#i'm a dumb dumb idiot who posted the wrong draft of this first
silverware-drawer · 6 months
🟥 felppps-6391 🔁 cellbo
🔎 cellbo Seguir
why is my castle full of smoke
🟥 felppps-6391
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🟥 felppps-6391
4 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 kocwillrock
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
guys whart happens if you set cocaine on fire you have one minute adn then im trying it
0_0 . . .whart
💣 endcrystalenjoyer Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
🔰 etoyless Seguir
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
#heeheeheeheehee #prank tag
26 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🐦 its-nice-to-miku Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
403 notas
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🪷 quackitieeee 🔁 elmar1an4
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
es lunes 😏 alguien quiere ser mi novio 😜
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
🌻 elmar1an4 Seguir
yes ok I am waiting in the bedroom
🦠 backflipo-numero-uno Seguir
okay give me a couple of minutes
🪷 quackitieeee
what the fuck is wrong with you guys
5 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 cellbo
🔪 cell-bites
você vai se arrepender disso nunca esquecerei o quão saborosa sua perna era
Umm. . . .what the fuck ??
why the hell are people in the notes acting like this is real lmfao did you idiots forget that people LIE on the INTERNET
okay, but has nobody noticed how this lines up perfectly with that insane alcatraz breakout that was in the news last month, only this was posted first??
i'm dying y'all are so fucking dumb LMFAO
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
899.113 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 its-nice-to-miku
🪺 philza Seguir
Get you a man with two hundred and twenty seven alt accounts that are all in constant danger of being banned for hacking
💣 tnt-cannoff-1748 Seguir
God damn, hit on by Philza Minecraft himself, never thought I'd see the day 😳
🪺 philza Seguir
Lmao nah mate but I am hitting your gym. Give me ten minutes
💣 big-daddy-bigger-breakfast Seguir
Hell yeah
589 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 4ever-420
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🐥 baghz-quacks Seguir
I don't know what youre talking about forever, it was a verified presidential post ?
🪺 philza Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🕓 4ever-420 🇧🇷☑️ Seguir
🥵 peterparkoier
nem fodendo 👀
3,066 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 missa-not-missing
👑 chay-chay-chefs-blade Seguir
extra pics of the cake process because lulah told me to post them o7
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
🪺 philza Seguir
Missa :D you finally back in wifi range?
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
Thirty minutes!!
🪺 philza Seguir
. . .you good mate? It's been hours
💀 missa-not-missing Seguir
699 notas
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🚇 tubbohell 🔁 philza
🔰 etoyless Seguir
L+ratio well played gf
🪑 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🚇 tubbohell
am I missing something since when does etoiles have a girlfriend???
342 notas
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🪑 what-the-muffin 🔁 what-the-muffin
🦈 kocwillrock Seguir
🪑 what-the-muffin
hey foolish what does étoiles use when it rains
🪑 what-the-muffin
. . .a cucumbrella 0_0
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🕓 4ever-420 ☑️🇧🇷 Seguir
Hi bad :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
Hi forever :D
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
🪑 what-the-muffin
666 notas
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🥵 peterparkoier 🔁 ⚠️ pactriggerwarning
🦄 ayyyyypierre Seguir
If you want free GEGGS come to the GEGG factory under the statue of GEGG
🎼 wilbur-soot-official ☑️
i fucking hate gegg
🔎 cellbo Seguir
🔎 cellbo Seguir
this is the only thing he's ever posted?!??!??????
⚽ doctor-ovo Seguir
🪪 elquackity ☑️
🧪 aquimicaehloka Seguir
what the hell
624 notes · View notes
coexistentialism · 6 months
I feel like there is a specific kind of trauma that comes with growing up believing that you're stupid and being made to feel that you are.
I never felt that I was smart in any way, I constantly doubted what I thought I knew and it felt safer to just not speak at all. I still feel this way.
Making posts about DID on this account is immensely difficult because I am constantly questioning if what I think I know about DID is actually correct, or if I have somehow been mislead, if I'm somehow wrong about everything I thought I learned about DID, despite evidence to the contrary.
I have 8 posts in my drafts that are left unfinished so far; in-part because of me switching between the Academic Mode Me where I'm much more interested in DID and talking about it, educating about it, etc. to switching to different modes where I'm not As interested in educating about DID, etc., but it's also just because of this feeling of doubt, where I'm always doubting what I think I know. I'm also so terrified of accidentally spreading misinformation.
I'm always so terrified whenever something comes up that makes me start to question everything I thought I once knew.
I grew up with a family that made fun of me when I didn't know "common sense" and frequently called me an idiot. I struggled horrifically with math to a point my dad tried to force me to learn times tables. I never actually did, because it didn't work. He just made me read times tables by myself, and then asked me to recount it (telling me "learn the multiples of 4" and then I would have to recount it). To this day, I still remember a song I made up to remember the multiples of 6.
To this day, I cannot divide. Quite literally, I can't. I'm not exaggerating that at all, I literally have tried to learn how to divide multiple times throughout my life. I can't. I can't even multiply anything except by 1, 2, 10, and 6 (because of the song I mentioned, however, said song only goes up to 6x10). I still have to use my fingers to add and subtract. I have a lot of trauma surrounding just Math in general.
I was so bad at math that my teachers began to expect me to fail in math grades and basically gave up having hope for me getting any better. :/
And then in high school, not 9th grade, but 10th grade and beyond, math was somehow a lot easier for me? I mean not "easy", but I think it was the fact that I could always use a calculator and I had teachers that always. Gave a shit. And I don't know, somehow in high school it just got a lot easier. And part of it was definitely because of my teachers; they didn't make fun of me for not immediately knowing what 2 + 2 was; I wasn't made to feel embarrassed, ashamed, etc. for not understanding and not being able to do "basic math." I hold my 11th grade algebra 2 teacher close to my heart because I think he was the first person, besides by girlfriend, who didn't make me feel ashamed, embarrassed, etc. for not knowing the most "basic" math stuff. He didn't laugh at me, make fun of me, just genuinely helped me, and he taught things to me in a way I understood somehow.
But I still grew up thinking I was unintelligent and an idiot. And intelligence isn't everything, nobody has to be intelligent and there is no morality attached to intelligence, etc. I'm just talking about my own trauma rn.
Like my dad is one of those conservatives who will say the most batshit dumb ass shit ever, but make you question yourself. Make you purposely look like an idiot. I couldn't defend my opinions, I couldn't debate him, because any debate would never get through to him. He's not the kind of person who will ever admit he's wrong, he's the kind of person who will argue anything to make you look like the idiot and make you question yourself and say the dumbest shit ever that you can't argue against, and not because you don't have a good argument, but because it's so batshit insane that you can't say anything to it.
I just never bothered. What was the point in trying to talk to somebody, to stand up for yourself, to defend, say, queer rights, etc. to somebody who will only make you question yourself further. To a point I, at times, would question if he's actually the one who's right. If he's actually right, if he actually "knows the truth." I felt like he "knew the secrets of the world" somehow, whatever that means.
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riathedreamer · 3 years
Sorry for the essay I'm about to submit. I haven't watched any rvb0 yet, but I think the change in direction may be for a few reasons; 1- buying time so they can figure out what to do with the OG RVB cast without rehashing the same stuff, doing justice to their characters AND appeasing the fans who demand a Red based season (am one such fan).
[continuation of ask] 2- To attract new fans into the series. Ye Olde RVB jokes and running gags were considered typical, if not an accepted form of comedy for it's time. Whilst some people will be able to see it as a product of it's time, those jokes definitely will hit wrong with a younger audience now, and We've had the opportunity to grow and change ourselves and our opinions alongside the show. The action heavy stuff has a broader, if not safer appeal, so bringing in new fans will be easier. I miss the dumb idiots playing in a box canyon, and I agree that rvb shouldn't be driven by action. A bunch of idiots with guns and fuck all else to do is the very basis of the show, but those idiots have outgrown their sandbox and the writers seem to be reaching the end of their idea rope on giving them shit to do. Don't be scared to express your opinion here either, you are definitely far more polite about it than some others I've seen. [end ask]
It’s pretty funny to receive this ask today, because literally spent hours preparing a review of Zero today. A review I of course won’t post until after the entire season is out, because I cannot judge anything before that, and I will of course revise due to this and so much of it still needs to be written, but there are main problems I could address already now, or at least prepare a draft for. So pardon me that I copy paste part of the review here, I just like some of the points I made, and then I don’t get to rewrite thoughts I’ve already had.
It makes sense to have more time to prepare for a quality season. I do not know if that’s the case. I hope it is. I get wanting new viewers, but I feel like this doesn’t necessarily means *more* viewers because people interested in the new season are literally being told they don’t have to watch the previous seasons, while fans who prefer the old style of RvB are being told this season is not for them. So if the Reds and Blues ever return, the people interested in Zero are gonna be so confused, I suppose. Urgh. No reason speculating about that until we know. As for the old humor – yeah, I get that, but I feel like there’s starting to be a great divide between “RvB” and “Zero” and that worries me. So if it’s just to make time for planning a season with Reds and Blues, I keep asking if Zero is necessary.
I would feel way better about Zero is it just presented itself as a spin-off, but for some reason, they cling to it not being a spin-off. This confuses me to no end, and so many of the issues would be solved by officially stating this divide from canon material. My main problem with Zero right now is this: [taken from the unfinished, unrevised review] “Zero forces its story into existence by ignoring established content rather than adjusting to it. Let’s call this for the hotdog-too-big-for-the-bun syndrome solely for the sake of the bow-chicka-bow-wow that’s coming now. Bow-chicka-bow-wow.” With this I mean like this story forces its way to exist at the cost of canon content. Examples of this being the sudden new inclusion of AOD which we’ve never heard about before, that sorta takes the place of UNSC, but is so big, but we’ve never heard about it? Another being how the very first lines erase the consequences of the previous season by fixing Wash’s brain damage. It’s literally ignoring established plot with quick-fixes so this new story can work. Another example how I feel like Wash and Carolina are just there for the sake for the new characters. I don’t dig how they’re written, it feels like they are just props the new characters use to build their own story. Carolina’s used to basically introduce and explain the new characters instead of letting them explain themselves, and Wash is just a damsel in distress, holy shit Wash, RvB is never kind to you huh. I just feel like the existing RvB is twisted into something else or ignored, so that this story can exist, and I am left feeling: why?
It’s obvious they wanted something *new* which leads me to another issue for me: [taken from the unfinished, unrevised review] “remember the philosophical question: if you replace all the parts of a ship one-by-one, is it still the same ship when you’re done?” If it doesn’t include the Reds and Blues, if it ignores previous plot, if the old characters feel miswritten, if it values animation over dialogue, if it values fight scenes over comedy, if it wants to be Fast and Furious instead of Red vs. Blue – is it still Red vs. Blue? Because it doesn’t feel like it for me.
As I said earlier, some of this could be forgiven if it established itself as a spin-off, but it won’t despite fighting against the original characters and material. At least, that’s how it feels like to me. We’ve had spin-offs before. With new characters and stories.
 Some people say that RvB should end. I can’t comment on that. Some say the Reds and Blues have run out of things to do. That I disagree with. [taken from the unfinished, unrevised review] “I mean, if we were discussing pretty much any other show, I’d probably agree that they were running of out content. But for the Reds and Blues… I think the PSAs nailed it this year! I’m not kidding, I had more fun watching the Reds and Blues discuss how to do laundry than Zero. You could literally give me an hour of the Reds and Blues trying to bake a cake or clear a gutter or simply setting down with an ordinary life, and I would trust them to make it worth the watch.”
I’m not saying Zero can’t be enjoyed. I’m not trying to spoil anyone’s fun. But for me, there are some obvious problems that I simply can’t come to terms with, and I will post my opinion, of course always trying to stay civil. I’m glad you enjoy my thoughts (so far, at least. I hope I haven’t pissed anyone off with this), and as always: I can only speak for myself.
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andromeda612 · 4 years
The writer vs the liar
So, remember the prompt from a few days ago? You can chek it here
Well, I made a draft for what would be the whole fic, I'm gonna start it soon and will post it in Ao3, I would make a post when is ready and with every update, if you are interested make me know, so I can tag you.
I apologize for any mistake, english is not my first language, I hope you like it!
After Mari is expelled Nathaniel and Alix are worried and confused, because there is no way Marinette did those things (Alix defended Marinette in Reverser and I like to think that Nathaniel learned his lesson, so they are less likely to believe that Marinette would do anything of what Lila said) but all the mess is confusing. They talk but can't get a good answer. They decide to relax a little in the art club, they can't.
Marc noticing their mood ask what's wrong. So they tell him, and Marc is fast to point out all the wrong things with the whole situation. The "evidence" is circumstancial, superficial and easily planted, Damocles should have called Lila's parents too, no just Marinette's, Lila should had at least some bruises but there is no one, the protocole says that they needed to make an investigation, Mari has the right to prove her innocence, but Damocles just expelled her then and there. So yeah, the school messed up, because that failure in protocole and lack of professionalism can be addressed as neglect.
Thinking a little more they come to the conclusion that Marinette had been framed, but by who and why? If you think about it the only suspect is Lila, after all she was in the middle of the fire, but why would she did that? Marc asks for more background about this girl, because he only knows her because he had seen her sometimes in school and because Rose mentioned her once or twice, Nathaniel nor Alix have ever talked about her, Marinette either (and that interview on the Ladyblog is not that famous, so he missed it)
Alix explains the drama between those two, the seats thing (Marc tells them that it was wrong to move Mari to the back without asking her, maybe Nathaniel never had problem with being alone but he is not Marinette, they admit it was thoughtless from them and make a note to apologize later) and Marinette claming that Lila is a liar.
That catches Marc's atention, he knows Marinette, for him she is like a sister in everything but blood, after all she was the first person who was nice to him in school and despite not knowing in the time being that he has social anxiety she always was patient and kind with him until he was comfortable enough talking to her. Misunderstanding aside, she was the one who introduced him to Nathaniel and the rest of her friends from the art club, and they introduced him with the rest of their friends. Now he has two best friends (Mari and Alix) is dating his other bff (Nathaniel) has other good friends and is working in what he loves with his partner, all thanks to Marinette, so is no wonder that the two of them grew closer.
He knows that Mari hates liars, so if she thinks that this girl is a liar she must has a very good reason. Then Alix says that it just her being jealous because of Adrien. And yes, that may be true, Marinette tends to get jealous of any rival for the boy's affection, and can do crazy and, honestly, pretty bad stuff for him but again, he knows her and knows that at the end Marinette always admits her wrongdoings, apologizes and does better. He also knows that jealousy for itself is not a strong motive for dislike someone that much, because Chloe? is a brat, Kagami? He knows that Marinette actually helped Adrien in a date with her and now both girls are very good friends despite her knowing that Adrien actually is interested in Kagami, so if this Lila is really that good of a person then why Marinette seems to dislike her and think that is a liar? She has to has a reason.
When he says this Alix and Nathaniel have the decency of look ashamed, Marc is right, they (Alix and the girls the most) should have asked for her reasons instead of brush it off as simply jealousy, Marinette is better than that.
With his point clear, Marc asks for more details, maybe they can discover why Marinette thinks Lila is a liar. Again is Alix who talks (Nathaniel never had been one of Lila's admirers and he pays not much attention to the drama) and tells every story Lila told them (I'm not including the napkin incident because either Nathaniel nor Alix were there, Nathaniel was alone in another table and Alix wasn't in the cafeteria at all) and once she is done Marc is fast to point every single hole, contradiction and nonsense in Lila's claims.
Being a writer and a very active reader makes this kind of thing easy for him, it also helps that some of Lila's claims can be debunked with a little knowledge (arthritis doesn't work like that for example) and him has plenty of that, he likes to read about different topics, not just stories and comics, also is the fact that he makes lots of researching for his stories (the comic is not the only thing he writes for) even if they are about fantasy he likes them to be coherent and solid, so if he is going to use some topic he research to support his writing, so yeah he knows a little of many things. He also points out all the times Lila manipulated them so they did things for her, and how.
Now they know the truth, Lila IS a liar and a manipulative one.
HOLY SHIT MARINETTE WAS RIGHT! First they feel bad, they should have listened to her! They are also ashamed because now that they think about it most of the lies are dumb! They are idiots!
Marc is fast to comfort them, after all some of her lies are believable at least from their point of view, their class is not a normal one they have some famous people like Adrien a famous model, Chloe the mayor's daughter, Nathaniel is the ilustrator of one of the most popular comics in Paris, Marinette is Jagged Stone's favorite designer and has been prized by Gabriel Agreste and Audrey Bourgois, Max is a genius with his own AI, there is Kitty Section and the list goes. So, one more student with conections and awesome claims is not that difficult to believe. Also, they are being manipulated, Lila use pity to make herself look vulnerable and fragil, so they would not question her or her claims, she also takes advantage of their kindness. Being fooled and manipulated is not a crime, they are victims too.
Marc is pissed too, being the patient and quiet person he is there are just a few things that makes him trully angry, but messing with his loved ones is the top of that list, and that little bitch is messing with all of his friends and his boyfriend! She is not just liying, manipulating and using them, she also gives them false hope with all the false promises she made, they are gonna be hurt once she fails in fulfil them. And MARINETTE IS EXPELLED so yeah, that brat crossed many lines.
For now they decide to talk to Marinette, Alix and Nathaniel need to apologize, and to make her know that the three of them know the truth and are by her side.
Later they discover that Marinette's expulsion is revoked, aparently all was a huge misunderstanding and Lila herself clarified the mess. Yeah, something is off here and they are not going to let their guard down, but at least Mari's name is clean.
The next day they are in the bakery with Marinette's favorite ice cream and two draws made by Alix and Nath, a -forgive-us-for-not-listened-you-and-for-being-bad-friends- gift. Marinette is relieved and actually cries of joy for having her friends by her side and free from Lila's claws, and of course she forgive them, after all they admitted their errors and apologized, also despite the evidence against her they gave her the benefit of the doubt, and for that she is grateful.
They talk and Marinette tells them how she found out the truth the same she told Alya and Nino (Marc tells her that it was not ok to follow Adrien and Lila but unlike them he still listened to her side of the story) she also point out that she ACTUALLY KNOWS Jagged Stone.
But hey! That doesn't mean that Adrien also knows the truth?
Yeah, she also tells them that Adrien is aware of Lila's true nature and also talks about the 'high road' advice. "HE TOLD YOU WHAT?"
But before any of them could get angry with Adrien she explains that he really thought her lies were harmless, also he believed that expose her would be bad because he called her out in a friendly way and still she was akumatized, but now that she was expelled he recognized that his advice was a bad one and that her lies can hurt people, he already apologized to her, and explained that he made a deal with Lila, he will be her friend and she will be a model and in return she will bring Mari back to school. He also admited that the best is to expose her, becasue netiher of them actually believe that Lila is going to let Marinette alone.
That makes them calm down, and forgive Adrien, he apologized to Marinette too and admited his error, also they think that a deal with the devil is punishment enough, and if they think about it, probably the poor boy didn't knew better, but he does now, so it's ok.
Then they learn about the threat in the bathroom and her almost akumatization. And they are even more pissed HOW DARE SHE? They apologize again for making her believe that she couldn't trust them with that. She says is ok, that she didn't take her too seriously, and she has faith in them, and so far they proved her right. Though, Marc wish that she could have talked to him at least, maybe they would have prevented all of this, but it doesn't matter.
Well, now they have one thing clear: they need to take that bitch down. But how? Lila could lie her way out, or twist the situation in her favor, they are trying to come up with a plan, but Marc is quiet, his mind working and then he has an idea.
With a calm and cool tone he says them "Just help me with some research, I'll take care of the rest" and replacing his usual sweet and shy demeanor there is a smirk and a cold determination and confidence in his face that surprise them (Nath actually finds it kind of hot)
They don't know what is he thinking, but they have seen him angry before (and thank god they have never been the cause of it, because Marc is a cinnamon roll but is very scary when is angry) and they know what his wrath is capable of. Whatever his plan is, they know is gonna work and dammit if it doesn't. They almost feel bad for Lila. Almost.
The next days they spend time together doing the investigation (they have some fun time and an awesome sleepover too), and finally they get solid proof to expose Lila, thanks to Marinette they get a video interview with Jagged Stone where the singer claims that he never had met Lila, and thanks to Marc's general knowledge in health and some help from Nathaniel's parents who both are doctors, they also get proof to debunk Lila's claims of illnes or other disabilities (specially the lying disease bullshit) and since Marc is a good researcher they manage to find some interesting stuff, like Mrs. Rossi contact information, is all in the embassy page.
With the investigation done, all what they need to do is wait for the perfect moment to expose the liar, and the oportunity comes two weeks later in the form of a picnic that Bustier's class organize just to hang out together, naturally Marc is invited and helps to organize said picnic, almost all of the class consider him a friend and one of them despite him being in Mendeleiev's class. Mari, Alix and Nathaniel still don't know what is his plan exactly, but they trust him. Adrien is aware of his plan but he doesn't know what exactly is either.
So here they are, in the park, in a cute blanket, with some delicious food and with great company (that doesn't include certain people, aka Chloe and the liar) and of course Lila is charming their friends with other of her lies, it takes all of their willpower to not roll their eyes. And then, listening carefully Marc takes the perfect moment to interrumpt the tale, social anxiety or not, that witch is hurting his beloved ones and he is not going to tolerate it, so even if he never has talked to her, fuck his shyness, that girl is gonna face the consequences for her actions. (It also helps that he is already friends with the rest of his boyfriend's class)
So, to everyone suprise he interrumpts Lila in middle sentence to point out the holes in what she is saying.
Alix, Nathaniel, Marinette and Adrien froze in panic, what is he thinking?! A direct confrontation was a bad idea, wasn't it? Marc locked eyes with the four of them and give a look thay says 'I get this' so they let him be, but now they are really uneasy.
What they didn't know is that the last days until now Marc has been doing more than just research, he was studying his enemy. Marc is a good listener, and being someone who likes to go unnoticed he became a very good observant too, he can notice little details and patterns, also he is a sensible and sympathetic boy so is easy for him to put himself in other's shoes, that combined makes him very good at reading and analysing people. He also made extra research in psychology and behaivor. So now, he knows how Lila works, he knows what to expect and how to answer. It also helps that he is very good with words, not just the ones he writes for his stories, but the ones he says and also he is very good with other's people words, he knows how to use them. That is his plan, he is going to use all his skills and knowledge to trap Lila, she thinks that she is smart and can control the situation, but Marc is going to prove that she can and will lose in her own game. Her lies are gonna be her downfall.
Lila of course tries to make an excuse or another lie to save face, but Marc refutes her again and again, and the rest of the class? Some are confused and others seems thoughtful shit! She is losing control! She tries but this black haired boy seems to be smart, he gets her cornered until the point that she can't lie her way out, and her classmates are starting to look suspicious. She tries to change tactics, the tears worked against Marinette, they will work now. She hides her face in her hands and starts to sob.
"I just was trying to share some of my wonderful experiencies with my friends, so I could give them some advice to help them in the future. Why are you being so mean? I haven't done anything to you! " That make people like Rose or Mylene to softened and go to comfort her, and between her hands she can see Alya ready to confront the boy, but Marc is ready for this kind of tactic, is his turn to make a move.
"I'm sorry but, How does this make me mean? I just pointed some facts because honestly, I'm a bit confused. At first I thought that you just made a little mistake, but then you just said another nonsense! Why would YOU do that?"
And then she is losing the little control she manage to regain. Because no matter how much they want to comfort her, Marc has a point and what he said so far actually makes sense, at least more sense than what she said. The others start to look torn between comfort or question her.
"Well... how would you know that what I said is wrong? Where is your proof?" Lila crosses her arms and look to other side, just to hide the smirk in her face, that would be enough and that annoying nobody will learn to not get in her way.
But, much to her surprise Marc actually has a good answer to that.
"Uh... comon sense? I mean, If I'm being a little honest if you think about it, some of the things you said have no... logic. Also I like to read a lot and about different things, including what you were saying so I know for a fact that some of the things you said are wrong. And my proof? Well a quick search in google is enough to prove me right"
Lila pales, she was not expecting that answer, and to her utter horror she can see some of her classmates typing in their phones, probably fact checking for once, she need to fix this now! She looks around trying to find some sympathy or something that would help, but she only see her classmates reading something in their phones and some of them are starting to frown, then she looks to Marinette and has an idea, this would break her little deal with Adrien but is ok, she wasn't planning to leave the brat alone anyway and her model career is in his father's hands, and she already has him tied around her finger.
So, before anyone could say something she sobs more louder and points a finger to Marinette.
"This is because of Marinette, isn't it? She put you into this! I-" but she couldn't finish because Marc interrumpts her, he also is ready for Lila trying to blame Marinette and he is not having it!
"And what does she has to do with this? Is not her fault that you have your facts wrong" and now the others are starting to narrow their eyes towards her, Damn it! Well she made the baker a threat, is time to fulfil it.
Lila makes the best she can to look pityful and scared. "Well... I didn't want to say this because I thought that nobody would believe me but... Marinette threatened me in the bathroom the day I came back from Achu!" She cries to everybody's shock.
"WHAT?!" Everybody screamed that. Marinette and her we-know-the-truth squad are frozen and can't believed it, THE NERVE OF THIS GIRL!
The rest to their friends are equally stunned, because they just can't believe what Lila said.
Lila using the shock continues with her sob story.
"She cornered me in the bathroom and told me that she would turn all of you against me! And all because she is jealous! And now she is using this boy to make you think that I'm a liar, just like she said!" Lila hug herself in an attempt to look small and is crying full force now.
Marc has to use all his willpower to not scream and call her a hypocrite, but he has a perfect answer for that too.
"Marinette would NEVER do that!" And to Lila's surprise and Marinette's glee is not Marc who says that, is Alya.
"Marinette is the sweetest girl, and she is not a bully!" That was Rose, who walked away from Lila like she burned her. And the rest of the class make their agreement known.
Lila really did NOT expect THAT reaction! They are supose to be comforting her and screaming to Marinette, not defending her! It's ok she can fix it.
"See? Is this why I didn't want to say anything! You don't believe me!"
Marc takes the word again "We know Marinette, we know she has flaws but she is one of the best people we know" again everybody agrees with that.
Lila is getting desperate, this is not what is supose to happen! And where is an akuma when you need it?! But Lila refuses to lose!
"Look I know you all thougth that you knew her and that she was your friend, but the truth is that Marinette is not what she seems to be, she is a manipulative liar and is just using you!"
Again, is not Marc who talks, this time is Kim
"No, you look Lila, I have known Marinette since diapers, and I know she has flaws but she is NOT a bad person"
"Yeah, and using us? She is the one who goes out of her way just to help us! She is a caring friend! Heck! We actually had to convince her that it's ok to pay to her everytime we comission something from her!" That was Nino
"And still, she gives us discounts everytime she can, but jus for the record, we have no problem in paying the whole price, Marinette, your job is awesome and you deserve to be fairly rewarded" that was Ivan, and Marinette gives him a very grateful smile, the rest of her friends agree with him and she smiles to them too.
"But-but" Lila is in trouble, she tries to think fast, but then Max just dig her hole deeper.
"Also, what Marc just said about your story is also true, all the wrong facts and holes, I asked Markov to fact check and the evidence supports Marc, the only conclusion is that you were lying to us!"
Nonononononono NO!
"And since you told us this lie like you did with any other of your stories I wondered What else was a lie? I also asked Markov to confirm every thing that you had said to us, and nearly the 86.65% was a lie"
Marc smiles, the game is going exactly according to his plan, even some of his moves were made by others, he is happy that Marinette has friends with such a faith in her, ready to stand up for her just like she does for them. But he knows that the game is still on, Lila still has some pieces, but Marc already steal her big ones, she just has some pawns to defend her King and Marc has his army intact.
Well fuck, she is doomed, the rest of the class looks ready to attack her... and then she remember her last card, it's a wild card, her lies will not work the same way anymore but she could save face, she will, eventually, come up with something to regain her control.
Well it seems that there is a limit, so I make a part 2
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