#i was gonna take a nap before work but i got so caught up plying this that i lost track of time
milkweedman · 3 years
ugh somehow when i was dividing the roving for that sock yarn into thirds, i completely messed up. i remember thinking i was being overly meticulous about it, too. but the z spun single was about two thirds the length of both s spun singles, so i ended up with one big traditional 3 ply of 186 yards, one small traditional 3 ply of 62 yards, and then one small 2 ply of 126 yards.
in retrospect i really should have just broken into the second color of this roving and spun enough to keep going with a 3 ply. that would have made a cool marled yarn that i could have used for the heel, toe, and cuff. but i am operating on about 25% brain capacity today, so i just did what i always do with leftovers from traditional 3 ply (which is just two ply them and throw them in the scrap yarn bucket). which i now regret because it was 126 yards.
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apex-academy · 5 years
Chapter 3: Down Down Down and the Flames Went Higher (#18)
We disperse pretty quickly, and I’m left wandering out into the hallway alone. 
So... the brick. Is there a way to dislodge it? I’m sure Otoya could manage the brute force it might need, but what would that do to the rest of the wall? If it’s still standing, we’d still get ourselves caught from all the ruckus. And good luck convincing him to take that kind of risk in the first place. Mahavir or Kanagi would be more willing, I bet, but I’m still not sure this will work. I’m not risking their necks for it.
Maybe if I splash something on the mortar, or turn on the pottery wheel again, it’ll help. Whatever I do, I may want to wait it out. Monochap and his “young master” may not have noticed today, but if I keep going in there all the time, they’ll catch on. For now, I can go to my notes. I have at least a little more to work with now that the motive’s out.
I’ve just passed into the dormitory wing when someone stops me.
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“Hey! Kakumi!”
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“We’re gonna hang out at the pool in a sec. Wanna come?”
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“You’re inviting a girl? Better keep your voice down if you don’t want Mahavir punching you out.”
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“Punchin’ me out of what?”
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“Anyway, no. I might stick my feet in the pool at some point, but I’m not going to try to swim here.”
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“I did say a couple of us are goin’! Don’t think anybody’s a lifeguard or anythin’, but there’s nothin’ to worry about.”
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“Let me be clearer.”
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“All right. Can I ask why?”
I sigh.
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“I’m just not interested and, for future reference, never will be. Okay?”
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He seems befuddled, but he doesn’t push it. At least not immediately.
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“I just...”
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“I want everybody to do as much fun stuff together as we can. If we don’t, we end up with too much time thinkin’, y’know? About everythin’ that’s happened, and people dyin’, and that we’re still stuck here, and we still haven’t been found...”
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“...and we’re all gonna die in the end anyway, and no part of any of our lives has any significance in the greater scheme of the eventual heat death of the universe—”
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“Arthur?” I’ve tried to interrupt a few times, but only now does he stop. “I got it.”
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“Right... Right. Haha.”
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“You don’t have to worry about me. I've got plenty of ways to distract myself with or without your help.”
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“You should go ahead, though. Please.”
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“Right. I’ll see ya around.”
He turns and skedaddles down the hall.
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Even with a “weak” motive, we’re still not doing so hot, huh? Everything he said is true—well, the last part was debatable—and it’s tough. Hard to stick this out, bribe or no bribe. But we won’t be trapped in here forever, no matter what’s going on. I’ll make sure of that.
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I set my notepad down and take a seat.
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“So. Speaking of pulling these motives...”
Money’s pretty straightforward. Could easily be a bluff. I check the camera over my shoulder.
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“Maybe they can read my notes after all?”
If they’re trying to throw me off, then it must be someone without the money. But if they can’t read this over the camera feeds, then it’s probably someone with the money.
So, absolutely no help at all. Awesome.
What else is there? Why we’re being forced to kill each other? Itsurou pretty much takes the cake as the most suspicious there. I could B.S. reasons for other people if I tried, but it’s no competition, really. 
But Itsurou is well-aware of how sketchy he seems. If he didn’t want to be caught as the mastermind, he could have at least given us a fake name or talent. We know we have some of those. And it’s not like I looked at his face and immediately thought, “Oh, this is clearly renowned murder mystery author Itsurou Kishaba.”
I tap my eraser on the desk in thought.
Would the mastermind have a fake talent? That would explain why Monochap went to all the trouble to put those on the IDs.
But how am I supposed to figure out who’s fake? Even if some of these guys have demonstrated their talents, it doesn’t mean Apex Academy offered them a spot in the class for that specifically. I guess the more obviously talented can pass as less suspicious, but that’s no more conclusive than anything else I’ve tried.
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“Geez. Maybe I just have to make them slip up somehow.”
I tuck the book away for now and check the clock. About time to grab supper. But once I make it out the door, I hear voices down the hall.
“Have you had anything today...?”
“None of your freaking business!”
Don’t really have to look to figure out who’s speaking. I sigh and walk to Otoya’s door. Yuki stands just outside, bento in hand. She stares at it a while before blinking and turning to me.
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“Oh, Kakumi... I didn’t wake you or anything, did I...?”
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“No, nothing like that.” 
At this hour? What would she be waking me from, a nap? And not only is she all the way down the hall from me, her voice has the strength of single-ply toilet paper. I don’t think she could talk me awake if she was leaning right over my face.
I nod at the box in her hands.
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“Otoya’s lunch?”
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“Umm-humm... Untouched. Do you think it’s the design he doesn’t like anymore or the taste...?”
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“I doubt it’s either.”
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“If you’re not having any luck luring him out, I can give it a shot.”
She nods.
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“I couldn’t get him to go to the pool, either...”
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I’m not surprised.
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“I’ll get started making supper... I’ll make some for you two, too, if you can drag him over...”
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“Sounds like a plan.”
Whatever she’s cooking, it’ll be better than anything I could throw together. And I ought to give this a shot regardless.
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“I’ll do my best.”
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“Okay... Thank you...”
She wanders off, and I turn to the door. Time to see if he feels like listening to reason today.
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