#i'm easily provably correct on every thing i just said. i've heard your dumbass conservative arguments a THOUSAND TIMES
anarchicarachnid · 3 years
Sometimes my patience slips up with conservatives, completely sold on conservative propaganda as a basis for factual reality. Like, my dad tried to tell me yesterday that Democrats only ever vote along party lines, unlike Republicans, and I was like.. You mean for example the latest stimulus bill that literally every single Republican voted against, along with 6-7 Democrats???
Like imagine just having an entire worldview that just needs no connection to factual reality whatsoever.
Mainstream conservative politics is literally just.. taking every single factually true bad thing about themselves and Uno card reversing it onto the Democrats. Hell, that's how we got so far down this rabbit hole that people genuinely believe "radical liberal" isn't pure nonsense.
For real though; Only caring about political power, being obsessed with identity politics, being entitled and easily outraged, lying about their opponents in political ads, being beholden to lobbyist money, only supporting the party position instead of the interest of the people, not caring about scientific or sociological data to inform their positions.. I could go on and on. These are all things that I have explicitly heard Republicans say that Democrats do, which the Republicans are blatantly, factually, proveably more guilty of by leaps and bounds.
It's ABSURD how much of the GOP's perpetuation of their power absolutely relies on hypocritical lying. Just blatant, outright lying. Fighting against all scientific, economic, historical, and sociological consensus, pushing narratives that the entire rest of the population plainly sees through. But the individual conservatives are so, SO wrapped up in identity politics that they don't actually give a shit about fact checking.
Like listen if you really think the Democrats are guilty of this shit, which they in many cases are, then you have NO fucking business pretending the GOP doesn't do all of that to a greater degree. Just admit those talking points are just a bludgeon to use against your opposition, and that you have no principles. This is why it's hard to criticize establishment Dems, knowing full well that every single dumbass with a bone to pick is gonna jump in and pretend that it's proof that the GOP is less guilty.
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