#i heard the word 'died' and hit pause so.fast
tentativelyteal ยท 3 years
JONNY: And Agnes is, Agnes is a tricky one. Because...I was fascinated with this idea of this chosen one, messianic figure that you never hear from directly, that is entirely created through the effects and the perceptions of others, everyone who surrounds her. You get all the sort of, kind of conflicting ideas like from Jude, or the coffee shop guy, or Gertrude, or Arthur Nolan, and all these, like, all these figures to whom she was so important, and, you never get an actual, definite, like, this is who she was. And that was an idea that fascinated me: this figure that's only built up through the perceptions of others. I think what I underestimated - and, like, and I kind of stand by that conceptually - I think I underestimated how much not actually hearing from her would leave that feeling...a little bit incomplete. A bit unsatisfying.
ALEX: Slightly sidelined or something.
JONNY: And I think that's why, like, a lot of fans right to the end were kind of expecting Agnes to come back in a more significant way, because that storyline didn't necessarily have that, emotional closure?
Two things:
'That coffee guy'. Really? Jonny? (I'm kidding, I'm kidding. But also, I love Agnes Montague & Jack Barnabas, okay?)
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ANNABELLE: We found the one we believed most likely to bring about their manifestation. We marked him young, guided his path as best we could. And then, we took his voice.
I just love that both Jon's and Agnes's voices have been taken, but in completely opposite ways. Does Jon or Agnes have more agency? One whose voice is the most heard (or most often heard from, at least), and one whose voice is never heard?
I just want them to meet TT
But then I guess that would destroy the perfectly opposite mirror-image
(But I still want them to meet TT And I still want to hear Agnes's voice. Just once. Just once. T~T)
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