#i need to write my love letter to octavia butler bloodchild it like actually saved me from at least one thread of mental anguish
stilitana · 4 years
im starting to read annihilation and one of these days after the years it takes me to formulate a thought, i am going to have something to say about how within the genre of ‘cosmic horror,’ works riffing on similar images & themes using the same tropes/mechanics (body horror, found fragments of firsthand accounts, etc) manage to convey extremely different messages. julia kristeva abjection goes here somewhere. which part of awe have you chosen to emphasize, the horror/repulsion or the adoration/attraction. (it’s always both, since works focusing on horror/repulsion often note that what makes the object so horrific is that it is somehow attractive/desirable, incorporates elements of beauty/the sacred/humanity and corrupts them, etc. a trope i hate and am entirely sick of seeing and have nothing to say about except for what it says about whoever created the image, whoever’s nightmare it is.) blah. if i was well read i would probably be aware of like several books that have already thought this through and could just read them lmao
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