#i know spider molts are a bit freaky so
asparoh · 1 year
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Medusa by Rubens
i really love this painting
-there's a salamander in the bottom left corner with it's paw up like it's saluting
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-the snake that's coiled just shy of center has a ferret face, i don't know if it's really painted like that or if it's about perspective but it's a... thing
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-between these bad boys lay some really freaky critters; a giant tick and a giant... i wanna say lice, i don't know but imagine the horror of having that on your body sucking blood (on hundredth thought they might be spiders; there's also a scorpion creeping about)
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- the orange conjoined twins have membranes on them, they look like the fish who crawled out of the ocean in every biology textbook idk but at least they look benign
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-there's a green snake that looks like it's eating a cucumber; it might be molting but it's funnier to think of it as a vegetarian
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-there's one snake tail that i first thought might be shitting but on a zoom inspection it might actually give birth to another snake; kinda freaky when you remember snakes lay eggs (so i did a little bit of googling and oh no! snakes can be both oviparous and ovoviviparous meaning some lay eggs and some keep the eggs inside and then they birth live snakeletsTM - apparently that's a word too)
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-and the battle of the century - the two bad boys (or ladies) fighting for dominance, territory or whatnot. or eating eachother idk. i initially thought it was a mutual biting situation but it looks like the red one is winning
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-it tickles me pink to see that Medusa's blood drops gives birth to little baby snakes
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And to the fancy one biting into Medusa's forehead, chill bro, your hinges aren't that big!
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meatpower · 4 years
She molted on Friday... She grew a lot :) here's the molt... gonna give her a worm tomorrow now that her fangs hardened up (can't take a pic of the actual spider she's just impossible to take pics of)
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erregent · 5 years
He knows Gavin isn't the biggest fan of his pets, but Ethan is so incredibly proud of Pirate and his fresh molt, that the android simply had to show him how shiny and lacquered the Whip Scorpion looked "Look, Gavin!" the arthropod was sat quite quietly on the back of his hand "He just molted! Look how shiny he is!"
         he’s not a huge fan of all the creepy crawlies ethan has tucked away in his place but he’s also not outright afraid of them either. spiders don’t weird him out, snakes, none of that, and as much as he wants to project his ‘i don’t give a shit about anything’ attitude, he gives just a little bit of a shit about the things important to him. ethan is important to him. so, by association, every last one of his little freaky pets is kind of important to him, too.
          not to mention, seeing ethan literally light the fuck up like it’s christmas morning and he just got that tow-truck he always wanted is enough to thaw his frozen, dead heart. gavin has to actually bite the inside of his cheek to keep his smile that mirrored ethan’s from bubbling over to an actual laugh. 
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         “yea, babe, he’s real shiny,” he nods, making sure to give the scorpion a once-over and really look at what’s being presented to him, despite the fact it doesn’t mean as much to gavin. it means something to ethan. that’s all that mattered, “that’s…pirate, right? you really suck at naming shit.”
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