#i started drawing this thinking of submitting it in the sea of lights event but
poigdomevents · 2 years
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Faedom Week 2022 Event Guidelines
Faedom Week 2022 is a fanworks event to commemorate the conclusion of Not-Poignant’s Fae Tales Verse series, will be seven days long, and take place from September 4th to September 10th. The primary archive will be on tumblr, but you can post on any social you choose, and multiple ones if you wish. When the event goes live on September 4th, this tumblr will start reblogging all posts on tumblr, and sharing posts from other media with permission. Please use #FaedomWeek2022 when posting.
(Section 1 is in English, please scroll for French, German, and Italian)
Day 1 / September 4th: “Deeper into the Woods”; different first meeting; multishipping; domestic
Day 2 / September 5th: “Game Theory”; hurt/comfort; favorite scene; daemon AU
Day 3 / September 6th: “The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad”; heartsong; alignment reversal; formalwear and uniforms
Day 4 / September 7th: “The Court of Five Thrones”; love language; family; magic
Day 5 / September 8th: “The Ice Plague: Book 1 - The Forest of Fire”; alternate universe; hunger; masks
Day 6 / September 9th: “The Ice Plague: Book 2 - The Seething Seas”; modern AU; overpowered; shifters
Day 7 / September 10th: “The Ice Plague: Book 3 - The Ice Plague”; the future/after; soulmates; light
When can I post?
You can post when you like, but this tumblr will not start reblogging until 12:01 AM on September 4th, British Summer Time/Wales, UK (GMT+1).
What kind of things may I post?
Anything you’d like! There is by and large no limitation on medium or length. Faedom folks have done fanfiction, fanart (including drawings, paintings, sculpture, thread crafts, pottery), fanmusic, fanimation, cosplay, retrospectives, manips, photography, tiktoks, video compilations, memes… All and anything else you can think of should be fine! SFW and NSFW content is allowed.
The one exception is that we will not be reblogging/posting submissions containing AI-generated artwork in a final composition (more about this here). If the AI-generated piece is actually used in the final work and is visible/not covered by other non-AI-generated artwork by the poster/submitter, it will not be reblogged/posted on the event blog. To a certain extent, this is something we may not always spot immediately, so if we post such a piece by accident and it's later brought to our attention, we may take it down, but this will be approached on a case-by-case basis.
Will the event be spoiler free?
The event is specifically taking place after the conclusion of canon so that folks can put up stuff for the ending if they wish, or any point in canon or all Fae Tales Verse AUs, so the event will not be spoiler-free.
I don’t have a tumblr/don’t want to link back to my tumblr/my accounts for this event, can I still participate?
If you don’t have a tumblr or don’t wish to post somewhere other than tumblr, either, you can submit your work directly to the event tumblr. Tumblr will ask you for a name and an email address, but doesn’t check if they’re real, so you can make one up (e.g., Anon at [email protected]), and the email address, whether real or fake, will not appear when the post is posted publicly. You can also message the mods here or on Discord about posting on your behalf.
What if I post somewhere that isn’t tumblr?
If you’d like the work to be shared on tumblr even though it’s posted elsewhere, you can message the event tumblr to let us know where it is and that it’s okay to link here, post on Discord and let us know you’re okay with it to be linked on the event tumblr, or, if possible, one of the event mods will contact you to ask if it’s all right to link on the event tumblr. Or you can just submit it directly to the event tumblr.
Will there be an event twitter or other social?
Outside Discord, there aren’t central fandom centers, so the tumblr will be it, though it is still okay to post on other socials! There will be no event collection on Archive of Our Own, either, but the tag will still be helpful to find all the fics!
Do I have to post every day?
No! You can post on as many or as few days as you wish! You can even post multiple times a day if you’d like! Some folks wait until the end of an event to post everything at once, and that’s fine, too! The event tumblr will be active until midnight on September 17th, British Summer Time/Wales, UK (GMT+1), so you have lots of time!
Do I have to post something that aligns with one/all of the daily prompts?
No! You can post something for one, some, all, or none of the daily prompts! You can even post something for a daily prompt on a different day (e.g., “Deeper into the Woods” is day 1, but if you wanted to post something for it on Day 4, that’s fine). The prompts are there to help creativity, but you can ignore any/all of them as you wish! The goal of the event is to celebrate Not-Poignant’s Fae Tales Verse, so anything that is Fae Tales Verse related is great, even if it doesn’t follow the event schedule!
I can’t post on x day because I’m busy/will be somewhere without good Internet connectivity, but don’t want to be late!
As stated above, the tumblr will be active for about a week after the event ends, and you don’t have to post specific things on specific days if you don’t want to or are unable to. But if you’d like a post to go up on a specific day, you can submit it to this tumblr, and we’ll post it on the requested day.
La Semaine Faedom 2022 est un événement fanworks ayant lieu pour commémorer la conclusion de la série des Fae Tales de Not-Poignant, qui durera sept jours et aura lieu du 4 septembre au 10 septembre. L’archive principale sera sur Tumblr, mais vous pouvez publier vos créations sur le ou les réseaux sociaux de votre choix. Quand l'événement commencera le 4 septembre, ce compte tumblr commencera à rebloguer tous les posts sur Tumblr, et partagera les posts venant d’autres sources avec leur permission. S’il vous plaît, utilisez #FaedomWeek2022 pour participer. 
Jour 1 / 4 Septembre: “Deeper into the Woods”; première rencontre différente; multishipping; familial/domestique/domesticJour 2 / 5 Septembre: “Game Theory”; douleur/réconfort; scène préférée; UA daemon
Jour 3 / 6 Septembre: “The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad”; chant de coeur/heartsong; changement d’alignement; tenues de soirée et uniformes
Jour 4 / 7 Septembre: “The Court of Five Thrones”; langage affectif/love language; famille; magie
Jour 5 / 8 Septembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 1 - The Forest of Fire”; univers alternatif; faim; masques
Jour 6 / 9 Septembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 2 - The Seething Seas”; UA moderne; surpuissant; lycanthropes/shifters
Jour 7 / 10 Septembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 3 - The Ice Plague”; le futur/après; Âmes soeurs; lumière
Quand puis-je publier?
Vous pouvez publier quand vous voulez, mais ce tumblr commencera à rebloguer les billets à minuit et une minute le 4 septembre, fuseau horaire du Pays de Galles & d’été du Royaume Uni (GMT+1).
Quel genre de choses puis-je publier? 
Tout ce que vous voulez! Il n’y a pas de limitation quant au temps ou à la taille. Les Faefans ont produit des fanfictions, du fanart (incluant des dessins, des peintures, de la sculpture, des travaux d’aiguille, de la poterie…), de la fanmusique, des fanimations, du cosplay, des rétrospectives, des photomanips, de la photographie, des tiktoks, des memes… Tout ce à quoi vous pourriez penser pourrait aller! Les contenus SFW et NSFW sont permis.
Est-ce que l'événement contiendra des divulgâchis (ou spoilers)?
L'événement prend fin spécifiquement après la conclusion du canon afin que les gens puissent proposer des travaux portant sur la fin s’ils le souhaitent, ou sur n’importe quel moment de l’histoire ou des univers alternatifs, donc l’événement ne peut pas exclure les spoilers.
Je n’ai pas de tumblr/ ne veux pas lier ma participation à mon Tumblr/ mes comptes de réseaux sociaux pour cet événement, puis-je participer quand même?
Si vous n’avez pas de tumblr ou ne souhaitez pas poster sur un réseau social autre que Tumblr, vous pouvez envoyer votre travail directement sur ce tumblr via le bouton “submit”. Tumblr vous demandera un nom et une adresse email, mais ne vérifie pas s’ils sont authentiques, donc vous pouvez en inventer (par ex., Anonyme et [email protected]), et l’adresse email, vraie ou fausse, n’apparaîtra pas quand le billet sera publié publiquement. Vous pouvez également contacter les modérateurs ici ou sur Discord afin qu’ils publient votre travail pour vous. 
Et si je publie sur un autre réseau social que Tumblr?
Si vous voulez que votre travail soit partagé sur Tumblr même s’il est publié ailleurs, vous pouvez envoyer un message au Tumblr hôte de l’évènement, ou bien sur Discord, afin de nous indiquer où le trouver et si vous permettez qu’on le partage sur le Tumblr. Si c’est possible, l’un des modérateurs de l’évènement vous contactera pour demander la permission de partager votre publication sur le Tumblr. Ou bien vous pouvez envoyer vos travaux au Tumblr hôte de l’évènement. 
Y aura-t-il un twitter ou autre réseau social pour cet événement?
En-dehors de Discord, il n’y a pas de points de concentration pour ce fandom, donc Tumblr sera le seul réseau social pour cet événement, mais il est tout-à-fait possible de publier sur d’autres réseaux sociaux! Il n’y aura pas de centralisation de l’événement sur Archive of Our Own, non plus, mais le tag sera cependant utile pour retrouver toutes les fanfics! 
Dois-je participer tous les jours?
Non! Vous pouvez participer à autant ou aussi peu de jours que vous le souhaitez, même plusieurs fois par jour si vous le souhaitez! Certaines personnes attendent la fin d’un événement et publient tout d’un coup, et c’est tout aussi bien! Le tumblr de l’événement sera actif jusqu’à plus ou moins une semaine après la fin de l’événement, donc vous avez tout votre temps!
Dois-je publier quelque chose qui soit conforme à un/tous les thèmes du jour?
Non! Vous pouvez publier quelque chose qui correspond à un, plusieurs, tous, ou aucun des thèmes journaliers! Vous pouvez même publier quelque chose pour le thème d’un jour différent (par exemple, “Deeper into the Woods” est un thème du 1er jour, mais si vous voulez publier quelque chose concernant cette histoire au 4e jour, ça ne pose aucun problème). Les thèmes sont là pour aider votre créativité, mais vous pouvez les ignorer autant que vous le souhaitez. Le but de l’événement est de célébrer les Fae Tales de Not-Poignant, donc tout ce qui a un lien avec sera fantastique, même si ça ne correspond pas au programme de l'événement!
Je ne peux pas publier tel jour parce que je suis occupé.e/ je serai dans un endroit où la connexion est mauvaise, mais je ne veux pas être en retard!
Comme élaboré plus haut, le tumblr sera actif jusqu’à une semaine après la fin de l’événement, et vous n’avez pas à publier de choses spécifiquement selon le programme de l’événement si vous n’en avez pas envie ou si nous ne le pouvez pas. Mais si vous voulez qu’une publication soit publiée selon un timing spécifique, vous pouvez la soumettre à ce Tumblr, et nous la publierons au moment convenut.
Faedom Week 2022 ist ein Fanwork-Event, mit dem wir das Ende von Not-Poignants Fae Tales Verse zelebrieren wollen. Es wird sieben Tage gehen, und findet zwischen dem 4. und dem 10. September statt. Das Archiv des Events wird auf Tumblr sein, aber ihr könnt eure Beiträge auf jeder Social-Media-Plattform posten, oder auch auf mehreren gleichzeitig. Wenn das Event am 4. September live geht, werden alle Beiträge auf Tumblr über den Faedom Week Tumblr-Account gereblogged; Beiträge auf anderen Plattformen werden mit eurer Erlaubnis ebenfalls auf Tumblr geteilt. Für eure Posts nutzt bitte den Tag #FaedomWeek2022.
Tag 1 / September 4th: “Deeper into the Woods”; Ein anderes erstes Treffen; multishipping; häuslicher Alltag/domestic
Tag 2 / September 5th: “Game Theory”; hurt/comfort; lieblingszene; daemon AU
Tag 3 / September 6th: “The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad”; herzlied/heartsong; gesinnungsumkehr/alignment reversal; formelle kleidung und uniformen
Tag 4 / September 7th: “The Court of Five Thrones”; liebessprache/love language; familie; magie
Tag 5 / September 8th: “The Ice Plague: Book 1 - The Forest of Fire”; alternatives universum; hunger; masken
Tag 6 / September 9th: “The Ice Plague: Book 2 - The Seething Seas”; modern AU; übermächtig/overpowered; gestaltwandler
Tag 7 / September 10th: “The Ice Plague: Book 3 - The Ice Plague”; die zukunft/danach; seelenverwandte/soulmates; licht
Ab wann kann ich posten?
Du kannst deine Beiträge posten wann du möchtest, aber die Posts werden erst ab dem 4. September um 12:01 AM (British Summer Time/Wales, UK (GMT+1)) auf dem Event-Tumblr gereblogged.
Was darf ich posten?
Alles, was du möchtest! Es gibt keine Vorgaben in Bezug auf Medium oder Länge. Fanfiktion, Fan-Art (Zeichnungen, Malerei, Skulpturen, Textilarbeiten, Töpferarbeiten), Fanmusik und –animationen, Cosplay, Retrospektiven, Fotos und Fotomanips, TikTok-Videos, Compilation-Videos, Memes... das alles und alles was dir sonst noch einfällt ist erlaubt! Beiträge können sowohl SFW als auch NSFW sein.
Wird das Event spoilerfrei sein?
Dieses Event findet nach dem Abschluss der Serie statt, sodass Fanworks sich mit dem Ende der Serie oder jedem anderen Zeitpunkt in der Serie oder den zugehörigen AUs beschäftigen können. Das Event wird also nicht spoilerfrei sein.
Ich habe keinen Tumblr-Account/Ich möchte dieses Event nicht zu meinem Tumblr-Account/meinen Accounts linken, kann ich trotzdem teilnehmen?
Wenn du keinen Tumblr-Account hast und deine Beiträge auch nicht auf einem anderen Social-Media-Account posten möchtest, kannst du deinen Beitrag direkt beimm Event-Tumblr einreichen (Funktion „Einen Eintrag senden“). Du musst dann deinen Namen und eine Mailadresse angeben, diese wird jedoch nicht überprüft, du kannst dir also etwas ausdenken (z.B. Anon und [email protected]), und die Mailadresse wird nicht im öffentlichen Post angezeigt, egal ob sie fake oder echt ist. Alternativ kannst du auch die Moderator_innen auf Tumblr oder Discord persönlich anschreiben, wenn du möchtest, dass sie deinen Beitrag stellvertretend posten.
Was wenn ich auf einer anderen Plattform als Tumblr poste?
Wenn du deinen Beitrag auf einer anderen Plattform geteilt hast und möchtest, dass er auch auf Tumblr geteilt wird, kannst du dem Event-Tumblr eine Nachricht schreiben, damit wir wissen, wo wir deinen Beitrag finden und dass wir ihn auf dem Event-Tumblr verlinken dürfen. Du kannst deinen Beitrag auch im Discord posten und uns wissen lassen, dass es okay ist, ihn auf dem Event-Tumblr zu linken. Falls es für uns möglich ist, kann es auch sein, dass die Eventmoderator_innen dich kontaktieren, um zu fragen, ob wir deinen Beitrag auf dem Event-Tumblr verlinken dürfen. Oder du kannst deinen Beitrag direkt auf dem Event-Tumblr als Submission einreichen (Funktion „Einen Eintrag senden“).
Wird es einen Event-Account auf Twitter oder einer anderen Social-Media-Plattform geben?
Außer auf Discord gibt es zurzeit keine anderen Fandomzentren, deshalb findet das Event nur auf Tumblr statt. Du kannst aber trotzdem auf anderen Plattformen posten! Es wird auch keine Fanfiktion-Collection auf Archive of Our Own geben, aber wenn ihr den Event-Tag benutzt, kann das helfen, eure Event-Fics zu finden!
Muss ich jeden Tag etwas posten?
Nein! Du kannst an so vielen oder an so wenigen Tagen wie du möchtest teilnehmen! Du kannst sogar mehrmals am Tag posten, wenn du möchtest! Manche warten gerne bis zum Ende eines Events um alle ihre Beiträge auf einmal zu posten, und auch das ist in Ordnung! Der Event-Tumblr wird für etwa eine Woche nach dem Ende des Events aktiv sein, du hast also mehr als genug Zeit!
Muss mein Beitrag sich auf einen oder alle der täglichen Prompts beziehen?
Nein! Du kannst etwas posten was zu einem, mehreren oder keinem der täglichen Prompts passt! Du kannst auch etwas für einen bestimmten Prompt an einem anderen Tag posten (z.B. ist „Deeper into the Woods“ ein Prompt für Tag 1, aber wenn du etwas für diesen Prompt an Tag 4 posten möchtest, ist das völlig in Ordnung). Die Prompts sollen dich inspirieren, aber du kannst einige oder alle von ihnen ignorieren, wenn du willst! Das Ziel des Events ist es, Not-Poignant‘s Fae Tales Verse zu feiern, und alles was mit Fae Tales zu tun hat ist willkommen, egal ob es sich auf die Event-Prompts bezieht oder nicht!
Ich kann an Tag X nicht posten, weil ich keine Zeit habe/weil ich unterwegs bin und keine gute Internetverbindung habe, aber ich möchte nicht zu spät sein!
Wie wir oben auch schon erwähnt haben, wird der Event-Tumblr nachdem das Event endet noch für etwa eine Woche aktiv sein, und du musst auch bestimmte Beiträge nicht an bestimmten Tagen posten, wenn du nicht willst oder kannst. Wenn du trotzdem möchtest, dass ein Beitrag an einem bestimmten Tag gepostet wird, kannst du deinen Beitrag beim Event-Tumblr als Submission (Funktion „Einen Eintrag senden“) einreichen, und wir posten ihn dann an dem Tag, an dem du möchtest.
Faedom Week 2022 è un evento creato dai fan per commemorare la conclusione della serie di Fae Tales Verse di Not-Poignant; l’evento durerà per 7 giorni e avrà luogo dal 4 al 10 di settembre. L’archivio principale sarà su Tumblr, ma potrai postare su qualunque social media tu preferisca, anche più di uno. All’inizio dell’evento il 4 settembre, questo tumblr inizierà a condividere tutti i post su tumblr, e re-postare - col permesso dei creatori - i contenuti dagli altri social. Preghiamo di usare il tag #FaedomWeek2022 nel condividere i tuoi contenuti, per rendere più facile il loro reperimento.
1° Giorno / 4 settembre: “Deeper into the Woods”; different first meeting; multishipping; domestic2° Giorno / 5 settembre: “Game Theory”; hurt/comfort; favourite scene; daemon AU
3° Giorno / 6 settembre: “The Nightingale and Terho the Mouse-Lad”; heartsong; alignment reversal; formalwear and uniforms
4° Giorno / 7 settembre: “The Court of Five Thrones”; love language; family; magic
5° Giorno / 8 settembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 1 - The Forest of Fire”; alternate universe; hunger; masks
6° Giorno / 9 settembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 2 - The Seething Seas”; modern AU; overpowered; shifters
7° Giorno / 10 settembre: “The Ice Plague: Book 3 - The Ice Plague”; the future/after; soulmates; light”
Quando posso postare?
Puoi condividere i contenuti quando preferisci, ma questo account non inizierà a re-postare fino alla mezzanotte del 4 settembre 2022, fuso orario del Galles/Regno Unito (GMT + 1).
Che genere di contenuto posso postare?
Tutto ciò che vuoi! Non ci sono limitazioni per il tipo di medium o per la grandezza del contenuto. I fan di Fae Tales hanno in passato creato fanfiction, fanart (tra cui disegni, dipinti, sculture, lavoro a maglia, ceramica), musica, animazione, cosplay, retrospettive, manipolazioni fotografiche, fotografie, tiktok, video compilation, meme… Tutto ciò che puoi immaginare sarà ben accetto! È consentito sia il contenuto SFW che NSFW.
L’evento sarà spoiler-free?
L’evento avverrà specificatamente dopo la conclusione della storia canonica per permettere ai fan che lo desiderano di condividere contenuti riguardanti il finale, o qualunque scena della storia principale o degli AU, quindi no, l’evento non sarà spoiler-free.
Non ho un blog tumblr / non voglio usare il mio account personale di tumblr e/o altri social, posso partecipare comunque?
Se non hai un account di tumblr e desideri non postare tramite altri social, puoi presentare il tuo lavoro direttamente tramite questo blog con una submission. Tumblr ti chiederà un nome ed un indirizzo email, ma non esiste alcun controllo su quest’ultimo, quindi puoi inventarne uno se preferisci (per esempio, nome: Anon; Indirizzo mail: [email protected]); sia che sia vero o falso, questo indirizzo non apparirà quando la submission viene condivisa. In alternativa, puoi mandare un messaggio ai moderatori qui oppure su Discord per far pubblicare il post in tua vece.
Che succede se posto su un social che non sia tumblr?
Se vuoi che il tuo contributo sia condiviso su tumblr anche se tu lo hai postato su un’altro social, puoi mandare un messaggio al blog dell’evento per farci sapere dove trovare il tuo post e dando il tuo consenso a condividerlo qui, oppure puoi postarlo su Discord e farci sapere che vuoi che sia condiviso su tumblr, altrimenti - se possibile - uno dei mod dell’evento ti contatterà per chiederti il permesso di condividere il tuo contenuto su tumblr. In alternativa, puoi condividere il tuo contenuto direttamente tramite le submission su questo tumblr.
Ci sarà un blog ufficiale dell’evento su twitter o altri social?
Al di fuori di Discord, non ci sono altri aggregamenti di fandom prominenti su altri social, quindi l’evento principale sarà tenuto solo su tumblr. Sarai comunque liber* di postare su altri social se vorrai! Similmente, non ci sarà una collection dei lavori su AO3, ma usare il tag dell’evento - #FaedomWeek2022 - renderà comunque più facile rintracciare i contenuti!
Devo necessariamente postare tutti i giorni?
No! Potrai postare per quanti giorni tu desideri, per uno solo, per alcuni, oppure per tutti. Se desideri, puoi anche creare più contenuti per un unico giorno! Alcune persone preferiscono aspettare fino all’ultimo giorno e postare tutti i loro lavori insieme, e quest’opzione è comunque accettata! Questo blog sarà attivo fino ad una settimana dopo la fine dell’evento, quindi hai tutto il tempo che desideri!
Devo necessariamente postare qualcosa che rimandi ad uno/a tutti i prompt di quella giornata?
No! Puoi prendere ispirazione da uno, qualcuno, tutti o anche nessuno dei prompt per quella giornata! Puoi anche postare un lavoro ispirato ad un prompt in un giorno diverso da quello ad esso dedicato (ad esempio, se crei un lavoro ispirato al prompt del primo giorno “Deeper into the Woods”, puoi comunque postarlo durante il secondo giorno o qualunque altra giornata). I prompt servono come spunto per la creatività, non come limitazione, e sei liber* di ignorarli se così desideri! Lo scopo dell’evento è quello di celebrare il Fae Tales Verse di Not-Poignant, quindi qualunque contributo correlato al mondo di Fae Tales sarà ben accetto, che segua o meno la programmazione della settimana.
Non posso postare in un determinato giorno perché sarò troppo impegnat* oppure da qualche parte senza una connessione internet stabile, ma non voglio arrivare tardi all’evento! Come posso fare?
Come specificato prima, non è indispensabile postare nell’esatto giorno a cui un prompt è dedicato, e il blog rimarrà attivo per una settimana dopo la fine dell’evento. Ad ogni modo, se desideri che il tuo contenuto venga condiviso nel giorno corretto, potrai mandarlo a questo blog in precedenza tramite il tasto “submit”, e noi lo condivideremo nel giorno esatto!
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noro-noro-noro · 2 months
oh yeah in my dream there was like a big field trip &/or kidnapping. we got sent to a rusty blue metal building.
we all got on a bus (were forced to get on a bus? told to get on the bus under false pretenses of going to an event & then we ended up somewhere else?) & went for a fine drive! the weather was miserable, the sky was dark gray, we were isolated in some building at the top of a hill (maybe oceanside cliffs) & some sort of foul miasma was swirling. it was just like dark colored fog idk if it had any effects or not. the building itself was pretty large, made of dingy concrete. a little bit in vibe like a brutalist picnic shelter with walls & no furniture. all the metal was a surprisingly nice robin's egg blue. really rusted & flaky as shit though. there were 2 doors one on the lower level one on the upper level, a bunch of windows around the top of the building, a higher up part with stairs & a handrail, actually i can just draw it
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here's the layout of the building from the side & top view. i also included the gross bus & the vibe. the lights in the building were that kind of red-orange. a few were still yellow. the windows were thick & distorted & really filmy & gross, though the glass originally used to be a nice sea green.
who all was on the bus? me. some asian guys i knew in highschool. arataki itto from genshin impact. shinobu from genshin impact as well. a guy with really pale hair & blue eyes. girl with long brown hair. probably a couple other people just to pad out the crowd. some people had some sleeping bags & supplies, having heard from somewhere that this was an overnight trip? maybe more? but some didn't.
the main area was like the amphitheater & we spent a lot of our time in there. the wall separating the open floor space from the ???? behind it had copper so rusty it turned green in various configurations - some safes, some other safes with the doors gone, dials & weird lumps that were bronze instead, a variety of weird marks, etc. we had to submit our puzzle answers through there. behind that wall there were like visible empty metal cabinets that we could also use for storage, but it was just darker there somehow. the light wasn't penetrating. there might have been a basement but we never went over there because there was a beat up & filthy sign hanging from the wall that said not to.
the bus turned off once we got here, but it smelled bad in there & there wasn't really a point in going back into it. the bus driver had let us off, we went into the building, "wow this is weird let's ask the bus driver if this is the right place", go back to the bus, bus driver GONE (STOLEM). bus wouldn't start either. nowhere to go in sight. we couldn't go out the door on the second floor, though it had glass & we could see through it & it looked like it just led outside back into the rain. walking around the building you could see whoever was back there through the window. i bring this up because our competitors would open the door & come in from apparently nowhere. they were like ghosts - all white & misty but in person shape, & we had to compete by selecting a limited number of members of our group to complete random puzzles that would appear in the pit area. we kept winning. we weren't sure if we were allowed to use. when we won, the ghosts would just vanish into smoke.
i think we were there for about 3 days by the time i woke up. itto was getting antsy & kept talking about breaking this building DOWN. shinobu was more pragmatic & figured that they were sending less ghosts at a slower rate - they'd probably run out in one more day & whoever organized this would let us go home. none of us wanted to go outside & just follow the road due to the horrible weather & the weird & sccaary Dark Miasma TM - maybe we would have been fine. maybe not.
there was one sunny day where the rain stopped & everyone went outside to enjoy the sunshine! there was a big tree. we climbed it & played games. after a few hours outside, it got cloudy again & we went in before the rain & fog came back. that's all i remember
0 notes
hitsujirui · 3 years
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happy lantern rite
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so since you're gonna do the avatar!mc au with the entities you think each brother would fear the most (SO excited for that btw, my friend can attest to the fact that i've basically been rambling about tma x om nonstop since the first post you made that put the two together), i'd love to hear your thoughts on which entity each brother would *be* an avatar of, if you're cool with sharing! personally i love the ideas of specifically vast!levi and dark!belphie but i'd love to hear your takes on the concept! <3
So because of how time works, despite receiving this ask on July 12, by the time you see this it’ll be August! So the entire Avatar!MC series should be out by now, which I hope you will/have enjoy/ed. I wholeheartedly agree with the concept of Vast! Levi, which I’ve talked about before (as you know ;) ), but I will happily ramble about it again!
These aren’t gonna be short fics though bc I do Yearn to save that energy for The Longfic, which is still in the planning stages because a) I can’t pick a timeline, and b) trying to match up the timelines of Obey Me and TMA is hard, especially when I tend to have a violent disrespect for actually paying attention to the timing of plot events in both. I already fucked up a part of the plotting because I forgot the order we get pacts with the brothers lmao
Content warnings: Mentions/allusions to tma-typical Spookies, yet another installation of my Cursed Crossover idea, lengthy debates about what makes someone choose to become an avatar of fear, spoilers for Lesson 16+ of Obey Me and S5 of TMA
What Entity Do I Think The Brothers Would Serve? (Cursed TMA x Obey Me Crossover)
So I put him as falling victim to the Eye/Beholding bc of his whole thing about Secrets and Pride being about wanting control over your own image
And he does have a creepy tendency in canon to always know when his brothers are up to some Dumb Shit
BUT! You know what we see in Lucifer’s character that we see in a certain Entity?
A simultaneous manipulation of others and submission to being manipulated by a higher power
That’s right, I think Luci would be a Web avatar
But Winter, Lucifer wouldn’t wanna take marching orders from someone/thing else! He’s too proud for that— You’re right! He doesn’t want to. But he will.
He willingly submitted himself and his family to Diavolo for eternity to get what he wanted (saving Lilith)
And from how much we see him work, it’s safe to say that he’s a pretty damn essential part of running the Devildom
If he really wanted to, he could probably successfully pull a coup on Diavolo
But he doesn’t, because he’s trapped himself by his own honour code
Thus, the sexual tension bromance we all know and love/insist is Deeply Problematic and blacklist (depending on how much you like/hate dialuci lol)
10/10, would fill with spiders again
I put Mammon as falling victim to the Buried for pretty obvious reasons
But admittedly picking a fear he’d serve is trickier
I had to get a bit abstract with it, but I think the Hunt might suit him
Not necessarily the primal *cough* and police brutality *cough* parts of the Hunt tho
More like how Basira was considered an avatar of the Hunt in the fearpocalypse because of her mission/promise to Daisy
See, Greed can stem from fear
Fear of losing what you have, of no longer being able to support yourself, of being preyed upon by others
So people become greedy as a defense mechanism, to protect what they have
If they’re on the offensive, they won’t be targeted
Also, if you’re constantly pursuing more more more, there’s no time to think about anything else
Like consequences, or guilt, or Feelings
If Mammon let his little tough guy act go too far for too long, I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to say he could start heading down the path to avatarhood
After all, people pay big money for hitmen and bounty hunters…
As I said last time, I can see why people would associate Levi with the Lonely first: he’s a shut in, he acts like he wants nothing to do with people/would rather be alone, and I get it
BUT! All of that actually stems from the fact that Levi has terrible self-esteem and thinks he deserves to be this gross shut in loser
While envy can make you want to bring others down to your level, so to speak, Levi tends to just shun “normies”, not actively conspire to sabotage them
He actually does crave understanding and to have people in his life, he just doesn’t know how to go about it
Boy’s got Mega Social Anxiety is what I’m saying (funny how both the Lonely and the Eye can be real bad for that, huh)
But the Vast? Nihilism? Takes all the pressure off
If everyone is a small, insignificant speck in the face of an uncaring, unfathomably large cosmos, who cares what you do? Who cares what people think of you?
Yeah, you’d be kinda weird too if you stared into the infinite abyss of the ocean and realized it was just the maw of a gargantuan sea monster too, Karen, lay off
Plus aesthetically, the great Awful Deep most people fear in the ocean is a comfort to Levi
Did you know we’ve only explored like 5% or whatever of our oceans? Think about that! Every Single Thing we know about what’s in there is just the tip of the iceberg!!! GOD KNOWS WHAT’S DOWN THERE!!! PROBABLY FUCKED UP FISH IS WHAT
*ahem* anyway, fishee
Another tricky boi
I marked him down as fearing the Desolation, as a reflection of what he fears most in himself
I probably could have also gone with Slaughter, but I’d say that’s more baby/early-Satan
Desolation is also about destruction of potential, and Satan has very carefully built himself into a non-rage-monster person
So tearing that all away from him is :)))
But what would Satan give himself over to?
Ceaseless Watcher, I want that twink OBLITERATED—
Satan clings to knowledge and erudition to distance himself from the rage he was born as
“Watch and learn” is literally how he became a person
I find it deeply funny that it could also easily be how he becomes a monster once again
Also if you think the avatar of Wrath wouldn’t have a use for supernatural blackmail you’re just straight up incorrect
Couple that with Satan’s various connections and he’d be a Force to Reckon With
I put him as a victim of the Corruption bc I found it extremely fitting considering the duality of his romanticized image vs the “dirty” fluid-filled nature of Lust.
Lust can be really nasty, but as licentious as Asmo’s supposed to be, he’s surprisingly coy
(now part of that comes from the fact that Obey Me isn’t strictly 18+/full-on porn, but still)
There’s a lot of Interesting Ideas to unpack there with attitudes towards sex vs sensuality and idealisation vs reality
Now as for an avatar… I debated this for a very long time, tossing around Eye, Stranger, Spiral, even Web for like one second
But I think I’ve got it
Specifically the musical/random outbursts of violence side (not so much the war side)
Why? Well for one, Biblical Asmodeus is said to “"transport men into fits of madness and desire [...] with the result that they commit sin, and fall into murderous deeds (Testament of Solomon, verse 23).”
But also, Obey Me Asmo’s affair with that portrait chick from the earlier lessons started a whole ass war
Like it or not, the boy is very good at instilling manic violence in people
They don’t call it bloodlust for nothing
I paired Beel with an End avatar MC bc the boy fears losing his loved ones like he lost Lilith
You could argue that Desolation would fit there too but I liked how it fit Satan better
Now as for a Vibe…
I’m tied between Flesh and Corruption tbh
Though corruption is mostly bc buge :)
So I’ll talk about the Flesh
So uh, mass consumerism, meat is meat, cannibalism… see where I’m going?
Ignoring the Hans because that was super racist, the two Flesh avatars I remember best are Jared Hopworth and The Guy Who Stuck His Arm in a Spooky Meat Grinder To Feed His Buds
I think of Jared in relation to Beel not because of the gym thing, but because his very chill/apathetic attitude towards his patron is similar to how I’d picture Beel’s approach to all this
Like “well, guess I’m here now”
I love Beel as much as everyone else, but he’s not exactly apologetic about his… habits
Not to the degree that he’d actually try and change them anyway
So if he got started on the path to Flesh avatarhood, he’d be pretty fucked
I put Web for him as a fear almost entirely because of the concept of Uno Reverse Card, ngl
It does technically tie into his whole thing about being trapped in the attic, since he’d denied all agency and freedom in there, but… Uno Reverse
Dark!Belphie is an interesting concept, and MAG86 “Tucked In” is iconic, but tbh I don’t really… Get the Dark
Don’t get me wrong, put me in a dark place and I will be scared, I don’t like not seeing things, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around why one would become an avatar of the Dark
It’s not a very “primary” fear imo? Like, I’m scared of the dark bc I can’t see what’s there, ie. a threat could be there and I wouldn’t know, but intellectually I know it’s just the absence of light. That’s not really spooky on its own.
I guess what I’m saying is I can attribute spookier things related to the Dark better to other Entities, so I’m not sure what its draw is specifically
According to the Entity Sexiness Survey I did a while back, there’s apparently some Catholic stuff going on with the Dark so maybe that’s why i don’t get it lmao
Anyway I’d put Belphie down for Spiral
“What lies behind a smile” indeed cowboy
Apparently it’s getting choked
Is it because MC’s entire relationship with him is originally founded on a lie?
Is it because the Spiral deals with distortions in your perception, gaslighting gatekeeping girlbossing, as well as foggy liminal mental spaces like between sleep and consciousness, death and life?
Is it because I think Belphie would absolutely delight in driving someone bananas by fucking with their dreams until it bleeds into their waking life?
Is it because being a person or consistent being at all is too much effort, consistent internal geography is hard, fuck it, just be an endless twisting series of hallways?
Yes :)
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girlmeetsliv3 · 5 years
Datura Interview
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Datura Interview
A place where the cast of Datura answer all your questions along with some fun fourth wall breaking.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: Here you go. Hope all of you enjoy and stay tuned towards the end for an announcement.
In a whitened out sound stage lit with professional lighting and multi-angle cameras stood four chairs, each having a name written on the back. Identifying which individual was designated to it. Originally there were supposed to be eight chairs, however, in an effort to avoid conflict it was decided the interview should be split into the main and supporting cast to avoid…tension. Seeing as the cast is quite difficult to control, or comprehend, a special interviewer was called into “sort them out” and be able to successfully conduct the interview without mishaps this time. The coordinators had desired more professional and worthy people to conduct the interviews, but all had declined the second they heard who their subjects were. The main doors opening as the smell of Chrysanthemum a college-aged woman walked in with her hair thrown back into a low messy bun whilst sporting baggy jeans and a crop top. Glancing up at the crew she sighed, “Let’s get this show on the road. I’ve got a one-shot that needs to be finished by tonight.” The coordinator at the event opened his mouth, to inform her that the cast had yet to arrive but before he could the lights blacked out. Once they turned back on the main cast were sitting in their chairs, as if they’d been there the whole time. Taehyung, Jimin, and Baby all sporting signature black attire and wearing long coats over top. Taehyung eyes narrowed on the crew, “What is it that you’re waiting for?” Suddenly all of the staff flew into a frenzy, attempting to get everything prepared in order to star right away. None wanting to upset Taehyung or draw his attention again. “Tae play nice,” Jimin spoke, though the sarcasm was evident. Baby shifted uncomfortably in her seat, she had never been good at interviews or anything of the sort. The questions that may possibly be asked, along with the reactions they may incite in her lovers worried her.
“You guys said you would behave so do so.” Alex Mei, the interviewer, spoke her foot tapping obnoxiously against the concrete floor. She marched right up the fourth chair, the one in front of the three of them and sat down. “The only reason we agreed to this stupid thing is that we were promised two weeks off,” Taehyung spoke with a slight snarl. The woman before him always pissed him off, mainly because she was obnoxious, but also because she was a stand-in for his creator. “If you all play along, I’ll get Cloud to agree. But if you so much as kill anyone or summon Satan, deals off.” Mei retorted, a smirk on her lips. “Mei don’t you ever not want to be covered in shit?” Jimin asked. Baby turned to look at him, eyes silently begging him not to add more fuel to the fire. “Why would I be covered in shit?!” A frown had settled between Mei’s brows demonstrating her confusion at the statement. “From being so far up Cloud’s ass.” Dead silence was all that could be heard. “Why you little –”
“And we’re live in three…two…one.”
“Hello everyone, I’m Alexa Mei here. Your favorite and most important news reporter in this literary universe.” Isn’t she the only reporter ever written though? Baby asked herself as the perky blonde continued to speak into the camera. “Now I have some questions submitted by the fans that I’m sure the cast would just love to answer!” Mei turned around facing the three of them with a fake overexaggerated grin on her face, it was the scariest thing they had ever seen. “Now how are you guys?” A symphony of muttered ‘goods’ was the only response she got. “Alright, so let’s start with the first question which is for Taehyung and Jimin. What exactly are the two of you? How did you meet? And how long have you been together?” Both men looked at each other, a silent communication occurring between the two of them before Jimin turned towards the camera. “Tae and I have known each other since we were kids. Before birth even, it was like we were destined for each other. Soulmates in this dark cruel world. Baby as well was always meant to be ours.” He gives a charming smile to the camera, one that has even those behind the stage melting at his charisma and charm. 
“You didn’t answer the first question.” Mei stated rather monotonously. “Let’s move on to the next question, shall we?” Taehyung said, casting Mei a dark look. “Very well,” she rolled her eyes. “Now Baby, given the last chapter’s events: Do you still consider Taehyung and Jimin as a part of your family? Even after everything they’ve done?” Baby could feel Taehyung and Jimin staring intently at her from the corners of their eyes. Waiting to see how she would respond. The last time she had been asked this question, the fan had ended dead in a sewer eaten by rats. Baby’s hands instinctively went to her stomach in an effort to shield herself. “I love them. I always will. You can’t control who or what you love. They aren’t perfect, but neither am I. They don’t judge me for the things I’ve done, so I can’t judge them.” Mei couldn’t help but look at her with sympathy. “If you say so.”
“Back to the two of you, why did you choose Baby that night? What drew you to her?” Now it was Baby’s turn to be anxious. She had often wanted to ask them, but they always replied with the same response: their meeting was fated. It wasn’t that she doubted them, but there had to be a different reason. “She was lost. Anyone could see that. She was lost and innocent in an environment where those sorts of things are taken advantage of. Who knows what could have happened to her that night, if we didn’t take the first step?” Thoughts ran wild in Baby’s head of life without Taehyung and Jimin. It would be a different life, but would it be a better one? She couldn’t tell. “Plus to add to what Tae said. We knew from the second we laid eyes on her that she was perfect. Perfect for us. It was fate, I tell you.” Jimin leaned back into his seat, his hand finding Baby’s and entangling their fingers together. “What a perfect response. Nothing to look into at all.” Mei gave a chagrined smile, before looking back at the questions placed in her hands. “Oh, I see a question for Namjoon. It says: do you know what’s really going on with Taehyung, Jimin, and the rest of their cult. If so, what was your initial reaction?” Mei had wondered why the rest of the cast wasn’t there, but maybe they would have video responses or something. “Unfortunately Namjoon hasn’t been in the best state of mind, so he won’t be able to answer any questions today or ever,” Jimin said, giggling at the end at his own personal joke. “Namjoon has willingly chosen to become a member of our organization. He’s very thrilled to have found people who accept him for who he is and is looking forward to the future.” Taehyung’s words sounded as if they had been recited a thousand times. They probably had.
Mei nodded deciding to not prolong this anymore. “Baby how have things changed in your relationship since becoming pregnant?” Baby was able to answer this one with ease, “Taehyung and Jimin have been more protective of me, but it’s nothing too bad. They’re excited for the child and what’s to come, as am I. I think they’ll make great parents.” A soft smile spread across Baby’s face at the thought of Taehyung and Jimin cradling a child between them. It brought much-needed warmth back into her heart. “We don’t have a name yet, but we’re sure the fans will think of a great one. We’re up for suggestions.” Jimin had a small smile on his lips, as he glanced at the clock. Likely counting the minutes until the interview was over. “Lastly, this one is for some very special guests who couldn’t be with us today. However, the crew is informing me that their interview was prerecorded and will be streamed now. Please enjoy.”
           A video is played of balmy tropical weather filled with palm trees and a beautiful sparkling sea. Suddenly the camera turns and Jungkook can be seen filling up the entire screen, his now long locks framing his face perfectly. “Hi, I can’t talk too loud because Hyung is sleeping beside me,” Jungkook turns the camera to show a sleeping Yoongi resting in a hammock under the shade. “However, I know you guys really wanted to know these questions, so I’ll do my best. So, how did I meet Tae and Jimin?” Jungkook sucked his lower lip into his mouth, as he thought about a way to say it without potentially pissing off the men most likely watching. “I was in college when I met them. I met Jimin first and through him Taehyung. They were always together, a part of me wanted something like that too so I asked them. We broke up due to miscommunication, that’s all.” His eyes skimmed across the next question face lighting up instantly, “What was my first reaction of Yoongi-hyung? I thought he was a bit intimidating and might not like me. It turns out he wasn’t like that at all, a bit shy and aloof sometimes but…” A sincere smile spread across his face. “I wouldn’t change anything if it means I get to be with him now.” Jungkook waves goodbye to the camera before the video clicks off.
           “Well, I do believe that’s everything for today. Please join us next Tuesday for Datura’s next installment.” Mei spoke into the camera with a sadistic gleam in her eyes. “Wait a second you said if we did this, we would get two weeks off!” Jimin pouted, his voice whiny and high-pitched. “That was before you said that stupid joke, you big baby. Sorry Baby.” Mei yelled at him, before quickly apologizing to the woman beside him. All it took was a snap from Taehyung, for all the equipment in the room to cease working and for everyone to be plunged into darkness. “Well now that it’s over. I get to have my fun.” All hell broke loose in that interview room, the only thing that could be heard were screams of pain and agony that bled through the walls.
A/N: So as you can see Datura will not be updated until November. This is because I have a new series that will be updated every weekday, starting October 4th until October 30th. I thank everyone for the support they’ve shows the series and hope that you will continue to support it. Thank you <3
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ffma-2020 · 4 years
The Dark and The Light
Interpreting the theme
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The theme for this year’s Finnlo-focused Multiship Anthology is The Dark and The Light.
(If you would like to know more about this project, including how to sign up, please refer to our Announcement Post and FAQ.)
As well as providing scope to explore opposing Canonverse ideas about the Force (Dark Side vs Light Side) or political alignments (First Order vs Resistance) this theme makes room for individual character contrasts, such as histories, personalities, families, and childhoods.
Literal ‘darkness’ or ‘light’ may also provide scope for imagery, or could lead to the exploration of mythical or supernatural themes or creatures associated with these concepts.
You may, of course, interpret this year’s theme however you please as long as you center your fic or art around a Finnlo-focused ship, and represent the characters with respect in your contribution. 
For those who need motivation, or who may just like a prompt, below we have put together a few bulleted-lists of suggestions, images, and quotes to further inspire you. We hope something here will help get you started and assist you to submit your outline. 
Please feel free to use, adapt or amalgamate any of the suggestions below the cut, or in turn leave them all behind and come up with your own. Do also feel free to brainstorm in the Discord with us as it’s just fun and we like it :)
Prompts are below the cut if you need them! If not just keep scrolling, or indulge for a moment in the dance ;)
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If you like to write or draw Canonverse or Canon-divergent, consider...
> The idea of switching sides or allegiances (Dark Side to Light Side, or the reverse):
Supreme Leader Kylo Ren might defect from the First Order and join the Resistance, or the reverse!
Knight_of_Ren!Kylo might somehow become Jedi!Ben, also reversible!
An untrained Force-sensitive Finn might somehow become a Knight of Ren (Apprentice AU).
FN-2187 might learn the ways of the Force (Jedi, Sith or other!) and end up as perhaps either Jedi!Finn or Dark_Side_Apprentice!Finn.
Padawan!Finn could meet Padawan!Ben just before the destruction event at Luke’s Jedi Temple. 
Just-beginning-to-Fall Ben / Emerging Kylo Ren might meet up with FN-2187.
> Pre-TFA era, set between Age of Resistance - Finn #1 and Episode VII:
Remember this?? **cough**the smut potential**cough**
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> A TRoS ‘fix-it’:
Set after TLJ, Kylo/Ben and Finn start to experience Force-connections.
Finn and Kylo are rival leaders, Finn of a stormtrooper uprising/rebellion and Kylo as Supreme Leader of the First Order.
A post-TRoS story with a redeemed Force-Ghost Ben Solo.
A complete HEA re-write! 
If modern AUs are more your thing, consider...
Finn and Kylo/Ben have very particular coffee preferences (Coffee Shop AU!)
Photography students who meet in the darkroom developing film and making contact sheets (College AU)
Scientist!Finn finds a Mothlo during field research one night (bug kink)
Finn and Ben are Chess-Club-Nerd rivals (High School AU)
Laser tag AU (heroes-and-villains or enemies-to-lovers)
If you’re into mythical/supernatural creatures, here are just a handful with clear connections to the light, but we’re sure you can think of more!!
Vampires > Hate sunlight
Werewolves > Love/hate moonlight
Angels > One take is that they’re born of the light
Demons > One take is that they’re banished from the light
And lastly some quotes about the darkness to inspire you...
“Into the darkness they go, the wise and the lovely.” - Edna St Vincent Millay
“No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” - Terry Pratchett
“There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful… There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.” - Sarah J Maas
“I am blinding / Autoluminescent / I am white heat / I am heaven sent / I was a nightmare / But I'm not gonna go there / Again” - Rowland S Howard
“I feel it again. The pull to the light.” - Kylo Ren/Ben Solo
“My nightly craft is winged in white, a dragon of night dark sea / Swift born, dream bound and rudderless, her captain and crew are me / We've sailed a hundred sleeping tides where no seaman's ever been / And only my white-winged craft and I know the wonders we have seen.” - Anne McCaffrey
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blxssomwrites · 5 years
Title: Kissing booth Fandom: Ace Attorney Rating: K
yeah this is just a super super self indulgent piece ft. my OC fkhgjn. really i didn’t think too much on the plot nor the characterization but if you still wanna read it then go!
“You know pal, it feels like there’s a joke somewhere. The Homicide Department setting up a kissing booth and all. Not like I’m complaining; it is for charity but—“ Detective Gumshoe gave a little shrug. “—I still feel like the guys are pulling one on me. I mean, who’d wanna kiss this old guy?”
“Aww, don’t say that!” Fulbright patted his friend on the shoulder. “You’ve got a special charm of your own! I think a lot of people would find you a kissable guy.”
Gumshoe looked unconvinced, but then he sighed, letting out a few loose chuckles. “I guess you’re right. If anything, it is for a good cause. Every dollar we get counts, yeah?”
It was the annual fundraising event, so every municipal police department had to contribute by holding some form of attraction or activity to raise funds for the local children’s hospital. For some reason, the LAPD had submitted a request to hold a kissing booth of all things, and it was accepted easily enough.
Gumshoe barely caught any of it before suddenly, he was knee deep in an intense discussion on the best looking candidates to take the shifts. When his name came up, there was a round of agreements that he protested to, but ultimately outvoted.
“It’s unfair for us to choose purely on conventional attractiveness,” one of the girls had explained. “We want to cover our bases for maximum profit, and you give off this warm, friendly atmosphere that we’re certain would attract people.” A few nods sealed that discussion, so Gumshoe merely resigned himself to his fate. At least Bobby was another one of the chosen candidates, so he wasn’t alone in this.
Thus when Saturday rolled along, Gumshoe arrived at the festival grounds. He wore one of his rarely used but nicer shirts, since they were supposed to look more inviting. He met up with Bobby – who had ditched his usual white suit for a grey polo shirt with brown pants and what looked to be thin leather gloves – near the entrance before they weaved their way through the sparse but sizable crowd of people towards their destination.
There was no mistaking a kissing booth when one laid their eyes on it. A simple wooden booth decorated with hearts of various shapes and colors definitely stood out amidst the other attractions on the fair grounds. Gumshoe noticed that there were a few curious onlookers, which did little to ease the nerves fluttering in his stomach.
“You got some mints stashed up?” Fulbright’s voice pulled him back on track, his gaze flickering sideways. Gumshoe rubbed at his beard, looking thoughtful.
“Oh yeah. That’d be a handy thing to have, huh?” While Gumshoe didn’t necessarily find the thought of kissing strangers too uncomfortable, even he didn’t want to kiss a stinky mouth.
“Of course, there’s still time for you to buy some. I’m the one handling the first shift, so you might as well take your time in exploring the fair, too.” Throughout the three day event, the selected individuals would sit through two hours shifts. This way, everyone would have a chance to contribute as well as check out the fair itself.
The scruffy detective sported a mildly guilty look. “You don’t mind it?”
Fulbright grinned, flashing his friend a thumbs-up. “Of course! It’s the just thing to do!”
It took a little more convincing before Fulbright managed to lightly push Gumshoe into the crowd, cheerfully waving and reminding him once again to have fun. Once he could no longer see him, Fulbright pushed up his glasses before he returned to the booth.
Truth be told, he could share Gumshoe’s sentiment. Fulbright didn’t think he was all that attractive, but apparently his coworkers thought otherwise. With a little sigh, the detective made himself comfortable on the provided seat, turning the folded sign from close to open.
If he remembered it correctly, each kiss cost a dollar. They would first put the money in the jar before the kiss. Practically a quick smooch on the lips, or somewhere else – that’s appropriate, mind you! – if the customer requested it. Anything longer would be an additional dollar, and if there was tongue involve… well, he didn’t want to think too much on it.
Fulbright rubbed his suddenly warm cheeks, reminding himself that this was for charity! He wasn’t going to expect a long line, but he’d be lying if he didn’t wish for that to be the case. And maybe a part of him was kind of hoping that there’d be a particular individual that would stop by…
He once again rubbed his cheeks, trying to banish those thoughts. This was for the children’s hospital! That was his top priority and nothing else! Every single dollar counted, after all!
Initially, it had been pretty slow but about half an hour into his shift, Fulbright started to receive a steady stream of customers. It was when Detective Skye joined him for her shift that the line really grew. It didn’t surprise him that more people were in her line – a mix of men and women, it looked like – since she was a beautiful lady.
When there were breaks in the line, Detective Skye grumbled on about the more disappointing kisses. Like, if she was going to be pulled into this, she’d want it to be a decent experience, yeah?
“Feels like I’d get more of a spark kissing a corpse.”
“U-Uh that’s not really something to joke about…”
Still, things went smoothly on his end. Fulbright experienced minty smooches, soft kisses on the forehead and a couple of overtly eager people. He pulled back before things got too weird, and they paid extra so it worked out in the end.
He had just sat down to take a swig of his water when another person approached the booth. Fulbright looked up, expecting to see another stranger but instead saw a very familiar face.
“Hey Hana, how are you doing?” Skye greeted her first. The young clerk flashed them a small smile, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ears. As opposed to the blouse and skirt combo that made up her work outfit, she was wearing a simple knee length summer dress with orange high lights. Her bangs were held back by flower shaped clips, allowing people to really see her spectacled hazel eyes.
“I’m doing well, thank you for asking,” she replied. A bit soft spoken but Fulbright could still hear her voice over the noise of the fair. “I heard that your department was doing this… attraction.” A light blush adorned her cheeks as she mentioned it, gaze flickering away for a second. “I wanted to contribute to your efforts.”
“That’s very noble of you, Miss Cooper!” Fulbright piped in, drawing her attention to his grinning visage. “Every little bit counts, so we’re very appreciative!”
“So, which one of us did you want to smooch?” Skye asked, resting her elbows atop the counter. Cooper remained quiet for a few seconds, her cheeks gaining back that rosiness. Fulbright sincerely thought that something might be wrong, but she stuttered out her answer before he could say anything about it.
“U-Um… I’d like to… kiss… both of you…”
“Getting the full experience, eh?” The female detective smiled teasingly, though her expression softened when Cooper looked more flustered. “I kid, I kid! Like Bobby said, every little bit counts. Thank you for your contribution, Hana.”
She still looked quite red faced, but more composed. Cooper adjusted her spectacles, fingers grazing the rim a few times. Then her hand dipped into her purse, where she took out two dollars and placed it in the jar.
Since Skye was closer, she propped herself up, leaning forward a little. Cooper closed her eyes and met her halfway, pecking her lips softly. She quickly pulled back, flushed in a pleased yet embarrassed sort of way.
Fulbright waited until her gaze fell on him before he bent forward, tilting his head down to compensate for their height difference. Cooper took in a quiet breath, the met his lips softly. The tips of her ears reddened considerably when it ended, her fingertips lightly brushing her lips. She looked at her feet, then back at the detectives with a little smile.
“That was… n-nice. Thank you.”
Skye planted a hand on her hip, chuckling. “No problem! That was one of the better kisses I had today.”
It really was an impressive, if worrying sight at just how red Cooper became. “Well—thanks again for the donation! Please take care of yourself, but have fun too!”
Upon realizing that a couple of people were approaching the booth, Cooper straightened out her dress, then clutched the straps of her purse. She gave them a quick nod. “Um… I s-suppose I’ll see you two at the office on Monday?”
“Of course!” Skye responded, though half her attention were on the group of guys that was pointing at their direction. Her face soured a little, but she still managed to give the clerk a sincere smile. “Like he said, take care of yourself!”
Cooper nodded one last time before she skittered away, her small frame quickly disappearing in the sea of people. Skye sighed, partially hoping that she too could escape but knowing that there was still an hour into her shift.
Her friend patted her shoulder somewhat sympathetically. It is for charity, after all. She just needed to survive till someone else take over.
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The Sunday Morning Post
September 3, 2017                                                          10th Edition
Current News:
Yuri on Ice: ShitBang
On August 31st, if you love Yuri on Ice, your feed may have blown up with stories and artwork created as a means for writers and artists to come together and work on a project together.
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What is the Shit Bang you ask? It is an amazing event for writers and artists to come together and write and draw about the amazing anime we all love: Yuri!!! On Ice! But a little more than that this is a direct - non-hateful - response to THAT blog. You know the one I’m talking about. Yup. THAT one. - @yoi-shit-bang
The amount of stories and artwork has been astounding. From one-shots, to multi-chapters, all written by amazing authors. Then there is all the amazing artwork that has come with it, by some amazing and very talented artists.
Please keep in mind that many subjects may trigger, please read all tags before reading a story. 
Story Recommendation: we have loved the stars too fondly by @thehandsingsweapon
“We live in a blue planet that circles around a ball of fire next to a moon that moves the sea, and you don’t believe in miracles?”
After an academic career at MIT and Oxford, Yuuri Katsuki eschews job offers at places like NASA and CERN to go work at the Very Large Array in what Phichit Chulanont lovingly calls The Actual Middle of Nowhere, New Mexico, monitoring radio frequencies from light-years away. He's loved the stars for as long as he can remember, and the universe feels so big sometimes that Yuuri is sure it would be a cruel mistake for humans to be all alone.
Enter the latest scientist to join the staff of the VLA, enigmatic Russian genius Victor Nikiforov, around whom Yuuri’s entire universe seems to bend to make room, and the strange, recurring dreams Yuuri keeps having, where something like love carries him across the stars.
Does love travel faster than light? Do souls?
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
"Yuri, on Stars!!   This lovely short story will resonate with anyone that lives the heavens.  Dreamscapes thought to be a figment of Yuuri's imagination turn out to be a more real than tangible science, and Viktor is patient with all his insecurities.  With just the right amount of angst to give it depth, this vignette will take you into the endless cosmos!" - @darkrivertempest
Artist Spotlight:
we have loved the stars too fondly by @shadhahvar
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Good boy by @floccinaucinihilipilificationa  (Click title to reblog)
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This week’s Ko-Fi shout-out goes to Discoursemoth | @lowercasewrites  (Click to buy coffee)
im sei! im a non-passing trans boy with unsupportive parents, and im using this account primarily to pay for things that could help me pass better, such as a packer and binder. you obviously dont have to donate but i would really appreciate it!                                
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Patreon: YukiPri | @yukipri  (Click name to become a patreon)
Hey there!! Thanks so much for visiting my Patreon. I'm Kazu, also YukiPri on Tumblr. I'm currently a freelance translator and illustrator who is HOPING to support myself primarily through art. My passion is telling my own unique stories through visual media, and I love world-building, costume design, and overall extensively over-thinking all of my stories. This patreon is a step towards hopefully better sustaining myself off of art so I can continue to grow as a professional artist and produce content that you can enjoy! I am unbelievably grateful to every patron who helps me continue to do what I love doing. My wish is for the majority of my work to remain public, but I also desperately need to support myself, and also have a variety of content that I'm not comfortable posting publicly for various reasons. As thanks for your support, my patrons will get access to exclusive content, including WIPs/sketches, previews, art progress/tutorials, higher resolution art, early access, and nsfw content!
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Fun and Games:
10 Questions Every Fic Writer Secretly Wants to be Asked by @wyseink  (Click Title to reblog)
There are a lot of fic questions that float around online, but rarely do they ever ask specific questions about the fics themselves. Ask any writer one or more of these ten questions to learn more about the fic and show support.
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
2. Which scene was your favorite to write in [title of fic]?
3. Which part of [title] was hardest to write?
4. If you could change anything in [title], what would it be?
5. Did you make an outline for [title]? Did you stick to it?
6. Which scenes did you cut, and which were added in [title]?
7. Who was your favorite character to write in [title]?
8. Which came first, the title or the fic?
9. Which idea came to you first in [title]?
10. What are some facts readers may not know about [title]?
Story Prompt:
Monochrome by @diamondwinters An AU where people who are sad, down, depressed cannot hide it. Whenever you get sad, you start to loose your color. Your skin turns pale, your eyes loose their color, and turn gray or white, and your hair turns gray. Like an old black and white tv show, you loose all your color when you’re very sad. A little bit of sadness might dim your natural colors, but you wouldn’t loose them. It’s during a time when you feel heart broken, or very depressed that you go Monochrome. Such as a big break up, a death of a loved one, deep depression, etc. Monochrome is the medical term used by the doctors in this AU to describe turning gray in a world of color.
Some people who are unable to get happy, may use make-up, contacts, and hair color to hide the fact that they’re depressed, but eventually even those things will loose their color and will need to be replaced.
The best thing to do is to find your happiness. Be with friends, and family who can help you bring your color back. The brighter you are, the more vivid your colors are, the happier you are.
Art Prompt:
Imagine your OTP by @bumble-beany
Person A: Are you awake?                                         
Person B: I am now                                         
Person A: I was just wondering...                                         
Person A: What do you think it'd be like to be a pregnant male seahorse?
Person B: Really?! You woke me up for that?
W.I.P. Motivation:
Liquor Stash by @severeminx​
I want him.
When the full realization hit him, Yuri felt as though he couldn’t breathe. Detached and fleeting thoughts that had passed through his mind finally took shape in these three words at that exact moment. The I being himself, Yuri Plisetsky, age 17, a Russian figure skater with a list of impressive accomplishments to his name that seemed pretty pointless right now given the context. The want being desire, the need to bury himself, the thought to consume, but never actually act out except behind locked doors in empty beds or shower stalls. The him being the person standing across from Yuri sipping coffee from a take-away cup with creased brows, the low sunlight hitting his face just so to light up his otherwise dark eyes. Someone he considered to be his best friend, who came all the way from Almaty just to spend a week with him and who was blissfully unaware of the fucking turmoil Yuri was feeling in the pit of his stomach. Or at least, Yuri hoped he was unaware.
In which Yuri Plisetsky invites Otabek Altin over to stay with him in Saint Petersburg, freaks out over his feelings and delves into Lilia's liquor stash.
Please go read and support this artist. They are looking for kudos and comments to get them back into finishing this fantastic story!
Fandom Week:  (Click each line to go to blog)
Zarkon Week! September 3rd - 9th.
Yuri on Ice Music Week! September 4th - 11th
NSFW Yuri Plisetsky Week! September 11th - 17th.
Guang-Hong Week! Voting will be Sept 15th - 21st
SeungChuchu Week! October 16th - 23rd.
Help Wanted:
Needed: Tumblr theme editor. Please contact Diamond Winters for details.
Story recommendations!! If you find a story that you absolutely love, and you want to see it get some recognition, please submit a link to it with a 2-3 sentence review of the story. This way it could get in the spotlight in a future edition of the SMP. Requirements are that it’s completed, or a one-shot.
Artist Spotlight!! If you find a piece of artwork that needs more love, please submit a link to it so it may be considered for future spotlights in the future.
WIP Motivation: Please send your support to these writers or artist to encourage them to continue their story or artwork. No good story or piece of art should be left unfinished. - If you know of a good story that hasn’t been updated in a while, and would like to offer encouragement to the author, please let me know, so that I can link to their story here.
If there is ever any section of the Sunday Morning Post that you feel you can contribute too, please send an Ask or Submit to either the SMP, or @d2diamond so that it has a chance at making in a future post. Thank you!  
@yoi-shit-bang | @thehandsingsweapon | @darkrivertempest | @shadhahvar | @floccinaucinihilipilificationa | @lowercasewrites | @yukipri | @wyseink | @diamondwinters | @bumble-beany | @severeminx
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