#i lowkey don‘t care
hyunjinspark · 3 months
Jade, my love! You‘ve been breaking my heart 17 chapters in a row, so it was to be expected, but this time… damn. I‘ve never had such a visceral reaction while reading something. It physically hurt reading this, I’ve actually cried… I don’t remember that ever happening. I feel empty now. Their conversation during the ride home, accepting that Hyun „doesn’t care“, feeling left out now that Kairi and Chan are back together, doubting her decision of moving to the city, the fear during her horrible interaction with Jieong (never meet your heroes), the horrifying thought that your dreams might’ve turned out to be a nightmare, the breakdown that led to her rash decision, just for Hyun to finally do what she’s been wishing for all the time she’s been in Seoul - just being there… This chapter left me depressed. I’m aware this sounds like a bad review, but I’m such a sucker for angst, as you probably know at this point, so this is actually meant to be a huge compliment. Your writing is truly astonishing, the way it makes the readers feel so intensely, how it makes you question how much someone can and should take and if giving up is really so bad if it makes you feel so shitty (applies to both the situation with Hyun and Jieong) because honestly, I don‘t know if I could‘ve handled that in real life. And also, how fucking REAL your writing is. The angst and Y/N‘s feelings are never overdone, unjustified or annoying as it sometimes can be (especially with heavy angst stories), nor does it feel fabricated. It feels real, raw and realistic.
Honestly, with Hyun showing up at the end, my reaction was a bit like „too little, too late“, so I hope she‘ll actually leave Seoul instead of caving in. If staying was her decision, of course she should go for it, but just because Hyun decided to show up for once and convince her… that would actually be a bit toxic, even. I get his situation is complicated, but for someone who keeps saying he doesn‘t want to hurt her and made those decisions to protect her, he does seem to always be taking the easy way out in a way. He’s a bit of a coward, even if his reasons are justified. He can make it up to her by exposing that piece of shit professor, lol because I‘m sure he‘ll find out and get all protective. Also saying this about Hyun, despite it sounding like the complete opposite, is also a huge compliment to your writing because since he‘s not actually an asshole, it just means I love Y/N so much, that I get overprotective. You know how when your best friend‘s S/O fucks up just a little bit and you‘re immediately wary and you‘ll remember it for a long while and kind of resent him for it? That‘s exactly how I‘m feeling, so Kudos to you because in the concerningly big amount of books I’ve read the past couple of years, I‘ve never loved an MC so much, most of the time I hardly even like them.
Some of my thoughts for the future plot: I‘m getting panicked at this point, lol. I‘ve started thinking „Oh, we don‘t have many chapters left in SLWY and they still haven‘t confessed/had sex/gotten together etc.“, so I‘m like „Fuck, I hope we can still get enough peaceful, happy, romantic couple moments between the two. And this might be an unpopular opinion, but I truly hope that the boys decide to disband in order to live peaceful and private lives with their loved ones (and I can lowkey see you actually writing that, but then again I don‘t, you‘re amazingly unpredictable) since this is obviously a depressing life to lead without getting much out of it, as thankful as I am for real life SKZ existing… Also, I hope the professor gets exposed big time (or beaten within an inch of his life), maybe with Karina‘s (her comments make me think that Y/N isn’t the only student he harassed) help because I think I‘d actually pull my hair out if he doesn‘t suffer consequences, but I trust in you bringing justice to our Y/N. I‘m excited and curious in general about what you‘re gonna to with the rest of the story, but I know it‘s gonna be amazing.
Sorry for that long ass word vomit message, but I‘m all kinds of overwhelmed by this chapter. Every time I think you can‘t outdo yourself… damn, your potential is unreal. Thank you, I love you and STOP GIVING US SUCH BRUTAL CLIFFHANGERS I AUDIBLY SCREECHED OUT OF FRUSTRATION!!!
P.S.: I had a really bad day today and reading that masterpiece made it so much better!
- 👑
i promise the angst will end soon. when i read your review, i realise how heavy that last chapter was im sorry but im happy you liked it so much that it made you viscerally react ...also thank you for letting me know that you agree with yn's reactions/think they're realistic. that's always good to hear haha. :)
what you said about hyunjin, too little too late, mayy be right. he has been taking the easy way out, at least in yn's eyes, and let's see how he may resolve or come back from that ! but speaking of what you said, i also promise to give you enough happy moments haha.
thank you so much for this beautiful review. your predictions are very sound and make me intrigued as fuck. thank you, and I hope you're having a better day today!
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anantaru · 1 year
Would you still be here if you didn't grow big and gain interactions? Because I've been on this site for quite some time and my tumblr isn't exactly small but it's very dead nonetheless and I'm just questioning if it's worth it. People probably just see me only as a content machine. And even that doesn't get that popular. Sorry for ranting a bit... I guess I'm wondering if you have something that keeps you going. (also sending this on anon because I'm lowkey terrified of having this message attached to my url)
yes, before tumblr i was on ao3, interaction is quite lacking there but i didn‘t care. Writing is one of my many hobbies and i happen to us this platform (+ao3) to post my stuff, i treat all my hobbies equally.
i have also nothing against people who write for validation but what i‘m saying is, you will get burned out if you don‘t enjoy writing for what it is but only do it for notes (do as you please but seeking out validation online isn‘t something i‘d recommend!) + you have to be consistant, i didn‘t have lots of interaction the first few months either (it takes months to build a steady flow), but also, remember, i post a lot and on a regular basis.
you‘d have to post more often for months (like i did and still do) + i don‘t mean to come off as rude but that‘s how it is! if i one day don‘t like writing anymore i‘d quit right away, i wouldn‘t pursue a hobby i don‘t like and there‘s many other hobbies in life, but i love writing immensly and it‘s also now a part of my in rl where i get money from hence why i do it more often, it got quite easier for me to write faster too, it‘s all about practice!
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deardollyz · 5 months
A Murder At The Palace
(A/n: WOAHHHH dolly writes for once!!! Weird to see it! Anyway, this is/was my first and only „long“ story and it lowkey, sucks ass. My bad. This includes my OCS!!! No official characters from media here.)
CONTENT INCLUDED: murder you idiot, Reagan being a hopeless romantic, slight romantic implications at the end take the ending as you will i don‘t really gaf.
“She’s just an outcast, a heathen at that. Pain wont matter, its all the same”
“She’s a witch. Burn her at the stake.”
They all talked, chastised. HE Spreads the rumors. It felt like they were closing in, the air got denser and it got harder to breathe in and out.
“ w-
“Reagan wake up, its time to go to the market.” I felt Cassidy shake me awake. It was just a dream…a nightmare at that. I don’t understand- I'm letting them get to my head….
I dragged myself out of bed and stretched a crick out of my neck. 
After struggling to pull on my dress for the market i met Cassidy outside holding a basket. 
“You all set?” She asked, slight sarcasm tainting her voice. I hummed in reply, making sure my black kitten was tucked safely inside. 
And so we set off into the busy streets.
We passed some familiar faces on the way, a wandering entertainer that we knew by the name of Ali. And an outcast like me, Ramona. We waved and hellos were exchanged but nothing more, we needed to get our food before any mishaps could occur. 
“Cassidy look at this, theres a sign saying theres been attempts to kill the queen to be-” i pointed to the sign, slightly tilting my head. “I bet its just a hoax to rile people up.” Cassidy blankly said, checking all the apples to see if they had bruises, I huffed, she never seemed to really care even though we knew the Royal quite personally. Cassidy quickly paid for the food and pulled me along the roads, picking up things as we went. “We need to hurry home, the streets are getting too busy.” Cassidy said. I nodded, checking to see if my cat was ok from the jostling of the basket. My kit mewled at me, assuring she was fine. 
Around 4 o’clock there was a firm knock on the door. “Reagan can you answer that?” Cassidy called from the other room. I hummed in reply, going up to the door and opening it a bit to see who it was. “Oh hello there Lady Amari, what brings you here?” I said, greeting the knight. “Ive come to bring an invitation this time, not just to laze off I'm afraid.” She laughed before handing me a piece of paper. “You are invited to the royal ball of Princess Tamara to celebrate her eighteenth birthday..” I read to myself. “Oh how wonderful!~” I exclaimed, hugging the paper close to my chest. “We‘ll be there for sure!” I said, as the knight bid me goodbye. I ran into the room Cassidy was in, quickly rushing to tell her the news. She simply waved me off saying i should go ahead and get ready. I ran up to my room and pulled out a trunk from under my bed .
There should be a few dresses my mother gave me in here… i thought to myself, searching throughly. I soon found found a nice light blue dress with deep pink lace. I started to inspect it for spots before holding it up to myself in the mirror. It was perfect…
Just as I was tightening the corset i heard my kit yawn, sitting on my vanity chair. I smiled at her, She was such a nice cat. I walked around my room a bit, to see if the dress fit enough. 
I twirled a few times before sitting down on the other plush stool next to my vanity. I took my hair out the two plaits i usually have and took some golden pins I inherited from my grandmother. I tried to fix my hair into a bun but strands kept sticking out in all sorts of directions. I huffed in frustration and braided it into a single braid before coiling it and sticking a pin in. “It will do.” I said, shrugging. My kitten messed with a necklace, catching it on her ears. I laughed at her amusement while putting on my own jewelry. The kit batted at my earrings causing me to bring her into my lap, stroking her head. She seemed content with the action. 
I placed a silver floral headpiece atop my hair, lacing my bangs nicely. I heard a soft knock on my door. “Come in!” I called out, seeing Cassidy in the doorway. “Reagan it’s nearly time to go aren’t you ready.” She said. I noticed her dress was even prettier than her usual one. It was a dark navy blue like the midnight sky and had lace lining the ends with a tulle veil near the waist. 
“Yes I'm ready.” I said cheerfully, standing from my seat. I slipped on my gloves before checking to see if kit was asleep. I saw her peaceful form sleeping comfortably, so I set off with Cassidy.
The carriage ride was a bit bumpy due to the road not being used much. But it was fine compared to other roads we’ve taken before on foot. 
We arrived at the palace at around what I could think was 8 o’clock judging by the look of the sky. Cassidy and I were then ushered inside where I finally got a view of the inside of the palace. “It’s…beautiful….” I gaped, seeing all the decorations and crown molding on the walls. We walked into the main room where the party was taking place. Princess Tamara was chatting with Lady Demetria while Lady Amari was stuffing her face per usual. I scanned the room for my two sisters, Roxy and Reese, and eventually spotted them looking at a few paintings near the exit. I ran up to them and hugged Roxy tight, I hadn’t seen her or Reese since we moved. We had separate houses but couldn’t see eachother a lot. I hugged Reese too, careful not to ruin her buns. After some catching up I started to hear music. Ballroom music. I saw couples joining together to dance, a few caught my eye as familiar faces. The bakers daughter and apprentice, the teacher from another kingdom and a familiar long black haired bard. And the tavern owner and some lady with long pink hair. 
Lady Demetria stood up and clasped her hands together to get our attention. “Attention everyone! Today we celebrate the day of our princess’s birth, a day of joy and luck throughout the whole kingdom! And to welcome her as the new Queen!” She said, raising a glass. everyone else did the same. we all made a toast and I heard from the far back someone choking on their cider. I stifled a laugh, taking a sip of my own cider. I went back over to Cassidy, seeing her clearly bored. “Oh Cassidy wouldn’t it be nice to have someone that loved you, let alone to dance with…” I put a hand on my cheek, staring into space. She shook her head as if letting me know she thought i was insane. “Rea, you must stop thinking like that or you’ll get nowhere.” She laughed, putting a hand on my shoulder. I gave her a side eye, continuing my monologue. “-someone that adores you and won’t ever leave you for anything else. It would just be nice you know!” I finished, slightly irritated by her last comment. 
“Whatever you say ninny.” She shrugged. Ninny was a weird nickname she gives me when shes done with my rambling, so I knew it was best not to “bother” her anymore. 
After wandering around a bit I found a partner to dance with for a while before finally sitting down on one of the plush stools set around the room. I swear my legs were aching like fire.
Tick…tock…tick…tock…10:45 PM
People were gracefully dancing across the room until…….the lights went out.
The chandeliers lights suddenly cut, causing everyone to gasp in horror, I instinctively clung to the person closest to me, god i hated the dark….
Soon enough, a loud bang ran out throughout the room, followed by a scream and thud. And then the lights came back on. Everyone stood in horror, Queen Tamara had been murdered. I noticed Sage out of the corner of my eye, she turned to look at me, since she definitely knew who did it. But before anything could happen, another gunshot rang out, causing the chandelier to crash down. I grabbed a sword from one of the statues and prepared myself to fight as some rushed to get away. This was no accident. There was someone out to kill everyone here. The lights were dim, no one was visible but a few faces, but someone was approaching me with a weapon. I braced myself and blocked the attack, as the music grew louder and louder by the second. Out of the corner of my eye i noticed a statue move. “This is the work of some very dark magic…the statues are sentient.” i thought to myself, now fighting with what i assumed was once of the statues. Cassidy was nowhere to be seen, so i knew it couldn’t be her, I trusted her getting as many people out as possible. I landed a slash of my sword against my opponents arm, which only caused them to get even more aggravated as it got harder and harder to dodge moves. I looked up for a moment and noticed Sage gracefully dancing across the balcony railing with one of the statues, a very nice distraction indeed..
My hair was out of the style and disheveled at this point, and I was bleeding from my cheek, but eventually managed to land a large enough slash on my opponent to cause them to fall to the floor.
I felt a blunt object collide with my head, making me feel lightheaded, but I had to keep fighting if i wanted to keep my head. The music was pounding in my ears at this point, the sound of gunshots mixing in with the music. As i was distracted for a second, the statue struck me against the head. “I feel….dead…” I thought, and only felt myself colliding with the marble floor. 
“…..Reagan…wake up…” I faintly heard, My head was pounding, and my vision felt blurry, blood was on my hands…it was mine. I looked around the best of my ability, and noticed I was laying in the courtyard, next to a bed of flowers. I saw Scarlett faintly, and she helped me sit up. “Tamara….the ball…WAIT.” I thought before speaking. 
“Is-” I got cut off by Scarlett. “She’s dead. Amanda’s taking her place as Queen. The murderer is still unknown, it seems they used some sort of dark arts to make the statues sentient and kill her with some external force.” She said, and I felt a pit in my stomach, we were friends…
“What about the others…?” I hesitated asking. A small smile crossed Scarletts face, as she gave me a pat on the shoulder. “Everyone else is fine, just shaken, and lightly injured. They’re trying to get everything under control and all.” She said, I felt relieved by that.
 “By the way, theres a gentleman that was worried about you, and wanted to see you, follow me.” Scarlett grasped my hand and pulled me towards the gate, where i noticed a young man. His eyes pierced into mine, it made me feel…odd…in a nice way…. 
He pulled me close to him in a tight embrace, and i felt myself feeling…warm. Despite how chilly it was outside. He smiled softly before whispering in my ear.
“There you are darling, I was getting worried about you, you know? I missed you.”
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Huh, I just checked the official website of the Government of Canada (so the safest source imo, and unless I’m mistaken, it‘s the same website you used in your screenshots), and from what I understood is that you, as a US citizen, really only need your valid passport to enter Canada!
To cite them:
Citizens of the United States need a valid U.S. passport to fly to or transit through a Canadian airport.
whereas for me, a EU citizen, it clearly states:
Most non-Canadians need either a visa or an Eletronic Travel Authorization (eTA) to travel to Canada, but not both. Some people may only need their valid passport.
You don‘t require neither a visa nor an eTA, but FYI when I applied for the eTA, it only costed me 7 CAD and I got approval in ~7 hours! It‘s a really quick and inexpensive procedure. But yeah, like I said, that‘s of no interest to you. n_n;
As for the biometrics part?? When do you need to give that, where and how…? To begin with, your passport should hold some of those information already (facial recognition or smth) if your passport has that little e-passport symbol on the bottom of the front cover.
Anyway, I am 99,99% sure you are good to enter Canada!! It‘s already such an easy process for us Europeans, I can‘t imagine it being more difficult for US citizens.
Of course it‘s best if you call the hotline that’s written on the official website just to be 120% safe, but I‘m certain you‘ll get a positive answer. 👍
Yeah I basically made that post, crashed into a sleep because I'm running on fumes and sleeping in shifts, and woke up to a response from my Canadian friend who is absolutely positive that visitor visas are only for people visiting for over 6 months. The thing that threw me off was I was reading the invoice and instructions on my Flixbus ticket (company acquired by Greyhound who is bussing me from Buffalo to Niagara Falls) and they had a line that went something to the tune of "all travelers must have proper travel documents such as passport and a visa, as is required" and 'as is required' basically meant "IF required" and I interpreted it literally as "this IS required"
Im stressed and im dumb and even though this is just a one week vacation to see this friend im kind ofnviewing it as a break from my mom but also kinda lowkey using another person to validate my existence idk. That I matter. That people care about me. That my life has some sort of value. And the idea of this trip falling through after I had worked so hard to fix everything and put all my hopes on it was starting to send me into kind of dangerous "this is a sign your life is worthless, you're literally hitting obstacles at every turn of your stupid life" mentality
But also tbh rhe Canadian website for looking at that up was a little confusing? It can kind of send you in circles looking for links and I kept looking for like a specific email or a live chat to ask someone a question and 🤡 yeah im just glad its ok
The final final final snag of the trip now is, a two parter: 1. Just making sure the weather in Buffalo is fine, both my bus and my delta flight for the 31st are not being canceled and are listed on time and 2. My trip is a flight from Minneapolis to Buffalo with a brief transfer in Detroit and im worried if my suitcase is too big that I will have to go through baggage claim and miss getting to my other flight? To quote my friend "it would make more sense if there was some sort of service where they shuttle your luggage for you rather than physically hauling it yourself"
And of course there is still the huge issue of that RushMyPassport still has to get me my money back and they probably won't even start processing my refund until January 2nd. But. Ugh. Its just. I can only do one thing at a time.
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ladyelain · 3 years
Me rereading ACOMAF just to get the end, you know, the Cauldron scene, just to get to ACOWAR, just to read about Elucien -
- meanwhile being stuck in middle of Feysands mating frenzy that my 15-year-old self went nuts about.
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loveyourownsmiilee · 2 years
okay okay okay so I‘m all caught up now and i have a theory (or a wish ) :
Idk if someone already had that theory so sorry if its already out there.
So in that promo we see Eddie in the call center telling someone to quote : “ Not take their foot off the gas”. And that article said that Buck and Lucy are gonna do this reckless rescue where the vehicle goes caboom if it goes under two miles an hour and we See something blowing up and someone jumping off of something in the promo as well . SO WHAT IF Buck and Lucy Jump on that vehicle to save the driver , Eddie finds (and freaks) out, internally ofc. And then the driver gets out of the truck, Bucks still there and the Truck goes BOOM and Eddie loses it because he thinks that the love of his Life couldn't get off in time.
But obvs TayKay our beloved is gonna find out and we get a similar like the one in 4x14 and hes like : EDDIE IS SAFE NOW HE'S NOT GONNA DIE SO I DON‘T NEED TO BE CAREFUL FOR CHRIS ANYMORE. And bang she finds out about the will (the wrench) and BANG the BREAKUP (aka relationship decision).
Now the second part is probably not gonna happen but I could See that rescue going down like that.
Sorry for the rambling but I needed to get this off my chest. Also I REALLY love your positivity !!! <3
Like what if “Do not take your foot off the gas” has a little bit of a selfish meaning behind it. He finds out Buck pulled a stunt and he’s on the truck. Of course Eddie being Eddie is gonna internalize that and worry over his dumb idiot but at the same time he’s gotta compartmentalize because he’s at work and Eddie never loses his cool at work right? So he puts it away to worry about possibly never because that’s the Eddie thing to do. Then he advises them to not take the foot off the gas while Lucy and Buck work on saving the person. Meanwhile Eddie is lowkey losing it bc he’s worrying over Buck and he even tries to say something on the comms, something like “Be safe Buck. I still got your back” 🥺🥺 Buck makes it out unharmed in the end and we think that’s it everything is fine right?! BUT THEN GET THIS!
Eddie being on the call and literally witnessing Buck almost dying is the catalyst to his nightmares. I know my babe @ktinastrikesback made this wonderful post today about how the thing Eddie is most afraid of is possibly losing Buck. So what if this is the thing that tips Eddie over the edge. He put it away and planned on never touching those feelings. But it comes back gushing out of him which leads to those nightmares. This is the first time he’s realizing his actions may have some consequences when it comes to Buck. Because of course he’s not there to have Buck’s back?? And because of his absence, he’s clearly seeing what it’s doing to Buck because he’s back to being his reckless self and doing crazy shit without so much of a second thought to his own well-being. So like perhaps this is what jumpstarts Eddie’s nightmares and we get to see him working through the very possibly fear he may have of losing Buck. Again this can totally not be true but look I’m not completely writing this out you know??!
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
Kiss it Better (Tsukishima Kei x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
Hello I just read your fics about Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto and I really liked them 💞 So I was wondering if you could write a fluff fic where tsukki gets embarassed trying to make the first move you can also just add things to your liking If you don‘t want to that‘s totally okay I‘ll be waiting for your upcoming fics thank youuuu 🧡
Omg that’s so funny because my next story was literally going to be just that! I had a lot of fun writing this one and might do a part two with some *cough* smut *cough* just like Kuroo, everyone is lowkey a Tsukishima girl. I hope you like this anon! 
Word Count: 2,293
Summary: Tsukishima has always liked you, but you’ve never noticed his advances. A trip to the nurses office might change your mind. 
You liked to think that you were friends with the tall blonde sitting behind you in class. 
 But sometimes…
 Sometimes you really wanted to fucking strangle him.
 “Can you stop kicking my chair!?” you hissed, staring at the smirking middle blocker.
 “My foot slipped.” he replied coyly, causing your scowl to deepen. 
 Before you could retort back to him the bell rang, signaling the end of class. You started packing up your stuff, grumbling to yourself about how rude Tsukishima was.
 “Don’t you want to walk to the clubs together?” He called out to your leaving form. 
 You huffed turning around to see him and Yamaguchi looking at you.
 There were times when Tsukishima didn’t annoy you, and those were the times you would walk with them to your after school club activities. 
 You were part of the photography club, which was on the way to the gymnasium that held their volleyball practice. 
 But again, you only walked with them when Tsukishima wasn’t being an annoying little prick.
 Today definitely wasn’t one of those days. He had been bugging you all day. It went from his annoying comments to him poking at you harshly, and then to kicking your chair.
 You weren’t sure if it was because he was bored and had nothing better to do, or if it was because he actually didn’t think of you as a friend. Or because he was just simply an asshole.
 Maybe it was a combination of all three, you didn’t know.
 “No way.” you sniffed, sticking out your tongue to him. “I don’t want to walk with you anywhere today. If it was just Yama-kun then I would. But not if you’re there. Stupid.”
Tsukishima visibly looked annoyed at your statement. 
 “Y/n-chan.” Yamaguchi called out, raising his hands up as he looked at both annoyed expressions. “You guys should try and get along yeah?”
 “Be quiet Yamaguchi.” Tsukishima sighed, moving to walk past you. “If she wants to be childish then just let her. I’m surprised she even got into this class.”
 “I’m surprised Yama-kun is even your friend.” you fired back, crossing your arms over your chest. “I bet you aren’t even good at volleyball.”
 Tsukishima paused, and then before you could even register what had happened, he was leaning down, incredibly close to your face and to your body. You could physically feel his body heat radiating into your own. His hand resting on the doorframe, preventing you from leaving the room.
 “Why don’t you come by and find out?” he said slowly, ignoring the panicked squeak that escaped Yamaguchi’s lips. His gold eyes were piercing into your own, but you couldn’t see any anger in them at what you had said, you couldn’t see an ounce of annoyance either. But there was something else there, something you couldn’t place.
 Ignoring your hammering heart and the heat creeping up into your face, you shoved his arm away scowling. “Maybe I will. Maybe I’ll take pictures of you sucking and have an article published in the school newspaper about you being a terrible person and sucking at volleyball!” you huffed stalking away from the tall first year angrily.
 You ignored the calls of Yamaguchi and just focused on heading towards your club.
 Today was definitely one of those days where you wanted nothing to do with Tsukishima.
 The relationship you had with the middle blocker was incredibly strange. One minute you guys were perfectly fine with each other, and next - well it was exactly what had just happened.
 Tsukishima scoffed as he watched your retreating figure. But he couldn’t deny the fact that your reactions were incredibly lame, but incredibly cute.
 “You shouldn’t tease her like that Tsukki.” Yamaguchi sighed. “She’s never going to like you back if you keep making her mad like that.”
 Tsukishima didn’t say anything as they continued their way to the gym. 
 Everyone knew that he liked you. It was incredibly obvious, and Tsukishima always made sure to make it incredibly obvious.
But it wasn't obvious to you.
 The one person that it mattered to the most.
 You were frustrating and amusing, stubborn and incredibly smart, quick-witted and incredibly beautiful.
 The entire package.
 And Tsukishima wanted you to be his.
 But you were too fucking dense to realize that.
 And quite frankly, he was getting sick of it. For as smart as you were, you were incredibly thick when it came to stuff like that it appeared.
 It frustrated him to no end.
 Usually what he depicted as playful flirting you thought as him just being downright mean.
 It was a constant cycle, neverending. 
 It was ridiculous.
 Actually scratch that. 
 This was ridiculous.
 It had been a couple of days since that last encounter, Tsukishima deciding his chances at winning you over would probably be better if he stopped his teasing for a little bit.
 But right now you were nodding your head rapidly in understanding as Hinata talked to you. You were there during one of their practices, to take photos of them. A project that you had to do for your photography club. Takeda-sensei had given you permission to be there to snap pictures of the team.
 “- And then I go boom!” Hinata exclaimed bouncing around.
 You smiled at his antics. “That sounds incredible Hinata! Do you think I can take a picture of you doing your crazy jump?” you asked, holding up the camera for emphasis.
 But before he could utter an answer, Tsukishima interrupted. “We have to start practice, you can just take pictures then.” he said to you, glancing at you briefly. 
You rolled your eyes at his aloofness and apologized to Hinata who was protesting loudly at what Tsukishima had said. “He’s right Hinata, I don’t want to impede on your guys’ practice so just pretend like I’m not here and I’ll take as many pictures as possible.”
 Reluctantly he agreed and everyone continued the practices Ukai had asked them to do before splitting up into different teams. They were doing a match.
 You were honestly in awe as you watched them play. You didn’t think that volleyball could be so… amazing. You had teased both Yamaguchi and Tsukishima about how boring the sport was.
 You were so wrong.
 You had almost forgotten to take pictures, you were so captivated.
 But what had surprised you the most, was Tsukishima. You had never seen him so… concentrated? So serious? So… so attractive?
 You felt your face flush, shaking your head to rid yourself of the thought. That was ridiculous. You had never been attracted to the middle blocker, you found him annoying, a completely arrogant, unnecessarily tall asshole, and… and he was incredibly good looking.
 What was wrong with you? How could you even think of something like that? How could you - “Watch out!” your eyes went wide as a volleyball came hurtling at you with rapid speed.
 Your eyes squeezed shut, readying yourself for the impact.
 Only it never came. You heard a loud grunt and opened your eyes to see Tsukishima clenching at his fingers, the ball rolling away from his feet.
 He… he protected you from the ball. 
 Tsukishima’s pointer finger throbbed in pain, he knew it wasn’t broken, but the nail had torn just a bit, blood seeping out of his wound.
 He wasn’t sure what possessed him to move, he knew that Nishinoya was closer to you, he knew that he was heading towards the ball to stop it from hitting you. But his body just moved after he called out his warning.
 “Oi Tsukishima are you okay?” Tanaka asked running up to him, several of his teammates surrounding him.
 He removed his hand to reveal his bloody nail, causing you to gasp lightly.
“I need to stop the bleeding. I’ll go to the nurse.” Tsukishima said quietly.
 “Let me help you.” You blurted out immediately, causing all eyes to be on you now. “It’s my fault you got injured.”
 The tall blonde nodded, and both of you left the gym quietly.
 “He’s got it bad huh?” Tanaka smirked, staring after you guys.
 “I hope he can confess properly.” Yamaguchi sighed.
 The walk to the infirmary was incredibly quiet, awkward almost. But it was just your luck that the nurse was nowhere to be found.
 “You can go. I can take care of it from here.” Tsukishima said quietly.
 You shook your head. “No. You got hurt because of me. At least let me help.” You started to take out the necessary equipment to help disinfect and wrap his finger. “Go ahead and sit down.” you said gesturing to the bed.
 Tsukishima didn’t bother arguing, silently sitting at the edge of the bed and watching you closely.
 Even sitting down, he was still incredibly tall. The top of his head just below your chin. You held your hand out his expectantly, he sighed quietly before placing his much larger hand in yours.
 Carefully you cleaned up the blood and began wiping down the wound with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. The smell stingy your nose, but the atmosphere around the both of you was quiet, calm almost.
 His hand dwarfed your own, his fingers long and elegant, and surprisingly soft against your own touch.
 Tsukishima couldn’t deny the fact that he was enjoying this immensely. You stood incredibly close to him, slightly between his parted legs as you worked. He could smell the soft perfume on your skin and the laundry detergent you used on your clothes.
 It was a wonderful smell.
 Maybe… maybe now would be a good time to tell you… right?
 “I’m sorry Tsukishima.” you said quietly, wrapping his finger. “If I wasn’t there you wouldn’t be in this position.”
 “It’s fine. It’s nothing serious.” he said, equally quiet.
 “Does it hurt?” you asked, tilting your head to the side slightly as you stared into his gold eyes.
 Tsukishima could feel the blush rising in his face, you were just too cute. The way you looked concerned about him. He liked that. He liked that a lot.
 “It might hurt less if you kiss it better.” he said. He couldn’t resist, this situation was incredibly ideal to him.
 You looked incredibly confused for a moment before taking his hand and gently pressing your lips against the tip of his injured finger.
 Tsukishima felt like his heart was about to leap out of his chest, his face burning at the sweet gesture. And even though his finger was wrapped up, he just knew that your lips were incredibly soft. His other hand came up to press against his face, the backside of his hand covering the lower part of his face in embarrassment. 
 “What’s wrong?” you asked frowning, you had just done what he had said. Your heart was racing for some reason though, you weren’t sure why. 
 Tsukishima couldn’t take this anymore. He grabbed your wrist and tugged, pulling you into his chest, and then flipping you over onto the bed, his upper body hovering over yours.
 Your face was completely red, you thought your heart was about to pop, he was way too close and his face held nothing but seriousness.
 What did you do?
 “Tsukishima-” “Quiet.” he demanded.
 You snapped your jaw shut.
 You watched him take a deep breath in before speaking. “You are the most infuriating person I know. You’re stupid and you don’t pay attention to what’s going on right in front of your face.”
 Your nostrils flared slightly in anger. “Well right back at you asshole!” you grumbled back.
 He rolled his eyes and moved his face closer to your own, causing you to quiet down once more.
“But despite how incredibly dense you are, you’re smart, you’re witty, you’re stubborn, you’re hardworking, you’re pretty -”
 You have never been more confused in your entire life. Did he just insult you and then compliment you? Did he just call you pretty?
 “ - and I literally can’t take this anymore.” he pushed up his glasses just a bit. “I’ve given you so many hints, made it so ridiculously obvious, and you still don’t understand you dimwit.”
 You frowned further at his insults. 
 “I like you.” He said, “I’ve liked you for a while now. You just have never noticed. I want you to go out with me.”
 He couldn’t handle the shy expression on your face after his confession. The soft look on your face, and the dark red blush coating your cheeks. His eyes flickered towards your lips, and he started to lean closer. Your soft hands came up and gently rested against his chest, but you never pushed him away. Your eyes fluttered shut as you prepared yourself for what was about to come next.
 You could feel his breath hitting your face gently, causing your lips to part as you readied yourself -
 “Tsukishima! Everyone wanted me to go check on you and -” the door opened suddenly, and Hinata stood staring at the scene before him.
 Tsukishima whipped his head around with a hard glare at the orange haired male who had gone pale, and then had turned dramatically red at the sight before him.
 You couldn’t help but cover your face in embarrassment at the position you and Tsukishima were in. 
 “I-I’m so sorry for interrupting!” Hinata screamed and slammed the door.
 Tsukishima sighed, deflating slightly before removing himself from on top of you. He ignored the blush in his face as he stood up, looking back at you still laying on the bed.
 So incredibly tempting.
 “Wait for me after practice. We can walk home together.” He said simply before leaving the infirmary.
 Did you… did you just get yourself a boyfriend?
 You hoped so.
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saucysamu · 4 years
Hey I have an emergency rq cause my ed (bulimia/anorexia) is back and it’s really bad rn :/ I was hoping u could do an ed reader with yamaguchi, suga and akaashi? Thank you it means the world to me and I love the idea behind this blog😌
Hey anon! I sincerely hope you‘ll catch composure soon, stay strong ❤️
If you need someone to talk to my dms are open!
Also on another note: since i want it to be as realistic as possible i try to keep it as general as possible in order not to trigger anything!
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Yamaguchi, Suga and Akaashi x reader with an ED
warnings : e4ting d1sorder, mention of food/eating
• King of self blame,,,,sigh you know dis bih is the most emotional out of those 3
• not to be an ass but i do think he would approach it,, well,,, not in the best way
• he would tell you how beautiful and perfect you and your looks are thinking that it’d make you feel better
• constantly tried to distract you,, give solutions,, he just wants to help and never dealt with something like that ok he‘s trying 🥺
• pls be patient with him he will get a hold of it!
• so much information gathering
• lmao literally follows the instructions from websites and books on how to be of help
• extra careful not to trigger you in any way,,honestly it doesn‘t always work we know he‘s lowkey clumsy
• gets impatient internally bc the way you perceive yourself has him like :(( and he just wants you to be okay like??? How can someone as beautiful inside out not love themselves as much as he does??
• he doesn‘t show his impatience tho you‘d be surprised
• avoids talking about anything related to that in order not to say anything wrong, unless you initiate a convo
• the BEST at listening, no judgement, takes everything in and takes mental notes/hints and starts working from there :)
• he‘s so happy when you‘re willing to seek professional help he might start tearing up 🥺
• does anything to comfort you and is always there for you, loves you the way you are and it‘s become a ritual for him to reassure you every day
• you can tell me what you want he‘s the born therapist without meaning to lol
• Sugamama™️ instincts are kickin he just FEELS when something’s up
• does everything intuitively and it??? Works???
• just KNOWS how to be there for you
• starts cooking more balanced meals
• never forces you to eat, but does want you to sit with him when he‘s having lunch or dinner
• wants to show you that it should be something enjoyable by that
• not pushy, let‘s you take the time you need he‘s kind of "chill" about it yk?
• like don‘t get me wrong he‘s sad you feel that way but he‘s optimistic and knows you‘re strong and he knows he‘s there to support you
• when he‘s had a bad day/ feels irritated he does want to scold you like the urge is tingling but nope! Takes a deep breath bc he‘s aware it wouldn‘t do any good
• I want his self-control
• the PROUDEST when you‘re more open for therapy
• rarely (and I mean rarely) feels helpless but when he does he‘d probably contact consultants and ask for advice
• you know he‘d never judge you, the way you think etc so you can be yourself around him as best as you can
• king of boosting your self-esteem!! Hypes you like no other about all the shit you do
• will always catch you if you fall back into old patterns
• will hold you silently and kiss the top of your head when you break down "we‘ll get through it together y/n. I promise"
• he keeps his promise.
• the first time he noticed something..going on his heart sunk
• don‘t you dare thinking he would ever show it in front of you but you do catch a glimpse of his weak moment
• we all know he can be a little blunt and a little bit too honest so expect a lecture
• ,,,that obviously backfires
• learns from his mistake though
• asks you directly what he can do for you in order to be there for you the right way
• he has obviously read various articles and magazines about it already and he knows it varies from person to person so he‘s just asking blatantly
• you know the mental list he has for Bokutos emo moments? Yeah he does the same for you and hence doesn‘t start conversations about it anymore
• he is one (1) rational dude, so when it comes to food he‘ll look for extra healthy stuff and tries to make it look uhh more appealing for you if you get what i mean??
• doesn‘t set ultimatums for anything but he does want you to eat at at least a bit every day
• insists on spending even more time with you, he needs to take care of you and sometimes he doesn’t even notice that he’s technically babying you and sometimes you would giggle at his behavior and he‘d be all like ?????
• he‘s the type to subconsciously flutter you and make you feel loved by doing small things like i‘m not kidding he wouldn‘t even notice he‘s doing something you find special yk?
• when you both are sleepy he likes to hold you close, nuzzle his face into your hair and mumble sweet nothings. When he‘s sleepy he‘s the most vulnerable so he‘d tell you how much he loves you and how stunning you are.
• Squeezes your hand whenever he tells you such things. He wants you to know he‘s there for you no matter what, even if he can‘t express it the way he wants to.
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
Iwaizumi general + romantic headcanons
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part of my 300 special!
other parts:
Aone Takanobu
Azumane Asahi
Bokuto Koutarou
Kuroo Tetsurou
Nishinoya Yuu
Tendou Satori
general headcanons:
He doesn‘t see himself as that but he is lowkey the mom friend
Less so to his other friends than to Oikawa
Iwaizumi is the kind of person that hangs around people that can generally handle themselves and don‘t need someone to tell them to take care of themselves
But of course Oikawa does
And Iwa just feels the need to take care of his friends
He hates to see them - Oikawa or someone else - overworking themselves or not taking care of themselves in general
So Iwa makes sure to do some research on the basics
How to treat common volleyball injuries, a heathy diet, things that can help you destress, etc.
Iwa is such a tsundere
So when he does want his friends to take care of them he will just force them to do it
No sweet talk, no sugar coating, no trying to convince them, nothing like that
With Iwa it‘s just “do this. and if you don‘t I‘m gonna whoop your ass“
He is a busy man, he doesn‘t have time for bullshit
On that note, he has never punched or hurt his other friends like he did with Oikawa
And the headbutt was the only time he actually hurt him
He doesn‘t want to hurt his friends, he just wants to give them like a signal, a light slap on the wrist or a ounch to the shoulder
But when his best friend started talking and behaving like that, he just snapped
He felt bad afterwards and actually avoided as much as slapping him on the wrist or anything like that
Of course Oikawa noticed and then he felt bad, too
He knew that Iwa only meant to help him and that he felt bad for what he did in the gym that day
So he starts teasing him until he got his Iwa-chan back to normal
That‘s just how he and Iwa communicate - they may be rough around the edges, but they know that they care for each other
This way of interacting is pretty unique to Oikawa
I mean sure, Iwa likes a friendly teasing and getting a little rougher with them but he doesn‘t get as rough with them as he does with him
It‘s not because he is the person with the most flaws in the group but because Iwa is just so comfortable around him
Like don‘t get me wrong, Iwa is generally a pretty confident person but sometimes he feels like he can‘t do certain things with other friends or he knows that it would bother them
But with Oikawa he doesn‘t have that
He knows Iwa for who he really is and he has been with him trough it all - and the other way around
They might not always be as close as they are right now - which is normal with that much distance between them - they will always be in contact and they will always be very good friends
I firmly believe that Iwa and Oikawa will consider the other their best friend for the rest of their life
Okay this turned more into a Iwa-and-Oikawa-friendship headcanons, I‘m sorry 😅
But I‘m not finished so here are more headcanons on Iwa:
He is a person that likes everything to be in order
Takes his studies very seriously (I think he is a class 5??)
Not the kind of person to totally immerse himself in his studies and over do it but he gets all of the work done that needs to get done
Did y‘all say study group? 👀
Iwa knows that in study groups there won‘t get a lot of stuff done so he will get his work done so that he won‘t have to worry about that
He does have some topics he does want to go over again but it‘s nothing he can‘t do the next day or later that evening
So in the end, Iwa ends up the person that explains the material to his friends and they are all so greatful for it
Because of that they don‘t hold study groups at his place but at someone elses, to spare him the stress that comes with it
Iwa loves going out with his friends and values the time het gets to spend with them above almost anything and everything
romantic headcanons:
As I said, he is a tsundere with both his friends and you but he is softer with you than he is with them
Likes teasing you about random things and likes being teased back
But he will be more considerate of the things you are insecure about, probably also because he knows more about you/your insecurities than he knows about his friends‘
Makes a point to always check up on you
It‘s important to him that you both are able to live your life without being too dependent on each other but he still wants to know what is going on in your life
So even if you go to a different school and you guys only see each other once or twice a week he will always at least text you good morning and good night
Appreciates it a lot when the gesture is returned
At the beginning he has some troubles expressing his feelinsg openly since he usually doesn‘t do that with his friends
At least not with words, they do show each other that they appreciated the other person
But with you, he feels the need to actually tell you
And that is something that is hard for him
He feels a little embarassed even tho he knows there is absolutely no reason to be
But he gets used to it super quickly
Give this man a month or two and you will be showered in compliments all the time
If you randomly send him selfies? This man will fall in love with you all over again every single time
He either responds with a selfie of his own (or a pick of what he is currently doing) or he will tell you how absulutely stunning you look
If you send them on snap chat he will take a screenshot of every single one of them
Gets mad when you make the snaps last only a second so he can‘t take one
“Babe, I wanna see your pretty face! What‘s the point of sending me selfies otherwise?“
Protective boyfriend 10/10
Not in a way where you think “I can‘t go out in this outift or Iwa will get mad“ but in a way where he will always look out for you
If someone dares as much as look at you wrong, they will get one of his infamous stares that are usually enough to scare them away
You usually don‘t even notice, he is pretty subtle about it
Is subtle about your relationship in general, he doesn‘t feel the need to share personal details about it with his friends or anyone else
He does talk about your relationship, but not a lot (Oikawa usually forces him too because he is a nosy bitch)
Iwa gets posessive and jealous sometimes, ngl
He doesn‘t like controlling what you do with your life - who you meet, what you wear, etc.
But sometimes he just feels the need to adress something
Never outright tells you that you can‘t go out in like a short skirt or shorts or something, he‘ll just tell you that he thinks it‘s too short
If you still want to wear it, then he deals with your decision (but his who-is-looking-at-my-s/o-ass-sense is up to 230%)
Iwa also doesn‘t have a problem with you being friends with guys or hanging out with them alone
He only has a problem when he gets the feeling that they are trying to hit on you
At first he will be quite angry about it
He is not mad at you by any means but still, it gets his blood boiling
Luckily he has volleyball to let his anger out
After a day of practice he sits you down and explains the situation and his feelings to you
Ngl, if you don‘t agree with him and keep on hanging out with the guy and he keeps on hitting on you it can quickly turn into a problem
But if you either talk to the guy about it and he stops hitting on you or if you stop meeting him it will be okay
Iwa understands that it‘s hard to end friendships so he is okay with you talking to the guy and him stopping what he was doing
It will still bother him tbh but it‘ll be okay, especially if he gets to know the guy better
Still, he might feel the need to show you that you‘re in fact his girlfriend.. but I‘m gonna keep that for a different post :D
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Professor Sugar - 1/7
Pairing: Student!Reader x Professor!Bucky Description: Like tons of other students you struggle with finances, but you can’t get any aid since your parents are filthy rich. The system doesn’t care that they broke off contact after you came out as bisexual. There is, however, someone else that cares. The prof of your class on PTSD and trauma. Professor Barnes. Warnings: Financial Instability, not beta read. Written for the challenges of: @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ & @fanfictionaries​
Professor Sugar Masterlist // Masterlist
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New Semesters iPad & Pen: Charged Backup Notebook & Pen: Packed iPad keyboard: Packed Phone: Charged Waterbottle and emergency bag: Packed The first day of the second semester. The first day of the semester that you packed so full of credits that you were sure you would be going insane by the end of it. Why did you study an area of psychology again? You had put out a nice outfit, cleaned your glasses and showed up early for the first class in the course about trauma. A part of psychology you hadn’t been that good at in the first semester. Second row, iPad set up and water bottle out. Internally you were hoping to always be this prepared for class. It took about ten minutes for the other students to fill the lecture until the professor came in with a simple “Hi!���. Holy mother of Jesus! Authority figures shouldn’t be looking this good, especially in the courses you were bad in. He had brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, a strong build and the voice of a god. As the lecture started and he went into his background you realized how much softer his demeanor was compared to other profs and how knowledgable he was beyond just this topic. He mentioned being a soldier, working at the VA for a while, why he wanted to teach.
You took all your braveness and went to his table after the lecture. “Mr. Barnes?” You asked in a reluctant voice and made him look up. “Yes, Miss (Y/L/N)?” He gave you a soft smile. God, he was cute. Help. "Um, I almost failed a course similar to this last semester and wanted to ask for more resources to study,” you asked and held onto the iPad in front of your chest. "I'll send a list out to everyone tonight. If you need further help, my office is in building B2 and my hours should be updated on the website soon." "Alright, thank you." *Wow, you did that without being nervous!* The rest of the day was spent with organizing the coming week with the new class schedule, study time and the little job you worked at the little supermarket below your apartment. You had Mr. Barnes’ course twice a week. That meant it gave you more credits and you were not allowed to fail it unless you wanted to pay the system until you die and beyond. The other courses didn’t sound too hard to study for, just a lot compared to what you had the previous semester when you still had the time for two student jobs. Goals for the semester: -Get A’s and B’s -Don’t fail Mr. Barnes’ class -Either make more money or save more -Don’t kill my annoying but lovely roommate -Maybe have something resembling a balance (if I can’t have a social life) -Eating stuff other than instant noodles would be nice -Workout twice a week for my sanity -Make one acquaintance per course -Download the damn lecture, dumbass -Write myself study guides for hard topics -Keep my iPad notes organized -Start using a to-do app -Did I mention not killing my roommate? “I’m home, bitch!” echoed through the apartment. “How was your day, broski?” “Ugh, my boss doesn’t get better with time. I can tell you that?” She exhaled exhausted, “Samantha, I would really like it if you could do overtime.” She imitated him. “Your boss can fuck off,” you grumbled as you threw her the bag of chips and jumped onto the couch. “Grey’s?” “Grey’s.”
______________ *pling* +Study Resources for our class+ You opened the email, being hit with a wall of resources for the course. „Might as well start now,“ you mumbled, getting out your iPad and keyboard. You spent the entire afternoon that Saturday writing an outline for the course to study it. Two and a half pages filled with just categories and their respective topics. You would need to ask him if this was the best way to study it or if you would need all of it. You had experienced these kind of resources sometimes being way more than what was needed in the end. „Never seen you so determined.“ Samantha stood in your door with her third coffee of the day. „You know I almost failed a similar class last semester. The rest isn‘t that much of a problem. Plus the prof is cute, so I don‘t wanna look dumb,“ you croaked a bit tired. „Don‘t get your hopes up.“ She grinned. „What? No. God no!“ You frowned and shook your head at her. She didn‘t believe you one second. Of course she wouldn‘t, she‘s always on a mission to make stuff more inappropriate than they are. Monday rolled around and you in this class of his he finally starts teaching the topic. You could tell that he loved what he taught, always stopping for questions and going on little tangents here and there. Not only was he great at his job, he also was one of the teachers uploading their slides to the uni network. He couldn‘t make it easier for you to study this and ace it. You feel like you‘ve never tipped so many things in just one lesson, needing five minutes after the class to create a document hierarchy that made sense for you to study later. His office hours were starting 30 minutes after class, so you packed your stuff, grabbed a cheap study snack on the way and knocked on the door to his little office a few minutes later. „Come in!“ a muffled deep voice came through the door. „Hey.“ „Hello, Ms. (Y/L/N). What can I help you with?“ He smiled up at you from his papers in front of him. „Well, you sent the resources and I decided to make an outline for how I want to study it, but I‘d love your advice if I‘m missing something. I really don‘t wanna fail this course. Last semester I was close,“ you rambled a little. „Nothing wrong with failing one of your classes. Let me see.“ He held out his big hand and you handed over the three pages. „Not when your finances depend on finishing in 3 instead of 4-5 years,“ you mumbled and a silence fell across the room while he read through the outline you wrote. „This is a good outline! Could you send it to me for future students?“ He asked while handing it back to you. „Of course.“ You nodded eagerly. „Anything in particular that you struggled with in the last semester?“ He asked interlocking his fingers. „Well, I didn‘t have much time to study with two jobs. I‘m down to one right now until summer.“ You explained to him. „Take enough breaks, Ms (Y/L/N)!“ „I‘m trying. Not going super well.“ A pathetic chuckle left you. „Did you check with the-„ „Yes, I‘m not able to get aid cause my parents that I haven‘t talked to in 3 years are rich and have a bank account with my name on it that I can‘t access. The system doesn‘t understand that, so here I am.“ You sent him a weak smile. „I give you the homework of taking an hour long break in the student café after my classes. Two times a week. Doable?“ He held out his hand again, he had nice hands, they looked soft. „Yeah.“ You reached out to shake his hand, being a little overwhelmed by how strong he could grab.
A/N: Yes, the Samantha in this is lowkey inspired by @sassy-pelican​
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Dark Fate: Kou Mukami (No.08)
To get the vampire ending, just choose the M (blue) choices. For the manservant ending, choose S (violet) choices. The brute ending will require you to choose both S and M choices. Please no reposting onto other sites, and please ask me before translating this into another language!
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Place: Sakamaki mansion — Garden
Ruki: What’s it, Kou? Why is it that you called me to such a spot?
Kou: That’s because I want to talk about yesterday again.
Ruki: I’ve already told you that I’ve got nothing more to say to this topic.
Kou: Yes, I know that. But I wanted to seriously talk to you about it once again.
Ruki: …..
Kou: I thought about it all night yesterday. And I came to the decision, that I’ll cut ties with M Neko-chan.
Back then I was human myself too. Thinking about what he has done for us until now, makes me unable to disobey him.
That’s why Ruki-kun’s right, I at least believe so.
Ruki: ...I’m sorry.
Kou: Why do you make this kind of face all of the sudden now? It was me who chose to make this decision.
Well, it’s not like M Neko-chan will simply drop dead once I tell her that though!
...That’s the only thing I’ve wanted to tell you. I’m sorry for making you worried, Ruki-kun. Now then...
*Kou leaves*
Ruki: …..
Place: Sakamaki mansion — Living room
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Yui: (I was thinking a lot about what happened yesterday, so I wasn’t able to catch much sleep that night…)
*Azusa walks in*
Yui: Ah, Azusa-kun. Good morning.
Azusa: What happened to you?
Yui: Eh… what should’ve happened?
Azusa: Your eyes are completely swollen.
Yui: Ah…
Azusa: Is there anything bothering you?
Yui: ...No, I’m fine. Thanks for asking.
(It‘s useless… even if I continue to show my face like this. I suppose if Kou-kun saw my face like this—)
Kou: Good morning! Azusa-kun and M Neko-chan.
Yui: (Kou-kun… !)
Azusa: ...Morning.
Kou: Haa… I slept really good last night.
What’s wrong with you two? Both of you are having such an unusual intense face on.
*Kou sits down*
Yui: (Kou-kun, right now he’s acting like always…)
(Could it be, that I misunderstood what Ruki-kun told me on the balcony yesterday… ?)
Azusa: Kou‘s bandage… it’s bleeding…
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Kou: Ahh… you’re right. Geez, I wish it could heal faster already. It’s so troublesome.
*Kou stands up*
Yui: Ah… will you change your bandages? If so, I’ll help you out. Kou—
Kou: ...Nn! Don’t touch it!!
*Kou slaps Yui‘s hand*
Yui: Ah…
Kou: I don‘t need your sympathy on this… !
Yui: (Kou-kun, he‘s angry…)
1) But I want to take care of your injury. ♡ ♡ ♡
2) Even so, I’m worried about you.
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— But I want to take care of your injury. ♡
Yui: But I want to take care of your injury.
Kou: ...You’re really persistent. Or is it that you’re simply too stupid to understand when someone doesn’t want your help?
It’s not like I suddenly need you to patch up my wound anyway...
— Even so, I’m worried about you.
Yui: Even so, I’m worried about you…
Kou: Who asked you to worry about me in the first place? My health is none of your business, no matter how many times you ask about it.
Can’t you fill up your undesirable self-satisfaction at another place?
end Choices
Yui: Nn…
(In the end, everything Ruki-kun told me yesterday was really true…)
Kou: ...What? Do you still have something to say to me?
Yui: I talked with Ruki-kun about you yesterday… and I need to ask you now if it‘s really annoying you if I’m nearby... ?
If I’m a real bother to you, please say it directly to my face. I want to hear it coming out of your mouth, instead of hearing it from others.
Kou: …..
...Ahh, that’s right. All you do is being a complete nuisance every time you’re around.
This is all there‘s to it, or could it be that you’ve misunderstood something? Did you think you mean anything to me?
*Yui starts crying*
Kou: Is it because I’m a vampire? Just because I’m treating a human being nicely, doesn’t automatically mean that I’ve got feelings for you.
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Yui: ...Nn!
*Yui runs away*
Kou: (M Neko-chan…)
Azusa: Kou… !
Kou: Ah. I’m sorry, Azusa-kun. I didn’t really mean to make you watch this weird scenario—
*Azusa approches Kou*
Azusa: …..
*Azusa slaps Kou*
Kou: Ouch… !
Azusa: What was that about… just now?
Kou: Wooah… for real? Fufu… I never imagined to get hit by you, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: If that’s your way of messing around with somebody‘s feelings… stop it.
You’ve been saying that she’s been irrelevant to you ever since we came here…
But that‘s not true, is it… ?
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Kou: …..
Ahh, you’re right. Azusa is always right. I’m the incorrect one. I’m the one to blame for all of this happening to us.
No matter how many right choices I make, there will always be a complete resignation... and once you make a mistake you’re nothing but an idiot.
Azusa: ...Kou.
Kou: Everyone expect me is always acting as if they’re right… you’re really pissing me off with that.
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— Kou-kun’s attitude is unknowingly cold.
The anxiety I kept within me until now suddenly becomes reality, and it pierces my chest as if I’m being stabbed.
After he rejected me, I felt all kinds of different emotions.
But it‘s not like I wanted to be rewarded for anything I did.
In fact, all I wished for was to hear his cheerful voice again.
I wanted him to return back to his ordinary self, to accept me.
My heart — I wish you could hear the feelings I bear inside me right now.
I don‘t want anything else than you to return back to your usual self...
(*) After Ruki made Kou choose which side he’s on, Kou decided to go with him who protected all of the brothers up until now. This tries to explain why Kou was lowkey forced to hurt Yui’s feelings with his harsh words. Kou suddenly starts to regret his choice, now that Azusa put him in the corner of not knowing what right or wrong is any longer. 
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anantaru · 2 years
Yoru you're so sweet omg 😭 no worries i take care of myself and drink lots and i hope the same for you as well!!!
Also saw that anon ask about having small boobs and being made fun of for it and honestly fuck that person like big boobs is overrated anyway (not to shame big boobs havers cos I'm one but i just hate how having big boobs are often treated like a better option) so i think it's just sad that people still make fun of others boobs small or big, meanwhile i lowkey hate my big boobs and used to wish i had smaller ones bc I once got bullied and mocked for it too, some even saying i have big boobs on purpose to attract like 🤡 i have no choice aksjkaj
And it goes without saying that big boobs make me look big overall so there's that BUT I DIGRESS. My point is that people should fr stop shaming boobs big or small cos neither is better than the other ✨all boobs are beautiful✨ thank you for coming to my ted talk
(also psst you're literally my fave genshin writer have i ever told you that? 💞)
- ❄️
don‘t hate your boobs you‘re fucking perfect and don‘t listen to what anyone says, this is your life you don‘t owe anyone anything!!! boobs are pretty doesn‘t matter the size 🤭 i love big boobs they‘re so squishy and soft but i also love small boobs and how hot they look whenever the nipples are perked up. Both‘s so fucking hot SO EVERYONE EMBRACE YOUR BOOBS LMAO💗 also i‘m so flattered thank you so much love🤭
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osamusriceballs · 4 years
y-yo lowkey i feel gaslighted by one of my good friends but like idk if im just trying to make up an excuse or going crazy or being too sensitive
I just had to look up what gaslighting is (I didn‘t know that term) but wtf, if you even think FOR A GODDAMN SECOND that someone is trying to do something like that to you, or trying to manipulate you like that- PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THEM. It‘s really dangerous, and I just read some articles about it and please please- if you feel uncomfortable just trust your instincts.
If you have an icky feeling, you really have to be careful about them. And it‘s okay to be sensitive. We all have topics or things that make us sensitive and emotional, don‘t be sorry for that. Your feelings are valid- don‘t let them tell you that you‘re going crazy, cause you show them!!
Sending you all of my love!! 💖
- A very concerned Eve
PS: You can always talk to me 🥺💖
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kakashishomegirl · 4 years
Love the idea of the ask game! Would like to know: 4,18,19,22,25 & 26. I hope this is okay, if they’re too many just choose some ☺️
They‘re not too many, thank you for the ask! I hope you don‘t mind my long answers though.
4) Favourite Chunin exam fight
I guess I‘m pretty basic here, it‘s definitely Lee vs Gaara. I would even say that this is my favourite fight in all of Naruto, because 1. I really really really love Lee and 2. the emotional component is so important. We have seen Gaara in the forest of death and he‘s scary, and then Lee gives his everything and comes so close to hurting him, it‘s so impressive, everybody is shocked at how much hard training can actually achieve. Yeah of course the ending is horrible, but it‘s all part of Lee‘s story which I honestly adored.
18) Favourite character
Hehe, that would be homeboy Kakashi then. ^^ (Funny enough, he didn’t start out as my favourite character actually, I really loved Sasuke in original Naruto. But I can pinpoint the second when Kakashi became my favourite, it was when he walked into Ichiraku and said „Yo“. I think it would be „Yo“, at least. When I saw that scene I watched the German dub and he said „Juhuu“, that was really fun.) Kakashi just has this laid back, I-don‘t-really-care, funny vibe that I try to achieve in real life lol. I do lots of stuff he does, too, and of course his story is one of the most compelling in Naruto. Every scene featuring him is just great to watch. (Honorary mentions go to Lee, who is my main inspiration to do anything and Itachi, who I wouldn’t actually call one of my favourite characters, but I feel with him the most)
19) Least favourite character
Tough one. I really don‘t like Danzo, but I don‘t think anyone does, he just sucks. I always wish he would leave when he‘s on screen. And Orochimaru, this dude is just gross! The memes on him are lowkey funny but yikes. I heard a YouTuber call him „terrorist pedophile“ once and... yeah.
22) Who would you want your partner to be in akatsuki
You can probably see this coming, sorry, but it‘s Itachi. I have several reasons for this: First off, he was never really a bad guy. I guess one can argue that many of the akatsuki were, in fact, not, but Itachi did everything in his life out of love and that is a motive I can get behind. He doesn’t enjoy killing like some of the others and he is a very kind and polite person. Second, his whole personality is so, I can‘t even really describe it, soothing? ethereal? It would be just nice to stand next to him, third, you can trust his competent leadership and fourth, it‘s just Itachi. I have this weak spot for him.
25) Favourite clan
The Hyuga clan is pretty cool! They have Neji and Hinata, I adore them both, and the whole main family, branch family (? I‘m sorry, I don‘t know the English words for that) relation was very interesting to watch. I would have loved to see more about that, also, if Naruto achieved to change anything like he promised to Neji. I do watch Boruto but I haven’t really learned anything about that. It would have been a great turn if Hiashi jumped in front of Neji, man, I‘m never forgiving Kishimoto for that, I feel like Neji‘s death makes his whole narrative so useless *facepalm*. Also, the fighting style of the Hyuga is freaking nice to watch and Hanabi‘s my favourite Jonin teacher in Boruto. Waisted potential everywhere, in my opinion.
26) Favourite Uchiha
Spoiler alert: Itachi. Oh man, I‘m sorry, I‘ve mentioned him three times now but it is true. I don‘t really like many Uchiha, Itachi is basically my single exception and my relationship with him is already a bit complicated. (Don‘t get me to talk about Sasuke) I‘ve mentioned some of the aspects why I love him, but at the same time, I think he wen‘t totally over the top in torturing Sasuke, that wasn‘t necessary AT ALL. I can understand where he comes from, but hate is not the only way of becoming strong, Naruto literally proved the opposite. What he did to Sasuke was cruel and the fact that he did it out of love doesn’t really make it better in my opinion. But all these contradictions are what make him Itachi, and in the end, he‘s one of the best characters in Naruto.
Naruto asks
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kookmin1913 · 4 years
The replies under that group hug tweet tho saying that he only cares about jk when the cameras are on them like the fuck are they talking about that group hug happened right after they won AOTY and group hugs are usually shown but they didn‘t this time and can we not forget that there are thousands of other people filming them there lol I did feel like jm wasn’t having it that day and was lowkey avoiding jk but come on at the end of the day it‘s just my own thought we don‘t know 🤷🏻‍♀️
I get that it’s your thought anon, but what did JM do or not do, to give this impression of avoiding JK?
If he was avoiding JK, there would have been no interaction at all, but they still did, and were smiling and happy. Why is that if they aren’t literally drooling over each other, JM is avoiding JK, or he doesn’t feel well, or he’s being cold, or they had a fight?
I just don’t get that line of thinking. I guess if people assume just because a couple isn’t always attached at the hip they are having problems, then people must have assumed my past relationships were always in trouble, because I would be at a party with my significant other, and we may not say one word to each other while there, but we were still happy and went home together and talked then. It didn’t mean we were having issues.
This concept of people saying something was wrong, just boggles my mind. At any rate, those are my thoughts and I guess we will have to agree to disagree about that aspect of it.
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sleepingdoyoungie · 6 years
Aftercare with EXO (fluff) [OT9]
This didn’t got requested but oh well
A/N sry for any mistakes
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this cutie
Pillow talk
Praising and kissing you all over your body even tho he already did before sex but he can't get enough of you
"I love you"
He is so precious and cute you can't imagine
Will get a towel to clean you
After that he'll run a bath which leads to another round of sex oops
The most praising boyfriend ever
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King of Aftercare pt.1
He's so loving
A precious baby
Praises you how much of a 'good girl' you were for him
Apologizes for ripping your lingerie
'I will buy you a new one babygirl'
Soo sweet.
Will run you a bath and you bath together
Helps you clean up
Kisses down your neck and shoulders
Basically the best time for you is after sex lol
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King of Aftercare pt.2 :')
Let's be honest, I really don't have to sat much
Shy babyy
'I'll clean you up baby'
Will always ask if you're okay
'Did I hurt you? If I did I'm sorry baby'
Will praise eVERY INCH OF YOUR B O D Y
Lowkey daddy
'I'll buy you a new lingerie tommorrow'
You can't even argue
Bc if you say you don't want a new lingerie, you will get it anyway
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I swear,,
He would still tease you even after sex tbh,
‘Now the members heard how good i made you feel’
this lil shit i swear
cuddling and listening to some Music is a MUST
‘You‘re so beautiful when you cum‘
Going out to eat cuz you both are exhausted and hungry lol
Him stroking your hair until you fall asleep is his favorite thing to do to be honest
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After he cleaned you up you two would get Pizza
Softest pillow talk ever
Kind of a mix of Suho and Lay
in bed he’s dom but in the streets he’s a Sub and it’s so cute
soft kisses af
He loves you with all he has and that’s how he treats you
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I need to say this cuz this Boy, he is alright with aftercare
i feel like he’s the type to sleep in right away after sex
but the morning after, you will get more attention than ever
‘Baby i‘ll take good care of you’
‘You are so precious, i just want to squish your face but on the other Hand i want to fuck you against the wall so hard’
And your face will flush
and you’re getting all blushy
and he just smirks
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Pillow talks everytime
He’s such a squishyy
Takes good care of you (also in General)
You can’t complain
He makes you fall in love with him all over again
So lovely with you
Always showers with you
also showers you with kisses all over your Body
cleans you up
helps you put clothes on if he was too rough
‘Come here Baby i’ll help you put some clothes on’
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Smiley Baby
Kind of like Chanyeol
‘I‘ll give you all the Attention you Need tommorrow okay? Right now i‘m just exhausted‘
but he’s still so good to you so you don‘t complain
He loves you so much
with all he has
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‘OH SEHUN!’ (pun intended tho)
most precious Baby tbh
it’s like he does everything for you
cleaning you up, changing clothes
puttung on new Sheets bc you’re a mess
but he doesn’t even complain bc he loves you so much
sleeping together, your legs wrapped around his waist
while he strokes your hair
which leads to kisses 
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