#i mention his height but he's six feet he's still two inches shorter than zander
spookyboywhump · 3 years
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i wanted to try and make Malachi’s whumper and this is my go to picrew for any character who’s not a scrawny prettyboy twink-
 dude is a lot more of a hypothetical being in the few things i’ve written with him but he’s more fleshed out in my head. he’s not really an angry explosive kind of whumper. he doesn’t seem to go out of his way to torment pets (his own or others) for absolutely no reason, nor does he seem to have any intimate interest in them. In fact, he really doesn’t spend much time around other pet owners, and he’s generally a very quiet, unassuming guy. The only thing maybe intimidating about him at first glance is his height. He likes to keep to himself, and push around whatever poor pet he’s keeping to do his housework for him. He tends to avoid stirring up trouble with other pet owners, and despite the fact he himself can afford a pet, he views a lot of them as stuck up and pretentious (including Nicholas, but he doesn’t have to like him to refrain from burning that bridge)
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