#i would also love a handgun and a baseball bat but those are just kind of wishlist items
crescentmoon223 · 5 years
Two Worlds Collide Chapter 16
Read it on AO3 | Rated: NC-17 | Stella x Scully 
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Chapter 16
CW: references to child abuse
(read it from the beginning here)
Stella was sure she’d paced a groove into the floor of the cabin by the time she heard the car pulling into the driveway. She’d sat with her laptop for an hour or so, catching up on work, but after Scully’s tearful call from the bathroom of her son’s birthday party, she’d more or less done nothing but wander about the cabin, fidgeting endlessly with her phone to be sure she didn’t miss a call or text. None came, which she hoped was a good sign.
As Scully parked outside, Stella steadied herself, fussing with her hair and smoothing out her blouse. Scully walked through the door, red hair cascading over her shoulders, so beautiful that Stella forgot whatever she’d planned to say.
Scully gave her a shaky smile, and then she was in Stella’s arms, her tears giving way to great soul-shattering sobs that tore at the fibers of Stella’s heart. She held on to her, stroking her back, her hair, her cheeks, as Scully released all the emotions she’d held inside during the party. She cried until the shoulder of Stella’s shirt was saturated with her tears, until her eyes were red and swollen, until finally she just held on to Stella, breathing against her neck, chest spasming from the intensity of her tears.
“It’s okay,” Stella murmured, kissing the tears from her cheeks. “I’ve got you.”
“He…I…” Scully shook her head against Stella’s shoulder, still unable to speak. After a minute, she reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out her phone, showing Stella a smiling photo of herself with a boy that was so unmistakably her son, Stella herself gasped.
“Oh, Dana.” She wiped fresh tears from Scully’s cheeks as they both stared at the photo.
“I know.” She touched the photo with her finger as if remembering the moment. “I still can’t quite believe it happened.”
Stella guided her to the couch, and they sat. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She nodded, a smile tugging at her lips as she swiped a hand over her eyes. “It was hard, so hard, but…oh, Stella, he’s such a great kid.”
“Well, of course he is.”
Scully blew out several long, slow breaths, composing herself. “It was a little awkward at first—Will even said so—but overall I don’t think it could have possibly gone any better. The Van De Kamps were very gracious about the whole thing, and Will seemed happy to meet us.”
“I’m so glad.” Stella rested a hand on Scully’s thigh as she swiped through photos on her phone, showing Stella pictures of Will blowing out the candles on his cake and playing baseball with Mulder. “It’s really good that he came,” she commented as Scully showed her a picture of Mulder with his hands over Will’s, showing him how to grip the bat.
Scully nodded. “This was a really big deal for him. You know, he only got to spend two days with William after he was born before he had to go into hiding. So, I can only imagine what it meant for him to get to teach his son how to bat.”
Scully relaxed into the couch, eyes closed, head against Stella’s shoulder, looking wrung out but peaceful. “I told him about you,” she said after a minute, smiling without opening her eyes.
“Mulder?” Stella felt an uncomfortable pinch in her chest. She’d tried hard all afternoon not to let herself think about Scully and Mulder together with their son, bonding, reminiscing, sharing so many important memories and making new ones. Perhaps this experience would bring them back together. Perhaps it should. Perhaps Stella was driving a wedge between them just by being here.
Scully nodded. “He was surprised, to say the least.”
“I’m sorry,” Stella murmured.
“For what?” Scully gave her a quizzical look from beneath puffy eyelids.
“For coming between you today. You should probably be with him right now.”
“I’m right where I want to be.” Scully lifted her head to place a tender kiss on Stella’s cheek. “He asked me to get a drink with him afterward, and that felt wrong, but I think I’ll see if he’d like to get coffee tomorrow, if he’s still around. We should probably talk about everything that happened today.”
Something cold washed over Stella, and suddenly she was the one who wanted to cry. “Everything that happened?”
“The party,” Scully clarified. “Seeing our son. It was a lot to process, and he’s doing it alone.”
Stella was quiet, trapped in her own discomfort with the situation, not sure what to say.
Scully snuggled closer against her. “Seeing him today only reinforced that I’m not in love with him anymore, in case you were worried about that.”
“I wasn’t worried,” Stella said, hating that she’d been so transparent.
“He’s like family. I care about him…a lot, and he’ll always be a part of my life in some way. But I don’t want to kiss anyone but you.” She turned her face toward Stella’s, bringing their lips together. Scully slid into her lap, straddling Stella’s thighs as she kissed her properly. “I don’t think I could have made it through today without you.”
“Yes, you could. You would have.” Stella gripped Scully’s hips, drawing her closer, pressing their bodies together.
“But I’m so glad I didn’t have to.” Scully looked down at her, eyes brimming with emotion and affection, everything Stella had never wanted and was now terrified she couldn’t live without. “Stella, I—”
“Shh.” She closed her lips over Scully’s, swallowing the words she was afraid to hear, turning them into fuel for the fire burning between them. She pushed Scully flat on the couch and showed her how much she meant to her, and then she melted into the cushions beneath her as Scully returned the favor, putting that wickedly talented tongue to good use.
Afterward, they worked together in the kitchen, making a pizza with the frozen dough Stella had picked up at the grocery store yesterday. They took their supper onto the back deck with a bottle of wine and sat on the cushioned lounge chairs there to watch night fall over the forest.
“I guess there’s a certain charm to being out here in the woods,” Stella said, plucking at a strand of cheese that dangled from her pizza slice.
“Can’t do this in a hotel.” Scully looked up at the patch of sky visible through the branches overhead.
Stella opened her mouth to make a retort about room service but changed her mind. “No, you can’t.”
“Those years when I lived in that house in the middle of nowhere with Mulder…I got to a point where I hated it. I hated it so much, I couldn’t remember the things I had loved about it when we first moved in. Like this.” She stretched out in her chair, feet crossed in front of her.
“I’ve never lived outside the city,” Stella confessed.
“Really?” Scully turned her head to look at her. “Then I’m extra glad I insisted on the cabin.”
“You’re indoctrinating me into nature.”
Scully looked at her, eyes glowing with the reflection of the sunset overhead. “I’m going to indoctrinate you into all kinds of things.”
And that was exactly what Stella was afraid of.
Scully was so tired she might fall asleep right here in her lounge chair behind the cabin. It was the dizzying kind of exhaustion that came after an emotionally draining day, but there was a sense of peace in her soul now, a calmness where before there had been so much turmoil and unrest.
“I’ve never seen so many stars before,” Stella said softly from beside her.
Scully stared at the swath of sky visible through the canopy of trees overhead. “I wish we could see more of the sky from here. I bet we’d be able to see the Milky Way. It would blow your mind.”
“You already blew my mind.” Stella gave her a suggestive look, keeping the tone between them light. “But yes, I suppose it would be nice to see the Milky Way.”
“I’m sure we could see it from the beach,” Scully said, burrowing deeper beneath the blanket Stella had draped over her. “But I’m too tired to move. Let’s walk down tomorrow night.”
“Is it safe to walk down that path at night?”
“Detective Superintendent Gibson, are you afraid of bears?” Scully asked teasingly.
“I’m not keen on becoming supper for any of the beasts of the forest, no,” she said. “And neither of us is armed this weekend.”
“I’m not sure a handgun would stop a grizzly bear anyway.” Scully laughed softly at the alarmed look Stella tossed in her direction. “I think you need a rifle.”
“Fuck off,” Stella said. “You’re just trying to scare me.”
“No, I’m not. Google it.”
“You know what, on second thought, we can see plenty of stars right here.”
“We could stop in town for bear spray tomorrow, if it makes you feel better.”
“Bear spray?” Stella’s voice rose comically.
“The smell is supposed to repel them.”
“Sounds lovely.” Stella turned her gaze toward the sky.
“Stella for star,” Scully whispered, and beside her, Stella stiffened, her body suddenly carved from granite, a layer of ice over her gaze. The teasing air between them evaporated into the cool night air. Scully reached for her hand, not quite sure what had happened. “Sorry.”
“It’s all right,” Stella responded, her tone distant. “I just…I don’t like it.”
Stella for star. That’s what had upset her?
Scully was silent for a moment, mind spinning as she tried to imagine what the significance might be, already knowing she wouldn’t like the answer. She also knew that if she didn’t push, Stella wouldn’t elaborate, and Scully had shared so many painful things with her, had let Stella hold and comfort her through one of the toughest days of her life, and maybe it was time for Stella to share something in return.
“Who called you that before me?” she asked, taking the risk and hoping it paid off.
“Paul Spector.”
That fucker. Scully reached for Stella’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “And before him?”
Stella was quiet for so long Scully had decided she wasn’t going to answer, so long she wondered whether she’d been wrong in her assumption or whether Stella simply wasn’t ready or able to tell her. Her hand slipped from Scully’s, disappearing beneath the blanket as she tucked her chin, eyes locked stubbornly on the stars above. “My stepfather.”
“Oh,” Scully breathed. Oh. Damn. Fuck. Oh Stella… For a moment, she wished she hadn’t pushed for the answer, and then she hated Stella’s stepfather for what he’d done, and then she just wanted to hold her. Scully rolled onto her side, reaching for Stella, but she pushed her away, body rigid against her touch. “Stella, I am so sorry.”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I know.” She brushed away fresh tears. “I just…can I hold you?”
Stella was silent, but she slid sideways in her chair just slightly, making room for Scully to crawl in beside her, and she did. She tucked herself beneath Stella’s blanket, arms wrapped around her, nose against Stella’s neck, breathing in her scent.
They lay like that for a long time as the forest creaked and rustled around them. Stella gradually softened against her, relaxing into her embrace, accepting her touch and trusting her not to push farther into places Stella didn’t want to revisit. Scully knew that Stella didn’t give this kind of trust easily—if ever—and she was overwhelmed by the power of it.
She loved Stella so much. If this trip had taught her anything, it was that family took many shapes and forms—as did love—and she wanted to celebrate all of it. Sometime before they flew back to London on Monday, Scully was going to find the perfect moment to tell Stella how she felt. Lying there, wrapped in Stella’s arms beneath a blanket of stars, she wondered if there would be a better moment than this one. “Stella…”
As if she’d read Scully’s mind, Stella seamlessly changed topics, tugging at Scully’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go inside.”
“But I’m so tired,” she protested, squeezing her eyes shut.
“You got me to stay in a cabin, but there’s no way I’m sleeping outside with the bears.” Stella stood, lifting the blanket so that cold night air greeted Scully’s previously cozy warm skin.
She started to grumble, but she was so glad to hear the teasing tone back in Stella’s voice that she held it in. “Okay.”
They went inside, bringing the remains of their dinner with them. They were quiet as they got ready for bed, but it was a comfortable silence, punctuated by affectionate glances and bodies touching as they moved around each other in the bathroom. When they slid into bed beside each other, Scully leaned in for a kiss, pressing a hand over Stella’s newly mended ribs, wishing she could heal the rest of her as easily.
“Did he go to prison?” Scully asked softly.
Stella’s breath hitched beneath her palm. She turned her face toward the wall, but she didn’t pull away. “No, but I caught a lot of others.”
Scully thought of the little girl in the dumpster fourteen years ago, the way Stella had come to her hotel room that night, the haunted look in her eyes and her unflinching determination to put the girl’s stepfather behind bars. Now, Scully understood. She wrapped her arms around Stella, nestling her face into the soft depths of Stella’s hair, waiting for her to settle again the way she’d done outside.
Finally, Stella rolled toward her, pressing her lips to Scully’s in the dark. They held on to each other for a long time, just breathing in the unspoken love and trust between them. Scully had never felt closer to anyone in her whole life.
“Thank you,” she whispered as her eyes drifted shut, leaving the interpretation of that up to Stella, but any way she took it wouldn’t be wrong, because Scully was grateful for every moment that had transpired between them.
That night, she slept deeper than she had in days, anchored by the woman beside her. She woke the next morning with her heart comfortably full of memories she’d made yesterday with William and a newfound sense of intimacy with Stella. The bed was empty, and the smell of coffee drifted from the kitchen.
Scully reached for her phone, tabbing through the photos she’d taken at Will’s party, pausing on the picture of them together. Will knew her now. She’d spoken to him and hugged him and watched him blow out the candles on his birthday cake. Once she was back in London, she’d write a letter to the Van De Kamps, properly expressing her gratitude.
With a happy sigh, she got up and went into the bathroom, wrapping her lavender robe around herself before she went in search of Stella. She found her in the living room in her own robe, typing away at her laptop, probably solving a murder case from four thousand miles away.
“Morning,” Scully said.
Stella looked up at her with a smile. “Good morning.”
“Ready for our nature day?” she asked, purposefully needling her, hoping to put to rest any residual discomfort Stella might harbor about the things she’d shared last night.
Stella arched an eyebrow as she returned her gaze to her laptop. “You go ahead. I’ll catch up.”
“As if I’d let you off that easily.” She sat on the couch beside her, eyeing the Metropolitan police logo on her screen. “All work and no play…”
“Piss off,” Stella said. “I have to catch up on some paperwork.”
“Okay, you do that while I cook us breakfast, because we’re going to need fuel in our bellies for hiking.”
Stella slid her hungry gaze over Scully’s robe. “I can think of better ways to burn that fuel.”
“We’ll do that too…later.” Scully stood before Stella was able to successfully distract her and walked into the kitchen. “Omelet sound good?”
Stella nodded, returning her concentration to her laptop while Scully busied herself at the stove, whipping up two omelets with cheese and spinach, lots of protein for all their upcoming activities—both indoor and out. They ate together at the kitchen table before Stella wandered into the bedroom to get dressed while Scully cleaned up in the kitchen.
A few minutes later, Stella walked back into the living room. Scully’s mouth fell open, and she pressed a hand over it to stifle a giggle. Stella had on crisp gray athletic pants with zippered pockets over her thighs and a black button-down shirt tucked into her pants that looked like…was that flannel? She’d finished it all off with black leather hiking boots.
Scully crossed the room and rubbed a hand over Stella’s shoulder. Yep, flannel. “Wow, Stella. This is a look.”
Stella fluffed her hair, looking down her nose at Scully as if the boots gave her an extra six inches, instead of one. “Isn’t this what one wears to go hiking?”
“We’ll call it hiking couture.” She grinned, still stroking Stella’s flannel-clad shoulder.
Stella gave her an exasperated look. “For fuck’s sake.”
Scully laughed all the way into the bedroom, calling over her shoulder as she began looking around for her own hiking clothes, “But really…flannel?”
“It’s a cotton weave,” Stella shot back. “Would you prefer I hiked in silk?”
“No, no. I like the flannel.”
Stella wasn’t built for hiking. Her feet hurt from the unfamiliar boots, and her shoulders ached from the backpack, not to mention the sweat trickling down her spine. Beside her, Scully’s ponytail bounced against her neck as she chattered happily about the things they’d seen so far.
Trees and rocks. So many fucking trees and rocks.
Stella would have been perfectly content to see them in photos, but she was trying her hardest to be a good sport for Scully’s sake. Holding in a sigh, she swiped at her brow. She’d long since removed the shirt that Scully had found so amusing, now wearing only a form-fitting black tee tucked neatly into her pants.
“I think this is it,” Scully announced, leading the way around a bend in the trail. “Just up here.”
Stella scrambled over several more rocks, following her, and then they were standing at the summit. Before them, the trail ended in a panoramic overlook, revealing immense peaks with sheer rocky races and their lake glittering in the valley below.
“Wow,” Scully breathed, sliding her hand into Stella’s.
Even Stella, sweaty and irritable as she was, had to admit the view was breathtaking. Especially when it included the woman beside her, hair gleaming ruby-red in the sunlight, cheeks flushed from exertion, satisfied smile on her face as she took in their surroundings.
“Perfect spot for a picnic, isn’t it?” Scully slipped off her backpack, unzipped it, and pulled out a blue-checked blanket, which she spread over the ground before them.
“Yes.” Stella sat beside her.
Scully reached for her backpack to begin laying out their food, but Stella was faster, pressing her down to the blanket as she climbed on top of her, hips straddling Scully’s. “I worked up quite an appetite during our hike.”
“Did you?” Scully cocked her head, seamlessly following Stella’s change of topic. “Must have been the heat from all that flannel.”
“It’s cotton, and I do wear it on occasion.” She rolled her hips against Scully’s, causing her to suck her bottom lip between her teeth, hands going to her hair as she looked up at Stella.
“I think this Wyoming air has gone to your head,” Scully teased, arching her back, nipples hard beneath her shirt, blue eyes sparking with mischief.
“That’s entirely possible.” Stella kept moving, rocking their hips together, teasing them both as she tossed her head back, sucking in more of that mountain air. It smelled like earth and wildflowers, sounded like the wind through Scully’s red hair and the whisper of her breath in Stella’s ear right before she came. It felt heady and intoxicating, almost like a drug.
She reached between them, unbuttoning Scully’s jeans. Scully lifted her hips cooperatively, helping Stella tug them down. She slipped her hand inside Scully’s underwear, finding her already wet. “Guess you worked up an appetite too,” she said as she brought her lips against Scully’s, claiming her mouth as her fingers claimed her pussy.
“Mm,” Scully moaned into her mouth, hips moving against Stella’s hand. “Always hungry for you. Always.”
“I thought so.” She fucked Scully hard and fast, and as she cried her release into the mountaintops, Stella lost her breath at the sight. “So beautiful,” she whispered.
“So are you,” Scully countered, rising onto her knees as she rolled Stella to the blanket. “Your eyes are the color of the sky, and your hair…when the breeze blows through it, it’s like spun gold.” Her hands worked open Stella’s pants, pushing them down her hips. “I love when you’re not wearing makeup, and I can see all your freckles.” She kissed her way over Stella’s chest. “Even more beautiful in the sunshine.”
Stella closed her eyes, putty beneath Scully’s eager fingers, heart racing, body burning, ears buzzing at the word “love” on Scully’s lips.
“I love the way you look when you’re this turned on,” Scully whispered as she pushed two fingers inside her, making Stella gasp. “Your cheeks are flushed, and there’s this look in your eyes that’s almost…feral. It’s hot.”
Stella opened her eyes, meeting Scully’s gaze. Right now, she felt feral, lust and need sweeping through her veins, throbbing in her core as Scully fucked her.
“I love the sounds you make when you’re about to come.” Scully arched her fingers, hitting Stella’s G-spot as her palm pressed perfectly against Stella’s clit.
She gasped, hips grinding against Scully’s hand, moaning as the energy built inside her, lighting her up as brightly as the sun blazing overhead before shattering her into a million blissful pieces in Scully’s arms. “Fuck,” she panted as sparks of pleasure burned through her blood, making her tremble.
Scully leaned down and kissed her. “I love you, Stella.”
“Fuck,” she whispered against her lips, still buzzing with pleasure as tears leaked from her eyes, rolling into her hair. “Dana…”
“You don’t have to say anything.” Scully kissed her again, hard and fierce. “I just needed you to know.”
She pulled Scully against her, foreheads pressed together, lips seeking, bodies touching everywhere. She’d been running from those words all weekend, and now that Scully had said them, Stella felt like she’d been filled with sunshine, hot and bright, as wonderful as it was terrifying. Her hands shook as she cupped Scully’s face between her palms. “I love you too.”
As soon as the words were out, she wanted them back. They left her feeling vulnerable and exposed, an intensely uncomfortable sensation. But then she looked into Scully’s eyes. She saw the surprise, the joy, the adoration there, and a sense of peace settled over her. Stella loved so rarely, maybe it was okay to acknowledge on occasion. Surely Scully deserved this moment. It didn’t have to change anything between them once they went home.
“Oh, Stella.” Scully was crying now too. They were both crying, kissing, tears mingling on their faces, salt on their tongues and love in their hearts.
“I don’t know what to do about it,” Stella whispered, heart pounding against Scully’s chest, skin prickling as if it had grown too tight for her body.
Scully gave her a smile, so beautiful and pure Stella melted beneath its power. “Just feel it. That’s all.”
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wavenetinfo · 7 years
Transcript for Gunman opens fire at congressional baseball practice
We begin here tonight with the latest developments in the shooting of a Republican congressman and others at a baseball practice outside of Washington. They were gearing up for the annual matchup between the GOP and the Democrats, a tradition more than a century old. And one of the last remaining realms of bipartisanship in D.C. But today a vicious attack. Today, two American institutions literally under fire. Our national pastime, and our elected officials. A barrage of gunfire at a baseball field right outside Washington, D.C. As Republican members of congress practiced for their annual game against the Democrats. Law enforcement officers shouting at the suspect. 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson, who had opened fire on the players, apparently deliberately targeting the GOP. Six injured including congressman Steve Scalise, the third-ranking Republican in the house of representatives, now in critical condition. The suspect now dead, had a long and public history of anti-Trump and anti-republican rhetoric. The questions tonight, what exactly was his motive? And why now? The attack began shortly after 7:00 A.M. In the del ray area of alexanderd Alexandria, Virginia, eight miles from capitol hill. At least 20 members of congress along with their families and others were gathered at the Eugene Simpson stadium prepping for the charity match tomorrow night. I was taking groundballs at third base, Jeff Duncan at short, Steve Scalise at second — Reporter: The congressman said the man later identified as Hodgkinson approached about players on the field. An individual came up to us, are those Republicans or Democrats? It’s a little odd, 7:00 in the morning, why would you be out there? Reporter: Shortly thereafter shots rang out. I thought it was a construction site that dropped a very large piece of metal. Reporter: Hodgkinson allegedly opening fire using a rifle and a handgun from behind the third base dugout. Hey, is that guy okay out there? The guy’s been shot, is he okay? We didn’t exactly know where the shots were coming from, but it was loud. It was constant. You just wonder when it’s going to stop. I saw the gunman come around the back stop, ask he had a clear line of fire into the dugout. Reporter: Within three mites, Alexandria police officers arrived at the scene. Do you need a second helicopter? We have another one for the second helicopter. There’s also a victim down in the baseball field. Reporter: Louisiana congressman Scalise, who had been at second base, was hit and started crawling, wounded, into the outfield. We wanted to get to him, but couldn’t with the gunshots overhead. And after about ten minutes — then another staffer was shot in the leg, dove into our dugout, applied a tourniquet to try to stanch the bleeding. We were sitting ducks. We had nothing to fight back with but bats. Reporter: Two capitol police officers, crystal Griner and David Bailey, part of Scalise’s security detail, along with multiple law enforcement agencies, engaged in gunfire with the shooter. Do you have suspect information for us? The suspect is in custody. Reporter: Scalise’s position as majority whip requires that he have 24-hour capitol police coverage. If he hadn’t been at the practice, those police officers wouldn’t have been there either. Had Scalise not been there, I think it would have been a massacre today. There could have easily — been 25 deaths or more today. Reporter: With the gunman disarmed, Scalise’s colleagues, congressman Jeff flake and congressman Brad wenstrop, Iraq war veteran and doctor, immediately ran to his side and gantry yaunlging. Did what I did in Iraq, cut down their clothes, look for a wound, major sure you stop bleeding. Reporter: Congressman Scalise was transferred to the hospital where he underwent surge are you for a gunshot wound. The suspect was transferred to the hospital where he later died. The D.C. Medical examiner has issued the cause of death as multiple gunshot wounds to the torso. Reporter: James Hodgkinson was last known to reside in Bellville, Illinois, where he was unemployed. Police today raced to his home in a search for answers. One of the keys today is, was there a trigger? They’re also going to be looking for, is he connected to anybody else that wants to do some version what was he did today? Reporter: His social media accounts were filled with anti-Trump sentiment. Calling the president a traitor and saying trump has destroyed our democracy, it’s time to destroy trump and co. He joined anti-republican Facebook groups including one called terminate the Republican party. Two years ago he commented on this anti-scalise cartoon saying, here is a Republican who should lose his job. He was an ardent supporter of Bernie Sanders, who today confirmed that Hodgkinson volunteered for his presidential campaign. I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice this morning is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. I am sickened by this despicable act. And let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptbble in our society. And I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Reporter: Hodgkinson had a history of run-ins with the law. In 2006, police responded to a domestic incident in which Hodgkinson was accused of hitting a woman and also hitting a neighbor in the face with a shotgun. But the misdemeanor charges were later dropped. This past March, police were called to his home after neighbors reported that dozens of shots were fired. He may have been shooting at some tarts there in the trees. But then he stepped out from his building there. And I could see him pointing the rifle across this field. As far as you can see down there. Reporter: But police determined that he had a valid firearms owner identification card, and that no law was violated. Hodgkinson’s wife says her husband left Illinois for Alexandria, Virginia, two months ago. According to law enforcement he was living out of his van. In recent months Hodgkinson was a regular at pork barrel barbecue bar eight blocks from the shooting site. Bartenders say he was odd. Struck me as a very — introverted person. Not exactly warm person to have a conversation with. Reporter: In the first mass shooting he has addressed since taking office, president trump today called for solidarity. We may have our differences. But we do well in times like these to remember that everyone who serves in our nation’s capital is here because, above all, they love our country. Reporter: Unlike his predecessor, trump did not call for new gun safety measures. Tonight president trump and the first lady paid a visit to the hospital where congressman Scalise is being treated for a single gunshot to the hip that damaged internal organs and caused severe internal bleeding. The shooting comes in the midst of an era of extreme partisanship in our country. But in the wake of the shooting — The mood on cap HOL hill is somber and a bit surreal. We’ve seen lawmakers returning to their offices still in their baseball union Fors. Reporter: Democrats at their own baseball practice came together in prayer for their Republican colleagues. And at a noon gathering of congress, house speaker Paul Ryan delivering this statement of unity. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us. Reporter: Minority leader Nancy Pelosi expressing a rare moment of agreement with her Republican colleague. You’ll hear me say something you’ve never heard me say before. I identify myself with the remarks of the speaker. Reporter: Tonight, congressman Joe war tobarton, together with his sons both at the baseball field, is attending a dinner at the democratic club that his colleagues across the aisle are hosting for the Republican team. Past accidents of violence toward members of congress have also sparked calls for unity. Is anybody injured? Did you say Gabrielle giffords is hit? She’s hit. I do believe she’s breathing. There’s multiple people shot. Reporter: 2011, representative Gabrielle giffords was shot at point-blank range in the head during a meeting with her constituents in a supermarket parking lot in Tucson, Arizona. Despite calls for increased civility in our political discourse that came in the aftermath, the spirit did not last. And indeed today it took just hours after the attack for the familiar debate about gun violence to be reawakened with the democratic governor of Virginia weighing in. I have long advocated, this is not what today is about, but there are too many guns on the street. Reporter: Texas congressman Roger Williams, a Republican who was injured during today’s attack, was unwavering in his pro-gun stance. I’m for the second amendment. I’m from Texas. Reporter: One point of agreement tonight, the annual congressional baseball game will go on as planned tomorrow night. Knowing Steve Scalise as we all do, he is likely really frustrated that he’s not going to be able to play in the baseball game. We will use this occasion as one that bring us together and not separates us further. This is America, the greatest country in the world. If you punch us, we will punch back. And we’re going to play baseball tomorrow.
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.
15 June 2017 | 8:14 am
Source : ABC News
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