#i hate me
support · 10 years
Everything okay?
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magalybourgonc · 1 day
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shirapicotte · 19 hours
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ponyartistbrainiac · 1 month
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Whats this? A rare Brainiac drawn Fluttershy.
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Peach Peach x reader
Warning: this is Cringe
I wish I had a better idea
You closed your apartment door, you lived on the 1st floor in the 5ft room. You walked past Angus's, you were on your way to the Stilnsky's, Lois had forgotten her hat at yours. On you're way you spotted one of the Peachman brothers. It was, Robertsky, he had his back facing you, and he didn't leave much room for you to get past either, why was he just standing at his apartment door? You tapped his shoulder.
"Excuse me, Robertsk-" you cut yourself off when he turned around, and you were met with something that looked like Robertsky, but very wrong, his mouth was gaping open, shaped as an unsettling grin.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You screeched. He took a step towards you, this resulted in you throwing Lois's hat at his face.
You ran straight for your apartment "AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!" past Angus's again, running this time.
You reached your room, grasping the handle, looking back to see the fake Robertsky trying to speed walk towards you. "Aah!" You opened the door terrified, and slammed it shut behind you, breathing rapidly. You were about to lock it but then you decided to look out the peephole first, nothing. God that was a doppelgänger of Robertsky, should I warn him? You thought.
You quietly opened your door and looked down the hallway, suddenly a hand hit your doorframe and an arm blocking your eye-line. You put your arms up in shock "AAahh!!" you looked up at the owner of the arm, to see who they were, but I think you could guess. It was him, he loomed over you, mouth wide open, bucktooth, yellowish eyes. You backed away fearful.
"Peach pe pe peach peach," he said, this just confused you. You started to quickly back away as he slowly followed you.
"No no no, pleeeaaase!" you yelped, you then tripped on your TV remote.
"Peach" He repeated continuing to get closer. You scrambled away, you grabbed the remote and threw it at him, "Pe-emgh,".
"No no no nononononononono!" you yelled as you kept throwing things.
You ran yourself into a corner of your apartment, you looked up at him staring down at you with his bloodshot eyes. You teared up, covering your face with your arms, sliding down the wall, waiting for it to be over. As you were sobbing you heard, "Pe pe pe pea peach," you looked up at him with red eyes full of tears. You noticed his facial expression was different, his gaping mouth was less of a smile, and his eyes looked.....awkward, worried, how is that even possible? But you noticed something that surprised you more, his arm was outstretched toward you, he was holding, Lois's hat!!!
You hesitantly grabbed it, you looked up at him.
"T-thank you?," You looked up awkwardly at him.
"Peach pe peach" He answered.
"I'm sorry for, the, you know, throwing things at you..." You said still on the verge of tears looking away.
"Pe! Peach peach!" you looked up at him not really understanding.
"I-is there any way I can make it up to you?" you said hoping the answer isn't having you for lunch.
"Peach," He simply said, as you got up.
"Y-you want, p-peaches," You asked looking up at him.
"Peach peach," He nodded.
"Oh um ok," you walked over to your fruit bowl, you were in luck, you had five peaches, You grabbed one, you were about to grab the rest until you felt hot breath on the back of your neck, you yelped throwing the peach in the air.
You also lost your balance, panicked and tried to grab the side, but then you felt two big hands grip your torso. You turned to see the Doppelgänger with his arms extended to your waist. You strangely felt heat rise to your face, you ignored it and put a peach in front of his face, he let go of you and grabbed it instead. You watch him engulf it in one, and he looks at you and you hand him another one, nervously. This continued until all five peaches were gone. You turned around.
"S-sorry, I don't have anymore-" You stopped when you noticed he was nowhere to be seen.
Told you it was bad 😭
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gefuehlsbestimmt · 1 year
aufgeben ist zwar keine Lösung, aber eine verdammt gute Option.
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therewillbekpop · 10 months
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redak-ted · 11 months
pretty fucking sure my mom just fat shamed me even tho shes bigger than me
i dont wanna eat anymore
im not hungry
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recovery-nuovame · 10 months
I'm desperate, broken... and I just want to cry.
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nightopianfoxgirl · 6 months
Man, do you ever re-read your own writing and cringe?
I'm doing another massive edit to the Blazing Fire Chapters. Mainly grammatical errors and excessive fat cuts. Chapter 1 of 12 "fixed"
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gefuehlsbestimmt · 2 years
ich werde wahrscheinlich nie jemanden mehr hassen, als mich selbst.
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