#i'll upload the full color one when i'm able
huehoa17 · 11 months
Heads up!
There's a chance that I'm gonna be opening my commissions soon, and I'm very excited about that!
I've just set up a Kofi, but I'll make a page here as well to allow people to see what I'll offer!
I will be providing the $5-10 dollar sketches and I will also be opening up gouache art (I'm still new to it so I won't price it super high)
Now for digital art, the wire broke a while ago and I'm not able to use my tablet in the meantime so that's out of the question for now
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staghunters · 23 days
Figured I should make a new post at this point because the other one is getting too long to keep reblogging. I've been tinkering away at the site and it is shaping up! Here's a lil page by page tour under the cut
you can view the site here!
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Splash screen!
It's a little bumper so the css can load without it scrabling the home page. It looks alright, but to add some more text to the image, I have to make a new one in the death screen generator, which is not ideal.
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The home page!
I've changed the middle window so it fits in better with the rest. Not very visually exciting there in terms of color, but it is for now the best look imo. Text there is aligned justified, I've condensed it a bit more and added the randomized quote section underneath it instead of it being a seperate window on the side.
To do list needs an update but is still accurate. The team is still there, but on the other side, I have set the blinkies to be a bit larger. The music player has been removed because I couldn't find a way to add songs to it that weren't included on the source site. Snufkin is here now. The webrings will need some more. Retronaut is there, but not functioning as it should. it just forwards you to random sites in the ring instead of where it should be, but I can't find what exactly I'm doing wrong with the code.
Another thing that is not working on neocities itself is the "last updated" part. For some reason it doesn't display there what it does display on my local html. Maybe a bug at neo.
And icons at the top on the nav par! Adds some more flair to the place. The footer has also received a minor update: it now has a sitemap link instead of another back-to-home url.
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I'm thinking of moving the small window with the short info to the right, but it is here for now. Links that are web-building related are on the right, also for my own referencing. The essentials lists on the left are hidden on load, but can be revealed by tapping the puttons. The lists are in tree-view and the window shouldn't expand over the cassette image once the construction sign is removed. Speaking of, the cassette has a lil playlist.
I might expand on the info a bit more, but that is for me to ponder. I liked including links to tumblr, the guestbook, and a button in case anyone wants to link my site on theirs.
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Hasn't really changed much. I've been looking at moving the sidebar info to be in the main section upon load, but idk if that would just make things more complicated. Right now it loads to an empty section there, stuff appears once you click a button. PDF support is only available once I'm a supporter of neocities, which i do wanna do but isn't a priority atm just for getting this part running. The links to ao3 will do just fine for now.
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The space for my rambling. It can be browsed by entry through the post-it, and all that seems to be functioning alright. Added a kitty and a sticker for decoration. The Stop Making Sense bumper sticker will now load a local video of the performance, but once again I won't be able to add this to the site until I get a supporter thing going. It plays/pauses on click, hehe.
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Decided to add a page for it. Basic info, schedule, link to the room, my letterboxd, and an overview of past movies. It's a nice spot on the site that is also the most cramped, but I like how it turned out.
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In case any page/url error happens, you can send a movie recommendation to B (their askbox is linked when you open on desktop)
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The art and other pages are very much works in progress. Art can be up and running once I upload art to the site, but I'm not sure if I want to post full pieces here. Maybe I'll make it a space for sketch stuff that I'd otherwise discard.
As for the other page: I might be filing it under the writing page as a section, since the only thing here is WvW atm. It's cool that it has it's own thing, but I'm not sure if something that is basically a fanfic warrants such a space. That, or I keep it and drop all my other-media stuff in here so there's more to look at.
That's it for now! I got some ideas on how to continue, but they're not super-duper set in stone.
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calextheneko · 7 months
Tales From Switch City: Zach's Tale
Oh my gosh, it's the thing I actually do, write furry TF fiction stories. So real quick plug before the rest of the story. You can provide support for these.
Support me on Patreon! Patreon Link Or buy me a Coffee! Ko-fi Link Join Calex's Transformation Station on Discord Discord Server Official Calex T-Shirts Buy My Shirts! Physical Books and eBooks Buy my book!
And you can read more stories on my FA and personal webs site as I'll only be uploading new stories from here out because there are over 1000 stories by this point not even lying I do not have the energy for that kind of backlog.
With all that, let's begin with our preamble. This is part of a series for Patrons called Tales from Switch City. Normally Switch City tales are patreon exclusive, and when I'm not laying in bed dying come out once a month. As I am currently laying on my death bed been hard to write and get things done so patreon has been paused pretty much all year. You can still pledge $1 to get access to all the old Switch City stories. And once Patreon opens again, for $5 you can add your OC into the pool of characters to be used for the stories and sign up for stories that interest you once they start up again.
In the meantime, I owe a substantial word count to people, wasn't able to do 13 Tales, my usual annual Halloween series this year or last, so this seemed like a nice bonus I could offer patrons to cash in word counts on if they wanted to be part of this series, or save their stored word counts for other stories they wanted, as well as a way to introduce the world of Switch City to people outside patreon who may not know it exists.
What is Switch City? A city built on a nexus point in the multiverse. As a result, the walls of reality bend and people constantly slip into other universes in Reality Shifts due to thin these boundaries are, and suddenly find themselves in strange and often radically different worlds.
So basiclaly it's an isekai series with each story taking place in a different universe version of Switch City and an excuse for lots of transformation and shenanigans.
Without further ado, tonight's tale. Zach, trying to drive to the grovery store undergoes a Reality Shift and finds himself at an abanadoned festival full of delicious food instead. Aware that thi is suspicious as heck, he decides to get out of there, but leaving may not be as easy as he wants. And is that truly want he wants?
Special thanks to @lockelyfox who has been helping me with edits while I'm sick and barely hanging in here.
And now, our feature presentation.
Tales From Switch City
Zach’s Tale
By CalexTheNeko
Switch city: a strange place built on a Nexus between worlds.
There are an infinite number of universes and timelines, and an infinite number of versions of yourself. Under normal conditions you would remain oblivious to these other timelines, unable to ever enter or witness them. But, where there is a nexus, and the walls between realities are thin, it is possible to cross over even without knowing it. 
These events are called reality shifts, and occur quite often,  yet most people don’t even notice it, for many timelines are quite similar. For example, you may crossover into a timeline where back in the third grade your favorite color was red instead of blue. A difference between your realities to be sure, but one that may not have had any major impact on your life, and as a result nothing would be discernibly different when you entered your new reality. However, some timelines are radically different. Some have magic, some have advanced technology, and some are so distinct that your imagination could not even conceive of their very nature. And so, sometimes you may find yourself in a reality that is unfamiliar, with rules that don’t make any sense, and there is seldom an easy way back.
Zach was a young man with messy pale brown hair, sporting smart glasses on his face, and dressed comfortably in a hoodie and jeans. Today he was simply running to the grocery store. A very mundane task that suddenly became anything but. Zach had no way of knowing that a reality shift had occurred, but it was clear there was a problem when the asphalt roads were suddenly replaced by dirt roads and the grocery store that should have been just around the bend was replaced by some kind of festival.
His first assumption was that he had somehow turned onto the wrong road, and simply wound up at some local fairgrounds instead of the store. But as he looked through his rearview mirror of his car, he saw a thick forest behind him that he had not driven through on his way here. It was highly doubtful that he would have driven straight through the woods without noticing. Though he might occasionally get lost in his thoughts, no one was that absent minded. So what was the logical conclusion? Was this a dream, or maybe a stress induced vision? Who could say? Either way this clearly wasn’t the grocery store. 
He decided the best thing to do would be to try to drive back the way he had come in the hope that he might see something familiar. But, as he shifted his car into reverse, the engine stalled and refused to work. Then all the electronic displays in his car turned off. It was as if everything in the car had died all at once, leaving him stranded here.
He  pulled out his cell phone to try to call his roommate to come pick him up. It would likely be a challenge to explain where he was, since he didn’t know himself, but it was a challenge he would never have to face. Much like his car, his cell phone was completely dead and would not power on. This was bad, but not impossible to resolve. If there was a festival going on, there had to be people here somewhere, and surely he could find someone who would let him borrow a phone so that he could call and get a ride. Worst cast, they would at least be able to tell him where he was so he could give his roommate accurate directions.
Zach got out of the car and walked into the festival grounds. Rather than aisles of groceries, there were various food stands. In place of the produce section, he could see rows of carnival games. And where the store’s ‘Employee Only’ stock rooms should be was instead stages for various shows. Yet, despite the fact that there was obviously an ongoing festival, there was not a soul to be found except for Zach himself. He was greeted by the alluring aroma of delicious food. There were all kinds of different dishes many he did not recognize but it was clear most of them seem to be of Asian origin. He saw plenty of stands selling various forms of noodles and rice including ramen as well as dumplings and mochi based sweets. The scent was heavenly and torturous at the same time. He suddenly felt as if he was starving and the food became the most tempting thing in the world.
“Hello?” He called out as he looked around the stands. “Is anyone here? Is someone running any of these stands?” Zach’s question was met with only silence. There was no one to purchase food from, and yet all the food was freshly made as if it was sitting there just for him to eat.
The lack of people around was unsettling to say the least. Despite the fact that he could not see anyone, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. He felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck, but the allure of the food seemed to be overpowering his hesitation. It was almost as if it was magically beckoning him to eat it.
“Nope!” He exclaimed as he turned around and started to walk back towards his car. People did not just stumble across empty festivals with food made just for them. He’d seen this movie before. With no idea what this was, or why it was here, it would be a violation of the most basic rules of common sense to just eat food simply sitting out. For all he knew, the food could be poisonous or drugged in some manner. Even if it wasn’t, the food couldn’t possibly be intended for him. He wasn’t a thief, and he was too smart to fall for some nefarious plot.
As he made his way back to the car, the trees surrounding him began to wrestle and sway. Something was coming. He tried to quickly get into his car but found that the doors had somehow locked themselves. That would, of course, be ridiculous, so he thought he must have just hit the lock button on his fob by instinct when he left it. Strange that  it still worked while everything else in the car had failed, but maybe that meant his car wasn’t completely dead. He might even be able to get it going and get out of here, wherever ‘here’ was. However, as he pressed the unlock button, the doors refused to unlock. So the key fob was also dead. Well, he still had the key!. He quickly placed that into the door handle and turned… and it snapped in half.
“Oh come on! That doesn’t even make sense!” Zach threw his hands up in the air in disbelief. There hadn’t even been any resistance when he turned it, it simply snapped inside the lock. Now he was going to need a lockpick to come out, or get the car towed! This was unbelievable. No, something strange was clearly going on. He reconsidered his earlier thought that this might be a dream, but everything felt so real. As if the problem with his car wasn’t bad enough, the rustling from the trees was getting louder. Whatever was out there was getting closer. Zach continued to try to turn the remnants of the key in the lock, pulling on the car handle to try and open the car, but it wouldn’t work. Should he run? Hide? If so, where could he even go? Behind his car was far too obvious, and it wasn’t as if the festival stands were going to provide any better cover. He briefly considered smashing his window when out of the blue, they arrived.
Several pointed ears popped out of the brush cheering in voices that Zach could understand. The strangest part was that he knew that they were not speaking English, and yet somehow he was able to understand their foreign words. “You’re the first mortal in over two centuries to pass this test.” A golden fox with nine tails spoke as it walked out of the brush in front of the others and approached him. “For your ability to resist the temptation of taking that which belongs to the spirits, you deserve a reward.”
“Talking… foxes....” Zach muttered, as he stared at the golden fox in front of him. Specifically, he was focused on its nine luxurious tails. “So fluffy...” Without another thought in his head,  he reached out a hand to try to pet one of the captivating, soft-looking appendages.
“Ah yes, they are remarkable, and quite fluffy.” The fox responded, clearly amused by the situation. He allowed Zach to touch one of his tails without resisting. “It was our intention to invite you to partake of the feast with us, and join in our celebrations as a reward for your temperance. But, based on your reaction, I suspect there is a different reward that you might find suitable.”
Zach felt a gentle, comforting warmth flow from the tail he was touching. It traveled through his hand and into his entire body as easily as water flows gently down a stream. In moments, it almost  felt like his body was covered in a soft, warm, fur coat. It was at this point that he realized that the clothing he was wearing was starting to feel uncomfortable and itchy. He looked down at himself. The sensation of being  covered in fur wasn’t just internal; he literally was covered in fur now, or at least starting to be. Brown fur was growing in patches all across his body, making his clothing more and more uncomfortable. Without thinking, he quickly took off his shirt and breathed  a sigh of relief as some of the discomfort was relieved. In his shoes, however, was where he was experiencing he most unpleasantness. It was almost painful.
He quickly dropped to the ground and pulled his shoes off just in time to see a set of small, sharp claws rip through the edges of his socks. He attempted to remove them, but  they couldn’t maintain their structure as his feet were now changing shape. They were extending, covered in brown fur, and, surprising absolutely no one, and to many a people’s delight, he had cute little toe beans!. It wasn’t difficult to figure out what was going on at this point. While some people might have been terrified by the fact they were turning into some kind of animal, and others might have gone into denial, all Zach could feel was a sense of ecstasy.
Having a pretty good idea of what was going to come next, Zach quickly pulled his remaining clothing off. The lower half of his body had already finished covering itself in fur, and now the tip of his tailbone was extending outward, rapidly forming into a tail. With a quiet ‘fwish’, the single tail split into three, which then all in turn split into three more, giving  him a total of nine tails. Rushing upward from the base, the fur filled in thick on each and every one,making it just as fluffy as the kitsune before him.
It was at this point that Zach's glasses fell right off of his face. He tried to catch them, but as he extended his hands he saw that they were hands no more.  He was instead flexing vulpine paws without opposable thumbs. Without a way to actually manipulate them and put them back on, they simply fell to the dirt, leaving him wondering why they had even fallen off in the first place. As he reached his new paws up to touch his face, the answer came quickly. In fact, he was surprised he hadn’t noticed it sooner! The front of his face had pushed out into a long, pointed snout which intruded into his vision. There was no doubt what had caused them to be pushed off of his face. As he further inspected his changes, he also found that his ears were not where they should have been. Instead, they were now much larger, triangular in shape and had relocated themselves to the top of his head.
The changes were complete. 
From an outside perspective, there was no trace of humanity left in Zach, other than his blue irises. For all intents and purposes, he was now a normal fox. Except, of course, for the fact that he had nine tails.
“Whoa!?” He tried to stand and quickly fell over. His brain had not yet realized that he was quadrupedal, and couldn’t stand on two legs anymore. He readjusted, cautiously trying to stand once more, this time on four legs. “This is so cool...” His nine tails began to swish from side to side, and as he did, a wisp of fire lit on the tip of each tail. He looked astonished as he realized that he had created fox fire, and he focused, bringing his tails together as the motes of fire all joined together into one the size of a basketball. Flashing a mischievous grin, he started to wonder what other magic he could do. But the thought quickly turned to concern as he realized he had no idea how to extinguish the flames.
“Uh, a little help here- I think I might have made a mistake?” He pleaded, looking at the golden kitsune who had granted him this boon.  
“Oh dear. Perhaps I was a bit too hasty in my assessment of your initial capabilities.” The golden fox lifted up a paw, quickly pushing it against Zach’s nose. In an instant the fire went out. But not only that, the golden fox appeared to grow larger.
That wasn’t quite correct. Everything around him was getting bigger. But, far more alarming than that was the fact that his tails were slowly disappearing one by one. That wasn’t fair, he liked having multiple tails! Sure, before today he hadn’t even had one, but now he knew the joy of having multiple. With that amount of fluff, he could have curled them up and used them as a bed for a nap if he wanted to. But as he continued to shrink, his tails continued to vanish until he had only a single one left, and he found the golden fox towering over him. He tried to speak up, to object to this gross tail-based injustice, but instead of his complaints, he only produced a series of yips and yaps instead.
“Relax, little one.” The kitsune chuckled. “You’ll get all nine of them back in time.” He curled his own tails around him as he sat on his haunches, looking down at the smaller fox. “It occurred to me that giving a human the power of a fully grown kitsune may have been a slightly daft idea. That is far too much firepower, both literally and metaphorically, without the experience or understanding necessary to make use of it.” He lifted his paw and lightly bapped Zach on his head, “So I reduced your form to that of a kit. You’ve spent, what, twenty summers as a human? That’s basically an infant in our comparatively longer lifespan, so this form is more appropriate. Do not fret, you’ll still be capable  of a little bit of magic as you are now, but we won’t have to worry about you accidentally burning down the entire forest.”
“Yip?” Zach tilted his head. The explanation was actually calming. The idea of being a young kit, rather than an adult, was one he found appealing on further consideration. Sure, it came with less magic, but it also meant less responsibility. And, echoing that sentiment, it meant that he could play more. Speaking of play, he wasn’t sure if it was all the excitement of the various changes he just underwent, but he found that he had an abundance of energy and needed desperately to expend it on something. He could chase his own tail, but the nine, shifting tails of the golden fox were much more alluring. He swayed his tail rapidly back and forth, crouching low against the grass… before he pounced onto the golden foxes’ tails, wriggling around and biting at them!
“H-hey!” The gold fox stammered, “not so hard. You may be a kit, but your teeth are sharp!” Despite his words, the amusement was obvious in the golden fox’s voice. He began to shift and sway his tails around to intentionally tease the young fox making a game out of it, so that Zach had to work for his newfound prey.
“Roawr!” Zach gave a playful growl as he continued to chase the golden fox’s tails. Somehow, this simple little game was more fun than any video game or other hobby he had engaged in in his entire life. Maybe it was just because he was so young, or maybe it was simply that tails were just that awesome.
“Quite the playful little scamp aren’t you?” The golden fox asked amusedly. “Well, it’s good to see you take to your new form so naturally,  rather than sulk about it. You know, the humans who fail the test, we punish by turning them into small animals. As mice, squirrels, or other small creatures, they then must participate in games and races during the festival. We place bets on who will win. It’s all rather good fun. They get changed back after the festival is over, of course, we’re not monsters.” The golden fox grinned as he continued to watch the kit continue to chase after his tails, nearly pinning one to the ground. 
He continued, bemusedly, “Of course, you might be the first human we’ve actually gifted our form to in, hmmm, well, longer than I can remember. And, well, I’m a couple thousand years old. We normally allow those gracious enough to honor the spirits to participate in the festival as a guest, rather than an attraction. But you seemed so fascinated with my tails, I thought you might enjoy some of your own.” He was so caught up in his story that he hadn’t noticed the small kit even once transfixed on anything other than chasing his tails around. “Hey, small one, are you paying attention to me?”
“Yip?” Zach paused from his play to look up at the golden fox with curiosity.
“Heh.” The fox chuckled, resuming his expository history lesson. “ No doubt you’re wondering when you’ll have more tails again.” He splayed his own out as if making a point, “Many  of us get our second tail around the time that we turn about a century old.” He held up a paw and flexed a single digit to once again make a point. “However, for us  kitsune,  our age is not actually tied to the flow of time but to our state of mind. Your age will reflect your demeanor. . Act childish, and you will remain so. Act maturely, and you will gain not only maturity, but more power. I will warn you, some never grow old enough to gain a second tail, though that is usually by choice. If that is yours, we will respect it. That being said, since you were already an adult, for a human, you could rapidly grow as you learn our ways and train to control your new powers.”
“Roawr!” Zach gave another playful growl and pounced on one of the gold fox’s tais while he was distracted. He had tried to listen to most of what the other fox had told him. His big take away was that he never had to grow up as long as he didn’t act like a grown up. And that definitely had its appeal, even if it meant that he wouldn’t get all nine fluffy tails.
“Yeouch!” the gold fox shouted, though his grin made it clear that his cry of pain was fake. “Given your current behavior, I’m guessing you’re in no hurry to get back to adulthood. Honestly, that’s probably for the best. After all, the more time you spend as a kit, the more time you have to learn. And you, young one, have a lot to learn before you should have access to all of our power” Though the golden fox had figured out that he was enjoying being young once more, he hadn’t quite caught on that Zach planned on never growing up. That would probably become obvious after a century or two.
“YAP!” Zach gave an impatient bark and looked at the older fox expectantly. The fox had stopped teasing him with his tails and the game wasn’t as much fun anymore.
“Still in the mood to play, eh?” The golden fox barely held back his laughter. “Well, maybe you can play with something that spares my tails from your teeth. After all, there is a festival to attend, and now you can attend it as one of us.” He turned and looked towards the numerous stands just beyond Zach’s now abandoned car, “I’m sure you’d enjoy partaking in many of the games, as well as meeting some of the other fox kits among the clan. So, how about you let go of my tail for a bit and I’ll show you a few wonders?” The golden fox did not wait for a reply. In one swift motion, he turned his body in a circle, moving his tails out of Zach’s reach. Before he could give chase once more, the golden fox bit down gently on his scruff and lifted him into the air.
The young kit squirmed for a bit, but the fox had him good. There was no escaping his grasp. For now. Despite that, Zach could not help but be excited. His little fox kit tail was wagging so fast, it was in danger of coming off. There were just so many things to be excited for. For starters: he was no longer human; that was a huge improvement right there! And, of course, he wasn’t an adult, another huge improvement. Then, throw in the fact that he had been freed from the tyranny of pants, that he didn’t have to grow up again if he didn’t want to, that there was a festival of games and food to enjoy, and that he was going to get to start his new life among this kitsune civilization, and he honestly couldn’t think of a better end to the day! The only real downside to this was that he wouldn’t be able to play video games anymore. But, honestly, while video games were fun they paled in comparison to the simple joy of chasing a tail. On top of that, he was quite certain that once he met kits his own age, he was going to learn so many new games that were fun and exciting. Who knew what mischief that he might get into with his new friends once he learned a bit more about how kitsune magic worked. Even if he was just a tiny little fox kit, he still had a spark of magic. And a spark of magic meant that he could cause a hint of trouble.
He was, in fact, so excited to enter this new life that he forgot about what brought him here in the first place.  It never occurred to him that he’d even left his own world, stepping into one where the very rules of the universe had changed. Circumstance had led him to fit in, but the same would apply to the things he brought with him. By the time he returned to next year’s festival, his car would be nothing more than a fern covered boulder.. It wouldn’t even occur to him that the two were one in the same, or  that his car had undergone some kind of transfiguration.
And why should he think about such things? This new life, it didn’t matter if it was in a new world or his own, he only knew that it made him happy. The philosophical ramifications of his current situation might be something to keep someone else up at night, but to him, they simply weren’t important. What was important was that he was able to enjoy his life to the fullest. 
And he chose to do just that.
The End
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giggleshit · 10 days
Hi hi!!! I participated in the picrew you made (I LOVE IT SO MUCH. VERY GOOD JOB <333) and wanted to ask how long it took you, and what issues came up during the process?
I’ve been wanting to make one for awhile but I’m kinda intimidated. I honestly can’t tell how long of a project it would be (probably very long) and I’m trying to anticipate what the best way to go about it would be
HIIII!!! THANK U SO MUCH FOR UR ASK :3!! i really appreciate it :')
i'm glad you love it !!!! i love it too hehe
i'd be happy to talk about my process! (also i highly recommend making one it was so fun !!! (and frustrating lol) , and i'll be making another soon!)
so the total time between starting and finishing up uploading it was probably around 15? 16? total hours? some of this was because i accidentally made each and every picture the wrong size :') but my project was also a bit simple, so a lot of the time will be typically spent on making the actual art itself (while mine was just figuring out how to upload everything lol), so yours and others will probably take a lot longer tbh ;/ (depending, of course)
the biggest hurdles were figuring out how to upload it all, and also the actual art pieces themselves. but it is SO fun to be able to come up with like 20 different ideas, and because of the nature of picrew i get to use all of them!
i created spammed chitter chattered some of my advice and very basic overview of what the process is like below! but the tl;dr is to look up actual guides and videos from people who know what they're talking about and they can help you with specific steps and issues that come up! and especially if i mentioned something and didn't explain it very well, youtube/video tutorials is really helpful!
my picrew process :3
this is typically the really fun part, especially because you get to use so many ideas! like you don’t have to choose which color the eyes will be because you can make like 10 different options lol. for this stage, just play around with a BUNCH of different stuff, you won’t use it all but playing around with ideas usually creates even more, fun ideas!
some things to think about:
the main idea - like, what you’re making lol (most people make avatars, i made a slime one lol)
what parts will change? like hair, eyes, clothes, (slime texture, mix-tins, labels, etc.)
and for each of these parts, how many or what kind of alternative options will there be? like how many hairstyles will there be?
as well as, what color options will there be? you might want to consider a main color palette to choose from so that it’s easier for each combination to look more unified/match(?) ig? , ah, more consistent too lol
my guide isn’t super comprehensive and i had to look up a bunch of stuff too. start by going through picrew’s guides on creating image makers
this will help you start to understand the very basics on how it works! it will also help prevent you from making 60 different parts and then realizing you were supposed to do/not do something (like me making every single image the wrong size :’) ), and of course, make every layer transparent
one of the most important things to keep in mind is the size of the canvas, pls for the love of GOD, make the canvas size the right one :’) 600x600 pixels is what you’ll want to do, if you make it too big, it won’t show the full image/you can’t zoom in or out when you upload your image. i think there’s another size somewhere you can use that’s not square, but i don’t remember
layers is the most important part of the process, and it can be hard to keep track of them and keep them organized. i usually never label my layers but for this i had labels and folders within folders within folders (LABELED folders). 
using clipping mask is very helpful as well as you can then easily change the color of your layer without worrying about coloring everything in (essentially you create a layer above what you’re working on, set it to clipping mask, and you can fill in the whole layer with a color, but it will only show up in the shape of the previous layer. this helped a lot in the uploading process because i didn’t have to recolor anything in by hand, and it made it super easy to change the color, save the photo, and then move onto the next color (like i had purple hearts, coloring in the clipping mask to blue, now i have blue hearts, save that, repeat the process with a new color)
also, for a part with multiple colors, like my sucker, for instance, that had a base color, the darker strip across the middle, and highlights: create the base as a separate layer so that you can easily control each parts color. i had a clipping mask layer for the base of the sucker, and one for the strip and highlight. that way i can use the base color, and the darker and lighter versions on the strip and highlight layer. 
oh, another good point, it helped to create a basic rainbow palette of colors, and then create a lighter version, and a darker version. good to use for things that have shadows and highlights. this also helps with consistency and keeps things looking more unified and put together
this was such a pain in the ass i’m not gonna lie, but that’s just because there’s a huge cliff you have to fall off of and then it’s smooth sailing! 
watch this youtube video that will explain everything to you before you get ahead of yourself and think nahhh i’ll just figure it out (i didn’t), can’t be that hard right???? (yes it can)
use the clipping mask layers that i mentioned earlier to make the process of uploading all the different colors easier
also, take your time! i had over 200 images to upload, so staying organized was extremely important
i created duplicates of my main procreate file and got rid of everything except the part i was working on. this felt like essentially clearing off the table before i started changing colors and uploading everything
transferring these to my computer was kind of a pain but it helped that i was able to upload everything onto google drive (making an insane amount of folders), and then download the zip files onto my computer
you’ll be able to upload things in bulk on picrew but that process is also a little confusing and just accept that this will take a few hours regardless
this is also a good time to create your thumbnails! there will be the main title one, one for each part, and one for all the options in each part. see how there’s one that says container (the part), and then the red square (the option for that part), and these are different from the actual image that shows up for the red container. KEEP IN MIND, you don’t actually technically need these, you can just use the actual image, like the red container, but at least for the thumbnails labeling each part it can help clarify which part is which for the user
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for the different color options, you choose a color, not an image
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it’s a pain in the ass to type in the color codes each time but i wasn’t able to properly figure out how to use the color palette feature without it changing multiple parts at once (maybe you can figure it out and let me know lol)
and just know that it will become an easier process as you go, but you will not survive this without patience lol
ik it’s cliche, but PLEASE let yourself have fun with this! i got frustrated at some points, and i overthought things at another time, but don’t let this discourage you! i promise people out there will LOVE it! and you can always go back and edit it! but finishing the project makes it all worth it, and seeing people use it has made me a type of happy i haven’t felt before honestly !! 
and thank u if you read all of this :> i am a chatty person, especially when it comes to writing lmao. idk if this is much of a guide but it is definitely a collect of my experience/advice ig! i’ll probably learn a lot more next time!
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dfaftershock · 3 years
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My computer decided to die *while* I was working on her character sheet and I'm mad about it so you get this for now.
So, first of the human OCs getting introduced is one of mine, Yui Mizushima. She's 16/17 ish (We're still unclear *exactly* when this takes place - timelines are fun) and is a classmate of Kouichi’s. She's introduced to the rest of the gang by him after they're assigned a project together. Her and her mother are the host family for a transfer student (Isis [named after the goddess, not THAT one, obviously] - this will be a link once she’s up) who is her first real friend before meeting everyone else and she's responsible for introducing them as well. Yui can be rather abrasive and doesn't really know what the word "restraint" means, so she usually comes off as intense when interacting with others. If given half a chance, Yui *will* choose violence and good luck stopping her.
Her partner is a Lunamon she calls "Remi" after an old toy her mother made her when she was young (she still has it). Remi is also rather abrasive AND a sarcastic little shit.
Now for some fun facts:
Yui was originally a background character from a story I had back in middle school that will neeeeever see the light of day, please don't ask, that I repurposed because I really liked her despite her not featuring much. Back in the rp, we were doing that thing where we added more Legendary Warriors, and Yui was the Warrior of Poison. There was a whole subplot about it, but we're not doing that this time and that digimon is now her own separate character that has no relation to the Warriors at all, but we'll get to her later. Can you tell Yui likes music? Did I make that obvious enough? No? What if I told you she becomes a dj and has her own radio show as an adult? Would that do it? Okay? Okay.
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nikoruistyping · 2 years
OK, I'm here to ask for tony x fem!reader. They are married and just had twins, a boy and a girl and named them after Tony's parents? When his parents (yes, I want them alive) are going to meet them, Tony says the names of the babys and they are really really happy about it and they have a cute family moment 🥺
I just want Tony to be happy with his parents and his own little family, he deserve all the happiness in the world! ❤
Surprise Visit || Tony Stark
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Dad!Tony Stark x Wife!Fem!reader
Summary: Finally you arrive home with your twins as you all try and get settled in at home after coming from the hospital. Tony’s parents make a surprise visit to meet their first grandchildren...
TW: Fluff, Mention of Pregnancy/Talk about Babies/Young Children, Married Couple, Playful Banter, Happy Crying/Emotional (the good kind)
Word Count: 1,700
A/N: Y/EC = Your Eye Color & Y/HC = Your Hair Color 
This request also was so much fun to write and make! It’s nice and refreshing to be writing like family content since I’ve never done it much before so its such a change to my usually smutty self but regardless I love the content and I too Anon agree that Tony deserves the world and all the happiness! I hope you enjoy it and thank you for the request!
Also I’m lowkey annoyed that the gif I wanted wasn't able to upload but if I figure out a way to fix it I'll probably update it!
Finally, you were home at last. You had spent a good week and a half stuck in the hospital after having the twins and all you wanted to do is be home resting in your own bed and enjoying your babies without beeping hospital machines and nurses barging in on you every five minutes. You were carrying one baby carrier while Tony juggled to carry the other, his hands so full that he even had some gift bag hanging from his mouth as he tried to hold the door open for you with his foot. You just let out a giggle at how different things were going to be now that you had not only one but two little human beings to take care of now. You knew that both of your hands were going to be full for quite some time until getting the hang of dealing with twins. Slowly but surely you walked upstairs to the baby's room and you felt like you could breathe knowing that everyone had gotten home in good health and all in one piece. Tony was following right behind setting down the carrier gently on the floor and finally he was able to talk after taking out whatever bag was hanging from his mouth.
"Home at last!" He said excitedly but you immediately turned to him putting your index finger to your lips shooshing him to be quiet because both of the babies were sound asleep.
"Home at last..." He repeated but in a low whisper this time, you kneeled down to the carrier you were holding and you pulled up the blanket the was covering it to slowly reveal your lovely daughter. She looked exactly like you except she had Tony's dark brown hair and she definitely had your Y/EC eyes no doubt about it.
You shuffled your way over to the other carrier and also pulled the blanket up to reveal your beautiful baby boy who looked exactly like Tony except he had your Y/HC hair and his fathers beautiful brown doe eyes. You smiled at the sight and carefully you cradled your son in your arms, you stood up slowly as you tried not to wake him and Tony took soft steps over to you and his hand held his son's head gently, leaning in to kiss the top of it. You held him close to your chest and while looking down you couldn't help but smile at the sight of how calm and gentle Tony was with the babies, you never thought you would see the day but now Ironman was now an Irondad as you would say joking with him.
"He looks just like you honey...even his little nose especially," You whispered, your finger lightly booping your son's nose and then you booped Tony's nose in return.
"He is definitely going to be so handsome just like his daddy." You finished off, looking back and forth between Tony and your son.
"I would hope so, let's just pray that in the future he doesn't become a heartbreaker like I used to be," Tony said with a small chuckle, you rocking your son in your arms and walking over to his crib. You softly placed him on the bed, making sure to cover him with a blanket so he wouldn't get cold.
"And we certainly can't forget my little girl either." Tony proceeded to say as he was the one this time to kneel down and cradle your daughter in his arms, looking down at her admiring how beautiful she was.
You looked over his shoulder admiring how cute your daughter was and that you already knew she would have this man wrapped around her finger in an instant, no doubt about it. Tony also laid a gentle kiss on her head while you peeked in closer, your hands on his shoulder while he rocked her back and forth in his arms.
"She definitely looks like a daddy's girl but who knows maybe she might be a bit rebellious like her mommy." You whispered, Tony let out another quiet chuckle taking a second to look at you before looking back at his daughter.
"If she turns out to be as beautiful as you then I don't care if she causes havoc-" He was able to say but the doorbell rang interrupting him and he quickly placed her in the crib also tucking her in making sure she was warm and cozy.
"That must be my parents, they wanted to come over and surprise visit the twins today." He whispered across the room taking quick and light footsteps out of the room and jogging down the stairs to answer the door.
"Looks like you two are going to meet grandma and grandpa." You had whispered peeking over into the cribs watching as the twins both still had their eyes half shut yet half awake, their little bodies squirming around in the swaddles they were in.
You scrambled to clean up the room a bit and make sure that everything was organized and in place before Tony’s parents came upstairs. You had a really good relationship with them especially since yours lived rather far away from Malibu. Once all four of you got settled in you wanted to fly out your parents so they could also meet the twins. Having strong ties with family and the grandparents especially was something that was really important to you and Tony. You both loved and valued family and being able to have help from them, and even friends was going to be very useful in the future.
You saw Tony's parents walk into the baby's room slowly and you gave them both a wave to come on over to the cribs where the twins were sleeping. They both had waved and said their hello's quietly to you as they approached.
"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Stark," You whispered seeing them both slowly approach the cribs and looking in at the twins.
"Oh my! Look at how beautiful they are." Tony's mother, Maria, said gasping at the sight in front of her.
"I can't believe you got lucky with not only one but two son." Tony's father, Howard, said glancing over to Tony and patting his sons shoulder proudly while looking back at the twins again.
"Yeah, we sure got lucky dad," Tony said in response smiling at how his parents were cooing and already making the cutest faces at the twins, his mother already pointing at all their facial features and trying to figure out which twin had whose features.
"Have you both already picked names for them?" Maria asked you, you just smiled in return since both you and Tony wanted the name reveal to be a surprise and now was the time to finally give the big news.
"Yes we did...their names are Howard-" As Tony walked over to your side and held your waist wrapping his arms around you, he finished your sentence for you.
"And Maria." Both his parents looking at you two and they were happily in shock.
"Really? Tony you didn't have to do that and Y/N..." His mother scrambled to say but regardless she was happy to know you both wanted to honor them by giving the twins their names.
"No, it's ok Mrs. Stark. We wanted to. We really loved the idea of carrying on family traditions and their first names are from Tony's side of the family and their middle names are from my side of the family." You explained with a smile, Maria coming over to you and immediately giving you a hug to thank you.
"You both made a perfect choice," Howard said while he was trying to hold in how happy and full of pride he was, trying not to be too overly excited but you knew that deep inside he was happy to know his legacy was continuing on through his name, Tony had to get his ego from somewhere.
"They both are blessed to have you two as their parents." He continued to say as you were still being hugged and almost suffocated by Maria.
"Thank you, dad. That means so much to us." Tony said and you could hear he was on the verge of tears but trying to be manly he didn't let himself cry, instead, he went over to his dad and gave him a big bear hug.
Once Maria had finally let go of you, you glanced over and saw Tony hugging his dad. You couldn't help but shed a tear knowing that the relationship he had with his dad wasn't overall the greatest but they had overcome a lot over the years to rebuild their relationship together. As Maria stood close to you, you both went back to look at the twins and you immediately handed her a burp cloth.
"Do you want to hold her?" You asked and Maria couldn't even reply with how happy she was to hold her granddaughter for the first time.
Next to the other crib, you had seen Tony talking with his dad and motioning towards the crib letting his father hold your son and cradle him in his arms. You couldn't help but keep on smiling at the moment and you carefully held your daughter and passing her off to Maria's arms.
Now that both twins were in the arms of their grandparents Tony returned back to your side putting an arm around you and you leaned your head against his shoulder.
"I can already tell that they are definitely going to spoil the twins silly with lots of love." You commented smiling at the sight in front of you. Both his parents laughed and smiled while they looked down so preciously at their grandbabies.
"Yep, they are going to be spoiled rotten, I just know it." Tony said with a chuckle squeezing your shoulder.
"I love you so much, Tony." You said not even realizing it while you just snuggled closer into his side, your hand laying against his chest.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He simply said, turning his head to kiss the top of your head.
The both of you happily watched how in an instant your party of two became four and the both of you were ready to take on the challenge of raising twins but thankfully you had all the help you could get from such loving grandparents as well.
Complete Masterlist
Got a Request? Check out my Guidelines!
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weathered-canvas · 2 years
Void's Big Sky IAP Commission Post
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/weatheredcanvas/ I upload irregularly to there to provide a semi-professional style portfolio gallery whenever I produce something I'm rather proud of that's not a total meme.
A direct portfolio for those that don't want to go onto another site:
Unsure on what I might want from Days of Nature beyond that Ocean Cape if it comes back this year.
I'll also be interested in one of the new Days of Rainbow IAP items when that approaches.
(Krill horns when Days of Mischief comes back around late this year is also a desired item.)
Will cycle things through based on the current season, adventure pass status, and next 3-4 Days events.
I will be operating on a separate price bracket from my direct purchase commissions.
AP's: (1) lined fullbody with color and basic render or (2) lined waist-ups with color and full render.
IAP cosmetic under 15$ USD base price: (1) lined fullbody with color and full render or (2) lined waist-ups with color, basic render, and additional headshot sketch.
IAP cosmetic over 15$ USD base price: (1) lined fullbody with color, full render, and additional waist-up sketch or (3) lined waist-ups with color and full render.
Background may be white, transparent, or solid color. May do simple pattern or gradient behind a lined fullbody. In case of singular art for payment will be completed before IAP is given, in case of multiple one art will be completed before IAP is given. I'm not on a particularly stable life schedule, and while I won't scam you, I may not be able to produce multiple artworks in the duration of the IAP's availability especially given that I am likely moving sometime in the next 3-4 months and then building a house from scratch. So you can see how I might not exactly have the drawing as a priority. You will see a sketch check-in to confirm design before I do any linework or color.
I reserve the right to decline a commission whether IAP or regular. I do not draw anything illegal [incest/etc], anything NSFW, complicated mechs, and while I will take a commission of a feral OC, the art quality may not be up to par with feral OCs as I haven't done them very much recently.
Feel free to request to see additional works I have created before making a decision!
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jengarie · 3 years
#showyourprocess !
From planning to posting, share your process for making creative content!
To continue supporting content makers, this tag game is meant to show the entire process of making creative content: this can be for any creation.
RULES — When your work is tagged, show the process of its creation from planning to posting, then tag up to 5 people with a specific link to one of their creative works you’d like to see the process of. Use the tag #showyourprocess so we can find yours!
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Thank you, @rinielle for tagging me! She chose the piece above (original post), and oh boy this one was a whole ass rollercoaster ride! Unfortunately, I hadn't turned on the timelapse feature for this but I'll try to go through each part of the process as best as I can!
The photos I'm gonna upload are gonna be a mix of screenshots and literal photos of my screen, because I'm taking some of them from my updates to friends, since a lot of the steps got lost in my painting process.
But before that, let me tag some other amazing creators!
@dragonji: this gif art!
@candicewright: this yibo painting!
@wendashanren: this gifset!
@mylastbraincql: this gif!
I haven't been able to keep track of who's been tagged so apologies if you've already done this! Also, no pressure to do it at all if you would rather not! <3
Sometimes, I get an idea first and find reference photos to go with that idea. But for this one, I sought out a reference photo first, and built an idea on top of it!
After that, I roughly sketch out the base pose. Usually, this looks very messy, but it doesn't really matter as long as I understand which part goes where!
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The idea for the background didn't really come until the creation process because I don't think I really planned this to be a full piece.
Honestly, from this point on, it's more of trial and error.
So, I redid the the initial base pose—made it cleaner and a little bit more detailed. See: the added definition in their arm muscles, the rearrangement of Wei Wuxian's legs, and Lan Wangji's hand on Wei Wuxian's back. If you look at the second photo, I also changed the pose a bit midway—I tend to edit as I go sometimes when I change my mind. (For this, I thought, given the Lan arm strength, it would be better to make Lan Wangji look more at ease carrying Wei Wuxian. This gets covered by the robes anyway though, so it didn't matter much in the end.)
I also started adding details to the base! I usually start with the face and then the hair! I usually go for the clothes next, but I dreaded the robes in this piece so I guess that's why I ended up with a basic idea of what I wanted for the background instead LOL I also figured out how I want the final crop to look like, so I blocked out all the other areas with an extra layer!
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Okay, onto the part that killed me like ten times: the robes. There are a lot of interactions between their robes here given their pose, and not to mention they also have layers upon layers on each of them! So, to maintain my sanity and to keep track of which part is which, I color coded them into the most colorful sketch I've ever made.
Another reason why I filled in each layer of robe with a solid block of color, is so that all the lines underneath gets covered. Without all of the colors, the actual outline actually looks like the one on the right. What a nightmare!
I also ignored the crop again for this part, because it's always better to draw past your borders, in case you decide to rotate or tilt or whatever your piece later on. I didn't do the feet anymore though, because that I was sure wouldn't show in the final piece anymore.
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After that, I did the sketch one more time and then started adding the base colors. (I didn't have a screenshot of just the base colors, and the final CSP file is a nightmare so I copy pasted the layers into a new canvas to show you guys :') )
By the way, I drew their robes flowing this way, because I wanted it to frame the lower arch of the moon behind them for the composition. It was a little frustrating that I couldn't get Lan Wangji's robes a little higher because of Wei Wuxian's legs but I later filled in the empty space with his forehead ribbon anyway, so it all worked out in the end!
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Because apparently, I was a masochist back then, I merged the base colors all into one layer and started adding shadows to the robes. (These days, I add shadows first and then, merge. It's much easier this way.)
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And then, I started painting! Again, I did the face first and then the hair, before finally the robes. This was my first time painting side profiles and honestly it was quite a pain to figure out LOL but !!! I think I did a good job and I'm proud of how it turned out. I again used reference photos for this one but I can't link any because they were just several random Pinterest photos that I didn't save.
Another thing to note is that I use the mesh transform tool a lot, especially on faces. That's largely why Lan Wangji's face looks so different in the latter two!
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And then I went with the robes. Somewhere along the way, I realized I didn't like how I planned to do Lan Wangji's sleeves and the flowy part of Wei Wuxian's robes and I... decided, with much dread, to do them over. So I sketched on top of the painted layers and redid the robes, again.
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It was at this point that I decided to take a break from this piece because it was honestly very draining! I think it took about three weeks before I decided to open the file again and continue it.
When I did, I just finished painting the rest of the robes and their hands. The blue details on Lan Wangji's outer robes were painted on a separate layer that I put on Multiply. I probably did more adjustments to the face and hair and stuff, because my painting process is honestly a mess :')
Final Adjustments
I added some correction layers on certain areas to fix some of the colors. See: Lan Wangji's sleeve becoming much brighter and paler; Wei Wuxian's legs having less contrast. And then I merged all of the layers (excluding the background) and added a bit of blur. See: Wei Wuxian's ponytail; the entire lower part; the flowing forehead ribbon. My reasoning for this is so that most of the detail (and therefore the flow of the eye) goes to their faces and expressions!
And then, I put a blue Overlay layer on low opacity to make Wangxian blend better with the background, added a bit of shadow on the inside and the lower sections and added the glowing details for the added flair. I initially wanted sparkles and/or stars but they didn't turn out as well as this did. I also upped the contrast by a little for the entire piece!
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Aaaand, that's it! In truth, I did a bit more color adjustments to the whole piece, but I was a dummy who forgot to turn them back on before posting so ... oh well.
Before posting, I upload it either on my spare private Twitter account or on a drafted Tumblr post so I can check the colors on my phone. This is because the colors on different devices can look very different, and I would at the very least want all my pieces to look nice on both of my devices!
And then, once I deem it satisfactory, I just try to think of a caption and post! Some artists wait for a certain time where most of their followers are active, but I didn't have a lot of MDZS followers at this point so it didn't really matter to me.
It still doesn't really; I haven't actually been able to figure out when my MDZS followers are awake even now.
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parisakamali · 3 years
i was wondering how you made your icon, if you made it (if it's okay could you make a tutorial on how to make one like that?)
hi! i did make it, actually 🙏🏻 i have a quick tutorial for similar icons here but the one i currently have is a bit different, so here we go (i definitely recommend checking the first one too, even though i'll talk about the some of the same things here but maybe i make more sense in that one ksjdf)
ok so im gonna copy the first two steps from my previous tutorial cause they're the same and im lazy...
1. find your picture. i usually get pictures with solid background cause it’s easier to remove the background that way. i have a board on pinterest full of pictures i’m planning on using at some point, but feel free to use any of them if you want.
2. remove background. this is the lazy way, but i use this website to turn them into pngs. the picture from my current icon had a white background so it was super easy for the website to remove it, that's also why i like to use pics with simple bgs, it takes less effort. for this tutorial i'm gonna use this picture of ajani, which also has a white background:
all you have to do is upload your picture, let the website do its magic and then download it. the resolution will usually be smaller than your original picture, but it’s not that important since icons are small anyway.
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it took the website like 2 seconds to remove it. i would've shown you how to do it in photoshop too, but it takes a long time and i don't like it... so we move.
3. size. make a new canvas! for icons i usually make mine 400x400; big enough to be able to see what i'm doing but not too big so the small pngs look ugly. i'm gonna resize it at the end anyway.
4. background shape. for this icon i'm gonna put a circle behind her, but you can use literally any shape you want, it doesnt matter. but let's stick with circle. so i take the ellipse tool (U) and you can either like. drag your mouse around to create it (hold Shift to have a perfect circle) or you can click anywhere in your workspace and set the size of the shape. for this one i made a 250x250 circle.
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you can check the From Center box to put you shape in the middle of your canvas, if you want.
fill your shape with a colour, any colour (you can change it later if you change your mind, don't worry.) you could even use a gradient, or a patter afterwards.
5. drag you png into ur canvas. that's uh. all you have to do, that's easy. position it wherever you want (i usually put them in the middle of my shape, but that's not a rule, obviously. there are no rules.)
make sure you have enough space around your icon so you won't lose parts of it when you upload it to tumblr.
6. coloring. now you can mess around with the coloring of your png if you want to. this is all up to you,, this i what i have after playing with the saturation, levels and curves!
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now! honestly, this could be good enough, in my opinion, like you could save it and be done. but let's make it an actual png. and a bit different.
7. stroke and shade. in the past i used to only add a colorful shadow to my pngs, but i found that adding a stroke makes it look even cooler. for this particular image it looks a bit funky because of her hair, but if you have very straight edges, it's all good. i'm into the way it looks like this too tbh.
make sure you have the layer with the person selected and go to Add a layer style (the button is in the bottom right part of your screen):
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and select Blending options (or you can select Stroke/Drop shadow from the start, whatever, they're all there anyway).
i change my background colour to show you the color i chose for the stroke. that bg doesn't matter anyway cause we're gonna delete it at the end,, but here are my stroke settings and how my icon currently looks like:
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you can change everything about this if you want. an inside stroke looks really cool! or make it center! change the color! make it thicker! whatever. i like a whiteish stroke cause it makes them look a bit like stickers imo
anyway. the next step is adding a drop shadow! just go over on the left side of the Layer Style window and check the box for the Drop Shadow. here are my settings and how my icon looks now:
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for this effect to work, make sure your Size is on 0! or don't if you want something different. again, there are no rules. do whatever looks good for you. you can make the Distance bigger if you want more of the shadow to be visible. and you can also change the angle if you want the shadow to be on the right side or on the top or the bottom or blah blah!
8. make it a png again! all you have to do now is unlock the background layer. you do that by clicking the little lock next to it. then drag it into the little trash can in the bottom left corner (or select it and click the Delete key).
now we have this!
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9. merge, resize & sharpen. the merge step is optional, but i recommend it because it makes things easier. so select all your layers, then right click on any of them and select Merge Layers from the list.
before sharpening i usually resize them, but i don't think there's an actual order for this. anyway. go to Image -> Image Size... and change it up. i make my icons 250x250 and idk if it actually matters, but that's what i'm used to making so yk. but if you don't wanna resize it, you don't have to.
for sharpening go to Filter -> Sharpen -> Smart Sharpen. here are my settings for this icon:
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as always, you can play around with these and see what you like best (the Remove Lens Blur thingy makes it more clear and crispy! i like that, but not on this one aslkfd). i don't sharpen them too much because i think it looks weird, but it depends on the picture, so mess around and find out.
10. save. finally! here's our icon!
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now that you have it, all you have to do is go to File -> Save as... and make sure you save it as a PNG!!!
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aaand you're done! good job! i hope this was useful, but let me know if something doesn't make sense and i'll try to explain it better!
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madammuffins · 5 years
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Fairy Summers is a short story request by @vhum for my 300 follower celebration.
It is a World of Make Believe AU featuring Chelsea x Puck told over a series of summers as they age together and manouver through lifes struggles, fantastical and mortal.
I will be uploading in parts just for easier reading. Also, playlist.
CW: Contains coming-of-age themes, familial abuse suggestion.
She didn't really understand what the old lady in black was saying. Chelsea did like being able to wear her blue sparkly dress though, and her shoes echoed on the wood floors. ʻAnakē Susie placed a hard hand on her shoulder, stilling her squirming body.
"Seeing as no other relatives are here to claim the child, we've already run over an hour on this case, and sadly Mr. and Mrs. Kalua's living will was not legally notarized… " The old lady leaned forward, "Chelsea, dear?"
The young girls hands gripped the chair, ʻAnakē Susie's hand still on her shoulder, her thumb digging in against her shoulder. "Yes?"
"Do you like your mother's cousin?" She motioned, her sleeve billowed. "Would you like to stay with them?"
"Oh I love sleepovers!" Chelsea beamed. "We always sleepover when we visit Hawaii." She kicked her legs, bouncing against the chair. "For weeks!"
"Yes." The judge grinned, her face softening kindly. "Would you like to live with your mother's cousins? Now that your parents aren't with us."
Chelsea frowned at that, "I guess." She answered slow, chipped nail finding a divot in the wood, "but I'll have to go home with them when they come back."
"I'm afraid she still doesn't completely understand, Your Honor." Susan's arm snaked around her soon-to-be ward, the picture of concern. "It's such a terrible concept-"
"And she is so young." The judge nodded. "Very well. Let's wrap this up, shall we? The court rules in favor of the plaintiff Susan Kalua suing for legal guardianship of Chelsea Kalua. As her foster mother you will receive monthly sums to offset the cost of support. From here on out you, Mrs. Kalua, and your husband," Hard grey eyes moved to the bodies on the first bench just behind Susan, "will be expected to treat Chelsea as a member of your family. A daughter of your own."
"Of course!" Susan nodded, eyes glistening, matte pink lips pressed together and wobbling.
Chelsea wriggled against the fingers digging into her arms. In the muggy heat of Hawaiian summer the blue dress had become suffocating.
Chelsea pulled her knees to her chin, watching Anakala Joe pull the pig from the kalua. The smell of roasted pineapple and coconut and spices hit her square in the stomach.
"Anakē," she shifted on the tree root, "Anakē Susie I'm so hungry."
"Excuse me, Sis." Susie turned from the table, "I gotta lolo keiki."
The auntie chuckled as she continued chopping. Chelsea's brows furrowed as she watched Susan wipe her hands on a rag that she shoved back into her apron.
Chelsea unraveled slowly, I'm not crazy.
Susan's hand was still sticky when she grabbed Chelsea's arm. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail but the summer had the loose strands sticking to her neck. Chelsea didn't like that she smelled of mangos and onions. The combination made her feel sick as her bare feet stumbled hard over uneven ground, struggling to keep up with too long strides.
"Anakē-" Chelsea's protest cutoff when Susan threw her arm like it was scalding her.
"I am your mother now, keiki." She crouched down, voice hard and scratching. Her eyes were cold. "Tsk, aisus."
Chelsea shuddered at the warmth flooding into her skin through fingertips that now stroked instead of clenched. "I-I want Mama."
"I know, Chells." Susan's eyes closed, her voice was heavy. "I want her, too. But, darling, she's gone. She's never coming back. I'm your Mama now. I'm your mom. Call me mom." Lids snapped open as fingers tightened, shaking the child quick, tight, violent. "Call me mom."
The demand was hot and tight in Chelsea's chest. "I-I want Daddy. I want Dad…" The breeze rustling the trees nearly swallowed her words.
"Call me Mom."
It hurt, the demand. Weaving up into Chelsea's head mingling with the smell making her eyes water.
"Okay, Mom."
Susan's grip loosened, soothing over the sore fingerprint sized aches. "That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Those eyes dipped below unruly hair to peer into tearing eyes. "Don't cry."
"Okay, Mom." Chelsea knew obedience would make her new mom happy; she swallowed the confusion and pain.
"Ah my good girl." Mom stood, patting Chelsea's head. "I need to finish cooking. Dinner smells amazing. Be back in half an hour we won't wait for you. Tardy girls don't get Haupia Pie and Uncle's made the best this year."
"Yes, Mom…" Chelsea watched the woman stand and walk away toward the large strung lights and revelry.
And she immediately went in the opposite direction. Her feet carried her over the smooth path. Her Uncle's house was far from the tourist attractions, the ground lush from volcanic fertile growth. The stars peeked around the fading velvety pink and navy sky. She passed by The Spot, a not so local secret swimming place, watching a few of her older cousins and her new brother splashing before continuing on; as if she could outrun the nightmare by wandering the wilds.
Night caught up to her quickly, the sky so full of starlight it looked as though it were diseased. Chelsea felt the prick of worry grip her stomach. She knew the island well, but not at night. At night the land was different, wilder, stranger. At night the trees were taller, the noises louder, the shadows were things creeping around to grab at her. Chelsea's hands tangled in her My Little Pony shirt as her legs churned faster. Red glowing blurs blinked and vanished in the distance.
Something in the dark chuckled.
The hair on her arms and neck pricked, chicken skin flooded over her as she broke into a run, her chest heaving. She could hear a second set of footfalls behind her. Heavier. Faster.
"No!" Her little voice cried out, her eyes watered. "Please!"
A fork in the road, she veered off the path she didn't recognize. The footsteps slowed, walking after her. She could feel it enjoying this. Her body shuddered as her lungs burned, her feet felt like lead as she rounded a sharp turn.
Ahead was a cave. She could hide there.
Chelsea ran for it, training her eyes on the rocky maw. The footsteps behind picking up pace, loping after her. It didn't matter. It wouldn't catch her now.
She crossed from dirt onto the smooth rock, going slow to avoid cutting her feet. The thing screeched and howled and paced just feet beyond the entrance, but didn't follow. Couldn't follow.
Chelsea didn't look back. Wouldn't look back. She knew better. Chelsea had heard the stories of the things that walked on the islands. She knew if she looked it would have her. Besides, deeper in the cave she could hear music and there was a glow.
Laughter like none she'd ever heard before, clear and musical. Like running water and bells and violins. It all echoed down the cave to her, beckoning her. And so she followed. The rock turned to moss, vines, fern, and mushrooms began springing up thicker and thicker as she continued, as the light got brighter and the voices louder.
A blinding light greeted her; enveloped her. When her eyes adjusted she saw the most fantastical party of imaginary people she had never dreamed. Moving through them they welcomed her, touching her hair, twirling her to the beat, using their butterfly wings to take her higher, higher above the trees and gently floating back down.
Some had goat legs, some had hair made of flowers, others had eyes of red fire. It was the one with hair like water that grabbed her hand at last, stopping the endless twirling and dipping and spinning.
"Come, my child." Its voice rang like three people were talking at once. "Let's feed you. You are hungry are you not, my sweet?"
Awed at the way its skin glimmered gold Chelsea could only nod. She was suddenly very hungry; so hungry she could eat everything at the table the beautiful imaginary person led her to.
There were pies and tarts and breads and custards. Cakes and treacle and juices.
"We're cooking a pig back at Uncle's house." Chelsea grinned up at the creature, lost in the galaxy eyes.
"Were you, my doll?" Its long hand grabbed a wooden cup, filling it with a honey colored juice that smelled like poplars. "We don't eat much meat here. That's for the other kind."
Chelsea reached for her juice. "Oh I'm thirsty."
"I know, sweet one." Fingers dropped to her hair, tangled in it, slid down, repeated. "We have so few children play with us these days. You're such a delight. Will you drink and stay longer?"
Chelsea looked up, "I can't stay long. My new mom-my mom. She doesn't like being my new mom. She's just mom now…" Little fingers dug into the grooves of the cup. "She said I have to be home in half an hour. I won't get dinner if I'm not."
"Oh, Dear." It smiled softly, hand wrapping around her own. "We have so much food for you here."
Chelsea's eyes lit with glee. "You do! Mom won't mind if I already eat, right?"
"No, little one. Now drink and eat. Stay and dance with me? Be my friend. Please?"
Those endless eyes gazed at her and Chelsea smiled, raising the cup to her lips when a blur smacked it out of her hands.
"Puck!" The imaginary person rose, eyes narrowed. "How dare-"
"Oh, look!" The little imaginary person craned around to gaze at the table, "Pigsnout, Taft, and Luffkin are fighting over the pies again!"
The imaginary being tensed, mouth opening and closing before turning and storming off towards the mess of bodies on the table.
"Don't you know anything!" The little green and gold person turned on her. "You humans are all so stupid."
Chelsea squeaked when he grabbed her hand.
"You don't eat the food, you don't drink the- Hey!"
She pulled out of his grip, hands tracing over his wings. "Are you real?" Moving to knocking on his horns, "Are you imaginary?" She pinched at his skin. "Am I-"
"Stop!" He stomped, turning to her. "My name is Puck. Oh!" He covered his mouth, "I shouldn't have told you that."
"Why not?" Chelsea's head tilted as he grabbed a handful of treats.
"It's a fairy thing." He shrugged, popping a piece of food in his mouth. "C'Mon. I'll take you home."
"I…" Chelsea looked back at the fae dancing and playing. "What if I want to stay here?"
It was his turn to look at her curiously. "You would be stuck as a kid and finally returned home after a hundred years."
Brown eyes widened. "A HUNDRED YEARS?! That's like a whole lifetime."
Puck snorted, wings fluttering. "Yeah. Let's go."
He grabbed her hand again, leading her further away from the fairies and music and food. Chelsea's feet found smooth volcanic rock again.
"Oh." She tugged on his hand, making him pause midchew. "There was a-a thing out there."
He frowned, swallowed. "I think I know. It won't bother us."
Chelsea's stomach growled. "Puck…"
The grass was soft under her feet, the stars winked through the trees.
"Puck I'm hungry." He shrugged, eating another bread piece. "Puck, share your food." Chelsea stomped, surprised when nearly immediately he offered his outstretched hand. "O-oh. Thank you."
"You…" he frowned, watching as she grabbed two pieces. "You shouldn't eat those."
"Too late." Chelsea swallowed guiltily. "Sorry."
Her hand found his again and he stared at it for a while. "How did you find the fairy ring? Most people who wander into them are lost or want to be lost."
"My new mom." Chelsea shuddered, moving closer to a less green, more skin colored Puck. "She's not nice. My real mom and dad are gone. They're dead. And my new mom…" Chelsea bit her lip, fingers knotting in a loose thread at her hem. "Your wings and horns are gone."
"It's my disguise." Puck's grip tightened as they passed by the still noisy swimming hole. "We're friends, right?"
Chelsea blinked, nodded. "I'm Chelsea Kalua!" She pulled her hand from his grip and presented it proudly, chest puffed out.
With a laugh he took it, "Puck Goodfellow." They shook once before interweaving their fingers again.
"But we're leaving tomorrow." Chelsea frowned.
"Don't worry, 'Little One'." He winked, smiling at her giggle as they approached the family. "I'll find you next year."
Her head snapped to him. "You will?!"
He nodded, pushing her forward as he faded to the shadows. "I know your name now. We're friends. Besides," his eyes glowed heavy green in the darkness as the rest of him vanished, "you owe me a favor."
Since I want to represent the Hawaiian heritage there are Pidgin and Hawaiian terms used in this short story. If something was used incorrectly please feel free to let me know.
Aisus- sigh, shucks, darn, etc
ʻAnakē - Auntie (related)
ʻAnakala - Uncle (older brother, related)
Kalua - underground oven for pig/turkey roasts traditionally
Lolo - crazy
Keiki - Child
Haupia - A coconut pudding
Uncle - a friendly, respectful term used to refer to older men. Relation doesn't matter.
Tag List: @vhum @thelastoftheflyinggraysons @nemothesurvivor
If you'd like to be added/removed to the tag list please comment or message me.
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badgalkatzha · 5 years
YOUTUBE : Morphe Fluidity Collection Review + Wear Test by BadgalKatzha
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Katherine : Hey my beautiful perfecthoodnation welcome back to my channel and another Kiki review. If you are new Hey? What's good? My name is BadgalKatzha but my alpha gang and perfecthoodnation calls me Kiki. I'm a makeup artist who loves makeup at 100. My channel is about makeup such as reviews of products, first impressions, full face of brands, challenges, transformations and more. So if you want to join the alpha gang you just have to hit that subscribe button and the bell to get notified when i upload a new video. You can also follow me in my Simstagram where i do mini makeup tutorials thanks to the IGTV feature witch mines is KikisglamTV. In this review we are doing a 8 hours wear test. So without any further do let's get started y'all.
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Katherine : I don't know where to start with this video to be honest, but here i go. So in case you're not aware, makeup brand Morphe Brushes that sells very affordable products released 60 shades of foundations, 31 concealers and 15 setting powders. Their is a lot of drama with this product's cuz of the formula and the undertones. Witch i'll get there later on in the video. As you see in the screen this is the shades they have available for y'all in the website. Their customer service sucks i email them about my orders cuz they were delayed and nobody answer back. So when i got this in my mail i was migraine free. I bought all the items i'll be using for today's video nothing is PR from the brand. A full face of Morphe cost me 119.00 without shipping with shipping is like around 130.
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Katherine : I give you Morphe Fluidity Foundation. For me the packaging is cheap is not something luxurious or a packaging that can make the product last as it should be. This little men cost 18.00 dollars. This is a matte formula base. Witch if you have dry skin i don't recommend you to buy this. Unless you prep your skin to the gods. Mind you even if you prep your skin. Theres always a probability of creasing or caking. So what's the tea with this foundation? The undertones and the formula itself. We have green, gray and orange undertones in this foundations. What do i mean with the greens, grays and oranges tones? Well when you blend this to your skin and set it for the day you might notice that the color of the foundation changes to this colors. But taking the time to learn how to identify your undertones can seriously help you in the makeup world from  properly choosing a foundation to knowing how to correct discoloration and enhance any hue to achieve a more even, flawless complexion. It's not so much about covering up, but more about color balance. The closest shade to my skin tone is F3.80 in the tan level with a slightly red undertone. I use foundations that haves red, pink or peach undertones cuz they're close to my skin tone. But theres a trick with this product. You can see the shade of the foundation right? Guess what? that's not the shade inside of the container so be aware to match yourself in stores.
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Katherine : I prime my face with the Morphe Equalizer that cost 12.00 dollars. My skin feels very smooth right of the back. Morphe said in their website this primer blurs and softens imperfections witch i hope it does. As i blend the foundation i can totally tell you is full coverage. Allegedly this is sweatproof, transfer-resistant and water-resistant. Will see about that thru the day. They give you 2 ways to use this foundation witch is dew and matte. If you want dewy skin just use a damp of the foundation but if you go matte go full coverage. For my matte everyday look of mines i'll go full coverage. If you guys want a full video about the undertone topic just let me know down below my alpha gang. My skin is oily and not dry so will see how this foundation settles in oily skin type.
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Katherine : This is the Morphe Fluidity concealer in shade C3.65 (COOL) the Morphe concealer haves 31 shades available. This product costs 9.00 dollars. I already had one side of my under eyes blended with the concealer and it feels very heavy as for the foundation it feels very light weight. So maybe when you use this just use a little amount. I like to cover my days of no sleeping with concealer so that's why i go hard on it. It does feels creamy and was easy to blend. However you need to blend this fast otherwise it will dry quickly. Listen if the foundation is already drying and doesn't have that nice blurry effect you'll definitely need to set the foundation.
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Katherine : Off camera i started to blend the Morphe Filter Effect Finishing Powder in Filter #8 the brush i used was a Morphe M570 Tapered Powder Brush for blending. The powders only comes in 15 shades. The price of this powder is 12.00 dollars. I used the powder in my cheeks, forehead and chin. I can tell you this powder makes the foundation look more matte then what was before. However i'm starting to look orange-ish or peachy so i'll be using another clean brush to set into my skin more deeper the powder.
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Katherine : Alright so i finish using the entire Fluidity Collection items. Now to set the look i used the Morphe setting spray witch cost me 15.00 dollars. I did my eyes, contour and highlight off camera cuz we are doing wear test y'all i don't want to make this so long. So far i think everything is holding out great. So far i haven't experience any caking or creasing witch is amazing. However that's the face for now. I would love to see later on how does the entire Morphe Fluidity Collection meshes with my fav products such as contour and highlighter. Cuz sometimes the foundation won't mesh well with other makeup products. That's totally normal is like a way to find out how good or bad is the formula or undertone. Would the foundation & concealer crease? Cake? Separate? Crack? Only the wear test will answer that. This is when the check-ins starts!!! I need to straight my hair since it looks messy as hell. That takes me about 2 hours. I have to visit my manager have a couple of meetings and for last go to Sephora to buy makeup for my next video. So I'm gonna go about my day do the check-ins and i'll see y'all back in the studio after i finish the 8 hour wear test. To let you know my final thoughts.
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Katherine : Hey guys!! Just doing the first check-in!!! I'm in Rodeo Drive my manager was a total ass and cancel today's meeting. So me and the girls we are going to grab some Taco Bell. Zamn i miss my Bell Grande a lot. But y'all are not here to know what i eat ahahaha. So far the foundation hasn't cake or crease. But the concealer is creasing just a little bit. My face still feels i have makeup on but haves gone down a little. I have a suspicion is the concealer that mess the look. I have to leave you guys now BUT don't go anywhere Kikis review is not done yet their is another Kiki-Check-In coming up.
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Katherine : Hey loves!!! Is 8:00 PM and this is the final check-in for the wear test. I was in my normal habitat called Sephora. I was buying new makeup and restocking some i run off. I think the foundation stills looks nice and it did mesh nicely with the contour and highlighter i used. It just feels very drying i think is the best way to explained it. But i'll expose more when i get back to my beauty studio.
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Katherine : Okay guys!!! I'm back in my beauty studio to spill my final thoughts. I have the entire Morphe Fluidity Collection on my face for 8 hours and i did the check-ins for you guys to see how the products are in natural lighting outside of the beauty lights. Like i normally do thru out my day i always do touch ups but this time i didn't just for you guys. This is me sitting down after literally have 8 hours of wearing this. I think the actual foundation itself haves a soft blurring effect. However it is extremely drying. I notice as well i have small patchiness in some areas of my face including the cakey nose. I don't know if the camera is able to pick it up but off camera i can see it. As far as longwearing aspect of it their is foundation coming off around my eyebrows. The concealer girl!!! I wasn't a huge fan number one it feels heavy and cakey and it also like you need to work faster and am not a person that likes to work fast doing any type of makeup look. I want to be able to sit down do it and blended out as i please. If you have dry skin and you want to use this product first prep and hydrate your skin as much as possible. If you have oily skin like myself just do a basic prep or your everyday prep before doing your makeup. To close this chapter. I didn't like much the concealer but the foundation i give a 6 outta 10. The setting powder didn't do much it did blur a little but nothing i will say is SICKENING or mind blowing. I think this collection is okay and if you want to try this keep in my your skin type and undertones. Thank you guys for watching my Morphe Fluidity Collection review!!! I hope y'all enjoy the check-ins and hang out with me today. I'll see you guys in my next video 🐺
Morphe Makeup Accessories By Me
Sephora Makeup Bag By @coatisims ty for letting me do this an accessorie for my post. If you want the Deco Verzion you can grab it HERE
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frogsandfries · 3 years
I didn't want to deal with detailing my frames last week--with a backlog of fifteen, I don't think I have much choice: I think I'm going to need to spend at least some of this week, detailing my frames. It's kind of..... just a little bit therapeutically mindless, making sure I've got all the colors and making sure they're all in the right place, making sure the shades and highlights are all there. It's nice; well.....till it isn't.
I think I also need to update my queue, even though it's already quite full...... I guess my queue wouldn't be quite so full if I was releasing more frequently. I want to see how things go maybe this week and the next few weeks, but I might be able to restructure my queue. I also wonder if maybe I shouldn't give WordPress another try...........if only to give people kind of a neutral place to check out the story.
I'm also uploading full pages to Reddit and Imgur if anyone's curious. Instagram updates whenever the fuck it updates, which definitely isn't a great philosophy, since, with tags, my posts definitely get more attention than they do here. I just can't figure out how to queue to Instagram without paying more money than it's worth....... maybe if the project was already getting attention, maybe even earning money........
I know in a year, the reader is only getting about the first fifty frames, which isn't even twenty pages of content........ and hopefully next year, I can release about a hundred frames, but it's pretty slow going...... I could give more attention to the Patreon page, but that kinda feels like a waste unless the project is getting attention. I'm definitely going to try zines, but I still don't have the material for one zine, and when I send them to the zine shops, I want to send at least three, but definitely sending five at once is ideal. I'll settle for three, as long as I'm still working steadily enough. Plus, I don't know what kind of response I'll get--if they'll sell quickly, or if they'll just kinda hang out for a while. I think five copies of three zines will be enough of a starter........if only I could decide if the zine should be ten pages or............. if I use five sheets...... it won't be twenty pages of content. Probably more like seventeen or eighteen....... I want them to be fairly affordable, without breaking my bank. I would prefer to break even, at the very least. I'd rather that the first set I send out will allow me to send out a few more sets, and so forth.
I'm only just now getting into, if the zines are five sheets, ten pages, twenty sides, a place where I would have the content for two zines........the third is going to be a while yet...... another maybe four months or so, I guess? Depends.
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