#i’m rb this onto my main with 2.2k followers. lets see if we can make some noise!
inheritance-cycles · 3 years
Remember the Eragon book series the inheritance cycle? They were a really fucking good series. If you are anything like me, they were a staple of your childhood.
The IC cycle was also adapted onto the screens! But the movie was shit! To this day it is probably the worst book adaption I’ve ever seen. Impressively horrible. Words don’t describe how badly they fucked over these books. Originally, multiple films were planned, but it was all such a shitshow that they abandoned the project entirely! The director responsible never directed again. It was that bad.
(That being said I highly recommend pirating it just for laughs)
Here’s where we need your help! Christopher Paolini, the author, has just announced that the series (owned by Disney) is being considered for a reboot.
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(Link: https://brisin.gr/tweetstorm/)
The biggest issue is that our fandom is really fucking small. We just don’t have the numbers to make a big enough splash, especially on Twitter. So please, please, please, PLEASE signal boost this! And if you’re able, post about it on Twitter. The link above has all the directions and information you need to know. We really need to get this trending for it to work.
This series was my childhood. It was the first book series I ever read by myself, and has become a special interest in my young adulthood. The IC cycle offers an incredible fantasy universe with a set of strong female POC leads, and fucking SOUL BONDING WITH DRAGONS. If you haven’t heard of it, I promise you’ll like it. There’s so much good in these books.
The last and only adaption came out in 2006. The IC fandom has been waiting over 15 years for this moment. Please, take a moment to reblog.
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Tldr: The Eragon series / Inheritance cycle books is being considered for a reboot. Tweet storm needed. Check out this link: https://brisin.gr/tweetstorm/ PLEASE!
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