#i'll edit it after some sleep if there is something wrong
queers-gambit · 8 months
Curiosity Killed The Cat
prompt: after rescuing you from kidnappers, you overhear your boyfriend-turned-savior complain about how clingy you've become.
pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x female!reader
fandom masterlist: Marvel
word count: 5.1k+
note: author wants things out of her drafts! also don't take this fic too seriously, it's not much at all - just me writing for the fuck of it until i'm ready to focus on my bigger projects.
warnings: modern AU, Mafia AU, obvious cursing, small hurt and comfort, brief depiction of physical violence and self-destruction in the form of: loss of appetite, lack of sleep, other symptoms of depression. NOT edited! author is ashamed because she knows she can give you something better but oh well.
browse the Clingy Baby collection masterlist here
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Your feet planted, jarring you to a halt the moment you heard your name in a conversation you were not apart of.
You heard the hammering of your heart, echoing beats of your blood pumping with harrowing desperation. Hands turned cold and clammy, sweat breaking out on your brow and then freezing, feeling as if your throat had swollen to a new restriction and you were anchored in you in place.
But for now, all you could identify was the paralyzing anxiety that anchored you to your spot and made your heartbeat thunder in your ears. You stood outside the lounge, unable to comprehend relevant thought; still listening to low, docile tones continue their conversation, but you couldn't hear real words.
You were stunned. Panicked, confused, hurt - so very hurt. That seemed to register, too; you were really, really hurt.
This was perhaps why curiosity killed the cat.
You reprimanded yourself for listening in - transporting back to childhood during all the times your parents would scold you for eavesdropping. You knew it was wrong, you knew this was a private conversation meant to be shared between trusting confidants, but you couldn't help it - you heard your name and stopped. It was natural, right? To feel curious regarding a conversation seemingly about you that you, yourself, was not apart of?
Curiosity, indeed.
Blinking rapidly, you remembered the only other time you felt such mounting, pressurized fear, and while it might be dramatic, the only other time you could remember this level of anxiety was from about two months ago...
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"Yes, baby, I got the bacon."
"And the jalapeños?"
"Uh-huh, the biggest they had."
"Cream cheese?"
"Do you know who you're talking to?" You laughed into the phone. "I'm a professional housewife by now, you can relax. I got all you needed for your fancy little dinner experiment."
Bucky laughed down the phone, "Oh, please, like I didn't see you salivating when we watched the segment on Top Chef."
"Hush," you laughed, too. "I'm leaving the store now," you told him, pushing out of the heavy glass doors, "and should be home in, like, 10 minutes?"
"Lemme pick you up."
"I have legs to walk with, so, no thank you."
He sighed, "Well, I'll open the wine to let it breathe. Red's still good?"
"Let's do a white tonight, please."
"Good deal," he mused softly. "Hey, I was thinking earlier - "
"Hang on," you pleaded.
"What's wrong?"
"No, nothing. There's just a van slowing down, I don't want to get hit," you chuckled some, looking up and down the street before crossing. "Sorry, so, what were you thinking?"
"We haven't been to Paris in months."
You smirked, "I'm sure our plants in the apartment are dead by now."
Bucky laughed, "Oh, I am, too. But, look, how 'bout it, Peach? You, me, all the croissants we can consume this weekend. I'll take Monday and Tuesday off, we can leave tomorrow night."
"Oh, that sounds nice," you moaned. "Paris in the spring? Baby, that's so dreamy!"
"So, is that a yes?"
"It's a hell yes," you grinned. "Do you know the weather?"
"Supposed to be nice and sunny, not too warm or cold. Figured this would be ideal," he chuckled. "But does the weather matter if we're in bed the whole time?"
"No, we're not wasting our time!" You laughed. "We're gonna go do shit, okay? Stereotypical tourist-couple shit."
"I'll bring the camera."
"And I was hoping we could have dinner at that little place we love?"
"I wouldn't take you anywhere else," he mused.
"I think it's - FUCK!" Bucky froze when he heard the screeching of tires; a van coming up to a skidding halt, flurry of voices all yelling but he heard yours clearly. "No, no, no, hey, hey, what the hell's happening? Hey! What's this - hey, hey! Don't touch me! Ow, shit! No! Hey! Fuck's sake - oh, my God! Ow! Hey!"
"Baby!? Peach! Hey! The fuck's going on!?"
There was a thudding over the phone, and Bucky listened to more struggling - more fidgeting and fighting - and then the slamming of a car door. Still calling your name, Bucky heard a scrape over the line before a different voice answered your phone, "James Barnes. On behalf of HYDRA, you're overdue on your payment and we warned you there would be consequences. Deliver the full amount of 17 million - "
"It's 15," he growled.
"Two million more for the inconvenience of stalking your woman."
"If you even so much as touch her, I swear to God - "
"17 million at midnight, at the pier, or every minute you're late, she'll receive the brunt end of our frustration."
"Don't hurt her - "
"Midnight, Mr. Barnes, at the pier - you know where. Don't be late, she looks like she won't last long."
The line went dead after he heard your screech of pain, confusion, and fear. The moment the line cut, he dropped his phone and slowly lowered himself to sit on the kitchen floor, shock coloring his system. It wasn't that he didn't have the money, quite the opposite - but he and his men had a plan in motion to take out HYDRA, their org's competition, and this was totally against all they anticipated. After a minute to sit in his own worry, Bucky jumped to his feet, grabbed his phone, keys, wallet, and two handguns; holstering them both before shrugging his suit jacket on.
He made every phone call he could, gathering the men he trusted most to (one of) his warehouse(s).
For hours, you were strung up by your wrists in a joint-pulling position while the Brooklyn Mafia formulated a plan of attack. It was the most pain you've ever known, but then the abuse started and you were blinded by this new pain. You had bruises most places, cuts that wept blood; scars that would never heal, wounds that wouldn't ever close. You were delirious, miserable, confused, just dazed and confused; praying to a God who didn't listen.
"Oh, look at that," your captor mocked, holding a thick-bladed hunting knife in hand, "it's one minute til midnight, and I don't see your loverboy anywhere."
You sniffled, unable to respond.
He stared out the lone window, tisking and narrating, "Nope, I see not a soul - and with how protective he is over you, you'd think he'd want to ensure your safety. Not leave it to chance, huh?"
You whimpered as the clock struck midnight, your heart hammering in heavy-hung worry. You had tears in your eyes, heart nearly beating out of your chest, feeling incredibly nauseous. The desire to scream never lessened, just fearing what was to come; the men in the room making you fear for the state of your life, their knuckles cracking. You only begged, "Please. Don't."
The main captor laughed, "You can do better than that! C'mon, give me the satisfaction of tellin' ol' James you begged for mercy - but it wasn't enough to sway me. I'll lie, for sure, and say it happened but it will be so much sweeter if you actually do it."
"Please," you shook your head, avoiding eye contact. "Just don't do this, please."
"Oh, honey," he mocked, "it's not our fault he's late. Lads! Have at her, but leave her face for now - she's still real pretty."
You listened as he gave commands in Russian, understanding after the years at Bucky's side; whimpering when the first blow landed to your gut and knocked the wind out of you. The minutes drug by and you felt your resolve crumbling, heart still hammering to a never-before-felt speed that made it feel as if it were jumping out of your very body at every single pulse point. You struggled in your restraints, but it was futile by how tight you were bound; unable to protect yourself.
At 12:03 am, the doors blew open in a resounding blast; concrete crumbling and sprinkling the floor. You cried out as the smoke choked you, coughing through the haze; only barely able to make out certain figures to know Bucky had brought his best men. However, despite the sting to your eyes from the swirling dust and smoke, you saw a lone man stalk through the blasted wall, through the fray, and straight up to you.
"Bu-Bucky!" You choked in relief as he reached to untie your feet first. You dangled for only a moment as his metal prosthetic ripped off whatever held your wrists to the torture contraption. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Bucky, holy shit, baby, please, please, please," you rambled as he freed you and instantly caught you on his broad shoulders.
"I got you, Peach, I'm here, I've got you," he promised in your ear, hoisting your legs around his waist so they latched and then wrapping his arms around you securely. "Don't let go and don't look up, okay? Hear me, Peach?"
You nodded into his neck, only able to cry.
Bucky jolted and jerked slightly as he moved through the fight again, but not a minute later, you were stepping outside into the sobering, brisk spring air. This was the moment you understood how dangerous and fleeting life with Bucky could be, making a promise to yourself that if he says take the car, you'll take the fucking car.
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And now, here you were, outside the high-rise apartment's lounge (which was just a converted bedroom), listening to your boyfriend complain about you some 2 months after the whole fiasco. HYDRA had been all but wiped out, and in the weeks since, Bucky's men had gone on smaller missions to eradicate the HYDRA members they heard rumor of being local. Yet you didn't feel safe, yet.
You didn't feel safe if you weren't around Bucky.
Everything made you jump: the beep of the done-dryer, that spritz of the automatic fragrance mister in the bathroom, the "duh-dunnn" of a loaded-up Netflix. Keys jingling, car horns, the barking of the dog in the apartment a floor below you... Everything.
Being around Bucky was just like holding a safety blanket. He would always protect you, and for about a week after your rescue, he laid in bed and around the home with you; being lazy; time off work to simply hold you and assure you were safe. Safe in his arms. Safe in his embrace, his presence.
So now... To hear this... You were devastated.
You didn't mean to eavesdrop, it just sort of happened. It was still earlier in the morning, but Bucky hadn't been in bed beside you and based on the feel of the sheets, his body hadn't been there in a while. So, you made some coffee and then ventured around the home in search of your lover; coming upon the lounge and hearing voices from within.
You knew it was common for Steve Rogers and / or Sam Wilson to stay late or visit early, so, you weren't shocked by that, but did falter in announcing yourself when you heard Sam ask how you were doing since the kidnapping. He used your name specifically, making Bucky sigh, and for your curiosity to peak.
"She's different, man."
"How so?" Sam wondered.
"She doesn't like being without me now," he chuckled without humor. "I'm serious, she won't go to the gym until I do, waits to have meals together, won't leave the house if I'm out, and," he scoffed to himself, "you can forget going to the grocery store or anything - she's even stopped going to work - "
"You told her to stop working, like, two years ago when y'all first moved-in together," Sam deadpanned.
"I know," Bucky shrugged, "but it feels tenfold now that she's so reclusive."
"It's normal," Steve sighed gently.
"Yeah? Is it normal that I can't even go take a shit without promising her I'll be right back?" Bucky snapped in exasperation. "It's that bad, she's that fucking clingy, man. I go in the kitchen to make dinner, she's in there 30 seconds later to 'help' me. I take a shower, she finds a reason to linger in the bedroom, but that was better than before, when she wouldn't even shower by herself. It's just a lot, she's everywhere I look. I'm starting to find new reasons not to come home, man, she's always fucking here - and when I walk in the door, she's on me. I need to fucking breathe, but I can't tell her to stop, she'll get her feelings hurt and then I'm the bad guy."
"Man," Steve laughed, "you can't be the bad guy if you go to her in a calm and collected manner, but it's only been two months. She's still recovering."
"Exactly why if I say anything, no matter how calm and collected, I'm the bad guy. I get she's hurting and tryna recover, but Goddamn, does she have to be in every room I'm in? Do everything with me? How do I tell my traumatized girlfriend to back off? Let me breathe?"
Sam laughed, "You don't! You just said it - she's traumatized! Cut the girl some slack, she's got a lot to fuckin' deal with!"
"I'm not negating from that fact," Bucky argued, "I'm just trying to say, the way she's clinging onto me like she can't function without me is just grating at my nerves. I just need to breathe and recharge, but I can't tell her that - fuck's sake."
"Buck," Steve smirked, "you're worried Peach isn't gonna listen, but that's her literal superpower. Just communicate, she can't read your mind, but you need to remember how traumatic all of that was for her to experience - she's scarred from that kidnapping, man. So, sure, you need to recharge, but she needs the support."
"Is it wrong to ask for a day here and there to do that? To recharge?" Bucky asked quietly.
"If you communicate, it's perfectly reasonable to ask for," Sam assured softly. "And whatever you do, don't tell her you think she's clingy. Chicks hate that, that word is, just, like, taboo or something. Real heavy, negative connotations."
"But she is," Bucky growled quietly, "'s like she's afraid to let go 'cause I'll disappear or something."
"Oh, noooo," Sam mocked, "I'm Bucky and my girlfriend loves me too much and trusts me too much and actually feels safe and dependent on me too much - ohhh noooo!"
There was a thump, Sam's cried, "Ow!", and Bucky telling him to shut up. You slowly backed away from the door, trying to settle your breathing as you made your escape down the hall. When back in the kitchen, you whimpered and let the first tears fall... The first of many you shed in the hour it took you to prepare breakfast for everyone; doing your best to eat as you cooked so you didn't have to linger around the men. You took Bucky's words to heart, and maybe you were too sensitive, maybe you should venture outside again.
So, when the lads came out, you set the table without making eye contact with any of them. "Here," you directed, setting the pancakes down, "I made breakfast, come eat, it's still hot."
"Wow," Sam smiled brightly, "thanks, Peach!"
You hummed, still avoiding their eyes as you just set the abundance of food to the table. "You... Cooked without me?" Bucky asked you with skepticism.
"Mhm," you hummed, setting the coffee pot down to a hot pad, "and I'm going out shopping with Nat, so, eat up, lads, I'll do the dishes when I get home. Love you, boys, bye," you waved them off, snatching your keys and then moving to the door to stuff your feet into your sneakers.
"Woah, woah, woah," Bucky left the table, approaching you urgently, "hey, what do you mean? You're goin' out?"
"Yep, figured I've stayed in too long, might as well get out and remember life doesn't stop just 'cause I'm sad."
"Peach - "
"I'll see you when I get home, Buck, okay?" You mumbled, slinging your purse on your shoulder.
"Well, here, here, hey, wait, hang on," he pulled his wallet out, handing you over a wad of big bills. "Spend it all, okay? Have fun, call or text if you need me, yeah?"
Bucky leaned in to kiss you but you just opened the door, ready to leave. He frowned, watching you, barely managing to call a quick, "Love you!"
You didn't return the sentiment, feeling hallow and all too silly to return the affection. In your purse was your laptop, headphones, chargers, and whatever else, so, instead of meeting your friend, Natasha - being just a ruse to avoid Bucky - you started small and just went to the local café. You used to frequent it back in the day, but times were changed, and yet, they were all the happier to serve you the same as before. Getting cozy in the corner, you set up camp and ordered your favorite coffee basically every other hour - letting the day waste away as you caught up on work emails.
Might've wasted time on Instagram and Facebook and Pinterest. Got shopping done on Amazon. Browsed through Target's online selection. Checked out the sale items at Kate Spade. Perused Fenty Lingerie because you could.
Before you knew it, a message was coming in over your MacBook from Bucky, asking where you were - why had you turned your location off?
You packed up and with a to-go cup, made the short trek back home. When you got back, Bucky was pacing in the living room; staring at his phone and typing, then deleting, retyping, groaning, glancing up, typing again, then doing a double take. "Where've you been, Peach? Huh!?" Bucky demanded. "You're late!"
"Out with Nat," you eased.
He huffed through his nose, nodding slowly, "You have a nice time?"
"It was okay," you answered. "I'm gonna go to bed after I shower."
His brows furrowed, "I have a meeting tonight."
"I know."
"O...kay?" He let you go, wanting to ask why you didn't ask him to join like you had so often in the past few weeks.
And it didn't stop there, in fact, it got worse. When Bucky got home from his meeting, he was actually shocked to see you nestled in the bed; teetering on the edge of the shared space while snuggling a weighted body pillow.
When he tried to give you a snuggle, you stirred to life and pushed him back, muttering, "Too hot."
The following morning, he was relatively surprised to see you up and about before him; barely getting a word in before you were slipping out the door to go on a morning jog. He was confused by how all of a sudden, where you were once everywhere he looked, now, you were disappeared and distant and gone. You worked out alone, cooked alone - but always left him a plate, but long gone were the cute little sticky notes you left for him. You once haunted the apartment by never wanting to leave, and now, ghosted in and out of it on a daily basis.
You never bothered to go far from home. You liked hanging at the coffee shop and luckily, your job let you work from home most days, and the rare time you were due back in the office, it was only about a 20 minute walk. You got better at lying, couldn't even remember the last time you and Bucky had sex, and even now, the last time you had a meal together. You didn't text him about your day; where you once might've told him about an adorable dog you saw on the street, now, you only ever texted him if he asked a direct question.
Food lost appeal, your appetite vanished.
Sleep evaded you, plaguing you with nightmares when you did rest.
Interest dulled, passions were snuffed, and only fearful, confused anger remained. It showed in the way weight seemed to shift around your body, thinning; the lack of sleep creating dark rings and bags under your bloodshot eyes.
After two weeks of this, Bucky grew irritated and short with everyone around him. It reflected in his work, the way he spoke to everyone; even Steve and Sam getting the brunt end of his anger. Without you to assure him, Bucky was off his rocker; losing his cool; his patience stretched far too thin. So much so, the two mates approached an outside associate, Natasha Romanoff, after a particularly snappy meeting to plead for her to talk to Bucky.
"James," Nat greeted as she strode into his office without knocking.
"I know you're my oldest friend, but you don't have that privilege yet," he mused, never looking up.
"Not knocking. What is it, Nat?"
"Just came to check on you, you know, like friends do."
"Hm," he chuckled without humor, "and what did Peach say to you?"
"Nothing, I haven't gotten ahold of her for weeks."
Bucky paused, slowly lifting his head in confusion; brows furrowed and mouth set in a firm, straight line. "What?" He grit.
"Huh?" Nat wondered.
"She's been telling me that she's hanging out with you for the past two weeks," he revealed.
"Nope, not since the incident with HYDRA."
Bucky's (right) flesh hand crushed the pen in his grip, taking a long breath. "All right," he sighed, "so, why come today?"
"What's really going on, Buck?" She worried softly. "Is it really whatever's going on with Peach? You're this pissed off? What'd she even do?"
"She just..." He cut himself off with a long sigh. "It's nothing."
"Bucky," Nat gave a pointed look.
"She's just avoiding me," he muttered. "It's like she's barely home, almost like a ghost."
"Isn't that what you wanted?"
"Yes, and no," Bucky snipped, rolling his neck out. "I'm just worried about her now, she's never not communicated before."
"Something's bothering her," Nat shrugged. "She probably needs you right now, Buck."
"I can't do it all," he whispered. "I can't be who she wants and run this organization at the same time."
"She doesn't need that, she just needs you to be her partner," Natasha spoke softly. "She needs to feel loved and supported, and surely, she maybe felt weird about whatever you were projecting. Instead of taking it out on your men," she smirked, "why don't you just talk to her? 'Cause I hear you're bein' a more-than-usual asshole lately. You need to ease up or get laid, 'cause you're taking it out on good, loyal men, and that's entirely unfair."
"They can take it."
"Sure, but they shouldn't have to," Nat rolled her eyes. "Look, since you won't answer me, I'm assuming the sour mood is in regard to whatever relationship issues you have right now?"
"Sure," he tossed the pen away, opened a skinny drawer to his right and select an identical one.
"Bucky," she growled.
He sighed, "She's lying to me, Nat. Saying she's with you when she's not... Is this an affair? She's gone all the time now."
"No way," Nat laughed. "Baby girl doesn't have the energy to entertain anyone - let alone two men. You're just the exception."
"Why lie, then?"
"Maybe she didn't want you questioning her..."
"No shit."
"Well, did you get into a fight?"
"Any reason she doesn't want to be home?"
He shook his head with a sigh, "Not that I know of."
"You had to do something."
"Honest, I haven't. She was being all clingy, but then one day, a switch flipped."
Nat frowned, "You think... Your girlfriend is being clingy... Because she was kidnapped and beaten up... Because of your fucking job... And is probably scared...out of...her mind...? I get that correct?"
Bucky paused for a long moment, muttering, "Oh, my God."
"Yeah, you asshole. Think of it that way! She's afraid!" Natasha snapped. "And probably picked up on your energy, so, she made herself scarce."
"I didn't mean - "
"I don't care, go home, apologize to that sweet angel - she doesn't deserve this."
Bucky paused, "What is 'this' exactly?"
"James. Focus on the present - your woman. Go make this right. We all know you're this big, bad dude - but it's okay to be a little sensitive towards the woman who loves you without condition!"
Bucky relented, figuring the redheaded Russian mobster was right.
The entire drive home, Bucky considered the ways you had changed in the few, short weeks since he vented to Sam and Steve about your clinginess. You didn't take meals with him, didn't cook, work-out, or do anything you used to do together. Sex? Forget it. Dates? Nope. Cuddling? No, you're always 'too hot'. And when he thought about it, he remembers seeing the wads of cash he'd leave for you stuffed in his sock drawer - surely trying to make him think it was just another emergency fund he had hidden. You never spent his money, feeling humiliated by his choice of words.
You didn't text or call him when he was gone, you hadn't even so much as kissed him in what felt like ages... Well, more like you hadn't initiated any kisses...
His heart weighed in his chest as he realized he hadn't even so much as hugged you in days. You were rarely in the apartment together, and when you were, you were just silent and busy with chores. It was as if you operated on the exact opposite schedule as he did, went to new extents to avoid him, and his heart clenched in his chest.
When he got home, you were caught cooking in the kitchen - being obvious that you weren't expecting him. The door slammed and his baritone voice snapped, "Peach!"
You gulped, holding the sauce-covered wooden spoon to your chest. When he rounded around the corner, he found you and slowed down, sighing in relief. "What's wrong?" You worried in a timid tone.
He panted lightly, relaying, "Needed to find you."
"I'm here."
"I know," he relented, charging up to you and engulfing you in a tight, heavy hug. "I needed to talk to you, Peach," he whispered.
"What's wrong?"
"You. You're what's wrong."
"What the fuck does that - "
"No, no," he pulled back to stare down at you fondly, "I don't mean it like that, just that... You're struggling. I can see that. But you're not alone, I'm here with you, and I got a little caught up in my head when I realized someone was so very dependent on me - it fucking scared me. But then... Then you just shut yourself off and hid away from me, and oh, my God, it's so much worse, baby. Don't do that," he breathed, "okay? Don't ever shut me out - don't stop loving me, don't stop talking to me, don't give up on us. I can't read your mind, you can't read mine, it's not an excuse - but we understand better when we trust each other enough to communicate what's required. I'm so sorry I got caught up in myself, I didn't know what you needed - but I'm here now, I'm here - I'm not leaving you."
You collapsed into his chest, taking a shuddering breath.
"Don't ever stop talking to me, Peach," Bucky whispered, kissing the top of your head; keeping you close. "I'm so sorry, baby, if I - "
"If?" You snapped, pulling back to glare at him through your tears. "I heard you, Bucky. I heard you talking to Sam and Steve, and about how clingy I am."
"I was wrong," he insisted. "I was overwhelmed and tired and just stretched thin, the easiest thing to do is attack those closest to me, and that's you. It's not right, it's the worst I could do to you after all you've been through, and I'm so sorry. I was wrong, you're not the person to take this out on - and I'm so sorry, Peach."
You sighed, "I don't mean to be... I don't mean to cling - "
"Nah," he chuckled, caressing your cheek, "you cling as much as you want. Cling as tight as you want, baby, don't let me go. I'm sorry for what I said and the way it made you feel, it was wrong - so fucking wrong of me, and I see that. When you pulled away from me, I just... I couldn't think. It felt so wrong, and I knew it was my fault." He took your face in both palms, promising, "I'm so sorry, Peach."
You shrugged meekly, "It's okay."
"It's not."
"No, but apologizing is a step in the right direction."
He nodded, "What else can I do?"
"Nothing - "
You paused to think, smiling shyly, "Movie night?"
"Whatever my pretty girl wants," he nodded.
"Hmm... Get a bath with me?"
"All right... Sure, okay..."
"And face masks."
He sighed, "Okay."
"And mani-pedis."
"You said you were making it up to me, right?"
He smirked, "That's right... All right, yeah, sure, fine, we can..." He sighed again, "We can do all that, Peach, whatever you want."
"I just want you," you told him softly. "I didn't mean to be so clingy. I was just afraid... I felt afraid everyday, just so very unsure in this life. You're the only thing that makes sense to me, Buck, and when I heard you, I just... I guess I realized how dependent I'd been and wanted to give you space. Last thing I want is to smother you, to drive you away from me."
"Not ever gonna happen," he promised softly. "I just didn't handle it like I should've. I'm sorry, Peach, but I'm here now - for whatever you need. Want me to take a few days off, just be together? I'll arrange it. Want to get away for a bit? We can go."
"I just need you," you whispered. "Only you and I should be okay - I can be okay if I have you, but feeling like I lost you? Even a fraction? Buck... James, it was such a harrowing feeling, I wasn't sure what to do to move forward. So, I think I just panicked, shut down; thought if I could just get back to normal, you'd love me again..."
"I never stopped loving you," he swore, "I just had a bad lapse in my own judgement. Nothing against you, baby. Nothing."
You nodded again, letting him tuck you into his chest; perfectly snug under his chin as he coiled his arms around you. He let out a long sigh, his guilt swelling to new heights, but for that present moment, everything seemed okay.
Felt okay.
Appeared okay.
And you'd both do whatever it took to remain as okay as you possibly could.
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8K notes · View notes
whiskeyskin · 2 months
Make Me Feel
Premise: What's that? The well trodden trope of weird potion creates problems of the - ahem - 🍆 variety? Well if you insist.
• Astarion x gn!tav • 18+ • E/M rating
They/them pronouns, Potion mishap!, interrupted masturbation, handjob, bj/deep throat, embarrassment, tone shift, mild canon trauma discussion, connection, enthusiastic consent, communication, dirty talk.
4.1k words
Edit: RAHHH! You're all so wonderful for getting me over 200 notes 😚 it may be a small number for some but to me it's a lot. Love you! 🥹🖤
Editedit: Over 400 notes?! Excuse me as I ugly cry 😭😭😚✨
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Thank @northernolddragon for the beautiful screenshot 💜🥵
Tav was on watch with Shadowheart this evening, not that they really needed to with Gale's wards keeping an alarm on things coming in or out of camp but they all slept better with a night watch.
They'd enjoyed company and conversation as they spoke about everything and nothing. Mostly about Tav, since Shadowheart had very little memories to share.
A friendship had steadily grown with them, so much that she'd revealed herself a Sharron - which wasn't really a shock.
A low alarm pulsed and they went to investigate to the left of camp but after a little cooperation between Tav's survival skills and Heart's perception, concluded that an animal had triggered the alarm - hence the low pulse and the fresh animal tracks belonging to a rabbit.
Tav paused a moment, a thought flashing across their mind. They called to Shadowheart, "Hey, did you hear Astarion come back in from hunting?
"No, he didn't go out tonight. Said, 'he had something else to attend to'."
Again, Tav paused. Oh, shit. Had they promised he could feed tonight and completely forgotten?
"Are you supposed to be 'dining tonight'?" Shadowheart asked through a smirk.
"I don't think so.. maybe? Oh, gods. Maybe I did say." Said Tav, trying to think back on the day.
"Go check on him, see if he's waiting up for a midnight snack. I'll stay on watch." She pursed her lips and swished her long braid as she walked to do a patrol of the camp.
Tav quietly made their way passed the tents of their companions, who were softly - or loudly - snoring. Astarion's tent however still had a candle going and made no sounds of sleep, or revery but rather stranger noises. Hissing sounds from the side of his mouth and what seemed like a painful gasp.
Their brow creased with concern, Tav stepped up to the entrance of his tent. The noises intensified.
"Astarion?" Tav called through the fabric in a hushed whisper, "Are you alright?"
A choked noise of frustration replied to them first, "Uh-yes. I'm perfectly fine. Why do ask?" He retorted a little too sharply, despite his usual lulling tones.
"Shadowheart said you hadn't gone hunting and I couldn't remember if I'd agreed to let you feed tonight."
"Ah, you're such a sweetheart.. while I always delight in our little nightly visits, I've rather got my hands full with something at the moment." He strained, like he was in pain. Something wasn't right.
"Astarion. What's going on? I know something's wrong. What is it? What have you done?" Tav asked, exasperated.
"Ughh, it's nothing just-Arghh" he let out a muffled cry.
"I'm coming in." Tav announced, pushing their way inside the dimly lit interior.
"No, no, don't!" But it was too late.
Tav's mouth flew to their face, shocked at the view.
There, on the floor, in only his ruffled shirt and barely covered in his grotty blanket was Astarion. Although, the blanket was more of tent itself with what it was shielding.
"Oh! Oh, shit. Sorry-sorry! I'll leave." Tav blustered at the sight of the half naked pale elf on the floor before them. They'd clearly not been sounds of pain, and the frustration was aimed at them not leaving him to masturbate in peace.
"No, stay. Please." He croaked, desperate, "I don't know what else to do; I need your help."
"With what?" Tav questioned, averting their eyes to afford him some sort of privacy.
"I appreciate the gallantry but we can do away with the charade, you know what I was doing." He sulked, shifting his weight to sit up, the ruffles on his shirt bristling as he heaved himself upwards.
Tav's eyes tracked the movement and flitted down to the protrusion, unwavering in it's vigil against the thin protection of his grey comfort rag.
Hot flashes of memories seared their mind; remembering how it felt in their hands, hot and cool at the same time. Harder than rock as he'd moved within them, expertly stroking their sweet spot while feeding openly on their blood.
Tav bit their lip, then jolting back to the situation, looked away.
"Um, you said you needed my help. I don't know how I can-"
"I have been.. doing this to myself for the past three hours. It's incessant."
"Jeez, Astarion. I don't need to know that."
"Not for my own selfish good. I-" he growled to himself, it made Tav's stomach flip uncomfortably, "I drank something. It looked like a normal potion, but it tasted a bit off.. and now, this." He gestured to the distinct lump, "It's unbearable and painful if it's not being.. used." He paused, discomfort clear on his face.
A blush flooded Tav's cheeks, "Aaand, you want me to help by..?" They trailed, needing more explanation. Because if he was suggesting what they thought he was suggesting...
"Ugh, I don't know. This obviously isn't helping! Find something that can? Another potion, a spell? Anything!" He waved his arms helplessly into the air.
Astarion looked up at them; his shirt in disarray, his legs gently folded with the blanket tucked between them, with guilty but adamant eyes. He looked helpless and adorable.
A feeling was stirring in Tav's chest, something rumbling and loud but it wasn't arousal, it was laughter. They caught a snicker behind their hand, trying to hold in their amusement.
Astarion's face changed to surprise, with a big frown cutting across his beautiful features.
"Well, thanks a lot. Glad the bleeding heart thinks it's funny." He pouted.
"Oh, come on Astarion. It's pretty funny."
Astarion's eyes narrowed, "How precisely is this funny?" He demanded.
"It's so unfunny that it's funny again. It has to be laughed at how ridiculous this is. I mean, come on." They tried to explain, "you drank a strange elixir and now you have an erection that won't fuck off." Tav barely made it through the last word without sniggering, "You've been beating yourself stupid and it's not going anywhere. It's a fucking ridiculous situation to be in and if you can't laugh about it? Fuck." They shrugged, smiling brightly and encouraging him to see the funny side of this ridiculousness, "I thought you said Lae'zel was the one with no sense of humour."
"Actually, Lae'zel is hilarious. She just doesn't realise she's being hilarious," The frown on his face softened, a smile clearly fighting to spread across his face, "I suppose it is absurd. Most men would kill for this."
"Most people would pay good money for this problem!" Tav squeaked, "Oh gods, the old men that have given all their gold for this problem!" They whined out before coming down to kneel on the floor.
"All of them furiously masturbating to get rid of it after their mistress has left and their wife will notice." He chuckled.
"Oh, the scandal." Tav flourished.
"What would the neighbours say?" He jested, opening up to the idea that the incredulity of it all needed to be laughed at.
He mimed trying to push it down only for it to spring back up with a pop sound effect provided by him and they fell about cackling together.
It was nice. Seeing him smile.
They sat laughing for a while, trying to come up with unfortunate scenarios to find yourself in with this predicament. Each as hilarious at the next.
Howls turned giggles, and giggles turned to titters, until eventually they were all laughed out.
There was a comfortable silence between them for several moments. Tav glanced back at him.
"Did that help? Taking your mind off it?" Tav asked, hopeful.
"I'm afraid not. Still there. Although, it's taken away the urgency of needing that release."
"That's a start at least. What the hell's did you drink?"
"I don't know, it was in the pack from today's adventure with the hag."
"You drank one of the hag's potions?" Tav chided, incredulous.
"Of course not! What do you take me for?"
Tav raised their brows and wordlessly gestured to his lap.
"Point taken," he relented, "but, no it was a regular looking potion bottle. I needed a little healing, so I.." he trailed off, loosely waving a hand.
"You drank a random potion from today, before we'd had a chance to examine it and expected nothing to go wrong. You brought this on yourself." Tav pursed their lips mockingly.
"Yes, thank you for stating the obvious, dear. What am I going to do?" He asked, exasperated.
"Well, masturbating yourself sore hasn't worked, so it can't be about orgasming it out of you."
"Oh, I haven't orgasmed. That's what I was trying to tell you before, but in my feverish haze didn't get out into words properly."
"After three hours?" Tav asked, wide eyed.
"It was more stop/start than powering through. I'm drawing the assumption that while this potion grants me this bloody thing, it doesn't heighten the sensation much."
"Maybe it deadens it? To keep it going longer? That's why you couldn't.. yuh know." Tav mimed the action for affect. They shared a small titter through their noses.
"I haven't a clue. Although, I'm not really.. versed in this sort of thing. It's not something I do, not something I've done for centuries," he admitted, shrugging, "Self pleasure wasn't high on the list when the thought of touching anyone, let alone yourself made your skin crawl-" Astarion caught himself, his eyes widening.
Tav's mouth gaped, "What?" The question came out breathy and low. Hurt struck painfully into their heart, "So the night we spent together you were disgusted-"
"-No. No. Well, at first it I was a little but-"
Tav's eyed widened and they recoiled, wounded. He knew he'd revealed too much and Tav could see that flawless mask of his was trying to slot back into place after it's momentary lapse.
"Don't." Tav urged, "Don't pretend you didn't say it."
"It wasn't like that-I didn't mean you, you're wonderful. I meant in Baldur's Gate with Cazador. The manipulation, the decite. I couldn't. I never." He stopped himself.
Tav softened, the harm still stinging but this was important. Astarion had never spoken about his time with Cazador apart from being a slave and using sex to lure people back. He hadn't elaborated more than those facts. Obviously he would have sexual trauma. And he'd opened up a chance at the conversation.
"It's alright. I'm here to listen. Go on." Their tone was low and understanding.
His face full of uncertainty and shame, Astarion shook his head and refused to look at them.
"I don't want to. Not yet. Not now. I mean.. I just want this thing gone." He motioned to his still swollen member.
Tav's brow knitted and they shrugged heavily.
"Apart from distracting you from it, I don't know what I can do." Tav raised their hands in exasperation, "I mean if you can't do it after three hours, what am I supposed to do-"
"Trust me, you'd be able to help." He said darkly, almost to himself. His gaze darted back, scared by another accidental confession. Tav's confused expression must have been clearly legible.
"What do you mean?"
Astarion averted his eyes, clearly debating on letting more of his secrets out.
"Shit." He cursed. There was a pregnant pause that Tav refused to break.
"You-" he stopped himself, "the other night at the party was- it was-" he shut his eyes and sighed through his nose, "I can't do this, you can leave. I'll just keep this forever."
"Astarion.." Tav said softly, gently reached a reassuring hand to the floor beside him.
He took a deep, cleansing breath and swallowed.
"It was the first time I've known actual pleasure in almost 200 years. Where I actually enjoyed myself, much to my surprise."
Suddenly feeling relieved and very flattered, Tav remained stone-faced silent, encouraging him to keep going.
"My existence has been about having my body used to lure back pretty things for him. To get them to trust me and let their guard down, then.." he trailed off, "I tried to make the most of it and relish in the copious amounts of sex I was having.. It didn't last long. I got extremely good at pretending I did, they never suspected a thing." He said with a sneer.
"I became numb to the entire experience. It was nothing to me. A dance. A deception. It became second nature and I got used to the disgust I felt, I used it to push through. To hold onto some semblance that I had one shred of humanity left. As long as I despised myself for what I was doing, there was still hope."
"So imagine my shock when I actually felt something different with you. Something good." He finally looked in their eyes, "You are a bastion of firsts in this newfound freedom of mine. My first true blood, the first person who has let me indulge in my instincts and helped me grow in my power," Astarion swallowed, "the first person in so long to make feel something.. anything.. during sex that wasn't hatred and self-loathing."
Tav's throat closed and tears threatened to brim but they blinked them back.
"You offered your neck to me, your life blood to me and I felt something.. it wasn't like our usual feeds.. it was something immense.. something transcendant and I.. I lost myself in you.. wholly. Pleasure had returned to my body and I froze. I didn't know what to do."
"Nothing else existed outside us.. and I could have spent the rest of my life buried inside you," he paused, closing his eyes as if the memory over-powered him. Tav sat there, breathless, mesmerised by his beauty in the candle's soft glow.
"I think I came back to consciousness when I saw my seed over your beautiful body. You looked just as shocked as I felt. It was all over your chest, your mouth.." he was breathing heavily now and the air around them shifted. Tav swallowed dryly. They remembered.
The grunting, ecstatic moan he'd made when he came over them echoed in their mind long after. They'd pulled back from lavishing his thick, pale cock to pause for breath and to whisper sweet words to him. He'd erupted on them with no more than a silent gasp and a hand fisted in their hair.
Staring deeply into Tav's eyes, Astarion continued, "You took me so well," he brought a hand to their bottom lip, grazing it lightly with his fingertips, "With your mouth.. with all of your holes, actually. Your wonderfully tight holes." He moaned through a sly smile.
Tav's mouth was aridly dry, as all the blood in their body waved and pooled to their core. Heat radiated through them and quickly made breathing steadily a problem, and logical thinking was non-existent.
"I know you could do it again, if you wanted to." he closed his eyes and snaked himself closer against Tav's neck, inhaling deeply. His breath cool raising gooseflesh, as he pressed his lips against the shell of their ear, "You could wrap those soft lips around my cock and suck me like you did in the forest. So deep and so warm."
Tav's thoughts were like wading through thick, soupy mud as Astarion's words clouded their mind and flooded their body with desire.
"I've never been devoured quite like that, you fit yourself around me so well.. you were such a good f-"
Tav quickly brought their hand to his mouth. He had to be silenced. His seductive power was too much to leave unbridled.
Mentally shaking off his charms, Tav came some what back to their senses.
"In one breath you tell me how disgusted you are with sex and the next you say about wanting my 'tight holes'? What is it that you want, Astarion? You can't have it both ways."
"Of course I can, darling. Now I can. Things have changed. Lots of things. I have my body back and I decide what to do with it. And right now.." he moved with the lithe limbs of a panther to sidle himself beside them, the grey blanket gently pulling back to reveal his thick, swollen manhood. He exhaled at the softness leaving him, "I want.."
Tav swallowed hard, their lips parted. Another wave of euphoric desire swept over them as the cool touch of his skin ghosted against theirs.
Astarion reached over and grasped their hand and placed it on his engorged cock.
"This." He hissed as their skin finally touched, his cool hardness welcome in their palm.
Gods, he was so erect. The veins in his thick shaft pulsating. The velvet softness of him thrummed with desperate need.
He was so close to them, so close now.. they could kiss if he wanted them to. Astarion breathed against Tav's mouth, "Touch me."
He started to move both their hands in short bursts over the head of his penis, Astarion shuddered out a gasp and screwed his eyes shut, "Touch me. Please."
Tav willingly acquiesced, bending down to spit on his painfully erect cock and began to work.
He made a staggered, breathless moan as he leaned back on both hands, exposing himself to them. Tav pumped his rock hard length in a steady rhythm, remembering back to the Tiefling party that he had appreciated the gentle building of friction, to fruition.
His head was purple and looked sore from his abusing himself for so long in search of relief. Tav generated salvia in their mouth and spat on their other hand to use on him.
The sweetest moan they'd ever heard sang from Astarion's chest.
"Yes-yes-use your hands on me.. make me feel like before.. make me feel-" he gasped through the last word so ferociously he inadvertently bared his fangs.
Tav used their hands in symbiotic motion; pumping the bottom of his shaft with their non-dominant, while teasing and playing with the head between their deft fingers, all the while keeping his entirety slick in saliva.
Gods, they wanted to use their mouth on him properly. He looked so beautiful, unmasked before them. He had been so unexpectedly naked and raw with his past. Revealing hard and difficult truths regarding his lack of control, and autonomy of his own body.
And Tav had to respect that, no matter how aroused they were. They would show that his trust was placed rightly in them.
"Astarion?" They called softly to him.
He answered back with a broken, "Mhm?"
"Thank you for telling me what you did. I won't tell anyone else, you have my word."
"Mm-mm-thankyou, Tav." He managed, his voice tense.
Tav slowed their pace and Astarion let out a whine, balling up his fists in frustration.
"Don't pretend with me. Don't force it."
"I'm not, I swear." He gasped, looking directly at them, a light sheen of sweat appearing on his upper lip.
Tav smirked, "Promise you won't."
"Yes-yes, I promise. Please speed up again." He pleaded through gritted teeth, thumping his head back on the pillow.
"I will. But I'd like to use my mouth on you aswell, would that be okay?"
He let out a pent up huff of air, "Oh gods yes, yes, yes-please use that gorgeous mouth on me. Swallow me. Take me."
Tav smiled and quickly got into position, propped between his legs, "I'd also like to play with your testicles, if that's agreeable."
Astarion wrenched his red hot eyes open, making contact with theirs again. Tav irked a suggestive brow.
A devilish grin crossed his face, once again his fangs shone in the dim candle light, "Oh, my dear. That would be most agreeable." He purred through steadier breaths now they had paused.
"One request from me though; don't push my head down, I don't like it. I'll respect your wishes and you respect mine. Deal?"
"Deal." He smiled and reached down to collect his shirt up to reveal his pale, chiseled body. Tav looked hungrily at his toned flesh, desperate to snake it with their tongue.
They took a breath to ask but Astarion interrupted, "Yes, gods please yes! Lick it, kiss it, bite it, suck me. Do what you want with me.. I'll tell you to stop if it's too much."
"I'll hold you to that." They crooned with a serious edge, as they spat on their hand again, then manoeuvred themselves to be able to kiss his beautiful body, and pump the head simultaneously.
He twitched at the increase in contact and laughed hungrily through strained teeth, "Uhhgh, fuck yes."
Tav languished their lips and tongue across the defined muscles, gently sucking and nibbling occasionally for added sensation. They kissed and dragged their tongue up and down the V in his hips, paying equal and excruciating mind to each side, making Astarion moan and buck.
Tav firmly pressed kisses on the creases of his pelvis, breathing hot over the area. They took their time, languishing over his form with their mouth and exploring the contours of his hips and thighs with their spare hand. Astarion groaned in vexation.
"Ooh, don't tease me. Please."
"The potion is making you impatient. You enjoyed this last time." Tav reminded him.
"It's not the bloody potion-Gods above-AUGH-I'm asking nicely. Don't keep me waiting any longer, I've already been edged enough. Show me-make me feel-let me feel-"
Astarion gasped as Tav collected the precum that bloomed at his tip, and licked their fingers clean, before deftly angling themselves to engulf his thick cock as much as they could.
The noises that were illicited from the pale elf were unlike any they'd ever heard before - strained and trembling, through gritted teeth and grounded fists - and the sloppy, wet sounds that their mouth made around his unyielding cock were intentionally and debaucherously pornographic.
Momentarily retreating, they began flicking their tongue over the slit, Tav moaned from the back of their throat like he was a tall mug of water quenching debilitating thirst. One hand holding his length steady, the other lightly grazing his testes.
Astarion's thighs fluttered and tensed, as Tav heard a smile through his own moan, "Ooh, that's new."
Gathering more sleek, Tav ran the flat of their tongue up the smooth underplane of Astarion's cock from base to tip, and encircled the head. His member twitched unconsciously as he let out a warm, low rumble from his chest.
"Is that alright? Not too much?" Tav asked, checking in. They kissed the crease of his frenulum, while nimbly massaging and squeezing his sac.
"Mm-mhm-yes. I'm gaining quite an appetite for your skills in this area." He cooed, shifting underneath them, "but I remember a rather more deeper approach last time."
Tav grinned at his less than subtle request, "Oh, my darling. We're just warming up.. but if you're ready for more. I will, of course.. oblige."
Unhinging their jaw like a snake preparing to consume their pray, Tav gorged on the willing partner in front of them.
Astarion sucked in a gasp and Tav felt a hand on the back of their head briefly, before being removed hastily. Tav heard his fist pound into the bedroll beside him. They moaned in thanks, vibrating against his solid shaft.
He replied with a deep rumble from his chest, "Yes.. that's what I've been missing. This is what I needed.."
Bobbing and dipping, taking just a little more in their mouth each time. Sucking and stroking his perfect length. Their mouth salivated and filled with lubricant, anticipating the meal in front of them. Finally meeting their lips on their pumping fist, working together harmoniously.
Tav relaxed their throat further and began swallowing the last length of him, suppressing the need to gag until it would afford the most pleasure. They flattened their tongue and swallowed, sucked and gagged as Astarion whimpered and moaned, unconsciously jerking. Tav placed a hand on his hips to steady him, to not ruin the mood by choking unexpectedly.
They pressed down just above his pubic bone as their lips bottomed out against him, tears forming wet stains under their eyes at the challenge of taking his full size. Tav gulped and gasped against his cock, enveloping him with their tongue and throat working in tandem, coating him in liquid slick. The debased, vile sounds coming from their meeting wet and loud and hot as the hells; pushing him higher, dragging him under, coercing him to cum.
He gasped and raised his head to look down at them. Tav met his tear-streaked, claret gaze, with their own.
"Ohh-yes-yes-look at me as you devour my cock-take it all the way down your throat-such a good-nasty-AHH-YES!" He gargled the last word through moans and his hips pulsated and thrust wantonly as he bunched his shirt in his hand, the other fisted around his greyed rag blanket.
His brows creased, his face wracked with pleasure and pain. His face contorted and twisted as he writhed and moaned. He panted and heaved and shook his head from side to side.
Concern furrowed their brow at his expressions, while he seemed to be "enjoying himself", they were reminded of his words from their conversation, that his sexual conquests couldn't tell that he was pretending.
Tav pulled back to breathe through their nose. They reached out with the tadpole and gently stroked his mind, seeking reassurance that this was what he wanted. That he wasn't pretending. That this was real. That this was what he wanted.
"Yesyesyesyes-oh gods-please don't stop-choke on my cock till you can't breathe-ARH-going to cum down your throat and taste myself on your tongue-fuck!-fuck my hard cock deep in your throat-do it-do it-doit-doit-doit" he repeated, trailing off in whimpers against his soiled comfort blanket.
That enthusiastic consent was all they required.
This was a challenge that they would unabashedly attempt to conquer. They had no idea if they could; he hadn't fed on them this time and the potion was an unknown quantity for help, or hindrance. They had no idea. But damned if they weren't going to try. Tav steeled themself and took a deep breath.
They made no illusions at a slow build in tension, they went straight for the kill.
Straining down his hard length to the hilt, making the most illicit and disgusting sodden noises as they consumed him, squeezing him with the throat that tried to resist his intrusion.
Astarion growled and whined and shook with the tension in his body coiled so tightly.
Tav stretched their jaw to lap their tongue against his balls, which tightened due to the expected feeling. He rewarded their efforts with another mumbled, half coherent onslaught of praise and explicit desires.
They re-applyed the pressure on his pubus, pushing down firmly against his taut skin.
A breathless gasp shot from his throat as the hand bunched in his shirt now flew to grasp their hand with choruses of, "yes-yes-yes!"
He was so close, they could feel it. His precum tainted the back of their throat. His jaw was tight and his glistening fangs were bared.
Tav remembered back once more to what had unexpectedly tipped him over the edge when they'd made him cum the last time.
Concentrating hard on keeping the fast-paced rhythm, tears streaming from their eyes, they flipped their hand to hold his properly.
Tav reached out through their connection and whispered, "I've got you, Astarion.. you're safe. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise.. I have you.. Cum, Astarion.. cum, my love."
Astarion stilled, his every muscle contracting and seizing, his chest rising off the floor as his spine curved.
A gentle, surprised gasp escaped from his mouth. He squeezed their hand so tightly as their name died on his lips.
Suddenly Tav felt warmth shoot against the back of their throat as he came hot and quick, filling their mouth and spilling out the sides and he thrust wildly, unable to control his movements. His cries of pleasure muted and gasping.
Tav gagged and slowed to a gentler pace, swallowing him down. Astarion twitched and quivered as they saw him through his climax; still holding each others hand.
His soft, whimpering groans dissolved into laboured heaves as he relaxed into the lull of his orgasm.
A moan shuddered from him as Tav expertly extracated his thankfully - slightly - softening member from their stretched throat.
They tenderly cleaned him up with their tongue, as there was quite a lot that had spilled from his heavy, metallic-tanged load, while Astarion lay there in stunned silence.
Tav dried their eyes and gently rested their chin on his thigh and sighed deeply, their hands still joined on his stomach.
They kissed his cool skin, "Are you alive up there?" Tav asked, jokingly.
If he wasn't already dead, they'd have thought he'd died.
"M'alive." He mumbled in a stupor.
"Good." Tav said through a wry smile.
They looked to their left where his cock was already starting to swell again and sighed.
"I don't think it worked, you're getting hard again."
Still nothing.
Tav furrowed their brow, "Do you hear me up there?"
Still nothing.
Starting to worry, Tav raised themselves up and started padding their way one-handed up towards his face. His crimson eyes were fixed on ceiling of the tent, drying tears still streaked down his temples.
"Are you alright? Was it too much?" Tav asked, worried they'd gone too far.
He finally blinked.
"My body feels like it's.. weightless and.. empty. My head feels like.. I've been zapped with a.. shocking grasp.. and my ears are ringing." His tone was high and dazed. His every move tinged with exhaustion. His expression one of pure contentment.
He was fully in an afterglow bubble. That was better than potentially traumatised.
Tav pursed their lips with pride, "Sounds like a good orgasm then. Was it?" They asked, feigning innocence.
Astarion gave a long blink and turned his gaze to Tav, who lay to the side of him.
"You've rendered me paralsyed. I think we can call that a success, don't you?"
Tav chuckled, "Well, a semi-success. You've still got your problem." They gestured a thumb towards his now alarming erection again.
"Oh no, that's not the potion. That's me."
Tav jerked their neck in questioning confusion, "Eh?"
"I'm laying here sprawled on the floor after one of the best orgasms of my long life. Two of whom have been granted by you.. and the only thing I can think of.. is that I need to do that again."
Tav bit their bottom lip through a grin spreading across their face.
"But we said that that night was a one-time thing and this is an extraordinary circumstance.. this isn't supposed to-"
His pale pink lips came up to capture their first kiss of the night and from the passion and force behind it, it was not to be their last.
Astarion slid his fingers to their umber trousers and cupped them through the fabric. Tav gasped against his mouth as they twitched within his grasp, the damp spot of their arousal staining their clothes. They sucked in Astarion's bottom lip into their mouth and cursed.
"Well, apparently that arrangement needs to be renegotiated." He smirked, as he kissed them deeply, sweeping his tongue to taste himself there.
He brought his hand to the buckle, "And these definitely need to come off."
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sizzlingchaosprince · 2 months
The Toy's favorite Child
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Notes: This is the first time I'm doing such thing so I'm really nervous XD I didn't know what to put into the background of the drawing so I didn't put any. Maybe I'll edit it soon. Do forgive me for my shading, I'm still learning(trying to)
Synopsis: After starting to live in PlayCare, one creature you became friends with grew a liking to you...
Warning: PLATONIC, headcanon + little story, reader is 12-14 years old, reader is a chill teenager
It's been a year since you got into the PlayCare, passing through the security with laid-back face and leaving the staff confused. They kept you because you seemed useful for them...
You were quite chilly and relaxed, reserved and smart. Also, because of your personality you were almost the same with Cat Nap from cartoons. Maybe that's why you became quick friends with Smiling Critters. With most of them, at least...
The big purple cat was almost never appearing like others from his party. And this interested you.
After a week or so you finally met him face-to-face. You were as calm as always, but your heart was pounding from excitement. You said 'hi' for politeness and introduced yourself, waiting for him to do the same.
Guess what? His face didn't even shift. He continued staring at you with his dead eyes.
After understanding that you won't get an answer from him, you tried to talk about something else.
But he disappeared in blink of an eye.
You were quite disappointed, but you still had the same urge to get to know the living toy better. You knew it'll be a long while...
It was worth 3 months to make him sit and listen to your rambling for 10 minutes. It was worth more months to make him spend at least an hour with you. It took even longer for him to let you stay near him and sleep, leaning onto the puppet. But it was worth the pleasure you get from his warmth and company.
Even though you never heard him talk, it's enough for you to be near him. It's good to talk about any nonsense which randomly comes to your mind and have a listener who won't judge you. It's also good to take a great nap in his fur or stay in complete silence, thinking of your own thing.
The staff, of course, sooner found out the relationship between you and the purple cat puppet.
They tried to use you to their own benefits and new information, but instead you composed some lies which sounded like truth to tell them(Cat Nap helped you a little sometimes, nodding or shaking his head if the lie sounds truthful or not).
When the scientists were starting thinking about taking you for the test next, Cat Nap started to monitor you to make sure you won't end up in the Game Station.
It definitely wasn't him who knocked out the staff members right behind your back. It definitely wasn't him who let out some scratching noises in Home-Sweet-Home. Also, of course, it definitely wasn't his sharp gaze you felt on your gut 24/7.
You liked to use the hair brush on the purple furball. It doesn't move away so you can say that he's at least neutral to your activity(we don't talk about his really quiet purring).
[Now. The small story]
It was a normal day like any other one. More specifically, night. However, this week was quiet strange: the staff members of Playtime Co. except the workers from the PlayCare appeared more often in front of you. When they started talking about 'test', they randomly passed out because of the red smoke. You knew it was one of the Smiling Critters you were hanging out with for a while, but you didn't know why was he doing it.
You were currently sitting with your back leaning against the living cat plush, brushing your companion's tail you gently patted with your free second hand. The only thing that bothered you in that peaceful time was the fact that the purple cat wasn't purring at all. It was staring at you with its dark eyes. Sooner after, you finally asked him about this:
— Is something wrong, Cat Nap?
It didn't answer. Instead, the living toy just stared at you with expressionless eyes, not moving an inch. You weren't intimidated by the stare at all, so you just continued brushing the long tail. You weren't hoping for an answer anyway, but still a small, almost impossible dream was remaining in your heart.
The silence was broken by the raspy, low voice coming out from Cat Nap's voice box.
— The Prototype... Will Save Us.
You flinched.
This is the first time he ever said something to you. It was surely a progress for your friendship.
You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment before shifting your attention back to the tail. You shrugged with your shoulders, your face had a relaxed smile.
— I don't know who the Prototype is, but if they helped you somehow, I think they're my saviour too. You're like a home to me.. I can't even imagine what would it be like living without you here!
You chuckled, patting the fluffy tail while Cat Nap looked at you with the same stare. However, something in his eyes changed... Maybe his gaze gained a little more... softness?
He stared at you until you fell asleep on him again. A few minutes of him sinking into his thoughts have passed, the toy putted his head on his paws, wrapping his tail around you like a blanket and soon enough closing his eyes. You would call it the same night-time scenario with Cat Nap in the next morning, because you didn't know that he was comfortably purring, nuzzling himself into your warmth last night...
Notes: OH MY GOD I DID IT :D I'll maybe do part 2, but without promises
Anyways, thank you for wasting your time reading my first-ever-made English fanfic. Do write me some comments about my errors if you find any, I will appreciate it since it'll improve my writing skills.
Have a nice day/evening/night!😘
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littlejuicebox · 3 months
Labor and joy.
The moment all (some) of you have been waiting for. Welcome to the fanfic, baby Gale.
I'm tired so I'll do my usual header tomorrow when I have time to reformat everything. This will also be lightly edited. Ya'll got a double-feature tonight to make up for my lack of posting during my recovering from illness process.
Warnings: birth, labor, babies, light angst, light gore kinda
Disclaimer: I’ve never had a baby and I am not pregnant nor have I ever been so all this is based off friends, family, and research.
This was never ending. You had been in labor for half the day prior, and now it was well past midnight, but you still were not ready to push. Shadowheart had stepped away a few hours ago for rest. Halsin had since stepped in to take her place and did his best to stay unintrusive in the corner of your bedchambers; it was no easy task with his large frame.
Astarion had been forced to watch you for hours as your face contorted in pain. Contraction after contraction ripped through your frame, and every utterance of discomfort from you was met with soothing ministrations from your husband. He spent hours alternating between sitting beside you and behind you, offering support to the best of his ability as you endured the miserable labor pains.
No amount of screaming, crying, or massaging seemed to help. You were so exhausted, at this point you were barely making any noise as another contraction coursed through you. Sleep was not an option in this state, no matter how much you desired it. 
Astarion sat propped behind you in bed, utterly exhausted himself, and rubbing soothing circles in your back as you did what you could to focus on your breathing. He noted your nightgown was drenched in sticky pools of sweat as you rocked back and forth through sharp breaths, searching for an ounce of relief in the repetitive movement.
“My love, tell me what I can do to help.” He whispers, voice trembling with worry as he presses his long fingers firmly into your lower back, hoping to ease the tension, “I will do anything you ask of me.” 
You don’t respond. You can’t. You can barely breathe through the pain. And truthfully, you don’t know what will help. Nothing seems to at this point. Gods, you are so tired.
“Perhaps we should try a walk, Tav.” Halsin suggests, standing from his corner in the room to join you both by the side of the bed, “Let us head to the kitchen. Walking should ease the pain, and I will make you tea that can help with the contractions.” 
“You can’t be serious, druid!” Astarion snaps, unable to contain his mounting concern for his little love, “Just look at her! I don’t think Tav is in any position to–” 
You haphazardly place a flimsy, trembling warning hand on Astarion’s face and the rest of your husband’s admonishment dies on his lips. You simply nod at Halsin, and gesture for the other elf to help you out of the bed. Two large arms pull you up with relative ease, and you sigh with some relief as the sudden change to standing removes some pain from your lower back.
Astarion moves to follow you, and you wordlessly shake your head as you lean further into the druid. His brows crinkle in a silent question as he watches you; he thinks he’s done something wrong.
Your eyes soften for a moment, and you offer the slightest smile you can muster through your unbelievable discomfort. Your voice is a hoarse whisper when you say, “Stay here, my love. You need a short break. I will be back in mere moments; Halsin can watch over me until then.”
“Tav, it is my job to–” Astarion starts, about to argue the point with you, but Halsin is quick to cut in.
“It is your job to support Tav how she asks you to throughout this process and listen to her desires and needs.” The druid responds, kindly but firmly, offering an encouraging nod to your husband, “We will be but rooms away.” 
The silver-haired elf takes in a sharp breath as he watches your face nervously, mustering all of his patience to acquiesce. The druid is right. Astarion knows it. Your husband nods slowly and sighs while using every ounce of self control within his body to lean back and settle into the bed once again, “If you are certain, my love, then very well. Call for me with the bell, should you two need anything.” 
Halsin grabs the bell from the side table and nods with a final reassuring look at Astarion. And then the two of you begin the slow journey to the kitchen, the druid’s large frame easily bearing the majority of your weight. Your limbs feel like lead beneath you, but the pain is significantly lessened as you pace down the hallway.
Thank the gods for small miracles.
Before long, you are sipping tea in the kitchen as Halsin works to distract you from another vicious contraction with a story about Arabella and Mol. Your head tilts back as you chuckle– the first laugh you’ve had all night. Suddenly, you feel copious amounts of warm, thick fluid dripping down your legs.
“H-halsin, I think it’s time to push.” You gasp, staring down incredulously at the puddle now pooling around your feet. 
“Are you certain, Tav? Shall I check?” Halsin offers, quickly coming to your side, and you shake your head vehemently, far too embarrassed to let the druid perform such an exam, no matter his level of professionalism.
“No— just ring the bell, it will bring Shadowheart and Astarion.” You hiss as another powerful contraction assaults your body, paired with the overwhelming sensation of intense pressure in your pelvis. You are clutching the swell of your abdomen and leaning over the counter as you breathe through the feeling. You don’t know how you know it’s time, but you’re quite certain.
Halsin obliges, and moments later both Shadowheart and Astarion are bursting through the kitchen doors. Shadowheart is in her nightclothes, and her white hair is flying around her shoulders as she makes her way to you. Astarion is wide-eyed in panic on the heels of the cleric, his curls just as disheveled and pajamas crinkled from the stress of the night.
“I think– I think it’s time to push.” You grimace, and Shadowheart quickly performs an exam to confirm your suspicions.
Astarion’s face is creased with some mixture of relief and apprehension as he rubs your back and murmurs, “Come, darling, let’s get you back to the bedroom and–”
But he startles because you’re screaming as another contraction rips through you, practically compelling you to push. And you’re certain there’s no time to move. You’re adamant that you have to push right now, that you want to deliver right here in the middle of the kitchen. You aren’t moving. You can’t move. You need to push. Now.
Now. Now. Now. Now. 
Halsin is quickly behind you as you instantly move to a half squat. His arms thread underneath your armpits, supporting you as you bear down. Shadowheart is hastily searching through drawers, looking for linens and other materials to spread beneath you in an attempt to contain the growing mess of liquid as you wail and continue to push as if life depends on it. 
In some ways, it does.
Nothing has ever prepared you for this feeling. No book, not even the several you read on the subject, could ever adequately describe it. 
“I don’t— what do I do?! What should I do?!” Astarion is barely containing his own panic, frozen in place and flitting his gaze between Halsin and Shadowheart as the two work around you with the easy expertise of two healers that have performed this task more than once.
“Get ready to catch the baby, you git!” Shadowheart hisses as she shoves Astarion down into the nest of linens she’s spread around the floor.
“Catch the– WHAT–” Astarion shouts, but then the cleric is grabbing his head, forcing him to look upwards, and he’s peering under your nightdress with wild eyes. The baby is crowning. All Astarion sees is a shock of silvery-white curls.
“Oh! Oh gods! Tav, I see Gale’s head!” He exclaims, somehow both panicked and excited as he awkwardly positions his shaking arms in the way Shadowheart directs.
The cleric has dropped down to her knees beside your husband, and the two of them are watching as you continue to push with renewed vigor, encouraged by your husband’s exclamations. 
There is a long moment where you feel sure you’re ripping in two, and you almost give up, but then a sudden feeling of relief washes over your body. The kitchen is filled with the wails of a new infant.
When you open your eyes, the first thing you see is Astarion, his curls wild, his face wide eyed and shocked, and his arms covered in various fluids and vernix. And then you see your little wriggling baby, covered in that same fluid, wailing at the top of their lungs. Their little shrieks sound like music to your ears.
Halsin is gently lowering you to the ground and into the nest of linens as you slowly come out of the fog of pain and overwhelm. Astarion is both crying and beaming as he places the infant in your arms before pressing a loving kiss to your temple. He’s trembling with the inexplicable wave of emotions flowing through his system as he whispers to you, “My love, look, just look at our beautiful baby boy. You did so well, darling.”
You are crying and speechless as you stare down at your newborn. You didn’t think you could love anything in the world more than you loved your husband. But now you know you were wrong.
Later, after all three of you have been cleaned up and relocated to your bedchambers, you feel Astarion’s body shaking from where he sits behind you as Gale attempts his first feed. You are sitting between your husband's legs, your back leaning against his chest. A sideways glance reveals he is laughing.
“What is so funny, Astarion?” You ask quietly, still aglow and in a haze from the hormones pumping their way through your system.
“It’s just… our child, named after Gale, the man that was once our camp cook and would never shut up about food, would decide it best to be born in the kitchen.” Astarion responds with another chuckle as he brings his hand to stroke the cheek of the little baby in your arms.
Astarion studies the newborn’s two pointed ears, ten fingers, ten toes, and the little curls on the baby’s head as he speaks, “And our Gale absolutely drenched me in blood and guts in our kitchen – something I’d never been willing to do in the camp kitchen for his namesake.”
You chuckle softly as your little one utters a soft coo of assent in your arms, slowly drifting to sleep as he suckles. 
“I’m sure that will be one of many firsts, my love.” You say through a yawn, caught between the warmth of your newborn and your husband. The comforting sensation is lulling you to sleep; it is truly a wonder you’ve managed to stay awake this long. Gale is still nursing intently in his slumber, searching for the nutrients only you can provide.
The silver-haired elf emits a happy hum as he wraps his arms underneath yours, content to hold his two little loves and watch over them as they both rest. He will sleep later, he thinks. But for now, reality is better than any dream his mind can conjure.
As the first rays of morning light peek through the bedroom window, Astarion realizes his newborn son’s name is more than fitting, because it perfectly describes his feelings in this moment.
Joy. Absolute joy.
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k4katsujin · 11 months
falling asleep with hobie brown! (sfw)
huge thanks to @michelleart8 for helping me choose
huuhhh title pretty self explanatory lmao
idk if i'll make this with other characters but like
yea :3
(half fully written fic half headcanons ?) (yknow what i'll do both)
bit of hurt comfort towards the hug scene? idk
also reader and hobie are in an implied established relationship
(word count: 250/300)
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it was one of the many nights you spent waiting for hobie to come back home. with the two of you being spider people, you had a very few moments together.
but it didn't stop you from being in love.
coming home later than your boyfriend, or at least you thought you did, you took endless precautions to not make any noise. (which tbh doesn't make any sense tbh let's js say you're a quiet person)
just in case, you know, he did come home earlier than you...
the first thing that hit you as soon as you entered your appartment was that the window - which you often left open when you sleep so that your boyfriend could sneak in without waking you up - was closed.
you didn't pay it no mind as you thought it was the wind.
you headed to the bathroom to get into your pyjamas, where actually were one of hobie's old t'-shirts- which smell reminds you of home.
you then go to the kitchen to get a midnight snack, your all time favorite.
as you turned around, you notice the presence of your boyfriend.
"hobie? is something wrong?" you ask as you run to hug him.
he gave in the hug, shoving his head into your shoulder.
"so... tired... " he mutters, "glad i'm home..."
it was no surprise: the pressure of being a spider-person was extremely high. even though hobie tried his best to hide it, but even he needed to let it out sometimes.
(time for hcs bc idk how to truly describe the scene + it'll be easier)
i feel like he takes all the room there is on the bed like he'd be in some starfish position
somehow you're always touching him whether he's the big spoon or with your head on his chest or his arm around your shoulders
if you're scared of storms he would hug you close and confort you
"it's ok honey, it can't hurt you as long as i'm with you"
he plays with your hair when he can't fall asleep and wonders how non black people's hair work
if you're black/ a person of color he'd go like "ooo their hair is so cool :0
he secretely likes being the little spoon but he never asks for it
"ya can't sleep huh? want me to sing a sothing melody for ya?" (don't judge i have no idea how british people talk)
he always asks you if he can move if you're laying on him - if you're asleep he just doesn't
"y'had a bad dream ? c'mhere i'll comfort you"
he braids your hair when he can't fall asleep
idk i feel like he only feels at peace in smalls moments like this when he's with you
also when the two of you can't sleep he plays you songs on his accoustic guitar (idk i feel like he's been given one when he was a kid and that's how he started learning)
maybe holding hands under the blankets? also you conforting him after a very tiring day he'd have his head on your lap and he'd fall asleep like that
he probably pushed you out of the bed more than once
"what the fuck are you doing on the floor??" but then he'd know it's his fault and js laugh about it
that's all i got for now i think i'm v tired atm i'll probably edit this later or do a part tO but like xdd hope you enjoyed ;3
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chaosandmarigolds · 10 days
It's me. hi i'm the problem it's me (aka here's another installment of Simon Riley's being...Simon Riley)
Dinner Party (gone wrong) edition
He will help you cook, mainly because he's jealous of the literal task of cooking for getting more attention than him for the past five hours- does he know what he's doing? No. But he does his best and lord knows he can and will happily follow orders.
Cleaning? he may seem a bit disgruntled at first but he will stand on the dining room table to clean the lights, and he'll clean the baseboards even though he keeps telling you no one is going to look at them-
Loves watching you cook, or more of he loves watching you do something you enjoy, you could be gardening, writing, reading, sewing- he loves seeing the shine in your eyes- so he does stare, not in a super creepy way but it catches your attention
"I can feel you staring at me."
"And you're freakin me out-Oh! Since you're here can you go get the nice wine from the basement?"
"Got it, boss."
He tastes tests everything, it's an excuse to put his hands on you to keep himself still for a moment so therefore he is very eager to do so
As much as he 'loves' PDA (aka he tolerates it) around your supposed friends you've been so desperate to impress for the past two weeks, he can't stomach the idea of giving you any more than an awkward side hug in their presence
Dead stare? yeah, he stares at them from across the table, utterly baffled out they can outright judge your amazing cooking because like??? a free meal?
'It's overcooked' your ass is overcooked Jenni.
Yet he was shocked? you were just taking the harsh words and backhanded compliments with a smile and nod. You were better than him, he would've made some snarky remark already
"Your house is...so cozy." "The decor is very retro."
"Maxmilist but...not? I love it." "Mm, very seasoned."
"It's so... it's so you."
You were taking it, laughing it off and squeezing his hand every time he made any motion or even gave a look like he may snap back at them.
"I think...I think I did good steak- the steak is good right?" You whisper as you grab the wine from the rack in the kitchen- which he technically didn't have to follow you but it was probably for the better that he did. Tears stung your eyes and you were doing your best to breathe and not let a sound escape.
"I thought it was amazing, it was amazing-hey-baby," he grabbed your shoulders to keep you from going back and then very carefully moved to wipe the tear from your cheek, "Baby, how about we kick em out an' then we watch tha' movie in the theatre? I'll make them go away...do you want me to make them go away?"
"That-it would be so mean."
"Do you want them gone?"
It took two words to make the prestige get up out of the seats, 'get out.' however he would tell you he was very polite and told them you weren't feeling well suddenly, and they were very understanding.
He told you to not change, after all you were already dressed up as if for a date and so was he so it worked perfectly.
Sure the movie you chose was a reshowing of a 90's chickflic but he would take your laughter over anything else in the world-
and yeah he did all of the dishes because he felt like when you got home the only thing you needed todo was go to sleep and rest
Next time he would just have the boys come over (after a long lecture on manners for Johnny, will make that man sit through an online dinner manner course thingy)
(annnyway thats it <33 I love comments and feedback!)
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ezelium · 21 days
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CONTENT : realizing boothill can't feel on his metal plates.
WARNINGS : gn!reader, fluff, written before boothills release idk, reader is in a 😒 mood
WORD COUNT : 0.6k !
A / N : i read somewhere boothill doesn't feel anything on anywhere else except his face because he doesn't have skin to sense things there and this makes great fluff sauce so i couldn't resist.. "But don't you only write for bsd?" shhSHUSH SHUSH!!
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Boothill, a mechanical robot.
One that drifts among the stars. One that you held close to your heart. You didn't meet him long ago, in fact, it was only a while ago. He was unhinged and "weird", sure.. but who could deny such a silly man from being their friend?
As far as you knew, he wasn't doing anything wrong. Nor that he thought he did. Him being impertinent wasn't bothering you, not at all. Everybody had flaws, imperfections, problems. Did that stop people from loving them? No, absolutely not. Why should he be treated differently? In fact — He should be treated specially to learn how to act more "human".
Or maybe that's just how you thought, you had hopes for him, hoped he would somewhat grow human-like feelings.
You knew he doesn't exactly 'feel", but physical touch could help him. You knew that, because whenever you caressed his cheek, he would laugh and process it. That or he'd smile and be softer for a brief minute. It was an amazing sight, really, perhaps that was one step closer him being "more human" emotion-wise.
Laying by your side was something he'd do occasionally, out of boredom or when he had nothing else to do. Getting new plates, new wires weren't exciting at all. He'd prefer to stay by your side, thank you very much. You slowly kicked your feet in the air while laying on your stomach, reading a book that you've already read a billion times. But what could you do? The plot was interesting, and you were a big fan of the author.
And now, you finished it for the zillionth time. Closing the book, you got up from the couch lazily, blinking a few times after that reading session to come to your senses. A soft sigh left your lips as you stretched for good - it was amazing, it almost felt like your brain just reset.
One thing you didn't expect though, was to find Boothill seated across the same couch with his back turned to you. He wasn't moving or anything. Eh, oh well, why not talk to him.. But you didn't want to say anything just yet. Your almost feet started moving on their own, approaching the cyborg without much care.
You didn't make any sounds whatsoever. Odd, that he didn't notice you getting up. With shallow breaths, you snaked your arm around his torso, still not saying anything while you silently hugged him from behind.
You sat there for like 3 minutes, but then you called out:
"Boothill?" you rasped out, tightening your hug even further, as much as you could. The metal was kind of hard to wrap your arms around, but you didn't bother letting go.
"[Name], ha?!" He exclaimed, looking very startled now. He even flinched, what a goofy man. "You got up, sweetums!" He added, a grin creeping up on his face, making his fangs and sharp teeth glow like a fresh pearl.
"I got up a few minutes ago. And hugged you." You replied, blinking with a slightly cocked eyebrow, looking sleepy. Speaking of sleep, it seemed that you had a fatigue today but that was off-topic..
"I- Didn't notice it. How senseless and idiotic of me. But— That just makes me cuter, doesn't it?! Ha?" He turned around off-puttingly, and that did NOT go well with your current judgy attitude. Giving him a stink eye, you pulled away.
"So you don't have sensors on these bad boys?" You asked, hand going over the silver lining on his body. He didn't even react to it, and gave a loopy chuckle, before nodding. "Should I get some sensors on them?"
"Wouldn't that make it hurt more when you get injured though?"
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edit : i noticed far too late that i forgot to add the end notes GOODNIGHT.. but anyway sorry if this is inaccurate in the future idk!
© ezelium 2024 ⭑ I do not consent to my work being plagiarized, translated or reposted without permission. Doing so is theft.
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kokomyass · 4 months
Megumi Fushiguro ☆ Overwork
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Megumi x Fem!Reader
Genre: 🥀/☁️
Word Count: 2673
Trigger warnings ⚠️: a bit of swearing, themes of overworking to the point it is damaging. depression, some gore and violence.
hey ya'll!! this is a request from the sweetest person alive who dm me just to say my Megumi content was good so love you lots @bqvs !! 💜💜🎵🎵
anyways I hope you enjoy!! mwah!
also I haven't edited cause im a lazy bum :P
Second Person POV
All your life, you had felt lesser than everyone else. No matter what you did you would feel like you weren't good enough for anyone.
However, instead of being the type of person to sit around and wait for something to magically happen, you would work towards what you wanted, even if it meant losing sleep and your health being at an all time low.
Obviously things did not change when you joined Jujutsu Tech…yes, there were way less students which helped, but the students were also exceptionally strong, you felt like a puny little shrimp compared to them. Especially Megumi.
When you first joined you were really laid back, you really got along with Megumi, Yuji and Nobara but of course you had to mess up on your first mission together.
Which resulted in you being saved by Megumi and it seems being saved by Megumi was a common occurrence (by common occurrence you mean every mission)
Of course, you ended up falling hard for Megumi after all the times he acted as your Knight in shining armour along with his redeeming qualities. You also envied him and wanted to be as strong as he was and make him acknowledge you and maybe even love you…
As much as you liked Megumi, you were getting more depressed each day. You were completely and utterly useless compared to him. It seemed that Gojo also noticed you struggling a bit more than the others…so he began pairing you with stronger sorcerers to protect you and even then you would be pretty useless there too.
So in the end, not only are you spending less time with Megumi, but also being basically useless on all your missions.
No matter how hard you worked, you wouldn't improve. No one even notice the amount of effort you were putting in.
Usually you would hang out with all the students, especially Megumi, you were used to putting a facade on. Pretending that you weren't depressed and low…but even masking that was becoming difficult.
You had lost weight from not eating properly, you were always tired, you had lost your usual energy and you were extremely slow and sluggish, which further impacted your performance in missions.
You had been sent on a mission by Gojo to defeat a curse with Nanami. Yet another mission with an adult…
"Y/N, you think you will be alright on this one?" Gojo asked seemingly noticing something was wrong too.
You sighed, but immediately tried to put up a fake smile. In all honesty last night you were training so much that you didn't get any sleep and had to drink about 5 cups of coffee to keep you awake.
"Yep! When will I be able to go on a mission with Megumi again…"
You missed spending time with Megumi incredibly.
"Soon! Anyways off you guys go!" Gojo waved you off as you and Nanami began your trip.
You had been on many missions with Nanami (mainly due to protection reasons) so he knew you well, which also meant he knew something was wrong.
"Y/N, are you well and able to do this mission?" you were walking behind Nanami dragging your feet from tiredness as his question made you perk up slightly.
"I'm fine! I'm actually feeling much better I think I'll be more useful today!" you laughed.
That was all a lie. You felt like shit. But, knowing Nanami, if he knew that he wouldn't let you try at all.
When you found the curse and began fighting it, your tiredness made you weak and slow. You were barely dodging the attacks. At some points, you would shut your eyes and they wouldn't open again.
"Y/N! Fall back! Stop fighting! You will get hurt!"
Nanami's warnings went over your head as you went in for another attack. You felt a sharp pain in your side. You looked down to see your side stabbed and blood spreading through your clothes. Your breathing hitched as you fell to the ground with a thud, everything going black around you.
All in all, Nanami defeated the curse and you were just another failure.
When you both made it back to Jujutsu Tech. You had been treated by Ieiri (who had grown accustomed to seeing you) and you were resting in the infirmary.
Megumi POV
I know something is wrong with Y/N.
The day she joined I felt an unusual attraction to her. The way she smiles regardless of the situation and the kindness she shows to everyone around her…
Y/N is the closest anyone has gotten to me and I do have feelings for her as much as I want to deny it.
However, I've seen her health plummeting, she sleeps in class sometimes, constant injuries after missions…something wasn't right and I knew it even if no one else did.
One night, I heard constant banging noises and when getting up to find out what it was I saw Y/N, punching her punching bag like there was no tomorrow.
Her knuckles were bleeding, each hit she gave her legs quivered from tiredness, her heavy breathing sounded as if she was having a heart attack. My heart clenched to see her in this state.
Why is she working herself to this extent? Why is she doing harm to herself? That was when I truly knew something was wrong.
After the mission she went on with Nanami I decided to go and speak to Nanami myself to find out what he thinks, but to my suprise he approached me first.
"Megumi, I have been looking for you. Have you seen Y/N yet?"
"No? Why?"
Nanami sighed as if he was struggling to say something.
"She sustained an injury when we went on our mission, she got stabbed in the side. But her condition is stable and Shoko has treated her."
My eyes widened as a lump formed in my throat. How could she be so reckless? Before I could run off, Nanami stopped me.
"Megumi, please find out what us wrong with Y/N because I fear next time the injury she sustains might not be so treatable…"
I nodded, I agreed with Nanami. I ran as fast as I could to the infirmary. Whatever she was doing was putting her life in jeopardy….
Second Person POV
"Megumi is never going to like me…" you mumbled looking down as suddenly the same person runs in.
"Y/N! Are you okay?! What happened!" Megumi came in shouting. He look horrified as if you had died.
Even though it shouldn't have, your heart fluttered at the thought of Megumi worried about you.
He placed his hands on the sides of your arms making sure not to be to aggressive. You smiled softly at him as much as you could despite the sharp pain in your side.
"I'm okay, I just got caught in an attack but Ieiri said I'll be fine!" you giggled and placed a hand on Megumi's head, ruffling his hair as he sat down on the chair next to the bed sighing.
"Well, next time be more careful because if your not something bad will happen, okay?" Megumi placed his hand on yours making you blush slightly.
"I'll be fine, don't worry, I'll be stronger soon too!" you lifted up your arm and flexed as a joke as Megumi smiled slightly, still looking perturbed.
"Y/N, we need to ta-"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence Nobara and Yuji burst in dramatically.
"Y/N!!!!! What happened!!" Yuji said as Nobara was checking every inch of your face to make sure you were okay.
"I'm fine, just a bit tired…" you all talked about random stuff as Megumi stayed silent and distant.
Truth was, you were very very tired and you hadn't fully recovered but you needed to start working again if you wanted to catch up to Megumi and be the girl he wants, and just like that the evening arrived and you were sneaking out to go and train.
You practiced with your jaw clenched the whole time to reduce the pain you felt in your side everytime you moved, but it was worth it. All for Megumi, and to be able to protect him like he has done to you.
Time Skip
It was morning and you were walking at snails pace to find Gojo to ask if you could go on a mission with Megumi.
You made the best poker face you could to hide the pain lingering in every step.
"Gojo! Please can I go on a mission with Megumi." you said smiling as much as you could, griping your bruised and wounded knuckles together to beg him.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but you got injured and until you feel okay I can't send you out…" Gojo said as you immediately came up with a response.
"Gojo sensei, please believe me I feel much better it wasnt a bad injury I've had worse, I promise!" you we practically on the floor but eventually he sighed and said you could go on a mission to fight a 1st grade curse with Megumi.
Despite the pain, you smile a real genuine smile for the first time in a while at the thought of being alone with Megumi and spending time together.
Time Skip!
"Y/N, why are you here? You got injured. Stop over working yourself."
This isn't the way you thought spending time together would go.
Megumi had been telling you off the whole time you walked to your destination as you tried your best to explain that you were fine (which you were not)
"Megumi, I'm fine, I'm just tired."
"You always say that. Do you not sleep?"
Your worst fear was happening. Megumi was becoming suspicious and instead of being honest all you could do is get mad.
"I do…why do you keep asking questions?"
"Because whatever your doing needs to stop….MOVE!"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence the sharp arm of the curse you were meant to fight came between you two nearly stabbing you before Megumi pushed you out of the way.
You tried getting up but your previous injury hindered you from doing that.
"Stay back Y/N! You'll only distract me…" your heart shattered at his words as tears pricked your eyes and you scowled.
"I'm not a distraction, just watch!"
"Y/N! No watch out!"
Before you could even realise what was happening, a large tree branch pierced your stomach as you stared at Megumi with your eyes wide before looking at the branch stuck in you.
Oh how much you regretted everything. You wish you had listened to Megumi. You wish you listen to Nanami. You wish you weren't even born.
You stared into the sky as you looked down at the large tree branch that had gotten stuck in you.
Blood started pooling from your mouth as you recounted all the times you wished you had lived your life more.
You wish you could confess your love to Megumi and get married and have 3 beautiful kids…a smile graced your lips at the thought.
"Well, I think this may be it…"
Everytime you blinked, it felt as if 10 minutes when by.
You heard Megumi shout at you begging you to stay awake as he defeated the curse. You felt him cradle you in his shaking and bloody arms.
"Y/N, just wait someone is coming to get us. Hang in there." You smiled and reached for Megumi's cheek. Even though your vision was blurred you could feel the tear drop from his eyes.
"Please don't cry…" you smiled as you hand started to go limp and you couldn't stay awake any longer.
Time Skip!
You groaned in pain as you awoke to a bright light. You body ached at any slight movement and as your eyes adjusted to the light you realised what had happened and you sat up looking down at your stomach.
You sighed, thankful to still be alive.
Unbeknownst to you, Megumi was sat down next to you, asleep with his arms crossed, under his eyes had a tint of red, most likely from crying.
You put your hands through his hair combing your fingers through it, smiling at the sight of him asleep.
He stirred awake and you removed your hands from his hair. When he awoke he looked shocked to see you awake. He immediately hugged you.
"I thought I lost you…" you could tell he was being careful making sure not to hurt you as your rubbed his back before pulling away.
"I'm not gone quite yet!" you laughed as Megumi gripped his trousers, clenching his fists.
"Y/N, this isn't funny. You nearly died." Megumi looked down mumbling as your smile dropped yet again to see Megumi scolding you.
You placed a hand on his to comfort him, "Megs, look I'm fine and it wasnt even that ba-" Before you could finish he flung his hand away.
"Wasn't that bad?! Don't be stupid…you nearly died! You think I don't see you every night training until your whe body gives out? Or the amount of weight you lost or even the stumbling in your walk from lack of sleep?"
You gasped and squinted at him.
"Were you spying on me, Megumi? So what if I want to train? I'm only trying to better myself, why won't you support me?!"
"I'm not supporting you? Y/N I have always supported you through thick and thin but what could possibly be making you want to work so hard that you get yourself killed?! Tell me, please enlighten me!"
Megumi was stood up at this point and you could see people through the door window but you didn't care. You were hurt.
"You, Megs, it's you! I feel like a useless person who can't do anything right. Every mission we have ever been on you have had to save me and I want to be as strong as you. So forgive me for putting in some effort!" you shouted at him with tears streaming down your face and your voice cracking.
"I love you the way you are Y/N! I have never once looked at you as if you are useless. I think you are funny, smart, cute and the kindest soul alive! Why would I want you to change? You are working youself to death, that's the least I want! I love you!"
Everything was silent as Megumi dropped to his seat cheeks flushed from his angry confession as you stared at him teary eyed.
"You…you love me?" you asked genuinely shocked he could love someone as weak as you.
"Yes Y/N…I have ever since I met you. I never hated you just please stop hurting yourself like this-"
Before Megumi could finish his sentence, you pressed your lips on his. You pressed your palm onto his cheek as his thumb whined away your tears.
You pulled apart, out of breath as you both had a faint blush on your cheeks.
"I love you too Megs." you pressed your body into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you softly.
"Y/N…I will never ever hesitate to save you and I would do it over and over for you."
You smiled and inhaled his scent. A sense of relief washing over you. Something told you that from now on life would be much easier to live…
A lil bonus:
You had recovered and you were at a dessert shop with Megumi for a cute little date.
"Would you save me if I was like…a worm?" you giggled taking a bite of ice cream.
"Well I suppose, I would try to turn you into a human…so yes?"
"You don't sound to sure Megs…I'm feeling quite unconvinced…"
Megumi sighed putting his spoon down.
"I would save you and give your worm body a massive kiss. Happy?"
"Perfect answer!!" you laughed kissing him on the cheek as he just smiled lightly.
i hope you all enjoyed that especially my girly that I wrote it for, I hope you loved it 💜💜🩷🩷
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sleepyrayray · 1 year
The Moment When Proposing Went Wrong. (Various Strawhats x Reader)
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Characters Featured: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Nico Robin, Nami, Vinsmoke Sanji, Usopp, Franky Content: SFW!! Fluff, proposals gone wrong (but it all ends up fine in the end), GN Reader. Some angst but mostly fluff and maybe even a bit of crack. Some characters may be a bit OOC. Not edited so there will be grammar mistakes.
Summary: Times with the strawhats where the proposals didn't go as planned. A/N: Took me a bit to write but I'm finallly finished with this. Please tell me if I need to add any other warnings. I'm trying to get back into writing after a year or two of no writing at all. So enjoy these short scenarios with some of the strawhats as well as the reader's mishaps. I'll be making a masterlist soon as well!! Once more, Enjoy!! Scenarios under the cut!
Monkey D. Luffy
It's night time on The Thousand Sunny, there is no sign of any clouds at the moment which makes it the perfect time for Luffy to put his plan into action. Ever since an event from a month ago, Luffy has been wanting to propose to you. At first he didn't really know what marraige was, well he knew of it just not exactly how it worked, and it never really came to his mind in the first place. Upon asking both Robin and Nami about it, he learned more about marraige, specificially about how it worked and how someone normally asks someone to marry them. They also taught him one important aspect of asking for someone's hand in marraige is the usage of a ring and how it is used when proposing to someone. Can you guess what happened next? Well both Nami and Robin dragged Luffy with them in order to search for the ring for him to use though with Luffy still being a bit confused with it all. Was it planned? No. No it wasn't. He just figured it would just happen, he'd do it when he felt as if the time was right, and that time seems too be tonight as you and Luffy are laying down on the deck just stargazing with eachother as well as talking about who knows what. He just gazed at you as you pointed up at the sky pointing out different constellations and telling him facts about them. "Oh!! Look!! There's the Big dipper! That one used to be my favorite when I was a child, but its not anymore." You said, your eyes sparkling as you talked. Luffy shifted and sat up on the dock, not taking his eyes off of you as he gained a wierd feeling within his heart. Just seeing you here beside him, fills himself up with so much love that something within him is telling him that now is the time. You looked beside you and blinked upon realizing that your boyfriend is now sitting up. "Is everything alright Luffy?" You questioned him with a tilt of your head as you sat yourself up. You become worried for him as normally he isn't this silent. He just shook his head saying an "I'm fine." before taking your hands into his, causing a light blush to dust your cheeks. He seemed to stare off into space for a moment, gripping onto your hands as he thought about something. "Are you sure? We can go and head to sleep now if you're tired?" You suggested which gave you a shake of a head in response. "No No, there's just something I need to ask you." You hummed and nodded your head saying "Go on then, take your time and say it." You gave Luffy a gentle smile, never having seen him act like this before. Luffy took a deep breath before he began to talk, saying what he really wanted to say. "Well you see, when we first got into this relationship... I didn't really know what I was doing, but you helped guide me through it and get the ropes of it." He paused for a few moments, never really having been one who does great when it comes to romance but he'd doing his best. "Everyday my love for you continues to grow, and for the past month now I've been thinking about asking you something ever since I learned more about it." He stopped talking and then looked around in his pockets searching for the ring he always brings with him. He then looked at you and showed you the ring before saying a quick "Will you marry me (Y/N)??" as he looked right into your eyes. You sat there for a moment processing everything before letting out a gasp and nodding your head quickly saying "Of course! I'd love to marry you Luffy!" This caused Luffy's eyes to widen as he jumped into the air, throwing his hands into the air as well. As he did so he shouted a "YES!! I'M SO HAPPY!" though as he did so, he felt something fly right out of his hand. What flew out of Luffy's hand? The ring of course! You both turned and froze as you both just watched the ring just fall into the water, never to be seen again. You were just greatful that Luffy didn't try and chase after the ring... wait... you spoke too soon. Luffy did indeed dart over and tried to jump into the water after the ring. Luckily you were fast enough and were able to grab his legs and pull him back onto the deck shouting "LUFFY!! NO!"
Luffy whined as he fell to the ground saying "But the ring! I was told that you needed a ring in order to propose." You chuckled and shook your head as you sat down beside him, running a hand through his hair. "Luffy, I don't need a ring. Just you being here is just fine." You smiled at him as he just turned and pulled you into a hug. "If you say so, but Nami and Robin helped me pick that ring! How am I supposed to tell them that I threw it into the sea?" He questioned as he refused to let you go. You hummed, and looked up seeing Nami and Robin having of walked onto deck after being woken up by screams. You chuckled saying "Well, I guess you can tell them now." Causing Luffy to look behind him and gulp before trying to hide. Let's just say he was scolded a lot that night, and now owes Nami even more money.
Roronoa Zoro
Zoro had it all planned out, go to a specific spot on an island he had learned about and propose. Simple as that. Though, its turning out not to be as simple as he thought it would be. He thought he had learned the path to the area, but he thought wrong. It doesn't help that he had lost the map of the island he was using. So that leads you to the pradicament you two are in now, you just following Zoro as he grumbles walking many different directions in order to hopefully get to the destination before next year. "Where are we even going Zoro?" You had questioned your boyfriend, getting agitated due to the fact you've both been walking for hours. You're pretty sure that the sun is about to rise, but the trees cover so much of the sky that you can't really pinpoint it out as you both traverse through the darkness of the trees, but everything seems to be lighting up the more you walk. "I can't tell you that." He had responded, looking around before turning to the right. "Why can't you?" "I just cant." "Why not." "I can't tell you why?" "How long have we even been walking?" "I don't know." "Are we stuck out here?" ".... Maybe." You both bickered back and forth before Zoro stopped walking. "Damnit... where the fuck is it." Zoro said, crossing his arms over his chest as he seems to be quite annoyed with the fact they havent gotten anywhere. "Maybe we should go back to the ship Zoro, it doesn't seem like we're going to be getting to where you want us to go to." You sighed, at this point you just want to go back to the Thousand Sunny and go to sleep, but who knows if that's going to happen anytime soon. Zoro looked at you and said "No, we're going to find this damn place even if I have to start chopping down these trees in order to do so." You just shook your head and crossed your arms saying "Look Zoro, I'm tired. Can we just go back to the ship? I really need some sleep." There's tension and annoyance in your voice as at this point you just want to head back. Zoro looked at you as if he was thinking for a few moments "Could we walk for a few minutes more? If we don't find it by then, we can go back to the ship. I promise." He said, looking at you just hoping you'd say yes. You just shook your head no before saying "No Zoro, a few minutes with you will turn into a few hours. Why do you want to be out here anyways?" Zoro sighed and begun to scratch the back of his head as he begun to spoke, "It's just... ugh... I want to propose to you properly... and in order to do that I have to do so in the perfect place. I heard of a place on this island and thought it would be the perfect place to propose but I guess I won't get to propose to you in the perfect place I wished to do so. It makes me so angry and disapointed and I fucking hate it." He explained, looking away from you. Your eyes widened in shock at his works before you chuckled and shook your head, walking over to him and placing your hands on his face in order to make him look at you. "Listen Zoro, wherever you are at would be the perfect place. I don't care where you propose to me as long as you're here." You then pecked his nose and waited for a response. Zoro thought for a moment before he sighed and said, "You know I'm not good with words, so will you just marry me please?" Looking at you right in the eyes as he waited for an answer. "Yes, of course Zoro. I'd be glad to marry you. Now let us go back to the ship." You said, humming as you interlocked your hand with his, both heading back to the ship. What you didn't know, is that you've both been walking around the place Zoro wanted to take you to. Only if you turned left and kept going straight and you would of immediately found it.
Nico Robin
Everything seemed to be going to plan. Today was the day you were going to propose to Robin, ask her to be your wife, your forever. You were so excited as you had everything planned out. You'd invite her to have a nice dinner in the aquarium, and after that is dessert. Within the dessert would be a ring, that she'll find while eating and hopefully question about it. Then BAM you'll pop the question and hopefully she'll say yes. With the help of Sanji, the food and the cake had been made. A table has been set up in the aquarium for the dinner diguised as a little date night. Everything will be perfect, you just have to go fetch your girlfriend. So, you go out in search for her somewhere on the ship. It shouldn't take you long to find her, you hope so at least. You had soon found yourself walking around the ship trying to find her, soon finding her in one of the hallways on the ship. "Robin!" You called out, causing her to look over at you a smile on her face upon seeing her partner. You rushed over and gave Robin a quick hug before grabbing her hand and leading her towards the aquarium. "So, where are you taking me all of the sudden?" Robin asked as she let you drag her wherever you're dragging her to. "To the aquarium!! For a date night! We havent had one in a while so I put something together for us." You explained to her, excited yet there still remains a bit of a nervous feeling in your heart. "You didn't have to Y/N." She said, squeezing your hand. You just huffed out a "But I wanted to! I want to have a romantic date with you so I just figured that I'd bring it to the ship." You nodded your head, not noticing the smile on her face as she watches you. Soon you both get into the aquarium seeing the room decorated into a more romantic setting, the food already out and ready to be eaten by you both. You went over and pulled out a seat saying "For you madam." Winking at you as Robin giggled saying a "Thank you." Robin then sat down, scooting her chair in and you did the same on the opposite side of her. "Dig in!!" You said as you both began to eat as well as talk about different topics. Soon enough it was time for dessert, which means its time for her to find the ring and then you'll propose. "Excuse me for one moment, I have to go fetch dessert." You said and swiftly left, grabbing the cake from where you hid it and then you brought it out and placed it on the table between you both. "I made the cake, well with some help from Sanji, but I did most of the work!" You said, cutting the pieces of the cake out and giving her the slice with the ring in it. "It looks lovely, thank you for this." Robin said, causing a blush to appear on your face as you responded with a "No problem, I'd do anything for you." You both begun eating the cake, you nervously eyeing her and the cake every now and again to see if she had found the ring yet as well as any reaction. Though as time went by and you both finished your slices you just sat there for a moment and looked down at your lap. You just thought to yourself "Did I even remember to put the ring in the cake...?" "Did I give her the wrong slice?" "Where did the ring go?" and spaced out in the process. Robin had noticed this and went and grabbed your hand, knocking you out of your thoughts. "Is everything alright? Something on your mind?" You just sat there for a few moments before asking "Did you feel anything in the cake you ate...?" Robin thought for a few moments before saying "Yeah but I just assumed it was a nut or something, why?" Your eyes just widened as you took a deep breath saying "I put a ring in the cake... wanting to propose by you noticing a ring in your slice... but I guess... you ate the ring." There was a silence that fell apon you both as you stared at eachother, eyes wide.
The silence was broke when Robin released a laugh, "Well. I guess we can't do anything about that, but you can still propose to me with or without a ring. We can buy a new one later as I'm pretty sure neither of us wants to fetch it when the time comes." Robin had said, giving you a smile as if telling you it's alright. You sighed, a smile growing on your face saying "I suppose I can, but it disapoints me knowing that it basically went wrong." Robin had gotten up and walked over to you, giving you a hug. "Little bird, don't worry about proposing alright? Just know that I'll marry you and if you want to we can redo this whole thing at a later date." You just nodded your head saying a almost silent "Okay." Robin then stood you up and said "Now then, why don't we go and cuddle." Before leading you back to the bedroom so you both can fall asleep cuddling.
A few weeks later, you were able to redo a proposal. This time you didn't put the ring in the cake, but hey you got to do the proposal you wanted.
You and your girlfriend, Nami, were out about the town of the island that you and the rest of the strawhats had docked on while Franky worked on getting some repairs done on the ship. It's your third day at the town and it was a bit crowded, but not by much which made shopping as well as looking around go a bit smoother. You grasped onto Nami's hand tightly as you looked around. Though as you did so, you seem to get lost in thought. Lately you've been thinking about something, what is that something? Well it's proposing. You want to propose to your girlfriend but you've never found the right moment or time and you couldn't think about the right way to propose to her. Noticing your spaced out space, Nami tugged on your intertwined hands trying to snap you out of your thoughts. The hand tugging worked as you looked over at her, raising an eyebrow. "Is everything alright? You seemed to be spaced out there. Anything wrong?" You stayed silent for a few moments before speaking up saying "Yeah I'm just thinking about something, no need to worry." You gave her a smile, pulling her in closer as you wrapped an arm around her. "What are you thinking about?" Nami asked, raising her own eyebrow at you. She slightly leaned into you as she gazed at the shops you both passed by. Something about this scene seemed peaceful, calming even. You thought for a few moments, thinking about telling her, but then again you could just ask her now. A proposal doesnt have to be extravagant, it could just be something peaceful. This moment seemed to be peaceful enough. "Well you see, I've been wanting to ask you a question." You admitted, looking to the side at her face, admiring it as you did so. She tilted her head, humming as she motioned for you to ask your question. "Go ahead and ask, no need to be afraid." She said, never taking your eyes off of you. You took a deep breath as you began to talk "I just wanted to ask you to ma-" Then you were interrupted when suddenly two marines showed up, shouting your names. "Do we run or do we fight?" You questioned, looking at your girlfriend with wide eyes. "I say we run and not even bother." Nami said as you both start running off to the ship, and it seems like you're not alone in being found as you can hear chaos across the town from the rest of the crew being found. Well, you got the ship but it was definately a pain in the ass to get back to it. You also did end up fighting the marines, which you didn't really want to do but it had to be done. You and Nami managed to beat their asses though, and now everyone has set sail, heading towards a new island and away from the marines. It took a few hours before you could sit back and relax in peace. Once you were able to, you simply just walked into the library and sat down on the bench and embraced the silence within the room.
Soon enough someone had joined you on the bench, wraping their arm around you causing you to jump up and look beside you, seeing Nami as she laughed at the fact you jumped, "Did I scare you?" She rose her eyebrow as the color red dusted your cheeks, becoming flustered before shaking your head saying a quick "No! I wasn't scared!" in response to her accusation. Nami only hummed and leaned back into the bench, arm still wraped around you, saying "Liar. I don't believe that." You pouted saying "Fine, I did get scared. Just don't do that again." Nami shook her head before leaning over and placing a peck on your nose, "No promises, now tell me what question were you going to ask earlier before we were rudely interupted?"
"Well, I just wanted to ask you-" You paused for a few moments as you looked down at your lap, twiddling your fingers as you suddenly felt a bit bashful now when it comes to asking the question. Nami nudges you, as if saying that you can say it. You took a deep breath before saying "I wanted to ask you if you would marry me, we've been together for a while so I was thinking about tying the knot." You blushed even more as you looked up at her to see her eyes widened in response. "I wanted to do so earlier but... it didn't really go as planned." You said and chuckled to yourself.
Nami soon pulled you into a hug, holding you tightly. "You could of asked me anytime and I would of said yes." She said, you blinked and smiled as you hugged her tightly. "Thank you, it means a lot to me that you said yes." You said, as you both just remained there for a few moments.
Let's just say, even if you didn't get to propose in the moment and way you wanted to but you're glad you got to ask her the question anyway.
Sanji Vinsmoke
Everything is going to plan, Sanji had planned the day out thoroughly, and he is pretty confident that everything is going to work out in the end. He would propose and you will say yes! Simple as that. To begin the day would be a nice breakfast with the crew, then after the chores are done, eat lunch with you after feeding the rest of the crew, sit back and relax for a bit then while you take a bath before dinner he'll feed the crew and then once they're out he'll set up a romanic dining area where you'll both eat and then he will propose and you both will live happily ever after, hopefully at least. So far everything is going to plan, it is now past lunch and with every chore you and Sanji have today finished, you both can relax a bit. So here you are, relaxing against your boyfriend's chest as he ran a hand through your hair. "I love you so much, can we stay like this forever." You said, a peaceful look on your face. At that moment Sanji wanted to propose right then and there, but he has to wait for the dinner. "I'd love that so much my darling (Y/N)-chan, and I love you too." He responded, leaving a kiss upon your lips.
You chuckled and seperated saying a quick "Yeah but sadly, we can't stay like this forever. It's time for me to get a bath before dinner." You began to get up, Sanji relunctantly letting you go. "Alright alright, be sure to relax and enjoy your bath my love." Sanji smiled, kissing your hand before you left with a "I will, don't miss me too much now." Sanji watched you leave before he put the rest of the plan into action.
Sanji had quickly rushed the crew into dinner, quickly serving them dinner and staring at them to rush them into finishing their food. Although it didn't go without a few complaints and whining, especially from Luffy who didn't want to be rushed with his food then proceeded to eat it fast anyways. Soon enough everyone else was out of the room so it was time for him to prepare the dinner for him and his love. Fairy lights, candles, favorite food, you name it it's in there. The perfect setting to propose.
Soon enough you walked in, expecting everything in the kitchen to be looking normal, only to be met with something quite different. You just see the kitchen being decorated, and Sanji standing there, looking at you with a smile. "What is this Sanji?" You questioned him, tilting your head. Sanji walked over to you, taking your hand and walking you over to the table in order to sit you down as he said "Just a simple romantic dinner for the both of us my love."
You chuckled as you both sat down, saying a simple "You didn't have to set this up you know, something simple would of been fine you know." Sanji just shook his head saying "Nope! Only the best for the love of my life." Your face turned red at that saying "Whatever you say darling." You winked at him, making Sanji have to will himself not to have a nosebleed which he somehow succeeded in doing. "Now, madam, will you please dig in." Sanji said as he motioned towards the food.
You nodded your head as you both begun to eat your food, talking between bites and soon enough time went by and you were both finished eating dinner and dessert. Sanji seems a bit oblivious to the fact he is forgetting to do something very important that he has been planning to do. He has been so engrossed in you that everything he was going to do today just, exited his mind. Soon enough you both found yourselves in your bedroom, laying in bed and ready to go to sleep as you cuddle up against eachother, eyes closed.
Soon enough Sanji remembered something, the fact he was supposed to propose to you but forgot to as he sat right up in the bed in the flash of a light. You groaned after having of been woken right after almost falling asleep, as you opened your eyes and looked over at Sanji, asking him a simple, "What's wrong Sanji?" You questioned the man as you slowly sat yourself up. "I forgot to do something." He had muttered, looking away as he seemed to be ashamed of himself. "What did you forget to do? I'm sure it's nothing too big that you can't do tommorow." You had questioned as you brought him to your arms. "I can't do it tommorow, it's not the proper way a gentleman would do it." He responded to you. "Im sure you'll be a gentleman either way, now what did you want to do?" Sanji sat there in silence for a few moments or so "I wanted to propose to you tonight but... I got so caught up that I forgot to do so." You sighed and ran a hand through your hair "Would you like to do so now, or wait til later and do it how you want to do it? Because trust me, in whatever way you want to do propose will be perfect." You spoke to him calmly as you did your best to comfort your now crying boyfriend. You pulled him into your chest as he spoke "I'd rather wait for another time, thank you." You hummed saying "No problem, no need to thank me... I love you, now lets go to sleep okay?" You smiled as you both laid down. Soon enough with you running a hand through his hair, soothing him, you both fell into a peaceful slumber.
A few days later, he had the chance to do the proposal he really wanted to do. Smiling that he got to do it in the way he wished to do so long ago, you said yes.
It is no lie that you love Usopp, that can be seen as you gaze at your boyfriend while he messes around with Luffy and Chopper. You smiled and hummed as you then look out into the sea, spotting the fact that you're getting closed to the next island. You leaned back against the railing, closing your eyes and taking a nap as you smiled, knowing you'll be there at the island soon. A few minutes or so of shuteye wouldn't hurt either. It didn't take long to be woken up by your lover, maybe an hour or so had passed since you'd fallen asleep on the deck. You opened your eyes and smiled, seeing Usopp's face above you. "Good morning." You said, releasing a yawn knowing it wasn't morning. "It's the afternoon! And we are finally docked on an island!" He said, seeming to be itching to get off the boat and down onto the island. "I know I know, I'm asuming you want to take me out to eat?" You questioned him, a smirk growing on your face. Usopp just hummed in agreement saying "Of course! It's basically lunch time, might as well try some of the local food here and see how good it is." You kept your eyes on him as you stood up saying "Alright, but lunch was like an hour ago." Only to be responded with a "So? We can still call it lunch." You both then disembarked the ship and went off into the town in order to find something to eat. It took you some time but you both settled on going to a nice cafe that sold a variety of meals and wasn't too crowded or busy. You both sat down and ordered something to eat, you ordered (Food) and Usopp had ordered himself a ham and turkey sandwhich. It didn't take long for the food to arive as well as for you both to finish eating so you ended up paying and leaving soon after, deciding to take a walk and explore the town you and the crew found yourselves in. There seems to be plenty of stores, meaning this is a fairly popular town it might just not be popular during this time of year. You looked looked over at Usopp before saying "We should make sure to try not to draw much attention to ourselves, as we don't really know if there are any marines nearby, plus we should hope that the rest of the crew doesn't attract any trouble either." Usopp nodded enthusiastically saying "I totally agree with you (Y/N)! But don't worry, if anything does happen the great Usopp is here to protect you" As he did so, he puffed his chest out, walking with confidence in his step. You giggled at the display and leaned into his shoulder saying "Of course you will, I can always count on the great Usopp in order to protect me." You nuzzled your cheek into his shoulder as Usopp's eyes went wide and red tinted his cheeks. He chuckled saying "Of course you can! I would never let my precious partner get injured!" You hummed saying "I know, let us go to the beach now okay? I want to walk along the sand and feel the water beneath my feet." Usopp said an "Of course! Let us go to the beach!!" Then you both began walking towards the beach. Soon enough you both got onto the beach. You took off your shoes and held them within your hand as you embraced the feeling of the sand against your feet, and soon enough the sea water as you both begun to walk along the water as well. Everything so peaceful, hearing your lover tell stories as well as hearing and feeling the sea breeze against your skin. It felt as if nothing could go wrong at that moment, as if you could propose to him right then and there, like you've been meaning to do for a few months now. "So have you heard the story about how I defeated ten giant sea creatures at once! Without even breaking a sweat either! It was so easy, I just attacked them and then the next thing I know!! Boom! Boom! Bam! They were all dead!! You should of seen the great Usopp! It was amazing!" He said, adding effects with his hands and body as he dramaticzed the story.
You stopped walking as you watched Usopp continue walking, too engrossed in the story he's telling to notice that you're not beside him anymore as well as the fact that you're also not walking. You fumbled with your pocket for a few moments, thinking about if you should do so or not before you whispered a "Fuck it." under your breath. You got down on one knee, holding the ring out as you hope for him to turn around and look at you. It didn't take long before he noticed you weren't beside him anymore. Usopp looked around saying a startled "(Y/N)?!" Before looking behind him and seeing you down on one knee with the ring in your hand. Usopp's eyes widened as he looked at you, speechless, as you simply said a "Surprise, will you marry me Usopp?" Usopp just stood there for a few moments before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fell to the ground, passing out. You said a surprised and startled "Usopp?!?" Then you went over to him and shook him, trying to get your boyfriend to wake up. You did not expect him to pass out when you thought of all of the possibilities of what could happen. After a few moments he woke up, looked up at you as he said "I had the craziest dream a few moments ago (Y/N). I dreampt that you proposed to me on the beach after we had lunch together." You sighed and shook your head saying "It wasn't a dream Usopp, that actually happened. You passed out honey." You smiled down at him as you placed a kiss on his forehead. He about passed out again but you stopped him from doing so before you asked a "So, yes or no?" Usopp stared at you for a few moments before jumping up and hugging you tightly saying an excited "Yes!! Of course I'd marry you! It's one of my dreams!" He smiled before placing kisses all over your face before landing on your lips, his smile never leaving his face. You chuckled saying a "Thank you, I love you so much even if this didn't go exactly as planned." You kept a hold on him as you two just sat on the beach for a few hours before heading back to the ship. You just hope that no one saw what had happened a few moments ago. Well, Brook did and he ended up telling the whole ship during dinner time. Let's just say that the newly engaged couple got teased quite a bit for what enspired down down on the beach.
You were sitting in Franky's workshop, a comforting silent in the air as you watched your boyfriend work on whatever he is working on. You might not know what he is working on, or know the mechanical aspects of it but you always enjoyed watching him focus on what he was working on despite being clueless about it. You hummed a small tune, looking at him but not noticing the glances he would take at you every now and again. He smiled, making sure to keep what he was working on a secret. He knew that it was a risk to work on it now with you in the room, but he just couldn't resist saying yes when you asked if you could sit in his workshop with him. He just makes sure to keep it covered if you come close enough to be able to see it. You kicked your legs back and forth as you continued to hum the tune, keeping your eyes on your boyfriend. The best time of the week are whenever you and Franky got the chance to relax in his workshop as it felt so calming and refreshing to be able to just sit here in eachother's presence, just the two of you. It made your days better, and if you've had a bad day it helps comfort you and bring you happiness since you're able to do this with eachother even if you just sat in the same room in silence for a couple of hours or just spend it all talking, nothing could make you happier at this very moment in time. "What time is it Franky?" You questioned him, knowing full well you could of checked the clock on the wall but you wanted to ask him instead. Franky looked over at the clock before saying "It seems to be 5:20pm." You nodded your head with a hum responding with a "It's almost time for dinner then I'm pretty sure." Franky just nodded his head saying a quick "It sure is almost time for dinner, I should be finished with what I'm working on by then. Once I'm done I'll show you it. "What are you even working on?" You questioned him, trying to get a peak at what he is currently working on, but he kept moving his body so you wouldn't be able to see it. "It's a secret so you can't see it just yet, not until I'm finished with it." He said, causing you to sit back with a pout on your face. You tsked as you said a "But I want to see it!" Franky just shook his head saying "Nope! You can't see it right now." Then you began to beg for him to show it to you. "Please! Please show it to me! I won't tell anyone about it! Not a peep! Just show me it! Pleaseeee!" You begged only to get a chuckle and a shake of the head in response as he said "Nope! You cannot see this just yet." You went back and forth for a few moments before you huffed and sat back, arms crossed saying a "Fine." You gave up on begging for him to show it, figuring he'll just show it once he's finished.
It took a few moments of waiting til he finished what he was working on. He smiled upon seeing his little project finished as he patted himself on the back. "Alright, it's finished now!" He smiled, gazing at what he made. What did he make exactly? Well he made a ring for you so he can propose to you. He didn't want to buy a ring, he wanted to make it himself as it'll mean much more then something he could buy. As after all, there's a certain happiness that fills him at being able to make his own ring for you.
Seeing him so excited and happy, made you happy and completely forget what he was working on. You've always loved seeing him happy, and often times the best moment to see him happy which is also your favorite moment when he shows his happiness and pride after he finished a project he had been working on. You just stared at him in complete awe and love, soon enough he looked back at you, smiling as you both stared into eachothers eyes for a good few moments. It took a few moments, but it was almost as if you both spoke at the same time as you and Franky both said "Will you marry me?" Right after that you both sat still for a moment, blinking before bursting out into laughter. "Did we... just ask that... at the same time..?" You questioned through your laughter, snorting a bit as you did so. "Yeah, I guess we did. My answer is yes, what about yours?" He questioned you, still laughing his ass off at the chance of you both proposing at the same time. "Yes, my answer is yes." You said, smiling as you both started to calm down. "What is the chance of that happening?" You questioned him as you got up to hug your now fiance, a grin never leaving your face as you whiped away some tears that fell from your eyes after laughing so hard. "I don't know but it was amazing, I guess I'll have to give you the surprise now." He said, picking up the ring and showing you it adding a quick "I made it for you since I was planning to propose to you." You smiled, placing the ring on your finger saying a happy "Thank you Franky, this means everything to me." Franky just smiled, placing a small kiss upon your lips before saying a quick "No problem, now let us get to the kitchen so we can have dinner before Luffy eats it all." You hummed in agreement as you both walked off to have dinner. You had a happy night as everyone seemed to notice your ring, and assuming what happened caused a celebration to happen on the ship of the Thousand Sunny. You and Franky both happy as you both took the chance to party with everyone to celebrate your engagement. You couldn't be happier.
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ghostlychief · 1 year
Dude I just loved your Ghost fic with his scary wife, it was so ✨chefs kiss✨
Could you please write a fic about how the MW2 men would react to reader letting loose in the club after a mission? Just the concept of a cold, badass woman who can handle herself in the field and is a total man-eater that has the moves™️ + the men's reactions (mayhaps with a crumb of nsfw👀) is JUST DOBDISHDONDOSHDINSKWE I BEG PLEASE
HELLO!! thank you sm for your request <3 I took some liberties but i really hope you enjoy what i threw together for you!! (and there is a crumb of nsfw, so i hope you enjoy the tiniest of crumb i gave you lmao) ALSO, thank you sm for saying you really like my other Ghost fic, it means so much to hear that <33333 thank you sm for reading!
Dancing Queen
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol drinking; foreplay? slight fingering; nothing too smutty but MINORS DNI; seriously, if you're a minor pls do not read.
wc: 2.2k
a/n: i'll edit tomorrow, but sorry for any typos!
You were pretty revered on task force 141. You were the youngest on the team of burly men but you were one of the most skilled members on the force. And, you took yourself very seriously, almost too seriously some would say.
But who could blame you? You were a woman in a male dominated field. You had to be serious, had to be cold. Especially in the armed forces. This line of work was just as bad if not worse than the financial sector, you know, with all the finance bros. Actually, it was worse, but just by a hair.
So, due to your highly stressful and sometimes misogynistic job, you liked to let loose, have fun on the weekends. It was really the only time where you could fully relax and let yourself go. Alcohol helped of course. You loved going to clubs, bars, restaurants, hell anywhere really. As long as it helped you forget the week you had, helped you soothe the aches and pains that came with the job.
Surprisingly you found that your internal team, therefore task 141, weren’t such pricks after all. You thought they would be all misogynistic pigs, and treat you worse than their male colleagues. No, you were proven wrong. Something that doesn’t happen often. You were smart after all.
Sooner than later, you found yourself growing fonder of your team, and you considered them your closest friends. You know, big shock. You weren’t expecting your closest friends to be your work buddies as well.
You also sprouted a crush for one of your team members. Who could blame you? He was tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious. Always sporting that black balaclava, only leaving his eyes privy to your vision. You have only seen him without his signature mask a few times, most of them being when he was drunk, and out with the team.  
But who doesn’t like intrigue?
Fast forward to this Friday. You found that Friday is your favorite day to go out. You realized that you still have all of Saturday to relax, sleep, and recover and then it’s Sunday. The dreadful day in which work starts the next.
So here you were, getting ready to do out tonight with 141. You typically styled your hair your favorite way, did a full glam of make-up, and pre-gamed to make sure you would be a solid drunk by the time you had at least one drink at the bar. This was your time to shine, to have fun for once. You weren’t going to pass it up. Hence, your lovely make-up and outfits that made any jaw drop to the floor.
By the time you were finished getting ready, you felt a slight buzz in your system, and you felt good, felt pretty. You were ready for a night out. Specifically, you were ready for a night out with Ghost.
You found it much, much easier to talk to the intimidating guy when you were slightly buzzed, or better yet, drunk. Was it healthy? Probably not. But who’s perfect, right?
Even though you were a force to be reckon with yourself, the man still intimated you. Maybe it was because of the feelings that started developing in the pits of your stomach. You couldn’t help it when your heart clenched every time you saw him, or every time his blue eyes met your own.
It was getting bad, and you were worried it was going to start to effect your performance at work, which was unacceptable.
So, what do you do to deal with all these feelings? You drink of course!
Hey, you’re still in your twenties, it’s a pass.
You get a text from Soap in the GM that your guys’ uber is at your place. It was decided that you would ride with Soap, Ghost, and Gaz.
You saw the uber in front of your building, so you made your way to the back seat. You figured that Ghost would be in the front, so you open the door and tease, “Gaz, you need to take the middle seat because you’re the shortest out of all of us.”
However, you weren’t met with Gaz’s chocolate eyes when you swung open the door. No, you were met with Ghost’s large frame, and confused expression as you mistakenly talk to him instead of Gaz.
“You want me to sit in the middle?” Ghost points a finger at himself.
You hear Gaz snicker from the front seat. I’ll get him later.
You disguise your embarrassment with a cough, “Oh! No, no, no. I mean, we can’t have the tallest teammate sit in the middle now can we?” You flash Ghost what you’re hoping is your best smile. Dammit why did I drink so much getting ready?
Ghost just grunts in confirmation and gets out of the vehicle.
You clamber your way in only to find Soap with a  shit-eating grin, sitting in the back as well.
“Hello, Soap.” Your tone is clipped, which makes his grin widen even more.
Ghost gets in finally, but once he’s finally settled, you find yourself literally squished between Soap and Ghost.
“Can either of you move over or something? I’m being squeezed to death.”
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t like it, y/n.”
You really, hope Ghost didn’t just hear what Soap said, but it’s unlikely. You hit him in the shoulder, “First rounds on you, asshole.”
Soap raises his hands in a truce. “Alright, alright. Don’t get mad at me.”
You were only annoyed because Soap was right. You did like being squished up against Ghost. How embarrassing. Stupid feelings. Who even has time for feelings anymore?
You all finally make it to the club, and you make a beeline for the bar. As promised, Soap orders you, as well as Ghost and Gaz a round of drinks. You all cheer’s, then you down your shot. At this point, you’re definitely drunk.
The guys get another drink as you observe the dance floor. They take two more shots, and you take one more.
After your last shot, you let them know that you’re going to go dance. They all toast you, and then you’re off to the dance floor.
You start moving to the beat, letting the music take over your body, letting it carry you away from all your problems.
It’s only a few minutes in when you notice that they’re playing your favorite song. You rush back over to the guys, and excitedly shout, “They’re playing my favorite song! Do any of you want to dance with me?”
Before anyone could really respond, Soap is clapping Ghost on the shoulder, and pushing him towards you, “Ghost would love to.”
If you weren’t so drunk, you would have noticed Ghost send a glare to his friend. But not out of despite, more out of nervousness.
You clap your hands, so excited that someone is joining you, much different than your usually demeanor at work. Then you grasp Ghost’s hand in yours and lead him to the floor, leaving a grinning Soap and Gaz.
Gaz just sighs before saying, “Why do you always have to butt in?”
Soap just shrugs with a knowing smile on his face, “Because, they’d be good for each other, and both of them need a little nudge from someone to get the ball rolling.”
Once you and Ghost make it to the dance floor, you turn around to face him. You have the biggest smile he’s ever seen on your pretty face, and he can’t help but smile back.
You start moving to the music as before, but this time, Ghost wraps his hands around your waist and pulls you in close to him. So close, that your chests are touching. He’s definitely buzzed, borderline drunk.
He leans his head down so his lips are brushing against your ear, “I didn’t know you were quite the dancer.”
His breath tickles, and you let out a laugh, tightening your arms that have found their way around his neck.
“Don’t you know? I’m the dancing queen.” You let out a laugh, and pull him closer.
He laughs as well and you both continue swaying to the beat, that is, until a more up-tempo song starts to play. Before you know it, Ghost has spun you around, so now your back is facing his front.
His large hands make their way to your waist, gripping tightly. But not too tightly in which it hurts. It’s more so a comforting hold. You feel secure, like you would never trip and fall in his embrace.
You lean your head back so it’s resting on Ghost’s chest, and you feel him dip his head to meet yours. The height difference is making you dizzy, making you want more of him.
You feel him kiss down your neck, his lips searing your skin as they map you out. He makes his way back up and nips at your earlobe, which has you letting out a small yelp. But you lean further into him, signaling him to continue on.
Your hands come up to rest on top of his, and you squeeze them. You’ve never felt this exhilarated, and Ghost’s touches leave sparks in their wake, igniting you.
As he continues to kiss down your neck, you take one of your hands that’s grasping his, and start to lead it to the top of your skirt. He seems to get the idea, and continues his hand down until it’s grazing your upper thigh, lifting your skirt ever the slightest.
He subtly brings his fingers under your skirt to graze your underwear. The dance floor is so packed, that no one will notice.
The feeling of his fingers pressing on your bud has your head spinning and you let out a soft whine. It’s just faint enough that only Ghost can hear it. His hand goes further and pushes your underwear to the side. He teases your entrance without entering a finger into you and he brings his thumb up to press down on your clit. Which makes you let out another low pitch whine.
Your hand trails down to find his, as if to ground yourself. From what, you don’t even know. You just need to feel him more. More so than you already are.
All too soon, he removes his hand from your and brings it back up to cup your waist, then he spins you around so you’re facing him. What a fucking tease.
You crane your neck to glance up at him and you don’t know who moved in first. But what you do know is that you’re kissing Ghost. His lips lock with yours and it feels like it was always meant to be.
You trail your hands up so they play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. Twirling the hair around the tips of your fingertips. The kiss you share feels infinite, like it was mapping out the very constellations around you.
You never wanted it to end.
All too soon he pulls away, and brings his hands up to cup your face. His forehead is pressed up against yours, and he holds you so gently.
“I just had to do that, at least once.” He sounds breathless, and you fight the urge to pull him down to you again, at his confession.
“Why just once?” You’re just as breathless, if not more as you ask him this.
You don’t want this to end here, you can’t let it end here. You like him too much, too much that your heart hurts at the thought of letting him go.
Ghost peels himself from you, but his hands are still ever so gently cupping your sweet face. His thumbs rub under your eyes, on the apple of your cheeks, as he looks fondly down at you. He’s looking at you as if you created all the planets in the solar system, and hung up the stars as well.
“Because I know you deserve better.”
His admission tugs at your heartstrings, “Bullshit. You don’t get to tell me what’s good for me and what isn’t.”
It was true. You had to decide for yourself.
“Is that so?” A smirk forms on his lips.
You’re glad the air has turned back into something light, something teasing. That’s something you could deal with. Not the heavy shit that was threatening you before.
You bring your hands once again to his and grasp them, “Yes, it is, so you better get used to it.”
Ghost just lets out a laugh and then swiftly pulls you into a bone crushing hug. He rests his head on top of yours. You swear you feel a faint pressure atop your head, almost like a kiss laid upon your hair.
His words get muffled into your hair, but you make them out just the same. “Why don’t we finish what we started, but in a more private place, hm?”
You tighten your hold on him, words stifled into his chest as your answer, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
Ghost Masterlist
hope you enjoyed! <3
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AITA for asking my brother to turn down the volume? And WIBTA for assuming his internet history and trying to get him to stop visiting certain sites?
So it's like this- my (24ftnb (closeted)) hearing is incredibly oversensitive. Like, I can hear someone chewing with their mouth open from 100 paces. However, I'm usually good about not reacting to noises that frustrate me. Not always- sometimes I have to text a meme I made to one of my brothers (22m, 20m, 12m) that's an edit of the "I (do this thing), but I don't want to" meme. The one with the guy who looks up in the second panel with red eyes. "I hear everything, but I don't want to," y'know?
In the past, the predecessor to this meme was simply crawling out of bed to stand in my brothers' doorframe to tell 22m (younger at the time, obviously) to stop singing loudly at 2 am. (It never worked until our parents got involved, and even then sometimes not for the entire night.) Times have changed, I no longer sleep across the hall from all three, but we're all still stuck in the same house, and it's now 20m who's keeping me awake.
Most of the time, he's watching a show he enjoys or playing a video game in the basement. And humming along. Which sounds perfectly fine, and I'm glad he can find some time to indulge in his interests. Whenever I ask him to maybe indulge at a volume that doesn't carry through the vents and directly to my room, though, he gets angry and tells me it's an "anon problem, not a [him] problem." Which. Whatever. I'll deal with itchy earplugs if I need to when at home. They're usually enough to silence the little things, though louder stuff always manages to get through.
Now, though, we're visiting family, and the four of us are sharing a hotel room while our parents take a second. (Yes, yes, I know, three 20-somethings still living with our parents. Our parents put the "rent" into "parent" for each of us once we hit 18, so it's not like we're "freeloading." The economy's in shambles, so this is the best we've got rn.)
And 20m started watching episodes of a show he likes on the room's TV almost immediately after dinnertime, continuing until about 11:30 PM, when I eventually suggested that he watch one more before turning it off or switching to his phone. Something that wouldn't get loud enough to half-wake 12m for the fourth time in a row. I was careful not to mention my own annoyance at being unable to sleep.
Apparently the appropriate response was "I don't want to hear that from you."
Now, this is where that other question I asked comes in, and why I felt the need to specify that I'm closeted ftnb. See, 20m has previously talked about sigma males being better than alpha males, has told me to "use your ethos!" and acted like I was an idiot for not catching on that he meant "use your brain," and repeatedly interrupts conversations where our mother, 12m, and/or I are speaking to completely veer it off-course to whatever he wants to talk about. Additionally, he is incredibly controlling of 12m and has been for nearly all of 12m's lifetime. At the same time, whenever I try to point this out to someone, I am not believed and am considered to be overreacting, thin-skinned, or oversensitive. If 20m is around to see me do so, he snaps at me for "butting in."
Honestly, it feels like he might be browsing incel subreddits or something, but I don't know any specifics beyond how his mentality's changed over the years. All I know is that it feels like he is so much less likely these days to treat my suggestions as equal to his own when I'm not being a yes-man. Yes-person?
Now, I'll straight-up admit that I am not an objective observer. It's very possible that I'm in the wrong about all this, as far as I can tell, but these are the facts as I see them, and nobody's told me otherwise while also elaborating on what the truth would be in such a case.
So…AITA for asking my brother to turn down the volume? And WIBTA for both assuming he's browsing sites that are eroding his ability to interact with other people, and for planning to find a way to get him to stop?
What are these acronyms?
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playroom-sekaii · 3 months
ur hcs are just the best and i dont wanna be a bother)))): but do you mayb have any thoughts about tsukasa being just a little sickie baby. a baby who deserves all the care from wxs and kaito and saki and toya and and everyone in the world becsuse hes their little star ever . sniff .
Oooo, I've been rotating the idea of a little Tsukasa sickfic around in my head for a whileee, I guess now it's time I set some of those thoughts free, huh?
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(Felt like making a paci edit for once, paci from here)
☆ He'll very much not want to admit that he's sick at first, he can't be, he's a star, he's a big kid, they never get sick! Plus, he doesn't wanna trouble anyone...when he was an actual kid, if he was sick he wouldn't get much more than the required attention from his parents in order to not risk passing it to Saki as well, even now that she's doing better he can't really get out of that mindset.
☆ The rest of WxS can probably tell that something's wrong, but he'll insist that he's fine, he's not small, and he's surely not sick! He tries to go about rehearsal like normal, but he just starts to feel worse and worse, and it's harder and harder to stay big, and eventually the poor kiddo just breaks down because it hurts and he feels icky and he wants this feeling to go away!
☆ The others immediately stop practice, their leader clearly not being up to it physically or mentally. They take him home and decide they're gonna take care of their little star! Emu gets him all tucked in nice and cozy, Rui makes him some warm tea in his sippy cup to help him feel better, and if he starts getting sleepy or fussy Nene sings him lullabies to help him get some rest.
☆ Tsukasa's very clingy while sick, something he usually represses, but now that he's smaller than ever it's clear as day. He needs at least one of the others with him at all times or he'll be a very sad and lonely little one, even if he's snuggled up with all of his plushies he wants them too! Even if he has more than one of them with him he'll be sad if someone leaves, even for a moment ("Where going Rui-nii?" "Oh, I was just going to get you some more medicine." "Oh... :'(" "I'll only be gone for a second baby, and you have Emu-nee and Ne-neechan here in the meantime!" "But want Rui-nii too :<")
☆ It's somewhat hard to get him to take medicine, it's yucky! They have to almost turn it into a game, no no, it's not medicine, it's a magical healing potion to help our little star feel better! He's more okay with it when they phrase it like that.
☆ When Saki gets home, Tsukasa tries to hide, he doesn't wanna get his Neechan sick! She and the other WxS members are eventually able to show him that it's alright, she'll be okay, and his troupemates go home while Saki's here to help her little brother! She dotes on him a lot, it's the least she can do for how much he helped her when she was sick as a child.
☆ At some point in the middle of the night, poor thing has a fever medicine nightmare, and wakes up terrified. He doesn't wanna bother the others or wake up Saki, so he manages to get the strength to go to the Sekai, where Kaito suddenly wakes up to find a very sick and scared little one. He takes him into the little nursery that he and the other Virtual Singers had set up backstage in their circus tent, and he gets him some warm milk and helps Tsukasa calm down from his nightmare. Once he starts feeling a bit better, he gives him a kiss on the forehead and sends him back to the real world, where he's able to sleep peacefully again.
☆ Since WxS still had practice for some of the next day, Saki and Toya decided that they were going to look after Tsukasa until they're free! Toya also wanted to pay him back for everything he did for him as a child, so while he's not as good at some of the aspects of taking care of a sick little one as the others are (Saki insisted on being the one to be in charge of cooking and such for him), he's as gentle and caring as anyone, singing soft lullabies to him and even bringing him a special new plushie to help him feel better.
☆ By the time he's all better (and also big again), Tsukasa is very, very grateful to the others for everything they did for him while he was sick, he even decides to put on a special thank you show for them, what better way for a star to express his gratitude after all!
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queen-dahlia · 1 year
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐘𝐨𝐮
"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝."
They forgot that the bed existed. 🤡🤡🤡
In the previous event, he said, "Next time, we'll sleep on the bed together." It did happen, but only on the sofa.
This is not proofread, I posted this right away after editing and I need to sleep (I only have less than 3hrs before my shift starts)
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// :  alternate translation
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With dusk approaching, this is a good time to do evil.
Gilbert: "I just can't sleep these days."
Emma: "Well, that's a big deal…"
Gilbert: "Isn't it sad?"
Emma: "You may be right."
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Gilbert: "Well, I guess I'll let the little rabbit tuck me in tonight."
When I laughed as usual, the little rabbit was speechless.
(Yes, the reaction is not disappointing.)
Belle, the little rabbit, was probably on her way back to her room after finishing an official errand for someone else.   //   Miss Bunny, Belle, was probably on her way back to her room after chaperoning someone else's official business.
It was just a matter of luck that a villain happened to find her walking alone.
(Recently, the little rabbit has been protected by the princes of Rhodolite.)
Perhaps the many "expressions of affection" by the Prince of Obsidian for the little bunny have caught their attention,
Recently, there have been more and more opportunities to be disturbed, even if I call out to them.   //   But recently, I have been increasingly being interrupted when I call out to the rabbit.  **
There were not many days when she walked alone and unprotected in this way, and there was no way I could miss it.
(I have nothing but bad intentions towards you.)
The little rabbit froze for a moment, then came to her senses.
Emma: "I don't want to put you to sleep…"   //   "I'm not sure I want to tuck you in."
Gilbert: "My request is: do what I ask or be made to do what I ask."
Emma: "... I understand."
Gilbert: "If you know what I'm talking about, I'd appreciate it, wouldn't I?"   //   "If you know what I'm talking about, then good luck with that, okay?"
(I'm in trouble. I'm in trouble.)
Emma: "Is it true that you can't sleep?"
Gilbert: "You know I don't lie, right?"
Emma: "... In that case, let's go to the kitchen."
Gilbert: "If you feed me enough, I'll get sleepy, huh?"
Emma: "Yes!"
Gilbert: "Dismissed."
Emma: "What?"
Gilbert: "I don't want to seem like an easy guy, so I dismissed it."   //   "I don't like to be thought of as an easy man, so I dismissed it."
(In general, how can someone who can't sleep have an appetite?)
(... Although I still eat about five times as much as other people.)
The little rabbit looks at a loss again.
Emma: "When food is no good..."
Gilbert: "Oh, yes. People get sleepy when they're tired."
Emma: "It's still early evening, so there's plenty of time to get some exercise."
(... Geez.)
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Gilbert: "Little rabbit, that's––"
Emma: "Let's go, Prince Gilbert."
A smile more dazzling than the setting sun spreads out before me, and I swallow my words.
(... Well, I guess I can keep up with the physical strength of a little rabbit.)
––I wanted to kill myself an hour ago for thinking that.
Emma: "Where shall we go for our next walk?"
(Can you still make it?)
(How can one's breath be so erratic after all that walking?)
(... It's a miscalculation that the little rabbit was this physically foolish.)
(It's one thing to hear about it from someone, but it's quite different to actually see it in person.)
Gilbert: "Little Rabbit."
Emma: "Yes, what's wrong?"
The little rabbit, who had been engrossed in the tour, finally looks back.
Gilbert: "Rest."
I collapse onto a nearby bench and casually catch my breath.
The villainous little rabbit seemed to have noticed something unusual.
Emma: "What happened!? What is wrong with you? You need a doctor right away––"
Gilbert: "Caress me."
Emma: "... Yes?"
Gilbert: "I feel like a pat on the head would help."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "... Hey?"
(I know I said so myself, but it's ridiculous.)
It is so suffocating that I want to fool myself with its ridiculousness.   //   It is suffocating to the extent that I want to deceive with its foolishness.
(I misjudged the limits. …It's the little rabbit's fault.)
(Because the little rabbit seems to enjoy showing me around the castle so much…)
I let out a long, thin breath and closed my eyes.
As I inhaled the cool air to cool my heated lungs, a gentle warmth touched my bangs.
Gilbert: "Are you sure you want to do this?"
I pushed up my eyelids and saw that the little rabbit was kneeling by the bench, stroking my hair with an awkward hand.
Emma: "I couldn't tell if you were joking or serious."
Gilbert: "Hmmm... You're a softy."
(Feels good…)
When I put my head close to hers as if to rub up against her, the little rabbit's hesitation disappears.
One might even say that it is desperation.
Emma: "Are you getting sleepy?"
Gilbert: "Not at all; I woke up rather tired."
Emma: "Oh, no..."
Gilbert: "Ah, but if the little rabbit keeps petting me, I won't know, will I?"
Emma: "... What if someone sees us?"
Gilbert: "Ahaha, it's too late for that."
Emma: "What."
(I can't believe you didn't realize it. Poor thing.)
From the moment I fell on the bench, I felt the presence of people in the distance.
True to my hunch, I hear footsteps stomping on the grass a few seconds later.
Yves: "... Emma, what are you doing?"
Emma: "Yves!?"
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(Ah, the face I don't want to see, of all people.)   //   (Oh, of all the faces I don't want to see.)
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He is the most disliked of the eight princes at Rhodolite,   //   He is the person I dislike the most among the eight princes at Rhodolite,
And the one who stands in the way of showing more concern for the little rabbit than others.
Emma: "T-This is different!"
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Gilbert: "No, it's not. I was just making out with the little rabbit. Can you leave us alone?"   //   "No, it's not. I was flirting with the little rabbit. Can you please leave us alone?"
Yves: "You didn't threaten her, did you?"
Gilbert: "I don't like people talking to me. The little rabbit is stroking my head because she wants to."
Yves: "Is it true?"
Emma: "––It is."
The rabbit's face was bright red as she replied in a voice that sounded as if it would disappear at any moment.
(Ah, I dug myself a grave.)
I grabbed the little rabbit's hand tightly, and the blush spread to her ears.
(I can't get enough of this feeling.)   //   (I can't stand this feeling.)
Emma: "Y-Yves, why are you here?"
Yves: "I was looking for you. I have an urgent favor to ask you."
(Yes, it's a lie.)
The unnaturally averted eyes were blatant.
Emma: "... I understand."
But the little rabbit has no doubts.
(I'd hold you back if things were going well.)   //   (If things are going well, I'll stop them.)
(Oh well, I've done enough tormenting of the little rabbit...)
Gilbert: "Cheater."
Emma: "Sorry, I'll be right back."
Releasing her hand and raising her body, the little rabbit bowed and went to the interrupter.
I am sure that the domestic faction will now go all out to stall the little rabbit.
Only the faintest trace of warmth remained in my normally cold hands––
(...You wouldn't have come anyway.)
I clenched my hands tightly as if to lock her warmth in.
And then, as the night fell and the stars began to twinkle...
Emma: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Gilbert: "Wow, you really came."
(I didn't think you'd come to visit me in my guest room.)
The little rabbit enters the room and puts the tray on the table.
Emma: "I brought my secret tea. If you drink it before going to sleep, you will have a good night's sleep."
Gilbert: "That's so careless."
Emma: "... Frankly, I was troubled. But insomnia is real, isn't it?"
Emma: "I'm worried about you."
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Gilbert: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "... I haven't been doing anything that would make me a bad guy lately, so maybe you're taking advantage of me."
Emma: "No, that's not true!"
(... I'm feeling uneasy.)
(I can't believe you would even feel sorry for a big villain like me...)
Hiding my inner thoughts with a smile, I sat down on the sofa, and the little bunny quickly prepared a cup of tea and presented it in front of me.
Emma: "Here you go."
(I don't normally drink tea served like this, you know?)
I reach for the cup and put my mouth on it.
Gilbert: "It's sweet."
(Too sweet...)
Emma: "Is it too much for your taste?"
Gilbert: "No, it's good. It's delicious, thank you."
Emma: "I'm glad to hear that. Well, I will now––"
Gilbert: "Are you leaving already?"
Emma: "It's not a good idea to stay too long."
(I'm aware that if people find out, they will misunderstand us in a strange way.)
I quickly grab the bunny as she begins to get ready to leave.
Emma: "What's this?"
Gilbert: "Do I have to tell you?"
(... Your good intentions are sickening, though…)
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(Sometimes I miss it.)
Sweet tea dissolves self-control, and bad desire rears its head.
Perhaps the feeling had been there ever since I saw Miss Bunny alone.
(... Maybe because I'm tired from lack of sleep.)
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(I'm in the mood to be irresistibly kind to you right now.)
Gilbert: "I told you to tuck me into bed, didn't I?"
Emma: "!?"
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Gilbert: "Stay with me tonight. … I don't want to kill you, little rabbit."
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I pulled down her slender, defenseless body and laid down on the couch.
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As expected, it was too small for the two of us to sleep together, but we managed to squeeze in by hugging each other.
Emma: "... Are you serious?"
Gilbert: "Yeah, I'm serious."
Emma: "I'm not sure about sleeping with the opposite sex this way…"   //   "I'm not sure about sleeping like this with the opposite sex."
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Gilbert: "Hey, are you expecting something strange?"
Emma: "No, I did not!"
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Gilbert: "But I can feel your heart beating all the way down to me."
Emma: "Ugh, lies."
Gilbert: "Really."
The pulse of the heartbeat is felt in the body, albeit faintly.   //   Although it is faint, the pulse of the heartbeat is transmitted through the body.
The rabbit struck the bell at an abnormally fast pace, and I couldn't stop having bad desires. **
(I thought I'd had enough of tormenting the little rabbit earlier, but that wasn't the case.)
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Gilbert: "You should give up and go to sleep, too. I won't let you go today."
Warmth seeps into my cold body.
The little rabbit, which at first continued to resist, gradually became more docile.
Emma: "... This is just for today."
Gilbert: "I don't know about that. You're too careless. That's a good lesson for you, isn't it?"
Emma: "Yes... It was a mistake to visit the room at night."
Gilbert: "Do you regret it?"
Emma: "... Just a little."
Emma: "But..."
I shift, and the little rabbit looks up.
It's uncomfortable to be pierced by a clear gaze that makes you hesitate to get it dirty.
Emma: "Your complexion looks better than it did in the early evening. …So I think I'll be able to sleep peacefully tonight."
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(. . . . . .)
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When I stare at her, the little bunny again turns her eyes down.
(...Now that's a bit of a mishearing.) **
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(I don't think I can sleep tonight.)   //   (I'm not even going to sleep tonight.)
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The heat of the little rabbit's body and the sound of her heartbeat push my drowsiness far away.
Even though I know I'll never sleep in this state, I can't bring myself to let go.
(It's all over the place…) **
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I hugged her body tighter out of spite.
Gilbert: "Why don't you sleep if you can? If you have the courage."
Emma: "... It's terrible."
Gilbert: "Ahaha."
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I stroked her soft hair and tickled her ears with my fingers.
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I can't stop smiling wickedly at the little rabbit that makes her body tense uncomfortably every time I do this.
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(I want to torment you more. ... So that you won't be able to leave my side.)
(You're the only one I've ever had this kind of desire for.)   //   (Am I the only one who has this kind of lust for you?)
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glazemeda · 2 years
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summary; you're in a bad mood after barely sleeping because of a nightmare the previous night, and your lover wants to cheer you up. characters; venti, shikanoin heizou, kaedehara kazuha, scaramouche. tags/warnings; comfort, very slight spoilers in scaramouche's part?, hugs and kisses. not edited.
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Even if you didn't wake him up at night, VENTI notices fairly quickly when you aren't in a good mood. It won't take him long to assume that you didn't sleep well, as he likes to make you laugh and feel light before going to sleep.
This bard will give you some good morning kisses along with more compliments than usual. Then, he'll ask you if something happened before he woke up.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" His hands gently hold your face, making you look at him. "I can sing for you until you feel better."
If you aren't busy that day and don't want to talk about it, Venti will ask you if you want to take a nap, even if you just woke up. You need to rest properly!
He won't blame you if you snap at him, he knows he can be a little much. Still, he wishes for nothing more than to see your smile before the afternoon arrives, so he'll continue trying but a bit more careful this time.
He'll play his lyre for you, hoping that the music will help you. And if you are feeling slightly better, he'll tell you funny stories that he remembers. He won't go to Angel's Share until he confirms that you aren't in a bad mood anymore, as your smile is even better than wine.
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HEIZOU is a detective, he'll be the first one to notice your unusual mood as soon as he wakes up. He's quick to realize that it was most likely a nightmare.
At first, he's a little hesitant, not entirely sure if he might end up worsening your mood, but after a few minutes he decides to be softer rather than playful like he usually is.
"Want to talk about it?" He softly whispers on your ear, a hand reaching to caress your own. "Let me cook breakfast today, I'll make your favorite."
Heizou doesn't cook often, but he knows that you like his food. He'll be careful to avoid making too much noise, not wanting to cause you a headache after barely sleeping last night.
He understands if you snap at him for something, it's natural to feel irritated by little things after a bad night. He knows you don't actually mean what you say.
The detective needs to go to work, so he won't be able to stay with you for long, but he'll tell you where he'll probably be so you can go join him if there's nothing dangerous around. He wants to remind you that he's there for you, no matter what.
Heizou will give you a big hug before he leaves, hoping that you'll be feeling better when he comes back home. If you want to talk about your nightmare later, he's all ears, and his arms will be there to hold you.
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It's a surprise that you didn't wake KAZUHA, as he's a pretty light sleeper. When he wakes up the next morning, he's worried about you once he notices your mood.
At first, he wonders if he did something wrong, but it's discarded as you weren't angry the day before. He concludes that you didn't sleep well, and decides to ask you.
"Did you have a nightmare, dove?" His eyes are gentle, his touch on your arm even more so. "Don't hesitate to wake me up if you have another, so I can hold you until you fall asleep again."
He wants nothing more than to offer you comfort, and is careful around you so you don't end up saying things you don't mean. He understands how one feels after a bad rest.
Kazuha will hold you in his arms, either in silence or reciting some of the haikus that he wrote with you as his inspiration. His voice will most likely calm you down pretty quickly.
It's hard to stay in a bad mood around him, especially when he's so sweet with you. He'll offer to find a good place to take a nap later, outside, so nature can sing a lullaby and wish you sweet dreams.
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Another surprise, as SCARAMOUCHE is also a light sleeper, and not the best situation. He's no stranger to nightmares and being in a bad mood during the morning, but he's not as soft as others may be.
The harbinger will most likely stay quiet, not knowing what to say and not exactly wanting to make your mood worse. He's not the most caring, but he's also not the type to bother his lover in moments like these.
If you snap at him though, that's a different situation. He won't let it slide, and you'll most likely argue before he decides to leave for work. His mood isn't the best in the mornings.
Once he comes back, a bit earlier than usual and with a small box in his hands, he feels a bit bad for leaving like that, even if he won't say it aloud.
"Here, I got this for you." He leaves the box in your hands, keeping a neutral expression. "Next time, tell me if you didn't sleep well. We can stay in bed a bit longer."
He won't offer direct comfort, but his words are clear enough. He wants you to sleep enough, and is willing to stay with you until you are able to fall asleep before he needs to go.
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glazemeda 2022
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22hemi12 · 1 month
Posting some un-edited things from my notes/Google docs coz I'll never post them otherwise. If anyone likes it lmk? I'll make a full fic of this!
Modern Zombie apocalypse AU anyone? 😏
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It was a normal day.
Crosshair stumbled into the house after a long night of work as Wrecker rushed out, nearly bumping into his younger brother. Crosshair yelled back at him to slow down as he ran out the door to his truck.
Tech buttered a piece of toast popping it into his mouth and walking towards the office as Hunter helped Omega tie her shoes. Crosshair picked up Omega's bag from the floor, grabbing the books from the dining table. He shoved them into the bag as Omega ran to the fridge, Hunter yelling after her about her other shoe.
Crosshair grabbed her before she could pull out her lunch box, leaning down to lace up her other shoe. Hunter squeezed past them to grab the lunch box, then put it in Omega's bag.
The loud honking from the school bus outside made Omega grab her bag before running out. Hunter yelled out to her that he'd pick her up after school. Crosshair climbed up the stairs to sleep while Hunter slumbed on the couch...
It was a normal day...
Hunter felt off all day... Anxious or nervous... He couldn't pin point what was wrong, but whatever it was. It made him want to run for the hills. He looked over at the gate of Omega's school, waiting anxiously for the bell to ring so he could leave.
He almost jumped out of his skin at the bell ringing. He noticed a few adults and even a few teenagers waiting at the gate.
Kids flood out of school in waves. Omega walked out with a group talking to a Nautolan in a wheelchair who was being pushed by two clone boys, twins, a Togruta, Two other humans and two Twi'leks chatted with each other. The majority said their goodbyes and all ran to an Adult who must of been their adoptive father.
The last Tw'lek, Hera, hugged Omega before running to her parents. Omega ran to Hunter's car, plopping herself into the passenger seat.
Once Hunter had heard the distinct click of the seat belt he pulled out of the car park towards home. Seems Omega could sense the battle in Hunter's head... Or she could just see the scowl on his face. "You okay Hunter?"
He glaced at Omega. "Yeah I'm fine" He lied... He has no idea why he's feeling anxious. Omega stared blankly at him for a moment.
"If you say so"
Omega didn't want to pry her brother, but something about how he was acting made her nervous.
Once they turned into their street, Omega's smile returned to her face when she noticed Crosshair's Pristine Motorbike in the Open Garage with the dust cover on it. Hunter hummed. "I guess Crosshair has the day off today"
Once Hunter had parked and turned off the engine Omega jumped out of the car and hurriedly opened the door, forgetting to close it as she entered the house.
Omega threw her bag to the side of the door before running as fast as she could towards the couch. She threw her arms around Wrecker's neck, who was watching some form of sport Omega had no interest in. Tech sat on the armchair reading a book and Crosshair laid his legs across Wrecker's lap, on his phone.
Wrecker laughed pulling Omega over the couch into his lap to tickle her, squishing Crosshairs legs in the process. Tech looked up from his book to watch the interaction. As Hunter entered the house and closed the door behind him, Crosshair grumbled and moved his legs, putting his phone on the coffee table.
"Megs, homework" Omega and Wrecker groaned at the words, making Hunter chuckle. "Okay, you can play for an hour, then homework" Omega and Wrecker cheered, Wrecker threw Omega onto Crosshair.
Omega giggled as Crosshair moved her carefully to his old spot before pouncing onto Wrecker putting him into a headlock. Wrecker laughed and hopped off the couch and onto the floor. Tech, not looking away from his book, moved the coffee table with his foot before Wrecker could break it.
As the two brothers wrestled, Hunter climbed over the couch to sit where Wrecker sat before. Hunter's phone rang making everyone in the room stop and look over as Hunter fished his phone out of his jean pockets.
When Hunter answered the phone, he heard a familiar voice. "Echo!" Hunter exclaimed.
Tech put his book down and leaned forward. Crosshair and Wrecker sat up from their wrestling match and Omega crawled over to Hunter, a massive smile on her face.
Hunter put the phone on speaker. "You're on speaker Echo"
"Hey guys!"
"Echo!" Omega and Wrecker yelled with excitement. Echo let out a laugh.
"Hello Omega, Hello Wrecker, keeping out of trouble I hope?"
"Yep" "No" Omega glared at Crosshair who stared at her with a smirk. The sound of Echo chucking again made Omega look back at the phone.
"Just calling to let you all know I'll be staying at Rex's a bit longer." At the sound of Omegas and Wreckers sounds of disappointment, Echo rushed to try and explain. "I know, I know, I said I'd be gone for a week max..."
The pause made Hunter's stomach churn. "Something came up?" Hunter finished Echo's words.
"Yeah... I'm sorry guys, I'll try and come home soon, talk to you guys later, okay?" Echo hung up, before the others could reply.
Crosshair and Wrecker stood, moving between Hunter and Omega. They had been watching a sport on TV when it suddenly turned into the news, before they could really pay attention to what the reporter had to say.
The sound of an explosion outside made the siblings jump, but before anyone could get out to see what had happened the TV let out an ear-piercing alarm. Watching the screen, the reporters words Rung through Hunters ears…
"Stay inside at all cost! There is a mass hysteria of mass cannibalism and Murder… and it seems… the dead has risen”
There it was.... The reason for Hunter's anxiety...
It WAS a normal day...
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amberstormblade · 1 month
Hey! Here's part two for that TMSP fic I wrote earlier! I'll leave a link to part one here in a sec! Enjoy! :3
Edit: Here's Part One!
Ruby’s day had been going quite well! He was feeling a lot better and was finally able to get out of bed. Although he was still a bit achy, getting to just walk around with Vintage made everything worth it. Some of the other members of their little town even joined in, it seemed like only Viking was missing. It wasn’t until Vintage had mentioned that they needed some materials for a build they were working on that things went wrong.
Climbing down through the cactus farm left the little group scrambling to adjust after coming from the late afternoon sun and soon they were all stumbling their way over to the chests lining the wall when Box spoke up. 
“Do ya hear that? Mighty strange noises ya got down here.” He looked around as if trying to locate it but not immediately seeing anything. 
“What do you mean? I don’t-” Ruby started but they were quickly cut off by Vintage
“It sounds like… crying, almost. It’s faint, but I can definitely hear it.”
Ruby looked at Jay but he just shrugged, unable to hear anything either.
“Yeah! Maybe one of our neighbors is in a bit of trouble! Let’s go check it out.” Without waiting for an answer, Box ran over to the tunnel leading to the clock tower. The rest of them followed after, the sound getting louder as they approached. While the other three were distracted by the massive tower hanging from the ceiling, Ruby’s eyes locked onto something at the bottom of the cavern. The blue and yellow mass was shaking next to a pool at the bottom, tears in his clothes showing that he had most likely fallen down the side of the cavern at some point. He seemed to be weakly gripping his head, fingers tangled in his wild mess of hair, showing that this had been going on for a while. 
“Viking!” His name tore itself from her lips as Ruby saw her closest friend fall limp. Jay had to hold her back from practically throwing herself down the pit and instead, they all carefully rushed down the stairs haphazardly carved into the wall. Running over, Ruby collapsed next to Viking, his knees practically giving out as he rushed to make sure he was even still breathing. When that other person had told him to make sure Viking didn’t kill anyone, Ruby never imagined Viking himself would have to be put on that list. 
Placing a hand on his forehead, Ruby gasped. “He’s burning up! Ca-can you guys help me get him back to the surface? I don’t think being down here is any good for him. “
Box immediately scooped him up like he was nothing while Jay and Vintage helped Ruby back to his feet. Together, the group made their way to the surface, material collecting forgotten for the moment, and towards Ruby’s house as it was close and didn’t have a bed on the roof. No one really knew why he thought that was a good idea. Box placed him on Ruby’s bed and then took a step back as she sat down next to him. He was pale, dark circles under his eyes making it clear he hadn’t been sleeping well. His eyes were scrunched tight and his breath came out in short pants. It was clear that he wasn’t doing well.
After looking him over, Ruby spoke. “I-I didn’t realize, I mean- He seemed tired yesterday but not like this!? I need-” 
Vintage cut them off, “What you need to do is take a deep breath, and know that we’re here to help. What do you need us to do?”
“Okay, okay um- Jay, can you go to Viking’s house and see if he has any extra potions? I kinda burned through all of mine.” Jay nodded and dashed out the door. “Box, can you um-um-um oh! We should make some fresh soup! Can you help gather some ingredients for it! Lots of fresh veggies! And Vintage, you can help me make it! We can start prepping the broth!” Soon, everyone was working, doing their best to help out their fallen neighbor. A cool cloth had been placed on his forehead and the two in the house kept throwing glances at him but he never seemed to change. Box returned first and the soup was well underway when Jay came back. 
“Alright, so, I got the potions, actually had to brew up some more because he was running low but, it seems like he’s already taken a lot of them? There were empty bottles all over his house, it’s actually a bit concerning.” Jay gives a nervous laugh, not sure what to do with this information. 
Everyone seems to pause at this. If Viking had been using potions to combat whatever this was and they hadn’t worked then that was bad news. Any number of things could be happening to him and even Viking himself might not know what it is. Before anyone could speak, however, a groan suddenly came from the direction of the bed. All heads whipped towards the source as Viking started to shift, hands coming up to clutch his head. He started to violently shake as tears began pouring down his face. He started moving around so much that he almost fell off the bed, only stopped by Box jumping into action. The two were now on the ground with Box holding him up. 
“Hey there! Don’t be doing tha-“ Box cut himself off as he got a good look at Viking’s face. “Oh… now that’s- that doesn’t look quite right.” A twinge of concern leaked into his voice. “Eyes don’t normally change quite like that.” 
At this point, everyone rushed over to try and see what he was talking about. Viking’s eyes were wide and unseeing, almost as if someone was forcing them open. They kept darting around as if searching for something but never latching on to anything. The most worrying part was the color. His usually yellow eye seemed to almost be flickering, looking a bright green at times while the blue one seemed to have the same color slowly pulsing around the pupil. All the while, he was gripping his head tight enough that they all worried he was going to tear out chunks of his hair. 
His eyes caught onto Ruby. They reverted to normal for a split second and then went back to their strange and colorful battle as things seemed to get worse. He started whimpering through gritted teeth and thrashing around as much as he could. It almost looked like he was fighting with himself, and losing. Box had given up on trying to hold him still at this point and was just staring in shock along with the others. Ruby did her best to approach, trying not to get hit by his spastic movements.
“Viking?” their voice shook seeing him like this, but they pushed on. “Hey, I don’t know if you can hear me but I think I know what’s going on? Well, maybe not know but I have a guess? You- you need to sleep Viking, do you understand? Just- it would be for the best if you just went to sleep.” At this, he seemed to panic, frantically trying to put space between himself and Ruby while trying to cover his head. He tried to say something but his voice was still shot, the only noise coming out was a hoarse rasping thing. Upon trying to stand he slipped, slamming his head on a nearby barrel as he fell. “Oh gosh! Is he dead?” Shrieked Jay as Viking landed with a sickening thwack back on the floor. The poor farmer seemed stuck between rushing over to the body and backing away as quickly as possible, keeping him rooted to his spot. Vintage started making her way over to him but stopped when he dazedly sat back up. 
He rubbed the back of his head and groaned as he shakily got to his feet, eyes pinched shut. He then sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as tiredly opened his eyes. It was then that everyone noticed this was no longer Viking. A green eyed stranger stood in his place, a handful of signs at the ready for any questions that would be thrown at him.
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