#i think that's all
imerian · 30 days
Made this keychain while i was sad for Logan after the race. I'm so happy with the result and also i think doodles and references come out good ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
I put more pics under cut if you want to see!!!
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There some photos without any drawings plus just doodles bc it's easy to miss something with how much I going on there 😭
Also i finally have plase to rumble about every little detail (tags)
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broweareespers · 9 months
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Murder Drones week day 1 and 2!!
Favorite character and Hologram
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nartml · 8 months
"Itachi was a good brother"
"He did nothing wrong"
CW: Entirely unorganized, I had thoughts to express and no order in which to do so.
What are some of y'all on? Respectfully, what are some of you guys talking about? Why is this even a debate? Some hardcore Itachi stans need to get their eyesight checked 😭
There are ways to acknowledge a character's tragedy, their impossible situation, the excruciating circumstances they're under, without justifying genocide and inhumane torture.
Itachi was a tool. Thoroughly manipulated by everyone, and exposed to horrifyingly gruesome sights at a young age. He was a tool, which did Konoha's bidding, followed instructions to a T. And yes, the stuff that he's done will forever haunt him. He possibly hasn't known a moment of true peace or happiness in his life. All very tragic.
That said, he still. Well, sucks. And fucked up badly. You can feel sympathy for him –you probably should– and I do too. But the fact that he didn't regret it makes me side eye him.
His clan was planning a revolution, because they were all alienated, discriminated against, victims of unbelievable prejudice and racism based on a bunch of nonsensical bullshit (fuck Konoha btw)
So naturally, when the government mysteriously found out, he was ordered to slaughter all his people –including pregnant women and little kids– mercilessly. And naturally, he did as they asked.
But he couldn't kill his little brother, because apparently "Konoha's orders were not more important than your life, Sasuke, doesn't he love you so much".
So instead of killing him, he makes him relive the massacre of his family a cool 500k times, then sets him up for a lifetime of hatred, pain, anger, bitterness, survivor's guilt and loneliness.
Manipulates Sasuke's worldview, makes him believe that in order to achieve his goal of killing him (something that Itachi set him up for as well btw), he needs to be entirely isolated without any sort of connection to other people. Shows up 5 years later, traumatizes Sasuke some more, tells him he needs to kill his best friend. Yk, all the stuff a good older brother does.
Then some years later Sasuke manages to kill him, just as Itachi wanted, and Itachi ofc pokes him on the forehead, even in death keeping his distance from Sasuke without ever clarifying what it means.
Isn't he just the loveliest?
He's a tragic character with an abundance of issues, who absolutely fucked Sasuke's life entirely, and no matter how much you kick your feet and scream, he's not a good older brother.
"But he loved Sasuke so much"
I'm sure he did; at least in a twisted sort of way. But holy shit, this might blow your mind to smithereens, just because you love someone doesn't mean you love them right, that you're good for them, or did good to them.
Itachi loved Sasuke, but he sure as fucking shit did not love him right, was not good for him, nor did good to him.
"But Itachi was so guilty, it's not like he was having fun when doing all this, he'll forever be traumatized by what he did"
This shouldn't even be up for debate. Feelings, intentions and actions are not of equal importance. The impact of an action you took is more important than your intentions and/or your feelings regarding that action. One is tangible and affects others, the other is internalized and all you.
Itachi's situation was complicated, and there was no realistic outcome where everyone is happy. He was cornered, more or less.
So he held his head down and did as he was told.
Regardless of how he felt about it before, during and afterwards, despite his intentions and reasoning for what he did to both his clan and Sasuke, despite the guilt he feels, it doesn't change the cold, hard reality of the negative impact he had on his little brother and his family's name. Sure, intentions/feelings/reasoning plays a role in feeling sympathy for him, but you gotta hold him fucking accountable for the atrocities he committed.
You could say that he did it for peace, because the revolution would've been bloody, that Konoha had to do what it did to avoid countless deaths, or whatever bullshit arguments y'all want to make. It's inconceivable to me how you can't even hear the wrong in those statements.
Konoha did not do it for peace, there was NOTHING peaceful about any of it, no justification for it. If you think genocide is the only solution to a rebellion that hasn't even been executed yet, then I guess y'all's mindsets are way too fucked up and you should look into it. Konoha most certainly used this coup as an excuse to rid itself of the thorn that were the Uchihas. Because you know what ended up happening?
Konoha, the very government who orchestrated this, ended up then writing Itachi off as living proof of "the curse of hatred", as someone who went insane because of the clan's innate ugliness, that damned, forsaken curse that no wretched member of that family can shake off. Entirely shoved this disgusting, fucked up situation under the mat.
In the end, when it's time to write the history books, Itachi and the Uchiha clan will be registered as vile creatures who were full of hatred and that's how they'll be remembered. No justice was served for them, and that is heartbreaking.
Moral of the story: Konoha sucks, Itachi was not a good brother and did a lot of things wrong, and the Uchiha clan is a forever misunderstood tragedy.
Bonus: fuck Tobirama "curse of nonexistent wiener" Senju
To clarify something:
I am not one of those haters who sit on their moral high horse, point fingers and go "They're such a horrible person, I would never do such a thing. Look at me, the angelic good person, I can't even fathom how someone could do this". Shut up, you're annoying, and what you're saying makes no sense, because you quite frankly can't know what you'd do if you were in that character's shoes, and moreover, it doesn't even matter because it's, guess what, not about you. Quit judging how much of a "scumbag" a character is based on your morality without showing any sort of empathy or understanding of a situation.
You can't relate in the slightest (which is good in this case, I wish nobody ever relates to Itachi's situation), therefore your judgement and morals are irrelevant
Specifically talking about Itachi, I don't can't know if I would've done what he did, because I'm 120% disconnected from the circumstances and laws of his reality. If I were in his shoes and in his universe, I would be an entirely different person with different ideals. Same goes for you.
All this being said, I personally feel iffy about Itachi. I have sympathy for him, but I still think he has objectively fucked up very, very badly.
Plus, I am a Sasuke defender to my core and from a purely pro-sasuke standpoint, he annoys me.
I think I rambled a bit off topic at some point, this is a mess
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someone in the comments said they wanted to see the adepti mentioned for the attack on celestia, so here’s the crew
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vee-is-a-clown · 1 year
I umm uh minific
Lance glanced down at the small drawing of swords on Keith's notes (Lance couldn't be bothered to write anything down and he doesn't remember shit so he's stealing his boyfriend's notes even though he could barely read his handwriting). Well, not really the drawing. His eyes skipped to the lazily scribbled, "K.K." in the bottom right corner.
"Your initials are KK?"
"You signed your doodle with K.K."
"And you didn't realize those were my initials in the entire time that you've known me? If I remember correctly, Iverson called me by my last name in Garrison."
"Mmm.. Shut up, K.K. Slider. I didn't connect the dots until now."
Lance leaned back to lay on his back, his head on Keith's pillow and kicked Keith in the thigh. It wasn't really a kick. From his position, he couldn't really do anything more than a slight jab with his foot. Keith let out a stifled chuckle at the attempt.
Lance turned on his side to put the meeting notes on Keith's bedside table then turned back to Keith with a faux scowl.
"You're not allowed to laugh. You're Keith Kogane."
"Mhm, ok, Pumpkin."
Lance crossed his arms and "kicked" Keith in the leg again. Keith didn't laugh this time, though he did send Lance an amused look.
"What're you doing?"
"Just stop opening your mouth."
"Aw, is there something wrong with the way I talk, Bubblegum dear?"
His Texan accent was bleeding into his speech, making everything about this situation about 10 times worse. Lance could definitely feel his face get hotter.
"Yes. Shut your pie hole."
Keith turned his body to face Lance and leaned toward him, putting his hand next to Lance's leg to stabilize himself.
"Whatever happened to please?"
"Whatever happened to you acting- normal?"
Lance attempted to motion with his arms to no avail. Keith tilted his head like a confused dog.
"Poor choice of words."
"Do you want a thesaurus?"
"No, I hate you."
"You're currently laying on my bed."
"I'll shush when I want to, Ranger."
Keith shifted to lay on his side next to Lance. He propped his head in his palm, looking down at Lance.
"It is getting pretty late though.."
"What are you trying to imply, Mullet?"
"Nothing, just we should probably go to sleep. It's a shame that the lights are on."
"I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to get out of the comfy bed and turn off the lights for you. Well good sir, I say-"
"Not it!"
Lance gasped.
"You sneaky snook!"
"Go turn the lights off."
"How dare you!"
"The less time it takes for you to turn the lights off, the more beauty sleep you can get."
"Urghhh! Fine! But you owe me."
"Just go turn off the lights, you dork."
Lance got up and sprinted to the light switch, flipping it and running back in the dark. He hopped onto the bed and laid back into his previous spot.
"What's my time, coach?"
"I dunno but you were very speedy."
"It's absolute bullshit that I have to turn the lights off when Galras can see in the dark. You can see on the way back to the bed."
"Who lent you their meeting notes because you don't want to admit to Allura that you can't remember anything she said? That's right, me. Ungrateful."
"Who can't write legibly and spent the majority of the meeting drawing in the corners of the paper? That's right, you. Humble yourself."
Keith sighed and plopped his head on the pillow. It really was late.
"We really should get to sleep."
"Whatever you say, Texas Red."
"Good night, Bluebell."
"Sweet dreams, Keith."
While Lance can fall asleep in seconds (a real skill) it still takes Keith a little bit longer. He allowed himself to relax, letting the tiredness consume him. But before he let himself fall asleep, he put his hand on Lance's cheek and thought about how lucky he was to be the one who snagged this dumbass.
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bloodcoveredbutch · 3 months
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meaningful unique caption
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anathemafiction · 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions
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1. Who are the Romance Options for the series?
Hadrian — Bisexual
Alessa —  Bisexual
Alain —  Bisexual
Ysabella —  Bisexual
The Pirate King — Straight
Neia — Lesbian
Lance —  Bisexual
Rafael —  Bisexual
Lieutenant Vallen —  Bisexual
2. Need help with an achievement?
Check the amazing Achievement Guide made by Nell!
3. How many books will the series be?
Right now, I have 4 books planned!
4. How do I befriend the street urchin?
To gain Beka’s loyalty you must:
Stop her because you think she might be useful. To convince her to stay, pick the choice according to your stats. If you have at least 25 Wit, persuade her. 25 Influence, bribe her. 25 Combat, intimidate her.
Don’t press her too hard for answers, or she’ll refuse to talk further. In the end, when Beka offers to become your informer, you need to accept the deal, which means paying her. And when the guards come, you have to protect her. 
That makes Beka loyal to you. To keep the guards from running after Beka, you have to play to your strengths once again.
If you have at least 30 combat — Stare the guard down.
30 Wit — Ask them what they think they’re doing.
30 Influence — Tell them she’s a retired thief.
30 Pious — Bring the Lord’s disapproving gaze upon them.
Now, even if you fail, at this point, Beka is already loyal to you. But this is how you make sure she’s safe. At least, safe for the morning.
5. Where can I find the Goliath?
Visit the Harbor and check the fighting pit when you hear all the commotion coming from it. You'll see the Goliath at the center of an ancient amphitheater, waiting for his next opponent.
6. How do I beat the Goliath?
Here and here.
7. Is the scar unavoidable?
It is.
8. What are the ROs' ages?
Rafael — mid-twenties
Alain and Ysabella — mid-twenties
Hadrian — mid to late twenties
Alessa — mid to late twenties
Lance — late twenties
Neia — early thirties
The Pirate King — early thirties
9. Can I visit all five locations in one playthrough?
You can't. You can either visit three or four in one playthrough.
10. How can I listen to Lance's song?
You need to go outside of the inn at the end of Chapter 6.
11. Why can't I save the game?
If you mean save while you're playing, I don't know how to code it. Unfortunately, Choicescript doesn't have a save feature. If you play on Steam, here is a save plugin you can use similar to Dashingdon!
If you mean save your progress at the end of the game, so to carry your choices for the sequel, it isn't yet implemented! Hosted Games will add that feature once I'm 80% done with writing Book 2. So, I will let you know when the save option is added!
12. Will romancing Alessa or Hadrian lock me out of the other ROs routes?
It will not. There’s not romance “locks” in the game. 
13. Why is it called 'The Golden Rose'?
The reason why will be revealed at a later installment.
14. How do I meet the Pirate King?
Go to the Harbor.
15. Can I switch Billy for another horse?
Not in the first book. 
16. Will I see the cat again? What about Beka?
You will see them both again!
17. Will I see Garrett again?
You will! When and where depends on the choices you've made and the paths you've set him on. But as long as you haven't killed the young, failed bandit, you'll get to see Garrett again.
18. Can I still romance Hadrian if I killed Garrett?
You can! Although the romance progresses in a much different way.
But, for Hadrian not to completely shut you off (both romantically and as a friend), you have to show remorse right after killing Garrett. That means you can’t pick the option that uses sarcasm to mask your distress either — because Hadrian believes your lie — you need to show clear remorse. Immediate guilt.
On your first night at the inn, you need to try and talk to him and be as calm as possible. After that, just… well, keep trying. Hadrian will push back, which can make it hard for you not to say “well, I’m done.” And you can totally do so, but if you want a chance at reconciliation, I’m afraid you’ll have to swallow a lot of stones.
19. Can I romance Alessa if I threaten her at the tomb?
You cannot.
20. How do I get Corruption points?
You get Corruption points by:
Killing Garrett.
Killing the Devil’s Guardian.
Killing the man at the Cathedral.
Killing the man who punches you at the Nestled Nook Inn.
If you gain enough Corruption, your mark grows by the end of the book. And yes, it will have future consequences — outwardly, but, most importantly, inwardly too.
21. Can you give me a physical description of all the ROs?
22. What are the highest and lowest attainable relationship descriptors in Book One?
23. Who's your favorite character to write?
24. Wait, there's a siren?
Go to the Market and follow the voice of a boisterous showman.
25. What's the Church's stance on homosexual relationships? What about women in general? 
26. Is the game set in Spain?
Please check out: One | Two | Three | Four
27. Can you write a scenario or an RO reaction?
I might post a snippet once in a while, when inspiration strikes me but, as a rule, I don't write scenarios or reactions any longer. When I used to do them, I was a student and had much more free time than I have today.
Whatever time I have for writing, I invest it in Patreon content and, most importantly, in writing Book Two! Because, at the end of the day, that's what we're all here for.
All the lovely asks are very appreciated, but I'm afraid you will be disappointed if you send me a scenario request. 
28. Will we be able to...
I'm not a fan of spoilers! I might answer some of these, but, just to warn you, I most likely won't. Some things one must wait to see.
29. Are you Brazilian?
No, I’m Portuguese.
And, lastly, here is the Tag page on my blog. All the important tags are listed there. Feel free to explore it!
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jbirdbirdbird · 2 months
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i'm not good at tumblr idk how to post here but i hope this finds the right audience :3
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cero-sleep · 9 months
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 2 months
it was love at first sight, chapter three: the plot thickens
after yesterday's meeting at the drama club, jane takes things into her own territory! to the home-ec club room! also… the plot do be thickening.
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123itsbri · 11 months
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highlighter doods
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grabowskibeepboop · 1 year
Am I the only one who only follows ship tags? Idunno, I might be missing out on all the fun, but I still get posts I don't want to with all my tags too. But if there's anyone else, I'd feel better lol
Trying to tag all my ship tags
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sungchantual · 2 months
things that happened in february
exam season
my laptop broke
having to move within 2 weeks
working overtime all the time bc i need to rack up hours
my plants got infested by thrips
my roommate got a new bf and he's infesting the apartment
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celine-song · 15 days
Are you on trakt.tv and if so, would you share your URL? ^^
i'm not on trakt because i barely watch tv series... all i have is letterboxd where i occasionally log the miniseries i watch
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flagboi-whotookit · 2 months
Moreso that @sweetheart-haely made a good point, and I like helping people. (I apologize for janky language, as I said, I'm not a professional) But before I start reviewing roguelikes, I need to answer an important question: What makes a good roguelike?
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I'm going to assume that if you're here you know what a roguelike is (that and I have no clue how to explain them, they're more a feeling than a genre in my mind) So, what separates the bad from the mediocre and the mediocre from the good? 1. Replayability: This is probably the most important thing on this list. Roguelikes are a genre BUILT on replayability. I hate metaphors, (mostly since listening to seven hours of Chuck Wendig. If you know you know) but that's the best way to describe this. A roguelike is (rogue)like trying to get through a locked door. You try and pick the lock, but you don't really know what you're doing. You could try and break it down with brute force, but you're not strong enough. Maybe you try and take it off it's hinges, but you don't have the right tools for the job. But after breaking hundreds of lockpicks, or tackling the door until every muscle in your body hurts, or manually unscrewing hinges for hours, you finally get past that door. On the other side there's... another door. But you know what works for you now, so you get ready to use your preferred method to get through that next door. Sometimes that next door is a little bit tougher, sometimes there's an endless amount of doors, sometimes it's both. This is how you should structure a roguelike, or if you're a player, this is what you should look for. I got Clone Drone in the Danger Zone around five years ago, and I STILL play endless mode. You'll never want to put down a good roguelike, and if it's made correctly, you won't have too. 2. Difficulty scaling: If the start of a roguelike is the hardest part, that is not a good roguelike. Roguelikes should start at their easiest point (some roguelikes' easiest point is still excruciatingly difficult though) The tagline of the roguelike genre should be "Roguelikes - They're not going to get easier". This seems obvious though, right? Yes, you'd think so at least. But a not insignificant portion of roguelikes start extremely hard, and then snowball to the point it's not a challenge. For example: Teracards. The hardest part is the beginning. Sure, the amount of money you need to not lose goes up each time, but after a certain point purchases are negligible. Even though you went from having to pay 1 million coins to having to pay 4 (million that is), once you have that much money, you can afford to place anything in order to get that four million. I'll go into ways they could have prevented this (or fix it, since the game is still early access) in my actual review on Teracards. For now though, make sure that even if it doesn't get harder, it never gets easier. 3. Theming/gimmick: This is where a lot of roguelikes fall short. A dungeon crawler where you have to fight skeletons, goblins, and slimes? Sure, it works, but it won't stand out. You can fix this in two ways, either A) change up the setting (Shotgun King, Fights in Tight Spaces, FTL), or B) change up the mechanics (Backpack Hero, Peglin, Paint the Town Red). I don't have much to say on this broadly, as it's more of a case-by-case thing, that I'll explore more in my individual reviews. But for now, try and stand on your own in a sea of cliches. 4. There is no four. Alright, the title's a bit off, but these are probably the big three. I could ramble on and on about roguelikes, but I'll save that for the individual reviews.
So, that's it for now. Stay tunned, I'll make some actual reviews once I recover from all this typing.
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20percentbug · 7 months
various sketches
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