#i just kept seeing it everywhere so i needed one (1) post to vent
blubushie · 1 year
Not how I expected today to go.
I'm responding to this post by @beastlyboogie or "da-pizz" (cheers to the mate that told me about it) because I'm right pissed and I want my side heard. If you're seeing this and wondering what the hell happened and you want to know what started all this, go here.
Normally I wouldn't even respond to this since Boog posted an update and apology but unfortunately most people haven't seen that and just blocked me immediately because Boog came out about this and called me out by name publicly. They also insinuated that they were "also toxic" which... No. You were the only toxic one, Boog.
Did you ever consider that I didn't want to drag you into this? That maybe I just wanted to vent my thoughts into the void? That there's a bloody reason I didn't tell anyone who said that shit in my vent post? Remember when I told you that you forgive more easily than I do? Despite that, I was willing to let bygones be bygones. I didn't (and still don't) want you to be shamed. We had a falling out. That happens.
But like hell am I going to take this shit lying down.
So let's get to it.
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No you bloody didn't. We talked for maybe a month. In that time I hardly responded because I've been busy with my own life. I told you basically nothing about myself specifically because I made a point not to tell you anything about myself. We were not "close," not in the slightest. You don't know any more about me than what I've said publicly on this blog.
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Scared? No. In need of professional help? Yeah, probably. The thing is that it's not your place or anyone's place to pressure me into doing it. I decide when I'm ready to get help if I decide I need it, not you. You are not a therapist.
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Name one way in which I hurt you. I can name all the ways you hurt me. 1) Every time I told you I was uncomfortable with sexual talk but you continued. 2) Every time I told you that I wasn't a therapist, that I'm not good at comfort, but you kept trauma dumping despite me repeatedly telling you that I'm uncomfortable with it. 3) Every time you flirted with me after I told you that I'm not polyamorous and I'm not comfortable discussing it.
And then you have the bloody gall to shame me for being having boundaries and being uncomfortable with your trauma dumping? You have a therapist you can talk to! That's something I don't even have! You have the balls to tell me I caused a relapse? I have my own issues, mate. I can take some venting but trauma is called trauma for a bloody reason. I don't need any more on my plate because it's already overflowing.
The only time where I even came close to "hurting you" is when we were discussing fucked-up shit we've seen online. You implied I was downplaying what you've seen and I immediately apologised for coming off that way.
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What a load of bollocks. "I don't want to affect his public image," but then you go and publicly call me out and SAY I CAUSED A RELAPSE? In what bloody world is that not going to affect my public image? And instead of being reasonable about this you decide to just block me everywhere so we can't even settle a private matter in private like adults. You tell people that if they follow me you're going to block them so it's an ultimatum between you or me, as if that doesn't ruin my public image. Then you go a step further by saying you'll discuss our affairs in private WITH OTHER PEOPLE where, for all I know, you can say I said or did bloody anything and spread whatever lie you want about me to have people believe. If you're going to hang shit on me, don't be a bloody coward about it and DO IT WHERE I CAN SEE IT AND RESPOND.
So no. I'm not playing this bloody game. I'm bringing receipts. Difference between us is that I'm not an arsehole, so I'm going to block out anything personal that you've told me in confidence that I reckon you wouldn't want to have shared.
This is (I think) the first time I told you I was uncomfortable with sexual talk.
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This is the first time I told you I was uncomfortable with trauma-dumping.
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Immediately afterward you say this and tell me you've relapsed on self-harm, as if it's either my fault or I'm supposed to feel guilty because I was uncomfortable hearing you talk about trauma, and you explain it away as "Well, can't always be only positive!" Yes you can! Yes you bloody can! We don't know each other well enough for this shit!
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You then acknowledged that you were trauma-dumping, apologised, and said you don't want to make me uncomfortable despite continuing to do so only days later. You also say you have no one to talk to about these things despite having a qualified therapist to talk to specifically about these things.
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Four days later you go on a massive tangent with trauma-dumping.
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Which led us to this exchange.
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After this you proceeded to block me everywhere. After saying I "kept pushing this."
Then you start telling your mates things about me.
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How the hell am I stereotypical? HOW AM I RIGHT-WING? Because I like firearms? Because I have a fucking job that requires the use of firearms? You didn't think I was right-ring when you were talking to me about how you learned to shoot a rifle when you were young and how fun it is. You didn't think I was right-wing when you were obsessively singing my praises and saying you wished you were living my life.
How many times did we discuss you? We were always discussing you. We exchanged stories. That's what people do. We discussed life in Russia versus life in Australia, how things work out in the bush, we discussed Russian hospitals versus Australian hospitals.
HOW THE HELL IS MY FIC PROBLEMATIC? You're the one who tried to promote it (without my asking you to) and in the same post insinuated that people who don't read it are only reading gay ships because they fetishize them! I'm the one who asked you to remove that post! You're the one who called it "misogyny drama" because Jesse has struggles that a lot of girls have struggles with? Did you ever consider that maybe some of the things that happen in my stories are based on real events? Or is telling real stories just "misogyny drama" to you?
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Is it this? You didn't seem to think it was "problematic" when you were saying you liked how Mundy acted and that you'd love if he did the same thing to you. And no, he didn't "almost fuck her," he kissed her. She reciprocated.
And yeah, he flirted with her when she was 16. He's from Australia, specifically New South Wales. The age of consent is 16 there. Jesse is a legally consenting adult by Australian law. And of course he's going to threaten her! She's on BLU team! What did you expect from enemies, a cheesy "Well, I'll see you next Tuesday?" He was looking out for her and reminding her of what her job entails. That's the point.
You never once told me my "behaviour" was concerning. Not once. And I'm not bloody proud of "getting in fights." You're the one who was boasting about somehow getting into the bully group at your school which I specifically told you is nothing to be proud of.
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The only thing I'll "admit" to being proud of is learning how to use firearms at a young age, and I'm one hell of a shot. That means I can provide for myself and my family. If shit ever hits the fan, I can survive. That's something to be proud about. The ability to help and provide for your community and the people you love is something to be proud about.
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When have I ever said my job was a fucking excuse? My job is a reason. I build obstacles around myself so that people like you can't fucking hurt me even after you betray my trust and try to ruin my image to a community I feel I have a place in. This is my one fucking place where I feel I can be open and my only mistake was letting you through my walls.
"Cold and careless" I TOLD YOU I'M LIKE THIS. I told you not to expect comfort from me because I'm not good at comforting people. Do you not understand how this works? Do you have any bloody idea how much I fucking fretted over your little attention-grabbing schticks?
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Notice what sticks out? "I tell them my personal shit (trauma dumping you mean) and every time he says not to talk to him about it." How many times do you think I told you to stop trauma-dumping onto me because I can't handle it? Because it stresses me out and I have enough on my plate? And you didn't bloody listen.
Then you talk shit about me and AND MY SHEILA because I have trauma I'm working through. Also STOP THINKING I'M FUCKING SNIPER. I'm not a fictional fucking character, Boog! I'm a person!
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Do you just not understand how autism works? About how certain things can be fucking painful to talk about? I don't do touch. I can't talk about certain things. Respect my fucking boundaries. It's no wonder you claim you lose every friend you get if you're like this with everyone.
Then when I vent my frustrations on my own blog after you blocked me you're creeping on my blog after blocking me to see if I'm posting about you? Funny how this happened a few days ago but you don't post that until I post my vent. And I never even named you! Not once! I was fully content to vent my frustrations and never tell anyone who made me feel like such shit because I didn't want to involve you. I didn't want anyone to come to you or treat you differently because of how I felt.
But nah, yeah. Me stating my boundaries, boundaries you refused to respect, makes me the arsehole in this situation. It doesn't matter that I have my own fucking trauma, that I have issues that I haven't told a goddamn soul about, that your own lack of empathy kept dredging up memories that I want to forget. No, I'm the arsehole because I decided to lay out my boundaries and decide that I'm not going to be a therapist for someone 1) I've known for a month, 2) will not respect my own boundaries or my own trauma, or 3) blames me for their own lack of self-control.
Did you really think that telling someone who already struggles with making connections, that self-ostracised himself from society because of how much it's hurt him in the past, "You will go on being alone in the bush" was a good idea? Did you really? Do you have any bloody idea how much that's fucked with my head these past few days? That I'm the one to blame for setting boundaries?
Or were you, as usual, focused on yourself and how you felt without a regard to my boundaries or how I felt during this situation?
My advice? Learn some bloody respect especially when it comes to other people's boundaries, do some introspection and maturing, then get back to me when you're ready to sort things out like an adult.
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supercityboys · 3 years
I have one (1) controversial opinion
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Claiming Ones Own
Cross posted on my AO3. Thank you again @boldlyanxious for your encouragement.
Decided that there wasn't enough Cass and Marinette fics and finally got this concept out my head and written down.
Chapter 1 - Cass gains a child
Cass could feel Jason’s frustrations radiating off him. He was over from Gotham to help tracking a new drug that had cropped up over there but originated in Hong Kong. They had managed to find the Hong Kong point of contact from the Gotham Drug Lord and now trying to work out the Hong Kong network.
Currently they were seated on top of a building observing their latest suspect.
She could feel the irritation pulsating off Jason, the twitch of his fingers ever so often. The low almost inaudible growl. The way the air around him vibrated with his emotions ready to pounce.
The annoyance stemmed from following the suspect for over a fortnight and it was clear that the gang rarely met up in person and was apt at avoiding use of technology to communicate. Cass was happy being a ghost bat in Hong Kong at the present. The lack of use in tech made it trickier to gain evidence for the police to surreptitiously stumble upon.
Tapping Jason, Cass signed to him ‘we need to infiltrate or plant recording devices’
“Yeah” came the response as he turned back to observe the suspect, “Recording devices is probably the quickest way. The way these guys are operating will make it hard to infiltrate quickly.”
Moments later “Fuckers!!” Jason snarled. Fingers twitching even more towards his gun.
Cass looked down and saw what caused Jason’s outburst. They had recently concluded that the men used street kids to send messages to each other, the unseen people of the city who were very good at being avoided. The gang that used them seemed hold and extraordinary amount of power held over these kids.
“Fucking pieces of shit” Jason muttered to Cass as they watched what the men were doing. Cass narrowed her eyes and silently nodded. She focused on the child who ran off observing the direction and movement. Suddenly she jabbed Jason and whispered “look” pointing to the child. They observed the girl knock into a man and sneakily pickpocket him before scampering off.
Cass nudged Jason quietly saying “plan”, before signing ‘if we can get a tracker on a kid and let them pick pocket us we can work out the number of locations and maybe plant recording devices’ Jason replied “hmmmm, risky but quicker than waiting for these bozos to slip up”.
The next few days the pair watch their target, also taking note of the street kids, to figure out who they would let target them, before deciding on the original girl they saw. She was petite, either due to age or, more likely, malnourishment. She had dark hair but what made her stand was having unexpected blue eyes. She was more skittish around the original suspect and other gang members they had come across but was bolder in her pick pocketing. She was creative in her approaches and had a far higher success rate compared to the other children. It was clear she felt safer amongst strangers who, if caught her, could seriously cause issues, than the men she was working for.
While Jason blustered and verbally vented his anger, Cass’s anger grew silent but more deadly. Neither were happy about the blatant child abuse occurring.
Having figured out the type of “target” the girl went for both Cass and Jason set the plan in motion. Trackers and recorders on their wallets, lots of cash and fake credit card trackers and recorders along with a micro trackers to put on the girl in case she ditches the wallet and just takes the cash. They dressed slightly better than the average person to showcase “wealth” which she seemed more inclined to go for and headed out.
Out on the streets she fell for their plan perfectly. Cass was able to slip the tracker onto the child while she slipped Jason’s wallet out his pocket. The pair continued their loop round back to Cass’s apartment to see where the kid went.
“Cass, fuck! She is good. If I’d not grown up on Crime Alley I would have struggled to notice. She is fucking good. Too bloody good! Shitting hell, that kinda skill only comes with practice! Like a fuck load of practice! Crap! She’s tiny! How bloody long has she been having to do this for! Fuck how long has she lived on the streets” Jason cursed. He was impressed but could feel the anger brewing, the desire to hurt someone.
“Long time” Cass replied before signing ‘She’s too thin. Her eyes showed fire. Determination but haunted’. The look in her eye’s had struck a chord with Cass when they 'bumped' into each other. Something about them resonated within her but Cass wasn’t quite ready to name it yet.
Back at the apartment they watched the trackers path and patterns over the next few days. Their little pickpocket went to 5 different warehouses along with a few apartments and the original dock with the first suspect repeatedly. Rarely using the same route or common paths, though destination always the same.
The pair scouted out the warehouses and apartments to get a better understanding of how the operation was run. It wasn’t just drug’s they were producing and exporting but also slave trafficking as well. No wonder the kids were terrified of the adults. They could easily be shipped off at any moment if they stepped out of line.
Cass’s disgust was intensifying with this discovery. They were practically slaves as it is even with the external slave threat hanging over them.
Cass could hear Jason loading of a gun. Looks like Jason’s preferred method of elimination would be soon be seen.
Over the course of a week. Cass and Jason snuck into each warehouse, planting bombs on secure/obscure locations. Carefully the explosions would leave just enough evidence for the police to take the gang down but also eliminate the gangs means to continue operating. Whilst trying to minimise external impact of neighbouring buildings. Well at least that was the aim. Anonymous hints were also sent or found at police stations.
All they now had to do was press the button on Jason's phone to ignite the bombs at the warehouses and take down the headquarters.
Jason and Cass crept into the headquarters building sticking to the shadows. Cass signed 'detonate' to Jason who grinned manically and did his thing. With so many warehouses littered with explosives you could hear when they went off. Shortly followed by the sound of sirens.
Cass and Jason used the distraction to sweep through the building taking out henchmen left, right and centre. Their anger and fury finally being released.
The pair had completed taking the men above ground up and were tying the stragglers up when they heard sirens approaching. They quickly slinked into the shadows out of sight to observe. Cass was still wanting to maintain that bats were still an urban rumour in Hong Kong at this point.
The police swept the upstairs building observing the chaos Cass and Jason had left while a group of them went off to look in the basement. Over the radio they heard a crackly “Chief, you may want to come down here. Bring bold cutters with you. And call social services and a med team. I think we will need that.”
“What's happened!” the chief replied, signalling to an officer nearby to call the services requested.
“They’ve got a group of kids caged up down here” came the crackly reply. Half of the team that went to the basement returned with a cuffed pair from the gang and took them to the cars outside. The chief muttered to himself and to the basement.
In the shadows Jason signed to Cass ‘Fuck! I should have killed those men! No! Wait! Death would be too sweet. Maimed them more” Cass nodded in agreement though her gaze kept focus on the scene they were observing.
The police slowly led the children out of the basement and, from somewhere, had a paramedic check the children out along with having someone from social services talk to them.
Then came Cass and Jason's pickpocket. The girl growled at them all and kept her distance refusing to let the paramedic treat her.
A kid spoke out to an officer "You won't get anything from her. She doesn't really speak. Or not to us at least. Dolly is a puppet and does what the Bossman says. Doesn't trust anyone"
"Yeah I don’t think Marionette has ever spoke while I've been here and that's ages, I think she was one of the first they got" another provided. Murmurs of agreement rippled through the small group children.
The girl stood watching like a cornered animal, eyes darting everywhere, looking like she wanted to escape. She seemed to see through the shadows and stared right at Cass and Jason which unsettled the bat duo. They were nearly invisible to the others in the room. But not this small child.
Quietly Cass whispered while signing "Safe. Mean men gone. Be ok now." to the girl. Even if the crowded room didn’t notice, she was positive this small girl could see her in the gloom. A small amount of tension left the girls shoulders.
Eventually the other children had all been seen by the medic, spoken to the police while the social worker was working on finding places for them to go for the interim. It was just this girl left to resolve. Having seen the adults treat the other children with care she cautiously let them look at her, warily viewing everyone and still ready for a quick escape if needed.
"Malnourished, a fair number of cuts and some nasty bruises from what I can tell. There doesn't appear to be any broken bones thankfully. She will need a careful diet to increase her weight and vitamins to help with what is likely to have missed out of her diet. Much like the rest of them. She should be good to go after I’ve dressed this cuts" said the medic looking the girl over. He turned to grab a wipe and bandage and the girl was off.
She swiftly slipped through the adults in the room and darted out onto the streets to disappear. Loud shouts occur from the chaos left behind.
Cass watched the girl intently. Observing her movements. Cass could tell though she was cooperating, the girl was planning. The glint in her eyes and slight angle of her body. As soon as she shifted to move Cass grabbed Jason and they slipped outside following her quickly. Sticking to the roofs they tracked the girl down to an alleyway. The girl was terrified. She knew they had caught her. She was trapped though and though frantically looking for different ways to avoid them was stuck.
“Safe now” Cass whispered signing along “Promise men are gone now. We won’t hurt you. We’ll look after you. You’ll be safe now”.
Carefully Cass approached the girl as if a frightened animal. Cass quietly said to Jason “Chocolate” holding her hand out for him to give it to him. Calmly and gently as possible she placed the chocolate near her and waited sitting on the floor gracefully. She could see the fear in the girl’s eyes, with distrust but there was a burning fire as well. Patience would be the key to winning the child over.
Cass knew she wasn’t going to let this girl go, let alone let her live on the streets and she was sure that Jason was of the same mind set.
Slowly they saw the girl take the chocolate. The child inspected it with caution and nibble it. The way her eyes grew wide was a delight and she ate it in haste. While she nibbled, she kept her eyes trained on the pair watching their movements.
When finished she remained cautiously looking at them, but body language didn’t scream “fear”, more curiosity was emerging. Cass smirked as she understood that she was reading their body language and reading their intent as much they were hers. Cass opened her body language up. Again reiterating ‘Safe now’ “Safe” to the girl. The girl’s eyes bored into hers whilst moments pass, and when the girl found what she was looking for offered her hand to Cass to hold.
Cass turned to Jason and stares straight into his eyes, “My child now”.
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trojansblr · 5 years
#FightOn! (01) | ot7
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Summary: The University of Southern California is a prestigious school - only the best or the richest can attend. That means there will be a lot of spoiled brats. Two groups start colliding and the entire college shift alongside them. What will happen when sparks starts to flow between them? Drama will certainly be there.
Pairing: BTS with -eventually- female characters
Genre: Fluff, Smut (future), Angst, CollegeAU! 
A/N: First chapter is finally here! For more intel about who the boys are or what they study in this college universe go to my page, there’s real twitter accounts!!! For more information feel free to message me :) ALSO if you want to appear in this fic (I’ll make it as interactive as possible) send me your name and zodiac sign + what you do or want to do in college and I’ll make it happen!!! I really hope you guys like it :) 
The Characters • Day 1  • Day 2
“Good morning South!” Yoongi’s voice echoed through the halls of the school and even though he should sound excited, his voice maintained in a monotone, a really, really, bored and sleepy one. Yoongi was the radio boy basically. Every morning he had to wake up extra early to be able to do all the announcements the university needed him to. It was his giant love for music that made him volunteer to take care of the station – that and he really enjoyed being alone, so he had a whole studio for himself. Plus, everyday the halls were filled with good music. “Today for lunch we will have pizza and don’t forget everyone, Saturday we have the volley’s male team game. You won’t want to miss it!”
He ended his morning announcements and started preparing the playlist that will play during the rest of the day when there was a knock on the door. He tiredly gets up to open the door that he usually locks to keep noisy and unwanted people out. When he sees Carolina, a smile immediately forms in his face.
“Oh my life saver!” He says tiredly as he swings an arm around her neck and pulls her inside, grabbing one of the coffees she’s holding with his other hand. “Good morning for you too.” She chuckles. “What’s good for today?” “Pizza for lunch.” He chuckles as well. “I’m getting too old to do this morning routine. Namjoon should put some pills on his dad’s coffee.” He complained. Every morning he had to talk with the director to receive the announcements and it was a headache every time. “You’re in your twenties Yoongs…” Carolina said rolling her eyes. “But yeah, that would be nice… maybe. I slept only three hours I think and I have volley practice yay!” She threw her arms in the air pretending to be cheerful but failing miserably. “So I really need the push.” “You’re also getting too old for that… see?!” He laughs when she yawns. “Do you wanna help me with the playlist? There’s still a couple of songs I can add and I always trust your taste.” “Team granddads always.” She smiles. “Sure! What vibe are we setting today?” “Well we have to go more ‘college vibes’” He said throwing air marks and mocking the director’s tone. “So help me out, no swear words either!” He jokes. “Oh god, we’ve gone preppy…” She let’s out a sigh and sits on the end of his lap, looking at the list he already had. “But ok, I’m here to help! What about cosmos midnight to cheer up our morning? Hmm the ‘Talk To Me’ one?” “Once again my lifesaver.” He squeezed her sides. Carolina and Yoongi would seem like boyfriend and girlfriend to everyone that passed by them. They were both crazy for each other, to the point where they would really take a bullet for the other, not just for the charm of Bruno Mars. But in reality, it was a genuine friendship. They were very similar and they were comfortable around each other to the point where not touching was weird – piggybacks, cuddling, hugs. The only thing that kept them from dating each other was the fact that they praised their friendship too much and Carolina now had her eye out to a mystery drawing guy. “Let me just add that one to the playlist and we are good to go.” “Where are we going and can you please take me on your back?” She asked making him let out a laugh. “We’re going to the cafeteria because I’m starving and yes, I’ll carry your lazy ass.” “Just kidding! You need to be in shape for your next game.” She said tapping on his back because he was already kneeling down for her to climb on.  “It’s your loss. Come on.” He said and once again swung his arm around her neck as he closed the door of the radio station and headed towards the cafeteria.
By this time of the morning, the halls of Southern California University were starting to get flowed by people who had morning classes, which was basically all the freshman and junior. There were two juniors in particular that always were theme of conversation and caught a lot of eyes everywhere they went. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin. They were childhood friends that were inseparable. Taehyung is majoring in Fine Arts and was the most eccentric it could get. He had blue hair and looked like a god. But he was the kindest person on earth too so that made him have a lot of girls swooning over him. As for Jimin he was majoring in Performative Arts and was head of the football team, he was the quarterback since his first year and that made him be the most popular boy in the entire university in a glimpse of eyes. Now, despite the both of them being the best of friends, when it came to their social circles, they didn’t belong to the same areas and even thought their interest were almost the opposite, they would always talk and support each other on everything.
“And then!” Taehyung almost screamed from the excitement of the conversation. “The little seagull just flew right from the under the barrel and next to the bigger ones and I was getting so soft but then the video stopped and it switched to that meme from Nemo where all the seagulls are saying fish!” “Fish fish fish fish fish!” Both boys started singing like it had happened in the movie. “Why did you stop?” Taehyung asked after a couple of ‘fish’ when he realized he was doing it alone. “Look, there’s Deo. Let’s go to her.” Jimin said cheerfully walking to the girl that was stuffing a book in her locker. “Good morning baby!” “Morning!” She said smiling widely, giving him a tight hug. “Oh… hi.” Deo added once she noticed Taehyung standing behind the other boy. “Hey!” He smiled awkwardly. “Oh c’mon guys, you already know each other, no need to be shy!” Jimin chuckled lightly, pushing his friends a bit closer together. “Hmm… sure! How’s everything going?” “Good!” Deo said almost immediately, as she turned again to her locker to grab her book. “Well, I gotta get to class. See you.” She said after slamming her locker door and throwing a death glare to Jimin, she left. “Ooooook! So are we seeing that movie tonight or what?” "That was weird... She looked weird don't you think?" Jimin basically spoke to himself. "But yes! We are! What movie?" He smiled sheepish lost in the conversation. “I don’t know, you are the friend not me.” Taehyung said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Bro! I told you about it five times already- the vintage one, noir.” "Ohh! That's right! Yeah, we can watch it tonight!" “Ok then, but don’t forget!” He said with warning eyes. “Gotta go, I’m probably late again.” “I’ll be there!” Jimin screamed and his friend was already walking so he decided to also go to his class. For the popular boy, he was suddenly left abandoned by his two best friends and one of them was clearly mad at him but to him it wasn’t that clear so he still had to do something about that.
Nearby, Hyori, Jungkook and Hoseok were sitting in the lounge. The morning sun was so pleasing that the latter made them sit outside to enjoy some vitamin C. This seemed like the perfect opportunity for Jungkook to vent his problems. He knew he could talk to his friends whenever, but sometimes they were too hyped to listen.
“I just don't understand the need for her to call me virgin boy. What's her deal after all? She doesn't even know me." Jungkook let out frustrated. The day hadn't even started and the words ‘virgin boy’ had already hunted him in the halls. "I don't know Gguk, maybe you just need to let it go. Focus on something else?" Hobi suggested. "She just started it out without no apparent reason?" Hyori finally said something. "Apparently. We have some classes together and I know she lives in my building but I don't remember any interaction we may had? She just started calling me like that after a class and when I noticed, it was running the college." He said in a pout. "Ok either you did something and you're just not remembering because boys never pay attention enough or she just likes to rile you up and it's working." Hyori added. “I don’t think I did?” Jungkook basically asked thinking of their interactions. “Maybe she has a crush?” Hoseok shrugged and Jungkook looked to Hyori. He needed her girl intuition. "That's an option yes! Who is she anyway?" Hyori asked already super curious. She loved and lived for a good gossip. "I don't know how to explain it to you. She has purple hair." Jungkook said like it was impossible for Hyori not to know who the girl was by that description. "Here, this is her social media." Hobi passed her the phone. "Really good description." He teased to Jungkook who huffed. 
"Ok… isn't this the girl that dates that trouble maker? The radio guy? She seems bad news" Hyori said as she scrolls down Carolina’s posts. "I know for a fact they are always on that radio booth together, only God knows doing what." "So what should I do? About the whole virgin boy thing..." "I don't know… tell her to stop?" "He already tried that and failed..." Hobi sighed. "Maybe you just have to do the same. If she starts teasing you, tease back?" "That's a good option… I mean the worst that can happen is her boyfriend beating you up but he's way smaller than you so you have a chance. Or she will beat you up… either way, someone needs to teach them a lesson, it was about time" the girl said.  "He wouldn't have a chance. He is way smaller than me." Jungkook said emphasizing in the smaller. "If she kicks my ass you and Deo have to step in, I can't hit a girl." Jungkook laughed. "Listen I would throw my chemistry books at her for you but if she runs for my head please do something! I'm not good at one on one and just by her face she seems like she would break my neck" “Guys! What violent nonsense is this?” Hoseok said getting up front his chair. “Off to class the both of you!” "Wha-" Jungkook started but was immediately cut off by Hobi again. "I'll see you at lunch!" "Let's go virgin boy! Can't arrive late and ruin my perfect academy life." Hyori said also getting up and let out a laugh once she heard Jungkook complain behind her.
As the group parted ways, Hyori walked in a fast pace to her class. She hated being late but the conversation with Jungkook and Hoseok took more of her time than she was expecting and she couldn’t afford to lose any word that left the teacher’s mouth. When she got to her biology class, there were only a couple of seats vacant and she took the one that were nearest to the teacher’s table. That way she could still record the class and take her notes. She was in the middle of a way too long sentence when someone tapped on her shoulder. When she turned around, she saw Jeonghan, a boy from her class she wished she knew a lot better but never had the guts to go and talk to him.
“Sorry, can I take a peek of your notebook? I can’t keep up the pace with her.” He smiled sheepishly. “Sure! Can you see like this?” She said turning her notebook a little to his side but at the same time trying to hide how red her cheeks already were. “Yeah, that’s perfect!” He smiled sweetly. The class continued but now Hyori was a little out of focus. She could still catch some words but the fact that Jeonghan was almost breathing down her neck was making her lose her senses and the only thing on her mind was the smell of his cologne. “Hey, it’s Hyori right?” He asked leaning against the table as Hyori was packing her stuff. "Yes! That's right!" "Thanks for the help during class! You were a great help really." He smiled as he scratched the back of his neck. "I was thinking, if you aren't too busy maybe we could study together or something? After class?" "Oh it was nothing!" She smiled nervously "Sure, that would be great! Just say where and when." "Can I have your number? I have practice after class but we can check our schedules and set a date?" He said already taking his phone out of his pocket. "Of course! I have some tutoring to do as well, but sure, we'll manage" She laughs and he hands her his phone where she types her number. "I already gave you a ring so you can have my number as well. I'll text you later Hyori!" He said grabbing his backpack and smiling widely to her, walking towards the door. “Bye!” Hyori called out and then she let out a long sigh she didn’t even realized she was holding. Boy, she was starstruck.
As Hyori left her class she immediately spotted Jungkook in the crowd and walked up to him. Hobi was probably already waiting for them in the cafeteria. It was pizza day. No one could push them away from there. But unlike them, there were another group that preferred to eat outside. Not because of the fresh air but because they enjoyed the quietness of the bleachers. It was unusual for people to have lunch there so they had maybe half an hour to eat in peace before the field would be filled with youngsters that wanted to lay down or play some ball.
“Hey losers!” Carolina said coming by alongside Yoongi. The boy had this tired look on his face like he had gone to bed too late, and he probably did. “Where were you this morning? I didn’t even see you” Jin - the oldest of the group and also Carolina's house mate - said. “I have class at eight remember? I don’t have your easy senior life” She replied sitting down next to Taehyung. He was currently sketching something on his journal, not really paying attention to the conversation. “After all this years i deserve a break don’t you think?” The oldest said chuckling. “Not really” “Well, talk in two years about that and you’ll see” “Where’s Namjoon?” Yoongi asked for the first time making everyone even Taehyung look around for their friend. “Is he sick or something?” Carolina asked. “I gave him a ride this morning...” Yoongi added. “He’ll probably show up in a few” Jin said returning his attention to the sandwich he was eating. “I saw him in the cafeteria earlier” Taehyung said still drawing “I think his class ends a little after ours” “Oh there he is!” Carolina pointed looking behind Jin. Namjoon had a fast pace and his hands were full with large books. And although he was a little clumsy, he was a true catch. “Guys!!!” He called out with his dimple smile “Did you heard it?!” “What? What happened this time?” Yoongi asked a little uninterested drinking his coffee. “Did you hear that rumor about JK being a virgin? Do you think it’s true? Like- he’s a nice kid but who is still a virgin in college?!” Namjoon said sitting down and almost falling down of the bleachers if it wasn’t for Jin holding him. “Really? I though he had a girlfriend or something... I think Jimin mentioned it once” Taehyung added to the conversation. “Ya, why do we even care? Let the kid be” Yoongi said taking a bite of Carolina’s sandwich. “What would Jimin know though?” Carolina said to Taehyung “And besides, he uses this purity ring on his finger all the time” “Like the Jonas brothers?” Jin asked incredulous. “Yep, he’s the fourth member for sure” “That was even a thing?” Namjoon asked a little lost. “And you seem to know a lot about the subject” Yoongi said with a smirk looking to Carolina “Odd” “I know because he has some classes with me that’s all” “Let’s ask him today on the way home!” Jin suggested “Maybe his father is a preacher” “No, his father is a designer, I know him” Taehyung said casually. “Oh” Namjoon let out like he was disappointed with the outcome. “Ok but guys-“ Carolina said cutting the subject “Can we discuss the fact that Jin was caught trying to wear my bra yesterday?!” “I SAID I WAS JUST DOING AN EXPERIMENT!!!” Seokjin bursted. “He was probably trying to open it with one hand only... you know, for practice” Yoongi said in a monotone. “Dude, you could have said that, I would help” Taehyung offered. “Wow” Carolina said. “That’s some... kinky shit right there” Namjoon pointed out eating his lunch.
The group can seem a little odd to the outside viewers but they all had a lot in common. Carolina and Taehyung had practically been raised together, their parents were friends for a lifetime and to top that they were neighbours. When she came to college though, her schedule didn’t match his, so she wandered around in some clubs trying to spend some time and also to try and find someone to share her apartment with. She would share it with Taehyung, but unfortunately to her he was already doing so with Park Jimin, his best friend. Already on her first week she got lucky to somehow end in a vintage game conference and ended up meeting Jin, a senior in the college who was desperate to get out of the campus dorm and that somehow knew Taehyung. She didn’t have to think much about it to rent her spare room to him, and yes, he was a guy, but her parents were pretty open minded and if he knew Taehyung... well that was a major plus. On her second week she met Namjoon, a nice and shy guy that was friends with Seokjin and usually would sit with them to grab some lunch. She only discovered he was the son of the dean a month later when her group ended up in a mess (a thing they would do a lot!). Yoongi was a different case... she met him because fate once more moved to her favor. In the building she lived, there were more apartments and one of them belonged to Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook (the virgin boy according to Carolina who may or may not have spread that rumor out). How she discovered that? Well, Jin asked Namjoon for a ride but turned out that Yoongi was the driver. He was a tough one to crack at first but once she discovered they had the same music taste, they became really close. She would mostly spend her days skipping classes at the radio station of the college, where Yoongi was the main dj. In college they would mainly hangout in the bleachers, because it was sunny and pretty far of the rest of the college population. If it was a cold or rainy day, well, they would go to the lounge area to chill and eat something. If it was after classes, always Jin and Carolina’s apartment since they tried it once at Yoongi’s (he isn’t much of going out of the house) but Carolina arrived and Jungkook was casually eating cereals in his pajamas and well, let’s just say she didn’t understood why he was there in the first place. Despite them being super tired already, the day continued on and they still had a couple of classes in the afternoon. The sun made them feel sleepy so when they had to get up to go to class, it seemed more like a herd of zombies walking down the halls. The boys had this protective habit of walking Carolina to her class and once she entered the door they would all disperse, going on with their lives.
Carolina had decided to take her usual trip to the broom closet. She gained this habit in her first week and it became more and more regular when some sketches started to appear on the walls and on the door. It intrigued her. As far as she knew, she was the only habitant of the broom closet in the arts department and those drawings felt like gifts and the smell of cigarettes made it more appealing each time. She was dying to find whom it could be. Unfortunately for her, she had to return to her class of photography. She wasn’t really excited today. What was the point of having a class like that and not photograph? She didn’t need to know how many pixels there were in how many centimeters so, inspired by the sketches in the broom closet, she scribbled on her own notebook. And everything was fine until she heard 'pop quiz next week' coming out from the teacher's mouth. Her mind began racing and she looked around to see from whom she could manage to get some info for the quiz. She really had no choice.
“Psstt, virgin boy!” Carolina called out to Jungkook. Despite unfamiliar, he was the more familiar face she had in that class. Once he turned around, she continued. “Can you borrow me your notebook real quick?” She whispered to him. “Why?” He asked, genuinely confused. They weren’t friends and for what he remembered not even once she was nice to him. “Dude, just help me out. I have zero things written down.” He looked at her not following why she would care and he was about to speak but shut his mouth. “Fine, but you owe me one.” He passed her his notebook that she grabbed firmly, not letting go of his gaze. “That’s not how it works virgin boy.” He couldn’t help but snort. He was so tired of the virgin boy rumor and he was 100% sure she was the one spreading it. He just didn’t know why. “Uhuh, just hurry up.” “If I want to.” Carolina teased harder. “So what? You’re keeping my notebook?” He arched his eyebrow, a smirk showing in his lips. “Why? Is there something here I can’t see?” She asked, interest and curiosity rising from what secrets she could find in his book. “Browse away, but if you just want to keep something mine, I can bring you a sweater. At least is comfier.” He teased. “Is that you flirting with me, virgin boy?” She pressed on his new nickname, making him snort once again. “You wish. Just hurry,” he turned back to the board. “or neither of us will pass the pop quiz next week. I need to write down what she’s saying.” “Here.” She said taking the last picture and handing him the notebook. “And hurry up writing it down cause I need the rest of it!” Once the class was over, Jungkook gathered his things and left. He had volleyball practice tonight so he wanted to go home and rest but as he was about to leave the main hall he heard someone call his name. “Hey, virgin boy! You forgot the rest of the notes.” Carolina said almost skipping to catch him. “Really? I think I got everything she said.” He played dumb. “No dumbass, you forgot to pass them on to me.” “Oh, I don’t think I did.” “But you did.” Carolina pushed back and he smirked. “Nope.” “Seriously, can you just stop this... thing and give me the notes? I really need them and you’re the most organized one so far” “Well maybe if you were nicer and stopped calling me virgin boy…” “Oh so it affects you that much huh?” She narrowed her eyes looking at him, trying to figure out if he was a virgin or not. "You are the one losing here sweetheart. Anyway, you still have a week." He turned around ready to leave but was stopped. “Woah!” Carolina held his arm. “First of all, you should work on that pet name thing virgin boy, ‘sweetheart’ is a major turn off... but anyways! Just-“ She let out a long sigh. “Borrow me your notes, I swear I’ll be quick” “Not today.” He got loose of her hold and started walking towards the exit. “Fine. Just know that I’m kinda resentful sometimes.”
As Jungkook walked off, Carolina was ready to punch someone into a locker but she knew there was no use in getting in trouble over him. Instead she was planning on wasting all her rage at the volleyball practice later on. The halls were all empty and Namjoon found himself wandering through the corridor he already knew like the back of his hand. He wasn’t in the mood for how the rest of his day was about to end but he also knew there was no use in postponing this any further, so he walked into the dean’s office – or better yet, his dad’s office. 
“Son, you’re lat- what clothes are those?” Dean Kim frowned immediately as soon as he saw the clothes his son was wearing. “My going out clothes? Why? There’s something wrong?” He asked looking at himself, from head to toe. “I told you this dinner was important, I needed you in more formal attires.” He said sternly. “I don’t have anything more formal than this dad… I’m just in college.” Namjoon sighed, trying to contain his temper from coming out. “And besides, nobody will even notice me, I’m sure!” He added trying to lighten the mood. “Either way, we don’t have time to change now. Your mother is coming too so we’ll have to go pick her up.” He said without even looking at his son, already picking up his briefcase. “Mom is coming? Why?” “Because it looks better in the pictures if she’s there.” He paused. “You already know these stuff.” “No, I don’t. I don’t know why you two have to keep pretending… Don’t you see it’s a burden for mom?” Namjoon said sadly. It hurt his heart to see his mom sad and for a lot of years, that was the only look he seen in her face. “I don’t think this matter really concerns you.” He said in a cold tone. “Yes it does dad. God!” Namjoon let out frustrated, sitting down on one of the puffy chairs. “I’m your son and I have to see this act go on and how it hurts all of us… This is not right. Can’t we just- I don’t know… Let’s just go the two of us.” “I already said. This is not up for discussion. Since when do you stand up to my word? Those friends of yours…” The dean basically spat. He didn’t approve of his son’s friends ever since the first time they all came into his office for a prank they pulled and the hole cafeteria had to be evacuated. “This has nothing to do with my friends. I stand up for what is right and you would know that if you paid more attention to the real me, not the perfect son you created in your mind.” “Why can’t you just have a good record, study hard so that you have a bright future?! I just want what is best for you. One day you’ll realize that.” “And I do that. I study hard, I have great grades. The only thing lacking for you is appearances.” Namjoon spat, hurt by his father’s words. “You could dress better. You look like a delinquent in those baggy clothes. I’ll ask your mother to take you out shopping soon. Now we have to go.” “Sure thing… dad.” Namjoon said in a quitting tone, following his father to the car.
He just wanted this night to end but it hadn’t even started. Ever since he was little, he doesn’t remember a moment where his mother was truly happy with his father. Since early, she decided it would be best to be a stay-at-home mom and take care of Namjoon and his little sister. Mr. Kim was making more than enough money being an university dean to take care of the whole family so why work? But that made Namjoon's mom become more and more unhappy and she didn’t have the strength to get away from the depending relationship she had with her husband. When she finally managed to find herself a job and ask for divorce, Mr. Kim found a way to continue controlling her. After all, what kind of strong and powerful family is one that isn’t able to hold a marriage? Namjoon just wanted to see his mom happy but it was still far from being capable of such things.
As Namjoon's continued to go disastrously, Jungkook and Carolina were already at their volleyball practice and coach decided it would be a good idea to mix the teams up. Boys and girls all against each other. Unfortunately, Jungkook wasn’t lucky enough to be put in the same team as Carolina and she had a lot of anger inside that she needed to let out and what better way than smashing some balls? Coach even said he wished she could play with the boy’s team this Saturday due to how roughly and determinedly she was playing. That was until she finally managed to throw a ball directly into Jungkook's face, that made him go straight to the floor with a bloody nose. He didn’t thought he could have such an impact on the girl. It were just some stupid notes... how would she react like if she was dumped? He thought that to himself and decided it was better to do some peace offerings after practice. So when the time came to hit the lockers, he got ready as fast as he could and waited for her to get out. In all ways, he found the situation funny that she could be so uptight.
"So I guess practice wasn't good enough to unload your rage?" Jungkook asked with a grin on his face, grabbing Carolina's arm since she decided to pretend he didn't exist. “Better take your hands off if you don’t wanna see what’s left of that rage” "Oh c'mon are you seriously mad because I didn't give you my notes?" He almost snorted. "Yes I am” She said serious. "I can give them to you if it would stop your hulk mode." “No need” "I see you also have a big pride" He teased harder. “No I just have an intolerance to bitchy people. Now if you’ll excuse me” She said, starting to walk away. "I don't actually." He grabbed her arm once more, making her spin back to him. "I'm the bitchy one? Really?" "What do you even want, virgin boy? Tell me cause I’m kinda losing my patience here” Carolina said. She was close to losing her temper and even closer at punching him in the face. "You are the one acting like a child and you have the guts to say I'm bitchy. You need to swallow that temper of yours. If you want the notes just tell me instead of this." Jungkook said, done with her way of talking, making her laugh acidly. "Listen, sweetheart, i asked you once maybe twice for the notes, i won’t ask for them again. And the one being childish is clearly you. You came to offer your notes, I said no, but for some reason you don’t let me go” She never once lost eye contact, done with his behavior. “I call that childish behaviour. Either you state what you want or leave me be” "Fine." Jungkook snorts and leaves.
Jungkook was pissed off so as soon as he got home, he got inside his room and decided it was best to just sleep. On the other hand, on campus, Hyori was trying hard to study for one of her upcoming exams but her phone and a boy was keeping her unfocused.  Deo was on her bed, trying to read a book she had just bought but the constant beeping was making her stress and although she didn’t want to pry, she couldn’t stop herself from asking.
“Why is your phone always beeping?” Deo asked. Hyori’s phone had been beeping for the past half hour nonstop and it wasn’t the usual routine the girl would do when she studied. “Oh!” She says turning around to face her roommate, a blush already creeping in her cheeks. “It’s just this boy from my bio class.” “A boy?” Deo asked putting down her book and crossing her legs in the bed, paying full attention to the conversation now. “It’s no big deal so don’t make a big deal out of it! But yes, he’s cute and his name is Jeonghan.” “How can I not make a big deal out of this when you say he’s cute and you’re putting your studies on pause to answer him?” Deo said overly excited. “What are you talking about?” “Seriously, it’s no big deal. He’s just super friendly that’s all.” Hyori let’s out a laugh, a nervous one. “If somehow it happens to be something more, I will let you know, don’t worry.” “Do you have a date yet?” The smaller girl wiggled her eyebrows teasingly making Hyori roll her eyes but laugh right after. “What’s up with you though? I could see you furrowing your brows and thinking hard on your bed.” She said more serious now. “It’s just this book… so intriguing.” “I’m sure it is…” Hyori said eyeing the girl to see if she could figure her out. “You know what’s funny? I have like a million texts of Jimin asking me why you won’t talk to him.” “He is such an annoying ass.” Deo whispered more to herself. “You know his friend, Taehyung?” “The artsy one?” Hyori asked raising her eyebrow. “Yeah, the one with blue hair. You know I can’t stand him and today Jimin just came to me with him like ‘oh hey guys you are best friends!’ No we’re not!!” Deo let out a long and hard sigh. “It pisses me off. He already knows I don’t like him but he keeps pushing.” “And why is that exactly? That you don’t like him?” "I can't believe you're going to analyze me now... I think you should drop out of psychology” Deo said trying to ease the mood but Hyori’s face stayed still. “Well, first of all, he's a weirdo. Just the other day he came to Jimin saying that the light bill was getting too high that he needed to watch out for the lights he forgot to turn off. Bro, we live in the dorms!" She rolled her eyes, annoyed of thinking back to that moment. "And the real reason I think it is because I'm jealous?" “Jealous of Jimin or… Taehyung?” Hyori asked in a suggesting tone and made Deo snort. “Why would I be jealous of Taehyung?!” She asked confused. “Of Taehyung… for no big deal. Now, of Jimin… well, the way I see it, maybe you’re having a moment of ‘why this loopy head guy is messing with my emotional’?” “I don’t see it… I just don’t understand why Jimin likes him so much. I mean, I’m his best friend too! I should be enough… I know it’s not fair.” “Yes, he’s a little- how can I say… weird? Out of the box? Anyways, he can be that but he is kinda funny in his own way… And Jimin speaks highly of him, he’s always saying he’s a great friend and moral support, so even if you don’t like the dude, just maybe tolerate him for Jimin? You know you love Jimin.” “I smiled at the dude today!” Deo said in defeat. “I won’t be disrespectful towards him because that wasn’t how I was raised but I can’t stand his face.” “That’s either called love or pure ‘I want to have sex with you’ you know?” Hyori said with a big smirk in her face. “How- I don- Ok you know what! Just go back to studying and texting the cute boy.” Deo said sticking her tongue out to her and picking back her book. “Ok scratch that, it’s more ‘I madly want to have sex with him’” She laughs lightly. “But hey, I’m not judging! The dude is weird but is super handsome!” “I DON’T WANT TO!” Deo protested, throwing a pillow at the other girl’s head. "And you know what? The girls I'm tutoring said pretty good stuff about him too… his hands are THAT big for a reason" Hyori continued teasing. “DUDE!” Deo hid her face in one of her pillows, flustered. “Do you think he’s good at it though? Because he has the fame but you never know.” “Oh I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing.” “I think you are the one who has a crush huh? Loopy is your type then?” “Loopy is super handsome yes, but I’m more of a smartass kind of girl.” Hyori said, slowly in the last part, thinking of what her type would be. “Loopy is more your type really.” “Just… don’t ok! And don’t give Jimin any ideas. And stop having ideas too!” “Will you start talking to Jimin again?” “Yes… you know I can’t stay mad for long.” “Then it’s a secret.” She winked and laughed hard right after because Deo pretended to throw her book to her head like she did with the pillow.
But that talk really made Deo think. It wouldn’t be fair for Jimin to wait until the next morning for them to talk again and it shouldn’t be something done by the phone either. So she decided to drop by their dorms. Hoseok was the hall security so that wouldn’t be a problem for her to reach their door. She put on some sweat pants and went out with her pj shirt. Who cared? She knocked on their door and soon it opened. It was Jimin.
“Hey, sorry to drop by this late…” Deo started and Jimin immediately involved her in a big hug. “I should be the one giving the hug you know.” She chuckled. “Why were you mad at me today?” Jimin asked with a pout. “Can you…” she pointed at the door signaling him to close it and he did so. “I just- I’m sorry. I was being childish just because I’m jealous of all the attention you give Taehyung. I promise I’ll work harder to be nice to your friend.” “You could’ve just stopped at the sorry but I’ll make you keep the last part!” He gave her a big smile when she rolled her eyes. “You are an ass.” She said trying to maintain a straight face but failed miserably. “Do you wanna come in? We were just watching a movie!” Jimin said already opening the door and turning to Taehyung. Somehow they managed to hang an old projector in one of the walls over the bed and were watching the movie like they were in the cinema. They had popcorn and everything. “Oh no! I look like shit! These are my pjs!” “Hey Taetae, look! Deo is here!” “Hey there!” Taehyung gives a little wave with his hand. “Bro can I press play already? I hate to pause it in the middle of an important dialogue.” He looked frustrated to Jimin. “Sorry!” He turned to Deo once more. “Do you wanna watch the move with us?” “Oh I don-“ “Effort remember?” Jimin almost whispered to her. “Sure. Do you mind?” Deo asked now to Taehyung. “It’s ok, but please don’t make me back up to the beginning of the movie.” “I won’t!” She said almost rising her hands up. “I’m clicking play already! Shut the lights Jimin!” Taehyung said turning his attention to the screen. “Go sit!” Jimin ordered Deo, pointing to the bed but she stood still. She didn’t want to have to sit in the middle of the boys. “C’mon!!” “Popcorn?” Taehyung asked, pushing the bowl towards her. All she could think about was that silly conversation she had with Hyori about his hand and she found herself blushing from the thoughts that crossed her mind with the boy right next to her. “No, I’m good…. But thanks.” As someone who didn’t care much about hands and their beauty, she had to admit, his hands were just something. “I want!” Jimin said breaking the imaginary tension and shoving his hand down the bowl and taking a hand full straight to his mouth. For the rest of the movie, Taehyung kept on making comments about the hole aesthetic of the movie while the other two remained in silence, watching. Once it ended, they decided they would enjoy the final credits and the music that came in, Jimin already had his head on Deo's lap and was close to falling asleep because she had been playing with his hair for the longest time. "See? This is the kind of movies that make me regret chosing performative arts." Deo said after a big sigh, with a frown in her face. “Why?” Taehyung turned his body so that he was facing her directly. "Oh well... there's a lot of things I like to do and it gets hard to having to choose only one to do. It's like choosing between kids you know? I like photography, but I also like dancing and singing and I also really like movies so how am I suppose to pick one?" “It’s not that hard if you are open minded enough to be a lot of people at the same time. I don’t think I want to do just one thing for the rest of my life...” "I don't think that either but I meant more like in learning. These majors are too expensive for me to take every single one I like." “Hm.. you just have to choose the one you identify yourself most, not thinking you will be giving up the others. That’s what I think” Taehyung said after a long time of looking at the ceiling, thinking. "That's a good way of thinking" “Why are you so quiet?” Taehyung asked curious to Jimin. It wasn't much like him to be quiet. "Oh no reason! I was just thinking along with your conversation! When I was little I used to get picked on a lot by my family because I liked to dance but I also like football so anything is possible. I'm having the best of both worlds." He chuckles. “Yeah, I remember” Taehyung laughs along with him, thinking about those moments from their childhood. "So yeah, anything is possible" Jimin said getting up from Deo's lap just to pinch her nose right after. "As long as you work hard for it!" "That's also a good way of thinking. Never knew you could be that wise Jimin." Deo said teasingly. "But anyway, it's getting late so I should get going." “Working hard remembers me of the review I have to write due tomorrow” Taehyung sighed, making the others laugh. “There’s never a chill out moment without paperworks to do after” "Do you need me to walk you to your dorm?" Jimin asked to Deo. He didn't like it when she would wander around campus late at night. "Oh no! Thanks for the popcorns" She said to Taehyung as she got out of the bed. "Sure, anytime!" Taehyung showed off his boxy smile. "See you tomorrow babe." Deo put herself on her tiptoes and gave Jimin a tight hug, walking to the door right after.
 > Day 2 <
104 notes · View notes
kittymaverick · 5 years
MCF Moths to a Flame commentary part 2...
I really heavily underestimated how much jumping I was gonna do watching the gameplay alone... So, Eipex, good job on making me scared for the MD’s life... MD: LEMME OUT. If this weren’t so entertaining, I would honestly be screaming the same still...
1. Pazu: I remember these people Who doesn’t? MD: I wish I don’t! 2. Oh, THEY MOVED THE ENTIRE DOOR HERE??? MD: ...Okay, next time, I’m not just bringing a lighter. I’m bringing lighter, and gasoline, and kerosene, and napalm, AND A TONNE OF TNT JUST TO BE SURE NOTHING OF THAT MANOR EVER SURVIVES AGAIN. 3. MD: this room, it’s like all the Ravenhearst cases in one-- I’m gonna go pass out in the corner. Eipex, when I asked for Ravenhearst, I don’t think I meant like... give the MD a full room of it... Or maybe I did... MD: I knew this case was bad before we started whyyyyyyyyy did I come whyyyyyyyyyyy *sobbing* 4. There’s even a shrine-- wait, why does Gwen’s nest have... eggs... MD, which one of the twins was it that survived? MD: Um, let me check your posts... Okay, apparently, it was Charlotte. ...Are we absolutely, 100%ly, without any doubt whatsoever, certainty beyond all reasonable speculations that Gwen LEGIT DIED WHEN ALISTAIR STABBED HER? MD: ...Look, I checked her body, OKAY? RANSACKED IT EVEN. THE DALIMARS DON’T EXACTLY STAY DEAD THOUGH IF YOU HAVEN’T EXACTLY NOTICED. (Meanwhile, probably elsewhere in this museum, maybe... Dalimars: The Master Detective sure likes arguing with themselves nowadays... they’re never going to get to the end of this game at this rate...) 5. MD: I probably shouldn’t go into a fireplace that just showed up, but... I’m too curious-- Oh, good to know you’re just like a cat like me! Which life are you on now? MD: ...Considering Ankou gave me the feather, negative 2? 6. Complex puzzles actually seem doable and logical this time! Though it is hella creepy. 7. “All the cases are too easy! I’m gonna look into some of the Master Detective cases next. Maybe there’ll be a challenge in there.“ MD: I’m second hand embarrassed about this man’s ego. And other than the security breach your agency has, can I say... Your cases don’t so much have challenges in them as so much as loose ends that never tie up... MD: Look, I REALLY try with the fire, okay??? 8. Shoot all the evil ducks. If you shoot a wrong one, you’ll have to start again! MD: THIS IS THE NEW WHACK-A-TROLL I SWEAR. Pazu: I got this. *100% it* MD: See, in the hands of a good player, I still got it. ...First, how dare you diss me. Second, You do realize your adversary now know your shooting skills, right? MD: Shut up and let me have my small victories will you? 9. Hm, Raven badge, crystal badge... wonder if the last one is going to be death badge.... MD: If the Dalimars and that Scottish guy teamed up, I’m as good as dead... 10. ...is that... is that? MD: ...ISIS??? PLEASE LET US KEEP HER AS A PET. MD: Wait, HOW DID YOU GET CAUGHT? YOU’RE BASICALLY A GHOST CAT. Isis: *innocent kitty eyes* 11. Gargoyle chest with... Madame Fate’s Crystal Ball. MD: Please tell me that’s not the real thing because if it is, I’m breaking it right here and now. I think the pieces are under lock and key because they have Charles’ soul fragments in them right now, right? MD: EXACTLY MY POINT. 12. Video guy assumes you’re a guy. MD: I’m glad as least one part of my identity has been kept secret more than anything else... (Note: MD’s voice acting in this game suggests they are feminine) 13. And the final badge is revealed to be... the cog badge? Wha? (Even Pazu is confused lol.) ((I also just realized, we’re still in the Beta segment of the videos...I’m gonna cry in act 2 and 3, aren’t I?)) 14. MD: Should I be scared or honored that someone made rooms out of my old cases? Do you really want me to answer the obvious? MD: ...Okay, VERY SCARED. FREAKED OUT SCARED. ...BUT THEN YOU KEEP ON DOING THOSE PUZZLES. MD: I CAN’T HELP IT OKAY IT’S MY OCCUPATIONAL HABIT AT THIS POINT. 15. Cheating with weights on the hammer, MD? MD: Look, I walk around a lot solving cases, but that doesn’t exactly leave me time to work out, okay? 16. Oh, so MAC... was constructed by this guy-- MD: ARE YOU SAYING MY BADGE LITERALLY BETRAYED ME??? Well... MD: I CAN’T BELIEVE IT I CAN’T EVEN TRUST MY BADGE IN THIS WORLD ANYMORE. WHERE IS THE NEAREST CLIFF I’M GONNA YEET MYSELF OFF OF IT. (...I did say they were gonna give us a companion cube just to take it away, didn’t I?...) 17. MD, considering how well you know the queen... um, why didn’t you check before coming here whether it was fake or not? MD: ... Well? MD: Look, UK’s going through Brexit right now okay, I don’t think she wants to be disturbed when her country is in a crisis. 18. Okay, past the spire staircases! And behind door number three is-- OH NO. MD: OH THANK GOD THEY ARE ALIVE. NO THAT’S NOT GOOD WE HAVE HOSTAGES. REPEAT WE HAVE HOSTAGES! 19. Chloe: Thanks for freeing me-- MD: Okay, can I first say, how could you fall for this? Um, pot calling the kettle black here? MD: ...OKAY OKAY I’LL RESCUE YOU THREE THEN WE’LL REEVALUATE OUR METHODS, TOGETHER. Aiden: Make that Archivist pay for what he did to us! Blake: ...No pressure? MD: *sobbing* 20. MD: OKAY I GOT EVERYTHING, AND THIS IS... an apprentice badge? Archivist: Yo. Wassup? *Springs trap* MD: I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT WE KNEW IT WE KNEW IT WE KNEW IT Other detectives: Um, oops, sorry? Archivist: Really, though, how could you fall for that? And you call yourself a Master-- MD: I AM GOING TO GET OUT OF HERE AND HURT YOU SO BAD YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE DUMBER. Archivist: Um... that wasn’t... on the script-- Me and MD: SHUT UP WE HAVE A LOT OF FRUSTRATIONS AND PARANOIA BUILT UP OVER THE YEARS TO VENT OKAY. MD: And YOU just happen to be on the receiving end of it. Archivist: *drops trap several stories down* MD: DAMN YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-- [Here endith the Beta section!] 21. Hey, we awake? MD: Yeah... awake, ish. OW. Need, to, break, out, somehow. How convenient this guy left sharp objects in the cabinet here for us to use... MD: ...How did the glass not break from the fall? ...Hey, I’m supposed to be playing captain obvious here, not you! MD: Oh right, sorry. Anyway, to vandalism! 22. Archivist: You’re sloppy, aren’t you? MD: Says the guy who left sharp objects for me to break out of here with. Probably because he WANTS you to break out. Archivist: Remember Broken Hours, detective? Tick tock-- MD: I can’t believe I preferred the Dalimars as the villains. Me neither. At least they had some competence in their madness, minus Victor. 23. Blake: Take this Detective! Quick, I’m almost out of time-- OKAY WE ACTUALLY HAVE A HOSTAGE SITUATION HURRY UP! MD: If we take back the incompetence comment, will you give us more time? Archivist: No, of course not. MD: I thought so, you incompetent bastard. Archivist: You little...! Um, PUZZLES AND LIVES TO SAVE PLEASE??? 24. MD: Solving books puzzles gives me more books? Really now, that’s real creative-- Um... is that what I think it is? MD: It’s... It’s nitroglycerin. I’m... I’m so moved. Finally someone understands me. *sobs* Might I remind you this guy has your colleagues HOSTAGE??? 25. There are literally so many references to past games that I’m like overwhelmed with joy. MD: And I’m overwhelmed with HORROR. 26. Pazu: He’s going to get squashed. THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING. MD: Nah, he’s gonna be fine. I hope. I wish. I mean, I usually turn out fine, right? Right??? ...I’m starting to think your agency is so broke because of all the health bills you guys need to get reimbursed afterwards. 27. Archivist: You fall into my traps again and again-- Let’s be honest, that’s just an MD thing, okay? The rest of the MCF crew-- well, actually... Okay, you know what MD, the Archivist is kind of right here. It’s like you guys are literally DRAWN to traps. MD: I’m sorry for being a bad role model and starting the trend? 28. Huh, this room, looks REALLY familiar. MD: I GET IT. THIS GUY, HE’S A COPYCAT. LITERALLY NONE OF HIS THINGS ORIGINATE FROM HIM. HE’S BEEN STEALING THEM FROM EVERYWHERE AND FRANKENSTEINING THEM TOGETHER. It’s almost kind of impressive in a very disturbing way... 29. MD: Oh hey, Parker, coming with? ...I think the reason why you didn’t get a partner for this mission now is because... they all got kidnapped. MD: Yeah, I’m starting to see that now. We REALLY need better security... 30. MD: Found the center of the mechanism! Now to stop it-- WAIT, THINK, THIS IS A TRAP? MD: Gosh I hate that I have to do that for everything now... 31. Pazu: what is this obsession with badges? Someone clearly didn’t get one and is salty. MD: Gods, all four of us agents are going to need new badges after this, aren’t we. Oh gods that’s gonna come out of our pay too, I’m sure... Speaking of badges, look! You get an agent badge! MD: Can’t believe I’m saying this but I really, really, really, much prefer solving the case involving STAIN as well as about the Hope Diamond to get my qualifications than this... massive puzzle tower... Wasn’t Huntsville how you got start on the whole MD path to begin with? And solving the Hope Diamond got the queen asking you to go to Ravenhearst? MD: ...*sighs* yes, this is a trip down memory lane in the worst way possible, I swear... 32. Um, someone’s calling. You gonna pick up? MD: You know, the least you could do is fix broken things after bringing them over, Archivist? Archivist: But if I did that, where’s the SURPRISE? MD: The last group of people that tried to surprise me got their asses kicked, you know. 33. MD: Draining people of their mind force, huh? I believe the Dalimars have officially been outranked on delusions of grandeur. If this note doesn’t scream trap, I don’t know WHAT does. MD: Honestly, considering how dumbly I fall into traps... I’ll like to see the guy try to drain my brain and see what he gets out of it. 34. Is that... THE PATH TO RAVENHEARST MANOR REPLICATED INDOORS? MD: I’m both impressed, and also feeling Charles’ jealousy emitting from whereever he is sealed. Let’s just hope this guy doesn’t propose at the end too. You have all of our blessings to defenestrate him if he does. 35. Awwww he didn’t have time to finish the rest of the manor. Only got up to the gate. MD: It’s like watching someone give up half way on their ambitious project. HEY GUY, AT LEAST ALISTER AND CHARLES FINISHED THEIR PROJECTS. DID YOU? Archivist: Did they build traps like these? *Trap Chloe* MD: ....You are rising up my shit list with record speed and that doesn’t happen often. ALSO CHLOE SERIOUSLY! 36. Archivist: Too bad for your companion, she paid the price. MD: ...I KNEW I should have kept some of that nitroglycerin! Oh hey look he even has a cable car ride for you! Don’t think we’ve seen that since Return or Escape from Ravenhearst? Archivist: If you want to get to the end of the ride, take a seat, NOW. MD: Oh I’ll seat, but only because I WANT TO. Also, your chair aren’t even replicas. 37. MD: Okay the box now... let’s open it-- Oh come ON! IT’S WHACK-A-TROLL!!!!!!! 8D MD: *Smash emergency exit button* Now ladies and gentlemen, please exit the ride into the next insane area. We hope you’ve enjoy the trip BECAUSE I SURE HAVE NOT-- Really? AN AMUSEMENT PARK NEXT? You did say you weren’t having fun... 38. Aiden: HEEEEEELP! MD: ...as much as I feel sorry for the old guy, I’m also glad I’m not the one stuck in that rocket ride... 40. Oh hey, it’s whack-a... detective. AND IT’S MORE FRUSTRATING THAN WHACK-A-TROLL. REALLY EIPEX? REALLY??? MD: ...Can’t believe this, but now, I miss Whack-a-troll. 41. Archivist: Can’t believe you made it this far without realizing I was one of the missing people? MD: ... Actually... Me: That makes sense, like, I was expecting it, honestly. There WERE four missing posters and we only found three. I was wondering WHEN that was going to come up. MD: See, some of the players don’t go through 19 cases and NOT develop SOME sense of paranoia that you’re going to be betrayed. 42. Archivist: Why don’t you step through the door to claim your prize? Me: How about, no? MD: No here as well. Aiden: Also no here. LET ME GO THROUGH INSTEAD! Archivist: WAIT NO THAT’S NOT HOW IT’S SUPPOSED TO GO-- Me: ...Aaaand we’re out of the illusion. I KNEW IT! WHEN EVERYTHING WENT MISTY I KNEW SOMETHING WENT WRONG! MD: Okay, instead of celebrating you seeing this coming HOW ABOUT YOU GET ME OUT OF THIS CONTRAPTION THANK YOU. 43. Hey, you got your badge back. MD: I know. And it’s stabby. MD: I KNOW. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? MD: IT’S VANDALISM TIME! 44. Chloe: Hello? Anyone there? Blake: Um, same here? Aiden: AHA! Knew there was something fishy. MD: Okay, since we’re all awake, let’s do what we Master Detectives are great at doing. MDs: solving freakishly complicated puzzle panels. *sighs collectively* 45. Archivist: TOO MUCH BRAIN POWER! NOOOOO *Poofs* MD: THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR PLAYING GAMES WITH US-- Um, who, is, that? Basically everyone who remembers the sole survivor of the Dalimars: CHARLOTTE! [To be continue!]
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little birdies singing everywhere
Did you ever watch a buttoned-up costume drama like Downton Abbey and something happens which is objectively sedate but in context you’re like OH SHIT!!
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“White-collar professionals trash-talk employer” and “congressional committees subpoena documents” are not generally the most exciting stories in the world. When those white collar professionals, say, happen to have just left the recently-disbanded Office of the Special Counsel, that’s a different story. 
“Sources close to/familiar with the thinking of” former investigators from special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s team have told major newspapers that Attorney General Barr’s not-a-summary letter to Congress about the case substantially misrepresented their report. They don’t even know why he wrote that not-a-summary, when they so helpfully typed up summaries of their work which he could have released right away. The obvious cover-up we always knew was a cover-up sure looks like a cover-up, this just in at the New York Times.
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But think about everything these people knew for the past two years. Think about all the stress they were under and all the heat they were taking. They were hired in part because they can keep their traps shut. (Someone got fired from that office because of shit he said, privately, before the investigation even started.) Now they’re just flying off the handle venting to big-mouth friends who translate their tirades into legalese and then blab to the Washington Post? If that’s the case, whatever happened must be really bad, and this cover-up isn’t going to be successful for long with all those loose cannons rolling around. If it's what it actually looks like – that FBI agents or even prosecutors on the case, including some who are free to talk because they’ve left the Department of Justice but have kept piles of receipts, are not tacitly playing along with Barr’s cover-up by staying quiet and are not going to stand for bad-faith “redactions” turning their work into disinformation – well, also seems potentially dramatic.
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Either way, I expect that they, like any other concerned citizen, have or will shortly set up an appointment with the relevant congressional authorities.
Look. You may or may not get a kick out of knowing Individual-1 and his goons are panicked and miserable right now. But don’t let that get in the way of understanding how serious this is. It’s understandably common to compare the Trump-Russia stuff to the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, but I’m not sure that goes far enough. When Nixon tried to hide the most damning evidence against him, he went to the Supreme Court like an adult, which meant people could anticipate some formal decision by an authority. Former and current Department of Justice officials, ten days into a cover-up, making what sure looks like a coordinated effort to get the goods to every reporter they can find feels like a new and extreme level of alarm.
That would be “enough,” if by “enough” you mean “COMPLETELY OFF THE WALL.” It’s not the only story like this. We’re also seeing at least one whistleblower come forward to say that the White House is giving out security clearances to people who are in fact security risks – specifically including Individual-1’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner. Most people don’t spend a lot of time thinking about a dry subject like security clearances, but if you do you probably already realized this was happening. But it is absolutely not normal that the people whose job it is to prevent leaks are scared enough to be leaking like this. 
In fact, “dozens” of White House employees have brought concerns to Congress. The top Marine general approved leaks from the Pentagon to show how Trump’s stupid wall would suck resources away from military families. An official at Department of Homeland Security - known primarily for its baby jails - sent out a memo threatening any potential whistleblowers what would happen if they leaked, which of course was promptly leaked.
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Understandably, House Democrats have decided they’re done asking for documents and started sending out subpoenas. At the same time, the chair of the House Ways and Means committee has requested six years of tax returns from Individual-1 and several of his businesses. “Request” is a nice way of putting it, but legally, the IRS has to hand it over. (Trump thinks it’s up to him, but he doesn’t actually have the authority to order the IRS to break the law.)*
Along with the stories that are so dry-sounding it’s easy to miss how big a deal they are, there’s also a story which is so gonzo that it’s a little hard to take seriously. A couple of weeks ago, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft got busted in a “massage parlor” in Florida near Mar-a-Lago, Individual-1’s resort club. Turns out the massage parlor’s owner is a) a Republican fundraiser and b) connected to Chinese intelligence. Then last weekend, a Chinese national was arrested for illegally entering Mar-a-Lago, where she appears to have been trying to smuggle in some infected hardware. The implication of the stories I’ve read seems to be that she was trying to get into the club’s completely insecure network. I’m not sure why all that is happening now. It could be that the first arrest got everyone’s attention, so law enforcement and the press started scrutinizing who was going in and out of Mar-a-Lago a little more closely. It could be that the feds were already investigating some intelligence threat in the area and Kraft got caught up in it. It could be something else entirely, or just a total coincidence. In any event, it’s a reminder that the national security risks Trump creates sometimes sound abstract and complicated, but they’re closely related to the sleazy corruption stories that are easier to get your head around.
While congressional Democrats are dealing with all this – which is, again, absolutely bonkers and deserves about 2000% of the time and energy they have – they are also prioritizing the problem of white nationalism and its spread online. None of this is a distraction. It all matters. It is all the same story. And while it sucks, it is not hopeless.
OH, and it might be a while before we know what the last straw was, but the dam seems to have broken at Fox News. (If you get bored of seeing obscenely wealthy fascists humiliated, you can skip to the Cliff’s Notes.)
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*Depending on which Opinion-Havers filter into your circles, you might have seen some frustration that it’s taken three months for House Democrats to get to this point, so it’s worth knowing that for demands like this to hold up in court, there has to be a record showing that they legitimately need these documents and that they tried the easy way first.
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A Woman Is Not An Object or a Prize
As a female Peace Corps volunteer, there is no escaping it.
The sideways glances, the stares that last too long in your direction, the sigh you feel leaving your body when you're asked, yet again, if you are married or if you're dating anyone- and if you're not, "why not?"
There is a lot a person can get used to and become accustomed to when living in a foreign place. I am no longer phased by the fact that my toilet is simply just a hole in the ground, or that I have to wash my clothes by hand, or plans don't work out, or a three hour long car ride could end up taking me almost an entire twenty-four hours. Those are things that are easy to adapt to.
But the one thing that I will never fully adapt to? The one thing that continues to wear on me and chips away at the patience and acceptance I have built for other things in this experience? It's the feeling that no matter what, I am constantly looked at by men as an object, and I'm spoken to as if I have a buying price.
"Where is your husband?"
"Why are you not married yet?"
"My love, I love you, I want to marry you."
"Don't you want a husband? You need to start having children"
"Please, my darling, love me. We can go back to America together."
"If I was to marry you, you would be worth 1,000 cows. I would pay your father and he would be very happy."
"Hey baby, you are so sexy."
"Why are you not talking to me everyday? Is it because you do not want to be with me?"
"He is saying that because he wants to be with you, he does not mean any harm."
Let me be clear about something here, these aren't things I have heard from just Guinean man. I've heard it in all of my travels across the world. From my creepy rickshaw driver in Cambodia who picked me up from the airport, to the safari car driver in Tanzania where I worked for a summer, to my female host mother during my rural homestay in Uganda, who told me basically that “men will be men” when a drunk neighbor came by and wouldn't leave me alone. After awhile, this gross objectification starts to get to you. 
However, I think the difference for me now is that in the past, the trip always ended. I would go home and was able to surround myself again with male figures and close friends who respect me as a human being and don't look at me like I'm a walking vagina and breasts. 
I was able to build those walls up again and rebuild stronger each time, so that each new foreign experience, I started to care less about the stares, the crass comments, and the creepy actions towards me. I grew, I learned how to recognize these men and these situations, and I would brush them off or I would say something really brash and straightforward like "I want a husband someday but it won't be you." or I'd ask "Why is it necessary for me to have children?". I could say what I wanted and be as cold and detached as I needed to be if someone was making me uncomfortable or was being disgusting to me because, 9 times out of 10, I was probably never going to see them again.
I had these walls, these safeguards, and these skills I gained from over a decade of dealing with men out there who feel as if myself and other women are something that is owed to them. I came into Peace Corps with that fortress of self reliance under my belt and I was ready to take on what Guinea was going to throw at me. And let me tell you, in the last 17 months, the constant objectification has been bombarded on me.
The stares from men anytime I go anywhere, the constant comments from taxi driver asking me where my husband is (or if I want a husband, or can they be my husband?), having my photo taken without my consent, having to refuse invitations to men's homes, the persistent feeling of never fully being safe in a crowded male dominated space… the list could go on, and I know for a fact most other female volunteers I know have similar stories to share with you. It's gotten to the point where many of us just find it necessary for our sanity to straight up lie about being married or engaged to avoid further questions because, after the hundredth time of hearing "So if you are not married or engaged, you need to find someone here to marry." you stop wanting to have the argument of women's rights and choices.
But, all that said and done, those are the sort of instances and people I can deal with. Sure, they're exhausting, but I built those walls on purpose and they've kept me safe here. These sort of things exist everywhere in the world; as much as I individually do what I can to change those actions and inherited traits of these sorts of people, I try not to let them affect my life.
What exhausts me in the end, are the alarming number of men here whom I've put my trust in to not act that way towards me, and then having them betray that trust. They are the cannonballs among the pebbles being thrown in my direction and they are the ones that are wearing me down to a point of burn out.
Guinea, like almost all of the rest of the world, is a male dominated society. Unlike the culture I grew up in that has adapted and begun the journey of social equality for all, many Guinean men do not see women are their equals. It’s a culture where a bride price still exists, meaning simply that a woman literally has a monetary value assigned to her and her rights, her choices, and her body can be sold to the highest bidder. It is also a culture where, for the most part, the thoughts and feelings of the males in society are seen as the only ones that matter. But because I want to get work done, and because I want to make a difference, I grit my teeth and I grin through my gut-wretching feeling of wanting to run the opposite direction. I try to make friendships, develop work relationships, and have casual conversations with the opposite gender.
...Obviously the director of a branch of a major non-governmental organization in our area who works with my health center would be willing to work with me on helping to improve the capacity building of the community. We have so much to work on and he'd be a great work colleague. At least that's what I thought until I went to his house once on my way to my regional capital, just to chat, and he told me he wanted to "marry a beautiful American woman" and would leave his wife to do so, staring at me the whole time like a vulture waiting for his chance at the roadkill. Uncomfortable, I left and ignored his phone calls after that. He's since been moved to another posting in the lower part of the country.
...Of course this guy in my community who wants to work on organizing sessions for malaria trainings wants to just work with me because he cares about what I'm here to do… unless of course he's decided that by doing this with me, it was his way of telling me how much he loves me and wants to be with me. He said this to me over text message after a campaign that we did. When I didn't answer him and I started getting his six phone calls and fourteen text messages a day for a week, I finally had the doctor at my health center get involved and the harassment ended.
...There's no way that my friend and French tutor, a young, well educated, guy, would want anything more than my friendship and to hang out- until he asks me to dump the Peace Corps volunteer I’ve been dating so I could date him and when I said no, that I just wanted to be friends, he proceeds to stop speaking to me.
I’ll reiterate again, this sort of thing happens to women in America and all over the world; I'm aware it's not just a Guinean phenomenon of culture. But when my Peace Corps service has consisted of over ~80% of my interactions with male acquaintances always leading to me hearing a comment about my marriage status, or the 99.5% chance of me being nice to the taxi driver and then giving him my number to contact him for rides later, result in him constantly calling me asking to hang out, or, when I have at least a 1 in 2 chance of a man I'm trying to develop a professional friendship with, is thinking that working with me is eventually a way to get in my pants- you really begin to question whether you’re going to be able to make any difference at all.
So, what keeps me going on days that I feel like this? And feel like venting out about how I don't think things will ever evolve in this testosterone filled space I find myself currently apart of?
Every single day is a constant struggle to keep pushing back against these norms and keep allowing myself to trust people and let my guard down- despite being hampered with so many reasons to be jaded and shut the men out all together. But the reason I don't give up is there are men who are an exception the rule. By forming friendships with these men and having them embrace that fact that I am a human being, not an object or a prize to be won, it empowers them to teach others group them how to act and behave towards the opposite sex. It gives me hope that they will be the ones to change the ways of the next generation.
I see it in my friend Cissé, who's marriage I was a part of and who has constantly been working with me to start a girls' sports club.
I see it in my Chef de Santé, Dr. Bah, who always tells me about the importance of educating women and calls me his teacher.
I see it in my counterpart Mamadou, who has never once asked me about a husband or has ever made a pass at me in our year and a half of working together.
I finished writing this, and I went and stopped by my health center and sat down with Dr. Bah. Frustrated, I explained my feelings to him about how men act here. He said something to me that gives me hope. “Les hommes qui ne respectent pas les femmes ne sont pas des hommes bons.” The men who do not respect women are not good men.
So, because of them, and Guinean male role models like them, I keep moving forward. I keep finding ways to, cautiously and carefully, let the other gender into my life while I'm here. I keep going so that, maybe one day, men like my few Guinean male friends who respect me and respect the rights and choices of women, will no longer be the exception but will instead be the rule.
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stone-man-warrior · 3 years
January 12, 2021: 4:10 pm:
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now it says I cannot edit the post I made a few minutes ago, and is refering to an app.
I don't use an app. I access from the Tumblr.com website with a computer, not a phone.
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and the place where the hashtags go are saying some reference to YouTube while using Tumblr.
Tumblr is hijacked by Google and Pope Bergoglio. But Pope Bergoglio is dead, died at Grants Pass Walmart about three weeks ago when he was cut in two by the guillote they put in the front entry from time to time, that day, was one of those times.
The means Google is at the Vatican without the Pope Bergoglio. The Tumblr slaves are crying for help in ways that they are able to, with changing the way the controles work, and wishing that someone would notice.
Edit: 4:36 pm:
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There is something fishy going on. Everywhere.
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Edit: 4:52 pm:
Edit: 4:54 pm:
“... and the operator say’s” ‘40 cents more for the next three minutes...”
That means the Operator was in on the call the whole time.
“Mrs. Avery” = Mrs. AV E R Y = Mrs. Audio/Visual + Power + Aaarrrgghh + “Y” signal splitter
“Mrs. Avery” = SAG Vatican terror pirate rerouting the call
It’s an avery, a place where birds are kept. Aviary (alternate spelling, Canadian accent, is Phoenician) A Coup.
The Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show song was from 1973.
The records available online say that the breakup of Bell Telephone & Telegraph (A/V) happened in 1982, but everyone knows that happened in the 1970′s. So, WT actual F is happening with that?
Y signal splitter’s work with the recorded history of the world the same as they do with pulsating signals. Truth splits to a dark place where no one can find it, a Gnosis Generator changes the truth, adds bullshit, removes some key information from the truth, then spits out the result for consumption by the people as Gnosis.
Sylvia, is gone. We are told she is moving away, never to be seen or heard from again. The operator wants more money, to keep you hanging on, to find out where Sylvia is at, and not hang up... they can‘t make any money if you hang up.
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The Pope is a Crocodile (Croak-a-Dial)
Edit: 5:24 pm:
Diana Ross = Die on a Cross (she has to learn some Carpentry first, so she can build the cross the Christian Pirates are going to nail her to, See?
(Diana Ross is musical Royalty, in more ways than one, a Supreme Being)
Fast Forward to Princess Diana for Russian Mother Hoax Fractal View through a time warp paparazzi tunnel. (Paparazzi = Papa Arrgghh Nazzi = Pope Pirate Nazi). It’s not about black or white. It’s about acceptance of the Pirate Pope, or not)
From the Dr. Hook song I linked somewhere else:
“We got a genuine Indian Guru that’s teaching us a better way...”
It’s “Amp Guru”.
“Genuine” = Generates a Whine from a phone call, American Indian Style.
Remember what happened to all of the American Indians? (native Americans)
Then, add the phone hijack, the operator, “Turn water into wine” all boils down to “The Jim Dunlop” (all Pope, all the time, eternal Pope, Amp Guru at Vatican Choir HQ) on the phone call, listening all of the time. It must be a “Pay Phone” or the Operator would not be exposing herself like that (nun; Russian Whore). The “Turns Water into Wine” is the Modern Day Indian (you & me) all being turned into Whine... crying for help on he phone while trying to find Sylvia on a hijacked phone call where some asshole (nun) is pretending to be Sylvia’s Mother and is jacking US around on the call.
Jim Dunlop, maker of Cry Baby Wah... since 1966.
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It’s a gas peddle (throttle) for “Axial Expression” (Axpression).
To Throttle, is to accelerate OR decelerate. (AKA: Buffer (time warp); Governor (leash; limiter)
On a phone call, it controls the speed at which you will decide to accept the Pirate Pope later on, after more effects are applied to the mix, and you slowly learn intuitively about the Christian Pirate Ship, it’s Captains, the size... enormity of the boat, and the French speaking scalawags who crew the thing. They need you and me to move the boat forward, we are the sail on the mast in the wind. We are Jesus. A sale on a pirate ship. nailed.
If you have a Bic Lighter, and learn about the Chi that resides within you, and also carry and use a fingernail clipper for defense, you can defeat the pirates.
A Chihuahua armed with hot sauce and sharp teeth.
Edit: 6:05 pm:
Once again, the puzzle parts add up to reveal a glimpse into the Vatican, through the television screen, as it looked in 1965 - 1966 and thereabout, to see the Puppets of the Thunderbird’s TV show, “the Tracy’s at Volcano Island”, are “Amp Guru”, and “Amp Guru” is a culmination of all of the Pope’s throughout recorded history AD, materialized, as “The Jim Dunlop”, Captain of One Vatican Pirate Ship.
Read this account to see how that was decoded with a secret agent decoder ring from an old box of Cracker Jack’s over the past six years, and a lot of life experience.
Edit: 6:17 pm:
At the 1:25 minute mark, Jim Dunlop Amp Guru thugs are sent to hassle Jimmi, right there on stage. They Rush him, get all in his face while he’s performing and he does not even miss a lick.
He did not sign-up to be a Christian Pirate. He played left handed, with a right-handed guitar, upside down, to try to show you and me that there is something important to know about the guitar. He had plenty of Chi, was able to be among the very best of the best of guitar players, with a upside down and backwards guitar played on the opposite side.
Fucking Genius.
They sent Jimmi to the 27 Club, where he met Sylvia, they remain there with Janice Joplin, and others at the 27 Club Great Gig in the Sky.
Edit: 6:31 pm:
Edit: 6:41 pm:
Personal note:
This past week has included that my vision was very poor while trying to write, trying to see to cook some food, to see to walk around or do anything at all. But today something has changed, the local terror cells are not releasing the kind of poison gas that affects vision, I can see clearly today. That has not been the case this past week at all, and has been ongoing for many years as the local terror cells release a variety of poison gasses into the surrounding area, the “return air” vent on the forced air heating system draws the poison gasses into the house through the chimney, dryer vent, window “weep holes”, and other household venting and cracks and holes that exist in all houses. The windows are all closed, but the heater return air vent creates a negative pressure condition inside the house, and draws air in from outdoors where the air has been saturated with poisons released by the neighboring terror cells.
If it’s happening to me, it could be happening to you too.
My vision is perfect today, all day. Something changed outside.
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That above is strange, it’s the 12th, but that grey area says it’s the 13th. The post there behind the grey area is titled “January 12, 2021: 3:57 pm:”
This one:
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I am not able to make edits to that one, it’s locked up by Tumblr. If I try to make additional comment, that other blue message that says something about a Tumblr App shows up, prevents me from further additional comment.
If I could make additional comments to that other post featuring Donald Trump on the cover of the Rolling Stone, then, I would say more about what happened on January 6, 2021 at the Fred Meyer Gas Station when that Salem Oregon Government Bus showed up with the explosive guitar bombs inside, and Mark Keisel was there to make the hit to kill me, but exploded with others who were on that Salem Oregon Government Bus after I defended against Keisel. If I could make additional comments to that post above, on the actual post that’s is locked up and is not accessible for making further comment, then, I might be tempted to say that Donald Trump was also on the Salem Oregon Government Bus that was sent to kill me at the Fred Meyer Gas Station on the 6th of January, at precisely 3:36 pm (I have the receipt in my pocket still).
I might comment that the Bus exploded with Donald Trump on it somewhere nearby the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office on F St., about one-quarter mile from the Fred Meyer Gas Station in Grants Pass, but I can‘t do that, they have me locked out of that one particular post, the one with the mystery 13 on it in the screenshot above.
I could say a whole bunch of additional stuff about that.
The important part to what I might say is that all of that bullshit reported on Twitter about a White House invasion, is all bullshit. What that really is, is a way for Nancy Pelosi to say that Donald Trump exploded on a Salem Oregon Government Murder Hit Bus, and the shit went side-ways.
That is what that is all about in the Twitter news, and everything being said and done by the SAG Congress, Pelosi & Company, is all to make distraction so that no one will be interested in knowing where Donald Trump might be. Even Joe Biden is in on covering for the whereabouts of Donald Trump in the Twitter news.
It’s all bullshit! The whole WH invasion of January 6, 2021, is bullshit cover story done by SAG US Congressional Shills!
He was on the Salem Government Bus when the thing exploded into bits from at least one guitar bomb that was also on the bus, built by Mark Kiesel of Keisel Guitars. The explosives are suspected to have been provided by Micheal Moore of “Super Size Me” fame. If not, Mr. Moore knows where the explosives came from.
Send help to Oregon, learn more.
Please send medical services.
Bring your own hospital.
Edit: 7:37 pm:
This is a good place to make a REMinder about 737 MAX Airplanes and that I was there, at Boeing Seattle in 1998 when the place was taken by machine gun wielding terror soldiers who did not speak any English at all.
“What did those guys look like?”
Thank you for asking, good question.
You know that Die Hard movie with Bruce Willis at the Christmas Party?
Those blonde guys with long hair. They looked just exactly like those guys, at two of them did.
They killed all of the office workers. Young women who worked in the office at Boeing Seattle. They were called out to the airplane assembly area near the big door to the enormous hanger that Boeing is. It’s a big hanger where airplanes are built.
The women were lined up against a wall, told to say who they were, and what their job titles were, then, the people were separated, “these people over here, those people go over there”, and one of the groups of all women were shot against the wall. There was someone there in the Boeing tour group that I was part of who did some interpreting for the people with the machine guns. I was asked to speak to the women before they were shot also, to ask them what their job title were.
The bottom line here is that all of the math works out that SAG/Britain/Vatican/German terror is planning to use those “Grounded” (modified for terror) 737 MAX to do aerial spraying of poison gas over large populous regions some where. I suspect it’s a global operation in USA and Asia, maybe South America too. There are a whole bunch of those airplanes, plenty of time to make modifications has passed, and they had time to move them around to different parts of the world also.
I suspect Mustard Gas.
Also, reminder that I was there in 1970 when all of those rock star musicians I tell of from time to time were saying that the goal was to eliminate the population of the world, to reduce the population of the WORLD to about 500,000 people. That’s Half-Million people remaining after the “50 Year Plan“ is done. (Five-Hundred-Thousand inhabitants of the globe)
They were serious about that. We can see that they were serious about that. There are numerous clues, indicators, guidance, all that leads to a global depopulation of Biblical Re-Genisis magnitude.
Start Over... is the plan.
Those with SAG Cards in good standing, dues paid in full, might survive, if they are among the ones who draw the long straws, not the short ones at the “Heaven’s Gate” somewhere. (SWSX Terror Convention; It’s compass, points down, and to the left, depending on what hemisphere you are on at the time you take a look at the compass. I think. Maybe it’s a Thompson, goes up, and to the right when fitted with a full drum magazine, so, Hemispherical considerations are warranted, with respect to the right & left hemisphere’s of the human brain, for making the correct choices at the SXSW terror convention on Judgement Day for SAG Card Holders w/Dues Paid in Full, card in good standing)
This is not a joke, I am not making this up.
I was there. At the table at the time.
I was about ten years old. I remember.
So, that is the most important thing to know about why Donald Trump could have been inside of a Salem Oregon Government Bus at the Fred Meyer Gas Station on the 6th of January, 2021, and exploded when the shit went side-ways.
What’s more important is the date, the timing seems to be on or near the 20th of January, 2021, for the planned Boeing MAX aerial Mustard Attack of the world. (Grey Poupon, for decoding purposes. French’s will also work for decoding Twitter news, and promotional email from Music Industry Advertisers and Retailers)
Oregon is the place where a vast majority of the terror is HQ’d. California is where the most leadership is, Washington DC are all puppets, only the messengers, as far as I can tell. Congress is a voice of hidden leadership at corporate offices of all kinds, perhaps. But the highest of terror high command appears to be the “Amp Guru” the “Jim Dunlop” the “Vatican Choir”. Those seem to be higher command level than “British House of Lords”, or, could actually be the very same, could be British House of Lords = Amp Guru.
I still recommend the best defense for immediate results is to take Twitter offline. Make it go away. Even a temporary hiatus for a couple of months would help. The most commands come through the Twitter news stories, coded into them.
Would the world be so horrible without Twitter that the safety measure cannot be done at least temporarily?
Google is the same as the Pope’s Office Filing Secretary.
Google corporate and the mechanisms the make it work have to be taken into custody of Global Security persons who are opposed to being exterminated like a bug in a jar filled with Raid. Are there such persons left alive somewhere?
Edit: 8:45 pm:
There are some people who know that the explanation about the Boeing 737 MAX attack already has come to this very point once before in the past. Only few people are aware of that, and all of the recorded documentation was deleted, made unavailable for me, but is available to others somewhere, I don’t know exactly where, but the Oval Office is a likely place to find those records, or access to them, from Beta Twitter in around 2008 and also on old Tumblr account, and also on old Google+ accounts.
The people who stopped the attack the first time are probably all dead now.
So, here you go, there is no Russia.
Don’t drop this this time:
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It’s Mongolia.
They are no terrorists in Mongolia. They don‘t have any nuclear warheads in Mongolia, I don‘t think Mongolian’s even have an internet.
Edit: 9:08 pm:
Think about this please:
Size and scope demonstration of Vatican pirating in USA:
Let’s say you are a terror army leader who’s army uses nitrous oxide as a primary weapon, your goal for the time being is the kill and replace as many US Citizen voters as possible without being caught. You need a way to get nitrous gas into as many households as is possible. So, you convince the Residential Window Manufactures that they need some representation in DC, to lobby for concerns about climate change that affect the manufacture rules for window makers. The window manufacturers consortium is created because you are really good salesman. So, once that is done, you convince congress that it’s a good idea to mandate that there will be some small holes put onto the bottom of all the windows sold in USA, “Weep Holes” are invented for the purpose that if some condensation happens to gather on the windows, it will drip down safely out of the house through the “Weep Holes” in all of the windows, from now on.
That way, since you need to get the nitrous into as many homes as is possible, it’s much easier to do if the window has some holes there for the terror army to use a means of putting the gas into the houses so the people can be killed and replaced with other people who will vote the way you tell them to vote, making everything more predictable at election time later on.
There, you just managed to create a easy way so your terror soldiers can do their job faster, better, and by government mandate with blessings from the Window Manufacturers Consortium who are people who care about climate change.
You have been doing this a long time, and are so skilled as a salesman, that you can sell moccasins to an Eskimo, and snow shoes to a native American in Arizona, no problem.
You learned long ago, that making things easy for the pirates, speeds the boat along and that a little grease in the grooves makes the guillotine blade come down much smoother. Holes in the window, are grease on a guillotine groove.
Edit: 9:34 pm:
I go to the store, and there is always some asshole who wants to bum a cigarette as I come out of the store, or wants a couple of dollars for gas.
That’s a lobbyist in training.
A lobbyist, literally, are people who go to places where congressional members are likely to be, such as in the lobby at Capitol Hill. The congressional members need to come out of their offices at least once per day, so, go bum a smoke, hang out in the lobby and wait until they walk by, to ask for some gas money.
Edit: 10:03 pm:
(Pacific Power Corp turned off my power for just one second as I went to share this next part here, as I pasted the URL for this Buick Commercial, the power went off long enough to knock out my modem, and stop my computer from running. This is big terror news here, it’s revealing, is a major peice of evidence of the Window Manufacturer’s Consortium being used to put holes in everyone’s windows, by government mandate)
As I was saying when I was so rudely interrupted by Pac-Pow:
You are are a Christian Pirate Leader, are on TV, and with this commercial have instructed millions of terror pirate scalawags that you were successful at putting holes in all of the windows in USA, and their job will be much easier after all of the new houses are built after this ad was aired.
Grease, on the grooves of the guillotine ad:
Edit: 10:23 pm:
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I need some assistance to keep the connection from being hijacked all the time.
Pac-Pow zapped my power, but that is not all, the Centurylink/Google/Tumblr terror consortium is still fucking with me also. Pac-Pow is the right hand, Centurylink is the left hand, Google is the brains of the three, and tumblr is like a pen that won‘t work all of the time, or a pencil that keeps breaking, have to keep sharpening the damn thing.
That Norton product is fake, I pay a lot of money annually for Norton 360, but they give me that fake one, I can’t do anything about it. It’s been fake since day one. I have been able to get a real copy in the past, but they change it in the background to that fake one. It’s been about fifteen years since I was able to download the real Symantec product. I pay for Norton 360, but I get Symantec Life Lock instead. Centurylink can and does do a lot of invisible hokus pokus with that fake product they came up with. You could have the same problem on your computer. There is nothing you can do to get the product you pay for, that is what you get. It never finds any problems, ever.
My computer must be perfect.
That thing that happened with the power going off was like this, I suspect:
I went to YouTube. I knew exactly what I was looking for. I typed a YouTube search for “Buick commercial with All Buick’s will have holes in the side”, which is another commercial about the same thing, except the ad says “all Buick’s will have holes in the side” on the commercial I was specifically looking for on YouTube. Then, what happened, is a flag went up at Google HQ, they know that the Buick commercials are a problem, so the called Pacific Power right away to scare me away from posting the commercial to show you about the Weep Hole terror at the US Government Mandate level.
Google initiated the power cut at my house, lasted only a second or two.
Please help make the connection secure at least, if you won‘t send medical help.
Edit: 11:17 pm:
Local Update:
A walk to the mailbox was uneventful.
There is no mail, just air inside the mailbox.
It’s warm, is 51 degrees outside and drizzling.
The warmth could be the reason my vision is do good today, as the forced air heating has not been on much today, I have the thermostat set for 59 degrees lately, down from 61 degrees after getting a giant size electric bill last month. The warm temperature and absence of use of the return air making the negative pressure condition could be why not much airborne gas came into the house today, my vision was very good for all but about one hour today.
The Myers have all of their interior lights turned off, and have a altarnate porch light turned on at the addition entrance that was put onto the house about three years ago. The holiday lighting around the door remains on.
Chapman’s is showing signs of strangers at 3701 Russell road with unusual lighting habits.
All remains dark at 520.
I did not pay attention to trash can conditions, was interested in Myers.
Freebergs is nearly dark, one internal house light can be seen from the road, just one small string of holiday lights out by the roadside is on.
Monroe Offensive Trailer has lighting on at the entry and a small blue glow in the rearmost part of the trailer is present. Monroe’s trailer was dark last night. The Copper colored Toyota or GMC Canyon truck that was at the Monroe trailer is no longer there at the trailer, could be in the driveway as usual. I did not go over that way.
Bells is all dark from where I can see.
I don’t have a view of Phillips 507 to ever say anything about, but there has been absence of activity there for some time, but I don‘t go outside often enough to know about much activity, only static conditions. It’s too dangerous to go outdoors in day time for any length of time.
Chartrand’s is per yesterday as far as I can see.
Dietrick’s turned off the extra porch yellow bug light that was on last night, it’s back to one yellow porch light showing now.
Clyde Baum’s seems a bit darker, less lighting than is usual. I don‘t have good access to a view to know what is normal and was is not.
If I looked at Strong’s, I did not see anything remarkable, I was in hurry, and did not want to fuck around, so, I don’t know, have to look later.
That’s all.
There were no indications of traffic noises near or far.
The Norton security “background tasks” pop-up window was on the computer screen when I returned from a five minute walk. Only five minutes of idle time had taken place, as is usual for the Norton pop-up, despite that it’s supposed to wait about a half-hour before doing background idle work.
The Norton pop-ups are being used to fool someone, somewhere, and have been for many years.
The heater was just on, my vision is poor now.
Edit: 1-13-2021: 12:06 am:
The thing about the “Weep Holes” in the windows, I have known for decades, I did not know the magnitude of it though until more recently.
I was held captive by Eastwood Guitars and other music industry terror operatives in around 1998 - 2002, forced to design many things for many different terror cells. This guitar is one of my designs. I have never been given credit for any of the things I designed, but that is not important, what is important is that I included a lot of hidden ideas into the things I was forced to design, and this Bucklund model is one of them. It’s designed after, and in association to my knowledge of the Weep Holes, and their connection to the Buick advertising. The guitar is a Buick. It was done to show later, if I could get free of the captivity, that the window Weep Holes are a product of terrorism, done by the same groups of people who were holding me and my family captive.
I am free of that captivity, but into another kind of the same captivity now.
It’s a Buick.
It was designed to explain the Weep Holes that were put there so that the nitrous would be easier to put into the victims homes.
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Edit: 1-13-2021: 12:39 am:
One more time:
The nitrous oxide gas won’t hurt you, and, it won’t hurt the sword wielding terror Christian Pirate who is putting it up your nose. You don‘t smell it. You don‘t see any gas. You can‘t taste that the gas is there. You have no idea that you are being gassed. The terror soldier is fully aware of where the gas is, what direction it will go. They can take precautions that you are not going to do.
The gas does not hurt you. It does make you dumber than a box of rocks at a quarry. Stupid dumb. You will laugh your ass off, as the terror soldiers entertains you momentarily, just long enough to make you put your hands into the hand cuffs they bring with them. The sword is a last resort, just in case you fight back. They want to capture you, not kill you right away. They need to know where the rest of your family is at, and where your assets are at, and how to access them. They take you to a dungeon, basement somewhere, or a empty warehouse to torture you so you will talk. Once they are done, you will be begging them to kill you, it’s that bad.
The gas does not kill you, won‘t hurt you.
The terror soldiers kill you.
The nitrous works as a truth serum, it removes all of your instincts to protect yourself, is invisible in every way, it will make you tell the truth, you cannot tell a lie when exposed to nitrous gas, it won‘t work if you try. You will lead them directly to your family. It’s a pain reliever, you won‘t scream, they can torture you at a mall parking lot at Christmas time, you won‘t scream, no one will know as they pass by with Black Friday Sale Items.
You are not immune to nitrous gas.
If you think you are stronger than the gas, you are fool, and are exactly the kind of victim that makes a good target.
Terror soldiers, Christian Pirates, do the killing, not the gas.
That, and it’s cheap to make. For $50 you can buy everything needed to make an ample supply at any well stocked farm supply store, a visit to a department store for a coffee maker, and gag shop for some balloons to store it in. For another $50 you can get the professional pressure tank at any well equipped plumbers supply outlet.
Plumbers test ball is the preferred pressure tank among the Christian terror pirates, rectally holstered:
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Edit: 1-13-2021: 3:01 am:
I am being throttled by the internet terror consortium, Google/Centurylink/Tumblr in so many ways it’s not easy to know which of the group is doing what particular digital hokus pokus.
For the past few hours, these conditions are notable:
The day started with the Tumblr app notice on my previous post featuring Donald Trump on the cover of the Rolling Stone, then, I was not allowed to make additional edits to that, had to start a new post, this one.
After that, the page I was working on, would jump all around, I go to type some words, and the page goes flying up to some other place.... have to find my curser,  I know it must be around here somewhere... so, that happened all day.
Then later, after the bit about the plumbers test ball, the internet just stopped working... the computer was working. The modem was working. All of the internet connections where in place, and were working, but there was no connection... all of the pages I tried to go to were blank.
“Sorry, we can‘t find that web site, please try again later and check your connection settings...”
One page did work. I was able to connect to Google Gmail to see the contents of my Google Gmail. Yahpoo mail was gone, so was Wikipedia Ten Codes link... all blank, but all the modem lights were on, and the internet connection indicator said all was good.
It was like I was totally stranded, even worse than I already am stranded.
I broke the internet.
The whole thing for about two hours.
This happened:
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See, says it’s all good at the bottom right where the internet connection icon is at.
They gave me that scary message, says my privacy is important there at the top... they are going to go ahead and route my privacy somewhere else, it says.
Terrorist bastards.
That was the case after posting the photo of the plumbers test ball, immediately after that.
I am glad it works now. Even if there is no one there who will talk to me.
I got a phone call on Sunday, it’s Wednesday now, but I did not answer the phone call, or check the message, it’s too dangerous to check a phone message when the US President is chasing after you, to kill you. Trust me, that is scary.
This Just In:
1-13-2021: 2:50 pm:
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See that? The way the movie camera icon is not working?
The Google/Centurylink/Tumblr internet terror consortium strikes again. They won‘t let me post the link to the Ozzy Ozbourne version of the Stepenwolf song Born to be Wild, where it’s all different kinds of fucked up at Ozzy’s House too.
Did you know that Ozzy Ozbourne has gone through somewhere around 22 spinal surgeries in his lifetime? All result of Amp Guru and the Vatican Choir terror pirates beating the living daylight out of him for writing and singing the revealing lyrical content he exposes in his music. They didn‘t send him the Great Gig in the Sky just yet, instead, the tossed Sharron at him, and then later, the gave him a reality TV show, Jimmi Hendrix Stage Rush style at his house every minute of every day.
Look at the date of the weird Ozzy song at the linked page above.
Ozzy, doing Stepenwolf’s Born to be Wild, featuring Ms. Piggy and The Count on backing vocals:
(Factoid: It is musically forbidden to do a cover of Born to be Wild, and/or Deep Purple’s Smoke on the Water, the Vatican Choir Amp Guru murder police will track you down, burn your guitar, and bury you in your amplifier if your band plays those at a night club)
Save Ozzy, save the world. He can tell all, people will listen.
Note to Mr. Osbourne: You may not remember the day I chased those Amp Guru thugs out of your house in So Cal, but if you think about that very narrow doorway at your studio, the one I walked through and sat down, and wrote you a note, to say what little I knew at the time, you may recall the day I chased thugs from your home.
1-13-2021: 3:30 pm:
Terror math:
It’s about the Bass (Base) of Global terror.
Black Sabbath: N.I.B.
Just the title is all you need.
There must be a Knight around here somewhere, a stowaway scalawag.
Perspective is necessary from a listener, audience standpoint.
You need prerequisite knowledge about coded language of the entertainment industry, here, specifically, scale is not a factor. Whatever it is, can be as large or small as is needed at a given time, so, ...
N.I.B. contains three periods. Those are “Blood”, “Moons”, “Months”, “Heads”, “Stones” and “O’s”... other as needed.
It’s a SAG thing to start with (Head Start). Ozzy and SAG are not getting along very well at the time.
Three Stooges show up, beat the living daylight out of Ozzy Osbourne for having recorded the song “War Pigs”.
So, “Spread Out”: N O I O B O
Step the fuck back, have a look.
We have to consider the global magnitude:
Ozzy is from Britain, or UK, somewhere close to the source (Sorcerer)
So, they sort things out over there, God’s job. is to sort things out. (Google)
So, sort it out: “N O Ten Downing B O”
Maybe we can Start there.
I see nitrous there. N O  is nitrous.
“Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing B O”
Sounds offensive to me.
“Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing B Offensive”
Where is that Ten Downing (I O Downing) again? It’s in Britain, we already decided it was all about the Bass (Base).
“Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing British Offensive”
“N.I.B. = Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing British Offensive” 
N.I.B. by Black Sabbath
(Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing British Offensive by Black Sabbath)
(Nitrous Oxide Ten Downing British Offensive by NO² Sunday, See?)
Oh, yeah
Some people say my love, cannot be true Please believe me, my love, and I'll show you I will give you those things, you thought unreal The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal
Oh, yeah
Follow me now and you, will not regret Leavin' the life you led, before we met You are the first to have, this love of mine Forever with me 'til the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real Before you know the way, I'm goin' to feel I'm goin' to feel, I'm goin' to feel
Oh, yeah
Now I have you with me, under my power Our love grows stronger now, with every hour Look into my eyes, you'll see who I'm My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Oh, yeah
Follow me now and you, will not regret Leaving the life you led, before we met You are the first to have, this love of mine Forever with me 'til the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real Before you know the way, I'm goin' to feel I'm goin' to feel, I'm goin' to feel
Oh, yeah
Now I have you with me, under my power Our love grows stronger now, with every hour Look into my eyes, you'll see who I'm My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Songwriters: Butler Terrence (usa 2), Iommi F Frank
For non-commercial use only.
Data from: Musixmatch
You can decode the lyrics on your own.
Black Sabbath: War Pigs:
Etcetera, and so on ...
It’s Christian Pirate terror math. They do addition, with subtraction.
HMS Eleaner Rigby, is the name of the British Submarine Christian Pirate Ship.
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13 January 9600
March 13 9600
Play the turn-a-round:
There is something fishy going on.
Play the turn-a-round again:
Stooges come on stage, get in your face for playing Born to be Wild:
Spread out:
13 369 00
Pirates are superstition bastards:
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They want me to spread that 1 and 3 apart. Fuck that.
369 is International Pirate Code for: Eternal Progression. Eternal Power. Infinite Control, and other ways of saying that the pirating will continue ...
Fuck that too.
They work the math a little different than I do:
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The double zero’s, are “Dead Bitches” in Pirate Speak.
There is more than one way to be a Pirate!
Davey Jones in Locher:
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valeriemperez · 6 years
I know you said the trial of Barry Allen is probably gonna be only 4 episodes but since they did cast someone to play his cellmate do you think they could have a small arc for Barry in prison? Or would there not be enough time in the season left for that?
I’m sure there will be a small arc in prison, I just expect that it happened during 4.11/4.12 due to these insta posts from the wrestler playing his prison buddy. Seems he left by November 28th and hasn’t been back since.
If Barry ends up in prison for a few weeks, then that would be a great opportunity for Wally to shine. The show is doing him so wrong right now. I can’t believe they couldn’t let him be in the midseason finale. And I read a few critics’ complaints about how they got rid of him during the rest of the crossover. Is there anything we fans can do? With AJK finally gone, can we get some of the old writers back?
Unfortunately I don’t believe Keiy was on set much at all in 4.10 - 4.13, but at least he’s back now! We just don’t know if it’s for Legends or Flash. Since it was Keiynan’s choice to take time off, I’m not sure what we can do as fans other than tweet about our love for Wally and desire to see him back.
As for old writers? Zack and Ben liked a tweet implying they’d be happy to come back now that AJK is gone. It’s more of a matter of their current jobs and contracts letting them, I think.
Hi Tati! I’ve just listened to the LWG podcast and I’m so happy you ladies plan to do other episodes to keep us entertained during the hiatus! Since I don’t watch Arr0w anymore, it struck me as interesting that people in the show were a bit bitter during the Ol*city wedding. Was it that different from Kara and Alex venting about their sad love lives before the WA wedding and during the rehearsal dinner?
Sorry it took so long to reply and thank you for listening! I would say - and @fallinginloveinaflash & @herownherowriter seem to agree - that the difference lies in how the bitterness was directed. Alex and Kara were bitter because their love lives had yet to live up to “the world’s most perfect couple.” As opposed to Curtis and Thea specifically expressing bitterness that Oliver and Felicity had left them out of the proceedings.
@eboniangelvibez said:
Tati, Happy Weekend. I’ve seen a lot of speculation about who the young waitress that approached Barry at the wedding during the x-over is. However, not much about why? I definitely think she’s WA’s daughter from the future. “Nora shouldn’t be here.” I also think the hieroglyphics Barry kept drawing are somehow connected to DeVoe and the cerebral inhibitor. At some point Barry is going to remember all the things he saw in the SF. Thoughts
My speculation about “why” is simple: she wanted to see her parents get married, lol. BUT I think she’ll be back with a more specific purpose. Either Don is in trouble and needs help from the past, or else she’s here to get Barry off of murder charges lol. And I agree that the symbols Barry drew at the beginning of the season will tie back to Devoe somehow.
With the backlash and the writers obvious shade to how the double wedding went down. What’s the likelihood WA will get another ceremony/reception at the end of the season (how awesome would it be if Dawn got to attend). Another thing, do you think the season will end on a happy note?
I absolutely think that Westallen will get another ceremony before the end of the season, if only as a way to celebrate that they can finally be a couple in peace. And yes, I think Jay and Wally and even Dawn could be there. Meanwhile, every season so far has ended on a sad note with Barry disappearing as the cliffhanger. The odds are against us when it comes to a happy ending, but it’s gotta happen sometime, right?!
I haven’t seen any pictures or indications that CP is back in Van filming? I’m a bit worried because this is starting the second week that she hasn’t filmed which I know could mean anything but what do you think?
Sorry, this is old! But yes, Candice came back this week and has been filming. So in reality, she was out of town for: 1 day of 4.10, 3 days of 4.11, 1 day of 4.12, and 5 days of 4.13. So it’s like one Iris-heavy episode, one Iris-light episode. 
Black Lightning got one of those fancy Netflix deals everywhere internationally like Riverdale and Dynasty. This makes me even happier, because it won’t be as dependent on ratings like other shows.Just really ready for the show to premiere
That’s awesome! Netflix is really coming through for the CW.
@ “Read your article“ anon:
Thanks for the feedback and I’ll keep that in mind! I want to link to my sources so that I’m not making it up, lol, but I shall be more circumspect about what I bring up in the future.
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sleepinglightt · 7 years
Cute Ask - All
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?I normally have more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?Yes yes yes. It’s one of my favorite feelings.
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Literally anything. I’ve used everything from bobby pins to blades of grass lmao
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?I take my tea with a little bit of milk and 3 sugar cubes or 2 packets of sugar, and I take my coffee pretty much the same way
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?Not really, I had braces for a while and now my teeth are straight, I just wish they were whiter 😕
6: do you keep plants?Yes
7: do you name your plants?Yes but I always forget their names and I end up renaming them
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I like using watercolors a lot
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?I sleep on my stomach with one leg up, idk I’m weird
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?There are so many, the most recent one I can’t post bc some people follow me on here and if I posted the joke it would cause drama
12: what’s your favorite planet?I think Saturn is pretty cool
13: what’s something that made you smile today?Just thinking about my girlfriend
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?Oh Lordy this is my dream. Considering my best friend is my girlfriend, we’d have a big bed with lots of blankets. And we’d have a lot of plants everywhere. There would be like fairy lights or whatever you wanna call them everywhere. We’d have a dog and probably a few cats. It would probably constantly smell like coffee or tea bc we both love that. Idk it would be perfect.
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Okay so google said this: Space officially begins at the universal marker of the Karman Line. This invisible boundary is 100km above the Earth. In theory if you could drive your car upwards, you could be in space in less than hour
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?All pasta dishes are my fav how am I just supposed to pick one
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?I really really really wanna have a lavender/ dark grey hair color
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I made a video of myself dancing in a hoodie, but I put my legs through the arm sleeves and it looked really weird and my friends bring it up from time to time
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I do, and I write poems and just journal entries when I need to vent. I don’t really draw, but sometimes I doodle.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?I don’t have a favorite. I honestly find everyone’s eyes so pretty bc they’re all different. When I see pretty eyes they’re pretty eyes, they don’t have to be a certain color to be pretty imo.
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.I don’t really carry any bags, I’ve never had a specific backpack or purse that I absolutely love.
22: are you a morning person?Only when I have coffee
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Sleep and cuddle with my cat
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?My girlfriend and my best friend briann
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?I’ve never broken into any places 🙃
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?My black high top vans. I’ve had them for about 2 years and I wear them pretty much every single day.
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?I only like minty gum
28: sunrise or sunset?Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?My best friend briann writes me notes all the time and I’ve kept every single one of them since the beginning of our friendship
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?Yes. I’ve been truly scared quite a few times.
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I like socks. I like weird ones, but I don’t sleep with them on and I definitely don’t confine myself to white socks.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I don’t stay up past 3 am 😂 I’m literally an old lady in a young persons body.
33: what’s your fave pastry?I love all pastries. I don’t discriminate.
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?I had a little dog that I named fluffy, she used to be really fluffy but now she’s matted and it’s not cute. I still have her.
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?I love pretty pens but I can never keep track of them. They always get lost.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?Brand new
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like keeping it clean, but it’s always messy and it drives me crazy.
38: tell us about your pet peeves!I have so many but one of the biggest ones is hearing people eat. Like the smacking noises drive me CRAZY. I can’t even stand to hear myself eat like I hate it so much.
39: what color do you wear the most?Probably grey or black or something
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I have a bracelet that I wear all the time that my girlfriend gave me, she has a matching one and it says “adorablé” which is one of our inside jokes.
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?13 reasons why :^)
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!There’s this place in my town called sycamore grounds and it’s so cute and cozy. I love it so much.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I can’t remember.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?I can’t remember 😂
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?Sometimes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.How do you make antifreeze? You steal the blanket. Idk.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Mayonnaise
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?I was afraid of June bugs, now I’m afraid of dying and being alone 🙃
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?I like collecting records, the last one I bought was deja entendu by brand new
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?It’s not really odd but I like keeping/collecting pressed flowers
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?UM IDK THIS IS ALOT OF PRESSURE FUCK
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?I love the blinking guy and the Meryl Streep ones
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I’ve seen all of them accept for heathers, I KNOW IM HORRIBLE
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?My best friend bc her fish died :(
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Literally everything I do is dramatic so idk
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?The way they talk about the things they love. I know it’s cliche but it’s true
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?That song makes me feel like I’m little again bc I used to listen to that song on repeat 24/7. AND YES THATS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN SING THE SONG TF
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?I feel like my girlfriend is the wine mom and I’m the vodka aunt bc she’s more reasonable and I’m high key crazy.
59: what’s your favorite myth?I like all the Greek mythology type things
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?Yes I love poetry, and I have so many favorites but some of my favorite poets are Rupi kuar, clementine von radics, and Shane koyczan
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I’m not sure omg. I’m gonna skip this one I’m sorry lmao
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?I normally drink coffee in the morning, but if I drink juice it’s probably apple juice
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?I just leave them be. I don’t like things to look structured and perfect.
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?It’s black bc it’s night time lol
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?Yes, all of my friends from my old school :(
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?It would have lots and lots of daisies and some lavender
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I actually like those days, I feel kind of relaxed.
68: what’s winter like where you live?It’s almost never cold. It’ll be like 60 in December, this year it was 80 degrees on Christmas fml
69: what are your favorite board games?I don’t know?? I used to love a game called mouse trap
70: have you ever used a ouija board?Nope
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I love earl grey.
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Even if I write it down I’ll forget it 🙃
73: what are some of your worst habits?I pick at the skin around my nails 😕
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.They have short blackish brownish hair, they’re SUPER tall, they have really pretty green/blue eyes and they’re so funny. They could say one thing and probably get me to pee my pants from laughing so hard. I’ve known them for years and I’d do anything in the world for them.
75: tell us about your pets!I have a cat who is my baby, her name is Olivia and she’s a grey tabby with green eyes. She has THE LOUDEST purr ever and she’s constantly meowing. She’s such a sweetheart and I love her so much oml that cat is my life. And then my mom has a dog named gizmo, he’s a tiny little white dog who doesn’t know how to bark or anything. He’s seriously so weird idk what’s wrong with him lmao.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?I should be sleeping but I’m not aye
77: pink or yellow lemonade?Pink
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?I H A T E MINIONS
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?My girlfriend asked me out in a really cute way, I’ll post pictures later bc I’m on mobile and I can’t attach pictures rn 🙃
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?They’re like a minty blue color and I chose it bc I thought it was pretty
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.His eyes are like two brown circles with black dots in the middle
82: are/were you good in school?I’m good behavior wise but my grades suck
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?This is gonna be SUCH a big surprise, but I like the Devil and God are Raging Inside Me album art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?I’m planning on getting tons of tattoos. Wayyyyyy too many to describe lmao
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I used to rad the star trek comics, bc I’m a huge Star Trek nerd lmao. I still have a bunch of copies.
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?I do but I can’t think of any off the top of my head lol 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?The perks of being a wallflower for sure. And I don’t know of any others, I don’t watch a lot of movies.
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?I’m not a big art person, so I don’t know all the names and all of that. I like street art though I guess? Is that like an official thing? Idk.
89: are you close to your parents?I think so.
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I love Austin, it’s such a cool place. And if you ever get the chance you should definitely go. There’s great food, and you can always find some kind of concert or something in the area. There’s cool little shops and places to hang out. It’s a cool place.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?I would love to go to Seattle, but idk if that’ll happen lol
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I drown my pasta in cheese oops
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?I wear my hair up in a bun a lot. 80% of the time you’ll see me with my hair up in a bun.
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?My grandma just had her birthday about a week ago :)
95: what are your plans for this weekend? I’ll have Saturday detention. Yay 🙃
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?I procrastinate them like crazy lmao
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?I haven’t taken the myer Briggs test yet, I’m a Gemini, and slytherin
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?About 3 or 4 years ago, I loved it
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.https://open.spotify.com/user/alexandra.taegen/playlist/5eHOy0ylB74vZLsovgZSUxThis entire playlist ^
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?5 years into the future, bc then hopefully I’d be living in Seattle with my girlfriend and we’d be happy.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Motivate Yourself for 2020 With These 5 Anime Episodes
You’ve done it, you’ve reached the end of this year and the end of the decade! Take a second to celebrate that you made it all the way here. Of course, that also means that a brand new year is right around the corner... as in tomorrow. A new year brings forth resolutions, another opportunity to start fresh and lets you try out goals you might have missed out on over the past year.
    In order to push yourself toward what you want to do in 2020, you’re going to need a good push in the right direction. Perhaps that’s a pep talk, someone telling you that you can do it, or quite simply, motivation. If there’s one medium that’s rife with motivation or characters giving motivational speeches, it’s anime. So, in order to make sure you start the year off right, I’ve compiled five episodes that should give you a good amount of confidence to begin the year on the right foot! Some of these episodes might not make sense out of context, but what’s important is their message that they’re going to give you!
  Love Live! Sunshine!! - Season 1 Episode 8
    The first half of Love Live! Sunshine!! sees Chika try to make her own school idol group in the same vein that μ’s did. In a sense, she thinks it’ll be easy to do, despite the fact that school idols have exploded in the five years since μ’s won Love Live. When the six person version of Aqours goes to Tokyo for their first real competition, they’re met with what will end up defining them for the rest of the series—a zero. They get zero votes from the competition. After that, Chika has to figure out if they should still continue and finally breaks her façade of acting as if nothing is wrong while trying to be the group’s unbreakable rock. She gets mad, immensely frustrated, and disappointed that they couldn’t garner a single vote. Yet, it’s this moment that kicks off Chika and Aqours into a new direction as they realize they need to find their own voice when it comes to their group. Instead of wallowing about the fact that no one voted for them, they’re going to turn the zero into their key point of motivation going forward. It’s fueled by spite, anger, and frustration, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need in order to truly get the confidence to do what you want to do. 
  SHIROBAKO - Episode 16
    As we’ll see in a majority of these episodes, failure is a good motivator for getting you toward the next step of your goal. When you have a plan of how to move forward, it’s easy to get going, but when you keep hitting brick wall after brick wall with no help in sight, failure can drag you into its depths like you’re sinking in quicksand. That’s what Yumi feels when she keeps having her character designs rejected over and over again without any feedback as to why they’re being sent back. For creators, that’s especially demoralizing as you can keep trying to make what you’re working on better, but eventually, it’s all going to look the same. Thankfully, Yumi was able to rely on Rinko and others within Musashino to put her on the right track,especially because the advice and confidence Rinko gives Yumi is to essentially find something that gives her inner strength—her own set of armor that she can wear when things get tough. That applies pretty well to people who are creators, but it can also apply to anyone. Give yourself your own armor for when things get rough so that you can tackle whatever is in your way.
  Naruto - Episode 62
    If you want motivation, shonen anime has it everywhere. That Naruto kid sure seems like he has a lot of self-confidence in himself, but in reality he’s battling with his own inner demons. Literally and figuratively. Naruto versus Neji is a big test for Naruto not only in terms of fighting, but tackling one of his peers in a battle of ideologies. Self-confidence and motivation can sometimes be forced through someone repeatedly tearing you down. It’s certainly not the healthiest way to go about it, but it can bring that about. Neji’s dismissal of Naruto and also earlier of Hinata causes Naruto to tap into the Nine Tailed Fox to literally punch into Neji that neither him nor Hinata are failures. This fight is perhaps not one of the more easily remembered fights—heck it wasn’t in the series’ own top five list—but it’s a good example of how Naruto is able to psych himself up in the heat of battle. Of course, you could easily pick and choose from a variety of moments where Naruto does this, but for whatever reason, this is the episode I went to first when I thought of Naruto and gathering enough motivation to continue.
  Mob Psycho 100 II - Episode 1
    Mob Psycho 100 is a series that really pushes forth empathy as something that everyone should utilize. Mob’s just a dude who tries to see the best in everyone. Even if they might be pulling the wool over his eyes, he’ll see deep down that despite all of that, they’re a good person. The season two premiere is essentially a mix of Mob’s empathy giving way to motivation. Mob gets tricked into dating Emi, he has a genuinely good time with her, Emi’s friends degrade her for being a writer, and Mob builds her back up despite her betrayal. It’s a touching moment that not only allows Emi to see that she should continue her writing, but also shows Mob’s growth as a person to find it within himself to tell her that he’s an esper, all the while he’s being forgiving and still wanting to help her in continuing something she enjoys. Sometimes, people will do things that aren’t great to you, but at the same time, you can teach them the error of their ways and push them in a better direction. 
  Run with the Wind - Episode 14
    We’ve seen in previous episodes how failure can be a motivator in different ways. Whether it’s venting your frustrations or getting guidance from others, the will to continue is different depending on the situation. That can also be true when you’re in a group and the only one left who has yet to accomplish their goal. Sure, you might be getting help from everyone else, but that can only go so far. If you’re not turning in the results you want, all of that self-doubt will come creeping in. Akane a.k.a. Prince in Run with the Wind deals with this personally as he’s not your typical runner. He’d rather stay indoors and read manga, but after being brought together with this group of ragtag amateurs to try and run the Hakone Ekiden, he’s put in the work. Yet, despite that, he’s still the last one to post an official record time to ensure that the group is able to go and have the ability to qualify. The rest of the team has his back, but they do so in different ways. They’ve seen him begin to improve as they go from event-to-event, but it still hasn’t clicked. In that case, sometimes the best approach to make sure a person can keep their confidence is to be hands off with them. Too much advice or coaching can have an adverse effect, so that’s what some of the team does with Prince—they let him handle it. In the end, it’s what helps him finally reach his goal. He looked failure in the eye, not only for himself, but for the whole team, and kept moving forward, no matter what.
  Given the scope of anime, five episodes is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to motivating moments and characters. There’s thousands of episodes you could choose from stemming from so many different shows. So, in order to kick off the year right, put some of your favorite moments, characters, or episodes in the comments below that help you when you’re in need of an extra push. Help out someone else who might need that extra little pep in their step going into 2020 or find something else that could give you the confidence to take on all of your goals next year!
Jared Clemons is a writer and podcaster for Seasonal Anime Checkup where he can be found always wanting to talk about Love Live! Sunshine!! or whatever else he's into at the moment. He can be found on Twitter @ragbag.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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bittercaramelle · 7 years
Haha, I’m back here in my little blogging space to keep myself reminded of something, and if need, for others to read on their own accord the events that have bothered me this semester.
It started out with a friend ending a relationship with her long-time beau, which inconveniently caused a lot of unnecessary trouble and drama which doesn’t typically make sense.
But after near 4 months, I’m really quite tired of this shit and I decided to put my last words here for convenience sake.
So things ended between them, but it was still conflicting and complicated because of feelings. In the beginning I was like, “FINALLY”. And I kept trying to convince her, not to get back together because he still is the same person regardless of whatever he says. He’s one of those momentary kind of person who speaks for the pleasure of those hearing but doesn’t follow through with anything (I meant actions), as with the past 5 years.
After a long struggle, I saw my friend being hurt and being tossed about, stretched and very very tired at the end of every single session or drama. So I came to a realisation that, if I trust and respect her as my friend, I would leave her to make her life decisions on her own. Afterall, she heard enough and she has made up her mind.
So that realisation made me let go on a lot of stuff, which did me a huge favour. But shortly, another bomb exploded and this time, it was on me. D: sian
Like wtf, but alright I’ll explain.
So another close friend who had always been maligned and involved in this was feeling down. As a close friend, I uncovered some stuff for her, and told her to be there for him, as with this friend did for you when you were down. So it was just a simple dinner. Whether shit is going down or truths are going to be told, I told her it was a good time to get things cleared up between them after all. So those were the intentions of asking her to be there. 
After which, I was flooded with texts from everywhere. First, from her, saying her ex-beau was pissed and throwing shit, and she said she’s had enough of this so she’s going to take her stuff from his hostel, and fuck off from him. Unfortunately for her, she got caught in the act by her ex-beau and well, this is how shit went down.
He snatched her phone away from her, and text me using her phone, venting everything at me as if I was a director or a script writer of some drama. So since he came up to me first, I happily obliged in exposing every shit he did, which he conveniently forgot and kept questioning my poor friend who was cornered by him. Of course she didn’t know anything because she was always kept behind curtains in which he used to cover her. But honestly he was quite dumb to think that by just blocking people from posts, means people wouldn’t see them. He didn’t expect anyone to betray him and show those posts to me, and end up me coming up to expose him for his cowardliness. 
So in order to make these accusations a full circle, here are some evidence or well, just information.
1. He said she broke up with him, because I was the main influence. I was a cheater, so I taught her it’s okay to cheat, and therefore she did, and that’s why they broke up.
Truth: She didnt cheat on him. LOL
2. Because of that thought of his, he posted A LOT of shit on facebook. Whether they are quotes or posts from thought catalogue or shit, they’re regarding the topic of cheaters etc.
3. He specifically block her and I on those posts in fear we would see them. LOL
4. Unfortunately for him, his friends came to me and spoke to me about this on 3 occasions.
a. When he supposed to collect masks I bought for him from Korea, but I dunno why he had to send someone down instead of coming to meet me himself
b. From a mutual friend who, is just purely curious.
c. From another contact that happily pasts these facebook posts around until it came to my eyes. LOL
Now let me ask these questions then,
1. If he or no one said anything, how did these two know of the situation and come to ASK me personally at the level of details they know?
Surely someone spoke something ill right? Or maybe I dunno, he conveniently said it in anger and FORGOT all about it because he was angry?
Well my friend, I am so sorry, but anger does not help to justify that you never did the actions you did. You said it, own it.
And the last possibility is that I spread nonsense about him, accusing him of things he never did and he is the innocent party here.  But again, if you think of it, WHY IN THE HELL WORLD would I want to be dragged into this situation when it’s not even my business to begin withhhhhhhhhhh!!! OMG I CANNOT. 
I don’t know if he’s dumb or what, but he insisted the last option was correct.
Regardless, instead of just picking a fight because I was being maligned, and gossiped about, I chose to tell him things he needed to hear.
Which I can justify in my whatsapp text to him while he was using my friend’s phone to text me.
I told him to not allow anger to be the weapon of hurting others, especially the person he loved the most. Out of everyone being hurt at the present moment of his every action, it isn’t me. It is her.
Unfortunately, he kept telling my friend, it’s not his fault, he has never done anything wrong, he is being misunderstood.
Well, if you were wronged why are you so angry to begin with?
He proceed to threaten my poor friend to choose between me and him which is stupidity at max because he can’t see I’m not the threat here, I was trying to help a blind person walk on the right path.
But blind people remains blind because they’re not willing to accept things so I can’t help if the person doesn’t want to accept so that’s it.
I tried, I reached out and I am done.
So why am I here today, well, I am here to promote my blog HAHAHA No shit. I am here because I heard of the following up actions he decided to take on me, because he was “misunderstood” and “wronged”. 
Which came directly from my friend, and here goes:
“He said he was going to meet our mutual friends (him and mine’s) to talk about whatever. And he said ‘Since Mel said I spread shit about her, I am going to do that’”. 
I actually found it amusing that people are that childish to begin with, and instead of sweeping off dirt that has been thrown on him, he’s taking the dirt to smear on himself even more, owning it. I have no idea how it benefits anyone or even himself.
Furthermore, if he thinks talking shit about me can bring me down, try me. Because I have been through far worse things that he’s about to say about me, and I have proven my worth when those people who said things about me come to meet me because of coincidence and just bad luck about them. Afterall, I have nothing to feel bad about, and I am not the one being ashamed of speaking ill of others. I only speak the truth. I own up my own mistakes, and own up to my own actions. I am not those who denies the truth and “forgot” about the ugly things I did.
As you can see from his actions, he’s the type that drags people down just because he can’t stand people being higher than him. And because he thinks of nothing wrong with himself and doesn’t admit his mistakes.
From what I think, he’s going to spiral down even more. And I can’t help him either. I heart just goes out to my friend who still had hope in him. Because as much as the world can turn their back on him and walk away, she’s still constantly overlooking for him, trying to find the silver lining within the clouds.
So to people reading this, you can derive your own opinions on this situation. I have said my piece, and I am done here. Whatever happens, is going to happen. Whatever you think, it’s your thoughts too, and I respect that. You don’t have to agree with me, and I am not forcing it upon anyone to believe what I said too. Just that when it comes to meet me in person, you can judge for yourself the kind of person I am, and that’s all that mattered. 
With that, I thank you for spending your time on this post, and I hope that no one have to go through the same shit as my dear friend, and that someone can wake him up from his very deep slumber of ignorance.
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