#i wanna make both someday jdjshd
thewhizzyhead · 3 years
here's a fun story from 9th grade that's probably gonna be one of my most treasured memories from my high school years ever: so me and like half of my class were brought to a STEM research showcase held by one of our neighbor schools and as science high school students, we were expected to be um well behaved student-researchers that were REALLY interested in research and for the most part yea we were legitimately really interested in the research projects heck we had a shit ton of questions prepared for many of the presenters and we took pictures of everything (the sci high school i went to somehow made us all interested in STEM research (probably through brainwashing ngl /hj) and it's a blessing and a curse) BUT what really caught our attention was the school's playground soooo like the Model Student Researchers that we are, once the seminar was done and once our teachers were out of sight, we did what any normal Model Student Researcher would do: RACE EACH OTHER TO THE GRADE SCHOOL KIDS' PLAYGROUND AND GO BATSHIT OVER THE SWINGS, MONKEY BARS, SLIDES AND SEESAWS.
once again, we were student researchers from a very reputable science high school and we basically um stole the grade school kids' playground from the grade schoolers. i believe it was the grade schoolers' recess at the time but since THEIR playground was already occupied ummmm some just sat there with their very confused and intrigued teachers and watched curiously as 9th grade student-researchers from a different school suddenly turned into motherfucking preschoolers while playing with the swing sets and the seesaws and the monkey bars and um yea kids THAT'S how you properly ruin a science high school's reputation gjdjd
All jokes aside, to this day I still find the story very heartwarming because dudes the sci high school's workload, especially when it came to STEM research, is so fucking insane to the point that most of us would have to pull off an allnighter at least twice a week. We were 14-15 year olds already hard focused on becoming the next i dunno Albert fucking Einstein simply because that's what the school wanted us to be. So I dunno, maybe us racing each other to the playground as soon as the seminar ended and us loudly laughing and squealing over the grade schoolers' playground was us allowing ourselves to put our guards down, forget whatever research bullshit that we'd have to submit by the end of the day, and just be normal kids for once. We probably made ourselves look like obnoxious childish idiots but hey, at least we felt young again.
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