sincere about such a concern. "You're a lot nicer than a lot of people would think you would be, even if you're a Fatui Harbinger... you just... need to learn to put down the act, you know?"
How would you know how nice I am? Childe began to wonder. For all you know, I could be deceiving you and ready to kill you at any moment. So why... why are you letting down your guard for such a flimsy hypothesis? Are you choosing to believe that I'm nice just because you've fallen for me? He scoffed, deciding to scold her for such an unusual mindset.
Ojou-chan, that's truly sweet of you, but being smitten for me doesn't change the fact that I'm your enemy...
"Even if you are my enemy..." Lumine responded, stopping Childe from continuing his internal narration.
Shit, did I just say that out loud?!
"I think you're... way too humane for me to brush off as a totally bad person," she explained before turning her head and smiling at him.
Did she just gloss over the whole 'smitten' part? God, why can't I think straight today?!
While she was definitely very pretty whenever she smiled, Childe's thoughts were all over the place that he was just picking out things that he probably shouldn't have been paying attention to. Truly, the Harbinger was completely off his game.
"Haha... hah... humane, you say?" He nervously chuckled, trying to regather his thoughts (as well as what little left of logical thinking he had). "Girlie, with all due respect, I'm a Fatui Harbinger. You know that I'm not here for good reasons, and yet, you still want to deny that?" It was admirable, really, it was. The fact that Lumine was completely ignoring Childe's position as a Harbinger and seemingly not minding it at all was something he hadn't seen in a while, but it was dangerous for her. She was on a quest: a journey across all of Teyvat, fighting against the Abyss and the Fatui alike. So why was she disregarding Childe's position as Harbinger? Why was she denying it?
"Well... yeah," Lumine answered. "Of course I'm denying it."
"But why?"
"Because..." The blonde girl shifted her eyes away from Childe, murmuring something under her breath. Even though she tried to avoid him hearing it, the Harbinger could make out a few words: "...you keep looking lonely..."
Oh? Him? Childe? The 11th Harbinger? One of those appointed and trusted by the Tsaritsa? The one who always shows up wherever the chaos is? How could he be lonely? If anything, he was far from lonely. He was surrounded by colleagues who feared and respected him, who would listen to his every word! How was that lonely?
Lumine, still avoiding Childe's gaze, let out a sigh and said in such a small voice, "I... caught you alone once. You were... writing a letter to someone, if I remember correctly."
His letters.
The letters that Childe would write to his siblings back in Snezhnaya whenever he had the time; letters talking about the things he had seen, sent over with an abundance of gifts that he so wished he could give them in person but can't; the letters written with stories he wanted to tell by their fireplace back home, where they could all eat Calla Lily Soup together and laugh at the shenanigans Childe was up to.
Those letters.
The letters that he had to send from nations away because the Fatui didn't trust him to stay in Snezhnaya.
The letters that he sent constantly because he felt homesick and wanted to be with his family.
…yes, those were such letters.
How could he be so stupid to let his guard down and have Lumine, his enemy, of all people, see that?
Childe fell silent, not saying anything. His silence spoke volumes to Lumine, confirming her suspicions. She saw the look on his face and seemed to take pity on him, to which he didn't want from her. He was seen at one of his most vulnerable times--when he was homesick and hoping the best for his family. He didn't want the one he was to cross blades with one day see such a thing.
"...you seemed kind of sad writing it." Lumine looked up at the sky as if searching for someone. It was almost as if she knew the feeling Childe had felt when he was writing those letters. "...you must miss them, the person you were writing to." The atmosphere grew tense, with the girl continuing to gaze at the sky with such a sorrowful look in her eyes; the boy, remaining uncharacteristically silent. "...maybe you just joined the Fatui for the sake of that person..." She looked back at Childe, with what seemed to be a look of pain on her face. "Right?"
Why? Childe wondered. Why is she looking at me like that? Like she would know. And why would it matter to her why I joined the Fatui? I'm still her enemy in the end... He looked at the waves touching the sand gently before they moved away, back to the ocean. The waves would touch the sand, then part with it... touch it, then part... what a somber feeling he felt, just from this one conversation.
Was this her plan? The ginger kept pondering. Did she pry into my private life in hopes that she can let my guard down? In hopes that she can strike me down faster that way? Childe was slowly growing paranoid, not believing Lumine's intents to be pure. He kept searching for reasons to antagonize her, to make her the enemy. He kept grasping at straws.
The thumping of his heart, though, kept telling him otherwise.
This entire time on the seashore of Liyue Harbor, Childe was at war with his heart and his head. His thoughts were all over the place, he couldn't understand a thing, and he was making no sense. He was quite lost, though he hated to admit it. The only thing he could make out clearly was the sound of Lumine's voice and her ethereal figure as she sat there, sometimes smiling, sometimes frowning.
So maybe that's why he accepted her offer. Maybe that's why he decided to let his guard down, just this once. Maybe... just maybe, that was the reason that he took up Lumine on her offer.
"...so," he quietly murmured, breaking the silence between them. "...you just want to take me on a date around Liyue and convince me to be... what? Merciful?" He had a slight smile on his face, hoping to lighten the atmosphere. Thankfully, to his benefit, it worked.
"Something like that--wait! Date?!" Lumine almost instantly regained that innocent glow she had before, giving in to Childe's antics. "D-da... it's not a date!" she screeched, turning to him and pounding her fists into the sand. The Harbinger covered his face to avoid the sand from flying into his face, starting to feel a bit giddier.
"Hahaha, yeah, sure! Okay, I totally believe you," he laughed, lowering his arm to catch a look at the flustered girl.
"I'm serious! It's not a date!"
"Oh, then what is it? A business outing? Hahaha!" Ah... she really is a bit cute.
The lighthearted atmosphere that was with them in the beginning returned. For now, Childe told himself, he'll let his guard down. Just this once, he'll try and let Lumine do as she pleases. Some part of him was telling him that it was alright to just be a human rather than a Harbinger around her...
...and for the first time, Childe listened.
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kurain-genealogy · 2 years
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#kinda like that idea but i dont know about fish/amphibian biology to come up with ideas and it is almost 1 am so brain too fried to research
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so i see no one’s coping well
594 notes • Posted 2021-02-17 23:19:41 GMT
was so caught up in the whole "dark worlds reflect the will of the knight who created the fountain" thing that i was only looking at it from kris's perspective. i think it's more than that, though.
my brain is fried bc it's midnight and im not really going anywhere in particular with this, but...
i very much think that queen is a representation of noelle's mom. from what we know abt her mom, she's pretty hard on noelle, the mayor, and Pretty Powerful as the mayor since alphys mentions the police not really having a purpose considering how the mayor sort of dominates the town.
queen's stated to have always been a pretty strict ruler, but once the fountain showed up, she'd gotten extreme. she picks on noelle in particular, doesn't care about the other kids, constantly dotes on her and searches for her when she's missing but pressures/threatens her into doing what she wants (or trapping her when she attempts to defy her). she's never outright cruel in a way that isn't humorous or lighthearted to the player, but it's still clear what her intentions are. despite wanting to use noelle to create the "ideal world" or whatever, it's so so clear by the end that she (1) is not evil she straight up says she doesn't want to end the world, and (2) genuinely cares about noelle so so much!! she wants her to be HAPPY and tries to give her everything she wants but just cannot see from noelle's point of view!
and noelle standing up to queen, telling her that her plans would not make her happy and that she wouldn't want to live in that world, that's her growth!!! this dark world helps noelle get the bit of confidence boost she needs to take back the reigns and try for herself.
so queen is funny haha character but i also really think she represents noelle's mom. also berdly is there. his growth is that he needs to be humbled, learn that not everything is about intelligence, and that he'll still have friends even if he's not the best at everything. and our main characters still grow and develop but the cyber world feels so much more like noelle and berdly's stories.
the setting/theme/contents of the dark world is influenced (and confined by) the light world setting that the fountain was created in. it's cyber themed. duh. cuz it's in the library. but i mean... noelle's wish for confidence, berdly's need for approval and praise, ambu-lance enemy (could just b funny antivirus joke but still.. hospital imagery + noelle...), a bunch of Gamer stuff like the punch-out type sequences (because berdly gamer?), the spelling puzzles???? yknow the spelling bee, the big thing that was super influential to both noelle And berdly? yeah. might b more im forgetting.
but basically... soemthing somethign fountains created by the will of the knight. but just as it's influenced by the items in the room, it's influenced by the emotions and experiences that have taken root there, and the people attached to those things that spend a lot of time in that location
basically tl;dr the knight's will when creating a fountain may not just be limited to the knight itself.
606 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 06:18:39 GMT
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so is anyone gona talk about noelle's reaction if you equip her with the dealmaker? why are spamton's glasses familiar to her...
646 notes • Posted 2021-09-20 18:57:12 GMT
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black space
669 notes • Posted 2021-01-20 23:28:57 GMT
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so that direct huh
12523 notes • Posted 2021-10-15 14:42:34 GMT
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“ i thought you only had eyes for me. ” serve us some unholy trinity queen xoxo
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oh!!! hello dove!!! thank u for gracing my inbox i am SO unworthy but so happy to try and provide you some content!! i hope you don’t mind that i combined yours and @shallow-gravy’s requests.... they just felt like they fit so well together, i couldn’t resist  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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iii. vicious traditions ✤ the unholy trinity
john/elliot/diana + “i thought you only had eyes for me” and “i can’t stop picturing you with her” or: a dissertation on “Mine is a noun if you capitalize it” john seed struggling to reconcile sharing his wife and also having more of what he Wants. taken from this prompt list!
word count: 1.8k
warnings: language, sexual themes, but nothing explicit. as always, herald!elliot and john deserve their own warning. ✧・゚ also i only sort of proof read this so APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE
The first time Elliot kisses Diana, John thinks about it for three days after.
He’s known. Of course, he’s always known, because Elliot made it perfectly clear why she wanted the deputy from the get-go. I like her, she’d said, a phrase normally reserved for the most puzzling of obstacles. It’s not a game, isn’t fun if she doesn’t have to work for it, and on that front he and Elliot differ entirely—he would prefer Diana Baker’s complete and utter submission, in written and verbal form, handed over in a glass frame so that he can hang it on the wall in the bedroom to admire as he pleases.
In a way, he does. Each time there is a violent collision, each time their mouths and teeth meet, he holds onto it for a while—keeps it for himself, even though his wife is pacing herself, even though she reprimands him for rushing, for pushing Diana too far too fast.
Conversely, Elliot wants to work for it. She wants to get her hands dirty, elbows deep in the gore of Diana, the filthy fucking carnivore that she is, and normally John would love it; normally, it’s one of his favorite things about his wife, that she’s so willing to get the blood up to her elbows, no gloves required. Normally, he likes watching her sink her teeth in—but it’s different, now.
Diana is different. 
She has always been different. She is the exception to every one of their rules. They had taken lovers, before, to share—this was not new—but they had never taken someone permanently, not the way that Elliot wants Diana (and the way that John wants the deputy, too). They would have never tolerated this kind of blatant disrespect from anyone, not even a pretty little viper skittering through their garden.
But they do; whenever she takes something, Elliot will just go out and take it back. She’ll go out and build a new silo—it doesn’t replace the product, but what can you do—or she’ll pay the viciousness back, in turn, another way. Hit them somewhere else. They’re incapable, nearly, without Diana—so if she’s all the way in the Henbane, who’s going to pay attention to poor Fall’s End?
It goes like this, on and on, vicious cycles before Diana eventually finds herself back there. This evening, John expects no change of pace, but when Diana enters the room, Elliot’s eyes fix on her; he feels like the outside party, the interloper, because the blonde clicks her tongue and brings Diana, bloodied and bruised, to her with delicate fingers.
“Let me see,” Elliot says, the pads of her fingers tilting Diana’s chin up, smoothing along the pillar of her throat. John can only watch—memorizing the way Elliot touches her, different than the way Elliot touches him, both because he wants to covet the image in his mind for as long as possible and because, like watching a car crash in motion, he cannot look away.
And he cannot look away when his wife guides the deputy’s face to hers and kisses her, either. 
It’s not even a particularly enticing looking kiss, really. It’s nothing more than a chaste brush of lips, with all of the desexing of a kiss from the Pope, but the intent and the message behind it is clear, because Elliot’s eyes look to him pointedly.
See? The kiss says, his wife’s thumb coming up to drag on Diana’s lower lip, making the brunette’s breath hitch in her throat. See how good she is for us?
So yes, he can’t stop thinking about it. Not that night, and not the morning after, when Diana has left in their sleep—a shorter visit than usual, perhaps spooked by the physical intimacy, strange and alien in comparison to the way that John and her have locked lips before—and there is a whole conflict of emotions occurring in him for another two days after that.
I do like that she’s good for us, he thinks, watching Elliot at the vanity, pulling her hair back from her face. He does like it, he does like that Diana Baker comes back to them time and time again, but Elliot is their bridge—she’s the go-between, and this slow progress means that John has become the interloper.
“What is it?” Elliot asks, watching him through the mirror. She’s given up trying to put her hair up in a ponytail and instead now sits, cinched in a silk robe, chin in her hand as she gazes at him.
His mouth twists. He shifts back against the pillows. “I can’t stop picturing you with her.”
The blonde’s eyes don’t flicker, not even a little bit. Not a sliver of softness in her expression. She doesn’t move to comfort him—and she wouldn’t, but he wishes, sometimes, that she would come to him more readily; but any emotion, any feeling, makes her feel deranged, makes her feel seen, and one of those is worse than the other—but rather watches him.
“That’s the point, isn’t it?” Elliot smooths a strand of hair from her face. “For you to think about your girls? Together?”
John’s mouth plants itself in a frown. “I’m not being funny, hellcat.”
“What’s so different?” she says at last.
“What do you mean?”
“Well.” It’s her turn to shift carefully moving some items on the vanity out of the way—trinkets, kept from her childhood. “What’s so different this time?”
“It’s—she’s yours,” John posits.
“Noelle was mine,” Elliot says plainly. “You loved Noelle. You called us your little wolves.”
“Yes, well—” He sits up, swallowing. “It’s different.”
Elliot turns in her seat so that she’s looking at him now, and he can see it—the brows furrowing, the defiant tilt of her chin in his direction. “So I’ve gathered.”
“But I’m asking what makes it different.”
“It’s different because you picked her!” John snaps, finally, the hot spike of emotion flaring in his chest. “You singled her out. She’s your—”
“She’s not mine,” he manages out, voice bridging on strained. “She’s not, and you know that. And you want her for longer. It’s always just been a little while, and you want to keep her, don’t you?”
Elliot stares at him. “Don’t you?”
Yes, John thinks, furious, mouth dry. Yes, I do. I want her for-fucking-ever, the same way I want you, until the cold black fucking end. I want her forever, just like you, and she won’t fucking have me.
“I thought you only had eyes for me,” he says instead.
The blonde sighs, coming to a stand finally—at last—coming to him, crawling onto his lap.
“I have eyes,” she murmurs, draping her arms around his shoulders, “for us.”
John exhales through his nose. It’s more complicated than that. It’s more complicated because Elliot so easily fits with Diana—even in the beginning. Elliot’s strange juxtaposition between Diana and John afforded her a comfortable advantage on both playing fields, as it does now; and maybe he’s jealous of that, too, that his wife, beautiful and charming and deadly in equal parts, is somehow reeling Diana in better than he could. With less carnage.
It should be him. He should be the one winning Diana over, drawing her to them, presenting her to Elliot as his conquest, his gift, for them to both enjoy. And no matter which way, she always bucks against him.
“Honey,” Elliot says, her voice soft. “I’m your wife. And she’ll be our wife. Don’t you want that?”
Dropping his head against her shoulder, he lets her card her fingers through his hair. “Yes,” he manages out. “I do.”
“Then let me get her for us, baby.” The blonde’s words are light. “What’s mine is yours, so if I get what I want, then we get what we want.” Her lips brush against his temple as his arms wind around her. “You’re always doing everything for me. Trust me to do this for you.” Another pause, and then: “For us.”
His chest feels tight. He thinks, no, I have to do it, you asked me, and he thinks, I don’t like sharing my wife, and he thinks, I want her too, I want Diana too.
And he thinks, yes, please, do this for me.
“I do,” he says, into the crook of her neck. “I trust you.”
It’s late; the sky is speckled with stars and dark clouds, promising a storm on the way even amidst the humid summer heat, and John is exceptionally tired.
This isn’t the first time he’s stayed late at the compound, listening to Joseph’s furious whispers, and it certainly won’t be the last. But now he’s home, and his shoulders ache and burn with the tension of having driven himself home, and the last thing that he wants to do is think about anything.
However, as he enters the bedroom, he’s surprised to find not one viper in his bed, but two.
“You’re home,” Elliot says, her voice sweet; thick and syrupy and laden with what he can only assume are the remnants of red wine from the empty glass on the bedside table. “We missed you.”
He looks at Diana. She seems less pleased at his presence, but there is a tenuous curiosity; Elliot’s said something to her, done something, but there’s no reeking floral scent of Bliss, and there’s clarity in both of their eyes. No games here, he thinks, even as he tentatively crosses the distance between the doorway and the foot of the bed.
“Did you, now?” John asks, shrugging out of his jacket.
“One of us, anyway,” Diana says, the bite in her voice not at all lessened by the humidity of the room.
His wife smiles at him, and she tilts Diana’s face towards hers and kisses her—long and languid and open-mouthed, and he watches her pearly teeth dig into the deputy’s lower lip. A rebuke. She’s done it to him plenty of times; seeing her do it to Diana spikes something wretched and desirous in him.
Against the brunette’s mouth, Elliot says, “Don’t be cruel, honey. John’s been working hard.”
She beckons John with a crook of her fingers, and of course, he obeys, slides onto the bed and lets Elliot hook her fingers into the front of his shirt so that she can undo the first few buttons.
“Diana’s been working hard, too,” Elliot murmurs. “But we’re going to take care of her, aren’t we?” She looks at Diana, lips kiss-reddened and gaze hungry—and he can tell that the deputy’s in a mood, like maybe she can’t quite get the taste of blood out of her mouth, and he likes it. “Do you want that, baby?”
The brunette’s eyes flutter. She swallows thickly, hesitating. “I—” Diana begins, and she looks like she wants to say yes but that stubborn, obstinate nature of hers, purposefully obtuse for the sake of raking up his ire, is rearing its head.
“John.” His wife’s voice is saccharine. She moves lithely, sitting behind Diana, letting the brunette lean back against her a little. “Are you going to show the deputy how nice we can be?”
His chest is pleasantly tight, at the vision of them—his vipers, perfectly entangled, eyes fixed on him. Not so much an interloper, anymore.
John leans in, tilting Diana’s chin up; there’s a second of hesitation where he thinks maybe she’s going to balk, throw nails and teeth to get out from between them, but Elliot grazes her mouth along the brunette’s neck and purrs, “Let us take care of you,” and the brunette’s body relaxes, just a little, just that much where he can lean in and kiss her.
And kiss her, and kiss her, in a way that he’s never been able to before. Luxuriating in it. Tasting the ash and blood and red wine in her mouth, and liking it.
“So good,” he hears Elliot praise silkily, when their kiss breaks. “We have the loveliest little viper, baby.”
“Yes,” John agrees, and his voice is rough as it comes out of him, the electricity palpable. “We certainly do.”
Diana watches him for a moment, her fingers knotted in Elliot’s hair, before she leans forward and captures his mouth in a kiss more punishing than the last, with more teeth and heat; he can hear his wife sighing delightedly into the brunette’s skin, and for the first time, it feels most apt to say we have and not you have.
Ours, John thinks, mind fuzzing pleasantly in the static aftershock of Diana’s kiss.
Our little viper.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
Chapter 17: the waning sun
Kind of a sad chapter? I mean that's nothing new tho. But fair warning: the death is of a character that some people like a lot :( Me included.
My head still pounds as I take flight. My body wobbles, ungainly, as it’s still a little early for me to be moving around so much. Marx was right about that, at least. I squint a little against the bracing wind and bright sunlight. The sun is getting close to the western horizon. Yami and William are over there somewhere, along with the queen of the Heart Kingdom. Our enemy is over there.
No… they aren’t my enemies.
I turn my gaze back south, towards the green of the Heart Kingdom. Two words circle through my mind, again and again, endlessly pounding themselves into my brain along with the dull agony of my quickly approaching fate.
A secluded village of elves located in the strong magic region to the southwest of the Heart Kingdom, that is where Patri and the third eye traveled to after the whole reincarnation incident. I can remember now, the request to leave. I was hesitant to agree, but in the end, I convinced myself not to care so much and to move on. Unneeded anger would just make my last hours unpleasant. 
But now… that anger is needed. I close my eyes and focus on those moments before, where there was nothing I wanted more than to kill him with my own hands.
He… he killed Julius.
But it wasn’t his fault.
You can’t think about the Devil. Just him.
The memory of that dreadful moment floods back. Pain, searing through my heart as if I had been stabbed through with pure light. I remember how I screamed and writhed, and begged for it to end.
Julius… that pain… it was his.
I open my eyes. All my doubts are gone.
And Patri… you’re the one who gave him that pain.
Those same thoughts circle through my head, stoking a growing flame. A flame I need to burn away all pity and doubt that I might develop later, when the time comes. But even within this vicious spiral, my mind begins to wander.
The baby… it was a girl.
It is a girl.
I clench my fist by my side as I continue to fly. The unforgiving wind blows any evidence of tears away before they can streak down my face.
I had to do it… I had to leave her behind. If I saw that baby, everything would come crashing down around me, I know it. I can’t afford to lose any more time. The fate of the entire world depends on it.
And after all… she would be born again, into a kinder world.
With a resounding whoosh, I fall down into the dense forest, leaves and branches whipping past my body, before landing on my feet on the forest floor. The wind clears, and the bushes rustle as anyone in the area runs to find a place to hide. I close my eyes again, taking in a deep breath. The air here is saturated with mana. It’s familiar on my skin; maybe a memory of Saida’s when she possessed my body. In any case, I’m here, and it’s time to find Patri.
I walk by myself through the forest, not sure of how long my search will be.
Pretty short, it turns out. I turn at the sound of the familiar voice, freezing up as I spot a group of people hurrying towards me.
The silver haired girl leads the pack. Her eyes light up as she realizes that it is, indeed, me. Behind her runs none other than Mimosa, quickly followed by Nero, Leopold, and Charmy bringing up the rear. For a moment, I let myself smile genuinely. They are truly a sight for sore eyes. 
I stay where I am, and let Noelle throw herself into my arms. “Why are you here? And-”
“The baby-” Mimosa asks, worried. “I thought you weren’t due for a couple more months-”
I gulp nervously. “I… I gave birth prematurely. Don’t worry, the baby is fine-”
“Are you here to train us too?!” Leopold cuts in excitedly. “Gadjah and the elves have been helping us for the past few days!”
Nero nods along silently.
His excitement is refreshing; in fact, all of the kids radiate a confidence and determination that I can’t help but feel like I lack. For a brief moment, I forget the morbid reason why I’m here. These kids are the next generation, after all; one of them will be Wizard King one day. I want to answer Yes, I’m here to train you. We’ll defeat the Spade Kingdom together!
But I don’t say it.
“I’m… actually here to see Patri,” I finally respond, watching as Noelle stands back to look at me curiously. “I don’t know how long it’ll take, but I need to talk to him. Can one of you-”
“I’m here.”
My expression drops a little, as I turn around to look at the elf who just emerged from the woods. Patri looks the same as he always has, albeit with a black sclera in one of his eyes, dressed in comfortable robes. I exhale softly, my heart starting to pound at the sight of him. I’m not sure if it’s with apprehension or anger. “Hello… um…” I glance over at the kids. “Can we go somewhere private?”
Patri gives me a long look before answering. “Yeah, of course.” He gestures for me to follow him back into the woods. I turn and flash a quick smile at the kids before proceeding.
Neither of us talk as he leads me down the ancient forest path. The silence is only broken by the soft sounds of our shoes moving over the grass, punctuated by a snapping twig every now and then. I keep my thoughts to myself, my gaze fixed on Patri’s ponytail. Part of me just wants to get it over with as soon as we’re out of earshot of the others; to strike him down and take the key I need. 
But I don’t do such a thing. I keep walking, clenching my fists at my sides.
I want to do it properly. Maybe Patri killed Julius, but I still respect him as a warrior. He defeated me in battle, after all… I owe him the last respect of telling him why I have to do this.
“This is the first time we’ve been alone together since we fought.”
Patri finally speaks, turning his head slightly to glance back at me. He slows to a stop in a clearing, at the base of a large tree. Flowers dot the meadow, species that I’m unfamiliar with. A few butterflies and bees flit between the stems. “Do you remember?”
“... of course.” I smile a little, crossing my arms as I walk around to look into his eyes. He seems so calm… and oddly resigned. “It was a humiliating defeat.”
At those words, Patri’s mouth twitches for just a moment, and a sound that could be interpreted as a laugh leaves his lips. “I wouldn’t say that… you fought bravely. And you’ve grown so much since then. I mean… you’re the Wizard King now…”
His voice trails off as he breaches that subject. My breath catches in my throat, and I quickly look away. My inner flame flares up again.
How dare you… even think about him…
But it’s quickly quelled as a bird lets out a call, somewhere far above. The awkwardness is still thick, but not hostile.
“So… what did you need?”
For some odd reason, those words do not form a question. He already knows, doesn’t he?
Summoning a last bastion of courage, I raise my gaze back to his. “We’ll be facing the Dark Triad head on in two days… one of them has a power that I need to take for myself. But his gravity magic will cancel out my time magic, and my flame magic won’t be enough to defeat him.”
Slowly, Patri lets out a sigh through his nose, his eyes closing for just a moment before flickering open again.
“...how will you take it? The same way you’ll take my light magic?”
I wince internally, his words confirming that he already knew his fate. “Y-yes… although, I don’t want to take your magic by force.” I reach up and rub my other arm, aches shooting through it again. “I can form a link with anyone with a soul. The link I’ll make with you is called a Triad, a union of three souls. Usually, we’d only be able to share memories and magic, but I need to actually take your magic this time.” I almost look away, but it’s like I said before: I owe him this once last respect. “You will likely die in the process, especially since it’s your first time.”
My words hang in the air between us, and part of me wonders if he really understands it.
“...I see.” Patri finally turns away from me, walking towards the trunk of the mighty tree. “This is why you kept me around, right?”
I raise an eyebrow, wondering what he was going to do next. “Well… I didn’t know I would end up needing your magic back then-”
“No.” Patri reaches out, his palm flattening against the wood. He exhales slowly, calmly…
“You kept me around… because you knew that my death would one day help the kingdom.”
Help the kingdom? I mean… you’re right…
“Either way… I was going to die. I knew it from the start. And I don’t blame you.” Patri lets his hand fall from the tree before facing me again. “Whether it was to unite your people… or to defeat an enemy… or even just to help you feel better, I’ve accepted my death.”
We stare at each other for a moment, the understanding settling in. My heart races still, something I thought would stop once I “convinced” him. But in the end, that wasn’t necessary.
Patri… even you are selfless. To the highest degree.
Thank you.
He does what I want. Patri slowly falls to his knees, his hands resting in the grass. 
I… I wish this could be different.
“For your crimes against the kingdom…”
The words don’t feel as good as I thought they would. I feel like I’ve waited for this moment for years, and yet… I can’t bring myself to feel happy.
But I need to do this.
“...I sentence you to death.”
My hand reaches down, and I feel my mark start to heat up. Patri’s eyes squeeze shut, and I see the same glow start to take shape on his forehead.
Dyad Magic.
He grits his teeth. There’s already blood trickling out of his nose.
Triad Creation.
My hand lands on his head, and the earth shatters around us.
                                                                                      It’s dark in here…
There are people screaming.
                                                                           How dare you… how dare you…
I lived this memory, didn’t I?
                                              I stare up at the dark sky as my life fades away.
No… Patri. This is your memory. Maybe Saida was here too, but this is you.
                                                                        It hurts… it hurts so much…
The pain in my heart intensifies. Everything fades away, and I float farther into the abyss. All that exists is pain, stabbing through my head and heart. 
                                                         Please… make this quick…
I’m trying.
I sink deeper and deeper into his mind. The pain gets worse and worse, but for once it’s not mine. Patri’s soul shrinks and contorts in my grasp, like a dying animal that wants nothing more than to be put out of its misery.
A triad… between Patri, Julius, and myself.
The three of us stand there in the darkness. Julius is just an outline, just a memory of a soul. 
                          Do you really think… my love is that weak?
What did you mean by that? 
I wish I could have found it, wherever you hid it, Julius. But it’s too late.
                                                                                                    You’re… dying?
Patri’s voice echoes through my head, and I turn to look at him. He looks afraid, but there’s pity dwelling within those golden eyes.
… do not pity me. This is my fate. 
Don’t you dare look at me like that!
My hands reach out, and I stagger forward. Patri doesn’t even flinch as I grab his collar and shake him once, hard. I feel something building up inside, where there used to be nothing, a glowing ember of rage.
You… you KILLED HIM!
I shake him again, and again. Patri does not struggle. Something snaps, and I ball up my fist.
You’re pathetic… you’re a villain! 
                                                                                                    I know.
You killed him- TELL ME-
The memory rushes back. Agony, pure agony, my heart stabbed right through, and my life bleeding onto the stone while the sun bled it’s life into the sky.
I felt his pain…
Patri, tell me…
Did he cry? Did he resist? Did he leave this earth writhing and screaming in the same way that he entered it?
                                                                                                    … he....
                                                                                      I don’t want to remember.
I grit my teeth, seeing nothing but red. My fist draws back in preparation to punch.
You’re the most evil being on this earth!
                                                                                                    I know.
I hit him, hard, in the center of his face. Patri stumbles back, then falls onto the ground. 
I… I hate-
I can’t even finish the sentence, because it’s not true. 
I can’t hate Patri… maybe I convinced myself to hate him, but I can’t. Because, in the end, it wasn’t his fault. Everything ties back to the devil, to the original sin. And in the end… I would have done the same thing as him. I would have burned the entire world to the ground in my vengeance.
                                                  And I will.
Patri shatters into a million pieces, and the world dissolves around me. Light suddenly floods my mind, bright, beautiful light emanating from a new shard of a soul lodged within my own. For a brief moment, our souls were one, sharing all thoughts, all memories, all feelings.
Tears drip down my face as I stare up at the sun. It’s warmth bathes me, but I only feel cold.
For a brief moment… Patri shares something with me. Something I have long forgotten.
That broken ego, that barrier that once defined who I was, is momentarily restored.
The sun burns the stone around me. The light in my hands concentrates, intensifying into a long lance- no, a sword- 
Wait… wait… this memory…
My eyes widen as something drips onto my hand.
Slowly, I look up, my gaze travelling up the lance of the sword. Blood drips down it, pooling for a moment on the handle, on my clenched fist, before splattering onto the ground at my feet. 
No… no…
Julius stands there, his stature slumped and pained… but he still stands. 
His eyes burn into mine, into my soul, but this time it’s like hellfire rather than holy light. With a hollow gasp, I let go of the handle and stumble back away from him. But he doesn’t fall- he continues to stand, and I cannot escape his gaze.
My heart pounds. I’m frozen in this horrifying memory. 
He opens his mouth to speak. Blood drips from the corners.
But he doesn’t fall.
I can’t breathe.
You… you’re so strong…
I watch the sword dissolve away, leaving only a deep, bleeding gash through his chest, through the heart that I loved with every ounce of my soul.
I… I would have fallen.
And I did. Because here I am… stealing the soul that would give me the power to defeat Gravity. And once I defeat gravity…
I could never be like you, right?
You would have fought until the very end… but I gave up.
I am weak. So weak… as weak as I was the day I was born.
There is no love in his eyes. There is no pity. 
His lips move to form that single word.
My answer does its best to stay lodged in my throat, because I am afraid of what I will say.
Because…. The world is going to end. This all happened because of my weakness.
I want to look away, but I can’t. He’s the sunset at the horizon, and I can’t bring myself to close my eyes.
There is no future for me… and now there is no future for this Kingdom. Not without you.
I clench my fist, my resolve building.
I don’t care if I have to become the most evil person in the world… I will recreate this world!
But with Julius’s next words, the tower of my determination is struck down.
                                No… you are ensuring its destruction.
With each new word, more blood seeps from his body, down his chin to stain the white fur of his robe.
                         Either way… the world will end. Because of you.
The scene begins to fade away. The light disappears. All that’s left are Julius’s dead eyes, staring into mine through the darkness. The Self fades away with Patri’s life, dissolving away in my hands. Once again, I am left with a cold, empty soul, the two worst parts of me settling back in.
I… I am nothing.
                                                  You are nothing.
I am a monster.
                                                  You are a monster.
I will destroy the world.
                                You will destroy the world. And for what?
For… you.
Then, the sounds of the forest finally fade back in around me. I breathe in, and something slips out of my hands and falls to the ground with a dull thud. 
The air is fresh. Mana hangs around me. I open my eyes to see the sunset finally gasping it’s last breath.
There’s a body at my feet. I don’t know if he’s still alive. But it doesn’t matter. I turn away, then drop to my knees. The grass is cold and wet, but it feels so… refreshing.
My tears soon join the dew clinging to the blades.
I ball up my fist, uprooting a bit of the grass in my clutches.
You lied… your love doesn’t still exist on this earth.
I lower my head, until it bumps into the ground. My mark thuds with pain at the impact, but I don’t react.
You would hate me. 
My worst fear, finally realized.
My chest heaves as I continue to cry. Everything hurts, every cell in my body. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot something blue flitting towards me. A moth- no
For a moment, I almost give in and let them land on me. 
If Julius hates me… what’s the point? I should just die, right here. 
I almost resign myself to the decision, but in the moment before she lands, my hand jerks up. With one quick movement, I swat the bug away. My eyes widen when I realize what I’ve done, and I sit up with a jolt. 
It’s not a moth. It’s a butterfly. Just… a normal butterfly. It spins in the air for a moment, confused from the impact, but then it straightens itself out and flies away.
The sounds of bugs and the wind fills the silence around me. The trees rustle on their own, the magic breathing in and out. Slowly but surely, my breath falls into the same rhythm, and I feel myself start to calm down.
Someone once told me to breathe. To inhale and exhale, and think of nothing but that cycle.
I hold up my hand, palm up towards the sky. Almost instinctively, the new soul within me stirs, and a ball of light appears. Good- I clench my fist, and the light slides over my arm like a long glove. I tense up, then punch the air. Once. Then again. And one more time. Each time, the light glows brighter, and I can feel my control already strengthening.
It… it was that easy? I open my palm again, and the light retracts into its ball once more.
All I had to do was take control of a Triad, to reach into Patri’s soul, shatter it into a million pieces, and then take one for myself.
It was that easy.
Patri is powerful. And I know Dante will be even more powerful. But thanks to his sacrifice, I now have a better chance of finding victory.
And that’s what it will be. A victory. Maybe not for myself, but for the world.
There is no such thing as myself anymore, anyway. I am just a memory. A person who was loved, but now hated. A person who once had hope, but now it only exists in my death. A person who was once human… but now has given her humanity up.
I am nothing. I am evil. I am a monster. And I will destroy the world.
I turn to lift off the ground, leaving the body behind. I need to find a place, up high, where the air is clear and I can soak up mana for the time remaining before the invasion. I need to clear my mind and concentrate all the power I have, all for my last fight.
The entire world will hate me for what I do. One more man won’t make a difference.
It is a lie.
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susiephone · 4 years
do you have any book recs?
Do I ever! Let’s just do twelve books I tend to rec to everyone.
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Y’know, from TV? Demon and angel team up to stop the apocalypse, and they are terrible at it. Fortunately there’s also a witch, a witch-hunter, a semi-phony psychic, and four children, and there are at least three braincells between them. My all-time favorite book.
Vicious by V.E. Schwab. Two basically-amoral grad students get superpowers, and from there, Very Bad Things Happen. They go from being best friends to trying to murder each other. Complex schemes, horrible people doing horrible things, and found families, ahoy!
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee. More superheroes, less pain. Daughter of D-list superheroes has no powers, much to her annoyance, and gets an internship where her dream girl works... an internship for the local D-list supervillains. She takes it anyway because 1) it actually pays, 2) again, dream girl, and 3) she figures, “Oh, this will be hilarious.” And it is.
The Hearts We Sold by Emily Lloyd-Jones. Not-so-distant future, demons have popped up on Earth like, “yo. We’re here, we make deals, just hand over a body part in exchange for a wish. It doesn’t matter why.” Protagonist makes a deal in exchange for... wait for it... tuition money. (Been there.) The demon rips out her heart and has her under contract for two years, and from there, things get weird.
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend. PLEASE READ THIS I’M BEGGING YOU. A young girl cursed to die on her eleventh birthday is rescued when she’s whisked away to the magical world of Nevermoor. But the man who rescued her did so by smuggling her in... completely illegally. And if they can’t find a legal way for her to stay, she’ll be sent home. Where she’ll, ya know, die. Thus begin the Trials, where if she passes, she’ll join the Wundrous Society, and be safe. An absolutely fantastic and magical read for all ages, with one of the best heroines in children’s lit.
Warcross by Marie Lu. In the future, the world’s biggest form of entertainment is a virtual reality game called Warcross. Our heroine is a hacker who tries to breach the opening ceremonies of the Warcross Championships in a last-ditch effort to make some money, and instead accidentally hacks herself into the game. Rather than arrest her, the creator of Warcross hires her to figure out what’s wrong with his system, and find a spy among the competitors. FANTASTIC action, representation, and worldbuilding.
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. You’ve probably heard of this one. Inspired by the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Our teenage protagonist is the sole witness when her best friend is shot and killed by a cop, and is forced to choose between standing up and doing what is right, and staying silent and safe. Fucking harrowing at times, but with a warm and surprisingly hilarious narrator to keep it from being too much.
Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden. A LANDMARK of LGBT lit, being one of the first novels to portray lesbians in a positive light, a must-read for any baby gay (and recommended reading for allies). 1980s New York, two teenage girls meet, become best friends in record time, and gradually realize they’re in love. Has what is still one of the best portrayals of first love I’ve ever read. My dad bought this for me after I came out. Thanks, Dad.
Nimona by Noelle Stevenson. A graphic novel! Teenage shapeshifter rolls up on the local supervillain’s lair like, “I am your biggest fan, dude. Also, I can turn into a shark. Hire me.” Shenanigans and PAIN ensue. The whole thing reads like a D&D campaign, it’s great.
Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgl. Another graphic novel, this one with a horror angle. Moody and rebellious teenager dislikes everything about her life, from her weight to her lack of social status to the fact that she’s a Russian immigrant (though she tries to hide this). This changes when she falls down a well, and meets the ghost of Emily, a young girl who died a century before. And she is happy to be her friend. Forever. REALLY spooky, with some fantastic art.
The Land by Yesterday by K.A. Reynolds. A melancholy and darker read, about how we deal -- or don’t deal -- with grief. When our heroine’s younger brother dies, partially due to her own actions, her whole world falls apart. The spirit inhabiting her house goes mad, her father is consumed by depression, and her mother follows her son into the Land of Yesterday, where all souls go after they die. Desperate to put her family back together, our heroine follows her, and tries not to become a lost soul herself.
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland. I’m currently in the middle of this, and I am in LOVE. After the Civil War, zombies happened, and now, one of the best opportunities for black teenagers, including our heroine Jane, is to enlist to be a bodyguard for rich white people against the undead fuckers. Not only are the horror and action fantastic, it is a truly fascinating take on an alternate history, and a look into the Reconstruction Era.
And I’d be remiss not to recommend Most Ardently by Susan Mesler-Evans... aka... the book I wrote. Modern-day, WLW, diverse remix of Pride and Prejudice. Feminism, family dynamics, and fuckery abound.
So. Yeah.
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staystrange · 4 years
i’m gonna make this place your home
Schitt’s Creek • Patrick Brewer/David Rose Rating: T • ~2.5k words • ao3
Who knew that when his dad had bought David this town as a joke, he’d actually bought him the life he’d always dreamed of but never thought he could possibly have?
David and Patrick visit the house, tour the house, and move into the house.
Title: "Home" by Phillip Phillips. Yes, I know, this is the cheesiest and most obvious choice, but Patrick kinda did make "this place" (Schitt's Creek) David's home, so I stand by it.
“I just don’t think I’m finished with this place.”
If you had told David when he first moved to Schitt’s Creek that he’d face his parents and his sister in the motel room they grew to call home and say those nine words out loud and mean every single one of them, he’d have told you that you were absolutely incorrect. It did feel a little scary to say them out loud so definitively, even though he knew it was the right — heck, the only — decision; his stomach was tight with anxiety the entire day, only loosening its hold when he saw the joy on Patrick’s face as David stood with Patrick in front of the house and told him he’d put an offer in for it. Or at least, he’d tried to put an offer in; his heart was in the right place, but he had no idea what he was doing.
It had been a combination of his conversation with Patrick and his heart to heart with Stevie that had opened his eyes to the fact that everything he had always wanted that he thought he would find in New York was actually right there in Schitt’s Creek, in the last place he’d ever thought he’d find it. Who knew that when his dad had bought David this town as a joke, he’d actually bought him the life he’d always dreamed of but never thought he could possibly have? People always said that money can’t buy happiness, but David honestly thought he had a uniquely strong example to prove those people wrong. It was a little bit too much to wrap his head around, and the thought of it brought tears to his eyes, something he’d realized had been happening a lot more since Patrick wandered into his life.
Patrick, who stands next to him as they face the house they will soon be calling their home, the two of them alternating between staring at the house and staring at each other. They probably stand in front of the house for longer than is considered socially acceptable for two almost-married people who had just bought their first house together (especially because they have no idea if anyone is even home, and if they are, whether they saw any of the makeout session they’d just had on the front lawn), but they are too happy to care. They are going to get married, they are going be husbands, and this house is going to be theirs.
“At this point, who even needs a wedding, am I right?” Patrick asks David.
“Oh, I do, I need a wedding, big time,” David replies, and Patrick just smiles.
Even in the midst of all of the last minute wedding planning (“Oh my God, Patrick, I forgot to pick up the flowers for my bouquet and your boutonniere from the florist!” “It’s okay, David, I’ll pick them up tomorrow.”) David makes sure that he and Patrick find time to actually see the inside of the house; he thinks it would be a good idea to actually make a plan with the current owners instead of just driving by the house and staring at it like he’d done every day, sometimes multiple times a day, since they’d put the offer in.
They close the store early that afternoon and drive over to the house, David’s hand holding Patrick’s tightly between them as Patrick drives. Patrick pulls up smoothly to the curb, putting the car in park before opening the driver’s side door and quickly walking around to the passenger side to open the door for David, who can’t help but smile at his husband’s unnecessary chivalry. Patrick holds his hand out to David, who takes it, standing and using the momentum to pull his almost-husband into a gentle kiss. They walk hand and hand up the path to the front porch, Patrick ringing the bell before smiling at David.
A woman opens the door after a few moments, her eyes crinkling in the corners as her smile spreads across her face. “Well hello again, Patrick,” she begins, recognizing him from their previous meeting, “and you must be David! It’s so great to finally meet you in person — I’ve heard so much about you from your fiancé.”
David blushes a little, though he makes a futile attempt to hide it since he’s in the presence of a complete stranger who is selling them her family’s house; he’s trying to make at least a decent impression so they’ll know their house is in good hands. “It’s lovely you to meet you as well…” he trails off, realizing he doesn’t actually know her name.
“Penny,” she replies, holding out her hand.
“Penny,” David repeats, shaking her hand. Penny looks out behind him and Patrick down the path that lead back to the street, confusion shaping her features. “Is something wrong?” David asks, sudden concern bleeding into his voice.
“Oh, I just figured Ray would be here to facilitate this tour since he’s the realtor.”
Patrick can’t help but let a burst of laughter escape his lungs, prompting David to direct a horrified look at his fiancé. “I used to live with Ray when I first moved here,” Patrick explains to Penny. “I think David and I have spent enough time with him to last a lifetime.”
“Say no more, I totally understand. Why don’t you two come in?” Penny replies, opening the door wide.
“Thank you so much,” David says, he and Patrick following her inside.
David fiddles with the lower of the two rings on his left ring finger as Penny closes and latches the door behind them. As she does, another woman walks into the room, her hair tied up in a messy bun on top of her head. There are paint splotches all over her light wash jeans and grey shirt and a paintbrush is tucked behind her ear. “Hi David and Patrick, I’m so sorry I look like this; inspiration struck this morning and I just had to get started on this painting before the idea slipped out of my head.” David smiles in understanding, as does Patrick.
“This is my wife Noelle,” Penny says to David.
“Nice to meet you, Noelle,” David says. “I’d shake your hand, but…” He trails off, nodding at the paint splotches on Noelle’s hands.
“No worries, I wouldn’t shake my hands in this state either,” Noelle replies. David immediately likes her.
“Shall we begin the grand tour, then?” Penny asks.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Patrick answers politely.
“I’m going to head back to the garage and work on this painting — I mean, pack up all of the stuff that’s left in there,” Noelle finishes hastily off a stern look from Penny, but David can tell there’s no real force behind it. She waves as she heads back to the garage, and Penny smiles quietly to herself with a look on her face not unlike the one David often sees on Patrick’s face when David gets overexcited like that.
“So as I told Patrick when I called him about the house, our daughters Alexis and Daisy are off to college this fall, so we’re moving down to Florida to be near them. Not too near them though, we want to give them their space and their freedom, but we’d at least like to be in the same country.” Penny laughs. “And we know them well enough that they’ll want us to be close by for when something inevitably goes wrong in their apartment.”
“Your daughter’s name is Alexis?” David asks Penny as she leads him and Patrick into the kitchen. “That’s my younger sister’s name, too.”
“Oh, really? What a lovely coincidence.” David smiles softly. “Does she live here in Schitt’s Creek?”
“She does, but she’s moving to New York City to pursue a career in PR after our wedding.”
“Oh, how exciting!” Penny leans her back against the kitchen counter. “And speaking of, congratulations!” She gestures to David’s rings. “When’s the wedding?”
“September 3rd,” Patrick replies, a huge grin on his face.
“Oh, wow, that’s coming up! I can’t believe you two managed to find time to visit the house with all of that going on; we certainly wouldn’t have had time for anything like this that close to our wedding. And speaking of, let me actually give you the tour instead of talking your ears off.”
Penny shows them around the whole house, ideas for furnishings and color schemes popping into David’s head so fast he can barely type them down into the notes app on his phone. He shares some of them out loud with Patrick as well, and based on the grin on his face that has somehow gotten bigger as the day goes on, he loves them all. By the time they’re about to leave, David has a clear picture of exactly what he wants their home to look like, and he’s itching to grab a pencil and sketch it all out to show Patrick.
“Thank you so much for showing us around,” Patrick says when they’re back at the front door again. “And thank you so much for taking me seriously and actually calling me when you decided to sell. I’m honestly surprised you didn’t just think I was crazy or something.
Penny looks surprised for a moment. “No, of course we didn’t think you were crazy! We thought it was very sweet actually, and I’m glad we could make this happen for you.”
“Us too,” Patrick responds, glancing at David to confirm, which he does with a smile and a nod.
Later that night, David’s at Patrick’s (he basically lives there at this point, if he’s being quite honest) and he’s sitting on the couch with his back against the arm, his sock-covered feet on the cushions and his sketchbook in his lap. Patrick is draped over his shoulders, his arms crossed over David’s chest, pressing kisses to David’s neck as David draws out some of his ideas for their house from earlier that day. He’s sketching out their bedroom, humming to himself as the pencil moves on the page. After a few minutes, he turns around toward Patrick and sets the sketchbook on the arm of the couch so that he can see the page right side up.
“So this is what I’m thinking for our room. We could put the bed against the wall and paint the walls that dark blue that you like and we could get bedding to match and —” David looks up at Patrick and stops, realizing that Patrick has been staring at him the whole time he’s been talking instead of at the drawing of what David’s describing. “Honey, you’re not even looking at it.”
“Hmm, you’re very distracting when you’re excited,” Patrick responds.
“Okay, Patrick, but I need you to look at what I’m describing because I want to make sure you like it so we can order this stuff and get this all ready to go because I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be worrying about all of this while we’re on our honeymoon. I just want to focus on being with you.”
David didn’t expect to get this sappy; it must have been seeing the house with Patrick that turned him all soft. Actually, maybe it was just Patrick.
“Fine,” Patrick whines over-dramatically, kissing David’s cheek before picking the sketchbook up and leaning his elbows onto the arm of the couch. He takes his time, running his fingers over the page, careful not to smudge the pencil lines. “I love it. I love you.”
Patrick hands the sketchbook back to David, who takes it with a smile. “Thank you, I love you too. Now let me sketch out the rest of the rooms because I have so many ideas to run by you.” David turns to a blank page in the sketchbook, tapping his pencil against the page as he decides which room he wants to visualize next.
He’s just decided on the dining room when Patrick takes the pencil out of his hand. David whips his head around, incredulous. “And what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“Making sure that my fiancé takes a break from the constant planning and actually gets some rest since our wedding is only a few days away and I know he certainly doesn’t want the exhaustion to show on his face in our wedding photos,” Patrick replies, holding the pencil above his head where David can’t reach it from his seat on the couch. “You know I’m right.”
“Fine,” David says, closing the sketchbook and resigning himself to his fate. “But you have to come to bed too; I don’t want you to have exhaustion showing on your beautiful face either. And that goes for always, not just at our wedding. You spend way too much time working on spreadsheets and not enough time sleeping.”
Patrick laughs. “Whatever you say, David.”
The wedding is beautiful. Even though the rain throws a bit of a wrench into things, everyone in David’s life in Schitt’s Creek rallies together to make the day as perfect as it could possibly be. David has never felt more loved in his entire life.
None of it feels real until the day David and Patrick actually move into their house. He hadn’t realized how much stuff he’d managed to accumulate since moving to Schitt’s Creek until he had to pack all of it up and load it into the moving van. He’d helped Patrick too, especially because so many of his things had ended up at Patrick’s apartment anyway.
They stand in front of the house again, just like they had the day David told Patrick he wanted to stay in Schitt’s Creek, but this time with the moving van in the driveway and the empty house in front of them waiting to be filled with them and their lives and their love. They hold each other close, excited to begin their lives together but not really looking forward to the actual manual labor involved in unpacking everything they own. So instead they procrastinate in each other’s arms, in each other’s faces, in each other’s kisses.
When they’re finally finished unpacking, or at least as finished as they’re going to get on the first day in their new home, David sits down on their bed, pulling Patrick down beside him. “Hi,” he says simply.
“Hi,” Patrick replies. “Welcome home.”
It’s in that moment that everything hits David, even as he’s extremely distracted by Patrick’s mouth on his. He feels a sudden warmth in his chest, and he knows that Stevie was right that day they visited the house — he’d won. He’d really won.
David and Patrick wear identical ear-to-ear grins when they break apart. “I guess it’s time to start thinking about another housewarming party,” Patrick says.
“Sure, but make no mistake, I will be doing the planning this time,” David replies.
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theatrelove3000 · 4 years
Battle Wounds
Helllloooooo! I have returned! I really need to make a set schedule to post these... I’ll figure it out. So! This is a favorite of mine and one of the first fics I wrote for Loki. I wrote Jelsa for one of my good friends when we were in high school as a sort of bribe to help her stop causing herself harm so that was a very productive way to practice my craft XD. 
Just a disclaimer, I mention a “connection” between Loki and Noelle in this one and through many of the next ones. The “connection” is called a binding. It  means that the two of them were cursed: their souls split in half and trade places. Basically they have half of each others’ souls in their own bodies. This gives them the ability to hear each others thoughts and feel each others feelings. They can block it off but it is tiring to do so. Unless they are in battle and working off an adrenaline rush or trying to keep a secret, they typically let the connection flow. 
Summary: Loki and Noelle are called to Nilfheim to assist in a battle, during which our Dear Loki is injured. Noelle fixes him up since the healers are busy with the other warriors.
Battle Wounds
Noelle POV:
"Hold still!"
Loki grunts in pain, "I am not sure how you expect me to stay still when it hurts so much."
"If you held still it wouldn't hurt as bad," I tell him calmly. I am cleaning the wound on his forearm, the worst of all of them. "I still don't understand how this round of negotiations escalated so quickly."
"Well, the leader was being unreasonable in his terms of agreement."
I nod, knowing that if I said anything else, it will turn into a fight and I do not want to fight two battles in one day.
'You were not supposed to come. I specifically told you to stay home,' he says using our connection. I can feel his anger bubbling in my head.
'You couldn't expect me to stay home when you and my friends ran off to battle. You should know that.'
"That is not the point, Noelle!" He exclaims, out loud this time. I have to put my hand on his leg to keep him from standing, "What if you had been wounded yourself. What if you had been killed? I could not have gotten to you in time..." he trails off, shaking his head as though dispelling the thought from his mind.
As I stand, I put down the cloth in my hand and move my hands to either side of his face, forcing him to look me in the eye. "Nothing happened. I am fine. I can take care of myself," he takes a deep breath before leaning his head against my stomach, continuing to pant a bit. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling his love and relief that I'm alright course through the connection, "Besides, if I weren't here, that could have been way worse. That giant would have taken you out completely." I joke, making him look up and scowl at me before pressing his forehead back to my torso, the hand of his good arm resting on my hip.
I laugh a bit as I pull away so that I can continue mending his arms. I sit back down and  continue cleansing the gash in his arm from elbow to the inside of his wrist. He watches me work silently, no long complaining of the pain I know I must be causing.
After completing my task as Loki's personal healer, I helped him into his shirt again and watched him button his vest. He finishes dressing and offers me his good arm, leading me out of the tent reserved specifically for healing purposes. In a way, it reminds me of a hospital running a code black: too many patients, not enough medical staff. There are five or six healers summoned from Asgard after the situation was considered safe and secure for their arrival. The tent itself is not that big, 20x20 feet at most, and packed with beds like in a World War II movie with three or four private beds shielded with curtains for special cases. The wounded Prince of Asgard happens to be such a case, and received his own private bed. However, he did not have much patience after the battle to wait for a healer so he asked me to do it. I did not have much trouble with it,  considering it was not the first time I've had to clean him up after a brawl.
'It certainly will not be the last, I'm afraid, darling. I do not take kindly to people with no brains speaking ill of you.' He whispers in my head.
'I know. But you do not always have to protect me, they say it after you fight them anyway.' I inform him, doing my best not to think of any names. I cannot have him making his arm worse.
"Do you really think so low of me to assume that I would duel someone in my condition?" He looks down at me out of the corner of his eye.
"If someone was talking bad about me, I would not put it past you."
He shrugs, agreeing silently and then makes a sudden turn around a corner to a part of camp he knows that nobody would have been in and was not likely to come to.
As soon as we are out of sight, he drops his arm and wraps it around my waist, pressing his lips against mine forcefully. My arms fly around his neck and pull him closer to me. He easily lifts me off my feet and my legs wrap around his waist. From this new position he had to look up slightly to reach me and he must have tired of that quickly because it isn't long before his lips trail down my jaw to my throat to my collarbone. I run my fingers through his hair and tighten my hold on him. We must have been like this, lost in our own world for a while because by the time I open my eyes again, the sun is setting and we are sitting on the ground.
Loki maneuvers our position from me sitting in his lap facing him with my arms around his neck, head on his shoulder, to his legs apart and bent at the knees, back against a beam of a nearby tent with me sitting between his legs with my back pressed against him. I lean my head back against his shoulder, my forehead pressed into his neck. He rests his head on mine. His arms wrap around me again and we stay this way, watching the sun disappear over the horizon.
I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up, I am in another place entirely. I am surrounded by green fabric and realize that I am in a tent. I look around and recognize Loki's green and black leather jacket on the chair in the corner. I peer into the darkness of the tent, trying to find him. I spot him from my place in what I realize is his bed, on a small couch that he must have conjured to sleep on. It isn't far from the bed, close enough for me to reach out and brush his silky hair out of his face. He moves slightly, grabbing my hand to keep my hand where it was on his cheek.
"Loki," I whisper, fully aware of his consciousness, "I'm cold."
He smirks, knowing that it is just an excuse to get him to come lay down with me. He makes a noise that sounds like he's snoring and I giggle, trying not to make too much noise. I am not sure if he put a sound barrier charm on the tent.
'You think I would bring you in here if I didn't? I knew you would wake up eventually. You did not have anything to eat after the fight.' He says into my mind, finally opening his emerald green eyes.
I did not notice my hunger until he said something and he seems to know it. He stood up and walked across the tent to retrieve. He turned back to me with a tray of food. I get up off the bed and make my way to him. I kiss his jaw when I reach him and take some food off the tray as I sit on the floor next to the small table that was not there a moment ago. He sits next to me, occasionally picking something off the platter. We talk a bit about the battle and the failed talks before it occurred. I'm not sure how we got there but we eventually talked about his parents and mine.
We have already met each other's parents. My father being of Asgard was helpful in part to this. He met my mother before we began courting; he followed me to Midgard when I went for Christmas a few months after I first travelled to Asgard.
I knew his because they were the Allfather and Queen of Asgard but I never got to a personal level with the Allfather that I did with Frigga. She was a truly wonderful woman and she raised such wonderful sons. Loki is the love of my life and Thor is like a brother that is partly a big brother and partly a younger brother, meaning that he is willing to fight back to back with Loki to protect me but Loki and I are constantly having to reign him in to keep him out of trouble.
"She likes you, you know." Loki interrupts my thoughts, "She thinks you are good for me. She is happy for us." I smile at this. I'm glad to know one of his parents approve of me. "My brother is, as well. He had a crush on you when he first met you but you were taken before he knew what happened." He chuckles at the end and it makes me laugh.
"He does not anymore. He has eyes for another lovely woman we know." I say.
Loki cocks an eyebrow at me questioningly. I laugh at the look on his face and say, "You cannot tell me that you haven't noticed his behavior! He is so obvious." He still looks confused and I laugh harder. "I'm not telling. You have to guess. But I will tell you that he spends more time with her than on the training grounds."
"Lady Sif!" He exclaims, figuring it out.
"Ding ding ding!" I can barely breathe from laughing so hard. I fall sideways into him and use his body as support to stay upright. "I cannot believe I did not notice before. He is so clearly infatuated by her now that I look back." He looks shaken and joins in with my laughing.
We talk and laugh for a bit longer before finally tiring out again. I'm still leaning on him, his arm around my shoulders.
"Are you really going to make me sleep all by myself in your bed while I can see you on that couch?" I ask him, mostly teasing but also a little serious. I do not want to sleep alone when I can see he is close enough for me to reach out and touch him.
"You proved today that I cannot truly make you do anything," he mumbles, glancing down at me, his thoughts flashing to our earlier argument about my being in the battle.
I smile a bit and nod my head, "So is that a no?"
He smirks. "No, love. I will not make you sleep alone in my bed if you believe that you will get cold without me there," he jokes.
I grin widely and pull him to his feet with me then proceed to drag him to the bed. I lay down and he follows suit. As soon as he is comfortable, I move closer and tuck myself under his arm, resting my head on the place where his arm and shoulder connect to the rest of his body. I close my eyes and he covers us both with the sheets before drawing his arms around me. I'm not sure how long he laid awake but I assume not long after I passed out.
I hate sleeping without him.
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l-sigh · 3 years
Isekai'd Gang Leader!Reader who doesn't give two f!@#s about their situation being in another world and somehow they're powerful. [Ch.3]
Reader: Gender Neutral
Warning: none
Character[s]: Noelle, Klee, Jean
I forgot I was writing something.
Chapter 3: Hm... this place looks fairly...
You look the place up and down. It doesn't seem to look extravagant nor poorly decorated. You sniff discreetly and turn to follow Noelle to a door to your left. She tells you to wait before knocking and entering without you. You stand there and turn your head to look at the guards present. You nod at them as they stare at you with curiosity. Seems like Noelle is taking a while in there...
"Finally over! I can go out again!" You blink when you hear a voice of a child coming from the room beside the one Noelle had entered. Confused, you move your gaze to the child in red bounding out with a rather large backpack behind her. What a peculiar child. She giggles and says goodbye to the guard of the room she was in before darting straight towards you. Luckily, you were able to stop her fall, catching her below her arms.
Hn...? She smells of gunpowder...and other things. Like fried mushro--
"Ah! Thank you, Sir! I'm sorry for bumping into you!" She gathers herself in front of you, the little child. You shake your head, a polite smile on your lips as you kneel on one knee in front of the child to speak at her level.
"It's alright. Please be more careful next time," you reply to her as softly as possible, hoping you won't startle this one (you've had too many children crying just by looking at them back in your world. You absolutely don't want any crying now.) She just beams back at you, much to your surprise.
"Okay!" She smiles at you before saying a quick goodbye and running out of the building. You stand, watching after her before hearing Noelle call for you.
"Welcome, Y/n. I heard about your predicament from Noelle. I hope you didn't find too much trouble on your way here," a gold-blonde haired woman stands from behind her desk to greet you. You smile your polite smile once again and doing your greeting as you had with Noelle. She returns your smile. "I am the Acting Grand Master, Jean Gunnhildr. Unfortunately, our current Grand Master is out on an expedition so I will be the one to talk to you." You nod, satisfied as long as your questions are answered. She crosses her arms in front of her and leans on one leg. "From what I heard, you are not from this world," you watch as she observes you, taking in your strange get-up.
"That's correct. As for the trouble on the way, I met some strange... beings on the way," you feel the cut on your cheek sting, "I've never encountered such creatures in my whole life." Aside from thugs and fugitives. Both ladies nod in understanding.
"I figured, since you have a weapon they wield," Jean nods at the crossbow on your back, "Those beings with masks are called hilichurls. And if you've seen round things on your way, those were slimes." You almost clicked your tongue at the thought of those annoying blobs. "If you don't mind, could you tell me how you found yourself in our world?"
"Ah... this may sound strange but--," you chuckle, "I should be dead." She looks at you in surprise.
"I was killed in an accident. At least," you frown, "from what I can recall."
"And...you woke up where..?" You answer straight.
"Beside a large tree with strange butterflies and a humming statue." She ponders your recollections for a moment before nodding.
"We'll provide you with clothes and lodging. As for how you'll make a living in this world..."
"Ah, yes. About that, could you tell me about the type of currency you have in this world? What are the careers available and the written scripts--," you continue asking questions about the workings of this world, the organizations, the laws. Jean's eyes grow wide as you ask questions no normal person would ask when they've just been in such a traumatic experience. You're so calm, it's almost odd to think you ran just any company. You almost sound like an informant on a mission. I'm almost tempted to ask him to join the Knights. He couldn't have possibly taken those hilichurls without some type of training. Smiling once you finish your fire of questions, she answers you, telling you who to ask and where to find information from. The lady named Katheryne, the library across from her office, and other people that she asked Noelle to introduce you.
"If you need to know anything else, there are many people here you can ask. Katheryne may be able to help you about the jobs available. For now, we'll take care of your temporary lodging." You nod your thanks, turning to Noelle.
"I'll be in your care." She smiles, happy to be able to help someone so eager.
Ch. 2 > Ch. 3
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argentdandelion · 4 years
Dragon Blazers III
Kris calls Noelle and insists she skip school tomorrow, so she can play Dragon Blazers III with her father for the whole night.
“Wha—? Kris, it’s 3:00 AM….” Noelle squinted at the clock in the darkness, rubbing her eyes absent-mindedly.
“Skip school today. Go to your dad.” They sounded urgent. Telegraphic. Firm.
Noelle’s ears perked up. “What? Why?”
“Bring Dragon Blazers III.” She tensed. They spoke so abruptly…like it was a command.
“Kris?! Kris, what are you…?” Noelle frowned, and held the phone firmly against her ear in the darkness.
“Now!” At the other end, Kris sounded…strained, as if struggling against some immense weight. “Noelle, go!”
“Alright, Kris, I’ll—”
A monotone beep. Kris had hung up.
“Dad? Dad?” Noelle gently shook her father from his sleep.
Rudy opened his eyes, half-lidded with drowsiness. The lamp was on, beaming light into his face.
“Dear?” he asked. “Come on, Dad!” Noelle feigned annoyance, her ears flipped half-back. “We all know we’re deer monsters.” One of Noelle’s ears twitched, and she hastily sidestepped a table to turn the TV on.
Dimly, Rudy noticed the furniture setup was different from what he remembered. He glanced across the room: the flowers in the glass cover had been put on the small counter by the sink, leaving the angel doll a little askew in the crowded space. The small bedside table had been shoved away, next to a TV set into the wall. The Nontondo console was placed on top of it, its cables leading up to the TV Noelle was fiddling with now.
Emblazoned on the TV screen were the words “Dragon Blazers III”.
Noelle sat down on the chair beside the bed: yet another furniture rearrangement. Rudy yawned. How had he not woken up from all this noise and hustle…?
“I didn’t want to wake you up until I got the game set up. You..needed the rest.”
Rudy blinked and yawned again. “And why are you waking me up in the middle of the night?”
Noelle looked sheepish. “It’s…not technically the middle…it’s 3:20 AM.”
Just then Rudy noticed the bags under his daughter’s eyes, her messy hair, and the few crumbs stuck to the fuzz of her upper lips. Strange. She normally washes her face…must have been in quite a hurry.
Rudy raised an eyebrow. “Well, still late.”
The bedsheets wavered as he adjusted his legs, laboriously propping himself up more on the bed. Noelle looked at him with a frown. She then moved the tacky little chair closer to the bed, and cringed at the squeak. Noelle smiled, and handed her father the other controller.
She yelped. “Oh! Darn! It’s a single-player game!”
Noelle’s face fell, but Rudy only smiled. “That’s alright. I can always watch. You’re much better at these games than I am, anyway.”
“Are you always this grimy, or is this a special occasion?”
In the game, all the party members groaned. Noelle’s brow furrowed in mock exasperation.
“Gosh darn it, Shella.”
Rudy frowned at her. “Watch your mouth, young lady.”
The room broke into laughter. Rudy’s ears flailed out, and with a bug-eyed look Rudy coughed out the remains of a laugh trapped in his throat.
They had traveled deep into the dungeon in the bowels of the earth. Suddenly, the claustrophobic halls expanded into a greater room….
“A cutscene!”
Noelle perked her ears up and forward, leaning closer to the TV. She sat there for a few seconds, straining her ears, but the sound had been turned too low for that sweet, sweet cutscene music.
“Oh, darn. Wish I could hear the music.”
“Oh, Noelle, you can turn it up. I’m one of the only two patients here. And I’m sure it won’t bother the other guy.”
Noelle adjusting the hospital TV’s buttons the old-fashioned way—she couldn’t find the remote in time.
Atmospheric music ran through that quiet hospital room.
“You’ve plagued our land for too long! I will stop you!”
Rudy waited quietly. “You’re right. It is lovely music.”
Smiles filled their vision as they enjoyed the scene together.
A room away, a patient quietly fumed and flailed his limbs, ranting again. Muffled as it was through the sounds of battle, and laughter, and conversation, none heard him.
Swarms of Modiglettes tread towards them in the darkness .
Noelle tensed up with a little “eep”, and Rudy turned to his daughter’s terrified face. “What are you waitin’ for? Flamaga ‘em!”
Noelle shook off her fear…and decided to upgrade the spell to Flamaja, for good measure. The enemies soundly defeated (no kill was overkill for a Modiglette), the party cheered on the victory screen.
“Creepy! Just like that angel doll!”
“Heh, you think so?” Rudy said with relief. “I thought so myself—but didn’t say it!” Rudy glanced toward that faceless angel doll on the counter top, still a little askew after all those hours beside the flowers.
Rudy noticed, just then, the petals falling from the wilting bouquet…onto that letter enclosed within.
“Kris…they’re a good kid.”
“Earlier, they told me to come visit you.” Noelle replied offhand.
Noelle had never seen her father’s brows rise higher. “Well, that’s a reversal of the typical role. For how much you’ve said about them arriving late to class…I never thought they’d wake up so early.”
As Noelle defeated foe after foe, progressing on her journey, she spoke less and less. The same went for her father. He reclined in his bed, his head heavy.
Noelle said nothing. Maybe the video game was too engrossing, maybe she was pretending not to notice, maybe…
Noelle stiffened in her chair.
“Dad? You haven’t said anything in a while. Should I…should I say something?”
“Oh, you don’t have to narrate everything ,” her father said. “It’s not like you’re playing it for an Internet audience.”
“After all, video games can be…” Her father looked down before looking back at her. “a solitary activity.”
“THE END” , it said.
Noelle stared at the screen. “What happens next?” Noelle asked, her voice laden with tension.
The pause went on just a little too long.
“….Y’know…I like to think they all went home after beating the final boss, and enjoyed how everything went back to normal.”
Noelle looked down, then towards the window, away from him. Still, her body faced the screen, and her hands still clenched the controller.
“…I don’t think it went back to normal.” Noelle swallowed. “I don’t think it can really be normal. Even if the land is at peace again, they…still left their villages and their cities and traveled everywhere . They still fought lots and lots of bad guys, and learned so much. I…” Noelle paused, and her ears slowly flicked. “It must be weird. Going back home at Level 80, and not being scared of the Level 3 dire rats. Not even a little.”
“I suppose ‘normal’ was the wrong word. I suppose all they can hope for is…peace.” Rudy looked out into the distance, up towards the ceiling. “That it’s finally all done. All the danger, all the tension….it’s resolved.”
Rudy closed his eyes. His body moved, just a little, as he took a deep breath.
Noelle gently set the controller down. She stared out into the hospital window—the sky was getting lighter.
“Why couldn’t it last forever…?” she muttered to the air.
After a few moments, Rudy opened his mouth. “You know those phone games? I think Choco Smasher was one…what do you think about them?” Rudy looked at her from the corners of his eyes, still propped up on the bed’s headboard. He didn’t move his neck.
“They’re pointless. They keep going forever…any progress is just meaningless.” Confusion clouded Noelle’s eyes, and she looked away.
“I know you would’ve liked the game to last a little longer, but…I still think it was fun.” Noelle lifted herself up from the chair, carefully setting the controller down, and sat by her father’s side.
“It was nice to see how the characters unfolded, the effects their actions had on the world, and how, in the end, all their efforts mattered. They saved the world, just as they were trying to do. You can’t do that in Choco Smasher. It’s designed to be random. Meaningless. Endless.” Rudy looked forward and closed his eyes.
Then, suddenly, there was a weight on Noelle’s hands, and Noelle’s eyes went wide open.
Her father weakly squeezed Noelle’s hand, looking straight at her with a wan smile.
“It’s impossible for a game to mean anything if it never ends.”
It was a dim, quiet morning: the perfect time for a lazyhead like Kris to lounge about, doing nothing but enjoying life.
But they weren’t in bed. Not today.
Kris found Noelle standing by the window, light streaming past her silhouette in the early morning light. The curtains, not quite closed, billowed gently beside her shoulder blades, like the wings of an angel. Just a few motes of dust were caught in the sunbeam, floating behind her. Though Noelle and the curtains blocked the view now, Kris knew what it was like outside: a cloudless, blue November sky, crisp air, and gorgeous orange foliage. The sunrise had just finished: the day had only just begun. The day was building up to be perfect.
The bed felt empty.
The two of them stood, two islands in a quiet ocean. Kris stared at Noelle’s back for a few moments, watching the soft billowing of the curtains. There were a few tangles in her hair, normally so well-combed. In the distance, a bird chirped, probably on the building’s roof.
Finally, Kris’s voice bobbed up through that silence, that still ocean between them.
“Did finishing the game with your dad make you happy?”
Noelle tilted her head to the side a little in thought.
“No. Not…happy.” She spoke in a weak voice drained of tears. “I…I’m just less sad . It’s not something I’ll regret never getting to do.”
Noelle didn’t look away from the window. The moment carried on: her staring out into the world, Kris staring at her back, the curtains billowing, the birds chirping. Absently, Kris noticed the furniture had been rearranged. The quiet moment stretched out like a lazy morning: like reaching for a coffee, or reading the paper in a chair, or absently munching on breakfast as one enjoyed the gentle morning sun. Kris forgot what time it was, but it didn’t matter: it was those few minutes when nothing was urgent, when no one was rushing, when a person could sit or stand and just…be alive .
What did Noelle see, in one of the best views in all of Hometown? The houses below? The woods beyond?
“Thank you, Kris.” Noelle said quietly, as if something had just occurred to her.
Noelle’s ears floated up. A few seconds passed, and Noelle turned around.
“Kris, how did you know—”
But Kris was gone.
Everyone knew it was coming.
Kris stood stiffly in the doorway, a sense of unease building in their mind, in their body, in their feet. The sterile light of the hospital hallway coated the floor, but the room seemed to block the light from going any further than Kris’s feet. The room’s own lights were off, and closed gauze curtains muffled the late morning sun. The room still held those wilted flowers in the vase, even though several petals had fallen. Somehow, the place felt full of dust: memories, long gone.
At first, the room seemed unoccupied. Then, Kris caught a soft, high-pitched noise. Kris took an unsteady step, then another, into the still room. In the corner, far away, half-hidden behind the sink…was Noelle. She was sobbing, kneeling, and concealing her face under a waterfall of hair, her arms wrapped around her body. A thought occurred to Kris, unbidden, that her hair was beautiful: long, and blond, and finely combed, and increasingly stained with tears and snot.
Kris looked forward—just a glance—in the center of the room.
The bed felt empty.
Despite the furniture, despite the decorations, despite the two living, breathing people within it…the sheer emptiness of the room stretched on and on.
Kris swallowed, and took a step, and braced themselves. But nothing could fill the void. They swallowed again. But any comforting words they could say was, too, swallowed up in their throat… in their brain…by that void between them. Only one thing, one mundane little thing, bubbled up through Kris’s mind.
“…Noelle?” Kris called out softly.
Noelle tried to stifle a sob. “I never got…never got…” She paused a little too long, and when she spoke, it was quieter. “Never got to finish Dragon Blazers III with him.”
Kris lingered as Noelle sobbed, tucking herself even tighter into her own body. Her ears drooped. Her sobs soared. Her sounds of sorrow cut through the silence, the emptiness, but it seemed to instantly stitch itself back together whenever she paused for breath.
It was…endless.
Kris paused, tilting their head just a fraction of an inch.
“How long would it take to finish Dragon Blazers III?” It was a mundane inquiry. As if nothing was wrong. As if the air itself wasn’t empty, as if they didn’t fear they would drown in the silence.
Noelle sniffed. In a brittle voice, a voice that somehow crept out from her three shields against the room’s void, she said:
“…It’s…pretty big. About eight hours, I-I think.”
“If you could finish the game with your father, would you?”
“I would. I’d do anything for it.”
Kris lifted the blanket, and opened the cage, and shoved their SOUL back in.
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nleeowens · 4 years
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How She-Ra Can Be An Important Lesson of Self-Love to Elder Daughter (Especially Those of Single Parent Homes)
“You’re worth more than what you can give to other people.” - Mara to Adora, She-Ra And the Princesses of Power
I was six when my parents divorced, and because I was too focused on starting first grade at a new school I don’t really remember much of that time. One moment there were the four of us, my parents, my sister and I, living happily (or at least what I thought was happily) in a small apartment in Miami. Then there was fighting and crying behind closed doors. And then, the next my dad moved out to another place nearby, and soon afterwards out of state with a new family.
While this whole whole chapter of my life is a blur (which is probably for the best because who wants to clearly remember the trauma of watching their parent’s relationship fall apart), I can still clearly recall one of the last things my dad told me before he left, something he has repeated frequently since: “Look out for your sister and mom.”
Being the eldest by three years my sister was not a new responsibility to me. Like every eldest child, when my sister was born I was told that it was time for me to be a “big girl” and help my parents with the new baby. It was a responsibility that I was not particularly excited for as evident by early pictures of my sister and I.
But look out for my mom? How could an elementary schooler be of any help to a grown woman?
The answer, it turns out, is a lot.
For years, I watched as my mom would do all she could to provide for my sister and I. Always managed to give her all as a public school teacher (gravely underpaid like most teachers in America), and even pick up second jobs every now and then. But when my mom came home she deflated, as if she gave most of her limited energy to the outside world and only had a little left for my sister and I. So I did my best to pick up the slack wherever I could. (Until I was old enough to work the oven, we went through our fair share of PB & J sandwiches.)
Nearly four years later my mom got remarried. My mom told us this was it, this was the man she was going to spend the rest of her life with it. My sister and I believed in her and that man so much that we started to call him “Daddy”. I found myself buying into the fantasy of those idyllic two parent households I would see on Disney Channel. Half a year later, the fantasy was shattered when my mom got divorced again, and she was left with a third kid to raise on her own.
At the age of ten I became a pseudo parent to my baby brother. I changed his diapers, bathed him, fed him, helped him walk, potty trained him, etc. Taking care of my family, my baby brother especially, became my whole identity. No after school activities because I had to pick up my brother from elementary and my sister from cheer leading practice. Couldn’t stay over at a friend’s place because I had to be home at a certain time to watch over my siblings.
When it was time for me to head off to college, I was excited to finally be away from my mom and siblings. I bitterly thought to myself, “watch them fall apart without me”. A few weeks into my freshman year I came to the realization that I probably needed them more than they needed me. I fell into a depressive existential crisis as I wondered who was I if not the big sister/ eldest daughter my family could depend on? It felt as if without any sort of responsibility to others I lost my purpose, my worth.
My childhood is nothing special. First born daughters are already forced to grow up faster in order to become “Mommy and Daddy’s little helper” (x), and tend to do more chores than their male counterparts (x). Then to add the trauma of divorce only cements their role as a stand-in caregiver (x). This kind of pressure can do serious ever-lasting damage to these girls’ psyche, damage that I am still trying to heal from in my mid-twenties. Which is probably why the fifth and final season of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power struck such a cord.
Major spoilers ahead.
The ending of She-Ra was a beautiful tribute to love. To the love for our friends, family, romantic partners, and most importantly the love for ourselves. Throughout the eternity of the show, Adora is reminded of her destiny to protect the people of Etheria as Sh-Ra “for the honor of Grayskull”. Even before wielding her magical sword, Adora is under constant pressure from her mother figure, Shadow Weaver, Hordak, and most of her fellow cadets to help lead the Horde to victory. Adora has dedicated so much of herself to the war for her phone that she apparently even fights in her sleep.
In the last few episodes, Adora is ready to pay the ultimate sacrifice to save her home and friends from a conquering intergalactic empire. While she makes her way to the Heart of Etheria she encounters a holographic ghost of the previous, She-Ra, Mara, who sacrificed herself to save Etheria from a different conquering intergalactic empire. Adora promises Mara that she is going to finish what Mara started so her “sacrifice won’t be in vain”. Instead of congratulating Adora for her heroic sacrifice, Mara tells Adora something she needed to hear (along with every eldest daughter watching): “You’re worth more than what you can give to other people”.
Adora is worth more than what she can do for the people of Etheria, my worth is more than what I can do for my family, and so is every eldest daughter of single parent homes. Like Adora, it’s okay to want to live for yourself. That doesn’t mean you are selfish or that your love for the people who depend on you is any less, because at the end of it all you deserve to want happiness for yourself, “you deserve love too”.
Thank you so much for reading. I loved the ending of She-Ra so much that I've watched the last season three times now. I can't wait to see what Noelle Stevenson is going to work on next. If you want you can also read this essay on Medium.
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