#i think the only part I'm super proud of is how scar looks
mareenavee · 9 months
Is there anything specific about your writing which you can pinpoint that you have improved upon since starting writing? Where have you seen the most "gains"? Is there anything in particular that you'd like to tweak? (I have been thinking about this a lot for myself personally, and I thought it would be an interesting question for you.)
Hello WINTER 🫂!! Ah this is such a fantastic question! Thank you for asking it. Let's talk about level ups below the cut!!! It'll be a long post with rambling, advice and snippets.
Without further ado...
What really is a Level Up and how do I notice one?
I have been seeing a lot of you guys really level up lately with your writing. The joy and effort is super, super apparent in our circle and I am seriously proud of you guys. I'm floored reading the work all ya'll are sharing for WIP (whenever.) It's interesting to me that I can so easily see the skill gains for others but it's much tougher for me to look at mine and SEE it. There's a bit of a perception about our own craft that it's not as "good as it should be" but it's really part of a cycle. (This post here can explain it with graphics.)
At a certain point we hit an overlap where we see/evaluate craft in ways we're still working on putting into practice which can skew our perspective of our own work until we catch up with ourselves. It's important to understand this, at least for me, because it's like...partially turning a page in a book. We're still processing what's been said, but we don't know the rest of the story yet :> And the only way to get the rest of it is to keep going, and finish turning the page.
As with art -- I love looking back on old work and noticing just how much things have changed and for the better, too. Part of learning how to level up is also learning to be gentle with ourselves, which is my next point.
Something that has helped me immensely and has been so invaluable in my journey is mindfulness and mindset shifts. Instead of using negative self-talk on myself, on my writing, on my craft -- I try to reframe it into statements like "I can change how I convey x, y or z if I try this." It is not an easy thing, and is a constant journey. But it does help the level ups. I speak from painstaking experience.
For specifics about my writing -- I'll begin from when I started writing World because I have been writing for ages at this point (I started when I was 7 years old after I first read The Hobbit lol).
I have seen immense improvement with my scenery descriptions and describing how characters feel about a space and events going on in them since the beginning of World. I have aphantasia so it's really almost impossible for me to visualize anything in my head regarding scenery especially. I tend to rely on sound for this, but imagery is important. Also when I began World, I was in full challenge mode and didn't have the time or confidence to look up the references I needed. I can compare draft versions here for example.
Old Chapter 9 - First version
She took his hand and led him down past the now-recovered Gildergreen, whose ethereal flowers still bloomed in the cold of Sun’s Dusk. They walked almost to the entrance of the city, right before Adrianne’s forge. Nyenna guided him up the stairs of a little house which had stood empty for as long as anyone could remember. Recently, the old, faded boards that had scarred its surface had been replaced. She pulled a fine chain from around her neck and revealed a brass key hanging on it. She unclasped her necklace and unlocked the door of the house.  Athis looked around in awe at the tiny, perfect cottage. There was not a speck of dust, and the fire had already been lit. New dishes lined shelves that had been made by hand. Candles scattered around the room glowed like miniature stars. The light shone off of their matching rings as they walked toward the back of their kitchen. “Welcome to Breezehome,” Nyenna said. “I’ve been working on this for weeks.” “You did all this yourself? For me?” Athis asked, still stunned. He ran his hands over the rough hewn table in the back of the room almost as if he couldn’t believe it was real. “For us,” Nyenna corrected. He turned and lifted her up in one motion, spinning her around in pure joy before setting her back down. They sat down together at the table, and he kissed her gently. “Our home,” Athis said, voice thick with emotion. “Our home,” Nyenna agreed. He pulled her into a tight embrace. They sat like that for some time, warm in each other’s arms.
New Version (Now Chapter 7)
She took his hand and led him down past the now-recovered Gildergreen, whose ethereal flowers still bloomed, even in the cold of Sun’s Dusk. They walked almost to the entrance of the city, right before Adrianne’s forge. Nyenna guided him up the stairs of a little house which had stood empty for as long as anyone could remember. Recently, the old, faded boards that had scarred its surface had been replaced. She pulled a fine chain from around her neck and revealed an old brass key hanging on it. She unclasped her necklace and unlocked the door of the house. She led Athis into the tiny, perfect cottage. There was not a speck of dust, and the fire had already been lit. New dishes lined shelves that had been made by hand. The kitchen area next to the hearth in the center of the main room was outfitted with second hand, well-loved pans Hulda had given her. Tundra cotton and lavender hung from the ceiling, drying alongside other bundles of herbs and braids of garlic. Candles scattered around the room glowed like miniature stars. The light reflected off of their matching rings as they walked toward the back of their kitchen. She fell even more in love, if it was possible, as she watched him look around in awe at all her hard work. All she had achieved for them. “Welcome to Breezehome,” Nyenna said quietly. “I’ve been working on this for weeks, between everything else.” “You did all this yourself? For me?” Athis asked, still stunned. He ran his hands over the rough hewn table in the back of the room almost as if he couldn’t believe it was real. Farkas had actually found that for her. She had repaired it herself. “For us ,” Nyenna corrected. He turned and lifted her up in one motion, spinning her around in pure joy before setting her back down. They sat down together at the table, and he kissed her gently. She giggled. “Our friends helped, too.” “This is really our home?” Athis asked, voice thick. He smiled, garnet eyes shining with held-back tears. “Our home,” Nyenna agreed. He pulled her into a tight embrace. They sat like that for some time, warm in each other’s arms. She pulled another fine chain out from beneath her dress. A brand new brass key she had Adrianne make for her hung from it. She handed it to Athis. He held onto it like it was the greatest treasure he’d ever seen before he slipped the chain over his head, links catching in his hair and tugging more strands loose from the braids. She knew he’d never thought he’d be able to have a place to call his own. It was why she had been working so much, and sleeping so little. To give him this, that they could share together. It was the least she could do. She wanted a home, too. It had been so long since she had felt this kind of safety, this kind of comfort. Normalcy, of any kind. He had given her that. Freely and with his whole heart. They had already started to build a beautiful life. It was more than what she had asked for. It was everything she could have imagined and more.
I think if I were to pick one thing I'd still like to push more it'd be the visual descriptions of things for sure as mentioned above. I do rely a lot on sound to convey a lot of what I'm experiencing in my mind while I'm writing. Sound has never been an issue for me to remember or to imagine. But balancing that with actual descriptions of what the character can see is still super important and I do try very hard to do this :D
Final Thoughts
Leveling up and improving at writing takes a lot of practice generally speaking, and the drive to want to do the thing. Life can get in the way of creativity sometimes, I speak from experience. So the biggest advice I can give is to normalize being proud of your journey. Each step, past, present and where you're trying to go in the future. Your words matter more than you realize, more than the numbers will have you believe, more than your own self-talk will try and convince you otherwise.
Level ups occur because you are doing something you love, acquiring good input (ie reading widely, and writing often and noticing what works about these stories and what doesn't and asking WHY) , and making a concerted effort to try your best. And your best can look like different things at different points. The next step after that is like I said above, be gentle with yourself, especially each of your past selves. Their work got you where you are today. And where you are today will become a past self that provided a foundation on which you level up your craft.
So be kind to yourself. Keep practicing. Be mindful. When you are inspired, don't forget to write it down. Save pieces of your work for later. Review your own writing with pride.
I know it's not the easiest to see in ourselves and our work, but all that we do, all that creativity -- it's absolutely worth it. The level ups will happen. It takes time. But you'll get there.
(And Winter specifically? GIRL. You are leveling up. You got this. I see you. (: )
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sl33py-g4m3r · 9 days
Need to accept myself~~
I got to accept and realize that my vision is worse than the average person....... I think I'm in denial about it despite being legally blind my entire life for the most part.
I like listening to birds outside sometimes and look and try to find them. An older guy that I'm living next to can see the birds and tried to point them out to me one time, and all I saw was tree.
I'm always reminded that my vision is very bad and I get sad about it for a while before I forget again.
My right eye sees nothing; my left is 20/200, or what you can see at 200 feet, I can only see at 20 or less feet.
I shouldn't forget; and I shouldn't let that prevent me from doing things. Especially using accessibility aids.
I'm always worried that someone might think lesser of me if they knew I have a disability; or pity me for it if they saw me using an aid.
It's a stupid irrational fear that might be tied to anxiety, but I'm not exactly sure.
I should be proud of the sight that I have tho. I can still: watch tv, play video games, read, watch birds if they're close enough, see my brothers cat, and many other things. Some things are just harder because of my problem and I lack depth perception.
I can still see well enough to successfully 1CC Phantasmagoria of Dimentional Dream, which I'm very proud of cause the ai cheats so hard.
I can't see super small text without a magnifier, or not at all. I'm always amazed that people can see things from greater distance than me, making me sad that my vision sucks.
But I should be glad I have vision at all tho given what happened for me to lose it to begin with.
I was born 4 months premature because mom sneezed; technically never born, just removed, lol. Was in the hospital and on oxygen for many months and they only gave me a 5% chance of living. The nurses or someone had turned the oxygen up too high and it detached my retinas. The left retina was attached again, and the right one couldn't be saved and is nothing but scar tissue at this point.
My left retina is luckily stable still~~!!
Is it anxiety? the fact that I'm worried people would pity me for using something that's helpful? Stubbornness?
I need to accept it and not forget how bad my vision is. To use aids if necessary and stop worrying about how other people precieve me. If they pity me for having bad vision that's their problem not mine. It is annoying however.
I can still do stuff it just takes a different way to do it. But there are some things that I can't and it makes me sad sometimes.
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atwastage · 6 months
Hello! Do you have any directors commentary for "Crowned with Sight"?
I'm so glad you asked!
I'm still very happy with this fic-- it actually came from a direct conversation I had with Xander (Fink's player) concerning the relationship between Fink and the Narrator. He was the one who came up with the idea of Them kissing Fink's forehead and giving him a third eye through that as a part of how the exchange of humanity for power works in the game; and I ended up taking that image and running to it. A good chunk of this fic was written long-hand in my notebook while I was on vacation, leaning against Xander while he was busy playing a ttrpg one-shot with some other people. Thanks Xander, you make a good pillow and I think your characters are Very Neat.
I'm very lucky he was as down with the idea of the weird toxic eldritch relationship thing as I was. I just think it's very fascinating. How does something with no concept of love, love? How does it learn to care? What is it like to be the subject of those terrible affections?
Hence being pinned-- in the sights of a gun, to a board, by circumstance. The Narrator only takes what they are offered, yes-- but how could Fink or any of the other soldiers say no? They can't, not if they want to survive.
I also was pretty particular about when Fink swapped from It to They in terms of referring to the Narrator. When he accepts them and their deals-- when he says he will give them anything they want in return for his survival.
I return to quite a few of these themes and situations in "Scars of Experience" (which is actually canon to Bones in the Dust). Narrator communicating through dreams (and responding directly to thoughts in conversation), loneliness, 'unconditional' love, narrative (hah) ways that the mechanical ideas of the game manifest (re-rolling things so attacks succeed or fail, etc) ((Double aside, I'm actually super-proud of Scars of Experience and wish it wasn't spoilery for recent episodes so more people would read it aaa I am dying))
Fun fact, when I originally published this fic I didn't tag it as / right away because I was a coward and worried people would think it particularly odd? I've (obviously) since rectified this.
"You should know, Private Fink, that I take because it is my nature. Because it is the only thing I can do." Their breath hitched. "I take because I am cold, and I am empty."
^ A raw fucking line that I'm still super happy with. Another reason I wrote this, was so I could use that line that I spit out off the cuff.
The "It was familiar" paragraph towards the end is another that still sticks in my brain. Exploring how people exist in war (and how it changes them so they feel they cannot exist without it) is something also profoundly fascinating to me. Look at Kit, look at the other NGH fics I've written. Even Korellian in Fallen Empires kind of leans into this-- how can you exist in the after when your entire life is violence? How can you live with what you've had to do to survive? How can normal life ever compare?
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arts-and-drafts · 2 years
Come Morning Light (Part 7)
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five / Part Six
(I'm not super proud of this chapter, I'm not very good at transitions so eeehhhh. Anyway this is still an important one! Next chapter it gets real >:) Enjoy!)
CW: Mentions of death, violence, abuse mentions, dehumanization
Tommy hadn't died on the Hermitcraft server.
Oh, he'd come very close, but there was always a splash potion of fire resistance that barely hit him, or he miraculously stuck an MLG bucket at the last second, or there would even be an off chance that a hermit would literally catch him before he hit the ground because they happened to be there at the perfect time. Many close calls, but zero deaths.
Tommy was a bit proud of his record, honestly. He was extra careful about dying when he first joined the server, since he didn't know about the rules of death here, but when he asked about the limit of respawns or what conditions had to be met for it to count, the hermits just looked at him with eyes so full of pity that it made him shut right up.
So, he just kept on not dying. He watched the other hermits die and respawn; for Scar it was almost daily. But Tommy was enough of an anomaly to the whitelist that he didn't know if those unlimited respawns extended to him, so he kept on living like he was on his last life, in every regard.
Now, with the very real threat of Dream on the server, Tommy suddenly felt incredibly fragile. If Dream got a hold of him, his final life would be gone for good.
...Or worse, he would keep Tommy alive, and then he would never be free again.
Tommy hated that a man with that much power was currently nowhere to be found, his only trail being a litter of death messages from every hermit he came across. And if Tommy didn't know the rules of death here, Dream most certainly didn't. In Dream's mind, he could've been taking real canon lives from these players he'd never met, and he still killed them anyway.
For the first time since L'manburg was born, the injustice caused by Dream against people Tommy loved made his blood boil.
For the first time since L'manburg was born, Tommy started planning to take Dream down.
Exile was torture in every sense of the word, but Dream arriving to torment him every day gave Tommy the very valuable skill of knowing his enemy. All that time spent with Dream made it child's play for the bastard to get into his head, but knowing somebody was a two way street. No matter how hard Dream tried to mask his true self, all that time spent making Tommy's life a living hell allowed himself to slip.
Tommy knew they couldn't kill Dream. Not only did they not know if he set his spawn, they wouldn't be able to get rid of him for good if this world gave him infinite lives just like its inhabitants, and that was too risky to rely on. No, for Dream to be truly gone, he'd have to stay in one place long enough for Xisuma to send his green ass into the void.
That meant they needed a trap, and for a trap, they needed bait.
All the hermits around him stiffened as soon as the words left his mouth, and Tommy could already hear the protests.
"I know what you're gonna say, so don't even fuckin' bother." Tommy ordered sharply. "Dream's after me. He won't come for any of you. The only fucking reason he's killed you so far is because you've been in his fuckin' way to get to me."
The cursing went unscolded. Tommy glared challengingly at any hermit that looked like they were going to argue. Thankfully, the room stayed silent.
Tommy took a shaky breath.
"I want--I want it to be where you found me." He said quietly, meeting Joe's eyes. "There's--there's your maze there. I think it'll be enough to slow him down until we can trap him."
"It's inconspicuous." Cleo agreed, nodding. Tommy wrinkled his nose. "What's that mean?"
"It's been there for a while." Bdubs explained. "Dream won't notice it's a trap until it's too late."
Tommy gave his first shaky smile since Dream joined the server at that. "Perfect."
Joe's doghouse district had hardly changed since Tommy moved out to make his own base. There were more houses, obviously, but where Joe's base met the spruce woods, the place where barely-alive Tommy crashed through his fern maze almost a year ago, was as untouched as it had been since that fateful day.
"Look, we need to lead him here, alright?" Tommy was on his knees surrounded by every hermit, all listening intently as he drew his plan in the dirt. "He can't know we're intentionally pulling him here. My idea is for you all to go after him from this location one by one, so he'll realize you're all coming from one place." Tommy explained, drawing several lines from one dot to another with his finger.
"Dream's smart. He'll know something's wrong if you act like you're following a plan. You have to go after him like you're going in with everything you've got, but you can't kill him, you understand?" Tommy looked up from his dirt diagram, sternly meeting the eyes of several hermits in front of him. "We don't know if he set his spawn somewhere and we'll be back at square one again."
Tommy swallowed thickly. "He's going to kill a lot of you. That's the only way this will work. He has to feel like he's winning, that's the only way to get his guard down."
An unsaid apology hung heavy in the air. A hermit from behind tried to lay a hand on his shoulder in silent camaraderie, but Tommy shrugged it off, the contact making his heart race faster.
"What will you do, Tommy?" Keralis asked quietly. Tommy bit his lip.
"I'll be waiting for him."
Dream had never donned wings before, as the End was just as restricted for him as it was for everyone else. When the two players he ambushed dropped their elytra after he cut their throats, Dream's eyes lit up.
Sure, he wasn't nearly as skilled as he'd like to be in the sky, but he'd finally be on a level field with these players. They had wings, and now, so did he.
After strapping the elytra to his back and scooping up every golden carrot the two players left behind in death, Dream pillared up to build height and took off.
This server was big, and if Dream came here on his own, he'd never be able to find Tommy before the native players took him down.
Fortunately, Dream had an ace up his sleeve.
He let his new wings catch the air and glide as he pulled a broken compass from his inventory, the needle shaky and chipped but pointing true and steady towards Dream's prize.
Your Tommy.
Dream grinned and flipped the compass shut. He'd have to remember to thank Ghostbur when he returned with Tommy in tow. It wasn't every day that he stumbled across magic like this.
An entity appeared on the horizon within render distance, and Dream barely had enough warning to clumsily arc left before a flaming arrow whizzed by his head. Another player had come to fight, it seemed.
Dream unsheathed his axe.
The player suddenly zoomed right to Dream's side with a firework, her enchanted diamond blade barely parried by Dream's shield. In that split second before she shot off again, Dream saw a chilling, calculated hatred in her eyes.
Dream sharply dove, knowing when he was beat. Once he had solid ground under his feet, he knew the tides of the fight would turn very quickly in his favor.
The player with the dragon wings dove after him, sealing her fate.
Dream sharply opened his elytra right before he hit the ground, his netherite boots tearing up the jungle grass as he skidded to a clumsy stop and braced himself. As expected, the player ricochet off his shield not a moment later, sending a wave of shock up Dream's arm as his shield actually splintered under the force of her attack.
The player landed much more gracefully a few blocks away, her long yellow hair whipping back by the force of her wings. She instantly rose into a fighting stance, her sword ready, and Dream caught sight of two crowns above her goggles glinting against the twilight sky.
"FalseSymmetry." Dream realized aloud, unfazed by the look on her face. The two-time back to back champion of MCC was only a few blocks away from him, and she was very clearly aiming to kill.
"Queen of heads, hearts, and body parts." She replied coldly, her muscles tensing. "You made a mistake coming here."
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crmsnmth-journal · 28 days
3/21/2024 9:54 PM
The new guy at the taxi call desk makes me very uncomfortable. I've had some weird people to work with, but this guy brings it to a whole new level. I've never had a call center say "ET phone home" after scheduling my night ride. But I sure as hell did today. And I don't know if I should feel sad for the guy or super proud of him for making the best out of his crappy job. Of course, I did call him maybe ten minute ago, and am currently still waiting for him to finish up. And we're done now. And I needed to stop for a few moments and laugh. Like full on crying laughter. I didn't want to laugh at the guy on the phone, but god, it was difficult not to. So as soon as the call was ended (and hung up) I lost it. I'm sure my youngest brother in the room next door thinks I've lost my mind. It's not very often anyone hears laughter coming from my room.
No work today. So, it was AHS, laundry, writing, and I finally cleaned my room! Like all the way! I didn't do anything else, but it's finally off my list, and it's been there for how many weeks now? Of course, it will only take a few days before it's back to a mess. That's the curse of living in the smallest room possible. I don't have a lot of stuff, but it sure does look like I do. I really need to find an apartment in town that I can afford. I just want to be on my own again. This was a great gesture on my mom's part to let me stay here during the legal troubles, jail, and the complete mental disintegration. I was a horrible wreck for a long time after *******. I think anyone that went through what I went through with her would be too. And I'm not claiming that I'm innocent, not at all. I was wrong too, there's no doubt. But I am not that person. I never was that person. I will never be that person. Her and I, we brought out the worst in each other. I have scars from her and she has scars from me. I used to wonder what finally made me leave her. I paid for it, badly in so many ways, but I will never deny it's worth. I left her and I's constant fucking battleground for our son. Her daughter (whom always thought of me as her dad for the first five years of her life) had seen the worst, and it was my son that opened my eyes. These kids should never be around that. And I left. I broke up with her and came back here to start over. This was on a summer Friday in 2020. I saw her in person for the last time at around three and we had a very tearful and sad goodbye. I figured she finally realized that was the right thing do. I was arrested on Sunday, at a little after seven o'clock, unsure of what was happening. And my entire life fell apart. Completely. I still pay for it today.
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 2 years
A Tale of Two Weddings: Midgardian Mayhem
A Loki x Eva (OC) story
Part Three of Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Twenty Three<<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Eva finally completes her letter to Loki to accompany her wedding gift to him.
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Link to previous chapter
Link to next chapter
Link to Masterlist
Credit to artist
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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After kissing Loki goodbye after breakfast, Eva flew to the Sanctum. Landing a block away she walked smiling at the bustle of SoHo, it was a nice day, and she had not retracted her wings yet.
"Mommy, mommy, momm........look it's Dragana, can I say hi to her? Pleaaaaasssssseeeeee? You know she's my favorite Avenger!"
"I don't know she's probably on a mission..."
Eva stopped and turned around a smile spreading across her face, "I think I can spare a few minutes for you, if your moms ok with it." Her mother nodded smiling appreciatively. "Hi," Eva directed her attention to the young child who could not have been more than nine or ten "what's your name?... you already know mine." Eva said getting down to her level.
"Crystal... wow you're amazing... I want to be just like you when I grow up!" The little girl spoke proudly.
"Well Crystal, I hope you to be a hero one day too, what's your super power besides being brave?"
By this time Wong had seen Eva talking to the little girl and grabbed Stephen to watch with him. They were leaning on the railing to the Sanctum watching this sweet exchange.
The little one smiled and pulled up her sleeve revealing healed burn scars still beaming, "I have scars like you and you taught me that I can be proud of them, and that they will remind me that if I was strong enough to heal this, I can beat anything!"
"You are already a hero, and if your mom gives me some information I can arrange a tour of the Avengers tower for you, that way you can meet all of the Avengers. I know they all would be excited to meet someone as brave and strong as you." Eva looked to the girls mother, who's eyes were brimming with tears of happiness. All of a sudden Eva was engulfed in the cloak of levitation who couldn't wait to say hi. After they hugged her they popped off her and gave a gentlemanly bow of welcome to the child and reached out a corner to shake her hand. Then they bashfully reattached to Eva's shoulders. "Ok, yes, hello, how are you today?" Eva asked the cloak. It just hugged her tight and gently rubbed her cheek. Turning to see Stephen with a smile on his face she motioned with her head for them  to join them. "Someone likes me better..."Eva laughed "Crystal, this is my brother Stephen Strange and our friend Wong. Guys this is Crystal, when she grows up she's going to be an Avenger. She's strong brave and courageous." They all exchanged pleasantries, Eva got Crystal's mom's information and promised to contact them in a few weeks. Explaining the wedding to occur the next day. As the trio entered into the Sanctum Eva noticed Stephen rubbing his eyes. "Bro, you ok?"
Sniffing "yeah, little one you're going to be an amazing mom, I don't think I've ever seen that side of you. I'm just so proud of the path your life took, and your ability to see the most amazing things in people never stops astonishing me.... So I hear you need someplace to finish your letter to Loki?" She nodded "go.. you can use my study, and since you're here you want some 'comfy wizard clothes?' I kept a few of your sets from when you lived here." Hugging him she smiled and nodded her head
"I'll be in the study, can you bring them there? And a cup of tea would be superb... still got my Earl Grey?"
"Of course we do, we keep them on hand for when you stop by." Smiled Wong.
Nestling herself in the ancient oversized chair Stephen favored she pulled a sheet of paper and looked for a pen. Just as she was about to call out to him the door opened. "I've gotten used to quill and parchment, so no pens in the building. But I can get a portal to your room to grab a few pens..."
"Please and thank you, are you ok with me using some of this parchment?"
"Of course and it will look like you took the opportunity to find something that looks Asgardian." He laughed handing her a selection of pens and colors. He knew which she preferred though. She reached for the pen she had taken from the Sanctum when she moved into the tower. "I can't believe you still have that pen. Where do you find ink for it?"
"Loki." She smiled mischievously "it's always felt right in my hand, I could never give this up." She held the shining silver barrel in the sunlight where it glinted off the words 'Mount Blanc'. "Wait where sid you find this? I've been looking for two weeks for it and Thank you for the use of your study and the comfy clothes and of course the tea. I love you so much." Stephen kissed her temple "it was right where you left it, behind the headboard against the wall...I love you too now get to work on that letter, I know it's going to be emotional for you to write and him to read, if you need either me or Wong let us know. I check on you later."
Eva set to writing the lettter, Loki assisting her in relaxing last night, the interaction with Crystal and the love she got from the cloak Stephen and Wong gave her renewed hope and a place to start with the most life changing letter she would ever write.
My Dearest Lokabrenna,
Wow I can't believe what this year has brought me... the most important being the fact that you love me the way I have always loved you....
As she finished the letter she was overcome with sleep. Yawning she curled up on the sofa the cloak,having kept her company while she finished her letter, gently wrapped around her wings which were crossed infront of her chest. Eva slipped into a nice afternoon nap in the sunlight from the window Of the study. The door creaked open slowly Stephen stood in the doorway leaning on the frame. Took out his phone and snapped a picture. Wong appeared next to him "what's up boss?"
"What do you see?"
"The cutest sleeping dragon I've ever seen and a cloak that has a preference for her."
"Yeah, this is what I saw that first day, minus the cloak, Here look let me show you a then and now..." bringing up the picture he took that day so many years ago and the one just he took. "Wong, is it wrong that she will always be my little one?"
"No Stephen, it just means that as her brother you are comfortable letting Loki take over the care and love she needs."
"Thanks Wong. Shall I wake her? We should be getting back to the tower, we've got the rehearsal and dinner and she still needs to get ready." They walked to the desk and Stephen saw the completed letter. He smiled as a tear ran down his cheek reading the first few lines. "Eva, sweet Dragon, time to get up, we need to get ready for the rehearsal..." he called to her in a sing song voice.
"No, I'm sleeping I'm done with my letter, no more for me to do Magician." She mumbled as she stretched out on the couch.
"Up, come on I won't even ask you to change, but you do need to get back and get ready."
"Fine" she grumbled "I'll get up but won't be happy about it."
Standing next to Wong she began gathering up her trash and started for the kitchen. "I'll take care of that for you, you have more important things to do." Wong smiled. She hugged Wong and followed Stephen to the foyer. He crated a portal to the common room in the tower. Eva walked through the portal, her wings still on display. Tony glanced up "hey how did writing go..." he asked then looked again "wait stand still don't move or change anything." Tony raced down the hall calling out to different people to meet him in the common room. And upon entering the library, he found Loki.
"Hey Performance Issues, come with me you have to see this..."
"Tony we've talked about calling me that..."
"Trust me you'll know instantly why I called you that..."
"Ok I'll go with you, but this had better be good."
Loki followed Tony back to the common room, where he saw the original Avengers huddled around someone, and Stephen quietly chuckling off to the side.
"Hey everyone separate out Loki NEEDS to see her."
As the group dispersed Loki's mouth fell open, and he stood rooted to the spot. "Love, did you do this on purpose?"
"Do what? What is everyone going on about?"
Loki took her hands in his "I guess you didn't realize, this is how I saw you the first time." He said softly reminiscing on the memory.
"The aftermath of the Battle of New York... this is exactly what I thought about all those days in the dungeons of Asgard. This was how I remembered you." He conjured a mirror, walked her over to it and he glamoured himself in the chains, shackles and muzzle with the cuts to his face standing off to the side of her.
"Oh Shit, I see it now, and no it was not on purpose, just a happy accident. Do you want me to change or stay like this for the rehearsal?"
"Please stay like this, I am enjoying reliving the day i met you." He stepped behind her wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her temple.
"Hey guys I think this could be fun.. for the rehearsal can we all get into the battle gear we wore that day?"
Everyone agreed and went back to their rooms to change. Loki took Eva's hand as they walked down the hall so he could also change. Once safely behind their door he turned her to him and kissed her deeply. "Love while we are in our Honeymoon will you please wear this.. it does things to me and gives me such wicked thoughts." He growled.
"Sure, but you have to wear yours and do a glamour with the injuries, you are deliciously sexy also."
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dinzeeyz · 2 years
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Got to be a part of Traffic Zine . It was a huge honor being a part of a project filled with incredibly talented people, so do check the rest of the zine out!!!
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
The Distraction
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main masterlist
REQUESTED: "Kaz brekker with a reader who is apart of the crows but she doesn't fight, she plays the violin and is used as a distraction during heist. And she's the complete opposite from kaz super sweet and nice. Maybe something goes wrong during a heist and she gets hurt."
SUMMARY: the reader is part of the crows and is used as the distraction during most heists, but when she gets injured she discovers something very interesting about kaz.
WARNINGS: blood and wounds mentions and descriptions.
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"Everyone knows what they have to do?" asked Kaz to revise the plan once more.
"I stay in the shadows, watching over everyone and making sure nothing goes wrong." said Inej, checking all her knives.
"I escort Y/n inside and wait for the right moment to strike." said Jesper as if he was reciting more of a nursery rhyme than his part of the job.
"I distract." you said, simply shrugging your shoulders.
It wasn't the first time you had been it, the distraction. They said you played the violin, but you didn't just play it. You were one with the instrument, every melody that emitted from its strings was a spell and no one was immune. Every chord you played, every song you made, it enchanted everyone, it kept them glued to your agile hands, fabricating every single sound to allure and well, distract.
Kaz Brekker had found you, he had been lost in the music like everyone. No one was immune. His undeceivable mind momentarily stopped, enraptured by your fingers holding the instrument like the most valuable crystal glass. It was like watching a master at work and he knew he needed such an asset in his team.
Ever since then, you had worked with the crows, deceiving everyone they needed to with your talent. You didn't do the dirty deed, but you made sure it got done.
That night was no different: you got inside, Jesper by your side, both dressed with the most elegant clothes you could find. You smiled widely as you took your place at the center of the hall. You took out your weapon while they welcomed you with a soft round of applause, and then you began. Everyone had eyes only for you, everyone had ears only for you.
Jesper silently left his place and began roaming, but you focused only on your work. You played and you played, and you got lost in it. No one was immune, not even you.
It was only when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach that you stopped. Everyone was running around, the music had stopped and you realized you were bleeding. You let go of the violin, falling desperately to the ground, but you couldn't do anything for it as you clutched your side.
You didn't look down, you kept your eyes on the door. A swarm of men with rifles advancing on you. They were all hazy, undefined. They started falling one by one, scarlet strands filled your vision. Yet another man stepped closer to you, but no one stopped him. He was dressed in all black and black was the last thing you saw.
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When you started seeing colours again, you weren't in the hall anymore, the violin wasn't by your side and you weren't dressed in your long scarlet gown. You were in a dark room, a tiny golden line was all the light you had and it came from a tiny opening in the window. You delicately touched your side and immediately retrieved your fingers as you ascertained that last night wasn't just a dream. You lifted your shirt slightly and saw stitches keeping the sides of the wound together. It hadn't been a dream, but it sure was a nightmare.
You tried getting up, sitting on the bed with the feet dangling on its side, and then the door opened: in entered a tall girl, brown locks on her shoulders and she was carrying what you supposed was food. You couldn't see it very well but the smell that invaded the room was obvious.
"What are you doing up?! Lay back again immediately!" she shrieked, settling the plate she had brought on the table beside your bed. She pushed you back down, uncovering your wound. "You aren't fully healed yet, you shouldn't be standing."
"Who are you?" you asked as you watched her hands hover over your stomach.
"I'm the one that saved your pretty face!"
"Thank you, then." she turned her gaze to you with shock on her face. You returned the confused look.
"When Kaz told me i had to help you, i thought you were a crow..." she pondered.
"I am. Y/n Y/l/n, pleasure to meet you." the girl shook your outstretched hand, still surprised.
"Nina Zenik, pleasure's all mine," she began, then turned her attention back to your stomach. "You don't look like a crow, what do you do?"
"I distract." you said simply, a déjà-vu, but noticed her look of suspicion, so you continued. "I play the violin and i distract whenever there's the need for a distraction." Nina scoffed lightly. "What?"
"It's just- Kaz doesn't need distractions." she claimed, and you started feeling a tingling sensation in you abdomen as she moved her hands over it.
"Well, sometimes during a job-"
"He has Jesper for that. He has demo for that." she admitted, a smile playing on her lips but you couldn't quite understand. "He doesn't need a violin."
"But he's the one who offered me the job, of course he needs it." you stated stubbornly. You weren't going to let some random girl tell you how useless you were.
"No, no, you got it wrong," she started. "Kaz doesn't need a distraction. He has plenty already." you were growing progressively more confused and irritated, but let her continue. "However..."
"However, what?" you asked.
"However i think he wanted a distraction." she said, flashing you a knowing smile.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean," she twisted her hands on your abdomen and the wound was starting to disappear almost completely. "That Kaz Brekker is a very logical man, as you probably already know, and this isn't a logical decision. Why hire a distraction when he could simply ask Jesper or create one himself?"
You thought about it; you knew the crows had been together before you joined them and you knew they had worked together before but you always thought you made the whole process of stealing and deceiving easier with your abilities. Nina was now making you doubt that.
"I'll tell you why, because he wants a distraction, and, more specifically, you."
You widened your eyes as she got up from your side, the wound now a past memory, only a light scar was in its place. You lifted yourself from the bed, it still hurt but you had more pressing things on your mind now.
"What do you mean? Kaz hired me to work for him."
"That's what he tells you, but i think you are his first impulsive decision. Be proud of it, it doesn't happen often!" she winked at you but you were still confused. She sat down on the chair and started biting on one of the delicacies she had brought with her. "Want one?"
"No, thank you."
"Your loss." she said as she shifted the plate onto her lap.
"I think you're wrong." she lifted her gaze to look at you.
"Why's that?"
"I know Kaz and he does nothing without a reason."
"Oh you are right, but i think he had different reasons for hiring you." she said. "I think he might have a liking on you."
You laughed incredulously. Kaz Brekker would never.
"And i think you might be crazier than i expected."
"Then tell me, Y/n, why would such a logical man come check on his basic distraction every hour when he could simply find another one?"
You gulped. He checked on you every hour?
"Because no one does what i do like i do it." you shuddered at your words, you were speaking like him. "What i mean is, he would do it for everyone."
"I am quite sure he wouldn't check on Jesper every few minutes, he wouldn't pace around his office like a mad man if i were in your place." she said, eating the last of the waffles she had brought.
You thought about it a moment, then swatted the thought out of your mind. There was only a way to know for sure and it was to ask him directly.
"Do you know where he is now?" you asked, getting out of bed and going for the door.
"Where do you think he is?" she said inquisitively. You had a feeling you knew.
You thanked Nina and bid her goodbye, darting outside the room towards Kaz's office. You had been there sometimes, usually to discuss plans with him. You never made a big deal out of it but now Nina's words were reverberating in your mind. Maybe she was just messing with you, but maybe she wasn't and, however silly it sounded, you wanted to believe it was the latter possibility.
"Hey Y/n! Are you alright?" asked Jesper as he saw you running past him.
"Yes, have you seen Kaz?" you asked quickly.
"Should be upstairs, but why are you-"
"Thanks Jesper!" you didn't give him time to finish as you climbed the stairs.
You stopped in front of the door and knocked loud enough for him to hear you, thinking about what you could have said, thinking about his reaction. Would he have been happy to see you? Relieved? Impassive as always?
"Who is it?" came his rough voice from inside.
"Y/n." you said gingerly and you heard total silence.
"Come in." you opened the door and stepped inside. He was standing in front of the window, his shoulders to you. He didn't even turn around, maybe Nina was kidding and you fell for it like an idiot. "Do you need anything?"
"I-" you stopped yourself, what could you say? You just wanted to see him, see if he was scared for you, if he cared. "I thought you'd have wanted to see me..." you wanted to smack yourself in the face after that. He was Kaz Brekker, not some silly teenager in love.
He remained in silence, still in front of the window. It was late and the sun had already gone out.
"I am planning this new job and-"
"You don't need me for the job." you said it matter-of-factly.
Even though Nina might have been wrong about Kaz, you knew she wasn't wrong about you: you weren't vital for the plan and you had never been, so Kaz owed you at least an explanation. Especially after what happened the previous night, the job gone wrong.
"You are right, i don't." you weren't surprised by the answer he had given you, but what surprised you was that he admitted it so easily. "But i thought you'd want to be there when we get our revenge over those that did that to you."
You gaped at that, but he obviously couldn't see it. "We?"
"Yes. We." he repeated.
"Did you come checking on me?"
He craned his neck so that he was looking over his shoulder, looking at you. "Did Nina tell you?"
"Did you or not?"
"I did."
You paused for a moment. "Why?"
"Because you are one of us."
"Just one of us?" you insisted. You weren't sure whether you should have continued or not, but he couldn't leave you with such an answer. You needed a clearer one.
"No." he said, "Not just one of us."
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taglist - @henqtic @eunoniaa @wh0re4blaise @harmqnia @sanctimoniousslytherpuff @maybesandohnos @youreso-golden @beforeoursunsets @o-rion-sta-r @mollysolo @prettygirlkay @dlmmdl @chaoticgirl04 @badass-yn @peachybaes @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dreamcxtcherr @maybanksslut @gwlvr @aleksanderwh0r3 @alltheloztboys @miraclesoflove @s1xthirty @janesofia7
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dizzydizney · 2 years
Hi, I'm new to the descendants fandom, was wondering if you had any headcanons you wished to share with the class. I like knowing things
aww that's so sweet of you! i feel like i have so much stuff swimming around in my head but now that i have a chance to put it out there, i can't think of anything good D: i'll try my best tho!!
i don't know how well the tagging system will do so TRIGGER WARNING for suicide, death, child abuse - the usual for this fandom
First of all! It's a very very morbid thought but I think that death is possible on the Isle, it's just temporary. Like an Old Guards situation. Bc otherwise I think people would be killing each other left and right, or trying to off themselves to escape the Isle, or dying of starvation or disease or god only knows what. And I think each member of the Core Four has died at least once
Mal drowned when she fell into the ocean. Jay was about 14 when he was practicing his parkour-ing over rooftops and ended up falling from like four stories up. Carlos fell out of his tree house when he was like 11 and broke his neck. And Evie was about 13 when she died of starvation, bc her mom thought she was getting chubby and locked her in her room for days without food
Also it happened to Harry when he was a baby and fell out of his pram. And Gil was about 7 when he and his brothers were taken hunting for the first time, and someone was being careless with one of the guns and it went off and hit Gil. I'm not sure about Uma, tho. Maybe she's the one anomaly and hasn't died
So that's my big general one. Now I'll try to go character by character and just say whatever comes to mind!
Mal: Nonbinary, she/they pronouns. On the ace spectrum. Obviously suffers from anxiety and panic attacks, that’s p much canon. She’s a virgo, very much a perfectionist, and terrified of disappointing people. I think if it were a real world au, her name would be Mallory. And she’d hate that so she’d just go by Mal. Introvert. Doesn’t do well in crowds or on the spot. Loves her alone time, and spends most of it listening to music and drawing. She experiments with more art styles than just spray paint and sketching once she’s in Auradon. Always has charcoal or oil pastel smudges on her hands (and sometimes face) or paint splatters on her clothes. Doesn’t care about mess. Loves the rain, and splashing in puddles (also canon tho lol)
Evie: Lesbian, she/they. Super femme and obsessed with her looks at first, but I think a lot of that is just bc of her mother. I love the idea of Evie cutting her hair short, and experimenting with makeup and fashion in a way that’s true self expression, and not just trying to look pretty and dolled up. Still girly and nowhere near as rough and tumble as Mal is tho lol. But I like the idea of her being a little more tough tho. Not saying she’s delicate or anything but her mom didn’t want her to smile in fear of wrinkles, so she obviously wasn’t doing anything before that would cause her skin any damage. But imagine Evie getting in a fight or an accident and getting a scar from it. And it’s a new perceived “blemish” that her mom would freak out about but Evie is oddly proud of it. Bc it’s unique and it’s hers and it’s now part of her. So with that in mind I think she would be like “how can I change my body in a way that would make me happy and piss off my mom, without getting hurt again” lul and I think Evie would look kickass with a whole lotta tattoos! Just all over, turning her body into her own little scrapbook/collage of things she likes and finds beautiful 
Carlos: Gay, he/him. This isn’t a headcanon so much as a complaint but I HATE how a lot of the fandom perceives Carols. Like he’s some soft little whimpering puppy that hides behind his friends at the slightest bit of trouble. And that’s not him at all! Maybe he was freaked out to go back to the Isle in D2 but he was standing up to Harry and Gil in D3 and shoved Harry and stuff. He can stand his ground and he’s as scrappy as the rest of them! It’s not talked about in the movies but I imagine his mom is the Cruella with her own fashion line. And so Carlos grew up in that kind of industry knowing a lot about fashion. I imagine he’d be able to kill that one “fashion and technology” theme at the Met Gala. Making dresses that light up and change and making clothes out of recycled materials and whatnot
Jay: Pan, he/they. I think Jay should’ve had some magical powers since Jafar had his own magic, and that was before being turned into a genie. And it’s not good but I imagine Jay growing up to be kind of a misogynist thanks to his shitty dad. But he starts to grow out of that when he meets Mal and Evie and stops seeing girls as pretty little trinkets to own, like his dad probably taught him. And I know we see him on the tourney team as well but I love the idea of him being into more extreme sports. Skateboarding, bmx bikes, motocross, that kind of thing. Anything that keeps him on his feet or keeps him moving. And if it were a modern au (even though I think canon Jafar is weird and inaccurate) I do like the idea of Jay helping to run some big antique shop or something. With lots of old treasures and trinkets that he helps sell. He and Harry could run it together. I think that would be nifty. They are two characters who are tied to “treasure” after all
This was a lot and I didn’t even get past the core four but !! Here’s some fun stuff to start with sksksk hope you like ittt
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midnightsconspiracy · 3 years
Battle Scars
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Battle Scars - @midnightsconspiracy
Summary: Jay has a lot of memories from his time in the war, some that are on his body. One cosy night he decides that maybe he should tell you where they're from.
Warnings: War, Military
Word Count: 630
Requested: Yes!!
‘If possible could I ask for a fic with Halstead where the reader and him are cuddly together in bed and she starts tracing scars on his chest from his time with the rangers and then he talks to her about each of them while they cuddle and just super fluffy and cute. Sorry if it’s too specific but I just can’t stop thinking about this :)'
A/N: Reference to twilight with the title ;)
The feeling of warmth took over your body as you snuggled in tight to the figure beside you. That being of your boyfriend Jay, who currently held you in his arms as your head lay on his chest, stroking the hair lovingly. Your legs intertwined together, every part of your bodies wanting to be close and transfer whatever heat possible. But as you finally felt comfortable in your lover's arms, he tried to wiggle his way out from the bubble of warmth, making excuses of how he needed to get ready for bed. Protesting at his sudden exit, you thrust your hands out, showing him how much distress he had cause you now that you were cold and had no one to cuddle. In response, he just threw you a sarcastic pout before continuing on into the bathroom to finish his nightly routine.
He returned from the adjacent room, clad in only sweatpants and nothing else, much to your excitement, before climbing into bed and resuming the radiator like state you had before. Pulling you onto his chest once again, he kicked his legs out knowing you’d want to be in the original position of being extremely close so that nothing could fit between the two of you. You caressed his chest, as you chatted about everything, just enjoying the bliss of being near each other after a stressful day at work. Whilst talking you focused on the scars that littered his torso, having never received the stories on how he got them, but also never pushing to receive that information. As he noticed you looking at them, he decided that tonight was the right time to tell you, knowing that sharing those sensitive stories would help bring you close to each other.
“You want to know where some of these are from?” He asked, pointing at the blemished skin whilst smiling, reassuring you that he was ok with the subject. Nodding in response, you looked up at him, returning the smile back to him making sure he knew he was in a safe space.
“Well this one,” he stated, pointing to a small scar right underneath his pec,
“It was me and Mouse out in Afghanistan and we came across these men who were doing some sketchy things, and so when we went to intercept them they turned around to defend themselves, but before we could get back up in one of them cut me with there knife right there” Not wanting to bring up too many gory details, he kept it brief for both your sake and his, knowing some trauma would be bought up again otherwise. He listed out more stories, one by one as he followed the map along his chest, finding the lighter side in some of them, reminiscing on both good and bad memories. Mouse came up in a few stories, Jay’s smile brightening every time he mentions the good friend of his, knowing that they were going to be brothers for life.
As he wrapped up his anecdotes, coming to the last mark, you hugged him tighter, thanking him for sharing something you knew was a hard subject. So you threw your leg over his body, getting on top of him in order to show him how much you really loved him. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you tight, whispering words of affection and comfort, just so thankful he had you in his life.
“I'm so proud of you for talking about them, I really do love you so much Jay,” you told him with a kiss, as he breathed the word out back at you. Finally, as you drifted off to sleep, you both dreamt of a future together, realising how much you really did love and trust each other.
Taglist: @panaitbeatrice @mileika @Nerd-88 @Brookerz122493@Amazingbutterflyes @carnationworld @shootingcosmos@mrspeacem1nusone @Chazubagi @scarletsoldierrr@morganupstead @panaitbeatrice
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Behind the Curtains (Draco Malfoy)
Summary: You can't sleep so you decide to take a short walk around the castle. However, you are met with the one and only Draco Malfoy... and potentionally Umbridge.
Warning: make out session hehe
Author's Note: I'm sorry I haven't been active here much, I've just been super busy with school and other stuff, so please bear with me. Requests are open anyway ♡
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @95swifi @lunalovecroft @sarcasticallywitty15 @abrunettefangirlnerd @justmesadgirl @weasleyh0e @spn-marvel-nerd @meteora-fc @amourtentiaa @freds-slut @riddikulus--remus @the-fan-18 @whoahersheybars
~ taglist link in my bio, as well as to my masterlist and prompt list ♡ ~
Sleep had been avoiding you for the past 3 hours as you tossed in your bed again and again. You eventually opened your eyes, giving up all your hopes to fall asleep, and quietly slipped from your warm sheets. Your eyes wandered to Hermione, who was peacefully lying on the other side of the room, you smiled to yourself and left the dorm.
The cold stone floor was sending chills through you whole body and you wrapped your arms around your body to keep yourself a tad bit warm. You looked down at your bare feet and silently cursed under your breath. I should’ve thought this through.
The Fat Lady frowned at you that you woke her up in the middle of the night as you left the Gryffindor common room, and you whispered a quick apology.
You didn’t waste your time looking left or right, at this point you didn’t really care any more if you get more detention, the scar on your hand itching slightly. Umbridge was surely in her pink fluffy bed, thinking about another restrictions for the Hogwarts students to follow.
You chuckled to yourself at the thought, turning right. You didn’t have a planned destination to reach, you just mindlessly wandered around the castle, watching the dark shadows dance on the floor. You shivered again and your feet started to feel a bit numb.
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” a sly voice echoed through the deserted corridor, making you froze on your spot abruptly. You slowly turned around on your heel to face Draco Malfoy. A cocky grin was gracing his pale face, his arms folded on his chest as he eyed you from head to toe. You couldn’t help it but roll your eyes at his smug behaviour, taking a slight step back.
“I could ask the same question, Malfoy,” you smiled innocently, hoping to distract him a little to be able to run back to your common room.
“Not so quickly, Y/L/N,” he sniggered as he looked through your thoughts easily, taking a few steps towards you.
Another plan was slowly forming inside your head. You knew very well that negotiating with Slytherins, especially Draco, wasn't the best way to get yourself out of trouble, but nothing else came to your mind at the moment. “How abou-”
Your voice ceased immediately. Someone was coming your way and by the sound of the clapping noise on the stone floor, it couldn’t be anyone else but Dolores Umbridge. Or Filch in high heels. Either option didn’t look promising to you.
But Draco was quick to act, apparently he’d done this before. He seized your arm and pulled you behind one of the curtains that were decorating the wall.
His whole body was pressed against your own, his suprisingly warm hand was covering your mouth as he stared into your eyes. “Do not move.” his lips moved but no sound came out. You nodded slightly and Draco removed his hand slowly.
Judging by the approaching noise, Umbridge just turned around in your corridor.
Draco must have sensed your nervosity (that wasn’t definitely caused by some toad in pink now) and grabbed both of your hands and placed them on his chest. A smug smirk appeared on his lips as he lowered his head a little. Only few inches were between the two of you and you found yourself closing your eyes and leaning in. His scent was intoxicating, as well as his hot touch. Your mind was screaming, your body slightly shaking, and you suddenly felt all dizzy and light-headed.
Umbridge was now only a couple of meters away and still coming closer.
“You make a sound and we’re both doomed.” Draco whispered into your ear, his lips brushed against your skin so lightly, like a wind caresses leaves and grass.
And then, when you were almost 100% positive that Umbridge was just passing the two of you, Draco pressed a wet kiss on your neck, sucking slightly at the sensitive skin. Your breath hitched in your throat and it took all your strenght not to let out a satisfactory moan. Your head was spinning as he kept on kissing your neck, making sure to mark his teritorry, which he would’t admit out loud in a million years.
You swallowed slowly, tilting your head a little to provide him with a better access and you felt how he smiled against your skin.
If someone asked you in the moment, who on earth is Umbridge, you wouldn’t be able to give the correct answer. Hell, you didn’t even remember your own name when Draco’s lips were now pressed against your jawline, his one hand wrapped around your waist and the other one gripping your hip tightly.
When you thought you couldn’t be quiet for any other second, Draco Malfoy kissed you properly on your mouth, supressing your moan. You had no idea how long you were glued to each other, it could be seconds as well as years, his skilled hands were roaming all over your body, trying to imprint you into his mind.
To your own displeasure, you had to pull away. This was not you, randomly making out in the middle of the night with the most popular Slytherin guy. Draco leaned closer one more and pressed a last soft kiss on your lips, then stepping away completely.
Both of your chests were raising rapidly and even though he was now standing almost a meter from you, you could still feel his hand holding you closer to him, his soft hair and most precisely his devil lips.
“What the hell was that?” you managed to get out of you, still whispering.
“What?” he raised his eyebrows as he tugged his hands into his pockets.
“Snogging me.”
After a few seconds of complete silence Draco spoke up again. “Don't flatter yourself, Y/L/N, it’s not like I fancy or something.”
You laughed sarcastically, “Oh, please! I could feel your hard-on.”
“Yeah?” he raised his voice slightly, stepping closer again, “well… you didn’t exactly struggle, did you, Y/L/N?”
You glared at him, not answering. His typical smirk was once again gracing his face and you couldn’t think of anything but how much you’d love to kiss it away.
“Next night, same time?” his voice filled your ears again and you met his grey eyes.
You nodded and with fireworks in your stomach (that Fred and George Weasley would be proud to produce) you parted your ways.
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epicene-humanoid · 3 years
some trans Jeff thoughts:
he realized he was trans in elementary school and just went fuck it I'll just start introducing myself as Jeffery and see if anyone decides to stop me (as we know, jeff winger can get away with almost anything)
he got top surgery the second he could afford it (around the same time he started at his law firm), and probably bribed someone to keep it a secret
"I'm jeff winger and i would rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with" are the words of a man proud of his transition
he's really insecure about his fashion sense, which is why he mostly dresses like the douchey guys at his firm in the start of the show, he thought you can't go wrong with the sleazy lawyer look
he will never admit it but he feels super good about the dean hitting on him, because the dean is a (cis) guy, acknowledging that Jeff is more manly than him
i think he starts out stealth and comes out to everyone one by one, probably starting with abed because he knows abed won't judge him and will probably just see it as an interesting backstory.
abed just says it's cool and maybe worth a prequel exploring Jeff's transition, and jeff asks him to predict how all of the members of the group will react to him coming out.
abed's predictions:
britta will be over-the-top supportive and do a ton of research about trans history, probably put together a slideshow just to prove how progressive she is, and jeff will be a little bit weirded out, but also touched that she did all that for him, though he would never let her know that
shirley will be confused, because she doesn't know how someone she trusts and knows so well could be part of a group she was raised to hate, but ultimately realizes that there's nothing actually against the lgbtq people in the bible, and, as a cool character development arch, starts to advocate against use of the bible to justify bigotry
troy will just think it over and decide that Jeff's physique and coolness are even awesomer knowing how much work he'd had to put in to be like that, and respects Jeff's manliness even more
annie will give him a hug, say something sweet about how she'll always love him, and worry about his health, because even she read somewhere that taking testosterone makes you more likely to have a heart attack, jeff will explain that the risk is still only as high a cis guy, and she'll be the one to always remind him to take his shots
peirce will say at best say "jeff winger used to be a chick?" and at worst call him a slur, either way there's sure to be a lot of misgendering from him, and pestering to know Jeff's deadname (needless to say, Jeff just doesn't tell peirce)
the whole group goes out of their way to keep their beach trips a secret from pierce (the girls don't want him there anyways, he's too liable to be creepy) even though jeff knows that even if pierce saw his scars, all he would have to do is make up a story about some childhood accident and pierce would never question it
sorry this ended up being super long. can I hear some of your headcanons for him?
YES ALL THIS!!! yes yes i’m fully accepting this as canon oh my god
i’m about to type a whole ass ESSAY at midnight because i have been DYING to talk about this for months ajfdksljk,,, this is going to be obscenely long and i might end up adding even more to it as i continue to rewatch the show because there is truly no shortage of trans jeff content (especially when you’re trans and see transness in every little thing ajdkslfkjs)
spoiler warning for literally everything about this show under the cut <3
i 100% agree, i feel like he realized he was trans super young, especially since in the show we see him as a little kid a couple of times. 
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like look at little jeff with the oversized sweatshirt and little ponytail!! that’s childhood trans fashion. not to be dramatic but part of me thinks that jeff’s dad left before he fully came out to his family (which gives him even more angst about it, because until that one Thanksgiving episode, he’s never able to prove to his dad that he’s a better man), but part of me thinks that his dad left after he came out (which adds that spicy i-should-have-stayed-in-the-closet guilt that he has to work through). 
either way, because his dad wasn’t there, he had to base his concept of masculinity on something else, which was becoming a lawyer!! there’s some line that’s like “after the dust and divorce papers were settled the only man i looked up to was [the lawyer guy]”. like, replacing your father figure in your mind with the concept of “a job where you can talk your way in and out of anything and distort other people’s concept of reality”? that’s trans.
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 and the fucking THANKSGIVING EPISODE... i struggle to watch it without crying hehe <3 yeowch! the dichotomy of willy jr. being the “wrong” kind of man because he’s “too soft” but jeff also not being enough despite adhering to all the social standards of masculinity... fuck!! this whole scene of him telling his dad “i am Not well adjusted” and talking about how he gave himself an “appendix surgery scar” when he was a kid and he still keeps the get-well-soon letters from his classmates under his bed? oh my god. the implication of people loving him not despite his scars but because of them?? trans. i can’t think about this episode for too long or i’ll start yelling.
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OH and this scene? where he talks about how his mom got him a girl costume for halloween?? and everyone said “what a cute little girl” and after a few houses he stopped correcting them?? and “once the shame and the fear wore off, i was just glad they thought i was pretty”?? THAT’S TRANS... the man needs validation oh my god... and then in all the halloween episodes we see he has these ultra-masculine costumes (a cowboy, David Beckham, one of the fast and furious guys even though he never watched the movies, a boxer with his DAD’S boxing gloves... god) costumes are about becoming something else and he always chooses to be hypermasculine and that is trans.
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THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION EPISODE!!!!!!! being uncomfortable during P.E. is a queer experience. period. but him being specifically uncomfortable in the clothes someone else is assigning to him? trans. “are we gonna talk about clothes like a girl? or use tapered sticks to hit balls around a cushioned mat like a man?” TRANS. and him eventually stripping in public? celebration of transness. and the fact that he eventually becomes comfortable in both the uniform and his own style!! trans!! god i love this episode. 
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AND AND AND!!! the gay dean coming out episode!!! where it’s the three of them discussing the best way for the dean to come out as gay despite not entirely identifying with that label!! so we have both frankie and the dean who are sort of ambiguously queer, and jeff who’s a stealth trans man who’s probably only out to only the study group at this point. this scene where the dean and jeff have this like eyebrow communication while frankie is talking is just so cute. queer-to-queer communication. “I am so curious” “oh?” “intellectually.” “oh...” ajfdksljfk this scene just screams high school GSA to me and i love it so much.
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and SPEAKING of the dean!! i totally see you on that. i feel like jeff has some internalized homophobia/biphobia (like he’d throw punches over someone else, but when it comes to himself he has a lot of shame). and also seeing the dean so confident in all his different outfits/costumes has a weird affect on him bc it’s like “okay, the dean, a cis guy, can do that, but i as a trans guy could Not because that’s Breaking the Rules”. which, like, throwback to the halloween thing. of course there’s no right way to be masculine, but mr. winger does not know that.
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another thing!! the episode where their emails get leaked? that includes his emails with his therapist. fuck!! he was outed to the whole world in that episode!! no wonder he was so fucking angry!! this whole episode (and really any time he mentions his therapist) is so interesting when you think about them as a person he talks to about his transition. OH which adds to the thing with the dean!! “and you told your therapist you wanted to be alone this weekend” and “not you jeff, i know you’ll be visiting your dad” ”I told you to stop reading my emails”. luckily his study group has his back and just makes fun of him for emailing astronauts lmao
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and WHO can forget “they’re giving out an award for most handsome young man!!!!” what else is there to say about this line besides: he’s trans. you know he didn’t get awarded enough for being a handsome young man when he was a kid, and no amount of compliments when he’s fully-grown can really make up for that. some people crash a kid’s bar mitzvah to cope with the fact that they struggled to be seen as themselves when they were a teenager <3
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also his weird relationship with pierce? where he kind of hates him (understandably lmao) but at times has this almost-friends-almost-father-son relationship with him? especially in this episode where he’s forced to bond with him and ends up having a good time by accident (at a barber shop no less, the perfect place to Be A Man with your Man Friend). idk what to say about him besides the fact that pierce says his mom wanted a girl when he was born and made him dress like a girl (and his middle name is anastasia!) so if they’re gonna do any bonding over transness it’s gonna be that. 
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okay one last thing and then i’ll shut up for the night. this episode kills me (and almost kills jeff hahahahelpi’mcrying). it’s a very Trans thing to not be able to visualize your future self, it just is. growing up trans at the time he did? i don’t know what kind of future he saw for himself, but i’m so happy that he ended up with a group of friends who became his family and love him the way they all do. i’m so emotional over this asshole it’s ridiculous. 
in conclusion:
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they’re trans, your honor <3
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jisungsmochi · 3 years
somebody to you - hrj
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somebody to you - renjun
behold,, the FINAL part of my nct dream x the vamps songs series! leaving y’all with something really wholesome and fluffy bc i’m inlove with renjun 
word count: 2.8k 
summary: huang renjun didn’t like relationships. he thought they were messy, and honestly, a waste of time. he had his whole life ahead of him, so why would he need a significant other to be happy? that was all until he met you, and thought to himself, maybe it wouldn’t be all bad...
read the rest here! 
I used to wanna be
Living like there's only me
But now I spend my time
Thinking 'bout a way to get you off my mind
renjun scrolled through his endless instagram feed, swiping through threads of his friends with their girlfriends. he would be lying if he said it didn’t make him
borderline sick. he was always a realist, never really seeing the point of having a serious relationship at such a young age. in his life so far, he’d probably say he’s only had one girlfriend, and it was a random girl he asked to prom so he wouldn’t feel left out. renjun was never opposed to love, he just wasn’t actively seeking it.
“dude i reckon you’re gonna like her! she’s super cool from the sounds of it, and she goes to our university!” haechan insists as the four boys sat down for dinner in their shared apartment.
“i don’t need you to set me up on a blind date. i’m capable of finding someone on my own, thank you very much” renjun rolled his eyes, fed up with the continuous discussions of his single status.
“yeah, and how’s that going for you?” jaemin chimed in, causing jeno and haechan to chuckle in response. renjun just scoffed, shoving his mouth with more food to avoid speaking further.
“give it a chance. the worst that could happen is that you don’t vibe with her and you never talk to her again” jeno tries his best to convince the stubborn boy. renjun just shrugs, his mind contemplating the idea.
“okay fine, one date. if you guys really think she’s soo good for me, let’s see how accurate you guys are” renjun snickers. he was not confident in their matchmaking skills at all, but he loved seeing them fail.
“perfect, i’ll set it up for you. just sit back, relax and be your boring self” haechan grins, tapping away on his phone. renjun ignores the cheeky boy’s comments, finishing up his dinner. his first date in over two years, this should be good...
I used to be so tough
Never really gave enough
And then you caught my eye
Giving me the feeling of a lightning strike
renjun was regretting this date already. all he knew about you was your first name and your uni course, nothing else. the boys had refused to show him any photos of you, claiming that it would be more ‘romantic’ if he fell for you at first sight...what a cliche, he thought to himself.
“how will i even know it’s her, if i don’t know what she freaking looks like?” renjun groaned, nerves slowly building up as haechan pulled up to the date location.
“i’ll point her out, okay? just trust me” renjun let out a short sigh, hands slightly jittery. why the hell was he nervous? it wasn’t like he was going to see her after this one date.
as renjun stepped out of the car, his eyes scanned the scenery.
“jeez, you guys really went all out for this date” he was amazed by the view. it was a restaurant that was by the water, multiple little boats sailing across it and the sounds of birds humming.
“of course, you only deserve the best” haechan winked, eyes looking for renjun’s date.
“dude what if she doesn’t even show up. does she even know what i look like?” renjun was slightly panicking at this point, drifting from his tough exterior.
“haechan?” a soft voice interrupted his thoughts. renjun’s eyes diverted to the owner of the voice. he felt stunned by the sight of you, dressed neatly in some jeans and a flowery blouse. you had slightly curled your hair, hands clutching to your purse as you greeted the two boys infront of you.
“hey y/n, this is renjun, your date for tonight! see you kids later, don’t get up to anything crazy” haechan chuckled to himself, shoving renjun to meet you. renjun almost clashed into your smaller frame, catching you off guard. you gently held his arms, keeping a small distance between you both.
“o-oh my bad, i-i’m renjun” he stammered, eyes meeting yours. you were slightly blown away by his looks...he was really attractive. well done, haechan.
renjun would say the same about you. even though he didn’t have a particular type, (as he found it kind of dumb tbh) he believed you could fit it perfectly.
��i’m y/n! nice to meet you” you widely smiled, renjun returning your expression as he pulled out his hand for you to shake. maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
Look at me now, I'm falling
I can't even talk, still stuttering
This ground I'm on, it keeps shaking
you were currently trying to hold back your laughter as renjun recounted the story of how he caught jaemin with his girlfriend...doing the nasty, during their first week of university.
“oh my goodness! were you scarred for life?” you slammed your fist on the table, causing others around you to glare. but renjun couldn’t even focus on them, attention solely on you.
“of course! it was the first week! like couldn’t they have just waited until midterms?” renjun chuckled at the memory, proud of himself that he made you laugh so much. he must be doing something right.
“you’re really funny, renjun. some of the other guys that haechan tried to set me up with were lowkey boring. i guess he sees me as boring too” you slightly frowned, watching as renjun piped up in his seat,
“y-you’re not boring at all! you’re funny! and pretty too” he muttered the last part, not wanting you to have heard. but you did. you decided not to linger on it much, afraid to make him too flustered.
“you’d be the first guy to say that” you shrugged, taking a small sip from your glass of water.
“have you had boyfriends in the past?” renjun suddenly asked, causing you to raise an eyebrow.
“i-uh i’ve had a few. nothing too serious though, how about you?” you curiously ask in return, watching as renjun looked down to his lap. he hesitated before answering,
“i’ve only had one girlfriend before. i’m not really an avid dater” renjun admits to you, hoping that you didn’t find him lame.
“oh neither am i! we have another thing in common! i feel like relationships can get really difficult to manage, especially if you aren’t in the right headspace, you know?” you started rambling, renjun stringing along to your every word. he found such beauty in the way you articulated your words. he was so entranced he almost forgot to respond.
“i totally understand how you feel, i’ve always thought that i should live my life to the fullest before i consider settling down” he commented, causing you to nod along. you really liked his answers, it seemed like you were both on the same page about relationships. you didn’t expect to enjoy his company this much, initially agreeing to go on the date so that haechan would stop teasing you for not having a boyfriend in uni yet.
you walked alongside renjun, waiting for your roommate to pick you up.
“i had a really good time tonight, renjun. thankyou” you kindly complimented, causing renjun to become more shy (if that was even possible).
“no thankyou! there were times i felt kind of awkward, but you really know how to carry a conversation” he smiled, watching as you started to get shy.
“are you flirting with me, huang renjun?” you teased, nudging his arm gently.
“so what if i am?” he nudged you back,
“well i don’t think i’d want you to stop” you smirked. before renjun could say anything back, your heard the familiar voice of your roommate urging you to get in her car.
“oh that’s my ride. i have to get going. this was nice, i’ll see you around renjun!” you hurriedly embraced the boy, placing a gentle peck to his cheek before rushing to your roommate’s car.
renjun still didn’t say anything back to you, his body frozen from your touch.
‘no no no’ he thought to himself...he was falling for her.
All I wanna be, yeah, all I ever wanna be, yeah, yeah
Is somebody to you
Everybody's tryna be a billionaire
But every time I look at you, I just don't care
“so are you gonna tell us about the date or do we have to call and ask her instead?” haechan teased as the rest of the boys sat in their living room. renjun has a book in his hands, wanting nothing more than peace and quiet after his long night.
“gosh, will you let me finish this chapter?” renjun huffed, causing jaemin and jeno to snicker. haechan pulled out his phone, holding it to renjun’s face,
“oh would you look at that? it would be a shame for my finger to slip and dial y/n” before he could continue, renjun hurriedly tossed his book to the side, tackling the pestering boy onto the ground, holding him down firmly.
“holy shit, did you get stronger?“ haechan could barely speak, still in shock from the sudden attack. renjun slowly leans back, letting out a tired sigh.
“you two are ridiculous, let’s cut to the chase, did you like her or not?” jaemin rolled his eyes, ready to hear all the tea.
renjun looked from side to side, not liking all the attention that was on him.
“i-she was really cool. honestly yeah, i did like her. but i don’t think she’s looking for anything too serious at the moment” renjun shook his head, thinking back to your heated discussion about relationships.
“okay that sounds like a cop out excuse. i think you’re just scared” jeno chimed in, the two other boys nodding along. renjun glared at them, trying his best to maintain his composure.
“yeah, i mean, did anything happen aside from good conversation?” jaemin continued to push, renjun now becoming more reserved. of course he trusted his friends, but they never really openly spoke about their feelings like this, it was quite new to all of them.
“she kissed me on the cheek before she left, does that mean something?” renjun muttered, watching as haechan tips himself over, now laying on the ground.
“you’re an idiot, must we spell it out for you? she’s totally into you as well” jeno groaned in frustration.
truth was, renjun wasn’t sure how to properly ask someone out, nonetheless be in a proper relationship with them. he was in desperate need of help...but all he had were his three idiot friends.
“i know i don’t know her well and all, but after she left, i couldn’t stop thinking about her. is this what it’s like to fall for someone? oh god...i’m falling” renjun started rambling to himself, jaemin and jeno now rested against him, shoulder touching either of his.
“the answer is pretty clear, man. go for a second date! make the move, she might be thinking the exact same thing” jeno shrugged, trying his best to advise his friend, the best he could. renjun bidded, actually agreeing with jeno for once.
suddenly, renjun felt his phone ringing. he immediately picked it up without looking at the caller ID.
as if you were listening in on their conversation, your voice rang through renjun’s ear.
“hello? is this renjun?” you nervously stammered, waiting for a response. renjun was completely frozen, his mouth hung wide as jeno pressed his own ear closer to the phone.
“y-yes this is him” renjun finally spat out, hands slightly shaking.
“oh great, this is probably coming as a surprise to you. but i uh, wanted to know if you’d be interested in going on another date” you were able to finish, heart racing as you held the phone tightly. renjun felt his heart stop after your words, jeno shaking him gently to snap out of his daze.
“o-oh yeah, i’d be really interested” renjun replies, mentally face palming himself for sounding a little too eager.
“amazing, i’ll keep in touch” you smiled to yourself, trying your best to contain your excitement. eventually you hung up, screaming into your pillow, kicking your feet up and down. was this how it felt to actually like someone?
“there’s your chance, don’t blow it!” haechan teased, throwing a cushion over to renjun who was still frozen well after the call had ended.
‘holy shit’ he mumbled.
the date you had planned for renjun, involved attending the local food markets they held once a month. you thought it would be a social enough setting for conversation to not get too awkward, as well as enjoy a variety of food. renjun met you at the bus stop, dressed in baggy jeans and a blue wind runner jacket. his hair was slightly styled, some strands gelled back. it really accentuated his facial features, making you admire him even more than you did before.
“you look really good today, i mean, not like you don’t look good everyday i’m sure you do..” you shook your head at your rambling, wanting nothing more but for him to laugh it off. renjun just smirked at you, planning another witty comment to respond,
“not as good as you though” he gently guided you to walk with him, his hand travelling to the small of your back. you slightly froze at the contact, but aimlessly followed him. he surely had his way with words.
as you both tasted some amazing food, renjun found him standing quite close to you. if you were trying a sample, he would stand behind you, his chest touching your back occasionally. it seemed really natural to him, and you didn’t mind it at all. he would often touch your shoulder gently to grab your attention, or pull you along by your waist. it gave you massive butterflies that you could shake off.
“did you want to start heading home? we can walk to the bus stop together” renjun offered kindly, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you slowly made your way out of the large crowd. just as you were about to respond, rain started sprinkling from the sky. renjun quickly moved you to stand under some shelter as the rain came pouring.
“how the hell are we meant to walk in this?” you half shouted, clutching onto renjun’s side. he couldn’t bear moving you away from him,
“let’s just run, we can’t wait for it to pass” he suddenly took your hand, pulling you along as he bolted to the nearest bus stop.
“you’re so crazy, renjun!” you shout at the boy, giggling at the entire situation. before you knew it, renjun span you around, pulling you close to his chest.
“the only thing i’m crazy about is you” he confessed, catching you completely off guard. he had a habit of making such flirty comments, but this time you felt he wasn’t trying to joke around.
“w-what?” rain was washing over the both of you, your clothes completely soaked at this point.
“i really like you, y/n. i really freaking do. i didn’t want to admit it at first because i was scared of the idea of dating. but i want to be with you. i want to be somebody to you. everyone is out here trying to settle down and start their lives, but i feel like with you we can go at a steady pace. i don’t want to rush things, incase it gets messy, and difficult. but i just needed you to know that i really like you, and i hope it’s not all in my head that you like me back” renjun firmly confessed to you, eyes never leaving yours. you slowly raised your hand to wipe some rain drops off his face, watching as he smiled into your touch. he held you tightly in his arms, awaiting your response.
“renjun, i think i made it really clear that i like you back. i was also nervous about how you’d react, considering you weren’t really looking for anything serious at first. i think we should give it a shot, we can worry about all the stress and possible fights later on. all i know is that right now, you’re the only person i want to be standing in the rain with. now can you please kiss me?” you couldn’t contain your smile as renjun leaned into you. his lips pressing gently against yours. your fingers now running through his wet hair as he held your waist firmly. the kiss started getting deeper, the atmosphere really playing into the romantic nature of it all. eventually you both pulled away, foreheads presses against eachother, softly giggling.
that was the beginning of your relationship with renjun. despite having ups and downs (as expected) you both persevered and tried your absolute hardest to make things work. renjun finally admitted to himself: falling inlove wasn’t so bad...especially when it was with the right person.
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Character ref for; Jack, Maddie and Jazz,
Art by @gally-hin / @gally-hin-phantom
Okay so first off; in terms of Actual redesign, I didn't change a whole lot. I'm actually very fond of Jack and Maddie's design's, my only real issue was with their proportions. Like...look as a lady person who is also thiCC I do not have a fucking wasp thin waist and I'm sure I'm not the only one, lmao. As for Jack? Godamnit he looked like a brick on toothpicks. Just Let him be a fucking Bara man! Anyway of course I asked Gally to do this one bc they're fucking great at drawing different body types
I also cannot and will not take credit for Jazz's outfit. I didn't have any issue with her canon clothes aside from them being a bit plain, so what she's wearing here was literally pulled straight off of her original concept art, which I will link here.
Anyway, getting to the Actual character lore now, let's start with
Maddie Fenton
-Full name is Madeline (I haven't decided on a maiden name yet)
-Born and raised on a farm in Arkansas, had a southern accent that she trained herself out of in college bc it was just one more reason for people not to take her seriously. Still sometimes uses "y'all" completely unironically bc old habits die hard.
-She has a really big family, and they're proud of her accomplishments but feel like she's wasting her talent studying ghosts, because really, up until the Fenton portal was up and running there wasn't even any solid proof they existed. Her sister Alicia is the one outlier there, and even if she doesn't understand, it she completely supports her.
-She majored in engineering and minored in psychology at Wisconsin EDU. Her, Jack and Vlad were all in the same engineering class, and that's where they met.
-Maddie is particularly interested in how ghosts think, analysing their behavior, their motives. Not only that, but they aren't just dead people with unfinished business, they've built an entire culture in the Ghost Zone that is completely seperate from humanity, and she wants to understand all of it.
-skilled marksman and 9th degree black belt, (which is. The highest fucking level there is holy shit? I looked it up after I saw it on her wiki page.)
Jack Fenton
-He's from Minnesota (Amity park is in Illinois and him and Maddie didn't move there until after they got married) 
-okay, "but why minnesota specifically" you ask? Because. I crave. Foot ball discourse. 
-minnesota vikings vs green bay packers guys do you UNDERSTAND WHERE IM GOING WITH THIS 
-The funny thing is that Jack only watches football casually while Vlad is a fucking die hard so when these two got together to see a game it was like....
-Jack: Here to chill and have a good time.
-Vlad: Primed and ready to start a fist fight at any given moment.
-I am never not going to be salty about how Canon Jack was portrayed like a complete moron 99% percent of the time. Like no...theres a difference between Actual Stupid and ADHD induced dumbass-ery.
-Am I saying Jack Fenton has ADHD? Yes. why? Because I also have ADHD and I have always vibed So Hard with his Character.
-Jack is loud and easily excited about things that interest him. He's impulsive and fidgety and yeah, a bit absent minded. He has a mouth that clearly runs so much faster than his head. His train of thought doesn't get derailed so much as it stops and takes several different detours on the way to it's final destination.
-and that's only the tip of the iceberg, really, I'd need an entire essay to get into this completely, but I just really relate.
-Jacks skill-set / interests regarding ghosts vary a bit from Maddie's, most notably in the sense that he doesn't believe that they're static entities already set in their ways, completely incapable of change.
-Jack majored in engineering and minored in Biology at Wisconsin EDU.
-Jack's work with tech is a bit hit or miss. He definitely HAS the engineering skills, but the intrest isn't always there and he's constantly jumping back and forth between different projects. He tends to focus on the concept work and schematics and leave most of the assembly to Maddie as a result. It's an arrangement that works well for them, and has drastically decreased the number of unintentional explosions in the lab.
-A lot of Jack's work tends to revolve around ghostly biology and Ectoplasm, figuring out how ghosts are made, what makes them tick, what the hell Ectoplasm Actually Is, how it's used as an energy source, ect.
-and yes, that does also mean he handles the dissections.
-See that facial scar? Yeah, that's not actually there at the start of the series rewrite but it's very important for plot reasons so I had to include it. Can't say much more on the subject because SPOILERs owo.
Jasmine Fenton
-Jazz is a 18 years old, and a senior at Casper high.
-Which means she prepping to go away to college and won't be around to keep an eye on Danny.
-Obviously that doesn't mean I'm just writing her out of the story, oh no. Know why? Because she's also gonna go to Wisconsin EDU. ya know who else is in Wisconsin? Fuckin' Vlad.
-Jazz is autistic, Although she passes for neurotypical in part due to symptoms being completely over looked in girls due to gender stereotyping and also the fact that she doesn't have any special interests that are considered " "too weird.""
- Her hyperfixation with psychology started at a young age in an effort to better understand people, and social/emotional cues and all that.
-Jazz is well liked at school but she's not popular or apart of any specific group or clique. She's very kind and compassionate to people, and just about everyone knows her, but you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually Considered her a friend. Except maybe Spike.
-I'm gonna have to give spike his own Character ref at some point, but he's this scary looking goth kid that's been held back twice. He's actually super sweet, just really fuckin' quiet and anxious. Him and jazz kinda ended up gravitating towards each other. She might do most of the talking, but they look out for each other.
-its not like jazz doesn't try to socialize, but it's difficult and she's found it much easier and less stressful to just. Keep to herself and let her interactions with her peers stay shallow and superficial. Sure, it's lonely sometimes but it's better than constantly worrying about saying the wrong thing or making some other misstep.
-One of Jazz's other special interests is football, and it's not so much the players or the game as it is the strategy of it? Started out as one of those things you do to bond with your dad, and she ended up getting really into it.
-She absolutley winds up getting into stupidly intense discussions with Vlad about it, too, lmao.
-Her and Danny probably bonded over SBNation bc that shit has both sentient satellites and ridiculously complex football mechanics.
-She's completely oblivious to the fact, but Dash has a massive crush on her bc holy shit this girl understands football (hey bud your toxic masculinity is showing put that shit away)
-I mentioned that Danny was in Cheer for a bit in middle school so it makes sense that she'd also be pushed into doing some kind of extracurricular activity.....so.....she was in a martial arts class for a bit thanks to Maddie and has a good grasp on self defense.
I think that's everything? I feel like I'm leaving things out tho? Idk if I did I'll come back and add on to this later and also pls don't hesitate to ask questions bc it really helps me flesh things out better.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
K.E.W.K.: Okay, we should really answer some of these.... and talk about how we're getting home today...
L.S.S.: Yeah, I... kind of want to not be in this cabin as soon as possible....
[Anon]: [barely audible]....Can I come with?
K.E.W.K. and L.S.S.: NO-
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[Anon]: Oh, psshh.... They were never going to die-
L.S.S.: How the hell was ANYBODY supposed to know that? You pulled out all of my fingernails! You tortured us both for weeks! You made me think my worst fucking fears were coming true...!!!
K.E.W.K.: You made me think that you mutilated and crucified him, then made me eat parts of him, and I was fully intending on killing you so that the both of us could live.....
[Anon]: ....Yeah, but did you DIIIIIIEEE??? NOoooooo....!! Jesus, it was all in good fun! Lighten up a little...
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K.E.W.K.: ....
I know he only tried because he thought it was the only way to keep me safe. We know it wasn't now, but he couldn't have possibly known that then...
L.S.S.: Yeah... I still regret trying... and of course I didn't try to jump this month. I wouldn't ever leave Mitch alone with that prick willingly.... even when I thought the worst was happening, I couldn't just give up and run away. That's not my style at all [chuckling]
K.E.W.K.: [teary, chuckling]
[Anon]: Ugh, it's Halloween and you two are being all sappy...?
[sigh] That's an obvious one, Bitch- waterboarding isn't lethal if you're careful about it, but crucifixion is.
L.S.S.: Ugh, I can still taste the soap....
K.E.W.K.: Me too....
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L.S.S.: We're holding up as good as you could expect us to, given the circumstances.... That's nice of you to offer, but we pretty much have things under control now. Now we just need to get this guy off our hands so we can go home...
K.E.W.K.: I'm SO ready to sleep in our own bed again....
Wait, a knife set? You mean another honeymoon gift...?
L.S.S.: Heh, we're going to have a lot of gifts to open when we get home...
K.E.W.K.: Tell Polly we send our love back, and for her to enjoy her new life as the cat queen~!
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L.S.S.: [grumbling] ...Busy cutting off my balls?
K.E.W.K.: I guess it's.... better than some other things..?
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L.S.S.: I have to admit, Mitchie... I'm pretty impressed.
K.E.W.K.: You are...?
L.S.S.: Yeah! Mitch, you were fucking hard-core. You took a chunk out of his neck like it was a friggin' salami, and then you forked him in the eye on your first shot!! You even got in a good line in before he started squealing.... I'm really proud of you. :]
K.E.W.K.: Aw, Sal, you're making me blush...
[Anon]: Yeah, that was.... [swooning] ..... but I'm still sad you didn't give me any on my forearm... I was really hoping for some bites...
K.E.W.K.: These [motions to L.S.S. bite scars] are not for you.... you can just draw them on again if you want them so bad >:/
[Anon]: Doing all that makeup is such a pain, though... :(
L.S.S.: Tough shit.
[Anon]: [whining]
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K.E.W.K.: You know what? You're absolutely right. After all the shit we've been put through this month, me and Sally are both due for a mega dose of comfort and all the fluff we can handle! UwU
L.S.S.: Ugh, yes.... god, please...
K.E.W.K.: And I would have drawn something really hard-core and super detailed in the spirit of the holiday, but SOMEONE has made me not want to do that... c:
[Anon]: [thrashing and screaming]
L.S.S.: [cackling] Should have just sent in those prompts, douche-sack....
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K.E.W.K.: I still really appreciate you taking the time to send that ask in. I'm not super knowledgeable about that kind of thing, but it's almost all I could think about after I thought I'd... ugh.... [nauseated]
L.S.S.: I was so confused when you started talking about whiteboards and helping me eat and all that stuff, but it was still really, really sweet... [barely audible] would you have really done all that for me...?
K.E.W.K.: Of course I would...! I was thinking about how to help you learn the apartment layout so you wouldn't trip and how to make it easy for you to find things, getting in the habit of describing every little thing so you wouldn't feel like you were missing out, ways for us to communicate.... I... [tearing up] I was going to suggest us holding pinkies to mean 'I love you'....
L.S.S.: [tearing up] ....it already does... I would have done that without you saying it....
[Anon]: UGH!! YOU BOTH ARE RUINING THE VIBE- [muffled, indecipherable]
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L.S.S.: We're fresh out of tape. We just keep jamming the sock back in... thanks for looking out for us all this time, Tiger. I know you tried to talk this guy down, and I appreciate it.
[Anon]: [spitting] ..... [groaning] god, you guys are so sensitive.... I made this event actually scary! I put the 'gore' in K.E.W.K.s goretober! You should be thanking me for keeping them from boring their following to death....
And, just so you know, those were roadkill I made into an art installation. I'm not THAT much of an asshole... [grumbling]
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[Anon]: SEE? THEY had fun!! I told you~ :D
K.E.W.K. and L.S.S.: Drink your vinegar, Dumbshit :]
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K.E.W.K. and L.S.S.: ........
K.E.W.K.: I was able to fuck him up un the moment, but I don't think I could cut his tongue out, no matter how annoying he is....
L.S.S.: And you already gouged out his eye...
[Anon]: I'll take whatever badge of honor Senpai wants to give me! Especially if it means they'll actually draw something good today...
K.E.W.K.: I'm drawing fluff, and you have enough 'badges of honor' already..... Cry harder about it. UwU
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@androgynouswordsmyth: “Hi Tum c: this is for your matchup event! 5’6”, with an hourglass figure, has that broad shouldered goddess energy going on. Used to swim competitively in highschool & still have a nice shape. Would describe my style as athletic comfort meets swamp witch. Love wearing black, it goes with everything. But also one of those people that wears workout clothes because they’re comfortable & easy. An admirer of all things relating to the occult & witchcraft. I have two tattoos small ones on my upper thigh & on the inside of my bicep. Often asks “What’s your sign?” Green eyes & shoulder length brown hair that is dyed seafoam green. I am soft spoken & gentle when I interact with everybody. All about self growth & healing. A huge advocate for self care. Love venting about my dumb corporate job. Deep down I'm a rebel anarchist. Often says things like “I’m just a cog in their machine” or “metal till I die”. My end game is writing fantasy novels for a living writing is my passion. I am a person who gets lost in thought & day dreams, a homebody who is fatigued & curls up in bed with Netflix playing in the background while I write rp responses or some of my own stuff. I have depression & anxiety, which I manage with both medication & therapy. Am attracted to bad boys/girls. Kindness & respect in my relationships are important, emotional maturity & a sense of humor are huge & my favorite color is dark pine green. Someone from BNHA, NSFW. Write what feels right.”
notes: aiden! i’m so happy you participated in my event, also you seem like the coolest person? ever? so of course i had to pair you up with one of the coolest dudes in bnha! your support means the world, thank you so much for being my mutual on this hell app ❥
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why i matched you:
» you and dabi would get along exceptionally well, both with how you are and how you present yourself. your inner anarchists would collide beautifully and no doubt lead you two into trouble, but who else would you rather start a riot with than someone like him? he thinks it’s kickass that you understand what it means to be a pawn in society’s game, and has no issue with having you by his side to tear that shit down.
» dabi really adores your aesthetic. he finds it incredibly intriguing and thinks it suits your personality well; your hair, your occult lifestyle, and boy does he love your tattoos. he often offers to pay (w stolen money ofc) for you to get more if you want them - one of the best ways of self expression is covering yourself with art, and he supports it wholeheartedly. he likes to trace the ink on your skin during intimate moments and often finds himself admiring them elsewhere, thinking about how gorgeous you’d look with a few more pieces in places only he could see.
» though he might not be as poetic as you, dabi admires your creativity and urges you to keep up with your passion. he’s going to be super lowkey about it but he shows that feeling by doing smaller things, like picking up notebooks for you here and there or offering to get you better quality pens for when you’re brainstorming a story. he won’t tell you but he sometimes reads your stories at night while you’re sleeping (only the ones you’ve offered for him to read, though), and is always left in awe of how talented his girl is.
» when he’s not painting the town red or burning someone to a crisp, he’s more than happy to stay at home with you and curl up with a good show. despite his wicked, cold demeanor he’s actually very affectionate with the person he chooses to pursue! so expect lots of gentle touches, lazy kisses here and there, soft whispers here and there about how warm you are and how nice you feel against his charred skin. he’s not afraid to show you his love because if you can stick with someone like him, well, that’s proof enough that you’re worth it all.
» dabi never does anything without purpose. every action he takes is a part of the grander scheme of things, and he does so with such a drive that is rivaled by most heroes. so you can definitely check maturity off your list. as far as humor goes? he’s a smug bastard, and his sly remarks and teases are aimed directly at you for the sole purpose of making you smile. sometimes he’ll just sit and say the dumbest things to see how hard he can make you laugh, because in a life surrounded by death and darkness, your giggles really help him see it all in a different light.
» dabi’s experienced enough trauma to understand what your inter turmoil is like, but he’s beyond proud of you for taking charge and handling it however you can. he’ll be your biggest supporter when you need it and is so goddamn protective of you. you’ll never not feel safe, because it’s that constant worry in the back of his mind about how just being with him puts a target on your back that pushes him to take extra precaution. you might have a few close calls here and there because, let’s face it, villains are ruthless - but at the end of the day he’s always able to pull you right back to him and remind you he’ll always come for you.
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Dabi rolls off of your spent body with a slight groan, the thin sheen of sweat covering both of your bodies glowing in the dim light of the bedroom. Your chests rise and fall to a steady rhythm of labored breathing - and as much as you both loved being tangled with each other mere minutes ago, you need a second to let your sweltering skin cool off and your aching muscles to relax after that particularly tiring session. Dabi catches the exasperated sigh escaping your lips and grins from your slumped form in his peripheral.
He always thought you looked the most beautiful like this. When your eyes were half lidded and pupils blown, skin covered in teeth marks and bruises, hair haphazardly strewn about on the pillows. It was a sign he did a job well done, and the image brands itself into his memory every time he’s lucky enough to see it happen. Lost in his daydream, he doesn’t see that sinfully innocent smile tug at the corners of your mouth when you catch him zoning in on your post sex euphoria.
“Y’know, you’re more than welcome to take a picture… they last much longer.”
He laughs, a short exhale from his pierced nose, “I might just do that, doll. Next time.”
Your smile grows wider and you prop yourself up on your elbows, sliding over the tangled sheets to get closer to him and be able to reach and trace over the stapled skin of his chest with delicate fingertips. He closes his eyes at the feeling before loosely wrapping an arm around your lower back, thumb gliding back and forth just below your ribs.
You bask in this comfortable silence for what feels like a lifetime. This was your favorite part of the aftercare, just enjoying each other’s presence that much more as you regain a stable heartbeat, eventually letting Dabi gather you in his strong hands to lay you over his scarred chest when the cool air overstays its welcome on his skin. Once your cheek meets his chest he leans forward to ghost a kiss into your damp hairline, lips lingering there a bit longer every time. The steady beat of his heart usually lulled your eyes closed with its melody. At this point, it was all routine.
Dabi is the first to break the silence, the deep gravel in his voice reverberating through his chest against your ear, “Y’know… if we’re gonna fall asleep like this, the least you could do is read me a bedtime story.”
“Too tired… s’your fault.” he feels your smile and hot breath against his pectoral, broad chest rumbling in laughter at your quip.
“Hm, guess I need to go easier next time. But you weren’t complaining when I was balls dee-“
“Dabi!” You smack his skin and whip your head upward to look him in the eye with a look of feigned shock, and it's hard to contain the giggle that escapes from your dropped jaw. He chuckles again before craning his neck to leave a peck at your bottom lip, his hand raising to push your head gently down to his chest again, the other finding its way beneath the pillow under his head.
“Shh, just go to sleep, stupid.”
“Shut up… dummy.”
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matchups are CLOSED! thank you to those who entered or have been keeping up with this event! remember you can check to see updates on matchups + if your matchup has been posted via the #tumplaysmatchmaker tag!
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