#i had othed pictures i wanted to show and talk about but they just didnt fit
veramoonmin · 3 years
Do you ever think about how Sasha reacted when she got to Amphibia?
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Like, she was immediately tied up and kidnapped by frog soldiers that could have killed her. She wasn't given time to grasp the situation, wonder where her friends were, figure out where she was, etc. Just thrown into chains.
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She didn't have a nice farm family to ease her into it, or a king to help her find her friends and let her explore the worlds culture. She was literally a prisoner. The only reason they didn't kill her on the spot was because she was an anomaly that they wanted answers from. They wanted to know if there were more humans, and she knew that.
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As far as she knew, the only humans in Amphibia were her best friends, the friends that she knew since they were toddlers, The friends that she needed to protect, the friends that she needed to find. She had no idea where they landed, or if they were even safe. She might've assumed that they were in a similar situation to her. At that time, her main goal was probably "escape and find the girls".
Anne and Marcy were probably one of her biggest motivations to escape. Sasha was locked up in a cell, with nobody but the occasional guard that gave her rotten food, and she exploited the fuck out of that.
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She turned on her popular-girl-charm and thrived. She pissed off one of the most feared toads ever for fun. She got multiple guards to quit their own job by only talking to them. She learned their interests, their hobbies, what made them tick, and used it to her advantage. She knew how to get close to them, because thats what she'd do in school.
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She got the girl who took Annes snack to give it back, she got the teacher to let them go to the bathroom, etc. Because she was popular. When your popular, you know learn to make small talk, how to be charismatic, you learn how to manipulate.
She thought out her options, her surroundings, and the people, then managed to dig herself up from the fucking grave.
she taught the people how to be better. She taught them breathing exercises, food recipes, optimism, and a lot more. Sasha made herself a crucial weapon to them, and to put her in chains again would be a mistake. She made that fact clear when she defeated a giant blood-thirsty monster with cheerleading. She had more skill with cheerleading than any of the toads in there.
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She built a friendship with the soldiers, and taught their leader how to interact. At this point, she could have left, but she saw potential.
She was given a castle,
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She was partying,
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And she let it go to her head.
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Her end goal was always to go home with her best friends, and that never changed. When she was a captive, when she was a soldier, even when she was the bad guy. she wanted to get home.
But that wasn't her priority.
Sasha wanted to have fun first. She didn't care if the girls went home before her, because she had a choice to leave. Earth was an end goal, not her main goal. Sasha wanted to rule over a kingdom, be treated as royalty, to live her fantasy life.
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Sasha had the same dream as Marcy, but the difference is that she didn't want it to last forever.
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lost1nspac3 · 4 years
Who Am I?
The marauders put two and two together. They knew that Remus was alone, and just needed to feel loved. So that's what they did. When they got back to where they were camping, they started up the fire again and got the story of what happened from Remus. If it wasn't for Sirius holding his hand Remus would have run away again“i came out and- and my dad was angry. He threw pictures of our family across the room, broke vases, chairs, and the coffee table. He burned all photos that had me in them.....” Remus paused. It still hurt to tell the story. But now, he was safe. He was with his friends. “he- get threatened me. Called me a disgrace, disappoint, fag, so on....... My mom wasn't happy about this. She agreed with what he said but didnt like the way he was reacting by breaking things.... She cared more about a vase than her child..... ” Remus trailed off, leaving it at that. He wasn't going to say what happened next. “he hurt you didn't he” Peter said, putting a hand over his mouth. Remus nodded • • • The 4 marauders fell alseep about 5am. They were up all night talking, and ended up all in a bundle, hugging.People say that love has to be shown in words. But Remus Lupin knows this isnt true. When Remus Lupin is around bia friends, he feels loved. Even if thy are just sitting there. He feels loved. He feels wanted. He feels cared for.Remus grew up where love was a sore topic. Love was girl and boy. Not girl and girl or boy and boy. Remus thought gays were brave. He thought they're cool. He looked up to them. He knew he was onw of them when he met Sirius Black He knew he was in love. But he didnt tell anyone. He kept it a secret. He put on a mask. He hid who he was. And he hated itRemus Lupin is the friend that waits for you when you tie youe shoe. Remus Lupin is rhe friend that listens when you need to talk. Remus Lupin is the one that's scared to be him. Remus lupin is the one that loves everyoneRemus Lupin is who we need more of in this world."THIS IS RUBISH!" Sirius yelled, running a hand through his hair. "how does this stuff even work!??" It was summer, and the sun was setting. Remus, Sirius, James, and Peter were camping in the woods, something they did every summer. Dora Potter gave James some little challenge things for them to do, and some were harder than others. The first one was to do something no one has done before. This one was easy, mainly because of Sirius' wild imagination. He came up with the idea to turn into his dog form (also known as snuffles) when on a broom with James, whilst Remus and Peter set off fireworks. It was somwthing else, and if you didn't know the marauders, it'd seem really weird. "were lucky this stuff won't be on O.W.L.s " Peter said as he syarywd handing out some snacks he bought. "bloody hell, theres O.W.L.s next year!" James said, looking up from the paper he had been staring at. "im not ready for those-" they were all sitting around the fire, which was the only source of light other than the moon and stars in the sky (and their wands, but the only one that remembered that was Remus) Remus hasn't looked up from the paper, yet was listening to everything in the conversation. He was thinking about the question on the paper that Sirius was yelling about. He didnt know what to put for it. Who are you? At first, the boys thought the answer was there name. But then, they realized the question had much more to it. Who are you? What parts are you made of? What Makes you different? James and Peter had found a few things to write down, but Remus, nor Sirius, couldn't think of anything. 'what am I?' he had said when they got to this challenge. 'a werewolf?' he finished, rubbing the back of his neck. He had almost said 'monster' but stopped himself. He knew that wouldnt go over too well..... He truly had no idea what to write. Peter had written how he wad a good listener, how he was caring and kind, and how he knew small things about his friends that not many people knew. James had written about how he was a believer. He believed in himself and his friends, and someimes even his peers. (If they weren't a Slytherin that was. He really didnt like Slytherins.) He wrote that he would never give up on his friends and trusts them with his life. Sirius was also having trouble thinking about things, because of where he came from. He wasn't loved or cared for by anyone other than the Potters or his friends.
James and Peter went to get some more snacks from the tent when Remus and Sirius stayed at the fire, Remus never looking up from the paper. "I DONT KNOW WHO I AM!" Sirius yelled, throwing his arms into the air. "I DONT KNOW!" Even though Remus wasn't showing it, he was just as frustrated as Sirius was. He was starting to get mad at James' mom for giving them these challenges. After 5 minutes James and Peter came back to the fire, holding bunches of foods and snacks. Remus didn't eat anything though, He said he wasnt hungry. After about half an hour, Sirius came up with some things, saying that he was different and indepenident. It made sense, he was the first non-Slytherin in his family. "your brave " Remus said, looking up from the paper for the first time. "your brave for going back to that place every summer" Sirius looked into Remus' eyes for a second before nodding and writing that down. A little flutter of hope had gone through him when remus had said that he was brave. Remus wished he could say that HE was brave. Yeah, he had moments when he was brave, but most of the time he was a loser. His mind flashed to a month ago, when summer had just stared. The month he wished never happened. That's when evwrything went down hill. He hadnt told anyone about what happened thought. Just kept it to himself. His friends didn't need to know he was homeless. That's when Remus wrote something on the paper for the first time. He curled the y at the end of the word aroundd the bottom of it, making the word be underlined with the y's tail. He stared down at the word and sighed. It was who he was and he couldn't change that.
The word was gay.
After the word gay, remus wrote a few things the other said. Brave. Smart. Kind In small print off to the side though, Remus had a wrote things he didn't want anyone to see. alone, monster, disappointment, failure, ugly.... Most of the list is what he got told when he came out. None of it was from his friends, but more of less his parents. Remus kept adding to the list, adding homophobic slurs he got called by others, and other hurtful things that he knew he was, no matter what people told him.
Its was about 2 in the morning when Sirius feel asleep, then about 2:30 when peter and Remus fell asleep. James, who was still wide awake, notices the small handwriting in the corner of Remus' parchment. He read the words. Alone. Monster. Disappointment Failure. Ugly. Faggot. Mistake. Accident. Unlovable. Unnoticed. Homeless
James bit his lip and looked over at Remus. He was hugging himself in his sleep. 'hes homeless?' james thought to himself, setting the parchment back where Remus had set it. James didn't know what to do, or what to think. So he woke Sirius up.
"whadyawantProngs" Sirius muttered. He and james were farther away from the team and fire, james didn't want anyone to heae them. (He mainly didnt want Remus to know he read the paper). "its about Remus " james said. "i didnt know who else to tell, but he wrote really bad things about himself Sirius. He isn't ok." James paused and looked at Sirius, who now looked worried. "he wrote a monster, and that he's ugly and a disappointment and an accident and a f-" James couldnt being himself tk say the word. "he said he was homeless, Sirius. Something happened. He needs help Sirius sighed and rubbed his eyes. "lets talk about this tomorrow. Right now Rey is with us, and he's safe. Well ask him a out it tomorrow. Er- later today I guess James nodded and started walking back to the tent. But when they got there, the fire was out, and Remus was gone. All they found was a sobbing Peter.
"h-he r-ra-ran" Peter stumbled around the words, trying to stop sobbing. He couldnt believe what had happened. He could barely remember it. He had told the story to the best of his ability. At this point he was just repeating things.
Not long after James and Sirius left, Remus had woken up. He saw the paper had gotten moved and started freaking out mentally. Thats when it happened Thats when Lyall(a/n: sorry if its spelt wrong) Lupin apreared. Thats when Remus screamed, but it was muffled but his father putting his hand over his sons mouth. Peter woke at Remus' scream, and watched everything that happened under his eyelashes, not daring to open his eyes anymore. Peter heard the words Remus' dad spoke. Peter heard the quiet sobs Remus let out. Peter heard Remus call his name. Peter heard the calls for help. "Remus?" he muttered, acting like he had just woken up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, then acted like he was just seeing the sence before him for the first time. Before Peter could say anything else, Remus' father dropped Remus and disappeared again. Peter went over to Remus. "are you ok? Should I get the oth-" Remus had fun before Peter could finish the sentence.
"shhhh Pete it wasnt your fault, calm down " James said, slightly hugging his friend. Peter nodded. It took a a few minutes, but soon he had calmed down. "we need to find him " Sirius said. He had beem staring at the paper remus had wrote on, re-reading everything on it. He was almost in tears. He couldnt believe anything that Remus had written. It hurt his heart. "i agree. Peter, did you see what direction he went in?" Peter nodded and started walking in the direction Remus went in. Sirius' hands were shaking. He had tears in his eyes that broke free when they couldnt find Remus. "we'll never find him..." he said, sitting on a rock. Thats when he heard it. Crying. "Rey?" Sirius looked around. There was no one there. "hey James? Did you bring the cloak?" James looked at Sirius. "yeah. Why do you ask?" Sirius bit his lip slightly. He knew where Remus was. "no reason " he lied, getting up. He walked between some trees that were behind the rock he had been sitting on and saw the log. "rey?" the cries stopped. Sirius sighed and sat on the log, right next to where Remus would be if he could be seen. That's when he felt him. Remus had put his head on Sirius' shoulder. Sirius could hear the cries, he could feel Remus trying to catch his breath. Thats when James came back to where Sirius and Remus were. He sat on the other side of Remus and reached out to pull the cloak off Remus. Sirius hugged Remus, the james hugged him too, waving Peter over. If there was anything Remus needed right now, it was love. And that's what the other marauders would give.
The marauders put two and two together. They knew that Remus was alone, and just needed to feel loved. So that's what they did. When they got back to where they were camping, they started up the fire again and got the story of what happened from Remus. If it wasn't for Sirius holding his hand Remus would have run away again
“i came out and- and my dad was angry. He threw pictures of our family across the room, broke vases, chairs, and the coffee table. He burned all photos that had me in them.....” Remus paused. It still hurt to tell the story. But now, he was safe. He was with his friends. “he- get threatened me. Called me a disgrace, disappoint, fag, so on....... My mom wasn't happy about this. She agreed with what he said but didnt like the way he was reacting by breaking things.... She cared more about a vase than her child..... ” Remus trailed off, leaving it at that. He wasn't going to say what happened next. “he hurt you didn't he” Peter said, putting a hand over his mouth. Remus nodded • • • The 4 marauders fell alseep about 5am. They were up all night talking, and ended up all in a bundle, hugging.
People say that love has to be shown in words. But Remus Lupin knows this isnt true. When Remus Lupin is around bia friends, he feels loved. Even if thy are just sitting there. He feels loved. He feels wanted. He feels cared for.
Remus grew up where love was a sore topic. Love was girl and boy. Not girl and girl or boy and boy. Remus thought gays were brave. He thought they're cool. He looked up to them. He knew he was onw of them when he met Sirius Black He knew he was in love. But he didnt tell anyone. He kept it a secret. He put on a mask. He hid who he was. And he hated it
Remus Lupin is the friend that waits for you when you tie youe shoe. Remus Lupin is rhe friend that listens when you need to talk. Remus Lupin is the one that's scared to be him. Remus lupin is the one that loves everyone
Remus Lupin is who we need more of in this world.
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thisisfordaddyxxx · 7 years
grand prix gala
heyy, this is my first YoI imagine and also my first one written from readers perspective and uh yeah, the reader dances with victor at the gala
It’s the night of the big gala. The Grand Prix Gala. With everyone there. Nervous, i exit the cab, hand a few dollars to the driver and climb out of the car. The entrance of the expensive hotel is well lit and women in shimmering dresses as well as men in dark suits stream towards the entrance. I clutch my little silver purse and step on towards the red carpet under my nude heels. I feel my heart beat faster in excitement as I walk up the steps towards the wide open doors and hand my invitation over to the security man. ‘Have fun tonight, miss,’ he says as he lets me pass into the impressive lobby. But thats not where the party is at. Excitement is building up inside me and I stop, taking in the atmosphere, enjoying the feeling. Tonigt, I’m gonna have fun. My light blue silk dress is giving me confidence, feeling the fabric pooling on the small of my back and softly gliding over my skin makes me feel good. My hair that I curled into big waves for the night tickles my neck and I notice that my lips are curved up into a smile. Taking in a deep breath, I enter the big ballroom filled with chatter and music likewise. Its warm and full in here, but not aggravating. Everyone is celebrating, skaters, families and sponsors.
‘Liv, there you are! Finally! Where have you been? We’ve been waiting!’ Mina calls out and pulls me into a hug. ‘Wow, you look stunning tonght! This dress really shows off!’ She eyes me up and down. I giggle as I take a closer look on her myself. ‘Touche, my dear! You’re definetly turning heads tonight! We both start laughing. ‘Come on, let’s get some drinks then. The rest is already there.’ Mina says as she takes my hand and pulls me through the crowd towards the bar. And right, I can make out Chris’ tall figure surrounded by a group of pretty girls in short dresses at the far end of the room. Arriving at the bar I get welcomed by my friends, all in a cheerful mood, supported by quite a bit of champain. Mina hands me a glass as well and we toast on the winner of this years Grand Prix, Victor Nikiforov. After we all took a sip of the champain, Yakov asks ‘where even is Victor ? He’s missing all the fun! He should at least be there when we drink on him, old fool!’ It’s Chris that answers, ‘ He’s over there talking to the sponsors and some other important people. I don’t think we will see much of him tonight. He is going to be quite busy, signing autographs, taking pictures and talking to the important people…’ Mina giggles. ‘Poor Victor. Well, that’s the price you pay for winning. But that means we need to amuse ourselves then! To us!’, she smiles, holding up her glass for the next toast. After chatting and laughing with my friends for quite some time, the band that was playing mainly waltz and foxtrott leaves and my ears pick up on the sound of a different tune. Faster and more modern. Yurio hears it too, his eyes light up and I look at him with a big smile, offering him my hand and and hopping off the bar stool. ‘Let’s go and dance!’, i offer. Grinning widely, he takes my hand and drags me over to the dancefloor that starts getting crowded. We work our way to the middle and start moving to the rythm of the music. Happy, I sway my hips with the beat. After one or two songs, the rest decides to join us. Well, not Yakov and some others excused themselves too but most of the younger people stayed. I laugh to the music, feeling so alive. The faces of my friends show the same expression that must be plastered on mine too. I see Victor dancing at another part of the dancefloor with some people I recognize and even though I hoped to talk to him tonight or spend time with him in general, I am incredibly happy where i am in this moment. He looks really beautiful moving to the melody over there, bending and stretching his slim body, looking so happy. I love seeing him dance. And then- the song changes. Suddenly, I’m far away. I remeber this tune. Some weeks ago, after a day of shopping with Mina and Phichit, we all went to Victors apartement, but the others left soon after dinner. I stayed a bit longer and somehow Victor and I started dancing while doing the dishes. To exactly this song. I glance over to him and my eyes meet his gaze thats already on me. Then he suddenly curves his lips upward in a smile and extends his arm towards me. I find myself walking towards him, through the crowd, the memories of this night still on my mind, the song playing loudly, pulsing through my bones, setting butterflies free in my stormach. I thought he was gonna kiss me back then, when his head was so close to mine at the end of the night, his breath on my neck, when I could feel his laugh rumble through his chest and the heat radiating off him, so close. But he didn’t. Since then I gave up all the thoughts I had about a possible ‘us’ and instead decided to just enjoy our friendship. But in moments like this it’s hard to ignore my nervous heart. As I arrive at his side, theres no need for words. He can read in my face and I can see the memories and the joy of that night in his eyes. I take his hand and fell electricity jolting throgh my nerves. His touch is setting me on fire. He spins me, just like he did that night in his living room and i can hear myself laugh. We fall into a step pattern that sort of resembles a salsa but not quite. His hands are on my hips and I can feel the silky silver strands under my fingers as I close my arms around his neck. Every time he is so close, it strikes me how tall he is. Even with my heels, I’m still only up to his nose. He is laughing too, and then his hand leaves my hip to take a hold of my hand to spin me into a figure. I know that sequence, it’s the one from his living room. So I’m prepared as he leads me through the step sequence and let myself fall into his arms into a pose that normally belongs to tango. For a second I enjoy laying in his arms before he gently pushes me out again, the music getting faster and more heated just like our dancing. Now my back is to his chest and I move my hips teasingly, his hands on my waist as I feel his hot breath on my neck. I let out the air I didnt realize I was holding in, smiling so much that my cheeks start burning. He chuckles, his cheek brushing mine. I wish I could get lost in his embrace with the music pulsing in our veins, forever, but the song is getting to the finale. I feel victors hand taking mine crossover as he whispers a breahtless ‘Ready?’ in my ear to which I can only nod before he tugs at my arm and spins me out until oth our arms are stretched to max before he pulls me back and immediately takes my other hand, spinning me the opposite direction. As he pulls me back, he turns me one more time so that I’m now facing him, his  right hand hoding mine over our heads, frozen in the middle of a turn and his other hand supporting my back, brushing over the exposed skin. The heat of his fingers is driving me mad and my head spins. Without his supportive touch, I’m sure I’d fall.But I feel safe here, I know he is not letting go of me until I can stand on my own again. As the final note plays, there it is again.The moment from some weeks ago. His face so incredibly close to mine, his flushed cheeks so close that I’d just need to move an inch forward to brush my lips against his. And in his eyes, I can see it. The spark that set us both on fire. He chuckles softly, lets go of me and bows his head. Jokingly, he says ‘ I thank you very much for this dance, mylady’. With the same mocking smile, i drop a curtsy myself, hoping he doesnt notice my weak knees. ‘ the pleasure is all mine’ , I grin. His smile is dazzling and knowing that I am the reason for it makes me feel like I’m on drugs. Then, someone tugs at his sleeve. Victor turns around to listen to the man that obviously wants to start a conversation with him. Answering the man politely, he glances over his shoulder to me and mouthes ‘ Sorry!’ and by the annoyance in his face I can tell that he means it. I offer him one last smile and exit the dance floor. The second im off, I stumble because Mina threw herself on me, practically screaming. ‘LIVVVV OHH GOD WHAT?? THAT WAS AMAZING? YOU WERE SO BEAUTIFUL, YOU AND VICTOR!!’ Laughing, I free myself from her embrace. ‘Shhh, calm down Mina, everyone’s looking at us!’,  I giggle. ‘Well, that’s clearly not because of me.  They are staring because you played world champion Victor Nikivorof as if he’s a puppet on a string!’ Accusingly, she looks at me. I am struck. ‘What? I didn’t, we just danced.’ I say smiling, trying to calm it down. ‘Yeah. that’s another thing you need to tell me my dear. When did you two practise this? I mean, it was amazing and everything, but I’m a bit hurt that you didn’t tell me of this plan’, Mina complains. ‘Uhh, we may have danced the night after we went shopping together’, I admit. Mia grins smugly. So I’m quick to add, ‘But we definetly didn’t plan this! It just kind of happened!’ ‘Yeah, whatever you say honey’, Mina says, still smiling mischievously. ‘Let’s go over to the rest!’ I propose, eager to switch the topic. ‘Mmh okay’, Mina agrees. Somehow, her smile makes me really nervous.
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