#i'm actually kind of annoyed by how much of the show is relationship drama
yourhighness6 · 2 months
NATLA Episode 2 Debrief (by yours truly)
Hi again! Here's episode 1 if anyone is interested. This is going to be another outrageously long post, just a tw
I absolutely loved the ominous start and then it's just:
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They really captured the Zuko/Iroh dynamic the cartoon had in this scene. I hope they keep this sort of thing throughout the show. Also, side note, but for whatever reason Zuko seems a LOT more violent in this version. This child needs some serious therapy.
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I guess this is their version of the map joke, huh? Low-key disappointed but not as mad as I thought I would be.
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I'm not sure how I feel about the writers prolonging some of the conflicts that were resolved back in the SWT into this episode. I guess it makes sense that they would have to extend the drama, but I'm a little disappointed these thoughts didn't make it into the first episode. I'm glad they're included, but I think at this point team avatar had started to feel like family already in the cartoon, so it's kind of annoying and misses the mark a bit.
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Yes I'm so glad they put GranGran's blessing back in! I was really mad when they took it out, but this honestly feels more meaningful than it did in the cartoon. It's a precious cultural artifact rather than just a couple of blankets. This is similar to what I was mad about with extending SWT conflicts, but I don't have nearly as much of a problem with it, as it seems like they're carrying a little piece of home with them rather than just extra drama.
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The burial scene was very sweet and sad. It gave us a bit more insight into Air Nomad culture, and a sense of closure the cartoon didn't really give us. A+ for Gordon's acting as well (he is perfect for this part, even if he does still need some more acting experience)
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Zuko has officially mastered the "my uncle dragged me here and I'm an agnsty teenager" face. A+ to Dallas for this entire scene. I am absolutely LOVING the Iroh and Zuko dynamic. Never change (jk I wish you a wonderful redemption arc)
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Suki looks just as beautiful as she did in the trailer. Unfortunately can't say the same for the Kyoshi statue (I wish it had been made out of wood), but there is something to be said for the little shrines to the avatars instead of a few big ones. I actually kind of like that they changed that element, and I hope they explore it more in future episodes, because I assume some of the spiritualism surrounding them would have to be changed. Side note: but I've seen nothing of the spirit world so far and I'm getting a little nervous. I guess I wouldn't mind if they decided it was some long-lost avatar trick or is introduced in the NWT, but if they get rid of it altogether I'm gonna be pissed.
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I'm glad they decided to make Kyoshi Island a matriarchal society instead of having a male leader. It just makes sense based on the lore and I like to see more strong adult women than in the cartoon. Also Suki got a mom! Maybe she'll get some development too!
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This Aang speech was very in-your-face storytelling, but I feel like the whole show is gonna be like that so I'm just accepting it at this point. I think it stayed true to his character while getting the point across, and it also kind of helped his character compared to the cartoon. He's very emotionally open and has a charming nativity about him, but he's clearly trying to help. Loved it.
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He's so awkward I love it. This whole interaction was really cool, because it expanded on their relationship in a cool way. They're both struggling between doing what their parents expect of them to help their respective villages, but are being faced with a pull to the outside world, Suki with her "big heart" and Sokka with his need to protect Katara. Thishonestly gives more depth to their relationship and I don't mind the writers dragging out first episode conflicts if this is how they're choosing to explore them.
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Aww look at these cute little siblings. I like that the writers are giving them more time to progress from strangers to besties. Their interactions seem more natural, and Aang's grief more realistic. It's also great to once again see Katara growing more confident and powerful in her abilities. I love the smell of some good character development in the making.
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Look at her face! She's like,"I'm so good at flirting. Mother would be proud." Meanwhile Sokka's scared of her. Anyway I'm living for their scenes and they're making me giggle. (Despite Sokka's sexism being toned down it still exists to a lesser level and I love to see her beating his ass while he tries to flex)
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I love the new subplot! I love that flashback! I love this conflict! It gives more credence to his fears as a prodigy. Whatever writer came up with this deserves a hug.
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AHH the ship is sailing! I love Sokka learning to be more open minded! I love Suki learning to be more open-hearted! I love when characters in romantic relationships learn from each other! This is giving Suki and Sokka development in ways the cartoon did not without trying to play Sokka's sexism off as a joke and also giving us more screentime and when I say I love it I mean I am doing a happy dance right now!
Okay, so just a quick word on shipping besides Sukka because as Zutara trash I am legally required to do this:
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It seems like they are keeping the zutara hope parallel intact, with Katara and Zuko both finding hope in the avatar but in different ways. However, I don't think this really changes anything. So far, there's beven nothing to suggest they're going with ZK instead of KA, and I'm a little worried that they're trying to parallel Sukka and KA wwith the way they're setting up both girls as kind of a "teacher" to the boys in a way and giving both ships a huge amount of screentime in the same episode. Also, and I hate to say this, they might be attempting to fix KA by toning down Katara's anger and her "dark side". She didn't get angry to break the iceberg and they're eliminating her entire waterbending scroll plotline. They're trying to make them a better match for each other by watering her down and therefore increasing her connection with Aang and decreasing the chance of a future connection with Zuko over their anger and shared trauma. It's sad news that I didn't want to deliver, and I've seen spoilers that there is another ZK moment later down the line, but at this point, I think KA is a lot more plausible than ZK. *cries*
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In slightly less depressing news, they're inserting the avatar state plotline a lot earlier. This makes sense with the condensed timeline, and I think I like the way they're going with it so far. I hope they keep the concept of avatar guide intact, though, and I'm worried that they're going to play into more of a connection to all of his past lives instead of just Roku. I kind of hate Roku but I do think that's a major concept I don't want them to get rid of, and his inaction during a time of adversity mirror's Aang's own challenges with confrontation. Their dynamic is a good one, and I wouldn't be opposed to changed but I really hope they don't entirely throw it out.
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Scratch whatever the fuck I said before. I'm back on my shipping bullshit I can't believe we got a BONUS FIGHT! Also kudos to whoever decided Zhao should burn the village instead of Zuko. I was always so pissed at him whenever I rewatched this episode and now I can sleep easy knowing it was that military dipshit instead of him
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I love Kyoshi to an unhealthy extent but I kind of wish Katara had been the one to go off on him. It would have seriously fixed things.
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Also, side note, but I love the hair these in fight scenes:
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Most action movies hairspray the shit out of them but these actors are allowed to look a little disheveled while they kick ass. Huge thank you to whoever decided that more natural hair is superior cuz they are 100% correct
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I think this was the perfect conclusion to Sukka (for now)! Sokka learned something so much more valuable and impactful than in the cartoon, in my opinion. His masculinity is handled very well in my opinion, and even if I would have liked to see him wear the warrior outfit, there's something really great about the way he continues to embrace protectiveness, a masculine trait, while having rid himself of toxic masculinity, such as not being able to learn from others. He's leaving a more open minded and humble person and I love the way they portrayed it.
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Okay the speech was a little on the nose but I liked it. One of the best things about ATLA was the way they executed Aang's childishness ending up beneficial for the world. I think the new conflict is expanding on that nicely while staying true to its roots. *pats writers on the head*
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Also the fan was so cute. That last scene on Appa really wrapped everything up nicely. I like the way they tied in the conflicts between the siblings while engineering growth for Sokka.
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Daniel Kim delivered in his two seconds of screentime. Zhao was such a bitch but idk what else I expected. Can't wait to see more of these two bastards in future!
Anyway, to recap:, things I did like:
Aang's new conflicts
Sokka's mini arc
Expanding on Katara's PTSD
Zhao burning the town instead of Zuko
Zuko and Iroh's dynamic
Things I didn't like:
Katara's characterization
Lack of Aang's actual avatar guide
K/A hints and lack of zutara implications
Postponing the Zhao and Zuko agni Kai
Overall, I have to say I think that they're playing into the core themes very well while expanding on the characters. If it weren't for the whole Katara debacle this would be a 9/10 episode, but with the Katara debacle imma give it a 7/10. Still, I can at least understand why the writers made their crappy decisions, even if I don't agree with them. Hopefully certain things are fixed in future episodes, but as it stands I think I'll live (barely)
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neuroticbookworm · 3 months
Cooking Crush is undoubtedly one of the best shows airing at the moment.
Today's episode gave me so much life that I don't even know where to begin, but I'm gonna try my best to pull two (2) coherent thoughts out of my melting brain.
1. The Three Must-Eat-eers Conflict and Resolution:
Last episode had set up such a perfect conflict that's rarely handled well in any media: the bruised feelings of the single friend when the rest of the gang gets into committed romantic relationships. Most of the time this scenario shows up in media, one party will be framed as selfish and/or jealous. None of that nonsense here; Cooking Crush has always taken the friendship of its characters very seriously, especially Prem, Dynamite and Samsee. Samsee’s feelings were hurt not just because of his own fears of being abandoned by his friends, he was also (rightfully) mad that he ended up as the only friend who was kept out of the loop of knowing that his best friends had boyfriends now. But Prem and Dynamite did not intend to do this, and they were also right to set their own pace in making their relationship public, but it’s just that the string of accidental reveals happened in an order that made Samsee feel like a third-wheeler in his own home, twice over.
Cooking Crush treats its characters with a lot of kindness and empathy and it shows. Prem and Dy wanting to keep their relationships under wraps for the time being is valid. Samsee feeling hurt and lost, and opting out of the competition is valid. This episode begins with the drama of the cooking competition and works its comedy (thank you for the chuckles, wildly gesticulating White Man) and romance (my poor heart swooned all over my rib cage when Ten helped Prem into his chef clothes). And when the time came for the big reconciliation, the show does not sweep away Samee’s very hurt feelings just because Prem and Dy struggled without Samsee for most of the first round of cooking. He apologizes for ditching them and Dy was having none of it.
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(Dy, my perfect child, oh how I love you with my entire heart)
Perfect resolution. and a well-earned, most adorable group hug to bookend it. I truly could not be more in love with this show. Or can I?
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2. Miscommunication? Nah.
Well, this episode also featured the Annoying Asshole Chef dude who’s determined to pursue Prem even though it is very clear that Prem is not interested and would reject his advances, if only he stuck around long enough to actually get rejected and not run away from him like a goddamn coward. I was furious when he positioned himself as an actual option for Prem to Ten in this episode, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment Ten chose to call him out on his bullshit.
But y’all. The very inappropriate hug. The well-deserved punch to his stupid face. The storm-off. All of it had me very concerned that this is all barrelling towards a classic miscommunication moment.
My problem with the miscommunication trope is that it ultimately positions the couple we are supposed to be rooting for as a weak team. Honest communication and vulnerability in a new-ish relationship is not easy, and it takes a lot of courage to take that step to be the one to spell out the facts, and trust that the other person likes them well enough to keep an open ear, and believe them when they say a meddling cowardly asshole is trying to get in the way of their relationship. Ten’s bravery was perfectly contrasted with the sliminess of the Annoying Cowardly Chef (I refuse to learn his name, he is not worth my braincells).
Oh but Ten wasn’t done yet!
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I absolutely adore how he moves the conversation away from that pesky little pest of a human towards something that matters more: his desire to make things official with Prem. The Annoying Asshole Chef was not the focus of the conversation, Ten and Prem are. And it all culminates in an incredible kiss and a camera swoop that already has a permanent little shrine in my silly little head.
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bloggingboutburgers · 2 months
First of, I'm a big fan of your work. I love your comics and art and was happy to hear about the engagement 😁
As for my question, I love writing stories and creating OCs/characters. In your recent comic you called out that the only ace/aro rep always seems to be "the creator said so on Twitter" (a problem with a lot of rep. in media).
So I was curious, if I wanted to create an aroace character (and write a story with them), how could I naturally show them being aroace? Do you perhaps have any idea?
Thank you so much for the kind words!^^
Arguably my complaints are ironic because I myself haven't done proper aroace rep in my own fiction thus far – though I guess I'm compensating for that with my current comics, haha 🙈 But also, I've said it before and I'll say it again cus I'm annoying like that – Bojack Horseman did it, in my opinion, so that gives the rest of the media less excuses I guess.
So, again these are my personal views, and they're possibly demanding, but this would be my checklist for ideal aroace rep:
The aro/ace character needs to... BE a character. Actually have arcs, that matter within the story. Whether they're about being asexual or not doesn't really matter as long as THEY matter as a character.
...Ngl I feel they need to matter BEFORE they're revealed as aro/ace too, and obviously after. If they don't, they'll just feel like a placeholder who's just there to tick a box to me.
The fact that they're aro/ace needs to be addressed and not pushed under the rug or left up to interpretation. Leaving things up to interpretation will have so many people interpret them as allo for sure (just like in real life). And conversely, saying they're aro/ace may spark some curious questions and possibly awkward conversations (just like in real life). (...Again tbh Bojack Horseman was great at doing it naturally. The confusion from the ace character themself, the ace character's friend assuming they're gay because yeah that always happens, the MC having a friendly yet clueless "haha you're lucky that'd save me so many problems if I didn't have sexual attraction"... I could go on.)
By that I also mean... Actually NAMING the orientation at some point. If it's not named people who consume the media and don't know such an orientation exists will be none the wiser. (I'm guilty of that myself tbh. In one of my webcomics I had an alloaro character but never had the orientation mentioned within the story, I left it at showing he has sex and him having a conversation with his family explaining he doesn't have a favorite person because he just can't, but I feel like that's not enough, and I've been feeling a bit bad about it.) A good way of bringing that up fairly naturally would be to have the character figure out their orientation within the story, as a way to have the audience learn alongside them; but it could also be played for drama, which I don't think I've ever seen and would like to dabble with myself at some point – like, imagine you have a friend you hold dear who's key to your personal development and suddenly you find out they see you as sex / romance prospects and not as a friend like YOU do? That'd be crushing but that could definitely make for a good conflict. I should try writing that. I'm rambling anyway. Bleh.
Another thing that, to me, is key to the aro/ace experience is that the character may have some moments of questioning their place in the world. Our world is obsessed with sex and romance and fiction exacerbates that to the point where some characters barely even exist if they don't have romance. This could range from "Do I NEED to even identify myself as something" (again, Bojack Horseman did that great) to "Friendship is the most important relationship to me but not to my friends, what if they all abandon me once they find the one person they consider 'more important'". I dunno. I feel like there could be some interesting storylines there. I definitely would love to dabble into that myself a bit more, though I lack the time and talent – those concepts and the lack of things that are done with it live in my head rent-free.
...Actually I feel it could be good to show aro/ace characters as full of heart (if it fits their personality), having their own feelings and emotions outside of the usual romance spectrum, to show that they're just as human and compelling as the other characters. (...AGAIN Bojack Horseman did that great imo, I feel bad that I'm only ever quoting that show but that's still the best example I can ever think of.) Like – betrayal, loneliness, grief, kinship, literally ANY other form of love than romantic love... We feel all of those too, and those deserve to be addressed in stories just as much (if not more) than the pining or simping that's kinda everywhere.
Oh yeah and speaking of being human... Yeah, human. We need more human aro/ace characters. Making it so that only the aliens/gods/demons/robots/whatever are ever allowed to be aro/ace only serves to dehumanize these orientations.
...IIIII think that's it. I might be forgetting some things I'd wanna add on later but I think that covers everything that would make for ideal rep in my own opinion
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do you have any opinions on the hazbin critical and vivziepop critical tags?
tw // mentions of sexual abuse and sucide
I have a personal beef with them. And not because I love Hazbin and Vivzie so much but for more presonal reasons so the following opinion won't be measured at all.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are some legit criticisms out there. Like, the show could definitely do better with body diversity and giving us more varied sapphic relationships instead of just throwing a ton of male/male couples at us. And, yeah, Vivzie's response to some of the criticism has been... questionable. (I still cringe when I think about that one time she explained that Raphielle can ship ValAngel because they are sa survivor, but Raphielle explicitly admitted to not be one).
But then, there's stuff that's just... pulled out of nowhere. Like the whole thing about Valentino being a "fetish character." Come on, the world of villains is filled with queer, flamboyant baddies. What sets Valentino apart is how his abusive behavior is shown in the open, making us rethink our love for villains. If it weren't for Mascarade, people would worship this moth daddy gangster in a dress, much like they are with Vox now. It's hard to root for the bad guy when you see the fallout of their actions. Like, Loki committed war crimes and no one was outraged when he got his own TV series and dragged creators for supporting atrocities.
Constant Valentino/Angel Dust discourse actually leads to the more serious issues I have with this "community", more harmful than just "bad media literacy" like the way they handle the topic of sexual abuse and weaponize it, without ever listening to victims. There is this constant shitstorm about Angel being a "bad sa survivor rep," that the way he's written is insensitive because "he shouldn't be horny, he's sexually traumatized." Like, do these people not understand that making Angel unable to enjoy his sexuality the way he wants would essentially mean acknowledging that it's no longer his but belongs to his abuser now? Also, the argument I keep seeing that drives me BAT SHIT CRAZY aka "I can enjoy this media that is centered around murderer, you cannot enjoy the media that treats rapist as a nuanced character because rape is objectively worse than murder." WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOU THAT? Reading this makes me feel so angry and sad and guilty because frankly, I was raped, and of course, it was horrible but still I'd choose it any time over being murdered. Because I have my life, I'm loved, and I love, I pursue my dreams, and I can still experience so many good things in my life. Painting sexual assault as this worse-than-death experience is not the feminist take they think it is and does not do victims any good.
Or accusations that Vivzie's support of fandom bullying led to someone taking their life. It's such a ridiculous and harmful claim. Honestly, this thing always makes me heated because suicide is not an easy decision, ask any person who ever faced it. It's not like "ah, this stranger told me to kms, I guess I gotta do it now." Of course, any kind of bullying and abuse adds to the suffering and can be the final trigger, but to me, it's just so disrespectful and harmful that someone could have experienced prolonged, intense suffering and all of this is omitted, their death labeled as a result of "fandom bullying" and weaponized in fandom drama. Also, it's simply cruel to put the blame for it on one, uninvolved person.
Also, it always annoys me when people hold small creators to immensely high standards while not doing the same with others. If we keep lynching and canceling every media that is not objectively morally pure, we won't be left with only perfect media. We will be left with media produced by white, privileged billionaires who might be real-life rapists, abusers, and thieves but are too powerful to be taken down by social media outrage. Hazbin's success is a major W for the underappreciated medium of animation (we saw what WB did to 90% of their animated shows), unpopular genres like musicals (Wonka creators were literally too ashamed to market it as one??), and unapologetic queer narratives that are not written for a heteronormative audience or centered around queer oppression (ofmd, the other medium I can think of in that realm has just been canceled). I can't stand people so desperate to put it down driven by their black-or-white sense of morality. Kant won't be patting your back for being the Moraliest Person because you bullied an indie creator and her fans.
Also everyone who feels the need to explain me hazbin critical agenda - save your breath. I'm very emotional about it and I frankly don't fucking care why you think you are right.
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aberrymilk · 7 months
No, but like, WHY do people care so much about other people ship preferences?
I get it, I don't ship the obvious ones or the "right" or what was given to me by the author, but IS JUST A SHIP.
Look, don't get me wrong, I'm not angry at other preferences when it comes to this. What I get annoyed at is that when there is an illustration, an edit, a fucking fic, any kind of media, that shows that romantic dynamic between the characters they will be like
"siblings 🩷" "omg no how could ship that? They aren't like that." "Have you read the books ?" "Omg, people actually ship them?" "The author said..." "omg but this (name of other ship), it's so much better," and so on.
My beautiful person who comments in every edit of (some examples, but I'm sure that there's more) harmony, lunami, zutara, sasusaku .... do you really think that they/we don't know or care about this ? Do you know what you look like when u comment stuff like that? An idiot who can't let others have a different opinion on literally fiction character's romance life, like that one kid in kindergarten who saw another kid getting a toy and go's on about how that toy is lame compared to theirs, a spoiled brat.
You have so many things to be arguing about in the actual plot, but you can't cus you think that the idea of nami and luffy together is so wrong that you go around in every media of them "oda said..." But with other members of the crew, oda said absolutely nothing... not only that, but are we really discussing this ? Can we be talking about I don't know... how racist and hypocrites are some people in this famdon? Really give your disappointment and disgust to that(what is actually important).
Harry and Hermione are another great example of "I know they aren't like that but I like the idea of it" WE KNOW THEY AREN'T LIKE THAT but we think is cute it could HAVE BEING cute, sometimes people just grow up shipping and seeing they as a possible couple, like people who grow hating sakura and now simply can't have a actually good argument of why she should be hated on... that was an ironic comment by the way but also not, ( no, her not liking the main character the same way shouldn't be one, or the author not giving her screen time either much less cus of the fact the the anime did her dirty with so much disconnect things from the manga, like her relationship with sasuke <his perspective of it > or naruto himself for that matter, hate on a literally 12 years old for saying shit that every fucking person in the village grew up thinking, funny, why not hate on the thirdkage then? The person who could have actually stopped the hate on a little kid) [Sorry that got out of the main point]
Or zutara, my God, people get personal with just as harmony, relax, just cus I like them doesn't mean I hate kataang, surprise or not I do think they are indeed very cute, I'm pretty sure some other people who ship zutara too... we just see the potential, what could have happened, once again, enemies to friends to loves, the plot, you know ? There is no need to get offended by the IDEA of it. We love the drama and the fic, the illustrations, the edits are just a format that represents and shows it, share if people who likes it, you don't like it ? Oh well, let me tell you a secret, ignore it, you probably ignore so much more important things, why not a fucking edit of ship you don't even like ?, oh you can't ? You can't see other people "toy" and shut about your disappointment on it, is it that hard ?, oh well, have you actually not known that there's an amazing thing within social media, when you hold/press or simply click on the 3 dots on the top of the post, there's a option there, that's right, BLOCK IT the algorithm will understand if you continue blocking it, unlike some people.
I'm just rambling about this because I'm sick and tired of people being such a killjoy, I just want to enjoy "my ship" and see the comments of people who actually likes it to, not yours "siblings 🩷" in post which is definitely not about that, or "oda said..." when i didn't ask what he said, you know people have different things that brings them a scape from reality that brings them a funny giggle (no killing others people joy, when it's such a basic no harmful thing), wave of emotion for those who don't get to feel much in the day-to-day life or simple just cus.
It just petty of you, be better.
Ps.. There is no offense for those who ship other characters within these plots(or different ones), original, popular, or unpopular. Do your thing. Be happy. Just don't spoil others.
Ps2... NO I'm not defending incest that's no it at fucking all ( sorry if I didn't make it clear). I said "siblings" when it came to lunami and Harry x Hermione (cus people like to comment that on posts that aren't even about it < the platonic soul mates comment>), they AREN'T related or grown up at such. Point is you hating the idea of it and going on every post about the ship and hating there. hate all you want, but not on ,obviously, posts that are for the fans of the ship.
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keksalot404 · 6 months
How's it going folks? Welcome back to Know Your Monsters! Halloween's is just around the corner, so we got a special treat for you tricksters! For Monstertown's 3rd Hollow's Eve, we've asked you to say some burning questions to some human-turned-spooky specters (and their mortal companions) who popped up in the MTT Hotel to give you this totally planned special! We got your questions, so now we ask... why are you crying?
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Witch Mari: *sniff* I'm sorry - It's just - It's our first Halloween with me back - and - I never though we would ever enjoy today like this - aND WE CAN DO SIBLING COSTUMES AGAIN *sobs*
Black Cat Sunny: …I think me not celebrating any holiday for years affected her.
Akita Neru Aubrey: I forgot how into Halloween she was...or, is.
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Lucas Frisk: *I recall how hard it was to coordinate costumes with Chara every year! I reckon we will run out of costumes pairs by year 5.
Masked Man Chara: YOU may call me picky, I would call it having actual taste. Hollow's Eve is a personal favorite holiday of mine and I will not muddle it dressing as a technicolor astronaut!
Frisk: *Hey! I point out that it is from a Horror Drama show specifically.
Chara: Why are you so adamant about us having pairing outfits in the first place?!
Frisk: *Because you're my best friend~ (*I make a heart with my hands)
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Miku Madotsuki: Sorry my ghost friend couldn't make it tonight, she got so excited for Halloween she kind of got tuckered out and went back into... anyway! I can ask any question in her place! (Um, this interview isn't public outside town, is it?)
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Purple Guy-er: You couldn't even bother to get a somewhat matching outfit. Just wearing the mask isn't enough!
Myers Mask Kris: It's more a costume then whatever you're suppose to be.
Player: I. Can't. Change. OUTFITS. This is the best I can do with my colors!
Kris: Then make your body transparent. At least then you'd actually pass as a ghost.
Player: Just give us the first question please, smiley helmet guy.
Okay! This first question towards you two I also want to ask the rest!
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Player: Alright, let see, my name is... Player! I'm 19 years old and have been a gamer since... childhood.
Kris: Good job so far.
Player: Well SORRY I don't believe regular people would understand the concept of higher dimensional beings or that they value privacy!
Kris: The entire point of this ask thing is to get a better understanding of us.
Player: Okay well why don't you answer the next one. What do you think our relationship is, honestly?
Kris: Crippled teen and very annoying and social life line.
Player: …I mean I guess...
Mado: Me and my friend we're together for as long as I could remember. I thought she had gone, even when I kept seeing her everyday, but turns out she wasn't really gone in the first place. So... yay!
Frisk: *Chara and I go way back, before the rise of the Underground! Even when I didn't know them, they caught and saved me when I fell pass the barrier and onto the cave floor. That's when I met Chara, and we've been trusted partners ever since!
Chara: I wouldn't call being buried for decades only to be awakened by my soul being attached to a kid akin to a simple trust fall.
Frisk: *Aw, but I recall you even put down flowers for my arrival. <3
Chara: Uuuuugggghhhhh-
Mari: We're siblings of course! I'd like to believe that my will to be by Sunny's side is what kept me around and conscious all these years!
Sunny:  …What were you doing all that time I couldn't see you. I know you go to my dreams when I sleep, but what we're you doing when I was awake?
Mari: Well, you know I was invisible when not in Headspace, but I think in some of the... illusions you had were me sometimes.
Sunny: ?! Were you there when I thought you were locked outside?
Mari: No?
Sunny: How about when I drowned and I saw you trying to save me like last time?
Mari: You saw that?
Aubrey: …Were you there when Sunny visited me at the church?
Mari: I would've haunted their every waking moment for you. :)
Aubrey: Th- thanks?
Ah, actually Aubrey, there are two similar asks interested in you and Sunny.
Aubrey: Huh? But I thought this was for-
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Aubrey: How do they-! I- I mean...
Sunny: …
Aubrey: He's my friend. He made a mistake, a really dumb, life-changing mistake. Sure I was mad when I found out, furious actually, and then I got more angry at myself when I realized... I almost did the same thing.
Sunny: !
Mari: Oh Aubrey...
Aubrey: You- you gave me somewhere to go when I had nowhere else... even after everything I did to you... so... yeah
Sunny: …You're my friend too Aubrey. I might not feel the same way like back then, but I like what we are now.
Mado: …Got to love the childhood friends trope, huh?
Oh? Do I sense something between you and Sunny?
Mado: I did not agree to ask questions directly from you.
Oh, it didn't come from me~ :3
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Mado: Nanda-!
Sunny: She's comfortable to be around. She doesn't judge when I do something off-putting, and gives me good art advice when I started drawing again. She's so different from me, yet... we understand each other. She's... sweet.
Mari: (Internal squeeing)
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Mado: …
So how about-
Mado: …and. He also. Doesn't mind. When I...
Get stabby?
Mado: Eh?! Where did that come from?
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Mado: Na- I only stab things in dreams! Which I guess whoever the hell you get your questions from knows about apparently!!! And I stopped doing much of it after a while! I'm curious but I'm not some intrusive thought following maniac! Who would something like that in real life?
Sunny: I thought dream worlds only held consequences when you wanted them to. I've only learned recently that was not the case.
Mari: To be fair little bro, you could say "you" had a good control of what you dreamt about.
Sunny: Also Kris likes stabbing stuff? I don't remember them being that into it.
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Kris: …I have several knives. I keep them in a case to display.
Player: I've seen Sunny walk past it several times. I believe he thinks it's for the kitchen.
Kris: F@#k kinda kitchen needs that many knives.
Frisk: *I wonder why the ask never mentioned Chara.
Chara: I only have the one dagger, Frisk.
Frisk: *And you take care of it like your own kin.
Chara: I use it for gardening! It needs to be cleaned 3 times after use!
Moving on, this next one is for you, Chara.
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Chara: Well, I'm not one to brag, but in my living days I was referred to be a "demon who comes when you call their name." I now hold view this title as endearing, as I take pride in seeing how I can personally unsettle humans (and sometimes monsters) with nothing but my words and face. Mari is the nice, gentle, caring older sister of our little ghostly group, so really, I don't see a need for it to be a contest.
Frisk: *I mention the time with the cookies-
Chara: *through gritted teeth* That was admittedly a moment of weakness spurred by my love of chocolate. I acknowledged my defeat that day only to claim what I wanted. A deal was made, so it doesn't count.
Sunny: Never mess with older sisters. They hold a monumental power behind their smile.
Mari: Tee-hee~
That brings me to you, Mari.
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Mari: I can say that Mari's Magical Might is only growing with everything I learn! VIOLET HANDS, healing magic, teleportation, and Alphys said that I might even have an affinity for Water Magic as well! Undyne was so excited when she heard that!
Sunny: I think it's cool, I hope being linked to her gives me magic too.
Aubrey: At least you have a chance! I'd pray to the heavens a hundred times if it meant I had powers half as sweet as yours, Mari!
Mari: Aw thank you! As for what my mother thinks, at first she was shocked that I wanted to learn magic, but she quickly changed her tune when she saw that I could help around the house better with my HANDS.
Mari: As for the latter question... unfortunately full controlling shape-shifting is something I'm still getting the hang of. I'll let you know the moment I'd be able to do... that!
Chara: I'd say she's lucky to have as many experienced teachers, such as myself, to help her discovering her power.
Frisk: *I express my relief that Chara has not yet burned a part of the forest during their training with Mari.
Chara: It was ONE time, we agreed with that white furry forest guardian to not train too close to the dense forest. I am not some brainless pyromaniac.
Frisk: *The first thing you did when you could do magic was seeing if you could make a fire sword.
Chara: Well, some fire is obvious, I am a Dreemurr after all.
This next ask is for you, Frisk. This one comes from all the way in Japan!
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Frisk: *…These asks are getting way too personal.
Chara: You have just noticed?
Frisk: *How do I say this... If you are referring when I could load the entire timeline to a previous state, then I'm afraid I am not able to do that anymore. I cannot even load my most recent save, the one just after breaking the barrier.
Chara: There is little in this universe, let alone this world, that can affect time with the degree of control that we, er, Frisk had when they first entered the underground.
Frisk: *Even when I did have it, I didn't have much control of it. I only remember it forcing a load when I... lose enough HP. That was enough however, as I didn't use it for anything else.
Frisk: *As to theories on how to get that power back, I can think of a few methods...
Player: You still owe me an explanation on the white sparkle save point thing back in the "DW."
Kris: I don't owe you anything.
Player: You JUST called me your lifeline!
Kris: I don't see other people giving their UV drip a trophy.
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Teto Monoko: *sleeps soundly*
----_--__--- - - --- - -
Oh woops, I think that ask was a little corrupted.
Mado: ?
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Sunny: Oh, a water stone. Thanks.
Sunny: Um, I didn't have AC in my old house. It feels nice on hot days.
Aubrey: Hey, I know that were getting a lot of our personal life out there, but isn't it strange we can see the names of most who's asking us?
Well, we do in fact have 1 more anonymous question, it's for you Mari.
Mari: Oh! Well, ask away! There's no shame in a little anonyma-
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*Mari is crushed by the large ask!
Sunny: !!!
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Chara: Mari, are you alright?
Mari: Ugh, yeah, I'm fine. You know, ghost biology and all that.
Aubrey: What was up with that guy!? Thinking they know you like that! That was infuriating!
Sunny: Mari's not an idiot...
Mari: I'm inclined to agree, but...
Aubrey: Wh- don't tell me you agree with them Mari! It was just an accident, nobody could've how it would end!
Mari: They we're right about one thing though... I was selfish.
Aubrey: W-What...? No, it was-
Mari: You could say it was many things. The pressure from our parents. The pressure from the town. The looks of excitement on our friends faces. It was a lot, but in the end... it was me. I was the one who told Sunny to keep going. After all my fingers swelled. After his fingers started to bleed. After getting one note wrong, after getting the timing a bit off, after thinking it was just F*%KING not good enough apparently!
*Mari's spirit shakes.
Sunny: Mari...?
Mari: I... I said earlier I thought it was my will to be by your side that kept me linked to you. To be honest, I thought that it had to be the case, because the only thing I wanted to do after... everything that happened...
Mari: Was to be a better sister for you. To do- ANYTHING, to redeem my awful, stupid, selfish mistake. I... honestly don't know what else-
Chara: It was your determination.
Mari: …what?
Chara: In your final moments, you decided that whatever you had left, your love of your brother, your fear of failure, the need to repent and be a better person, whatever in your soul that was not fading, was worth still living for.
Chara: The moment you decided that, all of those feelings exploded into life, into determination. And so you kept going, not just for your brother, but also for the small part of you that still wanted to live. That so called selfishness you speak of.
Mari: …H-how... do you...?
Chara: …
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Chara: Because I asked that question too.
Mari: Huh...
*Mari notices Sunny's expression.
Mari: Sunny, look at me.
Mari: I... I know I hurt you. I know even if you say that your okay I can still feel what I've done to you even today. And it even might be more selfish of me to say this. But I just want- I NEED you to know,
Mari: However long I have left, if it's just a few months, if it's how long I would've lived before. I promise that I will do everything in my power to be with you. To help up you when you feel down. To stop you from hurting yourself or others. To listen when no one else will. Even if you don't think you deserve it. Even if I think I don't deserve you. I will do anything to be the best sister I wasn't before. Because I love you, Sunny.
Sunny: …
Sunny: …then...
Sunny: I want you to forgive yourself too.
Mari: …
Mari: O-Okay... I'll try...!
Kris: …I wish I had an older sibling.
Player: In another life, buddy.
Kris: …cool.
…We have one more question for all of you, If you want to keep going.
Mari: Hehe *sniff* of course. Go ahead.
Alright. Final question from:
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Sunny: I think... the time I tripped on Mewo's litterbox and spilled it over the floor.
Mari: I'm pretty sure me calling you over to surprise you with a fake spider that day tops that, hehe.
Aubrey: I... patted Basil on the back, accidently opening one of his wounds after That Night. I felt terrible, but he was just glad for me to be worrying about him again.
Frisk: *I recall the hours "we" spent making Dog Residue to buy the elusive Temmie Armor. I equipped it just before Asgore. Not the best time spent.
Chara: The Buttercup Pie. I guess it counts since Dad was just sick from it. Although the ripples that event would cause could count as "life-ruining"
Mado: (Too many to say.)
Mado: I... called one of my teachers by their first name back in my birth town! It was suuuper embarrassing.
Monoko: -- Gomen... -- Monoe-nee... -- cookie... -- oishii...
Player: I did that thing where you held shift to quickly craft things and I accidently made 9 Diamond Hoes in a Hardcore world.
Kris: And the most stupidest thing I will do is just around the corner, so stay tuned for that.
And that will be all! Got anything to say to everyone watching and reading?
Player: Oh- uh... thanks for all your strangely invasive questions.
Kris: We honestly didn't expect to get as many as we did.
Mado: We hope you enjoyed this little treat on Halloween!
Frisk: *I express my gratitude for all of you who are still with us for this special.
Chara: It... took a while. Whether or not it was planned, efficient, or worth it in the end is yet to be decided.
Aubrey: Thanks for all the things you say,
Sunny: The stuff you make,
Mari: And the love you share!
Until next time!
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yakuzacanons · 2 months
here’s a random one:
you did the boys and watching spooky movies w their s/o,
so how about the boys taking their s/o on a date to the movies? what types of movies fo they prefer, who’s getting what snacks, etc?
HELL yea, I'm a huge movie fan and I collect DVD so I lowkey spent time going through my collection wondering which ones the boys would watch lol. Each entry in this list is on the shorter side but I tried to include as many of the lads as possible here, enjoy!
Kiryu Kazuma
Not a big fan of movie dates as he prefers actual one-on-one time and interactions but does enjoy going to see a movie occassionally in a serious relationship. Likes action movies for the most part, partial to samurai dramas as well.
Majima Goro
Whatever you do, do not take his ass to the theater cuz he will not shut up during the movie. Even if he begs, do not give in, just make him watch the movie at home. Popcorn fiend, can eat an entire large bucket in one sitting. Will watch anything but he HAS to be entertained, that's the one rule.
Saejima Taiga
Thinks a movie and dinner date is cute as he can talk about the movie after. Almost never gets snacks at the theater but will buy some to share if you really want some. He likes westerns or samurai flicks. Romances make him cry sometimes.
Akiyama Shun
Secretly a rom-com enjoyer. Will hold your hand during the movie. Not big on snacks but almost always buys a drink of some kind. Romance movies and dramas are good choices for him. Likes anything with pretty cinematography and pretty music.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Fond of animated movies, both domestic and foreign. Prefers TV shows over movies since they're easier to get into on his days off work. Actually doesn't like buddy cop movies, finds them annoying or innaccurate. Serious crime dramas are okay but be warned he will have a lot of comments afterwards. ALSO he sneaks snacks into theaters. Most theaters never carry what he wants anyways.
Nishikiyama Akira
Likes a good movie date on occassion, but only if there's something both of you really want to see. Buys snacks to share, totally holds the popcorn bucket in his lap so you have to reach over to get some. His movie taste is kind of all over the place; one week he'll want to see a musical and next week he'll want to see an action movie.
Ryuji Goda
Not super into movie dates because he's usually super busy and he tends to fall asleep in them a LOT. He prefers dates that have the two of you doing something together, not just sitting in a dark room. He WILL however chow down on some snacks. You do have to stop him from going overboard on the popcorn butter...
Daigo Dojima
Same boat as Ryuji for similar reasons, although he'll gladly watch a movie at home with you as an indoor date, especially if it's bad weather out. Prefers oldies and classics; think Seven Samurai, Casablanca, etc. Watches them to try to get an understanding of what makes them so important, as he finds that aspect most interesting. Not snobby about it though; if he doesn't get it, he'll straight up be like "... THAT'S the movie people keep raving about?!"
Mine Yoshitaka
Sick horny bastard is into a movie date in the idea that you are in a dark room with him, teehee. He's not ALWAYS like that but he will try to get it on during a movie with you at least once. If he's actually going to watch the movie, it's crime thrillers for him. Loves a good, brooding atmosphere.
Tatsuo Shinada
With how expensive tickets are these days, his ass cannot afford to go to the theater often so it's very much a special treat. He also sneaks in his own snacks... likes comedies and 80's movies the most.
Ichiban Kasuga
Bless his heart but he cannot stay awake in a movie theater for the life of him... it's just so comfy in there. At home he actually has a better chance of staying awake, somehow. But still, it's not the best option for him and he knows it. Most fond of superhero or action movies though.
Yu Nanba
Doesn't watch a lot of movies or keep up on what's trendy so you'll likely have to suggest a movie date. Watches some documentaries at home by himself though. Pretty open minded otherwise.
Adachi Koichi
Lots of comedies or action movies for Adachi. Enjoys movies pretty frequently and likes going out to see them with you. Snacks are a must if it's a blockbuster movie. That's the rule, he claims.
Tianyou Zhao
Down to see a movie now and then but he does kind of get fidgety if he's not fully entertained. Also sits funny in movie theater chairs. He's a little embarassed to admit it due to how stereotypical it sounds but he likes movies with lots of cool stunt work or martial arts. Things like The Raid or John Wick are fun for him.
Joon-Gi Han
Kind of a human trash can in that you can make him watch just about anything. Not super into popcorn but WILL eat a whole bag of candy by himself if you don't watch out. It's not that his sweettooth is even that bad; he just kind of does it absentmindedly. Never talks during movies, ever.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Likes arthouse and underground films; if it's something he's never heard of, he will want to try it just to see if it's interesting. Also likes to check out local filmmakers or festivals if he can make it. He would love for you to join him!
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sarascamander · 1 month
My unpopular TUA opinion:
1. I genuinely like Viktor as a character but I have a hard time watching his scene lmao. I root for him in season 1 but I skipped a lot of his scenes with Leonard because their relationship makes me uncomfortable and I really want to stab Leonard in the eyes every time he shows up on screen. In season 2 I found his story low-key boring and in season 3 — it's hard to watch the thing with Harlan. I actually agree with Allison on her feelings for Harlan.
2. Sissy and Viktor's relationship is cute... But I'm not a fan of it. Mainly because of the cheating 😭. I know it's an unhappy marriage and they love each other and the husband is a huge dick but still, the cheating still didn't sit right with me (which is another reason why this particular plot is hard for me to watch). I once watched this drama where the male lead married this villain and sneaked with the female lead behind her back and i felt so bad for the villain even though I hate her gut lmao.
3. Allison's character arc in season 3 is horrible and I hate watching her character digress like that but at the same time I think it is kind of justified in a way. I mean, a girl can only take so much before she pops. But it's kind of frustrating that it's OBVIOUS that the whole siblings tried to give her support. Viktor is obvious, Diego took her out to release tension, Luther always looks out for her, and even when she was arguing with Viktor, Five asked Allison if she's okay when she's the one that dropped the not okay words to Viktor. You can't say that the siblings didn't try to be there with her but she still acted selfishly.
4. This is just a minor thing but the way the Sparrow treated Grace will never stop making me feel angry. Like bro, have some respect that is your MOTHER. Or could have been. It's just heartbreaking to see how Grace ended up in the end because we see in season 1 that she could have feelings and the brellies love her but in this timelimes she's being treated like a servant 😭 AND when Diego saw Grace and look so happy and relieved to see her and then Jayme said he's a creep. SHUT UP HE LOVE HIS MOM OKAY.
5. Am I the only one who kind of ship Human Grace with Reggie in season 2? Low-key ship them and it's kind of weird but I like the potential there? And there's chemistry there.
6. Klaus can be annoying sometimes starting from season 2. I LOVE him but sometimes I want to strangle him lmao.
7. Umbrella Ben will always be an innocent precious little cinnamon roll in my heart, but in the show he can be quite horrible lmao. Possessing Klaus without his consent, preaching Klaus with the "Luther would do the same for you" in S1. Like SHUT UP BEN NO HE WON'T.
8. Lila pissed me off so much in season 2 with her relationship with Diego because why was she angry with him? Girl, he did nothing but give you heart eyes, YOU'RE the one that lied to him, betrayed him, and drugged and kidnapped him. SO WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE HE'S THE ONE THE SCREW UP!? "I even introduced you to my mom" GIRL YOU KIDNAPPED HIM. He didn't have a say in that. Stop tripping. And the things she did with Stan, is honestly not okay, wth Lila? (But they do warm up to me in season 3).
9. The romance in the show is not the greatest tbh. I don't actually ship any of the ships in the show (except for Diego and Lila at the end of S3) because they all kind of happen so fast and I felt like as soon as someone gets a love interest, that will be their first priority, their family be damned. And maybe logically this is true (I never experienced love so who am I to know) but I'm here for the family love so to see that happen pissed me off lmao. I understand their actions with their love interest but at the same time GET A GRIP.
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sometimesthatsbetter · 2 months
Every thing i read in Febubary
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I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game
The MC of this novel is so fucking silly cause who tf names their kid Ash 'Born hater' Everblack? Like i'm being for real right now, his mom literally called him her 'little hater'. Love that
So, a Korean gamer who was streaming about this old strategy game on hardmode where if you fail once the game resets. The guy got isekaied the moment he finished the game on stream and right in the middle of the battle field too, tough luck hater.
Before we go more in depth about this story I would recommend that you read the novel version, the manhwa seems a little tacky and i've seen alot of readers complain that the manhwa makes everything look cheaper.
So, one of reasons why it made on to my reading list is because it was recommended by my guy friends who has great taste for this kinda genre. It drew him in because it used actual strategies that he would also use in his game instead of throwing around random lingo in hopes to cater to gamers. Like every battle was truly suspenseful and the author isn't afraid to show that every victory requires a sacrifice. Also I've seen people praise the character development of this novel, everyone starts out a little stereotypical and annoying but they get their own story arcs to shine.
Another thing i like is that this story is about the fight against the end of the world. Like i know alot of stories with that kind of premise but rarely do i ever feel the urgencey as strongly as i do with this story. The last stand against a sea of monsters waiting to consume the world and the young prince who's tasked with the question of remaining human or turning into a monster to save his world. I love me some classical fantasy
Anyways, it has 500+ translated chapters and it's all free. Go read it now.
The problematic prince
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If i'm being honest here i can think of at least 10 more manhwa crown princes who are even more problematic than the ML, especially that guy from the abandoned empress, yeah fuck you blueberry head.
So the story premise is the typical bad boy x good girl story trope. Our prince Bjorn keeps getting pestered by his ex wife whom he doesn't want contact with and our FL is being sold off to the highest bidder in society, shinnaigans happen and so the are married. That's the very shorten version of the plot
First thing that i noticed, the vibes. It gave off so much Edwardian, turn of the century energy that i adore. From the costuming to the city streets and the interactions between common people. Love it.
The author seems to have been blessed with amazing writing skills because oh my god did the writing style made me swoon. Erna, our FL, can be classified as one of those soft girl heroines but i feel like she's more than that. She knew what she had to do to keep her loved ones safe and always strived for better, she's not a cunning villainess nor a simpering coward. Erna never settled and kept enduring and trying new ways to connect with others around her even when she's being labelled as a home wrecker.
Also the nobilities and medias reaction to their marriage was incredibly realistic, i see alot of manhwas with rags to riches stories or men marrying women with horrendus reputations but never mention how powerful the influence of the peoples opinions. Here you can see that Bjorn and Erna's relationship, while rocky still holds strong, it seemed like they are truly in love and happy with their choices. Yet media still condemns her as a witch, a slut and a disgrace towards the royal family. It even lead to a attempt on Ernas life. Which shows you how easily the public can be whipped into a frenzy just because of a narritive that she is other woman.
The spirit queen
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If i even find the author of this manhwa i would like to make out with them and have their babies, cause this kind of genious deserves to be preserved.
Do you want a story with proper drama? Do you want something that actually keeps it's momentum and doesn't half ass shit half way through? Do you want themes about power and how it turns people into the worse version of themselves? Well look no further. The spirit queen has your back
Another thing that i loved about this story was it's sympathy towards the working class. The servants in this aren't the stereotypical happy go lucky loyal maids that you see in manhwas, they also aren't evil back stabbing people either. They know that their lives are worthless when it comes to the upper classes so they do all that they can to survive and to protect their loved ones. And i respect that as hell, even if it made them do less than savory things.
Also i recently learned that the author, Tutu-nim, wrote and drew this manhwa on their own. A true girlboss
Run away with me, girl
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Remember all those times you said that you can be a better husband for the FL? Well this is a lesbian romance based on that premise.
It's a bittersweet romance story about two girls who were high school friends meeting each other after 10 years. Maki, who is till doing her graduate courses while living with her mom and lamenting her loneliness, while Midori is engaged and pregnant and living that perfect, normal life she wanted. Of course everything is not as it seems, and that's what the author wanted to explore in the coming chapters of the story
It's a short read, about 16? 17? chapters. But the author manages to do so much in that short amount of time. Every character felt so real and complicated. At first when you see Midori and the way that she treated Maki after their reunion, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that Midori is just playing around with Makis feelings. Especially with the way that she flirts and then reminds Maki of her engagement to her boyfriend.
This manga has the most realistic, hut wrenching potrayals of abuse, love and hate i've seen in a while. And if i'm being honest there is a high chance i would do the same if i was stuck in their situation.
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takerfoxx · 1 year
Okay, Gundam: The Witch from Mercury! As I said, got caught up, liked it a lot. Delivered pretty much what I expected: surprisingly enjoyable high school comedy/drama with giant robot fights and yuri that leads to the big moment where the show reminds everyone that Baby's First Gundam is still fucking Gundam, so enjoy the trauma!
I know a big part of the appeal was having a more accessible Gundam with, you know, lesbians, but honestly, while the school stuff wasn't exactly reinventing the wheel, everything was just so well done. Like, all the standard tropes were there, but there was obviously a lot of effort put into making them the best possible versions of those things. Like, I actually got invested in Suletta making friends and winning battles. The robot duels absolutely held my attention every time, and I actually was rooting for the hero to win. It's such a simple thing, but you'd be surprised how often I root for the rivals just to have something shaken up. But here, Suletta and her gang were just so danged likeable and her rivals were that perfect balance of infuriating and interesting that I did want them to lose, but I was also interested in what they did next. Like, give it up for Guel for having one of the most interesting character arcs. Also, kinda want to smack Shaddiq in his handsome face.
And what I also liked is that when something kind of started to bug me, kind of made me go, "Huh, is this really working?", suddenly it became the main focus and revealed itself to be a deliberate plot point all along.
Like, sure, Suletta and Miorine's engagement is a big selling point, but while I'm practically obligated by law to root for them, I started to notice a distinct lack of any real romantic chemistry. Like, Miorine did sort of make it clear from the beginning that their engagement is purely political in nature and would be called off the moment she could work out her escape, and until then she just needed someone good at robot piloting to hold off all those annoying suitors until then. So you can't say it was bait or anything. But even so, as the show went on, Suletta started crushing on Elan (or rather, his poor double), and Miorine continued to be dismissive and self-serving about, well, everything, I did start to wonder if Miorine even liked Suletta.
Fortunately, just as I was gearing up to make a post about that very disconnect, the show revealed that it's smarter than me and showed that that was the intention all along. Suletta had her heart broken by Miorine's dismissiveness of her, had her breakdown, and then she and Miorine had their big air-clearing fight and reconciliation that seemed to say that, yes, this is a couple that needs each other, they're just a little different and have a lot to learn about one another.
And honestly, I can't really blame either of them for that miscommunication. They just come from such completely different worlds (literally) and have completely different ways of looking at things. Miorine was raised in the world of cutthroat capitalism, where it's all about business deals and personal advantages, and all relationships are about what benefit they bring to the table. Marriage is a political partnership, romance is a silly thing for other people, and everything is a transaction. Suletta, however, is basically a country bumpkin raised by her (admittedly manipulative and vengeful) affectionate mother, but because of how sheltered she is, she's riddled with nerves and anxieties and just wants people to like her.
So to her, even though she didn't ask to become Miorine's groom, once she was in that position she resolved to be the best groom that she could, and probably made herself fall in love, because that's what one does for the person they're going to marry! She saw any request and responsibility as a token of trust, and her heart absolutely broken when Miorine hired those gardeners and casually told her to go ahead and date other people. It made her feel devalued, like she wasn't worth Miorine's consideration, whereas Miorine probably thought nothing of it. She had told Suletta from the beginning how things were, only asked her to look after her plants because she didn't have time to hire somebody else, and since Suletta was basically just standing as vanguards from other suitors, she ought to go ahead and date other people.
But I really liked how they handled that disconnect. We see how much Suletta is hurt, how it brings out the worst of her insecurities, and then the two basically confront one another and get everything out. I know Suletta serving up Miorine's order of extra ketchup will probably put a damper on things, but I do hope they can work past it, because I live for these sorts of relationships.
Ah, what am I saying? It's Gundam. We all better prepare for pain.
Speaking of which, I'm calling it now! Suletta is most definitely NOT Eri, Eri got Yui Ikari'ed into Aerial, and Suletta is likely a clone of her. It lines up with how she refers to Aerial as her sister, how Lady Prospera calls them both her daughters, how she speaks to it while piloting, and the fact that the timeline does not line up otherwise. And her "If you move forward" motto is a conditioning phrase instrumental in her brainwashing. She's a weapon.
Yeah, I know this ain't exactly new ground and people have been saying it before I started the show, but I just wanted to throw it out there.
Though can I just say one thing? I know Lady Prospera is all manipulative and using Suletta in a rather cruel way for the sake of her revenge, but she's kind of a baddie. As if in, she a MILF. As if in, Suletta's mom has got it going on.
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relax-and-read-on · 1 year
Mortarion is my favourite boy, so can i please get various shipping headcanons? (the boy needs a hug from Sanguinius complete with wings wrapping around him)
Oh honey you just hit my FAV poor lil meow meow!!!
Mortarion, and how he would work in various ships (chaos edition)
Magnus: Magnus/Morty is the most delicious enemy to lover. There is a thousand possible scenario for those two! Magnus seeking the second most powerful psycher in the family, Mortarion having to deal with witches... There is so much things to write about them! They would balance each other quite nicely too, with Magnus hopeful optimism and Mortarion pragmatism coming up to a more even result. Tho, I think my all time fav scenario, of how they could get together, is this: what if as a child, Mortarion send out a psychic distress signal as he was abused by Necare? And what if that signal was picked up by kid magnus, and a strange, long distance relationship started?
Alpharius Omegon: The hardest one for me to figure out. I can see them being fascinated by how unwillingly Mort is being used by the Imperium, or maybe them being assigned together in the hope their tactic rub off on Mortarion and he get less causality. Sorry, I'm running a bit dry here.
Horus: Horus is, canonically, one of the two primarch Mort has any attachment too. I usually see them as having more of a big bro/lil bro relationship, but it could easily be Mortarion pinning away at him too. Or Horus having that sweet secret romance! You can add some drama to it, and make it so that Mortarion is *Horus* side pieces, and he feel like trash about it. He wants! To be loved!
Angron: Mortarion has the best apothecary, and hate slavery. The Emperor could have given him to Mort in an attempt to help, and I feel like,at the very least, Morty would have been able to find drugs good enough to calm him down a bit, or ease his pain a bit. Angron would have probably seen a friend too in Mortarion, someone that was chained to the Imperium, and who also held no illusion toward their role.
Lorgar: You have unlocked my secret fav crackpair hehe. It's actually, so, so easy to ship them: you make Mort realise that Kor is a piece of shit. Mortarion, with his hatred of abusive dad, would start to do everything to protect Lorgar. And our sweet Urizen would look at him with bug eyes like "is this affection?? I now love you mind, body and soul." They would be a violently intense pairing, that swing between wild fight and incredible tenderness. And if you want to add spice? Lorgar can worship him, as someone choose by nurgle. Nurgle, being a deity of fertility on Colchis, would probably mean sexy time, wich would make their relationship EXTRA messy. All in all, 11/10 one of my fav.
Fulgrim: Fulgrim/Mort is actually really not that far fetch! First of all, they both adore Konrad, so that is a nice starting point. Following that, you basically just need them to sleep together once. Fulgrim, being himself, would make it the most amazing of time, and poor touch starved Morty would be hooked. Completely smitten. Not only that, but while he thing that all the fancy manners of Fulgrim might be for show, he would absolutely respect his working man background and admire his talent at making things. Fulgrim would also adore plumping him up, and pampering this poor, broken soul.
Perturabo: Another one of my guilty pleasure! Take the two big bitter resentful bastard, and see what happen!!! They would annoy the hell out of each others, and yet, they are SO similar. I want Perturabo to talk about birds, while Mortarion show him rare flowers. I want them to be their best and their worst together. The kind that hurt one another, but can't stay away. Toxic in all the right way.
... and Konrad: Listen. LISTEN. If GW is gonna write in the codex that those two are best friends, and then NEVER MAKE THEM INTERACT.... Then it's free real estate, I don't care. They are besty. They know each others secret hobbies. Mortarion enjoy Konrad weird bones craft, and Konrad is touched by the array of carnivorous plants he's gifted with. They cuddles, because no one really get them like each others. They have this tense friendship, like so many queer youngster had. The one were you aren't sure if it's friendship or attraction, were you kind if want to kiss the other, but knowing that it would change everything between you two, you stay put. They see each others at their worst, and only love the other more for it. I adore them. My precious.
I'll come with a loyalist list soon ;)
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nellie-elizabeth · 1 month
Grey's Anatomy: We've Only Just Begun (20x01)
And we're back! Crazy that this is the 20th season. I saw that Station 19 is ending after this season, which means Grey's has a very solid chance of outlasting another spinoff! Let's dive right in.
I am still repulsed by Jo and Link, I cannot help it. They just do absolutely nothing for me and it feels like such a forced, lazy writing choice. I think part of it is just that Jo and Alex, and Amelia and Link, both felt like real, organic, interesting romances to me that were earned over a long period of time, and this is just like... eh, throw the leftovers together I guess.
My Owen and Teddy dislike will never go away, but in this episode it wasn't so much that they annoyed me as that the storyline felt completely unnecessary? Teddy collapsing and needing emergency surgery and potentially dying felt like even more of a lazy tacked on drama for the cliffhanger last season than I'm used to with this show.
The good news for the future of this show is that I do continue to be interested by our intern characters, our new crop of leads. Jules and Blue with their awkward, hostile attraction and connection, Adams and Simone with their obstacles as they continue their burgeoning love story, Yasuda with her career doubts and anxieties. And in even more good news, Nick is leaving the hospital: I'm annoyed that it's to go be with Meredith, who deserves better than that stick in the mud, but at least that means he hopefully won't be around as much anymore.
This show is famous for its ridiculous disaster scenarios, and I like that it knows how to have fun with them and also comment on current events. The self-driving car malfunctioning and slamming again and again into the ambulance was a wacky scenario but also a believable extrapolation from stuff that's happened in real life, and it also gives an new and interesting challenge to several of the characters. I like that Adams and Simone have to make some of their own tough calls in the ambulance where they're trapped, but also have Meredith and Bailey outside guiding them through. Kind of a poignant metaphor for the current direction of the show, in a way: these characters we've been with for decades at this point are still around, and can still be depended upon, but the new kids have to forge their own path as well. I'm glad the patient in the ambulance survived, as did the guy inside the test car: a stressful and bizarre day of work, but ultimately a win, which I think everyone needed.
In Teddy news, as I said I was a little underwhelmed by the existence of this plot thread to begin with. But I did appreciate Winston being calm under pressure and totally handling the situation, saving her life and also steering Owen away from the midst of everything, encouraging him to get some rest. I also like Owen and Amelia having this steady friendship after all the tumult of their past relationship. Seeing her there for him during a difficult moment was great.
I love the role Meredith has in this world, now. She is a steadfast presence, and if this show continues for another decade to come, I hope Ellen Pompeo is willing to keep coming back for a couple episodes a season, so her presence is still felt. We're setting up an interesting plot that can develop in the background: Catherine Fox wants Meredith to drop her controversial takes about Alzheimer's research and go where the funding is, and Meredith actually seemingly agrees to this. She'll take the party line and stop making controversial waves for Catherine to deal with. But... she hands her research off to Amelia, so that it can continue in secret. This is really intriguing, and I actually got a little emotional thinking about Amelia and Meredith working on this project together!
We end with Teddy waking up, thank goodness, Link and Jo sharing a romantic moment (no thank you), and Richard going to an AA meeting to recommit to his sobriety - good for him! I'm excited to see where the show takes us next; there are always enough characters and stories going on in this show that it keeps me hooked, even when some of the characters are... not my favorites. We'll see which way things go from here!
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kaletastrophes · 10 months
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Pedro Pascal: A Life in Movies
Categorizing every film Pedro has mentioned in public.
Notes and Sources:
He mentions the 1979 film Caligula here in this interview but it’s so in passing I didn’t feel I could fully include it above.
He talks about Last Tango in Paris in that same interview but its…in relation to Marlon Brando’s dick size hahaha so again I didn’t feel this was enough to warrant inclusion. I'm sorry, I would have loved to include it! But alas.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have given so much space to Kramer vs. Kramer because it’s mentioned in passing in his funny Superman story, but I made the executive decision to put it in there anyway. 
So I didn’t include it in the graphic above but Superman was actually the film the Pascal family was watching in the theater when young Pedro wondered off and got lost. 
When Pedro Pascal was roughly 4 years old, he and his family went to see the 1978 hit movie “Superman,” starring Christopher Reeve. Pascal’s young parents had come to live in San Antonio after fleeing their native Chile during the rise of dictator Augusto Pinochet in the mid-1970s. Taking Pascal and his older sister to the movies — sometimes more than once a week — had become a kind of family ritual, a way to soak up as much American pop culture as possible. At some point during this particular visit, Pascal needed to go to the bathroom, and his parents let him go by himself. “I didn’t really know how to read yet,” Pascal says with the same Cheshire grin that dazzled “Game of Thrones” fans during his run as the wily (and doomed) Oberyn Martel. “I did not find my way back to ‘Superman.'” Instead, Pascal wandered into a different theater (he thinks it was showing the 1979 domestic drama “Kramer vs. Kramer,” but, again, he was 4). In his shock and bewilderment at being lost, he curled up into an open seat and fell asleep. When he woke up, the movie was over, the theater was empty, and his parents were standing over him. To his surprise, they seemed rather calm, but another detail sticks out even more. “I know that they finished their movie,” he says, bending over in laughter. “My sister was trying to get a rise out of me by telling me, ‘This happened and that happened and then Superman did this and then, you know, the earthquake and spinning around the planet.'” In the face of such relentless sibling mockery, Pascal did the only logical thing: “I said, ‘All that happened in my movie too.'” (Source)
Poor baby hahaha 
He also mentions Paper Moon here around the 3 minute mark, as a film that the Mando team asked him to watch to inform the Mando character and his relationship with the child.
Chinatown and Dog Day Afternoon are mentioned as two of his all time favorite films in both his Reddit AMA and this Buzzfeed interview. The Reddit AMA is also where he mentions Solaris, Alien, and Superman.
Alien being is mentioned AGAIN in his Variety interview here. The interviewer of this really annoys me but that's truly here nor there.
Dog Day's Attica! scene is named as his favorite movie scene in this interview. That interview is also where he speaks about Alien, and The Omen.
The story about his father taking him to see Watership Down can be found here.
Jaws is mentioned briefly is his Vogue Italia interview.
Star Wars is mentioned in his Esquire Spain interview.
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messymindofmine · 1 year
I'm just going to say one thing before tonight's episode. At this point we only have clips that are literally used to create drama to go off on right now. We don't know what's going to happen but from everything that we have been told, they will be having some kind of conversation about this and they will remain united.
What I don't understand is why ppl are so quick to take sides. Carlos not wanting kids is perfectly valid for whatever reason. It actually makes sense. He spent his whole life so convinced that he would never have the life he has now. He was convinced that he'd disappointed his parents by being who he is and tried to marry a woman so that he could fit the mould he thought he had to fit into. But now he's realizing that he doesn't have to change himself or adhere to traditional heteronormative ideals to be happy. He kept his marriage to Iris a secret from the man he loves for their entire relationship but now it's out in the open. Now that marriage is over and hes embarking on a real marriage with the man he loves, it makes sense that after a lifetime of trying to so hard to fit into what tradition expected him to, he's questioning whether or not he even wants all the things he believed he did. He wants to get married but maybe he's questioning whether having children is something he truly wants or was just led to believe he did. And it's also understandable that he wants to enjoy him and TK being husbands. Again, this is something he never thought he'd have so of course he'd want to enjoy it as much as possible. It doesn't even seem as if he's saying he never wants kids. But I do agree that of you're not 100% certain that you want kids then that means you shouldn't have them.
That said, TK wanting kids is also valid. He didn't grow up in a stable household and it left it's mark on him. I can see how he'd want kids so that he can have the family he always wanted. But his assumption that Carlos thinks that he'd be a bad father shows that there are other issues at play and it's important for them to talk about this bc if he's more into the idea of having kids to fix the pain his own childhood caused him then that's not a good reason to have kids.
This isn't a situation where one person is right and the other is wrong. This is a situation of communication. Its a situation where they need to actually talk about what they see in their future and try to come to some agreement. It doesn't have to be one conversation either. They can decide to just wait a while and keep talking about it in the meantime. They have time, they don't have to have kids right away.
All that said, people are allowed to be upset. I don't like seeing any type of anger towards any of the characters but I do understand why. From what I can see some people are upset bc it feels like Carlos saying he doesn't want kids takes their fantasy of dad!Tarlos away. I don't think so. That's the beauty of fanfic. You can write whatever you want. Even if they decide to never have kids, nothing is stopping you from writing them as dad in your own fics. But just bc people are upset with Carlos right now doesn't mean that they don't want to see his character development or that they don't want to see him as anything other than TK's partner. You can love a character and appreciate their growth be upset with them at times. Carlos has been put on a pedestal for 3 seasons and even though he's the same character he's always been now, we're seeing his flaws explored more. I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be upset at certain things especially when he's behaving in less than ideal ways. He was deflecting the conversation as TK tried to talk to him and I think people are allowed to be annoyed about that. TK has been getting hate since 1x02 despite all his growth and many of us have had to put up with it for 4 seasons now. Any time there was a conflict in the prior 3 seasons, TK bore the brunt of people's anger even when Carlos was also to blame. Like with the breakup. And people are still getting mad at TK now for being unreasonable. So it's not like only people are only mad at one of them right now. We should be able to criticize a character for certain behaviors without others saying that we don't want to see them develop or we only want to see them act a certain way. Carlos has a habit of deflecting important conversations and it's not healthy in a relationship. I think people are allowed to be upset that he's doing this now. It doesn't mean that they hate him now or they don't want to see him developing. The same thing happened at the beginning of the season where people couldn't express their upset at Carlos having kept his marriage a secret without being inundated with messages dredging up every mistake TK has ever made. Carlos has flaws. We can acknowledge those flaws and appreciate his development while still being annoyed at his behavior at times. Just like we do for all the other characters.
Also for all we know, this episode could end up similar to how 4x02 did with them talking and having that beautiful moment in the end where TK opens up about his insecurities and Carlos reassures him and opens up about his own insecurities in return and they express their love for each other. And people were so upset when they released the promo clip bc it felt like TK's feelings were just going to be used as a punchline. But then everything calmed down after the couch scene. And then everyone was mad again after 4x03 bc they were either mad at Carlos for his behavior or they were trying to pin the blame onto TK. But then things calmed down again after 4x04. I actually wouldn't be surprised of that's what ends up happening
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battendownthewhatsit · 6 months
I have now seen the OFMD finale! Under the cut for spoilers/ mild unplussed opinions
mild spoilers/ mild negative opinions..?
--I liked the first several eps of this season just fine--basically to the point of Ed and Stede agreeing to take it slow it was really solid. And then it felt like we hit Skip on one or two episodes and missed a lot of CRUCIAL character development (and maybe some plot but Eh, this is OFMD, not Black Sails. The plot is Whatever). That was really intense here.
I didn't feel Anything about Izzy dying because it felt like I was watching a totally different character than the Horrible Creature I enjoyed for the first season and a half. I LOVED the show's intro of the Pirate Queen and her crew when introduced but there's so much about the two crews' relationship with each other AND within them that really felt like it needed more development?? like how Auntie is suddenly supposed to be an Izzy analogue and...no?? Auntie is not a traitor, Auntie is not selling her captain out to the English,Auntie is incredibly patient, actually, about her captain's chosen boyfriend messing up all her Actually Very Important sailing info and tools.
...also I was really ...well , having some kind of emotion about how the Pirate Queen's fleet is apparently fine to be a complete write off? We couldn't pick up some nameless extras on the way to the ships? And how did the Revenge crew survive but almost none of the Fleet?? they had to be hundreds if not thousands of people!
I'm not trying to Cancel OFMD or whatever, I'm saying I think this is part of the Short Season, Short Budget issue-- we never get the time to know more about the Fleet crew. I understand but it's such a wasted opportunity! all the drama they set up there with the escape of the Revenge and it goes BOOM and vanishes in a burst of clocks thanks to Nose Boy. it was... honestly it was kind of annoying??
this season was trying to do a LOT of intense emotional work, for a pirate romcom, and I feel like it got undercut by, I'm guessing, crappy streaming budget choices and it is AGGRAVATING bc it's So Close to totally pulling it off, if it just had a liiiiittle more time!
Anyway I am arguably not really the audience for this show-- I don't like romcoms, as a rule, but I DO love Comedy Pirates, so it's amazing this show has charmed me as much as it has. But I hope S3 gives us a lot more Crew Shenanigans (and MORE FRENCHIE!! my star! my hero of scams!) and especially a few more episodes!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Would love to see how either of the twins deal with jealous exes (actually that made me think of something I'll send it in a different ask) could only imagine Guzma coming in the station to confront his ex's new boyfriends
Guzma "I see they needed two of you to replace the one of me"
Ingo "Who are you?"
Guzma "I'm their motherfucking boyfriend-"
The s/o behind Guzma "EXcuse me?!"
Guzma flinching and closing his eyes to take a deep breath "Ex. I'm their ex. What of it?!"
Emmet "What are you hoping to achieve here?"
Guzma "To show you two up and win them back, DUH"
luckily... i am a big fan of this idea.
also if you sent the other ask in it did not come through.
cw: some violence in the double trouble part
● Your ex, Piers, was a pleasant guy overall. A caring older brother, a devoted lover, and someone you could have honestly seen yourself settling down with. Of course, dating someone famous came with consequences in many forms. One of which, crazy fans, led to your breakup. Perhaps it was a bit petty on your party, but getting stabbed wasn't something you ever wanted to experience again. The breakup was heartbreaking, Piers basically got on his knees and pleaded for you to stay. Marnie loved you, and he loved you; you were basically family. It hurt to say goodbye. You ignored all of his attempts to contact you afterwards.
● You moved to Unova to escape the scene and drama that followed. Nimbasa proved a lovely city to keep you entertained. A job was taken up as a secretary for the administrative area of the Gear Station. The job was a complete system change from being the partner of a famous trainer and singer. Your boss, Ingo, was quick to catch your attention. The way he overworked himself and failed basic self-care often worried you. You started packing two lunches and often snuck one off to Ingo and attempted to lighten his paperwork load to the best of your abilities.
● You grew close fast, him appreciative of your kindness and care. A dinner outing moved into dates, which turned into a full on relationship. Despite his notable acclaim, his fame never proved to have as many toxic downsides as Piers's own. You settled into a normal life with Ingo. Moving in, you helped him both around the house and office. The depot agents thought it was an adorable love story, Emmet was grateful someone cared about his brother as much as him, and Elesa was stunned by your ability to force Ingo out of his office.
● Well, she posted a photo of you and Ingo together to her twitter with the caption “Look at my bestie and his partner💖💖!!!” Naturally, Piers caught wind of this. His heart still hadn't mended from the trauma of you being injured because of him and your terrible breakup. Why were you with someone so painfully average? Could he even serenade you? The singer booked a flight to Unova.
● Ingo was annoyed when a street musician had taken to planning in the station again. How many times must he tell them? Would they never learn? He shrugged on his coat and paused his paperwork. Curiously, he noted you were gone from your desk. Were you in the bathroom? He shrugged, you probably needed to walk around for a minute.
● A crowd had gathered around the singer, loud cheers and yells echoed throughout the station. This was not a street musician Ingo realised. Pushing his way through, He yelled over the fans and singer. There stood the Galarian singer Piers. Ingo squinted. Why was someone like that in his station? His blue eyes landed on the Subway Boss and his face twisted into a sneer.
● “Cheat the odds that made you brave to try to gamble at times. Well, I feel like dirty laundry sendin' sickness on down the line,” Piers sings into his microphone. Ingo gives him a strange expression. Oh, what the hell is this about. “Tell you why: 'Cause I'm jealous, jealous again. Thought it time that I let you in. Yeah, I'm jealous, jealous again. Got no time, baby,” He moves to stand before Ingo. The Subway Boss is understanding that his is him being mocked.
● He stands stiffly with his arms crossed as the singer continues the song. The crowd is forced to clear out while Ingo pulls the man aside. “Excuse me, I understand that you are a famous personality, but this is not the place for such impromptu performances. If you ever wish to do something like that again, please check in with myself or Emmet,” he explains. Piers sighs and yawns. What a boring guy. “You don't know why I'm here, do you?” Ingo shook his head. “You have my partner. I don't like that,” Piers stared past Ingo, eyes brightening immensely.
● Turning his head, he sees you standing there holding coffees. Your eyes are wide and your shoulders stiff. “Piers… What are you doing here?” You eventually shake off whatever overcame you and stomp over. The pale male smiles at you, “I'm here to get you back, love. I can't believe you left me for such an insufferable bloke like this. You want to come back? I'd be happy to have you.” A flush drew across your face from both anger and embarrassment. Seriously, who did he think he was?
● Ingo cut in before you could even hope to speak. “I apologise, but I don't recall my dear ever mentioning being unhappy in our relationship. I'm quite stringent about communication, so I would know about any malcontents present,” the older twin wrapped an arm around you. Both men could have been described as puffed up cats, both vying for your affection.
● “Ingo… Babe, I got this,” you reassured him with a quick peck to his cheek. Piers looked mortified at that, but you ignored him. Ingo hummed. He trusted you. His hand grasped yours. You turned to your ex, “Piers… I just didn't feel safe dating you anymore. It wasn't your fault, but I just couldn't look at you the same way after. You were a great boyfriend, any other person would be lucky to have you. I'm with Ingo now. Engaged, in fact. I'm not going anywhere.” You held your left hand up to show off the ring Ingo was recently gifted to you.
● “I see… What am I doin' here? The way you looked so hurt after everything, I couldn't forgive myself. I didn't protect you…” It was terribly sad to learn how Piers was affected by the whole situation, but it was much too late for any recovery. You gave him an amicable hug and promised him that you didn't blame him for what had happened. He squeezed you too tight. A solemn parting was had. Ingo looked distressed. You had to explain to him about your previous breakup, it seemed.
○ Raihan was someone you definitely had fun dating. Happy? Perhaps, but you would just describe it as fun. Of course, fun has its limits. You felt neglected as he leaned more into his online presence and pokemon training. Sometimes, it felt like you were warring with Leon for his attention. You were tired of putting up with it. A sit down went ignored by the gym leader and led to you breaking up with him. He didn't take it very well, confused as to why you would want to leave him. Raihan believed he was a model boyfriend, and his fans agreed.
○ His fans, naturally, majorly harassed you. Moving away from it all, you ended up in Unova. It was a change of pace and a new place to start over. A job was gotten at one of the Battle cafés, and you found yourself enjoying life again. It was both happy and fun. A regular had caught your attention pretty quickly. He switched between a work uniform and some cute, fashionable clothes depending from whether he was on a shift or not. Not to mention, he was a tough trainer to boot. You were about the only person in the café to stand a chance against him.
○ Eventually, he asked if you were interested in him. Like, plainly. No dressing up the phrase at all. You told him that you were without any hesitation. It was soon after that a whirlwind romance happened with the Subway Boss. He was loving, doting, and affectionate. You never felt alone, and he often made stops specifically to visit you during your shifts. Everything got more and more intense until you found yourself moved in with him. Everyone one in Emmet's, so consequently your, life found you perfect for the giddy man. Ingo enjoyed the way you kept his hyperactivity down enough and somehow got him to actually finish his paperwork, while Elesa thought it was totally cute how you were so down for whatever he wanted to do.
○ Elesa, finding you both adorable together, snapped a photo of you feeding him a piece of cake you had made him. “These two are insufferable together🙄🙄🙄 love them tho💖💖💖” was the caption. It spread like crazy, being considered a 'relationship goal'. Of course, it becoming so viral led to a certain Galarian gym leader spotting it. Fans of his showing him how his partner had moved on from him. It was awful. From the mighty Raihan to public transport manager. A sad shift. He books a ticket immediately. He would remind you of how well you could really do.
○ Emmet was excited about the promise of a strong trainer on his super line of all things. He heard of just how powerful this trainer supposedly was, taking full advantage of weather manipulation. A perfect understanding of double battles as well. He was excited. This trainer would come, he would get an intense battle, and then he would go see you on his lunch. Emmet clutched the ball that contained his Eelektross.
○ The door slid open to reveal a younger guy, dressed in a baggy hoodie and some joggers. A bright orange headband obscured most of his head. Turquoise eyes glared at him while a smug smile played across his lips. “So… You're the subway manager?” Emmet tilted his head. Yes, he was that. It was not his title. The thick Galarian accent proved he was not a local, so he likely didn't know his title. “Yes. I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. I like Double Battles. I like combi-” Emmet started his introduction, but his opponent just shook his head.
○ “I know who you are, mate. I know you're dating,” Emmet flinched when your name left his lips, “See, I loved them first. I love them waaaaaay more than you could ever hope to, so…” an aggressive pose was struck, leaning forward with his arms out from his sides. His face twisted into something to bear his teeth in a strange smile while one of his closed slightly. “The great Raihan doesn't give in easily.” A Flygon and Goodra are then tossed out onto the field.
○ Emmet started at him with a confused expression. Was he your ex? Well, he certainly had some nerve. Emmet tossed out his shared Haxorus and Excadrill. Raihan proved himself a formidable foe, refusing to back down at all. He kept the twin on the ropes, clearly determined to 'win' you back. Emmet sighed as it was down to his Eelektross and his opponent's Duraludon.
○ “If I win this… I want you to break up with them,” Raihan called out, “They can do so much better than you. Why would they move on to someone like you? You act like a kid!” All that information, naturally, came from his fans online. Emmet felt annoyed. A kid? The gym leader was younger than Emmet and calling him a child. His Eelektross let out a fearsome cry and followed the twin's orders to a T. The steel-dragon type was utterly defeated in the end.
○ Raihan looked extremely frustrated. His loss clearly held some symbolic meaning to him. “Why?” He asked, glaring at him with his shoulders shaking, “Why did they leave me? You're just some average nobody in charge of public transport. I gave them everything they could want.” Emmet tsk'd. This was THAT ex. The one who failed to give you all the affection and love you so deserved. “I am Emmet. I love my partner verrrrrry much. I hug them whenever I see them. I kiss them whenever I can. You did not do those things,” He took a seat on the plastic bench, watching the gym leader carefully. Raihan sighed. “Yeah… I really messed up, huh? Leon always told me I wasn't giving them enough attention,” he realised how lonely you must have felt. “You did. Please don't bother them. I will be upset,” Emmet warned, “They are happy now. Shouldn't that be enough for you? That's all I want. Their happiness.” Raihan nodded. Yeah, if you were happy that's all that mattered. Even if it was with some lame nearly thirty man.
▲Double Trouble▽
● Your ex, Guzma, was certainly a character. He lived in an abandoned town with a gang of teenage delinquents while working for a mad woman who wanted to transcend dimensions. He was a bit too possessive, getting jealous when another guy held your attention too long. You put up with everything for the longest time, feeling like Guzma was your one true love. Of course, this was all to be the rebellious person you totally were and didn't end dramatically after Guzma punched a guy friend of yours. You left Alola in its entirety and blocked the Team Skull Boss on everything. Guzma was heartbroken and couldn't take the sting of you just leaving him.
○ Nimbasa proved itself a healthy change for you to start to build a gentle life together. You got a job in the gym as a trainer and found yourself becoming a good friend with the leader, Elesa. She, in turn, invited you with her quite often. This led to you meeting Ingo and Emmet. The twins were a fun combination of personalities and proved themselves quite mature, different from everything Guzma provided. It wasn't long until one asked you on a date and the other followed. Dating two people at once seemed difficult in theory, but Ingo and Emmet knew how to share. You never felt so loved before you fell asleep snuggled between the two.
● Of course, Elesa was extremely proud of her matchmaking. She quite literally took out two twin Pidoves with one stone. A picture of you cuddled between the twins on a train ride to Anville was taken by her. “Heyyy, everyone! Look 👀👀 at these goofballs and their partner. smh Ingo that is not proper subway etiquette.” It went viral instantly. Two boyfriends? Astounding. There were many an interesting debate about the morality of love, but that went ignored. No, what mattered was that it was everywhere. Everywhere enough that even a certain Alolan bug type trainer would see it. He hated it. What pathetic looking guys. One had some creepy ass smile on his face, while the other looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Ugh. Guzma was a much better boyfriend than these shitty train fuckers.
○ He managed to scrape together some cash to get a flight to Unova. It wasn't hard to catch you at the station, going to see those creepy twins. Guzma catches your arm, which makes you flinch. “Did ya think I would just forget you, babe?” You looked different, moved on from the clothing usually donned by the punks in Team Skull to something much more fashionable and presentable. The pendant he gifted you, long gone. “Guzma… why are you here?” You couldn't believe he actually left Alola. “To win you back. I ain't leaving without you,” he pulls you in close.
● “One guy couldn't replace me, huh? Needed two to even get close to what I give you. Just come back. I love you and the grunts miss you,” his face was much too close to your own as he spoke. A loud whistle rang out and footsteps stomped toward you both. Ingo and Emmet appeared right on time. The whistle was spit from the younger twin's mouth, while his eyes screamed for violence. “Pardon us, but I insist you let our partner go at once,” his hands were placed firmly on his hips as he glared down the stranger.
○ Guzma rolled his eyes, “I'm their boyfriend, actually.” His arm around your waist pulled you closer. “EXcuse me, Guzma,” you struggled in his grasp, sending a look to Emmet. There was no need for intervention as he flinched and closed his eyes. It was enough for you to break away and dash to the younger twin, who wrapped a protective arm around you. “Fine then, I'm their ex. What's it matter?”
● “What are you trying to do?” Emmet's voice was an empty monotone, his grip tightened. Your safety was assured in his grip. Theirs, however, was debatable. “Win them back. I'm a much better boyfriend than both of you combined.” Suddenly, he threw a punch at Ingo. His fist made contact with the older twin's nose. It contorted painfully, and Ingo took a terrified step back. Blood steadily dripped from his nose. Passersby stopped to watch the violence, a few pulling out their phones. Emmet quite literally growled before charging at the Alolan man. You rushed over to Ingo, who had teared up while holding his nose.
○ Emmet and Guzma's physical scuffle ended after a few depot agents came to intervene. The police had been called, and they would have preferred their boss not to die so soon. The two were separated while you tried to help poor Ingo. You leaned his head forward to help with his bloody nose. The cops came, Guzma was taken away and statements were taken from everyone involved and a few witnesses.
● Later that evening, after the madness had settled down, you found yourself clinging to Ingo while Emmet clung to you. “I'm sorry, honey,” you kissed his cheek, mindful of his injured nose. Ingo shook his head, “It wasn't your fault… Please don't blame yourself. You should have told us about him, I had no idea you had been through so much.” Emmet nodded and tightened his grip around you. “My darling will never go through that pain again. I won't let you,” he cooed softly, “I'll keep you and Ingo safe!” The older twin rolled his eyes. “I can protect myself, thank you very much.” Emmet shot him a look. “Whose nose is currently blue?” You sighed as the settled into one of their sibling arguments. At least they were warm.
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