#i have an army...of loki figures
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Marvel, will you PLEASE either make up your mind about MCU Loki’s canonical eye color and then keep it consistent across all your merchandising or just give in to the fan theory and say yes, his eyes were bluer in Avengers because the scepter’s influence over him was so strong? Even if that wasn’t the intent at the time! You could just say that! Because you DID make Loki green-eyed in the first Thor posters, and you DID finally admit the scepter was influencing him, and the eye-color thing WAS a major fan theory to explain a bunch of other stuff that was just dropped, and then you have stuff like this within the same line of figures! It almost certainly doesn’t Mean Something, it’s just lousy quality control, but either it should mean something or it shouldn’t happen, so like…get your act together, c’mon (don’t get me wrong, they’re really cute figures, and I’m putting this as a tiny bit of evidence in my Loki Was Acting Under Duress In The Avengers pile because I continue to be that person, but…come on.)
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vbecker10 · 14 days
Loki's Silent Sentry (Part 2)
Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 (Part 6 in progress)
Pairing: Loki x female reader (y/n)
Summary: You are not just a soldier in Asgard's Royal Army, you are Lieutenant Y/L/N, Prince Loki's personal guard, his sentry and you are not supposed to fall in love with him. If you followed your training properly, you should never have even spoken to him. As a sentry, you are expected to remain silent and invisible as you shadow your appointed member of the royal family or member of the court protectively throughout their daily tasks.
Rumors (that happen to be true) begin to circulate through the palace that you serve the younger prince of Asgard both outside and inside his chambers. There is little you can do once word of your off duty activities spread through every maid, cook, gardener and seamstress in the palace. You soon find even the soldiers in your own company are now questioning how exactly you had come to earn your seemingly quick rise to lieutenant.
As the annual Winter Solstice Ball approaches, you come to the heartbreaking realization that your relationship with Loki must come to an end if you are both to fulfill your duties.
Warnings: Angst, arguing, Thor being an absolute ass, Odin being a terrible father (slut shaming?)
A/N: I'm dedicating the second part of this to my absolutely amazing friend @siconetribal! I wanted to get this out for your birthday but I just missed it, sorry! Also, I hope you like the part that you inspired (I have no doubt you'll be able to figure out what it is). Love you! 💚💚💚
And... I know this was only two parts but I couldn't help myself and now it is three lol, not sorry
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"Have you completely lost your mind!?" the king hollers from the throne. You keep your eyes down, too fearful to look up even if your training didn't require you to kneel when in Odin's presence. You know he isn't speaking to you, not yet at least. For now, his attention seems fixed on his youngest son.
"The whole of the Royal Council, the entirety of the Advisory Council and all of our foreign diplomats were in attendance tonight! Not to mention all of their families. Do you have the slightest idea of the damage you have caused?" he questions Loki.
"What could be the harm in me sharing a dance with-" Loki begins but is quickly cut off.
"A dance? You think this is about you and this..." he gestures to you as if he is searching for the least offensive word he can find, "soldier dancing?" he says with a joyless laugh.
Loki doesn't respond and in that instant you both know what it is that truly has angered the king. It wasn't that the prince used his illusions to create a gown for you or that he danced with you at the center of the ball. Loki had kissed you where all of Asgard's most important citizens could see. He had all but announced to the kingdom that you were his and that would not be allowed.
"It is of no concern to me who you bring to your chambers at night but you must learn that there is no place for this at court," he lectures. He turns towards his oldest son who is standing at the base of the stairs leading to the throne. "That goes for you as well. Every servant in this palace knows you are working your way through the kitchen staff," he says to Thor. "I do not need or want to know what either of you do in your chambers and the people of Asgard should be just as unaware."
You don't disagree with that last part, you don't think it is anyone else's business that you are with Loki but you know now isn't the time to speak up.
He continues, turning his focus back to Loki who is still standing just a few inches from you. "You can not parade your..." again he pauses as if too angry to find the right words to describe you. "Her," he changes his mind and motions to you as if Loki could possibly be unsure who he was referring to. "You can not parade her in front of the whole of Asgard. If you want to keep her as a toy for when you are bored, so be it but this type of behavior in public will not be tolerated especially when you are to be looking for a suitable wife," he says, his anger palpable.
You grind your teeth, focusing on the tiles below you to keep from saying something that could lead to your execution.
"I have found a suitable wife," Loki fires back at his father and you lift your head quickly in shock. "Father, Y/N is-"
Odin cuts his words off with a furious wave of his hand as he rises from the throne. "This soldier is not fit to marry a prince," he declares. "And you will refer to her by her rank while you are in my presence," he reminds Loki of proper protocol.
You take a step backwards as the king begins to walk down the steps of the throne. You lower your eyes again and try to keep from trembling as you feel him come closer.
"This will end now," Odin orders and just as Loki opens his mouth in protest he adds, "Or I will transfer your little toy to the an outpost at the furthest edge of the nine realms."
"You will do no such thing," a calm but stern voice says from behind you.
"And what is your solution?" Odin asks Frigga as she walks into the throne room. "Let them continue this.... this..." he stutters in anger.
"Relationship, is the word I think you are looking for my dear husband," she says as she stands between her youngest son and the king.
"Mother, please-" Loki again tries to make his voice heard but Odin's glare stops his words from forming.
"I think I have a solution to our problem," the queen says and you lift your head slightly. She looks at you and flashes the faintest smile, it eases you just for a moment but then her smile fades and so does your hope. You hold your breath as you wait to hear your punishment for loving Loki too publicly as you know they can not punish him.
"I am in need of a new sentry," she says and your heart begins to beat faster. "Lieutenant Y/L/N will be appointed to me starting tomorrow morning. The lieutenant comes from a long line of sentries. Her mother was my sentry many years ago and her grandfather guarded my father when I was a young girl at court. The Y/L/N family has protected and served Asgard for centuries," she informs Odin of your families long and decorated history. If you weren't so terrified, you would be filled with pride that the queen recognizes the years upon years of service your family has given to the kingdom.
"We will not banish one of Asgard's most loyal soldiers because you do not like how your son behaved at the ball. I will speak to him privately about his behavior and make it clear that this is not to happen again," she gives Loki a look that sends a chill down your spine. You know how much the prince loves and respects his mother and there are few feelings worse than knowing you've disappointed someone who believes in you.
Odin remains silent and you know that means the queen has successfully overruled the king. "You are dismissed for the night Lieutenant Y/L/N," she tells you and you stand up at attention. "You will meet me at my chambers at dawn," she orders.
You nod in acknowledgment and bow to each of the royals. The king first as is customary, then the queen who offers you another small smile, the older prince who seems to have already forgotten who you are and finally Loki who looks as if his heart is breaking. You force your features to remain emotionless as you turn to leave the throne room on unsteady legs.
Neither of the two guards standing at the tall double doors make eye contact with you as they move to swing them open. You take a deep breath once you are in the hall and the doors slam shut. You know you should feel relief that you were not sentenced to an eternity in the dungeon or banished to a horrid place like Migard but you find it is still hard to walk. Only days ago you had put in a transfer request in the hopes of being sent away from Loki and now it was being granted by the queen herself. You would no longer be Loki's sentry, or his lover and there was nothing either of you could do.
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You arrive at dawn and greet the two sentries guarding the king and queen's chambers. They nod in return, the shorter one even smiles a little in welcome. It has been a month since the night of the ball and it seems the rumors of Loki's favoritism for you vanished as soon as you were no longer in his service. A few of your fellow soldiers have slowly begun to speak to you again but you don't find any of them nearly as interesting to talk to as Loki.
You groan internally, it is somehow Monday again already. A day filled with the queen's seemingly endless string of long, drawn out meetings. Much like the younger prince, the queen takes the majority of her meetings in her private office, requiring all council members or other officials to come to her if the wished to have a moment of her time. This unfortunately meant you were unlikely to run into Loki unless they had meetings scheduled together which was seldom the case.
A few minutes after your arrival, the heavy wooden door swings open and the queen steps out of her chambers. "Good morning Lieutenant Y/L/N," she greets you kindly as always.
"Good morning your highness," you respond with a slight bow. You take a deep breath as you follow her down the hall knowing those will be the last words you speak until she dismisses you at the end of the day.
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Monday may be your least favorite day of the week but Sunday is by far your favorite and thankfully it is here again. Meetings are a rare occurrence on a Sunday and the queen spends much of her day in the library or her chambers. You don't mind, the halls of the palace are mostly empty so you are able to relax ever so slightly but it is after dinner that you look forward to the most.
You follow her out of the palace, your boots crunching over the newly fallen snow on the path leading to the garden. Queen Frigga wraps her fur shawl tighter around herself but you keep your head up even as an icy breeze sweeps through. You don't want to miss seeing Loki even for a moment. He exits the palace from a set of doors several yards south from the ones you have come from and your body fills with warmth.
He smiles first at his mother then his eyes move past her, to you. Your lips curve into a smile ever so slightly, not enough for his sentry to notice.
"Hello mother," he greets the queen with a hug.
"Loki," she smiles back. "Shall we?" He holds his arm out for her to take and leads her through the wrought iron gates at the entrance to the garden. You and Loki's sentry, a man named Sergeant Tones, stand on either side of the gates at attention.
You take a deep breath, inhaling the chilly air and wonder how Loki never seems to mind this type of weather. You preferred winter or fall over the heat of the summer, mostly because you were always required to wear full armor but Loki wasn't even wearing gloves today. The thought makes you shiver. You close your eyes for a brief moment and try to picture a warm, roaring fire but your mind will only conjure images of the large stone fireplace in Loki's office.
You sigh quietly as your mind begins to wander, thinking of all the times you've spent with him in his office talking about everything and nothing. A smile crosses your lips as you vividly remember the first time the prince spoke to you.
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You scan the hallway leading away from the prince's office, not a person in sight. The only sound you can hear is the pounding of rain and wind against the stone walls of the palace. Occasionally a streak of lightning would light up the window followed by the deafening sound of thunder. You try the trick your mother taught you when you were little to judge the storms distance. If your counting was correct, the storm was going to be directly overhead any second now.
The door next to you opens suddenly and you stand at attention, ready to follow the prince but he doesn't leave his office. You look over your shoulder, confused to see him just standing next to you. He isn't looking at you though, his eyes wander to the window and you wonder what he is thinking.
"I would like to speak with you for a moment," the prince finally says to your utter shock. You can do little more than nod as you follow him into his office. "Close the door," he orders as he walks over to his desk.
You do as your told but you are not sure what else to do. You had never been in his office or spoken to him before. The last three people you guarded never seemed interested in getting to know you and that was perfectly fine with you. Your training required you to be silent and you had grown used to it.
He waves for you to come closer as he takes a seat behind his desk. You stand at attention across from him and he sighs. "Sit," he says and you do. He looks at you curiously as you sit uncomfortably in the leather chair. Your armor was not made be to relaxed in.
After a moment of awkwardly staring at each other he asks, "Can you speak?"
You nod in response and he groans loudly as he sits back heavily in his chair. You stifle a giggle but can't hide the smile that spreads across your lips as you realize how cute the prince looks when he is frustrated. Your smile quickly vanishes, replaced by a furious blush when he catches you.
He leans forward, his arms crossed on his desk, "What's your name?"
"Sergeant Y/L/N," you answer after clearing your throat. It's well past noon but it is the first time you've spoken today.
"What is your first name?" he asks, from his tone you gather that is what he meant the first time.
You reply unsure why he would want to know, "Y/N your highness."
"Y/N," he repeats with a smile that makes you nervous. "No need to look so scared," he says with a laugh. "I simply want to talk. You can speak freely while you are in here with me."
You shift in your seat and tell him, "I'm afraid I don't know what it is you would like me to say."
He leans back again and places his hands behind his head, "Anything... I find I'm quite bored. I have an hour until my next meeting but just for once today, I would like to listen to someone who isn't a councilor or an accountant or Gods help me, my father." He is silent while you ponder his request then he sits up and says, "Why don't you tell me a joke if you can't think of any good topics for conversation?"
"A joke your highness?" you ask, your mind immediately goes blank. Do you even know any jokes, you try to think. The only jokes you've heard recently have been told by other soldiers and none of those should be repeated to a prince. They were either far too dirty or overly political and you were not about to be thrown in the dungeon for mocking the royal family.
He shakes his head at your silence and turns to face the window behind his desk, watching the rain fall steadily.
"Why can't you trust stairs?" you finally ask.
"What?" he asks, turning back to face you.
"Why can't you trust stairs?" you repeat with as much of a straight face as you can. This was one of your favorite jokes when you were a child. You would tell it to anyone who would listen, sometimes more than once.
He shakes his head without spending any time thinking about an answer, "I don't know. Why not?"
"Because they are always up to something," you say with a wide grin.
He stares at you blankly and your pride in your joke falters, your grin fading. A moment later a smile spreads across his lips followed by a short bought of laughter. He shakes his head as he slowly stops laughing and says, "Gods, that truly may be the worst joke I have ever heard."
You nod in agreement then look down at your heavy leather boots wondering if he will let you leave now that you fulfilled his request.
After a moment of silence, he asks, "Do you know any others?"
"A few," you admit with a shrug, "But I assure you, most of them are far worse than that."
He smiles and sits back in his chair comfortably. "I will admit, I have always been fond of terrible puns," he tells you. "Would you like to hear one of my favorites?"
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You are snapped back to the present as Loki and the queen step out of the garden. She is still holding his arm as they walk together. They reach the gate and come to a stop, he hugs his mother and whispers something to her. She nods in response and smiles at him before telling him to have a goodnight.
You fight every urge growing in you to abandon your post and follow him as you once did but you know you never will again. He nods ever so slightly towards you as he walks past and you bow as you've been trained. His guard follows at his heels.
You stand at the edge of the garden and wait for the queen. Instead of walking back inside the palace as she typically would, she stands next to you. She turns so she is facing the sunset and you can't help but turn as well. For a few moments you both stand silently, taking in the changing colors of the sky as the sun sinks from view.
"He misses you," the queen says softly.
You look at her and instantly feel your heart beat faster. This is the closest you've come to having any communication with Loki since the night of the ball. You had gone straight to your quarters after you left the throne room that night, you never even had a chance to say goodbye. You take a deep breath to keep your composure but when your eyes met hers you know she can read you as well as Loki can.
"I will tell him you feel the same," she says with a warm smile.
"Thank you, your highness," you respond. You stand together until the sun has set completely then you follow her back to her chambers where she dismisses you for the night.
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The next week drags by, the days guarding Loki never seemed this long but finally it is Sunday night again. Loki and his mother conclude their walk, hugging briefly just outside of the gates. As he steps away to leave, she stops him by reaching for his arm. She asks him something quietly and he nods in response as he looks towards you. You make eye contact with the prince and he smiles but you can see how sad he truly is, you desperately want to run to him but you stay where you are and try your best to smile back. They say their goodbyes and he heads back towards his chambers with his sentry. You bow as he passes then stand at attention again, waiting for the queen.
She stands beside you and you both turn towards the sunset, taking in its beauty. Just as you begin to wonder if Loki left a message for you again his mother looks over at you.
"He thinks about you all the time," she tells you.
You smile at her words but your heart aches as wish you could hear them from him.
"Is there anything you would like me to tell Loki?" she asks. You nod, there are so many things you want to tell him. "I promise I will tell him whatever you need him to hear," she encourages you to speak, much like her son used to.
"Can you tell him I love him and I miss him deeply?" you ask. You had never admitted to anyone before that you loved Loki but you needed him to know your feelings were as strong as they had always been.
"I will," she says, she rests a comforting hand on your shoulder and you thank her.
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It's warmer today than it has been all week, perfect weather for standing guard at the edge of the garden, you think to yourself. You look up as a small flock of birds fly over head, the sky barely has any clouds.
When the prince and the queen have finished their walk, they hug as usual and you feel your heart beat speed up when he whispers something to her. You have been waiting anxiously all week to hear what message the queen would relay to you from Loki. After he leaves with his sentry, the queen turns back to the garden.
"Walk with me," she says to you and you follow her.
You had walked down every hallway and taken every staircase in the palace but you had never been in the garden. As you pass the wrought iron gates you can't help but look around in wonder. It may still be winter but the garden is in full bloom.
"When Loki was little, I used to bring him here to teach him how to use his magic," she says with a smile as she walks down the stone path. She reaches her hand towards a rose bush full of buds and the flowers open in response as she passes. "He helped me enchant this garden to bloom year round when he was still a child, did you know that?" she asks as she moves further into the garden. You can tell by her tone that she is proud of her son and it makes you smile.
"I did your highness," you tell her. Loki had told you much about his childhood during your time together.
The two of you walk further into the garden until the pond comes into view. You had never seen it of course but Loki had described it perfectly. Two stone benches sit a few feet from the water on the west side while the other is shaded by a large willow tree.
"He told me..." you start but stop yourself when the queen turns to look at you.
"Please, continue," she encourages you.
"He told me the two of you would spend hours by the pond during the summer. He loved watching you turn flowers into frogs or cast fireworks over the water," you tell her, you loved listening to stories of him exploring his magic.
Queen Frigga slows her pace so she is walking next to you and you are immediately reminded of how Loki used to walk with you, not in front of you when you were alone.
"Those are some of my favorite memories with him," she tells you. A few steps later she laughs to herself and you look at her curiously but don't ask what she is thinking about. "I was sitting just over there reading," she points to a wooden bench near a tall oak tree. "Loki was about ten or eleven. He came running into the garden holding a small snake, he looked utterly panicked," she says. "I asked him what was wrong and he tried to hand me the snake but I refused to touch it until he told me it was his brother," she fails to hold back her laughter any longer and you can't help but join in.
"He told me about that!" you tell her excitedly, forgetting you are talking to the queen of Asgard. In this moment, you are simply talking to the mother of the man you love. "Loki said Thor was bothering him, he was just trying to study and he accidentally turn him into a snake but couldn't undo it," you repeat what he had told you.
She smiles and shakes her head as her laughter dies down. "Sometimes I miss those days," she says, her smile fading quickly now as her mood shifts. "When his biggest concern was why his older brother and he couldn't get along," she sighs. "He has not been himself these last few weeks. I worry about him," she admits as she stops walking.
You stop with her and before you say anything in response she says, "I can see how much you worry about him as well."
You nod but remain silent, you feel an ache grow in your chest. All the joy you felt only moments ago is gone.
"I know it must seem unbearable but don't lose hope," she says and you look up at her. "Loki wanted me to tell you that he hasn't stopped looking for a way to be with you again."
You lose your composure momentarily at her words, all you want is to be back in Loki's arms. Hearing he hasn't given up on your relationship is everything you needed, you can't stop the first tear from slipping free. Wiping it away with the back of your hand quickly, you apologize, "I'm sorry your highness. I just..." You pause, afraid to say more. You are not used to losing control of your emotions in general but doing so in front of the queen is unthinkable.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," she says in a motherly tone. She waits patiently for you to continue but you can't seem to find the right words to express how you feel. She touches your shoulder gently and you stand together in silence for a few moments before turning back towards the palace.
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You bow to Loki as he walks past you on his way back towards the palace. He is followed closely by a new sentry, a woman this time. You had only met Corporal Glasgow once before, she was fairly new to your company. You wonder why Loki changed guards and for someone with such little experience. Typically members of the royal family were only guarded by soldiers ranked sergeant or higher.
The queen stays at the entrance to the garden and you wait for her as always. She faces away from you, watching the sunset. A part of you wants to ask her if Loki has a message for you but you stay at your post silently.
"You are dismissed for the night, Lieutenant Y/L/N," she says without taking her eyes off the colorful sky.
You bow even though she is not looking and turn to walk back towards the palace. It's odd that she is letting you leave so early, part of your duty is to ensure the queen's safe return to her chambers but you are not permitted to question her orders so you obey.
As you take your first few steps up the path, your heart sinks at the realization that Loki had no words for you this week. Your pace slows slightly, you are in no rush to return to your quarters for another lonely, miserable night.
"Lieutenant Y/L/N," the queen calls and you turn back to face her. "You might want to take a left at the top of the stairs." She turns back towards the sunset without any explanation as to why.
You pause before continuing on, unsure why she would say that. The soldiers quarters could only be reached if you made a right down the hallway once you reached the top of the stairs. Taking a left would lead you further into the palace, a path you no longer needed to take.
You reach the wooden doors and pull them open, taking a step inside, you look up at the staircase in front of you. You climb the stairs, the only sound is your heavy boots against the marble and the clinking of your armor. You pause only for a moment at the top of the stairs, looking down the hall to your right. You already know what's that way, another night laying in your bed wishing with all your might that you could just have a few more minutes with Loki. You decide that can wait while you figure out what the queen was hinting at.
You turn left and move down the hall, it's lined with windows on the garden side and four tall doors mirroring the windows placement on the opposite side. You had been this way more times than you could count when you were Loki's sentry. It is the longest way back towards the royal chambers. He would always take this route back from his walks with his mother since you were unlikely to pass anyone and he could hold your hand or speak to you without worry.
You never wondered what was in these rooms but now you can't help but be curious. Most of them were unoccupied offices you imagine, they were too far from the main part of the palace for anyone of importance to work here. As you pass the third wooden door you hear it open and turn quickly.
Your heart jumps as you stand face to face with Loki. Without thinking, you wrap your arms tightly around him and he does the same.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚
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simplyholl · 6 days
The Villain’s Weapon Pt. 6
Summary: When you hit your head and lose your memory, you fall into Loki's clutches.
Pairing: Villain Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Memory loss. Villain Loki.
Part Five
See my Masterlist Here
Three days had come and gone since Loki’s talk with Thanos. Three days filled with failed attempts to kill you. He had poisoned your drink, but last minute decided to switch it with Clint’s, who knew what he had done unfortunately. He snuck into your room one night, placing a pillow over your face as you slept. You woke up, and noticed he was in your room again, so it ended with him cuddling you to sleep instead.
Loki used his magic to make the equipment you used to work out malfunction, but he reversed it right before it could harm you. You didn’t seem to notice his assassination attempts. He had four days left to kill you or Thanos would murder the both of you. You were in the room Loki used to train you on your magic. He found his perfect opportunity.
He was going to train you with physical fighting and choke you out. He would watch the life drain out of your bright eyes, betrayal written all over your face as you took your last breath. He stalked towards you, you didn’t hear him. You had your earbuds in, your music was always so loud.
He should just do it now, grab you while you weren’t expecting it. You must have felt his presence, because you twirled around just when he got close enough to touch you. “Loki! You scared me!” You take your earbuds out, placing them back in the case.
“My apologies. I was coming to see if you wanted to train with me today.” You agreed, you did need the practice and you were hoping to get more insight on what his plans for you were. He fought you more roughly than usual. He pinned you down, not letting you back up like he normally did. “Loki, let me up.” You try to sit up again, but he doesn’t let you.
Green smoke appears along with a dagger in his hand. Your heart races. “Loki? What are you doing? You’re really starting to freak me out.” You thrash underneath him, but his bulky body doesn’t budge. His blue eyes flash. He looks wild like the first time you saw him. The memory hits you like a ton of bricks. He was contained in the glass prison designed for The Hulk.
Natasha had gotten the information she needed from him, and you had been sent to smooth things over with him. He was kinder to you than Natasha, but you knew it was all an act. He wanted to get close to the newest Avenger. You would be the easiest to break. It turned out to be true because he escaped after he tricked you.
Every fight with him, every conversation came flooding back. That day when you hit your head and lost your memory, he had taken you with him and spared your life. You didn’t understand why. Why was he trying to kill you now when he kept you safe all this time? He had trained you. Your magic had greatly improved. He fed you, got you new clothes, he had become a friend to you.
“Why are you going to kill me now after all this time, Loki? Why didn’t you do it that day on the battlefield?” That stopped him immediately. Shock etched his features as the dagger clanged to the floor. “You remember?” You slowly shook your head yes, afraid that any sudden movement would have him reaching for the dagger again.
“H-how long?” He asked, brushing a dark curl behind his ear. You sighed, time to come clean. “Just last week after I hit my head again. I was just trying to figure out your motives, I swear.” He studies your face looking for any hint of dishonesty.
“I wanted you on my side. How poetic would it be if an Avenger helped me take over this repulsive planet. Thanos promised me his army of Chitauri to help me, but in return, I answer to him. He didn’t think keeping you was a good idea. When Barton walked in on us kissing, he told Thanos. They all thought you were making me soft. So he gave me until the end of the week to kill you.”
You take a deep breath, trying to process everything. “Loki, after spending all this time with you, I consider you a friend. Can I ask you for one last favor?” He looks at you suspiciously, “Go on then.” “Make it quick, please? Hopefully it will hurt less.” You look into his blue eyes one last time before closing yours to accept your fate.
@silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @lokisgoodgirl @cindylynn @wheredafandomat @donaweasley @usagishira @el-zef @sharris8 @sheris532 @mochie85 @mischief2sarawr @mrsbarnes32557038 @buttercupcookies-blog @gruftiela @fictive-sl0th @ozymdias @litaloni @starkzdaughter @weirdothatwritess @goblingirlsarah @daechgustinad @anundyingfidelity @luphelia @calmoistorm @thenerdyoldersister @sarahedwards16 @lanadelswiftie13 @cruel-kitten @ktssstuff @krabog @wolfsmom1 @loz-3 @kats72 @crimson25 @zombiesnips-blog @cakesandtom @eleniblue @violethaze @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @chantsdemarins @lulubelle814 @anukulee @theallknown213 @alexakeyloveloki @tmilover1993 @fandxmslxt69 @nomajdetective @foxherder @kathren1sky-blog @javagirl328 @kcd15 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @soggylampshade0
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Mischievous Matching
☆ Pairing: Loki x Mutant!Reader
☆ Synopsis: Loki is a trouble maker, always one to cause trouble, but he meets a mortal that is even worse than him and he finds himself absolutely powerless and victim of your stupid outdated pranks, but he finds himself to be putty in your hands.
☆ Word Count: 7,656 (good thing I didn't know what to do with this prompt, eh? This is just the second longest fic I've done.)
☆ Notes: My first request! Yay! 🥳Loki is a smitten little lee. I'm really bad at doing pranks so I did the worst and oldest pranks I remembered, because it's funny Loki not growing up on earth wouldn't know any of them. Also, it's not said outright, but in case of doubt the reader's mutation is super-elasticity because guess who started watching One Piece 👒🏴‍☠️.
☆ Warnings: Very bad and outdated pranks, other than that it's just pure fluff and flirting.
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Loki thought he was smug. He had always been the smart brother, growing up constantly tricking an entire realm of Gods and Goddesses, he was very little used to people being smarter than him. Of course, he knew a couple of them existed, his mother was one he could never lie to. Odin more often than others saw through his deception and caught him playing pranks on Thor. But when you grow up in a Realm that values more your physical strength and at most your ability to come with war strategies… You come to believe you’re bound to become complacent, and it becomes a matter until… well, what always happens.
Loki would’ve never expected his match would come from Earth. Quite frankly, he had expected humans would always stay the same, kind of like Asgardians did. But they didn’t. Humans (for the most part at least) didn’t have magic or supernatural skills, so they chose to be inventive, they created modern civilizations purely thanks to the fact that humans chose to play smarter.
He wouldn’t admit it, now that Asgard settled on Midgard, and he got to see what humans did with technology… it was sort of admirable how much they had made purely with ingenuity. Only a bit.
There was Stark, who had made a technological empire and entire armies just with just machines, humans like the sanctuary where Strange lived or the Maximoff girl that had learned magic despite their incompatibility with it, or the bug hero’s mentor that figured a way to alter the size of matter itself. Not to mention the Avengers had managed to take him down, a God his ancestors used to venerate without question.
Perhaps some humans were in fact, formidable.
Still Loki could get away with a ridiculous number of things simply because a lot of humans were just that gullible. His illusions had already started wreaking havoc in small towns where his illusions had turned into rumors of what he learned humans called UFOs… although, to be completely fair, he was, by definition, an alien.
But the true meaning of formidable he found in you.
He met you one night he was allowed to visit New York and he decided to mess with passerby Midgardians. He simply sat on a bench of the park casted the illusion of a Ratatoskr and let humans do their thing. Truth to be told, while the creature wasn’t necessarily scary, it was gonna be interesting when the young ones noticed a talking squirrel and he saw some children excitedly trying to catch it, which may or may not have been actually endearing. But the real fun came when the parents became hysterical. Chaos ensued and Loki couldn’t hide a smile.
“That’s yours, isn’t it?” a voice asked, and you sat beside him.
He looked at you perplexed.
“It’s just… it kinda sticks out that you seem even more amused than the actual children playing with that. It’s supposed to be Ratatoskr, right?”
He didn’t expect anyone to notice, he had sat at enough distance that he couldn’t be related to what was going on, and he had a book on his hands so no one would relate his amusement to what’s going on.
The illusion vanished as he lost focus, surprised that you noticed him. He couldn’t hold back a soft laugh through his breath when a woman in her middle age let out a screech threatening to call the cops on an invisible talking squirrel. And to his surprise you laughed too.
“Man, I enjoy seeing your everyday soccer mom lose her marbles at whatever, but actively seeking their wrath takes courage.” You laughed.
You stretched out your hand and introduced yourself with a firm handshake which Loki surprised himself returning and giving away his actual name.
“W-Wait… like the Loki, Thor’s little brother… The Asgardian that… you know… over a decade ago did… you know?” you asked perplexed, not daring to say the actual thing.
Loki tense up, not knowing how you’d act next. For all he knows maybe the police force would end up showing up after all.
“Damn, so what they say is true” you shrugged. “You are a softie now.”
“What they say?” Loki gasped out indignant.
“Yeah, it was over the news a bit after the second snap, Ironman and your brother gave a press conference to explain you were in peace with Earth and it was Thanos’ brainwash.” You explained as a cheeky grin formed on your face. “Ergo, you are a softie.”
Loki was speechless. You knew who he was, you knew what he had done to New York, and yet you were poking the bear with a stick without an ounce of fear in your expression.
“Listen well, mortal, I–” Loki huffed.
“Pfft! I didn’t know Gods blushed.” You laughed heartedly.
“Hang on just a minute!” Loki protested as he became aware of the heat on his cheeks “I am–”
“Surprisingly fun to be around.”
He opened his mouth and closed it again as he found himself with no witty retort for your teasing.
“Thank you, I suppose” was all he could say, with less spite than he usually had when he spoke with mortals.
“I was gonna go grab a bite, wanna join? It’s a bit boring eating alone” you offered.
His stomach growled and he took the offer, partly because he was very hungry and both you had caught his curiosity. You were an odd one, that was for sure.
“So…” you wondered. “Is it true you’re staying with the Avengers?”
“Why do you wanna know?” he asked back.
“Curiosity” you smiled.
A question like that could’ve easily triggered an alarm, but for some reason it didn’t. And you didn’t lie.
“Yes, my brother decided to join the quarters to live with his friends and he took me with him” Loki admitted.
“Took you with him? Like an updog?” you arched an eyebrow in a way that made him feel slightly sheepish.
“Excuse me? What’s that?”
“What’s what?”
“What about it?”
“What is updog?”
“Not much, what’s up with you?” you wheezed before letting out a dorky laugh.
Despite the fact that the All-Speak did not allow him to understand a place’s lingo he understood he had fallen for a stupid Midgardian joke.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I had to try, oh… oh god, I hadn’t met a anyone who didn’t know that one yet, but I had to try. I like you already.”
Now he was convinced, you were definitely an odd one. Not only did you not fear him, but you were bold enough to pull practical jokes on him and teased him for falling for it. It got on his nerves.
But he couldn’t help but follow you around. You kept teasing him the entire trip to a sandwich shop.
“What do you want to eat?” you smiled.
Loki stared awkwardly at the menu, he recognized some of the ingredients, but he had never been to a place like this. And he wasn’t used enough to human food to make an informed choice.
So, you stepped up and asked him a couple of questions about the food he liked and made a choice for him.
“You can punch me in the arm if it’s not good” you winked at him.
Loki surprised himself smiling at you.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
But it was really good. It wasn’t anywhere near as refined as what he was used to eat, but it was surprisingly good. And you even paid for his food, which spared him the uncomfortable conversation over why he had no money despite leaving in a millionaire’s house.
“Hey, I live a bit far away, do you mind accompanying me home?”
Loki wasn’t sure why he accepted, but he found himself following you around, risking getting lost in New York City since he didn’t really know the area that well just yet. But he got on the bus with you and followed you home.
Which to his surprise… was the compound he himself lived in.
“Wait… D-Did you…?”
Loki felt betrayed. Of course. He should have known Stark would send an agent to find him, no one really trusted him, and they had to assign him a nanny to make sure he–
“I’m glad I ran into you” You spoke, interrupting his train of thought. “I still feel anxious coming so far out of the city alone, sorry if I cut your trip short.”
That caught him off guard. Were you not follow him? He didn’t sense a lie, but perhaps he was still a bit distracted.
“You mean you found me by accident?” Loki asked.
“Yeah, I’m not used to the headquarters being a home, so I need to get out to stretch my legs every once in a while. Otherwise, I feel… I don’t know.”
“Imprisoned.” You finished, as Loki’s lips let out the exact same word in almost a perfect synchronization.
Again, no lie.
“Hah… yeah” you smiled. “Sorry, I probably sound like a brat, complaining about living in such a big place.”
“No, I understand perfectly.” Loki found himself say in soft tone.
Loki walked with you inside and accompanied to your room. The sight when you opened the door was rather dismal. Just a small bed, a desk. But the bed was interesting, or more like what was on top of it. A stuffed little bear with a green bow on its neck, and a travel bag. He assumed they did go with Director Fury’s intention of having the trainees educated like soldiers until they completed their training.
After that day he felt more interested on helping with the training of newer recruits, thing he crushingly refused to do before meeting you. But it was his excuse to see you more. And as he imagined, you were among the best recruits. You weren’t the strongest, nor the fastest, and definitely not the tallest given some mutants came to be even taller than him. But you were agile and flexible, and you worked harder than anyone else to make up for any shortcomings you could have.
And you were smart, the smartest in the group. Loki had seen Stark give tests to the recruits and your results always came among the best, and more often than not, you were on top of those results.
“You did it again” Loki would congratulate you.
“It’s just a number on a paper” you always replied back, “that doesn’t mean I am going to be good on the world out there.”
“And yet your leg is bouncing with excitement” Loki pointed out.
You laughed and placed a hand to your knee to make it stop.
“The ego boost is still appreciated” you replied, a bit sheepish.
You were his favorite of all the recruits. Not that it was a title most competed for, a lot just gave him wary looks when it was his turn to train recruits, after all who wanted to have the man who once terrorized Earth as the class teacher. But you always helped to control the group, willingly volunteering for sparring with him for demonstrations and even while everyone else got a partner you chose him, even when that meant it’d be ten times more difficult than picking another mutant.
But once again, that allowed him to get closer to you.
“I’m telling you, it’s magic!” you assured him pointing to the water bottle as you sat next to him.
“Sure, it is.”
He knew you had no magic. He had read your files –for purely professional reasons, like personalizing– and knew of your abilities. But he also had no clue how you had shoved a coin bigger than the bottles neck all the way to the bottom.
But he didn’t like that playful giggle of yours, it always meant trouble.
“Look inside if you don’t believe me.” You said placing your eye on the bottle orifice to get a better look at the coin.
He sighed and mimicked what you had done, pressing his eye to the bottle’s finish to get a better look and see if he could figure something to get it out.
“I don’t see–”
In a second you had squeezed the bottle and splash him in the face. Which was noticed by a few recruits that let out quiet laughs, unlike you who were giggling shamelessly at his expense.
“You! You... traitorous, cheeky, despicable, insolent–” Loki huffed as he latched onto your ribs and squeezed them repeatedly making you double over in laughter.
You batted his hand gently after about a minute as you regained his composure.
“Oh god, you’re my favorite thing ever, it’s been years since these pranks stooped working on everyone else” you laughed.
Loki huffed. “I wasn’t living here years ago.”
“Oh, I know that’s what makes it funnier” you laughed and patted his shoulder.
Other trainees were looking at him amused, but he noticed they seemed a lot less tense now. As if some of that fear they had was gone. It was… weirdly nice. So, he just sighed and rubbed his face with sleeve to dry himself off.
“You cannot expect me to go easy on you after your little stunt” he asked as he stood up.
“Mm, it’s already, I like rough treatment anyway” you winked at him.
That made some other people in the room as Loki’s cheeks heated up lightly. But he still smirked.
“We’ll see about that in a few minutes, won’t we?”
You were also what humans called, the class clown. And your favorite thing was to prank him. It was all harmless stuff, like when you started a game the entire class to start a game every time, he used Asgardian or just outdated expressions like “Norns” or “Heavens.” Or that time you taped giant googly eyes to your chest, so he had a hard time giving a lecture as he got the urge to laugh every time he glanced at you, and even had the audacity to tell him, “Hey, my eyes are up here!” as you bounced, making the googly eyes bounce all over the place. That time where you filled his locker with confetti and balloons.
It was embarrassing because despite he’s nature, he had no way to get back at you. His illusions didn’t faze you one bit, and the concept of pranks for a god weren’t particularly safe for humans, your style was weirdly benign, and he couldn’t match it. And everything he tried repeating from your pranks wasn’t really surprising.
He used to think nothing could ever bother you at all… Until he was wrong.
He found you one night by the roof, sitting with your legs hanging on the edge, but the little border made a secure railing that kept you safe. You had been gone for hours, even skipping training, and he saw a half empty bottle of Vodka behind you.
“What are you doing here?” he asked as he sat beside you.
“Wasting time, and Tony’s reserves” you joked bitterly. “Watching the forest.”
“It is a lovely night” Loki admitted. “But you were missed at today’s sparring. It is obvious I’m not nearly as tolerable without you around.”
“Just relax, they’ve already warmed up to you” you sighed. “No one likes a stiff teacher.”
It was true hay whenever you made him laugh everyone else seemed to ease up as well. He always attributed to your natural charm and that you relished embarrassing him. But… people were a lot less wary around him lately.
“What made you skip?” he asked.
“It’s the 13th anniversary since my mutation manifested” you sighed and you reached your arm into the sky, it stretched for a few meters before it regained its normal shape.
“I thought people here celebrated that” Loki inquired. “You act as if a partner abandoned you.”
“I don’t know, I think I miss being normal… well, more normal” you chuckled humorlessly. “Not feeling like an actual monster.”
Loki could relate to that, realizing that you are different means you will never wake up with the same concept of yourself, because as it turns out, you are a mistake, a cosmic improbability and turns out, you’ve never been like anyone else around you.
“You are not monster, you’re a–”
“Oh right, because mutant sounds so much nicer.”
“Does it upset you?” Loki asked. “Being the way you are?”
“Yes. No. A little? I don’t know, it’s like a dream living in the Avengers home.” You sighed. “But… don’t you ever get the feeling that rather than wanting to have you around they’re just don’t want you to go rogue? I mean, I get it, with all that’s happening with the Banshee black market…”
Loki couldn’t help but laugh at that. If anyone understood what you felt, that was him. You were a mutant, which granted was becoming much more transcendental these days. More with the mutation enhancing drugs circulating, SHIELD and other organizations were putting a lot of energy to make sure less mutants went on a rampage. But none of you actually had major lists of crimes on their backs, unlike Loki. If anyone was being monitored that was Loki.
Even if he was technically an official Avenger already, it always felt like it was all because of his connection with Thor and at most that he was already highly trained, better than most other Avengers.
“I assure you that they do not think that of you.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “The Incorporations of Mutants Program is simply to remove mutants from a dangerous environment.”
“Yeah, free of Banshee and even add some mutant soldiers to their ranks, it’s a win-win situation” you spoke bitterly.
A part of him felt weirdly nostalgic. His mind took him back to the treasure vault of Asgard, his words reverberating on the walls: «So I am no more than another stolen relic, locked up, here until you might have use of me?» And now, more than a decade later, he found himself defending his father. This was just the same, you weren’t necessarily wrong… but it only a piece of the picture, the hurtful bit of a picture.
“You’re right to feel that way.” Loki spoke reassuringly. “But know that these people care about you… even if their original intentions aren’t as selfless. Trust me, I would know.”
“That’s surprisingly mature for a prince that’s technically younger than me.”
He felt his cheeks warming up to your comment and scoffed out a laugh. Of course, even in a vulnerable moment you wouldn’t let the chance pass to tease him.
“What can I say? I am not just devilishly handsome, charming, and tremendously intelligent,” he smiled, “there’s gotta be some wisdom to balance it all out.”
That made you laugh in that way that made his heart flutter in his chest. And before he knew it, you had rested your head on his shoulder. He felt his cheeks heat up and a smile make its way to his face. Had it always been so difficult concealing his excitement?
“You forgot humble and down to earth” you chuckled and rolled your eyes.
“What can I say, darling?” he smiled, “I’m a perfect man, I am completely irresistible.”
“And you still can’t get a date” you smile nudging his side.
“Not my fault there” Loki chuckled, “I’m quite particular when choosing a lover.”
“Right, and you being insufferable has nothing to do with it” you smiled as you grabbed his side and gave him a few squeezes.
The feeling made him jolt and let out a strangled gasp. Of course, you little brat always took advantage of this silly weakness of him ever since you found out.
He remembered the day you found out, quite vividly.
It was a holiday, so most recruits were out for a couple of days with either family, friends, or a new fling. Even some of the Avengers with friends out of the compound left for a few days. So, it was the super soldiers, the Maximoff twins, Vision, Thor, Loki, and you.
Your family had left for a trip, so you had no reason to leave the compound. Loki was thrilled that he would have you practically to himself. He felt those butterflies deep within his chest every time he saw you alone in a room. Of course, he kept his cool as best he could, still being the same mischievous charmer he’s always been, despite feeling like a giddy kid at the sight of you.
Even the most ordinary of mornings were blissful with you around. Even things like breakfast you could always make a monotone activities fun. Like right now, making Thor and the Maximoff twins laugh and sing around with you while you were whipping pancake mix on a bowl. It was some sort of little dance party while you cooked.
Loki couldn’t help but stare and chuckle softly.
“Loki, good morning” you smiled as poured some mix on a frying pan. “Wanna join us for breakfast?”
“Is it required for me to squirm around like a possessed worm like you’re doing?” he joked.
“Yes, it is imperative that you do, otherwise the pancakes will come flat” you quipped back with a cheeky smile.
“Come on brother, I know Midgard dancing is very different from what we used to see at home,” Thor intervened, “But it is quite fun, give it a try!”
“That’s the attitude, Thor-nderstorm” you grinned as you continued to dance.
“In that case I think I’ll just do with some coffee” he cleared his throat as he spoke.
“Come on, brother” Thor insisted, shameless —or rather, clueless— as usual. “It’s fun!”
“Hey, no shame if he can’t do it” you said, “Not everyone can dance.”
Loki laughed.
“If you call that «dancing», I’ll let you know I am actually a great dancer” he stated, just so you knew.
“Loki, if someone has to inform me of their traits, I have learned not to believe that.” You challenged him.
He looked away, focusing on the black liquid dripping into the coffee pot, trying to think of anything else that wasn’t you. Just the coffee, dark, bitter, that he had to keep himself from drinking before bed or it’d deprive him of sleep... Just the way you…
“ACK—!” he was brought back by the squeeze on his sides that made him jump and hold back a yelp.
He was ready to yell at Thor, when he saw the outstretched arms and you looking at him from the other side of the kitchen, the hands returned to your hips. Everyone was looking at him.
“Oh, you’re back” you saw his rosy cheeks a bit confused. “Honey?”
“Excuse me?”
“What do you want your pancakes with? Honey?”
“Uh- I… I- no… Um, I didn’t— I…” he couldn’t even look at you.
But you gave him a reassuring smile.
“I recall you like them with honey” you smiled, “It’s Thor that likes them with maple syrup.”
“That’s correct” Thor beamed happily.
“Don’t finish it all you hoarder” Pietro quipped as he wrestled with the blond for the bottle of syrup.
He sighed quietly, thankful that they had moved onto the next subject. He served himself his cup of coffee and just when he was going to turn around, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and that gently traveled all the way down his side and caused him to shiver.
He looked at you with daggers in his eyes before checking on the rest that were focused on eating and didn’t notice anything, thankfully. You just look at him and chuckled, before handing him a plate with neatly piled up pancakes with honey and some a small mix of berries you knew he liked.
“I didn’t know all Gods were so ticklish, I thought it was a Thor thing” you whispered. “…Good to know.”
You might as well have buried him alive after that. But, to his surprise you didn’t tell anyone. No one brought it up, not even Thor, who was already painfully aware of how cripplingly sensitive Loki was. No, and the anticipation killed him for the next day or two.
You didn’t bring it up once until one night you had the entire compound to yourselves. The doctor Foster had invited Thor over to «watch movies», not that anyone bought that for a second, the Scarlet Witch had gone on a date with the Vision, Barnes and Rogers were out on a party thing and had taken the Maximoff brother with him to further introduce him as part of the team. So, it was you and Loki completely alone.
You were reading on the couch on the weirdest positions, with your head upside down and the book inelegantly hanging on the air as you red upside down with your back arched as it seemed you’d fall out of the couch any second.
He grinned. It was the perfect chance to get you back. He made sure to be very quiet as he approached you and moved very slowly so you wouldn’t notice him —human earbuds were a blessing for his mischief, but they were not infallible— and right when he was towering over you. He squeezed both your sides.
“AAAAAAHHH!” you screeched as you fell off the couch.
Loki looked over to where you were laying on the floor where you had a hand over your heart.
“Loki! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” You scolded him.
What? No blush, no squeaky voice, no stuttering, no nervous shifting or even a giggle? No nothing? Were you that good at playing dumb? No way.
“What was that for?”
“I am sorry, I simply can’t resist when someone is vulnerable like that” Loki shrugged it off and sat on the couch, hoping you wouldn’t ask him to elaborate. “What are you reading?”
You sat back up next to him and showed him the baby blue book with pink letters and a couple kissing on the cover. One of those romance novels you liked.
“Is that the one you told me about?” Loki asked.
“It’s the one” you grinned and noticed the book beside him. “What are you reading?”
“Just old Asgardian poetry” he said, showing you the book, despite knowing you don’t speak Asgardian. He noticed the look you gave him, with an arched eyebrow and a smug grin, “It’s old even for me. Just old love poems.”
Your eyes sparkled like absolute diamonds, and you scooted closer to him, your face just inches from his. “Can you read one to me?”
He felt his cheeks flush at your excitement, and the clumsiness. But he cleared his throat and opened it on the poem he was reading. But he decided to be smug and read it just like it showed, in old Norse.
“Oh, so funny.” You growled and jabbed his sides.
Loki nearly jumped out of his skin and barked out a laugh. A laugh that didn’t go unnoticed given you quickly followed that same movement that had made him squirm. He very did a very poor job at concealing his reaction.
His brain quickly felt fuzzy, he could feel his restrained laughter echoing in his chest, and even still a few snickers were slipping out. His arms felt like worms just clumsily trying to find your hands to push you away. His face was impossibly hot and surely a dark shade of red at this point. His mind was on its knees begging for him to succumb and allow his body to laugh. And that’s exactly what he did when your hands sneaked past his arms and gently wiggled against the skin on his armpits.
“Wahahait! Stohohohop that!” he laughed.
“So that’s what your laugh sounds like” you teased him. “Hm… it’s actually kinda cute.”
“Stohohop this or ehehehehelse!” he latched his hands to your forearms but found that he didn’t even have the strength in himself to push you away.
Maybe it was that subliminal fear that he knew how fragile humans were. Maybe he was just that stupidly ticklish. Or… maybe your fingers were warm, and soft… and you had never given him this much attention.
He had fallen back on the couch, and you sat on his waist, straddling him with your legs on each side, and your hands were now exploring every bit of his torso to see what got him to laugh the hardest, your eyes were looking for every reaction, and your words were dedicated solely to tease him. He truly had you all for himself right now.
And it was driving him crazy.
“Mohohohortal! Cease this ahahahahat once!” he cackled. “It’s ahahahahan ordeheher!”
“Oh?” you smiled in a made that made his insides tingle, “I don’t think you’re in any position to make that call~”
Your thumbs dug into his hipbones that made him arch his back as he let out a loud screech and followed by a stream of guffaws. You laughed along with him, and it almost made this torture worth it.
Worth it, not more bearable.
“Plehehehease, no more! I surrender!” he laughed as he clumsily slapped your forearm in what he had learned was a sign of giving up.
“Wait, seriously” you asked, a bit surprised that you had actually gotten to him.
“Yehehehes, please, I yieheheheld!”
And thank gods it worked. You immediately stopped tickling him and helped him sit back up.
“You okay there?” you smiled at him, and his only response was tackling you to try getting some well-deserve revenge.
Ever since that night you had tormented every once in a while, by tickling him silly whenever you felt like it. But somehow you always had the decency to make it behind closed doors, where no one could see him laughing like an idiot at the mercy of a mortal simply tickling him. And… laying on your bed at late hours was very much worth it, the books he brought to read for you could always wait.
Loki and you chatted for a few hours and soon you sober up enough which relaxed Loki enough, but he noticed your conversation turned more melancholic, contrasting with your grumpy drunk rant earlier. You talked about your family, old jobs, and a department you owned before moving in on the compound.
“Can I tell you something funny?” you smiled sadly, and he nodded. “I miss being ticklish.”
“Well darling, I think that’s been enough alcohol for you.” Loki said as he grabbed the bottle and made it vanish away from you.
“I mean it!” you laughed.
“You’re insane.”
“It’s… I used to laugh so easy… Now every poke, every squeeze, every jab…” you poked your side and your finger sunk in your skin. “It’s… I don’t know… absorbed? I don’t feel anything like I used to.”
He remembered, the time you tickled him silly, how he attempted to get revenge, and how poorly it ended for him.
He latched his hands to your sides and squeezed you thoroughly. He crawled his hands over your belly, he pinched your ribs, and skittering his fingers under your arms. He experimented on every inch of your body.
But at most you gave him a soft breathy laugh, more amused than ticklish induced.
“Sorry Loki, I’m not that ticklish” you smiled trying to be apologetic, but you seemed more amused.
Your armed stretched and wrapped in circles around his bicep to pin his arm upward and still stretched enough to reach and tickle under his arm.
Needless to say, this time he didn’t get a break so easily.
“I doubt there is any actual downside to being the way you are” Loki encouraged you, “I’d give anything to not be… you know…”
“Cripplingly ticklish?” you smiled and elbowed his side making his face flush.
Norns, where had the days gone when he used to be a charming silver-tongued flirt? He used to be swooning men, women, and mythical beings alike, but your silly teasing for some reason had him blushing like a young boy.
“I-It’s… not how I would have phrased that…”
“I would” you cut him off with a giggle and poked his ribs, making him jump and barely hold back a squeak. A squeak.
“Right… Nowhere near the point I was trying to make” he sighs.
“I know… I just miss that intimacy” you sighed.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, tickling was fun when I was little, it’s a nice way of being close to others” you sighed as you rested your head against his shoulder. “And I wish I could have that. Usually I get «no, it’s unfair since you’re not ticklish» and well… No more fun for me.”
Close to others.
He gulped at the warmth of your body as you leaned on him. His heart was racing, his hands were sweaty, his face was burning, he felt a knot in his throat and his breath was hitching.
“Tickle me then.”
“What did you say?!”
What did he say?!
Loki had been through the toughest training regimes growing up, he’d been deadly injured in battle countless time before he even turned 1000 years old, he’d withstand the most merciless tortures, and had been clinically dead more than once. But ever since he was little the one thing he couldn’t stand, was getting tickled. It was so bad to the point where the only people who could tickle him were his parents and Thor… who also had the advantage of being about three times stronger than Loki.
He remembered vividly the last time he was tickled past his limit he had lost control of his magic and unintentionally sent Thor to the healing room for two days (although he had been too proud to admit it had been an accident). The fact that you had left your last encounter tickling him unscathed was a miracle.
“Are you serious?” you asked him, looking at him suspiciously.
Truthfully, he didn’t know if he was. He was so convinced he hated being tickled, that he couldn’t understand why the idea actually felt… Exciting? Appealing? He tried convincing himself it was just the idea of having your hands on him.
“Yes, how bad can it really be?” Loki nearly wanted to die when he felt his voice crack in nervousness, and he had to clear his throat. “You’re just a human, after all.”
“Oh, is that so?” you chuckle. “Mm, I might take you on that offer then.”
You squeezed his side and his breath hitched.
“W-Wait, don’t!” he gasped and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, here better?” you grinned and used your other hand to squeeze above his knee, which made him jolt and grab your other hand by reflex.
“Gods, you do not make this easy” he chuckled softly.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable” you smiled genuinely. “I still appreciate the intention.”
The disappointed look on your face was all the motivation he needed, he pulled you towards him and sat facing you, guiding your hands to his sides as he felt his face burning. How terminally insane had he gone?
“Do it before I change my mind” he said firmly.
“Pfft!” you giggled, “You’re crazy.”
“It would seem so” he smiled. “Let’s get this over with…”
You chuckled and you started skittering your fingernails along his sides. Loki’s jaw tensed immediately as he felt his lips started twitching upward.
“Aww… you’re so ticklish, Loki” you smiled as you kept tracing your fingers up and down his sides, from his hips to his upper ribs. “It’s so charming.”
He cursed his choice of wardrobe today, and Midgardian fashion in general, he could have used a good layer of his Asgardian leather armors. Now a cotton shirt and black jeans served him very little as your finger tormented his sides.
And he was starting to giggle already.
“Yohohohou’re such a pehehehehest!”
“C’mon… it is pretty cute how you laugh,” you smiled, “your voice is so deep but your giggles are so light.”
“I’m nohohohot cute! Hehehe- Hey! Dohohohn’t touch thehehehere!” he giggled when your hands wiggled towards the sides of his belly.
“Oh, your pwetty tummy is so ticklish, isn’t it?” you cooed doing bloody baby talk, “You so cute~”
“Stohohohohop!” he guffawed. “Do nohohot patronize mehehehe!”
He hated how well you had learned how sensitive his stomach was. You had tickled him about three times total prior to this peak of insanity, but the weak spot that was his entire abdomen didn’t go unnoticed from the first time.
“I’m sorry, it’s so hard not to tease you when you have such a cute way of laughing.”
“I’m nohohohohot! Stop sahahaying that!” he protested between laughs.
“You should see yourself” you smiled at him. “The way you scrunch up your nose and stick your tongue out ever so slightly is so endearing!”
“Shuhuhuhut up!” he laughed as he bent over to try protecting his belly from your fingers.
You were being so gentle to him, simply skittering your fingers over his shirt. Being anyone else, that might have just gotten a few giggles out, but he was so ridiculously ticklish, especially there. That this delicate taunt to the skin had him hysterical.
“No mohohohore!” he pleaded, “Not thehehehere!”
“Not where?” you asked innocently. “Here?”
And you poked gently over the patch of skin right below his navel.
“Cuhuhut it out! Gehehet away from my stomahahahach!” he cackled, “I’m behehegging you!”
For some reason you decided to listen and move from his gut, moving to poke and knead his ribs, even doing those unbearable ticklish pinches around him.
You had a hellish ability to have him in stitches.
It kept going for a while, you would explore a spot, have him giggling like a child and then move onto the next to start over, not giving him a chance to get used to any sensation or spot.
“Dahahahahahahahaharling, plehehease!” he laughed, “thahahat’s so bahahahad!”
Seemingly that phrased worked and it stopped you giving him the chance to catch his breath, he placed a hand over his chest, feeling it rise and fall as he tried refilling his lungs with air.
“You little imp!” Loki panted “I was being so nice to you!”
“So was I” you smiled, “I’ve tickled you before, you know how bad it can be.”
Surely you were right, but the way you said it, almost like a promise, made Loki’s cheeks flare up, not that it would’ve been noticeable given how his face was flushed from laughing.
“You’re a menace” he chuckled, as he ruffled your hair “How come I’ve grown so fond of a little nuisance like yourself?”
“What can I say? I’m irresistible like that” you laughed as you rested your head against his arm.
He chuckled as he felt a lingering warmth spreading from where you were resting against his arm to his chest.
“Maybe you are” he sighed with a smile. If only you knew.
“Loki… can I ask you something?” you looked up at him.
“What is it?”
“Are you happy… living here?” you asked. “Or… have you never thought of running away?”
His face darkened. It made sense, but the idea of you thinking of him as a potential traitor stung worse than every awful thing said to or by him in stupid fights with Thor or his parents when the arguments got heated.
“Why do you ask?”
“Well, you lived in a castle, with luxury, prestige, fame and power” you spoke, “isn’t this too little for you? Don’t you feel trapped?”
Now that reasoning he didn’t expect. He smiled at you fondly.
“You make me sound like a spoiled brat” he chuckled.
“Aren’t you?” you chuckled.
“Of course not, I am the epitome of humility” he claimed, making you laugh. “But… answering to your question… I used to feel trapped, every day I’d be plotting my escape, how to make my great escape.”
“And we won't hear a word they say…” you chuckled.
“What?” he smiled.
“Nothing, The Great Escape is a song, continue” you smiled.
“And trust me… at first… I tried, they didn’t take long to catch me analyzing their security systems and patrolling schedules in a chance to sneak out. I was given so many last warnings and caused Thor so much trouble. Until… eventually I realized… I had nowhere to run to” Loki spoke sadly, “And eventually I stopped trying, this was all I had, and I had to make the best of it. At least my brother was around…”
“Aw, so you do care about Thor” you smiled as you nudge his side.
“I did not say that, and you are not to tell him that” Loki spoke in a fake seriousness. “His ego is big enough as it is.”
“Oh, you’re criticizing him about his big ego.” You laughed, and Loki’s heart fluttered, “You should tell him, he would be very happy that his little brother loves him.”
“Perhaps I will one day” Loki smiled, resting his cheek on the top of your head. “Now, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…”
“Diva” you muttered under your breath, making Loki chuckle.
“…Eventually I resigned to living here,” he continued. “And one day, the Incorporation of Mutant Program was introduced.”
“I’m still not over the fact that we were named the IMPs” you laughed, making Loki snicker.
“Are you kidding? That was the only thing I considered salvageable of you all at the time.” Loki joked, earning a poke on the ribs from you, “…Among the other Avengers I was requested to instruct the recruits. Which I refused to do.”
“And then you met me” you smiled.
“And then I met you.” Loki agreed. “Which made it all more bearable, you at least provided me with some challenge and entertainment.”
“That’s a really twisted way to say you like me” you chuckled.
If you only knew…
“Would you believe me if I said I did?”
“That’s fair.”
The triggered something in him, a moment of bravado that made him want to risk everything and tell you.
“Are you sure of that?” he asked, as he gently placed a finger under your chin, and pulled for you to look at him. “Even if I said you drive me completely crazy?”
Oh, the look of shock that adorned your now blushing features was delicious.
“Even if I said that I think about you on every waking moment, and that just for the sake of that smile of yours I’d withstand the most barbarous tortures… That for the longest time now you’ve had my heartstrings wrapped around your fingers, playing me like a puppet at your will just for the sake of you one day maybe looking at me the way I look at you.”
“What…? Wh— L-Loki… I— you—!” you stuttered.
Your face was red, but you didn’t seem repelled by his confession. Thank goodness. He thought maybe giving you some time to organize your words was the best thing he could do.
“Why me?” you finally asked.
“Why not?”
“I’m not particularly strong, powerful or attractive” you stated. “Even among just the other recruits.”
“I beg to differ, it takes a lot to render a god helpless like you did earlier.”
“Because you allowed me to” you retorted.
“Because I am crazy about you” Loki said gently.
“You’re stubborn, you get on my nerves all the time, you question and defy my authority every chance you have, and you have no fear of the consequences of crossing a god, especially one with my history.” Loki chuckled. “That takes a lot of courage.”
You smiled at him shyly, and oh gods, the amount of self-control it took not to tackled you and kiss the daylights out of you was ridiculous.
“You are funny, and witty, you have these innocent eyes that make me want to blindly believe you every time you pull one of your stupid pranks on me.”
“And you fall every time” you smiled as the pink shade returned to your cheeks.
“I fall every time” he whispered with a gentle nod. “I fall every time you smile, every time you laugh and every time you look at me as if I was someone interesting and worth getting to know better.”
“You are worth getting to know better… Hell, you’re worth risking a friendship for…”
“Risking a friendship— Mmph?!”
Before he could process what you had done he was already melting against your lips that were sweetly pressed against his.
He felt your fingers sneaking behind him, brushing gently against his neck, which made him laugh softly against the kiss before they continued their journey to his head, where they started playing with his hair in a way that caused him to swoon. In return he placed his hands on the small of your back, brushing his thumbs against you.
And you let out a giggle.
“What was that?” he asked amused.
“W-Wait, do it again!” You smiled brightly.
Loki smiled and brushed his fingers gently across your back and you let out a little giggle.
“It tickled!” You exclaimed.
“Oh did it…?” he smiled and experimented by gently scratching your sides and belly, just soft caresses with his blunt nails over your skin.
And you were giggling like a happy kid.
“Would you look at that…” Loki taunted you. “The little springy mortal is ticklish after all.”
You just rested against his chest as he tickled you, not protesting or squirming at all, just happy giggles. He supposed it made sense, pokes, squeezes, and jabs did nothing, but your skin was still sensitive enough to react to caresses, and it turned out it was all he needed. He took his sweet time exploring every little spot on your body that made you giggle.
Perhaps tickling was fun after all.
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riseofamoonycake · 11 months
May we ask for a lactation part 2 with, maybe Buddha, shiva or Rudra? Or whoever you prefer? 🫣🫣
And the second part of the lactation kink is here!!! Here is the first part.
I enjoyed the writing a lot, so thank you! 
Guest gods (and humans!): Buddha, Rudra, Shiva, Loki, Marie Curie, Alfred Nobel, Isaac Newton 
Warnings: mention of sex, kink (lactation kink), dirty talking, nudity, abuses (not from the Ror characters or the reader!)
Notes: the reader is female or AFAB
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The perfume that invades the kitchen is the best start to the day that anyone could wish for. Cinnamon, vanilla and a slight hint of jasmine, coming from the vase of flowers on the table behind you, pleasantly intertwine in the air and soak your hair, together with the flour that dyes the ends of it. Even your face is covered in white powder, because when you cook you don’t set yourself any limits; and it is always worth it, even when the room looks like a battlefield complete with dead milk cartons and leftover dough scattered around as a warning. The oven works at full capacity, swallowing and giving biscuits and cakes, and the tune you hum keeps it company in the absolute peace of the early morning; at least until, during the preparation of another sweet, a shadow crosses the door and begins to slip through the chaos that reigns supreme, approaching your figure without making any noise.
It is too late to escape him: when his hands tighten around your waist and the mouth kisses your earlobe, you are already his. «Buddha!», you scream, jumping in surprise and grabbing his fingers with yours, smearing them with flour, «but why do you always have to come up behind me?»
As a first response he explodes in a silvery laugh, then rubs his chin against your head and closes his eyes, basking in the heat that rises from you. «You’re always with your head in the clouds, I have to take advantage of it! Try to understand me!»
«As always, you want to be right… and no, no! It’s not the time, go away!» Suddenly frowning, you lightly slap the god’s hands already outstretched to slip into the bowl of dough and then you grab this and lift it, trying to bring it as far as possible from Buddha’s reach.
In response, he huffs and makes an exasperated noise, then pulls away from you and puts his hands on his hips. His height and strength would allow him to get right over you and get what he wants in a second, and yet he doesn’t. Something doesn’t add up… «What an injustice! At least let me taste if it’s good!»
«It is, it is, don’t underestimate my talents! And look over your shoulder, you have an army of sweets waiting for you, why do you have to pester me?»
«But they’re still hot! They would burn my hands!»
You roll your eyes in exasperation and turn away from him, leaning over the bowl to protect it from further attacks. «Make sure you don’t play tricks…», you warn him, «or… Buddha.»
Again, his hands pass by your hips; this time, however, instead of looking for the dough, they land on your belly, massage it gently and then go up following the curve of your breasts, swollen with milk. Here his fingers stop and, without you being able to do anything about it, they begin to squeeze and press, prompting you to arch your back and lean against his chest, a moan already in your throat. Buddha seems to forget all about the sweet you are making, turns you and lifts you up to sit on the table, shifting bowls and molds with his elbows and grabbing you under your knees to spread your legs, then slipping between them as his gaze seeks yours and a lascivious grin rises across his face; you, on the other hand, are quick to get rid of your apron and chase his fingers, competing to see who is the first to unbutton your shirt and bare your chest.
«Here’s what you’re really hungry for…», you murmur between smiles as you close your eyes and tilt your head back, letting Buddha pull you closer to him and to his intimacy already erect and pulsating through the clothes’ fabric, take your wrists to keep you still and in the meantime start kissing both your breasts, lingering on the nipple and the areola, lightly stimulating them with the fangs and sucking, filling himself with milk so much that some of it drips from the corners of the mouth.
Between shivering, spasms of pleasure and long sighs, something tells you that you will have to wait a long time before you can finish your work, but who knows why, you won’t be so sorry.
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🌪️🐅Rudra + Shiva
Though centuries have passed since it first felt that touch, your skin can’t help but become clay, soft matter, under Rudra’s gentle hands. It longs for the rough fingers full of stories and wanderings, drinks all the heat and rubs against a body capable of giving the most intense pleasure as much as the protection it most seeks, trusts and abandons itself completely. Nothing bad will ever come to you from the God of Storms, on the contrary: the little sleeping creature that he is now holding in his arms, without letting even one of them free, is yet another proof that only joy and good can come from him, that you are at safe and loved; and you can’t help but smile as you look before you, at your son resting against his father’s chest, your eyes moving continuously from the little one’s face to Rudra’s rapt and moved expression, as happy as you are ― and perhaps even more ― for the sweet gift of your belly.
«Sooner or later he’ll let me cradle the baby, huh.»
Shiva’s voice enters your mind like a light breath, so you turn towards the God of Destruction placidly and comfortably lying on the cushions placed a short distance from you and Rudra, his gaze fixed on the child and the expression slightly frowning; your smile turns into a grin, you rarely miss a chance to tease him about anything. «Are we jealous, Lord Shiva?», you sing him softly, lifting yourself on your elbows and emerging from the blankets you are lying on, reaching out to stroke the newborn’s head and cheeks, «You don’t want to take him away from us, do you?»
«Don’t worry, Y/N, he just has to try», Rudra replies without even moving his gaze, starting to gently cradle the baby and continuously kissing his forehead.
«He’s already jealous…», Shiva sighs, turning on his side and supporting the head with one hand, while crossing the others on the chest and placing one on the hip, «when Ganesha was born I was not so tyrannical, and I’m not even now!»
«Yes, we all stole him from you!», you reply in a honeyed voice, «it was so nice to hear you protest because we never let you have him.«»
«Here, so now I should do the same thing!»
You shake your head and don’t stop smiling, then you reach out more towards Rudra and put your nose into your baby’s chest, rubbing it slowly; without ceasing to sleep, he reaches out a little hand towards your face and softly touches it, and you close your eyes, your heart completely conquered. A sudden humidity invades your chest and slowly descends towards your belly in small shivers, you know what it is; and when you withdraw and lean back on the blankets, you stare without alarm at the wet bodice of your dress, with the two patches on your breasts becoming larger and larger. You are not embarrassed by the presence of Shiva: more than once he has seen you breastfeeding the puppies and orphans who have come to you to be fed, and as a mother goddess you are, you have never been ashamed of such a natural and sweet act, even if done in front of people who are not your husband. Now that you have a baby of your own, it is normal for your breasts to ooze milk all the time, at the mere sight of him; so everything is as it should be. «Now I will feed him», you murmur softly to Rudra, looking up at his face, «then you can cuddle him aga― are you listening to me?»
No, he is not doing it: because the god’s gaze is fixed on your now damp corset, his pupils enlarged and the breath cut off; next to you, Shiva also breathes more silently, but you can feel the heat of his skin increase and he slowly approaches, to better observe what is happening. Great, you think as a subtle and involuntary blush crims your cheeks, just in a moment like this you had to excite both of them; and now?
Now Rudra takes care of it, who moves and reaches Shiva; he stretches out all four arms, takes your son and hugs him as if he were worth his life, grinning triumphantly as the God of Storms turns full on you, towering over you with his full height as he approaches and stares at you with the most excited expression you have ever seen on him. «Shiva, please take care of our son and leave us alone. And for a long time», he murmurs; and at those words your blush becomes deep, violent and intense, and in an instinctive movement you rub your thighs against each other, knowing full well what is to come.
«Well, what can I say… have fun! And try not to dry her, remember that your child needs milk too… and me too.» The God of Destruction flees before Rudra can reply by a syllable, but he doesn’t even look at him: his attention is all on you, on your wide and waiting eyes, your rapid breathing and your body that is already quivering and shaking as soon as the god kneels in front of you and reaches out towards your face, stroking your cheek gently with a hand while the others are already tight around your clothes and are slowly lowering them, uncovering you. «Abandon yourself to me», your husband murmurs in your ear, while his fingers caress your hips and run from your chest to your belly, prompting you to lie down completely on the blankets and let him climb on you, then wedge him between your legs one once he has slipped into it, «relax and leave everything to me.»
You can do nothing but obey, because that is what you want; you close your eyes and throw your head back, wrap your arms around Rudra and dig your nails into his shoulders, and sigh loudly. «Go on then, your queen is waiting.»
You don’t need to see to know that he smiled, then grinned slightly: the pressure on your hips increases and his mouth imprisons your breasts in a thrilling dance, and you become his. 
Completely his.
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Only the wind and the early sun play with your hair: you feel it even now, still immersed in dreams, at the foot of the oak that watches over the whole forest. Only someone quite crazy and desperate like you could choose to spend the night here, in the heart of a place that everyone knows is sacred to the gods; but if it is them you need to fear, and not men, then you are ready to face the terror reserved only for blasphemers. Humans have scared you enough.
The nature around you is wild, but it loves you: the thousand eyes of the birches watch your every breath, the way your belly rises and falls as you dream of running along beaches as black as melted obsidian, the smile that folds his arms before images of such freedom; yet, rather than waiting for the moment of your awakening to condemn you, they seem to watch over you. Wildflowers and mushrooms of all kinds grow all around you, the river nearby flows intense and vibrant; the light, on the other hand, now struggles to penetrate, it almost seems that the trees are thickening their foliage to deny it access and protect the darkness of the place.
On the other hand, the sun shines brightly on your dream journey: those you see are memories, eternal middays and very long afternoons, expanses of low vegetation, mountains that pierced the sky, and your joy as a child. It is not easy to be born free and have everything without possessing anything, and grow up to find yourself surrounded by golden and silver, yet be deprived of love, warmth and care, captive and despised. This is why the forest has welcomed you: however dangerous the badgers are on your way, hungry the beasts that are smelling your scent and are gathering to reach you, red the berries that would kill you in not even an instant, you are not afraid of them.
Suddenly, however, it is the forest that trembles for you: someone has just entered it, definitively driving away the sun and bringing a thinner darkness with them, converging the eyes of the birches towards their figure as they follow your path step by step. The beasts give up approaching, flee to look for other prey: someone bigger than them has preceded them and is following your tracks, even if they wouldn’t need to, they already know where you are. It is the amusement he anticipates and the curiosity that move his feet, and the threat he is about to bring upon you, that you curl up on the ground as if feeling the approaching storm, but without ceasing to sleep.
«Ah! Found youuuu. Look at this sweet, filthy girl…»
Loki’s grin is terrible as he approaches your body abandoned to sleep and stares at you: it is the only illuminated part of his face, because his gaze is wrapped in the violet shadows of a cruel complacency and the spiteful desire to see your confusion, your panic, upon waking. Did you think you’d escape his attention, favored by midnight, when you entered the forest where only he can enter? And still do you really think you can take refuge forever in your sleep, in your happy visions, now that he towers over you, climbs on you and crouches on your lap, and you can’t escape anywhere? «Big mistake: you could have chosen any place for your outings, but you desired the ruin as a blanket. Wake up, woman, and accept the consequences of your actions.»
There is no sweetness in the tug the god gives your arms nor in the expression with which he devours every flicker on your face; but there is some in the touch with which, in response to the solicitations, your fingers tighten around his wrists and block him in surprise. What are you doing? «Finally, some warmth on my skin…», you murmur with your eyes tightly closed, slightly arching your belly towards him, tilting your head to one side and sighing as you smile, «are you the sun, unknown man?»
Loki widens the eyes and retracts the hands with a jerk, depriving you of his warmth; he jumps back and continues to stare at you, eyes flashing and a dark aura emanating from him, teeth grinding in a menacing snarl. Who are you to act like that, even daring to touch him? How dare you, cursed human? Quickly, fueled by your peaceful expression, his deep irritation begins to turn into pure anger; and when he approaches you again, you really should fear.
For a second time, the Father of Lies stops, shocked and dazed; and his hands fall to the sides as the eyes can only lock onto your chest. Underneath the heavy cloak that covers your arms peeks out the bodice of what looks like a nightgown; and this is wet at the level of the breasts, overwhelmingly visible through the thin cloth made transparent by the liquid that drenches them, with the turgid nipples that press against them and the dark areola that most of all invites kisses and caresses. The sight of them and of the continuous flow of milk, which even runs down your side and escapes the restrictions of the fabric to fall on the grass, upsets him and dries his throat, preventing him both from proceeding with the punishment he wanted to give you and from to leave; his tongue hisses as his violet eyes fill with your pure maternal beauty, with the little tremors that go through you as you finally start to leave sleep and your body prepares to wake up, with your voice humming sweet words, perhaps a lullaby that it is not for you, and neither is it for him.
Loki says nothing as he disappears into the shadows of the badgers, a flash of green and purple signaling where he is hidden, and from there he watches what is happening; hands clenched into fists, eyes narrowed, he glares at you as you rouse yourself, sit up and stretch slightly, then shiver in the morning air and wrap yourself completely in your cloak. What did you do to him? Now only the vision of your innocent figure dances in front of him, while the nostrils are filled with the smell of milk and his fingers wonder if they shouldn’t stop more on your arms, and his hands hold back between yours.
You’ll pay for that too, Loki thinks as he begins to retreat and vanish like a ghost before the fire, interrupting the hunting ― but only momentarily, and you’ll give me all the answers I want. Wait for me, you don’t even imagine what you started, human… nor what will follow.
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🔬Marie Curie + Alfred Nobel + Isaac Newton
«Nobel! Go away from there, move! Look out, we’re going to catch fire soon!»
«Strange case, he’s always the one who risks blowing up everything…»
«And you, Newton, what are you doing with those knives? Mon Dieu, as you embarrass me, no one else...»
Smiling, you look up from another notebook that you are filling with all sorts of notes and the next instant you put your pen near to it; you rub your neck while listening to the three scientists discussing everything as usual, then you shake your head and sigh of resignation, but more of tenderness. When you decided to write a book about three of the Earth’s top scientists and, after finding them, you brought them together in your house to follow them day and night and make your work easier, you didn’t think you’d have so little time for yourself and concentration equal to zero; but neither that there would be a lot of laughs, unforgettable moments, and a million things to learn. You are an excellent writer, serious and prepared, and you are putting all of yourself into following their words as much as possible while they explain experiments and discoveries to you; it is not always easy, but you are learning, and all three of them are always kind, patient and helpful towards you.
And genuinely adorable, and lovable.
Marie Curie is a tornado of enthusiasm: you are enchanted by watching her excited face as she tells you about her life, you stare at her as if in a dream as she whirls around and runs from one side of the room to the other, all taken up with the conversation and from the demonstration of what she has accomplished, and the hours fly by without being able to stop as she sits next to you and helps you to transcribe her work as correctly as possible.
Alfred Nobel instead has one of the most beautiful smiles you will ever see, especially when he looks at his colleagues and tries to appease them like a father, and he never fails to caress you gently with his big warm hands. He is strong, he is huge, yet so delicate and respectful when he bends over your notes and makes sure not to take up space for you, and then explains what can be improved or showers you with praise if everything flows perfectly: he pampers you like no one before, and you can’t help but blush every time, it is stronger than you.
Isaac Newton, on the other hand, loves the outdoors: being hosted in a house with a huge garden allows him to go out at any time and observe the world, and you too, with your ever-present notebook. His quiet and peaceful voice guides you firmly wherever he wants, with him at your side the hand never stops but is always intent on jotting down something, even if they were simple impressions: sometimes his thoughts are difficult to follow, so with him you have the most complex speeches ever faced… even if you don’t do so badly, to see the smiles and the words of approval he addresses to you.
Basically, your days have improved markedly now that the three of them are with you: there is so much chaos, the house is always full of voices and footsteps and screams, the rooms are the realm of disorder or have been changed according to the scientists’ needs, and it must be said, all three are absolutely terrible at cooking ― even if you continue to leave them the kitchen so as not to offend them, and to allow them to continue practicing ―: but the more days go by the more you would like to stop them, and so you try to imagine if… if they had to always stay here with you, with all their skills and enthusiasm, with all that they are.
Only one thing is missing to make everything really perfect: your recently born daughter, who stayed with her grandparents to allow you to work without other thoughts and not to disturb the scientists. It is something you knew would happen, you never deluded yourself about it: yet you miss her every moment, she is the shadow that hides behind your laughters and the cause of the tears that occasionally fall from your eyes, when night is deep and even your guests can’t completely overcome its strength, and you cradle and hold air in your arms. Furthermore, even if your little girl is not here with you, your chest continues to spurt milk: the mere thought of her is enough to release a few drops, which you manage to hide under heavy clothes to not raise painful questions, but how long will it last? How long will you last? Even now you miss her… you may start to tremble so much you want to hug her…
«Y/N! Come, lunch is ready, and maybe this time it’s even edible. Hopefully, at least… Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?»
It is a caress on the head, given by Marie, that takes you back from the world of your thoughts: you widen your eyes and jump, turning and meeting the slightly worried gaze of the woman, who stands still for a moment and then bends towards you. «You are very pale… what happened? Do you want to lie down?»
Her sweet voice, so motherly and shrewd, teases your tears and you have to make an enormous effort to hold back them; you succeed, and at that point you take a strong sigh and stand up, the scientist’s chest a few centimeters from yours. «I’m just hungry, don’t worry for me», you invent an excuse, taking Marie by the hand and heading with her towards the kitchen, from where you hear Alfred and Isaac arguing.
«Hey, Y/N! Look, this time we should have made it… we hope you like it!»
You reply to Nobel’s sunny smile and his enthusiasm by smiling back, then nod. The scent that comes from the pan that Newton is holding isn’t the worst you have ever smelled, so this time you too have good hopes and, having gathered the dishes, you start to get closer to him; at this point, however, a hand from Marie grabs your arm, stopping you. «Wait a minute… what about that? Is that milk?»
You petrify yourself for a few moments, then find the courage to follow Marie’s gaze and point your eyes downwards, at the trickle of opaque liquid that emerges from the sweater and, passing a small strip of exposed skin, wet the hem of trousers. Damn, you think as you bite your lip and your cheeks begin to flush, but was this just supposed to happen?
«Yes, it’s milk», Alfred comments as he gets closer to you, followed by Newton who has made the pan disappear who knows where, «and it’s interesting that you continue to have some after all this time, and with your daughter far away…»
«I don’t know about you, but I’d say we’ve found a subject worth studying», adds Isaac, narrowing his eyes as he stares at the trickle and then at your face, «how do we proceed, colleagues?»
«Hey, you three, what do you want to do with me?» Your voice comes out a little faint, because the surprise and confusion are too strong for you to even breathe normally. Not to mention the gazes of scientists, invaded by the light that you see every time they talk about a discovery or are carrying out an experiment… that excited light that you have recently begun to desire, to want for yourself just like now.
«Nothing, if you don’t want it», says Marie, as she moves behind you and strokes your shoulders, then puts her mouth to your ear, «but if instead you agree to let us at least have a look at the phenomenon, well… something good will happen.»
«I’m not a guinea pig», you reply, raising your head in a proud gesture and narrowing your eyes, «keep that in mind.»
«And in fact you are not», all three say, in unison; then Alfred takes your hand in his and squeezes it, bowing in front of you with a sweet expression on his face. «You are not, and we are not torturers. It’s like Curie says… if you accept to receive our attention, we will be happy; otherwise don’t worry, nothing will change between us. We won’t adore you any less.»
«It depends on what kind of attention…», you try to resist, more out of a mischievous game than out of conviction: you know what is about to happen and you want it, your legs are shaking, you are won.
All three laugh, then Marie releases your shoulders to hug your waist and pushes your hair away with her nose, then kisses the back of your neck; Newton, on the other hand, gets so close to you that you can feel his breath on you, and he faces you with his full height. «Since the lady wants a demonstration… we shouldn’t deny it to her», he murmurs a moment before grabbing you by the waist and lifting you in his arms, squeezing you tightly to him and sinking his lips into your neck.
Alfred quickly frees the table from the tablecloth and crockery and Isaac delicately places you on it, then all three surround you and start caressing and touching you everywhere: they have already made you wait long enough, you don’t deserve it and neither do they.
«Don’t worry, we’ll be kind, sweet Y/N… ask us what you want, we’ll give it to you.» Alfred’s hand caresses your side sensually while the other begins to take off your pants, one knee already between your thighs, while his mouth kisses your belly; Newton, on the other hand, wastes no time in taking off your sweater and the underlying shirt, to then get help from Marie to undo your bra and, once he has bared your breasts, to wrap you in his arms while he covers them with kisses and attacks a nipple, starting to suck greedily. You throw your head back without holding back long moans and gasps, while the hottest sensations assault every inch of your body and you wriggle under them: you feel yourself sinking into pure chaos, and you like, oh, how you like it a lot.
«You’re in excellent hands», Marie murmurs as she takes your face in her hands and kisses you everywhere, ravaging your lips and cheeks with little bites, tearing up little screams, «you couldn’t find someone better to love you, ma cherie. Now, like a good girl, let out all the voice in your throat, we want to hear you loud and clear…»
Who knows if you’ll write about this in your book, later.
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Treasure Hunt [Dom!Loki x Fem. Reader Drabble] 18+
A LINK TO MY MASTERLIST IS HERE Summary: Just a Sinday treat based on @lokislilkitten sending this and my subsequent rambling. A continuation of that rambling. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Dom! Loki. Smut vibes. Sexual tension. Language. Dirty Talk. Implied threat. Implied BDSM. (w/c: 700)
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"A minute? That doesn't sound very... fair" you gasped, as Loki peeled the thin cardigan from your shoulders. He loomed behind you, heavy boots thumping against ancient wood as he re-positioned himself at your back.
"Fair?" he chuckled darkly, teeth grazing against your bare skin. Loki placed a sucking kiss against the needy flesh; his hands pulling your hips roughly towards him. "Who said anything about 'fair'?"
Your eyes roamed around the gloom of the manor house ballroom where he had whisked you under the cover of night, a shiver running down your spine.
Dust floated on the air from where your captor’s forceful entrance had disturbed it. A wide cracked mirror hung on the wall, the ornate carvings tarnished by time and neglect. It teased you with the speckled, shadow marred image of a leather-clad figure encasing you in the darkness, his face concealed by a flank of dark curls. “There will be a series of challenges for you to complete in order to gain your...freedom” he rumbled, kissing a path of ownership up the nape of your neck. “There are clues in place, but also.... distractions.” “Distractions?” Your voice quivered as his fingers looped around the flimsy straps of your silk nightdress. “Mmmm...” he hummed, “a veritable army of distractions bent on dissuading you from achieving your ultimate release.” Piecing together the information in your mind, you analysed the situation. You had a minute’s head start on Loki. While you searched for a golden key hidden somewhere in the manor from a series of clues he had hidden in every room, he would taunt you. He would hunt you. His ‘distractions’ sounded an awful lot like duplicates. Illusions. Your aching pussy clenched in anticipation as a shudder rolled across your limbs. They would single-handedly ruin you. Each and every one. How many of them there would be, you couldn't say. There must be dozens of sprawling rooms in this crumbling pile of bricks, forgotten by time. Your gaze fluttered to a table in the corner as Loki's fingers grazed your nipples through the silk, laden with familiar instruments of dark pleasures. Handcuffs. Plugs. Paddles. Chains. Clamps...every piece carefully selected from Loki's private collection for tonight's event. You watched as one by one they disappeared from the tattered cloth, absorbed to the hands of an illusion waiting for you somewhere in the dark corners beyond. In every shadow, in every stairwell. “I don’t think I need to tell you what they will do should they ensnare you, pet” he chuckled dryly, the low timbre of his voice seeping into every thick atom of the musty air. Your core pulsed with hot blood, his domination edging your wavering compliance to the brink. “They will ruin you, devastate you...in every way. Their little plaything. How long they have waited for you. How they will enjoy pulling every whimpering, pathetic orgasm from your needy cunt as you beg them for salvation.”
Your breath hitched as he pulled your ass tight to his crotch, his thick cock rubbing through the hard leather. “I must warn you; they are not known for their...sympathy.” “If they can catch me, you mean” you stuttered, bravery taking you by surprise as Loki’s fingers paused the descent of your nightdress past your breasts. “If?” he laughed, the vibrations of his leather tunic thundering against your ribs.
“Such naivety in you my sweet, fragile flower. Tis’ almost a pity. I suppose I should relish it... while it lasts.” Beyond the carved double doors of the ballroom, the broken chimes of an untuned piano hauntingly soared. “See, flower?” Loki leant close, his warm breath fanning your ear while your silk nightdress pooled around your bare feet. “They are eager for the games to begin. We mustn’t keep them waiting.” The god’s palms ran up your naked arms, feeling every hair standing erect against the cool skin. He inhaled against the curve of your neck, a low moan rumbling in his throat, saturated with torturous lust. “Are you ready for your first clue?” Loki murmured. You nodded, the wetness sliding between your thighs betraying your excitement at his theatrical display. “Run.” he growled, a cruel smile spreading across his lips as you darted towards the curved staircase and the unknown beyond it. 💀 Tags @lokischambermaid @daggers-and-mischief @wheredafandomat @mochie85 @michelleleewise @vbecker10 @fictive-sl0th @lokislilkitten @maple-seed @peacefulpianist @simplyholl @holdmytesseract @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @gigglingtigger @cakesandtom @lokikissesmyforehead @mischief2sarawr @thomase1 @sinsandguilt @joyful-enchantress @wolfsmom1 @xorpsbane @lokiprompts @lady-rose-moon @thedistractedagglomeration @loopsisloops @mcufan72 @ravenwings73 @yelkmelk @demoiseller @sititran @123forgottherest @fictional-hooman @anonymousfiction211 @nerdy-fangirl-65 @goblingirlsarah @kats72 @peaches1958 @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @mad4marvelloki @mischief2sarawr @yokshi-unbeliebubble @thesinsoflust @animnerd @trickster-maiden @ladymischief11
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello!!, can we get a part two of blue diamond reader but this time she moved on finding out that pink diamond gave her life for her child and now reader is the guardian/mother of her sisters child. But then one day the child then got attacked by the same god that shattered her dearest sister but the god has an army trying to conquer readers palace so out of rage reader most literally deleted their entire existence without of course feeling her pain and anguish to them, affecting the other gods that's watching this unfold cause the fight took in the middle of a god meeting🧍‍♀️ after the fight reader just went back to spoiling her child lowkey panicking if he got hurt.
And out of lol's i imagine some gods would come up to her kneeling down on one knee and just say "Marry me" simultaneously (for comedic effect) i also imagine that she's taller than most gods cause i saw that blue diamond is actually a giant women🤩 anyway that's all!! You're carrying the ROR fandom by writing these fics❤️‼️
My sweet darling, you’re gonna give me a big ass head with your sweet words!! When I read your request I almost literally cried! You’re so kind!!
-It had been years since Pink had been shattered, years since your heart had been shattered.
-You had hid yourself away, hiding your pain, your sorrow, until news came, news of Pink.
-She had been shattered, that part was true, but she was shattered saving the life of her child, choosing to give her own to keep her son safe.
-The young child was small, smaller than Pink was when she was only a child, but seeing him, seeing your Pink in this child, your heart soared with pure joy.
-With no hesitation whatsoever, you adopted your nephew, raising him with compassion, educating him on anything he wanted to learn, and being the parental figure that he always wanted to have, as he had been living in an orphanage until his powers bloomed, Pink’s powers.
-To celebrate the one-year anniversary of this reunion, you decided to hold a ball and everyone, humans and gods, showed up to help you celebrate.
-Many were put at ease, seeing you smiling so warmly, seeing the child you now cared for so tenderly, a few were a bit jealous, wanting some of your affection for themselves, but this party was for you and your nephew.
-You were speaking to several of the gods when a loud crash was heard and your eyes widened, seeing a large god, one you recognized as the one who had shattered Pink!
-He had escaped after he was being sent to prison, vanishing and you were in anguish that none could find him.
-Behind him was an army of other warriors, ones that wanted to kill the gods, and kill any trace of the Diamond Goddesses.
-Their mistake was going after your nephew, in an instant, your power exploded, sending everyone in attendance to their knees, overwhelmed by your emotions and with one swipe of your hand, the gods and his minions were gone, immediately being turned to dust.
-Jaws were dropped all over, gawking in awe over your breathtaking power, turning to you to see you near tears, holding your nephew, demanding to know if he was okay, only worried about him, and not batting a single eyelash at the gods you just singlehandedly destroyed with one move.
-Once you were calmed down, you heard several voices shout out in unison, “‘MARRY ME!!’” you turned, eyes wide, seeing Hercules, Thor, Loki, Raiden, Lu Bu, Ares, Zeus, Rudra, and Chuck, God of Accounting, all kneeling before you, staring up at you, holding up a hand to you, proposing to you.
-You froze, your mind completely shutting down as you gaped at the mass proposal, unable to process that they all just proposed to you.
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darknight3904 · 5 months
Reunions and Lemonade
Masterlist / Main Masterlist
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S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Helicarrier 2012
    "Hello, Astri. It's been a while hasn't it?" 
Astri didn't speak as she stepped closer to the glass that separated her from Loki. His hair was long, and greasier than usual. He seemed a bit paler than Astri had remembered but it could have been the harsh lightning that shone above him. He wore his usual gold armor and green leathers, it seemed slightly different and less ornate than the set he had when they last saw each other. He had also added a bit more leather on his shoulders, perhaps in a bid to look more intimidating?
   "I believe an apology is in order." She said once she was in front of him
   "For what? I do not regret killing those Midgardians. They are but mere steps on my path to greatness. I am burdened with glorious purpose, I don't expect anyone to understand how I-" 
   "No, you fool. You punched me so hard last time we saw each other, you broke my nose." Astri huffed, sitting down in a chair that was placed in front of the glass. 
Loki also took a seat on the bench that was in his cell, his eyes bore into Astri's as they both stared. 
   "Yes, well, for that I also feel no remorse," Loki said with a grin 
   "Yeah alright, you've become a terrible liar," Astri said 
   "And what of you? We reunite and you seem to have no intention of telling me about Aesir. Of how he won your affections so quickly in the markets." Loki seethed 
Was he jealous? He couldn't possibly be...right? 
   "Did Thor tell you? Or are you going through my mind? I could've sworn I learned how to block others years ago." Astri asked 
   "Oh my dear brother didn't spill your secrets and you did successfully lock me out of your mind in your little teaching sessions with my mother years ago. Your mental walls are strong but there are chinks in your armor, especially when you sleep." Loki explained 
   "So you were in my mind as I slept...wow you've turned into a real creep, Loki." Astri poked 
   "Maybe I have but that's not why you're here," Loki said 
   "And why am I here?" Astri asked observing how sweat seemed to be gathering on his face rather quickly
   "The Black Widow wants more information on me. Thor and that band of idiots want the Tesseract. And you've become their messenger because they think a familiar face I once found pretty will work on me." Loki said 
      "You think I'm pretty? How sweet, Loki." Astri smiled, she refused to let him get the best of her with that silver tongue of his. She knew his ploys, he'd try and insult her enough that she'd leave him alone. 
   "If you want to know, I am here for all those reasons but I'm also here for myself. Firstly, I want an apology about my nose, I spent a full 3 days not being able to use it to breathe. Secondly, I want you to call off this army I'm hearing about." Astri said 
   "You'll be leaving this room disappointed." Loki said, "I won't be giving you either." 
   "I figured you'd say something like that." Astri sighed "Let's talk about something else other than my desires." 
Loki eyed her suspiciously, Astri could tell his mind was dancing, trying to figure out how to get her to stop whatever game she might have started. 
     "What do think the people of Midgard will think when you tear open their skies and rain an alien army down on them? Do you think they'll bow to you the way Asgard bows to your father?" She asked 
   "He's not my father," Loki mumbled, barely audible 
   "What was that? Speak up, that punch you gave me a year ago messed with my ears." She joked 
   "HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" Loki yelled, suddenly getting up and crossing his cage to stand in front of her 
   "Your rage is going to rip you apart," Astri said calmly, not flinching at Loki's outburst
   "What I do with my rage should not concern you. The humans will bow to me by the time I am done laying waste to New York."  Loki said oddly calm
   "And then?" Astri asked 
   "And then I rule. As I was born to." He said 
   "What? Is that the glorious purpose you speak of?" She teased 
   "Yes. I will have my throne." He said harshly
Loki seemed very passionate about this throne he was owed. Astri knew it was due to years of being lied to and his life in Thor's shadow. Time for another subject change. 
   "Do you remember when we danced at the winter solstice? I had a blue dress on and you said I was stunning in it?" She asked 
   "I do," Loki said, unsure of where she was going 
   "I don't know what you were thinking then but do you want to know what was going through my mind?" Astri asked 
She was met with silence as Loki held eye contact. 
   "I wished for the moment to never end." She admitted 
   "Is that supposed to convince me to tell you I'll stop my army and go back to Asgard with you?" Loki sneered 
   "No, it's not. I was just wondering if you ever wanted to make memories like that again. Even now when I think about it I feel more peaceful. Don't you wish for peace like that again?" She asked 
   "Silence is not peace, Astri." Loki pointed out 
   "I'm aware." She responded 
Silence enveloped the pair as Astri's gaze fell to the floor. She could feel Loki's eyes on her. Her eyes shot up to the thing Natasha had said would allow everyone else to be able to see and hear them. Her hand glowed and the soft beeping from the device indicated she had disabled whatever it was. She stood, walking towards Loki who was still at the glass. Astri took a deep breath and focused. She stepped carefully through the glass, finally close to Loki. 
   "You're not truly here?" Loki asked reaching his hand out so it brushed hers 
   "No. I'm surprised you didn't notice earlier. I learned a new form of astral projection that can travel over longer distances and allow me to interact with objects around me." She explained, "I wasn't expecting to be able to get through the glass so easily though."
Loki didn't say anything as she rested her forehead on his chest and took his hand in hers. 
   "This doesn't change anything." Loki whispered "You should go. You took their equipment out, they'll be here soon." 
   "I know..." Astri sighed "Come home...come home to me, I swear to you we'll make everything right." 
   "I can't." Loki said, "I have duties here, and returning home would be bringing dishonor to you and my mother. I am an outcast, a monster, you said it yourself." 
   "You're not a monster, you're not, I never meant it." Astri said, raising her head to look at Loki again, " I don't care about dishonor or duties, I just care about you." 
A loud bang on the door started Astri and Loki as they jumped apart. Astri's magic was swirling, holding the door shut as she heard angry shouts from Thor and the Midgardians. 
   "Tell me where the Tesseract is...I swear on my life you will go home without a mark on you." Astri begged 
Loki's eyes looked at the door where sparks were flying, Tony Stark must be cutting the door down. 
   "You should take your leave, Astri." He advised stepping back, "I'll send you word once I have conquered this planet."
The sound of the door being kicked in had Astri's guard up. She made eye contact with Thor briefly before Stark's mechanic voice ordered her to step away from Loki. 
   "Loki, please..." She pleaded, tears escaping from her eyes.
The angry shout of Fury rang in her ears once more and she opened her eyes to find the ceiling of her chamber staring back at her She was home again, without Loki, and she felt emptier than ever. 
   "Don't you think the Rock of Ages looks a little upset?" Stark asked from outside of the cage, whatever technology he wore, he was able to use it to repair the camera without even stepping inside his cage.
   "Astri and Loki have a special bond, they've always been very close. I can not imagine what she said to him with that device off, but I'm sure he is thinking deeply about it." His "brother" explained, looking at him
   "By special bond you mean relationship? Because those two seemed head over heels for each other before she cut the camera." The spangled man said 
   "You all ought to stop speaking on matters you know nothing about," Loki interjected 
His comment was ignored as the Midgardians and Thor left him alone once more. Loki couldn't still couldn't believe how ethereal Astri had looked when she spoke to him. Her new style of armor had glittered wonderfully when she passed through the glass that had separated them. With the golden accents she had chosen, Loki couldn't help but wonder if they were for him. Astri's hair was the same as Loki remembered, long and slightly wavy. His mind kept replaying his interaction with Astri. They hadn't seen each other in a year and one of the first things she did was call him a fool. Perhaps she was right, maybe he was a fool a fool who would prove his worth soon enough. Her opinion wouldn't matter once he had his throne.
Asgard 2012
"So it's over?" Astri asked
   "Yes, Thor has Loki and the Tesseract. They plan to return shortly, the one who calls himself Iron Man is taking them to eat at a Midgardian place. I can summon you when the moment they return." Heimdall responded, "Although I do think Odin will want words with Loki first."
   "Don't trouble yourself, I'll see Loki when I feel like it. If you could send Thor to me that would be appreciated." Astri said
   "Of course, my lady." Heimdall nodded
   "Thank you for everything, Heimdall." Astri smiled before mounting her horse and heading back to the castle.
She and Heimdall had just spent the last few hours together. Heimdall was watching Thor and Loki on Midgard and Astri listened to his explanations, awaiting some form of good news. The best news she had gotten was that Loki had been stopped and attacked by some green thing that called its self Hulk. Heimdall had described the scene and it ended with Loki incapacitated on the ground. Astri never wanted to meet the creature that could do that much damage to Loki who normally had a million backup plans and tricks up his sleeve to avoid such treatment.
A heavy-handed knock at her door pulled her from her thoughts.
   "Special delivery." Thor's voice sang as he pushed the door open "Heimdall said you wanted to see me."
   "Yes, I did. What is in your hand?" Astri asked looking at the brown paper bag that Thor was holding
   "Oh, when we were done beating Loki up we went to this Midgardian food place. Stark called it Shawarma, it was so good I got some to bring back to you, and a wonderful drink that's a bit sour, Steve, he's the one in red and blue said it's called lemonade." Thor said handing her the still-warm bag.
They sat on Astri's balcony as Thor eagerly awaited Astri's opinion on the food and drink he had brought back.
   "So what do you think?" Thor asked
   "It's quite wonderful. I like the drink's sweetness." Astri said truthfully.
   "Of course you do! I offered some to Loki but he got angry, started cursing at me, and then he called me fat so I had to put his muzzle back on." Thor sighed
    "You put what on him?" Astri asked nearly choking on her food
   " After we defeated him, he decided to mock Steve and wouldn't stop his rude comments so I put this on him," Thor explained pulling a silver muzzle from his belt.
   "Oh." Astri smiled, at least he was still himself.
They sat in silence as Astri finished her food and sipped from the paper cup.
    "Do you know what will happen to him?" Astri asked when she was done.
   "No, I wish I did...Father will sentence him after the winter solstice has passed but I doubt his prospects are any good. I hope my Mother will be able to lessen whatever punishment is dealt out." Thor said
Astri slowly nodded, trying to absorb Thor's words.
   "Do you ever wish you could just...go back in time and stop all the bad things from happening?" She asked
   "All the time." Thor sighed 
End of Part One 
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Deal With The Devil [Dark!Loki x Reader]
​Dom Loki x sub gn!reader
Summary: Your kingdom has fallen into chaos. In your desperation, you request aid from the only ruler powerful enough to help you. But Loki is difficult to convince...
Words: 885
Warnings: 18+ themes; power play, manipulative Loki
A contribution to the Winter Warmers Collection by the amazing @lokisgoodgirl
This is inspired by the song Church by Fall Out Boy. I’m working on a sub!Loki fic with similar vibes.
main masterlist (more Loki stuff)
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The heavy doors fell shut behind you. The loud bang vibrated in your bones.
For a second you just stood there, taking in the extravagance of Asgard’s throne room. Golden pillars, exquisite decorations along the walls that shimmered in the candle light. Nothing could compare.
Especially not the room used by the king’s family back home, which rather served as a business room for anything important. The king even sometimes used the room as his study. It was nothing like this.
“Tell me, little mortal. What brings you to my realm?”
Your eyes snapped towards the throne. The figure sitting on top of it was the very essence of what you’d describe as royalty. Golden armor, a majestic golden helmet with horns on top of messy black hair and a golden staff.
Despite everything, it was his eyes that brought you to your knees. You bowed respectfully before the throne, your gaze fixed on the floor.
“Your Highness, I have come to ask for your aid. My kingdom has been ravaged by war, hunger and poverty. I fear we won’t survive another winter.”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you waited for him to speak. Even your breathing was too loud against the silence that settled heavily on your shoulders.
The echo of heavy steps thundered through the throne room. Your eyes remained fixed on the floor.
A firm hand gripped your chin and tilted your head up.
“And what would you gain from this alliance, little mortal?”
His deep voice made you shiver, just as much as the stare from his blue eyes. You swallowed against the lump in your throat.
“Your Highness, I am but a simple human trying to avoid the certain death of my people. I fear you are the only one with the power to save them.”
Something flashed in his eyes. You could see an emotion almost like recollection or empathy on his face. It only lasted for a second before he raised his head, letting go of your chin.
“And what would I gain from helping you?”
You looked back at the floor. “An ally. In case you ever have any issues on Midgard, or you were in the middle of a war yourself.”
That was rich and you knew it. Your kingdom was small, it definitely didn’t possess enough influence or military strength to help a realm as mighty as Asgard if the situation arose. Not by a long shot.
It didn’t matter; you were desperate. You had to save your people.
His deep laughter shook you right down to your bones.
“Lying to me isn’t wise for someone in your position, little mortal.”
Your breath hitched. His voice had dropped to a deeper pitch, dark and threatening. It rested on your shoulders, pressing you even further to the floor.
“Your Highness, I can assure you –“
He forced your head up once more. His grip was stronger now, long fingers digging painfully into your skin. The burning stare from his blue eyes made the words die on your tongue.
“I am not some simple mortal. I am a King; a God. You’d do wisely to address me as such.”
You couldn’t look away from him. His hand held your head steady and you found yourself caged in by his grip and his stare. You nodded.
“Yes… my King.”
The words tasted strange in your mouth. Yet they felt right, especially when the expression on his face changed. He smiled at you, not losing any of his authority and power. Quite the opposite: his smile only increased it.
“Very good. Now tell me: what would I truly gain from helping you? I know your kingdom well; you have greatly exaggerated its influence and power. If I were ever in a similar position, your meek army would be of no use to me.”
Fear gripped your heart, drenching your whole body in ice. You inhaled sharply. If he didn’t help you, your kingdom and everyone in it would be doomed…
“Anything, my King. Anything you want, it’s yours!”
His eyebrows rose as he looked at you. He released your chin.
This time you didn’t look away. You kneeled at his feet, staring up at him with desperate eyes. You’d give him anything you had, if he only saved your kingdom.
His cold stare slowly became warmer as he smiled; but just like before, the dominant aura remained.
“Anything, you say?”
The almost playful tone sent a shiver down your spine but you didn’t allow yourself to falter as you looked into his eyes. The fate of your kingdom depended on your success.
“Yes, my King. Anything you want.”
He stared down at you in silence, his eyes burning into the very essence of your being.
Your heart stumbled in your chest as he slowly leaned down until his face was almost level with yours.
“Well, little mortal… what if I want you?”
Your knees buckled.
He observed you in silence, his eyes roaming across your body as he waited for your response. That infuriating smile hadn’t left his lips. His stare hypnotized you.
You swallowed hard, accepting your demise.
“Then you shall have me, my King.”
The words had barely left your lips when he leaned in and sealed your fate with a passionate yet gentle kiss.
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@lokisgoodgirl @muddyorbsblr @mischief2sarawr @thedistractedagglomeration @xorpsbane @lokischambermaid @loopsisloops @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @thomase1 @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @holdmytesseract @sarahscribbles @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @lokikissesmyforehead @wheredafandomat @gigglingtigger @animnerd @joyful-enchantress @springdandelixn @dangertoozmanykids101​ @vickie5446 @mygfloki @stupidthoughtsinwriting @skymoonandstardust​
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geminigirl0298 · 5 months
Hi! Some of us have probably been waiting patiently but didn’t want to you to feel pressured 🤍 just know you have a fan here patiently waiting for your amazing writing when your ready 🥰
Hey! School has been killing me and I have my final MBBS exams in less than two months.
Still, I have been writing. Since it’s been so long, here’s an excerpt from ATKM Chapter 17:
You weren’t quite sure how to react to Loki kissing you. The idea consumed most of your waking thoughts for so long, and now that it was happening, you froze. You froze. Soft lips were pressed against your own and you lay unmoving beneath the covers. The only man you could ever remember embracing you like this was James, and he was nowhere near as gentle. James kissed you to claim you- rough and cruel and in a way that almost always bruised your lips.
Loki was nothing like that. The warm caress of his mouth on yours made your head spin, and when he parted his lips, you allowed yourself to melt into him. You let him take control. He tilted his head to capture your lower lip between his and he did not try to shove his tongue into your mouth like James would have. Instead, he let the kiss progress naturally, even sliding an arm between your back and the bed to hold you closer. His other arm moved to support him on the bed.
“Are you okay?” He murmured against your mouth. “Is this too far?” You shook your head, and were rewarded with a kiss on your cheek. He moved to your jaw next, leaving soft pecks along your jaw until he reached your neck. The kiss he left there made you moan. Your eyes opened wide at the alien sound that escaped you, but your barely had time to process it before his lips moved to the shell of your ear, nibbling and licking in a way that had your cheeks heating.
“Loki…” your voice was breathless. “T-that feels wonderful.”
“Good,” he whispered in your ear. “I always want you to feel wonderful around me.” He kissed your ear, then the spot below it, lips trailing down until he reached your neck. You shivered when his lips applied more pressure there. A resultant tremble built in you, followed by another, and another as he repeated his motions. They shot straight through you and down to your core, making you press your thighs together.
“Oh!” You fisted his shirt. His mouth curved into a smile. You noticed that he took great care not to climb on top of you. He simply held you close, allowing you the safety of having him nearby without the suffocation of another body holding yours down. He-
“My king!” The call from outside was followed by a sharp knock on the door. “My king!”
A noise of annoyance erupted from the back of Loki’s throat. He stood up abruptly, marching over to the door to grip the handle and pull it open. “What?” Fear bled into the face of the soldier standing before him. You couldn’t blame the younger boy, for Loki’s irritation was coming off of him in waves. “What do you want?”
“They found the room,” announced the boy. “They found the room with the flowers-”
“They did?” you asked. “That was quick.” The boy’s face darted to yours and he promptly flushed. He must have noticed your quick breathing, along with the rumpled bed sheets and the king’s behaviour, and realized what he interrupted.
“My armies are very efficient,” Loki told you. “Heimdall would have transported them to where they needed to be, and since the Rogers’ household is empty-”
“It wasn’t,” the young soldier interjected. “It wasn’t empty. There was someone in there trying to steal the flowers.”
James, you thought. It must be James. He must have seen the soldiers and figure out what was happening.
Loki must have had the same suspicions, seeing as his eyes flickered to you. “Who was it?” His tone was rough. “Was it Commander Barnes?”
“It was a woman.”
So sorry again for the long wait. I appreciate you all being so patient with me. I cannot promise when the next chapter will be out but I am writing.
Thank you all in advance !
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lokiondisneyplus · 7 months
Loki has worn many hats since his initial appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2011.
In the first “Avengers” movie, the God of Mischief, played by Tom Hiddleston, descended on New York City with an alien army. In “Thor: Ragnarok,” he teamed up with his brother to protect the people of Asgard, morphing from villain to antihero. And now, in the second season of the “Loki” television series, which premieres Thursday on Disney+, he embarks on a new and unlikely mission — saving the Time Variance Authority.
Season 2 of “Loki” takes place in the aftermath of the mayhem from the first installment, in which Loki and Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), a free-spirited Loki variant, arrived at the end of history. There, they discovered He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors), the time-bending scientist who masterminded the T.V.A. to prevent another war between the many variants of himself.
When Sylvie stabs He Who Remains, she plunges the T.V.A. and the Sacred Timeline into chaos, unleashing the multiverse. As Season 2 commences, new worlds branch from the timeline, T.V.A. forces splinter into factions and Loki grapples with a problem called time-slipping as he is caught in a tug of war between past and present.
To preserve the T.V.A., Loki reunites with familiar characters — including the wry Mobius (Owen Wilson) and Hunter B-15 (Wunmi Mosaku) — as well as new ones, such as O.B., a T.V.A. fix-it man played by the Oscar-winning actor Ke Huy Quan, and Victor Timely, a 19th-century inventor and Kang variant played by Majors. (Majors is facing charges related to a misdemeanor assault case after being arrested in March in New York. Filming for Season 2 of “Loki” had already finished before the arrest.)
With the original director Kate Herron leaving the project, Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead, who helped direct “Moon Knight,” became the new lead directors on a majority of the episodes. Eric Martin, who helped write some of the first season’s episodes, has become head writer.
In a video call from his writing studio in Los Angeles, Martin spoke about crafting the plot and characters of Season 2 and working with Quan in his new role.
ImageKe Huy Quan as O.B., Wunmi Mosaku as Hunter B-15, Tom Hiddleston as Loki and Owen Wilson as Mobius.Credit...Marvel/Disney+
What were some of the themes you had in mind as you wrote the script for this show?
I think the most important thing to me is just character and emotionality. I wanted to have everything driven by the wants and needs of our characters and really just focus on their emotional journeys first and foremost. That is the basis for all the drama: Who are our people? Where are their heads at? What do they need? Those are the dramatic questions that drive everything.
As for themes, we still have the ideas of free will and destiny that continue on from Season 1. But for new things, I think order versus chaos is a continual theme. And then a power vacuum. What happens in a power vacuum? I think like the overarching concept of Season 2 is, “You break it, you buy it.” That’s what happened at the end of Season 1. They broke the system. And so now they own this nebulous thing, and it needs to reform and become something new.
How do you see Loki evolving as a character through the first season and into the second?
Season 1, and like Episode 1 especially, scrambled his brains. He sees his own death by the end of that. He realizes that even the infinity stones are pointless at this new level of things. And so he had to completely reset and figure out who he was. And so I think Season 1 we see him make this hero turn although he is still an antihero or villain. But I think Loki had kind of forgotten who he was, and Season 2 is like rebalancing that. So we still have this hero Loki, but we’re getting back to the meat and potatoes of who this guy is. We’re getting back to the God of Mischief. So we see him using all those talents of the God of Mischief but as a hero now.
All these characters are so intertwined across multiple different movies and TV shows in the MCU. So, I’m curious, how much creative freedom do you have in writing for this particular show?
We’re fortunate that we really have our own little sandbox here where we’re able to be really creative and branch off into other directions without stepping on other projects. And some of that’s by design, while some of that is just what we found along the way. In terms of actual marching orders, there have been certain points where it’s like, “Oh, you know what, this character is being used by another project,” and you just have to pivot. But in terms of our drama and our story and where we’re taking our characters, it really is just following them and their needs and proving them on the page. And if we can prove that then nobody steps in and says you need to do something different.
The interactions between Loki and Mobius and between Loki and Sylvie were captivating in Season 1. What should we expect from those interactions in Season 2?
Let me start with Loki and Mobius. They’re a lot of fun to write because they’re an odd couple. They are very different in how they do everything. They are on the same side. They’re on the same page, but they’re reading different books. They do not have the same path to getting the same thing done, and that’s what’s fun. You have that friction to play with, but they are on the same side. So scene to scene, there’s so much fun to have with them.
And with Loki and Sylvie, they’re a little bit of friends, couple, I’m not sure how you even want to look at them. These are two people that have had this intense experience together, and they split apart and went separate ways. Inevitably they’re going to come together, but how have they each changed? Where have they each gone? And are they going to be able to mesh again?
ImageTom Hiddleston as Loki, Ke Huy Quan as O.B. and Owen Wilson as Mobius.Credit...Marvel/Disney+
So O.B. is definitely an important character in Season 2. What was it like to create this character?
O.B. was born out of a desire to see the rest of the T.V.A. I feel like Season 1 we existed on a couple different levels, but this is a massive place. Like, what else is there? Who else is there? And as I was getting into the first episode of Season 2, I really started to think about who’s the person who is down there in the engine room of the ship. He’s the one who is looking over everything. He’s the fix-it guy. I just started to imagine a guy who was so busy running the machinery that he just doesn’t see anybody. But he loves his job. It very much is like the seven dwarfs and Snow White. They’re just whistling while they work because they love it.
And so Loki and Mobius show up there, and they’re like the first visitors O.B. has had in years. O.B. is just happily doing his job. It really crystallized in my head who that person was — somebody who loved his job. That conception of the character stuck and stayed. And when Ke came on, he just added a layer of sweet humanity to it that I thought brought a whole different level to what O.B. is.
How was Ke brought on for this role?
That was Kevin Feige. He saw him in “Everything Everywhere All at Once” and Kevin fell in love with O.B. on the page, and I think he just saw him and then he’s like, “This is our O.B. He’ll just step right in and be perfect for this.” The first day Ke came, he hadn’t started yet. He just wanted to visit the set and say hi. That’s who Ke is, he wants to know everybody. And we got to talking and had lunch together and it was just this nice lunch talking about his character and getting to hear him dig in and get under the skin of that character and how he was going to approach it. And all just over some cold Chinese noodles.
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darsynia · 1 year
Repeat After Me | Oneshot
(Tony Stark/Reader, Soulmate AU Canon Divergence 'Mob AU')
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Summary: You're thriving in Loki's Empire as the most respected smuggler out there. You earned that reputation by remaining neutral, traveling between the city-states run by powerful Magnates like Loki's thrall Tony Stark in NYC or the relocated Wilson Fisk in Miami. It's lucrative business, but the real reason you have to stay moving is written on your arm.
Length | Rating: 3,635 | T (for language)
Notes: Set ten years after Loki successfully mind controlled Tony Stark and took over the world in 2012. My tongue-in-cheek take on a mobster-style AU, series potential if folks are interested.
THIS IS MY VOTE FOR 'SOULMATES' IN ROUND 1 OF TROPE MADNESS 2023 which is run by @thestanceyg! (note: also posted on AO3, same title tho!)
Also written for @caplanbuckybarnes's Three Words Challenge, using 'Don't look back.'
Tags: @ronearoundblindly @chickensarentcheap @themaradaniels @starksbf @tiny-anne @starryeyes2000 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft
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Repeat After Me
You might be the only person who has both soulmate Words written on your body.
Repeat after me: don’t look back.
At first, you’d found them comforting. After all, they’re predictable in a way almost no one else’s Words are: if you’re right about them, it means you can choose whether to speak those fateful Words aloud. Then Loki came with his Chitauri army, and everything changed.
It’s been ten years since Lord Loki became the ruler of the world; ten years of societal restructure and bleak acquiescence. It turns out that humans are well adapted to be ruled, just as he’d said-- but perhaps not quite in the way he’d intended. Everyone has figured out their own way to survive, whether it’s in one of the densely populated city-states, the agricultural backwaters, or the uneasy suburban sprawl that straddles both extremes.
You’re one of the few who can travel easily through all three, and you pride yourself on that. Pre-Empire, you’d been a top exec at a shipping company, and your talent for managing large egos, ability to memorize maps, and knowledge of machinery was easily translated to a life as a smuggler. Your top rule? You do not take sides. Ever. It’s what made you successful, what kept you alive.
And no one knows the real reason.
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“Zephyr, how long before you head out?”
You’re half-in, half-out of your truck, the open door heavy on your ass thanks to all the armor plating. “Weather looks like it’s gonna hold for another hour and a half, I was thinking forty-five minutes?” you guess, squinting up through the tint on the upper part of the windshield.
“Got time to meet with a potential?” Karl laughs at your obvious groan, adding, “Fancy suit says D.C., maybe New York. Probably shouldn’t risk skipping.” You trust your second in command, even if you don’t want to take his advice. Karl Mordo is pragmatic, honest, and a baronic pain in your ass sometimes.
“Fuck. Okay. But I’m going right now, before I de-grease for the trip.” You hop down and hold up your dirty hands, wiggling your fingers.
“What if they’re from Stark?”
You clench your jaw. “His people should know better, even after two years. We just did Fisk a favor, maybe he’ll remind Loki’s strongman that there’s a reason he relocated to Miami.” 
Karl nods and heads back to the house, and as soon as he’s gone, you hold still and count to ten to calm your breathing. Tony Stark rules the northeast with a literal iron fist, and no one’s sure whether the mind control has turned him cruel or he’d been released years ago and just likes it. Only people Stark trusts have been close enough to know for sure. 
Despite your reputation for neutrality, a few years back he’d sent his clever and ruthless ex-turned-CFO Pepper Potts to ask you to spy on some of the biggest players on the Eastern Seaboard.
It had been the first time you’d gotten close enough to see the electric blue of Loki’s mind control first-hand. Her threats had been articulate and terrifying, but your response ended up having a lasting effect on the way Lord Loki does his business. Word is that the emperor includes additional spells and enchantments to prevent a simple blow to the head from releasing a thrall and undoing years of work. 
You still get messages from Potts, filtered heavily by word of mouth, through the Resistance.
When you get up onto the porch, you note with approval that someone’s already gotten the burly, suited visitor some sweet tea. He turns around, and your heart sinks as you recognize him from news articles. Tony Stark’s sweet-faced associate, Happy Hogan. 
“Zephyr, is it?” he says warmly, reaching out a hand to shake. You offer him your left hand, and he immediately grins. You wear a binding on your right forearm, and it’s basically an open secret that your Words are there. Words you’ve made very clear you intend to remain a secret, on pain of death. “We have a job for you.”
“That’s truly unfortunate,” you say with a smile. “Your boss burned that bridge years ago. All I have is my integrity, I’m sure you understand.” Leaning up against one of the porch pillars, you send all of your anxiety to your legs, to hold you up and maintain the illusion that you’re not distressed. “Since you’ve come all this way, I can offer to connect you to one of the reputable smaller orgs.”
“Interesting you mention integrity. Did you know your right hand man is a known member of the Resistance?” Hogan’s tone is light, almost teasing.
You do your very best not to react, but on its face, you doubt the accusation. Karl had come to you deeply disillusioned by the Resistance, after working with them openly for a year, spending double that in prison, and being released with an interdict that prevented any employment but fieldwork. By the time you brought him in, he was full of quiet fury and determination to survive. The money you spent to clear his interdict was some of the easiest you’ve ever spent.
“I assume you have newer information than 2013?”
Hogan pulls an envelope from his lapel pocket and hands it over. Inside is a set of pictures showing Mordo speaking with and shaking the hand of Steve Rogers, the most wanted man on the continent. Karl’s hair has only been in that particular style for a few months.
You hand them back, keeping your hand steady. “If you can point and shoot pictures, why not point and shoot that particular problem?” The question is important to your public front, but you also want to know what kind of answer you get, whether it’ll be something you want to pass along.
“One step at a time,” Hogan says, walking over to you. He stops only inches away, a physical power play that masks the psychological threat.
“Which step are you on?”
“The one where you come with me to speak to Stark in person, or we reveal how thin your claims of neutrality really are.”
You nod as though you’re considering it, then say, “What if I dismantled everything and moved to Arizona? Started over.” It’ll sound like a joke, but you’ve considered it. You want nothing to do with Stark.
“You’re welcome to make that decision after the meeting.” The guy’s so confident he slides his hands into his pockets, fully relaxed except for the way his pulse is jumping in his neck. There’s zero chance that Hogan’s anxious because of you, so that means it’s important to his future that you leave with him today. If you have to, you’ll use that.
“You act like meeting with Stark won’t destroy my reputation just as much as your false accusations would,” you point out. 
Happy Hogan shrugs. “Stark is prepared to offer you one alternative. Meet with him or give us a credible way to contact Pepper Potts.”
You want to swear under your breath, but instead, you channel all your frustration into a single act of defiance. Lifting your grease-stained right hand, you press it right in the center of his chest, fingers spread so you get his white button-down and both lapels.
Then you shove, letting your hand slip against the resistance he immediately puts up to avoid moving backwards and show weakness. You would have expected anger, maybe even to be thrown to the ground, but Hogan just chuckles. It’s dismissive, diminishing, and does nothing to lower your level of fury. Especially not since he’s got you over a barrel.
You push past him toward the house. “I’m sending Mordo with my load. Your guys fuck with him and I’ll tear down every fucking thing you’ve built or die trying.” Given the clout you’ve accumulated in the last decade, which one depends on whether the emperor is in town to shield his pet Avenger or not.
You hadn’t told Hogan you’re coming with. You both know you have to.
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The flight to New York City is stressful, but most of that is because you know how much effort and care it takes to maintain a fleet of airplanes. Now that flights are nearly all restricted to just the Magnates, you doubt the due diligence of their maintenance teams. This is reinforced when you land and walk down a presidential-style rolling staircase instead of into the abandoned airport. It’s hard not to think of what air travel could do for your business. One flight would take so much food from one place to another-- but the safety margins are horrifying.
“What’s with the face?” Happy Hogan asks, after the two of you get into the waiting limo.
“Just imagining how much work it would be to get an orange to Maine nowadays.”
“You don’t have to live in Georgia, you know. The offer’s always open.”
“Fuck your offer, and fuck you,” you say coolly, crossing your arms and looking out the window. There’s a non-zero chance he’ll kill you, but you’ve got a trick up your sleeve that might just carry the kind of irony that would make even a man as powerful as Tony Stark cry. It’s the reason why Hogan wants Potts back, the reason she won’t go, not while he’s in Loki’s thrall.
Midgard hadn’t been interesting enough for the trickster god. No, he’d grown bored by the way most of his new subjects had responded to his rule. Too many of you had accepted that you weren’t strong enough to resist him, and so, with the power granted to him by the staff he always carried, Lord Loki had bestowed each soulmate pair on the planet a random power set.
Pepper Potts and Happy Hogan’s version had been the ability to detect lies.
Tony Stark’s inability to find his soulmate had been newsworthy before the attack on New York, but now that he’s the de facto ruler of the place, his search has become an obsession.
It’s the reason you live in Georgia, the reason you wear the distinctive binding around your right forearm, the reason you’d balanced yourself on the knife-edge of neutrality instead of choosing a side that’s not Stark’s and then leaving yourself vulnerable to being discovered.
Stark’s Words are well known: ‘Don’t look back.’
Ironically, you don’t think he has connected your well-known quirk about protecting your forearm with his soulmate search. He wants you because Lord Loki wants Pepper Potts’ lie detecting powers, and Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff’s soulmate bond is keeping her hidden. Karl Mordo has forsworn his connection to the Mystic Arts, but a man will do many things to prevent his own death, including oathbreaking, so instead of putting pressure on him, they’ll put pressure on you.
And somehow, you’re going to have to resist without speaking a word.
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The car is underground when it stops. You nod at Hogan in thanks for his hand as you exit the vehicle, and he cocks his head to the side and looks at you.
“Passive resistance, eh? Good luck.” He leads you through a warren of hallways, stairwells, and locked doors. This display of strength is clearly designed to intimidate and/or give you time to think and fear what comes next, but you wonder whether it’s annoying to Hogan. Undoubtedly he’d be taking the short way if it weren’t for this task, and that kind of time-wasting adds up.
Sure enough, the last leg of the trip is an elevator ride. The doors open out into the wide expanse of the penthouse, a rich space with wall-to-wall windows looking out over the city. A man in a well-fitting white suit walks out from behind a bar area, and you recognize him to be Tony Stark himself. Instead of a tie, the signature blue of his arc reactor glows against the buttons of his shirt, and as he approaches you, you see that it’s matched by the blue tint of mind control in his eyes.
That knowledge is dangerous; already, this man’s leverage over you has doubled. You wonder what you’ll have to promise to get out of here alive. 
Tony Stark stops a foot away and looks you over. His brown-blue eyes linger on your right arm, and as you’d planned during your pseudo perp-walk, you shift into a challenging pose, popping your hip out and lifting your chin. Stark’s lips curve into an appreciative smile. It’s attractive, he’s attractive, and you’re annoyed that you’ve even noticed. Everything about him exudes the confidence of a man who is never challenged, and that’s always been your catnip, your kryptonite. You love to bust egos, it could even be said that you live for popping that bubble. This man might be the first one you’ve ever met whose arrogance is well-deserved, though, and that could be a problem.
He gestures, and behind you, Hogan answers.“No weapons that we found, multiple scans.”
Ah, so the many doorways and long hallways had more than one purpose, you think to yourself. Well played. You stay still and expressionless as Stark looks you up and down, eyes lingering on your chest and your arm. He lifts his glass in an appreciative salute before finishing off his drink. Something about the way his throat works makes you feel the burn of the alcohol in your own chest.
“What’s under the armguard?”
“A nasty burn. Sunlight makes it worse.” It’s the truth-- you’d tried to burn off the words as soon as you’d heard about Tony Stark’s search for his soulmate. The magic of the mark protects it, so all you’d managed to do was destroy the skin around it, causing a wound that never fully healed. The vambrace you wear is for concealment, yes, but it’s also there to keep the damaged skin protected and dry. You turn your head and direct a grumpy look at Hogan. “To be honest, this whole meeting could have been an email. What is it that you two want?”
Before you can stop him, Stark steps forward and slides his hand into the hair at the nape of your neck, forcing you to meet his eyes.  With a fierce, determined expression, he says, “Repeat after me: don’t look back.”
You can feel the strength in every single aspect of the man, voice, personality, grip, but that just fuels your need to fight back. With all your might, you manage to shake your head just enough to convey your refusal.
Tony Stark’s expression lights up. You realize your mistake immediately: if it didn’t mean something, if the words weren't important, you would have had no trouble repeating them. A million impossible escape routes spill out like marbles in your mind, scattering every other thought.
“Go on, Hap. Keep this to yourself for now,” Stark says. The triumph in his voice is as frightening as it is sexy. 
“You got it, boss.”
You fight back a strong feeling of desperate inevitability. Really, your only hope now is to wrench free and follow your contingency plan: to say the words and play them off, avoiding the physical contact that reinforces the bond. If you can convince this man that you planned to trick him into thinking you’re his soulmate, you might still get out of here with your free will intact.
That’ll be easier to do without Hogan there, so you force yourself to remain still. Stark sweeps a broad, warm caress along your neck with his thumb, and god, it’s been so, so long since anyone’s touched you like that. There’s something insidious about it, like some part of you is already lost to him if you enjoy it even a little bit. All you can do is close your eyes, clench your fists, and wait.
The elevator doors close, and Stark starts pulling his hand away, stroking your neck possessively on the way. You do your very best not to like it. In truth, Tony Stark the billionaire, Tony Stark the Avenger was absolutely your type. You imagine that after ten years of mind control and cruelty, there’s probably little of that man left. 
“You might as well say it,” he tells you with a smug little quirk in his voice. You open your eyes to see that Stark’s headed back to the bar. “Got a favorite drink?” You shake your head. “You strike me as a Tequila Sunrise type. Fun to look at, goes down easy.”
You cross your arms and glare at him, but it was a cute line for such a tense situation. Wrong, but cute.
Stark gestures to you with the Tequila bottle. “So, what, did you think you’d just stay quiet and run back home to Georgia? Happy says it didn’t take much persuading.”
You smile at him, but not warmly. One thing you hadn’t considered was that Stark might be pleased, might be looking forward to the other… perks of having a soulmate. That might make him more inclined to be kind to you, at least until you try to bluff him. You can use that.
“Don’t think I can’t see how furious you are, little one,” Stark purrs. “I’m still figuring you out, but I’ve had a file on you for years. You want to know what people say about you?” 
He rests a large hand on a folder you hadn’t noticed before, pushes it across the bar in invitation. You shrug and turn your head to look out the window, the picture of indifference. You hope it pisses him the fuck off.
“Yeah, you’re right. It’s all trash now anyway, now that you’ve met with me.” Stark holds it up. “They’ll never trust you again.” He tosses it behind him. When it strikes the wall, the many single pages that made up the bulk of the file fly out around him like some kind of monstrous confetti, to the accompaniment of breaking glass. You wonder how many bottles he just wasted, whether they’re even replaceable in this brave new world you’re all trapped in.
You nod, feeling the weight of the coming moment. Mentally you gird yourself, but physically you try to adopt an attitude of casual discourtesy. You want Stark to hate his soulmark, to hate you, enough to send you away or destroy you.
Anything, anything but touch you again.
Letting out a sigh, you spread your hands in a ‘what can you do?’ gesture and say, “Don’t look back.”
The words strike him, so much so that he chuckles ruefully on an indrawn breath. A bitter disappointment sweeps across his face before it hardens into anger. You're grateful; you'd expected something-- a thunderclap, a rush of adrenaline, a gust of magical wind, but there’s nothing to indicate that you’ve both said the Words. Maybe, maybe, you can get out of this, if you’re careful. If you’re just the right level of heinous bitch.
“Did you practice that?” Stark finally says. He walks out from around the bar, and you take the opportunity to make your way over to the window, the picture of unconcerned, unattached, unbothered.
“What do you want, Mr. Stark?” Shit, your voice is shaking.
“I want a challenge,” he snaps, his voice closer than you expected. He’s just a foot away, and you can’t hide your shock fast enough. “You think that file was just for show? I read the whole thing.”
“Then you know I don’t want to be here. I have a business to run, a business you’ve fucked over with--” you back away in the guise of making a dismissive, furious gesture; “--whatever this is. What do you want, so I can get the fuck out of here?”
“What’s wrong, pet? Foot caught in a trap?” he asks, tone suddenly gentle, soothing. You scoff, turning on your heel to stalk away from him--but Stark reaches out swiftly and catches your hand in his.
A jolt of pleasure-fueled electricity floods you with an almost overwhelming need for closeness, companionship-- to be known. It's as if until this exact moment, you’d been empty, and you gasp, screaming against the sudden, insidious desires that have cropped up in your mind.
Oh god, no, this is too much, this is--
What you don’t expect is for Stark to answer.
Oh FUCK yes, telepathy. My second favorite superpower, right after flight.
You snatch your hand away and fall back onto the window, eyes wide. Stark shakes his head almost imperceptibly, then throws both hands in the air as if in disgust.
“You really had me, but there’s just… nothing. I should toss you off of the roof, you know that, right? Faking soulmark words? Ballsy.” He twitches his lips as though he can’t decide whether to be angry or not, and steps closer. “Hold out your hand?”
There’s vulnerability in his expression, something you hadn’t at all expected to see, but you are still reeling from what had passed between the two of you. Tony Stark is one of the smartest men on the planet, and certainly one of the most ruthless. He’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants-- and it’s well known that every inch of his penthouse is under surveillance, not to mention whatever Lord Loki has monitoring his most powerful thrall.
Just like the words written on both of you, neither of you can look back.
Sullenly, you lift your hand, and immediately, Stark engulfs it in an angry grip.
Okay here’s how this is going to go: Do as I say, and we can keep this our little secret. Resist me and I’ll tell Loki I’ve finally found my soulmate. Believe me, you do not want anything to do with what he has in store for us.
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Possibly TBC if there's interest...
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traveler-at-heart · 2 years
Sweet Child of Mine
Summary: As Loki tries to take over Earth, Thor is forced to come back and stop his brother. But there’s someone that wants to help too. What will happen when Natasha meets the beautiful heiress of the Asgardian throne?
Natasha Romanoff x Asgardian!Reader 
A/N: Canon divergence from the first Avengers film. Fluff, action, gay panic.
This was a request made by the amazing @jujuu23, and I really hope it is something you enjoy! I hope you have a wonderful day!!! 
“Barton’s been compromised” 
Coulson’s words echoed in Natasha’s head. It was hard for her to believe it still. Clint would never put himself in a position of danger, not when he had so much to lose.
And yet, she was seeing it with her own eyes. Fury had called everyone he could find; Tony, Steve and Thor were ready to attack. 
Banner hadn’t joined and in the end, Natasha was fine with that. It felt like a bigger risk than a reward to have him there.
“So, we’re all clear?” Tony checked before they raided Loki’s operation center. “Natasha?”
He knew what she was thinking. 
“Loki is mine” Thor said out loud, to cut some of the tension while reassuring both of them she understood the plan.
“Fine” the redhead nodded.
They still fell short. Loki had esentially an army of mindless soldiers who didn’t care about dying as long as they damaged the intruders. The whole plan quickly went south
Clint was following Natasha, relentlessly attacking her.
He wasn’t pulling his punches now.
“Come on” she grunted, making a whole wall explode to delay him a little.
She got into a room, coming face to face with Loki’s scepter. Stark was the one who would get it, but the entire plan had gone out the window either way, so what the hell. 
“Thor, you still with Loki? Anyone copy?” she was met with silence on the comms. Her heart beating faster, Natasha reached for the scepter, her hand closing around… smoke.
A decoy.
By the time she turned around, Loki was already throwing her to the floor, smiling smugly. Natasha pulled out her baton, trying to keep the scepter from touching her forehead. 
“I could use someone like you”
“I think I’ll pass” Natasha grunted, the blue light shinning on the edge coming closer and closer. 
“It wasn’t a question” 
This was it, she thought. She’d be under his control, just like Clint. Forced to do unspeakable things for a monster, just like she had done under Dreykov.
“That’s enough” she heard a calm voice say. The pressure disappeared, and as she looked around to figure out what was going on, Natasha caught Loki’s surprise. 
So, it was something bad for him.
A young woman was lifting him by his collar. With a simple movement, she threw him across the room. With gentle movements, she picked up the scepter and passed it to Natasha.
“This will help your friend” her hand grazed the redhead’s, and she felt calm all of the sudden. 
Loki got up, stumbling against a wall. The woman’s eyes glowed and Natasha backed away, running to find Clint.
Whatever was about to happen was way out of her pay grade. 
“Ok, that’s enough!” Loki pleaded. You kept soaring across the sky, thunder rumbling around the both of you. 
Landind roughly against the rocks of a crag, you let him fall. It was hard, but you didn’t feel bad about it.
“What were you thinking?” you shouted, eyes still glowing.
“That I’m meant for greater things. As are you. There’s a chance to conquer this world. Make it our own”
“This is just because Midgard means a lot to him. And you know it”
“Not everything is about my brother” he grumbled, standing up. You knew he was plotting his escape.
“You’re done with this” your tone was final.
“No. I’m just starting”
You smirked, your eyes glowing again. 
“I wasn’t asking. Uncle”
“Romanoff? Status on Barton?” Steve asked over the comms, running down the steps to join the redhead.
“A bit dizzy, but himself again. I have the scepter too”
“What? Why do we even bother? Red did everything already” Tony barely landed, one of his propellers destroyed in battle.
“Always picking after you boys. But truth be told, I had some help” Natasha thought about your kind eyes, and your gentle touch even when you were clearly stronger than her.
“Who?” Steve asked, while Tony took the golden artifact, asking JARVIS to run a quick scan.
“Well, she had glowing eyes and was very… stunning. Strong” Natasha fumbled with her words, blushing at the end of her sentence.
“Stunning and glowing eyes? That sounds like Thor” Tony winked at the woman. 
“Where’s Loki?” the blonde landed next to them, holding his hand out to catch Mjolnir.
“Looking for this?” a strange voice said. Everyone but Natasha and Thor took a defensive stance, ready to attack you.
Loki was coming behind you, trapped in handcuffs made of lighting. Tony’s eyes bulged when he saw you holding Thor’s hammer.
“I thought only you could do that” he whispered.
“She can only intercept it and hold it. Maja can’t weild it”
“Yet” you added. “And for calling yourself worthy, you sure as hell don’t have any issue with lying to your own daughter”
“Daughter?” everyone looked between the two of you.
“I did it to protect you”
“I’m old enough to choose my own battles, Father” you growled, placing the hammer against his chest. You hated how much it drained you to hold it.
You aren’t worthy.
“Before this turns into family feud, let’s go back to the Compound and figure out what this thing does, yes?” Tony proposed.
“Fine” Steve nodded.
“Well, Thor or…” Tony pointed at you.
“Maja” you replied.
“Mind giving me a little energy boost?”
“Here” you stepped forward, toucing his arc reactor. The electricity was enough to get him flying again.
“Thank you!”
“Your powers are getting stronger” your father admired and you rolled your eyes.
“Save it”
Natasha chuckled at that. Yeah, you were definitely his daughter. 
Her laugh made you turn around, gravitating towards those enticing green eyes.
“You wouldn’t happen to be the woman my father talks about all the time”
“That would be Jane Foster” she smiled, her hand going forward. “I’m Natasha Romanoff”
“Natasha” you repeated, enjoying the way the name rolled off your tongue. “Well, good. Because I’d hate to be competing with my father for your attention”
“Scared you’d lose?” Natasha joked, trying to hide her blush.
“I think I have a fair chance. Don’t you?” you leaned against her and she rolled her eyes.
She hated to admit it, but you did. 
You were back at the place your father’s friend called Compound. It wasn’t as big as the palace in Asgard, and it certainly looked empty with all those glass walls and metal surrounding it.
The best thing about this world so far was the clothing. The pants were very practical and the lose white t-shirt was extremely soft. There was no cape and no armour, not if you wanted to blend in.
“Hello” Tony greeted. Steve and Thor were at the table, discussing what the scepter could be. 
“Hi” you said back, your father looking up. In spite of being mad at him, you returned his smile.
“We’re just celebrating that we managed to stop the end of this world. And waiting for Banner”
“Who is Banner?” you asked.
“Scientist. Likes the color green”
“Tony” Steve warned.
“Relax, Cap, I’m just kidding. Here” he handed you a bottle and you eyed it curiously. Tony turned to your father. “Unless, is she underage? Can she drink beer?” 
“She’s over three hundred in human years”
“Ah, you see, you have to be three hundred and twenty one to drink” he joked, but gave you the bottle anyway. “We should have a party, yes? Nothing crazy, just some beer and pizza while we wait for Banner to get here from, where was it?”
“Sounds peaceful. I’m green with envy”
“You gotta stop with the green jokes if you want to keep him sane” Steve said again and both men started bickering. 
While you were leaning against the door, you saw Natasha’s figure walking around the corner. Out of pure instinct you followed her. 
“Hey” you said. You didn’t realise how distracted she was until she flinched at your voice. “Sorry. Just wanted to check if your friend is ok”
“Clint’s a bit shaken. But he’ll manage to get through it” 
“Are you ok?”
“I am, thanks to you” she smiled, crossing her arms in front of her. It was curious to see her shielding herself from a simple conversation.
“It was the least I could do”
“Let me guess, they want to have pizza and beer because there’s nothing else to do until Banner gets here” she nodded to the bottle you were holding. 
“That word again. Pizza. Yes, that’s what Stark said”
“You’ve never had pizza before?” she frowned and you shrugged your shoulders.  “That we definitely have to fix, come on”
Natasha took you by the hand and led you back to the room where the rest of the team was. 
Humans were definitely funny when innebriated. Right now, you were all playing a game called “Never have I ever”. 
“Never have I ever… kissed a beautiful woman” Clint said and everyone, including yourself were about to take a shot when Tony interrupted.
“Ah-ah” he tsked. “A woman from this century… or from this planet” 
Steve rolled his eyes and put the drink down. You did as well, blushing when Natasha drank her own, never breaking eye contact with you and licking her lips as the liquid poured down her throat. 
“Easy there” Thor warned you as the lights in the entire building flickered. You jumped, excusing yourself to go to the bathroom as Clint and Tony chuckled.
By the time you got back, they were all arguing about who could lift Mjolnir. Tony and Clint were using Steve’s shield for leverage. Thor looked at them, amused. 
“You’re not gonna give it a go?” you asked Natasha, approaching her as she prepared herself another drink behind the bar. 
“That’s not a question I need answered. You should try it, though. I bet you’d go further than these guys” she nodded towards the two men, already sweating.
“Well, I’ve never really done it, you know? It’s a lot of pressure sometimes”
“Being worthy?”
“Being worthy” you nodded, looking back at your father. Sighing, you turned to the redhead again and lowered your voice. “Can I ask you something?”
“Always” she didn’t hesitate to answer and you smiled.
“Will you make sure my father doesn’t have access to Loki? I feel like if he wants to escape, he’ll say something to upset him. Use his own strenght against him”
“That can be arranged. Thanks for the heads up”
You nodded, still feeling disappointed in your uncle for dragging along his resentment and anger, hurting innocent people from a land his own brother cherished so much.
And honestly, you were beginning to see its beauty as well.
“I’m a little sad” Natasha’s raspy voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You snapped your head up, looking at her, intrigued. 
“I was hoping you’d ask me to be the first woman from this planet to kiss you”
This time, all lights went out when you couldn’t control the burst of emotions -a bit of lust, a bit of surprise-, your powers affecting the electricity in the building.
“Natasha, stop messing with the poor girl” Clint complained, tripping in the dark.
Natasha’s beautiful laughter was the only thing you heard, closer than before.
You didn’t need light when you had a sound as beautiful as that one.
Rooms were different here, beds a lot smaller and not as soft. It wasn’t a problem, because you barely needed to sleep. Instead, you wandered around the place, stopping at the library and browsing through books.
History and art were the things you were most interested in - and there was definitely enough material to keep you up for a couple of hours. 
As Steve and Clint began their morning routine, you were glued to the kitchen island, drinking copious amounts of what they called “coffee”. You barely paid them attention, reading about works of art, your eyes going back to one painting in particular.
“Starry night” someone whispered behind you, and her breath was practically caressing your neck.
“Huh?” you jumped up, the toaster making a noise as your surprise gave it an energy boost.
“Thanks” Natasha winked at you, picking up the Pop Tarts and placing one in front of you. “That painting you keep staring at is called “Starry Night”.
“It’s… weird. It looks like the sky from a place that I’m pretty sure doesn’t exist here. I mean, isn’t it funny? How a human and an Asgardian can share something”
“Art connects people in different ways” she recognised, raising her eyebrows. “Gotta train now. Not everyone can be built like a god”
“Train?” you stood up abruptly. “I’d like to train”
Natasha chuckled at your eagerness.
“There are gym clothes in your bottom drawer. Go get changed and meet us there”
You’d never followed anyone’s instructions so fast in your life. When you got there, Natasha and Clint were sparing, while Steve did pull ups with added weight. 
“Bet you can’t beat the new girl” Natasha taunted Clint, knocking him to the ground. 
“She is Thor’s daughter, Natasha. I’m done messing with powerful Asgardians” he huffed.
Nonetheless, he was a little curious about your fighting abilities. Clearly, you were still learning to control your powers. But what about other forms of defense?
Steve’s immediate interest in “training” you answered all of those questions.
The man was planning on going easy on you. That was a mistake. Not only did you dodge every single punch he threw, you managed to hit him back, moving faster than he was expecting.
It was the first time Natasha saw him break a sweat. Naturally, Clint wanted to be next, eager to learn some of your moves. Steve happily surrendered and Hawyeke grabbed a spear.
“Let’s have some fun” you nodded, grabbing a sword that had pretty much been untouched since they opened the gym.
Your aim was impeccable, blocking Clint’s attacks and making him back down. At this point, you were only getting him tired to throw him to the ground.
Until someone wanted to join the fun.
“Sneaky” you commented when Natasha tried to surprise you from behind. You chuckled as they tried to find a weak spot, coordinating their movements perfectly. It was clear to you they knew each other’s strategies. 
You thought you had it down and were about to play your hand, first disarming Clint and throwing him to the ground.
“Stay down” you said and he chuckled, giving up. Natasha was relentless, and kept using her own spear until she managed to throw your sword across the room.
She was now throwing punches, and one particular grunt she made was all it took for you to lose focus. Next thing she did was go for your side, then a leg and before you could process anything, she threw herself at you, wrapping her legs around your neck and throwing you to the ground.
“Gotcha” she said, staying on top of you. The lights flickered once again, and you tried desperately to control your breathing as your eyes kept going between her heaving chest and her full lips.
“Well, I guess you have a certain advantage” Clint mumbled, going back to his own training. 
You missed Natasha’s weight instantly.
“No hard feelings?” she asked, looking down at you. It was ridiculous how fast you nodded, eager to please her.
“Well played” you conceded when you finally managed to speak again.
“In that case… meet me in the foyer at 5” she whispered. 
“Ok” you nodded once again.
Natasha’s warmth, her proximity and her touch were all you could think about for the rest of the day.
“Where are we going?”
As you walked around the city, Natasha would point at places she frequented or mentioned things about the city she called home, for now at least.
She had to admit your look of pure fascination as you boarded the subway was incredibly endearing. 
“This is how you go from one place to another?” you inquired, looking at the people reading the paper or playing on their phones.
“Not always. I usually drive but I wanted you to have the full experience”
“Is it hard to drive?” you wondered as you climbed up the stairs of the station, joining the pedestrians going down 5th Avenue.
“I think you’d be able to get the hang of it. People drive like lunatics here though.” Natasha said. “Could also teach you how to fly the jet”
“Well, that would be interesting” you chuckled, thinking of your grandmother and the stories you could tell her about learning how to control the machines. 
A fleeting sense of nostalgia distracted you from the walk. You were vaguely aware of the place you were in, but trusted Natasha to guide you.
“We’re here” she nudged you gently, her hand around your arm. You looked up and gasped.
Starry night, she had said. And now you were standing in front of it. It was smaller than you had thought, because when you first saw it you had expected it to be as big and expansive and engulfing as the night sky. 
The spot was strangely empty, which allowed you to admire it without interruptions. When you finally snapped out of your thoughts, you stepped closer, your hand going up to touch the canvas.
“We’re not supposed to do that” Natasha caught you, taking your hand in hers and intertwining your fingers.
“Sorry” you said, stepping back. You admired the painting a moment longer and then turned to Natasha. She got the cue and walked with you to other rooms as you analyzed the works of art, some familiar from your reading.
Her hand never left yours. You weren’t sure if it was to keep you from touching other paintings. 
You hoped she just liked the feeling of being close to you. You definitely liked it more than anything you had experienced in this world so far.
After going to every room, you decided to go back to the painting one last time. You would have stayed longer, but Natasha’s stomach protested.
“Let’s find something to eat” you said, taking her hand.
“Oh, you heard that”
“I’ve kept you for too long. Come on, it’s on me”
“How do you have money” she wondered, leading you to a small cafe.
“Apparently father isn’t so dense with finances because he traded goods to have some money here. Maybe he was thinking of spending some time with Jane Foster”
Natasha took a quick look at the menu and you basically ordered the same thing she did. 
“Thank you for taking me there. It was wonderful to see it up close”
“Wait until you see The Met”
“So there’s more paintings? Right here in New York?” you perked up, looking like a small child.
“We can skip training and spend the entire day there if you want. Since you clearly don’t need to train”
You chuckled.
“I had great teachers”
“Thor?” she guessed, taking a sip of her soda.
“No. Have you ever heard of Valkyrie?”, Natasha shook her head no, so you continued. “They are elite warriors of Asgard, serving as Odin’s, my grandfather, special force. Father doesn’t want me to go into battle because my mother was one and she died during an attack when I was younger”
“I’m…” Natasha reached out, and you let her hold your hand.
“It’s ok. I understand she was fulfilling her duty. It was a hard time for all of us. But he’s stubborn, and doesn’t understand it’s in my blood to be a fighter too”
“So the Valkyrie trained you?”
“Yes. I left the palace in Asgard for a while. And my father didn’t have much of a choice but to respect my wishes”
“I never imagined Thor as a father. Especially since you look… like a younger sister, I guess” Natasha chuckled.
You waited until the waitress placed your food in front of you and you smiled at her.
“I have a few good hundred years before I look anything like that old man”
The waitress paused at the strange choice of words, but you looked up and smiled, placing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’d love to get some extra pickles” 
“Yes, right away” she smiled, transfixed by your eyes. Were they glowing? she thought to herself.
“Thank you… Jessie” you read the name tag and winked at her. The woman walked back, red as a tomato.
“You Gods think you can bring anyone to their knees” Natasha rolled her eyes, not enjoying your smug smirk and the way the waitress kept staring at you. Fine, she’d deal with it. Munching on a fry, she rasped, “Though I’d much rather you were the one on your knees”
And just like that, the power went out in the entire diner.
You crashed your head against the table and Natasha giggled.
That would do it. 
The next morning, you decided to take a stroll by yourself. It was a warm day and the breeze brought with it the smell of coffee and freshly baked scones. 
You knew exactly where you wanted to go, having memorised the first part of your walk with Natasha. Right next to a small cafe, there was a flower stand with all kinds of bouquets. 
The one you picked had pink and yellow tulips, matched with blue irises. The colors were beautiful, and you could see it almost like a painting, Natasha holding the flowers, her beautiful red hair contrasting with the subtle color of the irises. 
“Someone woke up early” she commented as soon as she saw you in the hallway, your hands hiding the flowers behind your back. You approached her and revealed the present, blushing when she gasped.
“To thank you for yesterday”
“You didn’t have to” she let the petals carees her cheek as she smelled the flowers. You were ridiculously jealous of them. “But thank you”
JARVIS interrupted the moment, reminding the redhead she was needed in the briefing room.
“Everything ok?” 
“Yeah, I just gotta interrogate Loki and see if he gives us any information. I’ll just put these in some water first”
“But they’ll die” she protested, walking to the kitchen.
“Natasha, don’t talk to him. Please” you hurried behind her. She seemed to be unfazed by your anxiousness, placing the flowers in a vase. “Natasha”
“I’m just gonna talk to him. He is in a cell, incapable of hurting me”
“He doesn’t need to use his powers to hurt people sometimes. Loki can be cruel”
“So can I” she retorted, resuming her walk to the briefing room. 
“Is there anything I can say or do…”
“No” she turned around and you almost crashed against her, thinking you’d have to chase her. “Please, trust me?”
“I do. I just don’t want…” you sighed, looking down. You’d never forgive yourself if he hurt Natasha.
“I know. I’ll be careful. I always am” she stepped forward, a hand going to your cheek. You looked up, trying to ignore how close she was and how much you wanted to kiss her. 
“Oh… excuse me” a man mumbled behind you and you both stepped back. You hadn’t met him yet. 
“This is Doctor Bruce Banner” Natasha introduced you. 
“So, you’re Thor’s daughter. I could actually use some help with the scepter? He mentioned a lot of Asgardian legends about space rocks but he doesn’t make sense” 
“Yeah, I’ll help” you nodded, turning back to Natasha one last time. She smiled at you and left in the opposite direction.
It seemed like the other constant between this team was conflict. They were all arguing about where the Tesseract belonged, and you had to agree with your father; it was too dangerous to leave on Earth.
“Founders keepers” Tony insisted. 
“For what? For you to turn it into a weapon?” Steve confronted him. 
“To protect our world from outsiders. Do you think you can beat them with a frisbee, Rogers?” 
“We’d help if it was necessary, of course. But leaving it here seeems risky for everyone. It belongs in Asgard” Thor was firm, and you admired how composed your father looked, even when Stark began accusing him of being a danger to Earth as well.
The only thing that put a pause to their argument was JARVIS announcing a video call from Jane Foster. It was best to lay low until he returned - if anyone would speak on the interests of your land it had to be him. 
Natasha appeared a minute later, not surprised at the argument; she nudged you with her shoulder, and you followed her to the next room. She looked concerned and you feared that Loki had done something to hurt her. 
“I’m fine” she promised, but leaned against your touch as you placed a hand on her cheek. “He’s after Banner. No idea why. We just gotta keep him away from the cell”
“That should be easy. He’s trying to ignore everyone as they argue. I think he’s just here for the Tesseract”
“Professional curiosity” Natasha suggested and you nodded. In a move that totally surprised you, she wrapped her arms around you, her head resting on your chest. You leaned your forehead against her temple, and gave her time to relax. 
“I feel safe with you” she said when you stopped hugging, her hands still in your waist. 
“You are” you promised. And there it was again. You looked down at her lips and she followed the movement, leaning forward.
“I’m gonna speak to him” your father’s voice boomed across the room. 
“Shit” you stepped back, ready to block his way. “Father, don’t”
“He has Selvig. He’s been using him” Thor turned to you, the rest of the team close behind. “Jane just called me. Erik Selvig disappeared. I can’t let Loki hurt him”
“I’ll go talk to him” you offered, but your father’s eyes were already glowing and you knew the moment he spoke to Loki, it was all going to hell.
You weren’t wrong. 
A few minutes inside and lights began to flicker. Next, a blaring alarm system told you that Loki was out of his cell. 
“Banner, panic room NOW” Natasha instructed. 
The explosion that followed her words threw you all across the room. You shielded Nat with your body, debris falling around. 
“You ok?” you said as she coughed, trying to get up. 
There was a growl behind you, but didn’t think much of it as Loki stepped out of the cell, looking for his scepter.
“Don’t even think about it” you warned, rushing to knock him to the ground. He dodged you and went to retrieve the object. You jumped up, trying to pull it out of his hands.
“Looks like you don’t have much of a choice” he said and this time, you did hear the sound of a beast. Natasha was running away from it and away from where you were. 
“Go!” your father said, appearing out of the rubble, his eyes glowing. You nodded, chasing after the creature. What the hell was it and where did it come from?
Running faster, you jumped on its back and tried to slow it down, giving Natasha time to escape.
“What the hell is this?” you screamed at her.
“That would be Banner when he’s angry”
The mention of the name only seemed to anger the creature. It threw you across the room, going through a concrete wall. Natasha jumped over the hole, trying to get you back and running.
“Come on” she pleaded, but the creature came back, launching a piece of metal towards you. You barely managed to keep Natasha out of the way, holding it in your arms.
“Go! I’ll keep him busy” 
“It’s too dangerous” she shot at a pipe, the gas coming out of it effectively scaring the beast away for a few seconds.
“I’ll be fine. You need to go” 
When the thing finally came back to attack you, you put your hand up, stopping his green fist. Only then, did Natasha realise you could handle it.
“I’m getting help” she promised. The creature followed her movements and you were quick to punch it in the face. 
“God, I could really use Mjolnir right now” you mumbled, eyes glowing until you could feel your spear in your hand. 
Figuring it would be better to keep it away from the Compound, you ran outside of the building. But the thing was so big it could catch up to you in no time.
It managed to grab your spear, throwing you through the last of the concrete until you were on the grass, coughing. 
And suddenly, a burst of energy. Mjolnir was coming to you, surely because your father sent it. You’d have to catch it in the air and use all your strenght to control it. Problem was, he sent it too high. You’d have to climb to the top of the building.
Banner appeared right behind you, looking way angrier than before.
“Why can’t we be friends?” your eyes glowed, sending enough electricty to leave him down for a couple of seconds.
With a few calculated leaps, you made it to the rooftop, catching Mjolnir in the air.
“Wow” the force dragged your feet a few meters across the concrete. It took every bit of energy you had to hold it, your hand shaking as you lifted the hammer towards the sky. A current of electricity went down your arm; the power made you scream. 
It was now or never. Running towards the edge of the roof, you jumped down, while Banner raised his fist to stop you.
All Natasha heard was thunder, an explosion and then… silence. She was terrified of the silence.
“JARVIS” Tony, who had been chasing Loki, landed next to the crater created by the force of your hit. Bruce was himself again. 
“Vitals are stable” the AI confirmed about both of you. The noise made you stirr, grunting. 
“Hey, hey” Natasha ran to your side. “Can you hear me? Are you ok?”
“Fine” you mumbled, exhausted after holding the hammer for as long as you did. You opened your eyes, meeting Natasha’s green ones. “You’re very pretty”
“Thank you. Let’s get you out of here, yes?”
“Banner’s naked” you mumbled, averting your eyes from the still unconscious man.
Natasha helped you up, allowing you to lean on her for most of the walk to the Compound. What was left of it, at least. 
“Maja!” Thor rushed to your side as soon as he landed, looking at you with a frown. 
“I’m fine, Papa” the nickname you used for him when you were a child slipped up. 
“We’re getting her to the medbay” Natasha added but you stopped.
“I said I’m fine, Tasha”
“I wasn’t asking. Keep moving your ass” the redhead commanded and you stumped your foot on the ground, but kept walking her way. 
“Not fair” you complained and Thor chuckled, in spite of everything. As Natasha turned to look at him, she could see the concern and worry in his eyes.
They had survived this battle. But Loki wasn’t done with them.
“How are you feeling?” your father entered the room, still concerned.
“Better. I don’t think I ever held Mjolnir for so long” 
“You did a good job” he nodded, looking down. “Here”
He gave you a chocolate bar and you smiled. You began to unwrap it to fill the silence. 
“I’m sorry” he finally said, looking down. “I couldn’t protect your mother. And now I’m doing a really bad job of protecting you. And Jane and Selvig… I’ve failed a lot of people”
“That’s not true” you left the candy in the nighstand, standing up to hug your father. It broke your heart to feel the tears rolling down his cheeks. “This is Loki’s responsibility. Ok? You did nothing wrong. You’re a good son and a good father. And we’re stopping him. He won’t hurt anyone else”
“I don’t want anything happening to you” 
“You can’t protect me forever. And even if you send me home now, our world would still be in danger. Loki won’t stop at this. He’ll come for Asgard next”
He nodded, wiping the tears. 
“You’re smart. Maybe too much”
“You don’t have to do everything alone, Papa. Let’s protect each other. It’s what Mom would have wanted”
“Yes. Yes it is” he nodded once again, smiling. “You’re so much like her”
“But I’m also like you” you nudged him, dragging him out of the room. “Stubborn and a bit impulsive”
“And with a special weakness for humans”
“Hey!” you kicked him and he laughed. In so many ways, he was still a child.
“You’re up” a raspy voice said behind you. It made your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m gonna go check on… Banner” your father excused himself. 
“Thanks for taking care of me” you walked up to Natasha and she placed her hand on your cheek, where a few scratches had almost healed. “Told you I’d be fine. I’m a fast healer.”
“It’s funny. You feel so familiar to me. I could see myself trusting you with so much. And then I remember you’re not… it’s not familiar”
“It’s not?”
“Aren’t you meant to marry a prince or princess? Go back to Asgard and become what they expect of you?”
“Not for another hundred years” you tried to joke. The corner of her mouth lifted and you felt bold enough to hold her by the waist, pulling her closer. “I’m not sure what my purpose is. But if I’m with you… I feel like I can understand it. Be better”
“See, you’re talking about being better when all I’ve ever done is destroy. People, governments… we’re built different. You’re worthy”
“Being worthy is not about your past. It’s about doing the right thing when the time comes” you placed a kiss in her forehead, and then went to her cheek. “And if I have to wait a lifetime to be worthy of you, so be it” 
“So poetic” she tried to joke, but you could tell she had felt those words. She knew you meant them. You knew it meant something to her, a lot more than she could admit.
“Never have I ever…” she placed her arms around your shoulders. 
“Kissed a pretty girl from this planet” you began to say, but before you could finish the sentence, her lips touched yours.
Natasha meant to be gentle. You wanted it all. It had been a lifetime of thinking nothing would make sense and she made it all work for you.
Her love gave you purpose.
You deepened the kiss, sighing against her lips as her nails raked over your neck. 
“Now you have” she whispered against your lips and you smiled, nodding.
And you never wanted to stop.
The team had been looking for any sign of your uncle or Selvig, to no avail. You had no idea what he was planning next.
While your father went to retrace Selvig’s last steps, Banner and Stark were using what they called a radar.
Endless hours of tracking and planning had left them all exhausted, including Nat. She was resting against your shoulder, sound asleep after looking at hours of footage from the city right after Loki disappeared.
“I think we could all use a break” Clint declared, stretching and looking at his friend. He smiled at you. “You got her?”
You knew he meant it in more ways than one, so you nodded.
“I’ve got her” you confirmed. Standing up, you carried Natasha bridal style to her room. She barely moved as you opened the door, but managed to hold you in place once you laid her down in bed.
“Stay” she asked, eyes still closed. Before you could answer, she pulled you to the bed and you landed on top of her, holding yourself up to not crush her. 
“You’re stronger than you seem” you tsked and she finally opened her eyes, chuckling at your shocked expression.
“Will you stay?” she asked again, pulling you closer. Her lips were on yours, exploring your mouth until you broke apart, breathing heavily.
“T-to sleep?” you muttered.
“Or to do other stuff” she sighed, her legs going around your waist. “What if the world ends tomorrow? Don’t you think we’d regret missing this?”
“I definitely would” you admitted, will crumbling to those deep eyes and full lips, that were now going down your neck, biting your shoulder…
And yawning against your skin.
“Too bad you’re too tired to go for it” you teased, pulling away.
“Am not” Natasha protested, yawning again. You laughed, and placed an innocent kiss on her forehead.
“Tomorrow will be a better day for this” you promised, allowing her to cuddle in your arms.
Today was already perfect for you.
You should have payed more attention to your grandmother’s lessons about clairvoyance. Tomorrow was definitely not better.
Maybe, you could have seen it coming. Natasha barely slept a couple of hours before you were woken up by an alarm blaring along the Compound.
Loki didn’t take long to appear. He was ready to destroy this world, and he’d do it starting here. New York City.
Gearing up for battle didn’t take long for you or your father. Summoning your powers would make your armour, spear and shield appear instantly.
You were looking around the hangar, waiting for the rest of the team to join. 
Banner was already there, avoiding you as much as he could.
“Hey, man. No hard feelings, right?” you offered, hoping he’d feel better.
“If you hate me, I understand. You don’t have to pretend it’s fine”
“I don’t, Bruce. You’re cool, even when you’re trying to kill me”
“Let’s not repeat that soon, yes?” Tony walked in, followed by Steve and Clint. “We’ll review strategy on our way there. If Natasha and Thor could just hurry up. Or are you braiding each other’s hairs?”
“Relax, Stark” Natasha said, climbing to the Quinjet wearing her SHIELD suit. You couldn’t help but stare at the form fitting clothes. 
“You look good too” she winked, leading you to stand next to her in the briefing room. Your father joined, wearing his battle gear and weilding Mjolnir. He was determined to end this and you could see it in his eyes. 
“Early reports say Selvig’s opened a portal . We’ll need Loki’s scepter to close it. Thor and Stark, find it and close the portal. The rest of us will deal with the aliens coming through” Steve ordered and they all nodded.
The entire team was in the center of the battle in a matter of seconds. Nothing could have prepared you for the chaos and destruction that was already there.
You hesitated for a moment, looking up and finding your uncle glancing down, a smile on his face. It broke you, to see how much he was enjoying this. 
“You gonna stare all day?” Clint shouted, fighting a couple of aliens. You threw your spear, getting rid of three of them at the same time. “Yeah, that’s more like it”
Much like the first time they tried to defeat Loki, the plan didn’t work. You were quickly outnumbered, and your father had to come down, fighting next to you.
“He’s getting away” you warned him, lifting your shield to protect Natasha from a blast. 
“I have an idea” Natasha said, looking up at the smaller ships soaring through the sky.
“Natasha, don’t even” you protested, but she had already jumped to Steve’s shield, flying across the air until she kicked an alien, taking control of the ship. “God damn it, Natasha!” you growled, adrenaline kicking in. Without caring about the damage it could cause, your eyes began to glow and you took out a handful of aliens with your powers.
“Nat?” you asked, but were met with silence. “Stark, do you have eyes on Nat?”
“She’s playing Mario Kart with your uncle”
“I got it” Clint said, aiming at Loki. The explosive arrow made him and Natasha land on top of a building, close to where the portal was. 
Natasha coughed, quickly standing up and grabbing the scepter. She had no idea how she’d keep Loki from getting it back, though.
“Hand it over” he commanded, circling around her.
“I’m good, thanks”
“Like I said before… not a question” he made a spear out of nowhere, throwing it to the redhead.
She knew it wouldn’t be enough to block it, but put the scepter up anyway. Natasha never felt it going through her skin. Instead, she heard a rough landing in front of her, and saw you holding your shield up. 
The spear had just grazed your arm, but you stood your ground against Loki. 
“Enough” you told him, moving forward. 
“I don’t want to fight you” 
“Then don’t” you said, eyes glowing. Without warning, he jumped out of the building, taking over another ship before you could go after him.
“Dad. He’s getting away” 
“No, he won’t” he said, intercepting him and landing on Stark Tower. Natasha was already taking care of Selvig, looking for ways to close the portal. 
Sensing that their plan was crumbling down, the aliens began to flock around you to stop you from closing their gate. 
“I got this” you told Natasha, keeping them from getting too close. 
You used a combination of hand-to-hand combat and your powers to keep them away, but whener you defeated two, another four would come, more determined than the last ones.
“Almost there” she promised you a few minutes later. You had been shot a couple of times already, and blood was dripping down your face. 
“We need a bigger energy source and we need to connect it from inside the portal” Selvig instructed.
“You hear that, Stark?”
“I’m not gonna have enough energy for that”
“Mjolnir” you whispered, feeling a burst of energy. Your hand went up instinctevly, and you actually caught the hammer. “That… that has never happened before” you said, out of breath. 
You hadn’t realised how powerful it was until you held it and the aliens around you were instantly destroyed. 
“Can you do it?” Selvig asked once you recovered from the shock. You nodded. Natasha looked at you, conflicted.
“It’s fine” you promised, kissing her temple.
Truth is, you didn’t know if you’d make it. 
But your father was still fighting Loki, and Mjolnir had come to you; it had to mean something.
“Come back” was all she asked, knowing time was of the essence. You nodded once again, looking up. 
And as you ascended, energy coursing through your body, you also felt the fire of the Valkyrie, your desire to fight and protect. 
You were born to do this. And maybe you’d die doing it to.
“So be it” 
Lo, there do I see the line of my people,
Back to the beginning!
Lo, they do call to me.
They bid me take my place among them,
In the halls of Valhalla!
Where the brave may live forever!
You swore you could see your mother in that last burst of energy before everything went dark again.
“Tony” Natasha screamed, terrified at the way you kept falling, clearly unconscious.
“I got her” the man flew to you, craddling you in his arms.
“No, no. No, please no” Loki repeated, watching you lying there. “I surrender. Please, help her” 
Thor pushed past him, unshed tears clouding his vision as he picked up Natasha, taking her to where you laid still.
“Hey, you promised” Natasha said, kneeling next to you. She wiped the blood from your face. “I don’t care if you’re worthy. Just please, please, come back to me. Please” she whispered, resting her forehead against yours.
“I’m here” you mumbled, struggling to open your eyes. 
“Hi” Natasha sighed, kissing you, her hands pressing against your cheeks.
“I like that you don’t care if I’m worthy… but you gotta admit that was kind of bad ass”
“Yeah, it was” she laughed against your mouth, sheding a tear.
“Come on, let’s get you up”
Natasha took a step back, your father coming in to pick you up.
“Your mother would have been so proud” he said, hugging you closely.
“Thanks, Papa. Here” you handed his hammer back. “It’s not as heavy as I thought”
“No, it’s not heavy in the right hands”
“Ehem…” Tony cleared his throat. The team was taking a break, now that you were alive and well. “First, could someone go get Banner? Second, let’s arrest Houdini here, yes? And last, I’m buying you all shawarma. Assuming the place I know hasn’t been destroyed yet”
“I could eat” Natasha nodded. You laughed, an arm around her shoulders. 
There was a lot to rebuild and a lot to account for. Everyone had their own mission. 
Stark seemed to be focused on protecting Earth from another invasion. Banner disappeared, while Steve and Natasha kept their work on SHIELD. Clint would be back, after taking some time off to do whatever he wanted.
It was decided, -by a very reluctant Fury- that Loki would be convicted in an Asgardian court. So there was really no reason for you all to stay on Earth.
Natasha never brought it up, seemingly running away from the conversation. She couldn’t ask you to stay, not for her.
To you, it was almost funny how she didn’t think twice about fighting aliens, but couldn’t muster the courage to speak to you about her feelings.
The morning of your departure, Loki and Thor were waiting outside the Compound, looking around.
“Where is she?” Clint mumbled, standing next to Natasha. He knew how hard it must be for his friend to say goodbye to you.
“Right here” you came out of the Compound, in normal clothes. “I wouldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye first”
“Of course” Your father smiled, understanding immediately. 
Natasha almost gave herself whiplash, turning her head to look at you. You squeezed her hand, walking past her to bid farewell to your father. You hugged him, and he squeezed hard, as if you were still a little girl. 
“Goodbye, Uncle” you said, hugging him too. He was still your family.
“I think you’re worthier than him” he said, nudging his brother and Thor chuckled.
“I’ll visit you soon”
“You know where to find me” you stepped back, taking Natasha’s hand. 
“That man has no regard for lawn maintenance” Tony grumbled, looking at the patch of burned grass they left behind.
“You stayed” Natasha whispered, a smile on her face.
“I belong wherever you are, Natasha” you said, taking her hand and pulling her into a tender kiss. “You’re my home”
Earth was beautiful and there was so much to do. It was as if Natasha was discovering life all over again. 
“Never have I ever”, she’d start, and then randmoly mention anything she thought you might like.
Your favorite thing so far had been rollercoasters, ice cream and movie theaters. Every night, you’d talk until you both fell asleep. About the things you liked the most and what you were hoping to see.
Of all the things you wanted to show her too.
“Never have I ever…” she said one morning as you were cooking breakfast.
“Loved anyone the way I love you” you said without hesitation. It was the first time you had said those words, and you wanted to say them every day. She’d never get tired of hearing them.
It was another beautiful day in Midgard. -- taglist: @sayah13, @gimaximoff, @sherlockstrangewolf, @froglovemushroom
PS - if I’m forgetting someone from the taglist DM me, I’m terrible at keeping track of anyone that wants to be tagged :( 
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shegeekery · 24 days
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Summary: Jane feels out of place in Valhalla. She isn't the only one.
Characters: Jane Foster, Loki (Sacred Timeline), Frigga, Odin Warnings: This is a gen fic for all audiences. Light-hearted menace, non-graphic violence, frequent mention of death (obviously). Length: 1810 words Note: This is my first fanfic in about a decade. It started as a one-shot, but if people like it I'll probably turn this into the first chapter. (Also, please excuse the crappy photoshop above. I'm afraid my photoshop skills are as rusty as my writing.)
Jane leaned on the balcony railing in front of Odin’s hall, observing the einherjar on the battlefield far below.
It didn’t look so bad from up here, but she was quite certain it would be a chaotic nightmare once she found herself in the middle of it. Anguished screams carried up the hillside and echoed through the valleys, somehow carrying over the constant din of metal crashing upon metal. From time to time, another distant figure would fall and be still while the fighting carried on around them. In some places, groups of warriors seemed to work together, while elsewhere it looked like a free-for-all, with fighters attacking anyone and everyone within their reach.
One band of warriors managed to destroy their nearby foes in a brilliantly coordinated attack, then immediately fell upon their own comrades. Jane watched in horrified fascination as a mace-wielding berserker spun around, clearing the field around him in seconds, only to be cut down by a thrown axe.
What in God’s — er, Odin’s — name am I doing here?
She’d arrived in Valhalla only yesterday. Odin and Frigga were waiting for her in front of the hall by the time she’d made her way up the hillside. Frigga had embraced her warmly while Odin beamed at her. They’d been very kind, inviting her to dine with them privately for the first night. She’d accepted readily, relieved that she wouldn’t have to face the crowd in the massive mead hall just yet.
Over supper, Odin patiently explained what was expected of her as a warrior of Valhalla.
Jane had picked up a bit of Asgardian and Scandinavian folklore during her time with Thor — and a great deal more in New Asgard — but nothing had really prepared her for this. She was a scientist. She’d never believed in any sort of afterlife until she found herself face to face with Heimdall at Valhalla’s gate.
“Your duty is to fight, to train, and to ready yourself for the Final Battle,” Odin had told her.
What it boiled down to was that she would have to join the other warriors on the battlefield — and most likely die — every day, only to be resurrected in time for the evening meal. When she asked what and when the “Final Battle” would be, Odin was less forthcoming. Thor had told her that the army of Valhalla was a no-show at Ragnarok. Maybe they were being held in reserve for something even worse?
Jane wasn’t afraid of a fight, but she hadn’t particularly enjoyed it either. There was so much more to life — or, well, afterlife — than that, wasn’t there? It didn’t help that she had no idea what it was all for, in the end.
After a night of fitful sleep, she skipped breakfast. The growing feeling of dread and anxiety hadn’t left room for much of an appetite. Instead, she tried to delay the inevitable by inspecting her surprisingly spacious suite. In a closet, she found an assortment of clothing and armor, all in her size. There was even a near copy of her ‘Thor’ outfit.
She didn’t know yet whether she’d be expected to fight today, so she’d opted for a simple tunic, a tough leather jerkin, comfortable trousers that tied at the waist, and brown leather boots.
Frigga had found her in her room and showed her around the compound. In the armory, Jane picked up a hammer but found to her dismay that it was much too heavy for her to wield effectively. That had never been a problem with Mjölnir. The longer haft felt strange, too. Mjölnir’s unusually short haft had actually suited her quite well. Unfortunately, Thor’s hammer was still in the realm of the living. She would have to find another weapon, but she was at a bit of a loss there.
The truth was, she had to admit, Mjölnir had done much of the work for her.
She’d trained hard every day with Brunnhilde in New Asgard. If not for the stupid cancer, she would have been in the best shape of her life when she died, and a fairly decent fighter. Still, without her magical weapon, she was no match for the Asgardians and humans — most of the latter were Norsemen (and a smattering of women) who had been here for over a millennium — almost all of whom had trained in the arts of war from childhood.
Eventually, Frigga encouraged Jane to go watch the battle while she went to consult with her husband.
No longer really seeing the carnage laid out before her, Jane sighed. She didn’t even know many people here. There were Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, and a handful of New Asgardians who had fallen when the little town was attacked. No family or close friends. No Brunnhilde.
No Thor.
She wondered if it was too late to back out. Would Odin and Frigga be offended if she —
“Oh dear. I know that look.” The low, silken voice interrupted her thoughts.
Startled, she turned to see Loki standing next to her.
How did he…? Oh, right. Yeesh. Someone should put a bell on this guy.
The God of Mischief smirked at her surprise. “Didn’t expect to find me here, did you?”
He was dressed much the same as the last time she’d seen him, in a green tunic with gold embroidery, a long green and gold coat styled to make his shoulders look larger, and matching leather trousers with black boots.
Still just as vain, even in death.
She wondered whether he had a closet with clothing in it, or just conjured clothing to match his mood.
“I, um, I guess I hadn’t really thought about it, to be honest.”
He chuckled. “Not to worry. Trust me, nobody was more shocked than I was when I came to and found myself walking next to Heimdall on the road to Valhalla. Never saw this in my future.” He gestured, his arms encompassing the massive hall and the field of battle below.
She managed a weak smile and nodded, not knowing what else to do. This was unexpected. Her mind raced, trying to figure out what it meant that Loki was here. Should she be worried?
“Neither did anyone else,” he added, with a touch of — was it sadness? Scorn? A bit of both? “They drew lots to decide who would have the chance to kill me first. There was a queue…”
Jane found herself horrified and amused in equal measure. “I’m…sorry,” she choked out. “That sounds terrible.”
Loki waved his hand dismissively. “Oh, it wasn’t so bad. I even let several of them win — guards killed when the Frost Giants invaded Odin’s vault. I took them all on at once to make their ‘victory’ more believable. Turns out people are more willing to forgive past transgressions once they’ve brutally murdered you a few times.”
Jane snorted in spite of herself.
He winked at her. “Leaves more room for new transgressions.”
She wasn’t quite sure what to make of the mercurial, unpredictable god. She hadn’t forgotten that he’d killed quite a few people in her world. Then again, he had risked his life to help save her from the dark elf, Malekith. True, he’d been motivated by a desire to avenge his mother, but he’d also jumped to shield her from the blast when Thor destroyed the Aether, likely saving her life when Thor wasn’t even watching. Loki seemed to be full of contradictions.
I wonder if even he knows what he really wants.
Jane thought about what she knew of Valhalla’s entrance requirements. It wasn’t like the Christian Heaven, she remembered. It wasn’t about how you lived. It was how you died that mattered most.
She’d thought that Loki had died in Svartalfheim, which probably would have landed him here if it hadn’t been an illusion. Later, Thor had told her about Ragnarok and the nasty business with Thanos. Apparently, Thor was right. Loki really had died that time — and again, he’d died a hero.
More or less.
They stood silently a moment, watching the ongoing battle. Jane stole a sideways glance at Loki as he gazed down at the field. He seemed older than she remembered. Sadder, somehow, which was odd given that the last time she’d seen him, he’d just lost his mother and had now been reunited with her in death.
“What were you saying before? You know what look?” Jane asked.
“The look that says there’s been some terrible cosmic mistake, which will no doubt soon be corrected and you’ll be sent packing, off to where you really belong.” He mimed wrapping something up and tossing it into the distance. “I was the same when I first arrived.”
“And where’s that? Where do we really belong?”
“In my case… Hel. In yours?” He shrugged. “Wherever good little scientists go when they shuffle off the mortal coil.”
“But you don’t think that now?”
“Valhalla doesn’t make mistakes. If we’re here, it’s because we belong here.” He shrugged again. “Or so they say.”
“You’re not so sure?”
Loki turned to face her again, his mask of arrogant superiority slipping smoothly back into place. All trace of the vulnerability and uncertainty Jane thought she’d glimpsed had vanished.
“As it happens, I didn’t come here just to discuss theology with you. Odin, in his infinite wisdom,” his voice fairly dripped with sarcasm, “has decreed that you, my Lady, shall be trained in the subtle art of dagger combat.”
“Daggers? Why?” Jane couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed. She had been ‘The Mighty Thor’, defender of New Asgard, after all. Now they were going to throw her into battle with nothing but a knife or two?
“I’m afraid we’re running low on magic hammers here. You’re tiny, but quick, and…reasonably intelligent,” he replied, haughtily.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Daggers require a certain finesse. Intelligence counts for more than brute strength.”
Loki leaned in. She was surprised by the way he towered over her.
He’s taller than I thought. I didn’t notice when he was with Thor.
“And you may not wish to thank me by the time we’re done,” he whispered. “I’m going to train you, seeing as I am the resident expert.” He stepped back and grinned wickedly as a pair of daggers appeared in his hands. The edges looked very, very sharp.
Loki spun the daggers around in his hands and offered them to her, hilt first. She took them, hesitantly.
“Don’t worry,” he said in a mock-soothing tone that was anything but reassuring. “I promise to kill you quickly the first few times.”
He laughed at her alarm. “You’ll get used to it.” Another pair of daggers appeared in his hands. He flipped them in the air and caught them expertly, then adopted a fighting stance and cocked his head, eyes glinting dangerously.
“Now then, my Lady. Shall we begin?”
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tyrannuspitch · 28 days
been thinking about the dearth of actual movie adaptations of norse myth, which is of course partly down to the fact that what we have is fragmentary and episodic and not movie-shaped at all.
so um. here are a few preliminary thoughts on how you might be able to make it work.
focus on ragnarok, since that's where we have the most continuous/connected material, and make it a tragedy, because that's the whole point.
focus on the relationship between loki and odin, since they're going to be leading the armies at ragnarok.
make them both tragic, complex, morally grey figures, and draw out their similarities. either could be the protagonist, but let's say odin for now.
invent a little bit of backstory for how and why loki and odin became blood brothers - a connection, and either genuine personal loyalty or common cause. give us something to root for, even if it's small, and then spend the rest of the film slowly destroying it.
open by telling the audience exactly what's going to happen at ragnarok, so it can hang over the whole of the film.
take your time introducing the characters to the prophecy - maybe we start with hints or fragments, and we try not to believe them, so when odin gets the full thing it's a major plot point. and yet the distrust and decay has already set in; it's already inevitable.
finding a plot point to take us from the lead-up to ragnarok, to ragnarok itself, is going to be difficult - but maybe we don't actually need to.
the baldr's death/failed rescue/snake torture sequence could work as a climax. once everything is in place, we could end on "waiting for ragnarok" and leave it hanging.
some other thoughts:
odin sacrificing his eye and loki getting his lips sewn shut could be parallel steps towards ragnarok - odin is growing paranoid and obsessively seeks knowledge, while loki is growing bitter and vengeful.
odin imprisons loki's children (fenrir/hel/jormungandr); loki kills odin's son baldr and keeps him trapped in hel; the aesir kill loki's sons vali and narfi and imprison loki using their entrails. this could be a cycle of vengeance!
loki and odin don't actually directly kill one another at ragnarok. maybe you'd want to change this, or maybe there could be a kind of tragic disappointment in it, a sense of loss...? i burnt down the world to kill you and i didn't even get to do it myself!
(<- although i'm not sure how being blood brothers plays into that. are blood brothers allowed to kill one another? oaths in myth tend to be binding, so if that is part of it, it's possible they literally can't.)
odin built the world, and loki burnt it down. odin is a king/chief of the gods and loki, his blood brother, is an outsider and scapegoat among them. at least from loki's perspective, power and injustice will probably be central to their conflict.
odin is endlessly preparing for crisis, while loki is reckless and impulsive. but they're both willing to kill and let countless people die for them. from odin's perspective, their conflict is probably still essentially about personal survival and personal (or familial) grudges - i don't think myth!odin would necessarily see a need to justify it via a greater good, although he would probably deflect as much of the blame as possibly onto loki.
this is a fun thought experiment. i might come back to it later.
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yummygender · 5 months
Beyond The Timelines 3: I Need An Army
Loki looks for revenge in an unlikely way
Warnings: spoilers, a bit rushed, but don’t let the shortness fool you ;)
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Loki was pissed. He was fuming. How dare Thanos take Mobius? His hands began to shake in fury. After what felt like eons of torture and abuse, he’s had enough. He wasn’t about to let him get away anymore. Loki had to do something. But what? It’s not like he could leave.
He looked down at the timelines in his hands. Could he leave? If he left, then what about the timelines? He needed time to plan, but it looks like Thanos wasn’t about to give it to him…and as far as Loki knows, it could already be too late. Then he remembered something.
‘…I used my magic to trick Thanos into thinking I was dead and left…’
The variants. The other Lokis. They could help. But would they? Classic clearly met Thanos before and he lived…but he’s not anymore. As far as Loki’s aware, Classic him died during the fight in the Void…but now he was in control of the timelines. It would cause the tree to get extra branches but he could do it. It would be a timeline where Thanos never got to Loki. Where he was safe from Thanos and got to meet Mobius earlier. Before the TVA and before Sylvie ruined everything for the two of them.
But would he want to help? Lokis are supposed to be selfish and lie to get what they want. What if Classic did just that? What if Classic wanted nothing to do with Thanos? What if Loki couldn’t even find him? It tore him up inside. He was scared. Once again, he was just a scared little boy…just like Mobius said.
‘…scared little boy.’
Mobius was right. He was scared. He was horrified.
‘…like a big pussy cat.’
All of the things Mobius had said to and about him before flooded his head.
“…I need an army.”
Loki began planning. He knew he couldn’t leave, but he had to save Mobius…then he hatched an idea.
“If I were to make a..”
He began to make a copy of himself, having the copy take the timelines and hold them in place as he sat on the throne. It was perfect. He was free now. He didn’t have to stay to hold it all together.
Now onto the next step. Going back to Classic. But would he even believe him? Doubt began to flood his head as he tried to figure out what to do. He new he could just timeslip back to the void…but would Classic believe him? Would anyone believe him? He knew he had to make it right. If he could save Classic and Mobius in one fail swoop…
“I need to go back.”
He had to go back.
Loki closed his eyes and concentrated until…
“Who are you?”
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