#i'mma stress write
thcwidow · 1 year
back to work tomorrow (i have to wake up at 3am, ew) so activity will be less than it has been. again. it’s a three-day week though, then i have four days off for new years. but. yeah...
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altraviolet · 4 months
so im neck deep in reading echo garden - hi, hope ur doing well, holy hell what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? i originally wanted to ask you something like; 'what's your inspiration for your worldbuilding, what ideas did you come up with, pull/build from etc'
..but instead i wanna try and ask you a different question/for advice, if that's okay? (your writing went and gave me a mild crisis, congrats you've reached peak 'make-ppl-feel-things-thru-writing' skillz. :}) how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc,
but i'm just now breaking free of the thought that i have to.. produce something big and unique and grandiose? (for others? it's a weird attention-y 'ey look what i made' thing.) like, honestly, i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly.
I don't know.. how to worldbuild/craft (whatever term) something that feels like mine? I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough. like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
I'm sitting here in a really weird, silly, downright stupid at this point, circular loop and I don't know how to get out of it. I think not understanding what worldbuilding is, or how it works or even how having ideas works, might be why I've screwed myself here? And the internet's weird.. impossible standard for idea-having.
I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. (is maybe the thought that I ought to grow them in the first place one of the reasons I'm having trouble? and it's.. okay to not? that just because they're tiny, or simple, or mundane, doesn't mean they're worth less than 'bigger & better' chunks of ideas/worldbuilding?)
Hi! I'm doing okay, thanks. Vacation could be structured more to my liking, but family & obligation something something.
Anyway. Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying Echo Garden. Especially the worldbuilding, which is one of my favorite things to do. It seems like you're feeling a lot of mixed and heavy things about it. I don't know if I'm any authority to help you with that, but I'll give it a shot. Let's go through what you've sent me, albeit out of order. I'mma put this behind a cut, because it got very long.
>what is this beautiful piece of writing and worldbuilding omg? Thank you! I appreciate that. Here I would like to stress that this writing has taken me almost 4 years and hundreds and hundreds of hours, and hundreds of thousands of words to accomplish. If you think it is beautiful, I am happy to hear that! I will be honest: I am very proud of what I've done. But what I'm stressing here is that it was not effortless. It is beautiful, but it has taken a lot of work.
>i fell in love with your worldbuilding but feel.. envious? like, 'oh, damn, i wish i was this good.' which, yeah, I KNOW is silly. No, that's not silly. That's legit. Envy or jealousy are totally normal things to feel in any given situation. If the situations were reversed, I'd feel the same way. When I see people who have things or skills I wish I had, I feel it. This might be a good time to drop a little story about when I first thought about writing TF fic. Please do me a favor and go read this ask, you can skip down to the bold words that say NOTE THE WARNINGS AND TAGS BEFORE READING. Here I talk about how I didn't write for a year because I read a fic so good I knew I could never be that good.
tl;dr and/or moral: it's ok and natural to feel envious. Don't let it stop you from writing, though. If I had let TGWP stop me from writing, you'd never have Echo Garden. That'd be a shame, I think. I'm glad I decided to try writing, even though I knew I couldn't do something as good as what I admired. I did something else.
>how do you even 'do' worldbuilding? because i'm doubting myself, reading your story lol. i know the whole.. 'we get inspiration from literally everything around us', 'there's no such thing as a truly original idea' etc, I'll come back to your first question eventually, but I wanna address the latter statements: "We get inspiration from everything around us," yes, this is true. Being a sponge, being observant of the world, will help you build a 'library' of ideas. Artists have a term for this that escapes me at the moment, but the idea is, if an artist draws 1000 trees, and within those, 50 different kinds of trees, they now have an excellent mental tree 'library' to reference when they need to draw a tree. And since it's super easy to find irl references of trees, one might ask, what's the use of the mental library? It gives the artist the basics and a ton of variations on The Concept of a Tree. In a similar way, observing the world, reading stories, listening to music, absorbing creative works, etc will also add to your mental library. You can call on these things when worldbuilding later. Quick example: if you know the ins and outs of a hospital, because you're a nurse, you'll have a fantastic basis for a realistically operating sci fi hospital on another world. Take a concept relating to the hospital, as we know it on Earth, and change it. What if patients can regrow internal organs but not limbs? See what that does to the organization of the hospital. The staff, the pharmacy, the stock, the medical supplies. What changes? Organ donors aren't needed anymore. Would this mean an actual reduction in the species's understanding of how those organs work? An irl nurse won't have to do a ton of research to get the basics which are drawn upon to answer those questions.
This line of questioning took me to something I want to expand upon later, but for now: What kind of cultural issues could arise from this species's healing ability? Is someone who was forced to grow a new liver due to an accident "less than" someone who has their original liver? Hold onto the fact that we just went from hospital -> biology -> culture. "There's no such thing as a truly original idea," I disagree with this statement, though I know it is a very, very popular one. I think it is true that plots and archetypes are commonly used over and over again. I think there are still original ideas out there, though. I pride myself on it, to be honest. Some of the worldbuilding you like so much comes from ideas that I've not seen in either TF canon or fanon. They tend to be smaller details that feed into bigger systems, once you take them to their logical endpoints. More on that later.
>I keep comparing to others, and keep feeling like whatever bits and pieces come to me isn't good enough. Isn't unique/cool/giant/'oh-so-new-&-different' enough.
All I can say here is that comparison is the thief of joy. If we're talking strictly fanfic, it shouldn't be this stressful on you. People love tropes for a reason. Don't be afraid to use them. Echo Garden itself has a few. "Enemies to lovers" never quite felt like the correct term, but it is recognizable and there are tons of fans of it. Remember the thing about me not writing for a year cuz I thought I wasn't good enough. Don't do that. Comparison is the thief of joy! >like I have to somehow reach that impossible 'true original idea', without using any inspiration at all (otherwise it's not 'mine') - when everything's already been thought of before by countless people.
Again, I do think there are truly original ideas still out there. You have a unique view of the world. Writing is one way to share it. All your experiences, your education, your hardships and your victories shape who you are. No one else will be looking out the same eyeballs. With practice, you can find ideas. I'll explain how I do it. Maybe that will help you, too. Though you do have, by your own words, little pieces: I have tiny pieces, the barest little foundations, I just don't know how to grow them into.. something, anything. Little pieces are a good place to start. And if they stay little, that's fine. Having a ton of little pieces layered on top of each other is what contributes richness to your world.
My goal with all the above was to address the emotional aspect of your ask. I haven't gone through everything, but I'd like to get to your core question. I am going to answer it literally, in a way that might not help you, then try to break it down into something that might be helpful.
how do you even 'do' worldbuilding?
I think. All the time. I am one of those people who has a laser focus and is able to make connections between unrelated ideas. I am always, always thinking. It's not really daydreaming. It's thinking about a single idea and then taking it for a ride down a million "what if?" paths. Put it this way: I think watching astronomy lectures is fun and I loathe parties. Fun for me is world building: building literal worlds. Playing with ideas. So how do I 'do' worldbuilding? Mostly in my head. Once I get some ideas that make sense, I write them down so I don't forget them. If I'm lucky, I'm at home at my computer and can type them fast. If I'm not, I'm at work, and I scribble them on pieces of paper. It can be anything, from a huge plot point to a teeny tiny detail.
How do I think? If I'm world building from nothing (as opposed to solving a problem or building on top of previously thought of stuff), I just... think of things that fascinate me. For Transformers, that's their biology and how it links to culture. It's their alienness. The possible geology of their world. I freaking love just thinking about that!
Once you have a fascinating idea, you push it. What does that mean? Do you recall, in the nurse/hospital example above, I noted that, while we started with 'hospital setting,' it moved to how that healing factor could be interpreted in the culture of that species? That was what I mean: taking the idea of 'alien hospital' to 'what does this mean about their biology?' to 'what does this mean about their culture?' And to be honest, this is how I do a lot of world building. Culture comes from biology and geology. This is a personal theory I have, I'm sure anthropologists have a better definition of culture. But that's the one I use for worldbuilding. What is the consequence of your fascinating idea? That is the key for me. That is how I worldbuild.
If I'm worldbuilding on top of previous stuff, it's sometimes a bit harder or easier, depending on how the previous stuff narrows your possibilities. But in that case, I usually try to be as logical as possible. Here's an example for Echo Garden:
canon facts: the Lost Light has a fuel furnace and an engine room and a bridge
me: hmm, okay, the LL has utilities and facilities, kind of like a small town. someone has to tend to those things. I'm sure some mechs have specialized knowledge that makes them a better fit for maintaining/upkeeping certain things than others. We saw Blaster on the bridge acting as a communications officer of sorts. Hmm, he's probably the best bet for keeping comm-related stuff clean and running. Hmm, that fuel furnace... I bet it's really hot in there, lol. I bet it's complicated in there. They probably have to color code the pathways to the different furnaces. I bet most mechs wouldn't like being in there because it's so hot. I wonder who'd get stuck with that chore. Well... Rodimus is fireproof, basically, and Trailbreaker could protect himself with his shield. So they can do that chore.
It feels rambly when I write it out. I suppose it could be. I do this very quickly in my mind, though. I pull from everything I know: canon, fanon, things I know from my own life experiences. This 'pulling' happens all at the same time. So, going back to that 'mental library,' as you can see, that's a powerful thing for me to have for my worldbuilding method.
Okay okay, so how can I make all that into something actionable by you? Good question. I suppose I will answer it with more questions!
Precisely define what it is you want to worldbuild. Is it cultural (language, food, clothing, music, etc)? Is it biological (bodies, adaptations, appearance, etc)? Is it environmental (geology of the world, or the inside of a space ship)? What exactly do you want to accomplish?
Once you have selected your Topic, think about all the things related to that Topic. What are the usual characteristics of Topic? Which of those characteristics can you change to fit your world? Example: food in TF. Food is often energon or engex. Food in real life is a huge part of culture. If your goal is to showcase a character making a special dish, maybe pick an irl dish you like, and see how its preparation would change if it was made out of a pretty, glowy energon-y substance instead of whatever it's made of on Earth.
If you haven't worldbuilt to your satisfaction, try another avenue. What else about Topic can you think of? What are your personal experiences regarding Topic? Maybe go do some research on Topic- you might find a neat little tidbit to incorporate into your writing.
Once you've worldbuilt Topic to your satisfaction, link it to the rest of your world! What does Topic existing do to your environment? To your characters? It's okay if Topic isn't a huge deal. That's totally fine! It's lovely to just have little worldbuilding details hanging around in the background. Remember- layering lots of tiny details really helps make a world feel rich and lived in. In the event that Topic is a big deal, repeat step 2 to discover how it affects your world.
Once Topic is happily integrated into your world, repeat the process! Take breaks, listen to music. Zone out. See if your brain can make some weird connections while you're not even really thinking about it. Be open to something that sounds kinda nuts at first. Maybe there's a way to pull it off! Or maybe not.
Side note: if you think of a really cool idea but it doesn't fit into the story you're writing right now, stick it in a file for later. Mmm, delicious ideas file, ready to be cannibalized for your next story.
So... yeah! That's how I worldbuild. Thinking a LOT and connecting ideas together and then pushing them to logical extremes/conclusions.
If you have any specific questions about anything I've written, feel free to ask. I don't think my method will work for everyone, but hopefully you can put your own spin on it and find a method that works for you.
Best of luck and happy worldbuilding :)
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Hello! Hello!! Do you accept orders? If yes, could you do mine please???
Well, I don't know if you've heard about the alternate universe of Welcome Home where the characters have their reverse personalities (like the original Wally has a calm personality and while his alternative version has an angry personality and gets stressed very quickly, maybe even squeals).
What if your alternate self went to the original universe along with your girlfriend the Fem! Reader? Now there are two Wallys, poor reader?
(( Bonus: what if the reader only existed in the alternate universe. In universe the original Fem! Reader never existed, and also maybe it can have a little Yandere Wally? ))
This request is interesting yet confusing- Not gonna lie don't really know how to write this so I'm not going to do it dearie, I tried writing it but I deleted like five times soo I'mma write headcanons among the lines of this for you
Stalker's tango
Pairing: Yandere!Wally Darling x Jack Tiredly x Yandere!Female reader
Male reader,
Reverse Personalities llustrated Au, like I said on the top didn't know how to write the request but this is the closest I can get to it peep's, suggested to listen to Stalker's tango by Autoheart picture done by @eechytooru
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Jack Tiredly was a sweetheart in almost every universe and the reverse personality universe was no exception. Jack in this universe is sweet, collected, calm, open with his emotions and very physical but the loving and oblivious detail of him stayed untouched
Wally Darling on the other hand was a grumpy character, strict, always sleepy and he had outstanding anger issues but he was always curious about Jack, after all he was quite the interesting character
F/n L/n was something, not nice yet not quite rude either, smart yet clumsy, obsessive but ruthlessly competitive, way too competitive
It all started with a hug from Jack, F/n was feeling down that day and he decided that a hug may help her feel better yet that simple action was enough for her to start obsessing
With Wally it went quite different, it was with tango. Both guys were so graceful and yet Wally's head just kept repeating the words of the song "Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me more~", such an easy way to get lovesick
F/n and Wally were quite clearly in war, proclaimed when Wally pressed a knife against F/n neck and only reinforced when F/n made sure to keep Jack away from Wally all of the next day
"Such a dangerous competition, don't you think?"
Additional tag: @waywardstardustcollector
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exilethegame · 2 years
Writing Update (05/11/22)
As of now, Chapter 5 is 15k words!
Every time I go on a writing break I feel drained and tired for any amount of reasons and get scared I won't have the energy to come back to the project, but the opposite ends up being true. In a shocking turn of events, it turns out when you give yourself time to work things out, the stress actually does go away!
With this realization I have also completed my finals and have successfully gotten through yet another year of schooling. With that, it's time to get back into writing, which I am very excited to do!
A lot of Chapter Five is getting affairs in order and establishing what MC's long-term relationships are going to be with the crew going forward. This means there will be less jumping between relationship statuses. For example, there's somewhere around five different relationships you can have with Vethna in Chapters 1-4, and you can jump between those relationships relatively fluidly as the chapters continue. That won't be the case as much in the next portion of the story, but because of that, I'll be able to write more flavor dialogue since I won't be writing as many variations that include if the relationship changed or not.
You'll get to see all the characters openly interacting with each other, which I am very excited to do, especially since MC can insert themselves into some of the conflicts/conversations happening, which can change dynamics a lot. I really want MC to feel an integral part of the world and group considering they're... well... a main character... it's just a matter of making sure to balance choices with realistic expectations on how much variation can fit within a scene.
Once I finish Chapter Five I plan to really sit down and set deadlines for the rest of the game-- that'll help give me a general idea of how long it will take to finish the game (which is still a ways away, but I think we'll all like having a more solidified timeline to follow).
Anyway, that's all for this update! I'mma take a breather for the next few days before jumping into writing again. Thanks for sticking around-- hopefully I'll be able to get around to all the asks that have been sent in the past few weeks!
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lokiina · 2 months
should write the kiss with them down. right here uwu ↷
Okay hold oonnnnn. Yeah I'mma do it. This is what was living rent free in my head.
Zayn was never one for purposely putting himself in the spotlight, if he could blend into the background where possible he usually tried to go that route. So it was already a strange scenario for him to be in a relationship with someone who was a little more publicly known, and what didn't help was the fact that Dino was not shy, by any means. If you were his, he'd make it known to everyone without shame. Trying to find the balance between them was occasionally a little rough but the nomad was adjusting, trying to build more confidence in that department.
It was a Friday night, the bar was busy. Zayn didn't often show up when the place was that crowded, it stressed him out a little to have so much going on in tight quarters like that but he was curious about a band Dino let have the stage for the night and wanted to swing by to check them out.
"Hey kid, D didn't think you were comin, he's by the bar," The large man at the door motioned back with his thumb behind himself. "I almost didn't, thanks Zeus." Zayn gave him a pat on the arm before moving further into the building. Dino was standing with a few other people chatting about something when he noticed Zayn approaching. "Ah! Pup you made it!" He quickly downed the glass of whisky he had in his hand and placed the glass on the bar counter before giving the shorter man his full attention. An automatic motion on Dino's part he went to lean in for a kiss and all Zayn could think about in that split second was how many eyes were on him. He had a brief moment of panic and sort of made an aim for a quick little peck on the cheek instead. Dino blinked, was shockingly still as he was a little caught off guard by that move. His brow furrowed a little and he gave Zayn a puzzled look. "The fuck was that? Come 'ere." Before he realized it was even happening, the Fixer had moved to tug him in close and plant his lips on his with a much more hungry and enthusiastic kiss. Zayn's eyes widened at the brief shock but inevitably melted into the other man's touch anyway. When he let him go his face was probably about as bright as his hair. He was almost immediately trying to see how many people had stood and watched what just happened. Dino placed his hands on the sides of Zayn's head and moved his head to look up at him, "Hey, eye's on me. Ya gotta stop worryin' bout everyone else. Fuck em." "I know I know... Easier said than done though," Zayn rubbed his hands over his own face. Luckily the place was loud enough most people wouldn't have heard their exchange. So he tried to at least focus on that. Did it help? Maybe a little. "Anyone ever tries to give ya grief, just knock their fuckin teeth out." Dino smirked, "Or point me in their direction."
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undertheknightwing · 10 months
I haven't posted my writing here in forever and I haven't gotten to write Gar angst in ages, so I'mma leave this little part from chapter 20 here
and i'mma just tag my bestie @not-so-mundane-after-all real quick because i feel bad i haven't shown her my writing in so long
warning: mentions of violence and niles caulder being gross
The truck door slams shut.
Sliding into the front seats, the shapeshifter pulls his legs up to his chest and wraps his arms over his shins. Breathing heavily through his nose, he places his face between his knees, attempting to curl in on himself like an armadillo.
It’s a reaction. He did it on his earth too, after stressful situations that have the ability to trigger certain memories to resurface, one’s he’d rather forget, push to the back of his brain and ignore. Shut down, block the world out. Just sit here, ride the waves, and it’ll pass.
But it’s hard..
And he’s mad. Gods, he’s so mad. Not at those teenagers, not at the Kents for having to be his saviors, at him and how easily he can lose control, be taken over and harm whoever is unlucky enough to be near him.
It should not be that easy.
Years, he’s tried to learn control, keep his abilities on a short leash, but nothing seems to work. It’s all pointless at the end of the day. His powers do whatever they want and he cleans up the mess they caused afterwards, then it happens again. And again. And again.
Sometimes he wishes there would be a clone made of him with the only purpose of being a punching bag, to have its face beat in, let Garfield take out the self-hatred festering inside him for so long on it, punish it for merely existing and everything it’s done to him…
Except, it didn’t do anything to him, did it?
He’s not at fault for what happened, he didn’t ask to be this way and couldn’t protest against the decision either. If this rage should be targeted at anyone, it should be Niles Caulder. If anyone deserves to have their face pounded into the pavement until their own mother couldn’t recognize them, it’s Caulder.
He’ll never forget how it felt to see himself in the mirror for the first time, after Caulder altered his body and appearance. After a new Garfield Logan was created.
That’s not the part he wants to focus on, though.
The hands he could still feel on his shoulders, fingernails digging into his flesh through the thin, blood stained hospital gown he wore; claiming Gar as his creation, someone new to control, just like the others who lived in that manor. The dread, the utter disgust, and sudden hopelessness that set heavy in his chest, the way his stomach twisted and made him want to vomit onto the lab floor when he looked up to see the face of evil. The toothy grin beaming with pride, not proud he saved Gar’s life from a deadly disease, proud he made something he deemed as perfect. Eyes hollow with darkness, soulless pits lacking any empathy or guilt, just the same sickening pride as he observed Garfield like he was nothing more than a trophy he won.
A single tear ran down his cheek as Caulder lifted a hand to gently brush it down the side of Gar’s face and whispered: “You, boy, are magnificent”.
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imagine--if · 2 years
I feel like those cheesy hypothetical couple questions would scare the crap out of Eddie bc there is no "right" answer so it's so easy to tease him no matter what he says.
"Eddie would you love me if I were a worm?"
"... A worm? I- of course! I would make sure you were in the best enclosure with the best fertilizer and worm friends."
"Worm friends? You'd have other worm hoes 🥺?"
"wHAT? NO-"
Yessss, lmao for real he'd get super stressed and have to think for a good two minutes before carefully answering 😂
He just wants to give the best honest answer he can, and tbh Edward isn't used to hypotheticals because, um, he's usually the one asking them in his riddling way??
"I- listen, I'd love you endlessly no matter what you are... how can I prove it? What do I do?!"
"Eddie, baby, I'm messing with you 😂😂"
So you can tease the hell out of him until he realises you're joking and gets you back by, like, trapping you in a hug and tickling you and refusing to stop until you get some really hard riddles right-
Waittttt I just remembered I have a request about exactly that so I'mma write it right now 🤣💚
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(Also there's a new chapter of To My Hope coming out in a couple of days and I've got frikin awesome fanart to show off 😁)
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itzvintagevibez · 1 year
Aight so I know I'm taking time with the Lady Lesso requested prompts and sorry for that, A LOT of things have happened in this past few weeks like I can't believe how I cried...EVERY DAY literally I've been crying at home in my room at school in the bathrooms in my classroom, I've just been having mental breakdowns everywhere and I need to clear my mind from all that stress so I'm starting all the requested prompts that I've started.
But before I do I have ideas for Female Reader x Lady Leonora Lesso stories and I wanna do one of them so, I'mma just list them down and anyone can vote down on which Reader's life seems more interesting for me to write.
And please don't copy my ideas!
[10 fucking options, hope you'll be able to decided.]
And please don't copy my ideas!
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jeanjauthor · 1 month
Thank you so much for saying this, Jean. You have always been so incredibly supportive.
That artist influenced a LOT of people. I had previously thought "great art must be extra complex to be great" ...before really looking at her illustrations.
Then I realized, "No, no it doesn't have to be."
It doesn't have to be a frikkin Cistine Chapel ceiling to be good at conveying mood and action and meaning. Hell, it doesn't even have to be "good" quality art to be good at conveying what needs to be said!
You managed that. And we got to see your skills grow over the years! Fourteen years of dedication that became a sort of hell for you, yes, it's true. I'm glad you're no longer trapped and stressed!
But I am equally glad you shared your efforts with us, and I won't let you discard what you did. (You can diss it...a little...but I'mma still remind you it was still effing great storytelling, writing and art. Not perfect, but great.)
(Insert Ollivander's speech about "terrible...but great" here, if you like.) XD
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alvojake · 2 months
My to-do for tomorrow 🫠
- Finish the first part of my Sunoo fic
- Send my phone in to be fixed (I won't have a phone for a few days so I'mma be a lil ia for a bit)
- Write the ask that I have in my inbox
- Wrote out some notes for the other fic ideas that I have
- Try not to lose my mind with stress 🥲
All in all I hope everyone has a better week then how my weekend went!
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spaceychaos · 2 months
okay, so what i think i'mma do here is simplify my carrd a bit more, cause this blog was meant to be lowkey and for me to have fun with muses that i don't have a chance to write anymore or don't have the energy to put a full blog to.
so basically, i'mma put away the intro and dossier pages for now. i think it's easier for me and just less stress for me tbh mfkldsmgklds
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clown-demon · 3 months
gently handing in my url if it's not too late hiii
Do I Follow Them?: TIL THE END
Why Did I Follow Them?: Oh god.. this was when I was on Shigaraki's blog and that was YEARS ago. I saw a Lamb blog pop up and I was like OOOOOOOO and then I followed and we've been moots ever since.
Do We Role Play?: We did! But we haven't on my new blog. But honestly when you're up for something, I would LOVE to throw Nikolai at them for some silliness. Nikolai is PERFECT for some silly shit to happen.
Do I Want To Role Play With Them:  Always, but I am patient, I know you're struggling with health concerns so I never want to like, pressure you into RPing when you're dealing with college and health.
An AU Idea For Our Muses: I got nothing.. I think we had an AU with my Narinder where they're sharing the land and start to trust each other? but I don't remember..
A Song For Our Muses: Beep Beep I'mma Sheep. I can totally see Nikolai playing with for them and both of them just vibe to it.
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Uuh, I lowkey shipped Narinder with Lamby.. But I don't think there's any other muse but.. -looks at all my monster muses.- I'm always open to ships.
What I Think About The Mun:  I adore Mod... We've been moots for YEARS now and I REALLY respect the fact you stay with your blog, despite the health concerns and college. You've stuck with it since CotL started. And that's really admirable.
Overall Opinion: Please never stress about how active you are, or feel guilt on dropping threads. I'm gonna be honest, as for someone who's been RPing on this Hell Site for 10+ years.. sometimes starting on a clean slate, just dropping ALL threads and starting fresh-- it can do WONDERS for your muse and writing. Sometimes in the past when I've gotten stumped with too many threads, I'd drop them all and then I could write again.. one of my other besties has had issues writing threads and I told him to try dropping drafts, and he dropped them all and then he could write again. It's just something to think about, but it can sometimes really help.
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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dawnfire-nate · 4 months
little mha ocs info
I'm bored so here's a bit about some ocs of mine, mostly focusing on Akumu Bousou and Yatsude Bousou (don't think I ever mentioned Yatsude but he's Akumu's twin) but I'll also talk about Kokoro Maboroshi, an oc I haven't mentioned before
Akumu Bousou:
Akumu is a trans libra-boy (mostly agender but a bit boi) he/him they/them it/its he's Apothisexual and Panromantic Demiromantic (don't call him a pandemic, he hates that joke) he's in class 1-A he often keeps essential oils, he isn't those crazies who think it'll fix all his issues but he likes to hope that they'll help at least a bit (I don't believe oils help much but I'mma still add it to my ocs, I may try them someday because who knows, they may work) oils he has: eucalyptus - sleep and anxiety lavender - carry around for stress rose - aromatherapy massage for anxiety and period pains chamomile - depression (I did search up how these oils work and stuff) his favorite drink is elderflower tea his favorite foods are gyudon and tempura he isn't much for sweets but when he feels like it he'll have something like pocky but most of the time he goes for dark chocolate or licorice he likes rock, indie, metal, and punk music! especially the sad/emo stuff his outfits are inspired by cybergoth and dark academia though some are just causal stuff he for some reason bought a fake brass dog head and now just keeps it on his desk and sometimes put things like pencils in it's eyes for later his hobbies: reading writing parkour/freerunning DnD drawing singing caring for plants (mostly mushrooms and moss) (cw // these playlist contain songs that mention su!c!de, self hatred, and violence) playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7ByPiO7Mkdhjf1QWI66VzK?si=98070ff779494b1c clean playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/14jq7zIfEWuHWLnCLSWJ1y?si=24adb1cbd9f247d1 Sleeper's playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2o4N5vJtrzvWEZvm6B2tk8?si=5ffb07b9924c49e6 Sleeper's clean playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4hD2TGz3NO1NqdORFTKCSR?si=f9ba1d9e8f2d464a
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Yatsude Bousou
Yatsude is cisgender male he/him he's heteroflex he's in class 1-B his favorite drink is raspberry tea and milk tea his favorite food is eggs! he loves sweet things! often putting sugar in some of his foods, main one being rice with eggs and sugar (rice with butter, salt, and a bit of sugar and two raw eggs mixed in the rice with a bit more sugar and salt) he loves indie pop and pop rock! especially happy songs I haven't decided his outfits yet but I thinking I'll have his outfits inspired by cottagecore and dark academia he once broke his mirror and decided to just cover the cracks with moss and fake gold his hobbies: DnD dressing up repurposing trash collecting sewing whipping puppetting playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7fmfINkYsKFcSy7zNcSZnw?si=f6d3e81d934f4a84 clean playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4NHJcKWdn0PjOycLjkhMsQ?si=a11bdc1a92584871 picrew used: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1414503 (cw // this picrew has body horror)
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Kokoro Maboroshi
Kokoro is cisgender male he/him she/her he's aroace he's class 1-B he's 16 his favorite drink is honey milk his favorite food is strawberry yogurt he prefers salty snacks he enjoys folk-pop and piano rock I haven't really decided on many outfits or aesthetics for him except for his main outfit which is a turtle neck with a sweater over it and gloves and also angelcore. the main reason he wears such warm clothes is because of his quirk quirk: his quirk is Ghostly Presence, he can do ghost things like become intangible, vanish, go through walls, etc but the drawback is that he becomes really cold and if he stays ghost like for too long his senses get all messed up rest of this is to be continued when I finish him no playlist right now! I will make one for him soon picrew used: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/708151 (cw // this picrew has blood)
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natterghast · 6 months
ok !! writing's proving hard and I don't wanna stress, so instead i'mma make this an INBOX CALL. like this post and i'll send something your way. specify characters if you like, but it is not required !
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Ah, Helena, I love and reread your works constantly! I would like to know number 3 and 17 from the deep fic ask!
Oh my. How did you manage to pick the hardest ones for me to respond to? 🖤
03: I'm strangely unattached to most of my rivamika stories. I'm probably only emotionally attached to the dynamics in Out in Search ("I'd be absolutely alone if it weren't for you/you're the only person who can actually understand me") and the scene where Levi knows Mikasa's pain as well as his own and runs her absolutely ragged in training to distract her from her grief.
There's something special about how he does it without need for recognition, that they aren't even romantically established, that it's a pure 'act of service' enactment of his love language, that he knows precisely what she needs and gives it to her without her even knowing he's doing it for her. If I'm a hopeless romantic, then it's for that kind of love: being understood to the core > verbal declarations and traditional grand gestures.
(Well, admittedly, I'm also deeply emotionally attached to the epilogue of Beyond the Walls, and only the epilogue tbh. I'm convinced everything I love about it is what people will dislike about it, so it's just sitting there unfinished in my drafts.)
17: I'mma be completely transparent here. I know many people? everyone? struggles to receive affirmation or compliments, but I am deeply fucked in that regard. When anyone tells me something kind, my brain listens to it for .01 seconds, then immediately produces a robust counter-argument with all the ways they're wrong. It's not stooped in insecurity, but how keenly objective and rational I can be. For every 1 kind compliment, I have 50 criticisms to add to it. (That's part of living with an OCD diagnosis and constantly having to do mental gymnastics to coach myself through ordinary interactions lol.)
So, I genuinely, genuinely struggle to read comments on my works. They mean the world to me and are absolutely a motiving factor to help me update and publish. (I write for me, but I do publish/post to engage with others, I admit that!) But I typically avoid reading comments for a few hours or days, cover my face when I finally do, and quickly exit out, blushing in half-terror, half-pleasure. For that reason, there's not really specific engagements that come to mind. :( It's why I struggle to respond to comments, didn't initially respond to any, and why I haven't once gone back to read old comments, even though I'm curious to see how many "familiar faces" there are of people I know now but didn't know back then.
This feels arrogant? but I'm really, really honored to have a few fandom friends and readers who insist on praising my writing and reminding me how much they love my stories, and that kind of sincerity and repetitive affirmation is the only way for my brain to actually believe and receive the encouraging feedback. Thank you, Hera, for being one of those friends. 🖤
TL;DR the ongoing affirmation from friends and readers who keep telling me they value my work has been the most life-giving, encouraging feedback and for that I'm eternally grateful.
(I do have to give a shoutout to my fandom bff though, who managed to cut through ALL of the aforementioned self-sabotaging bullshit by being so disarming and horny unconventional in their comments on Ao3. I couldn't tell you what the first one even was, but it made me lighten up and has helped me come out of my shell in fandom since then. That'd be @a-slut-for-smut ofc.)
Aha I sure can ramble. I've had bad anxiety from work stress lately, I think I needed the chance to engage in deep thought with a real distraction, thank youuu for the ask and thank you for being you (: 🖤
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