#i had an. ask the demigods book on wattpad
moonflower1605 · 1 year
Chapter - 1
My name is Eleanor Grace. People who are close to me call me Nora.
I'm twelve...& if your wondering, yes I'm a demigod, the daughter of the Almightly Zeus to be specific.
I have ADHD & dyslexia...Oh joy!(Note the sarcasm...) like all demigods do.
I love to sing & play the guitar. I even love archery as well as sword fighting.
Don't get too excited about being a demigod. I mean don't get me wrong, it's cool and having powers is totally awesome, but...add a few dangerous monsters who wanna to kill you every five seconds & your excitement levels might just drop to zero...
It was currently the last day of school more specifically my last day at the sixth school in four years (that's a story for another time..) when my best friend Grover Underwood burst into my history class out of breath.
He was panting and sweat beaded his forehead.
I had no idea what he was doing here...I mean wasn't he supposed to be watching a new demigod kid at Yancy Academy?....had something happened?...
The students gave him strange looks.
One since he's a satyr, a half goat-half human...he walks with crutches as a disguise to cover his limping because he has hooves instead of feet.
But people didn't know that because of the mist...which veils them from seeing stuff that we demigods can.
The other reason was because they never saw him at our school (and...he didn't have a bag, which made kids realise he wasn't a newbie either).
Lucky for him the teacher was out to take care of something.
The moment his eyes caught mine in the swarm of students, he rushed over and said,
"Nora, you need to come with me right now."
I gave him a confused look because I wasn't supposed to be at camp until this afternoon... but before I could ask him where, he dragged me by the hand right outside the class.
Once we were out in the corridor I gave him a questioning look and said,
"Grover, did something go wrong?". He remained silent.
I could tell he was nervous because he kept wringing his hands & his chin quivered.
We have been best friends for the past four years now since he was my first friend at camp. I could read him like an open book.
He absolutely loves enchiladas & tin cans(since he's a vegetarian)...and he also cares a lot about nature.
When he didn't reply I asked him,
"Did something happen to the new demigod?"
"Yeah...about that..." he trailed off.
That's when I knew something was wrong. I grabbed his hand & pulled him along.
"Fine..let's go. We'll take care of.. whatever it is...just...tell me everything." I said.
"Okay...." he said.
I looked back at my school once more. Little did I know then that this would be the last time I would be seeing it.
Cause I was going to experience a journey of a lifetime....
(A/N): So there you go folks. This is the first chapter. Let me know what you think and if u find any errors. This story is on wattpad too.
The link for chapter 2 is here.
Comment, like & share.
Take care my lovely readers.❤
Alice signing off.
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saiyan98 · 2 years
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid: The Trident of Poseidon (Chapter 1 + Intro and Backstory)
[Next Chapter]
A/N: This the first Chapter to my Percy Jackson/Spider-Man FanFiction starring Estelle Blofis (Sister of Percy Jackson) as the main character. I will be posting monthly on three other websites and here:
AO3 (Archive of our Own)
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit, fanbase series. Percy Jackson and the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Trials of Apollo; Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard are owned by Rick Riordan. Spiderman or any concept of him are owned by Marvel Comics and Sony Entertainment. Please support the official releases.
Also, This story will contain the following relationships from the series as well as Spoilers from books (Spoilers Ahead):
Percy Jackson X Annabeth Chase
Carter Kane X Zia Rashid
Sadie Kane X Walt Stone/Anubis
Leo Valdez X Calypso
[Narrator POV]
Somewhere, deep within the ocean...
The sea was enraged with massive storms and waves. It's nearly impossible to sail through; why is this happening?
Well, you see-
Hey! I was going to say that. Anyways, Poseidon's kingdom is under attack at the moment, which is causing a lot of disturbance towards the mortal world. Some monster... man... thing... I don't know, I just got here. The soldiers are out scouring for the intruder at the moment, and Poseidon? He's down on the floor at his throne, along with his son (the other one) Triton.
"My lord," One of the guards replied. "Are you alright?"
"I am fine," Poseidon answered. "What of my son, Triton?"
"Our men are tending to him, but he is fine."
"Good," Poseidon slowly gets back up with the help of one his guards as support. "I need you to inform the other gods."
"We must warn them... Typhon has returned."
Oh shoot! That guy's back!
Huh? Did you forget? Typhon, the big guy that was marching toward Olympus in New York?
I mean... you guys have read the books, right? If not, why are you here? Nah, I'm kidding. Of course, you read the books. But this isn't like those days; not anymore.  Percy Jackson and his friends have done their heroism. This time... a new hero will rise.
Who is this new hero you ask? What's their godly parents? Unfortunately, she's not a demigod. But by the end of this story, she will be just as amazing.
[Cue Spider-Man: Homecoming Intro]
A/N: For Spider-Man fans who don't know the Percy Jackson series... (If you like to hear some music while reading, I recommend listening to the MCU Spider-Man theme. Get that Spider-Man vibe going for this story. Or you can listen any alternative if you wish.)
A long time ago, there was a boy name Percy Jackson. He was just a normal kid with some disabilities such as ADHD and Dyslexia, until he finds out the truth of himself. He found out who he really was; Percy Jackson was a demigod, a half-human/half-god being. And his father was Poseidon, The Greek God of the Sea. Because of what he is, he was sent to a Camp for demigods, Camp Half-Blood, for his safety.
Thanks to his best friend, Grover (A Satyr, Half-man/Half-goat), he arrived safely and thus began his legend as a hero of Olympus. Along with his friends, he fought monsters, gods and many mythological beings. With the help his other best friend and girlfriend, Annabeth Chase (Daughter of Athena), they saved the world countless times. Along the way, he even encountered other people who struggles with other myths such as Egyptian and Norse Mythology. The Kanes, Carter and Sadie, are Egyptian sorcerers that fought Apophis, the Serpent God of Chaos, and sent him back to his prison. Magnus Chase, Annabeth's cousin and a fellow demigod himself (Son of Frey), traveled the nine realms of the Norse Tree, Yggdrasil, and prevented Ragnarök from arriving.
Though he had many fun adventures, most of them did not come without loss and sacrifices. Percy has lost many good friends from the forces of evil. But, without their sacrifices, the world would not have been saved.  Percy struggled with such burdens, for despite them all being heroes, they were still children that most likely won't survive to reach high school graduation, let alone Adulthood.
But even so, Percy and his friends carry on with their lives, for both their fallen friends and their own sake. And so, 15 years has passed since their final adventures. But this is not his story. This is the story of his half-sister, Estelle Blofis. She is no demigod, nor has any magical abilities like the Kanes. But even so... She will go through a path full of hardships, dedications and sacrifices. By the end of this series, she will learn the values... and consequences... of doing the right thing and helping those in need of help.
For it'll be her gift.
Her curse.
Her responsibility...
Estelle and The Mark of Arachnid:
The Trident of Poseidon
Chapter 1: Got Bitten by a (Non-Radioactive) Spider
A/N: The story will be in Estelle's POV the whole time. It's been a while since I've done 1st POV so forgive me if it's a little sloppy.
[Estelle POV]
Look, I didn't want to be a hero.
Things got out of line and next thing I knew; I'm out here protecting New York.
Ah, you're probably wondering what I'm talking about, don't you? Well, let's start with how it all began.
High school.
Yeah, I know; nobody wants to go back to high school. All the drama; fights and rumors. It is such a hassle. But there's a couple things I like about my high school. Goode High is the school I attend.
And me? I'm Estelle Blofis.
And I'm late for school.
"Mom!" I yelled as I left my room with my backpack. I just finished changing into my outfit and was in the middle of fixing my hair into a ponytail. "Did dad already leave?!"
"He just left right now, you can still catch him on the main floor though," My mom replied.
She's such an angel. My mom is a writer and can cook amazing food. How on Earth did my dad get her? I mean, my dad is alright; but my mom is just so amazing. I mean, her childhood was not that great, yet she went far and beyond for me and my brother. Right now, she's just cleaning up dishes that were from breakfast. Which I missed because I overslept. On the plates were some scraps of pancakes.
Blue pancakes.
I know, "why blue?"
Long story short, I have a half-brother who loves the color blue, and my mom would make her food blue for him.
It's sweet and funny, but it later became a family thing.
"Thanks mom!"
"Just don't be late," My mom yelled as I left the apartment and ran toward the elevator to the lobby.
As you can see, I live in an apartment complex with my parents. We have a 3-room apartment on the third floor and have been living there since I can remember. As the elevator opens, I see my dad just about to leave and head toward the car.
"Wait! Dad!" I yelled.
He looked up and replied, "Finally woke up?"
"Sorry, my alarm didn't go off. And I turned on all three of them," I said.
"It's fine, just be more careful next time."
I nodded as I walked with my dad to the car, we hopped in, and drove to school. My dad works at Goode High as a teacher; but that doesn't mean I get special treatment. In school, I'm treated just like all the students equally. But I don't mind, I hate being treated special.
"So, are you excited?" My dad asked.
"About what?"
"Well first, your trip today to the Museum of Natural History. They just brought in some new artifacts that were found in Greece."
I heard of that; it was some sort of ancient tablet about some ancient myth of a spider lady.
I shrugged, "You know me, dad. I enjoy learning about myths and folklore, especially Ancient Greek."
Dad chuckled, "So much like Annabeth. Speaking of, that's another thing you're excited for, right?"
I smiled.
My brother, or half-brother to be exact, is coming to visit from San Diego with his family. Percy Jackson is his name and he's mom's first-born son. I don't know much about his father, but he says that he's a good man who loves the ocean. As far as I know, Percy and his dad are on good terms. Still, I would like to meet this man.
Anyways, Percy is coming to visit with his wife and two kids. Don't get me started on his wife, she is the coolest person ever to exist. And my lame brother is married to her? Annabeth Jackson is a California girl who knows martial arts and is really smart. Heck, probably smarter than a computer. And she is so beautiful with her blonde wavy hair and sharp gray eyes. Apparently, Percy and Annabeth were friends in Summer Camp since the age of twelve and started dating at sixteen. Since then, they were glued to the hip and got married and had two kids: Luke Charles and Silena Bianca Jackson.
My brother, Percy, is just a big dork with a bigger heart. He would always baby me whenever he comes and visits since I'm still his "baby sister". I'm sixteen! I'm not little anymore. Anyways, I also remember the time when I was little, he would tell me these crazy stories about monsters and gods in myths and folklore. My favorite is the one where he "apparently" fought the minotaur and won. As a kid, I believed it. Now, I can see that Percy was trying to be cool.
Still, he's the best big brother I can ever have.
"Of course, dad! I can't wait to see my nephew and niece again! Are you sure Annabeth is going to come and visit too? I know she's been busy with her work, but I would LOVE to see her again."
Annabeth's dream job was to be an architecture developer. She got her dream job, but I haven't seen her for a while. Dad replied, "Percy told me that she got the vacation time requested earlier. She's coming with the family."
I cheered. "I can't wait!" I said as dad chuckled.
"You really love Annabeth, huh?"
"Well duh! I mean, someone amazing like her is married to my dorky brother. And have two kids?! Like, what did Percy do to get this lucky."
"You'll understand... someday." He said ominously. We arrived at the school and noticed that students are already lining up for the trip.
"Go meet up with your group, I'll be here to pick you up," My dad said as I walked out of the car. "Please stay out of trouble, Estelle."
I rolled my eyes.
"C'mon dad, I'm not like Percy. I won't cause trouble, I promise."
My dad looked concerned. I remember one time how Percy told me he had trouble with school because of his ADHD and Dyslexia. He got bullied for it and ended up in fights. The crazy part was that one time he blew up an entire gym in middle school.
I still wonder how he did that.
"Okay, just stay out of trouble. Love you."
"Love you too dad. I'll see you after school," I said to dad as he drove to his parking spot. My dad won't be joining us on the trip since he has classes for Seniors. I'm a sophomore so I won't be going to my dad's classes until later on in the year.
As I walked to meet up with my group, I noticed one of them waving at me.
"Stella!" She yelled. I waved back and ran toward her.
Stella is my nickname that my friends would usually call me. Family does too but it's mostly Estelle. The girl that called out to me is my best friend since kindergarten, Samantha Stacy. She has long blonde hair and gray eyes, just like Annabeth. We have been friends for a long time and have stood by each other's side since.
Sam is a shy girl but is very intelligent. She is an honor student and will most likely be going to the big universities in the future, like Yale or Harvard.
Only a couple of things about her that make her unique. One in particular.
"Did you finish the Sword Art Online season one set I lent you?"
I rolled my eyes, "Yes, Sam, I did. Though I don't understand why you love the series?"
"Because it's a good show to start watching anime! You have to admit it was romantic and interesting."
Yeah, you guessed it. Samantha Stacy is a hard-core Otaku, a huge anime-fan.
"Fine," I said. "I guess it is kind of romantic. Just send me season 2 when you can."
Sam smirked at the comment. She knows I became a fan of the series, despite its flaws. Sam got into anime when she was at the library one time in middle school and spotted some Manga's and read them. After that, her whole life changed for the worse.
"Oh?" Sam says, "So you DID enjoy it?"
I rolled my eyes once again. Before I could reply to her, the teacher called out for everyone to get on the bus.
"That's our cue," I said. "You're excited for the trip, Sam?"
Sam smiles.
"You know I am, especially about that new addition to the museum. Can't wait to see it!"
We got on the bus and started heading off toward the Museum of Natural History. Once we arrived, everyone formed small groups and entered the building. Sam and I stayed close together so that we wouldn't get separated.
I'm very social and can get along with anyone, but Samantha is another story. Other than anime and ancient history, Sam really struggles with communicating with other people. Ever since kindergarten, she was shy and nervous around the other kids. I was the first one to talk to her and since then, we were best friends every school year.
Our teacher for the trip informs us to stay close and to follow the tour guide instructions. Makes sense since we do have some troublemakers in our class. I mean, there's always one in every school year.
The tour had lots of interesting stuff, especially about U.S. and Ancient history. Sam and I have been very interested in ancient history such as Greek, Egypt and the Roman Empire.
"Now class, what can you tell me about the Greek Gods?" The tour guide asked.
I raised my hand because I knew the answer to it.
The tour lady pointed toward me to answer.
"The Greek Gods were the rulers of Mount Olympus and there were 12 Olympians in the group. The one in charge was Zeus, the God of Thunder. He ruled Olympus while his brothers, Poseidon and Hades, ruled the Sea and the Underworld. Their story began after Zeus defeated his father, Kronos, and freed his siblings from him."
"That's correct," The guide replied. "Do you also know the tale of Arachne?"
Sam gasped in excitement as I answered.
"The Tale of Arachne was about a woman who was very talented in weaving. So talented, that she challenged Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and an Olympian herself, to a weaving contest. Irritated by her arrogance, she accepted and won the contest and transformed Arachne into a spider. Thus, why we got the term Arachnid for spiders."
"That is correct. I asked about that because the next artifact will be about that tale."
The tour lady led us to the latest addition to the museum.
"You still remember me talking about that, didn't you?" Sam whispered.
I snickered, "I mean, you got so excited about it because it involves your favorite insect."
"Arachnids," Sam corrected. "Spiders are Arachnids, not insects."
I rolled my eyes, "You know what I mean."
The group stops as the tour lady introduces us to the latest display. It was just a stone tablet with the ancient Greek language on it. At the top of the tablet, was a sigil of a spider. Symbol of Arachne.
"This," The tour lady explained. "Is the latest discovery here in the museum. The Tablet of Arachne. As you can see, it has the spider sigil on it. It was found by an old tomb in one of the castles that remained standing in England. It was a very strange and mysterious finding. An ancient Greek Tablet found in a castle in England is quite strange. However, the tablet is even more interesting. The tablet contains words in ancient Greek about Lady Arachne; It talks about how she was a courageous woman who stood up against the gods and showed them how much humanity has grown. Our experts were able to translate only half of it along with the words that's under the sigil."
"What does it say?" One of the students asked.
"It says, 'Those who are worthy, shall be passed down with my gifts and bring vengeance to the gods. For mankind shall not bend to thou will. Olympus shall fall and man shall thrive.'"
That did not sound good.
"The rest of the tablet has still not been deciphered yet, but our experts will translate it as soon as possible. In the meantime, let us show you all some of our other displays of Ancient Greek lost treasures."
As the tour lady guided the group to the next display, Sam and I stayed, looking at the tablet.
"If my sister-in-law was here, she'd decipher the tablet instantly. She told me she understands Ancient Greek's language and is able to translate it easily."
"You think this tablet gives the reader abilities of Arachne?"
"What, like Spiderman?" I asked.
Sam gasps in excitement, "That'd be really awesome! I mean, swinging around New York; fighting bad guys; wearing cool costumes..."
As Sam talks about how great being Spider-Man is, I noticed something on the tablet. On the tablet, a spider just appeared behind the tablet, must have slipped in the display when they were sealing it. It was white with red eyes; it seems to have a symbol-like mark on its sack.
"Hey look Sam. A spider is on the Tablet of Arachne," I said, chuckling.
"Huh? What do you mean? There's nothing there."
I looked back at her.
"What? It's right there on top of the-"
As I looked back, the spider was already gone without a trace.
"What? It was just there!" I spoke.
"You probably just thought it was there, Stella. It happens."
I wanted to deny it, but it was not really a big deal, so I shrugged it off.
"You're probably right, let's head back with the group."
Sam nodded and we both started heading back. Then I saw a black feather slowly falling from the sky. I told Sam to look, and she saw it too.
"Looks like a bird got in. We should tell the security guard," Sam suggested toward the security guard that was nearby. I nodded and walked toward the guard and explained about there being a bird in the building. The security guard groaned.
"Another pigeon? Oh well, thanks for the heads-up kid. We'll take care of it."
I nodded and headed back with Sam.
Still, a couple things were odd that moment. The first was the spider disappearing even though the Tablet was sealed for display. The other was the black feather, it was too big to be a pigeon; yet there was no bird on the ceiling. I was probably still tired from last night watching Sword Art Online. I mean, seriously, I told myself only one episode and then I ended up watching the entire series in one night!
I fear that Sam is going to turn me into an Otaku too.
Later that day, we took a quick lunch break. Sam and I were relaxing by a small café inside of the museum.
"How's your dad doing?" I asked. Sam's dad is a detective in the NYPD, and he's been very strict for her safety. Something about them not being able to find her. Sam never understood why or who, but she didn't bother asking. Since he's the only family she has left. Her mother left them when she was young, yet her dad never hated her for it. Every time Sam asks about her mother, she never gets a straight answer.
"The usual, but he did say something important."
"Oh really, what's that?"
"...After the trip and when summer starts... he'll tell me about my mother..."
We sat there silently, processing what she said.
"That's great, you'll finally know about your mother!"
"Yeah but... what if she's not who I think she is? What if she's someone bad or evil or..."
Sam gripped tightly on her sandwich and finished her sentence, "What if she's dead?"
I gently grab her arm in reassurance.
"Whatever he tells you, it doesn't change anything. You're still you and your dad's still your dad. And we'll always be best friends, no matter what."
Sam smiled.
"Thanks, Stella. I really needed that."
"Hey, I got your back no matter- OW!"
I yelped in pain as I felt something bite me on my other hand. I lifted my hand and saw a spider on it. I smacked it off instantly.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked.
I nodded, "Yeah, I just got bitten by a spider!"
On my right hand, there was a big bite mark from the spider.
"I hope it's not poisonous," I said. "I really don't want to cause any trouble today."
Sam asked me to show it to her. She looks at the bite mark and sighs in relief.
"It's not, I can tell. You're going to be okay. Just rinse it with some water and you'll be okay."
I sighed in relief.
"Thanks, Sam. I'll never tease you about learning about Arachnids again."
Sam pouts, "They're really harmless so long as you don't mess up their homes! But you should get this washed off, don't want to be having an infection."
I nodded and headed off to the nearest bathroom to wash it clean. I always find it weird that Sam not only likes ancient history, but anime AND spiders. That would explain why she's very shy; back in elementary school, she was bullied for liking spiders. The boys would throw fake spider toys at her, making her be afraid of them or mock her for it. Of course, every time it happens, I intervene and stand up against the bullies.
I really hate bullies. They hurt my mother when she was young; they hurt my brother when he was young; and now my best friend is being bullied.
But she's not alone.
Still, there was something strange about the spider that bit me. It looked like the same one that was on the tablet. White with red eyes and a green symbol on it. But it can't be, the spider disappeared in the display, and it was sealed tight. There was no way that spider could have gotten out. In fact, it shouldn't even exist. It was supposed to be just an illusion from my sleep deprivation.
It was an illusion, right?
I shook it out of my head and when I just finished drying my hands off, I heard screaming.
I ran outside to see people running and screaming, while the security guards were trying to pin someone down, but they were too strong and threw them in the air.
Sam was under the table we were eating at earlier, hiding in fear of the commotion. I ran toward her and asked what happened.
"That thing just jumped on our table and tried to attack me!"
I look back at the suspect. What I saw was something I will never forget.
It had black wings as arms and sharp bird claws on its feet. It was like a giant bird, yet it had the face and body of a woman.
I recognized what it is instantly.
"A harpy!" I yelled.
"What? from the myths? But that's just stories! They're not real!"
The harpy turned around and looked at us and slowly walked towards us. Sam was frozen in fear, and I was trying to get her to move. Suddenly, the creature lifted the table out of the way and looked at us directly.
"...You..." it said, directly at me.
"Your smell... is similar to... I see..." The harpy started laughing, "I followed this girl because of what she truly is, and then I found you. A girl with a similar scent as him," it said.
"Who?" I asked.
The creature spoke with such hatred and fear.
"Percy Jackson."
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
what if mangakas put in fucking. authors notes like we did in 2012 wattpad. like just. ur reading the latest manga chapter of bnha and in the middle of the final battle its just
"A/N: i literally screamed writing this line! >w<
me, da author: eep! im so scared for deku in this chapter!!
you guys: u literally wrote this -_-
me: XD shushhhh!!! i know heh
me: aaaaaah kacchan dont hurt me!!! *runs away*"
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onlyfreds · 3 years
Walk Through Hell with You | F.W.
Tumblr media
Title: Walk Through Hell with You (Percy Jackson/Demigod! AU)
Requested: Yes
Summary: Fred and Y/N can manage to walk through hell, as long as they stay together.
Warning/s: Mentions of injuries, mentions of death, weapons (swords, daggers), a little bit of evil Fred, some sad scenes
A/N: This is part 2 of my fic: “As Long as We’re Together”. And just to clear some things up: I saw a reblog on @theweasleyslut​’s blog on how some lines were exactly from the books. Like Holly said, I do take lines from the original books and sometimes I rephrase them. I do not claim them as my own words. I have seen lots of fanfic writers (both on Wattpad and Tumblr) use lines/exact wording of scenes from the book. Again, I don’t claim them as my own words.Thought I would just make that clear.
As Long as We’re Together
Barely escaping from the monsters, Fred and Y/N run through the Mansion of Night with their eyes closed, not wanting to see any of its horrors that would surely be worse than gazing upon the gods’ true divine form.
They kept on running, until Y/N hears flowing water. Water was Fred’s strong point, with hope igniting in her system, Y/N speeded towards the source.
For being a daughter of Athena, that was a pretty dumb idea on her part.
She assumed that the river was directly in front of her, not at the bottom of a chasm.
If Fred wasn’t with her, she would’ve died.
Just as her foot hit the edge of the drop-off, Fred immediately pulled her back into his embrace.
“You, okay?” He asked, catching his breath from their run.
Y/N breathed in his scent, calming herself down a little, “Yeah. How did you know?”
“I didn’t open my eyes,” He reassured, “But I could sense it, there’s a cliff and the other side is about twenty feet away.”
Y/N nodded, she often teased Fred for being an oblivious idiot sometimes, but she forgot that he could be quite smart.
That’s when she started to hear the voices.
“Murderer.” They whispered as her mind started to flood with images.
She saw Zoe Nightshade, who died while joining the rescue operation to save her. Bianca Di Angelo, who died in the same mission. Silena Beauregard, who lost her life in the Battle of Manhattan just a few months ago.
And the worst and most painful one of all: Luke Castellan.
“You could’ve prevented their deaths.” The voices told her, “His blood is on your hands.”
“I didn’t have a choice!” She thought, trying to fight the voices, “It wasn’t my fault!”
The force had thrown her straight to the wall, blood dripping down from the corner of her mouth.
“Family Luke.” Y/N managed to croak out, “You promised.”
Fred looked at his old friend, whose body was now hosting Kronos. The bane of the gods.
At Y/N’s words, Luke faltered, lowering his sword, his golden eyes returning to the blue ones they once were.
“Y/N.” He breathed out, as he tried to run to her side.
Fred pointed his sword at him, “Don’t you even think about, coming near her.”
Luke fell to his knees, his eyes shining gold before turning back to blue.
“Fred please,” He begged, “I am the only one who can control him, I know where the spot is but I don’t have much time.”
That’s when Hermione’s words came running back to him, “You are not the hero of the prophecy.” She told him, “It will greatly affect what you do.”
He looked down at Y/N’s dagger that was in his hand and everything clicked.
The cursed blade wasn’t his sword, but Y/N’s dagger, and it was cursed because it symbolized the promise Luke made to her: That they would be always be there for each other and they would always be a family. Luke breaking that promise, cursed her blade.
Fred looked up at Luke, who begged, “Please.”
Fred wasn’t the hero of the prophecy, and he knew what to do. He, just like Y/N, had to believe in Luke that he would be able to set things right.
He turned the blade around in his palm, the point facing him as he offered the hilt to Luke, who took it.
George stared at him, “Are you-“
“Mad? Off my rocker?” Fred continued, “Yeah.”
Luke unlatched a part of his armor, and stabbed the blade on the spot right under his arm. It was that deep, but he yelled in pain as his eyes flashed gold again.
The next thing the demigods knew, Luke was lying on the floor, blood gushing out of his wound.
“Nice blade you got there.” He croaked out as Y/N and Fred appeared by his side.
“We’ll get you some help.” Fred said trying to grab Luke’s arm but it burned hotter than fire.
The latter shook his head, “Don’t. Just promise me one thing Fred. Me, Ethan, all the unclaimed, don’t let it happen again.”
Fred licked his lips, “I promise.”
Luke then turned his gaze back to the girl by his side, “Did you ever love me?”
Fred and Y/N shared a look, “No.” She whispered, shaking her head, “I only saw you as a brother.”
And with that, Luke closed his eyes.
The gods then suddenly barged through the door, in full battle gear, expecting a battle.
They didn’t expect to see three demigods surrounding a dead boy.
“We need a shroud.” Fred announced, his voice cracking, “A shroud for the son of Hermes.”
“Jump in.” The voices urged, “Share his punishment.”
Fred gripped her arm, “Don’t listen.”
“I know.” His voice sounded as brittle as ice, “They’re telling me the same stuff. I think… I think this moat must be the border of Night’s territory. If we get across, we should be okay. We’ll have to jump.”
“You said it was twenty feet.” His girlfriend answered.
Fred sighed, “Yeah. You’ll have to trust me. Put your arms around my neck and hang on.”
With her eyes closed, she could only guess how he managed it. Maybe he used the force of the river somehow. Maybe he was scared out of his mind and charged with adrenaline. Fred leaped with more strength than Y/N could have thought possible. The two of them sailed through the air as the river churned and wailed beneath them, splashing their bare ankles with stinging brine.
“It’s good to open your eyes.” Fred said.
Y/N opened her eyes, adjusting slightly to the light, she wanted to ask Fred how he had managed to jump that far when she decided against it.
She knew that she was lucky to have Fred by her side. If she had fallen without him, she either would’ve gone insane or died immediately.
Tartarus was really no place for demigods. Not only because the place itself was toxic, but because Tartarus had the capability of making even the sweetest person transform into a vile monster.
And Y/N had witnessed that first-hand how a sweetheart and gentleman like her boyfriend was almost turned into monster.
Fred and Y/N watched in horror as the trail of poison started to make it’s way towards them as the goddess Akhlys laughed miserably.
“You will feed the eternal darkness.” Akhlys said, “You will die in the arms of Night!”
Fred was dimly aware of Y/N desperately throwing anything she could at the goddess. The white-green poison kept on pooling, little streams trickling from the plants as the venomous lake got larger.
Lakes, Fred suddenly thought, streams, water.
An idea clicked in his mind; poison must be made partially made of water. Maybe he could control it. But Poseidon was the god of the sea. Not of every liquid everywhere.
But then again, Tartarus had its own rules. Drinking fire was your only hope to survive, the air was more toxic than acid. Heck, the ground itself was the body of a god.
So, if that was possible, then why not try? He had nothing left to lose.
He glared at the flowing poison, concentrating so hard that something inside him broke, as if a glass ball shattered inside him.
Warmth flowed through his system; the poison tide stopped.
The fumes blew away from him, going back towards the goddess.
Akhlys shrieked in surprise, “What is this?!”
“Poison.” Fred said, “That’s your specialty, right?”
As he stood there, the anger boiled hotter in his blood. The sight of the suffocating goddess fueling him more.
Oh good, he thought, more water.
He started to choke the goddess in her own tears, as she stumbled back, gasping for air.
“Freddie!” He heard a small voice call him.
Y/N was staring at him and even with the death mist surrounding her, Fred could see that she was terrified. And it took him a minute to realize that she was scared of him.
“Stop.” She pleaded; her voice hoarse.
Fred didn’t want to stop. He wanted the goddess to drown in her own poison. He wanted to see how much misery the goddess of Misery could take.
“Fred please.” Y/N begged, the anguish in her eyes causing Fred’s anger to fade.
Akhlys fell to her knees, looking up at the two demigods in fear before running of in the direction she came from.
As soon as she had fled, the pools of poison evaporated.
Y/N stumbled towards Fred, “Freddie, please don’t ever…” Her voice broke out in a sob, “Some things aren’t meant to be controlled. Please.”
His whole body tingled with power, but the anger had vanished. The broken glass inside him started to smooth at the edges.
Fred let out a shaky breath, pressing a kiss on Y/N’s forehead, “Okay. I’m sorry for scaring you.”
Y/N shuddered at the memory. Out of everything she had witnessed, seeing Fred in that way was the scariest thing of them all.
They had finally arrived at the Heart of Tartarus, where the doors of death lie. Where their hope of getting out of hell lie.
The death mist did a wonderful job obscuring them from the eyes of the other monster and titans. Bob, the titan who Fred had befriended and helped them through most of their journey, nervously walked among the other Titans.
Fred and Y/N stood at either side of the door, ready to cut the chains and set it free.
That’s when a roar echoed through the place, the god of pit himself, Tartarus, took form.
Never in Y/N’s life, did she ever see Fred drop his sword. But at that moment, as he gaped at the god, his sword just dropped to the ground.
That’s when the fight broke out.
The monster started to attack; Bob fought against them. Even starting to fight against the god of the pit himself.
Fred and Y/N fought together, just like they did numerous times before, stabbing, slicing, narrowly avoiding the monster. But they kept coming back.
Even if the cavalry arrived in the form of Damasen and the drakon, it still wasn’t enough.
Fred knew that both of them would never make it. One of them had to press the elevator button for twelve minutes for the other to successfully escape.
He had to convince Y/N to go without him.
“Are you mad?” She told him, “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“But-“ Fred tried to argue.
“No!” She protested, “You promised, that we’re staying together.”
“You’re impossible.” Fred said.
Y/N smiled, “I love you too.”
Bob then limped towards the couple, golden ichor flowing from his wounds, “You two go.” He said, “I’ll push the button.”
Fred gawked at him, “Bob you’re in no condition-“
“Freddie.” Y/N’s voice threatened to break. She hated herself for letting Bob do this, but she knew that it was the only way, “We have to.”
Fred tried to protest, “We can’t just leave them!”
Bob clapped him on the shoulder, slightly knocking him over, “I can still press the button.”
‘Besides,” Bob continued, “it is your destiny to return to the world, put an end to this madness of Gaea.”
The battle continued on in the background, monsters being thrown left and right, Damasen still fighting against his father.
“Bob please don’t.” Fred said, his eyes pleading, “He’ll destroy you permanently. No coming back. No regeneration.”
The titan shrugged, “Who knows what it’ll be. You have to go now; I can buy you some time. Twelve minutes, I can give you that.”
“Fred, hold the doors.” Y/N said, trying to keep her tears at bay. She then jumped and threw her arms around the titan.
“Monsters are eternal.” She told him, trying to keep herself from sobbing like a baby, “We will remember you and Damasen as heroes, as the best Titan and the best giant. We’ll tell our children. We’ll keep your story alive. Someday, you will regenerate.”
Bob ruffled her hair, the evidence of his smile appearing around his eyes, “That is good. Until then, tell the stars and sun hello for me. Be strong. This may not be the last sacrifice you have to make in order to stop the Earth mother.”
He pushed her away gently, “We’re running out of time. Go.”
Y/N grabbed Fred’s arm as she dragged him into the elevator car. The both of them looking up at Bob for one last time before the elevator doors closed.
The both of them pushed each side of the door with all their remaining energy, to make sure that no one would interrupt their passage.
“I’m sorry.” Y/N muttered after a short moment of silence, thinking that Fred was angry at her.
“It’s not your fault.” Fred said, “It’s Gaea’s. We have to make their sacrifice worth it.”
“And we will.” She reassured, “We will not fail.”
Twelve minutes felt like hours, they finally heard a small ding and the elevator doors opened up.
Out of pure exhaustion, the only thing Fred and Y/N were capable of doing were just falling onto the floor. The last thing they saw before they blacked out was two figures surrounded in mist.
When the couple was finally welcomed back into consciousness, they smiled as their friends gathered around them.
They got out of the temple before it could collapse as they settled in the grass just nearby the Argo II.
Y/N laid her head on Fred’s shoulder as they listened to their friends recount their journey to the House of Hades. The both of them relieved to be sitting under the sun, breathing clean air and eating real food.
“So,” Harry said, “What about you two? Tartarus has got to be the real story.”
The couple shared a look.
“Maybe some other time.” Fred said with a small shrug.
“I don’t think I want to recount everything that happened there yet.” Y/N said as she took another sip of water.
Soon enough, the group found out that Luna had arrived in the midst of their absence. Her eyes were slightly puffy as her horse just died.
She then agreed to join them per Y/N’s request.
“It’s nice to see you two back in the world of the living.” She joked, nodding to Fred and Y/N.
Fred laughed, “Yeah, thank the gods we finally got out.”
“He had help.” Y/N added with a small shrug.
“Of course.” Luna agreed with a small smile, “I doubt that Fred would be able to get out of a paper bag without you.”
Y/N smiled, “True.”
“Hey!” Fred complained as the group bursted into laughter.
Y/N rested her head on Fred’s shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her waist and placed a kiss on her forehead.
They have just got back from hell and was expected to fight against the Earth mother.
But at the end of the day, what mattered to Fred and Y/N was: they were together.
@lumosandnoxwriting​ @gostupid-godumb​ @famdomhideout​ @nova-darling @gaycatlord-stuff​  @pandaxnienke​ @escapingrealitybyreading​ @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts​ (Send a Message/Ask or fill out my taglist form if you want to be added!)
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greekgeek21 · 3 years
Percy Jackson & The Avengers: Convergence - they steal an old pirate ship
I'm alive!! I'm so sorry for just ditching you guys, but I was in Shasta for a week and didn't have any internet access so I wasn't even able to say that I was gonna not update. But I hope this nice, semi-long chapter makes up for it!  Reminder that this is also available on FF, Inkitt, Ao3, Webnovel, and Wattpad
On a completely different note, I'm going to be starting to write a book. Like, a real published book. It'll take a few years but I'm determined and I love the idea I thought of so if any of you are interested, email me at [email protected] and I might be willing to send some samples. I want input, badly. And all the people in my life are biased. Total strangers on the internet are totally made for this, right?
I recently got into readers marauder era fanfics and I'm already in too deep, gays (and yes I meant to say gay, we all know it if you're reading pjo fanfiction). There is no escape.
Anyway, I'm running out of prewritten chapters, so I have to get to writing that while preparing to write a book. Wish me luck! Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈✨
- your author
Ω ♆ Ω
"Run it by me again. Just one more time," Steve asked, still highly confused.
They had made it to Florida and were now at a private dock. Percy had just briefly explained his control over any water vehicle and the Captain was not getting the point.It was understandable. Percy still barely got it.
However, they didn't have a whole lot of time, and every second they wasted discussing Percy's weird powers was another second Annabeth's captors had to hurt her. They did not have time for this.
"We are going to steal a boat, and I'm going to sail us the rest of the way," Percy sighed.
"Ok, but, how are we going to sail it if only you know how to do it?" Steve asked.
Even Piper was getting frustrated now. "He can control the boat! We won't have to do anything! The boat will listen to his will! Oh my gods!"
"But how is that possible!?" Steve shouted.
"How would I know?! I was just born with the freaky powers!" Percy yelled right back, getting fed up with this never-ending conversation.
Jason decided to cut in before things got too out of hand. They had to save Annabeth.
"Guys! This doesn't matter! What matters is that we save Annabeth, and we can't do that if we're stuck here arguing over something that is out of our control," he said.
Percy huffed. "He started it."
Hazel rolled her eyes. "How does Annabeth put up with you?"
"Honestly? No idea," Percy smirked.
"Let's just get going, team. We have a boat to steal, right?" Tony asked.
"Yep. And I think this place has the perfect one for the job." The son of Poseidon then started walking away, apparently following his weird sailing powers.
I guess we're supposed to follow him, thought Piper.
Ω ♆ Ω
"This is supposed to take us through the most cursed waters on the planet?" Bruce asked, looking the boat up and down.
"Yes. Isn't it beautiful?" Percy said and smiled, running his hand along the side.
Tony leaned over to Frank. "Is he seeing the same boat we are?"
Frank just shrugged, used to Percy's weirdness by now. Honestly, it was a little hard for him to imagine the team taking what was in front of them to Polyphemus' island. It seemed like it wouldn't survive the normal ocean.
To be clear, what Percy was suggesting they take was an old pirate ship, currently on display inside of a warehouse at the dock. It was covered in dried-up barnacles, and the mast was split in half. There were also holes all along the sides. It was a miracle the thing hadn't crumbled already.
"Yes, Tony, I am. This thing will run for me. It doesn't even need to be repaired, I can handle that. The only thing that matters is that it is built to withstand the type of waters we're going out in," Percy said. "We need all the advantages we can get."
Natasha, to everyone's surprise, spoke up, "I think we should trust Percy. If he says it'll work, then it'll work. He's the son of Poseidon, right? Nothing can hurt us while in the ocean. Am I correct, Percy?"
Jason cleared his throat and gave Percy a significant look. The Avengers needed to know that they were basically powerless in the triangle. The older teen looked ready to explain, but Frank spoke before he had the chance.
"Actually, no. The Sea of Monsters is outside of Poseidon's realm of power, hence the name. Percy won't have the same access to his father's domain as he does out here," he said, "So, basically, we're entering a dangerous situation, with no backup, and an inexperienced team. Should be fun, right?"
The Avengers were shocked, to say the least. Not at what the boy had said, but who had said it. As far as they had seen, Frank wasn't as confident as his physical form portrayed. They were wrong. Frank was confident, and his friends were proud of him for it, too. It had been a large transformation from when Percy had first met the son of Mars.
"Well, I think we should start heading out. We want to get as far as possible before the sun goes down, right?" Piper asked.
"Right," Percy nodded.
She wasn't really certain about all of this sailing stuff. Sure, she had been on the Argo II, but that was different than an actual boat. For one, it could fly and was controlled by a gaming console. She hadn't really bothered learning how to actually run a ship for that.
But now, she had to act like she knew what she was doing, and that was scary. The Avengers may put on a confident front, but she saw the insecurities in all of them. Some were harder to find than others, but finding insecurities was her specialty.
They really were going into a completely unknown situation. At least Piper and the Seven had been in this world for a little while, but the Avengers hadn't even encountered a monster before. It would sure be a shock when they were faced with some of the worst ones for their first fights. So, she and the rest of the demigods had a responsibility to be the examples, no matter how much the "adults" liked to point out that it was "ethically wrong" for them to do that.
Ω ♆ Ω
Turns out, the kid hadn't been lying about being able to sail the ship. Tony would be the first to admit that he was skeptical of the structure of the vessel, but he was proved wrong when, after the group had gotten the thing into the water, it had started to magically prepare itself for departure. Not a single drop of water leaked into the interior; it was like the water simply moved around the holes.
It was spectacular!
Before he knew it, the group had settled into the boat and were moving away from the dock. The Avengers were marveling at everything around them, considering that Percy wasn't even steering the thing, and yet it was supposedly moving in the right direction. To add to the shock, the ship's parts were moving themselves. It was not logically possible, and yet there Tony was, watching it unfold like some kind of acid trip.
"This is...amazing," he muttered, leaning against the rail with Leo, who he had taken a certain liking to. They were a lot alike.
The son of Hephaestus grinned, "Right? I told you guys Percy had cool powers. You should see him with Blackjack or Arion. It's wacky, man!"
"Who's Blackjack and Arion?" Tony asked, noting the new names.
"Oh. Right, I forgot. Blackjack is Percy's pegasus, and Arion is Hazel's horse. Percy can talk to them because his father created horses," Leo answered.
And just when the man of iron was getting used to all of this, he was pulled back into astonishment.
Ω ♆ Ω
After a couple hours of mingling and exploring, Percy called the team up to the deck. He had started to feel it a while ago when he knew it was still a distance away, but now he knew that they were approaching the Sea of Monsters.
It was a blank spot for him. Everywhere else, he could feel the ocean's power thrumming, waiting for him to control it. But here, there was nothing. Considering they were in the middle of the ocean, it was pretty obvious what it was. That was how he had tracked the place down without a map. It was his blind spot. He would just follow the blankness like it was the North Star.
Once everyone had gathered, he told them the news, and to say the atmosphere changed was an understatement. What smiles they had had disappeared, and their expressions turned serious.
"It's time, guys. Get ready. The first thing we're going to come up on is Scylla and Charybdis. We have to go through them to get into the sea. Now, I've planned this so that we should hopefully be able to pass through without any problems, but with six demigods' luck, we shouldn't rely on that too much. Charybdis only feeds three times a day, so if I planned this right, we should be able to pass over her without a fuss. Everyone got it? Be prepared for a fight, but don't expect it, please. We don't need any more reasons for the Fates to curse us."
Hazel stepped up, "Should the Avengers help us if we end up fighting something? Or should they just observe how we deal with monsters first?"
"We can handle ourselves," Steve defended.
Jason sighed, fed up with the same old arguments, "Alright, that's it! The Avengers will let us take the lead in any fights we may or may not end up in. They will not do anything without one of our approvals because we have actual experience with these beings. They will not be put on the sidelines, but they will also not be on the front lines. Does that work for everyone?"
Percy sent a thankful grin to his cousin, "Thank you, Jason. And yes, it does."
Jason just nodded in return.
"Alright, gang! Buckle up! Make sure to keep your hands and feet inside the ship at all times, and remember, the sword points away from you. It's showtime!" Leo cackled.
Just as he finished, they entered a wall of mist, which was unsettling to say the least. The temperature dropped almost three degrees as they passed through it.
Percy pulled out Riptide before steering the ship towards Charybdis. Hopefully, if everything went to plan, they would be out of this Hades-forsaken place by sunrise.
But, of course, nothing ever went to plan on a demigod's quest.
Ω ♆ Ω
Maybe it wasn't the best idea for me to come, was Bruce's first thought as he got his first glimpse at a greek monster. He had taken refuge inside the sleeping quarters of the ship, practicing his breathing exercises. He was really hoping this didn't turn into a Code Green. This was definitely not the place to let the Hulk loose.
So far, it had been silent upstairs, so Bruce concluded that it was going good so far. He had researched the Greek and Roman myths before they had left and on the plane, and everything that he could find on Charybdis was not reassuring. It was true what Percy said, that she only ate three times a day, but nobody really knew when those times were. Until Percy, apparently. He had survived the Sea of Monsters, so everyone on this ship had to trust his judgement in everything they did here. Bruce could tell that the other Avengers were struggling with taking orders from a "child." But Bruce had learned to not underestimate anyone on his travels while in hiding. Plus, look up any demigod's name and there was a whole list of accomplishments to find.
If Percy said that he knew when the monster liked to eat, then he knew when the monster liked to eat. It was as simple as that.
So, ten minutes into their first obstacle, and things were going fine. Everyone was eerily quiet, but no sign of Charybdis or Scylla yet. Of course, as soon as someone thought about it, an outline of a serpent appeared in the fog surrounding the boat.
Frank was the first one to spot it. "Guys..." He looked up at Percy. "We have a problem."
He pointed into the fog and Percy cursed. "Oh schist. I knew she couldn't just leave us alone."
The Avengers had figured out that something was coming and were unsure what to do. The demigods seemed to be just waiting like sitting ducks for the thing to attack them, and that was not a good plan. The Avengers don't wait for their opponent to strike first.
"Alright, that's it. I'm going to see what it is," Tony mumbled, activating his Iron Man armor.
"No, Tony! That's not a good-" Piper got cut off as the billionaire flew off, "...idea."
If she couldn't yell at that idiot, she was gonna yell at his teammates. She turned around, prepared to cuss out some idiot "superheroes," but Hazel beat her to it. "What was he thinking?! Why didn't you idiots stop him?! He has no idea what he's getting himself into! That monster is NOT something you guys can handle without our help! Mortalium tam stultus!"*
Natasha appraised the small demigod. She sure was a young spitfire. And from what she had seen already, a powerful one.
"Ok, let's just calm down, alright? Tony should be able to hold his own until we can go save his stupid ass," Leo sighed. Working with mortals was draining.
They were always so brash about things. And yes, coming from a greek, that statement was pretty hypocritical, but it still wasn't a lie. He idolized Mr. Stark's work, but man if only the guy could learn some restraint and he would be perfect.
Just as Leo had spoken, an explosion was heard, followed by a muffled string of curses. Only Tony Stark could come up with those creative swear words, so at least there was proof that the guy was still alive. For now, at least. The group needed to get that soon.
"Alright, hold on! This is gonna get bumpy!" Percy shouted, steering the ship towards the sound of fighting.
He willed the vessel to move faster, and it, of course, obeyed. In his head, Percy was just thinking rush rush rush. They needed to get this fight out of the way and get to Annabeth right after. Percy was praying to any god that would listen for there to not be any more disruptions to their journey. He just had to be confident in his skills. He had done this before, so he knew what lay ahead of them.
And it was going to be a challenge.
Ω ♆ Ω
Tony would deny any claim of him being held in the mouth of a sea serpent by his leg. Cuz that didn't happen. Totally.
But if it did, then the rest of the questing group would have worked together to fend off the monster until they could get away. Percy would've used Riptide to stab the monster in the leg, while Jason flew up and used his gladius to cut open her eye. The rest of the group basically just put on a full-frontal assault until Scylla released their idiotic teammate. Leo blew some fire, Hazel manipulated the Mist so that the Avengers could all see it for what it was, Piper made it loosen its grip with her charmspeak, Frank and Clint released some well-placed arrows, Natasha fired some gunshots, and Steve sliced into it with his shield.
All in all, the thing realized quickly that it was outmatched.
Then, after Tony received a very stern reprimanding by Piper and Steve, the group carried on. They didn't have time to dilly-dally. Saving Annabeth was their top priority.
Ω ♆ Ω
"Let me go, you skatá!"* Annabeth screamed, kicking her captor in the knees.
She had been knocked out as soon as they had shadow traveled, so she hadn't woken up until an hour ago. When she had, her wrists and ankles had been shackled to a stone wall with imperial gold shackles. The terrorists had stepped up their game.
There was dim lighting, but from what she could figure out before, she was in a cave of some kind. They had completely cleared out the area around her, so there weren't any visible location markers. That is, until they moved her.
The people who had grabbed her were strong and bulky and covered in black. They had black combat suits with black ski masks covering their features. Stereotypically, Annabeth would've figured the goons to be stupid, but they kept her shackles on and put a sack over her head so they at least has someone smart on their team.
Annabeth was getting really sick of not knowing anything, though.
So that's where she found herself at the moment: as a "defenseless" hostage. It was quite comical, really. Did these idiots really think that she would go quiet?
She felt one of her kicks come into contact with a kneecap and heard a satisfying grunt of pain from one of the thugs. Good, she thought, I hope that hurt.
Then, she was thrown onto the cold, stone floor and forced to hold her head up. The whole situation was so stereotypical that she wanted to laugh. But then she also didn't want to come off as more psycho than her captors, so she kept it to herself.
"This is quite interesting," a voice said, "The prideful daughter of Athena, reduced to a simple mortal's hostage.
The sack on her head was yanked off, so Annabeth spat down at the man's feet, glaring at him with a burning hatred. Taking a quick survey of the room, Annabeth found that she was being held captive on Polyphemus' island. The room was the main room of his cave; the one where she, Percy, and Grover further blinded the cyclops.
"If you had actually gotten me on your own, it might have been impressive, but having to use monsters is just pathetic," she said.
The leader growled and kicked her in the jaw. It didn't have enough power to break it, but it did cause her to bite through her tongue.
Annabeth spit out the blood produced in her mouth, dirtying the man's shiny shoes. The guy would have to do a lot worse than that to scare her.
"Hmm... I like your spirit. It's going to be that much more fun when I break it," he hissed, kneeling down to her eye level.
"I hope you rot in Hades," is all Annabeth responded with.
The guy laughed. ACTUALLY laughed. So, he was a crazy sociopath hades-bent on tearing down the natural order of the universe, Annabeth decided, how nice.
Ω ♆ Ω
I kinda really love this and I hope you did too. Now, to get into some unasked political shit: Love is love. I like all genders, and I still don't want to see any of them practically having sex in front of me. So just, accept yourself and others for who they are and move on. Is that so hard? Happy pride month & happy Father's Day!!
- your author
PS Remember to comment, like, and reblog!
other chapters :)
Ω ♆ Ω
Bonus scene!
The group was spending time in the dining room of the ship when all of a sudden, Percy remembered something truly horrifying. Like, beyond disgusting!
“Oh, my gods! Guys!!!” he exclaimed.
Hazel rolled her eyes and said, “What, Percy?”
“Charybdis is my half-sister! Ew ew ew ew ew EW EW EW EW!!!” Percy shouted his answer.
Everyone simultaneously gagged.
(Inside, Steve was starting to get seriously concerned about these kids’ chaotic family.)
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platonic-prompts · 3 years
Okay, time for your daily dose of wattpad drama
There was a person who dropped a random spoiler into my comment section. It had nothing to do with the book or fandom. It was a random, unprompted spoiler with the name of the show attached to it. So I was like ‘hey, you know that’s a spoiler right”
And they said yes lol
You do realize you just could have spoiled a show I wanted to watch, right?
“What’s the big deal spoilers are inevitable? Several plot points for the shown are all over articles---” Etc
Anyway, this went on for a while, since I was trying to convince them it was a crappy thing to do, since I have my comments on so I can reply to questions about the story. If they had said, oh, sorry, that would’ve been the end of it. 
But no, no, that couldnt be the end of it. Time went on, and they twisted my words “Go ahead, call me an asshole to my face. I dont care”
Even though I never once called them that, instead referring to a kid I went to school with who spoiled endgame because he’s an asshole. More comments, and more of them acting like they’re not at fault, that people ‘don’t mind spoilers because they enjoy the shows more’ and ‘i didn’t know you watch the show’
I don’t but I was planning to and you spoiled a big plot point.
Anyway, time skip to this morning because I muted them and deleted the comments last night so I wouldn’t have to deal with them anymore. Now this is where the drama comes in. This person has a habit of, if they mute me i make a post about it.
Samples include: This person just came at me all posh and whatever cause I called their portrayal of Zoë Nightshade OOC. She was also OOC for no reason whatsoever. I get it if she's like that because of some background story or smt but not without reason. It just seems like a bad writer to me and they're just coming up with excuses.
So…aparrently I offended someone because of something petty. This Wattpad user muted me cause I did something they didn't like (pretty sure they're a 'she' cause her profile description said 'lesbian' but I'm not assuming). I was reading one of their books and saw something interesting that wasn't canon. Something about demigods having golden specks in their blood. I was confused and curious. So naturally, I asked a question. Then this user who took people questioning them to a whole new level, muted me! (In referral to a person who has stated that they don’t like it when people do so and to please refrain from doing so)
And there’s also another one, but they drop the username of a twelve year old because they muted them for calling what they do annoying. But I’m not showing that one because again, child.
How does this factor in? Well, my dear dear children
Lmao this person petty af. They muted me after I ACCIDENTALLY spoiled something that I didn't even consider as a spoiler since the fanfic was unrelated to what I was talking about. I felt no need to apologise because of this and they acting to serious like I've commited a crime. Just get over it. There are worse problems to deal with than spoilers. Why so triggered?
I was replying back with no emotion whatsoever. It's hilarious at how angry they are and how long their comments were. I didn't even bother reading them.
Let’s break this down piece by piece. It is not an accidental spoiler when you drop a major plot point into an unrelated piece of media along with the name of what its from. They admitted that they put the name in there because people might not understand it, but the people who wouldn’t understand it would be people who haven’t seen the show or aren’t up to that part yet. 
The equivalent to this would be going to a random BnHA fanfic on Ao3 and saying *SPOILER FOR THE BARTIMEUS TRILOGY* I just finished reading Bartimaus being forced out of Nathaniel’s mind so he wouldn’t die too, In Ptolomy’s Gate! and then the (girl’s name) summons him at the end and it was so sad. 
Even if it was an accidental spoiler, which  highly highly doubt considering they showed no surprise at it being a spoiler and literally said yes lol, it’s still a crappy thing to do. 
Next: No need to apologize. Really? I straight up said I was planning to watch the the show and that I had avoided spoilers for years so I could watch it blind. And then they proceed to say ‘I didn’t know you watched the show” which again, i have not and now never will because my enjoyment of closely serialized shows hinges on not knowing what happens next. Soap operas are boring for me, and downright cringe worthy because they repeat the same plot points again and again. But then when they throw in a new plot (Or victor decides to be a good grandparent) I find myself enjoying it. Only for that to be yanked away if someone were to say, oh yeah x goes to jail for murder and then y breaks them out and they go live on an island somewhere. 
Also their reason for not apologizing is because people are still mad at you afterwards, also that it doesn’t change anything, but I share that so first part only. People are no obligated to forgive you just because you apologize. Sorry doesn’t wipe away their emotions and free will. Even if you don’t mean it sorry shows that you recognize you did something wrong. (Although I fall into a pit where my sincere apologies seem insincere which is not fun for me)
Next: As for why I kept replying to them. Because they were acting like they did nothing wrong and pushed the blame onto me. I wasn’t acting like it was a crime, I was saying it was a crappy thing to do and maybe dont do it because you can ruin a piece of media for something. But oh no, now I’m triggered I guess. I guess having concern for other peoples enjoyment is a crime now, take me away officer.
Next point: So, if they didn’t bother reading my comments, how did they know I was ‘angry’ Oh, I know. Because they assumed I was getting upset after they shoved words in my mouth. I don’t really get angry. Upset, sure, but not really angry. And even better? Those long comments? less than 1000 characters. Characters, not words. Just because I’m trying to point out that they did something crappy, I’m an angry person. Also???? Replying with no emotion. No they weren’t. I get that tone doesn’t translate in text, but by god they were one of the most combatant and defensive people I’ve seen on wattpad.
Since I can’t see the activity that led to the other things on their message board i can’t say what happened there, but based off of my own experience with them, I’m assuming they’ve twisted the narrative to suit their own needs. Which by the way, can be insanely damaging
I’ve had enough interaction on my account with people, and enough A/Ns for people to get the general vibe i give off, so this probably won’t be much of a problem for me. But if they had dropped my username and I had like 10 followers? It’s a lot easier to trash a reputation than it is to build on. “Oh hey, I like a book by this person” “that persons a jerk didn’t you see that one post” 
People fall into a false sense of security that wattpad is sunshine and rainbows because its mostly young teens on it, but there are plenty of jerks who will twist your words and reactions to fit their needs.
Sorry for the long post, but I can’t reply to the message on their message board unless I want to implicate myself with either of my accounts. So you get this because otherwise my side of things is unknown to the world.
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big-bearded-cub · 3 years
Title: Just Friends
CHAPTER 2: The other friend
Jinwoo is now on his way to his class after having lunch with Daon. He is not used to have Daon around. His heart still pounds so fast when he’s with them. He feels butterflies and sometimes they could be vultures. Maybe? He still isn’t sure why he is feeling this way when he already accepted the fact that they’re just friends. It’s been months since Daon told Jinwoo that. Jinwoo had multiple heartaches but this one must be very difficult for him because they see often. He can’t really get away from the likes of Shin Daon. They’re fate is intertwined. He is bound to be in this heartache. He is doomed and wouldn’t really know what to do unless he moves on. His been spacing out while he was walking. He is really out of the moment right now. It’s kind of windy today than usual. The cool breeze of the wind is making everybody else chill.
“Daon-a, are you dating Jinwoo-ssi from statistics?”, Marcus asked him. Marcus is one of the foreign students. He is an American but because he was quite naughty, he was brought to Korea by his father who is working in a multinational firm. Marcus is a tall Caucasian guy with good features. He is fair but because he goes diving, he is tanner than usual. He likes the ocean. He is studying Marine Biology. Mostly for fun. “Jinwoo? No, we are not dating.”, Daon closed his book and had a sipped on his iced coffee. “But why are you always together? People are always talking about you. I’m cool with homosexual relationships. Love wins bro but I’m just irritated with other people are talking about you.” Daon looked at him and smiled. “We are just friends, like what I’ve said to you earlier. Secondly, I don’t mind other people’s comments about my life.” Marcus being curious as always asked again, “But why are you always together?”. He is bored and he want some information. “Our families are friends. My fathers are working on a project together. He has only a few friends in Korea. I’m just taking care of him just as his mom asked me to do.” Daon being talkative is unusual, but he has always been warm towards others. Marcus just nodded and continued scrolling on his phone.
Jinwoo is already near his classroom, but he is still spacing out. “Jinwoo-shi, someone is looking for you. He’s actually in the classroom.”, one of his classmates came to Jinwoo while he was approaching his classroom. Jinwoo snapped out of his spacing out and nodded to his classmate. “Who could this be?”, Jinwoo was wondering who this could be knowing that he doesn’t have as many friends in Korea. *Chatter* *more chatter*. “He is such a pretty guy.”, one of her girl classmates whispered. “Yes, he really looks handsome. I think he is half Korean and half American or something like that.”, the other girl whispered. “I heard he was looking for…”, before the other girl even finished talking the guy exclaimed. “Jamie!”, the tall masculine guy about 6’2 ft, blurted out a name. He was looking at Jinwoo. Jinwoo was shook. This guy with hazel brown eyes dressed casually yet still looks like a god or maybe a demigod called Jinwoo’s American name. “Jaime, I came here to see you. Can we talk?”. The whole class was bewildered about this guy. Jinwoo hurriedly went to him. “Se-Seb, let’s talk after my class. You can wait for me outside.” Jinwoo whispering to him because of embarrassment.
End of Chapter 2 Note 1: This is a fanfic if ever Daon will have his love life during his college years. Note 2: I am a frustrated writer. Note 3: Stay Hydrated. Note 4: Probably won’t finish this. Note 5: I know this is boring and slow paced. Note 6: Prologue and Chapter 1 (CLICK HERE) Note 7: Chapter 3: (CLICK HERE) Note 8: Wattpad Ver. (CLICK HERE)
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Main Character (I)
(GIFS aren’t mine)
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Origin of the Star🌟
It was told in mythology that Apollo had loved all nine muses but was unable to marry them all and had remained unwed.
There were nine muses; Clio, Euterpe, Thalia, Melpomeni, Terpsichore, Erato, Polymnia, Ourania and Calliope
They were the children of a mortal woman, Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, and the God Zeus. It was said that the god had slept with this woman for nine consecutive nights and so the result of this was the muses.
Clio was the muse which discovered history and guitar. She had been depicted through out history as holding a book in her left hand and a clarion in her right hand.
Euterpe had discovered several musical instruments, courses and dialectic. She had been depicted holding a flute while surrounded by many instruments.
Thalia was the protector of comedy and symposiums. She had discovered comedy, geometry, architectural science and agriculture. She had depicted holding a theatrical comedy mask.
Melpomene was the opposite of Thalia. She was the protector of tragedy. She invented tragedy, rhetoric speech and Melos. She was depicted holding a tragedy mask and was usually bearing a bat.
Terpsichore was the protector of dance. She had invented dances, the harp and education. She had gotten her name due to her enjoying and having fun with dancing. She was depicted wearing laurels on her head, holding a harp and dancing.
Erato was the protector of Love and love poetry. Her name came from the greek word 'Eros' which refers to the feeling of falling in love. She was depicted holding a lyre and love arrows and bows. The goddess Aphrodite would sometimes be spotted in the depictions of the muses and this may have been why. A goddess of love and a muse who devotes her time to love and love poetry would have a lot in come and explains the fondness the Goddess of love would have for her.
Polymnia was the protector of the divine hymns and mimic art. She invented geometry and grammar. She was depicted looking up at the sky and holding a lyre.
Ourania was the protector of the celestial objects and stars. She had invented astronomy. She was always depicted bearing stars, a celestial sphere and a bow compass.
Calliope was the superior muse. She was accompanying kings and princes in order to impose justice and serenity. She was the protector of heroic poems and rhetoric arts. She had been depicted holding laurels in one hand and two homeric poems in the other hand as it was said that Homer had asked Calliope to inspire him while writing Iliad and odyssey.
The muses had taken to the God Apollo as he himself was a man devoted to his domains and so they learnt and devoted themselves to their respected areas of literature or art, whilst still giving praise to Zeus.
Apollo was the God of many things. All though many associate him with the sun -even though the original sun god was the titan Helios but everyone forgot about him- Apollo was also the God of archery, music, art, prophecy, plague and healing.
These women had followed Apollo around and sang, and danced joyfully as he wandered through the beauty of nature on Mount Helicon where they lived and worshiped. It had been where they had defeated the Pierides who had challenged the muses in a contest, and then had been transformed into singing birds as punishment for challenging the immortals. This was a sacred mountain for these muses and having Apollo there was something which became a regular thing as these were basically his protégées.
They had spent a lot of time together and having spent so much time together had caused feelings to develop...especially since he was basically someone that shared the same divinities and domains as each of them.
But because he could not marry them all, he remained unwed...
but that didn't stop them from producing off springs.
There was Orpheus, son of Calliope. He had inherited a lyre from his father, which Apollo taught him to play and was surprised at how well he had played it. It was said that nothing could resist his music and melody.
Linus. Son of Ourania. He had inherited the domain of music and was also a master of eloquent speech. He was regarded as the leader of lyric song.
the Corybantes were the sons of Thalia. They had inherited dance as a divinity but there type of dance was said to be wild and claimed to have powers of healing mental disorders. They were thought to be medicine men of ancient times and were credited with the invention of the drums as their dancing rituals involved drumming and dancing when worshipping the Phrygian goddess Cybele.
And finally the baby of the group, Astra.
She was the daughter of Apollo and Ourania. She had inherited the domain of the stars from her mother and the domain of light, music and truth from her father. She also inherited the girly of foresight through the stars, which allowed her to see through out the universe but it was still new to her and she sometimes did not feel the need to use it.
With Astra being the only child which had not rivaled her father or others, and the only female child, she had been treated differently and so lived differently.... mainly because she out lived most of her siblings.
The family was dysfunctional and had its fair share  of tragedy.
Linus was killed by Apollo. He had almost been killed by Hercules after correcting the demigod and repeatedly reprimanded him for making errors and punished him with rods. Hercules almost killed him in a rage but it was Apollo who killed him out of jealousy.
Orpheus was so sad after having lost his love, Eurydice, that he begged for his death since he could not visit Hades a second time to see his beloved, unless he was dead. He had been struck by Zeus once he found out the young god was spreading his knowledge of the underworld to humans.
That was a warning.
It was his talent which killed him.
Through his alluring music, he attracted beasts and was torn apart.
In contrast to these tragedies, you had the Corybantes who had left their parents and continued with their rituals else where but traveled back to the sacred mountain every so often. They would have memorial celebrations for their deceased siblings.
Family was family.
This one was just a tad bit messed up but it's only mythology, right?
The time had come for these gods and goddesses to come to light again. No one was expecting it to happen this way but it did and it changed everything.
Hi. I'm just establishing backgrounds and then it'll get good...hopefully 🥴🥴
Hopefully I’m not offending anyone with how I’m portraying those of the Greek mythology. I’m going based off of various sites and used the most consistent details of those mentioned.
You can image whoever as the muses and Astra. I’ll make a face claim post soon enough.
I've posted this to my wattpad but since that’s seeming to have issues, wanted to share it on here and see what other think.
Hope you’ll like it :))
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deadcorvid · 4 years
I feel as if I have fallen into an alternate universe. I could have sworn that it wasn't Celestial Bronze. I would have given you all that I have ever owned, and the absolute certainty that if some came up to me and ask what the material of Percy Jackson's sword is, my answer would not have been Celestial Bronze! My brain has lied to me! I am a F o o l! Ever sense I had to the first book of the PJO series in 6th grade, and the slightly obsessive spiral that led me to read each of Uncle Rick's books linked to it(except The Trials of Apollo, but all the rest), I N E V E R read it as "Celestial Bronze"! Not once! Like wtf dude! Everytime, without fail, I have read it as Crystal Bronze. From The Lighning Thief to The Blood of Olympus, and everytime its mentioned in The Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard! The Demigod Files, The Demigod Diaries, Demigods & Magicians, The Son of Sobek, The Staff of Serapis, the Crown of Ptolemy, all of it!
And do you want to know how I figured it out?!
I was rereading A Prophecy of Two Boys by smartiepants007 on wattpad(which is great, by the way, which is the reason I was re reading it, it is a Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover, wbwl, they have a twin brother named Charles, and they are Twin soul) and on chapter 24, they are talking to Chiron about riptide and I had to read the same word twice and look it up to realize that I was wrong, and it was not, in fact, Crystal Bronze.
When I looked it up, my answer, which was, indeed, 'Celestial Bronze', stared up at me and screamed "AM I WRONG?!ArE yOu GoInG tO lOoK aT mE aNd TeLl Me ThAt I'm WrOnG?!?"
I am angry and unamused.
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musiciislife25 · 4 years
Solangelo Oneshot
Nico was looking out the window as the car drove past signs and buildings. He was trying not to fall asleep because of all the nightmares he was having. Plus, Will Solace was sitting right next to him. He didn't want anyone to be bothered by him, so he sat close to the window. The son of Hades tried to stay up for the last two hours of the ride, but he gave up and went into a deep sleep.
Will, who was reading while stealing glances at Nico, felt a head fall on his shoulder and almost squealed when he say who it was. He became very stiff, and tried not to move, as to not wake Nico up. Leo, who was right next to Will, looked over to see what happened and almost burst out laughing at how red Will's face is. Will was glaring daggers at the smaller male, trying not to yell at him to be quiet. Percy looked back to see what was happening, and let's just say Piper had to charmspeak him and Leo to be quiet.
Will sighed and thanked Piper for shutting both Percy and Leo up. He looked over towards Nico, who was still asleep, and carefully moved his head from his shoulder, to his lap. Luckily, Nico didn't make any sign to show he was awake, so Will started to stroke his hair. "You know, you should just ask him out already." Annabeth said from the drivers seat. "I-I would, but I doubt he feels the same way." Will said, looking at Nico sadly.
Annabeth sighed, knowing the two of them were to shy and nervous to confess to each other. "I'm going to warn you right now, so listen very carefully." Leo started to tell Will. "A lot of people are going to try to get you and Nico together, so be careful of everyone's shenanigans." He finished his warning. "How exactly do you know that?" Will asked, somewhat scared of Leo's answer. "They did it with me and Calypso, even though we were already dating." Leo said, looking at Will with pity in his eyes.
'How bad could they be to make Leo scared?' Will thought to himself, starting to get worried. He looked down at Nico, and noticed he was shivering. Silently he pulled Nico closer to him, running his fingers threw Nico's hair. By the time they got to Camp Jupiter it was late at night. Surprisingly only two of them, besides Nico, had fallen asleep.
Jason and Leo sighed as they got out of the car and picked up their respective girlfriends. Piper slightly shifted when Jason picked her up, while Calypso just tried to get closer to Leo. Will looked down at Nico, who was still on his lap, and carefully picked him up, and carried him out of the car. Once he was out of the car, he sat Nico down. "Hey Neeks? Wake up. We're at Camp Jupiter." Will said, gently shaking Nico, to try and wake him up.
"No." Nico groaned, clearly not wanting to get up. Will sighed and kept trying to get him up. The whole time Nico was refusing to get up because he was so tired from not sleeping. "Fine, you leave me no choice but to carry you." Will said, making Nico somewhat blush and tense. "Fine, I'm up." He grumbled reluctantly. Will smiled, knowing he won.
"C'mon death breath, let's get you into a bed." Will said. "At least take me to dinner before trying to get me in bed with you." Nico said without thinking, but blushed really hard when he realized what he said. Will was a blushing mess because of what Nico had said. "Well I guess I'll have to take you out when we have free time then." Will said, quickly recovering from what Nico had said earlier. "I, uh, um. I-I don't know what to say." Nico stuttered out.
Will laughed at how cute Nico was when he stuttered. Nico slightly looked at Will, and blushed at how amazing he is. "Anyways, let's go and find the others." Will said, getting up and reaching his hand out to help Nico up. "Yeah, let's do that." Nico said, taking Will's hand. As they were walking, they noticed Percy sneaking behind them.
"Percy, what are you doing?" Will said, getting annoyed by the son Poseidon. "I-I, um, I was looking for you two!" He lied. Will and Nico looked at each other, then looked towards Percy with a look along the lines of 'You really think we're going to believe that'. "Okay, Jason told me to spy on you!" Percy said, quickly running away. Will was confused, while Nico sighed.
"Y'know I'd rather not know what they're up to." Will said, wanting to hug the smaller male. Nico nodded in agreement with Will, slowly moving close to him. "NICO!" They heard an excited voice yell. Suddenly Nico was on the ground with Hazel hugging him. Will tried not to laugh, but he couldn't help it. After he was done laughing, he smiled at the siblings.
Will looked behind him and noticed a worried Frank coming to get Hazel. "I thought I told you to not jump on him when you saw him." Frank said, hoping he wouldn't have to talk common sense into his group of friends. "Sorry." Hazel said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "It's fine." Nico said, getting up. As they were all talking, Reyna walked up to them.
"Hello Nico, Will." She said, making Nico, Frank, and Hazel jump. "Oh my gods. Reyna you shouldn't just sneak up on someone like that!" Hazel said, hand on her heart. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that you three didn't notice me." She said. Frank was confused as to why she said three. "What do you mean by three? There are four of us." Frank said.
"Oh, Will had saw me walking up, so I thought you knew I was behind you." Reyna answered. They all faced Will, who was staring in another direction. "Will, what's wrong?" Hazel asked, worried as to why he kept staring at one spot. "Percy and Jason are spying on us." He said, looking annoyed. They all just nodded their head in understanding.
They were all targeted by Percy and Jason when they said they liked someone. Frank with Hazel, and Reyna with Thalia. Nico knew this because he's seen it done before. "Well, I'm tired so where can we sleep?" Will asked, this being the second time he's visited New Rome. "Follow me, and I'll show you." Reyna said.
Once they got to their rooms/bunks, Nico and Will immediately went to a bed. Nico was somewhat scared to go to sleep. He didn't want to start having nightmares about Tartarus again. "Night Neeks." Will said. "Night Will." Nico said, smiling at the nickname will called him.
Nico had hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares about Tartarus, but he isn't very lucky. He woke up later that night in a cold sweat, crying. He felt someone beside him, so he tried to look away so whoever it was wouldn't see him crying. "Neeks? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about what you were dreaming?" Will kept asking, making Nico want to curl up and hide. "D-did I wake you up?" He asked, ignoring Will's questions.
"I heard you scream, so I got up to see if you were okay." Will said, picking Nico up and placing him on his lap. Nico blushed when he did this, but he held onto the others shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" Will asked again. "I-I had another nightmare about when I was in Tartarus." Nico said, burying his head in the others neck. Will slowly wrapped his arms around Nico, giving him a hug to try and calm him down.
"Have you calmed down enough to go back to sleep?" Will asked. "Um, I think so." Nico said, not letting go of him. "Alright then, is it okay if go back to my own bed? Cause I'm pretty sure Reyna, Jason, and Percy would kill me if they found us in the same bed together." Will said, sweat dropping at what would happen if someone walked in with no context of what happened that night. "Can you stay with me. You help calm me down." Nico told him, not really realizing what he said. "Um, okay then." Will said, blushing really hard now.
Will laid Nico back down on the bed, and soon got in with him. After they did that, Nico didn't have anymore dreams of Tartarus that night. When they woke up, they were both blushing. They woke up cuddling each other when Piper walked in and awed loud enough to wake them up. Piper was lucky enough to get a picture of them before they woke up.
"Just confess to each other already." She said as she walked out. They both blushed even harder after she said that. "Well, I guess her and Annabeth are right." Will started to say. "Wait, what do you mean?" Nico asked, really confused about what's happening. "Nico, I've liked you for awhile now, and I was wondering if you'd want to be my boyfriend." Will said, getting ready to be rejected.
"Of course I'll be you're boyfriend, you dork!" Nico said, hugging Will as tight as he could. Will was somewhat surprised, but hugged him back. After they separated, Will pecked Nico on the lips, and they started to walk to their friends. Will had his arm around Nico's shoulders, while Nico had his head resting on Will's shoulder. After that, they were as happy as life as a demigod could get.
Okay, so here’s the thing, this is MY story. I put the link to the Wattpad book I made it in as the source. I got the ideas from headcannons I saw on Pinterest. I honestly don’t mind taking requests on what to write, so if you request something I know of then I’ll most likely make it. Also, constructive criticism is welcome, just please don’t say anything about how I used the word ‘said’ to much. I know I did, but I honestly could careless about it.
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toutorii · 4 years
Broken Pieces: Chapter 1
Okay so when I started this blog, I thought, “Oh I’ll just reblog a bunch of things, post some art and maybe some fanfics.” And I realized that I haven’t published any fanfics yet... oops. SO. This is the first chapter of my Percy Jackson OC insert story, its my first writing piece like this, so criticism is greatly appreciated! And let me know what you guys think. You can also check out the second chapter on Wattpad. Just look up Broken Pieces or my name, TouTorii! And if you want to be put on the taglist, just ask! Anyways, without further to do... I hope you guys enjoy!
Disclaimor: I don’t own any of the characters in this story other than Phoebe, Rick Riordan owns most of the plot and all the other characters.
Warnings: Some Language, terrible grammar, and spelling errors.
Broken Pieces Masterlist
Pain flooded my senses. The weapon impaled my gut, right below my heart. It took all of my remaining strength to look at the man I once considered my brother and choke out, "Gods damn it. Fight." And that's when numbness took over my body and the darkness flooded my eyesight.
I woke with a start, my breathing was labored. It was dark, but not pitch black like my dream. I sat up and scanned my surroundings. Dozens of demigods were packed in the little Hermes cabin. Mostly undetermined stayed here. I grabbed my dagger and slipped out of the cabin. It was about three hours until breakfast so I walked to the tree on the hill. Even though bloodshed and horrors have seen this camp, it had an amazing view. I dont know how long I sat there, it could have been hours, it could have been a couple of minutes. But after awhile I heard footsteps approaching me. I turned my head to be greeted by Connor Stoll. He has a lopsided smile plastered onto his tan face. He wordlessly sat down next to me. We sat in comfortable silence, until he broke it, saying,
"What's wrong?"
"And I'm the queen of England."
"Yep, I know you are."
I sighed and closed my eyes.
"How'd you know somethings wrong?" I asked.
"You're wearing your baby blanket."
I looked down, sure enough, it was wrapped around my shoulders. When did I do that?
"The only time you wear it is when you're upset, so please, tell me whats w-"
"I had the dream again." I said. He looked up.
"The one where you.... You know.."
"Did you see who stabbed you?"
"No." That was a lie.
"Well, are you okay?"
"Yeah." Another lie.
He looked at me with worry plastered on his face. He saw right through my facade. Just like he always did. But instead of saying anything he just engulfed me in a hug. I clung to his shirt like my life depended on it. Tears threatened to break through but I shoved the feeling down. We stayed like that until breakfast. That's when we got up and walked to the dining pavilion.
When Breakfast was over we all went to do our daily training. Everything was normal. No one trying to kill me, no one trying to kill each other, all was going great. The Hermes cabin was currently sparring. I was paired up with Luke Castellan, my cabin leader. We were even for the most part, both getting in hits every once in awhile. But eventually I disarmed him and took the victory.
"You did good, but not as good as me, Luke." I said as I helped him up.
"I wish I could slap that smirk off of your face right now." He grumbled.
"You still love me though." I said with a wink. He blushed and said something incoherent.
"You gotta speak up pretty boy." He mumbled something again.
"I said, you wish." He finally said at a normal volume.
I mocked offense and put a hand on my chest.
"How dare you! I am loved by everyone and almost everything!" I said with the utmost confidence.
"I have to disagree with that!" I heard Connor yell while he was sparring against Travis.
"I could whip your ass too." I yelled at him.
"Kinky!" He slyly smirked.
"Connor! There are children!"
"Says the chick who said ass.''
When I turned around, I was met with Luke red in the face from laughing.
"Shut up."
"I never said anything."
He raised his sword toward me and said, "I declare a rematch."
"Sure your knighthood." I said with a bow. And we went at it again.
It was late at night, a storm raged around camp.
"Who the hell ticked off the drama queen?" Thunder boomed louder, I decided to stop before Zeus incinerated me. I was just outside the border getting soaked in the rain when I turned around and saw a horrific sight. A child was fighting a giant bull while someone else was knocked out cold. When did they get here? How could I be so blind?The wind and rain was deafening, but I ran and tried to make my way over there. But before I could help, the little kid stabbed the Minotaur and it evaporated. The kid nearly passed out so I ran to grab them before they hurt themselves even more.
"Just hold on kid." I said. They looked confused but let me carry them passed the border.
"Grover..." The kid said. I was confused, Grover? Then it clicked, this is the kid that Chiron was watching at Yancy. I turned around and saw Grover covered in mud. I picked him up and carried them both to the border. I saw Chiron and Annie come with worried looks.
"Is this him? The one from the p-" Annie started.
"Not now Annabeth, he is still awake." Chiron reprimanded. That's when I looked over where the kid was and saw that he was passed out on my shoulder. I scanned his face, seeing cuts and bruises from the battle. He couldn't have been more than 12.
Jesus, 12 and fighting for his life. How long had he known about the life? This world? I picked him up and carried him to the infirmary. After I had seen to stitching up his deep cuts and applying bandages and healing salves, I sat down and kept an eye on him.
"Bull baby, of all the monsters to send after an innocent kid."
"How do you know he's innocent?" I jumped, unaware of Annie being in the room.
"Because, I have a gut feeling, and I've learned to trust my gut."
"That's so stupid." I chuckled. Annie got red in the face, "Well it is! Using your brain is much more efficient."
"So you're telling me that you ignore your instincts on the battlefield?" I inquired.
"Well I- I mean- I just- Shut up!" That made me burst into another fit of laughter. But Annie had a scowl on her face showing she did not appreciate my teasing.
"Aw come on, Annie."
"Are you really mad at this amazing beautiful specimen?"
"Okay, I guess you don't want to read any more of my dad’s architecture books.” 
"What?! No! I'm not mad!"
I laughed, and eventually so did she. It was rare to see a smile on her face, especially after Luke got his quest. The poor girl couldn't get a break. She had been here a long time, not as long as I have, but still a long time. She just wants to prove she's worthy of being a daughter of Athena.
"mom. .. . ." The kid groaned quietly. I whipped my head around and immediately grabbed his hand, so he could have something to ground himself with if needed. He opened his eyes and oh my gods, they were like the ocean.
But the pact.
I swear they're more horny than a teenager.
That's why this kid is attracting so many monsters.
Not just because of Hades.
But because of his parent.
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disoriented-writer · 5 years
Wip introduction: Chained (a PJO/HOO fanfiction)
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"Percy Jackson signed documents and wrote letters everyday for as long as he could remember, which made him feel more like a secretary than a prince. The peaceful island of Hali was shaken by a gruesome assault and, while Percy fled to New York, his mother had to stay behind. Even though he would do anything to save her, he can't help but feel excited to be a normal teenager and have some fun for a change. Little did he know that government agent Athena Oliver has chosen an unlikely spy to make sure he stays out of trouble, her own daughter, Annabeth Chase.
The two can't seem to get along, but when a war threatens to break out in the Gods Archipelago they'll have to chose between working together and disobeying all authority, or watching as their whole world crumbles around them."
This is a Mortals AU (no demigods).
This story doesn't contain spoilers, therefore it can be read by people who haven't read the books. There are references, but the fact that you don't understand them doesn't make the story less enjoyable.
The title of the story can be changed in the future when I finish writing it.
Warnings: swearing, fight scenes.
Ships: Percabeth, Jasper, Frazel, Solangelo, Caleo, Juniper/Grover, Paul/Sally.
Stage: First draft.
Where can I read it? I will publish it on my Wattpad account here.
WIP page: @chained-pjo-fanfic
Thank you for reading! If you want to stay updated, ask to be added on the tag list.
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a-fluffer-nutter · 7 years
So Idk if you’ve read the new trials of Apollo book yet, but I LOVE IT a lot and now I can’t stop thinking of more tickle scenarios in my head! So I decided to write another fic for it instead.
Link to the original on my Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/425704849-the-human-experience-reunited
This story takes place just before the end of the second book, so MAJOR SPOILERS for those of you who haven’t finished yet. After the battle with Commodus at Waystation, Apollo can’t catch a wink of sleep. So what better way to pass time then by researching the third oracle? But, of course, now that Meg is back, Apollo can’t seem to find anywhere to worry about the future in peace. Meg ends up taking it upon herself to make Apollo laugh and forget for a few moments about what’s to come. Hope you guys like it! 🤗
Its been a long day Some peace is all I ask for, Meg’s not about it
You know, after a day like today you’d think that anybody would be able to sleep for a week, but for some reason everyone at Waystation was wide awake, including me. Despite us all being exhausted and beaten, no one seemed to be able to get some shut eye, so most people where out and about Waystation. Leo and Calypso were spending some quality time together in the main room, going over their plans for Leo’s future trip to camp Jupiter, Emmie was with Georgina, trying to put her to sleep, and Jo was cleaning whatever she could to keep herself occupied. The warriors from the battle that were staying at Waystation were either in their assigned dorms, or talking and sitting in the halls or the main room near the kitchen.
Then there was me. I had a lot to think about, and those thought gave me no time for sleeping. No only had I forced myself to endure some of the pain that Meg went through today, I had faced my Ex, Commodus. So yeah, there was a lot going on in my head.
On top of all the stress this dreadful day had brought, the third oracle still remained a mystery. So, because I wasn’t going to sleep anyway, I decided to do a little research in the Waystation library. So far, not much had been learned. I’d read as manny scrolls about the oracles as I could, and nothing. Not even so much as a general location we could start looking.
After reaching the 23rd scroll I’d found, I heard someone approach me.
“You can’t sleep either?” I heard the voice of Meg say.
Without turning towards her, I said, “no, despite feeling like I haven’t slept in weeks.”
She decided to pull up a chair next to me.
“What you reading?” She asked.
“A scroll.” I responded dryly.
She groaned at me. “You know what I mean.”
“It’s just some stuff about oracles. I haven’t found anything about our third oracle.”
I felt her glance over my shoulder. Ugh! I hate over the shoulder readers.
“Hey, this is in Greek!” I heard her shout.
“Yes, what did you expect?”
“I was just wondering why I’m able to understand it. I’ve never learned Greek before. I can hardly read English.”
I could only sigh. I’d thought Chiron had been over this with her.
“Your brain is wired to read Greek. You are a demigod after all.”
“How?” She asked.
“I don’t know!” I shouted. “Can I just read?”
After a few seconds of somewhat awkward, yet relieving silence, I felt her angrily glancing at me. Suddenly, I felt a poke at my ribs. She seemed to have a habit of doing that.
“What? What is it?”
“You’re just being grumpy.” She stated. “I don’t like it.”
I attempted to return back to reading, (not that I ways reading anything that would really help us) when she poked me again, this time closer to my hip. I gave out a quick yelp as my body flinched. I looked over and saw that Meg was staring at me with wide eyes.
“Apollo?” She asked.
“What was that?”
“What was what?” I said a bit to quickly.
She decided to poke me again, and I flinched away from her touch. As realization struck her, I saw a grin start to spread across her face.
“The great Apollo is ticklish?” She exclaimed.
“Um- I um… maybe.” I shuddered.
As I fearfully looked at her, her smirk grew and she started wiggling her fingers towards me.
“M-Meg, no.” I said as convincingly as I could. Which right now, probably didn’t sound vary convincing. “I’ve gone through this before, I know where this is going.”
“Wait, you’ve been tickled before?” She said in disbelief. “And I missed it? When was this?”
“Um, camp half-blood, just after you, uh, left.”
“Well, it’s time that I found out about what I’ve been missing out on!”
Oh gods
I decided to do the thing anyone with a little bit of common scenes would do in a situation like this. I ran. As I bolted out the doors of the library, I heard Meg calling out behind me, “you can run, but you can’t hide, Apollo.”
Despite her not even being near me, I found myself giggling hysterically as I heard her running after me. I felt a sort of rush of adrenaline as I hoped the Waystation would lead me to where I needed to be, and not block me off to face the threat chasing after me.
Luckily, a hallway opened up, and I rushed through it. In the hallway we’re warriors who weren’t able to sleep. They stoped what they were doing to stare at me as I ran away. Embarrassed as I was, I could stop my running or giggling.
Another passage opened up, so I took it. It lead me right inside the main room connected to the kitchen, right where most of the people were. Like in the hallways, everyone in the room stopped and stared at me. Leo and Calypso, who were probably still in the middle of their important discussion, glanced over at me.
“Um, Apollo?” Asked Leo. “You okay? You look like you’ve been running.”
I heard the sound of footsteps behind me.
“Got you.” Said Meg.
I quickly screeched as I ran over to Jo, who was carrying around a duster. I quickly ran behind her, a goofy grin still on my face.
“Help!” I giggled. “Megs trying to get me.”
“Get you?” Jo responded.
“Jo can’t help you forever, Apollo.” Teased Meg. “The tickle monster is still going to get you.”
“Wait, tickle monster?” Asked Jo. “You’re ticklish?”
“Long story, Zeus is mean!” I quickly explained.
Just then, Meg started running around her, trying to get me again.
“EEP! NO!” I shouted.
We started doing circles around Jo as everyone else now had there full attention on us. Eventually, Meg changed direction and I almost ran right into her. Curse that trick! Gets me every time! Instead of running into her though, I narrowly dodged her and made a beeline to the couch where Leo and Calypso were sitting. Instead of offering me their help like I was hopping they would, they decided to pull me onto the couch. They held both my arms so that I couldn’t get away. As I struggled and kicked my legs, Meg approached us.
“Thanks guys!” She exclaimed. “I thought it would take forever for me to catch him.”
“Yeah, we’ve kind of done this before,” said Leo. “We decided to save you some time.”
“You’ve done this before?” She asked. “Where’s he ticklish?” As she asked she climbed on the couch and positioned herself above me.
“He’s ticklish pretty much everywhere,” Calypso chimed in. “But we’ve found that his tummy is the worst.”
“M-Meg, think about this.” I pleaded.
“Oh, I’ve thought about it alright,” she responded, “and I’ve thought about how grumpy you’ve been tonight. You could use a laugh.”
She started wiggling her fingers towards me, and I started giggling even more.
“Oh come on Apollo,” she teased. “I haven’t even started to tickle you yet!”
At that she started her assault. She squeezed my sides and I bursted out laughing. She continued kneading at my sides, going down and back up, keeping me flinching away from the touch. People around the room were laughing along with me, some in disbelief, some out of being flustered. During all this, Meg decided to test other spots. “Hey Apollo?” She asked as she briefly stopped.
“Whahahat is it?” I asked, still trying to catch my breath.
“All your ribs are still there, right? After a battle like today’s, I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost one.”
“What are you going on about?”
“I just want to make sure all your ribs are there. We better count them. Let’s see, one.” As she said ‘one’ she began poking at my rib, being sure to not be too rough, but still firm enough to tickle the daylights out of me.
“Apollo! Stop squirming around! Now I’ve lost count! I’ll have to start all over again.”
“NOHOHOH!” I continued to squirm against my attacker and the helpers keeping me down. Of course, she started over again, counting and kneading at my ribs.
After what seemed like forever, she finally gave up counting and just continued tickling. I was starting to lose my breath again when she let up for another quick break.
“Okay, your ribs seem good after all.”
“I *huff* hate you.”
“But you’ve still got this attitude problem, and there’s only one cure for that.”
“Uh, what?” I was hoping it didn’t involve any more tickling.
“We’ll just have to turn your giggle box upside down.”
“What does that even mean?” I shouted.
“Well, I think that your giggle box is in your tummy, so I’m just going to have to flip it upside down.”
Of course, I knew she meant more tickling. And this time on my worst spot. She began lightly spidering on my stomach, sending me into another fit of giggles, and when I least expected it, her hands suddenly pressed into my stomach and began vibrating. I jolted up and began howling with laughter. At this point the snorting also started, making everyone else in the room begin laughing even more.
I looked over to Jo, tears beginning to stream down my face.
“PLEASE! HEHEHEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!” I wasn’t able to say anymore, because just then Meg blew a raspberry into my belly, right on the navel.
I heard Jo lightly laugh as she approached us.
“Okay now,” she said. “I think the all mighty Apollo has had enough.”
Meg gave her a disappointed pout, but finally gave in.
“Okay, fine.” She finally got off of me, and Leo and Calypso released my arms as I collapsed to the floor.
“Thank you.” I said, still panting and giggling.
“Did I turn your giggle box upside down?” Asked Meg.
I continued giggling as I felt a buzzing sensation in my belly. “Yehehehes, you dihihid.”
“Well my work is done then,” she laughed as she exited the room, probably headed back to her assigned dorm. As she was walking out, Emmie passed by her, starring out at the room.
“What’s with all the commotion?” She asked.
“Apollo just got tickled half to death by Meg,” Leo answered. “We might have helped out.”
She shook her head as she looked at me, still a puddle of giggles on the floor. There were other warriors in the room who decided to have some fun of their own, and were now tickling each other.
“Alright everyone,” Emmie called out. “We should all be getting some sleep. I want everyone going back to there assigned dorms.”
Everyone obeyed, and soon the room was almost empty.
“Night Apollo,” Called Calypso.
“Yeah, and sorry about tickling you to death,” Leo added.
Once the room was empty, Emmie stared down at me. “You need sleep too Apollo.”
“To tired,” I wined. “Can’t move.”
Emmie softly laughed as she looked down at me.
“Jo, do you mind getting Apollo back to his room?”
“I’m on it,” she responded. She walked over to me and picked me up. Cradling me in her arms, she carried me back to my dorm.
“Thanks,” I said. Jo only smiled and kept walking. When we finally got back to the room, she laid me down in bead and pulled up the covers. If this were a different scenario, I would probably be embarrassed, having been treated like a small child. But now, Jo’s act of kindness felt motherly and comforting. I couldn’t help but feel grateful for it. Plus I was still to tired to do anything.
“I still can’t believe you’re Apollo,” she said.
“I know,” I responded. “I can’t believe it either.”
Jo just smiled at me, then turned out the light.
“Good night, Apollo.” She said as she slowly shut the door.
Yep, it really was great to be reunited with Meg. She might drive me crazy, but she’s helped me feel what it’s like to be human. And this human experience really isn’t that bad, as long as she’s with me.
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greekgeek21 · 4 years
The Codependency Competition Ch.5
Well, it wasn't EXACTLY a day, but close enough. I, not unlike you, can't seem to stop thinking about this story. It's like when you get a good book, and you can't put it down. Well, now I can't stop writing this story. Also, I'm sorry if these chapters aren't that long, I just go with what comes to me in the moment, and sometimes that isn't that much. Plus, most of the time I'm writing at 2 in the morning, so...yeah.
Reminder, this is also on Wattpad, Ao3, FF, and Inkitt! Happy reading and stay safe!
– your author
"Yes, and you're Mike, Chloe, and Jack. Percy's friends," Annabeth smiled at them, "I'm Annabeth."
Percy was still in a state of shock. He couldn't even form coherent words! All that was running through his mind was Annabeth, here, friends, here, Annabeth here...
It was on a continuous loop.
"Yes, we are. So then why are YOU here?" Chloe demanded, giving Annabeth her best glare (which compared to Annabeth's was nothing).
"Well, I think Percy can explain that for you just fine!" Annabeth exclaimed with mock-enthusiasm.
Everyone shifted their gazes to the demigod in question, but all he could do was open and close his mouth like a fish. Annabeth had to stifle a snort at the sight. Her boyfriend seemed to be stuck. Looks like her payback is going just according to plan!
"Percy?" Mike asked his friend, furrowing his eyebrows.
That one word somehow struck him out of his stupor, and he instantly said, "It isn't what it looks like!"
Chloe raised her eyebrows at that, "So there isn't a girl, who is rumored to hate you, standing there in your shirt?"
Percy resisted the urge to just run out of there. The ADHD side of his brain was starting to realize that THIS must be Annabeth's retaliation. It was so her that it made him feel stupid for not recognizing it sooner.
"I told you, we don't hate each other!" Percy shouted, letting his anger leak out before he could stop it.
Percy could usually keep a good grasp on his emotions, but the situation was just overwhelming him too much. His Poseidon side causes him to go from calm to freaking out in an instant. And on top of it all, his powers are tied to his emotions, so if he isn’t able to control himself when he gets kitchen duty at camp, things could get very wet.
Because of all these clashing emotions, Percy didn't realize that he had started to make the water in their dispenser start to shake. It started off slow, just little ripples, but it quickly escalated to thrashing around in an attempt to escape. It very clearly showed his current emotions.
"Percy! Get ahold of yourself!" Annabeth shouted, walking up to her boyfriend and taking him by the shoulders.
Annabeth didn't even care that his friends were standing next to them. If Percy REALLY lost it, she wasn’t sure anyone would be able to stop him. Only he could. And it would still probably take awhile.
And this still was over something as trivial as losing a competition.
But he wasn't the one to break first, because, acting on instinct, Annabeth kissed Percy. She tried to put all her thoughts of calming down into it, as well as all her love. Sometimes this happened when he had bad nightmares, and she was the only one able to break him out of it.
"Huh?" Percy finally snapped out of it when they broke apart.
"Oh, thank the gods," Annabeth sighed in relief.
"Umm...what just happened?" Mike asked, clearly confused.
That made Percy and Annabeth remember that they still had company. Now they had to deal with something even worse than Percy losing control: explaining.
"Heeeey, guys! Have you met Annabeth Chase?" Percy pointed to his girlfriend.
"Vlakas," Annabeth sighed, rubbing between her eyebrows.
Chloe crossed her arms and gained a 'don't mess with me' look. "Care to explain why you just kissed a girl who you've never met?"
Well, it seems that the Mist has worked its magic once again! At least now they didn’t have to explain why Percy was controlling water while having a panic attack from going on a multitude of dangerous quests for gods that are 'myths.'
That would be bad.
"I'm his girlfriend," Annabeth answered before Percy could come up with some elaborate excuse that nobody would believe.
However, her idea wasn't exactly the best either. All Percy could do in response to that statement was stare at her with wide, stunned eyes.
His friends didn't seem to be expecting that answer either. Jack seemed physically affected, falling onto his butt.
"Uh, what?" Mike asked, being the first to voice any questions.
"Yes! She's. My. Girlfriend," Percy said, sounding REALLY proud for someone only declaring a relationship.
Chloe's thoughts finally spilled out of her head, "For how long? Why didn't you tell us? I thought we were your friends!"
Because of his fatal flaw, those words affected Percy a lot, "Of COURSE you're my friends! This was just part of some stupid competition!"
And now both of their fatal flaws were flaring up, "Stupid competition? Perseus Jackson, are you calling me stupid!?"
Oh, no. Full name. That's never good.
It seemed that Annabeth's outburst had sucked all of Percy's other problems away, and now all his focus was on his girlfriend. Just further proof that he was completely and utterly whipped.
"No! You are amazing, smart, and beautiful. I love you so much, and I would never, EVERcall you stupid!" he reassured her.
And that's all she needed, so Annabeth's scowl turned into a delighted grin, and she even seemed to stand up straighter, too. This was still a part of her plan (sorta). Athena plans for everything, after all!
"That's great! Now, I'll just leave you to explain everything else to YOUR friends," Annabeth said, skipping back to their room.
All of Percy's friends turned to him once again and Mike laughed, "Dude, you are SERIOUSLY whipped!"
"Whatever. Let's go to the couch," Percy sighed, already feeling a headache coming on, "I think I need to be sitting down for this."
Once again, I found an ending place earlier than expected! My goal for each chapter is that I at LEAST reach 1000 or so words. Plus, I tried to write less dialogue this time, but I think I just ended up making it worse than the last chapter. But don't worry, next chapter will hopefully be full of those long, annoying paragraphs! 🤣
Special thanks to my amazing beta reader, JJ! nightskywithrainbows in Ao3!
Comment, like, and follow! Stay safe and happy reading!
– your author 
chapter 6 :)
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