#i may have fallen prey to the ship
grimm-the-tiger · 5 months
Dumb shipwreck facts because I need to hyperfixate for a moment: 
The only Olympic-class (Britannic, Titanic, and Olympic) ship that was actually unsinkable was the Olympic. Olympic took full advantage of this and became the only merchant vessel in WWI on record to sink an enemy vessel (it didn’t discriminate, either; Olympic actually sank two vessels during its service, one of which was a friendly lightship during peacetime). 
It took 150 years to discover what happened to the infamous Lost Franklin Expedition because the English were too racist to ask the natives. The Canadians, meanwhile, found the wreck of one of their ships, HMS Terror, in a fraction of the time by asking an Inuit hunter named Sammy Kogvik for help. 
There are at least two wrecks in Lake Erie that we may never find because the lakebed quite literally swallowed them. 
On a related note, Lake Erie might have the highest concentration of shipwrecks of any body of water in the world. 
Lake Superior is actually the least lethal Great Lake, despite its reputation, but over half of its wrecks are located around Whitefish Point, most notably the Edmund Fitzgerald. 
The Bermuda Triangle doesn’t actually have a very high disappearance or wreck rate. It’s considered weird because the gulf stream carries any wrecks and debris out of the search area, making it that much harder to find any remains. 
There’s a disturbing tendency for ships, particularly freighters, to not only split in half while they sink, but for the back half (the stern) to keep going, sometimes for miles. The most notable case of this would be the SS Pendleton, an oil freighter that wrecked off the coast of Massachusetts; the rescue of the crew on its stern is considered to be one of the most daring Coast Guard rescues ever pulled off. 
Most ships built before 1950 were made with subprime or low-grade metal, which is believed to be part of the reason why they split in half so often. This metal turned brittle in colder water; guess where most of these wrecks were. Some wrecks believed to have fallen victim to this include the Titanic, the aforementioned Pendleton, the Carl D. Bradley, and the Daniel J. Morrell. 
An Arctic cruise ship took on a Venezuelan patrol boat and won. Said patrol boat was trying to force the cruise ship, the Resolute, to come ashore. Ships create depressions in the water (you most often see this in the “wake”) called displacement, and it’s generally believed the patrol boat underestimated the strength of the Resolute’s displacement and was sucked into its path, ending up crushed by Resolute’s icebreaker-grade hull. 
While we can be reasonably certain what sank the Marquette & Bessemer No. 2 (it was a train ferry with an open back and had previously had a near-accident when a wave slammed directly into the opening, almost flooding it), what we don’t know is what happened before and after. One of its lifeboats was found with nine bodies and the clothing of a tenth. The ship’s steward was found armed with two knives and a meat cleaver, and the captain’s body was found some time later with slash wounds. It’s agreed that the steward killed him, but why remains a mystery. 
Moby Dick was based on the sinking of the Essex, a whaling ship that was rammed and sunk by its own prey. The crew resorted to cannibalism to survive; ironically, they would’ve been rescued sooner had they not avoided a nearby island chain for fear of cannibal tribes. 
Don’t read about the sinking of the Estonia. Just...don’t. It’s not pleasant. For some hint of how awful it was, despite being reasonably close to the surface no one was ever able to get all the bodies out because of the sheer number of them. 
On a much lighter note, the Swedish Navy in the 1700s poured thousands of kroner into building a mighty flagship for their navy, the Vasa...only for the Vasa to sink less than 300 yards into its maiden voyage. Turns out they gave it too many guns, making it too top-heavy, and it capsized. 
The Canadian freighter Bannockburn disappeared in a storm in 1902. Almost all of its crew were in their late teens and early 20s; the youngest was 16. Companies would hire younger, less experienced men to work aboard their ships because they were cheaper. The Bannockburn has never been found. 
Speaking of Lake Superior shipwrecks, there’s a saying that “Lake Superior never gives up her dead”. It’s not wrong; the temperatures at the bottom are cold enough to halt the decaying process, which prevents the bodies from rising to the surface. The most notable instance of this is Old Whitey, the nickname for a body found in the engine room of the Kamloops who has never been identified. This is also the reason no one is allowed to dive to the Edmund Fitzgerald; the crew’s bodies are still aboard the wreck, and it’s considered disrespectful at best to dive to a place that for all intents and purposes is a graveyard. 
It took over 100 years and numerous deaths from scurvy for anyone to realize that eating raw meat can prevent it. They discovered this on a Belgian arctic expedition where one of the crewmen, drawing on past experience, somehow managed to convince the rest of the crew to eat raw penguin, rapidly decreasing the number and severity of scurvy cases onboard. 
To end this on a lighter note, the saying “Batten down the hatches” is an actual maritime phrase; hatches are openings in the ship’s deck used to bring cargo inside and, on older ships, allow passengers and crew on deck. Hatches let enormous amounts of water into the ship in bad weather, and are often “battened down” (covered up) to prevent water from getting in. It will probably not surprise you to learn that not battening down the hatches or not doing it properly has caused its fair share of wrecks; notably, it’s believed that the Cyprus, an ore carrier that was said to be leaving a red trail in its wake the day before it capsized, was leaving said trail because its hatches were improperly sealed; water was getting into the hold, mixing with the cargo of iron ore, and then being pumped out, hence the red wake. 
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arkipelagic · 28 days
Tokugawa Japan and the second Japanese attempt at invading Spanish Philippines
The persecution of Christians had intensified since the time of [Toyotomi Hideyoshi], and now the only contact Japanese Christians had with the outside world was a handful of brave priests who entered Japan secretly. The Japanese authorities believed they spread sedition and encouraged disobedience, and most of them came by way of Manila, so an invasion of the Philippines would be a heavy-handed way of closing the loophole once and for all.
… The 1630 invasion scheme was associated almost completely with a single enthusiast: Matsukura Bungo-no-kami Shigemasa (1574-1630), the daimyō (great lord) and notorious tyrant of Shimabara in Hizen Province, whose cruel treatment of the people and persecution of Christians is very well recorded. The Philippines entered Shigemasa's consciousness in 1624 when two ships belonging to the Matsukura were blown off course and ended up on the islands. On returning to Japan, their captains spoke enthusiastically about the considerable mercantile activity that existed between Japan and the Philippines and how Shigemasa might be able to gain control of it by means of a military expedition. Shigemasa took no immediate action, because it would have been without precedent for any daimyō to act in such a manner purely on his own initiative, rather than by direction of the shogun. But then an incident occurred that provided him the opportunity for an authorised expedition to the Philippines to avenge an insult to Japan.
The affront had its roots in Macao, where in 1622 the Portuguese heroically had beaten off a Dutch attack. A handful of Japanese mercenaries had served on the Dutch side. The attempt caused such alarm in Manila that the Spanish sent reinforcements to Macao in case of a renewed incursion. The Spanish troops were ordered to stand down in 1624, but instead of sailing straight home to the Philippines their leaders chose to engage in a leisurely piratical expedition.
Among their targets was Siam, where they preyed on the local freight vessels … One of the ships they attacked and burned belonged to the king of Siam, but the Spanish pirates really exceeded their brief when they attacked a Japanese "red seal" ship—an authorised trading vessel. It had been sent to Siam by the machidoshiyori (town elder) of Nagasaki, Takaki Sakuzaemon.
… Matsukura Shigemasa possessed both malice and power. He realised the opportunity that had fallen into his lap, and he addressed the rōjū (the shogun's senior advisory council) in Edo as follows:
Luzon is governed by the Western country [Spain], and that country in conjunction with Namban [Portugal] is ever looking for an opportunity to invade this empire. For that reason there is a fear that our country will be disturbed. All who come from Spain to Japan touch at Luzon. Therefore if I shall conquer that country with my own troops, place my own agents there, and thus destroy the base of the Westerners, this country will be secure for years to come. If I be permitted I will cross over to Luzon and conquer it. I pray that the vermilion seal of the Great Lord, giving me an estate of 100,000 koku there, may be granted me.
To his own desire for territorial expansion and personal wealth Shigemasa therefore had added as justification the possibility of invasion of Japan by Spain.
Excerpt from Wars and Rumours of Wars: Japanese Plans to Invade the Philippines, 1593–1637 by Stephen Turnbull, published in 2016
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A continuation of my Revenge series. Any feedback is always welcomed and appreciated, and as always, thank you for reading :)
CW: Child's death
“Oh, the big lad d'cided to show!” Rost said. 
“Morning Rost,” Damien said, holding his throbbing head. 
“Ya dug inta ya wine, didnya?” Rost asked, his face held an expression of a father having watched his son make the same mistake he did twenty years prior, teaching both men the same lesson. 
“Pa! Pa!” Two little voices cried out two little girls with matching ponytails zigzagged between strangers legs, moving with the determination of a hawk swooping in on prey. One bumped into Damien, knocking him off balance while the second one finished the job sending the hungover man down without fanfare.
“Alright li'l lassies, ‘n ‘ere might ya ma be?” Rost said scanning the crowd, an easy task for a man who literally stood head and shoulders taller than most of them. 
Damien finally got himself to his feet, still a little woozy. “Damien, these ‘ere are me pride and joy.” A warm grin spread across Rost's face. It was infectious and inviting. Down in his heart, Rost was a family man, and his family meant everything to him. The two girls were holding onto Rost's legs like an urchin to a ship. But Rost picked the one on his right leg up first, setting her on his right shoulder. 
“Car’ to tell Damien yer name pretty princess?” Rost said in sheer delight.
In a mousey voice she said “Lilly”.
The other daughter had already scaled Rost like a tree, finding her perch on his other shoulder. Without prompting she looked Damien in his eye and said “ ‘n I'm Wendy.”
With a big smile Rost kissed both of their cheeks. “I like to call ‘em Li'l Farters when they be a li'l ornery.” Rost said, tussling both of their bright red hair. “Now li'l lassies, where might ya ma be?”
As if on cue, a beautiful, yet stern woman parted through the crowd. Without a doubt the mother of Wendy and Lilly. She stood at about Damien's height, which was a little taller than an average woman. A sea of sunburnt gold and red hair, cascaded gently down her left shoulder. Lilies and other colorful flowers were interwoven into her hair. Damien had two thoughts at the same time. Rost was fighting extremely out of his weight class. This is how a dryad of the forest would look.
He tore his eyes off the woman to look at Rost. According to him, they'd been married for a little over a decade. From the look on his face though, it was as if he had fallen in love at first sight all over again. 
“‘nd this,” Rost said, “my love and life, Brienne.” His eyes never broke off from his wife, who's smile only mirrored her own husband's. 
“G'day to you sir.” She said, her voice sounded like a running brook on a warm summer day. 
“The pleasure is all mine. Your children must only take after you. They're so much calmer than this old man,” Damien said, pointing behind him and laughing a little. 
Rost was getting ready to retort, but the town crier called out. “To all who may hear! Traitors have been found guilty for crimes against the crown, crimes against their own people, and crimes of heresy! All who wish to see, gather around the Hangs Hollow Tree!”
Rost set both kids down and kissed his wife on the cheek. “Keep ‘em safe. Ain't no sigh fer li'l ones that young to be seein’. Boyo's wit’ me.”
They were in the festival square with the Hangs Hollow Tree right at the bottom of the property. The hillside dipped down and flattened at the bottom, creating a gently sloping bowl. In the center stood six people. Three with black bags in their heads, the crier, the executioner, and an envoy of the King. A platform built long ago, spiraled up the massive tree until it ended. There a long rope had been tied to the thickest branch, and a noose was formed on the free end. The platform had been constructed with a false floor and a lever to release the trapdoor. Two sets of guards stood on the elevated platform, while two more sets stood by the staircase leading up to the gallows. One lone noose hung above the trapdoor. 
The Envoy's voice carried over the murmurs of the growing crowd. 
“In accordance with the writ and will of His Royal Majesty Alon de Perati, Conqueror of The Vale, the three standing before you, God, and country, have been sentenced to death. They are all charged with treason, plotting against those appointed by the crown, and heretical speaking about those here to offer us protection.”
It was the last statement that made Damien's blood burst into flames. Heretical Speak was just the doublespeak term for speaking out against the Brood. Somewhere, in this tiny ball of barely contained fear, someone had a fat bag of silver tainted with the blood of these three. Damien's fist closed, fingernails digging deep into his palm. A heavy weight pressed down on his shoulder, Rost's hand rested on his shoulder, the weight keeping him from floating into a rage-filled sea. 
“Lad, we need ter keep ‘r head on straight.” Rost said his tone iron hard. Damien could hear it, the sound of teeth clenched so hard that they'd grind to dust. 
“Who?” Was all Damien could get out. 
The first hooded figure was shoved forward. An older man, who had been tall once, but time and age had weathered him down. The Envoy called out, “Harold Sinclair, you have been tried and found guilty of Heretical Speak and Attempts of Treason against the Crown and the Protectors of the Realm. Any last words?”
If Harold had any to say, they were silenced by the trapdoor opening and the rope snapping his neck. 
The trapdoor was reset and Harold's body taken from the rope, tossed onto a cart with no ceremony. The next hooded figure pushed in place. To Damien's utter horror, they had to place a bucket on the trapdoor for the noose to fit around their tiny head. A child. His sobs could be heard as if he was standing beside Damien and Rost, tears of rage forming in their eyes. 
“Mama! Mama! I swear I didn't do it! Mama! Help please!” The boy cried out, until a guard punched him in his gut, cutting the cries off. 
“Silas McCracken, you have been found guilty of handling known stolen documents and accepting payment from an underground source. You've also been found guilty of trespassing into The lands of The Crown and our Protectors on more than a few occasions. Do you have any last words?”
Weakly, a small “I'm sorry mama. I didn't do it. I was a goo-” was all Silas could get out before he met the same fate as Harold. A woman's scream ripped through the silence before becoming unending sobs that Damien knew would forever live in his nightmares. 
Once again, the trapdoor was reset, Silas tossed beside Harold and the final hooded figure approached. Oddly, this one had no fear stepping towards the hangman's noose. The Envoy yelled “Cid Accord, you have been found guilty of assault of multiple Protectors of the Realm, Harboring known traitors to the Crown and his allies, Heretical Speech and attempts of proselytizing others to turn against the Crown and it's Protectors. Do you have any last words?”
Without a second thought, Cid took in a breath and even through the bag, his words could be heard clearly. “You and the Brood can go fuck itself. Turning us against one another? Against our own thoughts? I'd rather hang a free man, than die like a hog in a pen. Fuck the Brood. Fuck the crown. The Uprising will happen whether you want it to or not!” With that, the executioner flipped a switch and Cid dropped. 
The crowd slowly cleared out as a light rain set in. Silas's mother had dropped to her knees, screaming a breathless call into an uncaring void. Damien wasn't sure if it was from her cries or the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. Even Rost's normally sober face barely contained an ever mounting fury. 
“A boy. They killed a boy,” was all Rost seemed to get out. In the flowing river of bodies, a black cloaked woman approached the two men. Strands of long white hair was the only feature that stood out. 
“Do you see why our rage burns so hot?” The woman asked. He knew she was asking Rost, Wryn already had an ally in Damien. “This is an infestation, a disease. They'll scour the populace, they'll implant fear and deceit, forcing the starving wyrm to eat itself and create an ouroboros of paranoia and fear. The neighbor can't turn you in if you turn them in first.”
With a sound like granite, the large man turned, as if noticing the hooded woman for the first time. “an’ how do we ‘top the wyrm fro’ eatin’ its own arse, lassy?” Rost asked. 
Instead of Wryn answering, it was Damien. “We cut off the head,” he said, a wide grin going from ear to ear. Rost didn't need to see under the shadow of her cloak to know the woman was wearing the exact same grin.
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captainelliecomb · 11 months
Ten Most Recent Fics Meme
Killing time before a delayed flight. Found this via @nossbean​.
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway
Not tagging anyone, but I hope some of you do it anyway.
All but one are Jaime x Brienne.
My takeaway from it: I need to: write more monster fucking, space aus, and weird west stories, and finish the Quest fic.
Jaime Lannister and the Quest for the Missing Sword
Summary: "You told me you found Tarth." Jaime narrowed his eyes at Tyrion. "Here, in the frozen North. You mock me still."The woman jerked. Her expression was easily readable for a moment. Surprise. Fear. Hope?It was gone before he could decide.Tyrion looked between them. "Sweet brother," he said in that knowing tone. "I present to you Brienne, the last of the Tarths."
Archaeologist and librarian AU of a sort. My first story with Jaime POV chapters. I love writing Brienne’s POV, but dual POVs worked best here. Trying to wrap this up soon.
Smoke and Mirrors
Summary: Jaime was a feast for the senses.
Modern AU. I have notes on a much longer chefs AU, but I had to cut it back because of the word limit on the exchange. The longer version will be written eventually.
Winter Knights and Spring
Summary: They were winter knights still living for the spring.
Book canon. I wanted to write something sweet and fluffy. I think it worked.
Tell Me a Story
Summary: Tarth has its fair share of ghost stories. The drowned, ships of the dead, sweet songs luring men out to sea.
Book canon. I love the idea of Brienne singing for Jaime when she never allowed herself to sing for Renly or Cat. What better place to write it than in a story about stories and songs. Shame I don’t actually write songs, or I would have included one.
Never Easy Prey
Summary: The sun was almost gone by the time she made it to the source of the glint, a long, narrow metal box. Unlocked. Easy to open. Inside, a small pack filled with packets of pureed something. Food, from what she'd seen elsewhere, but there was no telling what went into it. Water. A spear taller than she was and surprisingly light. The inside of the lid was completely covered in writing. Most symbols she had never seen before. One short line looked Yautja. And a human word. English word. Run.
Alien vs. Predator, Scar x Alexa Woods. I didn’t notice quite how far I’d gone into the Jaime x Brienne rabbit hole until I saw this was the only non-JxB fic I wrote since 2021. There isn’t even any monster fucking in it!
Oh So Easy, Oh So Hard
Summary: Riverrun is their beginning.
Show canon AU of a sort. One of the prompts was to write the 8x04 scene in a different setting, and I ran with it. I obsessively listened to one song per chapter, which I’m not sure I’ve done before.
Finest, Furthest, Most Unknown Edge
Summary: For the rest of her days, Brienne will never know what causes the crash. All she wants, more than her own survival, is for the Stark girls to be safe. Instead, they're trapped on an alien planet filled with unknown danger. Then she finds the man, bound, and battered, and broken. The biggest threat may not be the planet itself but whatever horrors follow a fallen Lannister.
Space AU. I love space aus. This is one of the few I’ve written. I should do another. 
Come Over and Make Up My Mind
Summary: Five times Brienne swears it's the very last time...
Modern AU. The prompt was “Conflicted”, one of the few Halestorm songs I’d never heard before. Quite enjoyed going back to my writing roots. All porn all the time.
Drink Deep
Summary: Murderer. Monster. Man without honour. She loves him, all of him, even so.
Vampire western AU. Technically monster fucking, though I rarely count vampires in that. Do love a good weird west au.
Here We Go to War
Summary: War to the east, the Dragon queen and her foreign armies come to take back the Seven Kingdoms with fire and blood and demand the North bend the knee.
War to the south, the Lannister queen took her throne in wildfire and the blood of innocents and demands the head of Sansa Stark.
War to the north, beyond the Wall, the Night King and his army of the dead demand nothing but death.
War comes for them all.
In the middle, two tired knights try to protect the ones they love and the ones to whom they're sworn.
Show AU. Jaime leaves Cersei after she blows up the Sept and things escalate from there. As did the story. Started as one scene, a love confession in a bath, and ended up going on for nearly 50,000 words.
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cxldtyrant · 1 year
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Anonymous asked: My Prince, I need to ask you  a genuine question. What did you just unleash upon the world?
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          The Arcosian Prince grimaced as his soldier addressed him, his stoic features belying the severity of the situation as his scarlet irises transfixed icily onto the massive, writhing monstrosity that had enveloped from the little farmer. It was a remarkably hideous creature, not unlike the ones he had come across throughout his conquest of the universe. He had not expected something like this to be on such a backwater planet. To have come from a human, of all things. If she was human even to begin with.
          Right now, it seemed as though it had no interest in him anymore. The senseless beast was waddling towards a nearby civilization, searching for more prey to devour, but he could also see a figure bursting from the ground and to the sky, making their way towards the creature. He couldn’t sense their energy, but could make some of their coloring; a prominent mane of violet shone under the sunlight.
          Now, wouldn’t this be a spectacle? To watch her fight her friend? It is rather tempting to merely sit back and watch their struggle... He thought, his eyes narrowing with contemplation. What happened to this planet was of little concern to the tyrant. The farmer could devour the Earth’s inhabitants and let their metropolises fall into irrevocable ruin for all he cared. It was rather miraculous this pitiful mudball hadn’t already been annihilated, given the oddities and threats it had attracted to it. It really was only a matter of time before it’s destruction.
          And yet, the farmer...no, the beast had once again slighted him. His ship had been utterly destroyed, and his loyal soldiers, the ones that had had remained on the ship while others had been scouting the planet, had been killed by this mindless beast. To lose such good men vexed him. To be temporarily stranded on this rotten planet infuriated him further. And as tempting as it was to let things play out, his wounded pride and duty towards his fallen soldiers would not allow him to walk away from this. Would not allow him to let this monstrosity live.
          The farmer may have not been worth killing. But this thing most certainly was.
          “It matters little of what I have unleashed. What matters is that it will die,” Cooler replied coldly, his tone dark with simmering ire. “Contact the remaining soldiers and order them to standby until further instructions, but summon the Armored Squadron to this location effective immediately. Both the senior and newest recruits. Is that understood?”
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          He didn’t even bother waiting for their reply, merely flying from his position and following after the creature. A metamorphosis of his own was beginning to take place, as his body changed while in the air, growing stronger and changing mass, before his bone mask snapped over the lower-half of his face. He had swiftly powered into his ascended form, as would take no chances with this thing. Not after all it had done.
          It had to die.
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hotgirlmythology · 1 year
Siren culture in fantasy world part 3: Diversification of life
Sirens still have considerable pent-up magical power replicated from the sirens they copied from. This does decrease almost imperceptibly generation by generation due to it being used as a source of power for minor appearance tweaks and wound repair. However, given the slow reproductive rate of sirens and the sheer amount of power they have at their disposal, these are negligible impacts. What are large impacts are the anatomical changes that can occasionally happen due to sirens willing them to with enough vehemence. The most common ones to arise are regenerating their legs or becoming more adapted to an open ocean life, and these have arisen independently several times. Four subfamilies have seen success in recruiting others to their anatomical specifity. Thus the groups that exist, at a basic level, are:
Equatorial sirens, with a fairly compact tail and a balanced lifestyle of human interaction around ships and coastal perches, and hunting, gathering and passing daily life in small social groups.
Leviathan sirens, who broke off as they tired of the need to return to the coast and wished to travel the breadth of the oceans. As a rule they tend to have vastly extended, extremely powerful tails which they use to propel themselves across open oceans, though it becomes difficult to navigate enclosed waterways. Most, though not all, are members of the group that also possesses gills, which act as a backup oxygen source when they dive, and scales have become a trend in recent times across the board.
Wanderer sirens, who went the complete opposite direction and reclaimed their legs. Their wanderlust drags them across nations in search of every sight a siren could ever see. They are still drawn to the sea, and are more likely to be found as guardians of landbound bodies of water or as mariners than in other careers. Often, they will grow their hair out as a mark of freedom from "needing" to keep it short to maintain their underwater agility. Many also forsake their hunting groups, choosing to travel alone.
Harbinger sirens are not so much an anatomically different subspecies as a mentally different one. These are the ones who have allowed the instinct to conquer to once more overrule the instinct to travel and see the world. However, they do tend to be far more common on land than sea, as there is considerably more to conquer there. However, taking into account proportion of land and sea sirens, there are obviously numerically more at sea than land. Driven by the desire to travel still, they are a nomadic warrior clade and many places have fallen prey to their rapid and unpredictable assaults. Harbinger sirens have a far more cohesive culture than most sirens, without as much localised separation, and will often work with complete stranger sirens with a similar philosophy to them
Finally, in the by far smallest quantity, are the Sentinel sirens. They are those who have worked out the need to travel from their minds. The most common of these are of a single population comprising a very large around 50-strong hunting group, who live in the only permanent siren village in existence. They are the most humanlike in manner and belief, able to develop belief and tradition influenced by things outside the hunting group due to their sedentary lifestyle. The village in question is built around a collection of large piers in a cove, allowing both land and sea beings to interact across its entirety. Though the permanent population is small, it also has the most rapid rate of growth across the board for siren population given its regular interactions with other sentient races and the less extreme change to people's way of life that are required to become a siren in the village.
I may expand upon this later send me asks if you want to know specific bits whoopee
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itsbenedict · 1 year
The Bird's-Eye View
Tuesday, 3 Greening, PB 273
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MURDER IN PARADISE! Corolos Vampire Conspiracy Unveiled
by Verda Glye
Arrivals from the Bay of Uneasy Repose were delayed by over twelve hours yesterday, sending the whole harbor district into an uproar. Families were terrified that their loved ones had fallen prey to some beast from the deep- but all expected arrivals made it to harbor safe and sound later that evening. The cause of the delay was no monster- at least, no monster from deep below the waves.
The shipping delays were caused by a blockade on the part of Corolos's local ecumenical enforcers- no ships were allowed to leave the harbor for most of the day. The intent of the blockade was to prevent the escape of a murderer while Andra representatives investigated. And what did they find…?
An army of vampires had infiltrated the island paradise! Multiple vampires were brought in for questioning, some of whom- including, shockingly, the face of popular tequila brand Cabana Jim's Island Time- were killed while resisting arrest. The perpetrator who'd committed the murder was brought to justice, but sources who attended the trial confirm that dozens of other vampires exposed during the investigation are still at large, and authorities have yet to bring them all in.
"The Corolos authorities are incompetent," local merchant Eugot Dolmir stated in an interview. "My cargo was held up for hours while donut-munching acolytes tried and failed to contain […] a vampire plague." When asked whether he felt the situation would be handled, Dolmir replied "[…] I don't feel safe at all."
Ileron Lowbough, proprietor of the Sky Hotel, had this to say: "This just goes to show that the best vacation spots are close to home. There are plenty of upscale resort destinations right here in Thunderbrush with world-class amenities- which aren't secretly controlled by blood-sucking monsters. You can't rely on foreign authorities to keep you safe- but that doesn't mean you need to give up on luxury."
Travel to Corolos isn't recommended for the time being, but luckily, there's a ray of hope: medical magic has advanced in leaps and bounds, and a cure for vampirism has recently been discovered by a student at TMU under the sponsorship of the Lady Noeru de la Surplus, elven defense attorney. Lady de la Surplus told the View: "The process is replicable in vampires and thralls alike, and excises vampiric bloodthirst and its related compulsions entirely. To call it a medical marvel is no exaggeration whatsoever."
These advances aren't limited to vampirism- all sorts of curses and dark magic may soon be treatable with these advances. Those interested in learning more can ask for the Lady de la Surplus or LuSleeve at TMU.
Maybe someday, the resorts of Corolos will be safe to visit again. In the meantime, keep an eye on your neck!
SECRETS OF THE DEEP: Bishop Seko Unveils New Immersible Carriage
DIGGING TOO GREEDILY: Nightmares Unleashed By Welcoming Trails
A FOREGONE CONCLUSION: Blacksky Iron Hounds To Be Crushed By Darts In Semifinals
SECRETS OF THE DEEP: Bishop Seko Unveils New Immersible Carriage
by Essa Squall
The local Temple of Andra has long been interested in piercing the depths of the ocean and mapping the ocean floor, where horrors like Krakalackie lurk. Until now, even trained innskin divers have been unable to sink below the Asymptote, but the local bishop believes that he's finally devised a solution.
Currently on display in the temple is the Ocean's Needle, a machine meant to carry divers beyond the point where water pressure becomes too great for any normal swimmer to surpass. Resembling a giant silver carrot, the machine is hollow, and multiple people can fit inside on their hands and knees.
Get ready for a toasty voyage, though- a cutting-edge thermomantic furnace is attached to the back, which provides wind without a sail by boiling water to turn a propeller. You may have seen similar devices on armored steam-ships- but now the same process can work entirely underwater!
"The real breakthrough is the runework," Bishop Seko told the View. "Our understanding of hydrodynamics tells us that the Asymptote […] shouldn't […] occur as high as it does, and that it ought to vary with the weight of the sinking object. We're now […] positive […] that the Asymptote is of divine origin, and that it should respond to motumancy. The runework on the hull contains the most effective motumantic disruption arrays yet discovered. If anything yet made by mortal hands can pierce the Asymptote, this is it."
Bishop Seko is soliciting volunteers for the voyage. If you're confident you can do groundbreaking scientific work in the depths of the bay, and feel like having the Ecumene of Understanding indebted to you… now might be your chance!
DIGGING TOO GREEDILY: Nightmares Unleashed By Welcoming Trails
by Perigee Down
Carsh Dolmir and her clan are at it again! The dubiously-legal mining operation scarring our city has once again dug too deep, unleashing monsters from the bowels of the earth. Following a cave-in that sources say was most likely caused by hasty and unethical mining practices, horrors once sealed away have been unleashed upon the surface by the negligence of our city's subterranean parasites.
The incident occurred just prior to 7:20pm last night, when a group of miners- or should we say whiners- came scrambling up the unsightly emergency netting from the deeper reaches of the mines, followed by pulsating masses of shifting goo bent on devouring everything in sight. Onlookers report the goo transforming into hideous shapes spotted in their nightmares, just before being dispatched by clerics from the local Temple of Ccorde.
Harmony Field Inspector Sunbie Goodharvest had this to say: "The creatures discovered in the mines pose a […] threat to the safety of local residents. Our specialists had […] trouble handling the incursion, and we […] come to the conclusion that panic is warranted. We will continue doing our best to maintain natural equilibrium in this city."
Tonnera Mighty, despite her stated opposition to Carsh Dolmir's disruptive mining activities, refuses to take action against the perpetrators. Despite the smoke and fumes that rise from the pit and cause the children of canopy to cough and coke, despite the unholy monsters that use the wound in the Jewel to escape and rampage through her city, and despite the ongoing damage the miners do to her root system every day… Tonnera Mighty still sits idly while Carsh Dolmir cuts deeper and deeper into her foundation and ours.
A public protest is scheduled for tomorrow at 5pm. All concerned citizens are encouraged to attend and make their voices heard by the Mighty.
A FOREGONE CONCLUSION: Blacksky Iron Hounds To Be Crushed By Darts In Semifinals
by Thunder Vanderhuge
The Global Warball League semifinals are almost upon us! And you know what that means: once again, our proud athletes from Thunderbrush Metropolitan University are going to pound the competition into the ground! With an undefeated record in the qualifiers and a bracket victory against the Rimehold Flareblooms, the Darts are unstoppable this season! Their next opponent, the Blacksky Iron Hounds, only won two of their qualifying matches, and their only bracket victory was against those pansies from the Kanzendaigaku Senshi.
We asked Darts coach Chunk Redscratch what he thought of the upcoming matchup:
"The Iron Hounds are toast, my friend! We've got a killer lineup this year- and what's more, the Blooms rolled over and died so quick we never had to field our reserve player! He's gonna be a nasty surprise for the Iron Hounds- if they even get the chance to see him take the field. And how's that gonna happen, with [Darts sniper Bolt Vanderhuge] pickin' em all off before they even get close? There's no way any team can survive what we're throwin' at 'em, plain and simple."
We reached out to team captain Dart Inocencio for his input. "We will win," he said with complete confidence. Inocencio declined further comment.
What we know about Blacksky's previous performance doesn't give us much cause to worry. Their match against the Senshi forced them to field their reserve player, and frankly, we're not impressed. Their "Alpha Doomhound" is your standard bruiser- clearly packs a punch, but we punch harder- and spectators agree that a monster like that isn't going to be able to fill in for any of the support roles, giving Punt and Bolt some obvious priority targets. What's more, rumors are swirling that the Alpha Doomhound is out of commission following the accident that rendered the Blacksky warball field unusable- meaning the Iron Hounds might not even be able to field a reserve player!
Once the Iron Hounds get stomped into the dirt, we'll be up against whichever of the Saberward Kings and the Divine Arcology Radiants wins their grudge match in Serene Peace- both teams have a reputation for fighting dirty, so the outcome there is hard to call. Either way, though, the Darts are undefeatable this year- we're not worried.
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abysscronica · 1 year
This may be a weird question but hear me out, so, Kid and Birdie started having sex before they really emotionally bonded with each other. So, if good sex kind of lead to Kid and Birdie bonding because they continued to be physically intimate until their emotions caught up to them, what would’ve changed if the sex wasn’t good? Like, if birdie just sucked at sex and made it more trouble for kid than it was worth to do it with her vs taking care of it himself would they have had the same relationship by the end of it?
Hey, thanks for the ask! A few things to unpack here.
First of all, it wasn't just the sex that made Kid and birdie's bond. Spending time together and watching the other facing different situations on the ship led to mutual respect, admiration, attraction, and in general the realization of having compatible mentalities (at least to some extent) and feeling good around each other. All these elements were very important in the development of their relationship.
That said, sex was extremely important. The short answer to your question is no, if they didn't enjoy having sex, they would not have the same relationship by the end of Captive. One of the key elements between Kid and birdie is the sheer chemistry between them. Yes, physical attraction played a big role here.
I cannot stress enough how it was birdie's personality that attracted Kid in the first place. That, and the power dynamic between them (the predator with his captive, virgin prey) that excited him to no end at the beginning. These feelings translated into magnetic physical attraction. For birdie, it was a similar, albeit longer, journey: she first fell for Kid's attitude to life, his wildness, his freedom, what he represented in contrast to the life she was constricted in since youth. It was never all about the looks - sure, they're compatible, they like each other's body, but that's not what triggered the chemistry between them.
I also want to mention that, technically, birdie did "suck" at sex at the beginning. What do you expect? She was a drunk virgin in a messed up situation. Kid knew it too, he wasn't expecting a Sasha Grey performance from her, quite the contrary in fact, he was excited at the idea of her untouched, inexperienced body. It took a while for birdie to come out of her shell and start experimenting, it just didn't seem much time because all their experiences were compressed in the span of four weeks. This was never a problem for Kid though since he always enjoyed the act to the point he didn't feel the need to go with seasoned prostitutes when he had the chance. He said so himself, he prefers birdie's freshness; he won't ever admit it out loud but he enjoyed the process of birdie learning and evolving with him and him alone, and this kind of arousal is only possible when there's mental attraction first.
So no, if they hadn't enjoyed having sex for whatever reason, they wouldn't have fallen for each other the way they did. But Kid didn't love the sex because birdie was good, he loved it because she was... well, birdie. And she got good because it was Kid.
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kudosmyhero · 3 months
Transformers: Monstrosity #5: Fallout
Read Date: May 07, 2023 Cover Date: April 2013 ● Story: Chris Metzen ◦ Flint Dille ● Art: Livio Ramondelli ● Letterer: Tom B. Long ● Editor: John Barber ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Atlas is probably giving Optimus a dose of reality he needs. how would he expect to save everyone? ● Scorponok does not suffer anyone questioning his authority. at all. ● the exodus from Cybertron has begun
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● Ratchet <3 ● 👏👏👏👏
Synopsis: In the wake of Scorponok detonating the fusion core of the Toraxxis mega-refinery, Cybertronian society is aghast at the devastation. Blaster reports on the damage, noting that thousands are dead and one of the last remaining sources of energon on-world has been destroyed by a terrorist act of the Decepticons. He directs the newsfeed to the heart of Metroplex, where Optimus Prime is speaking in honor of the dead. Optimus vows to bring those responsible to justice, to the support of the crowd and the consternation of Dai Atlas. The neutral leader holds his tongue and visits Optimus in private afterwards, again pleading for an end to the escalation. Though wracked with doubts of his own, Optimus is less than eager to accept Dai Atlas' recommendation, an exodus from the planet to seek new sources of fuel.
In Kolkular, Scorponok commands his forces to scavenge what portions of their fallen are intact and functional, but to take care not to fall prey to the weakness that caused their demise. An injured Decepticon objects, asserting that it was purely chance and not weakness that caused some to die and others to survive. Scorponok berates his subordinate's soft thinking, but is suddenly moved to action when the Decepticon mentions Megatron, an impertinence which the lackey pays for with his life. Scorponok tells the others not to scavenge the newly-dead Decepticon, because he was weak. He likewise vows that anyone who mentions Megatron will suffer similarly.
On Junkion, Megatron bursts from the roiling depths of the Acid Sea. Pentius has remained in spite of his captor having been dragged away, and is impressed that Megatron has survived. The warlord in exile remarks that the Sharkticons released him unexpectedly, a fact that Pentius finds fascinating. He remarks that while Megatron may yet escape this wreck of a planet, it is more important that he learn the lesson of its downfall. Pentius reveals to Megatron that the wretches he has encountered are the remnants of an affluent, thriving race which was beset with the exhaustion of its fuel supply. Megatron vows that he will not let the same befall Cybertron, for his thirst for dominance will keep him from the idleness of the benighted people of this world. Pentius seems satisfied with his answer.
At the Toraxxis blast site, Grimlock crawls from the ashes, his teammates nowhere to be seen.
Blaster and Dai Atlas look out upon the ships leaving Cybertron. Optimus Prime has acquiesced to Dai Atlas' request reluctantly, and though many Autobots wish to leave as well, he vows that they will remain behind and find hope for their homeworld.
Equipped with radiation shielding, an Autobot rescue team combs the blast crater for survivors. Though initially their search comes up dry, they gradually come to the conclusion that they aren't alone. While this might be survivors, the question is who, or what, could live through this?
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Fan Art: Optimus Prime by LivioRamondelli
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swerve's Bar Podcast - episode 03
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ahungeringknife · 6 months
365: May 30- June 1
Nothing came of this and I never really liked it but hey. I got it down. So something did come of it; I wrote it down! And realized in the writing I didn't like it :,D Ah well. Sometimes that happens. So it's just gonna stay on my blog and probably never be put on AO3. That's fine!
She stood at the edge of space watching Oryx spiral out towards Saturn.
It was done.
Really. Truly. Done.
Behind her a few of her friends were being revived in the Light. This time a few had stayed up but most had fallen. She didn’t blame them. Oryx had been like nothing they’d experienced before.
It felt like a trick had been played on her.
This all felt like an elaborate ruse. Why would Oryx leave the parts of himself littered around that they could craft into a perfect killing instrument against him? A gun that never ran out of bullets and would kill them if not for the immortal essence they stole from one of Oryx’s own knights. A knight he produced for them. Did he really consider that such a threat when he’d watched them destroy his Court a thousand times over, kill his Warpriest, and murder his daughters. All before his very eyes.
“Kass,” Grey called to her and she turned around, looking over her shoulder. “Let’s go,” they beckoned.
“I’ll be along.”
“We can finally bring our ships in close,” Rigel said, surprised. “Thank the Traveler, I did not want to traipse through the Throne World to get out of here.”
Kass tuned them out as Nef said, “I bet there will be a big celebration for us at the Tower like with Crota.”
Celebrate what?
If Oryx had come because of Crota’s death who would come because of Oryx’s death? Who would be called to the system by the death of a monster like Oryx? She remembered the fragments she’d found across the Dreadnaught and their recorded history. Oryx had sisters. Two sisters.
She shivered in her suit thinking about that she’d have to fight and kill two more of these Hive Gods. As she was now? Could she do it? Could her friends withstand that?
She heard her friends talking and they moved back into the room to hive Kass room to think. As they did the glowing ball of Light that had guided them through the Throne World thus far rose up from the side out over the abyss. In shimmered before her a moment before it spoke. It wasn’t the first time it had spoken to her either. “Dwell a moment on the weight of what you’ve done. Contemplate the story you just ended. Will you ever do anything that screams down the millennia? Will you ever hammer your will on the universe until it rings and rings and rings? Oryx was an awesome power. Show reverence.”
“And yet it wasn’t power to withstand me,” Kass said softly.
“Seemingly not,” the orb agreed. “A vacancy has opened, hasn’t it? How interesting. How very interesting.”
All the hair rose on Kass’ body. “A vacancy? For what?”
“A hand on the rudder of this ship. A power on the empty throne,” the orb said. “You’re a god yourself, now. Use your power to learn. There are worse things to practice being.”
She looked at the orb and then at Oryx out in the distance slowly crystallizing from whatever fucked up decomposition Hive Gods went through when they died. It was unlike any death she’d seen before. Not Crota or any other Ascendant Hive had done that. “I don’t feel like a god,” she said so quietly it was nearly a whisper.
“And yet the way you cut your way through this place, sewing such death, displaying such intimacy with the logic of the Hive. If you stop and listen the ship is calling for you. It knows what you did. It knows you killed him.”
“Not alone-
“Is the conductor not the head of an orchestra? Perhaps the final bullet wasn’t from your gun but it was you who put the bullet there. You came into this place seeking an unkillable prey and killed him. You are stronger than him. You could take this place.”
Kass stood there in silence and after a moment removed her helmet. Her silver hair glowed faintly in the dim light of the Dreadnaught. She listened like how she listened to the Light. Like how she listened to the Traveler. Able to hear it when no one else could. When even the mortal who claimed to speak for their God couldn’t even hear it! That still irritated her but Grey had made her promise to not confront the Speaker about it. But here, now, in this space; she could hear it. She could hear the great ship and the power within it. Throughout it.
“Do you hear-
She raised a hand to quiet the orb. “Who are you?” she asked it.
“Ah. Once upon a time my name was Toland,” the orb said.
“Eris told me Toland was the mad Warlock who led everyone to die in the Hellmouth to fight Crota,” Kass said.
“And did she tell you of Eriana’s blind need for vengeance? Or the fireteam’s reckless abandon within the Hellmouth itself? They thought themselves so clever but none really wanted to hear what I had to say. Shut up and take us to Crota, Toland, they said. Do not misunderstand what happened to that fireteam, young god. They came to me, Eriana begging me to take them into the Hellmouth to get evenge on Crota for killing her beloved Wei-Ning. And so I did. And when it was clear they were a lost cause I did not waste my concern on their well being. I did not drag them kicking and screaming into the Pit; they went eagerly and their fates were sealed when they failed to admire the truth around them,” Toland said.
“And what about Eris?”
“She followed Eriana like a moth to an open flame. And it burned her in the end; as Praxic Warlocks are prone to doing. When they sealed their fate I went to change mine. Which is why you see me as you do. I am beyond death.”
“That won’t happen to me if I fill this… vacancy?” she asked carefully.
“No. No no. Unless you are particularly foolish but you have shown you are anything but.”
Kass looked at Toland and then back out at Oryx floating in space. The Dreadnaught whispered to her gently, calling her name. “… Okay, what do I have to do?” she asked, looking at Toland again, purple eyes set in a hard look.
The door opened and Archibald wasn’t expecting any guests. “It’s called knocking, Grey,” he said as the Hunter came in. He was in the middle of lunch and had a guest over. Said guest was still passed out in his bed but it was the principle of the thing! He wasn’t even wearing a shirt!
His complaint was ignored full stop. “Is Kass acting weird?”
“She always acts weird. Now what are you doing here? Get out of my apartment,” he said grabbing them and pushing them out of his place.
He tried to close the door on them but they grabbed his arm. “Archibald,” they said in such a way that gave him pause. No one called him Archibald except for Zavala and Reggie, his own Ghost, anymore. He seriously looked down at Grey now and their face was tight, rigid and drawn, their eyes somehow shadowed. This wasn’t them fucking around like they did a lot. “I think something’s wrong with her.”
“Like what?” he sighed but did worry about the young Hunter. Everyone worried about her. It was practically your job to worry about Kass if you knew about her in more than a passing way.
“She’s being distant from me.” That was troubling. “She’s gone for hours and when I ping her ship it’s in formation outside of the Dreadnaught even though we’ve pulled out of there.” Yeah. The Vanguard had decided to let the Cabal have the corpse of the Dreadnaught now that the Taken King was dead.
“Have you talked to her?”
“She’s spacey. More than usual. She says its nothing.”
“And what is it?”
“Remember how she was when we finally downed Crota?”
“Yeah,” he said slowly. There had been a strange euphoria about her after that. She’d been springy and new and wild even though everyone had wanted to collapse in exhaustion. It had been almost… madness. She’d laughed at Crota’s corpse and then sobbed and laughed again before falling quiet and looking up at the empty sky where the Oversoul had looked down at them and the perpetually falling petals. Grey had had to drag her so they could crawl their way out of the Pit. She’d been so… happy. It had been more unnerving than when they’d killed Atheon and she’d been so serious and rigid and commanding.
“It’s like that. But she doesn’t listen when I talk to her. I can tell. She’s listening to something else and-
They both felt it. An invisible hand grabbed them back the necks and turned their heads towards the City hidden behind meters and meters of Wall. From his bed Archibald heard his guest wake in confusion asking what that noise was. For yes. There was a noise too.
“Do you hear that singing?” Archibald asked Grey, unable to turn and look at them.
“The Traveler,” Grey said with greater clarity than him and took off down the hall at a full sprint.
“The Traveler?” he asked the empty air. But yes. His head was being pointed directly towards the Traveler. “Reggie,” he called gruffly and jogged after Grey. Other Guardians were slowly spilling out of their rooms in confusion, curious about the singing, the calling. Reggie flew after him and dressed him in some light gear. He shouldn’t need something too heavy for being in the Tower. Reggie put him in a helmet too. That… wasn’t a good sign. Before he got to the door out of the Wall Reggie had redressed him. Heavy boots. Big pauldrons. Thick gauntlets. Full plate. No fabric or leather except for at the joins so he could bend normally.
This was bad. What about the Traveler?
He was at the head of the line trying to get out of the Wall to follow the call. When he burst out the sky was full of ships. Guardian ships. They hung suspended in the air all pointed towards the Traveler in the distance. It was there still. But it looked different.
Light poured out of the Traveler, swirling around it, radiating from every crack and seam in the outer shell. At this distance he could see something on top of the Traveler. It was a beacon of pure Light. The Light was pouring from the beacon and around the Traveler.
“Archie,” Kaley’s voice cut through his staring in his helmet.
“I’m here,” he said, jogging to the edge of the Tower.
“There’s a person on the Traveler. A Guardian.”
“Has anyone told Kass?” Nef’s voice came over as he stood at the railing of the Tower looking at the Traveler as the Light from it and the… the Guardian glowed brighter. It was so bright he couldn’t see the figure but it was like a bonfire had been lit on top of the sphere.
“No one can get in touch with her. Her Ghost isn’t accepting calls,” Kaley said frantically.
“I know where she is,” Archibald said slowly as more ships were joining the ones in the sky. He recognized them now. Not personally but they belonged to Guardians who were off world or didn’t live full time in the Tower or were running missions. The crush of bodies behind him told him the same story. Guardians were being called by the Light.
Come see.
Come see.
“What?” Kaley asked.
Archibald had been the last to die when they’d fought Atheon. His helmet had been cracked open and he remembered looking down at Kass as she’d looked up at him in fear as he started to be written out of time. ‘I trust you,’ he’d said to her. Then most of his body had been unwound and Reggie flung out into the Vault. But in that moment just before death, a thing he’d told no one, he’d seen it. He’d seen the star of pure Light Kass could become.
And there she was.
“That’s her. On the Traveler,” he said. He also remembered when their Warlocks had dropped and their Ward had fallen at the Templar that she’d pumped Archibald and Grey so full of Light it had been impossible not to destroy it. It was that or the Light would destroy them first.
“What?” Kaley asked sharply.
“Fireteam, can any of you get in touch with Kass?” Ikora’s voice cut in.
“We can’t hail her at all,” Cayde said.
“That’s her,” Archibald said gravely looking at the Traveler and the nova of Light atop it.
“What?! That’s her on the big ole’ beach ball? What’s she doing up there?” Cayde demanded. No one answered him. “Hey? You guys hear me-
“We don’t know,” Rigel snapped.
“Where’s Grey?” Archibald asked.
“Why are you worried about Gr-
Archibald muted Cayde. “Where’s Grey?” he asked his friends. “They were at my apartment when this started.
“I think— I think I see their ship out near the Traveler,” Kaley said.
“Reggie get a connection with Mr. Grey,” Archibald said. His HUD flashed on the side when it was acquired. “Grey. What are you doing? Grey, answer me,” he demanded.
“I’m on my ship,” they said. “Mr. Grey won’t let me out. Radiation this close is off the charts. If I don’t get killed in a few days she says I’ll get some fucked up cancer and die,” they chuckled.
“What are you doing?”
“Making sure when she finishes whatever this is she isn’t alone,” Grey said softly.
“You heard us?”
“I knew.”
“… How?”
“She’s my baby girl. I know everything about her,” Grey said quietly. “Make sure the Vanguard stay away.”
“… right,” Archibald said but he wasn’t sure he could even look away.
It happened in a flash. Kaley blinked and almost missed it. She and Rigel were standing on top of her ship hovering in air watching the Traveler along with a sky full of Guardians all doing the same, or safe in their ships. All watching the Traveler and the beacon of Light atop it. A beacon she knew was Kassy.
It lasted minutes and then the finale was a flash of light so bright and blinding it had whited out her vision. But when her vision cleared half a minute later
It was a miracle.
The Traveler was whole.
Or mostly whole. There was still a gaping wound in its belly but most of the missing chunks was repaired, any cracks had been healed. It was a nearly perfect white orb floating above the City. And then like it was letting out a great sigh a radiant wave of Light came off the Traveler.
There, a top the Traveler, Kaley could now see a figure. They were on their knees and looked like they had been bleached to being pure white. “Kassy-
“What the fuck is that lunatic doing?” Rigel growled out as Grey’s ship made a pass at the Traveler and they landed on the top of the Traveler as well with her. At this great distance what was happening was hard to see. But it was clear Grey tried to touch Kass and in an instant they were evaporated, just burst apart by the proximity into such a fine mist of atoms they didn’t even darken the Traveler’s clear white skin.
“Grey! Mr. Grey, are you still there?” Kaley asked urgently through Amelia.
“I’m here. They’ll be fine.”
“Did they say anything? Did Kass say anything?”
“She said… it was fine now. That everything was going to be fine.”
“I would disagree,” Rigel growled out.
Another ship came around and the figure dimmed. Only because Kaley knew what she was looking at did she realize Kass was naked because her body was blue and she rarely shaded her gear blue. “Is Ghost with her?”
“No? But he’s alive,” Mr. Grey said as the ship sucked Kass up into it and while still in atmosphere engaged NLS, vanishing in an instant.
“What the fuck was that? Someone want to give any hints?” Cayde butted into their frequency again.
“We don’t know,” Rigel said.
“That was Kass’ ship. Was that her?”
They didn’t answer at first. “Yes,” Grey’s voice said.
“The Speaker wants you to come back to the Tower. We need to discuss-
“Don’t care what the Speaker has to say,” Grey said over Ikora.
“This is serious-
“We know,” Archie said.
“Where is Kassandra?” Ikora asked seriously.
“We’ll take care of it-
“That’s not what I asked-
“Well it’s what you’re getting,” Nef snapped. Kaley was taken aback. Nef never got angry. Even during the absolute shit she was always fine.
“We’ll take care of it,” Grey said again then they switched to private and encrypted comms just for their fireteam. “I know you’re all ready. We’re going back to the Dreadnaught,” they said in a serious tone. Kaley looked over at Rigel nervously, he was looking at the Traveler and nodding along to what Grey had said.  She frowned as their Ghosts wrapped their helmets around their heads and transmatted them back into her ship. They were headed for Saturn.
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…And then three more, bullets connecting into the already fallen body.
Whether you’re all relieved by the sight or still riding out the adrenaline and panic, while you can all tell you’re no longer in danger… Those closer can still see Diantha was still very much alive. Incapacitated, yes, but alive, even if just barely. One of you may even be able to notice that she was shot in highly specific, non-lethal places with point-blank accuracy– this decision was definitely intentional, rather than it being reckless misses.
The sound of a gun being put away to a holster clicks to your ears faintly, and a voice speaks up.
“...Lycan, Fenrir, take her away. And don’t kill her– I left her alive. She’s one of the Shepherd’s presumed higher ups: one of The Lovers to be precise. It’d be convenient for us if she was kept alive for future questioning.
Bring more agents with you just in case. I may have ensured that she cannot try anything in that state, but you already know the deal with these lambs. You’ve spent more time with these crazy fucks than I did.”
Two masked men in purple-marked uniforms heed to demands as they approached to take Diantha away, and more similarly uniformed people come to help and ensure Diantha truly cannot retaliate. The threat was gone, and now all there was is safety, and the figure who had helped end the chase.
Your savior.
“...Told you they’d make it regardless. She built the ship and she didn’t even know that much?”
They quip to their coworkers first as they bring out their bo staff with a twirl, before finally deciding it was time to address you all. In fact, you start to find their voice quite familiar…
Of course, how could any of you forget all those recordings left for you to find and aid you? It’s just like every other message you’ve heard before, with the disguised inflection and instructive tone.
“Sorry for ditching you guys. I had to have a chase sequence of my own… a predator chasing its prey, if you will.
So, as the figure that turns around to greet you…
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You assume it can be no other than HANJI RUZAKI, towering over all of you.
…Or you assume it is, as they are adorning a specially painted mask like all the others. You’re sure yet unsure, as their entire demeanour was unfamiliar, the way they’re deciding to carry themselves where they stand foreign to you as it lacked that typical lazy, apathetic nature. In fact, although you were sure you knew who this was, at the same time, it also felt like you didn’t know this person at all. Their uniform has the mark of a canine just like everyone else, indicating their heavy involvement with the organization.
The air around them was thick, almost fierce, like a pillar refusing to crumble under the end of the world. They stood tall with responsibility, the previously known sarcastic hillbilly now displaying professionalism like they’ve done this for years; and they probably have, as you can sense the years of experience in their body language.
Now that you think of it, they were missing during the whole reunion and chase, weren’t they? Even Spud ends up popping his head out of the fur of Hanji’s coat. You were all so focused on Yuriko and Maxime’s reunion with you all that you barely noticed the puzzler had gone missing; in fact, it wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary to assume they have just gotten quiet.
But here they were, saving your lives.
They have been working to save your lives from the start.
“Listen up, game participants. You’re all safe here, now. You don’t have to feel trapped anymore, because you aren’t. The Tranquility Dogs will be responsible from here on out.”
Their voice softens ever so slightly.
“...You don’t have to suffer anymore. You don’t have to worry about losing loved ones to that damn cycle anymore. You don’t have to endure any more pain than you already have felt and experienced…  You may never be the same as you were before all this, but, despite everything, you’re here. And you’re out. 
And you’re still alive.”
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gigant-7project · 1 year
An unusual discovery has been made by Scout Drone - 00873
Pictured below is a corpse of a foreign alien soldier that appears to have had an unfortunate encounter with the native flying reptiles of these lands, we at Planetary Life Discovery Foundation have dubbed: Blood Wyverns that have been named a such due to their shocking resemblance to Earths western dragon myths along with their odd hunting method that involves spitting a reddish blob that resembles that of a blood clot, it just so happens that this unfortunate soul had discovered the unconventional way is very acidic and dissolves it’s preys innards like that of a spider.
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This individual appears to be wielding a blaster that most of us believe did near nothing to holt the predator of this poor soul. The drones have been ordered to find the crash site of this souls vessel but when it was eventually discovered, the ship had fallen victim to the metal eating goblins known to us as Fortimaxillatherium Kinzotaberugoburi, that simply translates to Strong jaw beast Metal eating goblin. Unfortunately we have no way to know if others will come, or if they’ll be a threat to us.
I do hope that any confrontations that may occur between us can be resolved peacefully.
- Dr Livens, Aug 17, 2175
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Ayla's history*
This is a bit off the top of my head, but here is a go at Ayla's timeline.
SD Simper introduces much of Ayla's history non-chronologically across most of the current books and some of her Patreon stories. One Patreon story describes what is probably the most significant event in Ayla's 'life,' but although that event lies quite early in Ayla's history, the story was released after Book 5 (the most current book) was published. SD's approach makes for great story telling, with important info coming out during scenes of dramatic tension, and gives readers the space to wonder and to fill things in with their imagination and what they already know. While this is a great dramatic approach I feel that just putting the timeline out up-front works better for my purpose; I am discussing things that happen in the overall story, not writing a wiki of it.
The current events of the Fallen Gods books and stories take place around the year 10,000. This calendar counts up from The Convergence, which is when three planes were crashed together, supposedly by one of the two Gods who existed at that time. A bit OT, but my interpretation is that these planes were in separate universes and two of them (Sha'Demoni and Celestiere) were collapsed into the universe containing the Earth-like world that is the mortal realm, rather than planets that coexisted in the same universe being slammed together. I feel that space and time had to be rended to merge these worlds. Either way, this was a major big deal, with the Convergence destroying most of Sha'Demoni and most of Celestiere and killing most of the beings in both places.
In the first book of the Fallen Gods series (The Sting of Victory) Ayla is 1,736 years old. That means she was born around 8300, so I am going to start there.
Year 1: The Convergence
~8300: Ayla born. Ayla was an orphan, so her exact birthday is not known. Ayla thought it was probably a couple days before she arrived at the orphanage, which was in a temple of the Goddess Sol Kareena in the region called The Theocracy. Ayla uses the latter date as her birthday. AFAICT, months and dates are not given in FG, so we don't know what day this is.
Age ? (as early as Ayla can remember): Ayla is beaten and neglected by the priests and nuns.
Age 5: Ayla finds cracks into Sha'Demoni and hides there. The demon God Izthuni becomes aware of Ayla and starts influencing her.
Age 9: Ayla is groomed by the nun who is headmistress of the orphanage (Evandalin). Eva repeatedly rapes Ayla until she hits puberty at 14; when Ayla is no longer biologically a child, Eva stops abusing her and tries to get rid of her.
Age 14: Under Izthuni's influence, Ayla kills Eva and sets her body on fire. Izthuni uses his power to burn the whole the temple in which the orphanage was based, killing everyone except Ayla.
Age 14: Ayla flees across the sea to the land of the Sun Elves by stowing away on a ship. She almost starves during the trip. This trip may have taken up to a year or so.
Age ~15 - 26: Ayla probably lived on the outskirts of small villages, and due to Izthuni's influence kidnapped, tortured, killed, and dissected elves, including children.
Age 26: Ayla moves to a small house in the woods outside the Sun Elf village of Fallanar, where she preys on locals. For unknown reasons she mutilates the husband of Mereen Fireborn, who dies of his injuries. Mereen's younger sister Sarai Fireborn moves in with her to help Mereen and Mereen's young son Eldrin.
Age 26: Sarai meets Ayla in the woods while singing. Sarai is a famous singer, but Ayla is a hermit and has never heard of Sarai nor knows how famous the Fireborn name is. Sarai and Ayla form a relationship even though Ayla is quite eccentric and constantly indicates that she is killing people, including children. Ayla agrees to move to the village and live with Sarai. Ayla plans to completely change her life, ceasing to torture and kill the elves, and to leave Izthuni's influence.
Age 26: Izthuni kidnaps Eldrin Fireborn, and tells Sarai that Ayla did it. Izthuni enables Sarai to see the cellar beneath Ayla's cottage, where she tortures and slaughters elves, then convinces her that she must kill Ayla to stop her from kidnapping and killing more children. He tells Sarai that he has chased Ayla for a long time and that she escapes as soon as she senses he is near. He says Sarai is the only hope for stopping Ayla because Ayla trusts her. Izthuni gives Sarai a magic knife with which to kill Ayla.
Age 27: The next day is the day Ayla celebrates her birthday. Sarai is supposed to come with a song for Ayla, and take her away to their new life. Instead Sarai takes advantage of the trust Ayla has for her and stabs her in the heart with the knife, killing her. Sarai returns the knife to Izthuni and goes home, where she finds celebration and joy because Eldrin has been returned. Izthuni shows up and tells Sarai that he kidnapped Eldrin, and gives her the knife with which she killed Ayla.
Age 27: Ayla is buried. Sarai sings a song she wrote for Ayla's funeral, then goes to the river by Ayla's cottage. She slits her wrists with a knife that she keeps for self-defense, then throws herself in the river. She takes Izthuni's knife into the river with her.
Age 27: Ayla climbs through the ground and out of her grave. Izthuni's knife was cursed, not magic, and creates an undead monster when it kills. Ayla is now something like a vampire, but not quite.
Age 27: Ayla kills most of the elves in Falanar, turning them. She then burns most of them to death. She kills Mereen, turning her into a vampire. She throws Eldrin in front of Mereen to tempt her, but Mereen resists and escapes with Eldrin. She takes Eldrin to relatives to be raised, and never feeds on human or elfin blood. Mereen starts a vendetta against Ayla that lasts for the next 1700 years.
Age 27: Now undead and immortal, Ayla can serve as host for Izthuni in the mortal realm. Together they combine into The Endless Night and wage genocide on the Sun Elves across centuries, killing several hundred thousand and razing entire villages and cities.
Age ~1300: Mereen and her relatives (including Tazel, who becomes involved again later), along with a daughter of the demon Goddess Ku'Shya, entrap Ayla in a magic coffin from which she cannot escape. Although unable to completely perish, Ayla becomes a shriveled corpse from starvation.
Age 1731: The undead demon Casvir resurrects Ayla using the blood of the last Priestess of the Moon, forcing eternal servitude on her. Although her official role is Grand Diplomat, Ayla conducts espionage for Casvir and commits murders for him. She does also serve as diplomat to the region of Staelash, and this is where she engages with the current events of the Fallen Gods story.
Age 1736: This is where the first Fallen Gods book, The Sting of Victory, starts. Ayla meets and falls in love with Flowridia, a young witch rescued from the woods by Etolie, one of the three members of the ruling Council of Staelash. After a fraught beginning, Flowridia is the first person that Ayla allows into her heart and trusts since Sarai.
Long and boring timeline, but it sets the stage and explains so much about the motivations that lead Ayla to her atrocious behavior and thoughts and her general sociopathy. Next time, geeky ramblings that will make no sense to anyone who has not read all the books and stories multiple times, lol.
*Ayla Darkleaf is an MC (IMO *the* MC lol) in the Fallen Gods series by SD Simper. All quotes in this blog come from one of the books or from stories in the same world posted on SD’s Patreon Links to the books and to SD's Patreon in my original post, linked below.
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a-confused-wizard · 3 years
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Look me dead in the eye and tell me that they won't be the absolute best of friends.  
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
The Sweet Appreciation of Mutual Assistance
Rating: T. Fluffy AF.
Fandom: The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez and f!reader (his assistant “Girl Sunday.”)
Warnings: soft!Javi G. 
Summary: After a short vacation, you’re welcomed back home by your boss Javi.
A/N: Sometimes I can’t stop thinking about him. I’m convinced he’s just the sweetest. If you’re interested in where the nickname “Sunday” comes from, you can find the answer in the first little fic here.
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The ocean is a blue world of breath, a sparkling expanse of glittering azure. Sometimes you just catch it watching you from your office windows and have to look back, letting it steal your concentration or sharpen it, or sometimes it just invites you to neglect all the thoughts and tasks jumbled up in your head and have a good staring contest. Sometimes it asks you a big question and you answer it by musing out over it in thought.
What did Javi do before you took your job here? When you were being interviewed and asked what his working style was, they said he’d never had an assistant before and didn’t really know. Of course, he hasn’t been running the family business for very long and even if his father is retired, Mr. Gutierrez Sr. still calls the shots. Javi is essentially a CEO in training, but it never seems like his father lets him truly make any of the big decisions. He won’t be able to take the ship in his own direction until the old man is in the ground.
It makes you a little sad. Gutierrez Sr. doesn’t seem to hear Javi. Or respect him. Condescends and treats him like a child…all while expecting him to take on the business. It’s almost like he wants his own son to fail. As if the father can walk away and let people think that he was the very best at what he did and nobody could ever replace him. Tsk. Wouldn’t it be better to walk away from your business and leave it healthy and thriving? Wouldn’t it be better for your legacy to be the founder of a strong organization and not just “the only one who could keep it going” only to watch it die when you step off? Wouldn’t it be better to embolden your own son and put your pride and faith in him rather than leave him buffeted and sinking?
Well. You weren’t going to let that happen. Javi wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s a genuine and empathic man. But he’s at the opposite end of incompetent. You’d fallen prey to the first impressions yourself–a sweet man-child that let his emotions and interests get in the way of being an efficient and driving force of the company. But it wasn’t true. He may smile blankly and emit an air of tedium in meetings, he may spend a lot of free time daydreaming or watching movies. But, in the end, he hears and sees everything and the best practices and solutions come to him immediately, without effort. He’ll sit through an hour presentation seeming to contemplate switching out the color of his shoelaces, but he’s already formulated the decision he’s going to make three minutes into the drone. He’s not lazy or distracted, he’s not too soft for the position, he’s just…
It’s easy for him. Three minutes and he has a solution to some financial problem but is so polite that he feels he has to sit there another 57 minutes listening to the figures when he’d rather be using that time to write the big action scene in his hobby screenplay. He follows his passion; he thrives on newness and challenge, has a creative heart. He’ll sit for a whole afternoon at his laptop trying to get one section of dialogue just perfect…
The ocean catches you smiling at this thought.
Being away for a week’s vacation was actually excruciating. You had family visiting the country so you went inland to spend time with them at Javi’s insistence. He’d even stood firm on paying for your nice hotel and sending you off with a hefty per diem. And he did require that you take your family members out to some of the best restaurants in the city. You humbly watched as he called in the reservations himself, using his friendly influence to get you the best tables, private service, secret menus, and covered tabs, all pleases and thank yous as if just his name alone wouldn’t adequately do the job. You’d bit your lip and gave him the look–the one that said, “Please, sir, you really don’t have to”--and yet, he’d continued, even trying to wipe that look off your face with a distracting boop to your nose while on the phone pleading with the country’s most celebrated chef.
He only asked that you not think about work at all, that if he caught you checking in he’d be very disappointed.
Although he didn’t come to see you off, you did open your suitcase on arrival to find a handwritten note.
“There is a candy shop on the corner of Calle de Villanueva and Calle Serrano that has the best toffees and violetas. A little bit of sweet and sour. I think you would like them. ”
The rest of the letterhead was taken up by a rather scribbly map showing the walking path from your accommodations, a little drawing of a wrapped candy standing in for the shop, and a stick figure of a woman (with an arrow pointing to her, labeling her as “Sunday”) at the site of your hotel.
And while it was nice to see family come so far from home, you often found yourself checking your phone, waiting for a request or a new script page or even a “what do you think about this shirt” photo. But you knew he would be very strict about not bothering you, wanting so much for you to have a good time away. Instead, you distracted yourself now and then by walking down to the candy shop and asking for a sample. He was right, they made very fine sweets.
Upon your return, you hadn’t even unpacked, just came straight to your office to look through the signature requests and check on any mail. But your desk is immaculate. He’d taken care of everything.
He probably didn’t write a word all week. You wonder if he even had time to get out onto the water or go for a swim. Had he had any time to himself at all?
The ocean cannot answer this question for you. It is deafening in its silence.
So much so that you don’t even hear the knock at the door, hardly even register the overjoyed exclamation of “Sunday!” before you are swept up in arms that are much stronger than they look and swung around in a short circle. He holds you out and looks you over as if checking to make sure you’ve been returned to him whole and happy and undamaged, approving of your surprise with a bright grin and satisfied smile.
“Did you have a good week?”
“I did. Thank you for everything, sir. How did the Seville proposal go?”
“Ach,” he groans, tossing his head as if to clear the item, obviously not interested in talking shop. “Everything is approved. I’ll have Marco send you the papers. Don’t even look at them, just put them in the file. It is done. Did you have the special at El Maison?”
You laugh. “I did. It was amazing.”
“Good. Did you take any pictures of your time? I would like to see what you did.” Swiftly taking a seat on your office couch, he pats the seat next to him, eager for you to sit close and tell him everything.
“Of course, but also,” stepping first to the desk to retrieve a package before joining him on the couch and placing it in his hands, “I brought you something.”
He cycles through surprise, recognition, and a grateful smile in a matter of three seconds as he opens the small box, its pastel shade of green a trademark of the candy store. “Toffees and violetas!”
“Toffees and violetas.”
There are smiles all around as you pull out your phone and open the camera roll, as he unwraps two candies (one for each of you), as he asks about the people in the photos and compliments every shot, as you explain your favorite sculpture in a museum or view from a hillside, as he makes you laugh with a comment on a particularly bad selfie and seizes the opportunity to pop a toffee into your mouth.
You’re still not exactly sure what Javi did before you came to work here.
But you have a small suspicion that perhaps now he smiles a little more.
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
Please i'm begging youu i want to see more fantasy au for tokrev and that pirate would be so good i even have some idess on me already 😩
i’m currently sleep-deprived, so some of these are probably really basic and there’s most likely errors somewhere in here skdkcmdksk
also, requests may be closed, but discussions and more ideas are absolutely welcome.
faerie!kokonoi, who preys on the heartbroken drunkards at upscale bars, listening with a secretive smile as they spill their life stories to the bartender. silver-tongued and clever, kokonoi purrs his condolences, slipping their name into the conversation with ease and feigning oblivion when they, cloudy-eyed and ignorant, hand over their precious bank information and the locations of their valuables.
tailor!mitsuya unable to concentrate on stitching up a torn dress with the incessant clanging in the background and snapping at blacksmith!pah-chin, who’s busy forging knight!baji a new sword. mitsuya chastises baji for being so careless, but all baji does is grumble and turn away, black oil and dirt smeared on his flushed cheeks and long hair clinging to his sweat-stained forehead from his previous sparring session.
wizard!mitsuya spinning golems out of clay and shooing them away with an order to find him more materials to craft matching cloaks for his newest apprentices, luna and mana.
leprechaun!nahoya luring unsuspecting villagers into the forest with the promise of gold coins, only to send branches crashing down onto their heads when they venture far enough. they shout irately and scramble after him as he tumbles, laughing, into the shadows… but it’s no use. he’s too fast.
mermaid!yuzuha punching the shit out of pirates and dragging them down from their ships when they disturb and/or hunt the peaceful merfolk
knight!draken pledging his life to princess!emma
werewolf!baji, who appears to casually laugh off questions about his sharp, prominent canines; when in reality, when he’s secretly sweating bullets. werewolf!baji, whom the others wrinkle their noses at and tease when he orders his steak rare. werewolf!baji, who can’t hide the particularly ferocious, almost predatory glint in his eye that only appears during brawls after the sun has fallen. everyone laughs it off, mistaking his bloodlust for adrenaline. it’s only baji, he’s just intense, they reason.
half-blood!takemichi, who leaps through time with the protective blood of a phoenix coursing through his veins. half-blood!takemichi, whose blood aids him in resisting the beckon of death that pries at the empty body he habitually leaves behind and enables him to keep rising back to his feet no matter who knocks him down.
dybbuk!shinichiro, whose rage inhabits mikey’s body, only flaring to aid in crushing kazutora beneath his little brother’s fist. dybbuk!shinichiro, who plucks away at mikey’s sanity day in and day out, demanding for his death to be avenged. dybbuk!shinichiro, who is the reason that mikey can no longer set foot in his bike shop, because no matter how hard he tries, mikey can’t seem to shut out the eerie groaning of forgotten bikes as they rust away or the crackling squelch of metal colliding with bone that he’s positive he’s never heard before—so why is he hearing it now?
executioner!kazutora, who has no problem with the unjust slaughters that tyrant!kisaki approves, because his unchecked guilt can only be satiated by “cleansing the kingdom of immoral souls.” executioner!kazutora, who hums a crude tavern song as he takes his sweet time lining up his blade with the neck of the shivering woman hunched before him—the shivering woman whose only crime is swiping some bread to feed her starving family. executioner!kazutora, who only finds retribution in the twisted cycle of playing the role of god’s “divine” axe.
knight!toman forming a wall in front of their king to square off against an approaching army, a measly one hundred men with fire in their eyes and swords dripping with blood—a measly one hundred men fully prepared to offer up their lives to protect king!mikey.
jester!hanma, who flirts with the women of the court and openly takes cheap shots at tyrant!kisaki, regardless of whether or not he’s in the vicinity. still, it doesn’t matter how humorous the joke is. no one dares to allow even a twitch of their lips. how hanma hasn’t been executed yet, they don’t know.
pirate!nahoya, who cackles like a madman and jeers at an opposing ship from his place perched atop the crow’s nest
apothecary!souya meeting his future s/o in a field of lavender while he’s searching for fresh herbs. apothecary!souya, who’s mortified by the chalky powder spattered on his overalls and runs a hand through his hair, accidentally smearing a yellow dust through his blue curls. apothecary!souya, who blushes when you kindly offer to brush the powder from his hair. apothecary!souya, who offers you one of the dandelions peeking from his pocket as a gesture of gratitude.
ladies-in-waiting!emma and hina scurrying off to deliver empty dishes to cook!mitsuya, who leans forward expectantly to hear the latest gossip when they approach him with sparkling eyes and poorly concealed smiles.
adviser!draken storming into king!mikey’s private chambers without an invitation to shout at him for neglecting his duties and drag him by the ankle out of bed
sorceress!hina enchanting a four-leaf clover necklace with a spell to keep knight!takemichi safe in battle
spymaster!sanzu scaring the shit out of his scribe!s/o whenever he pops up in the windows of the library in all black with no prior warning
doll-maker!izana, who lives in a secluded area of the woods with his apprentice kakucho and obsessively lines his shelves with replicas of the older brother he wishes he had
knight-in-training!chifuyu working extra hard to impress knight!baji, who had recruited him and taken him under his wing
steampunk inventor!chifuyu, who’s never seen without his trademark goggles that kazutora always pokes fun at and threadbare overalls splattered with oil stains. inventor!chifuyu, who nearly has a heart attack when baji hobbles in on one leg, grinning at him with a face swollen with bruises while waving his detached prosthetic leg in greeting. inventor!chifuyu, who keeps wrenches on his belt specifically to hurl at his idiot friends whenever they come into his shop all beat-up with their bronze prosthetics severely damaged
steampunk!hanma, who has a glass eye with the word “pain” engraved on the iris. steampunk!hanma, who asks kisaki to hold something for him. when the latter holds his hand out with an exasperated sigh, hanma sets his replacement eye in his palm and cackles hysterically when kisaki promptly jolts with disgust and chucks it across the room
cyberpunk!sanzu, who’s already inebriated but continues to drown deeper in the neon lights of the club as he pops an array of glowing pills into his mouth, body numb to the robotic assistants that hum around him and intermingle with the equally delirious crowd in case someone were to collapse from overdosing
masquerade!mitsuya, who smiles at you with such kindness and respect as he guides you onto the marble floor that you immediately resolve to discover his identity at a later date
masquerade!kakucho, who does everything in his power to prevent you from uncovering his identity. masquerade!kakucho, who fears that you’ll be disgusted with his deformed appearance once you see his scar.
samurai!yuzuha, who rescues you from a band of thieves but is perplexed when you insist on repaying her goodwill. samurai!yuzuha, who eventually starts coming to you whenever she needs her wounds bandaged or a home-cooked meal. samurai!yuzuha, who refuses to let you touch her sword with your pure, unsullied hands.
potion-maker!ran, who always despises when rindou barges into his workspace for nothing else than to tip over a couple jars and poke fun at his craft. potion-maker!ran, whose skin and hair have been permanently imprinted with the scent of clove and allspice berries. potion-maker!ran, who concocts love spells and perfumes that grant increased intimacy for the lovesick women who visit him when their own assets aren’t working. potion-maker!ran, who smiles charmingly and calls his female customers “darling.” potion-maker!ran, who has no problem with allowing them to test his products on him in order to guarantee their potency—but only if they’re attractive and have a pretty penny to spare :)
gunslinger!mikey, who almost shoots his big toe off trying to impress the beautiful barmaid across the room
servant!baji, who isn’t the slyest but always makes sure he leaves out a saucer of cream for the stray cats that wander through the town during the night, regardless of how much trouble he gets in. servant!baji, who develops a forbidden bond with his royal!s/o due to their shared love of animals. servant!baji, who is ignorant of the ways of courtship but does his best to flirt with you, however flustered and awkward he may be. servant!baji, who sheepishly seeks advice from his mother about how to impress royalty despite him being unable to offer you any material items.
necromancer!takemichi who doesn’t know wtf is going on and is literally only a necromancer because he fucked up reading a recipe for garlic bread that was written in cursive
vampire!kokonoi, who looks wistfully upon his collection of dusty, old perfume bottles as he recalls how they’d been the most expensive items on the market centuries ago. vampire!kokonoi, who possesses splintered, wooden chests overflowing with outdated currency that will never again be utilized. vampire!kokonoi, who sits for hours and stares at the photo of the young woman that he’s preserved in mint condition for countless years, wondering why he can’t remember who she is
half-blood!mikey, who wonders why his legs are so much stronger than the rest of his body, why he’s always been so much faster than his peers, and why they’re always chock-full of energy. half-blood!mikey, who’s blissfully unaware that the blood of his ancestors is not as it seems. half-blood!mikey, who has zero clue that his lineage marks him a descendant of the minotaur.
farmer!chifuyu, who’s too shy to approach the seamstress’s daughter, so he resigns himself to only admiring her from afar until she makes a move herself. farmer!chifuyu, who’s beyond embarrassed when he accidentally bumps into her, the dirt and grime on his clothing soiling her pristine outfit. farmer!chifuyu, who tries to brush it off, only to panic when the dust on his hands stains the fabric. farmer!chifuyu, who shows up at your mother’s shop the next day to apologize and is nearly chased out due to his kind “not belonging there,” only for you to object and invite him in, claiming that he’s your friend.
jack the ripper!sanzu, who leans up against a dirty brick building with his head low, tongue clicking in rhythm with the slim hands on his golden pocket watch as he decides on his next victim. jack the ripper!sanzu, who dons a simple, shapeless white mask that contrasts sharply with the elaborate feather woven into his top hat. jack the ripper!sanzu, whom others eye skeptically when he skillfully, easily slices his steak into cross-sections with nothing more than a butter knife. jack the ripper!sanzu, who smiles so charmingly at women, basking in their ignorance as he lures them into a sense of false security with a few sweet words. jack the ripper!sanzu, who seals all of his letters documenting his crimes with a lipstick-stained kiss and giggles manically when it smears onto his cheek. jack the ripper!sanzu, who is taken aback when one of his targets whirls on him with anger in their eyes and a knife gripped in their hands, fully prepared to give him a dose of his own medicine.
achilles!izana and patroclus!kakucho. that’s all i have to say. y’all know what’s up👀
soothsayer!takemichi, who’s looked down upon by his fellow prophets because of his frenetic efforts to change the future. while the rest lounge beneath the shade of trees, sweet-smelling smoke curling from their ornate pipes and hazy eyes trailing after people who they know are supposed to die tomorrow, takemichi is doing his best to track them down to warn them of their fate. “he’s just a boy,” the others chuckle, “he won’t make a difference.”
victorian era painter!s/o, who finds seishu inui snoozing beneath a tree and resolves to capture his beauty on a canvas. seishu, who’s well-aware of what you’re doing but decides to let you have your fun. painter s/o, who’s mortified when seishu happens to “wake up” as soon as they sigh with satisfaction and requests to see the picture.
barista!izana, who mixes drugs into his drinks for certain customers while they discreetly slide a handsome wad of cash across the counter
archer!chifuyu, who accidentally spears his superior through the leg while struggling with his bow. archer!chifuyu, who meets kazutora in the dungeons and befriends him during the one night he spends there. archer!chifuyu, who is confused and hesitant when he is abruptly assigned to join the ranks of the prince’s bodyguards. archer!chifuyu, who is white with shock when he sees kazutora stroll into the room, a golden crown balanced atop his head and a wide smile blooming upon his lips when he spots his new friend.
potion-maker!souya, whose face always softens whenever you stop by his shop during your daily mail delivery route. potion-maker!souya, who’s ashamed of himself for having considered exploiting your trust in him and slipping a love potion into your drink. potion-maker!souya, who always offers to make you something befitting the occasion whenever you’re running low on energy, not feeling well, or are nervous about something. potion-maker!souya, who’s too shy to confess his feelings for you.
town crier!nahoya, who sometimes slips a swear word or two into his announcements and prefers to storm the town on horseback, disregarding his elaborate attire. town crier!nahoya, who has definitely snatched you off the street during his routes, leaving you to cling to his sweat-dampened clothes and shout at him for being such an imbecile.
shapeshifter!nahoya, who diligently keeps his eyes closed because he can change everything about his appearance, except for his distinctive eye color.
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