#i was playing ori so long my arm seized up
asdcats · 3 years
I got myself a switch a few days ago. So far I've played a few hours of animal crossing and an hour of Ori and the Blind Forest. I also have Minecraft but I haven't played it yet.
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Dwarfish Wonders {Chapter 4}
The door was pulled open to reveal a powerful looking dwarf with long hair and an intense expression. "Gandalf, " he looked up at the wizard, "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn't have found it all had it not been for that mark on the door."
Once again Bilbo returned to his confused state, "Mark? There's no mark on that door, it was painted a week ago." 
Naomi stepped forward, "There is a mark Bilbo." Bilbo looked even more confused, "You're apart of this?" She nodded. 
"There is a mark, I put it there myself." Gandalf then attempted to diffuse the slightly rising tension, "Bilbo Baggins, Naomi Daughter of Daim, allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield." 
Naomi bowed her head slightly as she stood next to Bilbo. "So, this is the hobbit and half- dwarf. Naomi, I have not heard tell of your abilities, what accomplishments have you?" 
She straightened herself and adjusted her belt, "I'm well versed in archery and throwing knives, and adequate with a sword. I will not prove a burden."
Thorin turned to Bilbo, "Nor have I heard of yours. Tell me Mr. Baggins have you done much fighting?" 
Bilbo looked taken aback, "Pardon me?" 
"Ax or sword, what's your weapon of choice?" 
Bilbo seemed to straighten some,almost with pride, "Well, I do have some skill with conkers," he stated looking rather pleased with himself, "if you must know but I fail to see why that's relevant." 
Thorin stood a little straighter, "Thought as much, he looks more like a grocer than a burglar."
Naomi had to cover her mouth to hide the smile playing at her lips. Kili seemingly caught sight of her enjoyment and winked at her, merely causing her to grin more and her cheeks to redden. In her moment of girlish pleasure though Thorin turned to her his face hardening slightly, "And just as much I am not overly fond of bringing a woman on a quest of this magnitude either." 
Naomi straightened her back and stepped forward, "My Father spoke great things about you Thorin Oakenshield, he spoke of honor and heart. A true king he called you, and he hoped that one day you would be the one to reclaim Erebor. Do not forsake him for it will be the last thing you do intact." She stepped away from the larger dwarf and stood with her arms folded over her chest.
Everyone seemed quiet intimidated and pleased at the same time, to see her go from a girlish figure to a woman of means ready to kill was a sight none would soon forget. In the mind of many it would be seen as the mentality of a dwarf, connected very strongly to her own beliefs.
She smiled slightly and the tension diffused, everyone laughed and returned to the kitchen. Gandalf let out a sigh that he seemed to have been holding the whole time. "You may have just earned yourself a permanent place among the company, congratulations Naomi." She smiled and joined the rest of the dwarves.
As Thorin ate, they questioned him about his meeting in the north all the while smoking away. Naomi had finished stuffing her pipe when Fili and Kili sat on either side of her. "So, which one of you has a match”.
Fili grinned, "That honor would go to Kili, he always carries them, I don't know why we let him carry them but we do." 
She couldn't help but laugh, she turned to Kili. What she didn't see was Fili winking at his brother behind her back. Kili fished the matches from a pouch and struck it against the table and holding it out to her. He gently placed the fire in the chamber of her pipe, allowing her a few puffs of smoke before lighting his own.
The three listened in as Bilbo had gone to fetch candles and Gandalf had pulled a folded map from his robes. "Far to the east, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and waste lands, lies a single solitary peak." He pointed with a crooked finger to the spot on the map. 
Bilbo had come back with candle in hand and read over Gandalf's shoulder, "The Lonely Mountain." 
"Aye, " Gloin spoke up, "Oin has read the portents and the portents say it is time." 
Then Oin spoke, “Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold.' When the birds of yore return to Erebor,  the reign of the beast will end.’"
That is when Bilbo spoke again, "What beast?" 
Bifur took this opportunity to scare the hobbit, "Well that would be a reference to Smaug the terrible. Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age." 
Naomi felt both brothers tense beside her, shifting ever so slightly. Bifur continued, "Airborne fire breather, teeth like razors, claws like meat hooks. Extremely fond of precious metals." Bilbo cut him off, "Yes, I know what a dragon is."
Ori stood from his seat causing all turn turn to him, "I'm not afraid, I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of dwarvish iron right up his jacksie." 
Every one laughed, and the brother to Naomi's left and right relaxed some, enough for Kili's arm to brush against her own. Dori pulled Ori from his stance, telling him to sit down. 
Then Balin spoke, his voice stern and serious, "The task would be difficult enough with an army behind us, but we number just thirteen." 
"Fourteen." Naomi spoke up, Balin nodded to her. 
"Fourteen. And not fourteen of the best, nor brightest." 
This sent a few into a tizzy only to be quieted by Fili jumping in, "We may be few in number, but we're fighters all of us, to the last dwarf!" 
"And you forget," Kili slammed his hand on the table,  "We have a wizard in our company, Gandalf will have killed hundreds of dragons in his time." 
He had begun to protest, causing Naomi to laugh lightly. The playful air was quickly torn away when Thorin stood. He spoke of the signs and the possibilities of others reading the signs as they had, that this was indeed to be a quest to reclaim their homeland and that they must seize this chance.
Family matters soon came to light and the affair became tense, in the flurry of questions Naomi slipped from between the brothers and out into the cool air where she blew smoke rings for sometime. Within the home the controversy over why Gandalf had chosen those two to join the company raged on, though Gandalf quickly settled the matter and the topic of contracts came into play. 
"Very well, we will do it your way," Thorin said giving in to the wizard's demands, "give him the contract and Kili, go fetch Naomi, she will need to be here for this."
The young dwarf stepped into the cool night air to find Naomi sitting against the wall, pipe in hand, blowing smoke rings into the wind. "Seems a bit redundant," he sat down next to her and leaned his head back against the sodded wall. "blowing smoke rings into the wind, you don't get to enjoy it." 
She sighed blowing smoke through her nose, "I suppose, doesn't mean I'm going to stop though." 
Kili smiled, "Oh, I'm not asking you to, that would mean I couldn't watch."
A small smile spread as the blush on Naomi's face did, "Is that why you came out here, to flirt with me?" 
He chuckled, "No, you're needed inside, the flirting was just a wonderful addition."
They rose and once again entered the house, upon reaching the dining room a folded piece of parchment was pushed into Naomi's hands. "It's just the usual," Balin explained, "out of pocket expenses, time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements. So forth."  Bilbo certainly had a lapse of confidence but Naomi was quick to grab a quill and sign at the bottom.
Thorin looked uneasy himself, he leaned over to Gandalf, "I cannot guarantee their safety." 
Gandalf nodded, "Understood." 
There was a pause, "Nor will I be responsible for their fate." 
Gandalf looked shaken, "Agreed." 
All the while Bilbo stood to the side reading all of the fine print and Naomi had sat back down between Kili and Fili separating the playfully  fighting brothers. 
"So, we have a woman in our company do we?" Fili poked. 
"Aye,"  Naomi responded, "and you'd do well to remember that she could very well take you down." 
Kili attempted to stifle his laughter but ultimately failed, "I like her brother," he continued to laugh, "may we keep her?" 
He looked at her a slight timidly, "If it's alright with her." She smiled and nodded. His face filled with an almost boyish delight, and once again unknown to Naomi, a glance was shared between brothers.
Bilbo, throughout the playful gestures of the three young dwarves, had been reading further and further into the contract, his voice became louder and more alarmed as he went, "Present company shall not be liable for injuries inflicted by, or sustained as consequence thereof, including but not limited to: lacerations, evisceration," though it was the last on the list that got to him, "incineration?" 
His voice got louder. Of course Bofur continued his torment from earlier, "Oh, aye, it'll melt the flesh off your bones in the blink of an eye." The hobbit closed the contract looking even more distraught than prior.  
Balin noticed the  faintness in his stance, "You alright laddie?" 
A simple enough question though it took him a bit to regain his bearings, "I feel a bit faint." 
Once again Bofur was no help, "Think furnace, with wings." 
"I-I-I need air" 
"Flash of light, searing pain, then poof, you're nothing more than a pile of ash." By now everyone was at least a little uncomfortable, the thought of the meat melting off of your bones. 
Bilbo straightened himself, he had to multiple times, and after all that he simply said "Nope" and toppled over.
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