#i got jones a shrimp FOUR DAYS AGO
bowansparrow · 3 years
octopus machine broke
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session 17 notes
Time for lunch in the castle ward
Someone is yelling at us in the farmer's market place
We walk away
Adam rolls a nat20 to find a tavern
Mirt looks the same as always but he's dressed up more than we're used to
Mirt pays for us bc we're poor
It's like a café
"some of them laughing, in like a very upperclass way"
We are at the dragon's head
Old elf guy is there asking us to follow him as he takes us to the bag
Not much seating inside
Situated on a bluff, unblocked view of the sea
Pigeons have hatched, ugly
We're getting water
Where are we going
,,,,, home ?
Someone sent mirt a thing that said we were looking for the xanathar guild hq
Mirt said he can show us where the alleged entrance is
The shrimp is half celandine's size
We're talking abt someone who embezzled ??
Adam goes to yava
Confronts her abt telling laerl
Gives her his ukulele pick and says he might not come back next week
Asyna and celandine are
Going to meet jones
And get a goldfish
Shack on the outside but inside of apartment is richly furnished
Lots of goblins
Cel's talkin to jones
Jones has once use of dust of disappearance
"I can sing for the dust" asyna 2021, rolls 17 and persuades him
Sings baby by bustin bieber
Acquires dust
Y does everyone think we're gonna die
They're gonna go get goldfish now
Rolls nat20 for investigation
Theo goes to TYP
Talks to durnan
Asks if he knows anyone named lavinia
He's gone for a bit in the back
Comes back w a rlly big tome
Asks theo when
Apparently four months since they were separated
Durnan asks theo to describe her
Page covered w names dates n groups, pointed to group that dipped abt two months ago
Was there for a few days before (going down the well?)
Five companions with her
She's probably down there
They have not come back through this entrance
Typ is more like a front door
Gets names of other companions
Half-orc, tharos
Human, meer
Leila, halflin
Jauros, dwarf
Tha(y)ne, human
Says if she ever wants to investigate herself it's 5 gold
"I'd say you're ready"
Durnan went down a long time ago, suggests to bring a friend
Aerana goes to temple of knowledge
Big houses of worship for god of knowledge
Go to dragonborne lady, filing through papers and scrolls
Some records lent from the castle ward abt ruins and stuff abt tunnels there
Sheath of papers, investigation check of 12
Blueprints for what sewers originally looked like
When first conceived
Investigation, 18
Nothing particularly weird but diff testimonials from citywatch reporting weird things like gangs and monsters
You read that occasionally they find areas with strange layouts
Investigation check, 5
Ask if dragonborne knows of other places
Suggests speaking to city itself
She listed places in the sea ward
  Adam is looking for another teacher
Adam is acquainted with don as another teacher
Adam is buying smth
Jacob losese 150 gold n gives potion as collateral
Adam is racist
And sexist
And hates women
Accidentally talks to theo instead of cel
Got a gift, magic bow?
Cel has a present for theo
New cloak
Gives adam dirty cloak
Attuning to bow gives +2 to damage
.mirt is taking us through a few alleyways
Bureaucratic stuff
We come into enclosed doorway place to alley tha's been blocked off on the side of the street
Manhole cover in the ground]
Gives mirt wig
Aerana goes down after cel, refuge from rain
Down into sewer
Aerana jumps in, area looks like a fluke
Walls look like would contain larger passageway but they took section of sewer and blocked it off as separate room
Passageway with a doorway and stairs leading down
9 perception, can't hear too much other than dripping water
Aerana steps inside, gets sense of being watched, goes down stairs a little bit
Starts seeing points of light
Sees eyes that pop open bc of the light
Magical carvings
Unsettling carvings
No reaction; stone carving in the walls
Displays an eye
Readies weapon
Aerana rolls 23 for stealth
Light gets a lot brighter as descending down staircase
Enters to long hallway that's 9ish feet long, doorway I can see from my position leading off righthand side, all throughout tunnel are eye motifs carved into walls
Sensation I'm being watched
Looking down to left there's big set of double doors, in front of doors on ceiling is eye but different from carvings; looks alive, sticks down and is attached to stalk, occasionally blinks
Eye is just monitoring passageway
Adam makes intelligence check, 6, it looks like the beholder's eyes
It's 60 feet away
Aerana sneaks down, pushes door open a little
Peeking through looks like another shorter hallway going for 40ish feet, v narrow, stops at another door
Adam makes intelligence arcana check, thinks the thing is a sensor, like a security camera
Aerana goes to other door
Peeking in, looks like big chandelier? is hanging from ceiling
23 for stealth again, I'm good thank the lord
You see another beholder eye thing floating in the middle of the room, it's being necormanced
Doesn't see me
There r big green spores floating around like dust motes
Looks like there's another hallway down there
We are outside the room with the beholder zombie
We're gonna try to blind the thingy and RUN to the other hallway
Long dark hallway that leads to left past range of left
Dash into room on the left
Throw open door
Slam circular door behind us
Now we're in a stairway that slopes downwards
Making way downstairs
There's a figure looming in shadows on the side, is actually a suit of armor on the wall
Cel stops adam from touching armor
We walk for a little while, passing into tunnel that curves a little; opens up to open amphitheater, have entered into spectators area for audience
Semicircular recess on the southeast wall
More eye things
Jacob has tums
Looking around chamber, well-lit, blood-stained sand pit in the center
Eye is far away doesn't appear to b looking at us, urns and weird jars under it, nobody here
Set of stairs leading up to right, stairs leading up to left
It's like an arena
We can assume it's for fighting
There's a tunnel leading under the thingy
We're gonna go to tunnel
Jump into the thingy, eye still doesn't appear to see us
Big open tunnel abt 10 ft wide w a circle door blocking our view
Aerana turns the door handle, rolls away
In another darkened chamber
Does look like there are cells in here
Aerana runs 30 feet into cells
Halfling sitting in corner, arms crossed
Drow woman
30 feet sees third cell out of four, has three people in it
Woman, two men
Older man, two younger people
Do we recognize anyone? From what you can see no
Fourth cell has some rlly large hulking creatures
Adam is talking to smth that doesn't rlly understand ? Minotaur ?
Adam is going to sing smth ?
Shutting the door, adam rolls a 17 bardic inspiration
Face matted w blood
Bones in cell
Adam takes out a ration and v tenderly pokes it through the cage doors without putting hand through the cage
Cel is going to humans
Brown skin, olive complexion
Rushes up
"say you don't look like one of the thugs"
"we're not we're trying to take them down what can you tell us about this place"
This is xanathar guild, they throw ppl in arena to fight, beasts in other cell
Claudia, jia and arthwright
Arthwright is an older man
Been here for two weeks?
Others have been there longer than them
Jia says the only time they've seen Him, when fighting; usually by place w urns
Find the jailer for the keys
Or just pick the lock
Aerana is going to drow woman nvm
Halfling closest to door minute came in she yelling at her
We're gonna try to get you out
Was kidnapped
Used to live in sea ward
Maybe we can help you
Asyna goes to drow
Starts talking to her in elvish
Greets her
"say .. You're not with zorin are you?"
Who's zorin
"oh . Well in any case unimportant now"
Asks if she's from a house
Was wandering through and was captured
Asyna rolls history check, 20
Official house title was houses of zorlauren
Asks her what house she's from
"oh ! Wonderful"
Expedition project led her astray
She says no one else of importance was captured
They were killed
She killed the last beast they threw at her
Not sure what she's talking abt when she says levels
Theo lock pick check
14 to pick
Wire using snaps off
They look like skeptical ogres
One of them speaks common
"if we let you out just running amok"
"oh we can find weapons"
Adam is gonna roll insight
They seem trustworthy
Adam put a lot of stupid trust
Halfling said she could fight
Adam walks up to humans and asks how often jailer comes by, daily
Dwarf wearing horned helmet
Dwarf already came in to give food
If make too much noise he might come back in
"big boys, I need you to make a lot of noise on my signal"
Hear cursing in dwarvish and someone descends down flight of steps
Doorway rolls open, see squat dwarf fellow w big helmet
Cel and theo both hit, takes 30 damage
He's wearing some armor
Adam casts sleep
HE IS NOT SLEEPING his hit points are higher than 33
Pulls out axe
Stopping for tonight
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Hi sweetheart!💙 Can I request a prompt? Maybe something to do with high school sweethearts being reunited years later when they've both grown? Happiness but with angst!
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Emma’s fingers never stop tapping against the steering wheel as she drives down the two-lane road that’s lined with trees flush with deep green leaves, the summer blooms coming into full effect as the middle of June rolls in. This place has always been beautiful, scenic even in the darkness of night, and she knows that if she takes a left just up the road there’s a small lake where she used to spend her summer afternoons and evenings after she got off of work at Shrimpy’s down by the beach. That’s still the dumbest name for a restaurant, especially for a place that’s specialty wasn’t even shrimp.
It was lobster rolls.
This is Maine after all.
But they’d all go out – she, David, Mary Margaret, Ruby, Killian, sometimes a few stragglers – and spend time at that lake on days when it was a little too crowded at the beach to spend their nights there. No one ever went there, no parents or cops or obnoxious middle schoolers who had just gotten their curfew extended, and they had the place to themselves. There was this fallen tree there, one where the weather and overuse had worn down the middle to feel like a smooth seat, and it sat just over the water so that her feet would dangle and her toes dip into the water. That was her favorite spot, especially on nights where the sky was clear and she could see the stars, and a good half of her favorite teenage memories came from sitting there and talking to her friends before diving into the water without a care in the world.
The other half of her best memories came from sitting on this little flat part of the roof on the Jones’ house. It was just outside of Killian’s bedroom window, probably why he chose that bedroom when they moved here in middle school, and on nights when she could sneak away from her foster home, on the nights where Ingrid went to bed early, she’d find herself sitting on that little patch of roof with Killian’s thigh pressing into hers as they talked about anything, everything, and all that laid in between those two extremes. The two of them met on his first day of school here, the lanky British student who was the talk of the town being seated next to her in their pre-algebra class, and he kind of just…well, Killian Jones stuck.
He stuck with her through that class, through all of their classes that year, and when they moved to Storybrooke High the next year, they stuck together even when they didn’t have classes together. It was odd, really. She didn’t have a lot of friends, never really had. For the first ten years of her life she’d been in Portland, but then her foster parents decided they didn’t want to be foster parents anymore and she lived in a group home before she moved in with Ingrid in Storybrooke. It’s difficult being the new kid, especially the new kid without parents, and it took her awhile to find her place in Storybrooke. It’s not a huge city, not like Portland or Boston, but it’s big enough that one can feel small amongst the crowds. And when she wasn’t (isn’t) the most outgoing person in the world, making friends became all the more difficult. But then came another new kid, one with only a mom for a parent and with a different accent, and suddenly she had a friend. And when they got to high school and Killian joined the baseball team, suddenly she had David too. With David came Mary Margaret and with Mary Margaret came Ruby, and while there were others, those were the people she was closest to.
And then one day at the end of sophomore year after a playoff game, their team winning, Killian pulled her into his arms for a hug and kissed the living daylights out of her before he put her on the ground. It wasn’t her first kiss, not even her second, but of all of her firsts with different guys, she’ll always remember that one. That was the one that pressed the start button to fall in love with her best friend.
They’d been happy. She’d been happy. She was loved and felt loved for really the first time, and then, like in every cliché high school movie, high school ended. But there was no riding off into the sunset. There was one last summer together before Killian went to basic training for the Navy and she moved to Boston for college. They’d tried to stay together. Of course they did. They were in love, helplessly really, but time and distance apart separated them emotionally more than it did physically. It’s a funny thing. He was her best friend for six years, her boyfriend for two and a half, but in a year it all dissolved through missed phone calls, unanswered letters, and cancelled weekend visits.
They talked still, but it wasn’t nearly enough. There were strained, more depressing conversations than happy ones, and after one fight, one that had her face red and her eyes wet, she ended it.
She ended them.
Life moved on as it always does, and she finished out college, got a job as an investigator at a law firm, and fell in love with Neal because she wasn’t supposed to pine over her high school boyfriend.
Neal, who she lived with for three years and who cheated on her with an associate at their firm for one of those years. He was an asshole, but she loved him so his betrayal hurt. It hurt even more because, really, it was the first time one of her relationships crumbled by someone actively hurting her. She’d had her heart broken before, badly, and as bitter as she was toward Killian, he didn’t actively set out to break her heart. He loved her and never cheated on her and…he was good to her, but the timing was off. The timing will always be off most likely since they’ll never be back together, not that she’s ever even considered it.
It was ten years ago, and they’ve moved on and grown up. They’re not teenagers anymore who are experiencing the thrill of first love. They’re adults. They’ve been through things. And even if they hadn’t, the last she heard he has been dating someone for a few years, probably a pretty serious thing. Killian’s never done anything half-hearted. Meanwhile she broke up with Walsh five months ago and hasn’t wanted to look at a man since.
Well, seriously. She’s done with romantic entanglements that are only going to end up hurting her. She’s fine looking at a hot guy at the bar when she’s had a drink or two and is feeling pretty good.
But having to come back to Storybrooke to spend a long weekend with all of her childhood friends and with her ex-boyfriend has her thinking all of these saccharine sentimental things on her drive into town.
She’s nervous. Ruby is her best friend outside of Elsa and David, and she’s absolutely over the moon that Ruby’s getting married. But this is a big thing for her to be back in town when it’s been a good few (five) years, and an even bigger deal for her to come back knowing that Killian will be around for the wedding. He’s Graham’s best man, and she can’t stop fidgeting her fingers against the wheel thinking about seeing him in person instead of in a picture online.
The years have done him well. She likes his beard.
She is not going down that route. They can be friendly, she knows they’ll be friendly, but she’s not letting old feelings form into new ones. It’s simply one weekend, and then everything will go back to normal.
By the time she gets downtown it’s ten minutes until midnight, and she pulls into the parking lot behind Ruby’s apartment, putting her car in park and shooting Ruby a text that she’s here.
Ruby: Apartment 3B. It’s unlocked.
Ruby: Get your ass up here.
She chuckles to herself as she throws her bag strap over her shoulder and grabs her bridesmaid’s dress from the backseat of her bug before heading toward the staircase and quickly making her way to Ruby and Graham’s apartment despite the heaviness in her legs. Ruby said that it’s unlocked, so when she gets to the door she doesn’t bother knocking and walks inside only to come face to face with the person she was least prepared to see despite mentally preparing herself for weeks now.
He’s standing directly in front of the door, his arm half in a black leather jacket, and his lips are parted, mouth gaping open as his eyebrows practically reach his hairline. His hairline that’s covered in long hair that falls over his forehead and curls over the nape of his neck.
This is so much worse than she thought it would be. Her heart very well might explode, and that’s not her being dramatic at all.
She’s missed him.
His lips press together before curving into a smile, no, a smirk, and she can’t help her small chuckle. That is so him. “Did you miss me?”
“You got old.”
Wow, smooth Emma.
He laughs, shaking his head from side to side before shrugging on the rest of his jacket and stepping forward to wrap his arms around her while she lets hers fall to his back, hands pressing against his shoulder blades. She can feel the change in his body, the more developed muscles, but mostly all she’s focused on is just how incredibly warm he feels. He was always so warm, even when it was freezing outside, and it’s nice that even when everything else changes, some things stay the same.
She could go for a little normalcy even if this is the exact opposite of what she expected to happen. Well, not opposite, but a solid ninety-degree rotation.
“You smell like flowers.”
“It’s my perfume. You smell like rum.”
“I was here drinking my sorrows away because I knew I was going to have to deal with my ex-girlfriend for four days.”
“Shut up, you ass,” she scoffs, slapping the back of his head before pulling back to look at him and the crystal clear blue eyes that she could never forget no matter how much she tried. “I’m the best ex-girlfriend that you have.”
She expects him to laugh at that, to make some sort of quip since that seems to be tonight’s mood, but he softly smiles, his eyes crinkling in a way she’s never seen, and she swears for a solid five seconds that he’s getting ready to kiss her.
But that’s insane. That would never happen. They’re getting along for sixty seconds, but they’re not getting back together. She’d be delusional to do that. And he’s dating someone else. She…she needs to go to bed before she does something stupid.
“Jones, you’ve got to share Emma with me. She’s here for me and not for you.”
“Aye, I know, love,” he laughs, dropping his hands away from her body and stepping to the side, the loss of heat immediate until Ruby tackles her, pretty much smothering her in her embrace.
“I have missed you. You cannot leave me for that long ever again.”
“The road works both ways.”
“So it does, but I came to Boston three months ago.”
“And I’m here now.”
“True. Your ass looks fantastic in those jeans.”
“Oh my gosh,” she groans, pulling back from Ruby until she’s walking around the room to wrap an arm around Graham’s waist, greeting him. “Hey, Mr. Groom. How’s Storybrooke treating you?”
“Lots of drunk and disorderly calls. Most of them from my fiancée.”
“Hey,” Ruby scoffs, plopping herself down on an armchair and crossing her ankles over each other on the ottoman, “I disagree with that. I get drunk in disorderly in my home, and the only kind of calls you get from me are booty calls.”
“And at that,” Killian groans, stepping the door again, “I’m leaving. I’ll see you lot tomorrow at lunch. I’m glad you’re safely in town, Swan.”
She nods her head and smiles, none of the other words she wants to say passing through her lips, but she says none of them as she sits down on the leather couch that must have been one of Graham’s things. Killian waves his hand before ducking outside, the wooden frame pulling into its slot behind him.
“So,” Ruby hums, nudging her foot into hers at the same time that Graham sits next to her on the couch, “do you want to talk about that long ass embrace you and lover boy just had or do you want to talk about how I need you to sew some beads onto my dress?”
“Do I have a choice as to either one? I already knew all of you were going to be hounding me about him this weekend.”
“What can we say? You’re here alone. He’s here alone. It’s fate.”
“Wait. He’s here alone? What happened to – ”
“They broke up,” Graham explains, which only shocks her a little since he’s never been one for gossip. Then again, maybe it doesn’t count as gossip. Maybe he’s simply stating a fact.
“About five months ago, I think. He doesn’t really talk about it.”
“Is he okay?” she wonders aloud as she settles down on the couch. “I mean, they were together for a long time.”
“It’s Killian, Ems. He doesn’t share his feelings.”That’s not true in the slightest. Killian always shares, even if it takes a little nudging, but then again, that might have only been with her. He might not share with everyone else. Hopefully he still talks to Liam, that he has someone to talk to because she knows first-hand just how deeply Killian Jones feels, and him breaking up with someone is something that’s going to make him feel.
She knows that pretty intimately, too.
They all catch up for a while before her tiredness gets to her and she has to go to bed, promising to wake up in the morning and fix the missing beads on Ruby’s dress. They really probably need Mary Margaret for that, but she’s pretty handy with a needle and thread. Ruby has the day off while Graham’s at work for half a day, so the two of them spend their morning making sure that everything for the wedding is all covered. Ruby’s pretty low key, but it’s surprising how much goes into a wedding without anyone realizing it.
Seriously. It’s a lot.
“What are you wearing to the lunch?” she asks Ruby as she smooths out the wrinkles in her dress, watching the blue material flow out from her waist. “I can’t decide because I’ll probably wear the same thing to the rehearsal.”
“I’m wearing a white dress, Ems. I don’t think you can do the same.”
“I mean, I could. I look really good in white.”
“Oh my gosh,” Ruby groans, plopping down on her bed, “you’re ridiculous. You need to wear the green dress. It’d show off your legs.”
“Is it not too tight?”
Ruby winks. “There is no such thing.”
“That’s not true because I’ve worn Spanx, and that’s definitely too tight.”
“You’re wearing the green dress. It’s my weekend, and what I say goes.”“That’s kind of power hungry.”
“It definitely is, and I have no shame.”
Emma wears the green dress, and it does show off her legs and literally every other curve of her body. It makes her feel confident all morning until she walks into the café where they’re having the luncheon and Killian’s eyes land on her. He studies her, very obviously so, before turning away and scratching behind his ear. He’s nervous, and she doesn’t know why.
She wants to know why.
She’s turning into a teenager when she told herself that she would not do this.
And despite the fact that there are thirty people at this lunch, she still ends up sitting right next to Killian. No part of her is under the impression that it’s not due to Ruby, Belle, and Mary Margaret’s scheming, and as the day goes on, she wonders just how long they’ve planned on pushing she and Killian together. Because if she had to think, she’d bet that Ruby has put more effort into this than the wedding.
Conversation is steered toward her job as an investigator in Boston and Killian’s as a Naval trainer in New York. She didn’t know that he was doing that now, that he wasn’t being deployed anymore, and all this does is make her further wonder just how much she doesn’t know about Killian now.
Is his favorite movie still Star Wars?
Does he still have a weakness for strawberry milkshakes even though he consistently orders the healthiest item on the menu when out for dinner?
Does he still sleep flat on his back at night, very rarely stirring unless there’s a loud noise somewhere?
How much time does he spend watching baseball? Does he ever go to the batting cages? Does he coach a little league team? He would be the type of guy to coach a little league team in his spare time.
What about his mom? How is she doing? Does she still hate Emma’s guts even though she’s no longer dating her son? And why in the world did she hate Emma to begin with?
Mostly, though, is he happy?
The person she used to know better than anyone in the world, even if it was when they were teenagers, is a practical stranger to her now, and that absolutely breaks her heart. She doesn’t even know if he’s happy.
“Emma,” Ashley laughs, bringing her out of her thoughts, “who was it that almost got arrested for using a fake ID to buy beer?”
“Will. It was always Will.”
“It was the bloody cheap stuff too,” Killian adds in. “He risked his life for bad beer.”
“If he wasn’t late, he’d tell us that the beer was worth it,” David sighs.
“It definitely wasn’t.”
They all seem to fall into those old memories, something that seems to happen when more than three of them get together, and it’s a good time even if she can sense the awkwardness of the people who are new to their group of friends. She knows a little about being on the outside looking in.
It seems that lunch melds into dinner even though she spends her afternoon putting together floral arrangements, and after they’ve practiced walking down the aisle three times (which is two times too many), they all settle down to dinner with what seems like every single person that Ruby and Graham know.
And this is just the rehearsal dinner.
People go absolutely crazy over weddings.
They also get drunk.
Which is exactly how everyone seems to be as toasts are made and excessive speeches are given. Some of them are a little sloppy, others hilarious, and then some downright sentimental. She thinks she likes the ones that are a combination of all three the best. Ruby and Graham have a lot of people who love them, who want to celebrate them, and even if she is in her own little bitter world trying to figure out why her stomach won’t stop uncomfortably twisting and turning, she’s happy for the two of them. They deserve happiness.
“Hey, guys,” David yells when dinner is finished and everyone is lounging on the restaurant’s deck over the beach.
“What?” Will gripes, his voice as unpleasant sounding as usual even if he’s not an unpleasant guy.
“If memory serves, we have an unfinished game of kickball.”
“No freaking way,” Emma laughs, hitting at David’s right shoulder while Mary Margaret does the same to his left. “You want to go play kickball?”
“Why not? When are we ever all going to be in the same place again?”
There’s a collective murmuring, a general agreement, and then Killian is looking her dead in the eye as he speaks. “Game on.”
Ashley has to run to the general store to get a ball since none of them have a key to the beach stand and aren’t about to get arrested for stealing a ball (Graham would totally arrest them even if he’s partaking in the thing), but everyone else heads down to the beach, kicking off heels and taking off nice jewelry to leave on the pier before they step into the sand. Ruby hooks her arm into Emma’s elbow, needing a little bit of guidance from her overindulgence, until they all wander down to their old spot behind Shrimpy’s. There’s an argument over teams, especially because some members are missing and there are a few new ones, but after it’s all settled, they split up and take their positions.
This tradition is one of the most ridiculous things, but there’s always this special kind of magic in small beach towns where no one really has to worry about anything. And for teenagers who couldn’t get into local bars because the owner always knew their age, they had to get creative in how they spent their nights.
Kickball on the beach was a pretty common one.
And she was damn good at it.
She also wasn’t usually wearing a dress this tight. Doesn’t exactly make for good movement. She’ll figure something out.
“You lost some speed in your old age, Swan?” Killian taunts from his spot by the water, a bit of the moonlight reflecting off of his skin.
“I’ve gotten better with age, which is more than some people here can say.”
“You mean, Dave, right?”
“Shut the hell up, Jones,” David yells back, kicking up at the sand and bouncing the ball back and forth between his hands.
“I’m on your team here.”
“Can you throw the ball?” she whines, moving her feet around in the sand and wishing that her dress wasn’t quite so tight so she could have more movement right now. She still can’t believe that they’re all out here doing this. “Some of us have to be up early tomorrow.”
“Don’t remind me,” Ruby groans.
“It’s for your wedding.”
“I know, but I want to sleep.”
“We’ll have mimosas in the morning,” Ashely adds in as she moves off of the frisbee that they have marking third base.
“Now, that, I can get behind.”
“What about waking up on our wedding day knowing we’re going to get married?” Graham shouts across the beach to Ruby.
“Eh. That comes after mimosas in things I’m excited about.”
“I know.”“Roll the ball, David.”
“I’m trying.”
She shakes her head back and forth as her feet sink a little further into the sand, a breeze from the ocean wafting up to blow the loose curls around her face back. She feels ridiculous, but she feels…happy. This is exactly how things used to be, all of them out here by the ocean with a kickball and each other. The clothes are a little more expensive, the alcohol definitely more expensive, and they’ve all got a wrinkle or two on their faces. But they still have dumb conversations, still have that teasing back and forth, and she recognizes all of the smiles on everyone’s faces.
She’s missed this.
She’s missed them.  
And the simplicity of it all even when she knows that there’s nothing simple about the dynamics and relationships among all of the people spread out across the sand with only dim lights from shops and the flashlights on their phones helping the moon to illuminate them.
David rolls the ball, the red rubber moving over the white sand, and like she’d just played the game yesterday, she swings her right leg out, angling the ball between first and second base knowing that August is far too drunk to have any kind of coordination, and watches it fly.
And she takes off.
It’s difficult to run on the sand, that particular skill not coming back to her quite yet, but she thinks she’s just about to get to the base when she Killian is in front of her. He’s always been half a step faster than her, his height helping him out, and before she can move around him, he’s wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her into the air. She squeals, unable to help herself, and her world is flipped upside down, literally, as she’s heaved over his shoulder with her face against his back and her ass in the air.
Probably very literally too. This is a short dress. Damn Ruby for making her wear it.
“You asshole,” she scoffs, hitting against his back with her arms.
“You say that about me quite a lot, love. You used to be more affectionate in your names.”
Well, she sure as hell is going to ignore that right now. 
“This is cheating. You cannot pick me up to get me out.”
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Killian calls out, walking further out into the water as she watches his feet become damp, his rolled-up navy pants getting hit with ocean water, “is what I’m doing against the rules in our book?”
“No,” everyone shouts back at the same time that she groans. Damn rule book and damn rules that they made up as teenagers.
“Especially,” Graham adds on, his feet coming into view, “if you’ve been tagged by the ball.” And then she feels rubber against her back and a loud call of “out” before everything goes underwater.
Asshole is the exact right word to describe Killian Jones right now.
When she comes up to the surface, her lungs gasping for the air that was knocked out of her, she can feel water dripping down her hair and onto her shoulders, her dress clinging to her body and yet somehow falling off of her shoulders. Killian is only a few feet away, his hands pushing his hair off his forehead to rest on the top of his head, and from the way his shirt is still dry, she knows that he didn’t go under the water.
He just threw her in for no good reason.
“It’s a nice night for a swim. Don’t you think so, love?”
She smiles, all of the spite she can muster pressed into it, before slowly rising out of the water to get closer to him. Without thinking she presses up to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, aligning the two of them along every inch of their bodies as the tip of her nose brushes against the tip of Killian’s. She can feel his breath on hers, feel the warmth of it and smell the salt of the ocean, and feel all of his muscles underneath his clothes and the heat of his body. It’s exhilarating, different, and yet it feels exactly like it used to, especially when Killian’s left arm wraps around her ass, yanking her up a little more while his right tentatively threads into her hair, each touch warming her more than the one before.
The blue of his eyes is illuminated by the ocean instead of being drowned out by it, but all of the sudden she feels like waves are crashing over her and taking her under only for her to never come to the surface again.
“Emma,” Killian whispers so quietly that she knows only she can hear it from the way his lips ghost over hers.
“I – ”
“You’re holding up the game,” Will shouts, the ball landing against Killian’s back before splashing in the water, and all of the sudden the magic spell that was surrounding them is gone, the translucent walls turning back into bricks and furthering the divide in between them.
Killian’s eyes flicker to hers, but she’s already looking away, her legs uncrossing from his back until her feet are in the damp sand, water covering up to her waist. When her arms fall from his neck, that loss of heat instantaneous, she moves away from him as quickly as she can, her lips numb, and for the rest of the night, everything is muted. Every noise, every conversation, every kick of the ball. One of her best friends is getting married in less than twenty-four hours, and her only focus is on the fact that she nearly kissed her ex-boyfriend.
That she wanted to.
She can’t do that.
The wedding day goes by in such a blur that she’s not actually sure what happened. That might be because she didn’t sleep the night before, but that also might be the mimosas she had with breakfast. But Ruby is beautiful and happy, and that’s honestly all that matters. She watches one of her best friends exchange vows to get married, and even though Ruby and Graham definitely use a little too much tongue than what is usually deemed appropriate, it’s likely the most real wedding she’s been to, none of the odd staleness that usually accompanies these things.
And by the time the reception rolls around, all she wants is to get flat out drunk.
But she doesn’t do that.
She eats her dinner and has one glass of wine, dances with Ruby and her friends a bit, and by the time Ruby and Graham leave, she takes off her shoes to exchange them with a pair of slippers, a nice look under the red of her gown, and decides that instead of awkwardly going back to Ruby and Graham’s apartment (they should have thought that one through when making plans for her to stay in town), she’s simply going to wander around town for a little while. Things have changed a bit. Maybe she should look at all of the changes.
There are no changes that she really cares about, and she ends up driving to the lake, pulling up just in front of it with her headlights shining on Killian Jones sitting on the overhanging tree. She should have known. They’ve always done things similarly.
They make quite the team.
Killian’s already seen her. There’s no way he hasn’t, so after taking a deep breath, she turns off her car and gets out, using her phone as a flashlight as she wanders to the tree to join him, having to keep her balance a little as her dress is a bit of a different attire than what she usually wears out here. They don’t speak, don’t acknowledge each other until she sits down next to Killian and he holds out a flask. Of course he carries a flask with him when they were just at a wedding with free alcohol.
She thinks she might need the rum looking at him out here still dressed in his tux but with his suit jacket discarded, his bowtie gone with his shirt unbuttoned two buttons too far, and his white shirt damply clinging to his skin with suspenders over them.
Suspenders should not do it for her like that. Damn.
“You realize you were going to be hearing the sounds of love making had you gone back to the apartment?”
“Yep.” She accepts the flask and takes a swig, letting the rum burn down her throat. “Where are you staying this weekend?”
“My mum’s.”
“What?” he laughs, knocking his shoulder into hers, “you’re not interested in thinking about spending time with the number one member of your fan club?”
“She probably still had a voodoo doll of me.”
Killian throws his head back and barks out a laugh, the cords in his neck straining before his fingers brush over hers so that he can take the flask back. “You’re right. She probably does. It doesn’t matter that I’ve slept with other women now. She still hates you for making me a sexual being.”
“I knew it! I knew that’s why she hated me. Also, I totally wasn’t the first girl you slept with.”
“First one my mother knew about.”
She clicks her tongue, not really sure what to say about that, and it sure as hell doesn’t explain why she asks what she asks next. “How have you been, Killian? For real?”
“I’m good,” he sighs, his tone not matching up with his words. “I like my job, my apartment. I’ve got – I think I’ve done pretty well for myself, though I did think I’d spent a lot more time on the sea instead of simply training gangly eighteen-year-olds. I – how are you? How’s Boston?”
“That happens.”
“Yeah, I – I like my job, too. It’s really interesting. My roommates are, like, awesome. You would love Elsa. The two of you would definitely give me shit all of the time, but you’d do it in the way that you do where you act like you’re being nice about it.”
“Teasing you has always been one of my favorite things in the world.”
“Don’t I know it?”
Silence falls between them, just the sounds of bugs flying around and leaves rustling in the wind filling the air, and she doesn’t know what to say, what to do. She came here to be alone, and yet she’s here with the one person who has been consuming her thoughts all weekend.
Really, for the past decade.
“Am I allowed to say that I’ve missed you, Swan?” he whispers, the words so light that she barely hears them when she’s so deep in her own thoughts.
“You’re allowed to do whatever you want.”
“Emma.” Her head twists away from him. She can’t look over at his face, at the blue of his eyes, but she allows him to run his fingers down her forearm until the rough pads of his hands are interlacing with the soft pads of hers, fingers holding on tightly like nothing has changed. “I miss you.”
“You don’t even know me anymore.”
“I’d like to.”
She doesn’t say anything else, not quite yet, and even if she shouldn’t, she leans her head to the side and rests her cheek against his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his skin spread through her while his thumb keeps rolling over her knuckles. She’s missed how he does that, how good he is with his touches so that she knows what he’s thinking without him actually saying it. Not every guy is one to show physical affection outside of wanting sex, and now she knows that mostly means they’re assholes.
Despite what she keeps saying, Killian Jones is not an asshole.
“It’s a wedding weekend, KJ. We get all sentimental, emotional. There’s alcohol and old memories involved and people looking nicer than usual, and I can pretty much guarantee that eighty percent of people at that wedding think we’re fucking right now.”
“Swan, I don’t think it’s possible for me to look nicer than usual.”
“You’d be surprised.”
If she could look at his face, she knows that his brow would be raised all the way to his hairline, but her eyes are currently closed as she feels his lips press into her temple.
None of this can be real, can it? How does that still feel so good?
“Alright,” he huffs, and she can feel the breath of air that he lets out, “so it’s a wedding weekend. Everything is hazy and weird and different, but what happens when it’s not a wedding weekend anymore? Would you allow me to try to talk to you again, to get to know the Emma Swan that I haven’t talked to in a little over eight years. Because it’s been eight years for us, not ten.”
“What are you suggesting?”
“I’m asking you if you’ll pick up the phone when I call you? Nothing more, nothing less.”
Nothing more, nothing less.
“I think I could manage to answer the phone every now and then.”
“No, no, I’m serious,” she laughs, putting her bags of groceries on the ground so that she can unlock her apartment door, “I really did go on a date once where the dude told me that the freckles on my face were signs of past lives, and that he thought I could have been his mother. I mean, that’s weird on a lot of levels, but the weirdest is that he was okay dating his mother.”
“Swan, that did not happen.”
She pushes open the door with her hip, placing her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she picks up the paper bags and walks in, nodding to Anna and Elsa as they look at her. “It really did. I mean, creepy, right? And I felt bad because this dude thought I was his dead mother, so I suffered through the rest of the date.”
Killian laughs on the other end of the phone, one of those laughs that she can tell comes deep from his belly, and she shakes her head as she puts her box of poptarts away. She shouldn’t have bought them, but she wanted something sweet. “That may be the kindest thing you’ve ever done.”
“Well, I didn’t marry the guy, so obviously I broke it to him at some point.”
“Eh, I don’t know. You two could be meant to be.”
“Shut up.” She closes the cabinet before opening the fridge and putting her grapes away. “How are all of your eighteen-year-olds today?”
“That sounds absolutely horrible if you don’t understand the context.”
“I do understand the context.”
“They’re good, having the time of their lives.”
“I’m sure. Getting yelled at by you is a lot of fun.”
“You’re the only person on the planet who thinks that’s true even if you know for a fact that I do not work in basic training. There is no yelling.”
“That is so not true.”
“Aye, I know,” he chuckles. There’s a faint noise behind Killian, and she hears him mumble a few words that she doesn’t understand. “Swan, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Yeah, talk to you tomorrow.”
“Bye, love.”
The call ends, and she puts her phone down, shuffling through the rest of her groceries and putting them away as she hums along to whatever song is stuck in her head. She really doesn’t know any of the words, but it’s catchy.
Oh wow. She sounds old.
“What do you guys want to do for dinner?” she asks Anna and Elsa. When they don’t say anything back, she turns around to see them sitting at the island, their mouths gaping open and their chins resting on their hands. “Um, what are you two doing?”
“When do we get to meet your boyfriend?” Anna squeaks out only for Elsa to slap her arm. “Ow, what?”
“We were supposed to be more delicate than that.”
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t wait any longer.”
“What the hell are you guys talking about?”
Elsa rolls her eyes before sitting up straighter on the barstool, the teasing smile on her face fading away while Emma’s stomach rolls. “We love you,” she starts out, and Emma already knows this is going to be bad, “and understand that you’re not the most forthcoming with personal things.”
“Like you don’t talk about them at all,” Anna adds in only for Elsa to cut her eyes at her sister.
“And that’s fine, sweetie, but for the past four months, you have come home every day talking to Killian. And when you don’t come home talking to him, he calls you before you go to bed. When you leave your phone around the apartment, it’s always buzzing with a text from one Killian Jones. You’re smiling all the time and laughing, and we’ve both watched blush rise on your cheeks while staring at your phone. So we were kind of wondering…when are we going to meet this guy?”
“You’re not,” Emma blurts out, her mind still kind of reeling over everything Elsa just said. Has it been four months? Her birthday is in two weeks and they started talking again in June, so yeah, she guesses it has. But every night? They don’t talk every night. There’s no way. “He’s not my boyfriend. I mean, he was, but that was eight years ago. Now he’s just a friend.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Anna gasps, her leg shaking with excitement, “Killian Jones is your high school sweetheart?”
“A little bit of college, too.”
Anna groans, throwing her head down on the countertop. “That is so romantic, and you’re not even taking advantage of it.”
Emma could leave the apartment right now to get out of this conversation, and no one would stop her. So why is she staying?
“Anna, just because I dated someone when I was a teenager doesn’t mean that I should date them again. First loves are not forever loves.”
“But they can be.”
“Anna,” Elsa scolds, shaking her head from side to side, some kind of silent sister communication happening. “Emma, we don’t mean to pry. We really don’t. You simply seem so happy, and that’s all we want for you.”
“We’re not dating. That’s not…no,” she huffs, blinking several times as her eyes sting. “We broke up a long time ago because the distance was too much and we were fighting over it. I’ve been hurt so much that I don’t think I can do anything like that again. We’re just friends.”
All lies.
Her phone buzzes, and she looks down at it to see Killian’s name pop up.
Killian Jones: Have a good night, darling.xoxo
She does not at all think about how much she likes Killian Jones that night.
She especially does not think about the fact that she’s falling in love with him again.
Or for the next two weeks.
The low rumble of voices echoes outside of her bedroom door, and she cracks an eye open as if that will help her hear better. It doesn’t, but it allows her to at least wake up a little more. It’s still dark outside, no sunlight shining through her windows, and there’s no way in hell that Anna or Elsa have someone over at…three fifteen in the morning. Kris isn’t back in town for another week, and Elsa has sworn off all men after her last breakup.
What the hell?
Curiosity wins out over exhaustion, and she rises from her bed, her head pounding a little bit, and cracks open her door to try to get a better look out into the hallway.
Dark hair and blue eyes and lean legs and a ridiculous amount of chest hair.
Killian Jones.
What the ever-loving hell?
His eyes literally light up as he smiles, and she swears that this must be a fever dream or something. It has to be. What other reason would he have to be here?
But then he’s crossing the hallway, coming closer to her, and the details of him become clearer. She can see the scar on his cheek, the freckles on his nose, the curls of his hair, and the brilliant blue specks in his eyes that can’t be seen from far away. None of that convinces her it’s real until arms are wrapped around her shoulders and solid warmth is pressed against every inch of her.
He smells like Killian.
Because he is Killian.
How could it ever be a fever dream?
“What are you doing here?” she mumbles into his neck, refusing to pull away as his hands run up and down her back and her nails claw into his hair. “It’s the middle of the night.”
“Traffic was bloody awful.”
“You drove here? What in the world?”
Killian releases a sigh that she feels down to her own bones before he pulls back the slightest bit so that she can see the blue of his eyes again. What the hell is her stomach doing? Twisting and turning and…fluttering? It needs to stop.
(She doesn’t want it to stop. This is perfect.)
“Well, someone is turning twenty-nine, and I couldn’t miss that, could I?”
“You did not drive down here for my birthday. That’s ridiculous.”
“I mean, I may have had another reason.”
“What’s your other reason?” she laughs, sliding her hands up his chest until her fingers curl around bits of his chest hair, disbelief that this is all real still consuming her as Killian smiles down at her.
If she has to be woken up early in the morning, she wants to wake up to see that smile that she loves so damn much.
“That, darling, is something you’re going to have to wait and see. Let’s get you back to bed. I wouldn’t want you to be cranky in the morning, and we both know how you get when you don’t get you sleep.”
“Says the man who barged into my apartment at three in the morning.”
“I think the interruption of sleep was worth it.”
It is.
In the same way that she woke up on her nineteenth birthday, she wakes up on her twenty-ninth birthday in Killian’s arms.
It’s better this time.
This time, somehow, she knows that it’s different, but it’s right.
Growing apart was something she once dreaded, something that broke her heart, and while she still believes that first loves do not have to be forever loves, sometimes people come back together (or stay together) and work things out again if it’s truly right. She didn’t know who Killian was for eight years, had her own life in that time – as did he – but they’re falling back into place as easily as they always have as Killian makes her laugh and smile and feel that overwhelming sense of calm that he usually brings with him.
As Killian makes her happy simply by being exactly who he is, changes and growth and all.
He’s in Boston because he got a job teaching at the Naval College.
Killian is moving closer to her, and her stomach cannot handle the fluttering that’s happening. Because that’s definitely what is happening.
She loves him. There’s no denying it now. She doesn’t think she’d even want to.
They kiss again for the first time in a little over eight years, and it’s like coming to a home where there are no nerves or obnoxious relatives far too interested in your life choices.
It’s just Emma and Killian and no one else as his lips slowly glide over hers in a softness that is familiar and brand new all at once.
She could get used to that.
She does.
Every day for the rest of her life.
Their friends play kickball on the beach the night before their wedding.
She and Killian are on the same team this time.
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queen--sherlock · 4 years
intimate nights -- chapter 1
chapter 1: washing up to the shore
hey guys! thank you SO much for motivating me to write aaa i haven’t written anything in almost four years so forgive me if im a lil rusty but i’ll do my best !! 🥺 i imagined this as ben!rog but can be just rog in any era but modern setting x actress!reader !! hehe
this short series would have around 10-ish chapters so i hope you guys enjoy! 🥺 here we gOOOOOO
The Rising Queen of Hollywood,  ___________ is featured in a new heartache-inducing, bittersweet movie titled Intimate Nights partnered with Richard Jones as her leading man. Set in the beautiful  island of Santorini, ________ and Jones are expected to steal and break the hearts of many with heartbreak, lovemaking, and powering through rocky relationships.
Fans can also expect a regal musical score with the director of Intimate Nights revealing a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration with Queen’s drummer, Roger Taylor for creative input and other surprising musical acts to further entice you to watch this blockbuster in the making.
Intimate Nights is due for a release Valentines next year. “And … scene! That’s a wrap for Intimate Nights and we’re headed for post prod!”
The crew and all the actors celebrated for joy, culminating their year of hard work with the movie that is very much anticipated. The magnitude of anticipation grows every month as the release date comes closer and fans are eager to see _________ and Richard on screen.
“Hey, _____! That was fantastic, I can’t believe filming’s over!” Richard approached you and welcomed you in his arms, giving you a warm embrace. The both of you have shared a lot in the past year you’ve worked together, even getting paired up as a rumor which both of you quickly denied.
“I know, it all happened so fast. You were a great partner, it would be lovely to celebrate with everyone, too!” You said until Richard abruptly stopped hugging you with an excited look on his face.
“But you know what I’m more excited about? The drummer of Queen is going to post prod with us, he’ll be working on the musical score and I’m fucking pumped!”
Your heart almost jumped at the thought of getting to meet your lifelong crush, Roger Taylor. The infamous drummer of Queen has been collecting hearts ever since they rose to fame, collecting your heart was an easy task. Your rising fame does not change that especially now that you get to work with him indirectly.
       A few days has passed with the studio being slowly cleaned and sorted out after filming is done, you and Richard got called by the director to check out some scenes which you want to be included and others will be offered in the director’s cut. Being in the studio makes you a little drained and you got coffee for yourself and everyone else.
“Do you guys have any requests? Sugar? Cream?” You asked with collective answers that blurred along as you heard them, briefly taking notes who ordered what.
“Rog’s would be black, ______! He’s running a little late, ran into some LA traffic!” The director chuckled and made you blush as you ran off to the nearby coffee shop you always order from.
Taking your time with ordering and walking back to the studio hides the real reason why you’re not in a hurry to get back because you want to be presentable and composed the moment you see Roger.
“Ah, there she is!"
Richard announced which prompted the director and Roger to look at you, making you blush. The Roger Taylor is looking at you and is seating at your designated chair with your name on it.
“The lovely owner of this chair finally arrives with coffee, I can swear I am one step closer to heaven with the scent of beans from miles away.” Roger grins and helps you distribute the coffee to Richard and the Director. “It’s also a plus to be sitting in the chair of the most beautiful actress in this room.”
“Roger, I’m the only actress in the room right now.” You laughed and his grin widens.
“That’s perfectly fine by me!”
       After choosing the scenes that you want to include and can let go off in the movie, Richard excused himself to be able to attend to a previously planned appointment. Roger and the Director are busy thinking of the most perfect and fitting music scores in the climax wherein you started falling asleep. 
“__________?” Roger shook you awake, with a sorry smile on his face. He probably feels guilty now for waking you up but it’s perfectly fine by showing it with a smile and stretching it at the same time.
“Hey, I’m sorry for falling asleep on you guys. What happened?” You sat up and looked for the Director which was nowhere to be found and finding yourself covered with a jacket.
“If you’re looking for the Director then he actually went out a couple of hours ago, he forgot it’s their anniversary with their partner.” Roger chuckled and you shook your head because it is really something that sounds like the Director.
“Say, ________. Are you free for the night? My creative director won’t be coming in as well and I would really love to get a second opinion especially from someone heavily involved in the movie.” Seeing this as an opportunity to get to know Roger, you agreed. It is also a chance for you to see what you have missed out on when you got the chance to sleep which you have been lacking for the past few days.
Roger lead you back to the booth wherein you get to see the movie coming to life alongside some pieces he already made to accompany some specific scenes.
“I’m sorry for ending up falling asleep, getting to rest has been a task I need to catch up on.” You profusely apologized and Roger just smiled kindly.
“S'alright, the Director told me to let you sleep since the last few days of filming were quite hectic.” You couldn’t agree more, knowing that the last few days were tiring, emotional, and just wanting to finish the entire project which got everyone a little bit on edge. He went inside the studio and talked to you through the mic installed there.
“Can you hear me, love?” Roger’s voice boomed and you gave a thumbs up. “Splendid!”
The studio was where Roger was meant to be in. He moved gracefully in between speakers, stepped over wires languidly, handling instruments with utmost care and played it with precision. He is widely known as the drummer but he was obviously more than being behind the percussions. Roger is multitalented which he displays effortlessly inside the studio, playing the drums, the guitar, and singing a few lines to accompany the melody.
“You sound wonderful and sing beautifully, Roger!” You exclaimed with awe and he animates a very exaggerated bow which you laughed at. “Such a shame I’ve only heard you singing and playing the drums at the same time which pales the talent you have for singing.”
“Thank you, love. And call me Rog, please. Roger makes me sound way too old.” Rog chuckles and you smiled at him. Old? His barely grey locks looked amazing on him, his hair a little ruffled but it suits him just fine.
“Would you want to have a delivery for dinner? I am nearing starvation.” He teased with a pout, making you laugh. The atmosphere between you two completely light and friendly which is something you never expected. Truth be told, you expected him to be someone that the media portrayed him to be. According to media, Rog is the notorious Rockstar, always rambunctious in parties together with Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the band, wild on the sheets, drummer with a temper, and just altogether a hot mess, literally and figuratively.
“Delivery? We can just get dinner in a restaurant. I know a place by the Bay—”
“Slow down, love. You want to dine me already?” Roger smirked and you smirked back in return. “You’re just shy I’m asking you first, Rog.”
Rog laughed wholeheartedly. He cannot believe you’re matching his game when other girls would just blush the living daylights out.
“You’re a delight, _________. As much as I would love to accept your offer for dinner, I need to practice and get the right tune for your movie.” He said apologetically and gestured at the studio. “That’s alright, we can just get Chinese takeout for now.” You said, instantly craving and already started ordering before Roger protested.
“You didn’t even ask if I like Chinese, love.”
“You don’t have a choice. What do you like?”“Fried rice, spring rolls and shrimp dumplings, please.”
        You spent the rest of the night listening to Roger playing around the instruments and responding to his questions which is a better tune or melody, the chords that sounds better, suggesting whether to focus on one instrument over the other, this or that and it goes on until it is almost midnight and you notice other offices in the entire studio compound closing already.
“Rog, it’s getting really late so I think we should start packing up.” You reminded him through the microphone and he looks up at you from the booth.
“What, that late already?” You started packing up, ensuring you won’t forget anything in the studio. Your chauffeur is also out of commission with him taking a leave for a month which means you only drive by yourself or walk to your apartment which is just a few blocks away.
Roger closed the lights and all the machines inside the booth and he grabbed his jacket from the couch that you were sleeping on this afternoon. The same jacket you woke up to.
“Oh! I didn’t realize that was yours, thank you for letting me use it.” You said and he rolled his eyes dramatically.
“I was forced to do so! Imagine a beautiful lady sleeping on the couch, she might get cold.”
You laughed, never imagining you will get a compliment from the Roger Taylor himself. A few weeks ago, you learned that you were going to meet your crush and music idol and even prepared for the day to come and when the day finally did, you were floored with how much you wanted to know him more as a person and eventually become friends.
“How are you going home, Rog?” You asked while the both of you cleaned the place up and throwing your Chinese takeout boxes and drinks.
“Oh! I brought my car with me, I got stuck in traffic, remember?” Roger said, “And you?”
“I’m just going to walk back to my place since it’s near.”
Roger whipped his head back to you so fast you can only laugh with the possible whiplash he would’ve gotten. “Are you dead serious? I’ll give you a lift!”
“I’m good, my place might even be out of the way for you and I wouldn’t want to impose.” You replied and he sighed.
“Alright, if you say so. Here, type your number on my phone so I can call you if you get to your flat safe.” Roger said and you were relieved that he didn’t even put up a fight to bring you home. Walking alone at night is relaxing but you have to admit, you did not expect to stay out this late in the studio and did not bring your car, besides, there’s a first time for everything. You typed in your number on Roger’s phone and saved it as “creative director 🤪”.
“What did you save your name as?” Roger inquired and you smirked. “Creative director with a wacky emoji for a little attitude.”
The both of you laughed as you slowly walked out of the studio and headed for the parking lot, wanting to see Roger off first before you go on your way. The mood was quite relaxing, the quiet comforted you both after hours spent inside the studio with blaring melodies of sorts, the gentle spring breeze giving a breath of fresh air as winter slowly fades, and a new found friend in each other’s company.
“Since I got your number already, let me give you a lift home.” Roger smirked which bewildered you. Here you thought he would’ve let you walk alone but the point of you typing your number was simply to have it.
“That’s not playing fair, Rog. I’m really fine to walk by myself.” You said and he crossed his arms, matching the smug look on his face.
“Like you said awhile ago and I quote, “You don’t have a choice.” Get in the car, love.”
You sighed. This might be the first time you’re walking alone late at night but you are admittedly scared as well but of course, you will not tell that. After a few seconds, you abide and get in the car with Roger laughing and saying to himself, “Gotcha, gotcha.”
The interior of Roger’s car was breathtakingly beautiful, not to mention it is already beautiful on the exterior. It is also well known that Roger loves his cars especially sport cars with beautiful, personalized interiors.
“Your car is beautiful, Rog. Thank you for giving me a ride despite me wanting to walk home.” You teased but still thankful nonetheless.
“Not another word about that, ______, it’s the least I can do for you staying out so late with me. Give me your address?”
You directed him to your apartment a few blocks away and he complimented what a wonderful place you got and a smart decision to stay near the studio to lessen the hassle.
“Yeah, I hate LA traffic and getting stuck in it is not a good experience. I was once late for almost an hour for a shoot! Funny thing is we were all late due to the traffic anyway.” You quipped and he laughed. That was one of the deciding factors for you to move closer to the studio and be a little nearer to the city lights. “Where do you live, Rog?”
“I have a mini house located by the beach, actually. Pretty great view at night but sometimes gets a little loud. It’s where I stay when I’m in the city.” Roger explained yearnfully, “Love seeing the sun rise and set, something London barely has.”
“What do you have?”
“Fog, fish and chips, pubs, and more fog.” He jokes and you laughed. Living in Los Angeles indeed have its perks such as the sunshine and occasional beach trips but it is something you cannot envision for the long run. It’s a beautiful city, no doubt, but the idea of eventually retiring and living somewhere a little more quiet is very much enticing to you.
“Well, I would trade to that for even just a day here. When summer comes in LA, it is very humid!” You complained and he laughed, shaking his head. While the both of you were talking, you just started to notice Roger’s Chinese takeout boxes were in the compartment near the gear stick.
“Rog, you didn’t get to finish your dinner?” You asked and surprised to see it was barely touched with only one dumpling and spring roll missing. “You must be starving!”
“Now that you mention it,” Roger said, he laughed and felt his stomach grumble, “I am famished.”
“You can go up to my place if you like, I can heat up your food for you and you can eat there. It’s the least I can do for you since you drove me home.”
“My, my, asking me out for a dinner date and then asking me to come over your place? I have to say, I am impressed. I haven’t met anyone like that before you, love.” Roger teased and you slapped his arm while laughing. “Keep your hands to yourself, love! I’m trying to make it home without crashing.”
The both of you still laughing as he pulled to the porch of your apartment. He is in awe as he sees the white expanse of the bungalow and the foyer space you have.
“Wow. You call this an apartment?” Roger said and you laughed since this was an expected response which always happened.
“When I bought the place, it was listed as is.” You replied and he shook his head and bewilderment. You were amused because he is acting like this is the most beautiful house he ever laid eyes on but from the both of you, it’s him that has already traveled the world and have been in lavish mansions.
“Your place is beautiful, _________.”
“You haven’t seen the river side and the view from the pool.” You joked and he laughed in awe. You had to bring down the window to acknowledge your guard gate and he waved at you after opening the gates.
The front façade of your house mainly consisted of steps leading to the house itself, beautified with bushes and flourishing wildflowers, and a staircase leading to the terrace facing the street. Once Roger parked his car outside the garage, you led him inside and he gets astounded one more.
“It’s bigger on the inside!” Roger remarked while looking around and you asked for his Chinese takeout box which you heat up for him as he goes on to observe more of the interior of your place.
“Rog, maybe you should go outside and wait for me there. It is lovely to eat out and the view is beautiful.” You recommend which he followed, walking outside through the doors you pointed out to him.
Placing his leftovers on a plate, you heat it up on the microwave while you scavenge for a snack so you can join Roger on your garden overlooking the pool and the river. You only hope you were there to witness his reaction to seeing the view but you knew that the man was starving and you could use some alone time as well.
You placed everything on a tray, got some water and headed outside wherein you saw Roger lounging by the pool, his shoes off and is set aside under the dining table nearby, his feet wading on the shallow part of the pool.
“If only I had known your flat would be this beautiful,” Roger said and emphasized on the word ‘flat’, “Plus getting served Chinese food from a beautiful lady? I would’ve looked for more ways to know you, _______.” 
taglist !
@onceuponadetectivedemigod @benhardyasrogertaylor @love-you-for-your-mind @laurajw14 @littlebitofheaven57 @prettylittlegoldfish @kiainspace @but-legendsneverdie @jennyggggrrr
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fanatic-scribe · 5 years
A Bottle and Some Cards
Chapter 1/?
Fandom: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)
Word count: 2,484/2,484
Ao3: Here
Characters: Donatello (main), Casey Jones (main), everyone else
Pairing: Donatello/Casey Jones
Warnings: Aged-Up Character, Drinking Games, Slow Burn (kinda)
Ch 1 / / Ch2 (coming soon) / /
Ethanol is the intoxicating part of alcohol and its molecules are so small that they can actually pass into the gaps between brain cells. There it can interfere with the neurotransmitters that enable all the brain’s activities. If you drink fast, alcohol will start to flood the brain. Alcohol affects parts of the brain responsible for self-control. And that is why Donatello did all this dumb shit to himself.
A/N: Just something fun I made for the hell of it. There may be other pairings in this but Idk yet.
This work will be tagged with #B&C tmnt
Chapter 1: Salt and Lime
“Pussy.” Mikey huffed at Casey as the human chugged down his cup of beer. Casey stuck out his middle finger as he drank.
“I’d say sensible,” Donnie chimed in, “the dare said to ‘drink a concoction of whatever the opponent makes using whatever they can find in the kitchen.’”
“Yeah so?” The other’s looked at him dumbfounded. Flashes of Mikey’s bizarre “food” concoctions from when he was a young chief, and them too worried to crush his dreams, flash in their minds.
Taking turns they began to reminisce of his old creations. The ‘Squid Oatmeal Pizza.’ that Raph still swears he saw an eye on. But, as Donnie pointed out at the time, “It could be a raisin. You know, from the the...oatmeal...part?” at least that's what the boys keep telling themselves. They ate the entire pizza that night.
And who could forget the ‘Apple Pizza Pie Suprise’ with ‘All the wonders of both pies together with a twist!’ Poor April, who had not yet tried his creations and was too late to hear the turtle’s warnings, found the twist quickly after chewing on the bite only once. The brother’s had watched helplessly as their best friend’s soul left her body to the depths of hell. The pizza part of this creation was a classic Mikey order that she has seen only once; double anchovies, roasted garlic, chocolate, cappuccino pizza. The only thing that had stopped her from spitting it out before Mikey had walked away was the shock of the taste, it had paralyzed her. All she could do was open her mouth to let the food fall onto her plate and push it directly into the trash next to her. None of the brothers could blame her. She remembers her bite having a certain pop to it that she tried many years to forget.
‘Asian cowboy fusion calzone dude!’ Is what had gotten Karai. By this point, Mikey was a better cook, he would make odd foods for himself all the time still but no one had told Karai. She took a small bite that Mikey offered her but immediately spit it out, much to the turtle’s amusement as he was laughing. She found out later that to Mikey “cowboy” meant beans and s’mores and “Asian” meant teriyaki sauce, ginger, and shrimp. Karai learned an important lesson that day, never trust Mikey’s original cooking.
“And that was all him being nice and trying to cook.” Casey added pouring himself another cup of beer, “This would be him making something bad for my dare.” Everyone shuttered thinking about the horrors that could have been. Except for one bubbly laugh.
“Yeah, you’re right dude.” Mikey took a drink from his cup, “I get creative when I’m drunk so I probably would have killed you.” They all chuckled at this, everyone would have rather drunk.
They loved their weekends together because they got to do this, have fun and laugh. April was in college and spent a lot of time studying, even if she came to the lair at least four times a week. Casey wasn’t in college but he had a job at his local ice arena, he helped teach young kids hockey and did general cleaning and maintenance, that kept him pretty busy. Karai was always busy, over the time she took over the Foot Clan had reclaimed their good name but she was still having to deal with certain people still loyal to Shredder or mob bosses who saw her as an easy hit. Even if they were busy they still would try to gather together every weekend to relax and half fun together. This Friday night, with alcohol already clouding their minds, they were playing Truth, Dare or Drink.
Leaning forward Casey took hold of the bottle and spun it, still leaning forward he plucked up a dare card not looking at the words yet. “Wow, Casey Jones picked dare.” Donnie chaffed, “Did not see that one coming.” Casey smiled cheerfully at the turtle with wide eyes, gap teeth, and a middle finger on both hands. There was a chuckle at their banter, Donnie had become comfortable with it and often looked forward to his time with Casey. They had truly become good friends.
As the sound rolling of glass slowly dulled so did everyone’s voice until both were silent. The neck of the bottle pointing, if a bit vaguely, at Donnie. Mikey oohed with excitement like Casey Mikey enjoyed movement rather than talking so he always preferred dares. Hopefully, this dare won’t be a drink instead.
Dramatically, Casey lifted his arm to point at the turtle, “Donatello! The cards dare you to,” He lifted the card up to read aloud, “do a body shot off your opponent.” There was a chorus of laughs and oos from everyone as Donnie shook his head.
“No, no. I’m not doing that. I’ll drink.” Everyone turned to boo him. “BOOO!” he answered.
“Donnie you haven’t done one dare!”
“Mikey, I’ve only gotten one other dare.”
“AND YOU DIDN’T DO IT!” Mikey was having a hard time trying to understand what Donnie didn’t get about this very simple topic. Just before Donnie could say anything Raph leaned forward from his spot on the couch interjecting their argument.
“Hey come on, it's fine. This is Donnie’s choice.” He paused for a second taking a drink from his cup as everyone looked surprised. He smirked as he pulled the cup away, “And he’s choosing to be a fucking killjoy.” There were a few laughs as Donnie just rolled his eyes, he reached for his cup leaning forward from his spot on the floor.
A hand reached out and stopped his wrist, he followed the hand up to April who had walked over to him from her seat next to Karai. She was crouched down sitting on her heels, he ninja training with the other girls must be going great, he had not even heard her move. “Look, Donnie,” He’s heard that tone of voice before, “if you don’t want to do this that’s fine but you had two easy dares. Just have fun no one will make fun of you.”
“Did you see us make fun of anyone else?” Thinking back Donnie could remember everyone laughing at crazy antics but then just more celebrating all together. When Leo had to let Raph draw on his face with a sharpie everyone was laughing, even Leo now sporting a lovely penis across his forehead among other drawings.
Donnie sighed, might as well give the people what they want, “Alright fine I’ll do it.” he said throwing his hands up. Before he could even stand up Casey and Mikey had already hoped up and started moving to the kitchen laughing and cheering. As everyone else stood and made their way to the kitchen Casey was sitting on the table, legs dangling over the sides, shrugging off his jacket and throwing it to the side. Bent over the open fridge Mikey was looking for the tequila Casey had brought over with the beer. The salt and lime already in his hands as Mikey grabbed the chilled bottle and placed the items on the table. Soon the rest of the group joined them at the table just as Casey began to pull his shirt over his head.
Donatello couldn’t help but see how the human had really grown into his frame, as a scientist observes an animal grow and mature. His muscles were more defined from when he was a gangly kid, his abdomen had the defined lines of muscle. His hips made a V just before his pants, this was accented further due to a small patch of hair leading from his belly button to bellow his pants. Donnie realized this felt different than observing and animal grow and mature, ‘Must be the alcohol.’ he thought to himself, because what else could it be? A shout from Mikey quickly shook him from his trance. “Dude, what the hell!”
“What the fuck is on your nipples?!”
The turtle’s had seen Casey shirtless before but something had changed. Now there was a visible bar of metal going through each nub where there hadn’t been last time. “Oh yeah,” Casey chuckled looking at his chest, “I got my nipples pierced.”
“Well, that part is obvious!” Shouted Raph, “When did you do this?”
“A little after the tongue at a shop.” Raph had known about the tongue. They had gotten their tongue piercing done together by Slash. Sure it may have been a ‘teenage at home piercing’ but it was straight and healed up just fine, that was almost a solid year and a half ago. Donnie rolled his eyes as he got to work cutting the lime, being very careful as he could feel his body sway.
“It’s just body modification, lots of humans do it.” Even though his words were indifferent his eye’s lingered on Casey’s chest, a slight amount of dark hair contrasted with the sparkling silver rings. There was something fascinating about it that just drew in Donnie’s attention, they suited Casey.
“Dude, it’s so weird looking!” Mikey reached forward and poked at the human’s nipple. Normally Casey was cool with being randomly touched by Mikey, especially in a party situation like this. However, as soon as he pressed down on Casey the turtle had his hand pushed away as Casey scooted away on the table with a nervous hum, laugh. He had reached up to covering his nipple with his hand and other arm held up to keep Mikey at a distance.
“Whoa! Ok!” There was still a chuckle with his words, “Hey Mikey lets not touch my nipples ok.” There was a questioning look in his eyes as well as everyone else, Casey shrugged, “They made my nipple more sensitive than I'm used too.” There was a slight pinkness in his cheeks as everyone briefly discussed this new topic. Donatello could feel his face heat up as well, ‘Must be from the alcohol.’ he thought.
Raph snatched the lime slice Donnie had cut and ran the fruit next to Casey’s belly button and poured salt over it, the crystals clung to the lime juice on his skin. After much debate, the group decided to pour the shot into the dip made by Casey’s pronounced collar bone when he leaned his head back. It wasn’t enough to fit an entire shot and he wasn’t allowed to move or he would pour the tequila but it made the body shot feel more authentic, whatever that means. Casey complained slightly about the cold fruit and liquor but no one really cared enough to change anything, besides it was already too late to change anything. So Casey just sat there, neck stretched back, leaning on one arm with a lime slice in his mouth waiting on a certain purple-clad turtle.
Donnie stepped between the human's legs a bit reluctantly, they looked at each other, well as best they could without Casey moving his head.  Donnie with his arms crossed, he waited for Casey to back out because surely he would by this point. But he just sat there, lime sticking out of his gap teeth surrounded by a shit-eating grin, Donnie couldn’t let that grin win. After a few more still, silent seconds Donnie took a breath and bent down.
Donatello’s rough tongue ran over the area of salt on the human’s stomach, he could feel Casey tense slightly under his tongue, he could feel the soft, warm skin as it contracted against muscle. Donnie ran over the slight dip were his abs were more defined, he couldn’t taste the human over the tart lime and salt but some animalistic part of him wanted to. Some inner part of his brain wanted to bite the human. Vaguely in the distance, he could hear hoots of encouragement but they were drowned out by the sound of hot blood rushing to his head. Still, they pulled him back to the task at hand, already forgetting his primal thought.
As Donnie stood he rested his hands on either side of Casey on the table, he leaned forward and touched his lips to the human’s collar bone and the tequila. Donnie could have sworn he heard Casey’s breath hitch over the chorus of cheers when his tongue lightly ran over the soft alcohol wet skin. With a loud, almost comically, disruptive slurp Donnie had swallowed the alcohol, it burned his throat but the salt helped.
Moving on, he leaned forward to take the lime from the other’s mouth, he bit down and pulled only to be met with resistance. Casey held onto the lime with a smirk forcing Donnie to play a game of tug o’ war for the lime, very annoying.
The turtle looked up to glare at Casey only to find black eyes already looking at him and it felt like time had frozen. Donnie wondered if he had ever looked at Casey’s eyes. Donnie thought that he had eyes like the deepest water, black and bottomless pools of onyx trying to pull the turtle in. For a moment he thought he could explore those eyes for hours trying to find their end and never get tired.
Snapped out of his daze by Casey letting go of the lime causing Donnie to stumble back from his own tugging. This earned a chuckle from the group followed by pats on his shell and congratulations. Smiling and laughing with everyone he couldn’t help but feel his heart beat faster and harder in his chest. He glanced over at Casey and saw him putting his shirt back on and laughing with Raph about how he jumped off the table and almost fall.
Everyone was using this time to talk about what had been happening in the game and to grab more snacks and drinks. Also to pet Ice Cream Kitty, like a lot. A few people cried. Petting Ice Cream Kitty is serious business. Donnie was pouring bags of snacks into different bowls when his eye’s drifted to Casey once or twice, looking for something. He was standing in front of the open freezer having just put whipped cream on the sugary cat, he then tipped his head back to fill his mouth with whipped cream. Donnie watched as his long neck stretched back, Donnie remembered how soft his skin felt against the harsh salt taste. A more animalistic part of his brain said something but it was muffled in the back of his mind.
“Don, you ok?” April’s voice pulled him out of his daze and he realized he has spilled quite a few pretzels.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine just lost focus.” He smiled and worked to clean up the spilled pretzels. Why was he so fascinated by Casey?
‘Must be from the alcohol.’ he thought.
Hope you liked it! I know nothing happened yet. Bummer. Well, the next chapter will be coming soon! Sometime next week Maybe
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mhsn033 · 4 years
Unemployment: Wales jobs not yet hit by Covid lockdown
Image caption Across the UK employment fell by the splendid amount in additional than a decade
The most fresh unemployment figures counsel the tubby pressure of lockdown has now not hit jobs in Wales to a massive extent.
The fade of unemployment in Wales between April and June used to be down at 2.7% with 8,000 fewer folks unemployed than between January and March, Place of job for National Statistics (ONS) figures show.
That is 20,000 fewer than the identical interval a year ago.
The fade of unemployment all the arrangement thru the UK used to be higher at 3.9%.
The figures function now not embody the hundreds of hundreds of these that are furloughed, these on zero-hours contracts nevertheless now not getting shifts, or folks on short unpaid leave from a job, as they still count as employed.
In June, 316,500 workers in Wales were paid 80% of their salaries beneath the UK government’s furlough plot, figures from the Treasury showed.
As such, this day’s figures function now not absorb the tubby influence of the pandemic.
The synthetic of folks on the payroll all the arrangement thru the UK in July used to be down by 730,000 when put next with March as coronavirus hit, the splendid quarterly decrease in additional than a decade.
This may perchance in all probability well act as a demonstration that many extra job losses are to are available in in Wales.
The level of industrial order of no activity – the bogus of folks in Wales who weren’t working and now not available to work – between April and June used to be 432,000, which is 11,000 fewer than between January and March this year nevertheless 15,000 extra than April to June final year.
These are the these that can not work because they’re sick, caring for any individual or in tubby-time education.
There had been 41,000 folks unemployed nevertheless in a position to work between April and June.
Image copyright Getty Shots
Image caption Many extra job losses may perchance perchance well still are available in in Wales
Myke Jones, from Cwmbran, used to be working in IT nevertheless lost his job at the starting of the pandemic. He is now making an try to apply for unique jobs at the age of 58.
Speaking to the BBC Radio Wales’ Breakfast programme, he acknowledged he had already utilized for two jobs sooner than 08: 00 BST on Tuesday.
“Or now not it is a unparalleled competition, I’ve seen a giant distinction in the previous couple of months in the fact that jobs are few and much between. You are having a learn about at 200-plus folks making exercise of for these jobs.
“I’ve spent ages on my CV making an try to place it learn about flashy and recount the coolest issues, nevertheless the video interview comes alongside and the moment they peep you, you can explain they peep straight away ‘you is inclined to be rather venerable’ and they bear got an inclination to jumpy away.
“I battle to pay our bills, we now bear got mortgages to pay, I can’t peep my pension masking it all so I am going to be working for a truly very long time but. I will peep different travelling and staying away from house.”
Mr Jones has also been getting higher from most cancers all the arrangement thru lockdown.
“We live in a flat, we now bear now not got a backyard, I should always still be a bit extra cautious so I make now not exit as unparalleled as most folk and that effort I’ve got about most cancers returning ethical adds to the aggregate of ‘I’m struggling to search out a job, how will I pay the bills next month’.”
Jonathan Athow from the ONS acknowledged: “The labour market continues new trends, with a fall in employment and vastly diminished hours of labor as many folk are furloughed.
“Figures from our significant see show there used to be a upward thrust in folks without a job and now not shopping for one, though desirous to work.
“As successfully as, there are still different these that recount they’re working no hours and getting zero pay.
“The falls in employment are splendid amongst the youngest and oldest workers, alongside with these in decrease-knowledgeable jobs.”
He acknowledged the bogus of vacancies started to enhance in July, especially in shrimp companies and sectors akin to hospitality, though build a question to for workers stays unhappy.
‘We can demand to stare unemployment upward thrust sharply’
Image copyright Gerwyn Davies
Image caption Gerwyn Davies says a spike in redundancies over the following few months used to be “almost inevitable”
Gerwyn Davies from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Pattern (CIPD), the legit body for HR and folks model, acknowledged: “The jobs market appears to be like resilient on the skin, partly because the legitimate statistics recede events by a few months.
“No subject this, the upward thrust in the bogus of economically idle folks and the autumn in the bogus of self-employed folks reveals that the new financial scenario is already having an influence on the labour market.
“And with a spike in redundancies over the arriving months now almost inevitable which capability that of the unwinding of the Job Retention Design, we can demand to stare unemployment upward thrust sharply too.”
Rebecca Wooley, director of Voters Advice Cymru, acknowledged their data showed teams most inclined to face redundancy integrated of us, carers and these that had been shielding.
She added: “Our splendid effort is we predict an improve in these numbers once the furlough plot ends.
“Even now, we’re serving to 1 person every two minutes with a redundancy scenario.”
So why is unemployment and financial order of no activity still falling in Wales?
One reason is totally different schemes from the UK government to withhold folks on payrolls, that means they bear got now not been made redundant to this point.
The Job Retention Design, particularly, allowed workers to be furloughed on 80% of their wage, paid for by the UK Treasury.
Bigger than one in four of the Welsh personnel has been furloughed and the hassle is that after these schemes end in the autumn many will now not bear a job to return to.
Nonetheless are these who’re predicting unemployment ranges worship the 1930s “doom mongers”?
These figures may perchance perchance well seem magnificent when organisations akin to the Monetary institution of England are warning of unemployment ranges the worship of which we now bear now not viewed for a protracted time.
They’re a reminder that the detailed prognosis by the ONS, which contains a breakdown for what’s happening in Wales, lags plenty of months in the encourage of what is happening on to particular person folks and workforces.
It’s a ways attention-grabbing that the West Midlands, Yorkshire and Humber, and the north west of England are following a the same sample.
Economies there are extra the same to Wales and now not more worship the behaviour of the south east of England, shall we recount.
One other represent from the ONS, having a learn about particularly at employment in July all the arrangement thru the UK, is unparalleled extra relating.
It reveals that the bogus of folks on the payroll used to be down by close to three-quarters of a million (730,000) in July when put next with March when coronavirus hit.
That is warning of what is on the horizon.
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anachef · 5 years
Disney Food News This Week: Everything NEW at Disney’s Parks and Resorts
Happy weekend! Here’s all the Disney food news this week!
The 2019 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival kicked off March 1 and we have the FULL MENUS here! Oh, and we’ve also got SECRET menu info and reviews for you!
The 2019 Epcot Flower and Garden Festival started March 6, and we have the menus! And be sure to check out our BEST of the Fest!
AND – the opening dates for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge were announced for BOTH Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios!
Briar Rose Gold Treats
We have a lot to share with you this week, so let’s jump right in…
Disney Food News
We returned to Jaleo in Disney Springs to check out more eats. Check out our first look and review here.
Tickets are available now for the Patio Food & Beer Pairing at Ballast Point!
Disneyland’s Tiki Juice Bar is testing Mobile Order only for Dole Whip order.
You can now get Castle Minnie Ears and more online and we have links!
We checked out what’s new in the Magic Kingdom.
Check out the cover art for the new Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge book.
Paddlefish is hosting a Food-On-A-Stick event and tickets are available now.
Check out Mickey’s 90th Birthday cake at Disneyland.
We shared details the new Splash Pack coming to the Disney World water parks.
We have information on the new events announced for the 2019 Epcot Food and Wine Festival.
We shared details on Lager Madness at Ballast Point in Disneyland’s Downtown Disney District.
Wondering if Galaxy’s Edge will impact the Food and Wine Festival? We shared our thoughts.
We shared details on the first preliminary act for the Eat to the Beat concerts.
You can now buy a Spirit Jersey for your dog!
Tickets are on sale now for Pop-Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration in Disneyland.
Check out the adorable springtime treats that are available now in Disneyland.
We shared details on the Matsuri Festival at Morimoto Asia in Disney Spring.
Check out the Piston Cup Sipper available now in Cars Land.
We shared some details about the cast members chosen for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge.
Check out the new dance party coming to Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
We shared details on the new Briar Rose Gold treats at the Magic Kingdom.
Guests at Disneyland had a chance to tour the queue of Indiana Jones Adventure for one day.
More details were announced for the Spider-man attraction coming to Disneyland.
Disneyland hotels are sold out for the night before the opening of Galaxy’s Edge.
You can get the Greatest Shake on Earth at Disney Springs.
Mizner’s Lounge at Disney’s Grand Floridian is closing for refurbishment.
We shared details on customizing your souvenir Walk Around the World brick.
The Flaming Hot Cheetos Cupcake had returned to Sprinkles.
We spotted paper straws at Starbucks in the Disney Parks.
We shared details on how long you’ll be able to dine at Aunt Polly’s at the Magic Kingdom.
See how you can use the Play Disney Parks app at the DCA Food and Wine Festival.
Check out the new Briar Rose Gold collection coming to Disney World.
We shared what’s new in Epcot right now.
We shared details on when and where to find the new Dapper Yellow Spirit Jersey.
Disneyland’s Easter Eggs are here and we have all the details.
Rafiki’s Planet Watch is reopening this summer at Animal Kingdom.
We shared details when the Walk Around the World bricks are being retired at the Magic Kingdom.
A new film was announced for The Land Pavilion in Epcot.
New character lot names and parking signs debuted at Disney’s Hollywood Studios.
Check out this new Disney food lover shirt we spotted at Disney World.
New concept art for Topolino’s Terrace was revealed.
We shared details about a new pineapple-filled churro at Aulani.
We reviewed the new Lobster and Shrimp Mac and Cheese at Disney Springs.
Check out a sneak peek at Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge on the Play Disney Parks app.
We shared details about enhancements coming to the Wine and Dine Half Marathon Weekend.
We found a Disney food dress that you have to see.
New DFB YouTube videos: Must-Get Snacks in Disney Springs, The 12 Best Disney Dishes We’ve Eaten in 2019, Secret Spots to Relax and Recharge in Disney World, and How to Survive Disney World with a Disney Hater.
New DFB Video — How to Survive Disney World with a Disney Hater
Have you subscribed to the DFB YouTube Channel? We’ve got FOUR brand new videos EVERY WEEK showcasing our adventures in Disney World and Disneyland! This week, we’re sharing our latest video — check it out — How to Survive Disney World with a Disney Hater — and don’t forget to subscribe here.
Deal of the Week: Order the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining
It’s time to order the DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining 2019 e-book!
With over 700 pages of full-color photos, tips on the best restaurants, an ENTIRE chapter on snacks — including the best snack credit values throughout the parks and resorts — and a full break-down of whether the Disney Dining Plan is worth it for your family, now’s the time to get started!
What’s in the DFB Guide?
The DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full of ALL the information you need to plan the BEST Disney World vacation.
We want your vacation to be stress-free!
The DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full to overflowing with tools and features to make your trip go smoothly, including:
A 5-Step Strategy for Disney Dining Planning, covering everything you need to know from budgeting and booking to kids’ meals, dining discounts, and fireworks.
A comprehensive and in-depth look at EVERY Disney World restaurant, kiosk, bar, and lounge, including our personal tips to ensure a positive and stress-free dining experience.
Four free, downloadable worksheets for planning your trip. These worksheets are designed to help you execute all the steps of planning the perfect Disney dining experience. And they’re reusable for all of your future trips!
Seven sample one-day dining itineraries for a head-start on planning.
A comprehensive index of bars and lounges WITH reviews. An often under-appreciated option for both dining and entertainment, the e-Book devotes a whole index to the topic.
The ability to be read on your mobile device or computer! It’s fully portable right in your pocket!
Here’s Just Some Of What We Updated In Our 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining e-Book:
Fully updated menus, prices, and restaurant info for 2019 visitors
Updated details about available discounts and deals at Disney World restaurants
DFB’s own 2019 recommendations for everything from table service to counter service to snacks and more
Over 700 pages of updated Disney Dining advice, details, and information
Disney Dining Plan Analysis — Is it right for your family? Can you really save money?
NEW Disney food and restaurant photos
Updated reviews of all Disney World restaurants, kiosks, bars, and lounges including all new eateries
An updated chapter focused on one of the most popular Disney dining topics: Snacks in the theme parks and resorts
A comprehensive section of What’s NEW in Disney Food, including new restaurants, new menus, restaurant closures, and more
You can order your copy today for 25% off the cover price! Just use code WDW2019!
DFB Reader Finds
If you find a fun new food — or other edible awesomeness — in or around Disney, share a photo with us on instagram, facebook, or twitter so we can add it to our DFB Reader Finds each Sunday.
We are huge fans of No Way Jose at Beaches and Cream in Disney’s Beach Club Resort. DFB reader Drew Timmons shared this with us this week: “I saw your picture of this a long time ago. I feel like my life is finally complete.” We think so too, Drew. ;-D
Say “yes” to the No Way Jose
We recently shared the news that Aunt Polly’s is going to be open again for a limited time at the Magic Kingdom! DFB’s friend Austin Does had a chance to stop by and check it out and he declares it to be DELICIOUS!
Fill up at Aunt Polly’s!
Do you have a favorite Disney Food find? Share a photo with us on instagram, facebook, or twitter so we can add it to our DFB Reader Finds.
On to the Round-Up!
Mickey Fix shared this Death Star Popcorn Popper!
WDW for Grownups shared where to find the best popcorn at Disney World.
Buzzfeed shared a funny Disney food quiz.
Disney Family shared a recipe for Hidden Mickey Succulent Cupcakes.
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Related posts:
Disney Food News This Week: What’s NEW in the Disney Parks and More!
Disney Food News This Week: Everything NEW at the Parks and Resorts
ALL the LIMITED TIME TREATS Coming to Disney World and Disneyland for MICKEY’S 90TH BIRTHDAY Celebration!!
from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2CA0neY via https://ift.tt/LNvO3e
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