#i guess that's our first episode of otgw done
fandomworkbook · 4 years
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Elijah Wood?? Is that that Christopher Lloyd?? Who is ???, the narrator? Is the narrator the Beast? Why do the credits raise more questions than the show itself??
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loreweaver-universe · 6 years
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Well.  That was pretty cute.
I really love how the status quo has finally been shattered.  The townie episodes are important--they give context to Beach City, who Steven’s fighting for, the people in his life who shaped him growing up and who he relates to and cares about beyond his immediate family--but townie episodes have historically not been very interesting.  Aside from The Big Show (which just happened) and Lars’ Head (which happened after he got shifted to The Plot), my top non-Connie townie episodes are The Good Lars (which heralds his transition to The Plot) and Future Boy Zoltron (which no longer even cracks my the top sixty).  Townie episodes have, historically, been about a bunch of static people, people who go through little growth, few changes, and keep tantalizingly walking up to the threshold of greater relevance, poking it a few times, then losing interest and wandering back the way they came.
Well, buckle up, kiddos, because there is no status quo, and nothing can be counted on anymore.  The townies are gearing up for involvement in the main story, in ways both small and large--evacuation plans, directly working with the Gems, getting involved in their lives...and Lars.  Lars has done something truly special, something I’d almost given up hope of seeing and had definitely never expected from him.
I’m really happy with the direction the show is going, and--oh, what’s that?
Oh, yes, I have another episode to talk about.
Pool Hopping, fittingly, completely shredded my ability to predict where the episode was going.  It looked at the Psychic Loreweaver memes, cracked its knuckles, did a little dance, and punched me in the face as hard as it could.  That was refreshing all by its lonesome, but it was an engaging, emotional story, too!  I loved just about everything about that episode, and I hope we get more of that level of quality (AND KITTENS) going forward.
What level of quality, you ask?  Well, Pool Hopping comes in at my new #1 for Season 5 (above Jungle Moon, which didn’t sit the throne for long) and my new #7 overall (between That Will Be All and I Am My Mom.)
(Interestingly, in the pre-wrap-up of I Am My Mom, I said it wasn’t the best season finale in the show, but it actually IS closer to my number 1 spot overall than it is to the next-highest season finale, which is Jailbreak.)
Letters to Lars, meanwhile, comes in at a relatively weak #7 for Season 5 (between The Trial and Lars’ Head) and my new #48 overall (between Doug Out and It Could’ve Been Great).  I’m far more excited for what Letters to Lars means than I was for the episode itself, sadly.
Up next...well.  I’m caught up on Steven Universe again, I guess!  I think this is the fastest I’ve caught up on episodes after they’ve been released.  Exciting!  Up next is probably going to be an episode of Madoka, but if you’re a backer of my Patreon, I’m about to make a post where you can vote on two categories of show I’m going to try to keep running side-by-side--a ten-minute show like Steven Universe or OTGW, and a beefier 20-minute show like Madoka that I’ll do when I can muster up a ten-hour liveblogging session.  Go make your voice heard!  And, y’know, maybe pledge some support, yeah? :P
My face isn’t trying to turn itself inside-out right now!  That’s nice.  Just, y’know, in general.
The last week has been a barely-mitigated success.  I’ve successfully kept myself to a weekly schedule for the first time in more than a year--answered asks, done episodes when I promised, streamed when I meant to--and if my s/o has read this far, I’d really really like to thank you for pointing me to HabitRPG, which has helped me get ahold of my habits and my daily routine in a way nothing’s been able to in a long, long time.  Basically, you sign up, set goals and habits and daily/weekly/monthly tasks, and completing them gets you EXP and gold, and you fight monsters, go on quests, etc.  It’s been SUCH a help to me, and I hope it helps some of you, too.
In the meantime, if you’d like more of me:
My Discord server, where you can come hang out with other fans!
My Twitch channel, where I stream Minecraft and miscellaneous games!
My Youtube channel, where you can check out past streams!
Our community also has guilds in Path of Exile and Clicker Heroes (yes, really) that you can inquire about in the Discord chat.  We’re also running a weekly online Magic the Gathering league in the Discord server, so come check that out if you’re a player!
If you’d like to help support me financially (yes please) you can use my direct donation link to put some food on my shelf, or pledge to my Patreon if you want to support me per episode completed, which not only allows you to vote on what shows I do next now that I’ve begun my Madoka Magica liveblog, but also grants access to the Minecraft server I stream from to $5 patrons or higher!
It’s your kindness and support that lets me do this stuff, and I wouldn’t be where I am without all of you to do it for.  Thank you all so much for your support, and for tuning in every episode!
I may have been one of the earlier Steven Universe liveblogs, but a whole community of livebloggers has sprung up over the last two years!   The last few wrap-ups have linked to a bunch of livebloggers here, but honestly, this end-slate is already eight billion miles long, so this time I’m just gonna link to my links page.  Click here if you want recommendations of other livebloggers, or other neat people, or webcomics and podcasts that I recommend.
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