#i used 'owo' for the color palette
stupidgalaxybrain · 1 year
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If there's one thing I'm proud of as an artist, it's the fact I'm a style chameleon. I decided to sit down and recreate 4 artists I really love, and who better to do it with than with the most varied character in the entire franchise: King Dedede! This isn't just for appreciation though, but a study on how other people translate DDD's design, since character design is a passion of mine!
Let's start with @miniiieevee!
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Oh my gosh their art is super great, and I think the most important part of getting the style right was the sparkles. I have never seen someone do highlights this way, and it's both super recognizable and super cute! For the King himself, we have a nice round beak, visibly blue eyes, a distinct head, pointed crown jewel, an undershirt, and stripes along the top of the belt. Like most of us, they use the (owo) kind of mouth and really fluff up the coat. Separate fingers can also show up for posing, following Spongebob physics. The stitching on the gloves and the little round eyebrows are another really cool touch! Out of all of the styles I looked at, this one has the most pastel colors.
Next is @das-a-kirby-blog!
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Das-a-kirby-blog has such a cool variety in their work, from really shapey sketches to super abstracted color schemes, which while super amazing, didn't provide me the best ref material. The colors here are frankensteined from a few sources, so I hope they capture their actual base color palette. They go for the pin-shaped route for body shape, with the undershirt (though sometimes there's no under layer), typically black eyes, extra belt stripes, and a chunky diamond shaped crown jewel. My favorite touch is the cottonball on the crown. Like I said at the top, they excel at shapes in their art!
Third is @jojo-schmo!
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I've been silently reading their roleswap comic, but I should've been loudly reading it because I super recommend it! I'd also say design wise their Dedede is the most unique! Besides myself they're the only one here to pick the kimono, they have a single blue stripe at the top of the belt, a triangular jewel, and the coolest element of the style, spirals! I've not seen anyone stylize the trim this way, and it's so cool in execution. Another unique element that really adds to certain expressions is the spiky teeth (which matches real life penguins! ...Don't look it up).
Last but not least, @cosmicwhoreo!
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God, their art is everything. The flow of the lines is so clean and smooth and everything they draw is super expressive. Their Dedede is by far the hugest, and also marks the 4/5 DDDs with a separate head, and 3/5 with black eyes. We have the belt stripes, occasionally a shirt, and a smooth tear drop jewel, but a uniquely shaped crown band. This design sees a lot of influence from the anime unlike the others here, so the color scheme is the most unique.
As a conclusion, it's really cool to see all the different design elements that we pick and choose for DDD. Some give him his smash outfit. Some people give him a body type closer to K64 or KATFL. Some people draw his eye color, or separate eyebrows, and others don't. There's no detail that's the same across every version, but they're all our lovable king. If you don't recognize one of these artists, check them out! I can only do a fraction of the incredible work they do, and let me know if there's any other characters or artists you'd like to see this exercise with!
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vitaminseetarot · 9 months
Aquarius Full Moon PAC - General Messages 🖤💗❤️
The full moon in Aquarius is finally here! I hope you're getting the chance to enjoy some sunshine in between these bright moonlit evenings. I sure have had my fill from this last weekend; I got the royal sunburn to prove it! Owo#
(Life lesson: apply sunscreen, then do it AGAIN.)
Aren't you glad we can't get moonburns? One could get burned sitting on the moon, sure, but it's kinder than to send that kind of energy back down to Earth. The moon allows us to see the sun's light without dying, which I can appreciate. But I'm going off on a tangent! Below are three images based on color palette cards I've picked for your reading. I've also added some emoji hearts for additional guidance. Please time all the time you need to select your pile when you're ready.
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(1, 2, 3 - images from pixabay, divider from @saradika)
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Pile 1. Tahoe Blue + Black Heart
X Wheel of Fortune, 7 of Pentacles, XXI World; Sun - Source, Space (Black), New Moon Gemini - Communication is Key
"I'm curious about my true nature; I seek to understand myself."
I feel such stillness and calm with this pile. You have so much blue present in your pile asides from the palette card! And watery energy too; your moon quote card has a lake on it too! Still yet deep. I'm hearing that this pile is getting a big upgrade to your throat energy. It's for both ways, listening and speaking, but I think speaking is being highlighted here more. This is in order to help you move through a bigger phase of your life that's yet to come. You may be feeling like you're ready to come out of your shell, even if just for a short while. There's a sense of grand change occurring in your external world, something that has been in the background or in the works for a long time has finally begun to culminate during this potent full moon time.
You have have recently closed a big chapter in your life and cleared out the muck. Now it's like you're standing before a canvas and you're ready to paint something new. The lunar force moving now allows a turn of luck to flow towards you like a water wheel. It's also purifying your intentions. When you have the place to be still and concentrate on where you want to go next, things can really quickly line up in your favor. With this extra space, whatever that has been building in the background may finally come out and be seen and heard. There's no resistance to this buildup, or there was resistance but it's been removed through this clearing out. You're being asked to savor this brief time. Not just make use of it, because in a way it's growing on its own, but to actually enjoy where you are right now. To get into the mindset of the person on the 7 pentacles card harvesting their abundance, that all is working out at a good pace.
You're being recommended to journal or write during this phase, perhaps like paragraphs of where you're going next (like a vaunt). I'm also getting vision boards for you would help if you need inspiration, or lyrical songs. I'm getting that communications will help you move into the next stage. This whole reading reminds me of someone who's finally finished the manuscript of their book and is sitting in that serenity of having completed something important. But, dear, that's not the end of it! You still need to bring it out into the world for it to be as evident as you see it in your mind. You still would need to get an agent and submit the manuscript to publishers for review.
Communication is being highlighted here as being that which you need in order to move along. Furthermore, you're being asked to tune into yourself for answers on where you'd like to go next, as no one else can tell you. People don't just go out on the lake for peace and quiet, they go to find a piece of themselves and to tune into that for spiritual guidance. May the boat be your lucky charm this full moon, pile 1. Not just to find yourself on the open water, but to connect you with other shores as well.
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Pile 2. Sunflower Seed + Pink Heart
Queen of Cups, Queen of Swords, 4 of Cups; Vesta - Hearth, Love (Pink); Full Moon Virgo - You Are Good Enough
"Beauty raises my vibration; I seek it for joy."
For the rest of this month, you are focusing solely on your own needs. Like it or not! [blows coach whistle] But no, seriously, I'm not getting busybee vibes from this pile, I'm getting "poor dehydrated bee that's fainted on a flower" kind of feel. Maybe you're actually dehydrated and tired! This could also be true for your garden if you have one. You may need extra TLC around this full moon. You've been stretching yourself too thin but you'll be in much-deserved receiving mode in order to heal. I like that two Queens showed up and one of them is of Swords. She knows better than to spend her precious time worrying over the trifling things. She knows when to disconnect and tune into what's important. And Queen of Cups says that important thing is your own emotional wellbeing and comfort.
Your quote card features a person standing at the peak of a mountain with arms stretched out towards the moon in accomplishment. You either are or have been working intensely on something for the last few months. It either has or will soon come to a full head and with that comes a surge of expended energy. Similar to midterms or the week before a holiday when the workflow doubles. It's a crunch time! Since it's summer and you may not be in midterms or busy on vacation, this could be a reference for later this year or fiscal quarter. Take care that this busy time coming up isn't going to drain you.
You could have opportunities come up near the middle of autumn that's gonna want your attention. You'll want to be fully hydrated and refreshed for when it finally shows up. The 4 of cups can sometimes be about blind spots, or the blessings we don't see readily available because we're too tired and burnt out to really see what's there. It's highlighting this opportunity and wants you to make the most of it.
You could be feeling a strong pull to stay at home and focus on your craft, project, or hobby. Perhaps you're busy squeezing out the most free time you can while you have it. Again, avoid the sense of pushing like "oh man, I only have a week of summer vacation left oh geez what do I do?!" It's not a matter of sitting around and doing nothing all vacation only to hurt ourselves trying to be On 24/7 for a semester. That's not sustainable. Make the most out of your time, but make sure you have time carved out in between the high energy weeks of being productive. A sunflower without water can't stand and a bee without rest can't fly!
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Pile 3. Clover Patch + Red Heart
XVII Star, XVI Tower, XV Devil; Progressions - Journey, Anger (Red), Waxing Crescent - Have Faith in Your Dream
"I gather more wisdom each day."
This pile … hoo boy. This would be my pile if I had to choose one, so I'm with y'all on this. Okay, I got the instant message that you are trying to manifest something very VERY big right now. I mean big like new car, apartment, longterm relationship, just something that's gonna upgrade and transform your life in a big way. It could even be education as one of the cards has a book in center. The thing is, Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither is your manifestation gonna instantly appear when you're desperately trying for it to cause desperation doesn't usually bring positive outcomes, it usually winds up with Fun With Dick and Jane type scenarios to play out. Also stress.
You have three major arcana cards in a row, with the tower card smacked right in the middle like a spicy sandwich cookie (would I even try one?) So I get it. This is likely a very significant full moon for you, supercharged as it's an Aquarian supermoon, and you got Aquarian Star as your first card, so emotions will be running a bit hot. Unpredictable swings. Sudden "bursts". But don't suppress your feelings of frustration, you'll just need to redirect these emotions differently.
You gotta be patient and watch it unfold organically. Even if you're manifesting the demolition of something, there is strategy to it. Demolition workers don't just go in and do what they please, they have to be mindful of their surroundings and what impact they'll make when they make it. When gardeners prune, they're mindful of the angle of the cut, knowing that the right cut can grow just as the wrong cut can infect. Let things go as they may. Things can start moving smoothly or quite abruptly, so focus from a place of expecting that it's already coming and strategize from there. You got the Star card, so something fortunate is indeed coming for you. There is a little Leprechaun luck on your side. It'll be easier to see that once you're able to move past old blockages that are delaying your manifestation. Listen to the leprechaun and not the little voice on the other shoulder telling you that you need to panic over the small things.
See the current time you have as a manifestation in itself, as a product of you believing that you need extra time to cook up the right end goal. See this time you have as a blessing, not just an in-between state. Make good use of this time. There is no reason why the process can't be as fun as the destination. Your inner child is being subtly asked to come out to play for a spell. This pile may be into doing witchcraft spells; if so, grab a little glitter and sprinkle some magic into your day, especially a time-based spell like a growing plant or burning a candle. If anything, it will boost morale which is often more important for manifestation than simply applying routine and logic to everything. I'm also getting that journaling may be of interest to you, whether it's writing down meditation notes or affirmations or just venting. Get creative even and write a poem about your wishes. Try to incorporate more writing in general into your moon magic. (Thoth would be pleased.)
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2023, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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mickmundy · 1 year
EEEEE OMFG OKAAAY ;___; <33 WUAAAA IM SO HONORED U WANNA HEAR ABOUT IT OWUGOWUAA OKAYOKAYOKAYOKAY so like. like i said in this post i can think of a couple ways to do it. i like the idea of them both being merfolk because ouwagaaa merfolk lore and nesting and cute flirting rituals and and and and!!!!! buuuut i also love the idea of lonely fisherman sniper being the object of affection of Flirty Mermedic who pines after him from afar....,.,
and i ALSO ALSO like the idea of mersniper being caught by mann co and given to medic to do whatever with (organ harvest.,., uh oh!) and medic unwrapping the tank Excitedly and then being like "HOOH!.,,. oh gott.,., what do we have here!!" but sniper is simply Too Stunning to kill.,., but in all three situations they fall in love.,., so.., that much i Do know..... SKDFKSDKFKSDKF!! but also just quick species notes for them
for sniper i think i'd want his fishy half to be a spotted wobbegong! they're sharks that are docile but still have sharp teeth and hunt from a distance! i think the color palette suits him really well too..!
medic could be so much... but i personally enjoy the idea of him being a blanket octopus! they're very smart, gorgeous and super poisonous... just like medic! HEHE..! (and yes i know tentaspy exists but If You Ask Me spy is more of an eel than an octopus. but i digress)
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Bestie Dee @5piecechickendinner (who you should all go follow Immediately!!! EHE) was asking me about it and i wanted to jot down my thoughts here too SO im gonna talk more about the human fisherman snip and mermedic HEHE...
IF IM KEEPING IT LIKE SIMPLE AND CUTE i think medic would just come across him one time while he's fishing (perhaps they're trying to eat the same fish? heh.. i could make a whole other post just on like. my personal MerLore i'd use but anyway) or he sees him swimming (we'll just say for the sake of this au that sniper has some kind of small corner of the beach To Himself that the public doesn't have access to) or sunning naked (as he's one to do just in general imo) and medic's like "owo! hoo!" and tries to get closer.,., i think once medic catches sniper's eye though (by that i mean just like. a glimpse of his tentacles/"tail") he's like "ohh, you're gorgeous! *A* c'mere, beastie.,"
and medic hesitates and ultimately Goes Away just because he's not sure he can trust sniper not to kill him (sniper Does kill fish after all). sniper looks for "that octopus" every time he goes out into the ocean but no luck.., then some time perhaps medic's curiosity gets the better of him (Of Course) and sniper's out on his boat and medic swims to the edge of it and uses his tentacles to tug on sniper's wrist or rock the boat and sniper hurries and looks over the edge and he can see Something..,, Moving.,, Down There.,., and he sticks his head/upper body under the water and comes nose to nose/forehead to forehead with him.. medic smiles Toothily and bats his eyes at him and is like "Hello.. uwu" and sniper's just like. awestruck and he tries to say something but bubbles come out because underwater HEHE and medic thinks its cute... so medic gently presses his forehead against sniper's and pushes him back so that he's Breathing Air and sniper croaks out a like "hullo.,.," and medic grins..,
i think sniper wouldn't Know that merfolk exist but obviously stories myths etc are fun.,. but now he's like holy crap.,., and he'd told people about this octopus he SWORE he saw and they'd be like "naaah.. get your head outta the water and go live a little!!" but sniper loves his Simple Life by the sea and so he's like >_> no and then he kind of starts entertaining like omg what if it was a mermaid... hah... imagine that. and then when he sees medic nothing can prepare him for him being Real.., and medic's like "(probably in german) my jolly sailor bold!" (<- i think this would be a nickname medic would give him because merfolk know human stories about them and that i think sniper is Not Jolly and medic has overheard sniper grunting and talking to himself while at sea LOL which medic thinks is cute) and sniper's like "huh.,? me....?" as if there's anyone around for like. 1000 square miles SKDFKSD and medic's like "mhmm..,, ywy" and sniper's just like.., speechlessly staring at him and medic's tentacles are creeping up the sides of the boat behind him and while sniper Does look Delicious he won't be dining on this human.., HEH...
However if i was going to.,., say.,.., write a Fic.,., (smirk) i ALSO love the concept of the story being a bit more Deep/Dramatic.... the idea of sniper being a hunter and tracking this Rare Octopus that's said to have killed/slain/sunk ships and he's tracking this Beastie for like. YEARS and finally goes to engage in combat with it and a tentacle ends up smacking him and knocking him out and medic goes to eat him and is like "hmn.,.." pushes his hair back out of his face.., smells him.,., bats his eyes at him.., and medic admires sniper's tenacity and loves how Dangerous he is and decides to spare him., and leaves him floating on his boat and the sea is Deathly Calm and sniper wakes up and is like what happened and he looks over the edge of the boat and sees nothing and he's like no n n nono nono I LOST IT (the Beastie)...... both of them hunting one another obsessed with each other.., he leans his head over the side of the boat and medic's tentacles slither up the side of the boat and sniper notices them and looks to the side and sees.., mermedic..,
and is like Holy SHIT. HOLY SHIT and medic smiles Toothily and medic Lunges at him (much more graceful underwater than sniper is of course) and "breaches" and tosses sniper into his boat and pins him with his body weight and human hands and sniper's like "WH-" and medic smiles and is like "sehr handsome... must we kill each other, sailor bold?" and sniper's just in total shock and medic's smirk widens and sniper goes limp (but rest assured hes Hard) and medic glances over to see sniper's knife and picks it up with one of his tentacles and watches it glisten (shiny) and sniper's just watching him and is like "are you real? is this?? wh.,.," and medic grins and is like "how do you propose we find out? (Flirty)" and sniper's face flushes and medic bares his fangs and giggles and is like "i won't kill you.., but you're breathing entirely too much for my taste.,,." and leans down and kisses him and sniper Immediately Melts and medic smirks and starts humming and his tentacles start sliding up over the boat and up sniper's shirt and sniper nips at medic's mouth and medic giggles and is like "hoo! humans certainly are different," and sniper's like "whats that supposed to mean >:/--" and medic's tentacle slides over sniper's groin and sniper shivers and moans (he is Wet) and mermedic's like "mmn, but clearly not So different! >v>" HEH....
GRAAHHH THRASHES AND GIGGLES.,., i love merperson aus so this is ummmmmm VERY self indulgent.,., *taps my brain* One Hundred Billion merfolk aus alone.,, HEHHEH.,.,.,
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victoria1676 · 2 years
If only you knew the amount of fun i had making this:
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Ive been having so much fun drawing xinyan from the imposter au with the few details you discribe her with along with a little imagination for her design if you don't mind but i would also like to make a note that i was using a body sketch i found so sorry if it doesn't look like my art style i was just trying to make the body and style match i was going for match so ya that's that lol but also i believe i didn't get her tone right since i just got a pic of her full design and used her color palette to draw this so sorry if she looks to light I'm willing to redraw it since the pic of her that i used had bright lighting and ya that's a few things i wanted to say about the drawing and I hope you don't mind the little headcannons i made, tho I'm really more interested in how you veiw xinyan since she had a bit of time to show up but didn't really do much but warn aether with the letter and just dipped out and went of somewhere so I'm really excited for what you have in store for her and the rest once you finish the next chapter lol so I'll be waiting while drawing the few characters design for the future lol but feel free to state how you personally feel about this drawing since in enjoy any feed back or small stuff you'd would like to add anyway see ya lol.
(I'm slowly working on fishel since she's pretty difficult so send help)
-Anon Crow ✌️🙂
Heyo sorry i didnt see this yestersay i was busy trying to get Kazuha and finally got him! Plus a new sword for Kaeya that is now my second 5 star weapon XD Bless my friend who wished on my account 😭😭😭 The fact i also had a dream of actually getting Kazuha after thinking i couldnt get him and the DREAM WAS REAL YASSS!
Ahem- Back to the ask you sent with a fanart and can I say Im still half alseep since i just woke up but damn i didnt expect you drew Xinyan and she looks pretty cool! OwO
I did say in my story around Prologue 2 that Xinyan had her hair down since i feel like she wouldnt stick to her usual hairstyle after what happened which you guys can read it here in prologue 2 XD but i also mentioned Xinyan got her entire arm off including her elbow OwO
Still though im impressed with your design on her and she really looks amazing! You did amazing Anon Crow!! UwU tbh all i can say is positive words and if you want to redraw it you can since it is your drawing after all OwO i can understand as a fellow artists we arent satisfied what we draw so over all i am okay with your drawing but its your opinion if you want to re-draw or not XD
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
Do you have an info or art about the other characters involved with Kalamari??? Esp Glass since you mentioned them directly!!! OwO
Okay SO I do have a few things!! Most of these are old and a lil messy/outdated, so I'm really hoping to whip out a bunch of new stuff soon, but!! I'm gonna put everything under a ReadMore link again bc boy I have things to say and none of it is organized or really coherent so good luck (and also I am still shy)
I've got my two protagonists, Iso (I-20) and Aerani--
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[These are Old outfit designs, I redesigned them sorta recently but haven't finished a drawing of them, sobs] I first drew Aerani in like, 2016 I think? and Iso followed not long after! Iso is a bunny chimera, so he's got big silly ears, wahoo. Chimeras have identification codes to keep track of like, when they were created, and Iso's is I-20: Chimera Generation I, Specimen Number 20. Aerani gave him the nickname Iso <3
Here was Iso in like. 2017? 2018? idk but it was ages ago. He's changed quite a bit, mostly bc I would Constantly misplace sketchbooks and Constantly forget exactly what things looked like lksad;f
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This era of my art was so cute,, I wanna draw hair more like that again tbh
Here's a semi-recent doodle wip of their new outfits, hoorayyy. Don't mind how unfinished it is and my silly notes all over the place. I'm gonna just redraw this at some point bc my art has improved since then aklsdjf;lskdk
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Comfy boys!! Iso's clothing is always kinda ill-fitting bc he Hates skintight stuff, and he is gonna lose those cute slouchy boots SO fast bc I'm gonna drop him in the desert. Woe, sand be upon ye
Iso used to live in a mansion w a rich guy that was Kind Of A Dick, until that guy's daughter-- Iso's childhood best friend-- snapped and killed her dad w a fireplace poker. I haven't drawn her yet and honestly How Dare I. I wanna draw her making flower crowns w Iso
I was Nervous about jumping straight into making smth about them, because I feel like I need wayyyy more practice to be able to tell the story I really wanna tell, so I ended up scooping up my dorky purple merchant Kalamari like 'you know what sure, you can be the protagonist of my practice project and it will be Silly As Hell'. I call my main Eventual Goal 'Quote Unquote Quest', so Kalamari's adventure I'm calling 'Quote Unquote Quest Negative One', since it becomes before the main thing! Aerani will be in that practice project as a side character, bc he's Glass's little brother, but Iso won't be
Also, please witness Aerani's pet, a squishy jello-like blob he calls a frog. It is absolutely not a frog. It sits on his head a lot and makes squeaky lil noises
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Here's another chimera! She's much older than Iso, from gen F! The only one left from gen F actually. She calls herself Fa, and she doesn't like to talk, she just hangs out by a pond all day to watch the fish
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This is OLD so I'm def gonna redraw it soon, but here's one of my antagonists! They by the name Scratch, and they're sort of. the opposite of Kalamari. I have So Much I wanna draw abt them omg,,
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While I do like their color palette, I'm gonnadesign one to match. everyone else. The colors I wanna use for this project (that might eventually change ofc) are brown, orange, golden yellow, magenta, a slightly more purple magenta, violet, indigo, and blueee, with Very Dark Blue and Very Light versions of the other colors for lines and junk. Basically Kalamari Colors ft. some extras to spice things up, since my silly littol practice project revolves around her and how he sees the world:
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Everything is very saturated of course bc I'm. cannot and will not use desaturated colors. It's kind of like my chunky lineart-- I can try So Hard to make it thin, but that just doesn't look right to me and as I work woopsie everything is thick and I'm dying
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Glass and Kalamari!!!!!!! I hadn't drawn Glass yet and I'm crying bc she's turning out so cute. sobs. I was working on this before I realized oh shit yeah the oc tournament is posting Kalamari tomorrow, and I had to stop to go finish up my other art + my oc sideblog bc I wanted that to all be ready to go
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coloricioso · 2 years
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I'm doing a challenge: painting the same drawing with different watercolor brands.
So far I've done four watercolors: 1) Schmincke Horadam, 2) Daniel Smith, 3) Mijello Golden, 4) Maimeri.
Schmincke it's the brand I've used for years and it's my favorite. Daniel Smith is great, but I need more practice with it because it's more pigmentated than Schmincke (so I must use fewer amounts of paint). Now, when it comes to Mijello and Maimeri unfortunately I only have 4-5 colors of each one (vs my 96 Schmincke colors and 48 Daniel Smith). I've read that Maimeri watercolors were a bit dull, and indeed they are very pale compared to the other brands. I didn't like the Mijello so much but it's probably because my palette was too limited and I didn't even use primary colors, the palette I own it's a very random selection of colors (the only ones that were left in stock in Blick Art materials). I might try buying a whole set in the future. Now, the Mijello lilac color was amazing owo and I was in love with it.
I still have many brands to test, I own like 14 different brands. So this is going to be fun :3
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ackerfics · 2 years
this is completely out of the blue but because of this project, i won't be making that much reader fics here ;< for those who don't know, i've been working on a longer aot fic on ao3 and wattpad. i'll be posting the sort of prologue here if you, lovely doves, are interested. feel free to send me asks about this as well owo ^^
prologue of diadems: the burning skies.
(take note this is an oc story, not a reader insert)
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c. year 835
An engulfing inferno — tangerine and scarlet tendrils wrapping around walls and banisters. It was a scene not meant to be admired despite sharing the same palette as the setting sun. Sparks flew as pillars toppled down like the dynasty residing in the Victorian house. Torches lit up the dusky sky, another rain of fire coming down onto the woodwork that was home to three children with separate dreams. Laughter morphed into screams of terror. Dreams turned into a paralysis demon creeping around the corner. Orders were thrown to uniformed men, time ticking by until every crevice of the house became black snow fluttering against the wind.
A man with deep lines embedded on his face scowled. His back was straight and ramrod, proudly showcasing his position as the commander of this group of men. He watched the breaking house with a grim expression, transparent hatred in his eyes, and hand crumpling the document in his hand. His scowl made way for a sneer, “Burn everything to the ground! Make sure no one survives!”
“Yes, sir!”
The man spat, “They think they can hide, huh? These motherfuckers — parasites. They should’ve been dead a long time ago, along with those Ackermans.”
Hooves pounded on the dirt. Pants created puffs of moisture in the air. Scarlet zipped by the countryside plains. A green cloak of wings billowed through the wind torrents.
A young soldier frantically made a salute — a fist on his heart. “Sir, we’re missing someone.”
The commanding officer felt the air run cold. His eyes widened a fraction. “What?”
The horse showed no signs of slowing down.
“Vee, you’re going too fast!”
In an impossible feat, the person named Vee veered their horse to defy the laws of nature and almost flew towards the burning estate. It was but a minuscule blob of orange paints on the countryside’s canvas and yet it ignited something primal within them. Words weren’t replied to the person riding behind but Vee’s silence was enough to let the others know this growing loathing ran deeper than their anger for the humanoid man-eating monsters outside the walls. Silent glances were exchanged by Vee’s companions and they could only increase their speed to catch up to the fastest soldier known to man, whether it be soaring through the air or galloping by horse.
“Who are we missing?” The commanding officer with the darkest heart dangerously drawled.
The younger man avoided the senior’s glacial glare. All he could focus on was a toy soldier lying on the grass by his boot. It made bile rise to his throat. He was a murderer. Of an acquaintance’s family. There was no going back now. He had to pay the price. “The oldest daughter.”
“Damn it!” The one who always examined the pieces on the chessboard bellowed loud and clear at the young soldier, “Find whoever is missing! Bring her here and make her kneel for what her family has done against the crown! Shoot her if you must. We must honor the name of the sacred monarchy who gave us our lands.” He nodded at the weapon strapped on the soldier’s back. “I expect you to not fail, cadet.”
A shaky nod was all the young man could muster. He took the gun from his back and clicked it with his eyes still trained on the toy soldier. Was this what he signed up for? He only hoped to be closer to the walls for a safer route — to be with the woman that he loved. His posture was tense as he realized that the most perfect shade of red stained his pristine trousers, the same color on the head of the boy that he watched burn in the manmade hell behind him. His screams echoed in the soldier’s mind like the ringing bell in the churches of the phony religion he now saw while going to work. “Yes, sir.” Despite the turmoil his mind fabricated, the young man stood straight and walked with a purpose towards his fellow cadets. “We have to find her,” was his only statement to them and a search party began.
Galloping horses came from everywhere all at once.
The small group of three finally reached their destination.
Horror was painted on all their faces at the sight.
Before this tragic event, these warm shades were reminiscent of the sunset touching the horizon whenever they were doing their adventures in the outside world. It was a symbol of hope for them.
Then, a blood-curdling scream tore through the twilight.
“Vee!” The brown-haired bespectacled person in their trio swiftly turned around. “Erwin, protect her!”
Without telling twice, a sturdy pair of arms instantly wrapped around the middle of the Vee person, who threw herself off her horse to scramble towards the estate of embers. Anguished wails pierced the suffocating smoke. It was almost animalistic — how Vee desperately longed to go into the fray. “Let go of me, Erwin!” She continued screaming, starlight dripping down her cheeks in a continuous waterfall. The gold irises that were once described as the sun blazed with a hatred brighter than any luminary. “Let go of me. I have to go to Mom and Dad! Daphne and Alistair are there, too. Just let me go — FUCK!”
Erwin Smith grunted every time the girl in his hold dug her elbow deep into his stomach. His chest ached at his friend and all he could do was tighten his arms around her as she screamed for her family’s names with all the air that she could breathe. It captured the attention of the remaining soldiers, who only remembered of the spitfire that managed to escape the clutches of this massacre by joining the military. Erwin met gazes with the cold commander, recognition flashing in the blue flecks of the former’s eyes.
Military Police.
“Those bastards.” The brown-haired person placed a firm hand around the sobbing girl’s arm.
“They will pay,” the girl glowered at the commanding officer. The ache inside her chest spread a hundredfold when she saw how the authority figure puffed his chest. They won. What did she do for them to slaughter every single one of her family members? What did her family do? She kept struggling in Erwin’s arms until her brown-haired friend appeared in front of her, their hands keeping her face in place. She could see her reflection on their glasses. That was all it took for the anger to dissipate and for the agony to prevail. She just lost her family. A whimper made its way through her throat, “Hange.”
All hope inside Maeve Chevalier vanished at the hair-raising gunshot reverberating from the woods within the estate.
Then another gunshot. And another. Then, a scream. A gunshot. Until the crows flew from the treetops. Finally, there was silence.
A woman with tresses of scarlet hair felt the scratches on her cheek drip sunbeams. This was supposed to be a normal afternoon of tea and scones, where the family should be welcoming home their little soldier from her current expedition. Not a day for bloodshed. The last thing that happened before the military raided their home was her little brother playing with the baby in her arms. Her baby. The woman looked down without slowing her run. Hair as red as blood and face that looked like hers, the woman felt her tears cascade down her cheeks. Her darling daughter who deserved the beauty and wonder of the entire world, who would someday become a brilliant mind that would help liberate the people in their kingdom, who was her pride and joy the moment she wailed her first cry.
She was a mother and to Hell with her life — she would do anything for her child.
Hope came in the form of a cart sitting idly at the side of the dirt trail.
The red-haired woman gazed down at her sleeping daughter and marveled at how the infant stayed calm throughout the series of unfortunate events. With her feet crumpling the leaves on the forest floor, the woman peeked through the back of the cart and found some crates with fragile belongings wrapped around in thick cloth. The woman’s eyelids flickered with hesitance. Movement from the bundle in her arms snapped her out of her reverie. Her baby opened her eyes and two pairs of gold met for the last time.
The mother brushed her lips on the baby’s forehead, tiny hands patting her chin. Her bottom lip quivered, the thought of separating with her child weighing down like the sky. Then, the sound of shouting was getting nearer and nearer. Instead of putting her daughter inside the crates, she tightened her embrace around her. She didn’t want to part with her.
The first gunshot acted like thunder in the foliage.
“I know she’s not far!”
She bit her lip to prevent the sob from coming out. One look at that beautiful faerie smile and the woman felt her heart stutter. “Are you going to Scarborough Fair?” Her voice cracked as she heard the horses lessening their distance from her. “Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme. I don’t want to leave you, my little sunrise.” She composed herself to finish the song. She hoped that this would stay within her daughter’s memories, even if all the girl could see in the future was a blurry silhouette of a wailing woman desperately clinging on to the last thread connecting them. “Remember me to the one who lives there.” Her little song was about to end and she placed her forehead on the baby’s. “For once he was a true love of mine.”
Another gunshot landed on the tree a few feet away from the cart and the horses in front of the vehicle made a fuss.
The woman jumped, breath hitching. Time is of the essence and she had no choice but to tenderly place her daughter on one of the crates of painting supplies. She backed away from the cart with her hands pressed tightly on top of her heart. Feet became meters and now she was too far away from the cart to see it over the brushes.
The pain of losing her family washed over her, her knees giving out from under her skirts. She witnessed her husband get shot a dozen times on the chest, protecting her and telling her to run to get their daughter. She watched on as her mother and father got slit in the throat with the daggers they paired with their guns. At that point, the air was too much for her to intake. All she could do was clutch her baby close to her chest, praying for the gods to show them mercy — to make her wake up from her nightmares. But they never listened. Then, it was her little brother — poor, brilliant Alistair. He got the worst of it. He was trapped under the inferno that tickled Hell with its fingers. The woman couldn't get his screams out of her head as his golden skin became charred. Before she knew it, she was a spirit bringing the news of the dead. She screamed and screamed until her voice became hoarse, so unlike the dulcet one she used to sing a lullaby a few moments prior.
Behind her, the horses came to a stop. A gun was cocked and pointed at where her heart was.
The woman looked at the front, now silent and eyes devoid of life.
“This must be done. All Chevaliers are enemies of the throne and crown. This is for the King of the Walls. So, stop running and accept your fate.”
The young soldier who was appointed to kill the woman took a shaky breath, a single tear dripped down on the apple of his cheek.
“For once he was a true love of mine.”
A heart stopped and the baby cried inside the cart.
The fall of a dynasty was now a frequent thing for the history books — a dynasty that was thought to be unshakeable that not even the heavens could topple down. Just like all heroes, it fell down with only a mourning vengeance left behind — a heartened resolve to steel herself from preventing another familial slaughter. Ethereal gold was smeared on every wall of the house and shrubs of the forest. A family lost and a name forgotten.
Until a painter from the southernmost city opened her door to receive the supplies she ordered from the inner walls.
A miracle sent down by the heavens was found within the crate of her jar of paints and brushes. A baby of the most beautiful shade of scarlet greeted the painter’s vision, a beacon in the abysmal night — a dawn of another day. The painter fell in love at first sight with a single angelic dimpled smile, a constellation of light freckles covering the baby’s cheeks. A breath of awe came out of the artiste. She knows that this baby would grow up to be loved by all who meet her. An embroidery caught her attention, poking through the back of the blanket that safely wrapped around the baby girl. She carefully unfolded the material and smiled at the name she was about to call the little miracle. The painter turned back to the baby, who was cooing at her with her chubby arms outstretched. Brushing a finger against her cheek, the painter now became a mother.
“Welcome to your new home, Aurora.”
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404ers-moved · 3 years
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woof woof <3
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bonus warm-up sketch
26 notes · View notes
blueskittlesart · 5 years
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It’s still miku monday right
402 notes · View notes
poyopaan · 5 years
I’m suddenly an absolute slut for color palettes  
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Boundary [Dana’s 700 Special]
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Track: Fever - Enhypen / TiO - Zayn / Close - Nick Jonas, Tove Lo
➣ Member: my og bias owo
➣ Genre: idol! ju x stylist! [fem] reader
➣ Warnings: swear words and if you squint, some smut
➣ Word Count: i’m like 100% sure it’ll be as long as accelerate [i was wrong it’s nowhere near but whatever]
➣ A/N: Thank you for 700 followers. You are all nothing but amazing ♡
➣ Taglist: @taesty-wander-lust​ @tbzzhoe​ @suzy-rainbow​ 
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He’s going to be the absolute death of me.
The thought is loud in your head, and you were almost sure you would’ve blurted it out had the filming studio been empty. Breaking Dawn was blasting from the speakers behind the MV director, experimenting with some strange angles that you’ve never seen any other MV director try with the group before. 
If you thought Reveal was dangerous, this might be worse.
“Okay! Let’s do that hook into the chorus first and we’ll see how that angle goes!”
“Breaking Dawn, I see-”
“Cut! Juyeon-” The director snorts while staring at the monitor from the camera. “That was great but um, we’ll need to rate the video if we release this one.”
Never mind. It is worse.
“Yah, Juyeon!”
“Ahh... seriously?”
“You already have enough screen time, why are you so greedy?!”
The members crowd around Juyeon and shove him playfully as the director films that part from the monitor, and brings his cellphone over to the group to see. You can barely hear the music from the phone, given how far you were standing from the filming area. 
The group of 11 burst into loud yells and frustrated groans, with Younghoon and Chanhee giving their iconic ‘OoO’ faces to Juyeon. The main man chuckles, embarrassed, and shakes his head while waving it off.
“I didn’t intend to make it so suggestive, sorry!”
“It’s alright, that was great, really!” The director assures him. “It’s just that we can’t release that without rating the MV, and you guys don’t really have that kind of reputation yet so, we won’t do that for you guys now. But anyways, can we get a 10 minute break and we’ll pick up where we left off?”
The boys celebrate in unison, Eric immediately rushing off for the washroom, some members going to the staff to ask for their phones, others going for the monitor to check their progress and the remaining approaching their stylists for appearance maintenance.
So, when Juyeon approaches you with that sly-mixed-with-shame smile, you can’t help but to shake your head at him. 
“Really? He asks you to go all out and you look like you want to eat the camera,” Pulling open your little kit, you set it on the table next to you. You pull out the comb and hairspray and start adjusting his hair again - all that dancing’s pushed some strands out of its rightful position.
“Aw, so you agree that I looked good enough?”
“What?” The pitch is higher than expected, but you hope your feigned annoyance camouflages the pinch of jealousy. “Please! The director said it’ll be rated!”
Juyeon laughs, standing with his feet a little more apart than natural for you to have easier access to his hair. 
“Well, you’re the one who did my hair and makeup. If it’s anybody to blame, wouldn’t it be you?” 
His words halt the sharp end of your comb in his hair, and you poke it into his scalp for good measure while puffing out your cheeks. He chuckles it off. 
“Excuse you, sir, Cre.Ker gave me a color palette and a set of reference pics. Ever since they cracked the code with you with Reveal, they just won’t stop with this genre of style on you.”
“I mean... I definitely prefer my current style over what they did to me in Boy.”
The memory cooks up a bunch of images in your head, and you fail to stop the giggle that runs off your tongue when you return the comb to the kit. 
“Aw, come on, that was cute,” Picking up a brow pencil, you fill in the tiny fade-out. “You were, what? 19? No reason for you to look as raunchy as you do now.”
“It’s a pity you only met me just before I become ‘raunchy’.”
“Why? I mean, ‘Juyeon’s not a good boy’ though. Raunchy’s closer to that than what you did pre-Reveal.”
“I meant it!” Juyeon widens his eyes and his brows shift up his forehead just as the tip of the brow pencil lifts off his skin. “I’m happy Cre.Ker’s letting us show what we want to.”
“And I’m happy for you too,” You finish up on his foundation where it’s starting to wear off. “But one day, you’re gonna cross a line and break some hearts.”
Juyeon smiles as you cap on all your equipment and close your kit. Resting one hand on your hip, you quickly give his hair one last poke before he resumes his normal standing position.
“What if I only want to break specific hearts though?”
A frown befalls your face and you forge an ugly look by crooking your lips. “What? Was that an attempt to flirt? Please stop,” Waving him off, you turn and pick up your kit, walking away on your heels as Juyeon tails you.
He’s just practising flirting on me at this point. Best friends and best friends for what? Get MY heart broken? PLEASE.
“Flirt with Kevin if you want, he’ll give you better advice,” You turn to the film area and sure enough, Kevin was busy twerking into the camera and Changmin’s just face palming himself. 
“Oi Kevin! Stahb it!” You yell across the space and Changmin points to you, turning to yell at Kevin.
“Yah, even y/n’s telling you to stop!”
Chuckling, you turn into the dressing room as another hair stylist finishes with Sangyeon in the mirror. 
“Hello sir, you look kinda tired today, are you resting well?”
“Don’t get me started. Schedule’s packed into June,” Sangyeon subtly shakes his head, but his stylist holds his cheeks and shifts his face back to face the mirror.
“Sangyeon, please face the mirror. It’s not my fault if your hair gets messed up again,” The hair stylist grins as he picks up the hairspray.
“Sorry,” Sangyeon blinks at him and purses his lips. Juyeon crashes into the two seater-sofa in the corner of the dressing room and groans tiresomely, resting his head on the top surface of the headrest. 
“Well, you should get some rest before Kingdom kicks in,” You place the kit on the dressing table and sit down in the two-seater next to Juyeon. “It’s not going to be an easy fight, y’know.”
“Right! You used to be ATEEZ’s hairstylist!” Sangyeon’s eyes widen and you can see him struggling not to turn to you directly instead of trying to find you in the strangest angle of the reflection in the mirror. 
“Yeah. Those guys are intense, and I mean intense! Six out of eight are known for performance skills and the other two... one produces 99% of their tracks and the other belts out notes even I can’t reach.”
“You sound like you were sent from KQ to intimidate us-” Sunwoo struts in and waves an annoying finger in your face.
“I’m not-” Swatting his finger away, Juyeon leans forward and pulls Sunwoo’s hand. “I’m just saying for good measure- it’s not going to be easy. Stray Kids is also going to be great competition, not to mention iKON and-”
“AhHH, we get it!” Sunwoo shushes you, swinging his hand with Juyeon’s.
“No matter the outcome, you all need to know that you guys were stellar last year. I was new then, but it was absolutely stunning to watch you guys work and put so much effort into your performances.”
“Oh my God, yeah, you could not shut up about the Danger performance,” Sangyeon cooes, letting his stylist finally finishes and shifts to pack the hair equipment. 
“I’ll bet it’s cause your best friend over here got the most screen time,” Sunwoo perks up a mischievous brow and smirks at you.
Juyeon’s eyes widen and stares at the youngest, “I didn’t get the most screen time.”
“If not you then who?” Sangyeon butts in as he stands.
“Uh... Changmin?”
Sunwoo and Sangyeon go quiet. 
“Yah, you had a good amount of screen time too!” Sangyeon turns and blurts out at Sunwoo, playfully shoving him. 
“Y’all are being loud in here,” Kevin’s head pops out from beyond the door frame, one of his stylists tagging behind him and struggling to pat down his clothes. 
“No, tell me if Sunwoo had more screentime than Changmin in Danger from last year,” Sangyeon wraps an arm around Sunwoo and slowly walks him out. 
“What? I don’t know, Changmin had the opening and the dance break...”
Sangyeon’s hairstylist follows closely, and by instinct, he shuts the door behind him, leaving you with Juyeon in the dressing room. It’s humid, from all the lights turned on in the room, and the leather seat wasn’t the most comfortable thing to sit on.
Turning to Juyeon, his eyes are gently shut, and frankly, he looked like he was about to fall asleep. The backrest of the sofa sinks when you lean back, mimicking his position.
“You have like four minutes left so don’t even think of falling asleep.”
“I’m not sleeping,” He offers a tiny smile on his lips, eyes still shut. 
“Sure, you’re not.”
“Wake me up when the director needs me.”
“You wish,” The leather under your legs squeak when you push yourself off, but he sticks out an arm at your stomach and pushes you back down. Judging by the miniscule smirk on his face, he’s just messing with you. “What do you think you’re doing? I have a job to do and you have a music video to film.”
He remains quiet. Someone shouts at Eric outside.
“You’re being fucking weird today, sir,” You lift a hand and grab his arm to move it away, but he swiftly wraps his fingers around your wrist and yanks you forward instead. 
Using your palms to keep the distance between your faces, you’re hovering above him now, breath on his upper lip. The sweat’s begun to collect in the lines of your palms, stuck to the arm rest by his side and the cushion he’s leaning on. 
Your vision immediately darts to his face upon the bold move, and he’s got that slight smile prancing on his lips when he’s thinking of a joke or something funny and doesn’t want to say it. It’s been a good year of being Juyeon’s best friend (apart from the members), so you’ve definitely grown to know how to read him by his actions.
You sigh, rolling your eyes and removing your legs from next to his thighs.
And then he cuts you off by holding you in position with his arm around his waist, challenging your knees to hold you up - because if they buckled, you’ll land right on top of him. 
“What the Hell do you think you’re doing?” 
Knock knock
“y/n, are you done with Juyeon’s hair? Filming’s resuming!”
There’s an awkward tension between you and Juyeon now, with his eyes wide open and staring into yours, arm still around your waist. But having his nose just inches away from yours and his breath breathing down on your philtrum feels so surreal. It feels like it’s a dream that you’ve failed to pull yourself out from.
He parts his lips, then purses them, and sighs through his nose. 
“Yeah, she’s done! I’ll be out in like, two seconds!”
Your gaze finds his and you’re panicking when he’s moving again. Within two seconds, you’re flat on your back on the length of the couch - and this time, he’s holding himself above you.
“What the- I-”
“We’ll continue this later back at the company, I promise,” Then he rounds your cheek and presses a kiss into your cheekbone instead.
He pulls back, offering you his kind smile and a ruffle into your hair for good measure. Nothing in your body is working when you hear him shuffle for the door, and it clicks shut behind him, with Breaking Dawn already blasting in the filming space.
Sucking in a deep breath, you don’t realise how hard your heart is thumping in your head until you hear your own shaky exhale. You don’t know where to look, you can still feel his grip on your waist and his breath on your upper lip, and everything’s just a mess right now.
What the Hell just happened?
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“Eric - Dior Shirt Size M...” You mumble under your breath, fingers gripping the pen to the clipboard so hard, your writing would probably leave a mark in the sheet under. 
“I think this is the last luggage!” Younghoon’s stylist drags the black case in, lining it up with the last unopened one. “Need help?”
“Yeah, just open the luggage for me and separate Sangyeon’s clothes from Jacob’s, but otherwise I can handle it on my own.”
She nods, laying it down and unzipping it for the clothes to spew out. “How’s working here? It’s been over a year, right?”
“Mhm,” You glance at her, obviously tired. “It’s alright, but thanks to your advice since last year, I don’t think it could’ve been better.”
With a kind smile, she looks up at you, placing Sangyeon’s pants over his stack. “You’re experienced from ATEEZ, so it wouldn’t have been that hard anyway.”
She stands, resting her hands on her hips as you walk over, squatting to check Sangyeon and Jacob’s clothes. 
“So... what’s going on with you and Juyeon?”
I’d like to know too.
“Huh?” You look up at her, head tilted to the side with a sneaky cocked brow. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, please- All the stylists here know you and Juyeon are like- hanky panky nowadays. Pretty sure the boys know too, or at least have some idea.”
A cackle runs your throat dry as you graduate your attention to Jacob’s clothes. “Is that what they’re calling it? ‘Hanky-panky’? Cute.”
“Do you know why they’re still in a meeting this late?”
“No, why would I bother? As long as I don’t lose my job, it’s none of my concern.”
“They’re in meeting to be informed that their dating ban has been lifted.”
Your grip around the pen tightens, but halts abruptly. 
“Ah...” She sighs, contemplated with herself. “Cat got your tongue? Or should I say... Juyeon got your-”
Interrupted by the practise room door being pushed open, both of your attentions immediately flit to the new commotion. 
“Oh, Juyeon! Meeting’s over?”
“Yeah,” He turns and closes the door behind him. His hair was still waxed up from the day’s schedule, makeup still on but fading. Clothes snug around his shoulders with his belt tight around his hips. Those stupid jeans never did you any good since day 1. “Sangyeon said he left a ring in one of the luggages so he sent me to come get it while he counsels Kevin for twerking.”
“y/n’s just going through Sangyeon’s wardrobe, so she might find something,” Your colleague’s begun to take small, insignificant steps towards the door, and your anxiety begins to increase with every inch she places between the two of you.
“Which is why I’m here,” He stuffs his hands into his back pockets.
“Right, right,” Now, she’s already got her hand on the door knob, glancing past him and at you with wide, glistening eyes. “I gotta go check your wardrobe for tomorrow so... I’mma go now, and uh... security comes by around 12am. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“What-” You blurt out, receiving a sharp, surprised look from Juyeon.
“Bye! Bye Juyeon!”
“Bye,” He waves. 
“No, wait-” 
And so, the door clicks shut behind her, and her shadow behind the translucent material disappears down the corridor. 
The whir of the air-conditioner in the practice room fills all the awkward openings in the room, but all you can hear is the rapid thunk of your heart in your brain - as if that was even possible. 
“About earlier today-”
“Give me a moment while I look for Sangyeon’s ring. What does it look like?” Standing up too fast, your vision goes white and a second of dizziness throws you off your balance.
So, of course, Juyeon rushes over and holds you by your waist before your ankles or knees give way. The incessant blinking makes you wish you could actually pass out right now, because your weight’s in his arms and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Iron deficiency much?” The corner of his lips curl up into his cheek before releasing you. “Do you need to sit down?”
Clearing your throat, you turn away first. “No, I-”
“Good, because I have some points to make and you’re gonna stop running away from them like you’re doing now.”
The change in tone runs chills down your spine and goosebumps erupt all over your skin - thank god you were wearing a blazer, safe from his observation. 
“How have you tolerated it so much?” He folds his arms across his chest, tilting his head innocently but his eyes say otherwise. It’s always his eyes that tell a whole different story from the person he’s known to be. 
“Y’know, being around me but you’re so calm and collected and I just...” He shakes his head, and to your dismay, takes a step forward - which drives you backwards. “How?”
His voice is too sing-songy. It’s too calm and collected for you because you’re about to barf up your dinner, which was a good 4 hours ago now. There’s nothing left in your stomach to barf up. 
He takes another intimidating step and you wince at your inability to look him in the eye.
Another step back. 
“Like, I know we’re friends but my God-” Shaking his head, he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
Another step forward. Another backward.
“It’s upsetting that I can look ‘raunchy’ and it doesn’t seem to do anything to you... But seeing you the way you are every other day makes me want to- just-”
Another step forward. 
One more one back.
And your breath halts.
Your back hits the wall, the rear of your skull lined with the pillar. 
Oh, no.
Gritting your teeth so tight, your jaw starts to ache and your temples are throbbing. 
“I’m not seeing things, right?” A flicker of curiosity sparkles in his eyes when you muster up the courage to look at him - only to regret it instantly. “It’s not in my head that you feel the same way I do, right?”
“I... Don’t know what you’re talking about- You’re an idol... and I’m- I’m just your stylist and I-”
“‘Just my stylist’?” The comment forces his brows into a slight frown, before he lifts his hand and covers the bottom half of his face with his palm. “Rethink what you just said.”
Sucking in a deep breath, your chest wells with a horrid mix of desire and self-discipline. Those two don’t go well together. 
“We can talk about this some other day,” You choose to say, dragging your body along the pillar in a bid to shift out from the wall-Juyeon sandwich like a fool. He lifts his arm and presses his palm into the pillar behind you, caging your poor, poor soul in this fateful corner of his stupid practice room.
“Juyeon, we need... boundaries in this industry. One scandal and it’ll destroy your career.”
“Boundaries?” He buckles his elbows, shrinking the gap between your noses. “Boundaries are for idols who still have a dating ban.”
Breathing down your nose, he’s too close for comfort. You can smell his cologne, the scent of his hair wax and see the bumps on his cheek under the faint layer of makeup. You don’t realise you’re trembling until he tilts his head ever so slightly, free hand reaching up to your chin to steady your face.
“Stop running from me,” Shaking his head painstakingly subtly, he whispers into your lips. “You were mine from the start and you know that.”
The adrenaline rush through your nerves sets off fireworks all over you when he slots his body against yours, lips fitted with yours like puzzle pieces; against the wall, with his palms on your cheeks. There was no care or consideration with how much strength he was channeling into this kiss - it feels so pent-up, so frustrated. Without warning, your body resigns as you circle your arms around his shoulders.
Gripping the rim of his collar in your hands, his hands drop to your waist and holds you closer, if it were even possible. A million thoughts race through your head - and at the same time, none. This moment was something you didn’t even know you needed. 
Juyeon’s hands roam the small of your back as he keeps you against the wall, relaxing into the kiss and sighing into it instead. 
This bliss comes in the form of him. Him who provides you all the sinful wants deep down inside you. 
But this bliss doesn’t last, for the practice room door swings open violently and tears Juyeon off you.
“I told you to find my ring, not hook up with your crush!”
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shapeshiftinterest · 3 years
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kid sam and max + frog + really tiny max (see top of the frog’s head)
based on these 2 pics:
art reference of really tiny max on a frog
art reference of kid sam and max + really tiny max
art reference i used pink and green hue swaps of the OWO color palette
167 notes · View notes
sparklingpax · 2 years
Magnum Ace with 10B and fistfight with god?
[for anyone curious, this is the prompt; I'm still open to requests but please check the tags for the prompt I rebloged! :3]
HELLOOO >:D SO I did get your other ask, thought it over, & decided: I will make an exception here because I actually would like to do this one!! ^w^
Because owo any excuse to draw my boi Magnum Ace is welcome even if I have to torture the poor mech & draw him wounded ;w; 🥺💕💖✨
so thanks for the ask, and I hope you like the outcome~! It was admittedly difficult for me to work with this palette...but I made the best of it that I could ^^''
Have a lovely day/evening!
-Kuni :D
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(some extra ramblings in case anyone cares)
The lighting for the first one is also taken from the palette! I used the red on the end for a few subtle glow layers & used the second to last blue for shadows. The only color not on the palette is the slight purple I did because none of the other colors gave the right "bruised" kind of color....so that's that....
And...just bc I wanted to see....I added his original colors for a second version...so here are both! <3
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xdollydoodlesx · 2 years
Since I had done some edgy headcannons, along with a picture, lemme do a palette cleanser of some softer headcannons/AU ideas!
I like to think she is a mix of cat, spider/tarantula, and maybe chameleon along with the normal plushe DNA stuff. They have fluff like a long haired kitty, multi arms/eyes and large main eyes like a spider, and shade shifting patches of skin/idk like a chameleon.
Their mouth may be gone but that doesn’t mean she is 100% mute! Humming, clicking, and purring are all possible~ if you peer past the fluff on their face you can even spot the old scars along with how their mouth would have looked somewhat. Think owo
Their fur fluffs up in reaction to certain strong emotions, however only when 100% mad do their tarantula fur barbs come into play so no worrying about accidental pokes even if you annoy them!
Heck at one point they intentionally tried removing those barbs by hand for WIP reasons, wasn’t the best idea tbh n it left them sore af but ok, felt kinda like pulling off finger nails…
They like to idly twiddle parts of their fur which is why some parts of their body is better taken care of then others, also they are left handed n use that side’s arms much more often then their right.
If the need to eat is a factor they have a special part of their chest pouch that allows for somewhat easy feeding, it is separated from the storage area like a sorta gland that may have been something else before it was repurposed as a way of feeding.
They are mostly carnivorous and can scavenge if need be but due to them being part spider they are good at slowing their metabolism via sleep or just less movements n lowering body heat when food supplies are super low, but like all playtime mascots they can have a surprisingly large appetite… More then you’d expect for a bean her size tbh.
They do have memory problems even after things get better so a little notebook is always kept nearby to jot down important info… or give a impromptu gift if you made them really happy.
When sleeping they use their arms like blankets via self hugs which are especially helpful during the winter months when the chill is strong enough to seep that low.
Having their mouth mentioned is a sore topic but complementing the lil smile they drew on the patch will be bitter sweet.
After learning how some peeps can easily use both hands they would totally try to train themselves to do that too. Definitely got the time to waste hehe
Small rodents are a fav ‘pet’ of theirs due to availability and how cute they sound, at least until they get too hungry or they accidentally scare them off. 🥺 only fallback is the creatures like to try n nibble on their stuff which is a death sentence.
Their lil hide-away nook held deep within the bowel of the factory is a random repurposed storage room that holds her art supply stash and a nest made from softer non-moving toys they found n scrapped. They hate using Huggy due to their light grudge of sorts. Also they like to do a sorta loafing thing when alone. (Doesn’t like leaving themselves exposed in fear of a repeat of old trauma)
Also they are a minor hoarder, like when a marker runs out or bread they still keep them or when a paper gets crumpled up, gonna need a intervention cus even after the whole mess they will still stick to their habit ^^’
I can imagine her teaching herself a sorta code so if she gets resocialized they can communicate better cus signing with their hands is not gonna be easy lmao
Being social isn’t her strong-suit due to being rusty so adorable old references will be ‘mentioned’ at least once.
*Bonus Fun Facts!*
They aren’t that openly hostile towards humans, only after loosing their mind does it happen because they begin to think any person is part of the scientists that started her downward spiral. Tho even then they would be scared until your dumb enough to mess/break/take their things… or you show blood around them. Color is like a drug to them and after being low on art supplies the thought of ‘collecting’ some would be notice enough for them to wanna hunt you down.
With Player being small if they were able to befriend them they may occasionally hide their little friend in their pouch (got inspired by that upcoming FNAF game!) and can carry them around or hide them from more violent toys. It’s actually pretty well padded due to them often putting art supplies there, can’t have them impaling themselves on their items right?
At one point they would totally want cuddles n comfort which will be cute, they definitely got the arms to use!
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zenaquaria · 3 years
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Trying a slight change of wardrobe~
Wanted to draw Kat, drew Kat, decided to color in a (combined aro/ace) pride palette, and also have a true colors version too. The Aro and Ace flags’ colors pop together so well~ Coincidentally they’re prime “villain” colors too, and somehow that just makes them fit Katarina even more. xD I just wanted to see my vampire lady in a waistcoat. I always draw her with a blazer jacket. She can absolutely rock anything she wants, I’ve learned. Waistcoats are yes! There’s also a waistcoat+jacket version but maybe I’ll post it later, or not. lol 
I just missed being in touch with Katarina in my brain. I want to draw her more often and I really should. owo 
Do not repost, edit, alter, trace/copy, use/redistribute my artworks without my permission.
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ajduckie · 4 years
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Lingerie Recolor Dump // 1,000 Follower Milestone Gift (pt. 1) 🌻
ajkldjfaklsdf you guys idk what to say! i have no idea how/why i've been blessed with a thousand amazing followers but i’m so happy that you guys seem to like the things i share and that you’ve been so supportive and loving to me 💛 this world can be a really cruel place, and tumblr is no exception, so i'm just very grateful that i've been lucky enough to have such a positive experience so far. all I can do is pray that it continues and thank you all for being so kind!
anyways, i’d been wanting to get some basic undies recolored for a loooong while now, and i finally put together a palette that i think fits my needs. so i’ve recolored 16 different bras, bralettes, undies, etc. so that they can all be mixed and matched together! there are 8 top styles and 8 bottom styles that come a variety of amazing creators: a massive thank you to @nolan-sims, @chiefwhiskers, @trillyke, @simgguk, @lilbanana-sims, and @citrontart​ for the beautiful pieces they created!
make sure to check out all of the details under the cut before you download! sorry in advance for the long post owo
details and random rambling // 16 individual CAS items • 35 swatches each • custom thumbnails • all styles enabled for sleep and swim categories
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some of the styles are full standalones, while a couple of them require the original meshes to function in-game >>
original mesh required:
{stella bralette + undies} {latata undies} by trillyke
{rozovaya bralette} {venus bralette} by citrontart
original mesh optional:
{convergence bralette} by nolan-sims
{fruit of the bloom lace bralette + undies} {fruit of the bloom mesh bralette + undies} by nolan-sims and chief-whiskers
{beehive undies} by lilbanana-sims
{jamais vu bra + undies} {breathe in bra + undies} {stigma boyshorts} by simgguk
**the original fruit of the bloom sets are a little complicated, so if you want to download the originals, i thought this info might help! there is the original set by @nolan-sims that has a more strappy bralette style. you can get that one here! then there are some recolors/edits by @chiefwhiskers​ without the extra straps and with some lace designs. those are the ones i linked above, since i used the less-strappy style and the lace textures for my versions. again, none of these are required for you to download, but they’re all very cute so i do recommend them especially if you want even more colors!**
download // via SFS (no ad-fly ever)
there is 1 zip file containing all 16 packages and their corresponding thumbnails (sorry but no i'm not going to individually compress 16 different folders for pick n’ choose - just unzip the .zip folder, and delete any .package files you don’t want 🙃)
let’s have tea? ☕️
terms of use // don’t be a butthead  •  do not re-upload  •  do not claim as your own  •  do not use my graphics  •  always give appropriate credit  •  enjoy 💛
📣 // @maxismatchccworld  @mmfinds  @mmoutfitters  @s4library  @simblrcollective
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