#i’d play them all at my wedding 🤷🏻‍♀️
theladyofbloodshed · 2 months
Not Ruhn and Hypaxia having more chemistry in their entire 5 pages together than Ruhn and Lidia during their literal wedding epilogue oof SJM really doesn’t know how to write romance does she.
Bestie I think we are in the minority of not being invested in ruhn x lidia. I didn’t find them interesting at all 😭 individually they’re both okay. There are times I really like Ruhn. But I didn’t find them an intriguing couple. Hypaxia was cool at first but then she too had her personality killed off and for why?
HOFAS spoiler
Lidia out of her mind with worry about her sons but yeah sure I can orgasm. No offence but my partner will be doing all the right things but sometimes my brain is just not playing ball and I can’t get there 🤷🏻‍♀️ If I’m too tired or stressed, it’s not happening! A better scene, in my opinion, would have been ruhn just holding and comforting her.
I’d have preferred if Pollux was the children’s father rather than an unnamed random. Or better yet, no daynight, no good all along. Evil lidia who discovers ruhn is her mate and at that moment she decides to change
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bisluthq · 2 years
On the topic of Taylor and Joe's wedding plans not being our business. Well on one hand no it's not our business. They are not our friends or family and they should be left to their own devices. Certainly no one should try to interfere.
On the other hand both of them are public figures. They (particularly Taylor) have an active fanbase who they want to interact with and have care about the art they make. If no one cared no one would consume their output and they would have no career.
It's all about balance. Taylor and Joe share some of their lives together so we care enough to buy their stuff. We get to enjoy their music and films and speculate harmlessly about what they are up to in their silver-spoon gated community and what they are planning.
The boundaries seem obvious to me. Fact free chat about weddings, kids, as yet unborn kids education and the like is okay. Camping outside wedding venues isn't.
Yes, but here is where like platform size comes into play. My anons and I are sleuthier than half the fandom. Our sleuthing has made tabloids before. Tabloids can make the news. So like the balance here is do *I* share anything publicly that could result in camping outside venues? Do *I* share gossip about their house? Do *I* share shit that could aid invasiveness in a way I’d feel bad for??
Actions have reactions.
It’s public info but like if you’re giving info to crazy people you’re also to blame to a point imo, which is why I’m wary of sharing their normie friends’ names and socials and like avoid stuff I think can be damaging to them as people because fundamentally I am a fan 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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heizerux · 4 years
So I just recently came across ACTUAL anime opening songs remixes into cumbia versions. . .
I don’t think I can fully describe how different they hit
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