#i mean my perspective is skewed by my geography and the fact i run mostly in artist circles but still
legobiwan · 4 years
idk who you support but i’m really scared about biden getting the nomination cause he so would not beat trump
(Fair warning, real-life politics mini-rant incoming).
Sigh. I'm really disappointed (and surprised, tbh) that so much of the electorate seemed to go for the "safe" candidate. I wonder how many Biden voters went for Hilary vs. Trump in 2016. I also wonder what those demographics were. (No one in my social circle of 30-something professional artsy liberals was going for Biden, that's for sure.) Then again, if the more conservative arm of the Democratic party is willing to go for Biden, maybe he'd have a better chance in 2020? I don't know. I personally would love Bernie or Warren to get the nomination, but seeing as Warren hasn't gained any traction (that's a different story for a different day) I've been all in for Bernie at this point. If Biden gets the nom, I'll vote for him because the alternative is far worse, but I won't be thrilled to do so. How this will play out in November is anyone's guess. Our system is a disaster and I'm counting more on state/local than federal government to keep the sanity. Luckily, I live in a place where that's a possibility.
For my fellow American followers who are also unhappy: VOTE IN YOUR LOCAL ELECTIONS. Do your downballot research. The only way we're going to really change things is from the ground up.
This has been a lego psa. Now back to Star Wars.
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